DLL ENG Q1 WK1 Melc Based

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GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: NIKKI J. VALENZUELA Learning Area: ENGLISH

DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
(WEEK 1) Quarter: 1ST QUARTER


A. Content Standards Relate an experience Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
appropriate to the occasion. understanding of various understanding of various understanding of various understanding of
linguistics nodes to linguistics nodes to linguistics nodes to various linguistics
comprehend various texts comprehend various texts comprehend various nodes to comprehend
texts various texts
B. Performance Standards The learner listens critically; communicates feelings and ideas orally and in writing with a high level of proficiency; and reads various text types
materials to serve learning needs in meeting a wide range of life’s purposes.
C. Learning Competencies EN6VC-IIIa-6.1
Identify real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images
Infer the purpose of the images.

II. CONTENT Identifying real or make-believe, fact or non-fact images

(Subject Matter) Inferring the purpose of the images.
III. Learning Resources
1.Teacher’s Guide Pages MELC in English 6 page 136- MELC in English 6 page 136- MELC in English 6 page MELC in English 6 page MELC in English 6 page
137 137 136-137 136-137 136-137
2.Learner’s Materials Pages Quarter 1- Module 1 Quarter 1- Module 1
Word of Reality and Word of Reality and
Fantasy Fantasy

Lesson 3 Lesson 3
Identifying real or Identifying real or
make-believe make-believe
images. images.

3.Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from Pivot 4a – English 6 Qtr 1 Pivot 4a – English 6 Qtr 1 Pivot 4a – English 6 Qtr 1
Learning Resources (LR) pp1-8 pp1-8 pp1-8
B.Other Learning Resources Pictures, powerpoint Pictures, powerpoint Pictures, powerpoint ACTIVITY SHEETS ACTIVITY SHEETS
presentation presentation presentation
A.Review Previous Lessons What are images?
What are the two types
of images?
B. Establishing purpose for Images portray visual
the Lesson perception of persons, place, Lesson 3 : Identifying real or make-believe images ,
events, animals, things and page 17-28
the like. These images may
be real or make-believe 1. Read What’s In page 17
depending on the contexts 2. Read What’s New page 18 – 19 .
they signify. They are highly 3. Copy the lessons on What Is It, pages 19 in your
available everywhere. English Notebook.
They can be found in books, 4. Read What’s More page 20
newspapers, magazines, 5. What I Have Learned page 21 and What I Can Do
mobile phones, television pages 21-22 - just read orally and answer it orally
and other online sources. also.
Evaluating images if they are 6. For the following parts of Assessment and
fact or non-fact is important Additional Activities, pages 23-24 copy only the
in understanding the words then write your answers.
message they send. Example: 1. man sitting on the moon = make-
You are expected to identify 7. After finishing the module, you may answer
and real or make-believe, directly the ACTIVITY SHEET IN ENGLISH 6-
fact or non-fact images; and
reflect on the contexts of
read poem/s in creating or
illustrating real or make-
believe, fact or non-fact
C. Presenting examples Are you familiar with the “A Picture is Worth a
/instances of the new lessons two photos shown above? Thousand Words”
Both images are taken from Have you heard the
the 2018 Disney-Pixar’s proverbial sentence above
“Incredibles 2” animated from the Chinese
fantasy film. philosopher, Confucius? It
signifies that images can be
useful means to express
clear thoughts rather than
words. That explains why
poems and other literary
pieces become more
understandable when they
are accompanied with
images. Though, most of the
images, especially the make-
believe or non-fact images,
can bring various
interpretations based on
viewers’ perspective
(knowledge and
experience). An image can
give important message or
tell stories using varied
colors, designs, themes and
D. Discussing new concepts Learning Task 1: Examine Purposes of Images Image refers to any item
and practicing new skills #1. the two images. In your One of the enabling or that depicts visual
paper/notebook, answer the foundational skills in perception, such as a
questions that follow. identifying real or make- photograph or other two-
1. Which of these images believe images is to dimensional picture,
can be considered real? understand that both can be resembling an object.
2. Which image is just a used for various purposes
make-believe? such as to educate/inform, There are two (2) types of
3-5. Why do you say so? to entertain and to images: real images
Justify your answers in three persuade. (depict visuals of objects
sentences. Examples of images that or happenings that exist in
educate are actual real life) and make-believe
magazine photos that images (illustrate
feature tourist spots in the something that is not
world (which shows real real).
images) and infographics
about climate change (that Images have three
shows modified image of purposes such as to
the environment making it a educate, to entertain and
make-believe image). to persuade.

Meanwhile, examples of
images that entertain are
actual photos of persons
caught in funny situations,
sometimes used as
“memes” nowadays (which
are real images) and
animated images of
superheroes in comics
(which are make-believe
On the other hand,
examples of images that
persuade or convince
others to believe in the
message conveyed by
images are actual photos of
damaged respiratory organs
due to excessive smoking
(which are real images) and
exaggerated images of
corruption illustrated as
editorial cartoon (which can
be make-believe-images
E. Discussing new concepts & What are Images?
practicing and concern to The word “image” came
new skills #2 from the Latin word “imago”
which refers to any item that
depicts visual perception,
such as a photograph or
other two-dimensional
picture, resembling an
Print images include printed
photographs and images
found in magazines,
newspapers and books. On
the other hand, non-print
images can be digital images
available for viewing in
electronic devices such as
mobile phones, television
and computers.

Types of Images and Their

1. Real images are pictures
which depict visuals of
objects or happenings that
exist in real life. These are
also known as fact images.
The purposes of these
images can be:
a. to inform or to educate
(like actual photos of
b. to tell stories (like in
picture-story books)
c. to entertain (like stolen
photos with funny content)
d. to persuade (like the
actual photos of burnt lungs
of a smoker to encourage
others to quit smoking).
2. Make-believe images are
pictures which illustrate
something that is not real.
Though these images may
have some realistic features,
they are just product of
imagination, thus, do not
exist in real life. These are
also known as non-fact
images. These images can be
used with the following
a. to entertain (like images
of fantasy world and magical
b. to tell fiction stories (like
picture books of fairy tales)
c. to persuade (like some
editorial cartoons that
express opinions through
caricatures and visual
F.Developing Mastery (Leads Learning Task 2: Infer the Learning Task 5: As a child, Learning Task 7: Now, that
to Formative Assesment 3 purpose of the following are you fond of watching you can distinguish real
images as to EDUCATE, animated movies? Do you from make-believe
ENTERTAIN or PERSUADE. know who Moana is? How images, fact from non-fact
about her friend, Demigod images, it is time for you
Maui? Below are the to create your own. Be
images taken from the 2016 familiar with the rubric
Disney Movie entitled below which will be used
“Moana.” Identify whether in rating your self-made
each is a real image or illustrations.
make-believe image. In your
notebook, write MOANA if Read and reflect on the
the image may exist in real message of the poem
life and write MAUI if it is below. In your notebook,
Learning Task 3: Next, just a make-believe. create your own images
identify whether the same
(one real and one make-
images above are REAL or
believe images) related to
the poem that you read.
Write your answers in your
Consider the indicators in
the rubric in making your
To help you in
appreciating the poem,
here is a list to unlock
beheld = look
toto = all together
desolation = sadness
reminisce= recall
bountiful = generous

Plant a Better Tomorrow

by Maricon Estrellado
As I beheld up the sky,
something waved “hi,”
With its hands desperately
reaching up the sky.
They danced with the
wind, going side to side,
Swayed their arms and
shoulders in toto,
Trying its best to be
noticed and be spoken to.
In which it succeeded; I
saw it standing alone
in the midst of
hopelessness and
It led me to reminisce how
the scene was like before,
When the leafy hands
were momentously
The strong twigs swayed
more and were indeed
If yesterday, there were
more and today, there is
How about our tomorrow?
Would that one stand still
or would there be none?
Or, it would be better if
we’ll plant near that one.
G. Finding Practical
Applications of concepts and
skills in daily living
H. Making Generalizations & In identifying whether images are real or make-believe, analyze if the characters, objects and settings found in the image can possibly exist or
Abstractions about the happen in real life. If yes, then it is a real image. If not, it is a make-believe image.
I.Evaluating Learning Learning Task 4: Infer the Learning Task 7: The task is
purpose of the images to identify whether the
below. In your notebook, following images are FACT
write ED if the purpose is to or NON-FACT.
educate, EN for entertain

and PE for persuade.

J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

VI. Reflection
A.No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who
requires additional acts.for
remediation who scored
below 80%
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why
did this work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal/supervisor can help
me solve?
G. What innovations or
localized materials did I
used/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:


Subject Teacher Master Teacher II Principal II

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