Multiple Choices: Directions: Read Each Item Carefully. Encircle The Letter of The Best Possible Answer

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Department of Education

Region IX, Zamboanga Peninsula

Division of Zamboanga City



Name:__________________ Year & Section: ___________ Date:______ Score: _____

Multiple Choices:
Directions: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the best possible answer.

1. What is the ability to express one’s freedom in any manner?

A. Freedom of Self C. Freedom of Information
B. Freedom of Choice D. Freedom of Expression
2. What is the act of making good judgement that allows a person to avoid risk?
A. Information B. Prudence C. Attention D. Freedom
3. Which of the following is not a legal form of freedom?
A. Freedom of Self C. Freedom of Information
B. Freedom of Choice D. freedom of Expression
4. Which among the following identifies freedom of choice?
A. Getting sick from a recent camping C. Watching videos over the internet
B. Reading a book D. Deciding between taking the exam or going to a party.
5. Which of the following statements affect prudence in exercising freedom of choice?
A. Using prudence avoids conversation C. Using prudence avoids stress
B. Using prudence avoids harm D. Using prudence prevents negative attitudes
6. Mary chose not to attend her Philosophy class. She decided to watch a movie with her friends instead.
What effect may this choice bring her?
A. Develop psychological disorder C. Develop guilt from her decision
B. Be punished by her mother D. Unable to understand the next Philo lesson
7. Henry is a wealthy man who owns hectares of land in the province. Upon his retirement, he decided to
spend his life living in his farm land. Near his property is a community of poor farmers with their
families. So Henry decided to help the farmers by allowing them to cultivate his huge farm land and
gave vegetable seeds and other crops to grow with the agreement that they will just give him thirty
percent (30%) share of its yield.
A. Sakop B. Utang C. Loob D. Kasarilihan
8. Jenny grew up to be not a sweet and respectful kind of daughter. When she invited her friends in their
house for a sleep over, her parents suddenly noticed a change in Jenny’s attitude. The time her friends
were in their home, she became so sweet and respectful to her parents.
A. Sakop B. Utang C. Pakitang Tao D. Kasarilihan
9. When Carlos was just 13 years old, his mother died and after a year his father left him all alone. Instead
of feeling sorry for his lost, he decided to work to support himself and for his education.
A. Sakop B. Utang C. Pakitang Tao D. Kasarilihan
10. After 10 years, Carlos who was left alone by his parents is now a registered nurse in the USA and
enjoying a good life.
A. Amor Propio B. Utang C. Pakitang Tao D. Kasarilihan
11. Dr. Heart Puso is a very known and dedicated cardiologist. She works in a well-known hospital in the
city weekdays (Monday-Friday). During weekends (Saturday and Sunday), she goes to her hometown
to attend to patients in her community for free.
A. Utang B. Loob C. Pakitang Tao D. Kasarilihan
12. Which is the sharing of subjective states by two or more individuals?
A. Subject B. Object C. Subjectivity D. Intersubjectivity
13. Who was the prominent 20th century philosopher who discussed the person-object relationship and
person relationship?
A. Edmond Husserl C. Martin Heidegger
B. Martin Buber D. Friedrich Nietzsche
14. Which is a relationship of mutual and reciprocal connection?
A. “I-Thou” B. “I-It “ C. shift from “I-Thou” to “I-It” D. None of these
15. Which is a relationship where only the “I” has a say in everything?
A. “I-Thou” B. “I-It “ C. shift from “I-Thou” to “I-It” D. None of these
16. How did Martin Buber present his philosophical theory that showed a particular quality of interaction?
A. Through a movie B. Through a story C. Through the dialogue D. Through the monologue

17. Which of the following enables us to experience another person’s emotions?

A. Sympathy B. Empathy C. Apathy D. Subjectivity
18. Which of the following is a feeling of pity or sorrow for someone else’s misfortune?
A. Apathy B. Empathy C. Sympathy D. Compassion
19. Who is the principal founder of phenomenology?
A. John Paul Sartre B. Martin Buber C. Martin Heidegger D. Edmond Husserl
20. Which of the following is the best example of intersubjectivity?
A. Faye has always loved dogs. Whenever she comes home from work, she would always bring some
left-over food to feed the hungry dogs on the street.
B. Mariel prefers to watch some movies in her room than chat with the friends.
C. Mark and Leo used to be good friends but their petty quarrel over money matters kept them apart.
D. All of the above


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