JHMC EMS Manual Uncontrolled

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Document Code JHMC-EM Version Number 0

Copy Type: MASTER COPY Effectivity Date 24 September 2018


PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE………………………………………………………………………. 3
i. INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................... 4
JHMC Profile ........................................................................................................................... 4
1. Scope ............................................................................................................................................... 8
2. Normative References ..................................................................................................................... 9
3. Terms and Definitions ................................................................................................................... 10
4. Context of the Organization ......................................................................................................... 13
4.1 Understanding the organization and its context ...................................................................... 13
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties .............................................. 13
4.3 Determining the scope of the JHMC - Environmental Management System ........................... 13
4.4 Environmental Management System ..................................................................................... 14
5 Leadership .................................................................................................................................... 14
5.1 Leadership and commitment ................................................................................................... 14
5.2 Environmental Policy .............................................................................................................. 15
5.3 JHMC Organizational roles and responsibilities ..................................................................... 16
6 Planning ........................................................................................................................................ 20
6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities .............................................................................. 20
6.1.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 20
6.1.2 Environmental aspects ................................................................................................... 20
6.1.3 Compliance obligations.................................................................................................. 20
6.1.4 Planning action .............................................................................................................. 21
6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them ......................................................... 21
6.2.1 Environmental objectives ............................................................................................... 21
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6.2.2 Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives ...................................................... 21

7 Support ......................................................................................................................................... 21
7.1 Resources ............................................................................................................................. 21
7.2 Competence ......................................................................................................................... 21
7.3 Awareness ............................................................................................................................ 22
7.4 Communication.................................................................................................................... 22
7.5 Documented information ..................................................................................................... 23
8 Operation ..................................................................................................................................... 23
8.1 Operational planning and control ........................................................................................ 23
8.2 Emergency preparedness and response ................................................................................ 24
9 Performance evaluation ................................................................................................................ 24
9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation.............................................................. 24
9.1.1 General ......................................................................................................................... 24
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance ............................................................................................... 25
9.2 Management Review............................................................................................................. 25
10 Improvement ............................................................................................................................... 27
10.1 General ................................................................................................................................ 27
10.2 Non-conformities and Corrective Actions ............................................................................ 28
10.3 Continual Improvement ....................................................................................................... 28

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The John Hay Management Corporation

(JHMC) remains as the steward and primary
catalyst for economic development within
the 320-hectare Camp John Hay Estate.
We are mandated to transform the camp into
a premier tourist and investment destination
in the North and enforce efficient and
effective regulations and policies.
Guided by our core values, JHMC commits
to promote a sound Environmental
Management System (EMS) which is
aligned with the current administration’s
Philippine Development Plan 2017-2022 of

President’s Message
conserving, protecting and rehabilitating the
environment and natural resources.

The creation of the EMS, certifiable to the standards of ISO 14001:2015, is a move towards our
aspiration to be the leader of environment management in the country; a significant contribution
to sustainability. We take responsibility in ensuring the sustainable use and development of the
forest watershed not only in our role as the recognized administrator of the John Hay Special
Economic Zone, but also by the way we perform as an entity.
This will serve as guidance for the corporation to reduce its environmental impacts and increase
its efficiency in the John Hay Special Economic Zone (JSEZ) and Reservation Area (JHRA).
With this, JHMC will continually uphold its integrity. If sustainability is to be achieved,
economic, social and environmental goals must be progressed simultaneously.

24 September 2018

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The John Hay Management Corporation (JHMC) Environmental Management Systems Manual
(EMS Manual) is the highest level documented information which serves as a guide and provides
direction in enhancing its environmental performance in its applicable functional areas of

JHMC established this EMS Manual based on ISO 14001:2015: Environmental Management
Systems – Requirements with Guidance for use to help achieve intended outcomes of its EMS in a
structured and systematic manner in order to carry out its mandate on environment protection and

This EMS is designed to cover environmental aspects that JHMC has control and directly manage
as well as those that it can influence considering a life cycle perspective. It describes the principles,
practices and procedures which are planned and maintained by JHMC to address and manage its
significant environment aspects and compliance obligations; identify and control its risks and use
opportunities that arise for it while satisfying the needs and expectations of its stakeholders.

This EMS Manual shall, in the principle of continual improvement, be subjected to review,
evaluation and improvement by JHMC to reflect changes in policies, management and procedures
as well as technological advances. The manual will be controlled by the Documents and Records
Control Committee (DRCC). The JHMC EMS Core Team will be responsible for maintaining an
up-to-date manual that includes all revisions and modifications, as needed.

JHMC Profile


Camp John Hay is the former vacation and recreation haven for American servicemen during
their stay in the Philippines. The Camp is named in honor to John Milton Hay, the Secretary of
State during the administration of President William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt. Camp
John Hay is located in Baguio City, the Summer Capital of the Philippines.

In 1991, American military presence in the Philippines ended and Republic Act. No. 7227 or the
Bases Conversion and Development Act of 1992 was enacted where the Bases Conversion and
Development Authority (BCDA) was created. Its purpose is to oversee the conversion of former
military bases into productive uses and take over the ownership and management of the Camp
John Hay.

The Camp John Hay Reservation was turned over to BCDA pursuant to Presidential
Proclamation No. 198 series of 1993. Executive Order (EO) 103 dated June 29, 1993, as
amended by EO 31 series of 1998 created the John Hay Poro Point Development Corporation
(JPDC) as a subsidiary and implementing arm of BCDA to manage Camp John Hay into an
environmental, economic, and social development hub in Northern Luzon and the country in
general. JPDC was later divided into two entities, the John Hay Management Corporation
(JHMC) and Poro Point Management Corporation (PPMC) on October 3, 2002 by virtue of EO
132. Presidential Proclamation 420 dated July 5, 1994 created and designated John Hay as a
Special Economic Zone. EO 62 prescribes the policies and guidelines to implement RA 7227.
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JHMC remains as the steward and estate manager of the John Hay Special Economic Zone
(JHSEZ) and the John Hay Reservation Area (JHRA). Portions of the JHSEZ were leased out
for the purpose of developing Camp John Hay into a family-oriented tourism complex, multiple-
use forest watershed and human resource development center.

Based on its Articles of Incorporation (AOI) as amended in November 29, 2002, JHMC is
mandated to develop, manage, own, lease, sub-lease and operate restaurants, cafés , bars, golf
courses, picnic groves, hotels, pavilions, gym, tennis courts and establishments and facilities of
all kinds for educational, recreational, tourism, commercial, amusement, health and other
purposes; to maintain and generally operate roads, water pump houses, power plants and other
utilities in support of or in connection with the foregoing purposes and generally to carry out all
activities necessary to convert, develop, and maintain the facilities and properties within and
around the Camp John Hay for tourism, commercial, industrial, residential, nature reserve and
human resource development center.

Section 2 Item 2.1.3 of EO 62 states that Camp John Hay be preserved, maintained, enhanced,
and developed as a forest watershed and tourist destination. The natural attributes and character
shall be maintained.

Section 6 of EO 62 further stipulates that Environmental standards shall be strictly enforced by

subsidiaries and attached authorities in their respective areas of responsibility.

Chapter 7 of the Rules and Regulations of the John Hay Special Economic Zone (JHSEZ)
pursuant to Presidential Proclamation No. 420 states the policy of maintaining a high degree of
environmental quality, and applying all of Environmental Laws. Section 46 specifies the creation
of an Environmental Management Office (EMO), which is now the Environment and Asset
Management Department responsible for the monitoring and implementation of environmental
and natural resources conservation and protection programs within the JHSEZ.

The JHMC Vision

By 2030, JHMC shall have transformed Camp John Hay into a sustainable tourism destination
in the North with innovative approaches to promote investments, improved employment
opportunities and quality services while preserving the environment.

The JHMC Mission

As the steward of Camp John Hay, JHMC develops the estate into a premier tourist and
investment destination that enforces efficient and effective regulation, ensures sustainable
multiple use of forest watershed and contributes to national economic growth and job generation.

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The JHMC Core Values

The Core Values of JHMC was approved in CY 2018 through a JHMC Board Resolution. This
serves as a foundation on which Management provides the strategies to fulfill the mandate of
JHMC and the employees perform their work, conduct themselves and interact with each other.

Passion for the Environment

The JHMC Organizational Structure

The following page represents the organization structure of the JHMC. It is headed by a
governing Board of Directors composed of eleven (11) appointive Members, President and Chief
Executive Officer (PCEO) and Vice President and Chief Operations Officer (VP-COO). The
PCEO and VP-COO manage seven (7) departments. The JHMC- Table of Organization was
approved by virtue of GCG Memorandum Order No. 2013-45.

Chairman of the Board

Board Of Directors

Internal Audit Office of the

Office Corporate Secretary

Office of the President and CEO

- Corporate Planning
- Community Relations

Development Legal Department
Safety and Security

Office of the Vice President

and COO

Environment and Asset Special Economic

Administrative Finance Services
Management Zone Administration
Services Department Department
Department Department

Human Resource Environment

Services Division Management Division

General Services Land and Asset

Division Management Division
and Communications Project Management
Technology Division Division

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JHMC Office Map of Boundaries

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1. Scope

This EMS Manual applies to JHMC office and administrative operations, activities and services
and the corresponding environmental aspects that it has control of and influence considering the
life cycle perspective. It is designed to adhere to ISO 14001:2015 standard. The system assures
conformance to legal requirements and the company’s environmental policy and provides objective
evidence of effective control.

This Environmental Manual includes JHMC’s Environmental Policy statement. The system
commits to continual improvement and ensures that interested parties are considered. We provide
leadership to manage the system and communicate it throughout our organization. The system
complies with all environmentally – relevant regulatory requirements and is driven by the
environmental objectives defined by management. The system is planned, implemented and
reviewed while considering the context of our organization and all significant aspects. Effectiveness
is measured through internal audits, external audits and management review.
1.1 Interested Parties of JHMC and their Needs and Expectations



Internal Parties

JHMC Board of Directors Policies, Plans, Strategic Initiatives, Programs,

guidelines, directives and decisions

JHMC Top Management (OPCEO, Policies, Plans, Strategic Initiatives, Programs,

OVPCOO and ManCom) guidelines, directives and decisions

JHMC employees, fixed term and Environmentally responsible use of office (physical
project-based employees and financial) resources, human resource and technical
guidance / assistance, information resources, reports,
guidance to achieve environment objectives

External Parties

BCDA Policies, Plans, Strategic Initiatives, Performance

Agreement, technical and human resource assistance

Governance Commission for Policies, Plans, Strategic Initiatives, Performance

Government Owned and Scorecard, Technical and Human Resource assistance
Controlled Corporations (GCG)

JHSEZ Locators and Residents Policies, Regulations, Programs, Guidelines, Licenses,

Permits, Clearances, Certifications

Service Providers ( Janitorial, Job Orders, Contracts, Directives, Performance

Gardening, Siphoning, Solid Waste Evaluation, Payments for related services, licenses,
Collection, Forest Care Services, permits, clearances, certifications, communicate
Security, Pest Control), relevant JHSEZ regulations and guidelines, response
Consultants, Contractors, suppliers, and technical guidance to environment-related queries
investors, event coordinators

Contractors for infrastructure Job Orders, Contracts, Performance Evaluation,

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projects Payments for related services, Construction

Environmental Management Plan

Tourists, clients, guests and visitors Policies, Regulations, Programs, permits, clearances,

DENR- CAR (EMB-CAR, Compliance with applicable environmental regulations,

CENRO Baguio City, WWRRC) MOA, Deed of Usufruct, Response and guidance to
queries, reportorial and delivery of commitments

Other Government Agencies Response and guidance to queries


OGCC Agreement/contract, payment for special legal services,

supporting documents for use as evidence in cases,
assistance through formulation of legal strategy,
assistance as collaborating counsel to attend hearings
and handling of cases

The Environmental Management System (EMS) is applied to the services within the following areas
of responsibility of JHMC defined in the Scope of EMS which are:
a) Administrative and General Office Management including those activities needing
outsourced services and goods
b) Repairs and maintenance works for JHMC Facilities, Equipment and Structures
c) Construction and development within the John Hay Special Economic Zone (Locators,
JHSEZ Residents)
d) Management of Events at the Historical Core

This serves to demonstrate the organization’s commitment to pollution prevention and continuous
improvement of the EMS.

Users of this document are all employees of JHMC.

2. Normative References

In establishing the JHMC Environmental Management System described in this Manual,

consideration was given to the provisions of the ISO 14001:2015 clauses which are:
Clause 1 - Scope
Clause 2 - Normative References
Clause 3 - Terms and Definitions
Clause 4 - Context of the Organization
Clause 5 - Leadership
Clause 6 - Planning
Clause 7 - Support

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Clause 8 - Operation
Clause 9 - Performance Evaluation
Clause 10 - Improvement
3. Terms and Definitions

For the purpose of this Environmental Management Manual, JHMC references the terms and
definitions listed in the ISO 14001:2015 standard and how terms were used in this Manual.

3.1 Terms related to organization and leadership

3.1.1 Bases Conversion and Development Authority (BCDA) - the parent

company of the JHMC.

3.1.2 BDD - Business Development Department

3.1.3 Documents - refers to documented EMS procedures, Operations Manual,

EMS forms and other procedures/ standards/ forms indicated in the Document
Master List.

3.1.4 Document and Records Control Group - composed of regular JHMC

employees responsible to establish, document, implement, and maintain the
procedure for the control of documents and records.

3.1.5 EMD - Environment Management Division

3.1.6 EMS Team Leader (ETL) - Assigned with overall responsibility for
overseeing the EMS.

3.1.7 Environmental Management System- It is part of JHMC’s overall

management system used to develop and implement its environmental policy and
manage its environmental aspects. It includes management system includes
organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures,
processes, and resources.

3.1.8 FSD - Finance Services Department

3.1.9 GSD - General Services Division

3.1.10 GCG – Governance Commission for GOCCs

3.1.11 HRSD - Human Resource Services Division

3.1.12 ICTD - Information and Communications Technology Division

3.1.13 Interested Party - person or group concerned with or affected by the

environmental performance of JHMC.

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3.1.14 JHRA - John Hay Reservation Area

3.1.15 JHSEZ - John Hay Special Economic Zone

3.1.16 LAMD - Land and Asset Management Division

3.1.17 ManCom - Management Committee

3.1.18 SEZAD - Special Economic Zone Administration Department

3.1.19 SSD - Safety and Security Department

3.1.20 Top Management - an oversight group, which is composed of the Members

of the JHMC- Board of Directors, President and Chief Executive, Vice President
and Chief Operations Officer and the Management Committee members for
purposes of establishing, reviewing and maintaining the JHMC-EMS.

3.2 Terms related to planning

3.2.1 Articles of Incorporation (AOI) - refers to the JHMC-AOI, as amended on

29 November 2002.

3.2.2 Core Values - the foundation on which JHMC Management provide the
strategies to fulfill the mandate of the service and how the employees perform their
work, conduct themselves and interact with each other.

3.2.3 Documents - refers to documented EMS procedures, Operations Manual,

EMS forms and other procedures/ standards/ forms indicated in the Document
Master List.

3.2.4 EP - EMS Procedure

3.2.5 Environment - surroundings in which an organization operates, including air,

water, land, natural resources, flora, fauna, humans, and their interrelation.
Note 2 to entry: In the context of the JHMC EMS, it can also refer and extend from
within an organization to the global system.

3.2.6 Environment Aspect - element of JHMC’s activities, programs and services

that can interact with the environment. A significant environmental aspect is one
that has or can have a significant environmental impact.

3.2.7 Environmental Impact - any change to the environment, whether adverse or

beneficial, wholly or partially resulting from an organizations environmental

3.2.8 Environmental Objectives - overall environmental goal, consistent with the

environmental policy, that an organization sets itself to achieve.

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3.2.9 Environmental Policy - Policy formally expressed by JHMC’s Top

Management establishing a framework for the EMS and expressing management’s
intentions toward its environmental performance.

3.3 Terms related to support and operation

3.3.1 Control of Documents - the system to ensure that all documents used within
JHMC are controlled in accordance with the defined policies and procedures for
controlling and maintaining JHMC documents.

3.3.2 Control of Records - the system of managing, controlling, disposing and

archiving records within JHMC.

3.3.3 Process - any activity, or set of activities that uses resources to transform
inputs to outputs

3.3.4 Process Owner – individual JHMC employee in charge of, accountable and
responsible for a specific task, activity, program or project.

3.4 Terms related to performance evaluation and improvement

3.4.1 CAPA - Corrective and Preventive Action Procedure

3.4.2 Environmental Performance - measurable results of an organization’s

management of its environmental aspects.

3.4.3 Management Review - periodic review of EMS activities conducted by the

top management. The Management Review considers the adequacy, effectiveness,
and suitability of the EMS and directs changes to the EMS as necessary to achieve
the goals for the EMS including the policy commitment to continual improvement.

3.4.4 NCMT- Non- Conformity Monitoring Tool is a recording and monitoring of

issued request for preventive and corrective actions.

3.4.5 Nonconformity - any non-fulfillment of a requirement of ISO 14001: 2015

and / or the JHMC EMS which includes: adverse findings of a regulatory
compliance obligation or EMS audit; discovery of noncompliance with an
environmental law, regulation, or other requirement; failure to achieve
environmental objectives and targets within established timeframes; substantial
nonconformity with the Environmental Policy; or any other failure to meet the
requirements of the EMS as described in the EMS Manual and Procedures.

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3.4.6 Training and Education Group - responsible to facilitate all EMS

competency trainings and other interventions and activities, cascading,
communicating and training of ISO 14001:2015 to JHMC personnel, reviews the
results of competence evaluation conducted for employees performing functions
that affect the JHMC-EMS and ensure that employees are aware of their roles and
responsibilities relative to the attainment of the JHMC vision and JHMC mission,
environmental policy, objectives, and plans.

4. Context of the Organization

4.1 Understanding the organization and its context

The JHMC determines external and internal issues that are relevant to its purpose and ability to
achieve the intended outcomes of its Environmental Management System. Such issues include
environmental conditions being affected by or affecting the organization. In doing so, JHMC
considers the following issues in the development of its EMS programs and activities:

a) Consumption and depletion of natural resources

b) Generation of solid wastes
c) Generation of hazardous wastes
d) Degradation and contamination of water quality
e) Maintenance of air quality
f) Infrastructure development in the JHSEZ
g) Forest protection and enhancement of biodiversity

With the above considerations, JHMC will manage and implement programs, procedures and
strategic initiatives in order to mitigate and prevent pollution and harm to the environment that
contribute to global climate change. In implementing its EMS, it shall remain faithful to its mission,
vision and core values.
4.2 Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties

JHMC shall determine, through annual reviews, the interested parties relevant to the JHMC EMS,
their needs and expectations and which among the relevant needs and expectations are compliance

4.3 Determining the scope of the JHMC - Environmental Management System

JHMC determines the boundaries and applicability of its EMS to establish its scope considering the
external and internal issues affecting the EMS; compliance obligations; its or ganizational units,
functions and physical boundaries; its activities and services; and its authority and ability to exercise
control and influence.
Within the defined scope, the activities and services of JHMC within it need to be included in the

The scope of JHMC’s EMS shall be maintained as documented information, through this EMS
Manual (see Section 1) and is available to interested parties by accessing its website.

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4.4 Environmental Management System

To achieve the intended outcomes, achieve its environmental objectives, including enhancing
environmental performance, JHMC shall establish, implement, maintain and continually improve its
EMS, including the processes and their interactions, in accordance with the requirements of ISO

JHMC considers the understanding of the organization and its context and the needs and expectations
of interested parties in establishing and maintaining its EMS.

The Environment Management System of JHMC includes the following processes from which there
are identified environment aspects:


1. Administrative and General Office operations of all departments of
 Administrative Services Department
 Business Development Department JHMC Office
 Community Relations Unit Complex,
 Corporate Planning Unit
 Environment and Asset Management
 Finance Services Department JHMC Customs
 Internal Audit Office Clearance Area
 Legal Department
 Office of the Corporate Secretary
 Office of the President and CEO
 Office of the Vice President and COO
 Safety and Security Department
 Special Economic Zone Administration Department
2. JHMC as the JHSEZ administrator and regulatory body in its John Hay Special
authority to influence JHSEZ locators’ and sublessees’, JHSEZ Economic Zone
residents’, constructors’, and service providers’ activities which
interact with the environment.

5 Leadership

5.1 Leadership and commitment

The Top Management of JHMC is taking accountability for the effectiveness of the EMS and
providing resources ensuring that the Environmental Policy and Environmental Objectives and
Plans are compatible with the strategic direction and the context of the organization.

The Top Management ensures that EMS requirements are integrated into JHMC’s processes, and
that it is achieving the intended results. It communicates the importance of an effective EMS,
promotes continual improvement, and supports relevant management roles to demonstrate
leadership to their areas of responsibility.

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5.2 Environmental Policy

JHMC shall define, establish, implement and maintain an Environmental Policy that is within the
scope of its EMS.

The Environmental Policy shall be communicated to all JHMC personnel and relevant service
contractors through any acceptable methods of dissemination and communication. It shall undergo
reviews, revisions, and documented as required to be headed by the EMS Core Team Leader with
the approval from the JHMC Top Management and documented by the DRCC headed by the
Document Controller.

This Policy represents the framework for planning and improving the EMS, and setting general and
specific environmental objectives which:
a) Is in harmony with purpose and context
b) Is appropriate to the nature of the environmental impacts of its activities and services;
c) Includes commitment to the protection of the environment, pollution prevention and
those applicable to its operations
d) Includes commitment to fulfill its compliance obligations;
e) Commits to continual improvement of the EMS to further its environmental performance.


The JHMC, as the steward and primary catalyst for economic development, is mandated to
transform Camp John Hay into a sustainable tourism destination in the North.

To minimize the environmental impacts of our programs, activities and services, we commit to:

• Involve ALL employees to carry out tasks in an environmentally responsible manner;

• Comply with applicable environmental laws and its related requirements, regulations
and other agreements to which JHMC subscribes;
• Prescribe and review environmental objectives and targets considering significant
environmental aspects;
• Encourage environmental protection among locators, JHSEZ residents, suppliers,
contractors and other interested parties;
• Prevent pollution, reduce waste and minimize the consumption of resources; and
• Develop, implement and continually improve the Environment Management System.

Approved By:

President and CEO

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5.3 JHMC Organizational roles and responsibilities

Responsibilities and authorities for relevant roles are assigned by the Top Management represented
by its PCEO and communicated within the organization to ensure its effective implementation.
These include roles and responsibilities for ensuring that the EMS conforms to ISO 14001:2015 and
reporting on the performance of the EMS, to the top management.

The environmental Management system is the responsibility of each employee of JHMC. The
following are specific responsibilities of JHMC Top Management and Personnel.

5.3.1 Top Management

The JHMC Top Management is responsible for:

a) establishing and communicating the Environmental Policy to the organization;
endorsing the environmental policy;
b) ensuring appropriate resource allocation to enable the effective operation and continual
improvement of the EMS;
c) defining and documenting the responsibilities relating to the Environmental Management
d) ensuring that the JHMC-EMS goals and objectives are established and attained;
e) heading EMS Management Reviews and Meetings to ensure effective corrective and
preventive actions and follow-up are completed and dispensed and to ensure the continuing
conformance and effectiveness of the EMS;
f) acting as the ultimate decision-making authority in the event when disputes arise regarding
environmental issues.
g) conducting formal reviews of the Environmental Management System to share results of
audits and to ensure the continuing conformance and effectiveness of the Environmental
Management System;
h) Ensure that legal and other requirements are met with the aim of enhancing the
Environmental Management System;

5.3.2 Management Committee

Review of related guidelines, policies, and procedures to carry out EMS. It also reviews and
recommends measures to departments/ divisions/ process owners to address identified EMS non-
conformities not addressed at the departmental/ division / process owner level.

5.3.3 Finance Services Department

The FSD oversees financial processes of JHMC. It provides accurate and timely financial
information to assist the Top Management in making corporate decisions relative to budgetary
support to the EMS.

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5.3.4 EMS Core Team

The EMS Core Team has the following responsibilities:

a) Identifying, together with process owners, the environmental aspects of JHMC activities,
products, and services;
b) Determining which environmental aspects are significant;
c) Establishing environmental objectives and targets, plans and programs which may be done
together with process owner;
d) Identifying resources necessary to meet ISO 14001:2015 requirements and the
environmental objectives and targets;
e) Assisting decisions to be carried out by top management in the maintenance and continual
improvement of the EMS;
f) Providing oversight management for the achievement of the environmental objectives and
g) Participating in the Management Review; and
h) Such other responsibilities as are described within this EMS Procedures and EMS Manual,
or as assigned by the EMS Core Team Leader and Top Management.

5.3.5 EMS Team Leader (ETL)

The President and CEO appoints the EMS Team Leader through a Special Order. The ETL
ensures that the JHMC Environmental Management System conforms with the requirements of
ISO 14001:2015, and that it is maintained, effective and continually improved. These
responsibilities are carried out through the following:
a) Verifies the EMS implementation and follow-up of solutions.
b) Schedules internal audits and provides reporting and follow-up to the management team as
a basis for improvement of the Environmental Management System.
c) Ensuring the efficiency of the Environmental Management System is continually improved
d) Maintaining registration to ISO through internal and external audits, and monitoring
corrective actions resulting from those audits to ensure they are eventually closed out and
e) Regularly reviewing the policy and the effectiveness of the EMS, and ensuring that the
necessary changes are made.
f) Leading the EMS Core Team to establish and implement the EMS according to ISO 14001
standard, and monitoring the performance of the EMS;
g) handling and investigating nonconformity and ensuring corrective and preventive action has
been taken to mitigate any impacts caused;
h) reporting on the performance of the EMS to the top management for review and as a basis
for improvement of the EMS; and
i) shall undertake the EMS management review annually to ensure top management
commitment and integration of the EMS with business strategies for its implementation and
continual improvement.

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5.3.6 Internal EMS Audit Group (IEA Group)

a) Prepares IEA plan, coordinates, and implements the IEA Program.
b) Identifies the necessary resources for managing the IEA Program.
c) Provides inputs during Management review regarding IEA findings.
d) Monitors and maintains records of implementation of corrective and preventive actions for
nonconformance found during audits and regular operations, as well as, validated material
deviations and/or repetitive process complaints from the internal and external clients.

5.3.7 Compliance Obligation and Monitoring Group

a) The Compliance Obligation and Monitoring Group is responsible and accountable for
determining the necessary support activities towards JHMC’s EMS compliance obligations.
b) It is responsible and accountable for regularly reviewing and monitoring the legal
requirements and compliance obligations pertinent to the EMS.
c) Provide inputs during management reviews regarding compliance monitoring and
d) Coordinates with process owners in monitoring and managing the environmental aspects of
each department / division / process owner’s activities and services at the operational level
under their control. This approach ensures EMS implementation at the operations level.

5.3.8 Training and Education Group

a) promoting environmental awareness among company staff;
b) Ensures that employees are aware of their roles and responsibilities relative to the attainment
of the Environmental objectives, targets, and plans.
c) Reviews the results of competence evaluation conducted for employees performing
functions that affect the EMS.
d) Facilitates all EMS competency trainings and other interventions and activities.
e) Shall be responsible in cascading, communicating and training of ISO 14001:2015 to JHMC

5.3.9 EMS Secretariat

a) Coordinates with the EMS team and different offices regarding the conduct of various
b) Recommends and identifies key personnel relative to the composition of the EMS core team.
c) Notifies the members of the EMS core team during the conduct of trainings, workshops and
technical assistance sessions.
d) Assists the ETL in performing assigned duties and responsibilities.
e) Assists the ETL in facilitating the certification.
f) Monitors and supervises the consolidation of the output of different teams.
g) Updates the ETL on updates of EMS outputs and activities.

5.3.10 Documents and Records Control Group

a) Establishes, documents, implements, and maintains a procedure for the control of documents
and records.
b) Maintains the Master copies and the master list of the QM and OMs; and Distribution list of
externally generated documents and references.
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c) Ensures that current versions of relevant documents are available at point of use.
d) Prevents unintended use of obsolete documents as well as the unauthorized use of relevant
e) Ensures the traceability of documents.
f) Coordinates with the training and education team, and if necessary, be the forerunner in the
promotion of awareness on the effective implementation of the control of documents and
records procedure.
g) Coordinates enhancement of the procedure for control of records.
h) Closely collaborates with coordinating staff and support units on matters concerning record
i) Consolidates the quality plans and records retention matrix of each unit and incorporate them
in the corresponding procedures.

5.3.11 Department Managers, Division Heads and Officers

Ensures that daily operations, programs, projects and activities under their control work in
accordance with ISO 14001:2015 guidelines and JHMC EMS Manual and Procedures.
a) Applying the Environmental Policy as it affects and applies to their unit’s activities and areas
of responsibility;
b) Delegating responsibility and authority for the establishment, implementation, maintenance,
and continual improvement of the EMS at their unit ;
c) Recommending to management the needed resources to meet ISO 14001: 2015 requirements
and EMS objectives and targets;
d) Periodically reviewing the EMS for suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness and addressing
the need for change to policies, objectives, and other elements of the EMS in light of
changing circumstances and the commitment to continual improvement.

JHMC EMS Structure

Top Management

Environmental Management System

Team Leader
Deputy QMR
EMS Secretariat
Compliance Obligation and
Monitoring Group Training and Education Group

Document and Records Control

Internal EMS Audit Group

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6 Planning

6.1 Actions to address risks and opportunities

6.1.1 General

In planning the EMS, JHMC considers the context of the organization, needs and expectations of
interested parties (JHMC EP-006), and the scope of the EMS (see Section 1).

JHMC determines risks and opportunities related to environmental aspects, compliance obligations,
context of the organization, and needs and expectations of interested parties in order to give
assurance that the EMS can achieve its intended outcomes, prevent or reduce undesired effects, and
achieve continual improvement.

Within the defined scope of the EMS, JHMC shall determine potential emergency situations,
including those that can have an environmental impact. (JHMC EP-008 and JHMC EP-007) It shall
maintain a documented information of its risks and opportunities related to environmental aspects
that need to be addressed and processes needed in 6.1.1 to 6.1.4 to the extent necessary to ensure
that they are carried out as planned.

6.1.2 Environmental aspects

JHMC performs identification of environmental aspects within the scope of the EMS and evaluates
their significance or potential significance. The process of identification of environmental aspects
and evaluation of their impact covers activities from all processes that can have an environment
impact, positive or negative, including consideration of situations that deviate from normal business
operations, planned or new developments or new or modified activities as well as cases of
emergencies and / or accidents. A method of identifying environmental aspects and evaluation of
their impact has been prescribed in JHMC EP-007 – Procedure for Identification and Evaluation
of Environmental Aspects.

It shall communicate identified significant environmental aspects to the various levels of the
organization and shall maintain documented information covering its activities, environmental
aspects and associated environmental impacts; criteria used to determine significant environmental
aspects; and significant environmental aspects
6.1.3 Compliance obligations

In accordance with the nature of its mandate and activities, JHMC complies with a certain number
of requirements prescribed by legislations and other stakeholders, relating to environmental
It shall identify all compliance obligations applicable to its operations, determines how these
compliance obligations apply to the organization, and documents them following the JHMC EP –
006 Procedure for Determining Context of the Organization and Interested Parties.

It takes into account the compliance obligations when planning, establishing, implementing and
continually improving the Environmental Management System. It shall maintain a documented
information of its compliance obligations.

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6.1.4 Planning action

JHMC plans actions to address its significant environmental aspects and compliance obligations
identified according to JHMC EP – 007 and JHMC EP -009 and documented accordingly; risks and
opportunities related to the context of the organization; and integrates and implements them in EMS
processes and evaluates the effectiveness of these actions.

6.2 Environmental objectives and planning to achieve them

6.2.1 Environmental objectives

As part of the cycle of pollution prevention, environmental protection and continual improve ment,
JHMC continuously defines measurable and timed environmental objectives for the relevant
functions and levels within the organization. The objectives are monitored in the context of
monitoring and measurement and management review. (JHMC EP-003 – Internal EMS Audit)
Environmental objectives are consistent with the Environmental Policy, and prescribed and
communicated to all levels and relevant functions in the organization, including significant
environmental aspects, management and resource preservation, the organization’s requirements
established by the JHMC itself, requirements arising from the process of internal and external
communication, and the requirements of the compliance obligations.
The JHMC Top Management, through the PCEO is responsible for reviewing and updating of
environmental objectives.
6.2.2 Planning actions to achieve environmental objectives

JHMC plans to achieve each defined Environmental Objective through the help of an established
EMS Manual and Procedures, existing policies, operational manual and guidelines. By following
the EMS Manual and Procedures and by striving to meet the environmental objectives and plans,
JHMC is able to comply with the requirements of ISO 14001:2015.
In order to monitor the environmental objectives and plans, activities to achieve them,
responsibilities, deadlines (frequency or timing), and resources for the realization of the objectives
are defined and documented. Realization of the plans is regularly reviewed by each relevant JHMC
Department / Division / Process Owner in order to monitor realization and to include new or
modified situations, or at least during IEA and regular management review.

7 Support

7.1 Resources

JHMC disposes the staff with the necessary knowledge and skills, organizational infrastructure, and
financial resources for establishing, implementation, maintenance, and improvement of the EMS.
Through its operational, budget and strategic planning, it determines and provides resources needed
for establishment, implementation, maintenance, and continual improvement of the Environmental
Management System.

7.2 Competence

The JHMC – HRSD shall determine the essential competence of persons doing work under the
organization that affects its environmental performance. It spearheads the formulation,
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implementation and monitoring of personnel-related policies, to ensure that employees are

competent on the basis of education, training, or experience to efficiently and effectively perform
their functions relevant to the EMS. When necessary and applicable, take actions to acquire the
required competence, and evaluate the effectiveness of actions taken. It shall retain and maintain
employees’ evidence of competence and other appropriate documented information through the
Personnel 201 files.

In cases where it is deemed necessary and justified, the organization may hire competent external
personnel and organizations from relevant fields for realization of EMS activities for which the
organization does not have adequate resources.

The HRSD is responsible for identifying the needs and facilitating professional training of
employees including fixed-term employees who carry out activities that may have a significant
impact on the environment. It is responsible for planning and executing necessary actions to acquire
necessary competence and evaluate effectiveness of these actions.

Record and evidence of accreditation, completion and / or attendance is kept by the HRSD.

7.3 Awareness

The JHMC through the OPCEO is primarily responsible in ensuring that all personnel doing
activities within the control of JHMC shall be aware of its Environmental Policy, the significant
environmental aspects and their related actual or potential impacts associated to their specific work,
their contribution to the effectiveness of the EMS and its benefits, and the possible implications of
not conforming with the EMS requirements including compliance obligations.

The JHMC shall maintain necessary documented information to ensure that the processes are being
carried out as planned.

7.4 Communication
7.4.1 General

JHMC uses different forms and methods of internal and external communications, as well as
communication to its interested parties. To name a few, through the JHMC intranet, electronic mail,
meetings, memoranda. It ensures that there is a communication process in place regarding the
effectiveness of its EMS. Generally, it determines what it will communicate, the reliability of
information, timing, and method of communication as well as with whom it will be communicated,
considering compliance obligations and consistency with the EMS.

7.4.2. Internal Communication

JHMC shall ensure that internally, between and among the various levels and functions of JHMC,
information relevant to the EMS is communicated to enable personnel doing work under its control
to contribute to its continual improvement.

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7.4.3. External Communication

JHMC, through its PCEO, shall externally communicate information relevant to the EMS as
determined in its Levels of Signing Authority, and as required by its compliance obligations.
External communication pertains to letters, notices, publications, Memorandum Circulars,
information, education and communication (IEC) materials, website postings, locators’ meetings,
telephone calls, electronic mails, public consultations, focused group discussions (FGDs), signages
and press conferences.

The Records Management Specialist receives all communications. Concerned / responsible

personnel are then given and informed of these.

7.5 Documented information

Documented information of the Environmental Management System is carried out through the
following documents:
a) JHMC Record of Environmental Aspects
b) JHMC Record of Compliance Obligations
c) JHMC Risk Matrix
d) Environmental Objectives and Plans
e) Realization Monitoring of Environment Objectives
f) Environment- Related Risk Monitoring
g) Environmental Management System Manual
h) Competence Records
i) Evidences of Communication
j) Information on performance monitoring of environmental objectives- logbook,
monitoring forms, division or unit forms
k) Calibration records for monitoring and measurement equipment – (GPS, weighing scales,
and other equipment necessary for EMS activities)
l) Internal Audit Program Results
m) Non-conformities and Corrective Action
n) Documents, including records, required by ISO 14001:2015
o) Documents, including records, for which JHMC has determined to be necessary

The JHMC Documents and Records Controller ensures that necessary EMS documents are identified
by name, code, date of version, version number, and copy number and that JHMC –EP-001 and
JHMC EP- 002 are observed.

8 Operation

8.1 Operational planning and control

In accordance with applicable policies, this EMS Manual, objectives and targets for all operations
and activities of JHMC that are estimated to be associated with the identified significant
environmental aspects are treated in accordance with the JHMC-EP-009 Operational Control
Procedure for Significant Environmental Aspects.

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8.2 Emergency preparedness and response

JHMC, in order to identify, prevent, and mitigate the negative impact on the environment, according
to the JHMC-EP -008: Emergency Preparedness and Response to Environment – Related
Incidents, prescribes the activities and responsibilities when dealing with potential hazardous
situations, taking into account the probability of their occurrence and severity of environmental
consequences that may occur.

Employees training for the prevention and remediation of hazardous situations are taken into account
when defining the training programs and their implementation.

JHMC maintains the proper equipment necessary for prevention and response in case of a hazardous

Annually or as the need shall arise, and following the occurrence of an emergency or accident
situation, JHMC shall identify, review or revise the inventory of potential emergency or accident
situations relating to its operations and activities and the environmental consequences arising from
them. Newly identified potential emergency or accident situations will be incorporated in the

9 Performance evaluation

9.1 Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation

9.1.1 General

JHMC on a regular basis, monitors and measures the key activities of its operations that can have a
significant impact to the environment, its environmental protection performance, operational
controls and compliance with its environmental objectives. This is done through internal and
external monitoring relative to environmental performance and compliance.

Environmental performance on set Environment Objectives and Plans is monitored by each process
owner and responsible personnel and is recorded in the JHMC Environment Objectives Realization

Relevant legislations and compliance to environmental regulations are reported by the JHMC’s
Pollution Control Officer / Environment Officer. At the minimum, the Pollution Control Officer
submits a quarterly Self-Monitoring Report to the EMB – CAR.

The JHMC – EMD ensures that locators within the JHSEZ are monitored and their operations and
activities that may have an effect and impact to the environment are carried out responsibly. This is
done through the process of issuance of a Certificate of Environmental Compliance exclusive for
JHSEZ locators.

The General Services Division – Administrative Services Department monitors and measures
consumption of office resources and supplies and undertakes property and supply management to
ensure effective acquisition, custodianship and accountability, utilization and maintenance, and

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disposal of movable properties. These include supplies, furniture and fixtures, machineries, office
equipment and vehicles.

JHMC concerned process owners shall ensure that calibrated monitoring and measurement
equipment relevant to its environmental performance are used and maintained as appropriate.
(weighing scale, etc)

The process owners and / or end users monitor and evaluate the performance of service providers,
consultants and contractors to ensure compliance with applicable environmental standards.

JHMC shall retain appropriate documented information as evidence of the monitoring,

measurement, analysis and evaluation results.
9.1.2 Evaluation of compliance

Evaluation of compliance with legal and other requirements is the function of the Compliance
Obligation and Monitoring Group responsible and accountable for regularly reviewing, monitoring
and maintaining the Evaluation of Compliance on Environmental Obligations. They provide inputs
during management reviews regarding compliance monitoring and obligations. They ensure that
persons responsible / process owners’ activities and services at the operational level comply with
environment- related needs and expectations and applicable regulations.
Results of the compliance evaluation are recorded in the JHMC Evaluation of Compliance on
Environmental Obligations.

The ETL, IEA Group Leader and IEA Group plans and organizes the Internal Environmental Audit
that includes audit of EMS and compliance with documentation. Gathering of data is performed
through reviewing existing documentation, personal observation, and interviews.

An internal EMS auditor is a regular JHMC personnel with the assigned responsibility and authority
in doing such. He / she must have undergone the standard internal auditing training for ISO

Internal auditors must be selected in such a way as to ensure objectivity and impartiality, i.e., to
avoid conflict of interest, because auditors are not allowed to audit their own work. (JHMC EP –
003: Internal EMS Audit Procedure)

The Internal EMS Audit must contain identified non-conformities that require corrective actions,
identified potential non-conformities that require preventive actions, identified good practices, any
areas within the audit scope not covered, and recommendations for improvement of the EMS. JHMC
conducts internal EMS audits at planned intervals to determine whether the EMS conforms to the
planned arrangements and requirement of the JHMC EMS and is being effectively implemented and

9.2 Management Review

The purpose of the Management Review element of the EMS is to ensure that the top management,
at planned intervals, reviews the suitability, adequacy, and effectiveness of the EMS and that it
makes decisions for change consistent with the Environmental Policy commitment to continual
improvement. Management review agenda items may be discussed during scheduled ManCom and
Board meetings.
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The objective of the review will be to ensure continued EMS:

a) Suitability – The quality of having properties that are right for the specific purpose. An
Environmental Management System should be able to sustain the current performance
levels of the organization, utilizing an acceptable amount of organizational resources.
b) Adequacy – Sufficient to satisfy a requirement or meet a need. An Environmental
Management System should be capable of satisfying applicable requirements, including
those specified by the organization, the customer, and any applicable standards and/or
c) Effectiveness – Adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected
result. An Environmental Management System should enable the organization to meet
its own needs, those of the customer, and those of other interested parties.

The EMS Management Review shall, among others, cover the following agenda:

a) Matters arising from and follow-up actions from the previous Management review
b) Results of IEA and evaluation of compliance with legal requirements relevant to EMS;
c) Communication(s) from external interested parties, including complaints;
d) Environmental performance of JHMC;
e) Extent to which the environmental objectives and targets have been met;
f) Status of corrective and preventive actions;
g) Changing circumstances, including, but not limited to developments in legal and other
requirements related to JHMC’s environmental aspects that could affect the EMS;
h) Recommendations for continual improvement

Management review is participated by the Top Management (PCEO and VPCOO), Department and
Division heads, and EMS Core Team with the ETL. This review meeting is coordinated by the EMS
Secretariat. The outputs of the EMS Management review are recorded in the Minutes of all the
Management review meetings and maintained by the EMS Secretariat. Upon complete review of
all inputs and generation of the outputs, the PCEO will determine the continued suitability,
adequacy, and effectiveness of the Environmental Management System and will make decisions
related to continual improvement opportunities.

The top management conducts an additional management review in the following situations:
a) Major non-conformities in operating and maintaining the EMS
b) Changes in legal and regulatory requirements
c) Major changes in activities, programs and equipment that are environmentally relevant
d) Significant complaints from third parties

10 Improvement

10.1 General

Continual improvement is a permanent objective of the JHMC. As such, various inputs are
considered for continual improvement such as the environmental policy, environmental objectives,
audit findings, analysis of performance data, corrective and preventive action.

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10.2 Non-conformities and Corrective Actions

The JHMC EMS Procedure on Corrective Action and Preventive Action provides the process to
ensure that causes of detected non-conformities are eliminated in order to prevent recurrence.
Corrective action addresses the corrective actions that are appropriate to the address the effects of
the nonconformities.

A non-conformity is any failure to meet the requirements of the standards, internal documentation,
environment- related regulations, contractual and other planned arrangements of the EMS.

A non-conformity may be observed through the conduct of internal EMS audits, an employee in the
regular dispense of their activities, external audit, or through client reports, must be recorded in the
Request for Corrective and Preventive Action Form (E-RCPAF). The courses of action to control,
contain and correct will be reflected in the E-RCPAF per the JHMC EP- 004 and JHMC EP – 005.
The procedure defined the requirements for the following:
a) Reviewing non-conformities including environment-related complaints;
b) Determining the causes of non-conformities;
c) Evaluating the need for action to ensure that non-conformities do not recur;
d) Determining and implementing actions needed;
e) Records of the results of action taken; and
f) Reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective action taken.

Person responsible for implementation

Reviewing non-conformity Internal EMS Auditor together with process
owner where nonconformity occurred
Defining the scope of non-conformity by Internal EMS Auditor together with process
identifying all processes and environmental owner where nonconformity occurred
aspects affected by non-conformity
Containment actions that immediately correct Person responsible or process owner in
non-conformity or prevent recurrence which non-conformity was discovered
Identifying cause of non-conformity and Process owner
determining if similar nonconformities exist or
could potentially occur.
Deciding if it is needed to initiate corrective Process owner
action depending on complexity of non-
Planning corrective action Process owner
Implementing corrective action Process owner
Reviewing the effectiveness of the corrective Internal EMS Auditor/s and CAM Group
action taken

10.3 Continual Improvement

JHMC determines opportunities for improvement and enhancement of its environmental

performance and implements necessary actions to achieve the intended outcomes of the EMS.


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