Stress Test Index
Stress Test Index
Stress Test Index
What Is It?
• The SEI is an 80-item, norm referenced, self-report
instrument designed to elicit children’s and adolescents’
perceptions of their personal traits and characteristics.
• The total raw score for the SEI and raw scores for the test’s
four scales are calculated on the Profile and Record Form.
• 1. Examiners must first determine the numerical values
associated with the responses marked in the Student Response
Booklet. Responses marked in squares have the following
values: Always True, Usually True, Usually False, Always False
• There are four
kinds of scores
associated with the
SEI. These include
raw scores,
percentile ranks,
standard scores,
and deviation
• Raw scores are the first
scores obtained on the SEI.
They are original numerical
values associated with the
test, obtained by tallying the
responses to each item.
Raw scores are especially
important because they are
the basic material from
which all of the normative
scores for the test are