5 Kellers Keep 2

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Adventure 5 – Kellar's Keep 2 – Beyond Grin's Crag

Quest 1
The door opened into the darkness of Kellar's Keep. From far As he quickly prepared a counter spell. "Heroes! Come with me!
above came the thunder of battle. The forces of Zargon were Hurry!" Shouted Kenaron as he ran into a small cave. You all
making their final assault. This time there could be no holding follow just before a searing storm of flame that bursts against
them. The Emperor assembled his elite force of Guardian the gate. You hear Zargon's warriors howl in anger. You hear
Knights, determined to organize one last line of defense. Then Kenaron laugh. "He destroyed the passage back, my men are
came the news, a group of Heroes had found a secret passage safe, come my friends, hurry, they may have seen us run into
into Kellar's Keep, escape was now possible! this passage." "Where are we going?" Asks the Barbarian. "We
got to come up around Zargon's forces and kill his general,
Without hesitation the Emperor ordered his army to fall back Balak. It is the only way my people can stand against this
towards the secret passage. Kenaron, the captain of the horde." Says Kenaron. "Are we heading for the west gate at
Emperor's Guardian Knights, stood bravely at the gate, giving Pethor, Captain?" Asked the Dwarf. "Yes, are you from the
his fellow soldiers and wounded time to escape. Zargon and his World's End Clan?" "No sir, Golden Mountain. Has Zargon's
foul forces could not be permitted to follow. Time and time forces won all the fortress?" "All but Karak Varn, and you just
again the evil Doom Guard surged forward, only to be felled by saved her, I'm sorry to ask so much of you, but if we make it
Kenaron's sword. pass Pethor, we can maybe win our mountain back." "Do not
feel sorry, we will gladly follow you till we rid this mountain of
Zargon watched for a while and smiled wryly at Kenaron's Zargon's monsters." "Here is the door, my friends, for gods
courage and skill at arms. A moment later Zargon's patience glory then!" You open the door.
was spent. "He's going to cast a fire spell!" Yelled the Wizard.


A Starting place of the Heroes. Heroes choose one. Do not return card to deck.

B These Goblins have crossbows. D Each of these two Orcs has an Elixir of Life and a Heroic Brew. If the Heroes

can kill them before they get a chance to use their potions, Heroes can claim
Heroes find an artifact in the bookcase. Shuffle 10 Artifacts Cards and let the potions. (Example, Wizard casts Sleep, Elf casts Turn to Stone.)

a Wandering Monster in this Quest: Hobgoblin

NOTES continued:

E This room is filled with the blinding Cloud of Chaos. Any Hero who enters Body Points.

this room cannot see the other doors in the room, so do not place them on the
gameboard at this time. (Monsters may not enter this room.) If a Hero enters All these Orcs have a Potion of Defense and a Heroic Brew that they drink.
the room, he must stop and roll 1 red die: When Heroes search this room they discover 4 throwing stars and 3 throwing

1. If a Hero rolls a "1" or "2" on the die, he ends up back in the corridor on
the square marked 1/2. This trap door leads to the other point M on map.

2. If a Hero rolls a "3," "4," or "5," place one door in the position shown
next to the number rolled. Then, move the Hero through the door to This chest is safe. Inside are 2 artifacts.

the corresponding number. If the square is occupied, the Hero moves
back into the room and treats his roll as a "6." See directions that follow. When the first Hero reaches this spot, tell them to stop. They just triggered
3. If a Hero rolls a "6," the Cloud of Chaos attacks and the Hero must roll 1 the rolling rock trap. Let the Heroes get one roll before stone starts it roll.
combat die. If a skull is rolled, he and any other Hero in the room lose 1
Body Point.

F This iron door is locked. Heroes must find a secret lever that will open it.

G When Heroes search the tomb, they discover an artifact. Shuffle cards and let
Hero choose. If Hero uses artifact, do not return card to deck until next

H Chest is booby trapped, 1 hit point if sprung. Inside are 50 gold coins and an

I Skeletons in this room do not move from their spots. If any Hero, other than
the Dwarves, comes into this room they will suffer 1 Body Point of damage
per turn due to the intense heat from the forge.

Zargon, if Wizard casts freeze spell on himself, then he will be able to stand
the room. When Heroes search this room, they discover the lever that will
open the point F iron door.

J This Big Gargoyle knows Summon Orcs spell.

K Inside the cupboard the Heroes find a sealed jar. Inside are 9 mushrooms.
Each mushroom will restore 1 Body Point, mushrooms must be eaten right
away, points can be shared among Heroes. A Hero cannot exceed his starting
Quest 2
Captain Kenaron is amazed at your fighting abilities. "We need find our enemy. But first we need to find the map through the
to pass through the city of Pethor, make our way along the catacombs. It will be here in Pethor, for safety reasons the map
mountain top to Gelioth, there at the bottom of Geliloth is an was divided into 4 pieces. We must hurry my friends."
ancient catacomb that will lead us into Lachish. There we will


A Starting place of Heroes. 100 pieces of gold.

10 Potions of Renewal.
This metal door is locked. Heroes need the iron key to open it. 8 bottles of Venom Antidote.

4 Potions of Restoration.

These Goblins have crossbows.

If Warlock casts Escape, this is where he escaped to.

When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

When Heroes search this room they discover the iron key. Also they find 4
When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door. throwing axes, 2 throwing stars, a dwarf axe and 2 artifacts.

F This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point on all Heroes in the room if sprung, K When Heroes search this room they discover a secret door.

poisonous gas. Inside are 10 Potions of Renewal. Heroes also find 2 artifacts
in the bookcase. Take the ten cards and shuffle them and let Heroes pick. This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside is the 1st piece of

the map and an Elixir of Life and 1 artifact.
There is a Goblin in the pit. The Orcs were torturing him. Heroes can kill
him, leave him, or save him, if they save him, he steals the Wizard's
moneybag and disappears down a little hole.

H Warlock casts his spell as soon as Heroes open the door. Shuffle Chaos Spell
Cards and let Heroes pick the spell that the Warlock casts. When Heroes
search this room they discover a treasure trove under the altar.

a Wandering Monster in this Quest: Hobgoblin

Quest 3
"We are doing well, my friends. But I believe that the fighting throne room in the center. Our enemies will no doubt have
will get harder. This next level was mostly an armory with the taken all the armor for themselves. We must be prepared."

Zargon, all the Orcs in this level have 5 Defense dice. turn. They find a Barbarian necklace that gives the Barbarian 2 extra Mind
Points. For the Wizard an enchanted spear, this spear will never break. For

the Dwarfs, arm bands, these give the dwarfs the ability to cast two scroll
Starting place of the Heroes. spells on one turn.

B These Hobgoblins have crossbows. I These Goblins are heavily armored. They have 5 Defense dice.

C If a Hero steps on this space, he triggers rolling rock trap. J This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside are 100 gold coins, 4

Potions of Restoration and 4 artifacts.

This chest is safe. Inside are 4 Potions of Renewal. There is an artifact in the
bookcase. This room is a trap. As soon as Heroes walk in, the door closes and they can't

get out. Heroes must be rescued by their friends. If Heroes search this room
When Kenaron sees the chaos mist in the throne room. He suggests that they they find nothing.

divide and search.

This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside is the 2nd piece of the
When a Hero searches the cupboard, he discovers a box filled with 9 map and 3 throwing stars. 2 artifacts are found in the desk.

mushrooms sealed in wax. Each mushroom will restore 1 Body Point. These
mushrooms can be saved. Heroes find 3 throwing axes in this room.

G When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

H This Warlock cast a spell on himself and it went wrong. He is now a Ghoul.
When Heroes search this room, they discover magical items from across the
lands. They find an Elven ring that enables the Elf to cast two spells on one

b Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

Quest 4
"We have made it past the armory and throne room. The next powerful. Let us move quietly and skillfully. If we are spotted
level is where everyone worked. Our enemy will be many and they will sound an alarm."

Zargon, Orcs and Hobgoblins are heavily armored. They all have 5 Defense potions.

This chest is safe. Inside are priceless crystal wine goblets. Useless to the


Starting place of the Heroes.

Only the Dwarfs can stand the heat of the magical forge. All other Heroes will
This Hobgoblin has a crossbow. suffer 1 Body Point per turn inside the room. Freeze spell will save 1 person

from effects. When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

This Warlock at the top of the stairs keeps on casting Ball of Flame at the
Heroes. Time for their Fire Rings to come into play. This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside is the 3rd piece to the

map. Also Heroes find 5 Potions of Defense and 2 artifacts.

Tell the Dwarfs that they see a secret door when they step on this spot.

When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts in the bookcase.

This Warlock casts Ball of Flame on the Hero that opened the door. Hope he
had a Fire Ring. When Heroes search this room, they discover a note for Zargon about the

catacomb between Geliloth and Lachish. They are having trouble exploring
This Fimir knows magic and casts Ball of Flame on the Hero who opened the it. So they are using minor monsters to find out its secret. Captain Kenaron
door. When Heroes search this room they discover in the cupboard a sealed laughs. "They do not have the map or the key that makes it possible to use the
jar. Inside are 9 mushrooms. Each mushroom will restore 1 Body Point. maze."

Mushrooms must be eaten right away. Points can be shared. Also Heroes find
4 artifacts. This Warlock casts Ball of Flame on the Hero that opened the door. If

Warlock survives first attack then he casts Firestorm he then resorts to
Each of these Hobgoblins has a Heroic Brew. If Heroes can kill them before physical combat.
they get a chance to drink them, (Make their attack) they can have the

b Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

NOTES continued:

N When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts in the bookcase.

O These Fimirs know magic. 1st one casts Sleep on the Hero that opened the
door. The 2nd casts Fear on the Hero that comes into the room. The 3rd casts
Tempest. When Heroes search this room they discover chest is safe. Inside are
200 gold coins.

P This is the door out of this Quest.

Quest 5
"All we need now is the final piece to the map. When we find it Pethor. They may be heavily guarded so be prepared."
then we'll head for the main gates. They will lead us out of


A Starting place of the Heroes. K This Warlock keeps on casting Rust spell as long as he is able. Heroes can't

lose any magical weapons.

This Goblin has a crossbow.

This is a secret weapons trove. Inside Heroes find replacements for any
This secret door is already open. weapons lost to the Warlock. If the Heroes didn't lose any weapons then they

discover 5 throwing axes.

This chest is safe. It is empty! "Zargon has the 4th piece!"

When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts in the bookcase.

When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts in the bookcase.

When Heroes search this room, they discover a sealed jar. Inside are 9
This Warlock casts Summon Orcs and Summon Undead when Heroes open mushrooms. Each mushroom will restore 1 Body Point. Points can be shared.
door. Orcs fill this room and the undead fill up the room behind the Heroes. Mushrooms must be eaten right away.
Warlock then resorts to physical combat.

G This Goblin robs the nearest Hero of 1 item and then runs into a little hole.
Hero may choose which item he loses.

H This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 10 Potions of
Renewal and 1 artifact.

I This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside are 8 Potions of
Rejuvenation and 1 artifact.

J These 3 Fimir have Elixirs of Life that they drink.

c Wandering Monster in this Quest: Fimir

Quest 6
You have survived the city of Pethor. You leave through the the cover of night on our side." He says.
main gates. It's evening now. Your eyes do not need to adjust to
the sunlight. "We can't travel on the roads to Geliloth. We You travel through the trees and just as the sun starts to rise
would be seen and killed." Says Captain Kenaron. "There is a you find the castle. 2 Iron Skeletons guard the main gate. You
small castle around that bend. Let us make for it while we have rush forward and begin fighting.


A Starting place of the Heroes. I This Iron Skeleton has a crossbow. This iron door is locked; Heroes need

brass key to open it.

When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts in the bookcase.

There are no useful weapons on the rack. When Heroes search this room, they
When Heroes search this room they discover a secret door. discover a secret door.

D This trap door leads to other point D. K When Heroes search this room the Dwarf must look inside the tomb to see

the secret trap door on its bottom. This door leads to the pit marked L in the
When Heroes search this room they discover 2 artifacts, 6 Potions of Renewal next room, Heroes can climb out of this pit to enter the room.

and 2 Venom Antidotes.

When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts.

There is only dried Human flesh inside this cupboard. Heroes also find a
secret door. When Heroes search this room, they discover a brass key on one of the Orcs.

G This chest is not booby trapped, but it is sealed. Heroes can't pick the lock.
They must break the chest open if they want to see what is inside. If Wizard
N Dwarf must disarm a path to the chest. This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit
point if sprung. Inside are 400 gold coins and 2 Artifacts.

uses Wood Blast or Rot spells, then the 3 Elixirs of Life are safe. If Heroes
smash chest on floor, Elixirs are broken. If the Heroes decide to chop the This Iron Skeleton has a crossbow. This metal door is locked. Iron key will
chest open. Chest needs 5 hit points to open and 1 bottle is lost. open it.

H When Heroes search this room, they discover the iron key. P The forge inside this room is a normal forge. Heroes can enter room without

b Wandering Monster in this Quest: Mountain Orc

NOTES continued:
effect. Inside the chest are forging tools.
Quest 7
You make your way out of the castle and quickly seek the cover that we need a key to pass through." "Oh Great! Does it say
of the woods. You need sleep. You take turns standing watch. where it is hidden?" You ask. "Party, I think that there are two
God is with you as you notice that your work is going keys, so that a person could travel through from either
unnoticed by the enemy. Maybe they are losing interest, maybe direction. I also think that they are hidden near the entrance to
they are just as tired as you are, maybe the main force is the labyrinth." "Well I am not about to give up." Says Kenaron.
concentrated somewhere else. You discuss your situation while "God has been good to us thus far. We will find a way."
you eat. "If we don't find that last piece to the map. We may
end up lost in the maze." Says Kenaron. "We need a key." Says It's night again. You travel to the main gates of Geliloth. They
the Wizard. "What!" You say. "Right here, on this piece. It says are not guarded. You make your way inside.


A Starting place of the Heroes. then blocks the door and fights his friends until he can break free from the

spell. When Heroes search this room they discover 5 Potions of Renewal. This
This Warlocks 1st spell is Sleep. His 2nd is Firestorm then he resorts to chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside are 50 gold coins.

physical combat.

When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

This Warlock keeps on casting Fear on all the Heroes.

When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door at the bottom of
This Warlock casts Summon Orcs then he resorts to physical combat. the pit. This pit is deep. Wizard must use Staff Log spell to make a ladder.

E When Heroes reach this spot. They trip the rolling rock trap. K The secret door leads to this room. When Heroes search this room, they

discover 5 artifacts.

Rolling rock shatters this wall and opens up a way for the Heroes.

This chest is safe, inside is dried Dwarf flesh. When Heroes search this room
When Heroes reach this spot they trip another rolling rock trap. they discover a sealed jar. Inside are 9 mushrooms. Each one will restore 1

Body Point. Mushrooms must be eaten right away. Points can be shared.
This Warlock casts Command on the Hero that opened the door. That Hero

c Wandering Monster in this Quest: Fimir

NOTES continued:

M When Heroes search this room, they discover a dead female Dwarf on the
rack. They cannot bring her back. It has been too long.

N This forge is a regular forge.

O This chest is safe. Inside is a woman's wardrobe. These stairs lead to the next
level down.
Quest 8
"This isn't too hard." Says the Dwarf. "I too am surprised that the fighting isn't harder. I wonder where they all are at?"

Zargon, all the Orcs are armored. They have 4 Defense dice. dice. If a skull is rolled they lose a Body Point in the pathway. Heroes come
up in the room with the cloud of chaos. All 4 doors are open. Heroes roll 1 red

dice. If a 1 or 6 is rolled, Hero is trapped inside cloud and cloud attacks. Roll
Starting place of the Heroes. 1 white dice, if a skull is rolled; Hero loses 1 Body Point from the attack.

B When the Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts in the desk along I This chest is safe. Inside is the final piece to the map. Cupboard is empty.
with a letter that's about the missing piece of the map. "Maybe it's on this There are 2 throwing stars on the weapons rack.


This Orc knows magic and casts Cloud of Chaos on any Hero that enters the
When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door. room. He then attacks. When he is defeated, Heroes find 1 artifact on the


When Heroes search this room, they discover on the table, Pieces to the
missing map piece. "I hope that they have not destroyed it." You say. There are 2 artifacts inside a secret compartment in the tomb.

E This Hobgoblin has a crossbow. L This door leads to the next level.

F When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

G This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside is a sealed jar.
Inside the jar are healing herbs. There are enough herbs to restore 9 Body
Points. Points must be shared among the Heroes. Herbs must be eaten right
away. There are also 50 gold coins in the chest.

H This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 2 artifacts and 4
Potions of Renewal. When Heroes use this trap door. They must roll 1 white

b Wandering Monster in this Quest: Orc

Quest 9
You make your way down the corridor to the next level. Kenaron. "Remember, we still need to find that key." Says the
Suddenly you smell the stench of death, even before you open Wizard. You open the door.
the door. "Alright, my friends. This is going to be rough." Says


A Starting place of the Heroes. H When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts inside the bookcase.

B That darn cloud again! Zargon, make all the doors open doors. Allow Heroes I When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts on the altar and a
to enter cloud, roll 1 red dice to see where they go. Then allow them to roll secret door.

red dice again to move into the room and if possible make the first attack.

When Heroes search this room, they discover a magical never miss throwing
This Mummy does not move from his spot. dagger.

D This monster is a shape changer and is currently in the shape of a Mummy. K When Heroes search this room, they discover a magical never miss throwing
Every time that a Hero kills it. Take the 8 original Monster Cards, shuffle star on the weapons rack.

them and draw 1 card. This is the new shape that the changer takes on.
Changer then attacks Hero. Changer can only be permanently killed when This trap door leads to other point L.

card that is drawn matches the shape that changer is currently in. When
Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door. When Heroes search this room, they discover 4 Venom Antidotes on the


This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside are 100 gold coins
and 2 Potions of Rejuvenation. When Heroes reach this spot they trigger rolling rock trap. If the rolling rock

beats a Hero to the end of the hallway, Heroes can be saved by casting
When Heroes search this room they discover a throwing dagger on the table Landside spell inside the tomb room.

and a secret door.

This wooden door leads to the next level down.
This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside is evil Warlock stuff.

d Wandering Monster in this Quest: Skeleton

Quest 10
You make your way down the huge corridor. "Finally, we made entrance of the labyrinth. As soon as we find the key we can
it!" Says Captain Kenaron. "This next level will lead us to the head for the entrance. It's a very large door."

Zargon, all Orcs are armored. They have 4 Defense dice.

A Starting place of the Heroes.

B These Fimir have Heroic Brews. If Heroes can kill the Fimir before they
make their first attack. Heroes can claim the potions.

C Zargon, how are your Heroes doing? If they need healing, put a sealed jar in
the bookcase, otherwise, they find a large diamond worth 500 gold coins.

D These Fimir have Potions of Defense that they drink.

E This Warlock casts Command upon the Hero that opened the door. That
Hero then turns and attacks his friends until he can free himself from the
power of the spell.

When Heroes search this room they discover a note for Zargon, talking about
a key being needed inside the labyrinth. Zargon's monsters have not yet
learned its secret.

F This is a Gargoyle statue. Heroes must search it to find the key. The double
doors lead into the labyrinth.

f Wandering Monster in this Quest: Zombie

Quest 11
You find a torch just before entering the labyrinth. "Alright through this." Says Kenaron.
men, stay close together and we should have no trouble getting

Zargon, the way that the labyrinth works is like this, each room or hallway H This wooden door leads out of the labyrinth and into the lower halls of
has a number, when Heroes go through a doorway, the number that is in front Lachish.
of the doorway is the number of the room that they go to. Easy!

A Starting place of the Heroes.

B This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 50 gold coins, 1
artifact and a throwing dagger.

C When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

D This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 100 gold coins
and 2 artifacts.

E When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

F This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 4 artifacts.

G When Heroes search this room, they discover a keyhole in the center wall.
Over the keyhole is written. "Only he who holds the key will be able to walk
the path of honor, the path of the Dwarves." When Heroes use the key, take
away the two center block stones from out of the room. The key disappears.

d Wandering Monster in this Quest: Skeleton

Quest 12
"WOW! We made it!" You say. "Stay alert, my friend. We are Captain Kenaron. You make your way to the big double doors
close to Balak. It's going to get rough from here on up." Warns and enter the lower halls of Lachish.


A Starting place of the Heroes. The Gargoyle is a statue. If Heroes search it they I When Heroes search this room, they discover a vast treasure trove. 4 Elixirs of
find a key. Life, 2 Venom Antidotes, 3 Potions of Renewal, 10 Heroic Brews, 2 Potions of

Thunder, 2 shields, 8 throwing axes, and 2 maces.

When Heroes search this room, they discover 2 artifacts inside the desk. Also
the chest is safe. Inside are 50 gold coins and 2 Potions of Rejuvenation. This door leads to the next level.

C This metal door is locked. Heroes need iron key to open it.

D When Heroes search this room, they discover in the cupboard a sealed jar.
Inside the jar are healing herbs. There are enough herbs to restore 9 Body
Points. Herbs must be eaten right away. Points can be shared. Heroes also
find the iron key on the Orc and a secret door.

E This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 4 artifacts.

F This Warlock attacks as soon as the door is opened. He casts Ball of Flame at
the Hero who opened the door. Warlock's 2nd spell is Firestorm then he
resorts to physical combat.

G When the Heroes search this room, they discover 2 Elixirs of Life in the

H When the Heroes reach this spot, they discover a secret door.

c Wandering Monster in this Quest: Fimir

Quest 13
You follow Captain Kenaron up the broken passage. Signs of a You are tired, but the thought of reaching your goal gives you
great battle remain. You can tell that you are getting closer to strength. You reach the door. Captain Kenaron gives you a
the top floor, because the air is becoming more and more fresh. smile and a nod. He opens the door.


A Starting place of the Heroes. Dwarves must reach the spot marked X then rolling one white dice, they

must roll a white shield, to turn off the forge. Then the other Heroes may
This iron door is locked. Heroes need iron key to open it. enter the room, but it will still cost them 1 Body Point for every turn that

they spend inside this room.

When the Heroes search this room, a Mummy comes out and attacks.

This monster is a shape changer in the form of a Fimir. Use the 8 original
When the Heroes search this room, they discover the iron key. Also they find Monster Cards for its shapes. Monster gets to make an attack after changing
a message. "Zargon is going to make a massive attack on Kar's Bridge in two its shape. Zargon, you know the rest. Once monster is killed, the chest is safe.
days." "We must survive so that we can warn our people after we find Balak." Inside is dried Dwarf flesh.

E These 3 Fimir have Heroic Brews. If Heroes can kill them before they make I This chest is booby trapped. 1 hit point if sprung. Inside is woman's clothing.
their 1st attack, Heroes can claim the potions. When Heroes search this room, But at the bottom you find a jewelry box. There are 1000 gold coins worth of
they discover 2 artifacts in the bookcase. jewels inside. Also Heroes find 2 artifacts in the bookcase.

F When Heroes search the cupboard, they discover a sealed jar. Inside are 9
mushrooms. Each mushroom will restore 1 Body Point. Mushrooms must be
J These stairs lead to the upper level.

eaten right away. Points can be shared.

G Zargon, this forge is a magical forge and is heating out of control, because no
one remained to tend to it. The room is super hot. Only the Dwarves can
enter to shut down the forge. But the great heat has weakened the ceiling.
When a Hero steps on one of the falling block tiles, the ceiling caves in.
(Follow springing a falling rock trap.) Heroes cannot see these problem areas.

h Wandering Monster in this Quest: Chaos Warrior

Quest 14
Kenaron leads you through the passages to another set of into the open near Kar's Bridge. It is risky, but I fear that to use
stairs. "At the top of these stairs, there are 4 doors. We should the main entrance would be a far greater risk." You make your
stay together and carefully fight our way through each section. way up the stairs.
In the north section there is a secret door that will bring us out


A This Warlock is in the middle of casting a spell upon himself. If Heroes can
get to him in 3 turns, he is helpless. After the Heroes third turn though,
E Inside this room the Heroes discover a Mountain Orc chained to the wall. "If
you help me. I will fight by your side." He says. The choice is yours Heroes.
Warlock turns into a Big Gargoyle. Kill him, leave him, if Heroes free him, he joins you and fights with you. This

Orc must now roll two red dice for movement.

This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside is a bottle. Only the
Wizard knows that this is a life-strengthening potion. The Hero who drinks When Heroes search this room, they discover a secret door.

this potion will increases his total Body Points up by 2. Choose wisely which
Hero drinks the potion. This chest is booby trapped. 2 hit points if sprung. Inside are 10000 gold

pieces worth of jewels.

This room is full of pit traps. Time for the Dwarves to earn their gold. Can
they disarm all the traps? If two pit traps are sprung together, then the Heroes There is a beautiful female Dwarf tied to the rack. She is very weak. Heroes
are going to have to take their lumps. They can try jumping the first one but need to give her a healing potion. When Heroes search this room they
will take a hit falling into the second. discover the secret door that will lead them out of Lachish.

D Zargon, use a Chaos Warrior figure for Balak. General Balak's statistics are:
—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— Dwarf history records a day when Captain Kenaron and a group of Heroes
MOVEMENT ATTACK DEFEND BODY MIND saved the Dwarf Kingdom from a massive attack on Kar's Bridge. After
7 6 6 8 6 killing Zargon's general the Dwarf army moved across the bridge and drove
—————— —————— —————— —————— —————— Zargon's forces back across the border.
Balak knows Firestorm. He casts this twice. Then he resorts to physical

h Wandering Monster in this Quest: Chaos Warrior

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