CW - 1stqtest

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Name: _____________________ Date: ___/___/2019

Section: __________________ Score: ___/50

Direction: Read the following questions carefully. Write the letter
of the correct answer on your answer sheet. Any form of erasure will
not be given merit.
1. Arvin is tasked to discuss the definition of creative writing,
which of the following choices you wouldn’t recommend to be part
of his discussion?
a. It is traditionally referred as literature.
b. It is the art of making things up.
c. It is any writing that is original and self-expressive
d. It is factual, informative and instructional.
2. To add on his report, Arvin needs to characterize creative
writing. Among the set of words, which would you recommend as
characteristics of creative writing?
a. Factual and c. Specialized
informative vocabulary
b. Generalized d. Clear and precise
3. Which type of writing aims to explore an idea, argument, or
a. Academic c. Creative
b. Technical d. Artistic
4. How many lines does a sonnet contains?
a. 12 c. 14
b. 7 d. 4
5. Luna’s father died. For her father’s funeral, she wrote a/an
__________, a type of poetry, which contains all her grief and
sorrow for his father’s death.
a. Sonnet c. Ode
b. Elegy d. Epic
6. It is a type of poetry which is exalted in tone and formal in
structure and content.
a. Sonnet c. Ode
b. Elegy d. Epic
7. Shine is writing a narrative story about the adventures of a
small town superhero in the southern land of Mars. Shine is
writing which type of poetry?
a. Sonnet c. Ode
b. Elegy d. Epic
8. Which of the following is not characterize as a narrative poetry?
a. Soliloquy c. Ballad
b. Epic d. Social poem
9. Gummy will compete in the next English week celebration. For the
competition, she needs to prepare a formal speech regarding Extra
Judicial killings to which she will orally present during the
competition. Based on the situation, what is the competition all
a. Dramatic Monologue c. Elegy
b. Character Sketch d. Oration
10. It is the loosest type of poem.

a. Name poem c. Free rhyme

b. Free verse d. Free meter
11. Epic is to hero; Ballad is to _________.

a. Adventure c. Folktale
b. Heroine d. Mourning
12. The poem entitled, “To a snowflake,” contains which type of
a. Couplet c. Octave
b. Septet d. Quatrain
13. Bea is writing a poem, on the first line of her poem, she wrote,
“I was betrayed and left to wonder.” Based on the first line,
which view in poetry was used?
a. Narrator c. Poet
b. Author d. Both b and c
14. It emphasizes different ideas and provide structure in a poem.

a. Theme c. Form
b. Stanza d. Line
15. Moon’s professor rejected his poem because according to him the
appearance of the words in the page needs improvement. What does
his professor want him to improve?
a. The form c. The stanza
b. The line d. The diction
16. A group of words together on one line of a poem

a. form c. stanza
b. line d. diction
17. How many kinds of stanza can a writer choose from when writing a
a. 9 c. 5
b. 6 d. 8
18. It is an element in poetry which is not explicit but is implied.

a. Theme c. Mood
b. Tone d. Rhyme
19. In the poem, “The Ransom of Red Chief” by O. Henry, what is the
tone of the father in his response letter to the kidnappers?
a. Frightened c. Sarcastic
b. Mysterious d. Sad
20. To treasure her moments with him, Yulia wrote a short story about
his rendezvous with Jeyrald. While she writes, she made sure her
attitude and feelings were clearly expressed through her choice
of words. Yulia is expressing which element of poetry?
a. Mood c. Tone
b. Theme d. Both a and b
21. Tone and Mood are described through the use of _____________.

a. Adjectives c. Nouns
b. Adverbs d. Both a and b
22. Tone is to author’s attitude, Mood is to ___________.

a. Feelings c. Emotions
b. Environment d. Both a and b
23. It is a message about life or human nature that is communicated
by a literary work.
a. Theme c. Mood
b. Tone d. Rhyme
24. Liezel is wrting a short story about two lovers separated by
time. She vividly described the place where the female character
lives to elicit pity from the readers for the females’s poor
condition. Which element of poetry does the author wants to
elicit from the readers?
a. Theme c. Mood
b. Tone d. Rhyme
25. How can you identify an author’s tone in a poetry piece?
a. By analyzing the feelings of the characters the author
b. By analyzing the general atmosphere of the piece
c. By analyzing the current setting of the piece
d. By analyzing the word choices or language of the author
26. In the selection where children were splashing in the pond and
were scared about eyes looking at them, which animal they found
on the field?
a. Snake c. Cat
b. Dog d. Mouse
27. Maya is writing a poem, she always starts the first line of each
stanza with, “Oh love! Why forsake me?” Based from this, we can
observe the use of _________ on poetry.
a. Repetition
b. Refrain
c. Rhyme
d. Rhyme scheme
28. It Can be created by meter, rhyme, alliteration, and refrain.
a. Rhythm
b. Rhyme scheme
c. Sound effects
d. beat

For questions no. 27 – 34, Analyze the statements and determine

which imagery technique is used. Write the letter of your answer
based from the choices below:
a. Visual e. Gustatory
b. Auditory f. Olfactory
c. Thermal g. Tactile
d. Erotic
29. I shuddered and felt a tingling sensation as his warm breath
heaved through my nape.
30. The familiar tang of his grandmother’s cranberry sauce reminded
him of his youth.
31. The concert was so loud that her ears rang for days afterward.
32. After eating the curry, his breath reeked of garlic.
33. The tree bark was rough against her skin.
34. Glittering white, the blanket of snow covered everything in
35. The warmth of the afternoon sun burnt her skin.
36. I could hear the popping and crackling as mom dropped the bacon
into the frying pan, and soon the salty, greasy smell wafted
toward me.

For questions no. 35-42, Analyze the statements and determine

which figures of speech is used. Write the letter of your answer
based from the choices below:
a. Simile g. Oxymoron
b. Metaphor h. Metonymy
c. Onomatopoeia i. Synecdoche
d. Alliteration j. Apostrophe
e. Personification k. Paradox
f. Hyperbole

37. Walter wondered where Winnie was.

38. I could do this forever.
39. Time is money
40. She went to the free market.
41. The flowers nodded in the breeze.
42. She hired more hands to finish the task more quickly.
43. My teacher is As wise as an owl.
44. Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you are.

For questions no. 43 - 50, analyze the following words and

determine which type of diction they belonged to. Write the
letter of your answer based from the choices below:
a. Formal c. Neutral Informal
b. Neutral Standard d. Non-standard

45. peruse
46. examine
47. lookover
48. chekidawt
49. lodi
50. edify
51. choose
52. dupe

Prepared by:

Gladys Gail Tolentino-Limpin

Subject teacher

Checked and Reviwed by:

Judea P. Gamundoy
Noted by:

Sherwin S. KAbigting

Approved by:

Jesus C. Mercado
Principal IV

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