The Spanish Period: Historical Background

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The Spanish period (1565-

This was the first book printed in the Philippines in 1593 in

xylography.  It was written by Fr. Juan de Placentia and Fr.
Domingo Neiva, in Tagalong and Spanish.  It contained the

1898) Pater Noster (Out Father), Ave Maria (Hail Mary), Regina
Coeli (Hail Holy Queen), and the Ten Commandments of
God, the Commandments of the Catholic Church, the Seven
Historical Background Mortal Sins, How to confess, and the Cathecism.  Three old
original copies of this book can still be found at the Vatican, at
It is an accepted belief that the Spanish colonization of the
the Madrid Museum and at the US Congress.  It contains only
Philippines started in 1565 during the time of Miguel Lopez de
87 pages but costs $5,000.0. 
Legazpi, the first Spanish governor-general in the Philippines. 
Literature started to flourish during his time.  This spurt
continued unabated until the Cavite Revolt in 1872.  The
Spaniards colonized the Philippines for more than three  
centuries. 2. Nuestra Señora Del Rosario
  The second book printed in the Philippines was written by Fr.
           During these times, many changes occurred in the lives Blancas de San Jose in 1602, and printed at the UST Printing
of Filipinos.  They embraced the Catholic religion, changed Press with the help of Juan de Vera, a Chinese mestizo.  It
their names, and were baptized. contains the biographies of saints, novenas, and questions and
answers on religion.
Their lifestyles changed too.  They built houses mad of stones
and bricks, used beautiful furniture like the piano and used
kitchen utensils.  Carriages, trains and boats were used as 3.  Libro de los CuatroPostprimeras de Hombre (in Spanish
means of travel.  They held fiestas to honor the saints, the and Tagalog)
pope and the governors.  They had cockfights, horse races and
the theater as means of recreation.
This is the first book printed in typography.
        This gave rise to the formation of the different classes of
society like the rich and the landlords.  Some Filipinos 4.  Ang Barlaan at Josephat
finished courses like medicine, law, agriculture and teaching. 
Many Filipinos finished their schooling already had been This is a Biblical story printed in the Philippines and translated
established.  to Tagalog from Greek by Fr. Antonio de Borja. 
It is believed to be the first Tagalog novel published in the
Philippines even if it is only a translation.  The printed
translation has only 556 pages.  The Ilocano translation in
A.  Spanish influences on Philippine literature
poetry was done by Fr. Agustin Mejia.
Due to the long period of colonization of the Philippines by
the Spaniards, they have exerted a strong influence on our
1.  The first Filipino alphabet called ALIBATA was replaced
by the Roman alphabet.
2. The teaching of the Christian Doctrine became the basis of
religious practices.
3. The Spanish language which became the literary language
during this time lent many of its words to our language.
4. European legends and traditions brought here became
assimilated in our songs, corridos, and moro-moros.
5.  Ancient literature was collected and translated to Tagalog
and other dialects. 5. The Pasion
6.  Many grammar books were printed in Filipino, like
Tagalog, Ilocano and Visayan This is the book about the life and sufferings of Jesus Christ. 
7.  Our periodicals during these times gained a religious tone. It is read only during Lent. There were 4 versions of this in
Tagalog and each version is according to the name of the
B.  The first books writer. 

1.  Ang doctrina cristiana (the christian doctrine)         These are the Pilapil version (by Mariano Pilapil of
Bulacan, 1814), the de Belen version (by Gaspar Aquino de
Belen of Bat. in 1704), the de la Merced (by Aniceto de la
Merced of Norzagaray, Bulacan in 1856) and the de Guia
version (by Luis de Guia in 1750).

Critics are not agreed whether it is the Pilapil or the de la

Merced version which is the most popular.

6.  Urbana at Felisa

A book by Modesto de Castro, the so called Father of Classic

Prose in Tagalog.  These are letters between two sisters
Urbana at Felisa and have influenced greatly the behavior of
people in society because the letters dealt with good behavior.

7.  Ang Mga Dalit kay Maria (Psalms for Mary)

A collection of songs praising the Virgin Mary.  Fr. Mariano

Sevilla, a Filipino priest, wrote this in 1865 and it was popular
especially during the Maytime “Flores de Mayo” festival.

Folk songs
      Folk songs became widespread in the Philippines.  Each
region had its national song from the lowlands to the
mountains of Luzon, Visayas and Mindanao.
           Folk songs truly manifest the artistic feelings of the
Filipinos.  They show the Filipinos’ innate appreciation for
and love of beauty.  The examples are Leron-LeronSinta,
Pamulinawen, Dandansoy, Sarong Banggi and Atin Cu

Recreational plays
1. Tibag – the word tibag means to excavate.  This ritual was
brought here by the Spaniard to remind the people about the
search of St. Helena for the Cross on which Jesus died.
2.  Lagaylay – this is a special occasion for the Pilareños of man’s passions and emotions like love, hate, revenge, cruelty,
Sorsogon during Maytime to get together. avarice or some social or political proble.
        As early as April, the participating ladies are chosen and
sometimes, mothers volunteer their girls in order to fulfill a
vow made during an illness or for a favor received.  8.  The Sainete – this was a short musical comedy popular
during the 18th century.  They were exaggerated comedies
          In some parts of Bicol, a different presentation is made shown between acts of long plays and were mostly performed
but the objective is the same – praise, respect and offering of by characters from the lower classes.  Themes
love to the Blessed Cross by St. Helen on the mound she had
dug in.
3.  The Cenaculo – this is a dramatic performance to
commemorate the passion and death of Jesus Christ.  There are
two kinds: The Cantada and Hablada.  In the Hablada the lines
are spoken in a more deliberate manner showing the rhythmic
measure of each verse and the rhyming in each stanza and is
more dignified in theme; the Cantada is chanted like the
          The Cenaculo is written in octosyllabic verse, with 8
verses to the stanza.  The full-length versions take about 3
nights of staging.  Performers come in costumes with wigs and
performers are carefully chosen for their virtuous life. One
performs the role of Jesus Christ and another the role of the The moro-moro
Virgin Mary.  Many famous Cenaculo players come from the
        Like the Cenaculo, the Moro-moro is presented also on a
Tagalog regions although there are also those from Ilocos,
special stage.  This is performed during town fiestas to
Pampanga, Bicol and both Sibulanon and Hiligaynon.
entertain the people and to remind them of their Christian
religion.  The plot is usually the same that of a Christian
princess or a nobleman’s daughter who is captured by the
 4. Panunuluyan – this is presented before 12:00 on Christmas Mohammedans.  The father organizes a rescue party where
Eve.  This is a presentation of the search of the Virgin Mary fighting between the Moros and the Christians ensue. 
and St. Joseph for an inn wherein to deliver the baby Jesus.
         The Mohammedans are defeated by some miracle or
Divine Intercession and the Mohammedans are converted to
 5.  The Salubong (or Panubong) - The Salubong is an Easter
Christianity.  In some instances, the whole kingdom is
play that dramatizes the meeting of the Risen Christ and his
baptized and converted.  One example of this is
Mother.  It is still presented in many Philippine towns. 
  6. Carillo (Shadow Play) – this is a form of dramatic
entertainment performed on a moonless night during a town
fiesta or on dark nights after a harvest.  This shadow play is Karagatan
made by projecting cardboard figures before a lamp against a
white sheet.  The figures are moved like marionettes whose This is a poetic vehicle of a socio-religious nature celebrated
dialogues are produced by some experts. during the death of a person.  In this contest, more or less
formal, a ritual is performed based on a legend about a
The dialogues are drawn from a Corrido or Awit or some princess who dropped her ring into the middle of the sea and
religious play interspersed with songs.  These are called by who offered here hand in marriage to anyone who can retrieve
various names in different places: it.

Carillo in Manila, Rizal and Batangas and Laguan; TITRES in           A leader starts off with an extemporaneous poem
Ilocos Norte, Pangasinan, Bataa, Capiz and Negros; TITIRI in announcing the purpose.  He then spins a “lumbo” o “tabo”
Zambales; GAGALO or KIKIMUT in Pampanga and Tarlac; marked with a white line.  Whoever comes in the direction of
and ALIALA in La Union. the white line when the spinning stops gets his turn to “go into
the sea to look for the ring.” This means a girl will ask him a
riddle and if he is able to answer, he will offer the ring to the
7.  The Zarzuela – considered the father of the drama; it is a girl.
musical comedy or melodrama three acts which dealt with
The Duplo replace the Karagatan.  This is a poetic joust in
speaking and reasoning.  The roles are taken from the Bible
and from proverbs and saying.  It is usually played during
wakes for the dead.

Philippine Artist
The 21st century literature has its own advantage and
that is the use of technology. With the presence of internet,
readers of today have the means to access numerous notable
literary works. Perhaps, this can also be a bridge toward
The balagtasan appreciating literature from different regions for full
consciousness of one's own identity as a Filipino. Thus,
This is a poetic joust or a contest of skills in debate on a learning about the canonical authors in every corner of the
particular topic or issue.  This is replaced the DUPLO and is Philippines is one way to honor those people who have
held to honor Francisco “Balagtas” Baltazar. contributed greatly to the country.

As defined by Oxford dictionary,

canonical /kənɒnɪkəl/ traditionally means anything that is
The dung-aw included in a list of holy books that are accepted as genuine.
Another definition given is its connectedness with works of
This is a chant in free verse by a bereaved person or his literature that are highly respected. It comes from the root
representative beside the corpse of the dead.  No definite meter word "canon" or a generally accepted rule, standard or
or rhyming scheme is used.  The person chanting it freely principle by which something is judged. If something has
recites in poetic rhythm according to his feelings, emotions canonical status, it is accepted as having all the qualities that a
and thoughts.  It is personalized and usually deals with the life, thing of its kind should have. Thus, canonical authors are
sufferings and sacrifices of the dead and includes apologies for those who are highly esteemed and well-respected writers
his misdeeds. whose published works have contributed greatly in the field of
As we gain an awareness of the gaps and issues
concerning the field of literature across the regions, we must
The awit and the corrido   also remember to appreciate the works of the great authors in
Some use these two interchangeably because distinction is not our country for they are the key to the restoration of our
clear National heritage, cultures, and traditions

Whenever we hear the island group of Luzon, it is not
surprising that the language mostly associated with it is
Tagalog. In fact, most literary works from Luzon are written in
this language which coined the term "Tagalog Literature" and
flourished greatly during the Japanese occupation when the
English language was strictly banned. Specifically, bulk of
Tagalog Literature comes from Southern Luzon, Central
Luzon, and National Capital Region or Metro Manila.

It is not surprising as well that the majority of the recognized

National Artists came from this major group of islands in the
Philippines. Authors from Metro Manila seem to be widely
accepted among readers as their popularity is more observed
and evident.
This could be attributed to having NCR as the central focus of Jaime An Lim and Christina Godinez Ortega for journals
politics, culture, and economics. Moreover, most of our dedicated to Mindanao Literature.
influential historical figures who were writers themselves were
also from this island such as Jose Rizal, Andres Bonifacio, • The negative image portrayed among Muslims has
Jose P. Laurel, and Amado Hernandez to name a few. perpetuated the so-called "Moro-Moro Literature"
Consequently, we can still trace modern literature reflecting representing them as “savage, barbarian, bandit, lawless
the country's historical development and wicked”. In the critical review focusing mainly on the
inclusion of Mindanao in contemporary literary made by

Visayas Paz Verdades M. Santos and published in the Ateneo de

Davao University Journal called Tamara in 2009, she
suggested that our history books should be rewritten and
"It is time to restore those pieces in the voices of our the "Moro-Moro Literature" should be condemned in
poets and storytellers in the local languages'', Sugbu (n.d). The order to address the problem of distortion and
call to write in mother tongue has been the battle cry of many discrimination. She said that fairness should be observed
writers from the other regions relative to acknowledging in doing so and focus on the need for peace in Mindanao
regional and local languages. should be prioritized instead.
Many critiques consider literature from Visayas as • Most literary works in this island are under oral tradition
the home of hybrid forms especially in their romance novels such as epics, folk stories, and folk poetry. Santos (2009),
where age-old pattern like corrido (metrical 7 CO_Q1_21st stated that " literature of Mindanao has its own unique
Century Lit SHS_ Module 5 romances) is mixed with new landscape, distinct from that of Luzon and the Visayas,
trends and genre mostly depicting social realities. and marked by its peculiar history and tripeople
These hybrid forms are also rich in local colors that character".
significantly show Visayan cultures and traditions.
Unfortunately, lack of venue for publication hinders the
flourishing of fiction from this island according to Sugbu Some Writers across the Region Filipinos of today, though
(n.d.). One of the longest known epics in the world called separated by seas, cultures and languages, choose to maintain
Hinilawod is actually from Visayas. Truly, the love for poetry a united front for equality and freedom as one nation.
runs in the blood of Visayans. Modern literature revolves Understanding the different cultures across the country would
around poetry and drama which are mostly satirical in nature provide an opportunity to discover the literature of other
that deal with social behavior produced since the 1900s up to regions to paint a better picture of who we are as a nation.
the present. Literature produced is widely written in Waray, With the help of the new technology, we build bridges across
Cebuano, and English the archipelago because many contemporary authors are
already publishing their work online such as blogs, online
Mindanao newspapers and magazines, online journals, and video sharing
sites. Below are some of the famous contemporary authors
People from Mindanao are divided into three groups: Christian associated with each group of islands 8 CO_Q1_21st Century
settlers (mostly migrants from Visayas and Luzon), Moro Lit SHS_ Module 5 in the Philippines who have been noted
(mainly from ARMM groups), and Lumads (consisting of 18 for their exemplary works in the field of literature and are
ethnolinguistic groups). Being the only island of the recipient of multiple national and international awards:
Philippines where majority is non-Christian, ignorance among
Christians, discrimination, and distortion are mostly felt by
Muslim people. Some of the insensitive words associated
among Muslims are being immoral because they can marry as Luzon
many wives as they can, warlike, killer, and totally different
from that of Christians. The conflict in Mindanao is mostly Among the country's eighteen recognized National Artists,
because of two factors: political and religious. Unfortunately, sixteen are from Luzon who mostly came from NCR such as
this conflict extends up to their literature as it seems to be Amado V. Hernandez, Jose Garcia Villa, Nick Joaquin, Carlos
widely invisible or inaccessible. P. Romulo, Francisco Arcellana, Rolando S. Tinio, Levi
Celerio, Carlos Quirino, Alejandro R. Roces, and Cirilo F.
• With reference to the compilation of Philippine literature Bautista. The National Artists from the other regions are
by Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Encyclopedia Lazaro Francisco (Bataan) and Virgilio S. Almario (Bulacan)
of the Arts, Jaime An Lim of Encyclopedia stated that out for Region III, NVM Gonzales (Romblon) for Region IV-B
of 272 recognized individuals, only seven are from Mimaropa, F. Sionil Jose (Pangasinan) for Region 1, Edith L.
Mindanao (as cited by Santos; 2009). Attempts have been Tiempo (Nueva Viscaya) for Region 2, and Dr. Bienvenido
made to support Mindanao Literature as CCP, National Lumbera (Batangas) for Region IV-A.
Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA), and
CHED take joint efforts in tapping Mindanawons such as
● Lualhati Torres Bautista. Known as contemporary writer of Literature which earned her the title National Book
Tagalog fiction, this foremost Filipino female novelist from Award for 2016 and 2017 and Carlos Palanca Awards.
Tondo, Manila is also famous for her screenwriting career as Also, she is a recipient of international awards such as
most of her works such as Dekada 70 and Bata, Bata, Pa'no Ka ASEAN Poets in 2013 by the Kingdom of Thailand and
Ginawa already have film versions. This realist writer often Lillian Jerome Thornton Award.
tackles issues among women who courageously face difficult
situations. She is a recipient of numerous literary awards such
as Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature.

● Roberto "Bob" Ong. This author's actual name and identity

is unknown. He is the author of various popular books such as • Anthony L. Tan. He was born in Siasi, Sulu whose writings
ABNKKBSNPLAko?!, Bakit Baligtad Magbasa ng Libro ang have been appearing locally and internationally in magazines,
mga Pilipino, and Alamat ng Gubat to name a few. He is journals, and anthologies. This poet, essayist, and fictionist is
widely known for his conversational and humorous writing the author of The Bajao Cemetery and Other Poems and
style that often depicts Filipino cultures. His technique of Poems for Muddas. He has received multiple awards from
violating standard writing principles shows one unique Don Carlos Palanca for his poetry and essay.
characteristic of a 21st century literary writer who applies
latest trends in writing. • Myrna Peña Reyes. This poet from Cagayan de Oro is a
recipient of Oregon Literary Fellowship for poetry. Some of
her works are the following: Memory’s Mercy: New and
Selected Poems (University of the Philippines Press, 2015),
Almost Home: Poems (University of the Philippines Press,
2004) and The River Singing Stone (Anvil, 1994). Her works
are published both in the Philippines and United States

Visayas: Two of our National Artists are natives of

this island such as essayist and literary historian Resil B.
Mojares of Cebu and novelist Ramon L. Muzones of Iloilo

• Peter Solis Nery. This Hiligaynon pride from Iloilo is an

award-winning Filipino poet, fictionist, and author of
various books. He is a recipient of multiple awards from
Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards for Literature, the
Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP) Literary Grant,
and the All-Western Visayas Literary Contest of the
National Commission for Culture and the Arts (NCCA).
Among his notable and award-winning works are
collection of poems Umanhon nga Gugma (Love of the
Rural Folks), Hiligaynon short story "Lirio", and
screenplay "Buyong".

• Merlie Alunan. She is another pride of Iloilo who wrote

award-winning collections of poetry in English and
Cebuano languages such as Susumaton: Oral Narratives
of Leyte and Sa Atong Dila, Introduction to Visayan

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