10-2 EST - M Series 3 Loader Backhoe
10-2 EST - M Series 3 Loader Backhoe
10-2 EST - M Series 3 Loader Backhoe
1 Rev. 1/29/2009
EST Loader Backhoe
Table of Contents
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EST Loader Backhoe
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EST Loader Backhoe
The cable and adapter help icon will help to locate the correct diagnostic connectors
and how to properly connect the EST to the Vehicle
2. Choose the Dearborn Protocol Adapter that is in the EST Kit. Note: DPA5 uses a
USB connection to the EST.
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EST Loader Backhoe
Note: the diagnostic connector is located behind an access cover next to the Loader
Control Valve.
Note when you have selected the correct Dearborn Protocol Adapter you will see the
cables and adapters needed to communicate to the machine
The following cables and/or adapters are required to support this vehicle.
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Connector Selection
• Allows the EST operator to select a different diagnostic connector in the EST
program to match the EST program which are the following:
-CAN Diagnostic Connector
• Shows the diagnostic components that are supported for the machine.
-ENG = Engine Controller
-Trans = Transmission Controller (if equipped)
-VCM = Vehicle Control/Display Module
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Controller Status
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When the Retrieve Controller Faults icon is selected you will be able to view fault codes
from the following controllers (Depending on what controller the EST is hooked up to)
• The VCM = Vehicle Control/Display Module
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Monitor Parameters
When the Monitor icon is selected you will be able to monitor parameters from the
following controllers:
• CAN Diagnostic Connector
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6. Select the EXIT Icon when the desired list of parameters has been selected.
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1. Open the Electronic Service tool and select the proper machine.
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5. Turn the Key off, let the cluster screen go blank, and then turn back on. When this is
completed click on the OK button.
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Capture Symbol
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8. Click on OK.
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12. When finished close out of the program and key off for 60 seconds Followed by
keying on again.
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Additional Tools
The additional tools icon gives access to the Engine Diagnostic tool (EASY).
NOTE: For more information on the Easy Engine and Download Tool Please refer to the
EASY tab in the Training Manual.
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The Configuration icon allows the EST to send model specific or customer preference
values to certain controllers.
Each of the Configuration processes has instructions advising the EST operator “How
To Use” each of the configurations.
1. Select the Machine Configuration Transfer Tool and then select CONFIGURE
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After selecting the CONFIGURE SELECTED ITEM icon the below screen appears.
Note: Selecting the CONFIGURATIONS INSTRUCTIONS icon will provide the EST
user instructions on how to use the Machine Configuration Transfer Tool.
1. Press the "SET UP CONTROLLERS" button to prepare the controller for data
transfer. The “STATUS” message should read “VCM READY”
USER DATA FILE NAME” pop-up screen will appear.
3. Type in the desired file name in the “File Name” field.
4. Choose the desired location for the file from the “Save in” field.
5. Press the “SAVE” button.
1. Press the "SET UP CONTROLLERS" button to prepare the controller for data
transfer. The “STATUS” message should read “VCM READY”
“CHOOSE USER DATA FILE NAME” pop-up screen will appear.
3. Find the location of the desired file from the “Look in” field.
4. Once the desired file is found, select the file by clicking on it. Its name should be
displayed in the “File name” field.
5. Press the “OPEN” button.
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Machine Configurations
The Machine Configurations icon is used to view and change the configuration
settings in the controllers.
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Note: selecting the CONFIGURATION INSTRUCTIONS icon will provide the EST user
instructions to view and change configuration settings in the controller.
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1. Press the RETRIEVE CONTROLLERS VALUES button to view the current
settings for the controllers.
2. Change the parameter values as needed.
3. Press the SEND MODIFIED VALUES TO CONTROLLERS button to save the
values to the controllers.
Note: you can only change one value at a time. When typing numbers it will be
necessary to push the (Enter/Return) key on the keyboard of the computer. If the
(Enter/Return) key is not pushed the SEND MODIFIED VALUES TO CONTROLLERS
icon will appear dull in color and the values will not be re-configured. If an error occurs
while attempting to send values for configuration, or INVALID DATA is shown as one of
the CURRENT VALUES, make sure that the controller software has been updated with
the latest software available on the EST and attempt the configuration again.
Type new
value here
Down Box
4. Turn the key to the OFF position and then key back ON.
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Troubleshoot Problem
Note: the Troubleshoot icon is not available for New Holland Loader Backhoes
with software version
When the Troubleshoot Problem icon is selected you will see the following Icons:
-View Current Faults
-Locations (Currently does not function)
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Select the CONTENTS Icon. This will display troubleshooting information related to the
documented fault codes.
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Select the COMPONENTS Icon. This will display a picture of a particular component
and the connector pin-out.
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Select the SCHEMATICS Icon. This will display a wiring harness diagram.
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The ASIST icon provides offline troubleshooting for various machines. Note the offline
ASIST feature does not provide attached documents like a PDF file.
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ASIST (Cont.)
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