Heroes of Cerulea Woodland Temple 1.2
Heroes of Cerulea Woodland Temple 1.2
Heroes of Cerulea Woodland Temple 1.2
► Three aggressive bats (HARM 1, TOUGHNESS 1)-one on the
► Eerily silent.
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other-clockwise. side of the pit trap.
► North: Locked door. ► A chest containing a key.
► East: Open passage. ► West: Open passage. Leads to Entrance.
► West: Open passage. into a pit. Heroes must make a BRAVERY roll
Leads to Skeleton Room. to avoid falling down and lose 1 HEART.
If they fall down, there's a corridor that
leads outside-from there, they can return
to Entrance.
► Four stone pillars.
► Four skeletons
with swords. They hide ► Platform with a large chest,
behind the pillars; containing a grappling hook.
attack when a hero ► Two armored statues.
b a
steps close to the ► Two pots.
Leads to Statue Room.
► East: Open passage. Grappling Hook
Leads to Entrance. Can attach to things from a distance. Allows multiple
heroes to climb across pits and the like.
When the last skeleton
is defeated, it drops
a key. If a hero opens the chest, the two armored
D FOREST GLADE statues will come to life. Attack; will chase.
► Outside, surrounded by trees. HARM 1, TOUGHNESS 3.
► Many birds chirping and singing.
C STATUE ROOM ► A large tree stump in the middle of the glade.
► Four armored statues. Three are pointing towards each ► A wanderer sitting on the tree stump, listening to birds.
other-counter clockwise. The fourth one (northeast) ► South: Open passage. Leads to Statue Room. G PIT ROOM
is pointing at the eastern wall. ► Northwest: Forest trail leading back to Entrance. ► A wide pit stretches across the room.
► South: Open passage. Leads to Skeleton Room. If a hero falls down, they lose 1 HEART.
Wanderer From below, there's a corridor that
The armored statues can be rotated. If they are ► An old man. leads outside, back to Entrance.
turned so that they are all pointing towards each ► Loves to listen to birds singing. ► Two burning lanterns on pedestals.
other-clockwise-a chest will appear in the ► Ignores the heroes-mezmerised by birdsong. ► Two pots.
middle of the room. The chest contains a key. ► North: Open passage. Leads to Platform Room.
If the heroes touch the wanderer, or make a very ► South: Open passage. Leads to Entrance.