9709 - Teaching - Pack - 5 - 2 - Permutations and Combinations - v1

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Teaching Pack

5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Cambridge International AS & A Level
Mathematics 9709

Version 1
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Contents ............................................................................................................................................................ 3
Introduction ........................................................................................................................................................ 4
Lesson preparation ............................................................................................................................................ 5
Lesson 1: Arrangements ................................................................................................................................... 8
Lesson 2: More arrangements ......................................................................................................................... 11
Lesson 3: Permutations and combinations ..................................................................................................... 14
Planning your own lessons .............................................................................................................................. 17
Lesson reflection.............................................................................................................................................. 18
Worksheets and answers ................................................................................................................................ 19

Icons used in this pack:

Teacher preparation

Lesson plan

Lesson resource

Lesson reflection

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

This pack will help you to develop your learners’ skills in mathematical thinking and mathematical
communication, which are essential for success at AS & A Level and in further education.

Mathematical thinking and communication will be developed by

focusing on: These link to the course
1. Conceptual understanding – the ‘why’ behind the ‘what’ Assessment Objectives
2. Strategic competence – forming and solving problems (AOs) which you can find
3. Adaptive reasoning – explanations, justifications and in detail in the syllabus:
deductive reasoning
A01 Knowledge and
Throughout all activities, the learners will also develop:
• procedural fluency – know when, how and which rules to use A02 Application and
• positive disposition – believe maths can be learned, communication
applied and is useful
• their skills in writing mathematically – writing working & proofs

Each Teaching Pack contains one or more lesson plans and associated resources, complete with
a section of preparation and reflection.

Each lesson is designed to be an hour long but you should adjust the timings to suit the
lesson length available to you and the needs of your learners.

Important note
Our Teaching Packs have been written by classroom teachers to help you deliver
topics and skills that can be challenging. Use these materials to supplement your
teaching and engage your learners. You can also use them to help you create
lesson plans for other topics.

This content is designed to give you and your learners the chance to explore a more active way
of engaging with mathematics that encourages independent thinking and a deeper conceptual
understanding. It is not intended as specific practice for the examination papers.

The Teaching Packs are designed to provide you with some example lessons of how you might
deliver content. You should adapt them as appropriate for your learners and your centre. A single
pack will only contain at most five lessons, it will not cover a whole topic. You should use the
lesson plans and advice provided in this pack to help you plan the remaining lessons of the topic

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Lesson preparation
This Teaching Pack will cover the following syllabus content:

Candidate should be able to: Notes and examples

• understand the terms permutation and
combination, and solve simple problems
involving selection

• solve problems about arrangements of Questions may include cases such as people
objects in a line, including those involving sitting in two (or more) rows.
- repetition (e.g. the number of ways of Questions about objects arranged in a circle will
arranging the letters of the word not be included.
- restriction (e.g. the number of ways
several people can stand in a line if two
particular people must, or must not, stand
next to each other).

All bullet points for topic 5.2 are covered in this Teaching Pack. However, you should include a
fourth lesson to consolidate and use all the skills learners have acquired to practise examination
style questions. You will need to write your own lesson plan for this lesson.

Prior knowledge and skills

For all lessons, it is assumed that learners have already completed Cambridge IGCSETM
Mathematics 0580, or a course at an equivalent level. See the syllabus for more details of the
expected prior knowledge for taking Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709.

When planning any lesson, make a habit of always asking yourself the following questions about
your learners’ prior knowledge and skills:

• Do I need to re-teach this or do learners just need some practice?

• Is there an interesting activity that will efficiently achieve this?

Key learning objectives

The following list represents the main underlying concepts that you should make sure your learners
have understood by the end of this topic:

• The product rule for counting is used to find a number of arrangements

• The general rules for 𝑛𝑛P𝑟𝑟 and 𝑛𝑛C𝑟𝑟 apply when choosing r objects from n distinct objects
• When objects are chosen, they are selected and then may be arranged and so selections
are not ordered whereas arrangements are ordered.
• A permutation is a special case of an arrangement.
• A combination is a special case of a selection.

Why this topic matters

As well as being a topic that is assessed in its own right, the skills developed in this Teaching Pack
are used elsewhere in statistics, such as when solving probability problems, as well as in other
areas of maths.

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Key terminology and notation

Your learners will need to be confident with the following terminology and notation:

n – 1, n – 2 ... The value that is one less than n; the value that is 2 less than n ...

arrangement a selection of objects that is ordered

consonant the letters of the alphabet that are not vowels
distinct objects that are distinct are all different from each other
product the result of multiplying two or more numbers. For example, the
product of 5 × 4 × 3 = 60
repeat an object is repeated if it occurs more than once. For example, the word
ASSESS has 4 identical letters, S. In this word the letters are not all
different, some are repeated
repetition this happens when something is repeated. For example, when making
numbers using a set of digits, if repetition is allowed the digits may be
restriction this is a condition that must be taken into account when solving a
problem. For example, finding the number of arrangements of the letters of
the word HOPEFUL if the middle letter must be H. The restriction is that
the middle letter is H
separated this means ‘not together’. If 10 pupils stand in a line but the two oldest
pupils are separated, this means they are not together
selection a choice of objects that is not ordered
vowel the letters of the alphabet A, E, I, O, U

Insights video
There is an Insights video linked to this Teaching Pack:

• 5.2 Permutations and combinations – use this video before teaching Lesson 1, which
will look at arrangements, permutations and combinations and some of the challenges
learners face in solving these kind of problems.

Teacher tutorials
There are three tutorials linked to this Teaching Pack:

• Arrangements – Review this tutorial before teaching Lesson plan 1; this gives an overview
of the lesson and shows how to solve problems where objects need to be kept together.
• More arrangements – Review this tutorial before teaching Lesson plan 2; this gives an
overview of the lesson and shows how to solve problems where objects must not be next to
each other.
• Permutations and combinations – Review this tutorial before teaching Lesson plan 3; this
gives an overview of the lesson and shows how to solve a problem on selection of groups
for cars in a funfair ride.

Lesson progression
Lesson 1 covers an introduction to arrangements of distinct objects, part of the second bullet point
of the syllabus content. Lesson 2 builds on this understanding and develops further ideas involving
objects where some are repeated; it also considers more complex restrictions. Lesson 3 introduces

6 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

the ideas of permutations and combinations and simple problems on selection. Understanding the
product rule for counting (the multiplication rule for counting) in Lesson 1 allows learners to
develop a deeper understanding of the methodology needed to solve problems on arrangements in
Lesson 2 and leads into permutations and combinations in Lesson 3.

Going forward
This topic links with the binomial distribution in section 5.4 Discrete random variable and section
1.6 Series. The topic also supports applications at a higher level such as Number Theory and
Group Theory.

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Lesson 1: Arrangements
Preparation • Review the Teacher tutorial Introduction to arrangements
• Read Worksheet C: Arrangements investigation teacher notes
• Make sets of cards A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J for investigation
• Review Lesson slides Arrangements

Resources • Paper, Mini whiteboards or other writing materials

• Worksheet A: Arrangements investigation task 1
• Worksheet B: Arrangements investigation task 2
• Worksheet C: Arrangements investigation teacher notes
• Lesson slides Arrangements
• Worksheet D: Home study Lesson 1

Learning By the end of the lesson:

objectives • all learners should be able to solve problems about the
arrangement of distinct objects in a line
• most learners should be able to solve problems about the
arrangement of distinct objects in a line when simple restrictions are
• some learners should be able to solve problems about the
arrangement of distinct objects in rows

Common misconceptions
An example way to resolve the
Misconception Problems this can cause
That, when counting, as If learners believe this then The arrangements investigation included
there are, for example, they will not be able to in this lesson guides learners in their
6 ways to fill this successfully solve problems understanding of the product principle for
position AND 5 ways to counting.
fill the next position,
there are 6 + 5 ways to
fill both positions

Timings Activity
Lesson slides Arrangements (slides 2-8)
The quiz builds on the area of listing outcomes. All learners should be familiar with this
from IGCSE.

A box starts to be drawn as the slide is opened and takes 30 seconds to complete.
Either discuss after each slide or discuss at the end of the quiz:
• ‘Here, the number of outcomes or ways is found by listing.
• How efficient is it to list outcomes if all you need to know is the number of
• Is there a better way?’

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Timings Activity
Do not start to discuss the product rule for counting at this stage, but it is useful to point
out the number of outcomes of each object or the number of ways each ‘position’ can
be filled. This should help learners to make connections in the investigation that
If any learners are using efficient methods already at this stage and are not writing up
full lists or listing at all, ask them to explain to the rest of the class how they worked out
their answers.

Assessment for learning opportunities arise through this Question and Answer process.

Left-click at the end of each slide in order to move to the next slide. The next slide will
then start automatically.

Main lesson
Worksheet A: Arrangements investigation task 1 or
Worksheet B: Arrangements investigation task 2
Use Worksheet C: Arrangements investigation teacher notes

This is a small group/pairs activity which introduces the idea of advanced counting
methods, building on the discussion which should have arisen from the starter activity.

Support: Task 1 is more specific and is to be used for learners who need some

Challenge: Task 2 is more general and is to be used for learners who are more

The two tasks have some questions in common.

Split learners into small groups by ability and give Task 1 or Task 2 as appropriate.

Summary of investigation using Lesson slides Arrangements (slides 9-15).

Either: groups present findings to the class and use the PowerPoint to sum up
or: hold a class discussion using the PowerPoint as a ‘collective’ tool and share all

Lesson slides Arrangements (slides 16 to 22)

Work through these examples with the whole class. Many points arise for discussion.
Each slide has a possible dialogue suggested and some discussion points are
indicated. The PowerPoint should be used as a Question & Answer session, with
learners contributing to their own learning. Allow learners time to think of answers
before they are checked on screen.

Worksheet D: Independent study Lesson 1 can be used to support learners (in this
case also give them the model answers) or as homework.

Challenge: More algebraic questions could be given. Learners could also be

challenged by more complicated arrangement questions. There is a great deal of
past paper material to support this.

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Timings Activity

Support: For learners who need more support it will be important not to move
through the basics too quickly. Give more numerical examples. Give more
examples with small numbers of objects so that learners can list them and be
confident in their calculations. Although listing outcomes should not generally be
encouraged, it is a good starting point and should help weaker learners build their

How many 5-digit numbers are multiples of 5?
Your learners should now be able to answer this question. Ask for volunteers to give an
answer and explain how they found it to the rest of the class. Check to see if the rest of
the class agrees.

Reflection Reflect on your lesson; use the Lesson reflection notes to help
How were your timings?
Did you keep to your

Did learners engage with

the investigation task?

What could be done to

improve upon it?

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Lesson 2: More arrangements

Preparation • Review the Teacher tutorial More arrangements
• Prepare a statement and envelope for the Plenary activity

Resources • Paper, Mini whiteboards or other writing materials

• Worksheet E: You are the teacher: mark this work
• Lesson slides More arrangements
• Worksheet F: More arrangements – practice questions
• Worksheet G: Home study Lesson 2

Learning By the end of the lesson:

objectives • all learners should be able to solve simple problems involving
repetition and simple restrictions
• most learners should be able to solve problems involving repetition
and restrictions such as people who must or must not stand
• some learners should be able to solve more challenging problems
involving rows and multiple restrictions

Learners need to know the meaning of the factorial notation, the product rule for counting and have
already studied an introduction to arrangements.

Timings Activity
Worksheet E: You are the teacher: mark this work
Lesson slides More arrangements (slides 2-4)
In this activity, learners (working in pairs) mark a sample of work to identify errors. This
makes them think more actively about what is acceptable and about the rubric on the
front of the exam paper, and allows you to assess how well they have understood the
topic so far.

Learners find the errors in the work presented and explain what is wrong. They must
decide the number of marks to award and make 3 comments praising the work and set
1 target for improvement.

Use slides 2, to give instructions to the class.

Use slides 3-4 as a basis for discussion once the 5 minutes is over.

Main lesson
Arranging objects that are not all different
Lesson slides More arrangements (slides 5-11)
Question & Answer session with the whole class using slides 5 – 11. Where discussion
points arise, allow time for learners to think, answer and discuss. (This will deepen
learning.) Slide 12 introduces Worksheet F.

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Timings Activity
Worksheet F: More arrangements – practice questions
Learners work in pairs or small groups on Practice question 1; ask a group of learners
to present their solution to the class, or they hand in their work for later marking.

More restrictions
Lesson slides More arrangements (slides 13-18)
Question & Answer session with the whole class using slides 13 – 18. Where
discussion points arise, allow time for learners to think, answer and discuss.

Worksheet F: More arrangements – practice questions

Learners work in pairs or small groups on Practice questions 2 - 3; ask a group of
learners to present their solution to the class.

Worksheet G: Independent study Lesson 2

This can be used to support learners (in this case also give them the model answers)
or as homework.

Challenge: Some extension questions are given in Worksheet F: Practice

Questions 1 _ 2. It is essential that learners experience many contexts that need
interpretation. This is not rote learning.

Support: More practice of the simple skills and encouraging learners to draw
diagrams if possible should help a great deal. It will be important to teach learners
in English. Learners who are struggling will benefit from more practice using simple
contexts and restrictions.

Read my mind!
Write the statement

‘ For n!, n must be a positive integer’

on a piece of paper and place it in an envelope.

Tell your learners that you have written a statement about n! and put it in the envelope.
They can have 3 guesses at what you have written. If they do not succeed, you win, if
they guess in 3 tries or less, they win.

This simple activity recaps the basics of the factorial notation which is essential to this
topic. The responses made by learners can be written down on the board or on a flip
chart (a learner could do this for you).

Examples of what they may say:

n! is the number of ways n objects can be arranged
n! is n(n – 1)(n – 2)(n – 3)...... 3 × 2 × 1
n! is a product
If n is 3, n! is 3 × 2 × 1

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Reflection Reflect on your lesson; use the Lesson reflection notes to help
Did your learners engage
with the presentation?
Did you allow them
enough time to think
before prompting them?
Did you ask them open-
ended questions or closed
questions with single

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Lesson 3: Permutations and combinations

Preparation • Review the Teacher tutorial Permutations and combinations
• Prepare cards for Worksheet I: Arrangements or selections sorting

Resources • Paper, Mini whiteboards or other writing materials

• Worksheet H: Connections
• Lesson slides Permutations and combinations
• Worksheet I: Arrangements or selections sorting activity
• Worksheet J: Permutations and combinations practice questions

Learning By the end of the lesson:

objectives • all learners should understand the terms permutation and
combination, and recognise a situation that represents either of
• most learners should know the difference between an arrangement
and a selection and apply them to solve simple problems choosing r
objects from n distinct objects
• some learners should be able to solve simple problems choosing r
objects from n objects that are not all distinct

Learners need to know the meaning of the factorial notation, the product rule for counting and have
already studied the material in Lessons 1 and 2.

Common misconceptions
An example way to resolve the
Misconception Problems this can cause
When asked to If learners believe this then Connecting the words ‘arrangement’ and
‘Find the number of they will not be able to ‘permutation’ will come naturally through
different selections...’ successfully solve problems the development of ideas in Lessons 1
and 2. Connecting the words ‘selection’
learners find the and ‘combination’ will be an extension of
number of different those ideas.
Learners should practise looking for and
using these keywords in as many
contexts as possible so that they have a
more natural understanding of the

Timings Activity
Worksheet H: Connections
A simple recap where learners connect a question to its answer. Questions are all
based on arrangements of r objects from n. This is preparation for the work on

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Timings Activity
permutations which is to follow.

The sheets can be printed out for each learner to link the Question and Answer by
joining them with lines or arrows. Alternatively, the sheets can be made into cards to be
shared between small groups.

Allow 5 minutes for the matching to be done. When the time is up, select different
learners to explain each link. Allow time for other learners to ask questions to clear up
any misunderstandings.

Main lesson
Lesson slides Permutations and Combinations (slides 2 – 7)
Build on the ideas used in the starter activity and help learners to develop the general
rule for 𝑛𝑛P𝑟𝑟 by considering a numerical example. Learners will need to be confident that
this rule is generally applicable without necessarily looking at the algebraic factorials.
Once this has been established, the general rule for 𝑛𝑛C𝑟𝑟 is developed, again using a
specific example, and by understanding the difference between an arrangement and a

Worksheet I: Permutations and combinations sorting activity

Learners work in small groups in this simple activity to focus on the possible language
they will meet when answering questions requiring a permutation or a combination of
objects, before they have to concern themselves with the actual mathematics of doing

It is vital to give learners as much opportunity as possible to identify the difference

between an arrangement of objects and a simple selection of objects. Allow 5 minutes
for the sorting and 5 minutes to discuss the results afterwards. Support can be given
with the prompt asking which links to arrangements.

Lesson slides Permutations and Combinations (slides 8 – 14)

These 3 worked examples should be a good basis from which your learners can
develop their problem-solving skills using permutations and combinations.

Challenge: Example 4 (slides 15-16) could be used as a challenge for more able
learners or as a start for the next lesson.

Worksheet J: Permutations and combinations practice questions

Working in small groups, learners practise the skills they have just acquired. The ability
to discuss each question with their peers will be very important in developing
understanding in this topic. Learners who have a deeper understanding perform better
when assessed as they are more easily able to apply their skills.
Some learners will prefer to answer some of the permutations questions using
arrangements, as they have to this point. That is fine and it is useful to know the
relationship and understand that the process is the same.

The practice questions can be completed at home if necessary. Questions 13 to 15 are

combinations where the items are not different. These could be used for extending

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Timings Activity
more able learners or as a starting point for Lesson 4.

Challenge: Very able learners may be able to develop the rules for 𝑛𝑛P𝑟𝑟 and 𝑛𝑛C𝑟𝑟
algebraically and should be able to work on permutation and combination problems
that require multiple skills more quickly. Ask learners to explain why 0! = 1.

Support: Weaker learners may need to focus on understanding and applying the
basic skills more comprehensively before moving on to more challenging material.
Try to use as many simple contexts and examples as possible to help support the
language skills and logic skills needed.
Three key points
Instruction to learners:

Write down 3 key points that you have learned in today’s lesson.

Learners will write down some common points but many will vary. Make a list; all the
important points from the lesson should arise, generated by the learners.

Reflection Reflect on your lesson; use the Lesson reflection notes to help
How effective was the
starter at focusing
attention on
Did learners benefit from
the sorting activity?
Was the timing correct for
the sorting activity or
should it be used as a

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Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Planning your own lessons

You now need to plan a lesson to practise all the advanced counting skills that your learners have
acquired in the first three lessons.

Follow the structure of the Teaching Pack, and use techniques from the ‘How to’ guides, to create
your own engaging lessons to do this. Consider what preparation you need for this lesson: what
prior knowledge is needed, what are the key objectives, what are the dependencies, what common
misconceptions are there, and so on.

Below, we have provided an outline of some activities and approaches you might like to try.

Lesson 4: Solving problems about arrangements and selections

Common misconceptions: This should have been covered in prior lessons
Starter: You could try a quick true/false quiz, using a PowerPoint to see if your learners can
identify whether a problem could be solved using arrangements, permutations or combinations
Main: You could use past paper questions and create your own bank of questions, graded in level
of difficulty. You should allow group working so that learners can discuss the most efficient method
of solution. You could try peer marking/presentation of solutions as part of the process.
Plenary: You could try an ordering task. Give your learners a question and the steps of the answer
that have been cut into strips. Ask your learners to order the solution (can be done in teams or as a

You will find some other activity suggestions in the Scheme of Work.

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Lesson reflection
As soon as possible after the lesson you need to think about how well it went.

One of the key questions you should always ask yourself is:

Did all learners get to the point where they can access the next lesson? If not, what will I do?

Reflection is important so that you can plan your next lesson appropriately. If any misconceptions
arose or any underlying concepts were missed, you might want to use this information to inform
any adjustments you should make to the next lesson.

It is also helpful to reflect on your lesson for the next time you teach the same topic. If the timing
was wrong or the activities did not fully occupy the learners this time, you might want to change
some parts of the lesson next time. There is no need to re-plan a successful lesson every year, but
it is always good to learn from experience and to incorporate improvements next time.

To help you reflect on your lesson, answer the most relevant questions below.

Were the lesson objectives realistic?

What did the learners learn today? Or did they learn what was intended? Why not?
What proportion of the time did we spend on the most important topics?
Were there any common misconceptions?
What do I need to address next lesson?
What was the learning atmosphere like?
Did my planned differentiation work well?
How could I have helped the lowest achieving learners to do more?
How could I have stretched the highest achieving learners even more?
Did I stick to timings?
What changes did I make from my plan and why?

Summary evaluation
What two things went really well? (Consider both teaching and learning.)

What two things would have improved the lesson? (Consider both teaching and learning.)

What have I learned from this lesson about the class or individuals that will inform my next lesson?

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Worksheets and answers

Worksheet Answers

For use with Lesson 1:

A: Arrangements investigation task 1 20-21 34-35

B: Arrangements investigation task 2 22-23 36-37

C: Arrangements investigation: teacher notes 24

D: Independent study lesson 1 25 39-39

For use with Lesson 2:

E: You are the teacher: mark this work 26

F: More arrangements – practice questions 27-28 40-41

G: Independent study lesson 2 29 42-44

For use with Lesson 3:

H: Connections 30 45

I: Permutations and combinations sorting activity 31 46

J: Permutations and combinations practice questions 32-33 47-49

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Worksheet A: Arrangements investigation task 1

Complete this task with your group. You have 20 minutes and will need to present your findings at
the end.

Q1 Each letter can be used once only.

(a) Complete the table to show the number of arrangements of the letters given.

Letters Possible arrangements Number of Number of

letters arrangements

D D 1 1

CD CD, DC 2 2


(b) By listing only the arrangements that start with A and using the results for 3 letters, find
the number of possible arrangements of these 4 letters.


(c) Show how you found your answer.



(d) Complete each of these statements with a number.

The number of arrangements with 4 letters is ............................ times the number of

arrangements with 3 letters.

The number of arrangements with 5 letters is ............................ times the number of

arrangements with 4 letters.

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Worksheet A: Arrangements investigation task 1

(e) Complete this statement.

There are ................................. arrangements of the 10 letters ABCDEFGHIJ

when each letter can be used once only.

(f) Show how you found your answer.



Q2 In how many different ways can the eight characters

6 7 8 9 ) ( * &

be arranged to make an 8-character pattern when

(a) each character can be used once only



(b) each character can be repeated?



Q3 You do not have to evaluate your expressions in this question.

Halima is arranging 50 different characters to make a 50-character

pattern. You do not have to write

all the missing terms of
(a) Write an expression for the number of ways the expression, just the
Halima can do this when each character can be first 3 and the last 3.
repeated. Simplify your answer.

50 × _____ × _____ × _____ × ...... ...... × _____ × _____ × _____ = _____

(b) Write an expression for the number of ways Halima can do this when each character can
be used once only.

50 × _____ × _____ × _____ × ...... ...... × _____ × _____ × _____ = _____

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Worksheet B: Arrangements investigation task 2

Complete this task with your group. You have 20 minutes and will need to present your findings at
the end.

Q1 In this question, each letter can be used once only.

(a) Complete the table to show the number of arrangements of the letters given.

Letters Possible arrangements Number of Number of

letters arrangements

A A 1 1

AB AB, BA 2 2


(b) By listing only the arrangements that start with A and using the results for 3 letters, find
the number of possible arrangements of these 4 letters.


(c) Show how you found your answer.



(d) Complete each of these statements with numbers.

The number of arrangements with 4 letters is ............................ times the number of

arrangements with ......................... letters.

The number of arrangements with 5 letters is ............................ times the number of

arrangements with ......................... letters

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Worksheet B: Arrangements investigation task 2

(e) Complete this statement.

There are ................................. arrangements of the 10 letters ABCDEFGHIJ

when each letter is used exactly once.

(f) Show how you found your answer.



Q2 In how many different ways can the 8 characters

6 7 8 9 ) ( * &

be arranged to make an 8-character pattern when

(a) each character can be used once only



(b) each character can be repeated?



Q3 Complete the following expressions for the number of different ways n different characters can
be arranged to make a pattern that is n characters long when

You cannot write all the

missing terms of the
(a) each character can be repeated expression, so just write
the first 3 and the last 3.

n × ____ × ____ × ____ × ...... ...... × ____× ____ × ____ = ____

(b) each character can be used once only.

n × ____ × ____ × ____ × ...... ...... × ____× ____ × ____ = ____

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 23

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet C: Arrangements investigation teacher notes

The aim of this investigation is to develop logical thinking and allow learners to understand the
basis of the product rule for counting in the context of arranging objects.

This is built upon in the Lesson slides Arrangements. It addresses the common error of adding
values when values should be multiplied and is, therefore, worth spending the extra time on as this
underpins all the work that follows.

Make sets of 10 cards with the letters ABCDEFGHIJ on them as some learners will benefit from
being able to physically move the cards about.

Task 1 is more specific and is to be used for learners who need some support.

Task 2 is more general and is to be used for learners who are more able.

The two tasks have some questions in common.

Learners should be split into small groups by ability and given Task 1 or Task 2 as appropriate.

Q1 Initially, learners concentrate on arranging a whole set of different objects with no repetition.

Q2 Learners think about arranging a small set of different objects with and without repetition.

Q3 Learners think about arranging a large set of different objects with and without repetition in
Task 1. In Task 2 learners find algebraic expressions for arranging n objects.

During the task, move around the class and observe. If learners need to be prompted, some
possible questions to ask are:

• Can you connect the number of arrangements to the number of letters?

• How many different starting letters are there?
• How many numbers will there be in your list?
• How can you write that in a neater way?
• Can you explain why you did that?
• What is your strategy for getting started here?
• How did you work out your answer?
• Do you think this rule will always work?
• What difference has the option to repeat a character made to your answer?
• Is that expression easy to write down? Why not?

When learners have had enough time to complete the tasks (about 20 mins):
• either have a class discussion to discuss the findings (and then possibly use the
Arrangements investigation summary PowerPoint to bring all the results together)
• or use the Arrangements investigation summary as part of a class Question and Answer
session to bring all the results together.

The summary is important as all learners need to discuss all the answers to both tasks, and should
last about 10 minutes.

24 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet D: Independent study lesson 1


1 Find how many different numbers can be made by arranging all 8 digits of the number
24 571 983 if

(i) there are no restrictions

(ii) the number made is an even number.

2 Find the number of different ways the 6 letters of the word PLANED can be arranged if:

(i) the first letter is A and the last letter is E

(ii) the letters L, A and N are next to each other.

3 Here are 7 cards.

1 9 2 5 4 3 7
These cards are placed in a line to make a 7-digit number.
How many of these 7-digit numbers:

(i) have the even digits together

(ii) have both the first number and the last number even.

4 Find the number of arrangements that can be made using all 10 letters of the word

(i) there are no restrictions

(ii) there are exactly 6 letters between the T and the R.

5 A town hall has seats for 20 people, consisting of 4 rows with 5 seats in each row.
When Anya, Bob, Kim, Tomas and Lee arrive at the town hall, all the seats are empty.

(i) How many possible arrangements are there of seating Anya, Bob, Kim,
Tomas and Lee if there are no restrictions?

(ii) How many possible arrangements are there of seating Anya, Bob, Kim, Tomas and
Lee if Bob, Kim and Tomas sit together in the back row and the other two sit together in
one of the other rows?

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 25

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet E: You are the teacher: mark this work

Find the errors in the work presented and explain what is wrong. Decide the number of marks to
award and make 3 comments praising the work and set 1 target for improvement.

15 pop groups apply to star in a show. Sasha chooses 5 of these pop groups to appear on
the show.

(i) Sasha makes a list to show the order in which they will sing on the show.
How many different lists can she make? [2]

(ii) Of the original 15 pop groups, 10 have a drummer and 5 have no drummer.
Find the number of lists in which
the first group has no drummer,
the second group has a drummer,
the third group has no drummer,
the fourth group has a drummer and
the fifth group has no drummer. [2]

Mark scheme

(i) 15 × 14 × 13 × 12 × 11 1 mark
Correct answer 360 360 1 mark

(ii) Multiplies 5 relevant numbers e.g. 5 × 10 × 4 × 9 × 3 1 mark

Correct answer 5400 1 mark

26 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet F: More arrangements – practice questions

Practice questions 1
In the English language, the letters A, E, I, O, U are vowels.
All other letters are consonants.

1 Find the number of ways all 8 letters of the word AVOCADOS can be arranged if:

(i) there are no restrictions

(ii) the first letter is O and the last letter is O

(iii) all the Os are together.

2 Find the number of different ways the 10 letters of the word BREADBOARD can be
arranged in a line if:

(i) there are no restrictions

(ii) all the vowels are next to each other.

3 Find the number of ways the 11 letters of the word MISSISSIPPI can be arranged

(i) if all the letters I are together

(ii) if M is at one end and a P is at the other end.

Extension questions

4 Find the number of ways in which all 9 letters of the word AMARANTHS
can be arranged in each of the following cases:

(i) the N, T and H are together

(ii) the letter M is in the middle and each end is occupied by one of the other

5 Five fair tetrahedral dice, marked 1, 2, 3, 4 are rolled.

They are then placed in a line.

Find the number of possible arrangements where the

difference between the score on the first dice and the last dice
in the line is 2.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 27

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet F: More arrangements – practice questions

Practice questions 2

1 Find the number of different ways that 6 different black cows and 4 different white cows can
stand in a line if:

(i) all 6 black cows are next to each other

(ii) no white cow is next to another white cow.

2 A quiz team consists of 1 girl and 5 boys. In how many different ways can the team
members be arranged in a line if the girl is not at either end?

3 Find the number of different ways of arranging all nine letters of the word

(i) there are no restrictions

(ii) no vowel is next to another vowel.

4 A cycle rack has space for 10 cycles, arranged in a line. On one day, there are 3 different
cycles stored in randomly chosen positions and 7 empty spaces.

(i) Find the number of possible arrangements of the 3 cycles in the rack.

(ii) Find the number of arrangements where the 3 cycles are not next to each

Extension question

5 The diagram shows the 15 passenger seats in a bus.

Back Front

Eight people get on the bus, Mr and Mrs Brown, Mr and Mrs Green, 3 students and a

(i) How many possible seating arrangements are there for the 8 people?

(ii) The 3 students sit in the back row. The policeman sits in a single seat. Mr and Mrs
Brown sit in the two seats directly in front of the students. Mr and Mrs Green sit next to
each other. How many possible seating arrangements are there?

28 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet G: Independent study lesson 2

More arrangements

1 Find the number of ways all 9 letters of the word FOOTSTOOL can be arranged if:

(i) there are no restrictions

(ii) the first letter is T and the last letter is S

(iii) all the Os are together.

2 The 11 letters of the word ACCELERATED are arranged in a line.

(i) Find the number of different arrangements if there are no restrictions.

(ii) Find the number of different arrangements which start and finish with the letter C.

(iii) Find the number of different arrangements which do not have all 5 vowels
(A, E, E, A, E) next to each other.

3 A team of 5 men and 3 women stand in a line. Find the number of ways this can be done if
none of the women stand next to each other.

4 Numbers are made using some or all of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4.

No digit is used more than once.

(i) Show that there are 12 different, even, 3-digit numbers.

(ii) Find the total number of even numbers that can be made.

5 In the English language, the letters A, E, I, O, U are vowels. All other letters are

Find the number of ways all 10 letters of the word ADVERTISER can be arranged so that

(i) the vowels are together and the consonants are together

(ii) the Es are not next to each other.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 29

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet H: Connections

Connect each question to its answer.

How many different 4-digit even

numbers can be formed using 4 of
the 6 digits 5 × 4 × 3 = 60
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
if no digit is used more than once?

How many different 4-digit

numbers can be formed using 4 of
the 6 digits 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 = 6720
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
if no digit is used more than once?

Five empty chairs are arranged in

a row.
3 boys are to be seated in this row. 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360
How many possible seating
arrangements are there?

A 1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize

and 4th prize are to be awarded to
4 different members of a group of 8 5 × 4 × 3 × 3 = 180
people. In how many ways can this
be done?

A woman has 8 different trees.

5 of these trees are to be planted
in a line. 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 = 1680
How many possible arrangements
are there?

30 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet I: Permutations and combinations sorting

In your group:
• Cut out the cards.
• Sort the cards into two piles: Permutations and Combinations
• At the end of the activity, you will be asked to share your findings and compile a
master list with the rest of the class.

The number of 5-character passwords The number of ways a captain and

that can be made from a list of 10 vice-captain can be chosen from a
different characters. squad of 12 sportsmen.

The number of ways a committee of

The number of hands of 7 randomly-
3 senior and 3 junior students can be
chosen cards that can be dealt to one
selected from a group of 10 senior and
player in a card game.
8 junior students.

The number of teams of 3 people that The number of ways 5 out of 7

can be selected from a group of 12 paintings can be arranged in a line on a
people. wall.

5 comedians are chosen from a list of

The number of ways 2 boys and 1 girl
12 to star in a show. The names of the
can be chosen from a group of 5 boys
comedians are written on a list. How
and 6 girls.
many different possible lists are there?

A selection of 3 letters from the word

The number of ways 3 of the 8 runners
PEARL is made. How many different
in a race can finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
selections are possible?

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 31

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet J: Permutations and combinations practice

1 Find the number of different selections of 5 letters from the 10 letters of the word

2 A college minibus has 12 passenger seats. How many possible seating arrangements are
there for 8 passengers?

3 A class of 25 students has 17 boys and 8 girls. The teacher is to select 2 students for a
prize. Find the number of selections which have at least one boy.

4 The head girl and deputy-head girl of a school are to be chosen from a list of 5 girls and the
head boy and deputy-head boy are to be chosen from a list of 6 boys. In how many
different ways can this be done?

5 In an exam, candidates must answer 8 questions. They must select at least 3 from the 5
questions in section A and at least 4 from 7 questions in section B.
Find the number of selections a candidate can make.

6 3 girls and 4 boys wish to sit in a row of 10 seats.

The 3 girls sit in the seats on the left and the 4 boys sit on the right.
How many possible seating arrangements are there?

7 Find how many numbers between 3000 and 4000 can be formed using the digits
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 if

(a) digits are allowed to be repeated

(b) digits must not be repeated.

8 Anil and Banhi have 33 new music tracks:

• 18 are rock
• 9 are pop
• 6 are metal.

(a) From these tracks, Anil makes a selection of 4 rock, 4 pop and 2 metal. How many
different possible selections can he make?

(b) Banhi makes a playlist using 8 of the 18 rock tracks. How many different possible
playlists can she make?

9 Find the number of ways of choosing a quiz team of 5 players from 6 men and 8 women if:

(a) there are more women than men in the team

(b) 3 of the men are brothers and are either all in the team or all not in the team.

32 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet J: Permutations and combinations practice

questions continued
10 Terry has 10 books, including one book of poetry. He chooses 3 of these books to take with
him on a trip.

(a) In how many ways can he choose 3 of his books?

(b) How many of these choices will not include the book of poetry?

11 A committee of 3 people, a chairperson, secretary and treasurer, are to be chosen from the
30 members of a gardening club.

Find the number of ways this can be done if:

(a) there are no restrictions

(b) one of the members, Abu, refuses to be on the committee if another member, Nikki,
is on the committee.

12 An art gallery is planning to display 12 paintings in a line along a wall.

• 2 paintings are by Adam (A).
• 2 paintings are by Basu (B).
• 3 paintings are by Chen (C).
• 4 paintings are by De Witt (D).
• 1 painting is by Easterlefa (E).

(a) Find the number of possible arrangements of these 12 paintings.

(b) 4 of the 12 paintings are to be sold at an auction. Exactly one of the paintings must be
by Basu and exactly one must be by Chen.
Find the number of ways in which these 4 paintings can be selected.

13 Three letters from the 9 letters of the word FOOTSTOOL are selected.

(a) Find the number of selections which contain no Os and exactly one T.

(b) Find the number of selections which contain no Os.

14 Four letters from the 11 letters of the word ACCELERATED are chosen.

Find the number of different selections which contain no Cs and no As and at least 2 Es.

15 Four letters are selected from the 10 letters of the word ADVERTISER.

Find the number of different selections if the four letters must contain the same number of
Es and Rs with at least one of each.

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 33

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet A: Answers

Q1 In this question, each letter can be used once only.

(a) Complete the table to show the number of arrangements of the letters given.

Letters Possible arrangements Number of letters Number of


D D 1 1

CD CD, DC 2 2


(b) By listing only the arrangements that start with A and using the results for 3 letters, find
the number of possible arrangements of these 4 letters.

ABCD 4 24

(c) Show how you found your answer.

4 × 6 = 24


(d) Complete each of these statements with a number.

The number of arrangements with 4 letters is ............................ times the number of
arrangements with 3 letters.

The number of arrangements with 5 letters is ............................ times the number of
arrangements with 4 letters

(e) Complete this statement.

There are ................................. arrangements of the 10 letters ABCDEFGHIJ
when each letter can be used once only.

34 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet A: Answers continued

(f) Show how you found your answer.

10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1


Q2 In how many different ways can the eight characters

6 7 8 9 ) ( * &

be arranged to make an 8-character pattern when

(a) each character can be used once only

8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 40320


(b) each character can be repeated?

8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 = 88 = 16777216


Q3 You do not have to evaluate your expressions in this question.

Halima is arranging 50 different characters to make a 50-character

pattern. You do not have to write
all the missing terms of the
(a) Write an expression for the number of ways expression, just the first 3
Halima can do this when each character can be and the last 3.
repeated. Simplify your answer.

50 × 50 × 50 × 50 × ...... ...... × 50 × 50 × 50 = 5050

(b) Write an expression for the number of ways Halima can do this when each character can be
used once only.

50 × 49 × 48 × 47 × ...... ...... × 3 × 2 × 1 = 50!

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 35

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet B: Answers
Q1 In this question, each letter can be used once only.

(a) Complete the table to show the number of arrangements of the letters given.

Letters Possible Arrangements Number of letters Number of


A A 1 1

AB AB, BA 2 2


(b) By listing only the arrangements that start with A and using the results for 3 letters, find
the number of possible arrangements of these 4 letters.

ABCD 4 24

(c) Show how you found your answer.

4 × 6 = 24


(d) Complete each of these statements with numbers.

For example
The number of arrangements with 4 letters is ............................ times the number of
arrangements with ......................... letters.

For example
The number of arrangements with 5 letters is ............................ times the number of
arrangements with ......................... letters

(e) Complete this statement.

There are ................................. arrangements of the 10 letters ABCDEFGHIJ
when each letter is used exactly once.

36 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet B: Answers continued

(f) Show how you found your answer.

10 × 9 × 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1


Q2 In how many different ways can the eight characters

6 7 8 9 ) ( * &

be arranged to make an 8-character pattern when

(a) each character can be used once only

8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1 = 40320


(b) each character can be repeated?

8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 × 8 = 8 = 16777216 8


Q3 Complete the following expressions for the number of different ways n different characters can
be arranged to make a pattern that is n characters long when

You cannot write all the

missing terms of the
(a) each character can be repeated expression, so just write
the first 3 and the last 3.

n × n × n × n × ...... ...... × n × n × n = nn

(b) each character can be used once only.

n × (n – 1) × (n – 2) × (n – 3) × ...... ...... × 3 × 2 × 1 = n!

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 37

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet D: Answers

Independent study Lesson 1 Arrangements, Model answers

1 (i) 8! = 40320

(ii) Even digits are 2, 4, 8

7 × ___
6 × ___
5 × ___
4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___
1 × ___

3 even digits so
3 ways to fill
7 digits remaining when
this space
one even digit is used for
the last space

Answer: 7! × 3 = 15120

2 (i) A ___
4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___
1 E

The first and last spaces

Answer: 4! = 24 are fixed and so only 4
spaces remain to be
3! × 4
(ii) 3 × ___
L A N × ___ 2 × ___

Answer: 3! × 4! = 144

3 Even digits are 2 and 4.

(i) 2 4 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

When you are using digits to

5 × ___
2! × 6 × ___ 4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___
1 make numbers take care not
to confuse the digits from the
question with the number of
Answer: 2! × 6! = 1440 ways of filling each space!

(ii) 2 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 4 or

4 ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 2

5 × ___
2 × ___ 4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___
1 ×1
2 ways to fill the first space
Answer: 2 × 5! = 240 and one way to fill the last
space (as there is only one
even number remaining).

38 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet D: Answers continued

4 (i) 10! = 3 628 800

(ii) ___
T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R ___ ___ 2 times or
R and T can
___ ___
T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R ___ 2 times or change
___ ___ ___
T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___
R 2 times

8 spaces left
to fill with the
remaining 8

Answer: 8! × 2 × 3 = 241 920

5 (i) 20 × 19 × 18 × 17 × 16 = 1 860 480

(ii) Back row only:

B ___
___ K ___
T ___ ___ or

B ___
___ ___ K ___
T ___ or

___ ___ ___

B ___
K ___
So 3! × 3 ways of B, K and T sitting in the back row.

One other row:

A ___
___ L ___ ___ ___ or

___ ___
A ___
L ___ ___ or

___ ___ ___

A ___
L ___ or

___ ___ ___ ___

A ___
So 2! × 4 ways of A and L sitting in one of the other 3 rows.

Answer: 3! × 3 × 2! × 4 × 3 = 432

BKT in
AL in 3 rows where
one row A and L can sit

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 39

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet F: Answers

Practice questions 1 – Answers

(i) Repeated 2 × A and 2 × O; = 10080
2! × 2!
(ii) O __ __ __ __ __ __ O with repeated 2 × A; = 360
(iii) O O __ __ __ __ __ __ with repeated 2 × A; = 2520

(i) Repeated 2 × B, 2 × R, 2 × A and 2 × D ; = 226800
2! × 2! × 2! × 2!
(ii) Vowels: E, A, O, A

E A O A __ __ __ __ __ __

4! 6!
×7× = 7560
2! 2! × 2! × 2!

(i) Repeated 4 × I, 4 × S and 2 × P;

I I I I __ __ __ __ __ __ __

= 840
4! × 2!

(ii) M __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ P or

P __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ M

Only repeats are now 4 × I, 4 × S; 2 × = 1260
4! × 4!

(i) Repeated 3 × A

N T H __ __ __ __ __ __

3! × 7 × = 5040

(ii) __ __ __ __ __ __
M __ __ __ ; other consonants are R, N, T, H, S

5 ways to fill first space and 4 ways to fill last space; repeated 3 × A;
5× × 4 = 2400

40 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet F: Answers continued

5 1 __ __ __ 3 or
Each of the middle 3 values could be 1, 2, 3 or 4;
3 __ __ __ 1 or
4 __ __ __ 2 or
– 43 x 4 = 256
2 __ __ __ 4

Practice Questions 2 – Answers

1 (i) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 __ __ __ __

6! × 5! = 86400

(ii) B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 6! × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 = 604800
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

2 B B B B B 5! × 4 = 480
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑

(i) Repeated 2 × A and 3 × L; = 30240
2! × 3!
(ii) 5 consonants with repeated 3 × L; 4 vowels with repeated 2 × A

5! 6 × 5 × 4 × 3
C C C C C × = 3600
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ 3! 2!

4 (i) 10 × 9 × 8 = 720

(ii) 720 – the number that are next to each other

B __
__ B __
B __ __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __
B __
B __
B __ __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __
B B __
__ B __ __ __ __ __
__ __ __ __
B __
B __
B __ __ __ __ 3! ways of arranging the 3 cycles
__ __ __ __ __
B B __
__ B __ __ __ 8 possible positions for the 3 cycles
__ __ __ __ __ __
B __
B __
B __ __
__ __ __ __ __ __ __
B __
B __
B __ Answer: 720 – 3! × 8 = 672
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __
B __
B __

Extension question

5 (i) 15 × 14 × 13 × 12 × 11 × 10 × 9 × 8 = 259 459 200

(ii) 3! for the students

× 4 places for the policeman
× 2! for Mr and Mrs Brown S B
× 4 × 2! for Mr and Mrs Green
3! × 4 × 2! × 4 × 2! = 384
Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 41
Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet G: Answers
4 × O; 1 × F
(i) = 7560 2 × T; 1 × S
4! × 2!

(ii) T ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ S

7 × ___
6 × ___
5 × ___
4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___
Only the Os are repeated
7! as there is now only one
Answer: = 210 T to place.

(iii) O O O O ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

6 × ___
5 × ___
4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___

The Ts are repeated

Answer: = 360

2 × A; 1 × L
11! 2 × C; 1 × R
(i) = 1 663 200
2! × 2! × 3! 3 × E; 1 × T

(ii) C ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ C

9 × ___
8 × ___
7 × ___
6 × ___
5 × ___
4 × ___
3 × ___
2 × ___

The As and Es are

9! repeated
Answer: = 30240
2! × 3!

(iii) Number of different arrangements – Number with all 5 vowels together

A A E E E ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___

The As and The Cs are
5! 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 × 2 × 1
Es are × 7 × repeated
2! × 3! 2!

Number with all 5 vowels together = 25200

Number that do not have all 5 vowels together = 1663200 – 25200
= 1638000

42 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet G: Answers continued

M M M M M Each arrow represents a place
where a woman can stand

5! ways for the men to stand

× 6 spaces for the 1st woman One space is taken by the 1st
× 5 spaces for the 2nd woman woman and so the 2nd woman
× 4 spaces for the 3rd woman can only stand in one of 5
spaces and so on ....
Answer: 5! × 6 × 5 × 4 = 14400

4 1 2 3 4

(i) If even, ends with 2 or 4.

____ ____ 2 or ____ ____ 4

3 × 2 = 6 numbers end with 2

3 × 2 = 6 numbers end with 4

So 6 + 6 = 12 three-digit numbers are even

(ii) 1-digit and even = 2 numbers

2-digit and even:
___ 2 or ___ 4

3 numbers end with 2

3 numbers end with 4

So 3 + 3 = 6 two-digit numbers are even

3-digit and even = 12 numbers (from (i))

4-digit and even:

___ ___ ___ 2 or ___ ___ ___ 4

3! numbers end with 2

3! numbers end with 4

So 2 × 3! = 12 four-digit numbers are even

Number of digits and even Number of numbers

1 2
2 6
3 12
4 12
Total 32

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 43

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet G: Answers
5 Vowels: A E I E
Consonants: D V R T S R

(i) A E I E D V R T S R or D V R T S R A E I E

4! 6! 6! 4!
2! 2! 2! 2!

4! 6!
Answer: 2× × = 8640
2! 2!

(ii) Let X represent the letters that are ‘not E’. There are 8 of them.

The Rs are X X X X X X X X

different ways to arrange the letters that are not E

× ways to place the 1st E and the 2nd E
The Es are
8! 9 × 8
Answer: × = 725760
2! 2!

44 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet H: Answers

Connect each question to its answer.

How many different 4-digit even

numbers can be formed using 4 of
the 6 digits 5 × 4 × 3 = 60
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
if no digit is used more than once?

How many different 4-digit

numbers can be formed using 4 of
the 6 digits 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 × 4 = 6720
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 9
if no digit is used more than once?

Five empty chairs are arranged in

a row.
3 boys are to be seated in this row. 6 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 360
How many possible seating
arrangements are there?

A 1st prize, 2nd prize, 3rd prize

and 4th prize are to be awarded to
4 different members of a group of 8 5 × 4 × 3 × 3 = 180
people. In how many ways can this
be done?

A woman has 8 different trees.

5 of these trees are to be planted
in a line. 8 × 7 × 6 × 5 = 1680
How many possible arrangements
are there?

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 45

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet I: Answers

The number of 5-character passwords The number of ways a captain and

that can be made from a list of 10 vice-captain can be chosen from a
different characters. squad of 12 sportsmen.
Permutation Permutation

The number of different selections of a

The number of hands of 7 randomly-
committee of 3 senior and 3 junior
chosen cards that can be dealt to one
students from a group of 10 senior and
player in a card game.
8 junior students.

The number of selections of a team of The number of arrangements of 5 out

3 people from a group of 12 people. of 7 paintings in a line on a wall.
Combination Permutation

5 comedians are chosen from a list of

The number of ways 2 boys and 1 girl
12 to star in a show. The names of the
can be chosen from a group of 5 boys
comedians are written on a list. How
and 6 girls.
many different possible lists are there?

A selection of 3 letters from the word

The number of ways 3 of the 8 runners
PEARL is made. How many different
in a race can finish 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
selections are possible?

46 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet J: Answers
Permutations and combinations practice questions

1 Selections so nCr.
10C = 252

2 Arrangements so nPr.
12P = 19 958 400

3 Selections so nCr.
1 boy 1 girl or 2 boys

17C × 8C1 + 17C = 272

1 2

4 Arrangements so nPr.
5P × 6P = 600
2 2

5 Selections so nCr.

3 5 5
C3 × 7C5 = 210
4 4 5
C4 × 7C4 = 175+

6 Arrangements so nPr.
5P × 5P = 7200
3 4

7 (a) Must start with 3, but the other digits could be any of the other 6

___ ___ ___ ___

1 × 63 = 216

(b) 3___ ___ ___ ___

1 × 5P3= 60 or 1 × 5 × 4 × 3 = 60

8 (a) Selections so nCr.

18C × 9C × 6C = 5783400
4 4 2

(b) Arrangements so nPr.

18P = 1 764 322 560

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 47

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet J: Answers continued

9 (a) Selections so nCr.

0 5 8
C5 = 56
1 4 8
C4 × C1 =
2 3
C3 × 6C2 = 840 +
(b) Selections so nCr. 1316

Case1: 3 brothers in team;

2 players left to pick; 11 people to choose from
11C = 55

Case 2: 3 brothers not in team;

5 players to pick; 11 people to choose from
11C = 462

Total = 55 + 462 = 517

10 Selections so nCr.

(a) 10C
3 = 120

(b) 120 – the number that do include the book of poetry

There are alternative approaches:
P ___, ___
not taking the book of poetry so 9
2 books left to choose; 9 books left to choose from books left

120 − 9C2 = 120 – 36 = 84 9C =84


11 Arrangements so nPr.
There are alternative approaches:
(a) 30P
3 = 24360
Number of ways with neither =
(b) 24360 – the number of committees with A and N 28P3 = 19656, Number of ways
with A = 28P2 x 3 = 2268, Number
24360 − 3P2 × 28P1 = 24360 – 168 = 24192 of ways with N = 28P2 x 3 = 2268

2 ×(A)
12 (a) 12! = 479 001 600
2 ×(B)
(b) Selections so nCr. 3 ×(C)
4 ×(D)
2C × 3C1 × 7C2 = 126
1 ×(E)

48 Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709

Teaching Pack: 5.2 Permutations and Combinations

Worksheet J: Answers continued

13 Selections so nCr. 4×O
(a) T, ___, ___
2 = 3 selections 1×S
(b) Case 1: No Os & No Ts

F, S, L = 1 selection

Case 2: No Os & 1 T = 3 selections (part(a))

Case 3: No Os & 2Ts

T, T, ___
3C = 3 selections

Total = 3 + 3 + 1 = 7 selections

14 Selections so nCr.
At least 2 Es: 2×C
Case 1:2Es
E, E, ___, ___
2 = 6 selections 1×T
Case 2: 3Es
E, E, E, ___
4C = 4 selections

Total = 6 + 4 = 10 selections

15 Selections so nCr. 1×A

Case 1: 1E and 1R 1×V
E, R, ___, ___
2 = 15 selections 1×T
Case 2: 2Es and 2Rs 1×S
E, E, R, R = 1 selection

Total = 15 + 1 = 16 selections

Cambridge International AS & A Level Mathematics 9709 49

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