Music 7 Jhs q2 Module 1

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Quarter 2 – Module 1:
Music of Cordillera, Mindoro,
Palawan, and Visayas
MAPEH (Music) – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 2 – Module 1: Music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan, and the Visayas
First Edition, 2020

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Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand names,
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Published by the Department of Education, SDO NUEVA ECIJA

Schools Division Superintendent: Jessie D. Ferrer, CESO V
Assistant Schools Division Superintendents: Mina Gracia L. Acosta, PhD, CESO VI
Ronilo E. Hilario

Development Team of the Module

Writer: Siony Layos Carbonell
Editor: Ivy Jean M. Pascual
Reviewers: Charina S. Sogue
Ramil B. Polintan, Rona Belle D. Matadling
Illustrator: Siony Layos Carbonell
Layout Artist: Bhon-Bhon Agcaoili
Frankie D. Sembrano Jr.
Layout Evaluator: Cherry Lou O. Calison
Cover Designer: Mark G. Asuncion
Management Team: Jayne M. Garcia, EdD
Cristina G. Noora
Beverly T. Mangulabnan, PhD
Eleanor A. Manibog, PhD

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What I Need to Know

This module was designed and written for the learners. After going through
this module, the learner is expected to:
1. describe the musical characteristics of representative selections of Cordillera,
Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas after listening (MU7LV-lla-f-1)
2. perform music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and of the Visayas with
accompaniment; and (MU7LV-llb-g-6)
3. evaluate music and music performances using rubrics on musical elements
and style (MU7LV-llc-h-10)

What I Know

In this activity, you are going to assess yourself on what you already know
about the music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan, and Visayas.


Directions: Identify the given vocal music from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and
Visayas being described. Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it on your
activity notebook.

1. A vocal characteristic of Cordillera music with one syllable and sung against
several note passages.
A. IbaloiBadiw B. Melismatic C. Balitaw D. Marayaw
2. A chanted vocal music of Palawan about epic heroes and usually chanted at night.
A. Kulial B. Tultul C. Melismatic D. Marayaw
3. The musical style of the Visayas in a form of song-and-dance-debate between a
man and a woman.
A. Tultul B. IbaloiBadiw C. Marayaw D. Balitaw
4. It is a song used to communicate with spirits in rituals to heal the sick and protect
the community.
A. Tultul B. IbaloiBadiw C. Marayaw D. Balitaw
5. A chanted epic poetry of Ifugao which is recited and chanted only during
harvesting of rice, weddings, funeral wakes and rituals.
A. Owiwi B. Hudhud C. Bua D. Oppia

Lesson Music of the Cordillera,

1 Mindoro, Palawan, and

In this module, you will learn about the musical characteristics of the
highlands-Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and Visayas, where several ethno-linguistic
groups live in mountain. You will discover their history and how they express their
feelings and super natural beliefs through their music.

What’s In

In this activity, your knowledge about your previous lesson will be assessed.
Activity 1: I Can Hear You!
Directions: Listen to the song “Magtanim ay ‘di Biro”. A copy of the music is
shown below with the suggested link. Then identify the characteristics of the song
according to its musical elements. For those who have internet connection or can
access the link of the song below, draw an ear ( ) in the space that corresponds to
your answer and for those learners who can’t access the link can use the musical
notation given or you can ask your teacher if she/he can give a copy of the song.
Copy the table below and write your answer in your activity notebook.
Suggested link:

“Magtanim ay ‘di Biro”

(Folk song)
Tempo Moderate
Meter Duple
Free Meter

What’s New

Activity 2: I Can See You

Directions: Analyze the given picture and answer the questions below.

Ania si Rosas Pandan

Gikan pa intawon sa kabukiran
Kaninyo makiguban-uban
Sa gisaulog nga kalingawan
Balitaw day akong puhunan
Maoy kabilin sa akong ginikanan
Awit nga labing kara-an
Nga garbo ning atong kabungturan
Dika ding dika ding dika ding
Ayay sa atong balitaw
Manindot pa ug sayaw
Daw yamog ang kabugnaw

Guide Questions:

1. What is the picture all about?

2. What type of music does the song belong?
3. What dialect is used in the lyrics of the song?
4. If you are asked to sing a song, would you like to sing with accompaniment or
without accompaniment? Why?

What is It

In this lesson, you will discover the musical characteristics of Cordillera,

Mindoro, Palawan and Visayas.

In the highlands of Luzon, music is very much part of their life and daily living.
Most songs are performed by group during different occasions such as life cycle
events, occupational activities and various ritual.

Three Categories of Cordillera Music

1. Vocal music
2. Instrumental Music
3. Vocal Ensemble with instrumental accompaniment

Vocal Music of Cordillera

Vocal Music Descriptions
Considered to be the signature form for specific
Ibaloibadiw cultures in Cordillera is the Ibaloibadiw, which
means “people who live in houses”.
Owiwi (Kalinga) Lullaby that relates a child’s life
Infancy-related songs that foretells the baby’s
Dagdagay (Kalinga)
Oppia (Kalinga) Infancy-related songs sung while cradling
Langan-bata-bata (Tausug) Infancy-related songs
Bua (Subannen) Infancy-related songs
Kawayanna (Kalinga) Infancy-related songs
Chanted epic poetry which is recited and chanted
only during four occasions:
• harvesting of rice
Hudhod (Ifugao)
• wedding
• funeral wakes
• bone-washing (bogwa)

Characteristics of Vocal Music
A. Melismatic - a vocal passage with one syllable and sung against several
note passages
B. Free meter - a musical meter without time signature

Listening to Music
Listen to the example of vocal music of Cordillera below. You can ask your
teacher a copy of the song.

The Philippines: Hudhud Chants of the Ifugao

Suggested link:

For those who do not have internet connection, here is an example of song from
Cordillera. Try to sing it or clap its rhythm.


Music of Mindoro is similar to Cordillera music which is used for communication

with the spirits in rituals and worships, weddings, works, courtships, festive
occasions, and lullabies.
Vocal Music of Mindoro
Vocal Music Description
A song used to communicate with spirits in rituals for healing
the sick and protecting the community
Pamuybuyen Legend
Composed of a seven- syllable line ending in rhymes
Texts are commonly written on bamboo
Often used in parenting in courtship, and by visitors to ask
for food

Here is an example of Ambahan from the Mangyan:

1. What is the message being conveyed in the poem?
2. How are you going to relate the poem into your life?

Let’s have an example of their folk song and try to sing it. You
can stamp and clap your feet while enjoying its rhythm.


Imitation of sounds from nature and the environment is a characteristic of

Palawan music which is also highly influenced by their native language.
Gong ensemble performance in Palawan music plays an important role in the life
of the community because it is performed in rituals like the tambilaw and the

Vocal Music of Palawan


Vocal Forms Descriptions
A lyrical poem which expresses love
Kulial It is accompanied by kudyapi (two-stringed lute) played by man
and pagang (bamboo zither)
A vocal music about epic heroes and usually chanted at night,
ending at daybreak

Listening to Music
Listen to the given example of Palawan music below and answer the following
Kingking, Tarinting & Layang Pasyak Lyrics Video (Cuyunon Folk Songs Medley)
1. What are the musical instruments you heard?
2. How can you describe the style of singing?

Note: For those learners who cannot access the link, you can ask your teacher a
copy of the song.


The Visayan music is highly influenced by the Spaniards because they colonized
the Philippine for a long period of time which brought their culture and religion from
Western practice. A New style of music which has also Western musical traditions
was introduced by Spaniard musicians.

Vocal Music of Visayas

The vocal music of the Visayans has different functions in their lives. These
include children’s songs, lullabies, ballad, working songs, and serenade
A song-and-dance-debate between a man and a woman known as balitaw is the
musical style of the Visayan which theme is about love and marriage and usually
performed by good singers as well as a dancers and actors.

Examples of Vocal forms in Visayas

Vocal Music Type of Song

Matud Nila Love song

Rosas Pandan Court song

Si Pelimon Work song

Akokini Si Angi Work song

Condansoy Drinking song

Here is an example of their vocal music. Let’s enjoy singing


What’s More

In this activity you will share your learning’s about the characteristics of vocal
music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and Visayas.

Activity 1. I Can Be a Poet

Directions: Using your own dialect, compose a 4-line poem about health
protocol in this time of pandemic using Ambahan style. Write your answer on a short
bond paper. (Look for an example on page 6 as your reference)

Criteria Description Points
The poem must consist of 4 lines with 7
No. of line 5
syllables each line
Has a good rhyming words at the end of
Use of rhyme words 5
each line
Language or words used are appropriate
Spelling/Grammar/Style Grammar and correct spelling are 5
Essence/Relation to the Choices of words or sentence are related
theme to the theme

Activity 2. I Can Sing and Play My Music!

Directions: Choose your favorite among the selected vocal music of
Cordillera/Mindoro/Palawan/Visayas that you like most. Perform it with an
improvised accompaniment found in your kitchen. Have a documentation or video of
your performance. Be guided with the rubrics below.


(5) (4) (3)
Mastery Consistently There are some There are many
correct rhythm mistakes in the incorrect pitch
and pitch pitch and rhythm and rhythm
Accompanim Able to play the Able to play the Able to play the
ent instrument with a instrument with instrument but
clear rhythmic only a few errors the rhythmic
pattern in rhythmic pattern is
pattern execution unrecognizable
Improvised Improvised Improvised Improvised
instruments instruments used instruments used instruments
resemble the were almost the used were far
original same as the from the original

Activity 3. I Can Trace and Tell You!
Directions: Below is the lyrics of a Visayan Folk Song with its musical
notation. Connect the head of the notes by tracing a line starting from the first note
to the last. Observe the melodic line through its direction.

Si-Fe-li- mon-siFe-li-mon, na-ma-sol saksa-da-ga-tan, Na-ka-ku- ha na-ka-ku-ha,

Ug is-dang tam-ba-sa-kan, Gi-ba-lig-ya gi-ba-lig-ya sa mer-ka-donggu - ba

Ang ha-lin pu-ros ku - ra ang ha-lin pu-ros ku - ra i- go-rang gi-pa-nu-ba.

What I Have Learned

Activity 1. I can share you!

Think back, reflect, and share what lessons you have learned by completing
the table. Write your answers on your activity notebook.



What I Can Do

Activity 1. I Can Sing It!

Directions: Choose a song from Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan or Visayas and

used improvised musical instruments found at home as your accompaniment.
Record an audio or video using your phone.



Identify the following characteristics of vocal music of Cordillera, Mindoro,

Palawan, and Visayas. Choose your answer from the words inside the box. Write your
answers on your activity notebook.

Melismatic Balitaw Ambahan

Si Pelimon Tultul

1. The musical style of Visayas in a form of song-and-dance-debate between a man

and a woman.
2. A vocal characteristic of Cordillera with one syllable and sung against several
note passages.
3. It is an example of Visayan work song.
4. It is a vocal music of Mindoro, which is composed of seven-syllable line ending
in rhymes.
5. A chanted vocal music of Palawan about epic heroes and usually chanted at
night ending at daybreak.


List down at least one vocal music of Cordillera, Mindoro, Palawan and
Visayas and identify its classification or type. Write your answer on your activity



II. Complete the table
What I Know
What's More Assessment
1. B
2. B Learner’s answer may vary I.Identification
3. D depend on the their
4. C knowledge and skill in poem 1 .Balitaw
5. B writing 2. Melismatic
3. Si Pelimon
4. Ambahan
II. Complete the Table
Any on the table
Answer Key

Siobal, Lourdes, “Music and Arts – Grade 7 Learner’s Material” .Pasig City:FEP
Printing Corp.,2017


Ako Kini Si Anggi

Dandansoy of Visayas

“Kudyapi “

Matud Nila of Visayas

Magtanim Ay ‘Di Biro




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