Q3 REMEDIATION Final Edited 2

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Region I

Pangasinan Division II
Tayug National High School
Tayug, Pangasinan

Remediation Exam in Science 8 Quarter 3

S.Y 2021-2022

Name: __________________________ Section: __________ Score: ______

Direction: Write the letter of the correct answer in the space provided before each number.

_____1. In this state of matter, the molecules are closely packed together allowing the object to hold its shape.
A. gas B. liquid C. plasma D. solid
_____2. This state of matter can flow and change its shape to fit in whatever container it’s put in.
A. gas B. liquid C. plasma D. solid
_____3. What is the idea behind the particle nature of matter?
A. Matter can be differentiated through the naked eye.
B. Matter is made of particles that resemble the movement of waves.
C. Matter is made up of moving particles with spaces between them.
D. Matter is a collection of different interval units of random particles.
_____4. What happens to the air particles when you poke a balloon with a needle?
A. Sound is produced.
B. The balloon is produced.
C. Plastic balloon is torn apart.
D. Air particles in the balloon are released.
_____5. What happened to the particles of 500 ml of water combined with 500 ml of alcohol that add up to
only 970 ml of total liquid?
A. Measurements of the combined liquid are wrongly recorded.
B. Water particles evaporated with the alcohol particles.
C. Water particles fill in the spaces between the alcohol particles.
D. Liquid volume decreases because water particles are fixed in nature.
_____6. What makes matter change from one state to another?
A. energy B. mass C. reaction D. volume
_____7. A process when a block of ice is heated causes the solid to melt and turns into a liquid.
A. condensation B. evaporation C. freezing D. melting
_____8. What happens to the attractive forces of liquid particles when they are cooled?
A. The attractive forces of liquid particles stay the same.
B. The motion of the particles decreases as they lose energy.
C. The motion of the particles increases as they begin to move energetically.
D. None of these.
_____9. Which of the following BEST explains why an ice cube feels cold when we hold it?
A. Cold from the ice is penetrating our skin.
B. Heat flows from the ice cube into our hands.
C. Heat flows from our hands into the ice cube.
D. None of these.
_____10. When you place a pot of water on the stove and heat the water, you notice bubbles form throughout.
What phase change is the water undergoing?
A. boiling B. condensation C. evaporation D. sublimation
_____11. A student noticed frost was on the ground at 6:30 am but noticed it disappeared by 8:30 am. What phase
change was responsible for turning the frost into water vapor?
A. evaporation B. deposition C. melting D. sublimation
_____12. You accidentally spilled alcohol on the floor and it quickly disappeared, what phase change occurred?
A. evaporation B. condensation C. deposition D. sublimation
_____13. The beads of sweat on the outside of your cup come from the water vapor in the air. What phase change
did the water vapor have to undergo to become dew drops on the outside of your cup?
A. condensation B. deposition C. evaporation D. sublimation
_____14. According to the atomic theory, electrons are usually found:
A. In the atomic nucleus
B. Either in the nucleus or around it – electrons can be found anywhere in an atom
C. Outside the nucleus, yet very near it because they are attracted to the protons
D. Outside the nucleus and often far from it – most of an atom’s volume is its electron cloud
_____15. Which particles have approximately the same size and mass?
A. neutrons and electrons C. protons and neutrons
B. electrons and protons D. none of these
_____16. Changing the number of neutrons of an atom changes its:
A. charge B. element C. ion D. isotope
_____17. Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A. There are three subatomic particles: the proton, neutron, and electron.
B. Protons and neutrons are located in the nucleus while electrons can be found on orbits.
C. Proton has a positive charge, electron has a negative charge, and neutron has no charge.
D. All of the above
_____18. If Uranium’s atomic number is 92 and it has 10 neutrons, how many protons does it have?
A. 92 B. 86 C. 82 D. 102
_____19. If Aluminum has an atomic number of 13 and has 14 protons, what is its mass?
A. 32 B. 1 C. 27 D. 25
_____20. What makes isotopes of the same element different from each other?
A. The number of protons in their nucleus.
B. The number of neutrons in their nucleus.
C. The number of electrons they have.
D. None of the above
_____21. How would you determine the proton of a particular element with the use of a periodic table?
A. Find the atomic mass. C. Find the atomic radius.
B. Find the atomic number. D. Find the atomic weight.
_____22. Mendeleev and Meyer built the periodic table with elements arranged in horizontal row, from left to right,
in order of ____________________________.
A. increasing reactivity C. increasing atomic number
B. decreasing reactivity D. decreasing atomic number
_____23. It refers to the amount of energy required to remove an electron.
A. electronegativity C. metallic property
B. ionization energy D. nonmetallic property
_____24. Iron (Fe) is smaller than Hassium (Hs), primarily because?
A. iron has fewer neutrons C. iron has fewer orbits
B. iron has a smaller mass D. iron has a smaller atomic number
_____25. Electronegativity ____________ as you go down a column because the electrons are ___________
to/from the nucleus.
A. increases, closer C. increases, farther
B. decreases, closer D. decreases, farther
_____26. Atomic radius ____________ as you go across a period because ____________________________.
A. increases, there are more orbits
B. increases, the nucleus pulls less on the electrons
C. decreases, there are fewer orbits
D. decreases, the nucleus pulls more on the nucleus
_____27. Why does ionization energy decrease as you move down a group on the periodic table?
A. The electrons are farther from the nucleus making it easier to remove.
B. The electrons are farther from the nucleus making them more difficult to remove.
C. The electrons are closer to the nucleus making them more difficult to remove.
D. The electrons are closer to the nucleus making it easier to remove.
_____28. Why does fluorine have high ionization energy?
A. It has a low number of shells and a low number of protons.
B. It has a lower number of shells and a high number of protons.
C. It has a high number of shells and a low number of protons.
D. It has a high number of shells and a high number of protons.

For item number 29, refer to Figure 1.

_____29. The bar graph represents four elements and their respective ionization energies. Based on the organization
of the modern periodic table, how would these elements be found on the periodic table?

A. They are in the same period with W being furthest left.

B. They are in the same period with W being the furthest right.
C. They are in a diagonal line with W being at the bottom right.
D. They are in the same group with W being furthest to the bottom.

Figure 1
_____30. List the following elements in order of increasing ionization energy: Na, O, Mg, Ne, K
A. Ne, O, Mg, Na, K C. Mg, Na, O, K, Ne
B. K, Mg, Na, O, Ne D. K, Na, Mg, O, Ne

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Teacher I Master Teacher I Head Teacher VI, Science Principal IV

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