Why Be So Critical - Nineteenth Century Mathematics and The Origi

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Transforming Instruction in Undergraduate
Analysis Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources

Summer 2016

Why be so Critical? Nineteenth Century Mathematics and the

Origins of Analysis
Janet Heine Barnett
Colorado State University-Pueblo, [email protected]

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Barnett, Janet Heine, "Why be so Critical? Nineteenth Century Mathematics and the Origins of Analysis"
(2016). Analysis. 1.

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Why be so Critical?
Nineteenth Century Mathematics and the Origins of Analysis
Janet Heine Barnett∗

November 22, 2021

One striking feature of nineteenth century mathematics, as contrasted with that of previous eras,
is the higher degree of rigor and precision demanded by its practitioners. This tendency was especially
noticeable in analysis, a field of mathematics that essentially began with the “invention” of calculus
by Leibniz and Newton in the mid-17th century. Unlike the calculus studied in an undergraduate
course today, however, the calculus of Newton, Leibniz and their immediate followers focused entirely
on the study of geometric curves, using algebra (or “analysis”) as an aid in their work. This situation
changed dramatically in the 18th century when the focus of calculus shifted instead to the study of
functions, a change due largely to the influence of the Swiss mathematician and physicist Leonhard
Euler (1707–1783). In the hands of Euler and his contemporaries, functions became a powerful
problem solving and modelling tool in physics, astronomy, and related mathematical fields such as
differential equations and the calculus of variations. Why then, after nearly 200 years of success in
the development and application of calculus techniques, did 19th-century mathematicians feel the
need to bring a more critical perspective to the study of calculus? This project explores this question
through selected excerpts from the writings of the 19th century mathematicians who led the initiative
to raise the level of rigor in the field of analysis.

1 The Problem with Analysis: Bolzano, Cauchy and Dedekind

To begin to get a feel for what mathematicians felt was wrong with the state of analysis at the start of
the 19th century, we will read excerpts from three well-known analysts of the time: Bernard Bolzano
(1781–1848), Augustin-Louis Cauchy (1789–1857) and Richard Dedekind (1831–1916). In these
excerpts, these mathematicians expressed their concerns about the relation of calculus (analysis) to
geometry, and also about the state of calculus (analysis) in general. As you read what they each had
to say, consider how their concerns seem to be the same or different. The project tasks that follow
these excerpts will then ask you about these comparisons, and also direct your attention towards
certain specific aspects of the excerpts.

Department of Mathematics and Physics, Colorado State University-Pueblo, Pueblo, CO 81001-4901;
[email protected].


Bernard Bolzano, 18171

There are two propositions in the theory of equations of which it could still be said, until
recently, that a completely correct proof was unknown. One is the proposition: that between
any two values of the unknown quantity which give results of opposite signs there must always
lie at least one real root of the equation. The other is: that every algebraic rational integral
function of one variable quantity can be divided into real factors of first or second degree.
After several unsuccessful attempts by d’Alembert, Euler, de Foncenex, Lagrange, Laplace,
Klügel, and others at proving the latter proposition Gauss finally supplied, last year, two proofs
which leave very little to be desired. Indeed, this outstanding scholar had already presented
us with a proof of this proposition in 1799, but it had, as he admitted, the defect that it
proved a purely analytic truth on the basis of a geometrical consideration. But his two most
recent proofs are quite free of this defect; the trigonometric functions which occur in them
can, and must, be understood in a purely analytic sense.
The other proposition mentioned above is not one which so far has concerned scholars to
any great extent. Nevertheless, we do find mathematicians of great repute concerned with
the proposition, and already different kinds of proof have been attempted. To be convinced
of this one need only compare the various treatments of the proposition which have been
given by, for example, Kästner, Clairaut, Lacroix, Metternich, Klügel, Lagrange, Rösling, and
several others.
However, a more careful examination very soon shows that none of these proofs can be
viewed as adequate. The most common kind of proof depends on a truth borrowed from
geometry, namely, that every continuous line of simple curvature of which the ordinates are
first positive and then negative (or conversely) must necessarily intersect the x-axis somewhere
at a point that lies in between those ordinates. There are certainly no questions concerning
the correctness, nor the indeed the obviousness, of this geometrical proposition. But it is
clear that it is an intolerable offense against correct method to derive truths of pure (or
general) mathematics (i.e., arithmetic2 , algebra, analysis) from considerations which belong
to a merely applied (or special) part, namely, geometry. . . .

Augustin Cauchy, 18213

As for the methods [in this text], I have sought to give them all the rigour that is demanded
in geometry, in such a way as never to refer to reasons drawn from the generality of algebra.
. . . . . . One should also note that [reasons drawn from the generality of algebra] tend to cause
an indefinite validity to be attributed to the algebraic formulae, even though, in reality, the
majority of these formulae hold only under certain conditions, and for certain values of the
variables which they contain. By determining these conditions and values, and by fixing
precisely the meaning of the notations of which I make use, I remove any uncertainty; . . .

Excerpt from Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey Werthen, die ein entgegengesetzes
Resultat gewähren, wenigstens eine reele Wurzel der Gleichung liege (Purely analytic proof of the theorem that between
any two values which give results of opposite sign there lies at least one real root of the equation). The translation of
Bolzano’s paper used in this project is taken from [Russ, 1980].
As was not uncommon in the nineteenth century, Bolzano’s use of the word “arithmetic” here referred to the
mathematical discipline that is today called “number theory.”
Excerpt from Cours d’Analyse (Course on Analysis). Translations of the two Cauchy excerpts used in this project
were prepared by the project author.

Augustin Cauchy, 18234
My principal aim has been to reconcile rigor, which I took as a law in my Cours d’Analyse,
with the simplicity that results from the direct consideration of infinitesimals. For this reason,
I believed I should reject the expansion of functions by infinite series whenever the series
obtained was divergent; and I found myself forced to defer Taylor’s formula until the integral
calculus, [since] this formula can not be accepted as general except when the series it rep-
resents is reduced to a finite number of terms, and completed with [a remainder given by]
a definite integral. I am aware that [Lagrange] used the formula in question as the basis of
his theory of derivative functions. However, despite the respect commanded by such a high
authority, most geometers5 now recognize the uncertainty of results to which one can be led
by the use of divergent series; and we add further that, in some cases, Taylor’s theorem seems
to furnish the expansion of a function by a convergent series, even though the sum of that
series is essentially different from the given function.

Richard Dedekind, 18726

My attention was first directed toward the considerations which form the subject of this
pamphlet in the autumn of 1858. As professor in the Polytechnic School in Zürich I found
myself for the first time obliged to lecture upon the elements of the differential calculus and
felt more keenly than ever before the lack of a really scientific foundation for arithmetic.7
In discussing the notion of the approach of a variable magnitude to a fixed limiting value,
and especially in proving the theorem that every magnitude which grows continually but
not beyond all limits, must certainly approach a limiting value, I had recourse to geometric
evidences. Even now such resort to geometric intuition in a first presentation of the differential
calculus, I regard as exceedingly useful, from the didactic standpoint, and indeed indispensable,
if one does not wish to lose too much time. But that this form of introduction into the
differential calculus can make no claim to being scientific, no one will deny. For myself this
feeling of dissatisfaction was so overpowering that I made the fixed resolve to keep meditating
on the question until I should find a purely arithmetic and perfectly rigorous foundation for
the principles of infinitesimal analysis.


Task 1 In what way do the concerns of these three mathematicians about the relation of
calculus (analysis) to geometry, and about the state of calculus (analysis) in general,
seem to be the same/different?

Excerpt from Résumé des leçons sur le calcul infinitésimal (Summary of lessons on the infinitesimal calculus).
The meaning of the word “geometer” also changed over time; in Cauchy’s time, this word referred to any mathe-
matician (and not just someone who worked in geometry.)
Excerpt from Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (Continuity of irrational numbers). The translation of Dedekind’s
text used in this project is taken from [Dedekind, 1901].
Unlike Bolzano’s use of the word “arithmetic” to mean “number theory,” Dedekind’s use of the expression “scientific
foundation for arithmetic” was related to the set of real numbers and its underlying structure.

Task 2 This task looks at some of the mathematical results mentioned by Bolzano, Cauchy
and Dedekind.

(a) Note that:

– Bolzano discussed two specific theorems; identify these theorems.
– Dedekind discussed one specific theorems; identify that theorem.
– Cauchy made reference to the Taylor formula and related results; look back
to see what he had to say, and briefly describe his concerns.
(b) Which of the results in part (a) are familiar to you?
For each that is, try to state it in “modern” terms, or give its “modern name.”
(c) Which of the results in part (a), if any, do you believe to be true (and why)?

2 Niels Abel: “Hold your laughter, friends!”

In this section, we will examine an excerpt from a letter written by young Norwegian mathematician
Niels Abel (1802–1829) to his high school teacher, Bernt Michael Holmboe, on January 26, 1826.
Abel is often remembered for his celebrated impossibility proof in the theory of equations in which
he proved that a “quintic formula” for the general fifth degree polynomial equation (akin to the
quadratic formula for second degree polynomial equations) does not exist — a proof that marked
an important step in the mathematical quest for algebraic solutions to polynomial equations which
began with the development of Babylonian procedures for solving quadratic equations in 1700 BCE.
Abel is equally well known for his work in analysis, and especially the theory of elliptic functions. In
his letter to Holmboe, written during a study-abroad trip to Paris and Berlin, Abel described some
of his concerns about the state of analysis in general, and particularly about the use of infinite series.
The letter itself (in English translation) appears after Tasks 3–6; read through these Tasks
first in order to have them in mind while you read Abel’s letter; then complete your responses to
Tasks 3–6 below after you’ve finished reading the letter.

Task 3 Find at least two references in Abel’s letter to infinite series as an important concept
or issue in mathematics. To what degree do the concerns that Cauchy expressed about
series agree with Abel’s view of series?

Task 4 What was it that Abel thought was “exceedingly surprising” about the state of mathe-
matics at the time? Be specific here! Do you agree with his reaction to that state of
affairs? Explain.

Task 5 Towards the end of the excerpt that we are reading from his letter, Abel remarked
that a series of the following form can be convergent for “x less than 1,” but divergent
for x = 1:

ϕ(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . .

(a) Provide an example in which this occurs, specifying both the series (by giving
values for the coefficients a0 , a1 , . . .) and the function ϕ(x) to which that series
converges for “x less than 1.” (This doesn’t really take much work, so don’t make
this harder than it is!)

(b) Notice that Abel went on to speculate that an even worse situation might occur.
Namely, he proposed the possibility that a series ϕ(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . .
might be convergent for ‘x less than 1’ and convergent for x = 1, but in such a
way that lim ϕ(x) is not equal to ϕ(1).
What mathematical concept is involved here? That is, if such a function ϕ does
in fact exist, what function property is ϕ lacking?

Task 6 Consider the following series discussed by Abel at the end of this extract:

x 1 1
= sin x − sin 2x + sin 3x − etc.
2 2 3

(a) Describe how this series is different from a power series.

(b) Now complete Abel’s arguments concerning the numerical aspects of this series
by determining what is absurd about this formula for x = π.
(c) Next complete Abel’s comments about the differential aspects of this series by
differentiating the formula term-by-term in order to show what can go wrong
when one “applies all operations to infinite series as if they were finite.” [Be sure to
say what is wrong with the differentiation results!]


Heinrik Abel, 1826, Letter to Holmboe8

Another problem with which I have occupied myself a lot is the summation of the series
m(m − 1)
cos mx + m cos(m − 2)x + cos(m − 4)x + . . .
When m is a positive integer, the sum of this series as you know, is (2 cos x)m , but when
m is not an integer, this is no longer the case, except when x is less than π/2.
There is no other problem which has occupied mathematicians in recent times as much
as this one. Poisson, Poinsot, Plana, Crelle and a large number of others have tried to solve
it, and Poinsot is the first to have found the correct sum, but his reasoning is totally false.
To this time no one has been able to get to the end with this [problem]. I am happy that I
quite rigorously have arrived at this [end]. A memoir about this will appear in the Journal,
and another I will soon send to France to appear in Gergonne’s Annales de Mathematiques.
[There follows a discussion, omitted here, of some results that Abel had found
concerning the above series.]
Divergent series are on the whole devilish, and it is a shame that one dares to base any
demonstration on them. One can obtain whatever one wants, when one uses them. It is they
which have created so much disaster and so many paradoxes. Can one imagine anything more
appalling than to say
0 = 1 − 2n + 3n − 4n + etc.
where n is a positive integer? Risum teneatis amici! 9

The English translation of Abel’s letter used in this project is taken from [Bekken, 2003].
Latin for “Hold your laughter, friends!”

I have in general got my eyes opened in a most astonishing manner: Because when one
excludes the most simple cases, for ex. the geometric series, then in the whole of mathematics
there is almost no infinite series whose sum is determined in a strict way. In other words, the
most important part of mathematics stands there without foundation. Most of it is correct,
that is true, which is exceedingly surprising. I am working hard to search for the reason behind
A very interesting task. I do not think you will be able to propose to me many theorems
in which there are infinite series, against whose proof I shall not provide reasoned objections.
Do it, and I will answer you.
[There follows a discussion, omitted here, about the Binomial Series, about
which Abel had derived certain results.]
To show by a general example how poorly one is reasoning and how careful one ought to
be, I will choose the following example: Let

a0 + a1 + a2 + a3 + a4 + etc.

be any infinite series. Then you know that a very useful way to sum this series is to search
for the sum of the following:

a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + a4 x4 + etc.

and after that to put x = 1 in the result. This may be correct, but to me it seems one
cannot assume it without proof, because even if one proves that

ϕ(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . .

for all values of x less than 1, it is not because of this certain that the same thing happens
for x = 1. It could very well be possible that the series a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + . . . approaches a
different quantity than a0 + a1 + a2 + . . . when x approaches more and more to 1. This is
clear in the general case when the series a0 + a1 + a2 + . . . is divergent, because then it has
no sum. I have proved that it is correct when the series is convergent.
The following example shows how one can cheat oneself. It can be strictly proved for all
values of x less than π that
x 1 1
= sin x − sin 2x + sin 3x − etc.
2 2 3
From this it seems to follow that the same formula should hold for x = π , but then we
would obtain . . . [an absurdity].
One applies all operations to infinite series as if they were finite, but is this allowed?
Hardly! — Where is it proved that one gets the differential of an infinite series by differenti-
ating each term?
It is easy to give an example where this is not correct, for example:

x 1 1
= sin x − sin 2x + sin 3x − etc.
2 2 3

3 Conclusion
The concerns expressed by Abel, Bolzano, Cauchy and Dedekind in the excerpts we have read in this
project were emblematic of the state of analysis at the turn of the nineteenth century. Ultimately,
mathematicians of that century responded to this set of concerns by moving to the requirement of
formal proof as a way to certify knowledge via the rigorous use of inequalities intended to capture the
notion of two real numbers “being close” that underlies the limit concept. Other factors that influ-
enced this direction included new teaching and research situations, such as the École Polytechnique
in Paris, that required mathematicians to think carefully about their ideas in order to explain them
to others. Today, this nineteenth-century response remains at the core of the study and practice of
real analysis. The final task in this project takes one last look at the motivations of those who led
the way in formulating this response, as they expressed it in their own words.

Task 7 Look back at the excerpts from the works of Abel, Bolzano, Cauchy and Dedekind
that we have read in this project. What questions or comments would you address to
these mathematicians about aspects of their concerns that are not addressed in the
earlier tasks? (Write at least one question and at least one comment, please!)

O. Bekken. The Lack of Rigour in Analysis: From Abel’s Letters and Notebooks. In O. Bekken and
R. Mosvold, editors, Study the Masters: The Abel-Fauvel Conference, pages 9–21. NCM Göteborgs
Universitet, Göteburg, 2003.
B. Bolzano. Rein analytischer Beweis des Lehrsatzes, dass zwischen je zwey Werthen, die ein
entgegengesetzes Resultat gewähren, wenigstens eine reelle Wurzel der Gleichung liege (A Purely
Analytic Proof of the Theorem that between two values which give results of opposite sign there lies
at least one real root of the equation). Gottlieb Haase, Prague, 1817. English translation by S. J.
Russ in [Russ, 1980].
A.-L Cauchy. Cours d’Analyse de L’Ecole Royale Polytechnique (Course on Analysis of the Royal
Polytechnic School). De Bure, Paris, 1821.
A.-L. Cauchy. Résumé des leçons données à L’Ecole Royale Polytechnique sur le calcul infinitésimal
(Summary of lessons given on the infinitesimal calculus at the Royal Polytechnic School). De Bure,
Paris, 1823. English translation by D. Cates in [Cates, 2012].
R. Dedekind. Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen (Continuity and Irrational Numbers). F. Vieweg und
Sohn, Braunschweig, 1872.
R. Dedekind. Essays on the Theory of Numbers. The Open Court Publishing Company, Chicago,
1901. Includes English translation of Dedekind’s Stetigkeit und irrationale Zahlen, translator W.
W. Beman.
E. Holst, C. Stømer, and L. Sylow, editors. Niels Henrik Abel: Memorial Publié A L’occasion
Du Centenaire De Sa Naissance (Memorial Published on the Occassion of the Centary of his
Birth). Jacob Dybwad, Kristiana, 1902. Includes full text of Abel’s correspondence in the original
Norwegian and in French translation.

S. B. Russ. A Translation of Bolzano’s Paper on the Intermediate Value Theorem. Historia Mathe-
matica, 5:156–185, 1980.
H. K. Sørensen. Exceptions and Counterexamples: Understanding Abel’s comment on Cauchy’s
Theorem. Historia Mathematica, 32:453–480, 2005.

4 Notes to Instructors
PSP Content: Topics and Goals
This Primary Source Project (PSP) is designed for use in an Introductory Analysis course. It has also
been used in History of Mathematics courses and Capstone Seminars for mathematics majors. Its
goal is to provide context for the use of rigorous proofs and precise ϵ-inequalities that developed out
of concerns about the state of analysis that first arose in the nineteenth century, but which remain
defining characteristics of today’s analysis. Both these tools of the current trade (i.e., rigorous
proof, precise inequalities) offer challenges to students of introductory analysis, who have typically
encountered calculus only as a procedural and applied discipline up to this point in their mathematical
studies. By offering a glimpse into the problems that motivated nineteenth century mathematicians
to shift towards a more formal and abstract study of the concepts underlying these procedures and
applications, the readings in this PSP provide students with a context for making a similar shift in
their own understanding of these concepts. Completing this PSP early in the course can also provide
students and instructors with a basis for reflection on and discussion of current standards of proof
and rigor throughout the course.

Student Prerequisites
The project assumes that students are familiar with fundamental concepts from a first year calculus
course, including basic results about limits and power series. However, no prior study of analysis or
experience with formal proof writing is needed.

PSP Design and Task Commentary

This project consists of two main parts. In Section 1, brief excerpts from works by Bolzano, Cauchy
and Dedekind paint a general picture of the issues that motivated nineteenth century mathematicians
to attempt to infuse greater rigor into the study of analysis. Section 2 then examines a letter written
by Abel in which he discussed concerns about infinite series in particular. Tasks 5 and 6 in the
Abel section are the most technical parts of the project, but are still reasonably straightforward
to complete. (Setting all coefficients equal to 1 in the series in Task 5(a) yields, for instance, a
geometric series with ratio x.) Nevertheless, these two tasks can seem baffling to students who have
not studied infinite series recently. Reassuring them that they should not make the questions in
these tasks overly complicated can be helpful, as can some well-timed Calculus 2 reminders.
Note that none of the excerpts or tasks in this project describe how the study of analysis changed
as a result of the concerns expressed by Abel, Bolzano, Cauchy and Dedekind. Rather, the quotes
from these mathematicians used in this project simply lay out the worries of the day. This is
intentional, in that those changes (e.g., use of ϵ − δ inequalities, the arithmetization of analysis,
increased rigor and precision in definitions and proofs) are precisely what students will encounter
(and wrestle with!) throughout their introductory analysis course. The “Summary Discussion Notes”
in a later section of these Notes provide some additional details that instructors may find useful in
helping to make the connection between the issues raised by Abel, Bolzano, Cauchy and Dedekind in
the excerpts in this PSP, and how they and others responded to these issues helped to shape analysis
in the nineteenth century.

Classroom Implementation Suggestions
Classroom implementation of this project can be accomplished by way of one of the two following
basic approaches; hybrids of these two methods are, of course, also possible.

Students are assigned to read the entire PSP and respond (in writing) to the tasks therein prior
to class discussion, where students are provided with a copy of the project that leaves blank
space below each task where they can record their final responses. Typically, the author assigns
this reading one week prior to a class discussion of it; other instructors have confirmed that
sufficient time for careful advance reading is important for high quality in-class discussions.
Students are encouraged to discuss the readings and PSP tasks with each other or with the
instructor (outside of class time) before the assigned due date (provided their written responses
are their own). While there is no prohibition against using additional resources to complete
the PSP (e.g., a calculus text), it is important to assure students that there is no need to do
any historical research in order to complete it.
On the assignment due date, a whole class discussion of the reading is conducted by the
instructor, with student responses to various PSP tasks elicited during that discussion. An
instructor-prepared handout containing solutions to select tasks (especially Task 2) can be
helpful during this discussion. The completed written work is typically collected at the close
of that class period; however, the discussion could also be conducted after the instructor has
collected and read students’ written PSP work. The author does evaluate students’ individual
written work for a grade. That evaluation and grade is based primarily on completeness,
but also takes into account both presentation (e.g., use of complete sentences) and accuracy
(particularly with regard to the mathematical details in Tasks 2, 5, 6).
A brief set of “Summary Discussion Notes” that could be used by an instructor during a whole
class discussion of the PSP is offered in the Appendix to these Notes. Although some type of
summarizing discussion is highly recommended, that discussion need not adhere to the notes
provided here.

Students are assigned to read only the primary source excerpts in the project as preparation for
small group work on project during class time. During class time, students then work together
in small groups to write their answers to the PSP tasks, with the instructor circulating between
groups to facilitate that work. The completed written work is then either collected from each
group at the close of that class period (and possibly evaluated for a grade), or students can
be asked to write formal responses to some or all of the tasks on an individual basis (again,
possibly evaluated for a grade). Instructors opting for implementation in small groups may also
wish to conduct a whole-group discussion, based on select portions of the “Summary Discussion
Notes” included below, at one or more junctures during implementation.
Depending on the course and the class period length, this implementation plan may take up to
2 full class days to complete; a sample schedule for accomplishing this is provided in the next
section of these Notes.

Sample Implementation Schedule (based on a 50-minute class period)
The following sample schedule, based on Implementation Method II, offers several options to help in-
structors tailor this mode of implementation to their course goals and available class time. Depending
on the exact combination of individual/small-group/whole-class work, this method of implementation
requires 1.5–2 class days (based on 50-minute class periods).

• Advance Preparation Work10 (to be completed before class)

Read the project introduction and all of Section 1; prepare answers to Tasks 1–2 for class
discussion. Also read the introduction to Section 2 and the complete Abel excerpt in that
section; prepare answers to Tasks 3–4 for class discussion.
• Day 1 of Class Work
– Optional: Mini-lecture by instructor (about 10 minutes) to provide overview of pre-
nineteenth century calculus themes (based on table in second bullet of the “Summary
Discussion Notes” below); this could also be saved for a Day 2 closing discussion.
– Small-group discussion of Tasks 1–2 (about 20 minutes).
– Whole-class summarizing discussion of Section 1, segueing into Section 2 by soliciting
students’ general comments and reactions to Abel’s letter (about 10 minutes).
– Whole-class discussion of Tasks 3–4 (about 10 minutes); those who prefer could instead
have students discuss these tasks in small groups.
– Time permitting, begin individual or small-group work on Task 5.

• Advance Preparation Work for Day 2

Prepare answers to Tasks 5–6 for class discussion.
• Day 2 of Class Work (30–50 minutes)
– Small-group discussion of Tasks 5–6 (15–20 minutes).
– Whole-class discussion (15–30 minutes) of Section 2 and the PSP in general (including
comments on the nineteenth-century response to the set of concerns raised in the PSP,
per the final bullet of the “Summary Discussion Notes” below).

• Homework: A complete formal write-up of Tasks 2(a), 5, 6 and 7, to be due at a later date
(e.g., one week after completion of the in-class work).

The author’s method of ensuring that advance reading takes place is to require student completion of “Reading
Guides” (or “Entrance Tickets”) for which students receive credit for completion, but with no penalty for errors in
solutions. Students are asked to always strive to answer each question correctly, but to think of Reading Guides as
preparatory work for class, not as a final product (e.g., formal polished write-ups are not expected). Students who
arrive unprepared to discuss assignments on days when group work is conducted based on advance reading are not
allowed to participate in those groups, but are allowed to complete the in-class work independently. Guides are collected
at the end of each class period for instructor review and scoring prior to the next class period.
A typical guide will include “Classroom Preparation” exercises (generally drawn from the PSP Tasks) for students
to complete prior to arriving in class, as well as “Discussion Questions” that ask students only to read a given task and
jot down some notes in preparation for class work. Students are also encouraged to record any questions or comments
they have about the assigned reading on their guide and are sometimes explicitly prompted to write 1–3 questions or
comments about a particular primary source excerpt; their responses to such prompts are especially useful as starting
points for in-class discussions. On occasion, tasks are also assigned as follow-up to a prior class discussion.
Experience has proven the value of reproducing the full text of any assigned project task on the guide itself, with
blank space for students’ responses deliberately left below each question. This not only makes it easier for students
to jot down their thoughts as they read, but also makes their notes more readily available to them during in-class
discussions. It also makes it easier for the instructor to efficiently review each guide for completeness (or to skim
responses during class for a quick assessment of students’ understanding), and allows students to make more effective
use of their Reading Guide responses and instructor feedback on them at a later date.

Connections to other Primary Source Projects
The following additional projects based on primary sources are also freely available for use in an
introductory real analysis course; the PSP author name for each is listed parenthetically, along
with the project topic if this is not evident from the PSP title. Shorter PSPs that can be be
completed in at most 2 class periods are designated with an asterisk (*). Classroom-ready versions
of the last two projects listed can be downloaded from https://digitalcommons.ursinus.edu/
triumphs\_topology; all other listed projects are available at https://digitalcommons.ursinus.

• Investigations into Bolzano’s Bounded Set Theorem (David Ruch)

• Stitching Dedekind Cuts to Construct the Real Numbers (Michael Saclolo)
Also suitable for use in an Introduction to Proofs course.
• Investigations Into d’Alembert’s Definition of Limit ∗ (David Ruch)
A second version of this prjoect suitable for use in a Calculus 2 course is also available.
• Bolzano on Continuity and the Intermediate Value Theorem (David Ruch)
• An Introduction to a Rigorous Definition of Derivative (David Ruch)
• Rigorous Debates over Debatable Rigor: Monster Functions in Real (Janet Heine Barnett;
properties of derivatives, Intermediate Value Property)
• The Mean Value Theorem(David Ruch)
• The Definite Integrals of Cauchy and Riemann (David Ruch)
• Henri Lebesgue and the Development of the Integral Concept* (Janet Heine Barnett)
• Euler’s Rediscovery of e ∗ (David Ruch; sequence convergence, series & sequence expressions
for e)
• Abel and Cauchy on a Rigorous Approach to Infinite Series (David Ruch)
• The Cantor set before Cantor* (Nicholas A. Scoville)
Also suitable for use in a course on topology.
• Topology from Analysis* (Nicholas A. Scoville)
Also suitable for use in a course on topology.

The development of this student project has been partially supported by the TRansforming In-
struction in Undergraduate Mathematics via Primary Historical Sources (TRIUMPHS) Program
with funding from the National Science Foundation’s Improving Undergraduate STEM Education
Program under Grant No. 1523494. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations
expressed in this project are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the
National Science Foundation.

With the exception of excerpts taken from published translations of
the primary sources used in this project and any direct quotes from
published secondary sources, this work is licensed under a Creative
Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License (https://
creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/legalcode). It allows
re-distribution and re-use of a licensed work on the conditions that the
creator is appropriately credited and that any derivative work is made
available under “the same, similar or a compatible license.”

For more information about TRIUMPHS, visit https://blogs.ursinus.edu/triumphs/.

APPENDIX: Summary Discussion Notes: Why be so Critical?
• Caution that one of the difficulties with historical readings is that the meanings of words change over time;
for example, ‘geometer’ referred to any mathematician (not just someone who worked with geometry)
• Overview of pre-nineteenth century calculus themes
Focus Primary justification of “correctness”
Time Period What objects should we study? How do we know our mathematics is “true”?
17th century Calculus of CURVES New methods produce results that matched
(using algebra as a tool) “old” (known) results (obtained from geometry)
18th century Calculus of FUNCTIONS Methods produce correct predictions
(with physics as primary motivation) (in physics)


What is a function really? Is it valid to borrow “truths”
Related historical controversies: from one domain (e.g., geometry, physics)
Fourier Series Convergence to justify truths in another (e.g., mathematics)?
Vibrating String Problem

• Overview of the situation at the end of 18th/start of 19th century (Four main points, I – IV)
I. Increasing mistrust of “geometric” intuition as valid proof method for “analytic” truths
(and more general frustration that analytic “truths” are being verified by non-analytic ‘proofs”)
Ask for evidence of this in the assigned reading.
II. Concern that existing ‘algebraic’ proof methods lack adequate rigor
Ask for evidence of this in the assigned reading; two subthemes to elicit here:
– Euclid had long been a model of rigor; nineteenth century mathematicians express desire
to bring back something like an axiomatic approach as a foundation for certain knowledge
– algebra allows too much generality (e.g., unrestricted)
Makes it too easy to assume that properties (e.g., continuity, rationality) that hold at all “lower”
values will also hold in the limit (elicit or mention Abel power series example here)
III. Use of power series (in particular) lacks firm foundation
Ask for evidence of this in the assigned reading; two mathematical points to elicit in particular:
– Discuss current views about ∞ n=1 x (converges for −1 < x < 1 but diverges for x = ±1)

Discuss Abel’s use of the phrase ‘x less than 1’ here (where today we would write ‘|x| < 1’).
– Abel mentions we could also have convergence for |x| ≤ 1 with lim ϕ(x) ̸= ϕ(1).
Ask students for their answers to Tasks 4 and 5 here.
IV. General concerns about foundations: If we don’t base calculus on power series, what do we use instead?
– Some possibilities (and early proponents of each):
Fluxions (Newton) ; Infinitesimals (Leibniz) ; Limits (d’Alembert) ← The “winner”!
– Chosen option of ‘limit’ raises yet another new question: What is a limit really??

• Ultimate nineteenth century response to this set of concerns:

Require FORMAL
| {z }
as way to certify knowledge as way to talk about ‘being close’
– Historical Aside: Another factor that influenced this direction were new teaching & research situations
(École Polytechnique) that required thinking carefully about ideas in order to explain them to others.
– This nineteenth century response, which forms the basis of the work we will do together throughout
this course, is often described as ‘the arithmetization of analysis’.

An optional historical aside related to Discussion Item III
The use of series and power series itself was NOT new in the nineteenth century!
• Power series had been around well before the invention of calculus;
they were also part of ‘pre-calculus’ in the sense that, at least through the eighteenth century,
understanding power series was considered a pre-requisite to the study of calculus.
• Newton (and others) used power series extensively as infinite polynomials
that are easy to integrate and differentiate.
• An infinite series example from the 18th century: 1 − 1 + 1 − 1 . . . = 12

– A first “proof”:
(1 − 1) + (1 − 1) + . . . = 0 ; 1 − (1 − 1) + (1 − 1) + . . . = 1
0+1 1
Series value is the average: 2 = 2.

– A second “proof” (endorsed by Euler, among others):

X 1 1
(−1)n = =
1 − (−1) 2

For more about this and other divergent series in the 17th century, see the June
2006 entry of the MAA Online series How Euler Did It by Ed Sandifer (available at

An optional historical aside related to nineteenth century mathematicians

Commenting on his experience during a visit to Paris, Abel wrote the following to Holmboe on
October 24, 1826:

Legendre is an extremely amiable man, but unfortunately “as old as stones.” Cauchy
is mad and there is no way to get anywhere with him, although at present he is the
[only] mathematician who knows how to treat mathematics. His works are excellent,
but he writes in a very confused manner. In the beginning, I understood almost
nothing that he wrote, now that’s going better. . . . Cauchy is extremely Catholic
and bigoted. A very strange thing for a mathematician. . . . Poisson is a small man
with a nice little belly. He carries himself with dignity. Likewise Fourier. Lacroix is
terribly bald and remarkably old. . . . Otherwise I do not like the French as much as
the German: the French are extremely reserved with foreigners. It is very difficult to
make their close acquaintance. And I dare not count on doing so. Everyone works for
himself without caring about others. Everyone wants to teach and no one wants to
learn. The most absolute egoism reigns everywhere. The only thing the French look
for from foreigners is the practical; no one knows how to think except [the French]
themselves. The French are the only ones who can produce something theoretical.
Such are their thoughts, and you can well conceive that it is difficult to attract any
attention, especially for a beginner.

Translation prepared by the author based on original text of the letter (pp. 41–42 of Norwegian
section) and its French translation (p. 45 of French section), both given in [Holst et al., 1902].


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