Microbiology and Parasitology

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• Cellular Microbes

✓ Prokaryotes
- Archaea
- Bacteria
✓ Eukaryotes
- Fungi
• Biology is the study of living organisms.
- Protozoa
• Microbiology is an advanced biology course.
• Microbiology is the study of microbes, which CATEGORIES OF DISEASES CAUSED BY
are extremely small (microscopic) living PATHOGENS
organisms and certain nonliving entities. Infectious Disease
➢ Living microbes are known as cellular
microbes or microorganisms; examples • A pathogen colonizes a person’s body
include bacteria, archaea, some algae, • The pathogens causes a disease
protozoa, and some fungi. - Examples: MRSA infection and Gas
➢ Nonliving microbes are known as acellular Gangrene
microbes or infectious particles; examples
Microbial Intoxication
include viroids, prions, and viruses.
• Microbes are ubiquitous (i.e., they are found • A pathogen produces a toxin in vitro
virtually everywhere). • A person ingests the toxin.
• The microbes that cause disease are • The toxin causes a disease
sometimes referred to as “germs.” - Examples: staphylococcal food poisoning
• The scientific term for disease-causing and foodborne botulism
microbes is pathogens.
Why Study Microbiology?
• Microbes that do not cause disease are called
nonpathogens; the vast majority of microbes • Microbes play significant roles in our lives;
are nonpathogens. they are essential for life on this planet.
• Some of the pathogens that colonizes or • Photosynthetic algae and bacteria (such as
inhabits in our body is what we call as cyanobacteria) produce much of the oxygen in
opportunistic pathogens, means that they are our atmosphere.
waiting for an opportunity to invade. They do • Microorganisms are involved in the
not causes disease under ordinary conditions decomposition of dead organisms and waste
but have a potential to cause disease when the products.
opportunity present itself • Saprophytes are organisms that live on dead
• Microbes that live on and in our bodies are and/or decaying organic matter.
referred to as our indigenous microbiota • The use of microbes to clean up toxic wastes
- Some members of our indigenous and other industrial waste products is known
microbiota are opportunistic as bioremediation.
• Pathogens cause two categories of diseases:
✓ infectious diseases
✓ microbial intoxications

• Acellular Microbes (infectious)

✓ Prions
✓ viruses
Foods acidophilus milk, bread, butter, buttermilk,
chocolate, coffee, cottage cheese, cream cheese,
fish sauces, green olives, kimchi (from cabbage),
meat products (e.g., country-cured hams, sausage,
salami), pickles, poi (fermented taro root),
sauerkraut, sour cream, sourdough bread, soy
sauce, various cheeses (e.g., cheddar, Swiss,
limburger, camembert, Roquefort and other blue
cheeses), vinegar, yogurt
Alcoholic beverages ale, beer, brandy. Sake (rice
• Microbes are used in many industries, such as wine), rum, sherry, vodka, whiskey, wine
food, beverage, chemical, and antibiotic Chemicals acetic acid, acetone, butanol, citric acid,
industries and in genetic engineering. ethanol, formic acid, glycerol, isopropanol, lactic
• In genetic engineering, a gene(s) from one acid
organism is inserted into a bacterial or yeast
cell; the cell that receives the new gene(s) is Antibiotics amphotericin B, bacitracin,
then capable of producing the gene product(s) cephalosporins, chloramphenicol, cycloheximide,
coded for by the new gene(s). cycloserine, eryth
• The use of living organisms or their derivatives MICROBES AND THE FOOD CHAIN
to make or modify useful products or
processes is called biotechnology.

• Many microbes play essential roles in various

elemental cycles, such as the carbon, nitrogen, First Microorganism on earth
oxygen, sulfur, and phosphorus cycles.
• Algae and bacteria serve as food for tiny • Fossils of primitive microorganisms date back
animals; they are important links in food about 3.5 billion years.
chains. • Candidates for the first microorganisms on
• Microbes that live in the intestinal tracts of Earth are archaea and cyanobacteria.
animals aid in the digestion of food and • Infectious diseases of humans and animals
produce beneficial substances. have existed for as long as humans and animals
• For many years, microorganisms have been have inhabited the planet.
used as “cell models”; the more the scientists • Earliest known account of pestilence occurred
learned about microbial cells, the more they in Egypt in about 3180 BC.
learned about cells in general. Spontaneous Generation Theory
Products Requiring Microbial Participation in the Pros
Manufacturing Process
1. John Needham experimented on chicken
Ctegories broth
• German physician who made numerous
contributions to microbiology
• Made significant contributions to the germ
theory of disease
• Discovered that Bacillus anthracis produced
• Developed methods of fixing and staining
1. Francesco Redi prove that maggots did not bacteria
come from a piece of meat • Developed methods to cultivate bacteria
Koch’s Postulates

• If an organism fulfills Koch’s Postulates, it has

been proven to be the cause of that particular
2. Lazaro Spallanzani heated the soup before infectious disease.
culturing • Koch’s Postulates helped prove the germ
theory of disease.
Louis Pasteur Swan Neck Experiment • Koch gave a tremendous boost to the
Pasteur filled a flask with medium, heated it to kill development of microbiology by stressing
all life, and then drew out the neck of the flask into laboratory culture and identification of
a long S. microorganisms.
• Circumstances do exist in which Koch’s
This prevented microorganisms in the air from Postulates cannot be fulfilled.
entering the flask, yet allowed air to flow freely. 1. The microorganism must always be
If the swan neck was broken, microbes could enter found in similarity disease animals but
the flask and grow not in healthy ones
2. The microorganism must be isolated
from a diseased animal and grown in
pure culture
3. The isolated microorganism must cause
the original disease when inoculated into
a susceptible animal
4. The microorganism can be reisolated
from the experimentally infected animal


Louis Pasteur (1822–1895)

• French chemist who made numerous

contributions to microbiology
• Investigated different fermentation products
• Developed the pasteurization process
• Discovered life forms that could exist without
oxygen (anaerobes)
• Developed several vaccines, including rabies
and anthrax vaccines
Robert Koch (1843–1910)

• A microbiologist is a scientist who studies

• There are many career fields within the science
of microbiology (e.g., bacteriology, phycology,
protozoology, mycology, parasitology, and
• Medical microbiology
- Involves the study of pathogens, the
disease they cause, and the body’s
defenses against disease
- Concerned with epidemiology,
transmission of pathogens, disease-
prevention measures, aseptic techniques,
treatment of infectious diseases,
immunology, and production of vaccines
Using the Metric System to Express the Sizes of

• The sizes of viruses are expressed in terms of

Using the Metric System to Express the Sizes of nanometers (nm). A nanometer is equal to one
Microbes billionth of a meter.
• Most of the viruses that cause human diseases
• Metric units are used to express the sizes of
range in size from 10 to 300 nm.
• One exception is Ebola virus, a cause of viral
• The basic unit of length in the metric system is
hemorrhagic fever. Ebola viruses can be as
the meter (m); it is equivalent to 39.4 inches.
long as 1,000 nm (1 μm).
• The sizes of bacteria and protozoa are usually
• When using a microscope, the sizes of
expressed in terms of micrometers (μm). A
microorganisms are measured using an ocular
micrometer is one millionth of a meter.
• A typical spherical bacterium (coccus) is
approximately 1 μm in diameter. MICROSCOPES
• A typical rod-shaped bacterium (bacillus) is
• The human eye, a telescope, a pair of
approximately 1 μm wide × 3 μm long.
binoculars, a magnifying glass, and a
Representations of Metric Units of Measure and microscope are various types of optical
Numbers instruments.
• A microscope is an optical instrument that is
used to observe tiny objects, objects so small
that they cannot be seen with the unaided
human eye.
• Each optical instrument has a limit as to what
can be seen using that instrument; this limit is
referred to as the resolving power or
resolution of the instrument.
• The resolving power of the unaided human eye
is approximately 0.2 mm.

Relative Sizes of Staphylococcus and Chlamydia

Bacteria and Several Viruses

Simple Microscopes

• A simple microscope is one that contains only

one magnifying lens.
• A magnifying glass could be considered a • Total magnification is calculated by multiplying
simple microscope; when using a magnifying the magnifying power of the ocular lens by the
glass, images appear 3 to 20 times larger than magnifying power of the objective lens being
the object’s actual size. used.
• Leeuwenhoek’s simple microscopes had a - ×10 ocular × ×4 objective = ×40 total
maximum magnifying power of about ×300 magnification
(about 300 times). - ×10 ocular × ×10 objective = ×100 total
Compound Microscopes
- ×10 ocular × ×40 objective = ×400 total
• contains more than one magnifying lens. magnification
• Because visible light is the source of - ×10 ocular × ×100 objective = ×1,000 total
illumination, a compound microscope is also magnification
referred to as a compound light microscope. • Photographs taken through the lens system of
• Compound light microscopes usually magnify the compound light microscope are called
objects about 1,000 times. photomicrographs.
• The resolving power of a compound light Compound Microscopes
microscope is approximately 0.2 μm (about
1,000 times better than the resolving power of • Because objects are observed against a bright
the unaided human eye). background or “bright field,” the compound
• It is the wavelength of visible light (~0.45 μm) light microscope is sometimes referred to as a
that limits the size of objects that can be seen. brightfield microscope.
• Objects cannot be seen if they are smaller than • If the condenser is replaced with what is
half of the wavelength of visible light. known as a darkfield condenser, illuminated
• Today’s laboratory microscope contains two objects are seen against a dark background or
magnifying lens systems: “dark field”; the microscope is then called a
- The eyepiece or ocular lens (usually ×10) darkfield microscope.
- The objective lens (×4, ×10, ×40, and ×100 • Other types of compound microscopes include
are the four most commonly used - Phase-contrast microscopes
objective lenses) - Fluorescence microscopes

Modern Compound Light Microscope Darkfield and Fluorescence Micrographs of

Treponema pallidum (the Bacterium That Causes

Phase-Contrast and Fluorescence Microscopes

• Phase-contrast microscopes are used to

observe unstained living microorganisms.
- Organisms are more easily seen because
the light refracted by living cells is different
from the light refracted by the surrounding
• Fluorescence microscopes contain a built-in • This is used to observe the outer surfaces of
ultraviolet (UV) light source. specimens.
- When the UV light strikes certain dyes and • Resolving power of this microscope is about
pigments, these substances emit a longer- 100 times less than that of transmission
wavelength light, causing them to glow electron microscope.
against a dark background. • Transmission and scanning electron
micrographs are black-and-white images.
Electron Microscopes
Staphylococcus aureus (Blue) and Red Blood
• enable us to see extremely small microbes
Cells as Seen by Light Microscopy
such as rabies and smallpox viruses.
• Living organisms cannot be observed using an
electron microscope the processing
procedures kill the organisms.
• An electron beam is used as the source of
illumination, and magnets are used to focus
the beam.
• Electron microscopes have a much higher
resolving power than compound light
microscopes. S. aureus in the Process of Binary Fission, as
• There are two types of electron microscopes ⎯ Seen by Transmission Electron Microscopy
transmission and scanning.
Transmission Electron Microscope

• This microscope uses an electron gun to fire a

beam of electrons through an extremely thin
specimen (<1 μm thick).
• An image of the specimen is produced on a
phosphor-coated screen.
• Magnification is approximately 1,000 times
greater than with the compound light Scanning Electron Micrograph of S. aureus
• Resolving power is approximately 0.2 nm.
A Transmission Electron Micrograph of Influenza
Virus A

Atomic Force Microscope

Scanning Electron Microscope

• Electrons are bounced off the surface of a

specimen and the image appears on a monitor.

• The cell is the fundamental unit of any living

organism because it exhibits the basic
characteristics of life.
• There are two categories of cells: eukaryotic • It is the “command center” of the cell.
and prokaryotic. • It has three components: nucleoplasm,
• Some microbes are prokaryotes (bacteria and chromosomes, and a nuclear membrane.
archaea), some are eukaryotes (algae, • Chromosomes are embedded in the
protozoa, fungi), and some are not composed nucleoplasm.
of cells (viruses, prions, viroids). • Eukaryotic chromosomes consist of linear DNA
molecules and proteins.
• Genes are located along chromosomes. An
• Acellular Microbes organism’s complete collection of genes is
✓ Prions referred to as its genotype or genome.
✓ viruses • Each gene contains the information to produce
• Cellular Microbes one or more gene products (usually proteins).
✓ Prokaryotes • Although most genes code for proteins, some
- Archaea code for two types of ribonucleic acid (RNA)
- Bacteria - Ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA)
✓ Eukaryotes - Transfer ribonucleic acid (tRNA)
- Algae • The number and composition of chromosomes
- Fungi and the number of genes on each
- Protozoa chromosome are characteristic of the
particular species of organism.
• Eukaryotic cells contain a “true” nucleus,
• Human diploid cells have 46 chromosomes (23
whereas prokaryotic cells do not. A true
nucleus consists of nucleoplasm,
• It has been estimated that the human genome
chromosomes, and a nuclear membrane.
consists of between 20,000 and 25,000 genes.
• Eukaryotic cells possess a complex system of
membranes and membrane-bound organelles, Cytoplasm
whereas prokaryotic cells do not.
• A semifluid, gelatinous, nutrient matrix
• Both eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells possess
• Contains storage granules and a variety of
a cell membrane. Cell membranes have
selective permeability, allowing only certain
substances to pass through them. • Each organelle has a specific function
• The cytoplasm is where most metabolic
Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)

• A highly convoluted system of membranes

arranged to form a transport network in the
• Rough ER has ribosomes attached to it, • Simpler in structure than prokaryotic cell walls
whereas smooth ER does not • Chitin found in cell walls of fungi; cellulose in
cell walls of algae and plants
✓ Cell Walls
• Consist of ribosomal RNA and protein ➢ Present
• The sites of protein synthesis - Plants
- Algae
Golgi complex
- Fungi
• Also called the Golgi apparatus or Golgi body - Most bacteria
• Connects or communicates with ER ➢ Absent
• Completes the transformation of newly - Animals
synthesized proteins and packages them for - protozoa
storage or export (“packaging plants”) - Mycoplasma species

Lysosomes and peroxisomes Flagella and cilia (contain microtubules)

• Originate in the Golgi complex • Some eukaryotic cells (e.g., spermatozoa and
• Lysosomes contain lysozyme and other certain protozoa) possess long, thin, whiplike
digestive enzymes organelles of locomotion called flagella.
• Peroxisomes are membrane-bound vesicles • Flagellated cells may possess one or more
where H2O2 is generated and broken down flagella.
• Some cells move by means of cilia, which are
Mitochondria shorter, thinner, and more numerous than
• “Power plants,” “powerhouses,” or “energy flagella, and described as being “hair-like.”
factories” • Cilia can be found on some species of protozoa
• ATP molecules are produced within and certain types of cells in our bodies (e.g.,
mitochondria by cellular respiration ciliated epithelial cells in the respiratory tract).
• Number of mitochondria varies depending on - Cilia cross sections of cilia showing the 9 +
the activities of the cell 2 arrangement of microtubules.


• Membrane-bound structures containing • Prokaryotic cells are about 10 times smaller

photosynthetic pigments than eukaryotic cells.
• They are sites of photosynthesis • Prokaryotic cells are simple compared to
• Chloroplasts are a type of plastid; they contain eukaryotic cells.
chlorophyll • Prokaryotic cells reproduce by binary fission.
• All bacteria are prokaryotes, as are archaea.
Cytoskeleton • Unlike eukaryotic cells, the cytoplasm of
• A system of fibers throughout the cytoplasm prokaryotic cells is not filled with internal
• Three types of fibers: microtubules, membranes.
microfilaments, and intermediate filaments • The cytoplasm of prokaryotic cells is
• Microtubules and microfilaments are essential surrounded by a cell membrane, a cell wall
for a variety of activities (usually), and sometimes a capsule or slime
Cell wall

• Some eukaryotic cells contain cell walls an

external structure to provide shape,
protection, and rigidity
• Gram-positive bacteria have a thick layer of
peptidoglycan; Gram-negative bacteria have a
much thinner layer.
• Mycoplasma spp. do not have a cell wall; they
are pleomorphic.
Structure of Peptidoglycan

Cell membrane

• Similar in structure and function to the Gram- Positive

eukaryotic cell membrane
• Selectively permeable
• Many enzymes are attached to the cell
membrane where metabolic reactions take

• Prokaryotic chromosome usually consists of a Gram- Negative

single, long, supercoiled, circular DNA
molecule and serves as the control center of
the cell
• Plasmids are small, circular molecules of DNA
that are not part of the chromosome (extra-
chromosomal) Glycocalyx (slime layers and capsules)
Cytoplasm • Some bacteria possess glycocalyx, a slimy,
• It is a semiliquid that consists of water, gelatinous material produced by the cell
enzymes, waste products, nutrients, proteins, membrane and secreted outside the cell wall.
carbohydrates, and lipids⎯materials required • There are two types of glycocalyx⎯ slime layer
for metabolic functions. (loosely connected to the cell wall) and capsule
(highly organized and firmly connected).
Cytoplasmic particles - Pseudomonas spp. produce a slime layer
• Most are ribosomes, some of which occur in - Klebsiella pneumoniae, Neisseria
clusters. meningitidis, and Streptococcus
• Prokaryotic ribosomes are smaller than pneumoniae possess a capsule, which
eukaryotic ribosomes, but their function is the serves an antiphagocytic function.
same⎯they are the sites of protein synthesis Capsule Staining
Bacterial cell wall (example of a negative staining technique)
• A rigid exterior that defines the shape of
bacterial cells⎯chemically complex
• Main constituent of most bacterial cell walls is
peptidoglycan (found only in bacteria)
• They enable bacteria to anchor themselves to
• Some bacteria possess a sex pilus for conjugation.
Proteus vulgaris Cell, Showing Many Pili and
Several Flagella


• Motile bacteria possess flagella⎯ whip-like

appendages composed of threads of protein
called flagellin.
• Number and arrangement of flagella are
characteristic of a particular species:
- Peritrichous bacteria⎯ flagella over entire
- Lophotrichous bacteria⎯ tuft of flagella at
one end Spores (endospores)
- Amphitrichous bacteria⎯ one or more • A few genera (e.g., Bacillus and Clostridium)
flagella at both ends are capable of forming thick-walled spores as a
- Monotrichous bacteria⎯ single polar means of survival.
flagellum • The process of spore formation is called
Four Basic Types of Flagellar Arrangement on sporulation⎯ it is not reproduction.
Bacteria • Spores have been shown to survive for many
years and are resistant to heat, cold, drying,
1. Peritrichous Bacterium
and most chemicals.
2. Amphitrichous Bacterium
• Usually one spore is produced in a bacterial
3. Lophotrichous Bacterium
cell, which generates into one vegetative
4. Monotrichous Bacterium
• Endospores can be visualized using a spore
Terminal and Subterminal Spores

Pili (also called fimbriae) Recap of Structural Differences between

• They are hairlike structures, most often observed on Prokaryotic and Eukaryotic Cells
Gram-negative bacteria. • Eukaryotic cells contain a true nucleus,
• They are composed of polymerized protein molecules prokaryotic cells do not.
called pilin. • Eukaryotic cells are divided into plant and
• Pili are thinner than flagella, have a rigid structure, and animal types.
are not associated with motility.
• Animal cells do not have a cell wall, plant cells • The science of taxonomy was established
have a simple cell wall. based on the binomial system of
• Eukaryotic cells contain membranous nomenclature.
structures and many membrane-bound • In the binomial system, each organism is given
organelles; prokaryotic cells possess no two
membranes other than the cell membrane • names⎯ genus and the specific epithet. Taken
that encloses the cytoplasm. together, both names constitute the species.
- For example, Escherichia coli; Escherichia is
Reproduction of Organisms and Their Cells
the genus and coli is the specific epithet.
Prokaryotic cell reproduction - The genus is frequently abbreviated with
just a single letter (e.g., E. for Escherichia).
• Prokaryotic cells reproduce by a process
• The abbreviation “sp.” is used to designate a
known as binary fission⎯ one cell splits in half
single species and “spp.” for more than one
to become two daughter cells.
- Before a prokaryotic cell divides in half, the
• Organisms are categorized into larger groups
chromosome must be duplicated.
based on their similarities and differences.
• The time it takes for binary fission to occur is
• The Five-Kingdom System of Classification
called the generation time.
1. Bacteria and archaea⎯ Kingdom
- Generation time varies from one species to
another and depends on growth conditions
2. Algae and protozoa⎯ Kingdom Protista
(under ideal conditions, Escherichia coli
3. Fungi⎯ Kingdom Fungi
has a generation time of about 20
4. Plants⎯ Kingdom Plantae
5. Animals⎯ Kingdom Animalia
Binary Fission • Viruses are not included because they are
• Other systems of classification do exist.
• The Three-Domain System of Classification
1. Archaea (prokaryotic)
2. Bacteria (prokaryotic)
3. Eucarya (all eukaryotic organisms)
• The Three-Domain System is based on
differences in the structure of certain
ribosomal RNA (rRNA) molecules among
organisms in the three domains.
Determining Relatedness among Organisms
• Taxonomy is the science of classification of
living organisms. • The most widely used technique for gauging
• Taxonomy consists of classification, diversity or “relatedness” of organisms is
nomenclature, and identification. called rRNA sequencing.
• Classification is the arrangement of organisms • Ribosomes are composed of two subunits: a
into taxonomic groups (known as taxa). small subunit and a large subunit.
• Tool for remembering the sequence of taxa • The small subunit is composed of only one
- “King David Came Over for Good rRNA molecule, which is coded for by a gene
Spaghetti” KDCOFGS⎯K for Kingdom, D for called the 16S rRNA gene in prokaryotes and
Division, C for Class, O for Order, F for the 18S rRNA gene in eukaryotes.
Family, G for Genus, and S for species. • To determine how closely related one
prokaryotic organism is to another, scientists
Microbial Classification
compare the sequence of nucleotide base
pairs in the 16S rRNA gene from one of the
organisms with the sequence of base pairs in
the 16S rRNA gene from the other organism.
• The more similar the sequence of base pairs,
the more closely related are the organisms.
Charles Darwin
1. They possess either DNA or RNA, whereas
living cells possess both.
2. They are unable to replicate on their own.
3. Unlike cells, they do not divide by binary
fission, mitosis, or meiosis.
4. They lack the genes and enzymes
• Introduction necessary for energy production.
• Acellular Microbes 5. They depend on the ribosomes, enzymes,
- Viruses and metabolites of the host cell for protein
- Viroids and Prions and nucleic acid production.
• The Domain Bacteria Viruses that infect humans
- Characteristics
- Unique Bacteria
- Photosynthetic Bacteria Nonenveloped
• The Domain Archaea Single-stranded positive-sense
• Microbes can be divided into those that are ✓ Caliciviruses
truly cellular (bacteria, archaea, algae, ✓ Picornaviruses
protozoa, and fungi) and those that are Double-stranded
acellular (viruses, viroids, and prions).
• Cellular microbes (microorganisms) can be ✓ Reoviruses
divided into those that are prokaryotic ✓ Rotaviruses
(bacteria and archaea) and those that are Enveloped
eukaryotic (algae, protozoa, and fungi). single-stranded positive sense
• Viruses, viroids, and prions are often referred
to as acellular microbes or infectious particles. ✓ Togaviruses
✓ Flaviviruses
Viruses Single-stranded negative-sense
• Complete virus particles are called virions. ✓ Linear
• Most viruses range from 10 to 300 nm in - Rhabdoviruses
diameter. - Paramyxoviruses
• Viruses infect humans, animals, plants, ✓ Segmented
fungi, protozoa, algae, and bacterial cells.
- Arenaviruses
• Some viruses, called oncogenic viruses or
- Bunyaviruses
oncoviruses, cause specific types of cancer.
- orthomyxoviruses
• A typical virion consists of a genome of
either DNA or RNA, surrounded by a capsid Retrovirus
(protein coat), which is composed of
✓ Lentiviruses
protein units called capsomeres.
✓ Oncoviruses
• Some viruses (enveloped viruses) have an
outer envelope composed of lipids and DNA VIRUSES
Viruses have five properties that distinguish them
single-stranded positive linear
from living cells:
✓ parvoviruses • Disease it produces
• Target cell(s)
Double-stranded linear
• Immunologic/antigenic properties
✓ Adenoviruses
Double-stranded circular
• There are four categories of viruses, based on
✓ Papillomaviruses the type of nucleic acid that they possess. Most
✓ Polymaviruses viral genomes are of the first two types.
Enveloped - Double-stranded DNA viruses
- Single-stranded RNA viruses
Double-stranded linear
- Single-stranded DNA viruses
✓ Herpesviruses - Double-stranded RNA viruses
✓ Poxviruses • Most viral genomes are circular molecules, but
some are linear.
Double-stranded circular
Herpesviruses Acquiring Their Envelopes as They
✓ Hepadnaviruses
Leave a Host Cell’s Nucleus by Budding
Viral Nucleocapsids

Comparative Sizes of Virions, Their Nucleic

Acids, and Bacteria

Enveloped Viruses


• Viruses that infect bacteria are known as

bacteriophages or simply phages.
Viruses are classified by • There are two categories of bacteriophages:
virulent bacteriophages and temperate
• Type of genetic material (either DNA or bacteriophages.
RNA) • Virulent bacteriophages always cause what is
• Shape and size of capsid known as the lytic cycle, which ends with the
• Number of capsomeres destruction of the bacterial cell.
• Presence or absence of an envelope
• Type of host it infects
• The five steps in the lytic cycle are attachment, Penetration of a Host Cell by a Nonenveloped
penetration, biosynthesis, assembly, and Virus via Endocytosis
Bacteriophage Structure

Penetration of a Host Cell by an Enveloped Virus

Multiplication of Herpes Simplex on HeLa Cells

Summary of the Lytic Process

Latent virus infections

• Viral infections in which the virus is able to

hide from a host’s immune system by entering
cells and remaining dormant.
• Herpes viral infections are examples.
• Once acquired, herpes virus infections (e.g.,
Animal Viruses those that cause cold sores, genital herpes,
• Steps in the multiplication of animal viruses and chickenpox/shingles) never completely go
are away; for example, chickenpox may be
- Attachment followed, years later, by shingles⎯both the
result of the same virus.
- Penetration
- Uncoating Antiviral agents
- Biosynthesis
• Antibiotics are not effective against viral
- Assembly infections⎯this is very important to remember.
• Animal viruses escape from their host cells • Antiviral agents are drugs that are used to
either by lysis of the cell or by budding. Viruses treat viral infections.
that escape by budding become enveloped • These agents interfere with virus-specific
viruses. enzymes and virus production by disrupting
critical phases in viral multiplication or • Of all pathogens, prions are the most resistant
inhibiting synthesis of viral DNA, RNA, or to disinfectants.
proteins. • The mechanism by which prions cause disease
remains a mystery.
Oncogenic viruses or oncoviruses
• These viruses cause cancer.
• Examples include Epstein–Barr virus, human • Bacteria are divided into three major
papillomaviruses, and human T-lymphotrophic phenotypic categories:
virus type 1 (HTLV-1). - Those that are Gram-negative and have a
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) cell wall
- Those that are Gram-positive and have a
• This virus causes acquired immunodeficiency cell wall
syndrome (AIDS). - Those that lack a cell wall (Mycoplasma
• It is an enveloped, single-stranded RNA virus. spp.)
• The primary targets for HIV are CD4+ • Characteristics of bacteria used in
cells⎯those having CD4 receptors on their classification and identification include cell
surface. morphology, staining reactions, motility,
colony morphology, atmospheric
requirements, nutritional requirements,
biochemical and metabolic activities, enzymes
that the organism produces, pathogenicity,
and genetic composition.
• There are three basic categories of bacteria
based on shape:
- Cocci (round bacteria)
- Bacilli (rod-shaped bacteria)
- Curved and spiral-shaped bacteria
• Cocci may be seen singly or in pairs
➢ Viroids and prions (smaller and less complex (diplococci), chains (streptococci), clusters
infectious particles than viruses) (staphylococci), packets of 4 (tetrads), or
Viroids packets of 8 (octads).
• The average coccus is about 1 μm in diameter.
• Viroids are short, naked fragments of single- • Some cocci have “coccus” in their name.
stranded RNA, which can interfere with the
metabolism of plant cells. Categories of Bacteria Based on the Shape of
• Viroids are transmitted between plants in the Their Cells
same manner as viruses.
- Examples of plant diseases caused by
viroids are potato spindle tuber and citrus

• Prions are small infectious proteins that cause

fatal neurologic diseases in animals and
humans (e.g., Scrapie, bovine spongiform Morphologic Arrangements of Cocci
encephalopathy [mad cow disease], and
Creutzfeldt–Jacob disease).
Scanning Electron Micrograph of Treponema

Spiral-Shaped Bacteria
Borrelia hermsii, the cause of relapsing fever, in a
stained blood smear

Domain Bacteria Staining Procedures

Three major categories of staining procedures
• They are often referred to as rods; they may be
1. Simple staining procedure
short or long, thick or thin, and pointed or with
- Smear loopful of microbes onto slide
curved or blunt ends.
• They may occur singly, in pairs (diplobacilli), in - Air dry
chains (streptobacilli), in long filaments, or - Drip methanol onto specimen to fix
branched. - Flood slide with stain
• An average sized bacillus is 1 × 3 μm. - Rinse with water and blot dry
• Extremely short bacilli are called coccobacilli. - Examine with x100 objective (oil
• Examples of medically important bacilli: immersion)
Escherichia, Klebsiella, Proteus, Pseudomonas, 2. Structural staining procedures
Haemophilus, and Bacillus spp. - Capsule staining
Curved and spiral-shaped bacteria - Spore staining
- Flagella staining
• Examples of curved bacteria: 3. Differential staining procedures
- Vibrio spp. - Gram and acid-fast staining procedures
- Campylobacter spp. • Bacterial smears must be fixed prior to
- Helicobacter spp. staining.
• Examples of spiral-shaped bacteria: • The fixation process serves to kill organisms,
- Treponema spp. preserve their morphology, and anchor the
- Borrelia spp. smear to the slide.
• The two most common techniques of fixation:
✓ Heat fixation⎯ not a standardized Peptidoglycan in Thick layer Thin layer
technique; excess heat will distort bacterial cell walls
morphology Teichoic acids and Present Absent
✓ Methanol fixation⎯ a standardized lipoteichoic acids
technique; the preferred method in cell walls
Lipopolysaccharide Absent Present
Domain Bacteria in cell walls
The Gram Staining Procedure
Gram Staining Technique
• Divides bacteria into two major groups:
✓ Gram-positive (bacteria end up being blue 1. Methanol-fix specimen to slide. Flood
to purple) slide with crystal violet solution; allow to
✓ Gram-negative (bacteria end up being pink act for 1 minute.
to red) 2. Rinse the side, then flood with iodine
• The final Gram reaction (positive or negative) solution allow iodine to act for 1 minute.
depends on the organism’s cell wall structure. Before ethanol decolorization (next step),
- the cell walls of Gram-positive bacteria all organisms appear purple, that is. Gram-
have a thick layer of peptidoglycan, making positive.
it difficult to remove the crystal violet– 3. Rinse off excess iodine. Decolorize with
iodine complex. ethanol, approximately 5 seconds (time
- Gram-negative organisms have a thin layer depends on density of specimen).
of peptidoglycan, making it easier to 4. Wash slide immediately in water. After
remove the crystal violet; the cells are ethanol decolorization, those organisms
subsequently stained with safranin. that are Gram-negative are no longer
• Some bacteria are neither consistently purple visible.
nor pink after Gram staining; they are known 5. Apply safranin counterstain for 30
as Gram-variable bacteria, for example, seconds.
Mycobacterium spp. 6. Wash in water, blot, and dry in air. Gram-
• Mycobacterium spp. are often identified using negative organisms are visualized after
the acid-fast stain. application of the counterstain.
• The acid-fast stain ✓ Gram positive- violet
✓ Gram negative- red
- Carbol fuchsin is the red dye that is driven
through the bacterial cell wall using heat. Various Gram-Positive Bacteria
- Heat is used to soften the waxes in the cell
Chains of streptococci in smear from broth culture
- Because mycobacteria are not decolorized
by the acid–alcohol mixture, they are said
to be acid-fast.
Differences between Gram-Positive and Gram-
Negative Bacteria

GRAM- GRAM- Streptococcus pneumoniae in blood culture

Color at the end of Blue to Pink to red
the Gram staining purple
A bacillus, Clostridium perfringens, in a smear Domain Bacteria Acid-Fast Mycobacteria
from a broth culture

Clostridium tetani in a smear from a broth culture Acid-fast bacilli in a digested sputum specimen
(note terminal spores on some cells).
Domain Bacteria Motility

• If a bacterium is able to “swim,” it is said to be

• Bacterial motility is most often associated with
flagella and less often with axial filaments.
Various Gram-Positive Bacteria on a Pink- • Most spiral-shaped bacteria and about 50% of
Stained Epithelial Cell bacilli are motile; cocci are generally
• Motility can be demonstrated by stabbing the
bacteria into a tube of semisolid medium or by
using the hanging-drop technique.
Semisolid Agar Method for Determining Motility

Gram-Negative Bacteria
Gram-negative bacilli in a smear from a bacterial

Hanging-Drop Preparation for Study of Living

Loosely coiled Gram-negative spirochetes Borrelia Bacteria
burgdorferi, the cause of Lyme disease

Diagram Showing Various Forms of Bacteria

That Might be Observed in Gram-Stained Smears
Domain Bacteria Colony Morphology

• A bacterial colony contains millions of

• Colony morphology (appearance of the
colony) varies from one species to another.
• Colony morphology includes size, color, overall Decrease
shape, elevation, and the appearance of the
- Obligate Anaerobes
edge or margin of the colony.
• Colony morphology can also include the - Aerotolerant Anaerobes
results of enzymatic activity on various types Percent Oxygen (02)
of media.
• As is true for cell morphology and staining - Facultative Anaerobes
characteristics, colony morphology is an Increase
important “clue” to the identification
(speciation) of bacteria. - Microaerophiles
- Obligate Aerobes
Formation of a Bacterial Colony on Solid Growth
Medium Culturing Microorganisms in Thioglycollate Broth
Size of colonies is determined by the organism’s
generation time and is another important
characteristic of a particular bacterial species.
Here, the generation time is assumed to be 30

Domain Bacteria
Nutritional Requirements

• All bacteria require some form of the elements

such as carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur,
Domain Bacteria Atmospheric Requirements
phosphorus, and nitrogen for growth.
• Bacteria can be classified on the basis of their • Some bacteria require special elements (e.g.,
atmospheric requirements, including their calcium, iron, or zinc).
relationship to O2 and CO2 • Organisms with especially demanding
• With respect to O2, bacterial isolates can be nutritional requirements are said to be
classified as fastidious (“fussy”).
- Obligate aerobes • The nutritional needs of a particular organism
- Microaerophilic aerobes are usually characteristic for that species and
are sometimes important clues to its identity.
- Facultative anaerobes
- Aerotolerant anaerobes Domain Bacteria
- Obligate anaerobes Biochemical and Metabolic Activities
• Capnophilic organisms grow best in the
presence of increased concentrations of CO2 • As bacteria grow, they produce many waste
(usually 5%–10%) products and secretions, some of which are
Categories of Bacteria Based on Their Relationship
• Pathogenic strains of many bacteria, such as
to Oxygen
staphylococci and streptococci, can be
Relationship to Oxygen
tentatively identified by the enzymes they within a host cell; they cannot grow on
secrete. artificial culture media).
• In particular environments, some bacteria - Rickettsias have “leaky membranes.”
produce gases such as carbon dioxide or - Chlamydias are “energy parasites,”
hydrogen sulfide. meaning they prefer to use ATP molecules
• To identify bacteria in the laboratory, they are produced by their host cell.
inoculated into various substrates (i.e.,
carbohydrates and amino acids) to determine Mycoplasmas
whether they possess the enzymes necessary • They are the smallest of the cellular microbes.
to break down those substrates. • They lack a cell wall and therefore assume
Domain Bacteria many shapes (i.e., pleomorphic).
• In humans, pathogenic mycoplasmas cause
Pathogenicity primary atypical pneumonia and genitourinary
• Many pathogens are able to cause disease infections.
because they possess capsules, pili, or • Because they have no cell wall, they are
endotoxins, or because they secrete exotoxins resistant to drugs like penicillin that attack cell
and exoenzymes that damage cells and tissues. walls.
• Frequently, pathogenicity is tested by injecting • They produce tiny “fried egg” colonies on
the organism into mice or cell cultures. artificial media.
• Examples of some common pathogenic Mycoplasma Colonies on an Agar Medium
- Neisseria meningitidis, Salmonella typhi,
Shigella spp., Vibrio cholerae, Yersina
pestis, and Treponema pallidum
Domain Bacteria
Genetic Composition Photosynthetic Bacteria
• Laboratory identification of bacteria is moving • Photosynthetic bacteria include purple
toward analyzing the organism’s DNA or bacteria, green bacteria, and cyanobacteria;
RNA⎯techniques collectively referred to as they all use light as an energy source, but not
molecular diagnostic procedures. in the same way.
- The composition of the genetic material (DNA) - Purple and green bacteria do not produce
of an organism is unique to each species. oxygen, whereas cyanobacteria do.
- DNA probes make it possible to identify an - Photosynthesis that produces oxygen is
isolate without relying on phenotypic called oxygenic photosynthesis.
characteristics. - Photosynthesis that does not produce
• Through the use of 16S rRNA sequencing, oxygen is called anoxygenic
the degree of relatedness between two photosynthesis.
different bacteria can be determined.
The Domain Archaea
Unique Bacteria
• Archaea (meaning “ancient”) were discovered
• Rickettsias, chlamydias, and mycoplasmas are in 1977; they are prokaryotic organisms.
bacteria, but they do not possess all the • Genetically, archaea are more closely related
attributes of typical bacterial cells. to eukaryotes than they are to bacteria.
• Rickettsias and chlamydias have a Gram- • Archaea vary widely in shape; some live in
negative type of cell wall and are obligate extreme environments, such as extremely
intracellular pathogens (i.e., they must live
acidic, extremely hot, or extremely salty
• Archaea possess cell walls, but their cell walls
do not contain peptidoglycan (in contrast, all
bacterial cell walls contain peptidoglycan).
MICROBIAL DIVERSITY - B and E are algae. A, C, D, and F are
Algae in Different Environments
Algae Characteristics and Classification
Green algae growing on shoreline rocks (l) and in
• Algae are photosynthetic, eukaryotic
water (r).
• All algal cells consist of cytoplasm, a cell wall Algae Medical Significance
(usually), a cell membrane, a nucleus, plastids,
• One genus of algae, Prototheca, is a very rare
ribosomes, mitochondria, and Golgi bodies.
cause of human infections (i.e., protothecosis).
- Some have a pellicle, a stigma, and/or
• Algae in several other genera secrete toxic
substances called phycotoxins.
• Algae range in size from unicellular
- Phycotoxins are poisonous to humans,
microorganisms (e.g., diatoms) to large,
fish, and other animals.
multicellular organisms (e.g., seaweeds or
- If ingested by humans, the phycotoxins
produced by the dinoflagellates that cause
• Algae produce energy by photosynthesis.
“red tides” can lead to a disease called
- Some may use organic nutrients.
paralytic shellfish poisoning.
• Algae may be arranged in colonies or strands
and are found in fresh and salt water, in wet Prototheca Cells
soil, and on wet rocks.
• Most algal cell walls contain cellulose.
• Depending on their photosynthetic pigments,
algae are classified as green, golden, brown, or
red algae.
• Algae include diatoms, dinoflagellates, Protozoa Characteristics
desmids, Spirogyra, Chlamydomonas, Volvox, • Protozoa are non-photosynthetic, eukaryotic
and Euglena. organisms.
• Algae are an important source of food, iodine, • Most protozoa are unicellular, free-living, and
fertilizers, emulsifiers, and stabilizers and found in soil and water.
gelling agents for jams and culture media. • Protozoal cells are more animal-like than
• All protozoal cells possess a variety of
eukaryotic structures/organelles.
• Protozoa cannot make their own food by
photosynthesis; some ingest whole algae,
yeasts, bacteria, and smaller protozoa as their
source of nutrients.
• Protozoa do not have cell walls, but some
possess a thickened cell membrane called a
Common Pond Water Algae and Protozoa “pellicle,” which serves the same purpose –
a. Amoeba sp. • A typical protozoan life cycle has two stages--a
b. Euglena sp. trophozoite and a cyst.
c. Stentor sp. • The trophozoite is the motile, feeding, dividing
d. Vorticella sp. stage.
e. Volvox sp. • The cyst is the nonmotile, dormant, survival
f. Paramecium sp. stage.
• Some protozoa are parasites.
• Parasitic protozoa cause many human
diseases, such as malaria, giardiasis, and
Protozoa are sometimes divided into groups, Fungi Characteristics
based on their method of locomotion: • The study of fungi is called mycology; scientists
1. Amebae move by means of pseudopodia who study fungi are called mycologists.
(“false feet”), for example, Entamoeba • Fungi are found virtually everywhere.
histolytica, the cause of amebic dysentery. • Some fungi are harmful, some are beneficial.
2. Ciliates move by means of hairlike cilia, for • Fungi represent a diverse group of eukaryotic
example, Balantidium coli, the cause of organisms that include yeasts, molds, and
balantidiasis. fleshy fungi (e.g., mushrooms).
3. Flagellates move by means of whiplike • Fungi are the “garbage disposers” of nature.
flagella, for example, Giardia lamblia, the • Fungi are not plants; they are not
cause of giardiasis. photosynthetic.
4. Sporozoa have no visible means of • Fungal cell walls contain a polysaccharide
locomotion, for example, Plasmodium called chitin.
spp., the cause of malaria. • Some fungi are unicellular, while others grow
as filaments called hyphae.
• Hyphae intertwine to form a mass called a
• Some fungi have septate hyphae (the hyphae
are divided into cells by cross walls or septa).
• Some fungi have aseptate hyphae (the hyphae
do not contain septa).
• Whether or not a fungus has aseptate or
septate hyphae is an important clue to its
A Pond Water Amoeba
Fungi Reproduction

• Depending on the species, fungal cells can

reproduce by budding, hyphal extension, or
the formation of spores.
There are two general categories of spores:
Protozoa That Cause Human Diseases a. Sexual spores
b. Asexual spores (also called conidia)
Photomicrograph of a Balantidium coli
• Some fungi produce both asexual and sexual
trophozoite (arrows are pointing to the cilia)
• Fungal spores are very resistant structures.
Fungal Colonies and Terms Relating to Hyphae

Digitally colorized scanning electron micrograph of

a Giardia lamblia trophozoite
• Yeasts are eukaryotic, unicellular organisms
that lack mycelia.
• Individual yeast cells, also referred to as
blastospores or blastoconidia, can be
observed only using a microscope.
• Yeasts usually reproduce by budding, but
occasionally by a type of spore formation.
Fungi Classification • A string of elongated buds is known as a
pseudohypha (not really a hypha).
• Classification of fungi is based primarily on • Some yeasts produce thick-walled, spore-like
their mode of sexual reproduction and the structures called chlamydospores (or
type of sexual spore they produce. chlamydoconidia).
• The five phyla of fungi are Zygomycotina,
Chytridiomycotina, Ascomycotina, Yeasts are found in soil and water and on the skins
Basidiomycotina, and Deuteromycotina. of many fruits and vegetables.
• Deuteromycotina or Deuteromycetes include - Yeasts have been used for centuries to
the medically important moulds such as make wine and beer.
Aspergillus and Penicillium. - Saccharomyces cerevisiae is a yeast used in
- Fungi in this phylum have no mode of baking.
sexual reproduction, or the mode of sexual - Candida albicans is the yeast most
reproduction is not known. frequently isolated from human clinical
Microscopic Appearance of Various Fungi specimens, and is also the fungus most
frequently isolated from human clinical
a. Aspergillus fumigatus. specimens.
b. Aspergillus flavus.
c. Penicillium sp. Yeast colonies may be difficult to distinguish from
d. Curvularia sp. bacterial colonies.
e. Scopulariopsis sp. A simple wet mount can be used to differentiate
f. Histoplasma capsulatum yeast colonies from bacterial colonies.
Asexual Reproduction in Rhizopus and Aspergillus ✓ Yeasts are larger than bacteria and are
Molds usually oval-shaped.
✓ Yeasts are often observed in the process of
✓ Bacteria do not bud.
Gram-Stained Clinical Specimen Containing
Budding Yeast Cells

• Gram-stained bronchoalveolar lavage

specimen containing four darkly stained,
Selected Characteristics of the Phyla of Fungi narrow necked, budding yeasts, suggestive of
a Cryptococcus species. The negatively stained
halos surrounding the yeast cells are dense
polysaccharide capsules.
Microscopic Appearance of the Yeast Candida
Fungi: Yeasts albicans
- Examples: Penicillium and Acremonium
• Some moulds are used to produce large
quantities of enzymes that are used
• The flavor of cheeses like bleu cheese,
Roquefort, Camembert, and Limburger are
due to moulds that grow in them.
• Growing on bread
✓ A = Chlamydospores
Fungi: Fleshy Fungi
✓ B = Pseudohyphae
✓ C = Budding yeast cells (blastospores) • These fungi include mushrooms, toadstools,
puffballs, and bracket fungi
Gram-Stained Clinical Specimen Containing
Yeasts, Bacteria, and White Blood Cells • They consist of a network of filaments or
strands (the mycelium) that grows in soil or on
• Included in this photomicrograph are rotting logs.
numerous white blood cells (red objects), two • The fruiting body that grows above the ground
blue-stained budding yeast cells (top, center), forms and releases spores.
and several Gram-positive cocci (small blue • Some mushrooms are edible; some are
spheres near the bottom). The yeast and extremely toxic.
bacterial cells have been phagocytized by • Growing on the Forest Floor
white blood cells.
Fungi Medical Significance
Colonies of C. albicans on Blood Agar
• A variety of fungi, including yeasts, molds, and
• The footlike extensions from the margins of some fleshy fungi, are of medical, veterinary,
the colonies are typical of this species and agricultural importance because of the
diseases they cause in humans, animals, and
• The infectious diseases of humans and animals
that are caused by molds are called mycoses.
• Fungal infections of humans are categorized as
superficial, cutaneous, subcutaneous, and
Fungi: Molds systemic mycoses.
• Often spelled “molds.” Selected Fungal Diseases of Humans
• Moulds are often seen in water and soil and
growing on food.
• Moulds produce cytoplasmic filaments called
- Aerial hyphae extend above the surface of
whatever the mould is growing on.
- Vegetative hyphae grow beneath the Superficial and Cutaneous Mycoses
• Superficial mycoses are fungal infections of the
• Reproduction is by spore formation, either
outermost areas of the human body--hair,
sexually or asexually, on the aerial hyphae
nails, and epidermis.
(also known as reproductive hyphae).
• Cutaneous mycoses are fungal infections of
Moulds have great commercial importance. the living layer of the skin, the dermis.
• Some produce antibiotics.
- A group of moulds collectively referred to • When grown in vitro at room temperature
as dermatophytes cause tinea (25ºC), dimorphic fungi exist as molds,
(“ringworm”) infections. producing mold colonies.
- Note that “ringworm” infections have • In vivo, dimorphic fungi exist as yeasts.
nothing to do with worms. • Photomicrographs illustrating the dimorphic
- The yeast Candida albicans can also cause fungus, H. capsulatum, being grown at 25°C
cutaneous, oral, and vaginal infections. (left photo) and at 37°C (right photo).
Subcutaneous and Systemic Mycoses

• Subcutaneous and systemic mycoses are more

severe types of fungal infections.
• Subcutaneous mycoses are fungal infections of
the dermis and underlying tissues (e.g.,
Madura foot).
• Systemic mycoses are fungal infections of the
internal organs of the body. Lichens and Slime Moulds
- Spores of some pathogenic fungi may be
inhaled with dust from contaminated soil • Lichens are observed as colored, often circular
or dried bird or bat feces. They may also patches on tree trunks and rocks.
enter through wounds of the hands and - Lichens are composed of an alga and a
feet. fungus living in a mutualistic relationship.
• Examples of deep-seated pulmonary - Lichens are classified as protists.
infections include blastomycosis, • Slime moulds are found in soil and on rotting
coccidioidomycosis, cryptococcosis, and logs.
histoplasmosis. - Slime moulds have both fungal and
• Inhalation of common bread moulds such as protozoal characteristics.
Rhizopus and Mucor spp. can cause disease - Slime moulds are classified as protists.
and even death in immunosuppressed Life Cycle of a Slime Mold
• Diagnosis of mycoses is accomplished by
culture techniques and immunodiagnostic
- Yeasts are identified using a series of
biochemical tests.
- Moulds are identified by their rate of
growth and by using a combination of
macroscopic and microscopic
Dimorphic Fungi

• A few fungi, including some pathogens, can

live as either yeasts or moulds, depending on
growth conditions. This phenomenon is known
as dimorphism, and the fungi are called
dimorphic fungi.
• When grown in vitro at body temperature
(37ºC), dimorphic fungi grow as yeasts and
produce yeast colonies.
CONTROLLING THE GROWTH OF MICROBES - Psychroduric organisms prefer warm
CONTROLLING MICROBIAL GROWTH IN VITRO temperatures but can endure very cold or
even freezing temperatures.
• In certain locations, such as within
microbiology laboratories, the growth of
microbes is encouraged; in other words,
scientists want them to grow.
• In other locations— such as on hospital wards,
in intensive care units, in operating rooms, in • pH
kitchens, bathrooms, and restaurants— it is - pH refers to the acidity or alkalinity of a
necessary or desirable to inhibit the growth of solution.
microbes. - Most microorganisms prefer a neutral or
• In vitro refers to events that occur outside the slightly alkaline growth medium (pH 7.0–
body, whereas in vivo refers to events that 7.4).
occur inside the body. Before discussing these - Acidophiles prefer a pH of 2 to 5
concepts, however, various factors that affect - Alkaliphiles prefer a pH of >8.5
the growth of microbes are examined. • Osmotic pressure and salinity
Factors That Affect Microbial Growth - is the pressure that is exerted on a cell
membrane by solutions both inside and
• Availability of nutrients outside the cell.
- All living organisms require nutrients to - Osmosis is the movement of a solvent,
sustain life. through a permeable membrane, from a
- Nutrients are energy sources. Organisms lower concentration of solutes (dissolved
obtain energy by breaking chemical bonds. substances) to a higher concentration of
• Moisture solutes.
- Water is essential for life. It is needed to - When the concentration of solutes in the
carry out normal metabolic processes. external environment of a cell is greater
- Certain microbial stages (e.g., bacterial than that of solutes inside the cell, the
endospores and protozoal cysts) can solution in which the cell is suspended is
survive a drying process (desiccation) said to be hypertonic
• Temperature - Plasmolysis is a condition in which the cell
- Every organism has an optimum growth membrane and cytoplasm of a cell shrink
temperature. away from the cell wall; it occurs when
- The temperature (and pH) ranges over bacteria with rigid cell walls are placed in a
which an organism grows best are largely hypertonic solution.
determined by the optimum temperature - When the concentration of solutes outside
and Ph ranges of its enzymes. a cell is less than that of solutes inside a
- Thermophiles are microorganisms that cell, the solution in which the cell is
grow best at high temperatures. suspended is said to be hypotonic.
- Mesophiles are microbes that grow best at - If a bacterial cell is placed into a hypotonic
moderate temperatures (e.g., 37ºC, solution, it may not burst (because of the
human body temperature). rigid cell wall). If it does burst, the
- Psychrophiles prefer cold temperatures cytoplasm escapes; this process is known
(like deep ocean water). as plasmoptysis.
- Psychrotrophs, a particular group of - A solution is said to be isotonic when the
psychrophiles, prefer refrigerator concentration of solutes outside a cell
temperature (4ºC). equals the concentration of solutes inside
the cell.
- Organisms that prefer to live in salty - Capnophiles require increased
environments are called halophilic concentrations of CO2 (5%–10% CO2).
organisms. Those that do not prefer to live
Encouraging the Growth of Microbes In Vitro
in salty environments but are capable of
surviving there (e.g., Staphylococcus Culturing Bacteria in the Laboratory
aureus) are called haloduric organisms.
1. Bacterial Growth
Effects of Changes in Osmotic Pressure • Think of bacterial growth as an increase in
the number of organisms rather than an
• No change in pressure occurs within the cell in
increase in their size.
an isotonic solution.
• Bacteria divide by binary fission (one cell
• Internal pressure is increased in a hypotonic
divides to become two cells) when they
solution, resulting in swelling of the cell.
reach their optimum size.
• Internal pressure is decreased in a hypertonic
• Binary fission continues through many
solution, resulting in shrinking of the cell.
generations until a colony is produced on
solid culture medium.
• Binary fission continues for as long as there
is a sufficient supply of nutrients, water,
and space.
• The time it takes for one cell to become
two cells is called the generation time (e.g.,
E. coli = 20 minutes).
2. Culture Media
Stained Blood Smear Showing Crenated Red
Blood Cells • Media (sing., medium) are used in
microbiology laboratories to culture (i.e.,
grow) bacteria; media prepared in the
laboratories are referred to as artificial
media or synthetic media.
• A chemically defined medium is one in
which all ingredients are known.
• Culture media can be liquid or solid.
• Barometric pressure • An enriched medium is a broth or solid
- Microbes that can survive in high containing a rich supply of special nutrients
atmospheric pressure (>14.7 psi) are that promote the growth of fastidious
known as piezophiles. organisms, for example, chocolate agar.
• Gaseous atmosphere • A selective medium has added inhibitors
- Microorganisms vary with respect to the that discourage growth of certain
type of gaseous atmosphere that they organisms while allowing the growth of a
require. desired organism, for example, PEA agar.
- Obligate aerobes prefer the same • A differential medium permits the
atmosphere that humans do (~20%–21% differentiation of organisms that grow on
O2 and 78%–79% N2, and <1% other the medium, for example, MacConkey
gases). agar.
- Microaerophiles require reduced • The various categories of media are not
concentrations of oxygen (~5% O2). mutually exclusive; for example, blood
- Obligate anaerobes are killed by the agar is enriched and differential.
presence of oxygen. • Thioglycollate (THIO) broth is a popular
liquid medium in bacteriology laboratories;
it supports the growth of all categories of • Culture media are inoculated with clinical
bacteria from obligate aerobes to obligate specimens (i.e., specimens collected from
anaerobes. patients with a suspected infectious
➢ How is that possible? There is a disease).
concentration gradient of dissolved oxygen • Inoculation involves adding a portion of a
in the tube; organisms grow only in that specimen to the medium.
part of the broth where the oxygen • Inoculation is accomplished using a sterile
concentration meets their needs. inoculating loop.
4. Importance of Using “Aseptic Technique”
Bacteria Colonies
• Aseptic technique is practiced when it is
a. Bacterial colonies on MacConkey agar (a necessary to exclude microbes from a
selective and differential medium) particular area (e.g., when inoculating
culture media).
• Unwanted organisms are referred to as
contaminants; the growth medium or plate
is said to be contaminated.
• The sterility of the media must be
b. S. aureus on mannitol salt agar (a selective and maintained before inoculation.
differential medium) • Avoid touching the surface of the agar!
• Inoculating media within a biologic safety
cabinet minimizes contamination and
protects the laboratorian.
5. Incubation
• After media are inoculated, they must be
placed into an incubator which will
Thioglycollate Broth (THIO) Tube maintain the appropriate atmosphere,
temperature, and moisture level; the
process is known as incubation.
• Three types of incubators are used in
clinical microbiology laboratories:
- A CO2 incubator (contains 5%–10%
- A non-CO2 incubator (contains room
- An anaerobic incubator (the
atmosphere is devoid of oxygen)
6. Bacterial Population Counts
• Microbiologists sometimes need to know
how many bacteria are present in a
Colonies of a β-Hemolytic Streptococcus Species particular liquid at a given time (e.g., to
on a Blood Agar Plate (the Blood Agar Is Both determine bacterial contamination of
Enriched and Differential) drinking water).
- One can determine either the total
number of bacterial cells or the number
of viable (living) cells.
• A spectrophotometer can be used to
3. Inoculation of Culture Media determine growth by measuring the
turbidity of the medium.
• A viable plate count is used to determine Culturing Fungi in the Laboratory
the number of viable bacteria in a liquid
• Fungi (including yeasts, molds, and dimorphic
sample by making serial dilutions of the
fungi) grow on and in a variety of solid and
liquid and inoculating onto nutrient agar;
liquid culture media.
after overnight incubation, the number of
• There is no single medium that is best for all
colonies is counted.
medically important fungi.
7. Bacterial Population Growth Curve
• Examples of culture media for fungi include
• A population growth curve for any
brain heart infusion (BHI) agar, BHI with blood,
particular species of bacterium may be
and Sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA); SDA is
determined by growing a pure culture of
selective for fungi because of its low pH.
the organism in a liquid medium at a
• Caution must be exercised when culturing
constant temperature.
fungi--some are highly infectious
- Samples of the culture are collected at
fixed intervals to determine the Culturing Protozoa in the Laboratory
number of viable organisms.
- A graph is prepared by plotting the • Most microbiology laboratories do not culture
logarithmic number of viable protozoa; some research and reference
organisms (on the vertical or y- axis) laboratories do, however.
against the incubation time (on the • Examples of protozoa that can be cultured in
horizontal or x-axis). vitro are amebae, Giardia lamblia, Leishmania
spp., Toxoplasma gondii, Trichomonas
A Population Growth Curve of Living Organisms vaginalis, and Trypanosoma cruzi.
• Due to the severity of diseases that they cause,
it is of greatest importance to culture amebae:
Acanthamoeba spp., Balamuthia spp., and
Naegleria fowleri.
A Chemostat Used for Continuous Cultures
Definition of Terms

• Sterilization is the complete destruction of all

microbes, including cells, spores, and viruses.
- Accomplished by dry heat, autoclaving
(steam under pressure), gas, various
chemicals, and certain types of radiation.
Culturing Obligate Intracellular Pathogens in the
• Disinfection is the destruction or removal of
pathogens from nonliving objects by physical
• Obligate intracellular pathogens are microbes or chemical methods; pasteurization is an
that can survive and multiply only within living example of a disinfection technique.
cells (called host cells). - Disinfectants are chemical substances that
• Obligate intracellular pathogens include eliminate pathogens on inanimate objects.
viruses and two groups of Gram-negative - Antiseptics are solutions used to disinfect
bacteria--rickettsias and chlamydias. skin and other living tissues.
• Culturing these organisms in the laboratory is • The suffix -cide or -cidal refers to “killing.”
a challenge; they must be grown in • Germicidal agents, biocidal agents, and
embryonated chicken eggs, laboratory microbicidal agents are chemicals that kill
animals, or cell cultures. microbes.
• Bactericidal agents are chemicals that (above 100ºC) and forces steam into
specifically kill bacteria, but not necessarily materials being sterilized.
bacterial endospores. • Autoclaving at a pressure of 15 psi at
• Sporicidal agents kill bacterial endospores. 121.5ºC for 20 minutes destroys vegetative
• Fungicidal agents kill fungi, including fungal microorganisms, bacterial endospores,
spores. and viruses.
• Algicidal agents kill algae. • Can use pressure-sensitive tape or spore
• Viricidal agents destroy viruses. strips or solutions as a quality control
• A microbiostatic agent is a drug or chemical measure to ensure proper autoclaving.
that inhibits growth and reproduction of A Large, Built-in Autoclave
• A bacteriostatic agent is one that specifically
inhibits the metabolism and reproduction of
• Lyophilization is a process that combines
dehydration (drying) and freezing. This process
is widely used in industry to preserve foods, Autoclave Tape: Before and After Autoclaving
antibiotics, microorganisms, and other biologic
• Sepsis refers to the presence of pathogens in
blood or tissues, whereas asepsis means the
absence of pathogens.
• Antisepsis is the prevention of infection.
Biological Indicators for Monitoring the
Using Physical Methods to Inhibit Microbial
Effectiveness of Steam Sterilization
1. Heat
• Two factors--temperature and time--
determine the effectiveness of heat for
• The thermal death point (TDP) of any
species is the lowest temperature that will
kill all of the organisms in a standardized 3. Cold--most microorganisms are not killed, but
pure culture within a specified time. their metabolic activities are slowed.
4. Desiccation--many dried microorganisms
Types of heat
remain viable, but they cannot reproduce.
1. Dry heat (e.g., oven, electrical incinerator, 5. Radiation--an ultra-violet (UV) lamp is useful
or flame) Using a Bunsen Burner flame and for reducing the number of microbes in the air.
using an electrical heating device 6. Ultrasonic waves--used in hospitals and
2. Moist heat (boiling or use of an autoclave) medical and dental clinics to clean equipment.
7. Filters--used to separate cells/microbes from
2. The autoclave liquids or gases.
• A large metal pressure cooker that uses 8. Gaseous atmosphere--can be altered to inhibit
steam under pressure to completely growth.
destroy all microbial life.
International Symbol for Irradiated Food
• Increased pressure raises the temperature
above the temperature of boiling water
✓ Stable as both a concentrate and a working
✓ Odorless

• May be used safely on human tissues.

Using Chemical Agents to Inhibit Microbial • Reduce the number of organisms on the
Growth surface of the skin; do not penetrate pores and
hair follicles.
• Chemical disinfection refers to the use of
- Antiseptic soaps and scrubbing are used by
chemical agents to inhibit the growth of
healthcare personnel to remove organisms
pathogens, either temporarily or permanently.
lodged in pores or folds of the skin.
Disinfectants are affected by
Degree of Resistance of Microbes to Disinfection
✓ Prior cleaning of the object or surface and Sterilization
✓ The organic load (e.g., feces, blood, pus)
✓ The bioburden (types and numbers of
✓ Concentration of the disinfectant
✓ Contact time
✓ Physical nature of the object being
Inhibiting the Growth of Pathogens in Our
✓ Temperature and pH
• Many foods brought into our kitchens are
Factors That Determine the Effectiveness of
contaminated with pathogens (e.g., E. coli
Antimicrobial Procedures
O157:H7, Salmonella, and Campylobacter spp.
Effectiveness of antimicrobial procedures on poultry and ground beef).
• Problems arise when handling foods before
✓ Time
✓ Temperature
• Remain aware of pathogens when preparing
✓ Concentration
✓ Presence of proteins in feces, blood,
• Wash hands frequently.
vomitus and pus
✓ Type of microbes, number of microbes and • Thoroughly clean plates and countertops that
presence of spores have had poultry or meat on them with hot
soapy water.
Characteristics of an ideal chemical antimicrobial • The use of antibacterial kitchen sprays is
agent: controversial.
✓ Should have a broad antimicrobial Controversies Relating to the Use of
spectrum Antimicrobial Agents in Animal Feed and
✓ Fast acting Household Products
✓ Not affected by the presence of organic
matter • 40% of the antibiotics manufactured in the
✓ Nontoxic to human tissues and United States are used in animal feed;
noncorrosive microorganisms resistant to these antibiotics
✓ Should leave a residual antimicrobial film survive
on surface • Drug-resistant organisms are transmitted in
✓ Soluble in water and easy to apply animal feces and in food products.
✓ Inexpensive and easy to prepare
• Efforts are underway to eliminate or reduce
the practice of adding antibiotics to animal
• Use of antimicrobial agents is widespread in
toys, cutting boards, in hand soaps, and many
other household products; resistant
microorganisms survive
• Controversy: Should children be exposed to all
sorts of microbes for their immune systems to
develop properly?
CONTROLLING MICROBIAL GROWTH IN VIVO The five most common mechanisms of action of
USING ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS antimicrobial agents are

• Chemotherapy is the use of any chemical 1. Inhibition of cell wall synthesis

(drug) to treat any disease or condition. 2. Damage to cell membranes
• A chemotherapeutic agent is any drug used to 3. Inhibition of nucleic acid synthesis (either
treat any condition or disease. DNA or RNA synthesis)
• An antimicrobial agent is any chemical (drug) 4. Inhibition of protein synthesis
used to treat an infectious disease, either by 5. Inhibition of enzyme activity
inhibiting or by killing pathogens in vivo. Some Antibacterial Agents
antimicrobial agents are antibiotics.
• Drugs used to treat bacterial diseases are • Bacteriostatic drugs inhibit growth of bacteria,
called antibacterial agents; those used to treat whereas bactericidal drugs kill bacteria.
fungal diseases, antifungal agents; those used • Sulfonamide drugs inhibit production of folic
to treat protozoal diseases, antiprotozoal acid (a vitamin) in those bacteria that require
agents; and those used to treat viral diseases, p-aminobenzoic acid to synthesize folic acid;
antiviral agents. without folic acid, bacteria cannot produce
• An antibiotic is a substance produced by a certain essential proteins and die.
microorganism that kills or inhibits the growth • Sulfa drugs are competitive inhibitors; they are
of other microorganisms. bacteriostatic.
• Antibiotics that have been chemically modified • In most Gram-positive bacteria, penicillin
to kill a wider variety of pathogens or reduce interferes with the synthesis and cross-linking
side effects are called semisynthetic of peptidoglycan, a component of cell walls. By
antibiotics; examples include semisynthetic inhibiting cell wall synthesis, penicillin destroys
penicillins, such as ampicillin and carbenicillin. the bacteria.

The Discovery of Penicillin by Alexander Fleming The Effect of Sulfonamide Drugs

Alexander Fleming • Sulfonamide drugs inhibit production of folic

acid (a vitamin) in those bacteria that require
• Colonies of Staphylococcus aureus are growing
p- aminobenzoic acid (PABA) to synthesize
well in this area of the plate.
folic acid. Because the sulfonamide molecule is
• Colonies are poorly developed in this area of
similar in shape to the PABA molecule, bacteria
the plate because of an antibiotic (penicillin) attempt to metabolize sulfonamide to produce
being produced by a colony of Penicillium
folic acid.
notatum (a mold), shown at C.
• Colistin and nalidixic acid destroy only Gram-
Characteristics of an Ideal Antimicrobial Agent negative bacteria; they are referred to as
narrow-spectrum antibiotics.
An ideal antimicrobial agent should
• Antibiotics that are destructive to both Gram-
✓ Kill or inhibit the growth of pathogens positive and Gram-negative bacteria are called
✓ Cause no damage to the host broad-spectrum antibiotics (e.g., ampicillin,
✓ Cause no allergic reaction in the host chloramphenicol, and tetracycline).
✓ Be stable when stored in solid or liquid • Multidrug therapy
form - Sometimes one drug is not sufficient; two
✓ Remain in specific tissues in the body long or more drugs may be used
enough to be effective simultaneously, as in the treatment of
✓ Kill the pathogens before they mutate and tuberculosis.
become resistant to it • Synergism versus antagonism
How Antimicrobial Agents Work
- Synergism is when two antimicrobial
agents are used together to produce a
degree of pathogen killing that is greater
than that achieved by either drug alone.
Synergism is a good thing
- Antagonism is when two drugs actually
work against each other. The extent of
pathogen killing is less than that achieved
by either drug alone. Antagonism is a bad
Some Major Categories of Antibacterial Agents

• Penicillins (bactericidal; interfere with cell wall

synthesis) Antiprotozoal Agents
• Cephalosporins (bactericidal; interfere with
• are usually toxic to the host.
cell wall synthesis)
• Antiprotozoal agents work by
• Tetracyclines (bacteriostatic; inhibit protein
- Interfering with DNA and RNA synthesis
(e.g., chloroquine, pentamidine, and
• Aminoglycosides (bactericidal; inhibit protein
- Interfering with protozoal metabolism
• Macrolides (bacteriostatic at lower doses; (e.g., metronidazole)
bactericidal at higher doses; inhibit protein
synthesis) Antiviral Agents
• Fluoroquinolones (bactericidal; inhibit DNA
• are the newest weapons in antimicrobial
Antifungal Agents • Difficult to develop these agents because
viruses are produced within host cells.
Most antifungal agents work in one of three ways:
• Some drugs have been developed that are
- By binding with cell membrane sterols effective in certain viral infections, but not
(e.g., nystatin and amphotericin B) others; they work by inhibiting viral replication
- By interfering with sterol synthesis (e.g., within cells.
clotrimazole and miconazole) • “Cocktails” (several antiviral drugs that are
- By blocking mitosis or nucleic acid administered simultaneously) are being used
synthesis (e.g., griseofulvin and 5- to treat HIV infection.
• Antifungal agents and antiprotozoal agents
tend to be more toxic to the patient because,
like the infected human, they are eukaryotic

Drug Resistance “Superbugs”

• Superbugs are microbes (mainly bacteria) that

have become resistant to one or more
antimicrobial agents. Infections caused by
superbugs are difficult to treat
• Bacterial superbugs include methicillin- • A plasmid that contains multiple genes for
resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA); drug resistance is known as a resistance factor
vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus spp. (VRE); (R-factor).
multidrug-resistant Mycobacterium • Bacteria can also become resistant to drugs by
tuberculosis (MDRTB); multidrug-resistant developing the ability to produce multidrug-
strains of Acinetobacter, Burkholderia, E. coli, resistance (MDR) pumps (also known as MDR
Klebsiella, Pseudomonas, Stenotrophomonas, transporters or efflux pumps).
Salmonella, Shigella, and N. gonorrhoeae; β- • An MDR pump enables the cell to pump drugs
lactamase-producing strains of Streptococcus out before they can damage or kill the cell.
pneumoniae and Haemophilus influenzae; ✓ Summary: Bacteria can acquire resistance
carbapenemase-producing Klebsiella to antimicrobial agents by chromosomal
pneumoniae. mutation or by the acquisition of new
genes by transduction, transformation,
and, most commonly, by conjugation.
• Hospitals are notorious havens for multidrug-
Mechanisms by Which Bacteria Become
resistant microbes.
Resistant to Antimicrobial Agents
Drug Resistance How Bacteria Become Resistant
to Drugs

• Some bacteria are naturally resistant because

they lack the specific target site for the drug or
the drug is unable to cross the organism’s cell
wall or cell membrane and, thus, cannot reach
its site of action. Resistance of this type is Drug Resistance β-Lactamases
known as intrinsic resistance. • Every penicillin and cephalosporin molecule
• If bacteria that were once susceptible to a contains a double- ringed structure (referred
particular drug become resistant, this is called to as a “house and garage”). The “garage” is
acquired resistance. known as the β-lactam ring.
• Before a drug enters a bacterial cell, it must • Some bacteria produce enzymes, β-
first bind to proteins on the surface of the cell; lactamases, that destroy this ring; when the β-
these proteins are called drug-binding sites. A lactam ring is destroyed, the drug no longer
chromosomal mutation that affects the works.
structure of a drug-binding site can prevent • There are two types of β-lactamases--
the drug from binding, resulting in drug penicillinases and cephalosporinases; some
resistance. bacteria produce both types.
• To enter a bacterial cell, a drug must be able to • Drug companies have developed special drugs
pass through the cell wall and cell membrane; that combine a β-lactam antibiotic with a β-
chromosomal mutations may alter the lactamase inhibitor.
structure of the cell membrane, thus
preventing the drug from entering the cell; this Sites of β-Lactamase Attack on Penicillin and
results in drug resistance. Cephalosporin Molecules
• Bacteria can develop the ability to produce an • Penicillins are referred to as β-lactam drugs
enzyme that destroys or inactivates a drug. because their molecular structure includes a
• Many bacteria have become resistant to four-sided ring structure known as a β-lactam
penicillin because they have acquired the gene ring Penicillins interfere with the synthesis of
for penicillinase production during bacterial cell walls and have maximum effect
conjugation. on bacteria that are actively dividing. They are
bactericidal drugs.
• The cephalosporins are also β -lactam • Is the patient pregnant?
antibiotics and, like penicillin, are produced by • Inpatient or outpatient?
molds. Also like penicillins, cephalosporins • Is the drug the hospital formulary?
interfere with cell wall synthesis and are • Site of the infection?
bactericidal. • What other medication(s) is the patient
Some Strategies in the War Against Drug taking?
Resistance • What other medical problems does the patient
• Education of healthcare professionals and • Is the patient leukopenic or
patients immunocompromised?
• Patients should stop demanding antibiotics • What is the cost of the drug(s)?
every time they are, or their child is, sick
• Physicians should not be pressured by patients Example of a Pocket Chart for Aerobic Gram-
and should prescribe drugs only when Negative Bacteria
warranted • The chart provides a quick reference whenever
• Clinicians should prescribe a narrow-spectrum empiric therapy is necessary.
drug if laboratory results indicate that it kills ✓ Note: this chart is different from the one in
the pathogen the textbook.
• Patients should destroy any excess or
outdated medications
• Antibiotics should not be used in a
prophylactic manner
• Healthcare professionals should practice good
infection control
• Patients should take drugs in manner
Empiric Therapy

• is when drug therapy is initiated before

laboratory results are available (i.e., before the
pathogen is identified and/or before
susceptibility test results are available).
• Empiric therapy is sometimes necessary to Undesirable Effects of Antimicrobial Agents
save a patient’s life. Reasons why antimicrobial agents should not be
• Clinicians make an “educated guess” based on used indiscriminately:
past experience with the type of infectious
disease and the most effective drugs. • Organisms susceptible to the agent will die,
• Clinicians must take a number of factors into but resistant ones will survive; this is known as
consideration before prescribing antimicrobial selecting for resistant organisms.
agents. • The patient may become allergic to the agent.
• Many agents are toxic to humans and some are
Factors to Be Considered very toxic.
• If pathogen identity is known, use the “pocket • With prolonged use, a broad-spectrum
chart” of antimicrobial susceptibility test data antibiotic may destroy the normal flora,
from the past year. resulting in an overgrowth of bacteria known
• Is the patient allergic to any antimicrobial as a superinfection.
agents? Selecting for Drug-Resistant Organisms
• What is the age of the patient?
a. Indigenous microbiota of a patient before
antibiotic therapy (S, susceptible; R,
b. After antibiotic therapy has been initiated.
c. Resistant organisms multiply and become
the predominant organisms.
• An endemic disease is one that is always
present within the population of a particular
geographic area (e.g., staphylococcal and
• Epidemiology can be loosely defined as the streptococcal infections).
study of disease. • An epidemic disease is defined as a greater
• Pathologist studies the structural and than usual number of cases of a disease in a
functional manifestations of disease and is particular region, usually within a short period
involved in diagnosing diseases in individuals. of time (e.g., the cryptosporidiosis epidemic of
• Epidemiologist studies the factors that 1993).
determine the frequency, distribution, and • A pandemic is a disease that is occurring in
determinants of diseases in human epidemic proportions in many countries
populations. simultaneously. Examples include:
- also develop ways to prevent, control, ✓ Influenza
or eradicate diseases in populations. - the Spanish flu pandemic of 1918
➢ A communicable disease is an infectious during which more than 20 million
disease that can be transmitted from one people were killed worldwide (500,000
person to another. in the United States);
➢ A contagious disease is a communicable ✓ H1N1 (swine flu) pandemic of 2009 to
disease that is easily transmitted from 2010.
person to person. o HIV/AIDS
➢ Zoonotic diseases are diseases that humans o Tuberculosis
acquire from animal sources. o Malaria
• The incidence of a particular disease is the Interactions between Pathogens, Hosts, and the
number of new cases of that disease in a Environment
defined population during a specific time
Whether an infectious disease occurs depends on:
• The morbidity rate is the number of new cases • Factors pertaining to the pathogen (virulence
of a particular disease that occurred during a of pathogen, mode of entry, and number of
specified time period per a specifically defined organisms)
population (usually per 1,000, 10,000, or • Factors pertaining to the host (health status,
100,000 population). nutritional status, hygiene, age, travel,
lifestyle, etc.)
• Factors pertaining to the environment
- Period prevalence is the number of cases (physical factors such as climate, season, and
of a disease existing in a given population geographic location; availability of appropriate
during a specific time period (e.g., during reservoirs; sanitary and housing conditions;
the year 2010). and availability of potable water)
- Point prevalence is the number of cases of
The Chain of Infection
a disease existing in a given population at a
particular moment in time (e.g., right now). There are six components in the infectious disease
• Mortality rate is the ratio of the number of process:
people who died of a particular disease during
- a pathogen
a specified time period per a specified
- a source of the pathogen (a reservoir)
- a portal of exit
• A sporadic disease is one that occurs only
- a mode of transmission
occasionally within the population of a
- a portal of entry
particular geographic area (e.g., tetanus).
- a susceptible host
- Active carriers
2. Animals
- Infectious diseases that humans acquire
from animal sources are called zoonotic
diseases or zoonoses.
- Zoonoses may be acquired by direct
contact with an animal, inhalation or
ingestion of the pathogen, or injection of
the pathogen by an arthropod (e.g., rabies,
“Typhoid Mary”: An Infamous Carrier Lyme disease, and many others).
3. Arthropods
Mary Mallon was a domestic employee—a cook— - Many different types of arthropods serve
who worked in the New York City area in the early as reservoirs of infection, including insects
1900s. Mary had recovered from typhoid fever (e.g., fleas, mosquitoes, lice) and arachnids
earlier in life. Although no longer ill, she was a (e.g., mites and ticks).
carrier. Salmonella typhi, the causative agent of - When arthropods are involved in the
typhoid fever, was still living in her gallbladder and transmission of infectious diseases, they
passing in her feces. Apparently, Mary’s hygienic are referred to as vectors.
practices were inadequate, and she would o Examples of arthropod-borne diseases
transport the Salmonella bacteria via her hands include Lyme disease and malaria.
from the restroom to the kitchen, where she then
unwittingly introduced them into foods that she Transmission of Lyme Disease
prepared. After several typhoid fever outbreaks
were traced to her, Mary was offered the choice
of having her gallbladder removed surgically or
being jailed. She opted for the latter and spent
several years in jail. Mary was released from jail
after promising never to cook professionally again.
However, the lure of the kitchen was too great.
She changed her name and resumed her
profession in various hotels, restaurants, and Arthropods that Serve as Vectors of Human
hospitals. As in the past, “everywhere that Mary Infectious Diseases
went, typhoid fever was sure to follow.” She was Vectors Diseases
Black flies (simulium spp.) Onchocerciasis (river blindness)
again arrested and spent her remaining years Fish tapeworm infection, guinea worm
quarantined in a New York City hospital. Mary Cyclops spp
Fleas Dog tapeworm infection, endemic typhus,
Mallon died in 1938 at the age of 70. murine typhus, plague
Lice Epidemic relapsing fever, epidemic typhus,
trench fever
Reservoirs of Infection Mites
Rickettsial pox, scrub typhus
Dengue fever, filariasis (elephantiasis),
malaria, viral encephalitis, yellow fever
• The sources of microbes that cause infectious Reduviid bugs
Sand flies (phlebotomus spp.)
American trypanosomiasis (chagas disease)
diseases are many and varied; they are known Ticks Babesiosis, Colorado tick fever, ehrlichiosis,
lyme disease, relapsing fever, rocky mountain
spotted fever, tularemia
as reservoirs of infection or simply reservoirs. Tsetse flies (glossina spp.) African trypanosomiasis

1. Living reservoirs--humans, pets, farm animals,

insects, and arachnids (e.g., ticks and mites)
4. Nonliving reservoirs
Human carriers: - Air, soil, dust, contaminated water and
foods, and fomites
- Passive carriers
- Fomites inanimate objects capable of
- Incubatory carriers
transmitting pathogens (e.g., bedding,
- Convalescent carriers
towels, eating and drinking utensils,
hospital equipment, telephones, computer
keyboards, etc.
Inanimate Vectors of Infection (Fomites)

Public Health Agencies

World Health Organization (WHO)
Most Common Modes of Transmission of A specialized agency of the United Nations
Infectious Diseases founded in 1948
• Direct skin-to-skin contact - Missions: to promote technical
• Direct mucous membrane-to-mucous cooperation for health among nations; to
membrane contact by kissing or sexual carry out programs to control and
intercourse eradicate diseases; and to improve the
• Indirect contact via airborne droplets of quality of human life
respiratory secretions, usually produced by • Investigates outbreaks of Ebola virus, etc.
sneezing or coughing • Eradicated smallpox
• Indirect contact via food and water • Attempting to eradicate polio and
contaminated by fecal matter dracunculiasis
• Indirect contact via arthropod vectors ➢ Control of an Infectious Disease ongoing
• Indirect contact via fomites operations or programs aimed at reducing
• Indirect contact via transfusion of the incidence or prevalence of that disease
contaminated blood or blood products or by ➢ Elimination of an infectious disease the
parenteral injection using nonsterile syringes reduction of case transmission to a
or needles predetermined very low level (e.g., to a level
below one case per million population)
Modes of Disease Transmission
➢ Eradication of Infectious Disease achieving a
status where no further cases of that disease
occur anywhere and where continued
control measures are unnecessary

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


• A federal agency administered by the U.S.

Department of Health and Human Services;
located in Atlanta, Georgia; established in
Common Routes of Transmission of Infectious
- Mission: “to collaborate to create the
expertise, information, and tools that
people and communities need to protect
their health ...”
• Certain infectious diseases, known as
nationally notifiable diseases, must be
reported to the CDC.
• Publishes Morbidity and Mortality Weekly
Report (MMWR).
Measures for prevention and control of

• Increase host resistance through the

development and administration of vaccines
that induce active immunity and maintain it in
susceptible persons
• Ensure that persons exposed to a pathogen are
protected against the disease Epidemiology and Pathology of Plague
• Segregate, isolate, and treat those who have
contracted a contagious infection to prevent
the spread of the pathogen to others
• Identify and control potential reservoirs and
vectors of infectious diseases
Ten of the Most Common Nationally Notifiable
Infectious Diseases in the United States
1 Genital chlamydial 1,108,374
Gangrenous Hand (A) and Foot (B) of Patients
2 Gonorrhea 355,991 with Plague
3 Salmonellosis 47, 995
4 Syphilis (all stages) 40, 920
5 Chickenpox 40, 146
6 AIDS 37, 503
7 Lyme Disease 27, 444
8 Shigellosis 19, 758
9 Giardiasis 19, 417
10 Tuberculosis 13, 299

Water Supplies and Sewage Disposal

Bioterrorism and Biological Warfare Agents
• Water is the most essential resource necessary
• Microbes purposely used to harm others in for the survival of humanity
wartime are called biological warfare (BW)
• The two general types of water pollution:
- Chemical pollution
• Pathogens used to create fear, chaos, illness, - Biological pollution (e.g., fecal material and
and death in situations other than war are garbage)
called bioterrorism agents.
• The 1993 cryptosporidiosis epidemic in
Examples of bacteria: Milwaukee, Wisconsin, was the largest
waterborne epidemic in the United States.
- Bacillus anthracis (the cause of anthrax)
- Clostridium botulinum (the cause of Sources of Water Contamination
- Smallpox virus (Variola major)
- Yersinia pestis (the cause of plague)
Modes of Anthrax Transmission
Major Steps in Water treatment
- Sedimentation
- Coagulation
- Filtration
- chlorination.
• Water is tested for fecal contamination by
checking for the presence of coliform bacteria
(coliforms), such as E. coli and other members
of the family Enterobacteriaceae.
Sewage treatment
- Primary
- Secondary
- tertiary
• Raw sewage consists mainly of water, fecal
material, garbage, and bacteria.
Steps in Water Treatment
The four most common types of HAIs, in
descending order of frequency, are
✓ Urinary tract infections (UTIs)
✓ Surgical site infections (also referred to as
postsurgical wound infections)
✓ Lower respiratory tract infections
(primarily pneumonia)
✓ Bloodstream infections (septicemia)
• Healthcare epidemiology is the study of the • Other types: gastrointestinal diseases caused
occurrence, determinants, and distribution of by Clostridium difficile (associated diseases)
health and disease within healthcare settings
Patients Most Likely to Develop HAIs
- includes any activities designed to study
and improve patient care outcomes ✓ Elderly patients
• The primary focus of healthcare epidemiology ✓ Women in labor and delivery
is on infection control and the prevention of ✓ Premature infants and newborns
healthcare-associated infections. ✓ Surgical and burn patients
✓ Diabetic, cancer, and transplant patients
Infectious diseases can be divided into two
✓ Patients receiving treatment with steroids,
anticancer drugs, antilymphocyte serum,
1. Those acquired within healthcare facilities and radiation
(called healthcare- associated infections ✓ Immunosuppressed patients
[HAIs]) ✓ Patients who are paralyzed or are
2. Those acquired outside of healthcare undergoing renal dialysis or
facilities (called community-acquired catheterization
Major Factors Contributing to HAIs
Frequency of HAIs
The three major factors that combine to cause
• Of approximately 40 million hospitalizations HAIs are
per year in the United States, an estimated 2 - An ever-increasing number of drug-
million patients (~5% of the total) acquire HAIs. resistant pathogens
Pathogens Most Often Involved in HAIs - The failure of healthcare personnel to
follow infection control guidelines
The most common bacterial causes of HAIs in the - An increased number of
United States: immunocompromised patients
1. Gram-positive cocci: Staphylococcus What Can Be Done to Reduce the Number of
aureus, coagulase-negative staphylococci, HAIs?
and Enterococcus spp.
2. Gram-negative bacilli: Escherichia coli, • Strict compliance with infection control
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Enterobacter guidelines
spp., and Klebsiella spp. • Handwashing is the single most important
• The sources of these pathogens are healthcare measure to reduce the risks of transmitting
professionals, other healthcare workers, pathogens from one patient to another or
visitors, and the patients themselves. from one anatomic site to another on the same
• Approximately 70% of HAIs involve drug- patient
resistant bacteria. • Other means of reducing the incidence of HAIs
include disinfection and sterilization
Most Common Types of HAIs
techniques, air filtration, use of ultraviolet
lights, isolation of especially infectious placement; and disposal of used needles
patients, and wearing gloves, masks, and and other sharps.
gowns whenever appropriate.
Infection Control

• Infection control--the numerous measures

taken to prevent infections from occurring in
healthcare settings.
• Asepsis means “without infection”; there are
two types:
Medical asepsis
- Precautionary measures necessary to
prevent direct transfer of pathogens from
person to person and indirect transfer of
pathogens through the air or on
instruments, bedding, equipment, and
other inanimate objects (fomites)
Surgical asepsis or sterile technique
- Practices used to render and keep objects
and areas sterile
- practiced in operating rooms, in labor and
delivery areas, and during invasive
procedures (e.g., drawing blood, injecting
medications, urinary and cardiac
catheterization, lumbar punctures).
Differences between medical and surgical
✓ Medical asepsis is a clean technique,
whereas surgical asepsis is a sterile
✓ The goal of medical asepsis is to exclude Healthcare Professional Donning Personal
pathogens, whereas the goal of surgical Protective Equipment (PPE)
asepsis is to exclude all microbes.
• Standard Precautions – are to be applied to ✓ sterile gown
the care of ALL patients in ALL healthcare ✓ mask
settings, regardless of the suspected or ✓ gloves
confirmed presence of an infectious agent. Transmission-Based Precautions
- They provide infection control guidelines
regarding hand hygiene; wearing of gloves, • are used for patients who are known or
masks, eye protection, and gowns; suspected to be infected or colonized with
respiratory hygiene/cough etiquette; safe highly transmissible or epidemiologically
injection practices; lumbar puncture; important pathogens for which additional
cleaning of patient-care equipment; safety precautions beyond Standard
environmental control; handling of soiled Precautions are required to interrupt
linens; resuscitation devices; patient transmission within healthcare settings
• The three types of Transmission-Based • Adenovirus infection in infants and young
Precautions are children; adenovirus pneumonia; epiglottitis
1. Contact Precautions contact transmission is or meningitis caused by Haemophilus
divided into two subgroups: influenzae type b; major skin, wound, or burn
- direct contact transfer of infections due to group A streptococcus;
microorganisms from body surface to scarlet fever in infants and young children;
body surface influenza; meningitis or pneumonia caused by
- indirect contact transfer of microbes Neisseria meningitidis; mumps; Mycoplasma
through a contaminated intermediate pneumonia; parvovirus B19 skin infection;
object whooping cough; pharyngeal diphtheria;
pneumonic plague; German measles; severe
Examples of Diseases Requiring Contact
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS); strep
throat in infants and young children; rhinovirus
• Acute viral (hemorrhagic) conjunctivitis; acute infection; viral hemorrhagic fevers due to
respiratory infectious diseases or aseptic Lassa, Ebola, Marburg, or Crimean-Congo
meningitis in infants and young children; fever viruses
chickenpox; cutaneous diphtheria; 3. Airborne Precautions
disseminated shingles; extrapulmonary
Recommended for patients known suspected to
tuberculosis with draining lesion;
be infected with tuberculosis, measles,
gastroenteritis in diapered or incontinent
chickenpox, disseminated herpes zoster
persons; impetigo; infection or colonization
with multidrug-resistant organisms; major
draining abscesses or wound infections;
monkeypox; poliomyelitis; severe
mucocutaneous herpes simplex infections;
smallpox; staphylococcal scalded skin
syndrome; major staphylococcal or
streptococcal disease of skin, wounds, or
burns; viral hemorrhagic fevers due to Lassa,
Ebola, Marburg, or Crimean-Congo fever
2. Droplet Precautions

Examples of Diseases Requiring Airborne


• Chickenpox; confirmed or suspected

pulmonary or laryngeal tuberculosis;
extrapulmonary tuberculosis with draining
Examples of Diseases Requiring Droplet lesions; disseminated shingles in any patient;
localized shingles in immunocompromised • Fomites are nonliving, inanimate objects,
patients; measles; monkeypox; SARS; smallpox other than food, that may harbor and transmit
- Note that some of these diseases also microbes (e.g., patients’ gowns, bedding,
require Droplet Precautions and/or towels, hospital equipment, telephone,
Contact Precautions. computer keyboard, etc.).
✓ Type N95 respirator is used when Transmission of pathogens by fomites can be
Airborne Precautions are indicated. prevented by observing certain rules:
Airborne Infection Isolation Room (AIIR) ✓ Use disposable equipment and supplies
• The preferred placement for patients who are whenever possible
infected with pathogens that are spread via ✓ Disinfect or sterilize equipment soon after
airborne droplet nuclei (5 um or less in use
diameter), and therefore require Airborne ✓ Use individual equipment for each patient
Precautions, is an airborne infection isolation ✓ Use disposable thermometers or
room (AIIR). thermometer covers
- An AIIR is under negative pressure. Medical Waste Disposal
- The air evacuated from an AIIR passes
through a high-efficiency particulate air - General regulations
(HEPA) filter. - Follow OSHA (occupational safety and
• Patients who are especially vulnerable to health administration) standards for
infection are placed in a Protective disposal of medical wastes
Environment--patients with severe burns or Disposal of sharps
leukemia, transplant or immunosuppressed
patients, patients receiving radiation - Handle and dispose of sharps properly.
treatment, leukopenic patients, and - Dispose of sharps in specifically designed
premature infants. puncture-resistant containers (“sharps
- The room is under positive pressure and air containers”).
entering the room passes through HEPA Infection Control Committees and Infection
filters. Control Professionals
Handling Food and Eating Utensils • All healthcare facilities should have some type
Some of the regulations for safe handling of food of formal infection control program in place.
and eating utensils include • The Infection Control Committee (ICC) is
composed of representatives from most of the
• Using high-quality, fresh food hospital’s departments, including medical and
• Properly refrigerating and storing food surgical services, pathology, nursing, hospital
• Properly washing, preparing, and cooking food administration, risk management, pharmacy,
• Properly disposing of uneaten food housekeeping, food services, and central
• Covering hair and wearing clean clothes and supply.
aprons • The chairperson is usually an infection control
• Thoroughly washing hands and nails before professional such as an epidemiologist or
handling foods infectious disease specialist, an infection
• Keeping all cutting boards and other surfaces control nurse, or a microbiologist.
scrupulously clean
Role of the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
• Washing cooking and eating utensils in a
(CML) in Hospital Epidemiology and Infection
dishwasher with a water temperature of
CML personnel participate in infection control by
Handling Fomites
• Monitoring the types and numbers of
pathogens isolated from hospitalized patients
• Notifying the appropriate infection control
person should an unusual pathogen or an
unusually high number of isolates of a
common pathogen be detected
• Processing environmental samples, including
samples from hospital employees that have
been collected from within the affected
Concluding Remarks

• HAIs can add several weeks to a patient’s

hospital stay and may lead to serious
complications and even death.
• Insurance companies rarely reimburse
healthcare facilities for costs associated with
• HAIs can be avoided through proper education
and disciplined compliance with infection
control practices
➢ All healthcare workers must fully
comprehend the problem of HAIs, must be
completely knowledgeable about infection
control practices, and must personally do
everything in their power to prevent HAIs
from occurring
✓ Although laboratory professionals do not
themselves make diagnoses, they make
laboratory observations and generate test
results that assist clinicians to correctly
diagnose infectious diseases and initiate
appropriate therapy.
Importance of High-Quality Clinical Specimens

• required to achieve accurate, clinically

The proper diagnosis of an infectious disease
relevant laboratory results.
The three components of specimen quality are:
✓ Taking patient history
✓ Conducting a physical examination of the ✓ Proper specimen selection
patient ✓ Proper specimen collection
✓ Carefully evaluating the patient’s signs and ✓ Proper transport of the specimen to the
symptoms laboratory
✓ Implementing the proper selection, • The laboratory must provide written
collection, transport, and processing of guidelines (“Laboratory Policies and
appropriate clinical specimens Procedures Manual”).
• The person who collects the specimen is
Clinical Specimens
ultimately responsible for its quality.
• Specimens collected from patients, such as
Proper Selection, Collection, and Transport of
blood, urine, feces, and cerebrospinal fluid
Clinical Specimens
(CSF), are known as clinical specimens.
• Specimens commonly submitted to the • Specimens must be properly selected.
hospital’s Clinical Microbiology Laboratory • Specimens must be properly collected.
(CML) include blood, bone marrow, bronchial • Material (i.e., specimens) should be collected
washings, sputum, CSF, cervical and vaginal from a site where the suspected pathogen is
swabs, feces, hair and nail clippings, pus, skin most likely to be found.
scrapings, sputum, synovial fluid, throat • Specimens should be obtained before
swabs, tissue specimens, urethral discharge antimicrobial therapy, if possible.
material, urine, and urogenital secretions. • The acute stage of the disease is the most
• All specimens should be of the highest possible appropriate time to collect a specimen.
quality • Specimen collection should be performed with
The role of healthcare professionals in the care and tact to avoid harming the patient.
submission of clinical specimens: • A sufficient quantity of the specimen must be
obtained to provide enough material for all
✓ There should be a close working required diagnostic tests.
relationship among the members of the • All specimens should be placed or collected
healthcare team to ensure a proper into a sterile container to prevent
diagnosis of infectious diseases. contamination.
✓ Healthcare professionals who collect and • Specimens should be protected from heat and
transport specimens should exercise cold and promptly delivered to the laboratory.
extreme caution during the collection and • Hazardous specimens must be handled with
transport of specimens. even greater care to avoid contamination of
✓ In the laboratory, all specimens are couriers, patients, and healthcare
handled carefully, exercising Standard professionals.
• Whenever possible, a sterile, disposable - A colony count (using a calibrated loop)
specimen container should be used. - Isolation and identification of the
• The specimen container must be properly pathogen
labeled and accompanied by an appropriate - Antimicrobial susceptibility testing
request slip with adequate instructions.
Urine Colony Count
• Specimens should be collected and delivered
to the laboratory as early in the day as possible • The colony count is a way of estimating the
to allow sufficient processing time. number of viable bacteria that are present in a
urine specimen.
Types of Clinical Specimens Usually Required to
• A calibrated loop, either 0.01 or 0.001 mL, is
Diagnose Infectious Diseases
used to inoculate the entire surface of a blood
1. Blood agar plate.
• Blood is usually sterile. • After incubation at 37ºC overnight, the
• The presence of bacteria in the colonies are counted and the number is
bloodstream is known as bacteremia. multiplied by the dilution factor (either 100 for
• Septicemia is a serious disease the 0.01-mL loop, or 1,000 for the 0.001-mL
characterized by chills, fever, prostration, loop) to determine the number of colony-
and the presence of bacteria or their toxins forming units (CFUs).
in the bloodstream. • No. of colonies x dilution factor = No. of
• To prevent contamination of a blood CFU/mL
specimen with indigenous skin microbiota, Obtaining a Urine Colony Count
extreme care must be taken to use aseptic
Composition of Whole Blood

3. Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

• Meningitis is inflammation or infection of
the membranes (meninges) that surround
the brain and spinal cord.
Proper Method of Preparing the Venipuncture • Encephalitis is inflammation or infection of
Site When Obtaining Blood for Culture the brain.
• Meningoencephalitis is inflammation or
infection of both the brain and the
• CSF is collected by lumbar puncture (spinal
tap) into a sterile tube; this is a surgically
aseptic procedure performed by a
2. Urine physician.
• is normally sterile in the bladder, but • CSF is considered a STAT (emergency)
becomes contaminated by indigenous specimen in the lab
microbiota of the distal urethra during 4. Sputum
voiding. • is pus that accumulates deep within the
• Contamination is reduced by collecting a lungs of a patient with pneumonia,
clean-catch, midstream urine. tuberculosis, or other lower respiratory
Urine culture involves three parts: tract infection.
• Often, specimens labeled “sputum” are and immunologic tests may be performed
actually just saliva; saliva specimens don’t to identify Gram-negative and Gram-
provide clinically relevant information. positive bacteria, fungi, intestinal
• If TB is suspected, extreme care should be protozoa, and intestinal helminths isolated
taken! from fecal specimens.
• Better specimens can be obtained by The Pathology Department (“The Lab”)
bronchial aspiration or transtracheal
aspiration. • Clinical specimens are submitted to the CML,
5. Throat swabs which is a part of the Pathology Department.
• used to determine whether a patient has • The Pathology Department (often referred to
strep throat. as “the Lab”) is under the direction of a
• specific cultures may be necessary when pathologist (a physician who has specialized
Neisseria gonorrhoeae or training in pathology).
Corynebacterium diphtheriae are
The pathology department is divided into two
major divisions:
6. Wound specimens
• Whenever possible, a wound specimen ✓ Anatomical Pathology
should be an aspirate (i.e., pus collected by ✓ Clinical Pathology
needle and syringe) rather than a swab. Organization of a Typical Pathology Department
• Specimens collected by swab are
frequently contaminated with indigenous Pathology Department
microbiota. ✓ Anatomical Pathology
7. Gonococci (GC) cultures (for Neisseria ✓ Morgue
gonorrhoeae) ✓ Histopathology laboratory
• N. gonorrhoeae is a fastidious, ✓ Cytology laboratory
microaerophilic, and capnophilic ✓ Cytogenetics laboratory
bacterium. ✓ Electron microscopy laboratory
• Only Dacron, calcium alginate, or nontoxic
cotton swabs should be used to collect GC Clinical Pathology
specimens. ✓ Clinical chemistry laboratory
• Specimens (e.g., vaginal, cervical, urethral, ✓ Hematology laboratory
throat, and rectal swabs) are cultured on ✓ Immunology laboratory
special medium (e.g., Thayer–Martin ✓ Blood bank
medium) and incubated in a CO2 ✓ Clinical microbiology laboratory
• Special transport media are available, and Anatomical Pathology
GC swabs should never be refrigerated. • Diseased organs, stained tissue sections, and
8. Fecal specimens cytology specimens are examined here.
• Ideally, fecal (stool) specimens should be • Cytogenetic technologists, cytotechnologists,
collected at the laboratory and processed histologic technicians, histotechnologists, and
immediately to prevent a decrease in pathologist’s assistants are employed in this
temperature, which would allow the pH to division.
drop and cause the death of many Shigella • In addition, autopsies are performed in the
and Salmonella species. morgue and some Pathology Departments
• Bacteria in fecal microbiota are obligate, have an Electron Microscopy Laboratory.
aerotolerant, and facultative anaerobes.
• A combination of direct microscopic Clinical Pathology
examination, culture, biochemical tests,
• It consists of several laboratories in addition to • CML professionals are very much like
the CML: Clinical Chemistry, Urinalysis, detectives and crime scene investigators, in
Hematology/Coagulation, Blood Bank, and that they gather clues about a pathogen
Immunology. until they are able to identify it.
• Personnel include pathologists, chemists and • Numerous phenotypic characteristics are
microbiologists, medical laboratory scientists used to identify the bacteria (e.g., Gram
(also known as medical technologists--MTs), reaction, cell shape, motility, presence and
and medical laboratory technicians (MLTs). location of spores, presence or absence of
various enzymes, etc.)
The Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Sequence of Events in the Bacteriology Section
The CML may be under the direction of a
pathologist, a microbiologist, or a senior medical 1. Specimen processing
laboratory scientist. ✓ Macroscopic examination
✓ Gram stain observation
✓ Inoculation of media
2. Obtain a pure culture of the suspected
3. Perform tests necessary to identify (speciate)
suspected pathogen
4. Perform antimicrobial susceptibility testing
5. Report findings to clinician
CML professionals

Responsibilities • are very much like detectives and crime scene

investigators--gathering clues about a
✓ Primary mission of the CML is to assist pathogen until they have enough information
clinicians in the diagnosis and treatment of to identify it.
infectious diseases.
✓ The four major day-to-day responsibilities An Example of a Miniaturized Biochemical Test
are to System (A “Minisystem”)
- Process various clinical specimens
that are submitted to the CML
- Isolate pathogens from those
- Identify (speciate) the pathogens
- Perform antimicrobial
Diagram Illustrating the three Types of
susceptibility testing, when
Hemolysis That Can Be Observed on a Blood
appropriate to do so
Agar Plate
Isolation and Identification (Speciation) of
1. Bacteriology Section
• Bacterial pathogens are isolated from
specimens, tests are performed to identify
them, and antimicrobial susceptibility 2. Mycology Section
testing is performed whenever appropriate • Responsibility is to assist clinicians in the
to do so. diagnosis of fungal infections (mycoses).
• The specimens processed here are the
same as those that are processed in the
Bacteriology Section, with the addition of Negri Body in a Brain Cell from a Patient with
hair and nail clippings and skin scrapings. Rabies
• A variety of procedures are used to identify
fungal pathogens, including special media,
KOH preps, tease mounts, biochemical
tests (for yeasts), and a combination of
microscopic and macroscopic observations
(for molds).
A Colony (Mycelium) of an Aspergillus Species Cytopathic Effect (CPE)

• Moulds in the genus Aspergillus can cause a. Normal appearance of human diploid
sinusitis, lower respiratory infections, and fibroblasts.
infections of the eyes, heart, kidneys b. The appearance of the same cells, 48 hours
after being inoculated with herpes simplex
A Colony (Mycelium) of an Penicillium Species
• Although penicillin is derived from Penicillium,
various species in this genus can also cause
lung, liver, and skin infections in
immunosuppressed patients.
Fungal Hyphae in a Stained Heart Valve 5. Mycobacteriology Section (also called the TB
Specimen from a Patient with Zygomycosis Lab)
• Assists clinicians in the diagnosis of
tuberculosis (TB)
• Various types of specimens are submitted,
but sputum is the most common type.
• Mycobacterium spp. are identified by the
acid-fast staining procedure and by using a
combination of growth characteristics
3. Parasitology Section
(e.g., growth rate, colony pigmentation,
• Assists clinicians in the diagnosis of
photoreactivity, and morphology) and a
parasitic diseases
variety of biochemical tests.
• Parasites are identified by observing and
recognizing various parasite life cycle
stages (e.g., trophozoites, cysts,
microfilariae, eggs, larvae, adult worms) in
specimens-- identified primarily by their
physical appearance (e.g., size, shape,
internal details).
4. Virology Section
• Assists clinicians in the diagnosis of viral
• Techniques used in the identification of
viruses include immunodiagnostic tests,
cytologic or histologic examination,
electron microscopy, molecular
techniques, virus isolation by cell cultures,
and cytopathic effect (CPE).

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