Par Cot2 Lesson Plan

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Region XI
Antonio V. Fruto Sr. National High School
Formerly Cabayangan National High School
Cabayangan, Braulio E. Dujali, Davao del Norte


8- AMETHYST 3rd M 5- W 5 June 14, 2021 @
A. Content Standard The formation of typhoons and their movement
within the PAR
B. Performance Standard Demonstrate precautionary measures before,
during, and after a typhoon, including
following advisories, storm signals, and
calls for evacuation given by government
in charge
C. Learning Competencies/Objectives Explain how typhoons develop.( S8ES-IId-18)

Given the latitude and longitude
of a tropical cyclone tell if it has
entered the Philippine Area of
Explain what is meant when a
typhoon has entered the
Philippine Area of Responsibility.
Appreciate the role of PAG-ASA
in monitoring typhoons
II. SUBJECT MATTER TOPIC: Philippine Area of Responsibility(PAR)
MATERIALS: Laptop, MS Powerpoint, Printed
Activity Sheets
Science Links 8:Science Textbook for Grade 8


A. Preliminary Activities (3 Minutes)
KRA 3, Objective 7: Selected, developed, organized, and used appropriate teaching and
learning resources, including ICT to address learning goals.
Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity
The teacher will present an audio-visual presentation (Rose will lead the prayer)
for the prayer. 1. Prayer
2. Classroom Management
(Teacher: arrange your chairs
properly and keep up pieces
of paper)
(Setting up rules and
Good Morning, class. Good morning ma’am, it is nice to see you.

B. Review (2 Minutes)
The teacher will have a brief review about a written
text. Then, she will ask this question to the students.

1. “What have you learned from our previous “We have learned about the narration and
lesson?” cause and effect as patterns of development.”
2. “What is a written text?” “It is something that is written, also, copied
form one medium to another.”

C. Motivation (10 minutes)

KRA 1, Objective 1: Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum)
KRA 2, Objective 5: Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to the special educational
needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation; chronic illness;
displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement, or disasters; child abuse and child labor
Let us play a game: “PASS THE BALL”

The class will form a circle. The ball will be passed to

their classmates until the music stops. The student
who is holding the ball will pick an emoji. Each emoji
has a picture behind. Then he or she will give an (The students start the game.)
insight about the picture. Once the student is done,
he or she will be out from the circle. Then, another
round for passing the ball will be conducted.

These are the pictures to be given insights by the


Acayan, Ezra, February 18, 2021
Retrieved on: May 24, 2021


“There is no proper drainage.” “It lessens the confidence of a person, but as
by Andrea Calonzo- April 24, 2020, 8:13 AM GMT+8 Updated on long as a person can handle it, he or she can
April 24, 2020, 2:16 PM GMT+8 cope.”
Retrieved on: May 24, 2021 “In order to minimize the people going in and
out from the community that help lessen the
cases of COVID-19.”
RZ- October 11, 2018
Retrieved on: May 24, 2021

(All students are reading the objectives.)

By eCompareMo on July 19, 2017
Retrieved on: MAY 24, 2021

After the activity, the teacher will ask the following

1. Why do flashflood exists?
2. How negative judgment affects the confidence of
a person? How to cope with rejections?
3. Why do the government needs to implement
4. How important is the Covid-19 vaccine to the
5. What do you think is the concept of the pictures
presented when it comes to written text?
(The teacher will emphasize the connection
between the previous and current activity.)

Optional Task: For those who are not around due

to some varied reasons, the task will be sent to
the group chat.

Instructions: Choose a picture. Then, give your

insights about the picture you have chosen. You can
write it or print it in a short bond paper and let your
parent submit it to the school. You can also type it in
the MS word and submit it to my messenger, our GC
or to my e-mail ([email protected]).
Submission: June 4, 2021

The teacher will introduce the objectives. She will let

the students read the objective.

At the end of the lesson, the students will be

able to:
Identify claims in written texts
whether a fact, policy, values or
cause and effect.
Explain the claims of written text.
Reflect the significance of analyzing
a written text and identifying its

D. Activity (13 minutes)

KRA 2, Objective 5: Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to the special
educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation;
chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement, or disasters; child
abuse and child labor practices.
The teacher will have short lecturette about the topic.

Let us have another activity. “CHOOSE A PIC” (The students receive the worksheets.)

The class will be divided into 4 groups. There will be

pictures to be presented on the board. There will be The students are doing theirs tasks.
8 pictures to be presented in the class. They will pick
the pictures that they think they are comfortable with. PICTURES
Each group will pick 2 pictures. Then, after picking,
each group will be given 3 minutes to identify
whether the pictures show a fact, policy, values or
cause and effect.

They will present their answers to the class through:

a. a jingle
b. a discussion
d. a role play.
They will select their choice of presentation.


10pts 8pts. 7 pts. 6pts. SCORE
Time The first The The third The last to
Management to finish second to to finish finish the
the tasks. finish the the tasks.
tasks. tasks.
Collaboration All the There are There are There is no
members few less than collaboration
have members 3 who at. Only one
contributed who have have is doing the
to the contributed contribute tasks.
activity. to the d to the
activity. activity.
Accuracy All the One Two No correct
tasks are mistake mistakes answers

Any questions?

(After 10 minutes)

Time’s up and let’s check your answers.

After checking……
(The teacher will announce the scores and write it to
ta tally board.)
Optional Task: For those who are not around, the
task will be sent to the GC.

Instruction: Choose a picture that you think you are

comfortable with. Choose the picture that you think
suits your needs. Then, identify the claims whether it
is a fact, policy, cause and effect or value, then give
your explanation about it. You can write an essay,
make a jingle, make a video role-play, or a
discussion through video and submit it through my
Gmail account([email protected]) or in
our GC or in my messenger account. If you chose
essay, you could write it in a short bond paper and
let your parent submit it in school. The rubric will also
be submitted as basis of your scores. by PHILIP TV-Jul 25, 2020
Retrieved on May 24, 2021

10pts 8pts. 7pts. 6pts. SCORE
Time Submitted Submitted 3Submitt Late
Management on or 1 day ed 3 submission
before the after the days .
deadline. deadline after the
Organization The output The output The The output
is well- is not that output is lacks 6358578319
organized. well- not that organization.
organized. easy to be by World Bank Photo Collection- October 13,
understoo 2009
d. Retrieved by June 2, 2021
Accuracy All the One Two No correct
tasks are mistake mistakes answers 3.

Submission: June 4, 2021
by Rick Harner- December 16, 2014
Retrieved on June 2, 2021

by Rosas Olarte and Wil Mark Amazona
Retrieved on June 3, 2021
by June 1, 2021
Retrieved on June 2, 2021
E. Analysis (3 minutes)
From the activity conducted, the teacher will ask the -We scrutinize it based on the content of the
following questions: pictures and the sentences.
1. How did you scrutinize the pictures and the
sentences? -We come up through analyzing each detail of
2. How did you come up with an idea that the the pictures presented. Also, through
pictures or the sentences show fact, policy, values or understanding the content of the sentences.
cause and effect?

E. Abstraction (15 minutes)

KRA 2, Objective 5: Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to the special
educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation;
chronic illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement, or disasters; child
abuse and child labor practices.
This time, each group will be explaining the claims in
written text. The claims in written text are the
1. Claims of Fact The students are brainstorming to come up
2. Claims of Policy with an explanation about the claims of
3. Claims of Cause and Effect written text.
4. Claims of Value

Also, give an example about the claims written text.

You can choose whether the topic is all about,
“poverty, pandemic, global warming, child labor,
armed conflict, natural disaster, or anything that suits
your needs. (Just a sentence)

In explaining the claims of written text, each group

will choose or select how they are going to present it
creatively based on where they are comfortable with.
They can present it through to ff.:
1. Vlogging (2 minutes only)-
2. Role play
3. Reporting

The rubrics for this would be:

10 pts. 8 pts. 7 pts. SCO
Explanation The The The
explanatio explanation explanation
n is very lacks is out of
well said. information. context.
Organization Ideas are Ideas are There are
well- not that ideas that
organized organized not that
related to
the topic
Collaboration All the There are 2 There are
members members more
of the who did not members ho
group are help with did not help
actively the task. the task.
ng with
the task.

Optional Task: For those at home, the task will

be sent through our GC.

Instruction: Explain the claims of written text. The

claims of written text are the following:
1. Claims of Fact
2. Claims of Policy
3. Claims of Cause and Effect
4. Claims of Value

Also, give an example about the claims of written

text. You can choose whether the topic is all about
“poverty, pandemic, global warming, child labor,
armed conflict or anything that suits your needs.”
In explaining, you can choose the way on how you
present it regarding to which you are capable of:
1. Vlogging (2 minutes only)
2. Role Play (through video recording)
3. Reporting
4. Essay (2-3 paragraph with 4-6 sentences each


10 7 4 SCO
Explanation The The The
explanatio explanation explanation
n is very lacks is out of
well said. information. context.
Organization Ideas are Ideas are There are
well- not that ideas that
organized organized not that
related to
the topic
Time Submitted Submitted Submitted 1
Management on or 2 days after week after
before the the the deadline.
deadline. deadline.

Submission: June 4, 2021

After the presentations, the teacher will announce

the score and write it on the tally board.

F. Application (2 minutes)
THE REAL-LIFE SCENARIO” “The learning will be helpful for us to analyze
The teacher will ask the following questions: texts. This will lead us also to understand
1. How would you relate your learning in the real-life whatever concepts of life we may encounter.”
2. How can you make it significant in your daily life “It is very significant for us to know the
as student? importance of claims of written text as the
important claims we have and might have with
Optional Task: For those who are not around, the our lives.
task will be sent through our GC.

Instruction: Answer the following questions, you can

write it in a 1 whole sheet of paper. You can also,
type it in MS Word, and send it to my messenger or
in my Gmail ([email protected]). For
those paper-typed output, you can let your parent
submit in school.
Submission: June 4, 2021

G. Evaluation (10 minutes)

KRA 1, Objective 2: Ensured the positive use of ICT to facilitate the teaching and learning
KRA 2, Objective 5: Plan and deliver teaching strategies that are responsive to the special
educational needs of learners in difficult circumstances, including: geographic isolation; chronic
illness; displacement due to armed conflict, urban resettlement, or disasters; child abuse and child
labor practices.
There will be 2 sets of quiz.

A. The quiz will be conducted online, through (The students open their phones and connect
“Quizziz”. The link and code will be sent in the to the internet connection.)
group chat.
(The students access the link.)
(Identify the claims of written text: Fact, Policy,
Value, or Cause and Effect) (The quiz starts.)
Here are the instructions for the quiz:

1. They will click the link. (

2. They will enter the code needed for the quiz. The
code will be sent in the group chat.
3. They will write or encode their names.
4. As the quiz starts, they will read the questions and
click their answers.
5. As the quiz goes by, each item will be checked
immediately after all the students answered the
6. There will be points to be generated. You can
view your ranking as it appears on the top of your
7. The student who will be ranked as 1st will be
awarded with “Php. 50.00 worth of load”.

B. QUIZ PANTRY! (Pick according to where you

are comfortable.)
The students will choose their tasks. Each task has
its own instruction. The tasks will be the ff.

A. Crossword
B. Matching Type
C. Identification

Optional Task: For those who are not around,

they can still complete the task by accessing the
link to be sent in our GC.

Instruction: Just go to this link and encode the

needed code. The quiz will end on June 6, 2021, 12

For those who do not have internet access.

Questions will be sent in our GC. You can write your
answer in a ½ sheet of paper and let your parents
submit in school.

For task B. It will be sent in our GC.

They can choose their task with the given choices:
1. Crossword
2. Matching Type
3. identification
Submission: June 7, 2021

“What have I learned?”

Make a reflection about what you have learned The students are taking down notes for the
about the topic. Also give a brief explanation about agreement or homework.
the importance of claims in written text on the lives of
the students. In making a reflection, you can select
the way you want to:
a. Create a personal video (sent through my email,
[email protected]).
b. Write a 3-paragragraphed essay with 3-4
sentences each paragraph (1whole sheet of paper),
c. Compose a poem. (short bond paper, hand-written
or printed, choose your own font and styles)
This would be submitted on or before Friday.

This will be sent in our GC that will serve as a

guide to those who are not around today.

Prepared by: Checked and Processed by:


Teacher II Master Teacher I

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