Unit-Iv Validationactivities

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Unit testing, Integration Testing, Function testing, system testing, and acceptance testing.
Regression testing: Progressives Vs regressive testing, Regression testability, Objectives
of regression testing, when regression testing done? Regression testing types, Regression
testing techniques.
In this chapter, we will discuss the details of all validation concepts. Once we have
verified every activity/stage in SDLC as shown in Fig. 7.1, the software or module built
up till this stage should also be validated. By validation, we mean that the module that has
been prepared till now is in conformance with the requirements which were set initially in
the SRS or user manual.
As shown in Fig. 7.1, every validation testing focuses on a particular SDLC phase and
thereby focuses on a particular class of errors. We can see a one-to-one correspondence
between development and testing processes. For example, the purpose of unit validation
testing is to find discrepancies between the developed module’s functionality and its
requirements and interfaces specified in the SRS. Similarly, the purpose of system
validation testing is to explore whether the product is consistent with its original
objectives. The advantage of this structure of validation testing is that it avoids redundant
testing and prevents one from overlooking large classes of errors.
Software validation is achieved through a series of black-box tests that demonstrate
conformity with requirements [7]. A test plan outlines the classes of tests to be conducted
and a test procedure defines specific test cases that will be used to demonstrate
conformity with requirements. Both the plan and procedure are designed to ensure that all
functional requirements are satisfied, all behavioural characteristics are achieved, all
performance requirements are attained, documentation is correct and human-engineered,
and other requirements are met.

Since unit is the smallest building block of the software system, it is the fi rst piece of system to
be validated. Before we validate the entire software, units or modules must be validated. Unit
testing is normally considered an adjunct to the coding step. However, it has been discussed that
testing with the code of a unit is called the verification step. Units must also be validated to
ensure that every unit of software has been built in the right manner in conformance with user
requirements. Unit tests ensure that the software meets at least a baseline level of functionality
prior to integration and system testing. While developing the software, if the developer detects
and removes the bug, it offers significant savings of time and costs. This type of testing is largely
based on black-box techniques.

Though software is divided into modules but a module is not an isolated entity. The module
under consideration might be getting some inputs from another module or the module is calling
some other module. It means that a module is not independent and cannot be tested in isolation.
While testing the module, all its interfaces must be simulated if the interfaced modules are not
ready at the time of testing the module under consideration. Discussed below are the types of
interface modules which must be simulated, if required, to test a module.


Suppose a module is to be tested, wherein some inputs are to be received from another module.
However, this module which passes inputs to the module to be tested is not ready and under
development. In such a situation, we need to simulate the inputs required in the module to be
tested. For this purpose, a main program is prepared, wherein the required inputs are either hard-
coded or entered by the user and passed on to the module under test. This module where the
required inputs for the module under test are simulated for the purpose of module or unit testing
is known as a driver module. The driver module may print or interpret the results produced by
the module under testing.

For example, see the design hierarchy of the modules, as shown in Fig. 7.2. Suppose module B is
under test. In the hierarchy, module A is a superordinate of module B. Suppose module A is not
ready and B has to be unit tested. In this case, module B needs inputs from module A. Therefore,
a driver module is needed which will simulate module A in the sense that it passes the required
inputs to module B and acts as a main program for module B in which its being called, as shown
in Fig. 7.3.
Therefore, it can be said that a test driver is supporting the code and data used to provide an
environment for testing a part of a system in isolation. In fact, it drives the unit being tested by
creating necessary ‘inputs’ required for the unit and then invokes the unit. A test driver may take
inputs in the following form and call the unit to be tested.

 It may hard-code the inputs as parameters of the calling unit. „

 It may take the inputs from the user. „
 It may read the inputs from a file.

Thus, a driver can be defined as a software module which is used to invoke a module under test
and provide test inputs, control and monitor execution, and report test results or most
simplistically a line of code that calls a method and passes a value to that method.

A test driver provides the following facilities to a unit to be tested: „

 Initializes the environment desired for testing. „

 Provides simulated inputs in the required format to the units to be tested.

Projects where commercial drivers are not available, specialized drivers need to be developed.
This happens mainly in defence projects where projects are developed for a special application.

Stubs The module under testing may also call some other module which is not ready at the time
of testing. Therefore, these modules need to be simulated for testing. In most cases, dummy
modules instead of actual modules, which are not ready, are prepared for these subordinate
modules. These dummy modules are called stubs.

Thus, a stub can be defined as a piece of software that works similar to a unit which is referenced
by the unit being tested, but it is much simpler than the actual unit. A stub works as a ‘stand-in’
for the subordinate unit and provides the minimum required behaviour for that unit.

For example, consider Fig. 7.2 again. Module B under test needs to call module D and module E.
But they are not ready. So there must be some skeletal structure in their place so that they act as
dummy modules in place of the actual modules. Therefore, stubs are designed for module D and
module E, as shown in Fig. 7.4.
Stubs have the following characteristics:
 Stub is a place holder for the actual module to be called. Therefore, it is not designed
with the functionalities performed by the actual module. It is a reduced implementation of
the actual module. „
 It does not perform any action of its own and returns to the calling unit (which is being
tested). „
 We may include a display instruction as a trace message in the body of stub. The idea is
that the module to be called is working fi ne by accepting the input parameters. „
 A constant or null must be returned from the body of stub to the calling module. „
 Stub may simulate exceptions or abnormal conditions, if required
Benefits of Designing Stubs and Drivers
The benefits of designing drivers and stubs (see Fig. 7. 5) is that a unit will work/ behave in the
simulated environment as in the actual software environment. Now a unit test case can be written
against the interface and the unit will still work properly once the drivers and stubs have been
placed correctly.
The benefits of designing stubs and drivers are:
 Stubs allow the programmer to call a method in the code being developed, even if the
method does not have the desired behavior yet. „
 By using stubs and drivers effectively, we can cut down our total debugging and testing
time by testing small parts of a program individually, helping us to narrow down
problems before they expand.
 Stubs and drivers can also be an effective tool for demonstrating progress in a business
environment. For example, if you are to implement four specific methods in a class by
the end of the week, you can insert stubs for any method and write a short driver program
so that you can demonstrate to your manager or client that the requirement has been met.
As you continue, you can replace the stubs and drivers with the real code to finish your

However, drivers and stubs represent overheads also. Overhead of designing them may increase
the time and cost of the entire software system. Therefore, they must be designed simple to keep
overheads low. Stubs and drivers are generally prepared by the developer of the module under
testing. Developers use them at the time of unit verification. But they can also be used by any
other person who is validating the unit.
Example 7.1
In the modular design of a software system where the system is composed of different modules,
integration is the activity of combining the modules together when all the modules have been
prepared. Integration of modules is according to the design of software specified earlier.
Integration aims at constructing a working software system. But a working software demands
full testing and thus, integration testing comes into the picture.
Why do we need integration testing? When all modules have been verified independently, then
why is integration testing necessary? As discussed earlier, modules are not standalone entities.
They are a part of a software system which comprises of many interfaces. Even if a single
interface is mismatched, many modules may be affected.

Thus, integration testing is necessary for the following reasons:

 Integration testing exposes inconsistency between the modules such as improper call or
return sequences. „
 Data can be lost across an interface. „
 One module when combined with another module may not give the desired result. „
 Data types and their valid ranges may mismatch between the modules.
Thus, integration testing focuses on bugs caused by interfacing between the modules while
integrating them. There are three approaches for integration testing, as shown in Fig. 7.6.


The idea for this type of integration is based on the decomposition of design into functional
components or modules. The functional decomposition is shown as a tree in Fig. 7.7. In the tree
designed for decomposition-based integration, the nodes represent the modules present in the
system and the links/edges between the two modules represent the calling sequence. The nodes
on the last level in the tree are leaf nodes.
In the tree structure shown in Fig. 7.7, module A is linked to three subordinate modules, B, C,
and D. It means that module A calls modules, B, C, and D. All integration testing methods in the
decomposition-based integration assume that all the modules have been unit tested in isolation.
Thus, with the decomposition-based integration, we want to test the interfaces among separately
tested modules.

Integration methods in decomposition-based integration depend on the methods on which the

activity of integration is based. One method of integrating is to integrate all the modules together
and then test it. Another method is to integrate the modules one by one and test them
incrementally. Based on these methods, integration testing methods are classified into two
categories: (a) non-incremental and (b) incremental.
Non-Incremental Integration
Testing In this type of testing, either all untested modules are combined together and then tested
or unit tested modules are combined together. It is also known as Big-Bang integration testing.
Big-Bang method cannot be adopted practically. This theory has been discarded due to the
following reasons:
1. Big-Bang requires more work. For example, consider the following hierarchy of a
software system.

According to the Big-Bang theory, if all unit tested modules are integrated in this
example, then for unit testing of all the modules independently, we require four drivers
and seven stubs. This count will grow according to the size of the system.
2. Actual modules are not interfaced directly until the end of the software system.
3. It will be difficult to localize the errors since the exact location of bugs cannot be
found easily.

Incremental Integration Testing

In this type, you start with one module and unit test it. Then combine the module which
has to be merged with it and perform test on both the modules. In this way, incrementally
keep on adding the modules and test the recent environment. Thus, an integrated tested
software system is achieved.
Incremental integration testing is benefi cial for the following reasons:
1. Incremental approach does not require many drivers and stubs.
2. Interfacing errors are uncovered earlier.
3. It is easy to localize the errors since modules are combined one by one. The fi rst
suspect is the recently added module. Thus, debugging becomes easy.
4. Incremental testing is a more thorough testing. Consider the example in Fig. 7.8. If we
are testing module 6, then although module 1 and 2 have been tested previously, they will
get the chance to be tested again and again. This gives the modules more exposure to the
probable bugs by the time the last module in the system is tested.
However, the two integration methods discussed above are sometimes not acceptable.
Incremental testing suffers from the problem of serially combining the methods
according to the design. But practically, sometimes it is not feasible in the sense that all
modules are not ready at the same time. Therefore, incremental testing cannot be adopted
in its pure form.

One method that may work is to borrow the good features of both the approaches.
According to the big-bang method, all modules should be unittested independently as
they are developed. In this way, there is parallelism. As soon as one module is ready, it
can be combined and tested again in the integrated environment according to the
incremental integration testing.

Types of Incremental Integration

Testing Design hierarchy of a software can be seen in a tree-like structure, as shown in
Fig. 7.8. In this tree-like structure, incremental integration can be done either from top to
bottom or bottom to top. Based on this strategy, incremental integration testing is divided
into two categories.
Top-down Integration Testing
The strategy in top-down integration is to look at the design hierarchy from top to
bottom. Start with the high-level modules and move downward through the design
hierarchy. Modules subordinate to the top module are integrated in the following two
Depth first integration
In this type, all modules on a major control path of the design hierarchy are integrated
first. In the example shown in Fig. 7.8, modules 1, 2, 6, 7/8 will be integrated first. Next,
modules 1, 3, 4/5 will be integrated.
Breadth first integration
In this type, all modules directly subordinate at each level, moving across the design
hierarchy horizontally, are integrated first. In the example shown in Fig. 7.8, modules 2
and 3 will be integrated first. Next, modules 6, 4, and 5 will be integrated. Modules 7 and
8 will be integrated last.
However, in practice, these two sequences of top-down integration cannot be used every
time. In general, there is no best sequence, but the following guidelines can be
1. In practice, the availability of modules matter the most. The module which is ready to
be integrated, will be integrated and tested first. We should not wait to test it according to
depth fi rst or breadth first sequence, but use the availability of modules.
2. If there are critical sections of the software, design the sequence such that these
sections will be added and tested as early as possible. A critical section might be a
complex module, a module with a new algorithm or a module suspected to be error
3. Design the sequence such that the I/O modules are added as early as possible so that all
interface errors will be detected earlier.
Top-Down Integration Procedure
The procedure for top-down integration process is discussed in the following steps:
1. Start with the top or initial module in the software. Substitute the stubs for all the
subordinate modules of top module. Test the top module.
2. After testing the top module, stubs are replaced one at a time with the actual modules
for integration.
3. Perform testing on this recent integrated environment.
4. Regression testing may be conducted to ensure that new errors have not appeared.
5. Repeat steps 2–4 for the whole design hierarchy
Listed below are the drawbacks of top-down integration testing.
1. Stubs must be prepared as required for testing one module.
2. Stubs are often more complicated than they first appear.
3. Before the I/O functions are added, the representation of test cases in stubs can be difficult.

Bottom-up Integration Testing

The bottom-up strategy begins with the terminal or modules at the lowest level in the software
structure. After testing these modules, they are integrated and tested moving from bottom to top
level. Since the processing required for modules subordinate to a given level is always available,
stubs are not required in this strategy.

Bottom-up integration can be considered as the opposite of top-down approach. Unlike top-down
strategy, this strategy does not require the architectural design of the system to be complete.
Thus, bottom-up integration can be performed at an early stage in the developmental process. It
may be used where the system reuses and modifi es components from other systems.

The steps in bottom-up integration are as follows:

1. Start with the lowest level modules in the design hierarchy. These are the modules from which
no other module is being called.
2. Look for the super-ordinate module which calls the module selected in step 1. Design the
driver module for this super-ordinate module.
3. Test the module selected in step 1 with the driver designed in step 2.
4. The next module to be tested is any module whose subordinate modules (the modules it calls)
have all been tested.
5. Repeat steps 2 to 5 and move up in the design hierarchy.
6. Whenever, the actual modules are available, replace stubs and drivers with the actual one and
test again.
This type of integration is useful for integrating object-oriented systems, real-time systems, and
systems with strict performance requirements. Bottomup integration has the disadvantage that
the software as a whole does not exist until the last module is added. It is also not an optimal
strategy for functionally decomposed systems, as it tests the most important subsystem last
Comparison between Top-Down and Bottom-Up Integration Testing
Table 7.1 provides a comparison between top-down and bottom-up integration testing techniques

Practical Approach for Integration Testing There is no single strategy adopted for industry
practice. For integrating the modules, one cannot rely on a single strategy. There are situations
depending on the project in hand which will force to integrate the modules by combining top-
down and bottom-up techniques. This combined approach is sometimes known as sandwich
integration testing.
Selection of an integration testing strategy depends on software characteristics and sometimes
project schedules. In general, sandwich testing strategy that uses top-down tests for upper levels
of the program structure with bottom-up tests for subordinate levels is the best compromise.
The practical approach for adopting sandwich testing is driven by the following factors:
There may be situations which force us to prioritize the modules to be integrated. Some of the
prioritizing guidelines [7] are given below:
 „ Integration should follow the lines of first putting together those subsystems that are of
great concern or with more important requirements. „
 This prioritization might dictate top-down integration if the module has a high level of
control on its subordinate modules. „
 The modules with more user interfaces should be tested first, as they are more error-
prone. „
 If the customer is anxious to see a running program early in the testing phase, then top-
down integration will help. „
 In another situation, the machine interface and performance might be of special interest.
Here, bottom-up integration would be dictated. With this approach, we stand better
chance of experiencing a high degree of concurrency during our integration. „
 The module whose cyclomatic complexity is high must be tested first.
In practice, the availability of modules matter the most. The module which is ready to be
integrated, will be integrated and tested fi rst. We should not wait according to top-down or
bottom-up sequence, but use the availability of modules. Different development schedules for
different modules of the system force us to integrate with available modules only

Pros and Cons of Decomposition-Based Integration

Decomposition-based integration techniques are better for monitoring the progress of integration
testing along the decomposition tree. If there is failure in this integration, the first suspect goes to
the recently added module, as the modules are integrated one by one either in top-down or
bottom-up sequence. Thus, debugging is easy in decomposition-based integration.
However, there is more effort required in this type of integration, as stubs and drivers are needed
for testing. Drivers are more complicated to design as compared to stubs. The integration testing
effort is computed as the number of test sessions. A test session is one set of test cases for a
specific configuration.
The total number of test sessions in a decomposition-based integration is computed as:
Number of test sessions = nodes – leaves + edges
It is assumed that integration testing detects bugs which are structural. However, it is also
important to detect some behavioural bugs. If we can refi ne the functional decomposition tree
into a form of module calling graph, then we are moving towards behavioural testing at the
integration level. This can be done with the help of a call graph, as given by Jorgensen [78].
A call graph is a directed graph, wherein the nodes are either modules or units, and a directed
edge from one node to another means one module has called another module. The call graph can
be captured in a matrix form which is known as the adjacency matrix. For example, see Fig. 7.9,
which is a call graph of a hypothetical program. The figure shows how one unit calls another. Its
adjacency matrix is shown in Fig. 7.10. This matrix may help the testers a lot.
The call graph shown in Fig. 7.9 can be used as a basis for integration testing. The idea behind
using a call graph for integration testing is to avoid the efforts made in developing the stubs and
drivers. If we know the calling sequence, and if we wait for the called or calling function, if not
ready, then call graph-based integration can be used.
There are two types of integration testing based on call graph which are discussed next.
Pair-wise Integration
If we consider only one pair of calling and called modules, then we can make a set of pairs for all
such modules, as shown in Fig. 7.11, for pairs 1–10 and 1–11. The resulting set will be the total
test sessions which will be equal to the sum of all edges in the call graph. For example, in the call
graph shown in Fig. 7.11, the number of test sessions is 19 which is equal to the number of edges
in the call graph.
Neighborhood Integration
There is not much reduction in the total number of test sessions in pair-wise integration as
compared to decomposition-based integration. If we consider the neighborhoods of a node in the
call graph, then the number of test sessions may reduce. The neighborhood for a node is the
immediate predecessor as well as the immediate successor nodes. The neighborhood of a node,
thus, can be defined as the set of nodes that are one edge away from the given node.
The neighborhood of each node in the call graph shown in Fig. 7.9 is shown in Table 7.2.

The total test sessions in neighborhood integration can be calculated as:

Neighborhoods = nodes – sink nodes = 20 – 10 = 10
Where sink node is an instruction in a module at which the execution terminates.


As we have discussed, in a call graph, when a module or unit executes, some path of source
instructions is executed (remember flow graph?). And it may be possible that in that path
execution, there may be a call to another unit. At that point, the control is transferred from the
calling unit to the called unit. This passing of control from one unit to another unit is necessary
for integration testing. Also, there should be information within the module regarding
instructions that call the module or return to the module. This must be tested at the time of
integration. It can be done with the help of path-based integration defined by Paul C. Jorgenson
[78]. We need to understand the following definitions for path-based integration.
Source node
It is an instruction in the module at which the execution starts or resumes. The nodes where the
control is being transferred after calling the module are also source nodes.
Sink node
It is an instruction in a module at which the execution terminates. The nodes from which the
control is transferred are also sink nodes.
Module execution path ( MEP)
It is a path consisting of a set of executable statements within a module like in a flow graph.
When the control from one unit is transferred to another unit, then the programming language
mechanism used to do this is known as a message. For example, when there is a function call,
then it is a message from one unit (where the call is mentioned; caller module) to another unit
(the unit which is being called).
It is a path consisting of MEPs and messages. The path shows the sequence of executable
statements; it also crosses the boundary of a unit when a message is followed to call another unit.
In other words, MM-path is a set of MEPs and transfer of control among different units in the
form of messages.
MM-path graph
It can be defined as an extended flow graph where nodes are MEPs and edges are messages. It
returns from the last called unit to the first unit where the call was made. In this graph, messages
are highlighted with thick lines.
Now let us see the concept of path-based integration with the help of one example. Fig. 7.12
shows the MM-path as a darken line. The details regarding the example units shown in Fig. 7.12
is given in Table 7.3
When an integrated system is tested, all its specified functions and external interfaces are tested
on the software. Every functionality of the system specified in the functions is tested according
to its external specifications. An external specification is a precise description of the software
behaviour from the viewpoint of the outside world (e.g. user). Kit [1] has defined function testing
as the process of attempting to detect discrepancies between the functional specifications of a
software and its actual behaviour.
Thus, the objective of function test is to measure the quality of the functional (business)
components of the system. Tests verify that the system behaves correctly from the user/business
perspective and functions according to the requirements, models, or any other design paradigm
used to specify the application. The function test must determine if each component or business
1. performs in accordance to the specifications,
2. responds correctly to all conditions that may present themselves by incoming
events/data, 3. moves data correctly from one business event to the next (including data
stores), and
4. is initiated in the order required to meet the business objectives of the system.
Function testing can be performed after unit and integration testing, or whenever the
development team thinks that the system has sufficient functionality to execute some tests. The
test cases are executed such that the execution of a given test case against the software will
exercise external functionality of certain parts. To keep a record of function testing, a function
coverage metric is used. Function coverage can be measured with a function coverage matrix. It
keeps track of those functions that exhibited the greatest number of errors. This information is
valuable because it tells us that these functions probably contain the preponderance of errors that
have not been detected yet.

An effective function test cycle must have a defined set of processes and deliverables. The
primary processes/deliverables for requirements based function test are discussed below.
Test planning
During planning, the test leader with assistance from the test team defi nes the scope, schedule,
and deliverables for the function test cycle. He delivers a test plan (document) and a test
schedule (work plan)—these often undergo several revisions during the testing cycle.
Partitioning/functional decomposition
Functional decomposition of a system (or partitioning) is the breakdown of a system into its
functional components or functional areas. Another group in the organization may take
responsibility for the functional decomposition (or model) of the system, but the testing
organization should still review this deliverable for completeness before accepting it into the test
organization. If the functional decompositions or partitions have not been defined or are deemed
insufficient, then the testing organization will have to take responsibility for creating and
maintaining the partitions.
Requirement definition
The testing organization needs specified requirements in the form of proper documents to
proceed with the function test. These requirements need to be itemized under an appropriate
functional partition. Test case design
A tester designs and implements a test case to validate that the product performs in accordance
with the requirements. These test cases need to be itemized under an appropriate functional
partition and mapped/ traced to the requirements being tested.
Traceability matrix formation
Test cases need to be traced/mapped back to the appropriate requirement. A function coverage
matrix is prepared. This matrix is a table, listing specific functions to be tested, the priority for
testing each function, and test cases that contain tests for each function. Once all the aspects of a
function have been tested by one or more test cases, then the test design activity for that function
can be considered complete. This approach gives a more accurate picture of the application when
coverage analysis is done. For example, in Table 7.4, function F2 test cases must be executed, as
its priority is highest; and through the function coverage matrix, we can track which functions
are being tested through which test cases.

Test case execution

As in all phases of testing, an appropriate set of test cases need to be executed and the results of
those test cases recorded. Which test cases are to be executed should be defined within the
context of the test plan and the current state of the application being tested. If the current state of
the application does not support the testing of one or more functions, then this testing should be
deferred until it justifies the expenditure of testing resources.


When all the modules have been integrated with the software system, then the software is
incorporated with other system elements (e.g. hardware, people, and information). This
integrated system needs to be validated now. But the system is not validated according to
functional specifications. System testing should not be misunderstood at this point. In function
testing, we have already validated all the requirement functionality. Thus, system testing is not a
process of testing the functions of a complete system or program.
System testing is the process of attempting to demonstrate that a program or system does not
meet its original requirements and objectives, as stated in the requirement specification.

System testing is actually a series of different tests to test the whole system on various grounds
where bugs have the probability to occur. The ground can be performance, security, maximum
load, etc. The integrated system is passed through various tests based on these grounds and
depending on the environment and type of project. After passing through these tests, the resulting
system is a system which is ready for acceptance testing which involves the user, as shown in
Fig. 7.14.

But it is difficult to test the system on various grounds, since there is no methodology for system
testing. One solution to this problem is to think from the perspective of the user and the problem
the user is trying to solve.
Unlike function testing, the external specifications cannot be used as the basis for deriving the
system test cases, since this would weaken the purpose of system testing. On the other hand, the
objectives document cannot be used by itself to formulate test cases, since it does not by
definition, contain precise
Descriptions of the program’s external interfaces. This dilemma is solved by using the program’s
user documentation. Design the system test by analysing the objectives; formulate test cases by
analysing the user documentation. This has a useful side-effect of comparing the program with
its objectives and the user documentation, as well as comparing the user documentation with the
objectives, as shown in Fig. 7.15.
It is obvious that the central purpose of system testing is to compare the system with its stated
objectives. However, there are no test case design methodologies. The reason for this is that
objectives state what a program should do and how well the program should do it, but they do
not state the representation of the program’s functions

Given the statement of objectives, there is no identifi able methodology that would yield a set of
test cases, other than the vague but useful guideline of writing test cases to attempt to show that
the system is inconsistent with each sentence in the objectives statement. Therefore, rather than
developing a system test methodology, distinct categories of system test cases are taken. Some of
the categories are discussed below.
Recovery Testing
Recovery is just like the exception handling feature of a programming language. It is the ability
of a system to restart operations after the integrity of the application has been lost. It reverts to a
point where the system was functioning correctly and then, reprocesses the transactions to the
point of failure.
Some software systems (e.g. operating system, database management systems, etc.) must
recover from programming errors, hardware failures, data errors, or any disaster in the system.
So the purpose of this type of system testing is to show that these recovery functions do not work
The main purpose of this test is to determine how good the developed software is when it faces a
disaster. Disaster can be anything from unplugging the system which is running the software
from power, network etc., also stopping the database, or crashing the developed software itself.
Thus, recovery testing is the activity of testing how well the software is able to recover from
crashes, hardware failures, and other similar problems. It is the forced failure of the software
in various ways to verify that the recovery is properly performed. Some examples of recovery
testing are given below:

 While the application is running, suddenly restart the computer and thereafter, check the
validity of application’s data integrity. „
 While the application receives data from the network, unplug the cable and plug-in after
awhile, and analyse the application’s ability to continue receiving data from that point,
when the network connection disappeared. „
 Restart the system while the browser has a definite number of sessions and after
rebooting, check that it is able to recover all of them.
Recovery tests would determine if the system can return to a well-known state, and that no
transactions have been compromised. Systems with automated recovery are designed for this
purpose. There can be provision of multiple CPUs and/or multiple instances of devices, and
mechanisms to detect the failure of a device. A ‘checkpoint’ system can also be put that
meticulously records transactions and system states periodically to preserve them in case of
failure. This information allows the system to return to a known state after the failure.
Beizer [49] proposes that testers should work on the following areas during recovery testing:

Restart If there is a failure and we want to recover and start again, then fi rst the current
system state and transaction states are discarded. Following the criteria of checkpoints as
discussed above, the most recent checkpoint record is retrieved and the system is initialized
to the states in the checkpoint record. Thus, by using checkpoints, a system can be recovered
and started again from a new state. Testers must ensure that all transactions have been
reconstructed correctly and that all devices are in proper states. The system now is in a
position to begin to process new transactions.
Recovery can also be done if there are standby components and in case of failure of one
component, the standby takes over the control. The ability of the system to switch to a new
component must be tested.
A good way to perform recovery testing is under maximum load. Maximum load would give
rise to transaction inaccuracies and the system would crash, resulting in defects and design
Security Testing
Safety and security issues are gaining importance due to the proliferation of commercial
applications on the Internet and the increasing concern about privacy. Security is a protection
system that is needed to assure the customers that their data will be protected. For example, if
Internet users feel that their personal data/information is not secure, the system loses its
accountability. Security may include controlling access to data, encrypting data in
communication, ensuring secrecy of stored data, auditing security events, etc. The effects of
security breaches could be extensive and can cause loss of information, corruption of
information, misinformation, privacy violations, denial of service, etc.
Types of Security Requirements While performing security testing, the following security
requirements must be considered:
 Security requirements should be associated with each functional requirement. Each
functional requirement, most likely, has a specific set of related security issues to be
addressed in the software implementation. For example, the log-on requirement in a
client-server system must specify the number of retries allowed, the action to be taken
if the log-on fails, and so on.
 In addition to security concerns that are directly related to particular requirements, a
software project has security issues that are global in nature, and are therefore, related
to the application’s architecture and overall implementation. For example, a Web
application may have a global requirement that all private customer data of any kind
is stored in encrypted form in the database. In another example, a system-wide
security requirement is to use SSL to encrypt the data sent between the client browser
and the Web server. Security testing team must verify that SSL is correctly used in all
such transmissions.
Security testing is the process of attempting to devise test cases to evaluate the adequacy
of protective procedures and countermeasures.
The problem with security testing is that security-related bugs are not as obvious as other
type of bugs. It may be possible that the security system has failed and caused the loss of
information without the knowledge of loss. Thus, the tester should perform security
testing with the goal to identify the bugs that are very difficult to identify.

Security vulnerabilities
Vulnerability is an error that an attacker can exploit. Security vulnerabilities are of the
following types:
 Bugs at the implementation level, such as local implementation errors or inter
procedural interface errors „
 Design-level mistakes
Design-level vulnerabilities are the hardest defect category to handle, but they are also
the most prevalent and critical. Unfortunately, ascertaining whether a program has
design-level vulnerabilities requires great expertise, which makes finding not only
difficult but particularly hard to automate. Examples of design-level security flaws
include problem in error-handling, unprotected data channels, incorrect or missing access
control mechanisms, and timing errors especially in multithreaded systems.

How to perform security testing

Testers must use a risk-based approach, grounded in both the system’s architectural
reality and the attacker’s mindset, to gauge software security adequately. By identifying
risks and potential loss associated with those risks in the system and creating tests driven
by those risks, the tester can properly focus on areas of code in which an attack is likely
to succeed. Therefore, risk analysis, especially at the design-level, can help us identify
potential security problems and their impacts. Once identified and ranked, software risks
can help guide software security testing.
Risk management and security testing
Software security practitioners perform many different tasks to manage software security
risks, including:
 Creating security abuse/misuse cases „
 Listing normative security requirements „
 Performing architectural risk analysis „
 Building risk-based security test plans „
 Wielding static analysis tools „
 Performing security tests
Three tasks, i.e. architectural risk analysis, risk-based security test planning, and security testing,
are closely linked because a critical aspect of security testing relies on probing security risks.
Based on design-level risk analysis and ranking of security related risks, security test plans are
prepared which guide the security testing.
Thus, security testing must necessarily involve two diverse approaches:
 Testing security mechanisms to ensure that their functionality is properly implemented „
 Performing risk-based security testing motivated by understanding and simulating the
attacker’s approach.
Elements of security testing The basic security concepts that need to be covered by security
testing are discussed below:
A security measure which protects against the disclosure of information to parties other than the
intended recipient.
Integrity A measure intended to allow the receiver to determine that the information which it
receives has not been altered in transit or by anyone other than the originator of the information.
Integrity schemes often use some of the same underlying technologies as confidentiality
schemes, but they usually involve adding additional information to a communication to form the
basis of an algorithmic check rather than encoding all the communication.
Authentication A measure designed to establish the validity of a transmission, message, or
originator. It allows the receiver to have confidence that the information it receives originates
from a specific known source.
Authorization It is the process of determining that a requester is allowed to receive a service or
perform an operation. Access control is an example of authorization.
Availability It assures that the information and communication services will be ready for use
when expected. Information must be kept available for authorized persons when they need it.
Non-repudiation A measure intended to prevent the later denial that an action happened, or a
communication took place, etc. In communication terms, this often involves the interchange of
authentication information combined with some form of provable timestamp.
Performance Testing Performance specifications (requirements) are documented in a
performance test plan. Ideally, this is done during the requirements development phase of any
system development project, prior to any design effort.
Performance specifications (requirements) should ask the following questions, at a minimum: „
 In detail, what is the performance test scope? What subsystems, interfaces, components,
etc. are in and out of the scope for this test? „
 For the user interfaces (UIs) involved, how many concurrent users are expected for each
(specify peak vs. nominal)? „
 What does the target system (hardware) look like (specify all server and network
appliance configurations)? „
 What are the time requirements for any/all backend batch processes (specify peak vs.
A system along with its functional requirements, must meet the quality requirements. One
example of quality requirement is performance level. The users may have objectives for a
software system in terms of memory use, response time, throughput, and delays. Thus,
performance testing is to test the run-time performance of the software on the basis of various
performance factors. Performance testing becomes important for real-time embedded systems, as
they demand critical performance requirements.
This testing requires that performance requirements must be clearly mentioned in the SRS and
system test plans. The important thing is that these requirements must be quantified. For
example, a requirement that the system should return a response to a query in a reasonable
amount of time is not an acceptable requirement; the time must be specified in a quantitative
way. In another example, for a Web application, you need to know at least two things: (a)
expected load in terms of concurrent users or HTTP connections and (b) acceptable response
Performance testing is often used as a part of the process of performance profile tuning. The goal
is to identify the ‘weakest links’—the system often carries a number of parts which, with a little
tweak, can significantly improve the overall performance of the system. It is sometimes difficult
to identify which parts of the system represent the critical paths. To help identify critical paths,
some test tools include (or have as add-ons) instrumentation agents that run on the server and
report transaction times, database access times, network overhead, and other server monitors.
Without such instrumentation, the use of primitive system tools may be required (e.g. Task
Manager in Microsoft Windows). Performance testing usually concludes that it is the software
(rather than the hardware) that contribute most to delays (bottlenecks) in data processing.
For performance testing, generally a generic set of sample data is created in the project and
because of time constraints, that data is used throughout development and functional testing.
However, these datasets tend to be unrealistic, with insufficient size and variation, which may
result in performance surprises when an actual customer, using much more data than contained
in the sample dataset, attempts to use the system. Therefore, it becomes necessary that testing
team must use production-size realistic databases that include a wide range of possible data
Using realistic-size databases provides the following benefits: „
 Since a large dataset may require significant disk space and processor power, it leads to
backup and recoverability concerns. „
 If data is transferred across a network, bandwidth may also be a consideration.
Thus, working with realistic datasets as early as possible will help bring these issues to the
surface while there is time and when it is more cost-effective to do something about them, rather
than after the software is already in production environment, when such issues can become very
costly to address in terms of both budget and schedule.
The following tasks must be done for this testing:
 Decide whether to use internal or external resources to perform tests, depending on in-
house expertise (or the lack of it). „
 Gather performance requirements (specifi cations) from users and/or business analysts. „
 Develop a high-level plan (or project charter), including requirements, resources,
timelines, and milestones. „
 Develop a detailed performance test plan (including detailed scenarios and test cases,
workloads, environment info, etc). „
 Choose test tool(s). „
 Specify test data needed. „
 Develop detailed performance test project plan, including all dependencies and associated
 Configure the test environment (ideally identical hardware to the production platform),
router configuration, deployment of server instrumentation, database test sets developed,
etc. „
 Execute tests, probably repeatedly (iteratively), in order to see whether any unaccounted
factor might affect the results.
Load Testing
Normally, we don’t test the system with its full load, i.e. with maximum values of all resources
in the system. The normal system testing takes into consideration only nominal values of the
resources. However, there is high probability that the system will fail when put under maximum
load. Therefore, it is important to test the system with all its limits. When a system is tested with
a load that causes it to allocate its resources in maximum amounts, it is called load testing.
The idea is to create an environment more demanding than the application would experience
under normal workloads.

When you are doing performance testing, it may not be possible that you are taking all
statistically representative loads for all the parameters in the system. For example, the system is
designed for n number of users, t number of transactions per user per unit time, with p unit time
response time, etc. Have you tested the performance of the system with all these representative
loads? If no, then load testing must be performed as a part of performance testing. Load is varied
from a minimum (zero) to the maximum level the system can sustain without running out of
resources. As the load is being increased, transactions may suffer (application-specific) excessive
delay. For example, when many users work simultaneously on a web server, the server responds
slow. In this way, through load testing, we are able to determine the maximum sustainable load
the system can handle.

Stress Testing
Stress testing is also a type of load testing, but the difference is that the system is put under loads
beyond the limits so that the system breaks. Thus, stress testing tries to break the system under
test by overwhelming its resources in order to fi nd the circumstances under which it will crash.

The areas that may be stressed in a system are:

 Input transactions
 Disk space
 Output
 Communications
 Interaction with users
Stress testing is important for real-time systems where unpredictable events may occur, resulting
in input loads that exceed the values described in the specification, and the system cannot afford
to fail due to maximum load on resources. Therefore, in real-time systems, the entire threshold
values and system limits must be noted carefully. Then, the system must be stress-tested on each
individual value.

Stress testing demands the amount of time it takes to prepare for the test and the amount of
resources consumed during the actual execution of the test. Therefore, stress testing cost must be
weighed against the risk of not identifying volume-related failures. For example, many of the
defense systems which are real-time in nature, demand the systems to perform continuously in
warfare conditions. Thus, for a real-time defense system, we must stress-test the system;
otherwise, there may be loss of equipment as well as life.
Usability Testing
This type of system testing is related to a system’s presentation rather than its functionality.
System testing can be performed to find human-factors or usability problems on the system. The
idea is to adapt the software to users’ actual work styles rather than forcing the users to adapt
according to the software. Thus, the goal of usability testing is to verify that intended users of the
system are able to interact properly with the system while having a positive and convenient
experience. Usability testing identifies discrepancies between the user interfaces of a product and
the human engineering requirements of its potential users
What the user wants or expects from the system can be determined using several ways as
proposed by Dustin [12]:
Area experts The usability problems or expectations can be best understood by the subject or
area experts who have worked for years in the same area. They analyse the system’s specifi c
requirements from the user’s perspective and provide valuable suggestions.
Group meetings Group meeting is an interesting idea to elicit usability requirements from the
user. These meetings result in potential customers’ comments on what they would like to see in
an interface. Surveys Surveys are another medium to interact with the user. It can also yield
valuable information about how potential customers would use a software product to accomplish
their tasks.
Analyse similar products We can also analyse the experiences in similar kinds of projects done
previously and use it in the current project. This study will also give us clues regarding usability
Usability characteristics against which testing is conducted are discussed below:
Ease of use
The users enter, navigate, and exit with relative ease. Each user interface must be tailored to the
intelligence, educational background, and environmental pressures of the end-user.
Interface steps
User interface steps should not be misleading. The steps should also not be very complex to
understand either
Response time The time taken in responding to the user should not be so high that the user is
frustrated or will move to some other option in the interface.

Help system A good user interface provides help to the user at every step. The help
documentation should not be redundant; it should be very precise and easily understood by every
user of the system. Error messages For every exception in the system, there must be an error
message in text form so that users can understand what has happened in the system. Error
messages should be clear and meaningful.
An effective tool in the development of a usable application is the user-interface prototype. This
kind of prototype allows interaction between potential users, requirements personnel, and
developers to determine the best approach to the system’s interface. Prototypes are far superior
because they are interactive and provide a more realistic preview of what the system will look

Compatibility/Conversion/Configuration Testing
Compatibility testing is to check the compatibility of a system being developed with different
operating system, hardware and software configuration available, etc. Many software systems
interact with multiple CPUs. Some software control real-time process and embedded software
interact with devices. In many cases, users require that the devices be interchangeable,
removable, or re-configurable. Very often the software will have a set of commands or menus
that allow users to make these configuration changes. Configuration testing allows
developers/testers to evaluate system performance and availability when hardware exchanges
and reconfigurations occur. The number of possible combinations for checking the
compatibilities of available hardware and software can be too high, making this type of testing a
complex job. Discussed below are some guidelines for compatibility testing [12].
Operating systems The specifications must state all the targeted end-user operating systems on
which the system being developed will be run.
Software/Hardware The product may need to operate with certain versions of Web browsers,
with hardware devices such as printers, or with other software’s such as virus scanners or word
processors. Conversion testing Compatibility may also extend to upgrades from previous
versions of the software. Therefore, in this case, the system must be upgraded properly and all
the data and information from the previous version should also be considered. It should be
specified whether the new system will be backward compatible with the previous version. Also,
if other user’s preferences or settings are to be preserved or not.
Ranking of possible configurations
Since there will be a large set of possible configurations and compatibility concerns, the testers
must rank the possible configurations in order, from the most to the least common, for the target
system. Identification of test cases Testers must identify appropriate test cases and data for
compatibility testing. It is usually not feasible to run the entire set of possible test cases on every
possible configuration, because this would take too much time. Therefore, it is necessary to
select the most representative set of test cases that confirms the application’s proper functioning
on a particular platform.
Updating the compatibility test cases The compatibility test cases must also be continually
updated with the following:
(i) Tech-support calls provide a good source of information for updating the compatibility
test suite.
(ii) A beta-test program can also provide a large set of data regarding real end-user
configurations and compatibility issues prior to the final release of a system.


Developers/testers must keep in mind that the software is being built to satisfy the user
requirements and no matter how elegant its design is, it will not be accepted by the users unless it
helps them achieve their goals as specified in the requirements. After the software has passed all
the system tests and defect repairs have been made, the customer/client must be involved in the
testing with proper planning. The purpose of acceptance testing is to give the enduser a chance to
provide the development team with feedback as to whether or not the software meets their needs.
Ultimately, it’s the user that needs to be satisfied with the application, not the testers, managers,
or contract writers.

Acceptance testing is one of the most important types of testing we can conduct on a product. It
is more important to worry whether users are happy about the way a program works rather than
whether or not the program passes a bunch of tests that were created by testers in an attempt to
validate the requirements, that an analyst did their best to capture and a programmer interpreted
based on their understanding of those requirements.
Thus, acceptance testing is the formal testing conducted to determine whether a software
system satisfies its acceptance criteria and to enable buyers to determine whether to accept the
system or not.
Acceptance testing must take place at the end of the development process. It consists of tests to
determine whether the developed system meets the predetermined functionality, performance,
quality, and interface criteria acceptable to the user. Therefore, the final acceptance
acknowledges that the entire software product adequately meets the customer’s requirements.
User acceptance testing is different from system testing. System testing is invariably performed
by the development team which includes developers and testers. User acceptance testing, on the
other hand, should be carried out by end-users.
Thus, acceptance testing is designed to: „
 Determine whether the software is fi t for the user. „
 Making users confident about the product. „
 Determine whether a software system satisfies its acceptance criteria. „
 Enable the buyer to determine whether to accept the system or not.
The final acceptance marks the completion of the entire development process. It happens when
the customer and the developer has no further problems.

Acceptance test might be supported by the testers. It is very important to define the acceptance
criteria with the buyer during various phases of SDLC. A well-defined acceptance plan will help
development teams to understand users’ needs. The acceptance test plan must be created or
reviewed by the customer. The development team and the customer should work together and
make sure that they:
 „ Identify interim and final products for acceptance, acceptance criteria, and schedule. „
 Plan how and by whom each acceptance activities will be performed. „
 Schedule adequate time for the customer to examine and review the product. „
 Prepare the acceptance plan. „
 Perform formal acceptance testing at delivery. „
 Make a decision based on the results of acceptance testing.
Entry Criteria „
 System testing is complete and defects identified are either fixed or documented. „
 Acceptance plan is prepared and resources have been identified. „
 Test environment for the acceptance testing is available.
Exit Criteria „
 Acceptance decision is made for the software. „
 In case of any warning, the development team is notified.
Types of Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is classified into the following two categories: „
Alpha Testing Tests are conducted at the development site by the end users. The test
environment can be controlled a little in this case. „
Beta Testing Tests are conducted at the customer site and the development team does not have
any control over the test environment.
Alpha is the test period during which the product is complete and usable in a test environment,
but not necessarily bug-free. It is the final chance to get verification from the customers that the
tradeoffs made in the final development stage are coherent.
Therefore, alpha testing is typically done for two reasons:
(i) to give confidence that the software is in a suitable state to be seen by the customers
(but not necessarily released).
(ii) to find bugs that may only be found under operational conditions. Any other major
defects or performance issues should be discovered in this stage.
Since alpha testing is performed at the development site, testers and users together perform this
testing. Therefore, the testing is in a controlled manner such that if any problem comes up, it can
be managed by the testing team.
Entry Criteria to Alpha „
 All features are complete/ testable (no urgent bugs). „
 High bugs on primary platforms are fixed/ verified. „
 50% of medium bugs on primary platforms are fixed/ verified. „
 All features have been tested on primary platforms. „
 Performance has been measured/compared with previous releases (user functions). „
 Usability testing and feedback (ongoing). „
 Alpha sites are ready for installation.
Exit Criteria from Alpha
After alpha testing, we must: „
 Get responses/feedbacks from customers. „
 Prepare a report of any serious bugs being noticed. „
 Notify bug-fixing issues to developers.
Once the alpha phase is complete, development enters the beta phase. Beta is the test period
during which the product should be complete and usable in a production environment. The
purpose of the beta ship and test period is to test the company’s ability to deliver and support the
product (and not to test the product itself). Beta also serves as a chance to get a final ‘vote of
confidence’ from a few customers to help validate our own belief that the product is now ready
for volume shipment to all customers.

Versions of the software, known as beta-versions, are released to a limited audience outside the
company. The software is released to groups of people so that further testing can ensure the
product has few or no bugs. Sometimes, beta-versions are made available to the open public to
increase the feedback field to a maximal number of future users.

Testing during the beta phase, informally called beta testing, is generally constrained to black-
box techniques, although a core of test engineers are likely to continue with white-box testing
parallel to beta tests. Thus, the term beta test can refer to a stage of the software—closer to
release than being ‘in alpha’—or it can refer to the particular group and process being done at
that stage. So a tester might be continuing to work in white-box testing while the software is ‘in
beta’ (a stage), but he or she would then not be a part of ‘the beta test’ (group/activity).
Entry Criteria to Beta „
 Positive responses from alpha sites. „
 Customer bugs in alpha testing have been addressed. „
 There are no fatal errors which can affect the functionality of the software. „
 Secondary platform compatibility testing is complete. „
 Regression testing corresponding to bug fixes has been done. „
 Beta sites are ready for installation.
Guidelines for Beta Testing „
 Don’t expect to release new builds to beta testers more than once every two weeks. „
 Don’t plan a beta with fewer than four releases. „
 If you add a feature, even a small one, during the beta process, the clock goes back to the
beginning of eight weeks and you need another 3–4 releases.
Exit Criteria from Beta
After beta testing, we must: „
 Get responses/feedbacks from the beta testers. „
 Prepare a report of all serious bugs. „
 Notify bug-fixing issues to developers.

Regression Testing
In Chapter 7, integration testing was discussed as one of the validation activity. However, when a
new module is added as a part of integration testing, the software changes. New data flow paths
are established, new I/O may occur, etc. These changes, due to addition of new modules, may
affect the functioning of earlier integrated modules which otherwise were functioning flawlessly.
Moreover, the software may also change whenever a new bug in the working system appears and
it needs some changes. The new modifications may affect other parts of the software too. It
means that whenever the software configuration changes, there is a probability of other modules
getting affected due to bug fixing. In this case, it becomes important to test the whole software
again with all the test cases so that a new modification in a certain part of the software does not
affect other parts of the software.


Whatever test case design methods or testing techniques, discussed until now, have been referred
to as progressive testing or development testing. From verification to validation, the testing
process progresses towards the release of the product. However, to maintain the software, bug
fixing may be required during any stage of development and therefore, there is a need to check
the software again to validate that there has been no adverse effect on the already working
software. A system under test ( SUT) is said to regress if
 „ a modifi ed component fails, or „
 a new component, when used with unchanged components, causes failures in the
unchanged components by generating side-effects or feature interactions.
Therefore, now the following versions will be there in the system:
Baseline version The version of a component (system) that has passed a test suite.
Delta version A changed version that has not passed a regression test.
Delta build An executable configuration of the SUT that contains all the delta and baseline
Thus, it can be said that most test cases begin as progressive test cases and eventually
become regression test cases. Regression testing is not another testing activity. Rather, it is
the re-execution of some or all of the already developed test cases.
The purpose of regression testing is to ensure that bug-fixes and new functionalities
introduced in a new version of the software do not adversely affect the correct functionality
inherited from the previous version. IEEE software glossary defines regression testing as
follows [44]:

Regression testing is the selective retesting of a system or component to verify that

modifications have not caused unintended effects and that the system or component still
complies with its specified requirements.

After a program has been modified, we must ensure that the modifications work correctly and
check that the unmodified parts of the program have not been adversely affected by these
modifications. It may be possible that small changes in one part of a program may have subtle
undesired effects on other unrelated modules of the software. It is not necessary that if you are
getting the desired outputs on the screen, then there is no problem. It may produce incorrect
outputs on other test cases on which the original software produced correct outputs earlier. Thus,
during regression testing, the modified software is executed on all tests to validate that it still
behaves the same as it did in the original software, except where a change is expected.
Thus, regression testing can be defined as the software maintenance task performed on a
modified program to instill confidence that changes are correct and have not adversely
affected the unchanged portions of the program.


As discussed before, regression testing is performed in case of bug-fixing or whenever there is a
need to incorporate any new requirements in the software. After the first release, whenever there
is a need to fix the bugs that have been reported or if there is any updation in the requirement
itself, the developer fixes the bug or incorporates the new requirement by changing the code
somewhere. This changed software requires to be fully tested again so as to ensure: (a) bug-
fixing has been carried out successfully, (b) the modifications have not affected other unchanged
modules, and (c) the new requirements have been incorporated correctly. (see Fig. 8.1). It means
that every time you make a change in the software for whatever reasons, you have to perform a
set of regression tests to validate the software. This process of executing the whole set of test
again and again may be time-consuming and frustrating, but it increases the quality of software.
Therefore, the creation, maintenance, and execution of a regression test suite helps to retain the
quality of the software. Industry experiences noted by On oma et al. [45] indicate that regression
testing often has a strong positive influence on software quality. Indeed, the importance of
regression testing is well-understood for the following reasons:
 „ It validates the parts of the software where changes occur. „
 It validates the parts of the software which may be affected by some changes, but
otherwise unrelated. „
 It ensures proper functioning of the software, as it was before changes occurred. „
 It enhances the quality of software, as it reduces the risk of high-risk bugs.


Regression testability refers to the property of a program, modification, or test suite that lets it be
effectively and efficiently regression-tested. Leung and White [47] classify a program as
regression testable if most single statement modifications to the program entail rerunning a small
proportion of the current test suite. Under this definition, regression testability is a function of
both the design of the program and the test suite.
To consider regression testability, a regression number is computed. It is the average number of
affected test cases in the test suite that are affected by any modification to a single instruction.
This number is computed using information about the test suite coverage of the program.
If regression testability is considered at an early stage of development, it can provide significant
savings in the cost of development and maintenance of the software.
It tests to check that the bug has been addressed The first objective in bugfix testing is to
check whether the bug-fixing has worked or not. Therefore, you run exactly the same test that
was executed when the problem was first found. If the program fails on this testing, it means the
bug has not been fixed correctly and there is no need to do any regression testing further.
If finds other related bugs
It may be possible that the developer has fixed only the symptoms of the reported bugs without
fixing the underlying bug. Moreover, there may be various ways to produce that bug. Therefore,
regression tests are necessary to validate that the system does not have any related bugs.
It tests to check the effect on other parts of the program
It may be possible that bug-fixing has unwanted consequences on other parts of a program.
Therefore, regression tests are necessary to check the influence of changes in one part on other
parts of the program.


Software Maintenance
Corrective maintenance Changes made to correct a system after a failure has been observed
(usually after general release).
Adaptive maintenance Changes made to achieve continuing compatibility with the target
environment or other systems.
Perfective maintenance Changes designed to improve or add capabilities.
Preventive maintenance Changes made to increase robustness, maintainability, portability, and
other features
Rapid Iterative Development The extreme programming approach requires that a test be
developed for each class and that this test be re-run every time the class changes.

First Step of Integration

Re-running accumulated test suites, as new components are added to successive test
configurations, builds the regression suite incrementally and reveals regression bugs.
Compatibility Assessment and Benchmarking
Some test suites are designed to be run on a wide range of platforms and applications to establish
conformance with a standard or to evaluate time and space performance. These test suites are
meant for regression testing, but not intended to reveal regression bugs.


Bug-Fix regression
This testing is performed after a bug has been reported and fixed. Its goal is to repeat the test
cases that expose the problem in the first place.
Side-Effect regression/Stability regression
It involves retesting a substantial part of the product. The goal is to prove that the change has no
detrimental effect on something that was earlier in order. It tests the overall integrity of the
program, not the success of software fixes.
Let us first define the notations used in regression testing before defining the regression test
P denotes a program or procedure,
P’ denotes a modified version of P,
S denotes the specification for program P,
S’ denotes the specification for program P ¢,
P(i) refer to the output of P on input i,
P (i)’ refer to the output of P ¢ on input i, and
T = {t1,….. tn} denotes a test suite or test set for P.


Regression testing is considered a problem, as the existing test suite with probable additional test
cases needs to be tested again and again whenever there is a modification.
The following difficulties occur in retesting: „
 Large systems can take a long time to retest. „
 It can be difficult and time-consuming to create the tests. „
 It can be difficult and time-consuming to evaluate the tests.
 Sometimes, it requires a person in the loop to create and evaluate the results. „
 Cost of testing can reduce resources available for software improvements.
Given a program P, its modified version P’, and a test set T that was used earlier to test P; find a
way to utilize T to gain sufficient confidence in the correctness of P’.


There are three different techniques for regression testing. They are discussed below.
Regression test selection technique
This technique attempt to reduce the time required to retest a modifi ed program by selecting
some subset of the existing test suite.
Test case prioritization technique
Regression test prioritization attempts to reorder a regression test suite so that those tests with
the highest priority, according to some established criteria, are executed earlier in the regression
testing process rather than those with lower priority. There are two types of prioritization:
a. General Test Case Prioritization For a given program P and test suite T, we prioritize
the test cases in T that will be useful over a succession of subsequent modified versions
of P, without any knowledge of the modified version.
b. Version-Specific Test Case Prioritization We prioritize the test cases in T, when P is
modifi ed to P ¢, with the knowledge of the changes made in P
Test suite reduction technique
It reduces testing costs by permanently eliminating redundant test cases from test suites in terms
of codes or functionalities exercised.
Software maintenance includes more than 60% of development costs. In that case, testing costs
dominate because many systems require labour-intensive manual testing. Selective retest
techniques attempt to reduce the cost of testing by identifying the portions of P ¢ that must be
exercised by the regression test suite. Selective retesting is distinctly different from a retest-all
approach that always executes every test in an existing regression test suite ( RTS). Thus, the
objective of selective retest technique is cost reduction. It is the process of selecting a subset of
the regression test suite that tests the changes.
Following are the characteristic features of the selective retest technique:
 It minimizes the resources required to regression test a new version. „
 It is achieved by minimizing the number of test cases applied to the new version. „
 It is needed because a regression test suite grows with each version, resulting in broken,
obsolete, uncontrollable, redundant test cases. „
 It analyses the relationship between the test cases and the software elements they cover. „
 It uses the information about changes to select test cases.

Rothermel and Harrold [50,51,52] have also characterized the typical steps taken by this
technique in the following manner (see Fig. 8.2):
1. Select T’ subset of T, a set of test cases to execute on P’.
2. Test P’ with T’, establishing correctness of P’ with respect to T’.
3. If necessary, create T ‘’, a set of new functional or structural test cases for P’.
4. Test P ¢ with T’’, establishing correctness of P’ with respect to T’’.
5. Create T’’’, a new test suite and test execution profile for P’, from T, T’, and T’’.

Each of these steps involves the following important problems:

Regression test selection problem Step 1 involves this problem. The problem is to select a
subset T’ of T with which P’ will be tested.
Coverage identification problem Step 3 addresses this problem. The problem is to identify
portions of P’ or its specifications that requires additional testing.
Test suite execution problem Steps 2 and 4 address the test suite execution problem. The
problem is to execute test suites efficiently and checking test results for correctness.
Test suite maintenance problem Step 5 addresses this problem. The problem is to update and
store test information.
Strategy for Test Case Selection
Effective testing requires strategies to trade-off between the two opposing needs of amplifying
testing thoroughness on one side (for which a high number of test cases would be desirable) and
reducing time and costs on the other (for which the fewer the test cases, the better). Given that
test resources are limited, how the test cases are selected is of crucial importance. Indeed, the
problem of test cases selection has been the largely dominating topic in software testing research
to the extent that in the literature ‘software testing’ is often taken as synonymous for ‘test case
selection’. A decision procedure for selecting the test cases is provided by a test criterion.
Selection Criteria Based on Code The motivation for code-based testing is that potential
failures can only be detected if the parts of code that can cause faults are executed. All the
codebased regression test selection techniques attempt to select a subset T ¢ of T that will be
helpful in establishing confidence that P ¢s functionality has been preserved where required. In
this sense, all code-based test selection techniques are concerned with locating tests in T that
expose faults in P ¢. The following tests are based on these criteria.
Fault-revealing test cases
A test case t detects a fault in P’ if it causes P’’ to fail. Hence t is fault-revealing for P’. There is
no effective procedure to find the tests in T that are fault-revealing for P ‘. Under certain
conditions, however, a regression test selection technique can select a superset of the tests in T
that are fault-revealing for P’. Under these conditions, such a technique omits no tests in T that
can reveal faults in P’.
Modification-revealing test cases A test case t is modification-revealing for P and P’ if and
only if it causes the outputs of P and P’ to differ.
Modification-traversing test cases A test case t is modification-traversing if and only if it
executes new or modified code in P’. These tests are useful to consider because a non-obsolete
test t in T can only be modification-revealing for P and P’ if it is modification-traversing for P
and P’.
Regression Test Selection Techniques
A variety of regression test selection techniques have been described in the research literature.
We consider the following selective retest techniques:
Minimization techniques
Minimization-based regression test selection techniques attempt to select minimal sets of test
cases from T that yield coverage of modified or affected portions of P. For example, the
technique of Fischer et al. [53] uses systems of linear equations to express relationships between
test cases and basic blocks (single-entry, single-exit, sequences of statements in a procedure).
The technique uses a 0-1 integer programming algorithm to identify a subset T’ of T that ensures
that every segment that is statically reachable from a modified segment is exercised by at least
one test case in T’ that exercises the modified segment.
Dataflow techniques
Dataflow coverage-based regression test selection techniques select test cases that exercise data
interactions that have been affected by modifications. For example, the technique of Harrold and
Soffa [54] requires that every definition-use pair that is deleted from P, new in P’, or modified
for P’, should be tested. The technique selects every test case in T that, when executed on P,
exercised, deleted, or modified definition-use pairs, or executed a statement containing a
modified predicate.
Safe techniques Most regression test selection techniques, minimization and dataflow
techniques among them, are not designed to be safe. Techniques that are not safe can fail to
select a test case that would have revealed a fault in the modified program. In contrast, when an
explicit set of safety conditions can be satisfied, safe regression test selection techniques
guarantee that the selected subset T’ contains all test cases in the original test suite T that can
reveal faults in P’.

For example, the technique of Rothermel and Harrold [55] uses controlfl ow graph
representations of P and P ¢ and test execution profiles gathered on P, to select every test case in
T that, when executed on P, exercised at least one statement that has been deleted from P, or that,
when executed on P’, will exercise at least one statement that is new or modified in P’ (when P is
executed, a statement that does not exist in P cannot be exercised).
Ad hoc/Random techniques
When time constraints prohibit the use of a retestall approach, but no test selection tool is
available, developers often select test cases based on ‘intuitions’ or loose associations of test
cases with functionality. Another simple approach is to randomly select a predetermined number
of test cases from T.
Retest-all technique The retest-all technique simply reuses all existing test cases. To test P ¢,
the technique effectively selects all test cases in T.
Evaluating Regression Test Selection Techniques
To choose a technique for practical application, Rothermel et al. [51] have recognized the
following categories for evaluating the regression test selection techniques:
Inclusiveness It measures the extent to which M chooses modificationrevealing test from T for
inclusion in T ¢, where M is a regression test selection technique.
Suppose, T contains n tests that are modification-revealing for P and P ¢, and suppose M selects
m of these tests. The inclusiveness of M relative to P and P ¢ and T is:
1. INCL(M ) = (100 ¥ (m/n)%, if n ≠ 0
2. INCL(M )% = 100%, if n = 0
For example, if T contains 100 tests of which 20 are modifi cation-revealing for P and P ¢, and
M selects 4 of these 20 tests, then M is 20% inclusive relative to P, P’, and T. If T contains no
modifi cation-revealing tests, then every test selection technique is 100% inclusive relative to P,
P’, and T. If for all P, P’, and T, M is 100% inclusive relative to P, P’, and T, then M is safe.
Precision It measures the extent to which M omits tests that are nonmodification-revealing.
Suppose T contains n tests that are non-modificationrevealing for P and P’, and suppose M omits
m of these tests. The precision of M relative to P, P’, and T is given by
Precision = 100 ¥ (m/n) % if n ≠ 0
Precision = 100 % if n = 0
For example, if T contains 50 tests of which 22 are non-modification-revealing for P and P ¢,
and M omits 11 of these 22 tests, then M is 50% precise relative to P, P’, and T. If T contains no
non-modification-revealing tests, then every test selection technique is 100% precise relative to
P, P’, and T.

Effi ciency
The effi ciency of regression test selection techniques is measured in terms of their space and
time requirements. Where time is concerned, a test selection technique is more economical than
the retest-all technique, if the cost of selecting T’ is less than the cost of running the tests in T–T
‘. Space effi ciency primarily depends on the test history and program analysis information a
technique must store. Thus, both space and time efficiency depends on the size of the test suite
that a technique selects, and on the computational cost of that technique.
The regression test prioritization approach is different as compared to selective retest techniques.
The prioritization methods order the execution of RTS with the intention that a fault is detected
earlier. In other words, regression test prioritization attempts to reorder a regression test suite so
that those tests with the highest priority, according to some established criterion, are executed
earlier in the regression testing process than those with a lower priority. By prioritizing the
execution of a regression test suite, these methods reveal important defects in a software system
earlier in the regression testing process.
This approach can be used along with the previous selective retest technique. The steps for this
approach are given below:
1. Select T’ from T, a set of test to execute on P’.
2. Produce T’p , a permutation of T’, such that T’p will have a better rate of fault detection than
3. Test P’ with T’p in order to establish the correctness of P’ with respect to T’p .
4. If necessary, create T’’, a set of new functional or structural tests for P’’.
5. Test P’ with T’’ in order to establish the correctness of P’ with respect to T’’.
6. Create T’’’, a new test suite for P’, from T, T’p , and T’’.

Step 1 allows the tester to select T ¢such that it is a proper subset of T or that it actually contains
every test that T contains. Furthermore, step 2 could produce T’p so that it contains an execution
ordering for the regression test that is the same or different than the order provided by T’. The
intention behind prioritizing the execution of a regression test suite is to ensure that the defects
normally introduced by competent programmers are discovered earlier in the testing process.

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