Logical Connectors DLP

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School RUFO de la CRUZ INTEGRATED SCHOOL Grade Level Grade 7

Teacher CHARON ANN P. LANGGA Learning Area English

Time & Dates Week 2, Day 4 Quarter First

The learner demonstrates understanding of how world literature and other text types serve as
A. Content sources of wisdom in expressing and resolving conflicts among individuals, groups and nature;
Standards also how to use evaluative reading, listening and viewing strategies, special speeches for
occasion, pronouns and structures of modification.
B. Performance The learner skilfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal
Standards and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources. Explain the features of narrative text.
Appreciate the relevance of the selection to the historical context during which it was produced
and to the reader.
C. Learning
Link sentences using logical connectors that signal chronological sequence.
Objectives: AT the end of the one- hour session, the students shall be able to:
(Write the
code for
1. Identify the logical connectors used in the sentence.
each LC)
2. Use logical connectors in sentences and paragraphs.
3. Link sentences using chronological connectors in making procedures.
4. Value the things that would give us peaceful living.
Identifying Logical Connectors

Message for Peace:

A. Subject
Matter We can have peace when we have good relationship with our family at home and being
contented with we have. It would also give us peace when we reach out and help others by
not expecting something in return. Above all, we could have everlasting peace when we put
God as the center of everything.
A. References
1. Teacher’s None
2. Learner’s Page 106
3. Textbook 328-329, English Learners Materials
4. Additional
Materials www.google.com
from LR
B. Other
Learning https://ph.video.search.yahoo.com/search/video
IV. Learner’s Expected
Teacher’s Activity/ies
Last meeting we discussed
about features of narrative.

A narrative is an interesting
accounts of people’s ideas,
feelings, and values pertinent
What have we discussed last meeting? to the development of the
culture and society.
What is narrative?

Legend, epic, short stories

Essay, speech, biography

Give an example of a fictional narrative. None maam.

What about non-fictional?
A. Reviewing
previous Is there any question?
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson

B.Establishing a
purpose for the
lesson 1. I have here a picture of a butterfly.

It is a beautiful butterfly?
What can you say about the picture?
No maam.
2. Do you know the cycle of this insect before it
turns to be a beautiful butterfly?
Watch this video. Try to jot down the cycle of the
Students do what is being told.
Pictures of the cycle of the butterfly will be shown.

First, it started with the egg.

How did the butterfly come to life? Then, the egg turns to
Write the cycle on the board and read it aloud. This caterpillar. Next, a cocoon was
should be done by group. There will be 3-5 groups. developed. It is known as
Rubrics pupa. Finally, the cocoon
Can we change the cycle of the butterfly? Why? breaks and a beautiful butterfly
Very Good. To have this cycle possible, we have to came out.
follow the process. In following that process, it should
always be in right order. No ma’am. It is because cycle
tells how something or
Points Indicators someone came to life. It
5 Gives and states should follow the process. If it
answer clearly. is not being followed, then
4 States answer only. expect that it will never
3 Answer abruptly. happen. Aside from that it’s
2 Try to give answer how God made everything. No
even if it is not correct. one can change it.
1 Refuse to answer.

This morning we are going to discuss Logical

C.Presenting Connectors.
examples/ The connectors which are used in following some
instances of the steps or order or even a cycle. Before going further,
new lesson let us define logical connectors.
What is logical connectors? Logical connectors are used to
link two or more ideas related
with one another.

Very good. There are 4 examples of connectors. 1. Chronological such as

What are the examples of connectors? first, then, after, next,
So, the cycle of the butterfly uses chronological
connectors. Right? Yes ma’am.
What have you observed? It follows steps and correct

Can you give a sentence using beginning? In order to prevent from

being infected by COVID-19,
first, we must follow the
health standard protocol.
Very good sentence, very timely! That’s true that
in order to prevent from being infected by
COVID-19, first, we must follow the health
standard protocol.
What is the second example of connector? 2. Additional information
such as in addition/to,
as well as, the same

Can you give a sentence using additional During the face-to-face

information? class, not only the teachers
need vaccination but as well
as the learners.
Very good.

3. Beginning such as first

What is the third connector? of all, primarily, in the
beginning, to start with.

Primarily, our health is our

Can you give a sentence using beginning? utmost concern.

4. Summation/ Closure
such as finally,
eventually, to top it all,
in conclusion, in the
Give a sentence using summation.

In the end, we can fight the

pandemic crisis when are
working hand in hand.

Very good. I hope that you should all follow the

examples that you have given in order for us to
defeat the COVID-19 health crisis.

D.Discussing These are the chronological connectors that we can

new concepts use in writing a sequence of events. It could be a
and practicing story, a steps, a manual or a cycle. As long as it has
new skills #1 a sequence.

I have here a text about A Recipe for Better

Living. Check the mistakes that you have found
in the recipe and how are you able to correct it.

A Recipe for a Better Living

Then, you know yourself better. Lastly,
developed a better relationship with your family. Read the selection aloud.
First, reach out to your friends and be happy with
them. After that, try to help other people whom
you do not know without expecting something in
return. Next, live a happy and contented life with
the people who matter to you most.

What can you say on the selection?

1. It did not follow
How are we going correct it? chronological order.
2. By rearranging the
steps using
chronological order.

Rewrite the passage to make it correct. Read it


First, reach out to your friends

and be happy with them. Next,
live a happy and contented life
with the people who matter to
you most. After that, try to help
other people whom you do not
know without expecting
something in return. Then, you
know yourself better. Lastly,
developed a better relationship
with your family.
What have you noticed when you arranged the text?
It is easier to understand the
message of the text.
Can we understand a sequence of events if it written
in its correct order? In the text, we can’t
understand what it means if it
is not written in its correct

Now, based on the passage, what makes our life

at peace? Or what should be done in order to live We are at peace when we
peacefully? have good friends. We can
have peace when we value
the important people in our
lives and being contented
with we have. It would also
give us peace when we
reach out and help others by
not expecting a return. The
most important is that, when
we have good relationship
with our family at home and
we put God as the center of
Very well said! our lives.
new concepts I have here sentences and identify what logical
and practicing connectors are being used and what kind of
new skills #2 connector it is.
1. In addition to
1. In addition to patis, the Filipinos like to use soy (Additional information)

2. In
2. In conclusion, the food in the party was great. conclusion(Summation

3. First, I want to call the members. 3. First (Chronological


4. To start with our program, everyone is requested

to stand.
4. To start with
5. In the end, we Filipinos are victorious. (Beginning)

5. In the end

I have here list of logical connectors and used it in

the sentence.

In addition, all her planning and

In addition tenacity were paying off.
Finally, Carmen picked up Destiny
F.Developing Finally and stood.
mastery To top it all
I left  my phone in  the grocery store, 
my car  broke  down  on the  way hom
 and, to  top it  all off,  my
groceries  broke  through  the bag as  I 
was walking to  the front  door.

Writing in correct order gives a clearer idea of

something. We could easily understand and we
could be easily understood. Just like in life. If we
want to succeed, then follow a certain order. Plan
first, and do it.
Life should always be planned and organized in
order to achieve better future. We should follow our
parents because they know better than us. What
they wanted is for us to have a brighter future.
1. How can you achieve a better future? I will follow orders from my
and abstractions
about the lesson
I should have plans in life and
follow it step by step.
2. What would be your plans to have a bright
future ahead of you? First, I will work hard. Next, I
will obey my parents. Then, I
will study harder. I will pray
every day for God’ guidance.
Finally, I will have a good job.

H.Finding Write a story using logical connectors based from the

practical picture.
applications of First, the two birds
concepts and gathered some grasses and
skills in daily leaves to make a nest in a
living branch of a tree. Next, the two
birds guarded the nest they
have made from any creatures
that may harm and destroy the
nest. Then, the female bird lay
eggs. While laying some eggs
in the nest, the male bird
guarded the nest from any
creatures that may attack the
nest. Meanwhile, there is a
creature that tried to evade the
nest. But it did not succeed.
Finally, the eggs hatched and
they were fed by their parents.


Point Indicators
5 Shows eagerness and
cooperation to do the task,
participate actively, do great
help to the group.
4 Shows eagerness and
cooperation to do the task,
good followers only.
3 Participated but late, with
teacher’s supervision.
2 Activity was done but does
not show eagerness to
participate or cooperate.
1 No interest in participating
the activities.

Very good.

Write your schedule from the time you wake

up until the time you sleep during school days. Write I wake up at 5 in morning.
it in a paragraph form using chronological Then, I fix my bed, say a little
connectors. prayer before I start to prepare
Rubrics myself in going to school.
Points Indicators Next, I eat my breakfast and
5 No error in spelling, go to school at 7. Classes
I. Evaluating legibly written and begin at 7:30 up to 11:45,
learning clean. morning session and the
4 Minimal errors. afternoon session starts at
3 Not legibly written, not 12:45 and ends at 4:00.
clean. Finally, I go home at 4:30 and
2 Many errors committed, I do my household chores. We
cannot be read. eat our dinner at 7. I study for
1 No writing on papers. 1 hour before going to sleep.

J. Additional Ingredients:
activities for Write a procedure on how to bake a cake.
application or 3 eggs
remediation Rubrics 11/4 cups of water
Points Indicators 1 box of cake mix (any kind)
5 Clean and with not 1/3 cup of cooking oil
more than 1 error. 13''by 9'' baking pan
4 Clean, with 3-4 errors. 1 mixing bowl
3 Not clean with more Mixer (or by hand) 
than 5 errors. Cake toppings (any kind)
2 Incomplete errors. Measuring spoons and cups
1 No assignment.

#1 Take your mixing bowl, open

the box of cake mix and pour it in
the mixing bowl.
#2 Take the three eggs, crack
them and put them in the mixing
#3 Take 11/4 cups of water and
put them in the mixing bowl.
#4 Take the 1/3 cups of cooking
oil and put #5 Mix with mixer (or
by hand)
#6 Pour the mix in the 13'' by 9''
pan, after greased. them in the
mixing bowl also.
#7 Put the 13''by 9'' pan in the
oven on 350 for 25 - 30.
#8 After baked let it cool off for
at LEAST 10 MIN.
#9 After it cools down you may
decorate with any cake


A. No. of
learners who
earned 80%
on the
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the
lessons work?
No. of
learners who
have caught
up with the
D. No. of
learners who
continue to
E. Which of my
worked well?
Why did these
F. What
difficulties did
I encounter
which my
principal or
can help me
G. What
innovation or
materials did I
use / discover
which I wish
to share with

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