LBYEC3P - Exp04 - Prelim Report

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Preliminary Report

Laboratory Instructor:

Grade: _____________________

Instructor's Signature: _____________________

BJT Familiarization

1. Terminals of the 2N2219 NPN BJT with TO-39 metal casing.

Right (R): Emitter

Left (L): Collector
Middle (M): Base

Which terminal is next to the metal tab of the transistor package (case)?

2. Terminals of the 2N3502 PNP BJT with TO-39 metal casing.

Right (R): Emitter

Left (L): Collector
Middle (M): Base

Which terminal is next to the metal tab of the transistor package (case)?

3. Terminals of the 2N5486 N-channel FET with TO-92 casing.

Right (R): Source

Left (L): Drain
Middle (M): Gate

5. Measure the voltage across R1. Using the equation, IB = VR1 / R1, calculate
the base current when the lamp is on and when the lamp is off.
Figure 4.25a Switch ON

Figure 4.25b Switch OFF

VR1 = 5.0694 V
IB(ON) = 10.786 mA
IB(OFF) = IB(OFF) = 0 A

With the lamp on,

6. Measure the base and collector currents.

IB(ON) = 10.786 mA
IC(ON) = 409.19 mA

7. Measure the base-to-emitter voltage VBE and the collector-to-emitter voltage

Figure 4.26a Switch ON

VBE(ON) = 0.93058volts
VCE(ON) = 0.10771 volts

8. What is the operating region of the NPN transistor?

The operating region of NPN transistors occurs when the electrons pass
through the base region. A large current then freely flows between the
emitter and collector terminals. A small biasing current must flow into
the base to act as a current control input.

With the lamp off,

9. Measure the base and collector currents.

Figure 4.26b Switch OFF

IB(OFF) = 0 A
IC(OFF) = 0 A

10. Measure the base-to-emitter voltage VBE and the collector-to-emitter voltage

VBE(OFF) = 0 volts
VCE(OFF) = 6 volts
11. What is the operating region of the NPN transistor?
12. Compare the calculated and measured base currents when the lamp is ON and
when the lamp is OFF. When the lamp is on, the base current produced is
10.786mA. When the lamp is off, the base current produced is -6.0001pA or
approximately no current flowing.

13. Complete Table 4.2.

Table 4.2
Collector Current, IC Base Current, IB DC Current Gain
β = IC / IB
400 mA (98.429%) 4.0389 mA 99.04
350 mA (98.041%) 3.5 mA 100
300 mA (97.56%) 3 mA 100
250 mA (96.875%) 2.5 mA 100
200 mA (95.852%) 2 mA 100
150 mA (94.145%) 1.5 mA 100
100 mA (90.729%) 1 mA 100
50 mA (80.442%) 0.5 mA 100
Average DC Current Gain, β 99.88

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