Q1-M1 Grade-11-Tvl-Bread-Pastry-Slm-2

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Bread and
 Self-Learning Module (SLM)

Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Prepare Bakery Products
Teacher: Reggie Baguio
Bread and Pastry
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Prepare Bakery Products
Introductory Message
For the facilitator:
Welcome to the Bread and Pastry Production, Grade 11 Self-Learning Module
(SLM) on Prepare Bakery Products!

This module was collaboratively designed, developed, and reviewed by educators

both from public and private institutions to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in
helping the learners meet the standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while
overcoming their personal, social, and economic constraints in schooling.

This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and independent
learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also aims to help
learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into consideration
their needs and circumstances.

In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the body of
the module:

Notes to the Teacher

This contains helpful tips or strategies
that will help you in guiding the learners.

As a facilitator you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this module.
You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.

For the learner:

Welcome to the Bread and Pastry Production Grade 11 Self-Learning Module (SLM)
on Prepare Bakery Products!

The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often used to
depict skill, action, and purpose. Through our hands we may learn, create, and
accomplish. Hence, the hand in this learning resource signifies that you as a learner is
capable and empowered to successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at
your own pace and time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!

This module was designed to provide you with fun and meaningful opportunities for
guided and independent learning at your own pace and time. You will be enabled to
process the contents of the learning resource while being an active learner.

This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:

What I Need to Know This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.

What I Know This part includes an activity that aims to

check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this

What’s In This is a brief drill or review to help you link

the current lesson with the previous one.

What’s New In this portion, the new lesson will be

introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.
This section provides a brief discussion of
What is It
the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
This comprises activities for independent
What’s More
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
This includes questions or blank
What I Have Learned
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to
process what you learned from the lesson.
This section provides an activity which will
What I Can Do
help you transfer your new knowledge or
skill into real life situations or concerns.

Assessment This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning

Additional Activities In this portion, another activity will be given

to you to enrich your knowledge or skill of
the lesson learned. This also tends retention
of learned concepts.

Answer Key This contains answers to all activities in the


At the end of this module you will also find:

References This is a list of all sources used in developing

this module.

The following are some reminders in using this module:

1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of
the module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other activities
included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.

We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning
and gain deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!

What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the BPP: Bakery Products. The scope of this module permits it to be used in
many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.

The module is divided into two lessons, namely:

Lesson 1 – Major and Minor Ingredients in Baking
Lesson 2 – Types, Kinds and Classification of Bakery Products

After going through this module, you are expected to:

1. identify the major and minor ingredients used in baking;

2. discuss the uses of each ingredients.
3. identify the different mixing techniques in baking;
4. enumerate the different kinds, types and classification of
bakery products;
5. prepare/bake bakery products.

What I Know

Read and analyze the statements carefully. Choose the best answer and
write the letter only on your Activity Sheets.

1. Which of the following ingredients perform important functions in

cakes that other ingredients cannot do?
A. Flour
B. Shortening
C. Eggs
D. Leaveners
2. What kind of sugar is primarily used in preparing icing?
A. Brown sugar
B. Confectioner’s sugar
C. Granulated sugar
D. Ultrafine sugar
3. What is the basic ingredients in baking that contribute to the
development of good flavor and aroma of baked products?
A. Baking powder
B. Flour
C. Shortening
D. Sugar
4. Which of the ingredients is an example of a chemical leavening agent?
A. Air
B. Baking powder
C. Compressed Yeast
D. Dry Yeast
5. Which kind of flour has the highest amount of protein, thus, has high
gluten content?
A. All-Purpose flour
B. Bread flour
C. Cake flour
D. Soft-flour
6. It is sometimes called soft flour as it is milled from white wheat.
A. all-purpose flour
B. bread flour
C. cake flour
D. soft-flour
7. It is suitable for almost any baking purposes.
A. all-purpose flour
B. bread flour

C. cake flour
D. soft-flour
8. What major ingredient in baking makes the product lighter with
greater volume?
A. flour
B. shortening
C. sugar
D. leaveners
9. Which of the following ingredients helps baked products stay fresh
longer because it retains moisture?
A. flour
B. shortening
C. sugar
D. leaveners
10. It is a substance used in baking to make a product rise so it becomes
light and proportion to its size.
A. flour
B. shortening
C. sugar
D. leaveners
11. What kind of flour contains baking powder and salt?
A. self-rising flour
B. rye flour
C. cake flour
D. all-purpose flour
12. What kind of flour has a distinctive flavor many people like it
contains no gluten?
A. self-rising flour
B. rye flour
C. cake flour
D. all-purpose flour
13. Which of the following minor ingredient gives a finer texture to bread
and removes the flatness of lack of flavor in it?
A. vanilla
B. salt
C. chocolate and cocoa

D. fruit flavors and spices
14. What minor ingredient adds a pleasant odor to baked products?
A. vanilla
B. salt
C. chocolate and cocoa
D. fruit flavors and spices
15. Which of the following minor ingredient are highly prized for
their flavor, aroma, and deep brown color?
A. vanilla
B. salt
C. chocolate and cocoa
D. fruit flavors and spices


1 BPP: Bakery Products

BREAD is one of the most popular and best sold baked, not only in our country but
in other countries as well. Many countries have bread as their staple food.
There are different kinds of bread. Whatever kind of bread is eaten, people
remember it for its quality.
The quality of bread is affected by the type of ingredients used. The manner the
dough is mixed or prepared, and the temperature maintained during baking.

What’s In

Activity 1: Given the recipe below and the cost of ingredients, compute for
the unit cost. Follow the equation given below.

Quantity x Price = Total Unit Cost

Banana Muffin

Yield: 10pcs.

Ingredients Price per Unit Total Unit Cost

1 ½ cup All-Purpose Flour P40.00/kg
1 tsp. baking powder P10.00/10g
1 tsp. baking soda P10.00/10g
½ tsp. salt P5.00/10g
3 large bananas, mashed P10.00/each
¾ cup sugar P60.00/kg
2 egg P8.00/each
½ cup butter melted P50.00/280g

Notes to the Teacher
Students are encouraged to prepare
and wear their Personal Protective Equipment
in every activity / laboratory exercise.

What’s New

Activity 2

Situation: Your friend will be celebrating her birthday. She ordered 25 pieces of
Banana Muffin.

Direction: Complete the table with your idea or prior knowledge in preparing
Banana Muffin.

 What are the ingredients needed in preparing Banana Muffin?


 What are the tools and utensils needed?


 What are the steps/procedures of preparation?


Activity 3 Pick and Tell

Strips of papers with the names of the different mixing techniques will be
placed in a glass bowl.

Each student will be asked to pick one and tell something about the

What is It

Lesson 1 Major and Minor Ingredients in Baking

Baking is an art as well as a science.
Ingredients are mixed together and then dry
heat is applied, creating breads, cakes and
other baked goods. There are hundreds of
ingredients that can be used for baking,
including spices, fruits, and vegetables, but
there are some basic items that will be used
in almost all baked good recipes. Each
ingredient serves a purpose in the finished


Flour is a powdery substance produced by finely grinding grain through a

process called milling. Many grains may be ground but flour belongs to the finely
ground meal of wheat. Flour is used in every baked product. It is important to
know and understand the characteristics of the different types of flour. The
classification is based on the amount of protein that each type contains. Protein
determines the gluten strength of the flour. Gluten gives the dough its shape and
Types of Flour
1) Bread Flour has the highest amount of protein, thus, has high gluten
content, so it is used for breads. Bread flour is creamy in color. It is rather
rough and granular. A baker can tell by the feel of the flour if it is suitable
for a certain baked product.
2) Cake Flour is sometimes called soft flour as it is milled from soft white wheat.
It is also described as weak because the products made from it are tender
with delicate texture. It is usually used for baking cakes.

3) All-Purpose Flour is made from a combination of bread and cake flour
sources and has medium gluten strength. It is suitable for almost any
baking purposes.
4) Other kinds of flour
a. Self-rising flour contains baking powder and salt.
b. Rye flour has a distinctive flavor many people like and it
contains no gluten.
Care and Storage of Flour:

1. Flour should be stored in a ventilated

room free from insects and rodents.
2. Keep flour at least 20.3 cm off the
floor to help maintain good circulation.
3. Flour should be kept away from
products with strong aromas such as
spices and onions.
4. Use the “oldest” flour first. Remember
that it is “first in, first out”.
5. Flour should be kept in a dry tin or
glass container in a cool dry place.


Shortening is another word for fat used in baking. The taste of the
baked product depends on the flavor of the shortening.
Effects of Shortening on Baked Products
1) It surrounds the gluten in the dough; it shortens the strands and makes it
a more tender product.
2) It makes the product lighter with greater volume.
3) It oils the structure of the product so it is easier to chew and swallow.
4) It helps prolong the shelf life of baked products.
Desirable Qualities of Shortening
1) Plasticity – readily mixed, worked, or spread
2) Waxiness – soft and smooth
3) Pleasant odor – no odor at all
4) Pleasant flavor – no unnecessary flavor
Kinds of Shortening
1) Vegetable oil
2) Butter
3) Lard
4) Margarine

Effects of Sugar on Baking
1) It tenderizes the gluten.
2) It makes brownie, crispier crust.
3) It helps baked products stay fresh
longer because it retains moisture.


A leavener or leavening agent is a substance used in baking to make a

product rise so it becomes light and proportion to its size. A leavener must be
measured accurately. Too much leavening agent will make a product coarse
and dry. Leavening agents produce a gas that expands when heated.

Kinds of Leavening Agents

1) Air works as a leavener because it expands when heated. It can be
incorporated into the product by beating, folding in beaten egg whites, sifting
the flour, and creaming the shortening.
2) Steam is considered also as a powerful leavener. Water changes to steam
when heated causing the mixture to rise. An example is the cream puff.
3) Chemical leavening agents
Certain chemicals react with moisture and heat to form carbon dioxide such as
the following:
a. Baking soda is a leavening agent that reacts with acid to produce
carbon dioxide; the acid may be sour milk, vinegar, or honey. Baking
soda reacts very fast with acid. Too much baking soda will cause the
product to sink in the middle, if not measured accurately.
b. Baking powder is the most widely used leavener because of its sure
results. It is a mixture of soda and acid salt
and starch. Baking powder may be single
action or double action.
Yeast is a single-called plant that feeds on
starch and sugar. It is different from other
leavening agents because it is alive.
Two types of commonly used yeast:

a. Compressed yeast is also called cake yeast; it can be stored for four to five
weeks in a refrigerator.
b. Dry yeast is granular and darker in color than cake yeast. It is purchased in
sealed packs or envelopes to ensure freshness.


Water gives different texture to baked items especially breads and rolls. The
texture of a baked product is coarse and chewy if water is used instead of milk.
Water may be hard or soft. Soft water weakens the gluten strands causing them to
collapse before the dough rises to its full height.
Milk and Other Dairy Products has definite functions in baking. It gives
finer, more velvety grain. It adds flavor. It helps the product stay longer. Many
different kinds of milk may be used in baking.
1) Types of Milk Used in Baking
Fresh milk or whole
milk Evaporated milk
Condensed milk
Skimmed milk
Powder or dry milk
2) Uses of Milk in Baking
Increases nutritive value of baked products
Enhances texture and increase softness of baked goods
Acts as a strengthener when mixed with flour, because it
helps in the formation of gluten, which gives a baked item
Provides moisture and tenderness to baked
goods Enhances flavor
Extends the shelf life of a cake
Boosts crust color


The most common type of egg is the chicken

gg. When recipes call for eggs it means hen or chicken.
Eggs perform important functions in cakes that other ingredients cannot do.
Eggs are essential because they maintain the tender structure of the cake or baked
product. Eggs hold together the other ingredients during mixing and baking. They
also add richness and flavor.
Eggs are also considered a complete protein, containing all the essential amino
acids humans use to build other proteins needed by the body. Both the yolk and
the egg whites contain protein, so whole eggs or their separated components may
be used to set liquids.

A. Use of Eggs in Baking

Eggs as well as flour, are the structural ingredients in baking.
Eggs provide leavening, add color, texture, flavor and richness to the
batter, and act as stabilizer in mixture that inherently wants to
separate into its two parts, like oil and water. They are very important
in helping to bind all the other ingredients together.
Beaten eggs are used as leavening agents as they incorporate air into
the batter, which will expand in the oven and cause the cake to rise.
Eggs are used as thickening agent.
Egg washes are brushed on many
baked goods to create a golden
shiny top. The egg white provides
luster and the egg yolk color.
Egg whites are used to make

Minor Ingredients in Baking

They are not as important as the major ingredients in baking but they are essential in
attaining the sensory qualities of baked products. They are used in small quantity, but
contribute to the enhancement of flavor and texture of the baked products. These are
the ingredients that add distinction and character to baked goods.

1. Vanilla
2. Salt – is essential in producing a satisfactory yeast product. It gives a
finer texture to bread and removes the flatness of lack of flavor in it.
Moreover, salt added to baked products enhances sweet taste.
3. Fruit Flavors and Spices (cloves, cinnamon, mace, nutmeg) – are
extracts from the base of fruits. They add a pleasant odor to baked
4. Wines
5. Coffee
6. Chocolate and Cocoa – are highly prized for their flavour, aroma,
and deep brown color

Unsweetened Chocolate
Bittersweet and Semisweet
Chocolate Milk Chocolate

Lesson 2 Kinds and Classification of Bakery Products

Kinds of Dough in Baking Bread

BREAD is one of the most popular and best sold baked, not only in
our country but in other countries as well. Many countries have bread as
their staple food.
There are different kinds of bread. Whatever kind of bread is eaten, people
remember it for its quality.
The quality of bread is affected by the type of ingredients used. The manner
the dough is mixed or prepared, and the temperature maintained during

Dough used in baking bread is classified into two:

Lean dough. The basic ingredients for bread which include flour, yeast,
salts a little sugar, and shortening make up the lean dough. This dough
is made up into Pan de sal, Pan Amerikano, French Bread, and other
crusty bread varieties.

Rich dough. Aside from the basic ingredients for bread, rich dough has
butter, nuts, fruits, eggs, and condiments. Milk is often used, too. Rich
dough also uses

Methods of Mixing Dough

Straight method. This method combines all the ingredients together at one
time to make the dough. The dough is kneaded and set aside to rise.

Sponge and dough method. This method mixes part of the liquid, flour,
and all of the yeast to make a soft mixture which is set aside to rise until
bubbly. Then, the remaining ingredients are added and the mixture is
treated as straight dough.

Bread products can also be prepared using batter instead of dough.
Preparation of this type of bread is faster since there is no dough to knead
and shape. However, the texture of the finished product is not as fine as that
of kneaded dough.

Characteristics of a Well-Made Bread

Bread of high quality is characterized by the following:
1. It is large for its weight, well-rounded top, and free from cracks and
2. The crust is thin with an even golden brown color.
3. It has fine and even grain, elongated cells, and thin cell wall making the
crumb smooth, soft, elastic, and creamy white with a silken sheen.
4. It does not crumble easily.
5. It has a sweet and nutty odor, not sour.


Cookies are always popular. They

are really “little” cakes, flat, sweet and
small. They can be made in a variety of
shapes and flavors, and can be served in
just as many different ways.

Kinds of Cookies
Drop cookies – are irregular and unevenly shaped. They are
made simply by dropping the cookie batter from a teaspoon to a baking
sheet to get the
popular tongue-shaped cookies.
Rolled cookies – are made from dough which have been rolled out and
cut with cuters to form shapes that fir special occasions such as
Christmas, Valentine’s Day and Easter.
Pressed or Bagged cookies – are made with more butter which makes
the finished product richer in taste than the other types of cookies. They
are made by pressing the mixture out of a cookie presser or pastry tube
onto the baking sheet, and at the same time forming it into a varied
shapes like rings or ribbons.
Cookie bar – this type of cookie is cut into bars after baking. They are
usually small and square in shape.
Refrigerated cookies – this type of cookie is frozen and cut into desired
shapes before baking.

The appearance and character of the final products are affected by mixing
specified ingredients. Mixing methods that have been developed for efficiency
and convenience are as follows;

1) CREAMING – Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with the help of a
wooden spoon or electric mixer to make a soft fluffy mixture. The
creamed mixture should have both smooth and grainy particles.

2) CUTTING-IN – Mixing fat and flour with the use of a pastry blender or
two knives in a scissor-like manner. This method cuts fat into small pieces,
coating them with flour to form coarse, granular mixtures for pastries and

3) FOLDING – This is working with two ingredients very gently to retain air in
the mixture. It often involves one delicately textured ingredients such as
beaten egg whites or whipped cream, which would be reduced to nothing if
handled crudely, and a batter type mix.
4) CUT AND FOLD – A combination of two motions cutting vertically through
the mixture and turning over and over by gliding the spoon or rubber
scraper across the bottom of the mixing bowl at each turn.

5) BEATING – It is done to incorporate air in a mixture by mechanical

agitation. It could be done with the aid of special gadgets like wire whips, egg
beaters electric food mixers or with a fork.

6) STIRRING – It is often done with a wooden spoon, rotating it through a

mixture as long as necessary usually until the ingredients are combined.

7) WHIPPING – It is a process of beating eggs and cream to fill them with air
and make them thick and fluffy.

8) SIFTING – It is the process of separating coarse particles in the ingredients

by passing through a sieve. Air is incorporated through this method.


Muffins are simple cup breads leavened

and are considered a member of the quick bread
family. A variety of quick loaf breads and coffee
cakes can be derived from the basic muffin recipe.
Outside Characteristics of Muffin and Quick
Shape: Uniform; well-rounded top; free from
peaks; no cracks.
Size: Uniform; large in proportion to weight.
Color: Uniform; golden brown.
Crust: Tender; pebbled or slightly rough; shiny.

Inside Characteristics of Muffin and Quick Breads

Color: Creamy white or slightly yellow; free from streaks
Grain: Round; even cells; free from tunnels.
Texture: Tender; moist; light.
Flavor: Pleasing; well-blended with no bitterness.

Biscuits are small flaky quick breads. They are leavened with fast-acting
leaveners which make preparation time shorter than any yeast leavened bread.

Two Ways to Make Biscuits:

Using solid fats
Solid fats are cut into the flour with a fork, a pair of knives or a pastry
blender until it coats the flour and is fairly crumbly and mealy.
Liquid is added to make a soft dough and thenthe mixture is rapidly
but lightly kneaded to evenly distribute the mixture and sufficiently develop the
glutenfor flacky product.
Using liquid shortening or “Wet to Dry Method”
Liquid shortening or oil is added to the liquid ingredients and mixed
with the dry ingredients to make soft dough. It is kneaded rapidly but lightly and
treated like the solid fat dough.

Outside Characteristics of Biscuits

Shape: Uniform; straight sides and level tops on rolled biscuits
Size: Uniform; twice the size of unbaked biscuits
Color: Uniform golden brown tops and bottoms – sides lighter; free from
yellow or brown
Crustt: Tender; moderaately smooth; free from excess flour.
Inside Characteristics of Biscuits
Color: Creamy white; free from yellow or brown spots.
Grain: Flacky; pulling off in thin sheets; medium fine, even cells.
Texture: Tender; slightly moist; light.
Flavor: Pleasing; well-blended with no bitterness.

What’s More

Activity 4
Something to do:
In a group, have a tasting exercise. Taste a Pan De Sal, Hotcake,
and Siopao. Identify the ingredients used for each item. Write your answers in
your Activity Sheet.

Pan de sal Hotcake Siopao

Activity 5

Something to do
Look for two common recipes of bread. Study the recipes and identify the
different mixing methods applied. Write your answers in your activity sheet.

What I Have Learned

1. Knowledge about baking ingredients and their functions is important in

2. Each baking ingredients has a specific function in any baked product.
3. The important ingredients in baking are flour, shortening, eggs,
leavening agents, sugar, liquids, and some flavoring.
4. BREAD is one of the most popular and best sold baked, not only in our
country but in other countries as well.
5. There are different kinds, types and classification of bakery products,
we have breads, muffin, biscuits and cookies.
6. There are two kinds of dough – the lean dough made from basic ingredients
ang the rich dough with added ingredients other than the basic.
7. Mixing is a general term that includes stirring, beating, blending,
binding, creaming, whipping and folding.
8. In mixing, two or more ingredients are evenly dispersed in one another
until they become one product.
9. Each mixing method gives a different texture and character to the baked

What I Can Do

Let’s Do it!
1. Prepare a basic recipe of Cinnamon Roll. Divide the mixture into four cups;
to the first cup, add vanilla; to the second cup, add lemon; to the third cup,
add cinnamon; and leave the fourth cup plain.
2. Evaluate your product according to texture, flavor, and smell. Which bread
has the best texture, flavor, and smell?

Use the following rubrics:

Correctness of procedure ….. 40%
Accuracy of measurement …. 40%
Sanitation …………………….. 20%
TOTAL 100%


A. Give what is asked for in the following. Enumerate your answers

for the following items in your Activity Sheet:
B. Six major ingredients in baking. (6)
C. Minor ingredients in baking (4).
D. Discuss briefly the uses of each ingredients. (5)

B. Below are statements describing the different mixing techniques used

in producing bakery products. Choose the correct word/term from the
box and write your answer in your activity sheet.
Creaming Cutting-in Stirring

Beating Whipping Sifting

Folding Cut and Fold

____________________ 1. Separating coarse particles in the ingredients by

passing through a sieve.
____________________2. Rubbing one or two ingredients in a bowl with the tip
of a wooden spoon or electric mixer.
____________________3. Mixing fat and flour using a pastry blender or two
knives in a scissor-like manner.
____________________4. Working with two ingredients very gently to retain air
in the mixture.
____________________5. Beating egg and creaming to fill with air and make
them thick and fluffy.

C. Enumerate the different classifications of bakery products. (4)

Additional Activities

Individual Work

Directions: Prepare a portfolio of the different types, kinds and classification of

Bakery Products. Write the ingredients, tools and utensils to be used and the
correct procedure of baking. Place your output in your activity sheet.

Your output will be rated using the scoring rubrics below:

5 Artistically creatively done with full illustrations and
pictures of the recipe.
4 Artistically creatively done with some illustrations and
pictures of the recipe.
3 Properly done with some illustrations and pictures
of recipe
2 Properly done with few illustrations and pictures of recipe
1 Done untidy with few illustrations and pictures of recipe

Photo Grid

Directions: Make an album (collage or scrapbook) of different bakery

products with corresponding picture and recipe. Place your output in a
short bond paper.

Your output will be rated using the scoring rubrics below:

5 Artistically creatively done with full illustrations and
pictures of the recipe.
4 Artistically creatively done with some illustrations and
pictures of the recipe.
3 Properly done with some illustrations and pictures of
2 Properly done with few illustrations and pictures of recipe
1 Done untidy with few illustrations and pictures of recipe

Answer Key

Bakery Products:
.C Classification of

Cutting-in .15C
Creaming shortening .14D
Sifting All-Purpose Flour .13B
in baking Baking powder .11A
.B Four minor ingredients Milk .10D
Filling C .9
Eggs Egg B .8
Liquid All-Purpose Flour A .7
Leaveners HOTCAKE
C .6
Shortening Yeast
B .5
Sugar Milk
B .4
Flour Shortening
D .3
in baking B .2
Bread Flour
.A Six major ingredients PANDESAL C .1

Assessment What I Know

What's More


Book BREAD & PASTRY PRODUCTION Manual (Technical-Vocational-

Livelihood) Home Economics

Basic Baking – Bread and Pastries

Kto12 TLE Home Economics ln-Commercial Cooking

COOKERY Manual (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood) Home Economics

Internet Source



This Self-learning Module (SLM) was developed by DepEd SOCCSKSARGEN
with the primary objective of preparing for and addressing the new normal.
Contents of this module were based on DepEd’s Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC). This is a supplementary material to be used by all
learners of Region XII in all public schools beginning SY 2020-2021. The
process of LR development was observed in the production of this module.
This is version 1.0. We highly encourage feedback, comments, and

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education – SOCCSKSARGEN

Learning Resource Management System (LRMS)

Regional Center, Brgy. Carpenter Hill, City of Koronadal

Telefax No.: (083) 2288825/ (083) 2281893 Email

Address: [email protected]

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