Heroes of Cerulea Woodland Temple 1.2

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heroes of


► A room with deep pits, walls, and six platforms.
► On each of the platforms-except the southwestern

one-there is an unlit lantern.

► Three aggressive bats (HARM 1, TOUGHNESS 1)-one on the

north platform, one on the northwest, one on the west.

► Two pots.

► East: Locked large door. Leads to Boss Room.

► South: Open passage. Leads to Pit Room.

If all the lanterns are lit, a chest appears on the

Pixelated Dungeon Crawl RPG
southwest platform, with a HEART container inside.

Restless spirits are haunting the

Gloomwood, and skeletal monsters have
I BOSS ROOM started to terrorize nearby farms.
► Pits along the walls, with a large platform
in the center. It is said that there is an ancient
► Parts of a large armored skeleton lies in the middle crypt somewhere deep within the woods.
of the room. Comes to life when heroes enter. Can the heroes break the curse and
► West: Locked large door. Leads to Platform Room. lay the spirits to rest once more?
Undead Knight
► A large imposing skeleton,
wearing worn armor.
► Swings a rusty and heavy EXTERIOR
two-handed axe. ► In the middle of a forest.
► -4D for attacks against it. ► Overgrown stone crypt, among the roots of a huge tree.
► HARM 1, TOUGHNESS 4. ► Open entrance, armored statues on each side.

By removing pieces of armor, heroes can expose

a big evil eye inside the skeleton's ribcage. INTERIOR
Removing a piece gives the heroes 1 less negative ► Mossy blocks of stone.
modification to attacks. ► Roots on the floor, vines on the walls
To remove a piece, make an appropriate ACTION and hanging from the ceiling.
ROLL. Using a bomb can remove two pieces of armor. ► Earthy smell.

► Eerily silent.

1D Undead Knight Action

1 Spins around like a whirlwind, attacking

all heroes in the room.
2 Swings the axe towards a random hero Writing & Art
Lucas Falk
Alf Peter Malmberg
(or tries to pick it up again).
3 Picks up a random hero and throws them into the
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surrounding pit. The hero must make a BRAVERY
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roll to avoid falling down and lose 1 HEART.
If they fall down, there's a corridor that leads
outside-getting back takes 5 ROUNDS.
4 Hides behind the axe and armor, blocks all attacks.
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► Four armored statues. ► Two skeletons (HARM 1, TOUGHNESS 2) with bows.
Pointing towards each Attack, but will not chase-wait on the other

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other-clockwise. side of the pit trap.
► North: Locked door. ► A chest containing a key.

Leads to Pit Room. ► North: Open passage. Leads to Treasure Room.

► East: Open passage. ► West: Open passage. Leads to Entrance.

Leads to Trap Corridor.

► South: Open passage. Across the easternmost part of the corridor,
Leads outside. there is a hidden pit trap, which opens up

► West: Open passage. into a pit. Heroes must make a BRAVERY roll
Leads to Skeleton Room. to avoid falling down and lose 1 HEART.
If they fall down, there's a corridor that
leads outside-from there, they can return
to Entrance.

► Four stone pillars.
► Four skeletons
with swords. They hide ► Platform with a large chest,
behind the pillars; containing a grappling hook.
attack when a hero ► Two armored statues.

b a
steps close to the ► Two pots.

pillars; will chase. ► South: Open passage.

► North: Open passage. Leads to Trap Corridor.

Leads to Statue Room.
► East: Open passage. Grappling Hook
Leads to Entrance. Can attach to things from a distance. Allows multiple
heroes to climb across pits and the like.
When the last skeleton
is defeated, it drops
a key. If a hero opens the chest, the two armored
D FOREST GLADE statues will come to life. Attack; will chase.
► Outside, surrounded by trees. HARM 1, TOUGHNESS 3.
► Many birds chirping and singing.
C STATUE ROOM ► A large tree stump in the middle of the glade.

► Four armored statues. Three are pointing towards each ► A wanderer sitting on the tree stump, listening to birds.

other-counter clockwise. The fourth one (northeast) ► South: Open passage. Leads to Statue Room. G PIT ROOM
is pointing at the eastern wall. ► Northwest: Forest trail leading back to Entrance. ► A wide pit stretches across the room.
► South: Open passage. Leads to Skeleton Room. If a hero falls down, they lose 1 HEART.
Wanderer From below, there's a corridor that
The armored statues can be rotated. If they are ► An old man. leads outside, back to Entrance.
turned so that they are all pointing towards each ► Loves to listen to birds singing. ► Two burning lanterns on pedestals.

other-clockwise-a chest will appear in the ► Ignores the heroes-mezmerised by birdsong. ► Two pots.

middle of the room. The chest contains a key. ► North: Open passage. Leads to Platform Room.

If the heroes touch the wanderer, or make a very ► South: Open passage. Leads to Entrance.

loud sound, he suddenly pays attention to them. He

The eastern wall where one of the statues are realizes that he's been sitting here way too long. If both lanterns are quenched, a bridge across
pointing can be destroyed. He gives the heroes a bottle, and hurries home. the pit is raised from below.

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