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The key takeaways are that this document provides requirements and guidelines for the design and fabrication of low-voltage metal-enclosed AC power circuit breaker switchgear. It aims to harmonize technical requirements from various standards to minimize costs.

The purpose of this document is to provide a single set of practices incorporating the majority of technical requirements from major industrial users, contractors, and standards organizations related to low-voltage metal-enclosed AC power circuit breaker switchgear. This is done to reduce costs for both purchasers and manufacturers.

The main components described in the document include the switchgear assembly, power circuit breakers, bus work, voltage transformers, control and auxiliary devices, wiring, grounding, and protective relaying.


October 2010

Process Industry Practices


Design and Fabrication of
Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed
AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear


In an effort to minimize the cost of process industry facilities, this Practice has
been prepared from the technical requirements in the existing standards of major
industrial users, contractors, or standards organizations. By harmonizing these technical
requirements into a single set of Practices, administrative, application, and engineering
costs to both the purchaser and the manufacturer should be reduced. While this Practice
is expected to incorporate the majority of requirements of most users, individual
applications may involve requirements that will be appended to and take precedence
over this Practice. Determinations concerning fitness for purpose and particular matters
or application of the Practice to particular project or engineering situations should not
be made solely on information contained in these materials. The use of trade names
from time to time should not be viewed as an expression of preference but rather
recognized as normal usage in the trade. Other brands having the same specifications
are equally correct and may be substituted for those named. All Practices or guidelines
are intended to be consistent with applicable laws and regulations including OSHA
requirements. To the extent these Practices or guidelines should conflict with OSHA or
other applicable laws or regulations, such laws or regulations must be followed.
Consult an appropriate professional before applying or acting on any material
contained in or suggested by the Practice.
This Practice is subject to revision at any time.
Process Industry Practices (PIP), Construction Industry Institute, The University of
Texas at Austin, 3925 West Braker Lane (R4500), Austin, Texas 78759. PIP Member
Companies and Subscribers may copy this Practice for their internal use. Changes or
modifications of any kind are not permitted within any PIP Practice without the express
written authorization of PIP. Authorized Users may attach addenda or overlays to clearly
indicate modifications or exceptions to specific sections of PIP Practices. Authorized
Users may provide their clients, suppliers and contractors with copies of the Practice
solely for Authorized Users purposes. These purposes include but are not limited to the
procurement process (e.g., as attachments to requests for quotation/ purchase orders or
requests for proposals/contracts) and preparation and issue of design engineering
deliverables for use on a specific project by Authorized Users client. PIPs copyright
notices must be clearly indicated and unequivocally incorporated in documents where an
Authorized User desires to provide any third party with copies of the Practice.
September 1997
October 2004
Complete Revision
October 2010
Complete Revision
Not printed with State funds

October 2010

Process Industry Practices


Design and Fabrication of
Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed
AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
Table of Contents
1. Introduction

1.1 Purpose............................................2
1.2 Scope...............................................2

2. References

2.1 Process Industry Practices...............2

2.2 Industry Codes and Standards.........2

3. Definitions

4. Requirements 4

Service Conditions...........................4
Switchgear Assembly.......................4
Additional Requirements for Arc-Resistant Switchgear 7
Power Circuit Breakers....................8
Bus Work........................................11
Voltage Transformers.....................12
Control Power Transformers..........12
Current Transformers.....................13
Control Devices, Indicating Lights and Metering 13
Protective Relaying........................15
Breaker Interlocking and Transfer Schemes
Space Heaters...............................16


Wiring and Terminations.................17

Bus Ducts and Cable Bus..............19

Process Industry Practices

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Secondary System Grounding.......21

Inspection and Testing....................22
Conflict Resolution.........................25

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010



This Practice provides requirements for design, fabrication, and testing of metal-enclosed,
low-voltage AC power circuit breaker switchgear assemblies.


This Practice describes the requirements for metal-enclosed power switchgear assemblies
employed in three-phase AC electrical systems having a voltage not greater than 1000
volts and located in a nonclassified area.


Applicable parts of the following Practices and industry codes and standards shall be considered
an integral part of this Practice. The edition in effect on the date of contract award shall be used,
except as otherwise noted. Short titles are used herein where appropriate.

Process Industry Practices (PIP)

PIP ELSBD01 - Design and Fabrication of Metal-Enclosed Nonsegregated-Phase
Bus Duct Assemblies
PIP ELSBD01D - Data Sheet for Design and Fabrication of Metal-Enclosed
Nonsegregated-Phase Bus Duct Assemblies
PIP ELSGS01 - Design and Fabrication of High-Resistance Grounding System
(600 Volts or below)
PIP ELSGS01D - Data Sheet for Design and Fabrication of High-Resistance
Grounding System (600 Volts or below)
PIP ELSSG01D - Data Sheet for Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage MetalEnclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
PIP ELSSG12 - Design and Fabrication of Outdoor Enclosures for Motor
Controllers and Switchgear


Industry Codes and Standards

American National Standards Institute, Inc. (ANSI)
ANSI C37.16 - Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breakers and AC Power Circuit
ProtectorsPreferred Ratings, Related Requirements, and Application
ANSI C37.17 - Trip Devices for AC and General Purpose DC Low-Voltage Power
Circuit Breakers
ANSI C37.50 - Switchgear - Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in
Enclosures - Test Procedures
ANSI Z535.4 - American National Standard for Product Safety Signs and Labels

American Society for Testing Materials (ASTM)

ASTM D1535-08 - Standard Practice for Specifying Code by the Munsell System

International Code Council (ICC)

IBC - International Building Code

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Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear

October 2010

Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)

IEEE C37.13 - Standard for Low-Voltage AC Power Circuit Breakers Used in
IEEE C 37.20.1 - Standard for Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit-Breaker
IEEE C 37.20.7 - IEEE Guide for Testing Metal-Enclosed Switchgear Rated Up to
38 kV for Internal Arcing Faults
IEEE C37.21 - Standard for Control Switchboards

Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

UL 1558 - Standard for Safety Metal-Enclosed Low-Voltage Power Circuit Breaker


arc resistant accessibility Type 1: Equipment with arc-resistant designs or features at the freely
accessible front of the equipment only
arc resistant accessibility Type 1B: Equipment with arc-resistant designs or features at the freely
accessible front of the equipment only, and the additional requirements of ANSI C37.20.7 Annex
A, for equipment if normal operation of the equipment involves opening the door or cover of
compartments specifically identified as Low Voltage Control or Instrumentation compartments
arc resistant accessibility Type 1C: Equipment with arc-resistant designs or features at the freely
accessible front of the equipment only, and the additional requirements of ANSI C37.20.7 Annex
A, which are intended to reduce the collateral damage to adjacent compartments and equipment,
and should not be interpreted to indicate any additional degree of protection for personnel
arc resistant accessibility Type 2: Equipment with arc-resistant designs or features at the freely
accessible exterior (i.e., front, back, and sides) of the equipment only
Arc resistant accessibility Type 2B: Equipment with arc-resistant designs or features at the freely
accessible exterior (i.e., front, back, and sides) of the equipment only, and the additional
requirements of ANSI C37.20.7 Annex A, for equipment if normal operation of the equipment
involves opening the door or cover of compartments specifically identified as Low Voltage Control
or Instrumentation compartments
arc resistant accessibility Type 2C: Equipment with arc-resistant designs or features at the freely
accessible exterior (i.e., front, back, and sides) of the equipment only, and the additional
requirements of ANSI C37.20.7 Annex A, which are intended to reduce the collateral damage to
adjacent compartments and equipment, and should not be interpreted to indicate any additional
degree of protection for personnel
arc resistant equipment: Equipment designed to withstand the effects of an internal arcing fault, in
accordance with the test requirements of ANSI C37.20.7
internal arcing fault: An unintentional discharge of electrical energy in air within the confines of
an electrical equipment enclosure
owner: The party who owns the facility wherein the low voltage metal-enclosed switchgear will be

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010

purchaser: The party who awards the contract to the supplier. The purchaser may be the owner or
the owners authorized agent.
purchasers inspector: The purchasers authorized representative with authority to act in the
interest of, and on behalf of, the purchaser in all quality assurance matters
supplier: The party responsible for furnishing the low-voltage metal-enclosed AC power circuit
breaker switchgear



Service Conditions

Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,

equipment shall be designed to perform satisfactorily under the following ambient
a. Ambient conditions within the limits of -30C (-18F) and 40C (104F)
b. Altitude of installation does not exceed 1000 m (3300 feet)
c. Humidity within the limits of 0 - 95% non-condensing



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Seismic requirements shall be as specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D

Data Sheet. If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the
manufacturer shall provide a certificate of compliance and anchoring
recommendations for all equipment.

Switchgear Assembly

The switchgear assembly shall consist of metal-enclosed freestanding selfventilated vertical steel structures containing power buses, a ground bus, lowvoltage power circuit breakers, and auxiliary control devices in accordance with
the attached purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet and one-line diagram(s).


The switchgear shall be designed such that the breakers can be tripped and closed
and the breaker position can be viewed with the doors closed. Refer to section
4.3.3 for breaker operation.


All enclosures shall be fabricated from freestanding steel frames, steel panels, and
doors to provide a strong and rigid structure. The design shall allow the
switchgear to be rolled across a floor on pipes or other means without causing the
structure to deform or otherwise be damaged.


Enclosure panel and doors shall be 14-gage minimum thickness.


Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,

enclosures shall be NEMA 1.


Enclosures for outdoor service shall be in accordance with PIP ELSSG12.


Maximum number of feeder circuit breakers in each vertical section shall be as

indicated in the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.


All bolted doors and removable panels shall be secured with captive slotted
fasteners or machine screws or machine bolts engaging captive nuts or tapped
holes in structural members. All fasteners shall employ vibration-resistant devices.
Self-tapping sheet metal screws shall not be permitted.

Process Industry Practices

October 2010

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear


Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, rear
access to cable compartments shall be by removable panels. Any removable
panels weighing more than 50 pounds (23 kg) shall have two lifting handles.

4.2.10 When rear access doors are specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data
Sheet, they shall be either full height or split, hinged, and bolted. All rear access
doors shall have provisions for padlocking.
4.2.11 All doors shall have hinges. The hinges may be either continuous or separate. If
separate hinges are used, a minimum of three hinges shall be provided on fullheight doors.
4.2.12 Provisions shall be made for the addition of vertical sections with future breakers
at open ends of the line-up. This shall include removable plates or side sheets
furnished on the end of vertical sections.
4.2.13 Breaker compartment doors shall have door handle latches and shall remain closed
when racking the breaker to any of three positions: disconnected, test or
connected. Breaker compartment doors shall not have ventilation louvers.
4.2.14 Breaker compartments shall be furnished with a mechanism which will move the
breaker between the connected, test and disconnected positions. The mechanism
shall be designed so that the breakers will be self-aligning and will be held rigidly in
the operating position without the necessity of locking bars or bolts.
4.2.15 From the disconnect position the breaker shall be easily removable from the
compartment without further disassembly or the use of special tools other than a
breaker lift device.
4.2.16 Provisions shall be made for padlocking breakers in the test and disconnected
positions. Padlocking shall not interfere with removal or operation of the breaker or
its mechanism.
4.2.17 In double-ended switchgear, each main and tie breaker shall be in separate vertical
Comment: This does not preclude metering, auxiliary equipment, or a
feeder breaker being in the same vertical section with the main
breaker or tie breaker.
4.2.18 The purchaser shall be notified of any breaker-derating factors caused by ambient
conditions and the cumulative circuit loads in the vertical sections with multiple
breakers in accordance with IEEE C37.20.1 - 2002, Section 8.4.
4.2.19 When specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, an interlock shall be
provided to prevent opening of the breaker compartment door unless the breaker is
in the disconnect position. This interlock shall have an override mechanism for
authorized entry.
4.2.20 Interlocks shall prevent moving the breaker to or from the operating position unless
its main contacts are in the open position. As a further safety precaution, the
operating springs shall be discharged automatically when a breaker is rolled fully
into the compartment or is moved into the disconnect position.
4.2.21 Spaces shall be provided for future use as specified on the one-line diagram.
Spaces shall be of three types: equipped, unequipped, and blank. Spaces shall be
configured as follows:

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010

a. Equipped spaces shall be capable of being modified to add future circuit

breakers of the same ampere rating without shutdown of the switchgear.
b. Equipped spaces shall be furnished with all hardware, wiring, doors, and
miscellaneous equipment including current transformers and monitoring
devices required to permit completion of the unit by the addition of only a
circuit breaker.
c. Unequipped spaces shall be provided with doors but without other equipment
for future use except the power stabs. Unequipped spaces shall not be used for
mounting control switches and other auxiliary equipment.
d. Power stabs (both line and load side) shall be provided with covers to prevent
accidental contact with live parts when door is opened.
e. Blank spaces shall be completely empty cubicles with doors but without
power stabs or other equipment.
4.2.22 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,
shutters shall be provided to automatically isolate the primary line and load
disconnects as the breaker is removed from the connected position. Shutters shall be
nonmetallic. The line and load shutters shall operate by movement of the circuit
breaker truck or racking mechanism. The shutters shall also be capable of being
operated by hand with the breaker removed from the cell.
4.2.23 If uninsulated buses are specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,
removable vertical barriers shall be provided in the rear cable compartments to
prevent accidental contact of personnel with all energized buses. The barriers shall
not cover load connections.
4.2.24 Sheet steel barriers shall be provided between power and control compartments.
4.2.25 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, full
height and depth barriers shall be provided between adjacent vertical sections in
the rear load terminal compartments.
4.2.26 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, sheet steel barriers
shall be provided between breaker compartments in vertical sections.
4.2.27 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,
enclosure vent openings shall be provided with stainless steel screens having a
maximum opening size of 1/16 inch (1.6 mm).
4.2.28 Breaker control power shall be as specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D
Data Sheet.
4.2.29 Indicator lights shall have replaceable cluster-type LED lamps and colored lens.
4.2.30 Switchgear shall be provided with removable lifting eyes or angles for handling
during installation.
4.2.31 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, a remote racking
device to electrically rack the breaker shall be provided and shall include a
minimum of 25 feet (7.6 m) of heavy duty umbilical cord. Means shall be
provided to shut off the remote racking device when breaker is in the connected

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Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear

4.2.32 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, thermography

windows shall be provided. Location of windows shall be as specified on the
purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.2.33 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the switchgear
assembly shall be UL labeled.

Additional Requirements for Arc-Resistant Switchgear


If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the switchgear shall be
arc-resistant design as described below.


Switchgear shall be tested in accordance with IEEE C37.20.7.


Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,

Switchgear shall be arc-resistant construction Type 2 (switchgear with arcresistant construction at front, rear, and sides).


A written certificate of successful type testing, including all the parameters used in
the testing, shall be submitted to the purchaser. Testing shall be based on
prospective current of the highest rated circuit breaker without insertion of any
current limiting device in the test circuit.


Switchgear shall be designed for closed door racking. Arc-resistant integrity shall
be maintained during closed door racking.


Instrument compartment door(s) shall be designed and tested to allow the

compartment door to be opened without affecting the arc-resistant rating of the


The front and rear compartment doors shall be designed to withstand the effects of
an internal arcing fault.


Instrument compartment shall have steel hinged doors that are in accordance with
IEEE C37.20.7 testing requirements.


The design of openings shall pass the requirements of IEEE C37.20.7, with
respect to the emission of arc/flash products.

4.3.10 Openings intended to close on initiation of a fault to preserve arc-resistant

construction shall be provided with the necessary guards on top and sides to
prevent dropping of any foreign material that can prevent openings from closing.
4.3.11 Design and construction of the switchgear shall prevent effects of any fault in the
circuit breaker and bus compartments from entering the instrument compartment.
4.3.12 All opening cover plates provided to preserve arc-resistant construction shall be
accessible for inspection.
4.3.13 Means to manually trip the breaker without requiring opening the door and
compromising the integrity of arc-resistant construction shall be provided.
4.3.14 Provisions for closed door manual racking of the circuit breaker while maintaining
the integrity of arc-resistant construction shall be provided.
4.3.15 A single-handle latch system with position labeling and provision for padlocking
shall be provided on each door such that arc-resistant integrity is maintained when
the latch is in closed position. Additional tie down bolts are acceptable on the
doors to maintain arc resistant construction.

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010

4.3.16 Personnel shall be protected from arc products and noise expelled from the
switchgear enclosure. Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP
ELSSG01D Data Sheet, a plenum system shall be provided as described below:
a. Plenum system shall exhaust arc products from the switchgear room.
b. Exhaust outlet shall be weatherproof and directed to an area that minimizes
personnel exposure.
c. Plenum minimum volume shall be tested and certified in accordance with
IEEE C37.20.7.
d. Plenum shall be separate from other plenum systems. If a combined plenum
system is desired, manufacturer(s) shall analyze and certify the combined
plenum system design.

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Power Circuit Breakers


Low-voltage power circuit breakers shall be air break type and shall be designed,
rated, manufactured, and tested in accordance with IEEE C37.13, ANSI C37.16,
ANSI C37.17, and ANSI C37.50.


Breakers shall be of the stored-energy type with standard draw-out construction

for both power and control circuits. Breakers shall be three-pole and complete
with necessary operating mechanisms.


Breakers shall be operated electrically or manually as specified on the purchasers

PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet. Electrically operated breakers shall also be capable of
manual operation.


Circuit breakers shall have continuous current ratings as specified on the

purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet or one line diagram(s). Ratings stated are
those when installed and working under the specified service conditions. Ratings
shall not be dependent upon the use of cooling fans.


Circuit breaker shall have a maximum interrupting time of 5 cycles, excluding

sensing mechanism time.


Closing and tripping circuits shall be individually protected within each breaker
compartment by fuses. When specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data
Sheet other control and indication circuits (such as breaker trip indication) shall be
individually protected within each breaker compartment by fuses.


Sensor/solid state protective devices shall be provided with a method of easily and
quickly changing ratings by way of sensor taps or other means, such as breaker
ampere rating plugs, so a breaker continuous rating can be changed for alternate
service. Vendor shall provide details of the method to be employed with the


When specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, each electrically
operated feeder circuit breaker shall be controlled (open-close) by a pistol grip-type
switch which is group-mounted with other breakers on an auxiliary compartment
door. Laminated plastic nameplates shall be provided above lights defining function
and above group of lights and switch to indicate service of breaker.


Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, directacting overcurrent trip devices shall be solid state RMS sensing, and shall

Process Industry Practices

October 2010

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear

incorporate time delay characteristics as specified on the purchasers

PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.4.10 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, trip units shall have
dual protection parameters sets. The second set of parameters shall be set to lower
settings on breaker trip unit during maintenance. This may be accomplished by
using a local switch, remote switch or communication device. Enabling
maintenance mode shall initiate an alarm contact or communication status point.
4.4.11 The trip device display shall be visible with the cubicle door closed and shall have
trip indication.
4.4.12 If required, current-limiting fuses shall be provided to extend the breaker rating
and shall cause the breaker to trip if any of the fuses operate. The purchaser shall
be notified if these fuses are required.
4.4.13 Each low-voltage power circuit breaker or each breaker in combination with
current-limiting fuses shall be capable of interrupting the available short-circuit
current in accordance with the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.4.14 To preserve interchangeability of breakers, attachments of special controls for an
individual service shall not be mounted directly on the drawout-type circuit breaker
4.4.15 The circuit breakers shall be equipped with secondary disconnecting contacts which
automatically engage in the housing sockets in the operating and test positions. All
wiring from the removable breaker element to the stationary structure shall pass
through self-aligning disconnect devices.
4.4.16 Breaker operating controls and indicators shall include: electrical/mechanical
provisions for trip and close, open/close indicator, and charge/discharge indicator.
The open/closed indicator(s) shall be visible from the front of the equipment when
the breaker is in the operating or disconnected/test position(s).
4.4.17 An operations counter shall be furnished for each breaker when specified on the
purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.4.18 The position of the breaker, connected, test or disconnected shall be clearly visible.
4.4.19 The circuit breakers shall be operated by a mechanically and electrically trip-free
stored energy operating mechanism. Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the stored energy system shall be electrically charged
using a spring charging motor. Provision shall be included for manual charging of
the mechanism. Breakers shall be inherently anti-pumping. When specified on the
purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, all circuit breakers shall be equipped with
undervoltage trip relays.
4.4.20 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, spare
auxiliary contacts shall be provided as follows: four mechanism operated contacts
(MOCs) and four truck operated contacts (TOCs) shall be provided as two
normally open (N.O.) and two normally closed (N.C.) each, all of which shall be
wired out to terminals.
4.4.21 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, remote control to
open/close the electrically operated circuit breaker shall be provided.
Manufacturer to wire to terminal blocks for customer connection.

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010

4.4.22 If a remote control panel is specified, provisions for connection of remote

indicating lights shall be provided at terminal blocks.
4.4.23 If a remote control panel is specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data
Sheet, the panel shall be in accordance with the following requirements:
a. Configured as shown on a layout sketch furnished by the purchaser
b. Contain control switches, metering, mimic bus, and any other devices
specified by the purchaser and shown on layout sketch
c. As a minimum, the mimic bus shall show buswork, circuit breakers, supply
sources, load descriptions, voltage transformers, and current transformers.
1. Breaker control switches shall be located beside the breaker symbol.
2. Devices shall be labeled using engraved laminated plastic.
3. The mimic buswork and components shall be attached with stainless steel
d. All auxiliary components used in the control panel shall be in accordance with
the same requirements as if the components were in the main switchgear.
e. Terminal strips shall be mounted inside the control panel with terminal
designations matching those of the corresponding terminal strips in the main
switchgear. All connections shall be brought to the terminal strips.
4.4.24 If a hand-held control station is specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data
Sheet, the station shall include open and close pushbuttons and heavy duty
umbilical cord, minimum 25 feet (7.6 m) in length, with self aligning plug. The
plug shall be able to be connected without the need to open the compartment door.
a. The control station shall have two guarded pushbuttons, a green button for
opening and a red button for closing.
b. A matching receptacle complete with a threaded cover shall be installed in the
breaker compartment door.

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Bus Work

Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, all
horizontal and vertical bus bars shall be fully insulated with a high dielectric flame
retardant nonhygroscopic insulation system. The joints between the main and
vertical buses shall be insulated with a system that allows ease of inspection of the
joints. Load side bus runbacks to the cable termination compartment shall also be
fully insulated.


Unless otherwise specified on the data sheets, the main buses, vertical buses and
cable compartments shall be completely isolated from each other.


Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, bus
material shall be non-tapered copper.


The breaker primary disconnect assemblies, including bus and fingers, shall be
constructed of copper.


Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, bolted
joints and breaker primary disconnect assembly finger connections shall be tinplated.

Process Industry Practices

October 2010

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear


All horizontal and vertical bus and bus supports shall be designed and braced to
withstand the short-circuit current specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D
Data Sheet and in accordance with IEEE C37.20.1.


Buses and taps of feeder circuit breakers shall be rated to carry the maximum rating
of the breaker, not of the current transformer or sensor rating.


When specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, buses shall be
designated by the Letters A-B-C and located A-B-C reading left to right, top to
bottom, or front to rear when viewed from the front of the assembly. Phasing of
buses shall be physically and permanently labeled at all purchaser connection points
with a minimum of 1-inch high letters


A 1/4-inch by 2-inch minimum copper ground bus shall be provided at the rear
and for the entire length of the assembly.
a. The bus shall be drilled at each end for a NEMA two-hole lug.
b. Ground bus joints shall be solidly bolted.
c. Self-tapping bolts and screws shall not be used.
d. If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, copper
compression type lugs shall be provided.
e. If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, additional predrilled holes shall be provided for customer connections. Locations of
additional holes shall be determined during drawing approval.

Ground bus shall be run through or into the power cable termination
compartment and be drilled for connection of purchasers grounding cables.

4.5.10 The ground bus shall be firmly secured in each vertical section.
4.5.11 The main buses, ground buses, and control power buses shall be arranged and
drilled for possible future extension.
4.5.12 If a neutral bus is specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the bus
shall extend the full length of the switchgear and be insulated from ground.
4.5.13 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the
neutral bus shall have the same continuous current rating as the phase bus.
4.5.14 All bolted power bus connections shall be secured with corrosion resistant,
silicon-bronze hardware, including bolts, locking washers, and nuts or jam nuts.
4.5.15 Connections shall be made with a minimum of two bolts.
4.5.16 Bus connections with contact area of 9 square inches (5800 mm 2) or 2000 amperes
or higher shall have a minimum of four bolts.
4.5.17 All busbar joints shall be fully accessible for field tightening of bolts.
4.5.18 A label shall be posted inside each section listing torque requirements for bolted

Voltage Transformers

Voltage and configuration shall be as specified on the purchasers one-line

diagram and PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010


Voltage transformers for metering or protective relaying purposes shall be

protected by disconnecting-type current-limiting primary fuses.


Secondary voltage shall be 120 volts, with primary voltage as specified on the
one-line diagram.


Voltage transformers shall be cast resin insulated or approved equal.


Each transformer shall have a fused secondary winding. Secondary fuses shall be located in the low-voltage control compartment. Fuse holders shall be labeled to indicate size and type of fuse and to
identify the transformer (e.g., Phase A PT).



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Control Power Transformers


The primary fuses shall coordinate with the magnetizing inrush current and the
secondary protection of the control power transformer.


The kVA rating of the control power transformer(s) shall be determined, taking
into account any additional loads external to the switchgear specified on the
purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.


A form C contact shall be provided for remote alarming of any loss of control


Secondary voltage shall be 240/120 volts, with primary voltage as specified on the
one-line diagram.


Primary and secondary windings shall be protected by disconnect-type currentlimiting fuses.


Transformers shall be located in the low-voltage control compartment.

Current Transformers

Current transformers (CT) for metering or protective relaying purposes shall be

rated in accordance with purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet and the one-line


CTs shall be window type and installed in a manner that can be readily
maintained or replaced.


All CTs shall be designed to mechanically withstand the short circuit stresses
imposed by the rating of the associated circuit breaker for a minimum of two


Current transformers for use in switchgear shall be suitable for use with an
internal enclosure air temperature of at least 55C (131F).


CTs shall have an ANSI metering and relaying accuracy classification in

accordance with the system parameters as shown on the purchasers PIP
ELSSG01D Data Sheet. CT accuracy class ratings shall be in accordance with
IEEE C37.20.1-2002, Section 5.7.


CTs shall be rated and selected for the proper application to avoid relay missoperation due to saturation at the fault current specified on the purchasers PIP
ELSSG01D Data Sheet.

Process Industry Practices

October 2010

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear


CT polarity marker shall be visible from the front of the switchgear with shutters
open or rear of the switchgear with the door or panel open.


CTs used for differential schemes shall not be used for other relaying or metering


All current transformers used in differential or partial differential schemes shall be

the same tap ratio, shall have compatible excitation and saturation characteristics
and shall conform to the relay manufacturers requirements. Multi-ratio CTs shall
not be used.

4.8.10 The secondary side of current transformers shall be grounded on one side through a
removable link. Where current transformers are connected in star, the star point shall
be grounded through a removable link at one point only. Ground connections shall
be made at the first terminal (short-circuiting type) block and not at the current
4.8.11 Where matching current transformers are required to be mounted on other
equipment, they shall be supplied to dimensions provided by the purchaser.

Control Devices, Indicating Lights and Metering


If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, control switches shall
be provided. Switches shall be rotary cam type with engraved dial plates,
Electroswitch Series 24, G.E. Type SB or purchaser-approved equal. Selector type control switches shall have oval handles. Circuit breaker control switches shall have pistol grip handles. Lockout relay (Device 86) shall be manually reset type with oval or pistol
grip handles. Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet,
voltmeter switches shall be the four-position rotary type. Ammeter
switches shall be the four-position rotary type.


When grouped breaker control switches are specified on purchasers

PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, indicating lights for the following functions shall be
located for each breaker directly above this switch: Open (green), closed (red), and
when specified tripped (yellow). Laminated plastic nameplates shall be provided
above lights defining function and above group of lights and switch to indicate
service of breaker.


Test switches to isolate potential and current inputs shall be provided to allow safe
removal for calibration and repairs if specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D
Data Sheet. Test jacks and test plugs shall be ABB Type FT-1 or approved equal. Each test jack shall be wired to provide three-phase bus potential and
three-phase line current for field monitoring and shall be wired in the
current circuits. The blades of all test switches shall be de-energized when open.


If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, red and green
indicating lights shall be provided to indicate breaker closed and open positions,

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010


If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, wiring of red and
green lights shall provide the following visual checks of the control circuitry:
a. The red LED on when the breaker is closed indicates trip coil continuity and
control power to trip circuit.
b. The green LED on when the breaker is open indicates trip circuit control
power fuses are not burned out.


If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, each breaker shall be
provided with a Trip Circuit Monitoring (TCM) relay or light.


Indicating lights shall be cluster type LED lamps with front replaceable lamps and
colored caps. The dropping resistor, if required, shall be integral with the lights
and not mounted external to the lights. Push to test lights shall be provided if
specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.


Switchgear metering shall be provided in accordance with the purchasers

PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet. Communication capabilities shall be provided if specified on the
purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet. All metering and control equipment shall be accessible from the front of
the switchgear. If analog-type metering is specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D
Data Sheet, the meter shall be of the circular 250-degree-scale
switchboard type, 1% accuracy, 4-1/2 inch square, and flush mounted. Control power for microprocessor-type metering shall be as specified on
the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet. Microprocessor metering package shall include the following features.
a. Phase RMS current
b. Phase to neutral RMS voltage
c. Phase to phase RMS voltage
d. Energy reading (kWh)
e. Demand (kW)
f. Peak demand (kW)
g. Real power (kW)
h. Reactive power (kVAr)
i. Total power (kVA)
j. Power factor (pf)
k. Peak capacity (% of device rating)
l. Frequency (Hz)
m. Event reporting of at least 64 events related to breaker tripping or
other troubles. Reporting shall include the date and time of the
trouble, the reason for the event, the breaker address, the type of trip

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Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear

when trips are reported, and the current value at the time of the trip if
the trip was due to an overcurrent.

If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, serial communications

through intelligent electronic devices shall be provided.

Protective Relaying
4.10.1 Relaying shall be as specified on the one-line diagram or on attachments or as
specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet as to manufacture, type,
quantity, and style numbers.
4.10.2 Substitution shall not be made of an equivalent relay without the written approval
of the purchaser.
4.10.3 All software and complete documentation shall be provided for configuration,
analysis, and monitoring of all protective relays and related auxiliary devices
required by the purchaser.
4.10.4 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, provisions shall be
made for remote monitoring of the equipment operation by a central control
4.10.5 Separate relays shall be provided for bus differential protection if this requirement
is specified on the one-line diagram or purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.10.6 For protective relays that are not integral with the circuit breaker, the following
features apply. Shall be mounted on the front of the switchgear panels. They shall be
semiflush case mounted. All relays and targets shall be labeled as to
function in accordance with identification agreed to at the drawing
approval stage. Unless approved by purchaser, it shall be possible to withdraw relays
when all circuits are energized without open-circuiting the current
transformer secondaries or causing protective relays to operate. Relays that cannot be withdrawn shall have provisions for testing and
calibrating the relay using an external power source without the need to
disconnect permanent wiring. Except for solid state relays integral with the breakers, all protective
relay functions shall be provided with hand reset flag indicators, which
can be reset from the outside without the need to open the relay case.
All flag indicators shall be visible from the front of the relay panel
without the need to open relay cases or panel doors. Where specified on data sheets or drawings, selected circuit breakers
shall have manually reset lockout devices (device 86) mounted on
breaker control doors to prevent circuit breakers from being closed
following a trip actuated by protective relays until the lockout relay is
manually reset. Each lockout relay shall be furnished with a white
indicating light wired to monitor the lockout relay operating coil
integrity and trip voltage availability.

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010


Breaker Interlocking and Transfer Schemes

4.11.1 If a breaker interlocking scheme is specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D
Data Sheet and one-line diagram, the scheme shall be arranged to operate as
specified on the diagram and any supplemental descriptions furnished by the
4.11.2 A transfer scheme shall be provided if specified on the purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet. Unless otherwise specified on purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the transfer scheme shall be in accordance with oneline diagrams and PIP ELSSG04.
4.11.3 A zone interlocking scheme shall be provided if specified on purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.


Space Heaters
4.12.1 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, space
heaters shall be provided in each vertical section of the assembly to minimize
4.12.2 Unless otherwise indicated on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, space
heaters shall be externally powered. For externally supplied circuits, the space
heater circuit power wiring shall be brought to a single set of interface terminals
for purchaser connection. The number and ampacity of external supply circuits
shall be agreed upon with the purchaser.
4.12.3 The space heater shall be provided with high temperature wiring within 6 inches
(152 mm) of the heater terminals.
4.12.4 Space heaters shall be mounted on a stand-off insulator and provided with an
expanded metal cage for personnel protection.
4.12.5 A warning nameplate shall be provided on the door of each cubicle that contains
space heaters. The nameplate shall have black engraving on orange background.
The nameplate shall read WARNING: EXTERNAL POWER SOURCE.
4.12.6 An over-current protection/disconnect for each space heater circuit shall be
provided in each vertical section.
4.12.7 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, space heaters shall be
controlled by a humidistat or thermostat. The humidistat or thermostat shall be
equipped with an ammeter and a test switch as specified. The ammeter shall be
provided with normal current range specified on the ammeter scale.
4.12.8 The heaters shall be rated at 240 volts and shall be sized to provide the required
heat output when operated on a 120-volt system.


Wiring and Terminations

4.13.1 Control wiring shall be flame retardant, 600-volt, type SIS switchboard copper
wire (or an equivalent in accordance with IEEE C37.20.1 - 2002,
Section and shall be continuous from terminal to terminal without
splices. Locking fork-type lugs shall be provided. Minimum conductor size shall be 14 AWG.

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4.13.2 Wiring between sections shall be run through special wiring raceways or openings
designed for this purpose. Wiring installed from the front control section to a rear
cable compartment or which must pass through the bus area shall be installed in a
wiring raceway especially designed for this purpose.
4.13.3 A separate control power bus shall be furnished for each bus section. The control
power bus shall be split at tie breakers(s).
4.13.4 Wiring for current transformer secondary leads shall be crimped in self-insulated
ring-type lugs and terminated on shorting screw-type terminal blocks at the first
connection after the transformer. Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, minimum conductor size shall be 10 AWG.
4.13.5 All wiring harnesses shall be securely bundled and shall be protected from
rubbing against other parts within the enclosure. Bushings, grommets, or other mechanical protection shall be provided if
wiring is installed through barriers, around edges of metal sheets, or
raceways. Wiring which crosses hinged joints shall be protected by PVC or nylon
spiral wrapping wire protection. Adhesive-type supports shall not be permitted.
4.13.6 Wiring shall be connected to only one side of all field wiring terminal blocks. Terminal blocks for field wiring to breakers and for any transfer scheme
shall not be located in the rear load terminal compartments. Terminal blocks for internal and external wiring shall be segregated.
4.13.7 Circuits and terminals operating at different voltages and/or performing different
functions shall be segregated on separate terminal blocks. Purchaser terminations
shall be on separate blocks and separated by voltage and type of use. Supplier
utilized terminal blocks shall not have different voltage levels on adjacent
4.13.8 All externally powered wiring to the switchgear line-up units shall be grouped
together as much as possible and connected to a terminal block labeled in
accordance with Section 4.14. Grouping shall be agreed between purchaser and
4.13.9 Terminal blocks shall be provided and clearly marked including wiring between
shipping sections. All terminal block groups shall be labeled and all terminals in a
group shall be permanently numbered or identified. Identification shall match
supplier drawings.
4.13.10 Spare terminal blocks shall be provided in accordance with the purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.13.11 The terminal blocks shall be NEMA style general industrial type for internal
panel application: All blocks shall be 600 volt, 20A, minimum, fix mounted design, fully
shielded construction to protect live parts. All blocks shall be suitable for insulated locking fork type or ring type

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010 A maximum of two wires may terminate at each terminal. Terminal blocks shall be arranged and positioned to provide easy
access for carrying out external cable terminations, testing, inspection,
and maintenance. A minimum of 20% spare terminals shall be provided.
4.13.12 The ends of each wire shall be tagged with the origin and destination points. Each wire shall be permanently marked at both ends in accordance
with the wiring diagrams. All wires shall be properly identified with heat-shrink wire markers. Adhesive-back wire markers, labels, and wire holders shall not be
4.13.13 Each circuit breaker, fuse block, or isolating knife switch shall be clearly
identified to indicate the source and its purpose.
4.13.14 Fuse holders rated 30 amperes or less, shall be modular type, dead front
construction, rail or screw panel mounting. If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG02D Data Sheet, fuse
holders shall provide open fuse indication light and an NC contact. Fuse holders shall provide IP-2 protection (finger safe).
4.13.15 Power cable lugs shall be furnished by the purchaser. The bus drilling shall be for NEMA two-hole lugs. The size and quantity of cables shall be as specified on the one-line
diagram or purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.13.16 Cable termination facilities shall be suitable for the size and type of cables noted
on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheets or one-line diagrams. Particular
attention shall be given to the space and bending radii required for large power
4.13.17 Internal cable supports shall be provided within the switchgear to allow cables to
be tied down between entry point and termination point.
4.13.18 Cable or bus terminals shall be located in a cable termination compartment and
shall be arranged to permit the termination and connection of cables within the
cubicle space. The available space for terminations of power cables shall be
4.13.19 Locations of cable entrances shall be as specified on the purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet. When cables enter from the top, removable cover
sections shall be provided for drilling in the field.

Bus Ducts and Cable Bus

4.14.1 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, the bus ducts or cable
bus shall be furnished and coordinated with the respective switchgear assemblies,
the supply transformers, and other associated equipment.

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4.14.2 Dimensions and details of transformer throats or other equipment connections

shall be provided by the party specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data
4.14.3 Design of the bus duct shall be in accordance with PIP ELSBD01 and
4.14.4 Design of the cable bus shall be in accordance with PIP ELSBD02 and

4.15.1 Safety signs (nameplates) and labels shall be in accordance with ANSI Z535.4.
4.15.2 Permanent nameplates shall be provided to identify each circuit breaker, source
disconnect point, instrument, instrument switch, relay, and auxiliary component
and to identify all equipment and terminal blocks within each assembly.
4.15.3 All nameplates, internal and external, shall be made of laminated plastic at least
3/32 inch thick.
4.15.4 External nameplates shall be affixed with stainless steel hardware. Internal
nameplates may be adhesive type.
4.15.5 Switchgear assembly-identifying nameplate may be suppliers standard showing
as a minimum:
a. Manufacturers name
b. Owners name
c. Purchasers purchase order number
d. Manufacturers shop order number
e. Date of manufacture

Switchgear designation (purchasers tag number)

g. System voltage, phases, wires

h. System frequency

Busbar rating

4.15.6 Door-mounted devices shall be identified inside the compartment, in addition to

the external identification.
4.15.7 Nameplates for each circuit breaker compartment shall be white with 1/4-inchhigh engraved black lettering.
4.15.8 Warning nameplates shall be provided on each compartment door in which an
external voltage source is terminated. Lettering shall be black on orange
background and shall be a minimum of 1/4 inch high. The nameplate shall read
4.15.9 Equipment service descriptions shall be as specified on the purchasers one-line
4.15.10 A 6 inch by 6 inch (150 mm by 150 mm) blank space shall be provided on
cubicle doors for installation of arc-flash warning labels by the purchaser.

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010


4.16.1 Unless otherwise specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, finish
color for switchgear shall be ANSI 61 light gray in accordance with ASTM D153508 (Munsell notation 8.3.G6.10/0.54).
4.16.2 For outdoor and indoor service in noncorrosive environments, the manufacturers
standard surface preparation and coating system are acceptable.
4.16.3 The finish coat shall be free from craters, pinholes, holidays, embedded foreign
matter, and other visual defects.
4.16.4 The topcoat shall provide complete hiding, consistent coverage and thickness, and
uniform color.
4.16.5 For service in corrosive environments, the finish and protective coatings shall be
in accordance with the specification shown on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D
Data Sheet.
4.16.6 Three one pint (0.5 L) aerosol cans of touch-up paint for each five vertical
sections and for each paint color used shall be furnished.


Secondary System Grounding

4.17.1 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, a high-resistance
grounding system shall be provided and incorporated in the switchgear assembly
in accordance with PIP ELSGS01.
4.17.2 If specified on the purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, a ground detection
system on individual feeder breakers shall be provided in accordance with the
one-line diagram.


The following switchgear accessories shall be provided:
a. A breaker-lifting device provided at one per switchgear assembly. Lifting capacity
shall be shown on the lifting device.
b. Hand crank or handle for moving the breaker into the connected, test, or
disconnected position
c. Device for manually charging the stored energy operating mechanism of electrically
operated breakers
d. Test plugs for draw-out relays
e. Portable test kit for solid-state trip units (quantity of kits as specified on the
purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet)


4.19.1 Unless otherwise specified on the request for quotation and/or purchase order,
preparation for shipment shall be in accordance with suppliers standards. The
supplier shall be solely responsible for the preparation for shipment. As a
minimum, the switchgear shall be firmly attached to a rigid wood-framed shipping
4.19.2 Each shipping section shall be equipped with lifting facilities so that it may be easily
unloaded and handled by crane.

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4.19.3 Loose equipment, such as auxiliary test devices, charts, replacement parts, manual
operating handles, packing devices, etc., shall be appropriately packaged, tagged
for easy identification, and secured for shipment inside the switchgear.
4.19.4 All moving parts shall be securely blocked and braced, contactors, and other
components with moving parts that might be damaged in shipment.
4.19.5 All temporary shipping braces shall be painted yellow and marked as shown
4.19.6 Instruction for storage of equipment shall be attached to the equipment.
4.19.7 Equipment shall be protected from weather elements during shipping. As a
minimum, when switchgear is shipped by open transport it shall be fully covered
with a heavy tarp.
4.19.8 Additional shipping and handling requirements that appear in the individual
equipment specifications shall be strictly adhered to, if applicable.
4.19.9 Equipment shall be designed to be shipped completely assembled if practical.
4.19.10 If equipment is required to be disassembled for shipment, material and
instructions shall be provided for assembling shipping sections, including making
main power bus connections at shipping splits.
4.19.11 If the switchgear is shipped in more than one section, each open shipping split
shall be protected with plywood or other approved method.
4.19.12 Provisions shall be made to energize space heaters during storage. This requirement shall include making a connection point readily available without uncrating
the equipment. Space heater wiring shall be extended to shipping skid for
connection to external power during storage. Connection point shall be labeled as
follows: For connection to 120-volt AC to power space heaters during storage.

Inspection and Testing

4.20.1 The entire switchgear shall be electrically and mechanically assembled into one
single line-up before final testing, inspection and shipment. The actual circuit
breakers to be shipped with the order shall be installed in the appropriate
switchgear sections.
4.20.2 Equipment shall be inspected to verify conformance to these specifications and the
approval drawings. All components shall be checked. Wiring identification will be
spot checked. Separation of voltage levels on terminal blocks will be verified. The
supplier shall remove the shutters which cover the breaker stabs so that the CT
wiring and CT polarity may be inspected. CT wiring shall be inspected to verify
ring-tongue lugs have been installed.
4.20.3 Check the alignment and penetration of the breaker stabs with bus connection and
breaker cell alignment.
4.20.4 The following tests shall be performed:
a. A complete functional and operational test on the wiring, control devices,
relays, and breaker trip and close circuits, including any remote control and/or
remote racking devices. For devices such as power relays, auto-synchronizing

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010

relays and sync check relays, the supplier shall have available the required three
phase power supplies.
b. A dielectric test on the control wiring at 1500 volts 60 hertz for 1 minute
c. Suppliers standard routine tests
d. Production tests defined in IEEE C37.20.1 - 2002, Section 6.3. Tests shall be
conducted with all draw-out elements racked in and breakers closed.
e. PTs and CTs shall receive certified test for ratio, phase angle and polarity.

Current shall be injected at the current transformer secondaries to check for

relay functioning. Current injection shall also be used to check operation of
devices such as ammeters and transducers.

4.20.5 A copy of the installation, operating and maintenance instruction book, including
protective relay instruction books, shall be on the test floor at time of customer
witness testing of equipment. A complete unmarked set of final full size drawings
shall be available for use by purchasers inspector at time of witness testing.
4.20.6 The purchaser shall be notified 2 weeks in advance of testing. Where witness
testing has been specified, the notification shall be provided only after the
suppliers pre-witness tests have been completed. Notification of witness testing
shall include a list of tests and acceptable range of values.
4.20.7 The purchaser or the purchasers representative reserves the right to inspect and
observe the tests at the factory.

4.21.1 One reproducible set of drawings shall be provided plus the specified number of
copies of all documentation and operating manuals as specified on purchasers
PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet.
4.21.2 Unless otherwise specified on purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet, format for
reproducible drawings shall be CAD convertible .dxf electronic format.
4.21.3 Drawings and data requirements shall be as shown in Table 1.

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October 2010

Table 1. Documentation Requirements






One-line diagram, three-line diagram, control elementary, and

connection diagrams showing all terminals, wire numbers and
device connection information for each instrument, relay, and
control circuit.
General layout of equipment, showing all dimensions, weights,
and required clearances
Circuit breaker data, including detailed description of breakers,
rated insulation level (BIL), and rated short-circuit current
Bus data, including the insulation and bracing materials and
Current transformer data, including type, class, accuracy, and
saturation curves
Potential transformer data, including the type, class, and
Detailed plans and elevation drawings showing location of all
components, including interface details for bus duct, etc.
Protection Relay Solid-state trip unit data (including the model
number, technical information, and time-current curves), setting
software and firmware (if applicable).
Meter data, including the model number and technical
information of all meters and transducers
Certified type test reports
Foundation loading diagrams and soleplate details
Individual cell schematics
Individual cell connection wiring diagrams
Detailed (D) or general (G) bill of material including name of the
manufacturer and catalog number of all components, rating
and/or limiting parameters.
Installation, operation, and maintenance manuals
Switchgear installation drawings showing dimensions, weights
including weights of each shipping section, location, and type of all
connections, and location of shipping splits
Recommended spares parts list





A. These documents shall be provided with the proposal.
B. These documents shall be provided for the purchasers review and authorization to proceed before
C. These documents shall be provided as part of the final certified document submittal.
(1) Equipment shall be shipped with one set of installation, operation, and maintenance manuals.
D. The final as-built documents shall be provided within 2 weeks following shipment.


Conflict Resolution
Any conflicts among the referenced documents shall be identified in writing to the
purchaser for resolution. If resolving conflicts, the following order of precedence shall
a. Purchase order
b. One-line diagram and associated drawings

Design and Fabrication of Low-Voltage Metal-Enclosed AC Power Circuit Breaker Switchgear
October 2010

c. Purchasers PIP ELSSG01D Data Sheet

d. This Practice
e. Referenced standards

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