Las Diass Week 1

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Dili, Gasan, Marinduque

Senior High School Department

SY 2021-2022


(First Quarter-Week 1)

Name: Score:
Grade/Strand/Section: Date:

Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Activity Title: Understanding Pure Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences
Learning Target/s: I can clarify the relationships between pure social sciences and applied
social sciences (HUMSS_DIASS12-Ia-1)
21st Century Skill/s: Critical thinking
Institutional Values: Critical thinking
Dela Cruz, A., Fernandez, C., Melegrito, M. L., & Valdez, V. (2016). Discipline and

Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Type of Activity: Concept Notes

Learning Concept

Defining Pure Social Sciences

Social sciences are vast fields of scientific study which investigate human societies and the
different forces within them. These diverse fields examine how people interact and develop their
culture. Social sciences are comprised of several disciplines, including history, political science,
sociology, psychology, economics, geography, demography, anthropology and linguistics.
 Humanities seeks to understand human reactions to events and the meanings impose on
experience as a function of culture, historical era and Life History.
 Natural Sciences aims to predict natural phenomena and its studies are based on
experimentally controlled existence.
 Social Sciences explore the historical, cultural, sociological, psychological, and the political
forces that shape the actions of individuals and their impact on society. The different
disciplines under social sciences all help us in providing better understanding and
appreciation of the complex issues that we face society. Take a look in the diagram below.





Figure 1. Social Sciences & Its Disciplines

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 1

In the field of Pure social sciences, we consider in the study the different disciplines as we
face the different issues we try to solve in the society. For example, the problem of poverty,
we consider these disciplines as to how they see the problem. How does it exist? And why
poverty continue to exist? In the field of Economics, perhaps you could say that it exists
because economically there is scarce resources and that goods and services are priced high
and some people cannot attend or meet these needs and also some are underemployed or
unemployed. People who study to solve social problems are called social scientist. In their
study, they solve these social problems systematically in a process called scientific method.

Defining the Applied Social Sciences

To trace the history of Applied Social Sciences, this began as a result of the reaction during
late 1990’s when the different disciplines of social sciences, the history, psychology, political
science, demography and others were seen as highly segmented or divided. Scholars argued
that these disciplines should work together to solve social problems. This approach of
working together, like combining the different disciplines in solving different social problems
became the focus of the applied social sciences.

--- Applied Social Sciences are those social science disciplines, professions and occupations
which seek to use basic social science research and theory to improve the daily life of
communities, organizations and persons.

--- It focuses on the use and application of the different concepts, theoretical models, theories
from Pure Social Sciences to help understand people and the society including the different
problems and issues it faces.

Applied Social Scientists can use his/her training in different work settings and use the
different theories in analyzing social problems and help to solve these.

Counseling Social

Disciplines in the
Applied Social


Figure 2. Applied Social Sciences & Its Disciplines

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 2

Learning Task
Directions: Accomplish the organizer below by writing five statements stating the similarities
and differences of Pure Social Sciences and Applied Social Sciences, then answer the
question that follows.

Pure Social Sciences VS Applied Social Sciences


1. 1.

2. 2.

3. 3.

4. 4.

5. 5.

1. How is Pure Social Sciences What is the relationship between pure social sciences and
applied social sciences? Explain in 3-4 sentences.

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 3

Dili, Gasan, Marinduque

Senior High School Department

SY 2021-2022


(First Quarter-Week 1)

Name: Score:
Grade/Strand/Section: Date:

Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Activity Title: Applied Social Sciences Discipline
Learning Target/s: I can cite differences among the applied social sciences discipline
21st Century Skill/s: Critical thinking
Institutional Values: Critical thinking
Dela Cruz, A., Fernandez, C., Melegrito, M. L., & Valdez, V. (2016). Discipline and

Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Type of Activity: Concept Notes

Learning Concept

The applied social sciences were used to provide possible approaches to the complex problems
of society

Disciplines of Applied Social Sciences

1. Counseling
As an application of the social sciences, counseling provides guidance, assistance and
support to individuals who are distracted by a range of problems in their lives. Professional
guidance is provided to the individual through counseling, and this is done through the
application of psychological methods such as the collection of case history data, personal
interviews and skills tests. Counseling may be provided by psychologists, life coaches, job
psychologists and personal development counselors.

2. Social Work
Another professional activity of the applied social sciences is the social work. Here,
practitioners or those who practice a certain work, help individuals and families to improve
their collective being. Through social work, professionals are supporting people, families,
associations and neighborhoods to strengthen their individual and mutual well-being.

3. Communication Studies
Provide adequate training for careers in the field of journalism and mass communication. If it
happened you see news in TV, those people who work to provide us information through any
media or means fall in this discipline. Good communication skills are also important in
counseling as well as in social work.

Remember that through the application of good journalism together with the correct
knowledge of the different disciplines in the social sciences, applied social scientists have
enough skills to be able to write, produce, report and deliver news accurately and creatively to
the viewing public.

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 4

Learning Task

A. Directions: Analyze the pictures below and identify what discipline of applied social sciences
they illustrate. Write your answer on the line provided.

Picture A Picture B Picture C

_____________________ _____________________ ________________________

B. Directions. Answer the following questions in three sentences.

1. What is counseling? Why do you think counseling is considered a discipline of the Applied
Social Sciences?

2. Why is social work considered as a discipline of the applied Social Sciences? How do social
workers help members of society?

3. Why are communication studies considered disciplines of the Applied Social Sciences?

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 5

Dili, Gasan, Marinduque

Senior High School Department

SY 2021-2022


(First Quarter-Week 1)

Name: Score:
Grade/Strand/Section: Date:

Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Activity Title: The Discipline of Counseling
Learning Target/s: I can explain counseling based from my own understanding of the concept
(Additional Competency)
21st Century Skill/s: Critical thinking
Institutional Values: Critical thinking
Dela Cruz, A., Fernandez, C., Melegrito, M. L., & Valdez, V. (2016). Discipline and

Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Type of Activity: Concept Notes

Learning Concept

Counseling is defined as essentially an art and a science in which you seek to weigh the
objective and subjective aspects of the counseling process. Counseling as an art is the subjective
dimension of advice. It maintains a flexible and creative process by which the counselor modifies
the approach in order to meet the growing needs of clients. It is also related to the act of giving
oneself and being compassionate in therapy processes.

Counseling as a science, on the other hand, is the objective dimension of the consultation
process. Counselors who are discerning and who acquire skills to formulate critical conclusions
and inferences (Nystul, 2003). The art and science of psychology means an intensification of the
Boulder Method scientist-practitioner paradigm (Myers, 2007).

In practical terms, therapy happens when a person who is in distress asks for support and
encourages another person to enter a kind of relationship with him / her. It is indicative of
someone seeking counseling requests for time and attention from a person who will listen, who
will allow him / her to speak and who will not condemn and criticize him / her. This type of
relationship is a formal aid in which a counselor-counselee relationship is established.

Informal aid is asking for formal assistance in some ways, such as the presence of good listening
skills, compassion, and caring capacity. However, there is a higher degree of confidentiality and
objectivity in the context of structured assistance. People trust that the counselor will uphold his
oath of allegiance as a licensed counselor and will abide by his Code of Ethics and Professional
Principles (Nystul, 2003). Counseling is a vital part of assisting not only in social work but also in
education. It is a process of helping a person seeking help. Counseling happens when you meet a
qualified specialist who has the expertise, experience, and orientation to provide the services
needed. A trained professional is a counselor who will accompany you – listen to you and help
you achieve your goals.

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 6

Based on the Guidance and Counseling Act of 2004, guidance and counseling is a profession that
involves the application of an "integrated approach to the development of a well-functioning
individual" through provision in accordance with its interests, needs and abilities.

Learning Task

Directions. Based on your own understanding of the concept, explain counseling in 3-4
sentences. Write your answer on the Note Box provided below.



Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 7

Dili, Gasan, Marinduque

Senior High School Department

SY 2021-2022


(First Quarter-Week 1)

Name: Score:
Grade/Strand/Section: Date:

Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Activity Title: The Discipline of Counseling
 Goals of Counseling
Learning Target/s: I can identify the goals of counseling (HUMSS12-Ia-4)
21st Century Skill/s: Critical thinking
Institutional Values: Critical thinking
Dela Cruz, A., Fernandez, C., Melegrito, M. L., & Valdez, V. (2016). Discipline and

Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Type of Activity: Concept Notes

Learning Concept

The goal setting is a key component of individual, group, organizational and community success.
Counseling, like any form of assistance, must be motivated by objectives. It will be more difficult to
achieve the desired target if you do not or are not conscious of the objectives. The primary
objective of counseling is to help people use their prevailing social skills and problem-solving skills
more functionally or to develop new survival and coping skills.

The comprehensive and broad therapy goals are as follows:

1. Development Goals – assist in meeting or advancing the client’s human growth and
development including social, personal, emotional, cognitive and physical wellness
2. Preventive Goals – helps the client avoid some undesired outcome
3. Enhancement Goals – enhance special skills and abilities
4. Remedial Goals – assisting client to overcome and treat an undesirable development
5. Exploratory Goals – examining options, testing of skills, trying new and different activities,
6. Reinforcement Goals – helps client in recognizing that what they are doing, thinking and
feeling is fine
7. Cognitive Goals – involves acquiring the basic foundation of learning and cognitive skills
8. Physiological Goals – involves acquiring the basic understanding and habits for good
9. Psychological Goals – aids in developing good social interaction skills, learning emotional
control and developing positive self-concept

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 8

There are also called the specific goals of Counseling which consists of insight-based problems
related to others, self-awareness, self-acceptance, self-actualization, liberation, problem-solving,
psychological education, cognitive improvement, behavioral change, structural change,
empowerment, reconciliation, and generativity.

Insight Understanding of the origins and development of emotional difficulties,
leading to an increased capacity to take rational control over feelings and
Relating with others Becoming better able to form and maintain meaningful and satisfying
relationships with other people: for example, within the family or workplace
Self-awareness Becoming more aware of thoughts and feelings that had been blocked off
or denied, or developing a more accurate sense of how self is perceived
by others
Self-acceptance The development of a positive attitude toward self, marked by an ability to
acknowledge areas of experience that had been the subject of self-
criticism and rejection
Self-actualization Moving in the direction of fulfilling potential or achieving an integration of
previously conflicting parts of self
Enlightenment Assisting the client to arrive at a higher state of spiritual awakening
Problem-Solving Finding a solution to a specific problem that the client had not been able to
resolve alone and acquiring a general competence in problem-solving
Psychological Enabling the client to acquire ideas and techniques with which to
Education understand and control behavior
Acquisition of Social Learning and mastering social and interpersonal skills such as
Skills maintenance of eye contact, turn-taking in conversations, assertiveness,
or anger control
Cognitive Change The modification or replacement of irrational beliefs or maladaptive
thought patterns associated with self-destructive behavior
Behavior Change The modification or replacement of maladaptive or self-destruct patterns
of behavior
Systematic Change Introducing change into the way in that social systems operate
Empowerment Working on skills, awareness and knowledge that will enable the client to
take control of his or her own life
Restitution Helping the client to make amends for previous destructive behavior
Inspiring in the person a desire and capacity to care for others and pass
Generativity on knowledge and to contribute to the collective good through political
engagement and community work

Learning Task

Directions. Identify the goals of Counseling best described by the following items. Write your
answers on the line before each number.

____________________1. Helping the client to make amends for previous destructive behavior
____________________2. Assisting the client to arrive at a higher state of spiritual awakening
____________________3. Enhance special skills and abilities
____________________4. Psychological goals
____________________5. Assisting client to overcome and treat an undesirable development
____________________6. Understand the origins and development of emotional difficulties
____________________7. Helps clients to recognize what they are doing

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 9

____________________8. Empowerment
____________________9. Finding solution to a problem
____________________10. Modification of irrational beliefs
____________________11. Examining options
____________________12. To satisfy relationships with other people
____________________13. To develop positive attitude toward self
____________________14. Acquiring cognitive skills
____________________15. To be engaged in the community

Dili, Gasan, Marinduque

Senior High School Department

SY 2021-2022


(First Quarter-Week 1)

Name: Score:
Grade/Strand/Section: Date:

Subject: Discipline and Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences

Activity Title: The Discipline of Counseling
 Scope of Counseling
Learning Target/s: I can identify the scope of counseling (HUMSS12-Ia-5)
21st Century Skill/s: Critical thinking
Institutional Values: Critical thinking
Dela Cruz, A., Fernandez, C., Melegrito, M. L., & Valdez, V. (2016). Discipline and

Ideas in the Applied Social Sciences. Quezon City: Phoenix Publishing House, Inc.
Type of Activity: Concept Notes

Learning Concept

Counseling is a specific term with diverse definitions and objectives. Counseling is important in
nearly every area of a person's life — cognitive, mental, economic, financial, psychological, and
others. It is also applied to individuals, families and groups.

1. Individual Counseling
Individual counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or treatment) is a process
through which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health clinician in a safe, caring, and
confidential environment. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and
behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that
they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work
toward desired change.

Individual counseling can help one deal with many personal topics in life such as:
 Adolescent identity concerns, teen-parent relationships, peer relationships
 Anxiety
 Anger management
 Children’s concerns within the family unit, sibling relationships, school experiences
 Depression
 Family of origin dynamics and issues

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 1 0

 Gender: identity, sexuality, homosexuality
 Grief and bereavement
 Relationships: personal and interpersonal dynamics
 Sexual abuse recovery
 Seniors: challenges, limitations, transitions
 Singles: single, newly single, single through divorce or being widowed
 Spirituality
 Stress management
 Workplace stress and relationships

2. Marriage Counseling
Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage
counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their
relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about
rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways.

Some couples seek marriage counseling to strengthen their partnership and gain a better
understanding of each other. Marriage counseling can also help couples who plan to get
married. Premarital counseling can help couples achieve a deeper understanding of each
other and iron out differences before marriage.

In other cases, couples seek marriage counseling to improve a troubled relationship. You can
use marriage counseling to help with many specific issues, including:

 Communication problems
 Sexual difficulties
 Conflicts about child rearing or blended families
 Substance abuse
 Anger
 Infidelity

3. Family Counseling
Family therapy or family counseling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific
issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be used to help a family through
a difficult period, a major transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in family

Here are some of the family issues and concerns:

 Financial issues
 Grief
 Substance abuse
 Behavioral issues and academic concerns in children and adolescents
 Mental health concerns
 Separation, divorce, or blended family adjustments
 Unexpected illness, death, or unemployment

In a nutshell, the goal of family therapy is to work together to heal any mental, emotional, or
psychological problems tearing your family apart.

Larissa M. Faustino (Subject Teacher) Page 1 1

To guide a family towards a healthy life, family therapists aim to aid people in
improving communication, solving family problems, understanding and handling family
situations, and creating a better functioning home environment.

Learning Task

A. Directions. Identify what scope of counseling best described by each statement. Write A if
it is Individual Counseling; B if Marriage Counseling, and C if Family Counseling.

_______1.Helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their
_______2. Allows individuals to explore their feelings
_______3. To heal any mental, emotional, or psychological problems tearing a family apart
_______4. Helps couples to improve their troubled relationship
_______5. Helps a person in dealing with many personal topics in life such as anxiety and

B. Directions. Identify which issues are present in your family structure. Family can also
include aunts, uncles, cousins, and grandparents. Check the ones that you feel
comfortable identifying and answer the follow up questions below.

In my Family there is…

Love Multiple family moves
Financial problems A bond/closeness
Substance abuse Bullying/harassment
Mental health concerns Support
Distance Arguing or fighting
Death and loss Absent parent
Communication problems Anger outbursts
Trauma Gambling problems
abuse fun

Follow up questions:
1. Among the issues and concerns within your family, what will you do to be able to solve
these? Will you consult for a formal or non-formal help? Explain your answer in 3

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