Homework 1

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AAE 3521: Homework 1

Fundamentals of Flight Vehicle Control

Due: Sept. 2nd

Problem 1 (40 pts)

Ignoring gravity, derive the equation of motion of the following simplified rocket:

Ignore gravity, derive the equation of motion of the following simplified rocket:
Mass of the rocket: m = 100 Kg = constant
Position or rocket at t = 0 is X = 100 m
Variables: Force (F), acceleration (A), Velocity (V), Position (X)
𝑑𝑣 𝐹
From Newton 2nd law and kinematics, we can get:ቐ 𝑑𝑡
Use numerical integration to:
a) Simulate the following input force F profile: t=0, 40 (20 pts)
F = 1000 N [ 0 to 10]
F= 0 N [10 to 15]
F = -1000 N [15 to 25]
From the results of your simulation:
1) Plot F/10, A, V, X/10 of the rocket versus Time on the same plot (title, label, legend) see plot formatting next page
2) What are the values of V and X at t = 11 sec (from Graph)
3) What are the values of V and X at t = 20 sec (from Graph)
4) Attach a “clear” snapshot of your code (driver and all functions)
b) Simulate the same equation using the following force F profile: t=0, 60 (20 pts)
F = 1000 N [ 0 to 10]
F= 0 N [10 to 15]
F = -1000 N [15 to 25]
F = -1000 N [ 25 to 35]
F= 0 N [35 to 40]
F = 1000 N [40 to 50]
1) Plot F/10, A, V, X/10 of the rocket versus Time on the same plot (title, label, legend)
2) What are the values of V and X at t = 50 sec (from Graph)
Plotting script, use:
H = plot(Time,F/10,'k',Time,Acc,'m', Time, Vel,'r', Time, Pos/10,'b'); grid

grid on;
xlabel('Time in sec');

Problem 2 (20 pts)

Given the second order equation: 𝑥ሷ + 2𝜁𝜔𝑥ሶ + 𝜔2 𝑥 = 𝜔2 sin 5t

Where: 𝜁 = 0.1 and 𝜔 = 10 rad/s
Initial condition 𝑥ሶ 0 = 5 and 𝑥 0 = 10 m

Numerically solve this equation on the interval t = [0 10] sec:

1. Include your code (driver as well as all functions)
2. Plot position and velocity using the following script:
H = plot(Time, V,'r', Time, X,'b'); grid
grid on;
xlabel('Time in sec');

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