Diesel Power Plant - Computation

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Chapter 4 Diesel Power Plant

Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl

Diesel, Rudolf Christian Karl (1858-1913), German engineer, who

invented the diesel engine. After studying in England, he attended the
Polytechnic School in Munich, where he settled in 1893. In 1892he
patented the internal-combustion named for him, which employed
auto-ignition of fuel. While associated with the Krupp firm in Essen,
he built the first successful diesel engine, utilizing low-cost fuel. In
1913, while on a voyage to England, Diesel drowned in te English

Diesel Engine is an excellent prime mover for electric power generation in capacities of 101 hp to 5070
hp. These are widely used in hotels, utility companies, municipalities and private industries.

The design of diesel electric power plant includes the following elements; the stationary diesel engine,
fuel system, lubricating system, cooling system, intake and exhaust system, and the governing system.

 Advantages of the diesel engine:

1. The cost of diesel fuel is cheaper than other fuels

2. It needs no long warming up

3. It has no standby losses

4. It has uniformly high efficiency of all sizes

5. It has a simple plant lay out

6. It needs no large water supply


1. Heat supplied by fuel, Qs:

mf = mass flow of fuel
Qh = heating value of fuel

 Sample Problem (Calculating the heat supplied by fuel)

What is the heat that can be supplied by 39 kg/hr diesel fuel whose heating value is 43,912 kJ/kg?


( ⁄ ) ⁄


2. Air – Fuel Ratio, :

ma = mass of air
mf = mass of fuel

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the Air-Fuel Ratio)

3 3
The density of air entering the engines is 1.19 kg/m whose volume flow rate is 0.51 m /s. if the m ass
flow rate of fuel is 121.38 kg/hr, what is the air – fuel ratio?



mf = 121.38 kg/hr = 0.034 kg/s

Solving for the mass of air; m a:

( ) ⁄

Answer: ⁄

3. Piston Displacement, VD:

Piston displacement is the volume displaced by the piston as it moves from top dead center to
bottom dead center.

( )

D = bore diameter of the piston For 4-stroke
L = length of stroke or stroke engine divide the
N = engine speed engine speed
nc = no. of cylinders
np = no. of piston actions “N” by 2.

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the Piston displacement)

Determine the piston displacement of 35 cm x 45 cm, 4 – stoke, 1200 rpm, 8-cylinder diesel engine?


( )

( ) ( )
( )( )[ ]( )
( )
Answer: Vd = 3.46 m /s

4. Piston Speed:
Piston speed is the total distance a piston travels in a given time.

2L = distance travelled by piston in one revolution
N = angular speed in rpm or rps

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the piston speed of a Diesel Engine)

What is the piston speed of a 30 cm x 35 cm diesel engine running at 1100 rpm?


The piston speed (V):

( )( ⁄ )

Answer: ⁄

5. Indicated Power, Pind:

Indicated power is the power developed by the action of a piston within a cylinder, so named
because it is measured by use of an indicator.
Pmi = indicated mean effective pressure

@ Calculating the indicated mean effective pressure using data provided by the planimeter.

Planimeter measures the area of actual P – V diagram traced by engine indicator.

Ac = area of indicator card diagram
Sc = spring scale
Lc = length of indicator card diagram

@ If working cylinder and crankcase are to be considered:

( ) ( )


wc = working cylinder
cc = crankcase

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the indicated power of a Diesel Engine)

The cylinder of an eight – cylinder, single acting, four-stroke diesel engine are 750 mm and the stroke
is 1125 mm. the indicated mean effective pressure in the cylinders is 586 kPa when the engine is
running at 110 rpm. Calculate the indicated power.


( )* ( ) +[ ] ( )( )
( )


 Sample Problem: (Calculating the indicated power using indicator card diagram)

The area of an indicator diagram taken off of a four-cylinder, single acting, four stroke engine when
running at 5.5 rev/s is 390 mm , the length is 70 mm and the scale of the indicator spring is 1 mm =
80 kPa. The diameter of the cylinders is 150 mm and the stroke is 200 mm. calculate the indicated
power of the engine assuming all cylinders develop equal power.


( ⁄ )

( ⁄ )( ⁄ )


( )
( )( )* + ( )( )( )


6. Brake Power, Pb

Brake power is the power delivered to a shaft. Brake power is always less than the indicated
power for a given engine, because some of the work developed by the cylinders is used to
overcome the friction of running the engine. The other term of brake power is shaft power.

Brake power is calculated
Where: using either prony brake or
T = brake torque
N = engine rotative speed in rpm dynamometer
F = brake force or brake load
R = brake arm or torque

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the Brakepower of a Diesel Engine)

The flywheel of a rope brake is 1.22 m diameter and the rope is 24 mm diameter. When the engine is
running at 250rev/min the load on the brake is 480 N on one end of the rope and 84 N on the other
end. Calculate the brake power.


The load (F) on the brake (F):

The radius (r):

( )

The torque (T):

( )

The Brakepower (Pb):

( )( )


@ Brake power in terms of brake mean effective pressure and piston displacement:


Pmb = brake mean effective pressure

Pb = brake power
VD = piston displacement

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the brake mean effective pressure)

A single acting, 8 cylinder, 4 stroke cycle diesel engine with a bore to stroke of 142.10 mm x 210.45
mm operates at 1200 rpm. The load on the brake arm at 1 m is 150 kg. what is the brake mean
effective pressure in kPa?


The volume displacement (VD):

* ( ) +( )[ ] ( )( )
( )

The brakepower (Pb):

Where; the torque (T):

[ ( )]( )

The brakepower (Pb):

( )( )

The mean effective pressure (Pmb):

( )

7. Friction Power, Pf:

Friction Power is the power dissipated in an engine through friction.

@ Calculating friction power using Morse test method applied to multi – cylinder engines:

Consider a six – cylinder engine

The indicated power if all six cylinder are firing

( ) ( ) ( )

If one cylinder is cut, or five cylinders are firing

( ) ( ) ( )

Derived from two equations above, equating the friction power:

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )

Thus, the total indicated power for six cylinder engine is,

( ) ( ( ) ( ))

 Sample Problem: ME BOARD PROBLEM (Calculating the indicated power)

A six cylinder, four stroke diesel engine with 76 mm bore x 89 mm stroke was run in the laboratory at
200 rpm, when it was found that the torque was 153.5 N-m with all the cylinders firing but 123 N-m
when one cylinder was out. The engine consumed 12.2 kg of fuel per hour with a heating value of
54,120 kJ/kg of air at 15.6°C. determine the indicated power.


( ) ( ( ) ( ))

( )( ) ( )( )
( ) * +

Answer: ( )

8. Mechanical Efficiency, em

Mechanical Efficiency is the ratio of the brake power to the indicated power.



Pb = brake power
Pind = indicated power
Pmi = indicated mean effective Pressure
Pmb = indicated mean brake pressure

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the mechanical efficiency of a diesel engine)

What is the mechanical efficiency of a 0.5 MW diesel engine if the friction power is 70 kW.


The mechanical efficiency:

The indicated power:



9. Electrical or Generator Efficiency, egen

Electrical or Generator Efficiency is the ratio of the generator power to the brake power.

Pgen = Generator Power
Pb = Brake Power

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the generator efficiency given the brakepower)

A 16 – cylinder V – type diesel engine is directly coupled to 3/4 MW AC generator. Calculate the
generator efficiency of the engine if the brake power is 833.33 kW



10. Thermal efficiencies, et

Thermal Efficiency is the ratio of the work done by a heat engine to the heat supplied by the fuel.

a. Indicated thermal efficiency, eti

Indicated thermal efficiency is the ratio indicated power to the heat supplied by the fuel.

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the indicated thermal efficiency)

A 3.5 MW diesel electric power plant uses 3500 gallons in 24 hrs period. What is the indicated
thermal efficiency of the engine if the generator and mechanical efficiencies are 90% and 92%
respectively? Oil is 28°API.


Solving for Qh:

( )

Solving for mfuel:

( ) ⁄

[ ( )]

Mass of fuel per second:

( )


( ⁄ )( ⁄ )


b. Brake thermal efficiency, etb

Brake thermal efficiency is the ratio of the brake power to the heat supplied by the fuel.
 Sample Problem: ME BOARD PROBLEM (Calculating the brake thermal efficiency)

A supercharged six cylinder, four stroke cycle diesel engine of 10.48 cm bore and 12.7 cm stroke has
a compression ratio of 15. When it is tested on a dynamometer with a 53.34 cm arm at 2500 rpm, the
scale reads 81.65 kg, 2.86 kg of fuel of 45,822.20 kJ/kg heating value are burned during a 6 min. test
and air metered to the cylinders at the rate of 0.182 kg/s. Find the brake thermal efficiency.


Solving for Pb:

( )( )

( )( )

Solving for mf:

( )


( )

c. Combined or Over – all thermal efficiency, etc

Combined or over – all thermal efficiency is the ratio of the electrical or generator power to heat
supplied by the fuel.

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the combined thermal efficiency)

A 16 – cylinder V – type diesel engine is directly coupled to 1 MW AC generator. Calculate the

combined thermal efficiency if the heat supplied by the fuel is 2.5 MW.

11. Engine efficiencies, et

a. Indicated engine efficiency, eei

Indicated engine efficiency is the ratio of the indicated thermal efficiency to the ideal thermal

 ME Board Problem (Calculating the cycle efficiency)

What is the indicated engine efficiency of diesel engine if the indicated thermal efficiency is 35% and
the cycle efficiency is 45%?



b. Brake engine efficiency, eeb

Brake engine efficiency is the ratio of the brake thermal efficiency to the ideal thermal efficiency.

 Sample Problem: (Calculating engine efficiency)

A 500 kW diesel has a heat rate 12,000 kJ/kw-hr. the compression ratio is 16:1, cut of ratio 2.3.
Assume k = 1.32. Calculate the engine efficiency based on the output of 500 kW.



The brake thermal efficiency, etb:

Solving for cycle efficiency, e

( )
* +
( ) ( )

The engine efficiency, eeb:

c. Combined or over – all engine efficiency, eec

Combined or over – all engine efficiency is the ratio of the combined or over – all thermal
efficiency to the ideal thermal efficiency.

 ME Board Problem (Calculating the combined engine efficiency)

If the over – all thermal efficiency of a diesel engine is 33 % and the diesel cycle efficiency 49 %,
what is the combined engine efficiency?



12. Volumetric efficiency, ev


 Sample Problem: (Calculating the Volumetric efficiency)

Determine the volumetric efficiency of 35 cm x 45 cm, 4 stoke 1200 rpm, 8 cylinder diesel engine if
the air drawn in the engine is 3 m /s?


The volume displacement, Vd:

( )

( )
( )( )[ ]( )
( )

The volumetric efficiency, ev:


13. Specific Fuel Consumption, m

Specific fuel consumption is the mass flow rate of fuel consumed per unit power developed. It
is also known as specific propellant consumption.

a. Indicated specific fuel consumption, mi

( )

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the indicated fuel consumption)

What is the indicated specific fuel consumption of a six cylinder, four stroke diesel engine with 76 mm
bore x 89 mm stroke and indicated power of 38.33 kW if the engine consumed 12.2 kg/hr of fuel?


b. Brake Specific fuel consumption, mb

( )

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the brake specific fuel consumption)

A four-stroke, 8 cylinder diesel engine with bore and stroke of 9 inches and 12 inches respectively
and speed of 950 rpm has a brake mean effective pressure of 164 psi. What is the brake specific fuel
consumption in lb per hp – hr if the engine consumed 468.55 lbs fuel per hour?


The brake mean effective pressure consumption, m b

Solving for Pb:


( )
[ ( )]( ⁄ )( )( ⁄ )( )


Answer: ⁄

c. Combined or Over-all specific fuel consumption, mc

( )

Where: in the above formulas the mass flow rate of fuel, m f is in kg/s.

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the combined specific fuel consumption)

A 16 – cylinder V – type diesel engine is directly coupled to 1 MW AC generator. Calculate the

combined specific fuel consumption if the fuel consumed is 1 kg/s.


( )

Answer: ⁄

14. Heat Rate, HR

Heat Rate is the rate of energy change per unit of power. To calculate the heat rate is to multiply
the specific fuel consumption by the heating value of the fuel.

A. Indicated Heat Rate, HRi:

( )

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the indicated heat rate)

A four cylinder, 4 stroke cycle, 20 cm x 25 cm x 550 rpm diesel engine has a mean effective pressure
of 150 psi. If the heat supplied by the fuel is 50 kW, what is the indicated heat rate?


Solving for indicated power, Pind:

( )
[ ( )] ( )* +[ ]( )
( )


( )


B. Brake Heat Rate, HRb:

( )

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the brake heat rate)

A 305 mm x 457 mm four stroke single acting diesel engine is rated at 150 kW at 260 rpm. Fuel
consumption at rated load is 0.26 kg/kW-hr with a heating value of 43,912 kJ/kg. Calculate the brake
heat rate.


( )

( ⁄ )( ⁄ )

Answer: ⁄

C. Combined or Over-all Heat Rate, HRc:

( )

 Sample Problem: (Calculate the combined heat rate)

The kilowatt output of a generator coupled to a diesel engine is 1.5 MW. If the mass of fuel with
heating value 45,000 kJ/kg consumed by the engine is 0.04 kg/s, what is the combined heat rate?


( )( )( )


15. Generator Speed, N

N = speed in rpm
f = frequency
f = 60 Hertz (if not given)
P = no. of poles

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the generator speed)

An eight-cylinder, two-cycle, single-acting diesel engine rated at 150 Hp at standard condition is to be

directly coupled to a 24-pole alternator, 3 phase, 60 cycles. What is the generator speed?


( )

Answer: N = 300 rpm

16. Energy Stream


1. Useful Output
(brake output)

2. Cooling Loss

3. Exhaust Loss

4. Radiation, Friction
and Unaccounted By difference ∑
Total 100%
Typical full – load heat balance based on 100% heat input of fuel

Diesel cycle Otto cycle

1. Useful Output (Brakepower) 34 % 25 %
2. Cooling Loss 30 % 30 %
3. Exhaust Loss 26 % 37 %
4. Radiation, Friction, Unaccounted losses 10 % 8%
100 % 100%

17. Diesel engine with closed cooling system

By Energy Balance

18. Waste Heat Recovery Boiler

By energy balance:
( )

Boiler efficiency, eboiler:

( )

19. Engine operated at high altitudes

( √ ) English Units

( √ ) SI Units

Ps = standard power or power a sea level
Pact = new pressure or actual barometric pressure in in. Hg
T = new temperature or actual absolute temperature in °R

1. The decrease in pressure is approximately 1 in. Hg per 1000 ft elevation

2. The decrease in temperature is approximately 3.6°R per 1000 ft elevation.

 Sample Problem: (Calculating the maximum power delivered at a given elevation)

What maximum power can be delivered by 1500 kW engine at 28000 ft elevation considering the
pressure effect alone?


( √ )

Solving for Pact.

° ( )


( √ )


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