Assignment Listening Week 13

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Nama : Hayatin Puspa Dilah

NIM : 21019012

Short Conversation

1. Women : Could you help me with my physics homework tonight? I’m really having
trouble with it.
Man : Sorry, I’m busy tonight.

What does the men mean?

(A) He’ll be busy with her homework.
(B) He can’t help her tonight
(C) He’s sorry he can’t ever help her
(D) He’ll help her with with her physics

Grammar : Simple Present Tense

Skill : Focus on the las line

2. Man : Was Steve able to get into the house

Woman : I left the door unlocked for him.

What does the woman assume Steve did?

(A) He locked the door
(B) He tried unsuccessfully to get into the house
(C) He was able open the door
(D) He left the house without locking the door.

Grammar : Simple past tense

Skill : Focus on the last line

3. Man : Will you able to get back from running all your errands by 4:00?
Women : I’ll be back as quickly as I can?

What does the woman say that she’ll do?

(A) She’ll call back quickly
(B) She’ll definitely be back by 4:00
(C) She’ll give it back by 4:00
(D) She’ll try to return fast
Grammar : Simple present tense
Skill : Focus on the last line

4. Man : Have you seen Tim? I really need to talk with him about the phone bill.
Women : Well…He was here just a minute ago.
What does the woman say about him?
(A) She hasn’t seen him
(B) Tim was there only for a moment
(C) Tim was around a short time ago
(D) Tim will return in a minute

Grammar : Simple present tense

Skill : Focus on the last line

5. Man : What did you think of Professor Martin’s lecturer on the migratory habits of
Women : I couldn’t keep my eyes open

What does the woman mean?

(A) Her eyes hurt
(B) She thought the lecturer was great
(C) The class was boring
(D) She didn’t want to watch Professor

Grammar : Simple present tense

Skill : Expression of imagery

Long Conversation

A : I’m looking for a part-time job on campus.

B : You’ve come to the right place, the campus employment office is here just to help
students like you find jobs on campus.
A : I’m glad to hear that, because I really need to start earning some money.
B : Let me ask you some questions to help determine what kind of job would be best. First of
all how many hours a week do you want to work?
A : I need to work at least 10 hours a week, and I don’t think I can handle more than 20
hours with all the courses I’m taking.
B : And when are you free to work?
A : All of my classes are in the morning, so I can work every weekday from noon on and of
course I wouldn’t mind working on the weekends.
B : I’ll try to match you up with one of our on campus student jobs, please fill out this form
with some additional information about your skills, and leave the form with me today, then
you can call me back tomorrow and maybe I’ll have some news for you.
A : Thanks for your help.
1. What does the man want to do?
(A) Find work on campus
(B) Work in the employment office
(C) Help students find jobs
(D) Ask the woman question

2. Where does the conversation probably take place?

(A) In the library
(B) In a classroom
(C) In a campus office
(D) In an apartment

3. How many hours of work does the man want for a week?
(A) No more than ten
(B) At least twenty
(C) Not more than twenty
(D) Up to ten

4. When can the man work?

(A) Every morning
(B) Afternoons and weekends
(C) When he’s in the class
(D) Weekdays

5. What does the woman tell the man to do tomorrow?

(A) Fill out a form
(B) Give her some additional information
(C) Tell her some news
(D) Phone her

Grammar : Simple Present Tense

Skill : 5W+1H (Who,what,where,when,why,How)
Difficult Vocabulary : additional, determine


Since the National Aeronautical and Space Administration was established in 1961,
NASA has been engaged in an extensive research effort, which, in cooperation with private
industry, has transferred technology to the international marketplace. Hundreds of everyday
products can be traced back to the space mission, including cordless electrical tools, airtight
food packaging, water purification systems, and even scratch coating for eye glasses.
In addition, may advances in medical technology can be traced back to NASA
laboratories. First used to detect flaws in spacecraft, ultrasound is now standard equipment in
almost every hospital for diagnosis and assessment of injuries and disease; equipment first
used by NASA to transmit images from space to Earth is used to assist in cardiac imaging,
and lasers first used to test satellites are now used in surgical procedures. Under-the-skin
implants for the continuous infusion of drugs, and small pacemakers to regulate the heart
were originally designed to monitor the physical condition of astronauts in space.
Finally, with the help of images that were obtained during space missions, and NASA
technology, archaeologists have been able to explore the Earth. Cities lost under desert sands
have been located and rediscovered, and the sea floor has been mapped using photographs
from outer space.

1. What is the talk mainly about?

(A) Private industry
(B) Advances in medicine
(C) Space missions
(D) Technological developments

2. Which of the products listed are NOT mentioned as part of the technology development for
space missions?
(A) Contact lenses
(B) Cordless tools
(C) Food Packaging
(D) Ultrasound

3. According to the speaker, why did NASA develop medical equipment?

(A) To monitor the condition of astronauts in spacecraft.
(B) To evaluate candidates who wanted to join the space program
(C) To check the health of astronauts when they returned from space.
(D) To test spacecraft and equipment for imperfections

4. Why does the speaker mention archaeology?

(A) Archaeologists and astronauts were compared
(B) Astronauts made photograph of the earth later used by archaeologists
(C) Archaeologists have used advances in medical technology developed for astronauts
(D) Space missions and underwater missions are very similar

Grammar : Simple Past Tense

Skill : conclusion about why, what, when, where, and how
Difficult Vocabulary : Aeronautical, engaged, cordless, airtight, flaws, cardiac,
pacemakers, obtained, archaeologists

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