Staff Report On Budget - 6/21/2011
Staff Report On Budget - 6/21/2011
Staff Report On Budget - 6/21/2011
Title: Adoption of the FY2011/12 Operating and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budgets Report ID: 2011-00438 Location: Citywide Recommendation: Conduct a public hearing and upon conclusion adopt a Resolution approving the City of Sacramento FY2011/12 Operating and CIP Budgets. Contact: Virginia Smith, Budget Office (916) 808-1229 Presenter: Bill Edgar, Interim City Manager, (916) 808-1228; Betty Masuoka, Deputy Interim City Manager, (916) 808-7492, Office of the City Manager Department: Finance Division: Budget Office Dept ID: 06001411 Attachments:
1-Description/Analysis 2-Attachment 1 FY12 SBI Log 3-Attachment 2 Resolution _________________________________________________________________________ City Attorney Review City Treasurer Review
Approved as to Form Matthew Ruyak 6/16/2011 3:59:47 PM Treasurer Comments are forthcoming City Treasurer
Approvals/Acknowledgements Department Director or Designee: Leyne Milstein - 6/16/2011 2:35:15 PM Assistant City Manager: Patti Bisharat - 6/16/2011 3:22:49 PM
Description/Analysis: Issue: This report transmits the FY2011/12 Operating and Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budgets for final adoption. The FY2011/12 Proposed Operating Budget and the 2011-2016 Proposed CIP were released to the City Council on April 29, 2011, as required by City Charter. During May and June, the Mayor and City Council held eleven budget meetings, requested and received supplemental budget information (see Attachment 1) and approved intent motions to adopt the budget as amended. The operating budget as amended reflects an ongoing reduction in expenditures of approximately $39 million, including the elimination of 329.7 full time equivalent (FTE) positions in the General Fund; the use of $4.6 million in onetime resources to close the gap for the fiscal year; and the direction of $3.36 million to the Economic Uncertainty Reserve. This reflects Councils direction to continue programs and services in the Parks and Recreation Department, and includes the restoration of 7.97 FTE. The FY2011/12 budget is balanced without labor union concessions. However, discussions continue between the City and unions, and restorations may occur if union concessions are achieved. The City Council has taken significant steps to reduce ongoing discretionary spending, making difficult decisions on the programs and services the City will continue to provide. The continuing structural deficit expected in FY2012/13 and FY2013/14 will require fundamental changes in the way we conduct the business of the City, and the programs and services we are able to afford. These changes are necessary and inevitable if the City is to regain fiscal sustainability. The City Council afternoon workshops of August 23, September 27, and October 24 have been reserved for the purpose of discussing the policy questions and the strategies for budget, labor and restructuring to achieve a road map to structural fiscal balance for the City. More information on a proposed process will be provided in July. Finally, the Budget Resolution (Attachment 1) has been amended by adding Sections 5.8 and 5.9, which were previously deleted in error. These sections are the same as Sections 5.7 and 5.8 in the FY2010/11 Budget Resolution 2010-388. The proposed language continues the flexibility needed for the Police Department to address operational needs, related to the 1.0 FTE Deputy Chief position which is currently unfunded, as established with the FY2010/11 Midyear Budget report approved on February 22, 2011 (Resolution 2011-111). Policy Considerations: The FY2011/12 Proposed Budget is consistent with the City Councils adopted parameters for budget consideration:
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FY2011/12 actions need to be considered within a multi-year context; the budget process must be a continuous conversation. The Reserve for Economic Uncertainty will not be used. One-time cuts will not be used to replace permanent cuts. Any new revenue proposals will not be used until implemented. Any labor concessions will be used to mitigate reductions in that bargaining group only during the concession period. Environmental Considerations: California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA): This report concerns administrative activities that will not have any significant effect on the environment, and that do not constitute a "project" as defined by the CEQA [CEQA Guidelines Sections 15061(b)(3); 15378(b)(2)]. Environmental review under the CEQA for any project, which utilizes funds allocated in the CIP budget, has been or will be performed in conjunction with planning, design and approval of each specific project as appropriate. Sustainability Considerations: Not applicable. Committee/Commission Action: Sacramento City Code (Section 2.112.060) requires that the CIP be presented to the Planning Commission. The CIP was forwarded to the Planning Commission by the Community Development Staff, and on May 13, 2011, the Planning Commission found the 2011-2016 Proposed CIP consistent with the 2030 General Plan. Rationale for Recommendation: The FY2011/12 Proposed Operating Budget closes the $39 million General Fund gap with a combination of ongoing measures and one-time funding. The recommended action is consistent with the City Councils adopted parameters for budget consideration and policy direction provided during the budget meetings.
Financial Considerations: The adoption of the FY2011/12 Proposed Operating and CIP budgets as amended closes the $39 million deficit. However, the structural deficit will persist unless additional permanent corrective actions are implemented. It is important to note that the budget does not include adjustments that may be necessary as a result of State or County budget actions, nor any further decline in revenues that the City may experience during the fiscal year. As such, the Mayor and City Council may need to make further budget adjustments during the fiscal year to account for the actions of these external entities or the impact of further decline in revenues. A summary of the actions taken by Council to approve the FY2011/12 budget are listed below.
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May 17 May 24
May 31
June 7
Deficit Correction Intent Motion Approved ($ in 000s) Additional Revenues 2,395 Fleet Restructuring Net of Operating Budget Reductions 1,200 One-Time Funding Assumptions 4,600 870 Parks & Rec. Dept. EXCEPT Community Center Closure Community Development Department 1,329 242 Conv, Culture & Leisure Dept. EXCEPT for Golf Maint. Charter Offices/Mayor-Council 1,373 Economic Development Department 707 Finance Department 592 General Services Department 1,547 Human Resources Department 240 Information Technology Department 647 Transporation Department 480 n/a Utilities Department Sacramento Public Library 792 SCVB & SMAC 224 Human Rights Fair Housing 19 10 Sports Commission Golf 52 Fire Department 9,108 City Auditor (transfer from IBA) (120) 917 Parks & Rec. Community Centers Police Department 12,197 Unrepresented Furlough 2,200 SHRA Pass Through 470 Balance of IBA 275 42,366 Subtotal of Council Actions (3,365) Transfer to Economic Uncertainty Reserve Total Reductions 39,001
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Attachment 1
Status 6/02 Budget Report 5/12 Budget Report Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/24 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 5/24 to be determined (TBD) 6/02 Budget Report Delivered 6/02 Delivered 5/17 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07
Are there efficiencies (Marina to Transportation, Parking to Police) and/or consolidations that could provide additional savings? Are there savings if we were to close the Public Safety Center on Freeport Blvd and consolidate staffing at other City facilities? Why can't we change cost allocation to save Public Safety? Report back on the cost of utilities at the smaller clubhouses. Provide solutions to restore $1 million in funding for Parks and Recreation programs/services - all funds should be looked at. Provide options to get to a minimal level of operations at community centers that are not scheduled to have alternate service providers, or already have alternative service providers. Rightsizing has to be looked at. We need to look at management to employee ratios - provide a span of control report. How much does Transportation bring back to the General Fund? Provide a break out of the reductions taken by office for the Mayor/Council and Charter Offices. Double check the cost of Fire Station 43 and the cost of the expired contract. Provide a breakdown of the $9 million revenue reduction estimate? Can Marina fees be used for General Fund purposes in a similar way as onstreet parking? How does Transit Occupancy Tax (TOT) and the General Fund (GF) flow to the Arts Program? Would restoring the GF 1/2% and reducing the true GF fully fund the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission (SMAC) program (at the reduced level). How much is left in the Arts Stabilization designation? How much would the City really save by contracting out Golf? Would we work with the contractor to pick up our staff if we do contract this out? Is there a tie in between green waste pick-up and illegal dumping. Can we revisit Proposition 218 relative to illegal dumping? What is the cost of all of the Gang Violence/Cease fire operations? How many exempt staff currently in the Police Department's administrative services? Can some of the sworn exempt be moved out of administration and into patrol? Will Police Department layoffs result in Police Officers replacing the reserve staff currently working in City Hall and/or as the Mayor's drivers, etc? How much citation money does the City receive from commercial vehicle inspections and who gets this revenue? Provide additional information/detail on Police Department positions, assignments/locations and associated costs. If we could build back, what are the Police Department priorities/most important restorations? What are the current vacancies for Police Officers and how many layoffs will happen with and without the grant restoration? We need to re-look at our existing policy on covering costs - is there a way to bill the State for response to protests and/or for costs associated with large events that come to Sacramento?
5/3 & 5/17 5/3 & 5/17 5/3 5/12 5/12 5/12
20 21 22 23 24 25 26
2 1 6 1 6 3 3
Delivered 5/24 6/02 Budget Report 5/24 Presentation Delivered 5/24 6/02 Budget Report Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07
27 28 29 30 31
3 1 3 5 2
Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07
Delivered 6/07
33 34 35 36 37
2 1&5 5 5 6
Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07
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S:\Operating Budget - FY12\Budget Hearings\SBI\FY12 SBI Log
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Attachment 1
Status Delivered 5/24 Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/02 FY2011/12 Midyear Report Delivered 6/02 TBD
What is the value of a 10% reduction to Finance? 5 and 10% reductions in IT and HR? 15% in the City Manager's Office? Provide an update at Midyear on the collection rates achieved by the two collection positions recommended in the Proposed Budget for Finance Reserved Is a new Management position being added to IT to deal with Web Services? With proposed cuts, what will effect be on City Attorney's Office ability to retain litigation in-house as much as possible? If there is a lawsuit as a result of department action, not covered by insurance policy, how is cost of defense paid for? What does a department's budget pay for? Provide comparison staffing and workload information for the CAO with other comparable jurisdictions. Is there a 218 issue related to depositing revenues received from wireless installations attached to Utility facilities into the General Fund. Review the Wireless/Billboard Revenue Policy directing these revenues to the General Fund in 3 fiscal years (FY2013/14). What changes need to be made in order to allow Council Members to fundraise for city programs and not have conflicts with election restrictions. Historically have Fire Department year end results been used to balance the General Fund? Do the revenues from the Fire District contracts fully support the City's cost of service? Has 522 indicated to you that they feel our revenue estimate for ALS should be higher? We need to evaluate and see if there are options to increase our ALS revenue budget to restore brownouts. Bring back a discussion item addressing what policies are needed to address how new revenues are utilized. Is ALS making money or not? Is it self sustainable? Audit golf course maintenance - are things being done maintenance and operationally correct? Need to evaluate how we deliver services - what businesses the City is in, everything should be on the table. Prior to recess, bring back tentative schedule of what this might look like for summer and fall. (how to start, when to start, what are first steps.) Provide back up on the SHRA pass through estimate Provide recent sales tax results (understand other organizations are estimating increases of 2-3 %) Are there funds to cover the transition period between the City and Nonprofits for the community centers?
5/24 5/24
7 2
5/24 5/24
7 4
45 46 47 48
1 public 3 1
49 50 51
1, 2, 6 5 2, 6
52 53 54 55
5 7 2 5
After Budget Policy Discussion Delivered 6/07 Delivered 6/07 6/21 Budget Hearing
56 57 59
3 3 2
Note: Items not delivered during the budget hearing process will be added to the City Council follow up log
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S:\Operating Budget - FY12\Budget Hearings\SBI\FY12 SBI Log
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RESOLUTION NO. xxxx-xxx Adopted by the Sacramento City Council June XX, 2011 APPROVING THE FISCAL YEAR 2011/12 OPERATING AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM BUDGETS FOR THE CITY OF SACRAMENTO BACKGROUND A. The City Manager is required to present a balanced budget to the Mayor and City Council no less than 60 days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year pursuant to Article 9, Section 111 of the City Charter. The City of Sacramento, through the leadership and direction of the Mayor and City Council, has maintained a sustainable budget philosophy. Given this concept of fiscal sustainability, the Council adopted the following strategies and principles on February 22, 2011, for the development of the Fiscal Year (FY)2011/12 Proposed Budget: 1. Budget Development Strategies: a. Alternative Service Delivery b. Streamlining the Organization c. Revenue Improvements d. Planned Use of One-Time Reserves 2. Fiscal and Organizational Principles: a. Develop a Sustainable Budget Plan b. Balanced Budget for FY2011/12 c. Use One-Time Resources Strategically d. Balance Layoff Impacts with Service Level Decisions e. Address Full Service City Status C. The City Manager released the FY2011/12 Proposed Operating Budget and the 20112016 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) (which includes the FY2011/12 CIP Budget) on April 29, 2011, for review and consideration. The Mayor and City Council conducted hearings during the months of May and June 2011 related to the adoption of the Citys FY2011/12 Operating and CIP Budgets.
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BASED ON THE FACTS SET FORTH IN THE BACKGROUND, THE CITY COUNCIL RESOLVES AS FOLLOWS: A. B. C. D. E. The Summary of Changes in Appropriations, attached as Exhibit 1, and the Summary of Changes and Technical Adjustments, attached as Exhibit 2, are hereby approved. The FY2011/12 Operating and CIP Budgets, as defined in Section 2.1, are hereby approved (collectively the Approved Budget). The 2011-2016 CIP, which provides a comprehensive five-year plan for the Citys capital project expenditures, is hereby approved. Sections 1 through 16 below, which define the authority and responsibilities of the City Manager in implementing the Approved Budget, are hereby approved. The City Manager is authorized to incorporate final decisions of the City Council, and refine/add content, as may be needed to meet Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) and California Society of Municipal Finance Officers (CSMFO) budgeting award application requirements, into the Proposed Operating and CIP Budgets in order to create the FY2011/12 Approved Operating Budget and 2011-2016 CIP. Exhibits 1 through 4, inclusive, are part of this resolution. The following Budget Policies are hereby approved: 1. If the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) Grant is approved, 35.0 Police Officer FTE shall be restored to the Sacramento Police Department (SPD). The Police Chiefs recommendation is to restore positions in the downtown core and traffic safety. 2. If the California Medi-Cal: Ground Emergency Medical Transport Assembly Bill (AB678) is passed, additional revenues collected above the current budgeted amount shall be reinvested in the Fire Department to reinstate fire company brownouts and/or add staffed advanced life support medic units.
3. The Internal Auditor shall perform an audit of the Citys golf course operations to
F. G.
assess if the estimated savings associated with contracting out maintenance services are reasonable. a. The audit conclusion shall be presented to the City Council. b. The contract shall be consistent with the following parameters:
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i. The General Fund subsidy for the maintenance and operation of the Citys golf courses will be eliminated; ii. Operations, maintenance, capital and debt costs will be borne by Morton Golf; iii. Existing City employees will be given priority hiring by Morton Golf; iv. The length of the contract will be commensurate with investment made by lessee; v. Consideration of a local hiring and a living wage component (Sacramento City Code Chapter 3.58); vi. Transition will be effective between October 2011 and January 2012. SECTION 1. 1.1 SCOPE
This resolution defines the authority and responsibilities of the City Manager in implementing the Approved Budget of the City of Sacramento and supersedes Resolution 2010-388. DEFINITIONS
SECTION 2. 2.1
Approved Budget consists of the following documents: (1) The Operating Budget, which is the FY2011/12 Proposed Operating Budget dated April 29, 2011, as amended by the City Council to incorporate the approved summary of changes in appropriations set forth in Exhibit 1, and the approved administrative and technical changes set forth in Exhibit 2 (the Approved Operating Budget is attached as Exhibit 3); and (2) The Capital Improvement Program budget, which is the FY2011/12 Proposed Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget dated April 29, 2011, as summarized in Schedule 4 of the FY2011/12 Operating Budget and detailed in the 2011-2016 CIP, as amended by the City Council to incorporate the Proposed CIP, the summary of changes in appropriations set forth in Exhibit 1, and the approved administrative and technical changes set forth in Exhibit 2 (the Approved CIP is attached as Exhibit 4).
2.2 2.3
Base Budget is the current year budget modified pursuant to labor agreements, one-time expenditures, citywide changes, and midyear changes. Budget Categories reflect internal reporting structures based on established budgets:
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Department or Operating Unit represents major budgetary groupings such as: Mayor and City Council; City Manager; City Attorney; City Clerk; City Treasurer; Code Enforcement; Convention, Culture & Leisure; Community Development; Economic Development; Finance; Fire; General Services; Human Resources; Information Technology; Parks & Recreation; Police; Transportation; Utilities; Projects; Debt Service; Non-Department; and Fund Reserves. Dept ID represents an organizational sub-unit within an Operating Unit. Division represents a roll-up of Dept IDs within an Operating Unit. Account is the primary accounting field in the budget used to describe the nature of the financial transaction. Expenditure Class is a categorical grouping of individual similar accounts for purposes of reporting expenditures (i.e. Employee Services, Other Services and Supplies, Property, Debt Service, Labor/Supply Offset, Contingency, and Operating Transfers).
2.4 2.5
City Manager means the City Manager or, if so designated, the Director of Finance. Current Budget is the FY2010/11 Approved Budget, incorporating any subsequent appropriation increases, decreases, or transfers and adjustments as approved by the City Council or City Manager, as appropriate. Full Time Equivalent (FTE) means the decimal equivalent of a position; e.g., one full-time position is 1.00 FTE and one quarter-time position is 0.25 FTE. Unfunded FTE means a City Council authorized FTE without an associated labor budget. Unfunded FTE will remain vacant until funding has been approved for it by the City Council or City Manager, as appropriate. Multi-Year Operating Projects (MYOP) are used to account for projects and activities that are multi-year in nature and are not capital improvement projects. AUTHORIZED STAFFING AND APPROPRIATIONS
2.6 2.7
SECTION 3. 3.1
The City Manager is authorized to make any expenditure and resource adjustments to the Approved Operating Budget based on final City Council action to adopt the Approved Operating Budget.
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The City Manager is authorized to establish the appropriations and FTE staffing as shown in Schedules 1A, 1B, 1C, 1D, and fund summaries, including transfers as shown on Schedule 2A and B as displayed in Exhibit 3. The City Manager is authorized to revise any appropriation made in the Approved Budget where the revision is of a technical nature and is consistent with City Council intent. The City Manager is authorized to adjust any appropriation made in the Approved Budget to reflect changes from amounts budgeted for updated labor, vehicle, energy, contingencies, cost plan, and risk management changes, such as retirement rates, payroll taxes, health benefits, fleet costs, and risk management costs from designated funds or reserves. Following budget approval, the City Manager is authorized to revise indirect cost rates to be applied to hourly salary rates in order to achieve full cost recovery of services and is authorized to adjust the Operating Budget to reflect the indirect cost plan for FY2011/12. APPROPRIATION INCREASES/DECREASES
All appropriation changes (increases or decreases) in excess of $100,000 to operating and capital budgets shall be approved by the City Council by resolution. The City Manager is authorized upon completion of the audited financial statements for FY2010/11, to adjust FY2011/12 fund contingencies by the amount of net changes in available fund balance as determined by the City Council. These fund balance and appropriation changes shall be included and explained in the report to City Council accompanying the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR). Residual balances from unexpended debt proceeds will be reverted to the appropriate fund and utilized for the legal purposes as specified in the conditions of the debt issuance. The City Manager is authorized to establish appropriations and account for the expenditure of these unexpended proceeds. STAFFING CHANGES
SECTION 5. 5.1
Any increase or decrease, by department by fund, in FTE as authorized in the Approved Budget or any subsequent approval by the City Council or by the City Manager in accordance with this resolution, is subject to approval by the City Council, except for renewals or expansion of fully offset grants or externally funded programs (EFP) as specified in Section 5.2.
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Any existing positions which were approved based on the assumption of the City receiving a grant or other reimbursements, must have continued funding verified prior to filling the position. The City Manager is authorized to adjust staffing levels for renewals, expansions, or reductions to fully offset City Council-approved grants or EFP. Grant/EFP positions shall be terminated upon completion or cancellation of the grant/EFP, unless specifically continued by a resolution that includes a source of replacement funding (see Section 11). Any exempt management position adjustment made subject to the approval of the City Manager and subject to the adopted resolution covering unrepresented officers and employees approved by City Council, must have funding verified by the Budget Office prior to implementation. Any reassignment of authorized FTE and employee services funding associated with the FTE within a department and within the same fund, may be made at the discretion of the Department Director with the approval of the City Manager as long as there is no net change to authorized FTE and funding levels. All new job classifications or reclassifications (as identified in Exhibit 3, Schedule 8) are subject to classification review and approval by the Human Resources Director. The City Manager is authorized to adjust staffing levels in the Police and Fire Training Academies based on projected vacancies. The City Manager is authorized to increase Police Department staffing up to the original grant award of 35.0 Police Officer FTE positions, contingent upon the approval by the U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS), to modify the COPS Hiring Recovery Program (CHRP) grant to restore FTE positions previously eliminated due to budget reductions. Positions identified as Unfunded FTE shall remain vacant until the City Council approves a budget adjustment to fund the costs associated with these positions. The City Manager is authorized to substitute Unfunded FTE within a department for alternate vacant positions in order to address operational needs within the departments Approved Budget. ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY RESERVE (EUR) POLICIES AND TRANSFERS FROM CONTINGENCY/RESERVE FUNDS
5.8 5.9
SECTION 6. 6.1
As directed by the City Council in June 2011, the Citys goal for the General Fund Economic Uncertainty Reserve (EUR) shall be 10% of annual General Fund revenues. Resources to fund this reserve will be identified on an ongoing basis and can include positive year end results or other one-time resources available to the General Fund 6
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which will be brought back to Council as identified for direction to the EUR through the budget development, midyear review, and year-end processes. 6.2 The General Fund EUR is currently $14.3 million; an additional $3.4 million was identified through the FY2011/12 Budget Hearing process, increasing the reserve to $17.7 million. This reserve will be maintained for the purpose of bridging a gap between projected revenue and expenditures during periods of significant revenue declines and/or expenditure growth. In order to report this reserve as a commitment of fund balance according to new governmental accounting standards (Governmental Accounting Standards Board Statement No. 54, Fund Balance Reporting and Governmental Fund Type Definitions), parameters for using the EUR must be established. The parameters under which the EUR may be used are as follows:
The City Manager may recommend a release from the Economic Uncertainty Reserve when the gap between projected revenue and expenditures is greater than $1 million in the proposed budget. Any release from the Economic Uncertainty Reserve is subject to approval by the City Council. These parameters may only be changed by the City Council by resolution.
The City Manager is authorized to make appropriation changes (increases or decreases) not exceeding $100,000 from available fund balance. Appropriation changes (increases and decreases) in excess of $100,000 are subject to approval by the City Council, except for payments to employees for vacation and sick leave termination, which may be approved by the City Manager. The City Manager is authorized to make appropriation changes (increases or decreases) not exceeding $100,000 from Administrative Contingency established in the General Fund, Water Fund, Sewer Fund, Solid Waste Fund, and/or Storm Drainage Fund. Appropriation changes (increases and decreases) in excess of $100,000 are subject to approval by the City Council. Transfers shall not be made from available fund balance or Administrative Contingency if the transfer will result in a negative balance. Use of committed fund balance reserves is subject to approval by the City Council by resolution. The City Manager is authorized to make annual loan repayments to the Risk Fund from the Convention Center Fund subject to the availability of funds. As of June 30,
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2010, the Risk Fund loan to the Convention Center Fund totaled approximately $6.9 million. SECTION 7. 7.1 7.2 OTHER APPROPRIATION TRANSFERS
Operating appropriation transfers within the same department and the same fund are subject to approval by the City Manager. Appropriation transfers between two or more departments, up to and including $100,000, are subject to approval by the City Manager. Such transfers in excess of $100,000 are subject to approval by the City Council by resolution. UNSPENT APPROPRIATIONS AND ENCUMBRANCES
SECTION 8. 8.1
All appropriations in the Operating Budget which remain unencumbered or unexpended on June 30, 2011, after adjustments resulting from Sections 4.2, 4.3, 10.4, 11.5, and 12.4 or as specifically provided for in Section 16, shall revert to the available fund balance of the respective funds. Any budgetary surplus in the General Fund, determined as part of the fiscal year end close process, will be reported in the CAFR as Assigned for Next Years Budget or as specifically directed in a subsequent resolution. All unrealized investment gains determined and reported as part of the fiscal year end close process will be reported in the CAFR as Assigned for Unrealized Investment Gains because the resources are not available for appropriation. The City Manager is authorized to carry over unobligated appropriations and interest earned by the Ethel MacLeod Hart Trust (Fund 2503) in the prior year, and to transfer the accumulated resources to the Ethel MacLeod Hart Trust Multi-Year Project (I19120000), pursuant to the five-year recommendation of the Ethel MacLeod Hart Advisory Committee, in FY2011/12. All purchase order commitments outstanding on June 30, 2011, and associated appropriations, are hereby continued. Unobligated appropriations in existence on June 30, 2011, for fleet purchasing budgets (Accounts 474230 and 474240) shall be transferred to the Fleet MYOP. The City Manager is authorized to adjust carryover by department based on citywide fleet needs. Unobligated appropriations in existence on June 30, 2011, for Fire Department station expenses (Account 481230) pursuant to the current Fire labor contract, shall be carried over to the next fiscal year.
8.4 8.5
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Unobligated appropriations in existence on June 30, 2011, for the City Council discretionary accounts (Accounts 481100 and 472010) shall be carried over to the next fiscal year. Unobligated appropriations in existence on June 30, 2011, for the Arts Stabilization program funded by a portion of the General Fund allocation of the transient occupancy tax, shall be carried over to the next fiscal year. The Rental Housing Inspection Program fees have been established to recover the costs of the program. The City Manager is authorized to carryover excess revenues for this program provided the full cost of the current year operations for the Rental Housing Inspection Program has been recovered. The City Manager is authorized to decrease the General Fund (Fund 1001) revenue and expenditure budgets for contract services in the Police Department Operating Budget and establish a revenue and expenditure budget in the Police Department Contract Services Externally Funded Program (E11005200) in the EFP Fund (Fund 2703). The City Manager is authorized to adjust the Convention, Culture and Leisure revenue budget for Theater Facility Fee revenues and the Theater Renovation project (M17100100) expenditure budget based on the actual fees collected, less any operating costs associated with delivering this service. REVENUE BUDGET
The FY2011/12 Revenue Budget is summarized in Exhibit 3, Schedule 6. Any increase or decrease greater than $100,000 in estimated revenue to the Approved Budget by fund requires City Council approval.
SECTION 10. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS 10.1 Capital projects and/or appropriations shall be used for:
Repairs, maintenance, improvements, or acquisitions with a total cost of at least $20,000 and a useful life that exceeds one fiscal year; and Community/Neighborhood projects as approved in separate resolutions by the City Council.
City Council approval is required for the establishment and/or cancellation (without completion) of a CIP, except as provided below:
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Capital projects for internal City operations related to improvements and minor construction of existing City owned/occupied buildings may be established by the City Manager provided the total cost to deliver the project does not exceed $100,000; Capital projects that have been approved in the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agencys (SHRA) annual budget and are subject to the provisions of the Master Project Agreement between the City and SHRA as adopted by the City Council on December 18, 2001 (Resolution 2001-828), may be approved by the City Manager; Capital projects may be subdivided into separate sub-projects as needed to administer, manage, and deliver the original scope of the project, without further City Council action; and Credit projects established in accordance with Sacramento City Code (SCC) Chapter 18.18. For purposes of recording the asset of these already constructed projects, the City Manager is authorized to make all the necessary adjustments once the improvement is accepted by the City of Sacramento.
10.3 10.4
Capital appropriations shall be used solely for the originally approved project or projects except as provided for in this section. Annually, completed or inactive projects will be closed, except for projects that have existing litigation or payment disputes. An inactive project is defined as one where transaction activity is less than $1,000 over the prior three years. Closures are the responsibility of the designated project manager. The managing department and/or City Manager has the authority to process the necessary documentation to close inactive projects. All multi-year CIP projects in existence on June 30, 2011, shall be continued in FY2011/12, except as provided otherwise in Section 10.4. The FY2011/12 CIP Budget is summarized on Schedules 2 and 4 as displayed in Exhibit 3. Unencumbered appropriations for all inactive projects, as defined in Section 10.4, will expire on June 30, following the third full year of the last appropriation to the project. Projects requiring continuing appropriations will require City Council action through programming within the CIP or through a separate appropriation to the project. Each fiscal year, on June 30, the balance of each CIP project must be zero or have a positive balance by fund. Projects in excess of the budget from all funding sources (i.e., with a negative balance) shall be treated as follows: 10
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If the project balance exceeds the budget by $100,000 or less, the project account shall first be corrected within each fund and, second, any remaining negative balance shall be corrected by a transfer from the project managers department Operating Budget (all transfers of $100,000 or less shall be made as provided for in Section 6.2); or If the project balance exceeds the budget by more than $100,000, the project account shall be submitted to City Council for approval by resolution of a corrective plan of action.
Except in the General Fund, the City Manager is authorized to transfer appropriations up to and including $100,000:
Between funding sources within a project if the total appropriation remains unchanged.
Upon completion and closure of a capital project, the City Manager is authorized to transfer any remaining project balance:
To the available fund balance of the respective fund, the Capital Projects Base Reserve in the Utilities CIP or, in the case of the General Fund, Administrative Contingency; or As provided for in Section 10.8.
10.10 Except as provided for in Section 10.9, the City Manager is authorized to increase or decrease project budget appropriations by not more than $100,000 for each project. Appropriation changes exceeding $100,000 in total for any project shall be submitted to the City Council for approval by resolution. 10.11 Community/Neighborhood projects and appropriations established with one-time funding sources under Resolution 2000-682 (11/21/00), 2001-765 (11/20/01), 2003412 (6/17/03), 2004-551 (6/29/04), 2006-367 (5/23/06), and associated staff reports, are governed by the following procedures:
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Savings of up to $50,000 due to lower than expected costs or the securing of alternative funding sources, may be administratively reprogrammed into other projects within the same City Council District, at the request of the City Council District Office and with the approval of the City Manager; or Savings above $50,000 to be reprogrammed requires City Council approval by resolution.
10.12 Measure A Sales Tax (Funds 2001 and 2005) and New Measure A Construction/Projects (Funds 2023, 2025, and 2026) expenditure and revenue budgets can be loaded into the Citys financial system prior to Sacramento Transportation Authority (STA) Board approval. Work on CIP projects in these funds is done prior to receiving funding. Project funding/appropriations shall be as follows:
The City Manager is authorized to enter the revenue/expenditure budgets as reflected in the Approved Budget (revenues) and CIP Budget (expenditures); The City Manager is authorized to enter expenditure/revenue budgets prior to STA Board approval; and STA Board approval is required for all Measure A reallocations. In cases where the City Council takes action on recommended Measure A reallocations prior to STA Board action, City Council approval shall be contingent on STA Board approval.
10.13 Projects funded by the following reimbursable funds are included within the Operating and CIP Budgets for planning purposes: Grant Funds (Funds 3702, 3703, and 3704), SHRA Community Development Block Grants (Fund 2700), and SHRA Tax Increment (Fund 3701). Work on CIP projects funded by these sources is done prior to receiving funding, and project funding/authorization for these projects shall be as follows:
Funds 2700, 3701, 3702, 3703, and 3704: Expenditure and revenue budgets will not be loaded into the Citys financial system until agreements (Program Supplements/E-76s, Individual Project Agreements (IPA), Cooperative Agreements, etc.) have been executed between the City and the funding authority. Funds 3703 and 3704: The City of Sacramento is eligible to receive federal and/or state funding for certain transportation projects through the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). Master Agreements, Program Supplemental Agreements, Fund Exchange Agreements, and/or Fund Transfer Agreements must be executed with Caltrans before such funds can be 12
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claimed. The Mayor and/or City Manager are authorized to execute all Master Agreements, Program Supplemental Agreements, Fund Exchange Agreements, Fund Transfer Agreements, and any amendments thereto with Caltrans. The City Manager is authorized to transfer matching funds as specified in the approved CIP from the state and federal Grant Match Program (T15007200) and to enter the revenue/expenditure budgets as reflected in the grant agreement, provided that the amount is not more than $100,000 different from what was reflected in the Approved CIP Budget which authorized the project funding. Project agreements that exceed $100,000 difference from the anticipated budget shall be submitted to the City Council for approval by resolution.
10.14 The CIP Budget may include Credit Projects. Credit projects are established to
account for turnkey parks, infrastructure, and other improvements provided by a developer in accordance with Council approved finance plans or fee programs and in exchange for City fee credits. Credit projects are contracted, constructed and accepted in accordance with SCC Chapter 18.18. In an effort to provide a reflection of credit project activity, outstanding credit project agreements are listed in the CIP Budget as funded by Developer Credit/Obligations (Fund 9501), together with a description and estimated value, but without timing since that is frequently unknown.
10.15 The CIP Budget (Exhibit 4) includes projects that are directly supported by user and developer fees. The City Manager is authorized to adjust department revenue budgets and CIP expenditure budgets for projects directly supported by fees based on the actual fees collected, less any operating costs associated with delivering the service. SECTION 11. OPERATING GRANTS AND EXTERNALLY FUNDED PROGRAMS (EFP) 11.1 City Council approval is required for the establishment and/or cancellation (without completion) of an operating grant/EFP, except as follows:
Where the operating grant/EFP is under $100,000 and does not require any of the following:
Any increase or decrease, by department by fund, in FTE staffing levels as authorized in the Approved Budget or by any subsequent approval by the City Council or by the City Manager in accordance with this resolution; or Matching funds from City resources; or
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(c) (2)
The City Manager is authorized to establish operating grants/EFP in excess of $100,000, and to authorize spending and allocation of resources in advance of formal agreements in response to governmental requests for public safety assistance related to disasters and national security risks. The Department responding to these events shall report to the City Council within 60 days of receiving formal program documents from the requesting governmental agency(s) to obtain approval to enter into agreements and accept reimbursements.
The City Manager is authorized to adjust staffing levels and associated service and supplies, in accordance with Section 5.2, for renewals or expansions of fully offset grants previously approved by City Council. If the grantor of a grant/EFP requires City Council action, as a condition of funding the grant/EFP, then establishment of the grant/EFP shall require approval by the City Council regardless of the grant amount. Operating grants/EFP appropriated in the Approved Budget do not require additional City Council approval to be expended upon receipt of such grants or funds for EFP. All multi-year operating grant/EFP budgets in existence on June 30, 2011, shall be continued in FY2011/12. The City Manager is authorized to adjust revenue and expenditure budgets for renewals, up to the amount previously approved by City Council, and augmentations up to $100,000 of fully offset grants and externally funded programs. Youth and Federally funded parks and recreation grant expenditure and revenue budgets can be loaded into the Citys financial system based on the prior year award prior to receipt of signed agreements. Project funding/appropriations shall be adjusted based on the final grant agreement. In the event the grant is not renewed or is changed by more than $100,000, the managing department must return to the City Council for corrective action. Each fiscal year, on June 30, the balance of each grant/EFP budget must be zero or have a positive balance by fund. Grants/EFP in excess of the budget from all funding sources (i.e., with a negative balance) shall be treated as follows:
11.5 11.6
If the project balance exceeds budget by $100,000 or less, the project account shall first be corrected within each fund and, second, any remaining negative balance shall be corrected by a transfer from the project managers 14
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department Operating Budget (all transfers of $100,000 or less shall be made as provided for in Section 6.2); or
If the project balance exceeds budget by more than $100,000, the project account shall be submitted to City Council for approval by resolution of a corrective plan of action.
SECTION 12. MULTI-YEAR OPERATING PROJECTS 12.1 Multi-year operating projects are used for:
Economic Development Assistance and Development Programs (e.g., Inclusionary Housing, Infill and Low-Income Fee-Waiver programs); Planning, audit, and other consultant studies that will take more than one fiscal year to complete; and Other projects and activities that are multi-year in nature and are not capital improvement projects.
City Council approval is required for the establishment and/or cancellation (without completion) of a multi-year operating project. Unobligated appropriations in existence on June 30, 2011, for all existing multi-year operating projects, shall be carried over to the next fiscal year. Multi-year operating project appropriations shall be used solely for the originally approved program or study. Annually, completed or inactive multi-year operating projects will be closed. An inactive project is defined as one where transaction activity is less than $1,000 over the prior three years. Closures are the responsibility of the designated project manager. The managing department and/or City Manager have the authority to process the necessary documentation to close inactive projects. Each fiscal year, on June 30, the balance of each multi-year operating project must be zero or have a positive balance by fund. Projects in excess of the budget from all funding sources (i.e., with negative balances) shall be treated as follows:
If the project balance exceeds budget by $100,000 or less, the project account shall first be corrected within each fund and, second, any remaining negative balance shall be corrected by a transfer from the project managers Operating Budget(all transfers of $100,000 or less shall be made as provided for in Section 6.2); or
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If the project balance exceeds budget by more than $100,000, the project account shall be submitted to City Council for approval by resolution of a corrective plan of action.
The City Manager is authorized to increase or decrease project budget appropriations by not more than $100,000 for each project. Transfers that exceed $100,000 in total for any project shall be submitted to the City Council for approval by resolution.
SECTION 13. IN-LIEU PROPERTY TAXES AND IN-LIEU FRANCHISE FEE 13.1 An in-lieu property tax and in-lieu franchise fee are hereby imposed on the Community Center (Fund 6010), Parking (Fund 6004), and Sacramento Marina (Fund 6009) funds in the amounts provided in Schedule 3 as displayed in Exhibit 3. The City Council finds that the in-lieu property tax as detailed in Schedule 3 represents the property tax revenue, which would be received by the General Fund if the real and personal property owned by these enterprises were taxable under private ownership. The in-lieu franchise fee as detailed in Schedule 3 represents the franchise fees which would be received by the City from private entities as a rental or a toll for the use of City streets and rights-of-way.
SECTION 14. APPROPRIATION LIMITS 14.1 The appropriation limit and the appropriations subject to the limit are hereby amended pursuant to Article XIIIB of the California Constitution for FY2011/12 as detailed in Schedule 5 as displayed in Exhibit 3.
SECTION 15. MIDYEAR FINANCIAL REPORT 15.1 The City Council shall be provided a Midyear Financial Report including a revised estimate of the financial condition of all funds, revised estimated revenues and expenditures, and recommendations for eliminating any projected fund deficits. The City Council shall act on any projected fund deficits as part of the fiscal year end close process.
SECTION 16. MISCELLANEOUS CONTROLS/CONSIDERATIONS 16.1 No expenditures by fund at the department level shall exceed the Approved Budget as amended by any subsequent approval by the City Council or by the City Manager in accordance with this resolution.
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Subject to approval by the City Manager and pursuant to the sections governing transfers and appropriations, projected deficiencies in any department by fund shall be corrected by:
Reducing expenditures in the department (e.g., freezing vacant positions, restricting purchase orders, etc.); or Making an appropriation transfer from administrative contingency and/or available fund balance subject to the provisions of Section 6.
Adjust budgets to reflect all required debt service payments pursuant to the official statements; Adjust revenue and expenditure budgets in the Special Revenue funds based on the actual revenues collected, less any operating costs associated with delivering this service; Establish and adjust budgets for private development activities managed in multi-year operating projects, that are fully offset by development fees; and Adjust multi-year project budgets in the current year based on previous actions of the City Council. Establish and adjust budgets for multi-year operating projects (MYOPs), Externally Funded Projects (EFPs) and Operating Grants as reflected on Schedule 9. Establish a MYOP for department fleet replacement operations which currently cross fiscal years and transfer the budgeted replacement amounts from the respective operating budgets to the MYOP for better management and tracking of replacement activities which cross fiscal years. Establish four new funds (Funds 6205, 6206, 6207 and 6211) to account for grants and other reimbursable projects funded by various external sources (federal government, state government, sponsors, etc.), related to Utilities (Water, Wastewater, Solid Waste and Storm Drainage respectively) services. These funds will be consolidated with their respective utility funds for external financial reporting. Project appropriations budgeted in these funds must be matched by a revenue budget supported by an agreement with an external funding source.
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Realign the budget and FTE in the Economic Development Department to better track and account for the use of Tax Increment funds received from the Sacramento Housing and Redevelopment Agency. Realign the existing Mayor/City Council budget and FTE structure including the City Council accounts included in Non-Department to provide accountability and tracking of costs by District. Establish a new capital fund (Fund 3333) which will be used for identified projects within the North Natomas Comprehensive Drainage Plan (NNCDP).
In all staff reports that come before the City Council, net budgetary impacts on all funds shall be stated clearly and concisely, including indirect impacts, so that the Councilmembers have a full understanding of the financial considerations and impacts of their decisions.
Table of Contents Exhibit 1 Summary of Changes in Appropriations Exhibit 2 Summary of FTE by Fund and Department Exhibit 3 Approved Operating Budget Exhibit 4 Approved Capital Budget
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Exhibit 1
City Treasurer
General (1001)
Mayor/CC Mayor/CC Police Non-Department Non-Department Economic Uncertainty Reserve Mayor/CC Operations Mayor/CC Office of the City Auditor Non-Department
General (1001) General (1001) General (1001) General (1001) General (1001) General (1001)
Revenue/ Net Funded Offset Expenditure Change / FTE Adjustment Adjustment Savings Change Description $ 10,000 $ (412,000) $ (422,000) (2.00) Eliminate 1.0 FTE LAN Administrator (Position #30923) and 1.0 Legal Secretary (Position #12661); continuation of furloughs, reduction of litigation funding and increase of revenues Sacramento Library Authority legal services $ 131,000 $ - $ (131,000) - Increase revenues for management of debt issues and increase Treasury Pool management fee by 0.01 percent $ 665,065 $ - $ (665,065) - Establish a revenue budget for Wireless/Billboard revenues in NonDepartment $ - $ 30,000 $ 30,000 - Reduce the base savings in Non-Department for the City Clerk's budget reduction with a transfer from the City Clerk's Automation (A04000100) CIP1 $ 800,500 $ 800,500 - Reduce the $830,500 base savings in Non-Department related to the Mayor/Council ($247,500), City Attorney ($422k), and City Treasurer ($131k) budget reductions $ - $ (276,817) $ (276,817) - One-time transfer to the Economic Uncertainty Reserve from the unfunding of the Internal Budget Analyst Office in FY2011/12 $ - $ (69,577) $ (69,577) - One-time transfer of from the Mayor/Council labor budget (District 7 Councilmember salary deferral) to the Police Department $ - $ 69,577 $ 69,577 - One-time transfer of from the Mayor/Council labor budget (District 7 Councilmember salary deferral) to the Police Department $ 470,382 $ (470,382) - Establish a revenue budget for the SHRA Pass Through $ - $ (2,200,000) $(2,200,000) - Continue 12 days of Furloughs for Unrepresented Staff $ - $ 3,364,764 $ 3,364,764 - One-time transfer to the Economic Uncertainty Reserve from Independent Budget Analyst funding, Wireless/Billboard revenues, SHRA Pass Through and Unrepresented Furloughs $ - $ (120,000) $ (120,000) - One-time transfer for additional audits in FY2011/12 $ $ 120,000 $ 120,000 - One-time transfer for additional audits in FY2011/12
General (1001)
- $
(170,000) $ (170,000)
Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation Parks and Recreation
General (1001) START (2501) 4th R (6012) General (1001) START (2501) 4th R (6012) General (1001)
- $
Transfer from Council District 6 Cell Tower accounts (80003112 and 80003113 - $85,000 each) to the Glenbrook and Oki Park Improvements Project (L19220000)1 - Eliminate 1.0 FTE Sr. Building Maintenance Worker (Position #13547) and reduce services and supplies by $19,583, and restore 1.0 FTE Plumber (Position #39059) (5.01) Reduction of recreation programs due to decline in Special Recreation user fees (8.00) Reduction of START program (5.94) Reduction of 4th R program (7.00) Reduction of Cover the Kids program (1.00) Transfer 1.0 FTE Recreation Manager (Position #90000) from START program to 4th R program 1.00 Transfer 1.0 FTE Recreation Manager (Position #90000) from START program to 4th R program 1.22 Eliminate 1.0 FTE Program Supervisor (Position #28923), restore: 1.0 FTE Customer Service Assistant (Position #28108), 0.72 FTE Utility Worker (Position #10275 & 31107) and 0.50 FTE Recreation Aide (Position #30980), and correct the 6/7/11 staffing chart to include an additional 1.0 Program Coordinator and reduce 1.0 Park Ranger as included in the Proposed Budget (1.00) Eliminate 1.0 FTE Associate Planner (Position #32225) and transfer labor savings of $84,237 to offset community center costs. 5.75 Restore 5.75 FTE (Positions 13613, 32486, 10920, 10825, 38101, 38601 & 17071) for community centers without funding (costs to be absorbed by Department as part of transition plan) - Authorize the change in classification status of 1.0 FTE Administrative Analyst (Position #36307) from limited term to permanent. - Adjust budget based on Water Forum Coordinating Committee approved cost sharing of American River programs with member agencies and use of fund balance in the amount of $483,468 - Adjust budget based on Water Forum Coordinating Committee approved cost sharing of American River programs with member agencies and use of fund balance in the amount of $486,532 (21.98)
$ $
$ $
$ $
Water (6005)
$ (35,707) $
(218,277) $ (182,570)
20,419 $
506,951 $
(464,706) $ (263,336)
The balancing transaction for CIPs are reflected on the CIP Budget Amendments Chart
Totals reflect the changes from the Proposed Budget Document (City Manager FTE was not included in the original FY2011/12 Proposed Budget)
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L19220000 Glenbrook Park and River Access Establish a new CIP for installation of a fabric shade canopy over the playground equipment and Oki Park Improvements and restroom improvements including the addition of privacy screening at Glenbrook Park, the installation of a fabric shade canopy over the playground equipment at Oki Park and the installation of a decomposed granite walkway loop with infrastructure for volunteers to plant a garden at the Glenbrook River Access. W14121100 CFD 97-01 Improvements - North CIP is being established to make improvements in the CFD 97-01 North Natomas Drainage Natomas Comprehensive system: including Pump Station 1B,the main drain canal, and basins. Drainage Plan (NNCDP)
CIP - Capita l Improvement Progra m/Project, EFP = Externa l l y Funded Project, a nd MYOP = Mul ti -Yea r Opera ti ng Project
CIP Budget Amendments (Projects identified on this schedule will be included in the Approved 2011-2016 CIP)
Project Number
Project Name
City Clerk Automation
General Fund
Net Change
Funding Details
Glenbrook Park and River Access and Oki Park Improvements CFD 97-01 Improvements NN Comprehensive Drainage Plan (NNCDP) CFD 97-01 Improvements NN Comprehensive Drainage Plan (NNCDP) CFD 97-01 Improvements NN Comprehensive Drainage Plan (NNCDP) CFD 97-01 Improvements NN Comprehensive Drainage Plan (NNCDP) Treatment Plant Rehabilitation Design
General Fund
- NN CFD97-01 Construction - NN Drainage 2005 CFD 97-01 - NN Drainage CFD 97-01 Series C - NN Drainage CFD 97-01, Series A Water Fund
$ 2,000,000 $
(30,000) One time transfer from the CIP to cover the FY2011/12 reduction to the City Clerk's Operating Budget 170,000 Transfer from Council District 6 Cell Tower accounts (80003112 and 80003113 - $85,000 each) - Recognize revenues received from an assessment for construction projects 551,121 Transfer from J22003200 ($269,074) and from fund balance ($282,047) 67,580 Transfer from fund balance
417,588 Transfer from J22001900 ($81,566) and from fund balance ($366,022)
6005 Total
$ (1,500,000) $ (1,500,000) Transfer from this project to fund balance 1,706,289 $ (293,711)
$ 2,000,000 $
The balancing transaction for these CIPs are reflected on the FY2011/12 Appropriation/Augmentation Summary
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NN Drainage CFD 97-01 NN Drainage 2005 CFD 97-01 Water Fund Wastewater Fund Solid Waste Fund Solid Waste Fund Storm Drainage Fund Storm Drainage Fund
Fund #
3314 3328 6005 6006 6007 6007 6011 6011 6205 6207 6211 6205 6205 6211 Total $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $
North Natomas (NN) Drainage Series B_49AD NN DRN 2005 CFD 97_62AD Water Conservation Rebates CSS Regulatory Compliance Support Legacy Landfill Operations Solid Waste Container Replacement SAFCA Levee Maintenance CSS Regulatory Compliance Support Water Conservation Rebates
Water Grants and Other Reimbursableursable Funds Solid Waste Outreach Solid Waste Grants and Other Reimbursable Funds SAFCA Levee Maintenance Storm Drainage Grants and Other Reimbursable Funds Sacramento River Source Water Grants and Water Other Reimbursable Funds American River Source Water Water Grants and Other Reimbursable Funds FY10-FY14 NPDES Stormwater Storm Drainage Grants and Program Other Reimbursable Funds
3,478,043 $
1 2
Projects identified on this schedule will be added to Schedule 9 in the Approved Budget Project Expenditures were included on the Proposed Schedule 9 but without the associated Revenues
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4.00 4,412.93
4.00 4,105.21
4.00 4,083.23
* SAFER grant positions (27.0 FTE), approved by Council on 6/7/11, are included in FY2010/11 Amended as well as FY2011/12 Proposed and Approved.
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Exhibit 4
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