Mobile Wireless Communication

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Mobile Wireless Communication

Tran Bao Duong : USTHBI6-030
Class : ICT

I. Introduction
GSM stands for Global System for Mobile Communication. It is a world-
wide standard for digital cellular technology (also can be known as Digital
Mobile Telephones). The idea of creating GSM emerged from a cell-based mobile
radio system at Bell Laboratories in the mid 1970s. GSM originally meant
“Groupe Special Mobile” but it didn’t translate well so GSM is the more appealing
name was adopted. Also, GSM is the most generally acknowledged standard in
broadcast communications and it is implemented all over the world with more
than 70 percent of the world’s digital cellular subscribers of the overall industry.
It is a circuit-switched framework that partitions each 200 kHz channel into
eight 25 kHz time-slots. GSM works on the correspondence bands 900 MHz and
1800 MHz in many parts of the world. This framework makes use of narrowband
Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) procedure for transmitting signals. It was
developed using digital innovation. It has a capacity to convey 64 kbps to 120
Mbps of data rates. As mentioned, GSM claims a huge piece of the industry so it
now supports more than one billion subscribers in more than 210 countries all
over the world.

II. The GSM Network

The GSM network is divided into many functional units :
1. The Mobile Station (MS)
The MS comprises of the physical hardware, for example, the radio
transceiver, display and digital signal processors and the SIM(Subscriber
Identity Module) card. It gives the air interface to the client in GSM systems.
All things considered, different services are additionally provided, which
- Voice teleservices
- Data carrier administrations
- The component’s supplementary services
The MS additionally provides the receptor to SMS messages, empowering the
client to toggle between the voice and data use. In addition, the mobile
facilitates access to voice messaging systems. The MS likewise gives access to
the different data services available in a GSM arrange/network including:
- X.25 bundle switching through a synchronous or nonconcurrent dial-up
association with the PAD at speeds 9.6 Kbps.
- General Packet Radio Services (GPRSs) using either a X.25 or IP based
data exchange strategy at speeds up to 115 Kbps.
- High speed, circuit exchanged data at speeds up to 64 Kbps.
2. The Base Station Subsystem (BSS)
The BSS consists two parts : The Base Transceiver Station (BTS) and The
Base Station Controller (BSC). They communicate with each other through
Abis interface, empowering operations between segments that are made by
various suppliers. The radio part of a BSS may comprise from four to maybe
nine cells. A BSS have at least one base stations. The BSS uses the Abis
interface between BTS and the BSC. A separate rapid-line (T1 or E1) is then
associated from the BSS to the Mobile MSC.

- The Base Transceiver (BTS) :

The BTS houses the radio transceivers that characterize a cell and handles
the radio connection conventions with the MS. In a large urban region,
countless number of BTSs might be deployed.
The BTS corresponds to the transceivers and antennas used as a part of
every cell of the system. A BTS is generally put in the focal point of a cell.
Its transmitting power determines the size of a cell. Each BTS has in the
vicinity of 1 and 16 transceivers, contingent upon the thickness of clients
in the cell. Each BTS fills in as a solitary cell. It additionally incorporates
the accompanying capacities:
+ Encoding, encrypting, multiplexing, balancing, and encouraging
the RF signs to the reception apparatus (antenna)
+ Transcoding and rate adjustment
+ Time and frequency synchronizing
+ Voice through full- or half-rate services
+ Decoding, decrypting, and adjusting received signals
+ Random access detection
+ Timing propels
+ Uplink channel estimations
- The Base Station Controller (BSC) :
The BSC deals with the radio assets and resources for at least one BTSs. It
is in charge of radio channel setup, frequency jumping, and handovers.
The BSC is the association between the mobile and the MSC. The BSC
likewise deciphers 13kbps voice station utilized over the radio connection
to the standard 64 Kbps channel utilized by the Public Switched
Telephone Network (PSDN) or ISDN.
It assigns and discharges frequencies and time-slots for the MS. The BSC
also handles intercell handover. It controls the power transmission of the
BSS and MS in its territory. The capacity of the BSC is to apportion the
essential time slots between BTS and the MSC. It is an exchanging device
that handles the radio assets. Extra functions is listed in the following list:
+ Control of frequency jumping
+ Performing traffic concentration to diminish the quantity of lines
from the MSC
+ Providing an interface to the Operations and Maintenance Center
for the BSS
+ Reallocation of frequencies among BTSs
+ Time and frequency synchronization
+ Power management
+ Time-postpone estimations of received signals from the MS
3. The Network Switching Subsystem (NSS)
The Network switching system (NSS), the principle part of which is the
Mobile Switching Center (MSC), carries out the exchanging of calls
between the mobile and other fixed or mobile network users, and in
addition the management of mobile services, for example, authentication

The switching system includes following components:

- Home Location Register (HLR)
The HLR is a database utilized for capacity and management of
subscriptions. The HLR is the most essential database, as it stores
perpetual data about subscribers, including a subscriber’s service profile,
area data, and activity status. At the point when an individual purchases a
subscription as SIM card, then all the data about this subscription is
enlisted in the HLR of that operator.
- Mobile Services Switching Center (MSC)
The focal component of the Network Subsystem is the MSC. The MSC in
charge of switching calls between the mobile and other fixed or mobile
network users, and the management of mobile services, for example,
enlistment, authentication, location updating, handovers, and call
directing to a meandering subscriber. It likewise performs such capacities
as toll ticketing, arrange interfacing, regular channel signaling, and others.
Each MSC is distinguished by a special ID.
- Visitor Location Register (VLR)
The VLR is a database that contains transitory data about subscribers that
is required by the MSC with the end goal to service visiting subscribers.
The VLR is constantly incorporated with the MSC. At the point when a
mobile station roams into another MSC zone, the VLR associated with that
MSC will ask for information about the mobile station from the HLR.
Afterward, if the the mobile station makes a call, the VLR will have the
data required for call setup without interrogating the HLR each time.
- Authentication Center (AUC)
The Authentication Center is an ensured database that stores a duplicate
of the secret key stored in every subscriber’s SIM card, which is utilized
for validation and figuring of the radio channel. The AUC protects network
operators from various sorts of fraud found in cellular world.
- Equipment Identity Register (EIR)
The Equipment Identity Register (EIR) is a database that contains a
rundown of all substantial mobile equipment on the system, where its
IMEI recognizes every MS. An IMEI is set apart as invalid on the off chance
that it has been accounted for stolen or is not type approved.
4. The Operation Support Subsystem (OSS)
The operations and maintenance center (OMC) is associated with all
equipment in the switching framework and to the BSC. The execution of
OMC is known as the operation and emotionally supportive network
Some functions of OMC we should know:
- Administration and commercial operation
- Security Management
- Network setup and configuration, Operation and Performance
- Maintenance and Support Tasks
The operation and Maintenance capacities depend on the ideas of the
Telecommunication Management Network (TMN), which is standardized
in the ITU-T series M.30.

We can see from the figure that OMC system covers all GSM components
The OSS is the practical element from which the system operator monitors and
controls the framework. The motivation behind OSS is to offer the client
financially support for centralized, local, and nearby operational and
maintenance activities that are required for a GSM network. A critical capacity of
OSS is to give a system review and support the maintenance activities of various
operation and upkeep organizations.
*GSM network areas
In the network, these areas are defined:
- Cell: Cell is the fundamental service territory, one BTS - one cell. Every
cell is given a Cell Global Identity (CGI), a number is used particularly to
distinguish the cell
- Location Area: A gathering of cells shape a Location Area (LA_. This is the
area that is paged when a subscriber receives an approaching call. Every
La is appointed a Location Area Identity (LAI). Every LA is served by at
least one BSCs
- MSC/VLR Service Area: The territory secured by one MSC is known as the
MSC/VLR service area.
- PLMN: The zone secured by one system operator is known as the Public
Land Mobile Network (PLMN). A PLMN can contain at least one MSCs
III. GSM Specifications
Specifications for different personal communication services (PCS)
frameworks change among the distinctive PCS systems. Listed below is a
portrayal of the specifications and characteristics for GSM:
- frequency band : The frequency range indicated for GSM is 1850 to 1990
MHz (MS to BS)
- duplex distance : The duplex distance is 80 MHz. The space between the
uplink and downlink frequencies called duplex distance. A channel has
two frequencies, 80MHz separated
- channel separation : The separation between adjoining carrier
frequencies. In GSM is 200 kHz
- modulation : Modulation is the way toward sending a signal by changing
the characteristics of a carrier frequency. This is done in GSM by means of
Gaussian minimum shift keying (GMSK)
- transmission rate : GSM is an advanced system with an over-the-air bit
rate of 270 kbps
- access method : GSM uses the time division multiple access (TDMA)
concept. TDMA is a procedure in which a few unique calls have a similar
transporter/carrier. Each call is assigned a specific time slot.
- speech coder : GSM utilizes linear predictive coding (LPC). The
motivation behind LPC is to decrease the bit rate. The LPC gives
parameters to a channel that mirrors the vocal tract. The signal goes
through this channel, deserting a remaining signal. Speech is encoded at
13 kbps
IV. GSM-How it works
1. Mobile Phone to Public Switched Telephone Network (PSTN)
When a mobile user makes a call to a PSTN phone subscriber, the
following events takes place:
- The MSC/VLR gets the message of a call request
- The MSC/VLR checks if the MS is approved to get access into the system.
Provided that this is true, the MS is activated. If the MS is not authorized,
then the call will be denied
- MSC/VLR break downs the number and starts a call setup with the PSTN
- MSC/VLR requests that the corresponding BSC to allocate a traffic
- The BSC apportions the traffic channel and passes the data to the MS
- The called party answers the call and the discussion takes place
The MS continues on taking estimations of the radio direct in the present
cell and the neighboring cells and passes the data to the BSC. The BSC
chooses if a handover is required. Provided that this is true, another
traffic channel is allocated to the MS and the handover takes place. If
handover is not asked, the MS keeps on transmitting in the same
2. PSTN to Mobile Phone
When a PSTN subscriber makes a call request to a MS, these
following events takes place:
- The Gateway MSC receives the call and queries the HLR for the data
expected to route the call to the serving MSC or the VLR
- The GMSC route the call to the MSC or the VLR
- The MSC checks the VLR for the area territory of the mobile station
- The MSC contacts the mobile station by means of the BSC through a
broadcast message, that is, through a paging request
- The MS responds to the page request
- The BSC allocates a traffic channel and makes a message to the mobile
station to tune to the channel. The MS generates a ringing signal and, after
the subscriber answers, the speech association is established
- Handover, if required, happens, as talked about in the earlier case
To transmit the speech through the radio channel in the stipulated time,
the mobile station codes at rate 13 kbps. The BSC transcodes the speech
to 64 Kbps and sends to a land interface or a radio connection to the MSC.
The MSC then advances the speech data to the PSTN. In the reverse
direction, the speech is received at 64 Kbps at the BSC and the BSC
transcodes it to 13 Kbps for radio transmission.
V. GSM User’s Service
GSM offers substantially more than simply voice communication. Contact
your neighborhood GSM network operator to the particular services that you can
benefit. GSM offers three essential types of services:
- Telephony services or teleservices
- Data services or bearer services
- Supplementary services
1. Teleservices
The capacities of a Bearer Service are utilized by a Teleservice to
transport information. These services are additionally transited in the
accompanying ways:
+ Voice Calls : The most fundamental Teleservice supported by GSM is
telephony. This incorporates full-rate speech at 13kbps and emergency
calls, where the closest emergency-service provider is advised by dialing
three digits
+ Videotext and Facsmile : Anotoher gathering of teleservices
incorporates Videotext access, Teletex transmission, Facsmile exchange
speech and Facsmile Group 3, Automatic Facsmile Group, 3 etc
+ Short Text Messages : Short Messaging Services (SMS) service is a
content messaging service that permits sending and getting instant
messages on your GSM cell phone. Notwithstanding basic basic instant
messages, other content information including news, sports, monetary,
financial, language, and area based information can likewise be
2. Bearer Services
Data services are utilized through a GSM telephone to get and sent data is
the basic building block prompting to widespread mobile Internet access
and mobile data transfer. GSM currently has a data transfer rate of 9.6k.
New advancements that will push up data exchange rates for GSM clients
are HSCSD (high speed circuit switched data) and GPRS are presently
3. Supplementary Services
Supplementary services are extra services that are given notwithstanding
teleservices and bearer services. These services incorporate caller
identification, call forwarding, call holding up, multi-party discussions,
and excepting of global calls, among others. A short depiction of
supplementary services is given here:
+ Conferencing : It enables a mobile subscriber to establish a multiparty
discussion ,i.e., a concurrent discussion between at least three subscribers
to setup a conference call. This service is only pertinent to normal
+ Call Waiting : Notifies an user of an incoming call during a conversation.
The subscriber can reply, dismiss, or disregard the approaching call
+ Call Hold : This service enables an user of put an incoming call on hold
and resume before long. The call hold service is material to normal
+ Call Forwarding : This service is used to redirect calls from the first
beneficiary to another number. It is ordinarily set up by the subscriber
himself. It can be utilized by the user of redirect calls from the MS when
the user is not available, thus to guarantee that calls are not lost
+ Call Barring : Call Barring is valuable to confine certain sorts of active
calls, for example, ISD or prevent incoming calls from undesired numbers.
Call notwithstanding is an adaptable service that empowers the user of
restrictively bar calls
+ Number Identification : There are taking after supplementary services
identified with number identification
+ Calling Line Identification Presentation : This service shows the phone
number of the calling party on the screen
+ Calling Line Identification Restriction : A man not wishing their number
to be introduced to others subscribers to this services
+ Associated Line Identification Presentation : This service is give to
provide the calling party the number of the individual to whom they are
associated. This service is helpful in many circumstances
+ Associated Line Identification Restriction : When individual caller does
not wish to have their number showed and so they would subscribe to
this person
+ Advice of Charge (AoC): This service was intended to give the
subscriber a sign of the cost of the services when they used. Moreover,
those specialist organizations who want to offer rental services to users
without their own SIM can likewise use this service in a slightly different
form. Aoc for data calls is provided on the premise of time measurements
+ Closed User Groups (CUGs) : This service is implied for gatherings of
users who wish to call just each other and no one else
+ Unstructured supplementary services data (USSD) : This permits
operator-defined individual services

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