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Mastervolt Chargemaster 12-35-3 Manual

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12/35-3, 12/50-3, 24/20-3, 24/30-3

TABLE OF CONTENTS: 10000008586/00 - February 2015

1  GENERAL INFORMATION.............................................................................................................................................. 3 
1.1  Use of this manual.............................................................................................................................................. 3 
1.2  Validity of this manual ........................................................................................................................................ 3 
1.3  Use of pictograms .............................................................................................................................................. 3 
1.4  Identification label ............................................................................................................................................... 3 
1.5  Liability ............................................................................................................................................................... 3 

2  OPERATION .................................................................................................................................................................... 4 
2.1  Features ............................................................................................................................................................. 4 
2.2  Switching on / stand-by ...................................................................................................................................... 4 
2.3  LED display ........................................................................................................................................................ 5 
2.4  Three Step charge algorithm .............................................................................................................................. 6 
2.5  Masterbus (optional) ........................................................................................................................................... 7 
2.6  Maintenance ....................................................................................................................................................... 7 
2.7  Failures............................................................................................................................................................... 7 

3  INSTALLATION ............................................................................................................................................................... 8 
3.1  Unpacking .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 
3.2  Environment ....................................................................................................................................................... 8 
3.3  Wiring ................................................................................................................................................................. 8 
3.4  Batteries ............................................................................................................................................................. 9 
3.5  Things you need ................................................................................................................................................. 9 
3.6  Overview connection compartment .................................................................................................................. 10 
3.7  Connection ....................................................................................................................................................... 10 
3.8  Installation step by step .................................................................................................................................... 12 
3.9  Commissioning after installation ....................................................................................................................... 14 
3.10  Decommissioning ............................................................................................................................................. 14 
3.11  Storage and transportation ............................................................................................................................... 14 
3.12  Re-installation................................................................................................................................................... 14 

4  SETTINGS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 15 

4.1  DIP Switch settings .......................................................................................................................................... 15 
4.2  Equalize mode.................................................................................................................................................. 15 
4.3  MasterBus functions ......................................................................................................................................... 16 

5  TROUBLE SHOOTING .................................................................................................................................................. 20 

6  TECHNICAL DATA ........................................................................................................................................................ 21 

6.1  Specifications 12V models ............................................................................................................................... 21 
6.2  Specifications 24V models ............................................................................................................................... 22 
6.3  Dimensions....................................................................................................................................................... 23 

7  ORDERING INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................... 24 

7.1  MasterBus installation components .................................................................................................................. 24 
7.2  Miscellaneous................................................................................................................................................... 24 


This manual serves as a guideline for the safe and CAUTION!
effective operation, maintenance and possible correction Special data, restrictions and rules with regard
of minor malfunctions of the ChargeMaster to preventing damage.
It is therefore obligatory that every person who works on or
with the ChargeMaster must be completely familiar with A procedure, circumstance, etc which
the contents of this manual and the Important Safety deserves extra attention.
Instructions, and that he/she carefully follows the
instructions contained herein. 1.4 IDENTIFICATION LABEL
Installation of, and work on the ChargeMaster may be
carried out only by qualified, authorised and trained
personnel, consistent with the locally applicable standards
and taking into consideration the Important Safety

Copyright © 2014 Mastervolt. All rights reserved.

Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage of part or all
of the contents in this document in any form without the
prior written permission of Mastervolt is prohibited Part no : 44020300 IP 23
model : ChargeMaster 24/30-3
Input : 120/230V AC 50/60 Hz 8.5A/4.2A
1.2 VALIDITY OF THIS MANUAL Output : 28,50VDC - 30A
All of the specifications, provisions and instructions Designed by
contained in this manual apply solely to standard versions Serial no: E815H0001 Manufactured in PRC

of the ChargeMaster delivered by Mastervolt.

This manual is only valid for the following models with Serial number Part number
apparatus version “H” and higher (see section 1.4):
Apparatus version “H”
Part number Model
44010350, 4401035x ChargeMaster 12/35-3 Figure 1: Identification label
44010500, 4401050x ChargeMaster 12/50-3
44020200, 4402020x ChargeMaster 24/20-3 The identification label is located at the right-hand side of
44020300, 4402030x ChargeMaster 24/30-3 the ChargeMaster (see Figure 1). Important technical
x = OEM Customer specific number information required for service, maintenance & secondary
delivery of parts can be derived from the identification
These models are mentioned as “ChargeMaster” further in label.
this manual.
1.3 USE OF PICTOGRAMS Never remove the identification label.

Safety instructions and warnings are marked in this

manual by the following pictograms:
WARNING Mastervolt can accept no liability for:
A WARNING refers to possible injury to the  consequential damage due to use of the
user or significant material damage to the ChargeMaster;
charger if the user does not (carefully) follow  possible errors in the manuals and the results thereof.
the procedures.



See section 2.2.

Solid green = on,

Solid red = standby.
Blinking = fault condition, see
section 2.7.

Press INFO shortly to switch
display: Current (A), Voltage (V).

Press SOURCE to select the
battery bank (1, 2 or 3) you want to

Figure 2: operation of the ChargeMaster


The Mastervolt ChargeMaster is a fully automatic battery The ChargeMaster is activated by holding the POWER
charger. This means that under normal circumstances it switch pressed for approx. 5 seconds. The POWER switch
may stay switched on with the AC power and batteries will illuminate green. The state of charge (which is stored
connected. The ChargeMaster is suitable for charging the in the memory of the ChargeMaster) will be displayed. If
following battery types: Flooded lead acid, AGM, Spiral, necessary and if AC power is available, the ChargeMaster
Gel, Deep cycle batteries and Mastervolt Li-Ion batteries will start to charge the batteries.
(MLi). It has an auto-ranging input facility which makes it
feasible to operate on almost any AC power source in the Once switched on, the ChargeMaster
world. It operates on both 230V and 120V without automatically resumes operation after it was
compromising the output current. The three-step Plus disconnected from an AC-source temporarily.
charging method guarantees that the batteries are always
charged to 100%. By pressing the POWER button again for approx. 5
With an external AC source connected, the ChargeMaster seconds, the ChargeMaster will switch back to stand-by:
charger also serves the function of an AC to DC converter the ChargeMaster stops and the POWER switch
to supply DC loads which are connected to the batteries. illuminates red.

The MLi charging voltages on this charger fit Switching the ChargeMaster to “stand-by”
the Mastervolt Li-ion (MLi) batteries and do does not cut off the connection to the batteries
not necessarily fit other Li-ion batteries!. or the AC-source. This means that voltages
Always follow the instructions provided by the are still available inside the apparatus.
battery manufacturer!


Load bar
Yellow LED “A” = on Yellow LED “V” = on Actual stage of the three step
Charge voltage charge algorithm.
Charge current
12V 24V

100% >14V >28V

80% 13-14V 26-28V

60% 12-13V 24-26V

40% 11-12V 22-24V

10.5-11V, 21-22V,
20% Blinking: Blinking:
10-10,5V 20-21V
Red LED: see section 2.7 Selected battery bank
(1, 2 or 3). Press
SOURCE to alter.
Highlighted if the ChargeMaster is
connected to the Masterbus network

Figure 3: LED display

If the ChargeMaster was switched to stand-by or AC 2.3 LED DISPLAY

power became unavailable, the POWER switch starts The ChargeMaster is equipped with a multicolour LED
blinking red. After approximately 2 minutes the blinking will display. See Figure 3. Different LED colours and
stop and the display will switch off, thus preventing the combinations have different meanings. Combination of the
ChargeMaster slowly draining the battery. current display (A) with the load bar shows the percentage
of maximum current, of the three Battery banks together.
Only if DIP-switch #3 was adjusted to ON and Combination of (V) with the load bar shows the actual
the charger was switched on, the indication charging voltage.
light stays blinking orange, indicating that the If one of LEDs illuminates red, a fault condition is detected;
AC-power supply fails in operation. Note that see section 2.7
this blinking LED may slowly drain your
batteries. See section 4.1.3.

The ChargeMaster can also be operated and

monitored remotely by means of a MasterBus
remote control panel. See section 4.3 for


2.4 THREE STEP CHARGE ALGORITHM 2.4.1 Temperature compensated charging

See Figure 4. Battery charging is accomplished in three By installing the battery temperature sensor the charge
automatic stages: BULK, ABSORPTION and FLOAT. voltages are automatically adapted for deviating
The first step of the three step charge system is the BULK temperatures.
phase, in which the output current of the charger is 100%, 12V 24V
and the greater part of the capacity of the battery is rapidly
charged. The current charges the batteries and gradually

charge voltage (V)

the voltage rises to the BULK voltage 14.4V (MLi: 14.25V)
resp. 28.8V (MLi: 28.5V) at 25°C / 77°F.
The duration of this phase depends on the ratio of battery
to charger capacity, and the battery state of charge.



battery temperature (°C)

Figure 5: Temperature compensated charging


See Figure 5. When the battery temperature is low, the

charge voltage increases. On the other hand, when the
Figure 4: Three step charge system battery temperature is high, the charge voltage is
decreased. Over charge and gassing are prevented this
The bulk phase is followed by the ABSORPTION phase. way. This will extend the life of your batteries.
Absorption charging starts when the voltage on the
batteries has reached the BULK voltage, and ends when 2.4.2 Connection of a second and third battery
the battery is completely full. Battery voltage remains The ChargeMaster is equipped with three equal outputs.
constant at 14.25V / 28.5V at 25°C / 77°F throughout this The total output current is divided over these three
stage, and the charge current depends on the degree to outputs. See chapter 3 for connection.
which the battery was initially discharged, the battery type,
the ambient temperature, and so on. With a flooded
battery this stage lasts approx. 4h, with gel and AGM
around 3h. Once the battery is 100% full, the
ChargeMaster automatically switches over to the float
phase. At FLOAT (for Gel/AGM, flooded batteries) the
ChargeMaster switches to a stabilised 13.25V (MLi: 13.5V)
or 26.5V (MLi: 27.0V) at 25°C / 77°F.
Connected DC-loads are powered directly by the charger.
If the load is higher than charger capacity, the required
additional power comes from the battery, which will be
progressively discharged until the charger automatically
switches back to the bulk phase. Once consumption
decreases, the charger goes back to normal operation of
the three-step charge system.
As the ChargeMaster is equipped with a three-step Plus
charge system, the batteries can also remain connected to
the ChargeMaster during winter. One hour every 12 days
the charger automatically switches to absorption to keep
the battery running properly and prolong its life span. The
three-step Plus charge system is also safe for all the
connected equipment.

See also APPENDIX for detailed characteristics

of the three step Plus charge system.



The ChargeMaster is compatible with the MasterBus The ChargeMaster is protected against overload, short
network: a fully decentralized data network for circuit, over heating and under and over voltage. If a fault
communication between the different Mastervolt system condition occurs, a load bar segment on the display
devices such as the inverter, battery charger, generator, illuminates red. The LED position indicates the failure
batteries and many more. See APPENDIX for details. cause.

Load bar Red LED
No specific maintenance to the ChargeMaster is required. Fault condition
Examine your electrical installation on a regular base, at
least once a year. Defects such as loose connections, Wrong AC voltage**
burnt wiring etc. must be corrected immediately.
Charger failure**
If necessary, use a soft clean cloth to clean enclosure of
the ChargeMaster. Do not use any liquids or corrosive Battery voltage too high**
substances, such as solvents, alcohol, petrol or abrasive
components. Internal temperature too high**
Battery low, short circuit*.
Blinking: AC not available

*At Battery low the battery bank number concerned is

blinking. Selecting another bank is still possible then, the
display will return after 5 seconds.
**The POWER button is blinking.

The ChargeMaster is not protected against:
 reversed polarity on the DC-output,
 over voltage on the AC-input.


During installation and commissioning of the  Although the ChargeMaster fully complies with all
ChargeMaster, the important safety instructions are applicable EMC limits, it may still cause harmful
applicable at all times. interference to radio communication equipment. If such
interference appears, it is recommended to increase
3.1 UNPACKING the separation between the ChargeMaster and the
In addition to the ChargeMaster the delivery includes: equipment, to relocate the receiving antenna or to
 Mounting bracket to mount the ChargeMaster to a wall; connect the equipment to a circuit different from that to
 Battery temperature sensor; which the ChargeMaster is connected.
 MasterBus terminating device (see APPENDIX);
 This User’s manual 3.3 WIRING
 Important Safety Instructions
After unpacking, check the contents for possible damage. The wire and fuse sizes stated in this manual
Do not use the product if it is damaged. If in doubt, contact are given as example only. Prescribed wire
your supplier. and fuse sizes may be different due to local
Check from the identification label (see section 1.4) applicable regulations and standards.
whether the battery voltage is the same as the nominal
output voltage of the ChargeMaster (e.g. 24V battery set 3.3.1 DC wiring
for a 24V battery charger). Keep in mind that high current will pass through the DC
wiring. Keep the cable length as short as possible, this will
3.2 ENVIRONMENT keep the system efficiency as high as possible. The
Obey the following stipulations during installation: recommended minimum cross section of the battery
 The ChargeMaster is designed for indoor use only. cables for output 1, 2 and 3 is:
 Ambient operating temperature: -25°C ... 60°C / -13°F
… 140°F (power de-rating above 25°C / 77 °F to Model DC Cable cross section:
decrease the internal temperature). ChargeMaster <2m / 6ft 2-5m / 6ft
 Humidity: 0-95% non condensing. 12/35-3 16mm² / 4AWG 25mm² / 2AWG
 Mount the ChargeMaster preferably to a vertical wall, 12/50-3 25mm² / 2AWG 35mm² / 1AWG
with the connecting cables downwards. 24/20-3 10mm² / 6AWG 16mm² / 4AWG
 Do not expose the ChargeMaster to excessive dust, 24/30-3 16mm² / 4AWG 25mm² / 2AWG
aggressive environments, ammonia or salt.
 Make sure that the hot air that is developed during Use ring terminals on the ends of the wires. The terminals
operation can be discharged. The ChargeMaster must must be crimped with a proper crimping tool. Use the
be mounted in such a way that obstruction of the following wire colours for DC wiring colour or at least
airflow through the ventilation openings will be different colours to make a clear distinction between the
prevented. positive and negative wire from the battery:
 No objects must be located within a distance of 10 cm /
4 inch around the ChargeMaster. Wire colour Meaning Connect to:
 Do not locate the ChargeMaster in the same Red Positive + (POS)
compartment as the batteries. Black Negative – (NEG)
 Do not install the ChargeMaster straight above the
batteries because of possible corrosive sulphur fumes.
 If the ChargeMaster is installed in the immediate
vicinity of living areas, take into account that the fan of
the ChargeMaster can produce noise when operating.


Lay the positive and negative cables next to each other to 3.4 BATTERIES
limit the electromagnetic field around the cables. The Always follow the instructions published by battery
negative cable should be connected directly to the manufacturer. The minimum required battery capacity for
negative post of the battery bank or the ground side of a Mastervolt gel batteries (MVG series) is as follows:
current shunt. Do not use the chassis frame as the
negative conductor. Tighten securely. The positive battery Model Minimum required battery
cable must be fused and connected to the positive post of ChargeMaster capacity (MVG series)
the battery bank. 12/35-3 85Ah
12/50-3 120Ah
The recommended DC fuses for outputs 1, 2 and 3 are:
24/20-3 55Ah
24/30-3 85Ah
Model ChargeMaster DC fuse
12/35-3 40A
See section 4.1.4 for minimum required
12/50-3 63A
battery capacity to meet the requirements of
24/20-3 32A the CEC regulations (USA only).
24/30-3 40A
The fuse with the fuse-holder is available from your local
Make sure you have all the parts you need to install the
Mastervolt distributor or Customer Service Representative.

3.3.2 AC wiring
 ChargeMaster (included);
 Battery temperature sensor with cable and plug
The AC cable and is pre-assembled to the ChargeMaster.
The following wiring colours apply:
 DC cables to connect the ChargeMaster to the DC-
distribution; see section 3.3.1 for specifications;
Wire color Meaning Connect to:
 DC-fuse holder with a DC-fuse, to be integrated in the
Brown Hot/Line/ Phase L1
positive DC-cable; see section 3.3.1 for specifications;
Blue Neutral N
 Screws / bolts (Ø 4.5mm) (with plugs) to mount the
Green/Yellow PE / Ground PE / GND enclosure to a surface. Use mounting materials which
are suitable to carry the weight of the ChargeMaster;
3.3.3 AC safety grounding  Batteries; see section 3.4;
 Appropriate and reliable cable terminals, cable lugs,
WARNING! battery terminals and cord end terminals.
The ground wire offers protection only if the
enclosure of the ChargeMaster is connected We recommend as a minimum tool kit:
to the safety ground. Connect the ground  Socket wrench 10mm to fix the DC-cables;
terminal (PE / GND) to the hull or the chassis.  Tools to fix the screws / bolts (Ø 4.5mm) with plugs to
mount the enclosure to a surface;
CAUTION!  Philips screw driver nr. 2 to open the connection
For safe installation it is necessary to insert a compartment and to fix the Safety ground connection;
Residual Current Device (earth leakage  A small screw driver for adjustment of the DIP-
switch) in the AC input circuit of the switches.



1 2 3 4 6 7 2
1. Cable gland for AC-wiring 6. Positive terminal charge output 2
2. Isolation caps for DC connections 7. Positive terminal charge output 3
3. Positive terminal charge output 1 8. MasterBus connectors
4. Common negative output terminal 9. Temperature sensor jack
5. Safety ground connection 10. DIP switches

Figure 6: Overview connection compartment

3.7.1 General CAUTION!
Too-thin cables and/or loose connections can
WARNING cause dangerous overheating of the cables
Let installation work be done by a licensed and/or terminals. Therefore tighten all
electrician. connections well, in order to limit transition
All electrical systems (AC and DC) must be resistance as far as possible. Use cables of
disconnected from any power source during the correct size.
the entire installation!
CAUTION! If the battery temperature remains within 15-
Short circuiting or reversing polarity may lead 25°C, connection of the battery temperature
to serious damage to the batteries, the sensor is optional.
ChargeMaster, the cabling and/or the terminal
connections. Fuses between the batteries and NOTE:
the ChargeMaster can not prevent damage The ChargeMaster is only feasible for the
caused by reversed polarity. The damage as connection of MasterBus compatible remote
a result of reverse polarity is detectable by the control panels.
service department and is not covered by the


3.7.2 Connection example

AC Input


DC fuse

fuse Battery
fuse fuse



This schematic is to illustrate the general placement of the ChargeMaster in a circuit. It is not meant to provide detailed wiring
instructions for any particular electrical installation.

Figure 7: Connection example of the ChargeMaster



4 Fix the enclosure to the wall by fastening two
screws at the lower side of the enclosure as
Mark the position of the four mounting spots well.
1 by using the mounting bracket. Then fix the
mounting bracket to the wall.

Remove the isolation cap from the DC

terminals. Fit crimp-on ring terminals to both
DC-cables. Connect the DC-cabling of
battery bank 1, positive to +, negative to – .
Place the ChargeMaster over the mounting
bracket and then move it downwards until it is
suspended from the mounting bracket.

Option: Connect the DC-wiring of the second

and third battery bank. These battery banks
should have a common negative with the
Open the connection compartment by main battery (see Figure 7).
loosening the two screws.


Mount the isolation caps of the If required, change DIP-settings. See section
7 10
DC terminals back into position 4.1 for adjustment.
Mind the + and – markings! Use a small screw driver for adjustment of
the DIP-switches.

8 Attach the battery temperature sensor to the

casing of battery bank 1.
Plug the temperature sensor cable into the
“temp.sensor” jack. 11 Check all wiring; see also Figure 7 for wiring

12 Close the connection compartment by fixing

the two screws.

Option: Connect the ChargeMaster to the

MasterBus network. See APPENDIX.
13 Connect the AC wiring. See section 3.3.2.

14 Continue with section 3.9 for commissioning

of the ChargeMaster.



During first commissioning the ChargeMaster will be
3.9.1 General recognized by the MasterBus network automatically. The
remote control panel of the MasterBus network will
If your ChargeMaster is not new, you have to indicate that a new device was found.
take into account that former users may have
changed the settings. Reset the Some settings can only be changed via the MasterBus
ChargeMaster to Factory Settings when there interface. See section 4.3 for an overview of all available
is any doubt (see section 4.3.4). MasterBus settings. Refer to the user’s manual of the
remote control panel to change these settings.
The factory settings of the ChargeMaster are optimal for
most installations. With some applications however, it is 3.10 DECOMMISSIONING
desirable to change these settings. Therefore several To put the ChargeMaster out of operation, follow these
adjustments can be made. See chapter 4. instructions in order of succession:

NOTE: 1 Switch the ChargeMaster to stand-by (see section

The DIP-switches must be adjusted prior to 2.2).
commissioning; all other settings can only be 2 Remove the DC-fuse(s) and disconnect the batteries.
made after commissioning. 3 Remove the AC-fuse(s) of the AC-input and/or
disconnect the AC-mains.
3.9.2 Commissioning step-by-step 4 Open the connection compartment of the
CAUTION! 5 Check with a suitable voltage meter whether the
Check the polarity of all wiring before inputs and the outputs of the ChargeMaster are
commissioning: positive connected to positive voltage free.
(red cables), negative connected to negative 6 Disconnect all the wiring.
(black cables).
Now the ChargeMaster can be demounted in a safe way.
1 If all wiring is OK, place the DC-fuse(s) of the DC-
distribution to connect the batteries to the 3.11 STORAGE AND TRANSPORTATION
ChargeMaster. When not installed, store the ChargeMaster in the original
packing, in a dry and dust free environment.
When placing this fuse, a spark can occur, Always use the original packing for transportation. Contact
caused by the capacitors used in the your local Mastervolt Service Centre for further details if
ChargeMaster. This is particularly dangerous you want to return the apparatus for repair.
in places with insufficient ventilation, due to
the gassing of the batteries an explosion can 3.12 RE-INSTALLATION
occur. Avoid having flammable materials
To reinstall the ChargeMaster, follow the instructions as
close by.
described in this chapter (chapter 3).

2 Switch on the AC power supply

3 Hold the POWER button (Figure 2) pressed for 5
seconds to switch on the charger

Now the ChargeMaster will initiate the charging process.


Adjustment of the settings of the ChargeMaster can be 4.1.4 DIP switch 4: CEC Energy saving mode
made in two different ways:
 By means of DIP-switches; see section 4.1; Energy saving mode disabled (factory setting) OFF
 Via the MasterBus network; see section 4.3. Energy saving mode enabled. ON

CAUTION! The CEC Energy saving mode is only

Invalid settings of the ChargeMaster can BC available on battery chargers that have the
cause serious damage to your batteries BC logo on the Identification label (see
and/or the connected load! Adjustments of section 1.4)
settings may be undertaken by authorised
personnel only. The CEC Energy saving mode is used to meet the
requirements of the California Energy Commission (CEC).
4.1 DIP SWITCH SETTINGS When enabled, the charger switches to stand-by after
The ChargeMaster has four DIP switches at the bottom finishing the Absorption phase of the three-step charge
side of the enclosure. See Figure 8. algorithm. This mode is applicable for battery charging
systems in the USA only.

Minimum battery capacity to meet the requirements of the

Off CEC regulations:
Model ChargeMaster Battery capacity
12/35-3 >400Ah
12/50-3 >560Ah
24/20-3 >240Ah
Figure 8: DIP switches
24/30-3 >320Ah
4.1.1 DIP switch 1: Battery type
The factory default for the battery type is optimal for most 4.2 EQUALIZE MODE
installations. In some applications however, it is desirable
to change this setting. WARNING
Incorrect use of the equalize mode may lead
Flooded battery (factory setting) OFF to hazardous situations.
Gel / AGM / spiral battery (see specifications) ON Do not smoke; use any naked flame or other
sources of ignition due to risk of explosion.
4.1.2 DIP switch 2: Charge algorithm Always ventilate the room were the batteries
are located and equalized to clear the air.
IUoUo, fully automatic / 3step+ (factory setting) OFF Equalization is ONLY applicable for flooded
Constant voltage charging (Float = 13.25/26.5V) ON type batteries and will damage gel, AGM and
MLi type batteries.
4.1.3 DIP-switch 3: Stand-by mode for display
An equalizing charge can be necessary after very deep
Display will switch off when ChargeMaster is OFF discharges and/or inadequate charges. This has to be
switched to stand-by mode (factory setting) carried out according to the specifications of the
Display will stay on when ChargeMaster is ON manufacturer of the batteries.
switched to stand-by mode. Note that the display
is powered by the batteries. During equalizing the batteries are brought into the gas
state and it is possible that the permitted load voltages are
exceeded. Therefore appropriate measures must be
taken, e.g. disconnect all loads from the battery and
ventilate the room. For these reasons use of the equalizing
mode should only be executed by trained technical



The equalizing mode can only be started when the Adjustment of the settings of the ChargeMaster can be
ChargeMaster is in operation and in Float mode. The made via the MasterBus network (by means of a remote
equalize mode can only be started by means of MasterBus control panel or an interface connected to a PC with
(see section 4.3.4). MasterAdjust software).

See APPENDIX for more information about


4.3.1 Monitoring

Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable range

State Shows charger state (Charging / Standby / Alarm) (read only)
On/Stand-by Button to toggle the charger state On / Stand-by
Input current Option to set the maximum AC input current to prevent a 8.0A 0.0 – 8.0A
generator or shore fuse from overload situations
Charge State Actual state of charge algorithm: Bulk/absorption/float (read only)
Battery temp. Actual temperature of the main battery bank (in °C) (read only)
Charge current Total output current of charge outputs 1, 2 and 3 (read only)
Output 1 Voltage of charge output 1 (read only)
Output 2 Voltage of charge output 2 (read only)
Output 3 Voltage of charge output 3 (read only)

4.3.2 Alarm

Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable range

Temp sense error Battery temperature sensor is in short circuit (read only)
Temp error Battery temperature is out of range (read only)
<-20°C (-4°F) or >55°C (131°F)
Output high DC output voltage is too high (read only)
Output low DC output voltage is too low (read only)
MSH out of range DC output voltage of the ChargeMaster differs more than (read only)
3.0V from the voltage measured by the Mastershunt

4.3.3 History
This menu shows the absolute maximum readings.

Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable range

Ah charged Total Ampere hours charged (Ah) (read only)
Total run time Total run time in charger mode (hours) (read only)
Temp. Shutdown. Number of temperature shutdowns (read only)
Low DC Shutdown Number of low DC voltage shutdowns (read only)
High DC Shutdown Number of high DC voltage shutdowns (read only)
Battery 1
Lowest DC volt Lowest detected DC voltage output 1 (read only)
Highest DC Volt Highest detected DC voltage output 1 (read only)
Battery 2


Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable range

Lowest DC volt Lowest detected DC voltage output 2 (read only)
Highest DC Volt Highest detected DC voltage output 2 (read only)
Battery 3
Lowest DC volt Lowest detected DC voltage output 3 (read only)
Highest DC Volt Highest detected DC voltage output 3 (read only)

4.3.4 Configuration
Below parameters can be changed via the MasterBus network by means of a remote control panel or by means of an interface
connected to a PC with MasterAdjust software. See applicable user’s manuals for details.

Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable. range

Language Language that is displayed on a monitoring device English EN, NL, DE, FR, ES,
connected to the MasterBus IT, NO, SV, FI, DA
Product Name Name of this device. This name will be recognized by all CHG CM+type* 0-12 chars
devices connected to the MasterBus
Output 1 Name of the battery bank connected to charge output 1 Output 1 0-16 chars
Output 2 Name of the battery bank connected to charge output 2 Output 2 0-16 chars
Output 3 Name of the battery bank connected to charge output 3 Output 3 0-16 chars
Factory Settings Reset to factory settings (button)
Charge current
Max. current Setting of the maximum output current Imax 1A - Imax
Battery type
Battery type Selection of pre-set charge algorithm. Flooded Flooded, AGM, Gel,
Individual adjustments of Bulk, Absorption and Float are MLI, Flooded traction,
only possible if “User defined” is selected here. User defined
Mastershunt A connected MasterShunt can be chosen for feedback No connection No connection,
on the charged battery. MSH + Product Name
Bulk voltage Bulk voltage (@ 25°C); see section 2.4 14.40/28.80V 0-15.50/0-31.00V
Max. bulk timer Maximum time of the Bulk phase since Start bulk timer 480 min 0-1440min
Min bulk timer Minimum time of the Bulk phase since Start bulk timer 120sec 0-240sec
Start bulk timer Battery voltage trigger point to start the bulk timer 13.25/26.50V (read only)
Abs. voltage Absorption voltage (@ 25°C); see section 2.4 14.25/28.50V 0-15.50/0-31.00V
Max absorp. time Maximum absorption timer 240min 0-1440min
Min absorp. time Minimum absorption timer 15min 0-240min
Return amps Return amps. If the charge current drops below this 6% 0-50%
level, the charger switches from the Absorption to the
Float stage (% of Imax)
Float voltage Float voltage (@ 25°C); see section 2.4 13.25/26.50V 0-15.50/0-31.00V
Constant voltage Charge voltage (@ 25°C) if the charger is set to the 13.80/27.60V 0-15.50/0-31.00V
Constant voltage charging (2-Step) mode; see section
Return to bulk Return to bulk voltage; If the battery voltage stays below 12.80/25.60V 0-15.50/0-31.00V
this level for at least the Return to bulk delay time, the
charger will start the Bulk stage
Return to bulk Return to bulk delay time, see Return to bulk voltage 30sec 0-240sec
DC High on Upper threshold level to trigger the Output high alarm 16.00/32.00V 0-16.00/0-32.00V


Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable. range

DC High off Lower threshold level to stop the Output high alarm 15.50/31.00V 0-16.00/0-32.00V
DC Low on Lower threshold level to trigger the Output low alarm 10.00/20.00V 0-16.00/0-32.00V
DC Low off Upper threshold level to stop the Output low alarm 11.00/22.00V 0-16.00/0-32.00V
Alarm Delay Delay time to trigger the Output low alarm 30sec 0-240sec
Equalize voltage Voltage compensation for Equalize charging +2.25/+4.50V 0 - +2.25/+4.50V
Max equalize tim Max equalize timer 240min 0-1440min
Equalize mode Shows whether the Equalize mode is active (“On”) or not (read only)
Equalize Button to start the equalize mode manually See section Button
4.2. The equalize mode can only be started when the
charger is in the Float stage.
Dip switches
Battery type Readout of DIP switch 1 (see section 4.1) Flooded (read only)
Charge algorithm Readout of DIP switch 2 (see section 4.1) 3step (read only)
Display mode Readout of DIP switch 3 (see section 4.1) Off (read only)
* Depending on model CM12/35, CM12/50, CM24/20, CM24/30

4.3.5 Events

Figure 12 shows the meaning of the event data.

Input (pulses)
The input is represented by an on/off switch.

Output (data)
On changes the status to On at the first signal.
Off changes the status to Off at the first signal.
Copy lets the status follow the input.
Copy Invert lets the status follow the opposite of the input
Copy is used for dimming too by holding the pulse switch
pressed for a longer time.
Toggle changes the status at the first signal and back at
the second signal. It is used in combination with a pulse

Figure 12: Event data


Value Meaning Factory setting Adjustable. range

Event x source Event-based command Disabled (See List of event
Event by the ChargeMaster that should result in an sources, section
action by another device on the MasterBus network. 4.3.6)
Event x target Event-based command (See Device list)
Selection of device on the MasterBus network that
should take action due to an event by the ChargeMaster.
Event x command Event-based command (See List of event
Action to be taken by the selected device. commands in the
manual of the
selected device,)
Event x data Event-based command (See List of event
Value of the action to be taken by the selected device. commands in the
manual of the
selected device,)
Event x+1 The next event appears after enabling Event x. Disabled See Event x.

4.3.6 List of list of events sources (ChargeMaster as event source)

Below the list of event sources of the ChargeMaster is shown. These event sources can be used to initiate an event command
and an event action at another device that is connected to the MasterBus.

Event source Description

Not used (no event programmed)
On ChargeMaster state is On
Bulk State of charge is Bulk
Absorption State of charge is Absorption
Float State of charge is Float
Failure Charger failure MasterBus alarm
LED 1 Bottom yellow LED of the MasterView Read Out illuminates (see manual MasterView Read Out)
LED 2 2nd yellow LED from bottom of the MasterView Read Out illuminates (see manual MasterView Read Out)
LED 3 3rd yellow LED from bottom of the MasterView Read Out illuminates (see manual MasterView Read Out)
LED 4 4th yellow LED from bottom of the MasterView Read Out illuminates (see manual MasterView Read Out)
LED 5 Top yellow LED of the MasterView Read Out illuminates (see manual MasterView Read Out)
Fan Fan of the charger is on

4.3.7 List of list of event commands (ChargeMaster as event target)

Below the list of event commands and event data of the ChargeMaster is shown. Other devices connected to the MasterBus
can be programmed to initiate these commands and actions at the ChargeMaster.

Event command Description

State Command to switch on the ChargeMaster
Bulk Command to start the Bulk state of charge
Abs Command to start the Absorption state of charge
Float Command to start the Float state of charge


If you cannot solve a problem with the aid of this chapter, contact your local Mastervolt Service Centre.
Make sure you have the following information present if you have to contact your local Mastervolt Service Center to
solve a problem:
 Article and serial number; see section 1.4
 Firmware version; double click on ChargeMaster icon in MasterView System software Configuration.

Malfunction Possible cause What to do

No output voltage No AC-input Check AC wiring, check remote control panel.
and/or current AC-input voltage too low (< 90VAC) Check input voltage, check generator.
AC input frequency out of range Check input voltage, check generator.
Output voltage too low, Load that is connected to the batteries is Reduce load taken from the batteries.
charger supplies larger than charger can supply.
maximum current Batteries not 100% charged Measure battery voltage. After some time this will
be higher.
Wrong setting of the charge voltage Check settings (see chapter 4).
Charge current too low Batteries almost fully charged Nothing, this is normal when the battery is almost
fully charged.
High ambient temperature Nothing; if ambient temperature is more than the
setting limit the charge current is automatically
Low AC input voltage. At lower AC input Check AC-input voltage.
voltages the charge current is reduced.
Batteries not fully Charge current too low See “Charge current too low” in this table.
charged Current to load is too high Reduce load taken from the batteries.
Charge time too short Use a battery charger with higher capacity.
Battery temperature too low Use the battery temperature sensor.
Defective or old battery Check battery and replace if necessary.
Wrong setting of the charge voltage Check settings (see chapter 4).
Batteries are Battery capacity reduced due to wastage or Charge and recharge a few times, this might help.
discharged too fast sulphation, stagnation Check battery and replace if necessary.
Batteries are too warm, Defective battery (short circuit in cell) Check battery and replace if necessary.
gassing Battery temperature too high Use the battery temperature sensor.
Charge voltage too high Check settings (see chapter 4).
No MasterView display Display is switched off. Switch on display, refer to display manual.
function. Error in the wiring. Check the MasterBus cables.
Slow or no MasterBus Error in the MasterBus wiring. Check the MasterBus cables.
communication. No terminating device placed at the ends of MasterBus needs a terminating device on both
the network. ends of the network. Check if connected.
MasterBus network is configured as a ring Ring networks are not allowed. Check the
network. connections of the network.



Model 12/35-3 12/50-3

Article no. 44010350 44010500
Nominal input voltage**: 120/230V 120/230V
Nominal input frequency: 50/60Hz 50/60Hz
Full load consumption: 575VA 825VA
Efficiency at full load (230V AC): ≥81% @ 230V input ≥81% @ 230V input
Nominal output voltage: 12V 12V
Total maximum charge current (Imax):* 35A at 14.4V 50A at 14.4V
Number of battery outputs: 3 3
Output voltage range adjustable 0 to16V DC 0 to16V DC
Charge characteristic*: IUoUo, automatic, three step plus
Charge voltage Bulk*: 14.4V (MLi: 14.6V) 14.4V (MLi: 14.6V)
Charge voltage Absorption*: 14.25V (MLi: 14.6V) 14.25V (MLi: 14.6V)
Charge voltage Float*; 13.25V (AGM, gel: 13.8V, MLi: 13.5V) 13.25V (AGM, gel: 13.8V, MLi: 13.5V)
Max. absorption and max. bulk timer*: 8 hours (start max. bulk timer at 13.25V)
Minimum absorption time*: 15 min. 15 min.
Maximum ripple voltage on DC 100mV pp 100mV pp
Battery type settings*: Flooded / gel / AGM / spiral / MLi (adjustable by means of DIP-switch or
Dimensions in mm (inch): 291x210x131 (11.5x8.3x5.2) 291x210x131 (11.5x8.3x5.2)
Weight: 4kg (9Lbs) 4kg (9Lbs)
Recommended battery capacity: 70-350Ah 100-500Ah
Power factor regulations ≤ 0.99 ≤ 0.99
Temperature compensation Battery temperature sensor and cable included.
Voltage compensation Yes, by means of automatic compensation.
DC consumption, display OFF *** <5mA <5mA
DC consumption, display ON *** 130mA 130mA
Temperature range –25°C (–13°F) to 65°C (149°F). de-rating 3%/°C (2%/°F) above 40°C (104°F) ,
90% de-rating under 0°C (32°F)
Cooling Vario fan and natural cooling to ensure optimized cooling when unit stored in
corners etc.
Sound level <52dBA / 1m <52dBA / 1m
Protection degree IP23 IP23
MasterBus connectivity Yes Yes
Powering capabilities for MasterBus Yes, when the charger is switched on, it can power up to three non-powering
MasterBus languages available EN, NL, DE, FR, ES, IT, NO, SV, FI, DA
* Adjustable, see chapter 4 for settings.
** See also APPENDIX for AC input characteristics
*** See section 4.1.3 for settings

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.



Model 24/20-3 24/30-3

Article no. 44020200 44020300
Nominal input voltage**: 120/230V 120/230V
Nominal input frequency: 50/60Hz 50/60Hz
Full load consumption: 660VA 925VA
Efficiency at full load: ≥83% @ 120V input ≥85% @ 230V input
Nominal output voltage: 24V 24V
Total maximum charge current*: 20A at 28.8V 30A at 28.8V
Number of battery outputs: 3 3
Output voltage range adjustable 10-32VDC 10-32VDC
Charge characteristic*: IUoUo, automatic, three step plus charging method
Charge voltage Bulk*: 28.8V (MLi: 29.2V) 28.8V (MLi: 29.2V)
Charge voltage Absorption*: 28.5V (MLi: 29.2V) 28.5V (MLi: 29.2V)
Charge voltage Float*; 26.5V (AGM, gel: 27.6V, MLi: 27.0V) 26.5V (AGM, gel: 27.6V, MLi: 27.0V)
Max. absorption and max. bulk timer*: 8 hours (start of the maximum bulk timer at 26.5V)
Minimum absorption time*: 15 min. 15 min.
Maximum ripple voltage on DC 200mV pp 200mV pp
Battery type settings*: Flooded / gel / AGM / spiral / MLi (adjustable by means of DIP-switch or
Dimensions in mm (inch): 291x210x131 (11.5x8.3x5.2) 291x210x131 (11.5x8.3x5.2)
Weight in kg (pound): 4kg (9Lbs) 4kg (9Lbs)
Recommended battery capacity: 40-200Ah (see section 3.4) 60-300Ah (see section 3.4)
Power factor regulations ≤ 0.99 ≤ 0.99
Temperature compensation Battery temperature sensor and cable included.
Voltage compensation Yes, by means of automatic compensation.
DC consumption, display OFF *** <2.5mA <2.5mA
DC consumption, display ON *** 130mA 130mA
Temperature range –25°C (–13°F) to 65°C (149°F). De-rating 3%/°C (2%/°F) above 40°C (104°F), 90%
de-rating under 0°C (32°F)
Cooling Vario fan and natural cooling optimize cooling when unit stored in corners etc.
Sound level <52dBA / 1m <52dBA / 1m
Protection degree IP23 IP23
MasterBus connectivity Yes Yes
Powering capabilities for MasterBus Yes, when the charger is switched on, it can power up to three non-powering
MasterBus languages available EN, NL, DE, FR, ES, IT, NO, SV, FI, DA
* Adjustable, see chapter 4 for settings.
** See also APPENDIX for AC input characteristics
*** See section 4.1.3 for settings

Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.



Dimensions in mm (inch) ChargeMaster models 12/35-3, 12/50-3, 24/20-3 and 24/30-3



Part number Description

77040000 MasterBus terminating device
77040020 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 0,2m / 0.6ft
77040050 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 0,5m / 1.6ft
77040100 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 1,0m / 3.3ft
77040300 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 3,0m / 10ft
77040600 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 6,0m / 20ft
77041000 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 10m / 33ft
77041500 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 15m / 49ft
77042500 MasterBus connection cable (UTP patch cable), 25m / 82ft
77050100 100m / 330ft MasterBus cable (UTP cable)
77050200 50 pcs. modular jacks
77050000 Complete set to assemble UTP patch cables. Delivery includes: 100m / 330ft UTP cable, 50 pcs. modular
jacks and crimping tool
77030100 MasterConnect USB interface, required as interface between your PC and the MasterBus when using
MasterAdjust software.
77010305 MasterView Easy MkII, Touch screen to control and monitor all MasterBus products
77010400 MasterView System, Full-colour touch screen to control and monitor all MasterBus products
77020100 MasterShunt 500, DC-distribution module for exact readout of battery voltage, charge / discharge current,
and state of charge on the display of the ChargeMaster. continuous rating: 250A, peak current: 500A


Part number Description

6384003200 Industrial DC fuse 32A DIN 00
6384004000 Industrial DC fuse 40A DIN 00
6384006300 Industrial DC fuse 63A DIN 00
6381001000 Fuse base DIN 00 (max. 160A)
701 Battery switch 275A with knob
6387000600 Double pole automatic circuit breaker DPN 6A-B, 1P+N
6387001000 Double pole automatic circuit breaker DPN 10A-B, 1P+N
6387001600 Double pole automatic circuit breaker DPN 16A-B, 1P+N
6385401610 Double pole automatic circuit breaker and earth leakage switch DPN VIGI 16A / B / 16mA, 1P + N
41500500* Battery temperature sensor, incl. 6 meter / 19 ft cable
* standard included with the delivery of the ChargeMaster

Mastervolt can offer a wide range of products for your electrical installation, including an extended program of components for
your MasterBus network, both AGM and gel batteries, shore power connections, DC distribution kits and many more.

Shop the largest selection of reliable marine electronics and navigation in our online store.

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