1594486716575-31009-Unit 03 - Professional Practice-Holistic Assignment (K.sathurcigan)

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Higher Nationals

Internal verification of assessment decisions – BTEC (RQF)


Programme title HND in Computing (Software Engineering)

Assessor Miss. Y. Susmitha Internal Verifier J. Piragan

Unit 03: Professional Practice

Assignment title Work-related learning report

Student’s name Mr. Kamalendran Sathurcigan

List which assessment criteria Pass Merit Distinction
the Assessor has awarded.


Do the assessment criteria awarded match

those shown in the assignment brief? Y/N

Is the Pass/Merit/Distinction grade awarded

justified by the assessor’s comments on the Y/N
student work?
Has the work been assessed
Is the feedback to the student:
Give details:
• Constructive? Y/N
• Linked to relevant assessment criteria? Y/N
• Identifying opportunities for Y/N
improved performance?
• Agreeing actions? Y/N
Does the assessment decision need

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier signature Date

Programme Leader signature (if required)

Confirm action completed

Remedial action taken
Give details:

Assessor signature Date

Internal Verifier
Programme Leader
signature (if required)
Higher Nationals - Summative Assignment Feedback Form
Student Name/ID Mr. Kamalendran Sathurcigan (BAT/A-006688)

Unit Title Unit 03: Professional Practice

Assignment Number 1 Assessor Miss. Y. Susmitha

06/07/2020 Date Received
Submission Date
1st submission
Date Received 2nd
Re-submission Date
Assessor Feedback:
LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills to a target audience
Pass, Merit & Distinction P1 P2 M1 D1

LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios

Pass, Merit & Distinction P3 P4 M2 M3 D2

LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the impact of team working
in different environments
Pass, Merit & Distinction P5 P6 M4 D3

LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role within the
workplace and for higher level learning
Pass, Merit & Distinction P7 P8 M5 D4

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

* Please note that grade decisions are provisional. They are only confirmed once internal and external moderation has taken place and
grades decisions have been agreed at the assessment board.

Assignment Feedback
Formative Feedback: Assessor to Student

Action Plan

Summative feedback

Feedback: Student to Assessor

CPD, CPA and every whatever topic related to the assignment Miss. Y. Susmitha taught
crystal clear.

Assessor Date
[email protected] 06/07/2020
Student Date
Pearson Higher Nationals in
Unit 03: Professional Practice
Assignment 01
General Guidelines

1. A cover page or title page should be attached to your assignment. Use page 1 of this assignment
brief as your cover page and make sure all details are accurately filled.
2. The entire assignment brief should be attached as the first section of your assignment.
3. The assignment should be prepared using a word processing software.
4. The assignment should be word processing in an A4 sized paper.
5. Allow 1” margin on top, bottom and right sides of the paper and 1.25” on the left side (for binding).

Word Processing Rules

1. The font size should be 12 point, and should be in the style of Time New Roman.
2. Set line spacing to 1.5. Justify all paragraphs.
3. Ensure that all headings are consistent in terms of size and font style.
4. Use footer function on the word processor to insert your name, unit, assignment no, and page
number on each page. This is useful if individual sheets get detached from the submission.
5. Use the spell check and grammar check function of the word processing application to review the
use of language on your assignment.
Important Points:

1. Carefully check carefully the hand in date and the instructions given with the assignment. Late
submissions will not be accepted.
2. Ensure that sufficient time is spent to complete the assignment by the due date.
3. Do not wait till the last minute to get feedback on the assignment. Such excuses will not be
accepted for late submissions.
4. You must be responsible for efficient management of your time.
5. If you are unable to hand in your assignment on time and have valid reasons such as illness, you
may apply (in writing) for an extension.
6. Failure to achieve at least a PASS grade will result in a REFERRAL grade.
7. Non-submission of work without valid reasons will lead to an automatic REFERRAL. You will then
be asked to complete an alternative assignment.
8. If you use other people’s work or ideas in your assignment, it must be properly referenced, using
the HARVARD referencing system, in your text or any bibliography. Otherwise, you’ll be found
guilty of committing plagiarism.
9. If you are caught plagiarising, your grade will be reduced to a REFERRAL or at worst, you could be
excluded from the course.
Student Declaration

I hereby, declare that I know what plagiarism entails, namely to use another’s work and to present it as
my own without attributing the sources in the correct form. I further understand what it means to copy
another’s work.

1. I know that plagiarism is a punishable offence because it constitutes theft.

2. I understand the plagiarism and copying policy of Edexcel UK.
3. I know what the consequences will be if I plagiarise or copy another’s work in any of the
assignments for this program.
4. I declare therefore that all work presented by me for every aspect of my program, will be my own,
and where I have made use of another’s work, I will attribute the source in the correct way.
5. I acknowledge that the attachment of this document signed or not, constitutes a binding
agreement between myself and Edexcel UK.
6. I understand that my assignment will not be considered as submitted if this document is not
attached to the assignment.

Student’s Signature: Date:

[email protected] 06/07/2020
Higher National Diploma in Computing
Assignment Brief
Student Name /ID Number Mr. Kamalendran Sathurcigan (BAT/A-006688)

Unit Number and Title Unit 3: : Professional Practice

Academic Year 2020/21

Unit Tutor Miss. Y. Susmitha

Assignment Title Work Related Learning Report : Design and Deliver

Training Programme

Issue Date 19/03/2020

Submission Date 06/07/2020

IV Name & Date

Submission format

The submission is in the form of an individual written report about. This should be written in a
concise, formal business style using single spacing and font size 12. You are required to make use
of headings, paragraphs and subsections as appropriate, and all work must be supported with
research and referenced using the Harvard referencing system. Please also provide an end list of
references using the Harvard referencing system. Please note that this is an activity-based
assessment where your document submission should include evidences of activities carried out
and of team working. To carry out activities given on the brief, you are required to form groups,
comprising not exceeding 15 individuals.

The recommended word count is 4,000–4,500 words for the report excluding annexures. Note
that word counts are indicative only and you would not be penalised for exceeding the word
Unit Learning Outcomes:

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and transferable communication skills

to a target audience.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of problem-solving scenarios.
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working within a team and the
impact of team working in different environments.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and its role
within the workplace and for higher-level learning.
Assignment Brief and Guidance:

Follow the guidelines given below assuming that you have recently joined as a
management trainee at a non-for profit organization, which is specializing in Soft
Skills and Information Technology development in the local community.


Note on assumptions to be made: Organisation’s management trainees will be

assigned to project groups, to be placed under a training and development
executive and are required to produce documentation in the form of reports of
their activities. Management trainees are required to provide evidence to the top
management that they have been able to demonstrate interpersonal skills and
have identified the need for continuous professional development (CPD) on a
report titled “Work Related Learning Report”.

Take following in to consideration when developing the “Work Related Learning

Report” :

• You have been asked to support your training and development executive
with the planning and implementation of a professional development
event targeted at a suitable audience to develop their soft skills and/or
Information Technology related skills. Assume that you have to complete
the design and delivery within a period of three months.
• The training event you are to design can be scheduled to be delivered over
a single or multiple sessions based on the requirements given by the target
audience at a location agreeable to the target audience.
• The training programme you develop can include a number of workshops,
coaching sessions and team-building activities. The institution/audience
you are planning to conduct the programme for would require a schedule
of the types of activities proposed so that plans can be finalised.
Working in small groups (Not exceeding 15 individuals per group):

Produce a professional schedule (preferably using a project management

software) that identifies planning and resourcing prior to the event. In addition,
design a training pack to include a range of activities, and breakout sessions. It is
expected that you will be having considerable number of individuals attending.
Please make sure that the location have necessary facilities.

Working individually:

• Following the event, your training and development executive has asked
you to provide some feedback and include it in your “Work Related
Learning Report”. In the report, produce a written evaluation of the
effectiveness and application of interpersonal skills during the design and
delivery process. You should also include an evaluation of your
performance in this project and evaluate your contribution to the team you
worked with. Further, assume that you have been asked by the training
and development executive to produce evidence in the report that you
have designed and delivered the training event based on the dynamics of
team working.
• The report you produce also should have section allocated to discussing
problem solving and its importance in planning and running the event you
have conducted. Your report should include a discussion of various
problem-solving techniques and justify the solution methodologies used
during your project. You should also include a critique of the application of
critical reasoning and your experiences of it.
• Having completed the Training Event Management project, you now need
to reflect on your experience and consider your Continuous Professional
Development (CPD) needs add a section on the to your “Work Related
Learning Report” containing following subsections.
a. Consider your personal and/or career goals and identify your CPD
needs and what actions would put you in a position to achieve these
goals. Produce a development plan outlining your future goals and
identifying how these can be realised.
b. Conduct some research into motivational theories and how they can
be used to improve employee performance. Compare a number of
theories and report on them.
c. Write a section on the usage of CPD within organisations and what
evidence would be required to measure how effective this CPD is in
helping employees achieve their goals while using their time and
resources effectively.
Grading Rubric

Grading Criteria Achieved Feedback

LO1 Demonstrate a range of interpersonal and

transferable communication skills to a target audience.

P1 Demonstrate, using different communication styles and

formats, that you can effectively design and deliver a training
event for a given target audience.

P2 Demonstrate that you have used effective time

management skills in planning an event.

M1 Design a professional schedule to support the planning of

an event, to include contingencies and justifications of time

D1 Evaluate the effectiveness and application of interpersonal

skills during the design and delivery of a training event.
LO2 Apply critical reasoning and thinking to a range of
problem-solving scenarios.

P3 Demonstrate the use of different problem-solving

techniques in the design and delivery of an event.

P4 Demonstrate that critical reasoning has been applied to a

given solution.

M2 Research the use of different problem-solving techniques

used in the design and delivery of an event.

M3 Justify the use and application of a range of solution


D2 Critique the process of applying critical reasoning to a

given task/activity or event.
LO3 Discuss the importance and dynamics of working
within a team and the impact of team working in
different environments.

P5 Discuss the importance of team dynamics in the success

and/or failure of group work.

P6 Work within a team to achieve a defined goal.

M4 Analyse team dynamics, in terms of the roles group

members play in a team and the effectiveness in terms of
achieving shared goals.

D3 Provide a critical evaluation of your own role and

contribution to a group scenario.
LO4 Examine the need for Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) and its role within the workplace
and for higher-level learning.

P7 Discuss the importance of CPD and its contribution to

own learning.

P8 Produce a development plan that outlines

responsibilities, performance objectives and required skills,
knowledge and learning for own future goals.

M5 Compare and contrast different motivational theories

and the impact they can have on performance within the

D4 Evaluate a range of evidence criteria that is used as a

measure for effective CPD.
Work-related learning report

Video games are an employing industry

To: - XYZ company (Pvt) Ltd.

Whom: - Mr. K. Sathurcigan
Reg.no: - BAT/A-006688
Subject: - Professional practise
Date: - 06th July 2020

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 1

First of all, I would like to express my first gratitude to Esoft and all its employees for being
the source of the life of many students by giving a degree as external. I am happy that my
software engineer dream will be fulfilled by Esoft. I express my gratitude to my parents,
colleagues, especially Esoft lecturers for this. And I am happy for Esoft gives a way of
obtaining a British degree in Sri Lanka.

As specially taught the professional practise course and helped to solve all doubts concerning
the lesson of the students also helped to make the professional practise assignment systematic
through her help, for these things Susmitha miss I extend my sincere gratitude.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 2

Table of content
Acknowledgment ....................................................................................................................... 2

Table of content ......................................................................................................................... 3

Table of Figures ......................................................................................................................... 6

Table of Tables........................................................................................................................... 7

1.0 The training event - Video games are an employing industry ............................................. 8

1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 8

Purpose of training ............................................................................................................... 10

1.1.1 Communication style .............................................................................................. 11

1.1.2 Type of communication .......................................................................................... 11

1.2 The event schedule ......................................................................................................... 12

1.2.1 Time management ................................................................................................... 12

1.2.2 Project schedule ...................................................................................................... 12

1.2.3 Video games are an employing industry training event schedule ........................... 13

Gantt chart .................................................................................................................... 13

Event schedule ............................................................................................................. 14

1.2.4 Stakeholders ............................................................................................................ 15 Group discussion .............................................................................................. 16 WhatsApp group .............................................................................................. 17 Training event .................................................................................................. 17

1.3 Self-Reflection of the Interpersonal skills ..................................................................... 18

1.3.1 Interpersonal skills .................................................................................................. 18

1.3.2 Examples of interpersonal skills ............................................................................. 18

1.3.3 Effectiveness of interpersonal skills ....................................................................... 19

2.0 Problem-solving skills........................................................................................................ 21

2.1 problem-solving skills .................................................................................................... 21

2.1.1 Problem-solving techniques.................................................................................... 21

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 3 Brainstorming................................................................................................... 22 SWOT Analysis ............................................................................................... 23 5 Whys method ................................................................................................ 24 The Drill Down Technique .............................................................................. 25

2.2 Applying critical reasoning ............................................................................................ 26

2.2.2 Critical reasoning tools ........................................................................................... 26 Grow model...................................................................................................... 26 Critical path analysis ........................................................................................ 26

2.3 Process of applying critical reasoning ........................................................................... 27

3.0 Working with a Team ........................................................................................................ 30

3.1 Team dynamic ................................................................................................................ 30

3.1.1 Success of team dynamic ........................................................................................ 30

3.1.2 Failure of team dynamic ......................................................................................... 31

3.1.2 Importance of Team dynamic ................................................................................. 31

3.2 Analysing team dynamic ................................................................................................ 32

3.3 Evaluating own role ....................................................................................................... 32

4.0 Continues professional development ................................................................................. 33

4.1 Importance of Continues professional development ...................................................... 33

4.2 Motivational theories and the impact on CPD ............................................................... 33

4.2.1 Motivation ............................................................................................................... 33

4.2.2 Motivational theories .............................................................................................. 33 Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory ................................................................. 33 Usage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory .......................................... 34 Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory ............................................................ 35 Usage of Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory ...................................... 38 Differences between the motivational theories ................................................ 38

4.3 Evaluation of Continuous professional development.................................................... 39

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 4

4.3.1 Producing a personal development plan ................................................................. 39

4.4 Feedback ........................................................................................................................ 41

4.4.1 Peer friend feedback................................................................................................ 42

4.4.2 Supervisor feedback ................................................................................................ 43

Self-Criticism ........................................................................................................................... 44

Conclusion ............................................................................................................................... 45

Gantt Chart ............................................................................................................................... 46

References ................................................................................................................................ 47

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 5

Table of Figures
Figure 1 Growth of video game industry ................................................................................... 8
Figure 2 Tennis for two .............................................................................................................. 9
Figure 3 Communication styles ............................................................................................... 11
Figure 4 Stakeholders............................................................................................................... 15
Figure 5Group discussion ........................................................................................................ 16
Figure 6 Group discussion on online ....................................................................................... 16
Figure 7 WhatsApp group chat ................................................................................................ 17
Figure 8 Usage of Brainstorming ............................................................................................. 22
Figure 9 Usage of 5 whys method ........................................................................................... 24
Figure 10 Usage of Drill down technique ................................................................................ 25
Figure 11 Grow model ............................................................................................................. 26
Figure 12 Usage of the GROW model ..................................................................................... 27
Figure 13 Usage of CPA .......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 14 Evidence for success of team dynamic .................................................................... 30
Figure 15 importance of Team Dynamic ................................................................................. 31
Figure 16 Pyramid structure of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory ...................................... 33
Figure 17 Usage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory ......................................................... 34
Figure 18 Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory .................................................................... 36
Figure 19 Usage of Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory..................................................... 38
Figure 20 Differences between the motivational theories ....................................................... 38
Figure 21 Peer friend feedback ................................................................................................ 42
Figure 22 Supervisor feedback ................................................................................................ 43

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 6

Table of Tables
Table 1 Jobs & Educational qualifications .............................................................................. 10
Table 2 Gantt chart ................................................................................................................... 13
Table 3 Event schedule ............................................................................................................ 14
Table 4 Interpersonal skills ...................................................................................................... 18
Table 5 Usage of SWOT analysis ............................................................................................ 23
Table 6 Event Schedule............................................................................................................ 28
Table 7 Pros & Cons of GROW model and CPA .................................................................... 29
Table 8 Participations of team members .................................................................................. 32
Table 9 Continuous professional development ........................................................................ 39
Table 10 Gantt chart ................................................................................................................. 46

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 7

1.0 The training event - Video games are an employing industry

1.1 Introduction
One of our hobbies is video games, which is a favourite activity for most people. The video
game gives a very different feel from music and film. This is why most boys are attracted to
video games. But in the beginning, no one knows about the hidden opportunities in the video
game. Originally seen as a casual hobby, the video game has grown into a very popular game
industry due to the people’s interest in that. There are currently thousands of games producing
companies worldwide. Also, the video game has employed tens of thousands. Video games
have grown into a large video game industry in the last 60 years.

Figure 1 Growth of video game industry

The beginning of all great events is a small activity. The beginning of the video game, as well
as a simple video game called Tennis for two. And Tetris is the first mobile game, Space war
is the first computer game. All of the video games that were originally installed were very
low graphics and simple compared to the current video game. The first reason for the
advancement of video games in computers, mobile, play station, etc., is that people are
interested in video games and another reason is technological advances.
(Microsoft Devices Team, 2013 )

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 8

The picture of the first Video game is given below.

Figure 2 Tennis for two

However, the hard work of the workers in the video game industry is the main reason for the
growth of the video game. One of the reasons that these workers are engaged in the video game
is money and workers are interested in video games. That is why workers also able to create
innovative different video games. This is why everyone working in the video game industry is
a part of its success.

Despite the tremendous growth reached in the video game industry, there is no complete
knowledge of the video game among our countrymen. That’s why people see video games as
just a simple hobby but people don’t understand the hidden employment. There is no doubt
when people realize this, people will not only recognize the video game but also will like to
work on the video game industry.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 9

Purpose of training
My groups aim to provide students with full knowledge of the video game industry through
this presentation hosted by our team members. Using presentation video clips and photos, our
team members clarify the pros and cons of the video industry one by one. That is, our group
members will make that clear to students about the job opportunities and job qualifications and
academic qualifications found in the video game industry. Some of the employments are found
in the video game industry and the academic qualifications required to pursue them are shown
in the table below.

Table 1 Jobs & Educational qualifications

Jobs Qualifications
Game Developer • Degree in Computer science
Understand the broad vision of game creators and have
the technical expertise to implement that.
Artist • Bachelor of the Game Art and Design (Online
Experience with game or art, or training
Animator • A bachelor’s degree is common, but a high school
diploma, experience, and technical skills are
Audio engineer Music, Computer science, and Electrical engineering.
Game Designer • Bachelor’s degree in Video game design or
Computer science, a high school diploma is a
minimum requirement.
Professional gamer • Bachelor’s degree in Game development, Computer
science, Object-oriented programming.
(Careeraddict, 2019)
The video game industry provides employment based on these qualifications. With the
inadequate knowledge of the video game industry in our country, students are less likely to
choose this profession. This situation will change when students become fully aware of that.
With this in mind, our group has chosen this topic. Our main purpose is to provide students
with a description of the video game department.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 10

1.1.1 Communication style

Communication is the transfer of information from one group or person to another group or
person. Everyone has a unique communication style because this is varying from person to
person. This communication style is changing day by day because the world is improving every
day. An example of this is the fact that information shared by letter in the past is currently being
transmitted in the form of SMS. Both are examples of how the communication style varies
between two persons.

1.1.2 Type of communication

How information is communicated varies from person to person and the way the person
understands the information varies accordingly. That’s, attempts to clarify each person’s
thoughts to the next person vary from person to person. However, information the
communication style is classified as four according to some common features of the exchange.
Verbal, nonverbal, written, and visual are the four classified communication styles.

Figure 3 Communication styles

Verbal communication is a type of speech that is like a memorized speech because that has no
facial expressions or gestures. That is, information reaches out to others through mere
negotiation. But having nonverbal communication facial expressions and gestures makes
communication easier than verbal communication. Which like how an actor conveys
information, not by word of mouth, but through body language and facial expressions. That’s
why nonverbal communication is much clearer to people than verbal communication. Written
communication is the conveying of information into a font. Similarly, visual communication
is a way of sharing information with the help of videos, photos, and graphs. This is as effective
as nonverbal communication.
(SkillsYouNeed, 2011 - 2020)

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 11

1.2 The event schedule

1.2.1 Time management

Time management is the process of dividing the activity into parts and determining their
deadlines and executing the stated function on time. Using this, even the biggest events can be
easily accomplished on time. Time management helps protect their reputations by making their
work easier and efficient. That’s why this is seen as the most important of the big companies
and the main reason for their improvement.

1.2.2 Project schedule

A project schedule is like a schedule, that had divided the work into several parts and there
would be stored information about the group or person to be executed. This saves job-related
information, thus minimizing the forgot of important functions in the job. This helps to make
the job more efficient. As the above work is divided into parts, that is easy to identify which
parts of the job will be corrected in the event of a mistake.

Upon completion of the job, the next job will be divided into parts and automatically updated
for each person or group. This is easy to instruct on the task through this system, as this can be
explained to the person or group responsible for each area, as well as to the other person or
group. This makes the job easier to manage. Large companies can utilize this method to
accomplish jobs and improve themselves. A project schedule like this helps to perform larger

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 12

1.2.3 Video games are an employing industry training event schedule

Gantt chart
Table 2 Gantt chart

1 Mar 2020 8 Mar 2020 15 Mar 2020 22 Mar 2020 29 Mar 2020
Basic Gantt Chart
Task Name Start Finish Duration
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31

1 Select a Topic 02-Mar-20 05-Mar-20 4d

2 Make a group 05-Mar-20 06-Mar-20 2d

3 Make a group meeting 05-Mar-20 06-Mar-20 2d

Select the leader, assistant leader,

4 07-Mar-20 07-Mar-20 1d
secretary, treasurer in the group

5 Gather data about the topic 08-Mar-20 15-Mar-20 8d

6 Select the main points 15-Mar-20 17-Mar-20 3d

7 Arrange the data for the main point 18-Mar-20 20-Mar-20 3d

Discuss the main points with group
8 21-Mar-20 21-Mar-20 1d
9 Create the slides 10-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 19d

10 Present the presentations 28-Mar-20 28-Mar-20 1d

This is a Gantt chart for our presentation. Due to the making presentation time what are the
activities that happened details show on this chart.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 13

Event schedule

Table 3 Event schedule

Task details No of day Start date End date

Video games are an employing industry
A Select a Topic is selected as the main heading of our 04 days 02.03.2020 05.03.2020
Everyone participated in a group based
B Make a group 02 day 05.03.2020 06.03.2020
on their wish.
Make a group After making the group, organized a
C 02 day 05.03.2020 06.03.2020
meeting group meeting.
In the group meeting, provided the
Select the leader, individual position for the members.
assistant leader, Accordingly, Mr. Kapil dev selected as
D 01 day 07.03.2020 07.03.2020
secretary, treasurer leader, Mr. K.Sathurcigan selected as
in the group vice president, Mr. R. Chathusankanth
selected as secretary.
Gather data about After, collecting data about the main
E 08 days 08.03.2020 15.03.2020
the topic heading.
Selected the main points from the
Select the main
F collected data, for example, video game 03 days 15.03.2020 17.03.2020
history, job, education, pros, and cons.
Arrange the data for Then make some modifies on that.
G 03 days 18.03.2020 20.03.2020
the main point
Discuss the main Gave the main points to the members.
H points with group 01 days 21.03.2020 21.03.2020
Create the slides by using the main
I Create the slides 16 days 10.03.2020 28.03.2020
Present the Present the presentation on the decided
J 01 days 28.03.2020 28.03.2020
presentations date.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 14

1.2.4 Stakeholders

A stakeholder is a part of the action, who may affect or can benefit from that action. Common
examples of stakeholders include employees, customers, shareholders, suppliers, communities,
and governments. The stakeholders are the most important for probably finish anything.
(CFI Education Inc., 2015 to 2020)

Figure 4 Stakeholders

Our team and Esoft resources are included in internal stakeholders. Because these Take part in
prepare the presentation. Whoever benefits from this presentation is included in external
stakeholders. This is expressed by the graph above.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 15 Group discussion

First, two topics related to information technology were selected. Then everyone was allowed
to choose topics students thought were relevant to them. Accordingly, the students were divided
into groups. Subsequently, all of us who chose our topic (Video games are an employing
industry) collectively shared the positions of chairman, vice president, secretary, treasurer, and

Figure 5Group discussion

In the corona period, our group discussion happened through the online which information is
shown in the below picture.

Figure 6 Group discussion on online

Then the responsibilities of everyone was discussed. Finally, everyone shared information on
how to reveal our topic to the congregation and the benefits and detriment in our title. Our
group discussion came to an end after discussing what should be said about the topic in the

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 16 WhatsApp group

Getting everyone’s phone numbers, our group leader formed a WhatsApp group called Gaming
PP. This group helped share information on ways to gather information for assignments and
presentations. Through this, everyone was able to share responsibilities more easily. So, the
WhatsApp group was found to be very effective in gathering information about assignments
and presentations.

Figure 7 WhatsApp group chat Training event

The presentation could not be done directly in front of students on the decided date. Because
of the Coronavirus issue, the presentation was forced to be made online. And everyone has
completed the given parts on the due date and achieved the decided goal together through
presenting the presentation properly. Everyone performed one by one the presentation, by
sharing the slide with whoever presents the information. However, an online presence is not
like a direct presentation. Our group members did, however, give our decided opinion as best
and clearly as could. Our team president gave an introduction to the presentation, then others
gave information about the work, education, pros, and cons of the video game industry. In this,
the conclusion of the presentation and the information about the cons of the video game
industry were provided by me. Our group finished the presentation perfectly by providing
simple and clear evidence of our training program that is Video Games are an employing

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 17

1.3 Self-Reflection of the Interpersonal skills

1.3.1 Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skill is the basic nature of all. interpersonal skill varies from person to person.
This will help you deal with others more effectively and solve problems more easily.
Teamwork can be accomplished efficiently through interpersonal skills. Helps communicate
with all in group activities and helps to create understanding among the member.

1.3.2 Examples of interpersonal skills

Table 4 Interpersonal skills

• Verbal Communication – what we say and how we say it;

• Non-Verbal Communication – what we communicate without words, for
Communication skills example through body language, or tone of voice; and
• Listening Skills – how we interpret both the verbal and non-verbal messages
sent by others.
Emotional intelligence Being able to understand and manage your own and others’ emotions.
Team-working Must be able to work in groups and teams with others, both formal and informal.
Collaborate with others to find mutually acceptable (win/win) results. It may be
Negotiation considered a subcommittee of communications, but it is often considered a
separate entity.
This is the ability to provide confidence that motivates everyone during the
group discussion. This will lead everyone to work properly.
This ability will enable who to naturally interact with everyone in the group
Influencing skills within a short period. This will enable them to communicate freely among team
Working with others to resolve conflicts and disagreements positively, this can
Conflict resolution
again be considered a subcommittee of communications
When problems arise in a group, the ability to reasonably solve problems.
Through this, the desired goal can be achieved.
Collaborates with others to identify, define, and solve problems, including
making decisions about the best course of action
Decision-making This is the ability to choose the right solution during a confusing situation.
(SkillsYouNeed.com, 2011 - 2020 )

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 18

1.3.3 Effectiveness of interpersonal skills

1. Group-based:
• Communication skills: - As a result, members were able to interact naturally and express
their views effectively.

• Emotional intelligence: - This ability enabled them to identify the moods of the members
and make them did their activities with happiness.

• Team-working: - This ability enables us to work with everyone at all times. This is the
most important nature of group activities.

• Negotiation - This skill helped to make the best decision when the problem comes to

• Persuasion - This skill enabled them to continue to do their best more, through give their
appreciation to the efforts of others.

• Influencing skill - This ability has helped to solve problems that arise by interacting
naturally with everyone.

• Conflict resolution - This ability enabled team members to work together to solve personal
problems and to finish the presentation promptly.

• Mediation - This ability also helped to resolve minor mistakes in teamwork.

• Problem-solving - This ability has helped to identify the problem and resolve that properly.

• Decision making - This ability, helped to make the best decisions possible to achieve the

These skills enabled the team to work more efficiently and achieve the desired result.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 19

2. Personally:

• Communication skills - This ability helped me express my ideas clearly to my team


• Emotional intelligence - This ability helped me to understand and act on the mindset of

• Team working - This ability, along with my team members, enabled me to create a
successful presentation.

• Negotiation - This ability enabled work together with group members, like teamwork.

• Persuasion - This ability helped me to continually motivate and give the instruction about
the goal to my team members when members have negative thoughts.

• Influencing skill - This ability gave me the ability to work with other members of friends
in a short period.

• Conflict resolution - This ability helped to find special solutions in case of problems.

• Mediation - This ability helped to quickly find a solution to the problem.

• Problem-solving - This ability has helped me to solve problems on the part of mine and

• Decision making - This gave me the ability to make the right decision from the opinions
of others.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 20

2.0 Problem-solving skills

2.1 problem-solving skills

The creative and analytical, skills are unique and requiring for Problem-solving.

Analytical has some special skills such as contrasting, comparing, ordering, selecting, and
evaluating. This gives a logical structure for problem-solving and helps get the best alternative
to reduce the possibilities, which is a sequential activity. Analytical thinking frequently takes
a big part in solve shut issues, where the numerous potential causes should find and must be
analysed to locate genuine reasons.

Creative thinking is different from analytical thinking, mostly the imagination related thoughts
are used for deciding here. In case this will create the thought like unusual or non-related for
the problem at the beginning. so, if want to get the final decision, don't think about the unusual
and have to check the problem deeply.

2.1.1 Problem-solving techniques

There are four more famous Problem-solving techniques given below.

1. Brainstorming
2. SWOT Analysis
3. 5 Whys method
4. The Drill Down Technique

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 21 Brainstorming
Brainstorming is a type of method for solving the problem, which is like randomly submit more
ideas related to the problem. Then, a final result may take from these ideas. An example of this
method follows.

At the presentation heading selection time, our group faced a big problem that is how to put
heads in the presentation. which means, all members of the group already selected the content,
but no one has an idea about what is our main heading of presentation. That time brainstorming
method was helped us.

Step 01 - Our group arranged a group meeting.

Step 02 - Then spoke about the problem.

Step 03 - After, allowed everyone to give their ideas in our WhatsApp group.

Figure 8 Usage of Brainstorming

Likewise, everyone shared their opinion in our WhatsApp group.

Step 04 - Finally, through this the suitable main heading selected.

Next step - Collected some details about the main heading.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 22 SWOT Analysis

SWOT means Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This is mostly used to find
where to start the business, at the same in helping to make the right decision. This is utilized
for easily deciding if there more different ideas in the environment. An example of this method

Our group members already decided, if our group present any presentation, that should be
related to the Gaming. But the lecturers or others don't like to allow to present a gaming-related
thing. So, our group has to make some changes to the main heading of the presentation. When
making changes on that, some doubts created about the fit of the heading. How to solve this
problem through this SWOT analysis method is given below.

Table 5 Usage of SWOT analysis

Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats

• Everyone knows • Most people don't • Children have • Lecturer won’t
about Gaming. know about money more involvement accept unrelated
earning way was in in gaming. studies things.
• Easy to • Parents do not • Video games are • Most people see this
understand. encourage this. more attractive. as a waste hobby.
• Everyone likes to • This is not famous in • New ideas make • No hope in the other
become rich in our country now. an attraction. words.
their lives as

Finally, a heading gave satisfaction to everyone. So that was chosen as our presentation's
heading. That is Video games are an employing industry.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 23 5 Whys method

This method only based on always asking "why". If there any problem, have to ask a question
is why, which is only enough, can find the answer to that. Continually do like this, finally can
get the main reason for this problem, which is called root cause. At least maybe five steps (with
why) utilized to find the root cause, so this called five Why analysis. An example of this method

Our group faced another big problem is poor communication. This problem made a huge
impact on our presentation. This problem has been how to solve by five whys method is shown

Figure 9 Usage of 5 whys method

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 24 The Drill Down Technique
Drill down technique is mostly used to solve the huge problems. Because every part of the
problem is shown within lines, so easy to find which is the most basic part and solve that easily.
The problem’s each part is simple because the cause of the problem is divided into pieces and
shown here. There is a very low chance to happen mistake here. An example of this method

How to make an effective presentation, which is the problem, and how to solve this through
the Drill down technique is shown below.

Figure 10 Usage of Drill down technique

In this way, after following these kinds of techniques our presentation created.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 25

2.2 Applying critical reasoning
Critical reasoning is a skill for overly examine the information and give a reasoned judgment.
And this included the data, facts, observable phenomena, and research findings. A good critical
reasoning thinker should be getting a reasoned judgment from collected details and can be
discriminate between useful and less useful details to solve problems or make decisions.
(DOYLE, 2019 )

2.2.2 Critical reasoning tools Grow model

Grow model enables the leader and team members to make the process better and more
efficient by asking effective questions in every part of the process. This will help them
achieve their desired goal easily. The reason Why this is called the grow model is

Figure 11 Grow model Critical path analysis

Critical Path Analysis is a planning process that helps to complete complex projects on
time. That is, a pre-planning process of where to start and finish a job and how many
days that will take. By doing this, the work can divide into parts and decide whether to
do this one after the other or at the same time.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 26

2.3 Process of applying critical reasoning
Critical reasoning helped follow in the creation of our presentation.

• The grow model technique has used in presentation follows:

Everyone divided within the two groups based on topics of presentation before starting the
presentation related works. After

Figure 12 Usage of the GROW model

As shown in the image above, our group achieved the desired goal by following the instructions
on how to achieve the goal through the presentation.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 27

• The Critical path analysis has used in presentation follows:
After selecting the main topic of the presentation, The CPA helped follow to do the presentation
related work.
Table 6 Event Schedule

Task details No of day Start date End date

Video games are an employing industry
A Select a Topic is selected as the main heading of our 04 days 02.03.2020 05.03.2020
Everyone participated in a group based
B Make a group 02 day 05.03.2020 06.03.2020
on their wish.
Make a group After making the group, organized a
C 02 day 05.03.2020 06.03.2020
meeting group meeting.
In the group meeting, provided the
Select the leader, individual position for the members.
assistant leader, Accordingly, Mr. Kapil dev selected as
D 01 day 07.03.2020 07.03.2020
secretary, treasurer leader, Mr. K.Sathurcigan selected as
in the group vice president, Mr. R. Chathusankanth
selected as secretary.
Gather data about After, collecting data about the main
E 08 days 08.03.2020 15.03.2020
the topic heading.
Selected the main points from the
Select the main
F collected data, for example, video game 03 days 15.03.2020 17.03.2020
history, job, education, pros, and cons.
Arrange the data for Then make some modifies on that.
G 03 days 18.03.2020 20.03.2020
the main point
Discuss the main Gave the main points to the members.
H points with group 01 days 21.03.2020 21.03.2020
Create the slides by using the main
I Create the slides 16 days 10.03.2020 28.03.2020
Present the Present the presentation on the decided
J 01 days 28.03.2020 28.03.2020
presentations date.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 28

This CPA diagram designed based above Event schedule.

Figure 13 Usage of CPA

In this way, sharing the position and responsibilities. And, doing some work one after the other
and doing some simultaneously. In here each circle shows a particular activity, Which circles
are found in the same straight line denotes continuous operations, Other circles do refer to
parallel events. Depends on the time the arrows finish the activity, can do better by planning a
presentation like this.

Table 7 Pros & Cons of GROW model and CPA

Grow model CPA

Pros This helps to complete the job This will help you complete the job as planned.
successfully by analyzing the strengths
and weaknesses of the target.
Cons This may be unhelpful for achieving an If a delay in one place may affect the entire
unfavorable goal in reality. operation and cannot complete the job

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 29

3.0 Working with a Team

3.1 Team dynamic

Team dynamics are the oblivious, mental powers that impact the course of a group's conduct
and execution. Team dynamics are made by the idea of the cooperation, the characters inside
the group, how their working with others, and the environment wherein the group works. Team
dynamics is a good way to do work. Because more than one people work with others associated,
so as a team-wise maybe more ideas can be creatable and find the which is ideal to reach the
main goal then achieve that easily.
(Myers, 2013)

3.1.1 Success of team dynamic

Huge work also can be done easily by team dynamics. This means that the video game history,
job, education, pros & cons, under the heading 'videogames are an employing industry' should
be collected. Doing this as an individual will result in more time and workload. But this was
only made easier and quicker due to teamwork by doing this part wise. As in, many in the team
got a variety of ideas and found the best in it and was able to make the presentation better. This
is considered as a success of team dynamic.

Figure 14 Evidence for success of team dynamic

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 30

3.1.2 Failure of team dynamic

When parts are distributed to everyone in the team, in some cases require them may do without
their liking the part members have been given. This is seen as a failure of the team
dynamic. During these conditions, some areas may be enough, and some that are not enough. In
this case, this will be a major setback to the operation. And many people in the team, so not
everyone's expectations can be met, this can lead to conflicts.

3.1.2 Importance of Team dynamic

• Team dynamics is the most important thing in doing work as a team. If the teamwork wants
to succeed, this should identify the others' skills and be friendly with them. which is
possible by Team dynamic.

• The work's success depends on the Team dynamic. If the Team dynamic will failure, the
work is never finished correctly.

Figure 15 importance of Team Dynamic

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 31

3.2 Analysing team dynamic
The following table shows the information about the part taken by members of our team.
Table 8 Participations of team members

Name Role in presentation

Mr. Kapil dev Gave the introduction of the video game
Mr. Omila mathuranga Explained what are the Job opportunities
inside of the video game industry.
Mr. Chathusankanth Explained what are the Education
qualification is important for the video game
Miss. Bavanthini Explained the Pros of the video game
Mr. K. Sathurcigan Explained the Cons of the video game
industry & gave the conclusion for the
Accordingly, everyone gathered information according to their area and systematically
organized them and made them into the slides. Everyone provided their help to help to make
the presentation understandable to everyone. As co-leader, the team member to do their part
perfectly managed by me.

3.3 Evaluating own role

My role in the presentation is to provide the cons of the videogame industry and the conclusion
of the presentation. In my part, as much as possible the main problems facing workers in the
videogame industry (for example, Competitive situation, work hard, Lack of warranty for work
and Unemployment.) explained by me. Finally, the presentation was completed by me, after
thanking those who spoke about the job, education, and prospects of the videogame industry
before me.

Cannot bring the students together and present the presentation, because of the coronavirus
problem. That's why our group planned the online presentation but that is possible for limited
counted people. This is seen as a drawback of online presentation and also Internet strength is
the major problem.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 32

4.0 Continues professional development

4.1 Importance of Continues professional development

Continuing professional development is important to ensure status in our professional and do
the self-study. And CPD is continuously used in the profession, because will make
development in that. This is helpful to improve our lives and increase our salary. CPD's
outcome is to help to continuously survive As a Professional person in the field. Which is also
helps provide benefits for the company’s clients and that company. Mainly CPD helps to
concentrate on their profession.

4.2 Motivational theories and the impact on CPD

4.2.1 Motivation

Motivation is helping the procedure starts, controls, and keeps up objective arranged practices.
Motivation is the thing that makes everyone act. This helps to focus on their activities and do
that continuously.

4.2.2 Motivational theories Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Maslow's hierarchy of needs is a type of motivational theory in psychology, which includes the
five-step model of human needs, and this is also described as a hierarchical level of a pyramid

Figure 16 Pyramid structure of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 33

1. Physiological needs - This stage includes the basic biological requirements for human life,
like air, food, water, etc. Without these needs, the human body cannot work properly. For
these reasons, Maslow had considered this is a basic stage.

2. Safety needs - After the finishing of basic needs, security and safety-related needs are
included in the next step. Because The people consider this another important after the basic
things. For example, financial issues, law, and order, freedom for fear, etc.

3. Love and belongingness needs - After the first two steps, the social and personal involve
feelings of being included in the third step. for example, friendship, intimacy, trust, love,

4. Esteem needs - In Maslow’s hierarchy fourth step is included evaluating needs. Maslow
showed that the requirement for regard or notoriety is generally significant for children and
youths, which is genuine self-esteem.

5. Self-actualization needs - Self-completion needs are the most topper level in Maslow's
chain, which is included command, and allude to the acknowledgement of an individual's
latent capacity, self-satisfaction, looking for self-awareness. Maslow (1943) portrays this
follows, level as the longing to achieve everything that one can, to turn into the most that
one can be. For example, one man like to achieve the goal of athletic or his study.
(McLeod, 2020) Usage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

Figure 17 Usage of Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 34

This pyramid-shaped plan covers the basic requirements from the beginning to the end of the

That is, the first step includes the projector, laptop, whiteboard, marker needed to perform the
presentation. Secondly, if someone cannot come up with the main reasons for the presentation
day, the presentation can be completed without the problem by someone else willing to fill his
role. Thirdly, minor problems can be solved by being friendly to everyone who performs the
presentation. Fourthly, that can improve not only their area but also others' part by providing
constructive thinking. Finally, Presentation can be completed at the right time by helping others
to complete parts of their work that are not completed after completing their section.

Thus, the presentation could be finished more effectively by preparing considerations with
everything from the basic necessity based on Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory. Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory

Herzberg's Motivation Theory model, or Two Factor Theory, contends that there are two
factors that an association can conform to impact inspiration in the working environment. The
factors are as follows.
(Theory, 2009-2018 )

1. Motivating Factors - The nearness of motivators makes representatives work more

enthusiastically. These are inside the real position itself.

2. Hygiene Factors - If the hygiene factors may absence will make worker work less hard.
Hygiene factors are absent in the real employment itself yet surround the activity.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 35

The effect of motivating and hygiene factors is summarized up in the following accompanying

Figure 18 Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory

Some of the examples are given below, motivating, and hygiene factors.
1. Motivating factors include: -

• Achievement - A vocation must give an employee a feeling of accomplishment. This

will give a pleasing sentiment of having accomplished something troublesome
however beneficial.

• Recognition - Work must furnish employees with acclaim and acknowledgement of

their victories. This acknowledgement should originate from both their bosses and
their companions.

• The work itself - The activity itself must be fascinating, differed, and give a sufficient
challenge to keep employees spurred.

• Responsibility - Employees should "own" did their work, who should consider them
liable for this finishing and not feel just as they are being micromanaged.

• Advancement - Should the opportunity like a promotion for the workers.

• Growth - The activity should offer employees the chance to learn new abilities. This
can happen either at work or through progressively formal preparation.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 36

2. Hygiene factors include: -

• Company policies - These oughts’ to be reasonable and clear to each employee, which
should likewise be equal to those of contenders.

• Supervision - Management must be reasonable and fitting. The worker ought to be

given as much freedom as is correct.

• Relationships - There ought to be no resilience for tormenting or cliques. A good,

affable, and proper relationship should exist between companions, bosses, and

• Work conditions - Gadgets and the workplace ought to be fit for a reason, and healthy.

• Salary - The salary structure ought to be reasonable and sensible. This ought to
likewise be competition with different associations in a similar industry.

• Status - The association ought to keep up the status of all employees inside the
association. Performing important work can give a feeling of status.

• Security - Important that employees feel that their job is secure and who are not under
the danger of being laid-off.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 37 Usage of Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory

Figure 19 Usage of Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory

Include in the motivating factors are Giving away, Helping, and Encouraging. These are the
factors that will help to finish the presentation properly. Include in the hygiene factors are
Difference of opinion, Missed the time, and Apathy. These are factors that can cause a backlash
in the presentation.

According to Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory, our group as well as completed the

presentation through the systematic planning to defeat the hygiene factors by the motivating
factors. Differences between the motivational theories

Figure 20 Differences between the motivational theories

Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory Herzberg’s motivation-hygiene theory

This is a plan to implement the task step by step. This is a plan for finding what are the motivating and
hygiene factors in the task and take move based on
Can find what are the main things that need to Avoid hygiene factors and can develop the task based
build the step, through this can build the task on motivating factors. Through this, can implement
without errors. the task perfectly.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 38

4.3 Evaluation of Continuous professional development

4.3.1 Producing a personal development plan

Table 9 Continuous professional development

Name: Current position: Date started:

K. Sathurcigan HND in computing 1st semester 01.02.2020
Career mission statement- work as a software engineer in most famous company.
Major career goals Target Date: 01.10.2021
Goal: complete the HND in computing successfully Target Date: 01.11.2022
Goal: complete the top up degree within the year Target Date: 01.05.2023
Goal: Go abroad Target Date: 20.05.2023
Goal: work in good company and get experience Target Date: 01.06.2027
Goal: complete the Masters in software engineering successfully Target Date: 01.10.2021
A- I have accomplished this skill. I demonstrate high competence.
B- I have this skill competency but some improvements could be made.
C- I need to improve this skill competency.
D- I need to put in considerable work to develop this skill competency.
E- I need to acquire this skill develop this competency.
Skill / competency
Now 4 months 8 months 12 months
Good communication A A A A
Managing challenges C B A A
Good team working A A A A
Giving Motivational support B A A A
Interpersonal Awareness A A A A
Thinking skills A A A A
Building collaborative relationship B A A A
Coach others and developing others B A A A
Learning new skills and knowledge A A A A
Critical thinking B A A A
Time management A A A A

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 39

Everyone can continue to advance towards their goal by determining what to do next in life
according to the above form.

Accordingly, I have mentioned the first goal is to complete HND in computing. Because I'm
currently studying HND in computing, my first step is to succeed. I mentioned finishing the
top up a degree as the second goal. After completing the HND, I can get a job completely easy
by completing the top-up degree. So, I chose that into my next goal. My next goal is to go
abroad. Because I have had the desire to live abroad since my childhood. After completing the
top-up degree, that will help to easily find a job abroad. Next, my goal is to work at a company
and develop my skills. After going abroad, it is compulsory to find a job. Working in my study-
oriented industry can help me develop skills through more empirically. Job-related experience
is also important when looking for a job. My top goal for the still present is to complete a
master's degree. Because I can increase my self-income by completing a master’s degree. It
will also help me to get a higher position in the field. As I cross each stage, my quality of life
will go up. Through this, I can achieve a good position.

And what I have skills details were included in the Personal development plan. First, Good
communication, which means communicate with others friendly. Second, manging challenge
means to face the problems very intelligently. Third, good teamwork, Work with everyone
friendly. Fourth, giving motivational support, which means if anyone has a problem with their
work, encourage them. Fifth, interpersonal awareness, this is everyone needs to know about
others and manage their activities. Sixth, thinking skills, when making decisions should think
of everything related to things. Seventh, building a collaborative relationship is like Good team
working. Eighth, learning new skills and knowledge which means when seeing the new good
skills, just build up personally. Ninth, Critical thinking, this similar to Thinking skills but a
little bit advanced from that. last, Time management, if need to do any work, do it within the
deadline. I filled the above form-based what are the skills now I have and when I will inbuild
that in myself.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 40

4.4 Feedback
Feedback is an occasion that happens when the output of a framework, which is helping to
utilized as contribution once more into the framework as a major aspect of a chain of
circumstances and logical results. This adjusts factors in the framework, in this manner
bringing about various changes, because of this, therefore, got an extraordinary output and
different feedbacks. Also, which can either be positive. On account of a framework which
requires sense about the output to improve or convey in a particular output, then feedback is
basic and acceptable.

Types of Feedback
• Informal feedback - Informal feedback can happen on any occasions as this is something
that develops unexpectedly at the time or during activity. In this way, Informal feedback
requires the structure of affinity with understudies to viably support, mentor or guide them
in every day the board and dynamic for learning. This may happen in the study hall, via
telephone, in an online discussion or virtual homeroom.

• Formal feedback - Formal feedback is arranged procedure. Typically connected with

evaluation assignments, formal feedback input incorporates any semblance of stamping
rules, abilities or accomplishment of measures, and is recorded for both the understudy and
association as proof.

• Student peer feedback - This a type of feedback. This is given for, who have finished a
task or something, for that his friend gives the feedback for this task.

• Student self-feedback – This feedback is given by his self. If the student has done any
activity, the student gives this feedback for this activity.
(feedback, 2020)

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 41

4.4.1 Peer friend feedback

Figure 21 Peer friend feedback

My peer friend Abdullah Shufaiq gave me the feedbacks of me on the above form. That is, how
I participated in group work and social activities. This means that he strongly agreed with the
following skills are I have, time management, stress management, conflict management, setting
smart objects and learning new skills and knowledge. And some skills like effective
communication, mentoring and coaching are can be improved. Also, I have the leadership and

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 42

4.4.2 Supervisor feedback

Figure 22 Supervisor feedback

My lecturer miss. Y. Susmitha gave me the feedbacks of me in the above form. That is, how I
participated in group work and social activities. This means that she strongly agreed with the
following skills are I have, time management, setting smart objects and learning new skills and
knowledge. And some skills like, stress management, conflict management is can be improved.
Also, I have the leadership and influence, effective communication, mentoring and coaching.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 43

This is considered a good opportunity for the learner to learn about the communication styles,
Critical thinking and continuous professional development features. And, end of this session
the learner will have full knowledge about these features confirm.

The learner needs to identifies what are the strengths he has. In this way, the strengths of mine
• Mostly, I consider the time management through this to finish the assignment before the
• Consider others talks, through this can built the efficient teamwork.
• Skill of Find the specific topic related notes quickly, this also helps to finish the task on
• Fast learning skill, this helps to understand the topic and do work correctly.

At the same time, the learner needs to identify his weakness, in this way, weakness of mine
• Deep thinking, this can drag to away from the task to a different way.
• Also finding more is create a problem same like this.

In this case, can achieve the decided goal through avoiding the weakness and develop the

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 44

In this presentation preparation period, we worked altogether in a particular task. Through this,
could get a good experience in working with the team and how to solve the common issues in
the group. This might give the skill for how to collect details about a specific matter. In future,
these experiences are very useful for working with others.

So, this professional practice subject is very useful and which has more important contents.
Through studying this subject, can get more valuable skills for working in a group or individual
in a company. And in here, some of the features like CPD and CPA is the most important for
develop a person's life or grow up the company. In here could we get like this kind of important
skills. In my view, this is seen as a very impressive subject.

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 45

Gantt Chart

Feb 2020 Mar 2020 Apr 2020 May 2020

ID Task Name Start Finish Duration
2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 1 2

Gathered details about the'Video games

1 03-Feb-20 28-Feb-20 26d
are an employing industry'
Solve theproblems on theproject by
2 01-Mar-20 20-Mar-20 20d
problem solving skil s
3 Found the go d things on Teamwork 21-Mar-20 10-Apr-20 21d

4 Get knowledge about CPD 1 -Apr-20 30-Apr-20 20d

5 Build the Assignment in cor ect way 03-Feb-20 30-Apr-20 8d

6 Get Fe dback for the presentation 01-May-20 01-May-20 1d

Table 10 Gantt chart

K. Sathurcigan Unit 03 Professional practice 46


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