Mooc Impact

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MOOC was first launched in 2008 and was created by George Siemens and
Stephen Downs under the name "Connectivism and Connective Knowledge/2008" or
CCK08. It was created as a credit course at the University of Manitoba. At CCK08, 25
students paid the course fees, and approximately 2,200 learners participated in the
course for free. MOOC really took off in 2012, when Professor Sebastian Thrun and Peter
Norvig of Stanford University opened an online course called "Introduction to Artificial
Intelligence". The course was attended by approximately 1,600,000 students from 190
countries. After successful introduction to artificial intelligence, Thrun and Nrovig
founded Udacity, a business model for online knowledge sharing. There are some other
MOOC providers, including Coursera and EdX. A Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
is an online course that allows participants to have free access and unrestricted
participation in any course of their choice. In addition to traditional teaching methods
such as lectures, videos and reading materials; MOOC also provides an interactive
forum platform.

MOOC is further divided into two categories-cMOOC and xMOOC. cMOOC

is a MOOC that allows dynamic development of learning materials. In other words, the
material will be developed through online discussions and collaborations among
learners participating in courses around the world, rather than a pre-planned set of
reading materials and courseware. On the other hand, xMOOCs believe in the
traditional approach, that is, the course is well structured, with pre-selected reading
materials and reference materials. MOOC allows us to keep up with changes in
technology-enhanced learning and innovative pedagogy to meet our strategic goals
of designing and providing the best campus and online education experience. Courses
are provided for free, and you can access courses offered by professors from top
schools. The courses are aimed at a wide and diverse audience around the world. You
can easily monitor the performance of learners using the data captured at the
beginning of the course. Professors and learners have gained worldwide exposure,
which improves teaching skills and knowledge sharing, can be used as a tool in
blended learning programs, and students can access more than what is provided in
the classroom More information. The disadvantage of MOOC is that it cannot provide
personalized courseware and the attention of tutors, and it is difficult to track students'
work and participation. Disabled learners and students with poor Internet connection
cannot use MOOC. Language may be a barrier. At the same time, MOOCs and
MOOCs cannot be used. University credit courses.

Despite some shortcomings, MOOC has great potential to reshape the way
we learn. It is a customized e-learning method that encourages self-paced learning
and focuses on the skills the learner wishes to hone. Provide a platform for interactive
forums. It is also one of the custom e-learning methods that encourage self-paced
learning, which still focuses on the skills the learner wishes to hone. It will be interesting to
see how they progress and grow over time!

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