Electric Potential and Capacitance (Revised Ws 1)

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Buds Public School, Dubai


Topic - Electric Potential and Capacitance

__worksheet_1_(as per revised syllabus ) __________________________

1. What is the electrostatic potential due to an electric dipole at an equatorial point?

2. For any charge configuration, equipotential surface through a point is normal to the electric
field." Justify.

3. (a) Why does the electric field inside a dielectric decrease when it is placed in an external
electric field?

4. A point charge +Q is placed at point O as shown in the figure. Is the potential difference VA –
VB positive, negative or zero

5. Draw 3 equipotential surfaces corresponding to a field that uniformly increases in magnitude

but remains constant along Z- direction. how are these surface different from that of a constant
electric field along Z-direction

6. A positive point charge (+q) is kept in vicinity of an uncharged conducting plate. Sketch
electric field lines originating from the point on to the surface of the plate

7. Why must electrostatic field be normal to the surface at every point of charged conductor?

8. Draw a plot showing the variation of (i) electric field (E) and (ii) electric potential (V) with
distance r due to a point charge Q.

9. Explain, using suitable diagrams, the difference in the behaviour of a (i) conductor and (ii)
dielectric in the presence of external electric field. Define the term dielectric polarization

10. Figure shows a configuration of the charge array of two dipoles. Obtain the expression for
the dependence of potential on r for r >> a for a point P on the axis of this array of charges

11.Figure shows the field lines due to a positive point charge. Give the sign of potential energy
difference of a small negative charge between the points Q and P.
12. Two infinitely large plane thin parallel sheets having surface charge densities σ1 and σ2 (σ1 >
σ2) are shown in the figure. Write the magnitudes and directions of the net fields in the regions
marked II and III.

13. (a) Depict the equipotential surfaces for a system of two identical positive point charges
placed a distance ‘d’ apart.
(b) Deduce the expression for the potential energy of a system of two point charges
q1 and q2 brought from infinity to the points and respectively in the presence of external electric

14. Deduce an expression for the electric potential due to an electric dipole at any point on its
axis. Mention one contrasting feature of electric potential of a dipole at a point as compared to
that due to a single charge.
15. The electric field inside a parallel plate capacitor is E. Find the amount of work done in
moving a charge q over a closed rectangular loop a b c d a.

16. Deduce an expression for the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with air as the medium
between the plates.

17. A dielectric slab of thickness ’t’ is kept in between the plates, each of area 'A', of a parallel
plate capacitor separated by a distance ’d’. Derive an expression for the capacitance of this
capacitor for t << d.

18. Explain briefly how a capacitor stores energy on charging. Obtain an expression for the
energy thus stored.

19. Define ‘dielectric constant’ of a medium. Briefly explain why the capacitance of a parallel
plate capacitor increases, when introducing a dielectric medium between the plates.
20. A parallel plate capacitor, each with plate area A and separation d, is charged to a potential
difference V. The battery used to charge it is then disconnected. A dielectric slab of thickness d
and dielectric constant K is now placed between the plates. What change, if any, will take place
(i) charge on the plates
(ii) electric field intensity between the plates
(iii) capacitance of the capacitor.
Justify your answer in each case.

21. Explain the underlying principle of working of a parallel plate capacitor.

If two similar plates, each of area A having surface charge densities and are σ and -σ
separated by a distance d in air, write expressions for
(i) the electric field at points between the two plates.
(ii) the potential difference between the plates.
(iii) the capacitance of the capacitor so formed.

22. Derive the expression for the energy stored in a parallel plate capacitor of capacitance C with
air as medium between its plates having charges Q and — Q. Show that this energy can be
expressed in terms of electric field as (1/2 έE2 Ad) where A is the area of each plate and d is the
separation between the plates.
b. How will the energy stored in a fully charged capacitor change when the separation
between the plates is doubled and a dielectric medium of dielectric constant 4 is introduced
between the plates?


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