FYBSC-Semester - I Introductory Sociology Course Outline 2022

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School name -ID-1

SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics

Program: B. Sc. Economics Semester : Trimester

Course : Course Code:


Teaching Scheme Evaluation Scheme

Lecture Practical Tutorial
Internal Continuous
(Hours (Hours (Hours Term End Examinations (TEE)
Credit Assessment (ICA)
per per per (Marks- 50 in Question Paper)
(Marks - 50)
week) week) week)
3 0 0 50 50
Students should be willing to work to achieve the appropriate level of critical and analytical thinking about the
They should be aware about the key issues (social, political, economic, cultural) and problems in the society.
They should also have an ability to participate actively in classes and honor any commitment to produce work
for a class.

1) To define core sociological concepts of society, social structure, social institutions, social change,
social deviance, macro social processes and social problems.

2) To explain the role of sociological theories and concepts in developing an understanding of the

3) To apply sociological perspectives (concepts and theories) to the discipline of economics for better
understanding of economic phenomena.
4) To analyze the role of fundamental units of the society, social change and macro social processes
in overall functioning of the social world.
5) To evaluate and interpret how groups are shaped by social structures, institutions, culture and
elements of stratification.
6) To plan a detailed road map on how to overcome the challenges of social processes and change
based on the understanding of society.

1) Students will become familiar with sociological perspectives, concept of culture and its
components, sociological theories that account for deviance, conformity and social control,
multiple types of social institutions (marriage, family, education, religion, political and economic
system), issues related to social class, caste, race, ethnicity and gender, macro social processes and
other social problems. (ICA component- class test)
2) Students will be able to explain the three major theoretical perspectives which will help them to
develop an understanding of the society and its issues. (ICA component- class test)
School name -ID-1
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics

3) Students will be able to apply the understanding of sociological perspectives, sociological

imagination and sociological theories (conflict, symbolic and functionalist) to understand many
substantive economic phenomena.( ICA component- assignments)
4) Students will be able to analyze the social structure and how it shapes and influences social
reality. (ICA component- assignments)
5) Students will be able to evaluate the nature of social institutions, social deviance and control,
macro social processes (technology, social change, social movements), cross cultural differences,
social stratification and its impact on individuals, groups and functioning of the society. (ICA
component- assignments)
6) Students will be able to develop problem solving strategies related to various socio-economic
problems like displacement, poverty, unemployment, uneven growth / development, rural -urban
disparity, marginalization. (ICA component- group work)
7) Students will be able to develop writing skills through assignment and activities. They will also
develop critical thinking skills through participating in class discussions and analyzing videos.
(ICA component- group work)

Session Theme Pedagogy Referenc Weightag

No. es (with e
1-3 Introduction to sociology: Lecture/class Anthony 5 marks
Meaning and concept of sociology, discussion Giddens
How does sociology help us in developing and Philip.
an understanding of the world? W. Sutton
Sociological imagination. (8th Ed) pg-
Perspectives in sociology –symbolic 1-31
interactionist, functionalist and conflict

Application of sociology to the field of

4-8 Individual and society: Lecture/class Horton, P.B 5 marks
Culture and society-Meaning, components discussion and Hunt ,
of culture-beliefs, values, language, norms (6th Ed)
(explicit, implicit, ideal, real), folkways, Sociology
mores, laws, sanctions, ethnocentrism, page no-
xenophobia, culture shock, cultural 105-126
relativism, multiculturalism, diffusion,
culture lag, global culture.
Culture and personality- role of culture in
determining personality.
Status –status set, status inconsistency,
ascribed and achieved status, master status.
Role- role set, role conflict, role strain ,
ways to deal with role conflict
School name -ID-1
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics

9-11 Fundamental units of society: Lecture/ class McIver, 5 marks

Associations, Group (primary, secondary, discussion R.M and
in-group, out-group) Page, C.H
Importance of groups and difference Society :An
between primary and secondary groups. introductory
Community, Institution analysis.Ne
Delhi :Mac
millan page
no-41-62 ,

12-16 Individual and society: Regulation of Lecture/ class M 5 marks

behavior- social deviance and social discussion Haralombos
control , R.M
Meaning and consequences of deviance Heald-
Causes of deviant behavior- biological, sociology
psychological and sociological theories- themes and
Anomie theory, differential association perspectives
theory, labeling and conflict theory. (8th Ed) no-
Social control- Formal and informal means 406-410
of social control, agencies of social
control. Horton,P.B
and Hunt
(6th Ed)
page no-
and Philip.
W. Sutton
(8th Ed) pg-

17-22 The fundamental units of society- Lecture/ class Horton,P.B 15 marks

Institution of marriage: Defining discussion , and Hunt
Marriage , marriage patterns – analyzing videos , (6th
cohabitation , live-in relationships, same clips from web Ed) ,Sociolo
sex couples, monogamy , polygamy, series and films, gy,chapter-
marriage and culture . current news 11
articles, class
Problems in the institution of marriage- room activities Anthony
divorce , dowry and laws, misuse of the Giddens
anti-dowry act, marital rape and laws, and Philip.
triple talaq ,evils of child marriage and W.
laws Sutton(8th
Ed) pg-800-
Family: its meaning, significance and
School name -ID-1
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics

current challenges, nuclear and joint family 853

system, changing forms and relationships
in family. Anthony
Belief system :Religion, relevance and and Philip.
challenges, religion and politics , W.
fundamentalism. Sutton(8th
Ed) pg-376-
Education-Meaning , role , functions and 427
drawbacks (social inequalities, problems),
reservation and its implications, right to Anthony
education act and its effects. Giddens
and Philip.
Institutions of social stratification: W.
Meaning and role, Jajmani system ,Caste Sutton(8th
and mobility , caste based violence, social Ed) pg-475-
exclusion, inclusive policies. 521
Sanskritization and desankritization, caste Anthony
and politics. Giddens
and Philip.
Ed) pg-704-
and Philip.
Ed) pg-800-
Jaipur :Raw
, page no-

23-27 Macro social process: Technology and Lecture/ class Anthony 15 marks
society, Technological determinism, Social discussion , Giddens
control of science and technology, artificial analyzing videos , and Philip.
clips from web W.
intelligence-goals and uses, technology
series and films, Sutton(8th
and cybercrime, Technological addiction- current news ed) pg-704-
School name -ID-1
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics

factors and effects articles, class 749

room activities
Social change, Process of change, factors
contributing to social change- natural,
demographic, technological, economic and

Social movement: meaning, causes, types,

role of leadership, examples of powerful
social movements- Black Lives Matter,
climate change movements, Nirbhaya
movement, me too movement
28-32 Challenges of Social Change: Lecture/ class World bank 8 marks
Displacement – meaning , causes , types , discussion , reports,
impact and case studies analyzing videos , Ahuja.R,
clips from web Social
Poverty and unemployment- case studies series and films, problems in
current news India
Marginalization- meaning and articles, class
impact ,Marginalized groups and their room activities, Internationa
problems-women , people with disabilities, case studies l
scheduled castes and tribes , elderly people encyclopedi
, children, sexual minorities a of social
sciences ,
volume -4,
7 ,page no-
131-132 ,
World bank

33-37 Planned growth , role of civil society Class Society in 2 marks

discussion/current India,Ahuja.
news analysis , R,Page no-
case studies
system ,Ahu
ja, chapter-

38-43 Class presentations

44-45 Group activities
School name -ID-1
SVKM’s Narsee Monjee Institute of Management Studies

Name of School – Sarla Anil Modi School of Economics

Text Books:

Reference Books:
1) Anthony Giddens and Philip W Sutton, Sociology, 8th edition
2) Horton, P.B and Hunt , Sociology, 6th Edition

3) Introduction to Sociology by Deborah Carr , Anthony Giddens , Mitchell Duneier , Richard P.

Appelbaum , 2021
4) Essentials of Sociology by Deborah Carr , Anthony Giddens , Mitchell Duneier , Richard P.
Appelbaum , 2021

Details of Term Work:

Components Weightages
Continuous evaluation 50%
Project / Group work 15 marks

Test 20 marks
Assignment 15 marks
Case study discussion
Any other (Pl. Specify)
End Term 50%

Prepared by Abhidha Vyas Approved by

Signature : Signature
(Concerned Faculty/HOD) (Dean)

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