16 Samss 503

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Materials System Specification

16-SAMSS-503 21 May 2012

Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage
Electrical Substations Equipment Standards Committee

Saudi Aramco DeskTop Standards

Table of Contents

1 Scope............................................................ 2
2 Conflicts and Deviations............................... 2
3 References.................................................... 2
4 Information Required with Quotation............ 4
5 Definitions..................................................... 5
6 General......................................................... 7
7 Service Conditions........................................ 8
8 Rating............................................................ 8
9 Enclosure..................................................... 10
10 Conductors.................................................. 15
11 Grounding (Earthing)................................... 20
12 Switching Devices....................................... 21
13 Interlocks..................................................... 28
14 Protection, Control and Metering................. 29
15 Motor Space Heating System...................... 37
16 Accessories................................................. 37
17 Nameplates and Marking............................. 38
18 Testing and Inspection................................ 38
19 Shipping...................................................... 40

Data Schedule 1................................................ 41

Data Schedule 2................................................ 43

Previous Issue: 19 October 2008 Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Page 1 of 43
Primary contact: CARLSON RONALD WAYNE on 966-3-8809665

Copyright©Saudi Aramco 2012. All rights reserved.

Document Responsibility: Electrical Substations Equipment 16-SAMSS-503
Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

1 Scope

This Specification defines the mandatory requirements for indoor low voltage
controlgear built to either the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) or North
American (NA) based Standards.

2 Conflicts and Deviations

2.1 If there are any conflicts between this Specification and associated purchasing,
project or engineering documents, this specification shall take precedence.

2.2 Direct all requests to deviate from this Specification in writing to the Company
or Buyer Representative, who shall follow internal company waiver procedure.

2.3 The designation "Commentary" is used to label a sub-paragraph that contains

comments that are explanatory or advisory. These comments are not mandatory,
except to the extent that they explain mandatory requirements contained in this

3 References

The following is a summary of all the documents which have been mentioned within
this Specification. The specific part(s) of these documents which are applicable have
been identified throughout this Specification.

3.1 Saudi Aramco References

Saudi Aramco Materials System Specifications

16-SAMSS-502 Low Voltage Switchgear
16-SAMSS-521 Indoor Transfer Switch-Low Voltage

Saudi Aramco Inspection Requirements

Form 175-162000 Indoor Controlgear: Low Voltage

3.2 Industry Codes and Standards

American National Standards Institute

ANSI/NFPA 70 National Electrical Code
ANSI C37.13 Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit
Breakers used in Enclosures

National Electrical Manufacturers Association

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NEMA ICS 1 Industrial Control and Systems General

NEMA ICS 2 Industrial Control and Systems Controllers,
Contactors, and Overload relays rated not
more than 2000 Volts AC or 750 Volts DC
Part 1: General Requirements, Manual and
Magnetic Controllers
Part 2: AC Noncombination Magnetic Motor
Controllers, Rated 600 Volts
Part 7: Magnetic Lighting Contactors
NEMA ICS 4 Terminal Blocks for Industrial Use
NEMA ICS 5 Industrial Control and Systems Control Circuit
and Pilot Devices
Part 1: General Standards for Control-Circuit
and Pilot Devices
Part 2: Industrial Control Relays
Part 5: Pushbuttons, Selector switches, Indicating
Lights and Pushbutton Stations
NEMA 250 Enclosures for Electrical Equipment (1000 Volts
NEMA ST 1 Specialty Transformers (Except General-Purpose

Underwriters Laboratories
UL 198C High-Interrupting-Capacity Fuses, Current-
Limiting Types
UL 198D Class K Fuses
UL 198E Class R Fuses
UL 363 Knife Switches
UL 489 Molded-Case Circuit Breakers and Circuit-
Breaker Enclosures
UL 508 Industrial Control Equipment
UL 845 Motor Control Centers
UL 1087 Molded-Case Switches

International Electrotechnical Committee

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Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

IEC 60050 International Electrotechnical Vocabulary

IEC 60227 Polyvinyl Chloride Insulated Cables of Rated
Voltages Up to and Including 450/750V
IEC 60255 series Electrical Relays
IEC 60269-1 Low-Voltage Fuses
IEC 60269-2 Low-Voltage Fuses-Supplement
IEC 60269-2-1 Low-Voltage Fuses-Supplement
IEC 60439-1 Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear
Assemblies - Part 1: Requirements for Type-
Tested and Partially Type-Tested Assemblies
IEC 60529 Degrees of Protection Provided by Enclosures
IEC 60947 Low-Voltage Switchgear and Controlgear
IEC 60947-1 - Part 1: General Rules
IEC 60947-2 - Part 2: Circuit Breakers
IEC 60947-3 - Part 3: Switches, Disconnectors, Switch-
Disconnectors and Fuse-Combination Units
IEC 60947-4-1 - Part 4: Contactors and Motor-Starters.
Section One - Electromechanical Contactors
and Motor Starters
IEC 60947-5-1 - Part 5: Control Circuit Devices and Switching
Elements. Section One - Electromechanical
Control Circuit Devices
IEC 60947-7-1 - Part 7: Ancillary Equipment. Section 1 -
Terminal Blocks for Copper Conductors

4 Information Required with Quotation

The following is a list of the information which shall be supplied with the Quotation:

4.1 A detailed listing of all deviations from this standard with an explanation against
each item. In addition, written certification shall be provided that the proposed
equipment shall fully comply with all other items within this Standard.

4.2 Completed Data Schedule 2.

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Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

5 Definitions

Definitions of terms within this Specification, not covered below, shall be as per
IEC 60050.

Automatic Molded-Case Switch: Switch meeting the requirements of UL 1087 and

UL 489 and complying with the requirements of UL 489 for molded case circuit
breakers, except that the only release mechanism is a factory set and sealed
instantaneous release mechanism.
Commentary Note:

Effective October 31, 2000, UL 489 will cover both molded-case circuit breakers and
molded-case switches.

Compression connectors: Are connectors which are compressed onto the conductor
using a die and high mechanical force. The process is not reversible and the connector
becomes a permanent part of the conductor. The connector can only be removed from
the conductor by either cutting the conductor or cutting the connector.

ConC: Conventional Control. Individual switching assemblies are controlled via

multiple, independent digital circuits to the process control computer. The result is that
several individual control circuits are required for each switching assembly in the

Conductor: Applies to all material, devices and parts which are expected to carry
current as part of their normal function (e.g., cable, bus, relay contacts, terminal block
studs, etc.).

Controlgear: The complete assemblage of switching assemblies, cable entrance

compartment, main circuit disconnector, wireways, etc., as it will appear after
installation. Controlgear supplied for installation in a back-to-back configuration is
considered as two controlgear assemblies.

Discrete: Device which only performs one function. For example, a discrete voltmeter
only displays voltage.

Grounding and Earthing: are synonymous.

IntC: Intelligent Control. All switching assemblies contain intelligent devices which
are networked together. This network is connected directly to the plant process control
computer system. All necessary two-way communication to control the switching
assemblies are performed over this network. The result is that one control circuit can
control all the switching assemblies in multiple controlgear.

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Main Circuit: All the conductive parts of an assembly included in a circuit which is
intended to transmit electrical energy to the connected load.

Main Controlgear Disconnector: A device to isolate the controlgear from the main
incoming circuit.

Mechanical connectors: Connectors which are attached onto the conductor using,
generally, a standard tool. The process is reversible and the connector can be removed
from the conductor without cutting the conductor or the connector.

PEM: Parent Equipment Manufacturer. The manufacturer who designed the

equipment and who confirmed the design performance through certified design/type
tests. This manufacturer (1) has the legal authority to license the assembly of this
equipment to others (2) is responsible for the technical performance of the equipment
and (3) will be able to provide after-sales support and parts for the equipment.

Raceways: Enclosed channels for housing and protecting electric wires and cable.
This term includes rigid and flexible conduit.

Series rated protection systems: A short-circuit interrupting rating assigned to a

combination of two or more overcurrent devices connected in series and in which the
rating of individual upstream and/or downstream device(s) in the combination is less
than the series rating.

Space: Switching assembly locations which are not be equipped with a switching device
but shall be developed to accept, with no modifications other than the installation of
devices within the compartment door, a switching device suitable for a 19 kW (25 H.P.)
induction motor.

Spare: Switching assemblies which are completely developed to serve the type of load
indicated (i.e., including main switching devices, protective relaying, instrument and
control transformers, control and auxiliary circuits, etc.) and shall be ready for operation
when the feeder and control cables are connected. If the type of load is not specified,
the load shall be assumed to be a 19 kW (25 H.P.) induction motor.

Specification: The main body (i.e., sections 1 to 19) and applicable Supplement and
does not, for example, include the information contained within the Data Schedules.

Supplement: Refers to the applicable "North American Supplementary Requirements"

or "International Electrotechnical Commission Supplementary Requirements". These
supplementary requirements are throughout the Specification and presented under the
abbreviated heading of "(NA Supplement)" and "(IEC Supplement)".

Switchgear: Equipment manufactured to 16-SAMSS-502 (Low Voltage Switchgear).

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Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

Switching assembly: The assembly of switching devices and associated control and
auxiliary equipment which controls or distributes power to a single load or via a single
circuit (e.g., a motor starter is a switching assembly).

Three-wire control: Refers to a control circuit design where a contactor is maintained

in the energized position through auxiliary contact(s) in parallel with a momentary
START pushbutton and through a STOP pushbutton. These pushbuttons are remote
from the switching assembly. If the contactor coil circuit is broken, the motor can not
be restarted until the START pushbutton is operated. The three wire term designates
the minimum number of conductors which must be run to the remote location to
implement this control scheme.

Transfer Switch: Equipment manufactured to 16-SAMSS-521.

Wireway: Troughs with hinged or removable covers for housing and protecting
electric wires and cable.

6 General

6.1 Terms in bold font are defined within Section 5.

6.2 The controlgear shall also fully comply with either the "NA Supplement" or the
"IEC Supplement".

6.3 All requirements of this specification must be implemented using standard

designs which have been approved, have been fully tested and are fully
supported by the PEM.

6.4 Whenever this Specification requires compliance to a third party document (e.g.,
ANSI, UL, IEC, etc.), this document shall be the edition which was in effect on
the date of the Quotation Request.

6.5 This Specification shall take precedence over any referenced third party

6.6 The main circuit bus systems of controlgear and switchgear shall not be
connected together.

6.7 Oil switching devices shall not be used in any circuits.

6.8 Distribution/lighting panelboards or distribution/lighting transformers shall not

be installed within the controlgear.

6.9 All documentation shall be in English.

6.10 All temperatures expressed within this specification are in Celsius units.

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6.11 Adjustable Frequency Drives shall be from the manufacturer and be of the
model specified in Data Schedule 1.

(NA Supplement)

6.NA1 Clearance and creepage distances and spacings shall meet the
requirements of NEMA ICS 1.

(IEC Supplement)

6.IEC1 Clearance and creepage distances and spacings shall meet the
requirements of IEC 60947-1.

7 Service Conditions

Controlgear will be installed in an environmentally controlled, air-conditioned

environment but shall be suitable for continuous operation under the following service

7.1 Ambient air temperature

a) A maximum of 40 degrees.
b) A minimum of 0 degrees.

7.2 Relative humidity (average value)

a) For a period of 24 hours, does not exceed 75%.
b) For a period of 1 month, does not exceed 70%.

7.3 Altitude is less than 1000 meters, unless a higher altitude is specified within
Data Schedule 1.

8 Rating

8.1 The rating of the controlgear shall not be dependent on forced-air systems.

8.2 The controlgear shall be rated as follows:

8.2.1 Rated Duty: Continuous

8.2.2 Rated Current (minimum): main circuit horizontal bus: 600A

8.2.3 Rated Current (minimum): main circuit vertical bus: 300A

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Commentary Note 8.2.3:

If the controlgear design utilizes a main circuit horizontal phase bus

system centrally located in the vertical plane (i.e., a vertical bus above
and below horizontal bus), each of the two vertical bus systems shall be
rated a minimum of 150A.

8.2.4 Short Circuit interrupting rating (minimum): 25 kA rms

All the above are minimum values.

8.2.5 Rated Control Supply Voltage (maximum): 120 V

8.3 The "Continuous/Thermal Current" rating of a switching assembly shall not be

less than the current rating of the load connected to the switching assembly.

8.4 All short circuit ratings shall be based upon not having a short circuit protective
device within the main circuit of the controlgear; either integrated into the
controlgear or as a separate unit during testing. (i.e., ratings are not

(NA Supplement)
8.NA1 Rated Operational Voltage: 480 V
8.NA2 Rated maximum voltage: 575 V
8.NA3 Rated Short-Circuit Withstand Current: 25 kA rms for 3 cycles
8.NA4 Dielectric Voltage Withstand rating: 2.15 kV for 1 minute

All the above are minimum values.

(IEC Supplement)
87.IEC1 Rated Operational Voltage: 600 V
8.IEC2 Rated Insulation Voltage: 660 V
8.IEC3 Rated Prospective Short- Circuit
Withstand Current: 25 kA rms for 3 cycles
8.IEC4 Dielectric Test Voltage: 2.5 kV for 1 minute

All the above are minimum values.

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9 Enclosure

9.1 General

9.1.1 The controlgear shall be comprised of individual vertical sections

containing switching assemblies. The vertical sections shall share a
common main circuit horizontal bus, common ground bus and a
common integrated horizontal and vertical wireway system.

Horizontal and vertical wireway are not required in vertical section

containing main controlgear disconnector.

Vertical wireways are not required in the vertical portions of the vertical
section containing fixed mounted switching assemblies.(e.g. large
breakers/starters, ATSs etc)

9.1.2 All switching assemblies shall be withdrawable.


It is acceptable that switching assemblies containing a main circuit

circuit breaker rated greater than 225A, be fixed mounted.

Commentary Note 9.1.2:

This does not apply to main controlgear disconnectors since these are
not considered switching devices. Refer to Section 12 for the
requirements for main controlgear disconnectors.

9.1.3 The controlgear shall be designed to permit the switching assembly

modules to be rearranged into any possible combination, removed, or
additional switching assemblies installed into the locations identified
spare or space.
a) Without deenergizing the controlgear main circuit (except if fixed
mounted switching assemblies are involved) and
b) Without accessing the rear of the controlgear and
c) By the use of simple fasteners and tools and
d) While maintaining the protection criteria against contact with live
parts and ingress of foreign objects as indicated within the Section

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Commentary Note 9.1.3:

In order to comply with these requirements, the vertical section

area housing the switching assemblies within the controlgear
must all be the same width.

9.1.4 The controlgear shall be designed to permit the insitu installation of

vertical sections without accessing the rear of the assembly and shall be
designed to be fully operational, maintainable and expandable with
access only to the front of the assembly.

9.1.5 Roof lifting attachments/connectors shall be provided for lifting the

entire shipping.

9.1.6 Controlgear shall be provided with a minimum of one space for every
three vertical sections.

9.1.7 Space heaters shall not be installed within the assembly.

9.2 Compartments

9.2.1 As a minimum, the following shall be within separate compartments

within the controlgear (unless otherwise specified within this
specification). Separation shall be either metal or isolation material with
the characteristics below:
a) Each switching assembly.
Commentary Note:

Per the definition of "switching assembly", this prohibits, for

example, multiple feeder breakers in one compartment.

b) Incoming Main Controlgear Disconnector.

c) Controlgear horizontal and vertical wireway system. Openings
between the vertical wireway and the switching assemblies which
are required to accommodate the connection of the field cables to
the switching assembly shall be covered with removable, non-
metallic barriers. These barriers shall be designed to maintain the
protection criteria against live parts, as specified within paragraph
9.2.4, even after the field cables are installed.
d) Main circuit horizontal and vertical bus system.

9.2.2 Non-metallic isolation material shall be a high-strength, non-tracking,

low-hygroscopic, glass polyester/polycarbonate type material.

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9.2.3 Exterior compartment doors, if applicable, shall:

a) Be hinged.

It is acceptable for the horizontal wireway compartment doors not

to be hinged.

b) Allow withdrawable assemblies to be removed without door

c) Be equipped with captive hardware.

9.2.4 The controlgear shall meet the requirements of the following:

a) Under the "test conditions" indicated below it shall not be possible
for a flexible rod, having a diameter of 13 mm and a rounded tip
(radius of 0.5 times rod diameter), to contact live parts or be
inserted into any openings.

If the distance between an opening and the nearest live part is

greater than 102 mm, a rod having a diameter greater than 13 mm
shall be permitted to enter the opening but a rod having a diameter
greater than 19 mm shall not be permitted to enter the opening.

b) The term "openings" means openings between the separate

compartments indicated in paragraph 9.2.1.
c) The term "live part(s)" shall mean parts at a voltage greater than
24 V.
d) The "test conditions" shall be each of the following:
i) With any or all of the horizontal or vertical wireway
compartment doors open and any, or all, of the switching
assembly main circuit circuit breakers in the closed position,
contactor poles (if applicable) closed and the main circuit
horizontal and vertical bus system energized.
ii) With the cable compartment door open and the main circuit
horizontal and vertical bus system energized.
iii) With the main controlgear disconnector compartment door
open, the switching device in the open position and the line
side of the main controlgear disconnector energized.

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iv) With any, or all, of the switching assembly modules, or

spare, space compartment door(s) in the open position, the
associated switching device in the open position and the
main circuit horizontal and vertical bus system energized.
v) With any or all of the withdrawable switching assembly
modules removed from the controlgear, the associated
compartment door(s) in the open position and the main
circuit horizontal and vertical bus system energized.
vi) With the withdrawable main controlgear disconnector
removed from the controlgear, the associated compartment
door(s) in the open position and the main circuit supply to the
controlgear energized.
vii) With the main circuit horizontal bus de-energized and with
full access to the compartment housing the main circuit
horizontal bus.

(NA Supplement)

9.2.NA1 With all the controlgear exterior compartment doors

closed, the controlgear shall, as a minimum, meet the
requirements and test criteria for a Type 1, ventilated
enclosure as defined by NEMA 250.

(IEC Supplement)

9.2.IEC1 Internal separation of assemblies shall also meet the

requirements of Form 4 as described within IEC 60439-1.

9.2.IEC2 With all the controlgear exterior compartment doors closed,

the controlgear shall, as a minimum, meet the requirements
and test criteria for IP2X degree of protection as defined by
IEC 60529.

9.3 Wireways

9.3.1 The power, grounding, control, and communication cabling shall

enter/exit via the top and/or bottom horizontal wireway of the
controlgear as specified within Data Schedule 1 or on the Reference

9.3.2 All wireways shall be accessible from the front of each vertical section
via compartment doors.

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9.3.3 The controlgear shall have a horizontal wireway at the top and bottom
transversing the entire width of the controlgear. This wireway shall
have the following characteristics:
a) The horizontal wireway into/from which the field cables do not
i) Shall have a minimum internal height of 150 mm.
ii) Shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of 29,000 mm²
except at the vertical wireway transition point noted below.
iii) Shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of 15,000 mm² at
the transition point between vertical sections.
b) For the horizontal wireways into/from which the field cables
i) Shall have a minimum internal height of 150 mm.
ii) Shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of 50,000 mm². If
the cables are entering/exiting both the top and bottom
wireways, this minimum cross-sectional area shall apply to
the wireway where the majority of cables are expected to
Commentary a) and b):

The horizontal wireways in some controlgear designs are

two parallel wireways with access opening between. In this
case the cross section area shall be the sum of the two.

c) With the compartment door open, the dimension of the access

opening shall be a minimum of 75% of the wireway height and a
minimum of 75% of the vertical section exterior width.

9.3.4 Each vertical section shall have a vertical wireway. This wireway and
shall have the following characteristics:
a) Shall have a minimum internal width of 200 mm.
b) Shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of 40,000 mm².
c) Shall have a minimum cross-sectional area of 20,000 mm² at the
transition point between the vertical and horizontal wireways or at
the barriers that are used protect the terminal blocks.
d) With the compartment door open, width of the access opening shall
be a minimum of 75% of the wireway width and a minimum of

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90% of the wireway height (this height does not include the top
and bottom horizontal wireway).
e) The wireway adjacent to withdrawable switching assemblies shall
interconnect the top and bottom horizontal wireways.

9.3.5 No devices (e.g., circuit breakers, etc.), terminations or terminal blocks

are allowed within the wireways or mounted on the wireway
compartment doors with the following exceptions:

Power and control terminal blocks directly associated with the switching
assemblies (refer to paragraph 10.3.11) may be installed within the
vertical wireway immediately adjacent to the switching assembly.

9.4 Painting & Coatings

9.4.1 All unpainted hardware shall be of a non-oxidizing or non-corrosive

material (e.g., stainless steel, brass, etc.) or shall be plated with a
material which will inhibit oxidation and corrosion (e.g., zinc, cadmium,
chromium, etc.)

9.4.2 The exterior of the controlgear shall be of a uniform color. The color
shall be the manufacturers standard except that the colors red, green,
yellow, orange or blue shall not be used.

10 Conductors

10.1 General

10.1.1 Controlgear shall not be equipped with a neutral bus system.

10.1.2 Phase arrangement of bus and connections shall be 1, 2, 3, counting

from front-to-back, top-to-bottom, or left-to-right, as viewed from the
front of the switching assembly.

10.1.3 Controlgear supplied in a back-to-back configuration shall consist of

two separate assemblies utilizing an independent main circuit
horizontal bus system, vertical and ground bus system. Whether or not
the main circuit horizontal bus of the two assemblies is interconnected
shall be as indicated on the Reference Drawings. If interconnected, the
two main circuit horizontal busses and the ground busses shall be
interconnected to achieve an electrically continuous circuit. (Refer to
paragraph 10.2.2).
Exception 10.1.3:

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Extension of existing back-to-back utilizing common horizontal bus.

10.1.4 Each vertical section shall include a main circuit vertical bus system
to accept withdrawable switching assemblies. This bus shall have the
following characteristics:
a) Shall transverse the entire height of the controlgear.

The sections that have fixed mounted switching assemblies.

b) Shall not extend into the horizontal wireways.

c) Shall have the same ampacity rating throughout.
d) All vertical busses within the controlgear vertical sections that
contain withdrawable switching assemblies, shall have the same
e) The vertical bus connections to the horizontal bus system shall be
by bolted connections.
f) Each phase shall be fully isolated from each other.

10.1.5 The controlgear shall be equipped with a main circuit horizontal bus
and ground bus extending the full width of the assembly. All
connections shall be via bolted connections and all necessary hardware
to interconnect the bus between shipping splits shall be supplied.

10.1.6 The main circuit horizontal bus system and ground bus system serving
multiple vertical sections shall each have the same ampacity rating

10.1.7 If vertical ground busses are specified within Data Schedule 1, each
vertical section shall be equipped with a vertical ground bus to allow
the termination of load cable ground conductors within or immediately
adjacent to the switching assembly. This bus may be either in the
vertical wireway or with the main circuit vertical busses.
a) If located within the wireway, the bus shall be pre-drilled by the
Supplier to accommodate a field installed, single hole connector
for each of the maximum possible number of switching
assemblies within the vertical section.
b) If located with the main circuit vertical busses, the switching
assembly shall include a terminal, which is in direct electrical
contact with the ground bus when the switching assembly is in

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the connected position. This terminal shall accommodate a field

installed, single hole connector.

10.1.8 The withdrawable switching assembly main circuit stab assembly

and conductors between the stab assembly and the main circuit circuit
breaker shall have an ampacity rating which will accommodate the
largest breaker which can be applied within the switching assembly.

10.2 Material

10.2.1 All conductors shall be copper, silver or alloys of these materials with
the following exceptions:
Exceptions 10.2.1:

a) Parts which are internal to a pre-manufactured device (e.g., internals of

contactor, circuit breaker, etc.).

b) Connectors supplied as integral parts or components of manufactured

equipment such as molded case circuit breakers provided the
connectors are approved for copper conductors.

c) Plating of a non-copper, or silver or copper/silver alloyductor material is


10.2.2 The main circuit horizontal bus, main circuit vertical bus and ground
bus shall be of rigid material. Cable shall not be used as a substitute
for rigid bus material including transition circuits to other controlgear
(e.g., to interconnect main circuit bus between back-to-back
controlgear assemblies; refer to paragraph 10.1.2).
Commentary Note 10.2.2:

Cable is allowed for taps off the main bus system (e.g., connection to
the primary of PTs or control transformers, connection to fixed mounted
switching assemblies, etc.)

10.2.3 Bus mating surfaces shall be silver or tin-plated.

10.2.4 Mating surfaces, within the main circuit, between the stationary and
movable stab assemblies of the withdrawable main controlgear
disconnector shall be silver plated.

10.2.5 Bus stand-off insulators or insulating/isolating material shall be either

ceramic or other low-hygroscopic, high-temperature, flame-retardant,
non-tracking material.

10.2.6 All insulated wire/cable shall have the following characteristics:

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Wire/cable which is internal to a pre-manufactured device (e.g.,

internals of contactor, circuit breaker, protective relays, etc.).

a) Conductors shall consist of a minimum of 7 strands of copper

b) Minimum conductor size shall be the following:
i) 2.5 mm² or 14 AWG for conductors connected to the main
ii) 1.5 mm² or 16 AWG for all other conductors.
c) Primary insulation shall:
i) Have a minimum rating of 600 V, phase-to-earth.
ii) Have a minimum continuous operating temperature rating
of 75°.
iii) Be a minimum thickness of 0.38 mm (15 mils).
iv) Be of thermoplastic or cross-linked synthetic polymer
v) Be of flame retardant construction.
d) Insulation color shall be as follows:
i) Ground/earth: Solid green or green/yellow striped.
ii) Neutral: White or gray.

10.2.7 Insulated wire/cable insulation temperature rating and ampacity shall

be selected to match the temperature rating of the devices to which the
wire/cable is terminated.

(NA Supplement)

10.2.NA1 Wiring shall be ANSI/NFPA 70; Type SIS, XHHW or


(IEC Supplement)

10.2IEC1 Low voltage wiring shall be 85° rated meeting the

requirements of IEC 60227.

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10.3 Terminations

10.3.1 Whether the Supplier supplies the main circuit bus or ground bus
connectors or whether they are field supplied shall be as indicated on
Data Schedule 1.

10.3.2 Conductors shall be terminated using compression connectors or

ferrules as specified below. For CT secondary circuits, the
connector/termination design shall ensure the termination will not
come off of a loose connection (e.g., ring lugs on a stud, spring loaded
terminal block with hooked blade terminals, etc.).

Terminations to integral parts or components of manufactured

equipment (e.g., molded case circuit breakers, contactors, switches,

10.3.4 The size and number of main circuit supply conductors shall be as
indicated within Data Schedule 1.

10.3.5 Each wire/cable shall be identified with a wire/cable marker at each

termination point. The marking system shall be as follows:
a) The number/identifier for each wire/cable shall be unique within
each switching assembly.
b) A portion of the number/identifier shall be identical at each end
of the wire/cable.
c) Wire/cable markers shall have permanently printed characters.
d) Shall be thermoplastic, slip-on type. Snap-on and adhesive type
markers are prohibited.
e) Correspond to the manufacturer's drawings.

10.3.6 Shorting type terminal blocks shall be provided for current transformer

10.3.7 Low voltage circuit terminal blocks used to terminate the field cables
to the controlgear shall have the following characteristics:
a) Operational voltage rating shall be a minimum of 250 V.
b) Continuous current rating shall be a minimum of 10A.
c) Be either panel, rail or open mounted.
d) Be rated for 75°.

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Terminal blocks for low level signals (e.g., digital communication,

analog or digital instrumentation signals, etc.).

10.3.8 There shall be a maximum of two (2) connectors per termination point
and only if the termination point is approved for two (2) connectors by
the manufacturer.

10.3.9 Where compression connectors or compression ferrules are used,

there shall be a maximum of one (1) conductor per connector/ferrule.

10.3.10 Where mechanical connectors are used, each conductor shall be

secured within the connector with a dedicated, independent screw/bolt.
(e.g., two conductors secured within the connector with a single bolt is

10.3.11 Termination of the field main load circuit and control/auxiliary cables
to the switching assemblies shall be as follows:
a) Main circuit cables
To terminal blocks or directly to the switching device terminals.
b) Control/auxiliary cables
To terminal blocks.

10.3.12 Terminal blocks for each switching assembly shall be either:

a) Within the switching assembly or
b) Within the vertical wireway immediately adjacent to the
switching assembly.

(NA Supplement)

10.3.NA1 Terminal blocks shall also meet the requirements of


(IEC Supplement)

10.3.IEC1 Terminal blocks shall also meet the requirements of

IEC 60947-7-1.

11 Grounding (Earthing)

Refer to Section 10 for the requirements of the controlgear ground conductor system.

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12 Switching Devices

12.1 General

12.1.1. A circuit breaker or automatic molded-case switch shall be used to

protect the feeder to a fire pump controller.

12.1.2 All main circuit switches and main circuit circuit breakers shall have
the following characteristics:
a) If the switching assembly has an exterior door, be manually
operable only with the door in the closed, secured position. Note
that this is conditional upon the mechanical interlocking
described within section 13.
b) The center of the grip of the operating handle shall be a
maximum of 2000 mm from the base of the controlgear or the
working surface.
c) The operating handle shall be directly mechanically connected to
the switch/circuit breaker irrespective of the position of any
compartment doors/covers.
d) The operating handle shall be padlockable in the OPEN
(switched off) position.
e) It shall not be necessary to remove the padlock(s) from the
operating handle to open or close the associated compartment
Commentary Notes 12.1.2c), d) and e):

One result of meeting these three requirements is that the

padlocking of the operating handle in the OPEN position will
mechanically prevent switch/circuit breaker operation irrespective
of the position of any of the compartment doors or covers.

f) There shall be external indication to show the operating handle

position (e.g., "ON" or "OFF", "CLOSED" or "OPEN", "I" or
g) When the switch/circuit breaker is in the OPEN position, the only
voltage present inside the switching assembly shall be at the
incoming terminals of the switch/circuit breaker.
h) Switching devices which are required to be withdrawable shall
meet the following requirements:

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i) The stationary circuit terminals be self-supported within the

ii) Shall be interlocked as indicated in section 13.
i) Rated Making and Breaking Capacity shall not be less than the
Operational rating of the switching device.
j) Shall not be mounted on the compartment door.

12.1.3 When a "Main Controlgear Disconnector" has been specified in Data

Schedule 1, it shall function to isolate the controlgear from the main
incoming circuit. This device shall have the following additional
a) Shall be a withdrawable circuit breaker.
b) The controlgear shall not have more than one main controlgear
c) Have a continuous rating not less than the rating of the
controlgear main circuit bus.
d) For the purposes of testing (refer to section 17), shall not be, or
considered to be, a short circuit protective device.
e) The switch or circuit breaker and supporting structure shall be
constructed so that it can be moved to either the main circuit
connected or disconnected position without the necessity of
removing connections or mounting supports.
f) If a circuit breaker is used, it shall not be equipped with
instantaneous ground fault protection.

12.2 Switches

12.2.1 Shall only be used for either:

a) a main controlgear disconnector as described above or
b) a feed for a firewater pump controller.

12.2.2 The operating mechanism shall be independent manual operation.

12.2.3 Make and break rating (minimum): 150% of rated current.

(NA Supplement)

12.2.NA1 Switches shall meet the following additional requirements:

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a) Switches shall also meet the requirements of either UL 363

(Knife type), UL 1087 (Molded case switches) or UL 977 (Fused
power circuit devices).
Commentary Note:

Note that knife switches per UL 363 are only load-break rated if
rated at 600A or less.

b) Rated Insulation Voltage (minimum): 600 V.

c) Rated Short-Time Withstand Current (minimum): 25 kA for 3

(IEC Supplement)

12.2.IEC1 Switches shall meet the following additional

a) Meet the requirements of IEC 60947-3.
b) Utilization Category (minimum): AC 21, Suffix A or B.
c) Rated Insulation Voltage (minimum): 660 V.
d) Short Circuit Withstand (minimum): 25 kA for 3 cycles.

12.3 Circuit Breakers

12.3.1 A circuit-breaker shall be supplied, as part of each switching

assembly, which will isolate each switching assembly from the
controlgear main circuit.

12.3.2 Shall have the following additional characteristics:

a) Trip elements shall be either electromechanical or solid-state.
b) Be trip-free.
c) Devices associated with circuit breakers, which provide a current
limiting feature, shall have the following characteristics:
i) Shall be approved for use by the circuit breaker
ii) If dependent upon non-renewable devices (e.g., fuses,
fusible links or current limiter attachments), the design shall
be such that:

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1) The non-renewable device can only be replaced by an

identical or similar unit having the same interrupting
2) Faults which are interrupted by the non-renewable
device shall also open the circuit breaker to prevent
single phasing.
3) The circuit breaker poles can not be closed if any or
all of the interrupters have operated.
Commentary Note 12.3.2c)ii):

That externally mounted current limiter attachments do not

generally meet this requirement.

d) Circuit breakers within switching assemblies shall be of molded-

case construction.
e) The operating mechanism shall be stored energy with the
following characteristics:
i) Energy storage shall be via springs.
ii) A manual energy release shall be provided for circuit
breakers used as main circuit disconnectors.
iii) An integrated release, shunt release, or both shall be
provided if specified within the purchasing documents.
f) Within the withdrawable switching assembly, circuit breakers
shall be fixed mounted.
g) Terminations shall be accessible with the breaker installed.
h) Terminations shall be suitable to accept the connectors indicated
within section 10.3.

12.3.3 Circuit breakers within switching assemblies shall have a short circuit
rating not less than that of the complete controlgear with the following
Exception 12.3.3:

Breakers which do not have an independent rating (e.g., magnetic only

circuit breakers, motor short circuit protectors) are acceptable

i) The controlgear manufacturer provides Certified Test

Reports/Certificates, with the Quotation (refer to Section 4),

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indicating that the switching assembly has been tested as a

complete unit and is rated to at least the short circuit rating of the

ii) Each switching assembly unit shall be labeled by the

controlgear manufacturer, in a conspicuous location, with the
conditions of the switching assembly rating (e.g., the make and
model of circuit breaker which must be used).

12.3.4 As indicated in paragraph 14.1.6, circuit breakers rated as part of a

series rated protection system are not acceptable.

(NA Supplement)

12.3.NA1 Circuit-breakers shall have the following additional

a) Be designed and tested to meet the requirements UL 489.

Exception is that for the main controlgear disconnector, power

circuit breakers designed and tested to meet ANSI C37.13 is also

Switchboard construction is acceptable.

b) Rated Insulation Voltage (minimum): 600 V.

c) Frame size minimum: 100A.
maximum: 600A (for circuit breakers within
switching assemblies).
Exception 12.3.NA1 c):

Circuit breakers rated greater than 600A are acceptable if they

are specified to feed firewater pump motor controllers.

d) Rated Short Circuit Breaking Capacity (minimum):

i) For circuit breakers in, or connected to, the main circuit:
25 kA.
ii) For circuit breakers in auxiliary circuits: 10 Ka.
e) Rated Short-Time Withstand Current (minimum):

For breaker used as main circuit disconnector: 25 kA for 3

cycles second.

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(IEC Supplement)

12.3.IEC1 Circuit breakers shall have the following additional

a) Meet the requirements of IEC 60947-2.
b) Rated Insulation Voltage (minimum): 660 V
c) Rated Operational Voltage (minimum): 600 V
d) Utilization Category:
i) For circuit breaker used as main circuit disconnector: B
ii) All others: A or B
e) Rated Uninterrupted Current (maximum): 630A (for circuit
breakers within switching assemblies).
Exception 12.3.IEC1 e):

Circuit breakers rated greater than 600A are acceptable if they

are specified to feed firewater pump motor controllers.

f) Rated Ultimate Short Circuit Breaking Capacity (minimum):

i) or circuit breakers in the main circuit: 25 kA
ii) For circuit breakers in auxiliary circuits: 10 kA
g) Short Circuit Withstand (minimum):

For breaker used as main circuit disconnector: 25 kA for 3


12.4 Contactors

12.4.1 Main circuit contactors shall have the following characteristics:

a) Be a mechanical switching device.
b) Be electrically operated.
c) Be magnetically held.
d) Have field replaceable: coils, main circuit contacts and auxiliary
e) Be equipped with a minimum of one spare normally-open and
one spare normally-closed auxiliary contact.

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f) Allow additional auxiliary contacts be added by the Buyer.

g) Poles shall disconnect all phase conductors of the load circuit.
h) Coil shall operate at a maximum voltage of 120 VAC.

For starters size 5 and above it is acceptable to have the coil

operates at line voltage.

12.4.2 Where specified within the engineering documents, switching

assemblies for motors 0.75 kW/1.0 H.P or less may be manual devices.
Otherwise, all switching assemblies for motors shall utilize contactors.

12.4.3 The contactor drop-out voltage shall not be greater than 75 of the rated
voltage of the contactor coil which is holding the main contacts closed.

12.4.4 The contactor coil shall withstand 110% of rated voltage continuously,
without damage to operating coils, and close successfully at 85% of
rated voltage.

(NA Supplement)

12.4.NA1 Shall be Class A Controllers and shall also meet the

general requirements of NEMA ICS 2, Part 1 and UL 508.

12.4.NA2 Shall be a minimum of Size 1.

12.4.NA3 Contactors employed as switching devices for induction

motors shall also comply with NEMA ICS 2, Part 2.

12.4.NA4 Contactors employed as switching devices for lighting

shall also comply with NEMA ICS 2, Part 7.

12.4.NA5 All auxiliary contacts shall be heavy-duty, minimum

A600 and/or P600 rating per NEMA ICS 5, Part 1.

(IEC Supplement)

12.4.IEC1 Shall also be designed and rated in accordance with

IEC 60947-4-1.

12.4.IEC2 Shall be AC-4 rated.

12.4.IEC3 Rated Insulation Voltage shall be a minimum of 660 VAC.

12.4.IEC4 Shall be rated for Uninterrupted duty.

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12.4.IEC5 Rated Operational Current shall be a minimum of 24A.

12.4.IEC6 All auxiliary contacts shall have the following

a) Meet the requirements of IEC 60947-5-1.
b) Shall have a minimum Rated Insulation Voltage of
660 VAC/VDC.
c) Shall have a minimum Rated Operational Voltage of
600 VAC/VDC.
d) Shall have a minimum Rated Operational Current of
e) Utilization Category of the switching elements shall
be a minimum of AC-13/DC-13.

12.4.IEC7 Contactors for motor service shall be selected based upon

the following:
a) On the assumption that all motors operate under
90% AC-3 duty and 10% AC-4 duty.
b) Under the above conditions, the endurance of the
main contacts shall be a minimum of 50,000
make/break operations.

12.5 Transfer Switches

12.5.1 Transfer switches shall fully meet the requirements of 16-SAMSS-521.

12.5.2 Refer to Data Schedule 1 for transfer switch acceptable manufacturers

and models.

13 Interlocks

Mechanical interlocks shall be provided to prevent:

13.1 The switching assembly modules or main controlgear disconnector

compartment door from being opened if the switch-disconnector or circuit
breaker operating handle is in the closed position. This interlock shall be
defeatable with the use of a tool (i.e., screw-driver, wrench, etc.) and two
separate operations.

13.2 The switch-disconnector or circuit breaker operating handle from being closed
unless the compartment door is in the closed, secured position. This interlock
shall be defeatable with two separate operations.

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13.3 If the main controlgear disconnector is withdrawable: The main controlgear

disconnector main contacts from being closed when the switch or circuit
breaker isolation contacts are between the fully connected and the fully
disconnected position.

13.4 The withdrawable switching assembly modules or main controlgear

disconnector from being withdrawn or inserted if it's associated operating
handle is in the closed position.

14 Protection, Control and Metering

14.1 General

14.1.1 Controlgear control type (IntC or ConC) shall be as indicated in Data

Schedule 1. The controlgear control/communicaton shall function in
the following manner:
a) If IntC
i) All switching assemblies in the controlgear that the
engineering documents require to be controlled or
monitored remotely, shall be networked.together.
ii) Networking shall be with a "daisy chain" topology.
Connection to switching assemblies shall be via connectors
that allow easy switching assembly disconnection/removal
without network disruption.
iii) If the network trunk and drop lines are installed in the
horizontal and vertical wireways, they shall be physically
isolated prevent damage from other cables in the wireways.
iv) If all switching assemblies in the controlgear are on one
network, system topology shall support redundant trunk
cables to the buyers DCS I/O portal.
v) Communication topology between controlgear and owner
communication network shall be as indicated in Data
Schedule 1. Maximum switching assemblies per topology
type shall be as follows:
1) If redundant loop topology: 50.
2) If radial topology: 20.
vi) Switching assembles for the operating and
standby/redundant/spare loads shall not be on the same

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radial or loop service.

vii) No intermediate protocol translator shall be installed in the
main trunk communication circuit between the controlgear
and the owner communication network.
viii) Communication protocol type shall be as specified on Data
Schedule 1.
b) If ConC:

All switching assemblies in the controlgear that the engineering

documents require to be controlled or monitored remotely, shall
be controlled by the owner by discrete powered and/or
unpowered digital signals per the engineering documents.

14.1.2 All control, metering and protection devices, with manual features
which are operable with the compartment doors closed, (e.g., selector
switches, pushbuttons, protective relays, etc.) and shall be mounted a
maximum of 2000 mm from the base of the vertical section.

14.1.3 Switching assemblies controlling motors shall be factory wired to

accommodate the installation of a field STOP/OFF device. This design
shall function as follows:

a) The design shall accommodate the STOP/OFF device being

hardwired between the control transformer and the contactor.
Only electro-mechanical switching devices (i.e., not solid-state)
are permitted within this hardwired circuit.
Commentary Note:

This requirement prohibits the field STOP device from being

connected into a solid-state motor protection relays
independently from the contactor circuit (as is typically suggested
by the relay manufacturers).

b) The activation of a STOP/OFF device (e.g., STOP

pushbutton/switch, overload contact, relay contact, etc.) shall
instantaneously open the contactor poles.

14.1.4 If an auto-restart feature is specified in the engineering documents for

switching assemblies controlling motor loads with a "three-wire" style
control scheme, it shall function in the following manner:
a) If the contactor poles were closed and then opened because of an
undervoltage/voltage loss of the switching assembly control

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power system, the contactor will instantaneously reclose if the

control voltage is restored to it's nominal value within a manually
adjustable period of approximately 0 to 5 seconds.
b) If control power is not restored within the above time period, the
contactor closing must be initiated manually once control voltage
is restored.
c) If the contactor was closed and then opening was initiated while
control voltage was present at it's nominal value, the contactor
poles shall open instantaneously and must be manually reclosed.
d) If the contactor is open and control voltage is at it's nominal
value, the activation of the START pushbutton shall
instantaneously close the contactor poles.

14.1.5 Control schemes which are designed to keep the main circuit
contactor poles closed for a time period during a main circuit voltage
dip/loss, shall not be used.

14.1.6 Series rated protection systems are not acceptable.

Commentary Note:

Note that Paragraph 12.3.3 accepts the use of non-rated magnetic only
breakers under certain conditions.

14.1.7 There shall be total discrimination between the main controlgear

disconnector and the switching assembly main circuit circuit

(NA Supplement)

14.1.NA1 All pilot devices shall meet the requirements of NEMA

ICS 5, Part 5 and shall have the following characteristics:
a) Pilot devices shall be as per NEMA 250.
b) Contact ratings shall be a minimum of A600/P600.
(IEC Supplement)

14.1.IEC1 All control circuit devices and switching elements shall

have the following characteristics:
a) Meet the requirements of IEC 60947-5-1.
b) Manually operated control circuit device actuators
shall be IP 66/65 as per IEC 60529.

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c) Shall have a minimum Rated Insulation Voltage of

660 VAC/VDC.
d) Shall have a minimum Rated Operational Voltage of
600 VAC/VDC.
e) Shall have a minimum Rated Operational Current of
f) Utilization Category of the switching elements shall
be a minimum of AC-13/DC-13.

14.2 Fuses

14.2.1 Fuses shall not be used in the main circuit with the following

a) If the main circuit disconnector is a switch and fuses are required by

the switch manufacturer.

b) If used to provide the current limiting function as part of a circuit

breaker. Refer to paragraph 12.3.2 for restrictions.

14.2.2 All fuses shall have the following characteristics:

a) Be of the non-renewable type.
b) Fuse body shall not be of glass.
c) Rated a minimum of 240 V.

14.2.3 Fuses shall be replaceable without having to remove or disassemble

other devices within the switching assembly.

(NA Supplement)

14.2.NA1 Fuses supplied within, or connected to the main circuit

shall meet the requirements of UL 198C.

14.2.NA2 Fuses supplied with the control or auxiliary circuits shall

have the following characteristics:
a) Shall meet the requirements of UL 198C, UL 198D
or UL 198E.
b) Shall be cartridge type fuses of the ferrule-type

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(IEC Supplement)

14.2.IEC1 Fuses shall be meet the requirements of IEC 60269-1,

IEC 60269-2 and IEC 60269-2-1.

14.2.IEC2 Fuses supplied within, or connected to the main circuit

shall be current limiting.

14.2.IEC3 Fuses supplied with the control or auxiliary circuits shall

be of the "cylindrical cap" design as described within
IEC 60269-2-1.

14.3 Protective Relaying

14.3.1 If the switching assembly is feeding a motor, the following minimum

protective relaying functions shall be provided:
a) All motors:
i) Overload.
ii) Instantaneous Overcurrent
Commentary Note 14.3.1a)i):

A combination thermal/magnetic breaker is acceptable.

b) Additional protection for submersible pump motors:

As recommended by the submersible pump motor manufacturer.

14.3.2 The type of protective devices/relays used to implement the above

protective functions shall be any product compatible and supported by
the PEM.

14.3.3 Devices which provide the overload function shall have the following
a) An overload on any of the three phase conductors shall open the
main circuit to the motor.
b) Trip characteristics shall be automatically ambient compensated.
c) Class 20 trip class. If specified for specialized applications (e.g.,
submersible motors, hermetic motors, etc.) or where specifically
recommended by the motor manufacturer, Class 10 or 30 trip
class is acceptable.

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d) Be manually resettable with the switching assembly

compartment door closed.
e) Trip setting be either:
i) Adjustable over a minimum range of 90% to 110%. The
overload device shall be selected so the required setting
shall be at the midpoint of the operating range (i.e., 100%
± 10%).
ii) Have interchangeable heating elements.
f) For manually controlled motors 0.75 kW (1.0 HP) or less, it is
acceptable that the overload function be provided by a thermal-
magnetic circuit breaker.
g) Be trip free.
h) Trip indication should be provided on the exterior of the
switching assembly compartment door shall be functional after
the switching assembly has interrupted the circuit.

14.3.5 The phase overcurrent function shall be provided by the switching

assembly circuit breaker. Characteristics shall be as indicated in
section 12.3.

14.3.6 All protective devices shall be either self-powered, or be powered from

within the switching assembly on the load side of the main circuit
circuit breaker.

(NA Supplement)

14.3.NA1 Overload relays shall be designed and tested per UL 508.

(IEC Supplement)

14.3.IEC1 Overload relays shall be designed and tested per IEC


14.4 Instrument and Control Transformers

14.4.1 Control/auxiliary power for each switching assembly shall be

provided by an individual control transformer. This transformer shall
supply all control power and power for the auxiliary devices and shall
have the following characteristics:
a) Based upon Rated System Voltage of 480 VAC and the Rated
Control Circuit Voltage of 120 VAC, the winding ratio shall be

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4 to 1.
b) The primary winding shall have a minimum Rated Insulation
Voltage of 600 VAC.
c) The secondary voltage shall be maintained between 105% and
95% of 120 VAC (i.e., the Rated Control Supply Voltage)
between the conditions of:
i) An open circuit of the transformer secondary and
ii) The transformer supplying the peak inrush current of the
control circuit.

14.4.2 The ungrounded secondary conductor of voltage and control

transformers shall be provided with a fuse or circuit breaker in each

14.4.3 All phase current transformers within each switching assembly shall
be identical in all characteristics.

14.4.4 The rated burden of all instrument, control and voltage transformers
shall be a minimum of 125% of the load burden.

(NA Supplement)

14.4.NA1 Control circuit transformers shall comply with the

"Control Transformer" or "Industrial Control
Transformer" requirements within NEMA ST 1.

14.5 Indicating Lights

14.5.1 Indicating lights shall have the following characteristics:

a) Fixture design shall be able to withstand the continuous shorting
out of the lamp terminals. Under these conditions, the associated
switching assembly shall function normally.
b) Lamp shall be high density LED (Light Emitting Diode) type.
LED lamps shall provide a light intensity similar to a
incandescent fixture.

14.5.2 Individual indicating lights shall be semi-flush mounted on the

compartment door for each switching assemblies employing
contactors. They shall be red "RUNNING", "ON" or "I" and green
"STOPPED", "OFF" or "O". These lights shall be controlled through
the contactor auxiliary contacts.

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14.6 Control Switches/Pushbuttons

Pushbuttons shall be guarded, recessed or constructed in such a manner as to

prevent accidental actuation.

14.7 Meters

14.7.1 Discrete meters shall not be provided within individual switching


14.7.2 Main incoming amperage and voltage metering shall be provided for
each controlgear assembly or for each back-to-back controlgear
assembly. This metering shall have the following requirements:

Discrete voltmeter(s) with the following characteristics:

i) Shall display a voltage indication on at least one phase. .
ii) If operated through a selector switch, switch shall not have an
'OFF' position. (i.e. there will not be a situation where the main
incoming circuit is energized and the meter is not reading
iii) These meters shall not require control power to function.
iv) If a main controlgear disconnector is used, voltage shall be
measured on the load side of the disconnector.

14.7.3 Discrete metering systems shall have the following characteristics:

a) 2% or better full scale accuracy.
b) Minimum overload capacity of:
i) 1.2 times measurement range continuously.
ii) Ammeters: 10 times measurement range for 5 seconds.
iii) Voltmeters: 2 times measurement range for 1 second.
c) Voltmeter/voltage input rating shall not be greater than 150 V.
d) Ammeter/amperage input rating shall not be greater than 25 A.

14.8 Control and Auxiliary Relays

All relays shall have the following additional characteristics:

a) Either convertible contact construction (i.e., contacts can be changed from
normally open to normally closed and vice versa in the field) or universal

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Document Responsibility: Electrical Substations Equipment 16-SAMSS-503
Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

contact construction (i.e., a fixed contact construction in which the pole

has both normally open and normally closed contacts but in which only
one or the other mode is usually used).
b) Terminals shall be accessible from the front of the relay.

(NA Supplement)

14.8.NA1 All relays which interface with the field cabling shall meet
the requirements of NEMA ICS 5, Part 2 for Control Relays
and contact ratings shall be a minimum of A600/P600.

(IEC Supplement)

14.8.IEC1 All electrical relays which interface with the Buyer's field
cabling shall have the following characteristics:
a) Meet the requirements of the IEC 60255 series of
b) Shall have a minimum Rated Insulation Voltage of
660 VAC/VDC.
c) Shall have a minimum Rated Operational Voltage of
600 VAC/VDC.
d) Shall have a minimum Rated Operational Current of
e) The "Limited Making Capacity" of the contacts shall be
a minimum of 7200 VA, AC and 120 VA, DC.
f) The "Limited Breaking Capacity" of the contacts shall
be a minimum of 720 VA, AC and 120 VA, DC.

15 Motor Space Heating System

Within switching assemblies for all motors 75 kW (100 HP) and larger, and all other
motors where the engineering documents indicate motor space heaters are installed, a
contact shall be wired to a terminal block in the low voltage compartment for the buyer
connection to the 24 VAC control circuit of a remotely mounted motor space heater
contactor. Contact shall be closed when the main circuit contactor is deenergized.

16 Accessories

A complete set of special tools, which is required for controlgear maintenance, shall be
provided for each group of assemblies within a substation.

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Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

17 Nameplates and Marking

17.1 White nameplates with black lettering shall be provided to identify the
controlgear with the tag number indicated within Data Schedule 1.

17.2 The controlgear manufacturer's shop order number, date, and catalog
designation shall be indicated on the controlgear nameplate in addition to the
nameplate information required by the Standards indicated within the

17.3 Warning nameplates shall be provided on each compartment door in which an

external voltage source (i.e., a voltage source which is not derived from within
the switching assembly) is terminated, reading: "CAUTION - THIS UNIT
be engraved laminated plastic with white characters on a red background and
shall be written in both Arabic and English. If specified within the Data
Schedule 1, or the purchasing documents, the Arabic nameplates may be
supplied in the field by the installation contractor.

17.4 Manual trip devices shall be labeled: "Manual/Emergency Trip".

17.5 Motor switching assemblies utilizing instantaneous circuit breakers shall be

marked as indicated in section 12.

(NA Supplement)

17.NA1 Controlgear marking shall also meet the requirements of UL 845.

(IEC Supplement)

17.IEC1 Controlgear marking shall also meet the requirements of

IEC 60947-1.

18 Testing and Inspection

The inspection requirements presented within SA form 175-162000 shall be followed.

(NA Supplement)

18.NA1 The controlgear shall meet all the requirements of the following:
a) "Design Tests" (i.e., performed on representative assemblies):

The following tests presented within UL 845:

1) Short-Circuit Withstand tests: Horizontal Common Power Bus
and Vertical Bus extension.

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Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

2) Short-Circuit Interrupting testing: Combination Motor Control

Unit and Feeder tap Unit.
3) Calibration Tests.
4) Temperature Tests.
5) Dielectric Voltage Withstand Tests.
6) Short Circuit Tests.
7) Short Circuit Test at Reduced Voltage.
b) "Production Tests" (i.e., tests shall be performed on each controlgear
unit at the controlgear manufacturer's premises):
1) Dielectric Voltage Withstand Test per the requirements of UL 845.
2) The above "Production Test" results shall be submitted to the
Buyer prior to the delivery of the equipment:

(IEC Supplement)

18.IEC1 Short circuit withstand strength shall be verified by

tests. Testing shall assume that there is no short
circuit protective device (SCPD) within the

18.IEC2 Equipment shall be fully type tested (TTA). Partially

type tested (PTTA) equipment is not acceptable.

18.IEC3 The controlgear shall meet all the requirements of the

following tests presented within IEC 60439-1:
a) "Type Tests":
i) Verification of Temperature-rise limits.
ii) Verification of the Dielectric properties.
iii) Verification of the Short-Circuit strength.
iv) Verification of the Continuity of protective
v) Verification of clearances and creepage
vi) Verification of mechanical operation.
vii) Verification of degree of protection.

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Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

b) "Routine Tests": The following tests shall be

performed, at the controlgear manufacturer's
premises, on each switching assembly:
i) Inspection of controlgear including
inspection of wiring and electrical
operation test.
ii) Dielectric test.
iii) Checking of protective measures and the
electrical continuity of the protective

The above "Routine Test" results shall be

submitted to the Buyer prior to the delivery of
the equipment.

18.IEC4 Type tests and routine tests for devices or self-

contained components incorporated into the
controlgear shall conform with their relevant IEC

19 Shipping

Equipment shall be shipped completely assembled whenever possible. Large

assemblies may be divided into reasonable sections (i.e., shipping splits) to facilitate
handling during transportation and installation. All hardware shall be included to
completely assemble the controlgear.

Revision Summary
21 May 2007 Major revision.
27 August 2007 Editorial revision to add Exception Note under paragraph 12.4.1(h).
19 October 2008 Editorial revision to replace Electrical Substations Equipment Standards Committee
Chairman and Vice Chairman.
21 May 2012 Editorial revision to update the next planned update and the primary contact.

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Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

Data Schedule 1
16-SAMSS-503, Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage
(Information to be supplied to Supplier)
Line #

1 Buyer's Quotation Request/ Purchase Order No. _______________________________

2 Buyer's B.I./J.O. No.___________, Line Item No. _______________

3 Controlgear Tag No. ______________________________________

15 Stand-alone assembly ____ or. ____

16 For attachment to existing controlgear/ _______:

17 Details:

Service information:

25 As indicated on the attached reference documents ___ or.

26 System frequency: 60 Hz _______, 50 Hz _______.

27 Power transformer grounding: Solid ____, Ungrounded ____

28 Rated Current, main circuit horizontal bus: _______ A (minimum 600A)

29 Rated Current, main circuit vertical bus: _______ A (minimum 300A)

30 Nominal System supply voltage: __________________

31 No./phase and size of main circuit supply conductors:

_____ /ph., ______ AWG, MCM, mm²

32 Cabling Entrance/Exit Location : Top ( ), Bottom ( )
35 Control Method : IntC ( ) , ConC ( ).
37 If IntC: Communication protocol type __________________
39 Communication Topology : Redundant Loop ( ), Radial ( ), Vendor's Std ( )
45 Main Controlgear Disconnector: YES ( ), NO ( ).

50 Main circuit supply conductor connectors (if applicable): Supplied by Supplier: YES ( ), NO ( )

55 Ground Bus Connectors: Supplied by Vendor: YES ( ), NO ( )

56 If YES: Conductor size: ______ AWG, MCM, mm²

57 Vertical Ground Bus(ses): YES ( ), NO ( ), Vendor's Std. ___.

70 Arabic nameplates supplied by: Supplier ( ), Installation Contractor ( )

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Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

Data Schedule 1 (Cont'd)

72 Transfer Switch acceptable manufacturers

Manufacturer Manufacturing Location Limitation

74 Adjustable Frequency Drive acceptable manufacturers

Manufacturer Manufacturing Location Limitation

Notes to Buyer:
(1) Refer to SAES-P-116 for requirements.
(2) Copy approved manufacturer information from SAES-P-101.
(3) 16-SAMSS-521 must be included and Data Schedule 1 of this specification completed.
(4) Copy approved manufacturer information from SAES-P-101.
(5) SAES-P-119 requires top entry for equipment in new substations.
(6) Per SAES-P-116, communication protocol shall match what is available at DCS I/O in substation.
(7) Selecting "Vendor's Standard" preferred since manufacturers use different topologies

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Issue Date: 21 May 2012
Next Planned Update: 21 May 2017 Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage

Data Schedule 2
16-SAMSS-503, Indoor Controlgear - Low Voltage
(Information to be Supplied by Vendor with the Quotation Request)

Note: This is one of several documents which is required to be submitted with the
Quotation. Refer to section 4 of this Specification.

Line #

1 Built to: NA Supplement ______, IEC Supplement______

2 Manufacturer: ___________, Model/Type: ____________, Manufacturing Location: ____________

3 Rated Frequency: 60 Hz _____, 50 Hz _____

5 If IntC control method:
7 Communication protocol type: _______________________________
9 Communication Topology: Redundant Loop ( ), Radial ( )

Required By Supplier
If built to NA Supplement......

10 Rated Operational Voltage: 480 V ______________

11 Rated maximum voltage: 575 V ______________

12 Rated Short-Circuit Withstand Current: 25 kA rms for 3 cycles ______________

13 Dielectric Voltage Withstand rating: 2.15 kV for 1 minute ______________

14 Main Controlgear Disconnector (if applicable)

Short-Time Withstand: 25 kA for 3 cycles ______________

All the above are minimum values

If built to IEC Supplement......

20 Rated Operational Voltage: 600 V ______________

21 Rated Insulation Voltage: 660 V ______________

22 Rated Prospective Short-Circuit Withstand Current: 25 kA rms for 3 cycles ______________

23 Dielectric Test Voltage: 2.5 kV for 1 minute ______________

24 Main circuit disconnector (if applicable)

Short Circuit Withstand: 25 kA for 3 cycles ______________

All the above are minimum values.

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