Nitin Sawan Notes - Modern Indian History

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HISTORY of Mains 2016

© Nitin Sangwan
Beginner’s Note:

It is advisable that you read Old NCERTs absolutely thoroughly or may read "History of Modern India" by
Bipan Chandra, Orient Black Swan Publication (It is a thin book and is a republication of the old NCERTs,
read either of these). They cover almost all the topics. Don’t miss even a single word. (Attempt all the
questions which are given at the end of those chapters in case you read NCERTs. It will also serve you as
a sort of answer writing practice as well).

After reading these, you may refer to the new NCERTS as well. Why new NCERTs? Because they are more
graphic and have an interactive style. At times they are more engaging than the older ones and had
explained a few topics in a much lucid manner.

Google those events/topics which are not adequately covered in these (but are mentioned just in a few
lines), but never go too deep into that as you just need to have a conceptual clarity about that particular
event. After doing that, you may refer these notes (though I have tried to cover everything in these

I have tried to arrange my these notes as per the requirement of the new syllabus of Mains Exam and
have comeup with these after intensive study of different resources, so these notes should be of
special help to you.

Always keep things manageable. It is not so important that how much you read, but how well you read.
Keep in mind that whatever you read, you have to revise that also at times of mains exam. So, limit your
study material.

Best of luck!
Nitin Sangwan
AIR 28 (2016), AIR359 (2015), AIR 320 (2014)
Drop me a comment at: if you need some further help in the exam,
suggestions or any major discrepancies in these notes for benefit of others.

18TH to MID 19TH CENTURY INDIA AND EUROPEANS IN INDIA ...................................................................... 6

COMPANY RULE .......................................................................................................................................... 14
COMPANY RULE – AGRICULTURE ............................................................................................................... 15
CULTURAL AND SOCIO-ECONOMIC SCENERIO IN 19TH CENTURY ............................................................... 16
TRIBAL UPRISINGS ....................................................................................................................................... 17
EARLY UPRISINGS – PRE 1857 ..................................................................................................................... 20
1857 MUTINY .............................................................................................................................................. 21
BRITISH POLICY TOWARDS INDIAN STATES ................................................................................................ 27
LATER VICEROYS.......................................................................................................................................... 28
EARLY POLITICAL ORGANISATIONS in INDIA ............................................................................................... 28
PARTITION OF BENGAL and SWADESHI MOVEMENT (1905)...................................................................... 33
RISE of EXTREMISTS or MILITANT NATIONALISM ....................................................................................... 36
MUSLIM LEAGUE (1906) ............................................................................................................................. 38
SURAT SPLIT (1907) ..................................................................................................................................... 38
MORLEY-MINTO REFORMS and GoI Act (1909) .......................................................................................... 39
FIRST WORLD WAR and ITS IMPACT ........................................................................................................... 40
GHADAR PARTY and GHADAR MUTINY or FEBRUARY MUTINY .................................................................. 41
HOME RULE MOVEMENT and REUNION of EXTREMISTS and LUCKNOW PACT (1916) ............................. 41
AUGUST DECLARATION or MONTEGUE DECLARATION .............................................................................. 43
LUCKNOW PACT (December 1916) ............................................................................................................. 43
MONTEGUE CHELMSFORD REFORMS (1919) ............................................................................................. 44
START of GANDHIAN ERA or ERA of MASS STRUGGLE ............................................................................... 46
ROWLETT SATYAGRAHA and JALIANWALA BAGH MASSACRE ................................................................... 48
KHILAFAT and NON-COOPERATIONMOVEMENT ........................................................................................ 50
SWARAJ PARTY (1923) ................................................................................................................................ 57
NEW FORCES on THE BLOC – 1920s............................................................................................................ 58
SIMON COMMISSION (1928) ...................................................................................................................... 58
NEHRU REPORT (1928) & FOURTEEN POINTS (1929) ................................................................................. 60
RISE OF RADICALS, DEMAND for PURNA SWARAJ (1929) .......................................................................... 61
GANDHI’s 11 POINTS, SALT MARCH & CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE MOVEMENT, 1930 ....................................... 62
GANDHI – IRWIN PACT or DELHI PACT (MARCH 1931) ............................................................................... 65
KARACHI SESSION (MARCH 1931)............................................................................................................... 66
2nd ROUND SECOND TABLE CONFERENCE (DEC 1931) .............................................................................. 67
COMMUNAL AWARD (1932) and POONA PACT (1933) .............................................................................. 69
GOVERNMENT of INDIA ACT (1935) ........................................................................................................... 70
1937 ELECTIONS .......................................................................................................................................... 72
TIRUPURI SESSION and FORWARD BLOCK (1939) ...................................................................................... 73
SECOND WORLD WAR and INDIA ............................................................................................................... 73
TWO NATIONS THEORY and LAHORE RESOLUTION (1940) ........................................................................ 74
AUGUST OFFER (1940) ................................................................................................................................ 75
INDIVIDUAL SATYAGRAHA (1940) ............................................................................................................... 75
CRIPPS MISSION (1942)............................................................................................................................... 76
QUIT INDIA (1942) or AUGUST KRANTI....................................................................................................... 77
C R FORMULA or RAJAJI FORMULA and GANDHI-JINNAH TALKS (1944) .................................................... 79
DESAI-LIAQAT PACT .................................................................................................................................... 79
SHIMLA CONFERENCE and WAVELL PLAN (1945) ....................................................................................... 79
INA and AZAD HIND FAUJ and INA TRIALS .................................................................................................. 80
RIN RATING MUTINY (1946)........................................................................................................................ 81
POST SECOND WORLD WAR ....................................................................................................................... 82
CABINET MISSION (1946) ............................................................................................................................ 82
DIRECT ACTION DAY and NOAKHALI MASSACRE (1946)............................................................................. 84
MOUNTBATTEN PLAN (1947) or 3rd JUNE PLAN ......................................................................................... 85
INDIA INDEPENDENCE ACT (1947) .............................................................................................................. 85
PARTITION AND THE EVENTS LEADING TO IT ............................................................................................. 86
POST INDEPENDENCE ................................................................................................................................. 87
++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ................................................................. 87
OTHER NOTES ............................................................................................................................................. 88
ORGANISATIONS, ACTS, MOVEMENTS etc ................................................................................................. 88
PEOPLE ........................................................................................................................................................ 96
DEVLOPMENT of NATIONALISM ............................................................................................................... 103
NATIONALIST LITERATURE ........................................................................................................................ 104
REVOLUTIONARY MOVEMENTS ................................................................................................................ 106
RISE OF COMMUNISM IN INDIA (1920s Onwards) ................................................................................... 119
PEOPLE’s STRUGGLE in PRINCLY STATES .................................................................................................. 121
WOMEN and INDIAN FREEDOM STRUGGLE ............................................................................................. 122
INDUSTRIALIST and FREEDOM STRUGGLE ................................................................................................ 127
FREEDOM FIGHTERS from NORTH EAST ................................................................................................... 128
FREEDOM FIGHTERS from SOUTH INDIA .................................................................................................. 129
RISE of COMMUNALISM in INDIA ............................................................................................................. 131
EDUCATION SYSTEM DURING BRITISH ..................................................................................................... 133
WOMEN EDUCATION in INDIA .................................................................................................................. 138
MUSLIM REFORMS MOVEMENTS ............................................................................................................. 139
SIKH REFORMS MOVEMENTS ................................................................................................................... 141
HINDU REFORM MOVEMENTS ................................................................................................................. 143
WORKING CLASS & TRADE UNION MOVEMENT BEFORE INDEPENDENCE............................................... 146
SOCIAL REFORMS MOVEMENTS and LEGISLATIONS ................................................................................ 147
LOWER CASTE MOVEMENTS..................................................................................................................... 149
PEASANT MOVEMENTS in INDIA .............................................................................................................. 152
PRESS in INDIA .......................................................................................................................................... 155
LAND REVENUE POLICIES of THE BRITISH ................................................................................................. 156
CIVIL SERVICES in INDIA ............................................................................................................................ 157
LOCAL GOVERNANCE GROWTH in INDIA .................................................................................................. 158
FAMINES in INDIA and the BRITISH POLICY .............................................................................................. 159
INDIAN INDENTURED LABORERS .............................................................................................................. 160
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ................................................................. 160
UPSC QUESTIONS of LAST YEARS .............................................................................................................. 161
Portugese were the first to come to India. In 1502 – 100 years before arrival of East India Company –
they established their factory at Cochin. Francisco Almeida was first governor of Portugese. Later they
also captured Goa, Daman and Diu. They also gave Bombay Island to England as dowry to King Charles II.

Portugese and Spanish were the first Europeans to make inroads into India. They were replaced by
French, Dutch and English colonial forces later on. (In Africa too similar events happened. Africa was
initially exploited for gold and ivory, but later slave trade took its place in 16th century. Initially Portugese
and Spanish and later French, Dutch and British dominated Africa. Profits from slave trade, slave run
plantations and trade from India provided significant portion of the much needed capital for the rise of
Industrial revolution in Europe)

British Hawkins visited and stayed in Mughal court, but didn’t get imperial farmaan. First factory at
Surat was established by efforts of Captain Middleton who got imperial farmaan. Consequently, first
factory in South was established in Machalipattanam/Masulipatanam in 1611. Later in 1615, Thomas
Roe succeeded further in getting a farmaan to establish factories in entire Mughal Empire. As a result
East India Company established many factories at Surat, Masulipatanam, Agra, Ahembdabad and so on.
They established factories in South with relative ease as they faced less resistance due to weak Indian
rulers. Farmaan of 1717 gave enormous leeway to company and it paved way for its expansion which
ultimately led to establishment of British rule in India.

French and British Rivalary – For establishement of their might, French and British fought various wars,
Carnatic wars are chief among them. In First of these wars, French supremacy was established. In 1742,
war broke out between France and England and it echoed in India too. French General Dupliex gained
considerably in these fights in India and he made French position stronger in South. However, French
could not hold ther position for too long. War between France and Britain broke out again in 1756 and
this time British had the upper hand. In India, they pushed French out of Bengal. Later, in third Carnatic
War in 1760, French generals Lally and Bussy were defeated by English General Eyre Coot in Battle of
Wandiwash. The war came to an end with ‘Treaty of Paris’ and French even surrendered Pondicherry in
1763 and this led to end of French ambitions to expand in India.

British had by this time realized that their superior army and ammunitions and lack of nationalism
among Indians will give them an upper hand in India. ‘Battle of San Thomas’ – during the Carnatic Wars
(1746-61) – definitely proved for the first time the superiority of European arms and discipline over the
traditional Indian methods of warfare.

After the death of Aurangzeb, the Bengal nawabs asserted their power and autonomy. One after other
Bengal Nawabs refused to grant the Company concessions, demanded large tributes for the Company’s
right to trade, denied it any right to mint coins, and stopped it from extending its fortifications. Accusing
the Company of deceit, they claimed that the Company was depriving the Bengal government of huge
amounts of revenue and undermining the authority of the nawab. It was refusing to pay taxes, writing
disrespectful letters, and trying to humiliate the nawab and his officials.
An English factory was set up on the banks of the river Hugli in 1651. This was the base from which the
Company’s traders, known at that time as ‘factors’, operated. By 1696 it began building a fort around
the settlement. Company at the same time was also looking greedily to expand its presence and Bengal
was first choice for its richness. However Nawab Sirajudaullah was wary of company’s activities and he
even tried to push them away. (Blackhole tragedy happened during such an attempt when Sirajudaullah
put many British in a dundgeon on a sultry day and as a result most of the detainees died). He was fed
up with high handedness of the British and gross misuse of impereal farmaan of 1717. Immediate reason
was fortification by French and British of their areas without permission of nawab and he saw it as an
attack on his sovereignty. He asked them to undo this. French complied, but British remained adamant.
He made an attack on British and got initial success. For British, first major success came with Battle of
Palassey, 1757, in which company under Robert Clive conspired with Mir Zafar – one of the generals of
Nawab Sirajudaullah – and others (Mir Bakshi, Manik Chand, Jagat Seth etc) to defeat him. British got
undisputed rights to trade in Orissa, Bengal and Bihar. British victory of Bengal in Battle of Plassey was
important from following grounds –

I. Itraised their prestige immensely and presented them as a strong contender in India.
II. British also gained an upper hand on their colonial rival France and it paved way or decline of
French influence in India.
III. Bengal was one of the richest provincesat that time and it helped British to amass huge wealth
from its exploitation and maintain a large army.
IV. Further, while British plundered the state, they had no accountability.

After the Battle of Plassey in 1757 CE, they had become the real masters of Bengal. They used political
control over Bengal to increase their trade and export of foreign goods. They eliminated the Indian as
well as foreign rivals in trade so that there could be no competition.

Mir Zafar was put as a puppet of British, but he soon repented his decision to join hands with British as
his exchequer emptied fulfilling British demands, he was soon replaced by Mir Quasim and British
started exploiting Bengal. However Mir Quasim was an able and efficient ruler determined to free
himself from British and soon raised his head. He along with Nawab of Audh Nizam ud Daula and
fugitive Mughal emperor Shah Alam-II started a campaign against company which ended in Battle of
Buxor in which the combined forces were defeated by British in 1764 and ‘Treaty of Allahabad’ was
signed which gave the company Diwani rights in Bengal. Battle of Buxor formalized colonial rule in India.
Nawab of Awadh was made dependent on Company. Bengal was also put under Company rule directly
from nawab’s rule. This paved way for northward expansion of British and by 1803, Delhi was under
British rule.

After Battle of Buxor, British got Diwani rights by an imperial firman from Mughals and Bengal came
under dual rule of British and Nawab as the British wanted to avoid taking over responsibility of the
administration of Bengal. British controlled revenue, police and judicial power. Nawab had responsibility,
but no power. After the company got the Diwani rights in Bengal, it started extracting revenue, but
without any responsibility. British exploited Bengal at the expense of Nawab and both became
indifferent to the plight of people. Great famine of 1770 and death of lakhs people exposed the
exploitative nature of this dual government. Dual governance led to immense hardship of the common
man and Bengal was plundered completely by the British. System of dual governance was ended by
Warren Hastings.

If we analyse the process of annexation of Indian states by the East India Company from 1757 to 1857,
certain key aspects emerge. The Company rarely launched a direct military attack on an unknown
territory. Instead it used a variety of political, economic and diplomatic methods to extend its influence
before annexing an Indian kingdom. After the Battle of Buxar (1764), the Company appointed Residents
in Indian states. They were political or commercial agents and their job was to serve and further the
interests of the Company. Through the Residents, the Company officials began interfering in the internal
affairs of Indian states.

In 1803, the British gained control of Delhi after defeating the Marathas. Since the capital of British India
was Calcutta, the Mughal emperor was allowed to continue living in the palace complex in the Red Fort.


Warren Hastings (1772-85) – Period of 1775 to 82 was challenging for British as they have to
face multiple oppositions from Marathas in Central and North India, from Haider Ali, Nizam
Southern India. Marathas proved a formidable enemy, Haider Ali too inflicted many defeats.
Outside India they were facing a losing war against America. Warren Hastings became the first
Governor General at this time was at the helm of affairs. He led First Anglo Maratha war in
1773 in which neither side won and a peace treaty was signed. While British made their position
stronger in Bengal, Marathas frittered away the time in infightings. In South, Warren Hastings
fought two Anglo Mysore wars with Haider Ali. Warren Hastings introduced several
administrative reforms, notably in the sphere of justice. From 1772 a new system of justice was
established. Each district was to have two courts – a criminal court (faujdari adalat) and a civil
court (diwani adalat). Maulvis and Hindu pandits interpreted Indian laws for the European
district collectors who presided over civil courts. The criminal courts were still under a qazi and a
mufti but under the supervision of the collectors. A major problem was that the Brahman
pandits gave different interpretations of local laws based on different schools of the
dharmashastra. Under the Regulating Act of 1773, a new Supreme Court was established, while
a court of appeal – the Sadar Nizamat Adalat – was also set up at Calcutta.

Cornwallis (1786-1796) – Cornwallis arrived at scene at a time when Marathas were becoming
weak. Haider Ali died in 1782 after Second Anglo Mysore war due to cancer. He led Third Anglo
Mysore War in which Mysore faced defeat in 1792. The war broke out in late 1789 when Tipu
Sultan, the ruler of the Kingdom of Mysore, attacked Travancore, an ally of the British East India
Company. After a little over two years of fighting, forces of the company led by Lord Cornwallis,
along with allied forces from the Maratha Empire and Hyderabad, laid siege in February 1792 to
Mysore's capital, Seringapatam. Rather than attempting to storm the works at great cost to all
sides, Cornwallis entered into negotiations with Tipu to end the conflict. Cornwallis had hoped
to use the treaty as a wide-ranging peace settlement that would, in addition to reducing or
removing the threat of Mysore, prevent conflict between Hyderabad and the Marathas. The
Treaty of Seringapatam (also called Srirangapatinam), signed 18 March 1792, ended the Third
Anglo-Mysore War. Its signatories included Lord Cornwallis on behalf of the British East India
Company, representatives of the Nizam of Hyderabad and the Mahratta Empire, and Tipu
Sultan, the ruler of Mysore. Under the terms of the treaty, Mysore ceded about one half of its
territories to the other signatories. The Peshwa acquired territory up to the Tungabhadra River,
the Nizam was awarded land from the Krishna to the Penner River, and the forts of Cuddapah
and Gandikota on the south bank of the Penner. The East India Company received a large
portion of Mysore's Malabar Coast territories between the Kingdom of Travancore and the Kali
River, and the Baramahal and Dindigul districts.

Wellesley and Subsdiary Alliance (1798-1805) – Expansion under Wellesley was perhaps one of
the largest British expansions. He took over India at a time when France was engaged in a bitter
war with Britain all over the world. He used many tactics for expansion from outright war to
usurping the throne of erstwhile subsidiaries. Subsidiary Alliance was one such tool and it had
following features –

 Indian rulers were made to sign alliance under which British stationed their forces
permanently in their allies and the Indian ruler has to pay for them ad also accept British
 Indian ruler himself has to disband his own forces and
 Was also debarred from making any transactions from other foreign power without
British approval.
 A Resident of British was appointed in the court of ruler as British representative.
 Ruler was promised protection from external attacks.
 British also promised non-interference in internal affairs, but this promise was broken
more often than was kept.
 Thus, Indian rulers have to pledge their independence through this treaty.

The treaty had a great adverse effect on Indian rulers. Due to disbanding of armies lakhs became
unemployed. Ruler care little for the welfare of the people, as they relied on British to subdue
any internal rebellion or discontent. British on the other hand gained immensely from the
subsidiary treaty. They now maintained a huge army and that too on expense of Indian rulers.
They at time overthrew the allies under alliance on charges of being inefficient. Nizam of
Hyderabad became first to sign this treaty in 1798. Awadh was also forced into it in 1801.
Mysore fell after Tipu refused to accept Subsidiary Alliance of Wellesley and later death of Tipu
Sultan in 1799 in seize of Seringpattanam or the Fourth Mysore war and it was returned to the
erstwhile ruler and some part was taken by British. Marathas were now the only major force
outside British control. Wellesley now focused his attention towards them.

Maratha area was now ruled by five independent chiefs (Bhonsle, Holkar, Scindia etc) and
Peshwa and they were all engaged in infightings. Holkar defeated combined forces of Peshwa
and Scindia in 1802 and cowardly Peshwa rushed for British help and signed Subsidiary treaty of
Bhasin/Bassein. The Peshwa accepted the Subsidiary Alliance with the British via Treaty of
Bhasin. The Treaty was a pact signed on 31 December 1802 between the British East India
Company and Baji Rao II (who is termed as ‘cypher’ by the historians), the Maratha peshwa of
Pune (Poona) in India after the Battle of Poona. The treaty was a decisive step in the dissolution
of the Maratha Empire, which led to the East India Company's usurpation of the peshwa's
territories in western India in 1818. On 13 May 1803, Baji Rao II was restored to Peshwarship
under the protection of the East India Company and the leading Maratha state had thus become
a client of the British. The treaty led to expansion of the sway and influence of the East India
Company over the Indian subcontinent. However, the treaty was not acceptable to all Marathas
chieftains, and resulted in the Second Anglo-Maratha War during Hastings time. Several wars
took place between Maratha Chiefs and British, however expansionist policies of Wellesley were
checked as it was proving costly on British Exchequer and they made peace with Holkar.

Lord Hastings (1813-22) – Lord Hastings can be credited for effectively subduing the last
dominant challenge of Marathas in India. Second Anglo Maratha war was fought with
combined forces of Peshwa and Maratha chiefs in which latter were defeated. As a result,
Peshwa was pensioned to Kanpur away from his territory and other chiefs were forced to sign
subsidiary alliance and they accepted British paramount power. Now, like other rulers, Maratha
chiefs too existed on mercy of the British. In 1813, the British government became paramount
in India. Now the Company claimed that its authority was paramount or supreme, hence its
power was greater than that of Indian states. In order to protect its interests it was justified in
annexing or threatening to annex any Indian kingdom. By 1818, entire Indian subcontinent
except Sindh and Punjab came under direct or indirect rule of British.

Consolidation of power – 1818-1857 – Post 1818, Punjab and Sindh too were conquered and
Awadh and Central provinces were annexed. Sindh was occupied in wake of growing Anglo-
Russian rivalry in Europe and Asia and to make it a buffer state against Russian invasion and to
have a passage to Afghanistan and Persia.

Dalhousie and Policy of Lapse (1848-1857) – Unlike Wellesley, Dalhousie wanted to extend
direct rule of British over India. Satara (which was created as a state for Marathas after Second
Anglo Maratha War), Jhansi, Nagpur were annexed through Doctrine of Lapse. Dalhousie also
wanted to bring Awadh under British rule, but British had friendly terms with Awadh since it
helped them in Battle of Buxar. They had many heirs and hence couldn’t be covered under
Doctrine of Lapse. Finally, Dalhousie hit upon idea of accusing Nawab of mis-governance and
annexing his territory. Awadh was thus annexed in 1856. Awadh was one of the last territories
to be annexed by the British. It was brought under subsidiary alliance in 1801, and finally
annexed in 1849. It was formally annexed in 1856. The conquest happened in stages. The
removal of the Nawab led to the dissolution of the court and its culture. Thus a whole range of
people – musicians, dancers, poets, artisans, cooks, retainers, and administrative officials and so
on – lost their livelihood. In 1849, under Dalhousie's command, the British captured the princely
state of Punjab. Jhansi was also annexed under Doctrine of Lapse. However, it was the unfair
annexation of Oudh whichmade Dalhousie very unpopular in the region. He also commanded
the Second Burmese War in 1852, resulting in the capture of parts of Myanmar. This and other
callous actions of the governor-general created bitter feelings among the Indian soldiers in the
British Army, which finally led to the First War of Independence of 1857. His contribution in the
development of communication – railways, roads, postal and telegraph services – contributed to
the modernization and unity of India. Social legislations like Widow Remarriage Act, 1856 was
also passed during his time. He is, thus, said to have laid the foundation of modern India. One
unintended consequences of the policies of the Dalhousie was the administrative unification of
India. It laid the foundation of a modern ‘nation’ which was hitherto scattered into pieces under
local chieftans.


There were many reasons for the fall of Mughals, like –

I. Aurengzeb’s expansionist policies created many fissures and his weak successors led to
decline of Mughal Empire.
II. Battles with Marathas drained Mughals of their wealth.
III. Rajputs also became more assertive in the meanwhile, unlike Akbar’s conciliatory stance
(marriages etc), later Mughals tried to contain Rajputs and this led to lash back.
IV. Nerve center of Mughals Delhi also saw multiple uprisings from Jats, Satnamis, Sikhs etc.
V. Revenue policies started to take toll on peasantry and
VI. Number of Mansabdars had increased to 3 times than that of Akbar. Not many of them
were as honest
VII. Military machinery was also outdated and naval power was never given any attention
VIII. Poor thrust on science made Mughal empire backward in outlook
IX. Religious intolerance of Aurangzeb and later Mughals caused anger among other
X. Corruption was rife, wars for succession, decline in arts, trade and commerce, decline in
loyalty of nobles, foreign invasions (Nadir Shah, Abdali etc) were other factors which
proved fatal for Mughal Empire.

Fall of Mughals fuelled ambitions of other regional satraps. Marathas were the one who gained
most in Mughal Empire’s decline.

Shah Alam-II ascended Mughal throne in 1759 and inherited a weak empire and has to himself
spend a life of fugitive. He joined hands with Mir Quasim and Shuja-ud-Daula of Awadh to
redeem his empire and take on British. The combined armies were defeated in fateful Battle of
Buxor in 1764. Mughal Emperor was earlier pensioned by British, but later retreated to Delhi
and took shelter under Marathas.

In 1803, Delhi was taken over by British in the aftermaths of Battle of Buxor and other wars.
Mughal emperor was reduced to the pensioner of the British.


Marathas have been engaged in hostility with Mughals ever since the times of Shivaji who for
the first time give real challenge to Mughal dominance. Shivaji adopted guerilla warfare

Shivaji’s grandson was imprisoned by Aurangzeb and was released after his death. However, he
couldn’t regain his hereditary prestige and influence and internal rivalry saw emergence of
second phase of Marathan dominance under Peshwas. Balaji Vishwanath was first Peshwa.
Marathas under Peshwas expanded and made inroads into erstwhile Mughal Empire and by
1740 under Baji Rao, they had control over Malwa, Gujarat and part of Bundelkhand. Peshwas
soon shifted Maratha capital to Poona. By 1750, Marathas even controlled Mughals indirectly
through key appointments in Mughal court.

As Mughal might waned it also suffered external attacks. One of such fierce attackers was Nadir
Shah. His general Ahmed Shah Abdali succeeded in gaining control over northern India from
1748 to 1767. After taking Delhi, Marathas now shifted their attention towards Punjab which
was now ruled by an agent of Abdaliand they defeated him. To avenge this defeat, Ahmed Shah
Abdali himself marched into India and defeated Marathas led in the decisive Third Battle of
Panipat in 1761. Battle of Panipat was a death blow to Marathas as well as Mughals. Thus, way
for arrival of British was cleared which was made even more imminent by Battle of Buxer in

They were divided into many states under different chiefs (sardars) belonging to dynasties such
as Sindhia, Holkar, Gaikwad and Bhonsle. These chiefs were held together in a confederacy
under a Peshwa (Principal Minister) who became its effective military and administrative head
based in Pune. Marathas under Peshwa Madhav Rao regained their lost pride significantly and in
1771, they even brought Mughal emperor to Delhi (weaning him away from British pension) and
kept him under their own pension. However, after his death, Maratha Empire again declined as
there were many warring factions (Holkar, Scindia, Bhonsle etc) and one of them even invited
British when he faced defeat at the hand of others leading to First Anglo-Maratha War in 1773.
By the Third Anglo Maratha War of 1816-19 Marathas were completely subdued by British.

Like Mughals, Marathas too showed a united face so long as there was a common enemy and in
its absence, they suffered internal feuds. Their revenue policy also was detrimental to
peasantry. They also failed to boost commerce. All these factors lead to their decline.


Haider Ali was born in a humble family and rose through ranks in army and finally overthrew the
Hindu king of Mysore. He took over a weak Mysore and build a strong kingdom out of it. He
adopted best administrative practices of Mughals and was a tolerant ruler.

Mysore controlled the profitable trade of the Malabar coast where the Company purchased
pepper and cardamom. In 1785 Tipu Sultan stopped the export of sandalwood, pepper and
cardamom through the ports of his kingdom, and disallowed local merchants from trading with
the Company. The British were furious. They saw Haidar and Tipu as ambitious, arrogant and
dangerous – rulers who had to be controlled and crushed.

Haider Ali remained at war with Marathas and neighboring Nizam of Hyderabad. Later he fought
two Anglo-Mysore wars with British and died after second war due to cancer in 1782.

His son Tipu Sultan was also a tolerant ruler. He even established a Saraswati temple near his
palace and also built churches. He made alliance with French military and adopted their military
styles. He reduced the hereditary rights of the Poligars – or Zamindars – and eliminate the
intermediaries between the state and cultivators and this improved condition of peasantry.

He carried on the war left by his father, but lost Third Anglo Mysore War and has to give away
half of his kingdom to British. He was a brave soldier with huge self respect and died fighting
with British and forces of Nizam to save his territory in 4th Anglo-Mysore War in 1799 at the
door of fort of Seringpattnam his capital.


In the late 1830s the East India Company became worried about Russia. It imagined that Russia
might expand across Asia and enter India from the north-west. Driven by this fear, the British
now wanted to secure their control over the north-west. They fought a prolonged war with
Afghanistan between 1838 and 1842 and established indirect Company rule there. Sind was
taken over in 1843. Next in line was Punjab. But the presence of Maharaja Ranjit Singh held back
the Company. After his death in 1839, two prolonged wars were fought with the Sikh kingdom.
Ultimately, in 1849, Punjab was annexed.


Previous conquerors had overthrown Indian political powers, but they had made no changes in
basic economic structure.

Revenue demand of state was ever rising and this led to large scale impoverishment of masses.

India’s most important item of export was cotton. It was in huge demand overseas and till
industrial revolution it was one of the key factors that had kept a positive balance of trade and
import of gold to cover that. Another factor that contributed toward surplus trade was self-
sufficient nature of Indian economy by virtue of homegrown handicrafts etc and hence lower
need for imports. India thus emerged as a sink of precious metal.

India was a land of manufacturers. Cotton, Silk, dying, jeweler factories were put up at various
places. Dacca muslin cloth was famous, other famous centers of textile industry were
Murshidabad, Patna, Surat, Ahmadabad etc.

Indian economy peaked in 17th century and in 18th century saw a declining trend owing to
domestic political situation and growing influence of Europeans.
Industrial Revolution completely changed the scenario in India. India which was once major
supplier of finished goods became a supplier of raw material. India exported cheap raw material
like cotton and imported expensive factory made goods.

British rule was different from erstwhile rulers in a fundamental way. Unlike earlier rulers, British
never made India their home. While earlier rulers also exploited India, but their revenues were
used in India directly or indirectly through investment or extravagance. During British rule, Indian
wealth was drained to Britain and it led to weakening of the domestic economy as a whole.
India didn’t get anything in return of the excess of imports.

Artisans and handicraft ruined due to cheap factory made imports from Europe. Ruin of
handicraft was also reflected in the famous cities that were once center of these special crafts.

Arrival of railways further hastened the drain. Natural wealth of India from every corner was
now taken to shipping terminals.Railways also ruined rural artisans.

Factors that ruined Indian artisans and handicrafts also ruined local industries. Industries in
Britain were promoted at the expense of local industries. Local industries were deliberately kept
backward and modern industries were not established. Thus, India was effectively de-
industrialized. People now increasingly turned to agriculture and increasing pressure on
agriculture combined with exploitative policies led to increase in poverty in India.

Indian fledgling Industries were never provided protection from un-equal competition from
Britain and other countries as industries in those countries were provided when they were in

Last, but not the least, poverty and famines were characteristic features of the British rule.
Indians may be poor, but poverty was never so extreme to be on verge of starvation. According
to some estimates famine alone led to death of some 3 crore people from 1850-1900. 30 lakh
people died in famine of Bengal in 1943.

Many of the painters of the Mughal painting school migrated to provincial courts and new styles
developed infusing new vitality.

Persian declined and Urdu language flourished.

Influence of Bhakti movement brought together various communities including Hindus and
Muslims together. Fighting between Hindus and Muslim nobles were economic in nature and
communalism in India was non-existent before 1857.

East India Company got the trading rights to India via a Charter in 1600.

In 1675, it was also conferred with Diwani functions i.e. it was now allowed to collect revenue and
perform functions regarding to Civil Justice.
Regulating Act of 1773 by British Crown was the first in a direction to regulate the affairs of Company.
Governor of Bengal was made Governor General of Bengal (Warren Hastings was first such GG). As a
result, Governors of Bombay and Madras became subordinate to Governor General of Bengal and
Company appointed governing body – Court of Directors – has to directly report to the crown. It thus
laid the foundation of ‘Centralized Administration’ in India.

Pitts India Act of 1784 aimed at separating the commercial and political functions of the company.
Board of Control was established by Crown which looked after political functions while Commercial
functions were still left with Court of Directors and Court of Director came under supervision of Board of
Control which also had two cabinet ministers. Thus, for the first time India came to be called as part of
British territory and British Government was given full control over Company’s affairs. This Act laid down
the general framework which governed company rule till 1857.

British merchants and traders resented monopoly of East India Company and finally succeeded in
abolishing its monopoly in 1813.

Charter Act 1833 was passed during period of Lord William Bentinck. Governor General of Bengal was
made Governor General of India. (Bentinck was first such GG). Governors (they were still called
Governors) of Madras and Bombay were deprived of their legislative powers and Governor General of
India became the sole authority to have legislative powers all over India. Thus, it completed the
centralization process that was initiated by the regulating Act of 1773 (after 60 years). British East India
Company ceased to be a trading Company via 1833 Charter. It is also considered to be an attempt to
codify all Indian Laws.

Charter Act of 1853 was last Charter Act. For the first time it separated the legislative and executive
functions of GG’s Council and a separate Council called Indian legislative Council was established. It also
introduced Open Competition for Civil Services.


The East India Company was transformed from a trading company – via exclusive trading rights that it
got via Charter in 1601 – to a territorial colonial power. The arrival of new steam technology in the early
nineteenth century also aided this process.

British bought tea and silk from China and lost currency and gold. To avoid that they encouraged
growing of opium in India which was sold to Chinese. While English developed a taste for tea, Chinese
became addicted for opium. Another item was indigo which was used in British textile industry.

By the thirteenth century Indian indigo was being used by cloth manufacturers in Italy, France and
Britain to dye cloth. By the end of the eighteenth century, the demand for Indian indigo grew further.
Britain began to industrialise, and its cotton production expanded dramatically, creating an enormous
new demand for cloth dyes. While the demand for indigo increased, its existing supplies from the West
Indies (In 1792 France abolished slavery in the French colonies. These events led to the collapse of the
indigo plantations on the Caribbean islands.) and America (American Revolution) collapsed for a variety
of reasons. Between 1783 and 1789 the production of indigo in the world fell by half. Cloth dyers in
Britain now desperately looked for new sources of indigo supply. Since, Indian Indigo was costly to buy
through intermediaries, Europeans directly established plantations in India. But they didn’t engage in
direct cultivation, but instead used ryots to grow it on their lands. This was most prevalent in Bengal.

Ill Effects of Indigo Cultivation –

I. Vicious Loan Cycle – When the crop was delivered to the planter after the harvest, a new loan
was given to the ryot, and the cycle started all over again. The price they got for the indigo they
produced was very low and the cycle of loans never ended.
II. Disadvantage for Other Crops – The best soils in which peasants preferred to cultivate rice was
used for indigo. Indigo, moreover, had deep roots and it exhausted the soil rapidly. After an
indigo harvest the land could not be sown with rice. Thus indigenous demand for other crops

‘Neel Darpan’ – It is the name of a book and famous play by writer Deen Bandhu Mitra. It highlighted
the plight of Indigo farmers.

Peasants revolted many a times and British ultimately setup an ‘Indigo Commission’ which held planters
– mostly Europeans – guilty. As a result of it and resentment among the farmers Indigo Planters they
shifted to Bihar, however as synthetic dyes became popular Indigo plantation business became
unprofitable and planters further suppressed farmers in Bihar. Their plight was highlighted during the
visit of Gandhi to Champaran in 1917.

Large numbers of Indian weavers and spinners were left without work, and important traditional textile
weaving centers such as Murshidabad, Machilipatnam and Surat declined as demand fell. Cotton
weavers in India faced two problems at the same time – their export market collapsed, and the local
market shrank, being glutted with Manchester imports.

In Deccan also, cotton farmers were having tough time due to fluctuations in international market in
wake of civil war in Americ and rising debts. Farmers were in debt and the insensitiveness of the money
lenders infuriated the peasants. The moneylenders were violating the customary norms of the
countryside. One general norm was that the interest charged could not be more than the principal. This
was meant to limit the moneylender’s exactions and defined what could be counted as “fair interest”.
Under colonial rule this norm broke down. Deeds and Bonds appeared as new symbols of oppression.
They had no idea of the clauses that moneylenders inserted in the bonds. But they had no choice
because to survive they needed loans, and moneylenders were unwilling to give loans without legal
bonds. This ultimately manifested in form of peasant revolts of Deccan.


In the late eighteenth century, Calcutta, Bombay and Madras rose in importance as Presidency cities.
They became the centers of British power in the different regions of India. Some of the cities which were
earlier center of trade and power declined due to shift in trading activities. i.e. 'De-Urbanization'
happened. Cities such as Machlipatnam, Surat and Seringapatamwere deurbanised during the
nineteenth century. By the early twentieth century, only 11 per cent of Indians were living in cities.
The establishment of the Delhi College in 1792 led to a great intellectual flowering in the sciences as
well as the humanities, largely in the Urdu language. Many refer to the period from 1830 to 1857 as a
period of the Delhi renaissance (mid of 19th century).

Rise of Delhi – However Calcutta was capital of the British; they decided to give considerable
importance to Delhi. During the Revolt, the British had realized that the Mughal emperor was still
important to the people and they saw him as their leader. It was therefore important to celebrate British
power with pomp and show in the city the Mughal emperors had earlier ruled, and the place which had
turned into a rebel stronghold in 1857.

New initiatives like Census were taken. In the first census of 1871, and other subsequent censuses,
though they were useful in collecting the data, they were also seen as people from lower caste and
occupations to claim new identities by claiming themselves differently.

Railway was introduced in 1853,which started to transform the urban landscape. Every railway station
became a collection depot for raw materials and a distribution point for imported goods.

Coronation of King George V and Delhi Darbar – In 1911, when King George V was crowned in England,
a Durbar was held in Delhi to celebrate the occasion. The decision to shift the capital of India from
Calcutta to Delhi was announced at this Durbar.

Foundation of New Delhi – New Delhi was constructed as a 10-square-mile city on Raisina Hill, south of
the existing city. Two architects, Edward Lutyens and Herbert Baker, were called on to design New Delhi
and its buildings. The features of these government buildings were borrowed from different periods of
India’s imperial history, but the overall look was Classical Greece (fifth century BCE). For instance, the
central dome of the Viceroy’s Palace – now Rashtrapati Bhawan was copied from the Buddhist stupa at
Sanchi, and the red sandstone and carved screens or jalis were borrowed from Mughal architecture. But
the new buildings had to assert British importance, that is why the architect made sure that the Viceroy’s
Palace was higher than Shah Jahan’s Jama Masjid.

The common thread that ran across all the tribal uprisings was that – rise of money lenders, revenue
farmers and traders as middlemen in tribal areas. Tribals deemed outsiders as undesirable and were
called Dikus. Tribal movements were largely driven by the idea of intrusions by Dikus – British in this
case. An active forest policy and a slew of Forest Acts deprived tribals of their traditional forest rights.
Reactionary and ill conceived legislations like 'Criminal Tribes Act, 1971' made the condition of tribes
worse. By this Act many communities of craftsmen, traders and pastoralists were classified as Criminal
Tribes. They were stated to be criminal by nature and birth. Once this Act came into force, these
communities were expected to live only in notified village settlements. They were not allowed to move
out without a permit. The village police kept a continuous watch on them.

Birsa of Munda tribe in Chota Nagpur plateau was one such protagonists. There were other tribes too
which considered forest areas as their right of livlihood and resented any idea of working for others
mainly Dikus. For Example – Baigas of central India – were reluctant to do work for others. The Baigas
saw themselves as people of the forest, who could only live on the produce of the forest. It was below
the dignity of a Baiga to become a labourer.

There were tribals with different occupations, some were hunter gatherers like -'Khond' of Orissa. Some
were Jhoom Cultivaters (shifting cultivators), some others herded animals - like Gaddis of Kulu were
shepherds, and the Bakarwals of Kashmir reared goats.

Why British want to put restrains over tribes? – The British were uncomfortable with groups who
moved about and did not have a fixed home. They wanted tribal groups to settle down and become
peasant cultivators as this could have subjected them under better control of British. Settled peasants
were easier to control and administer than people who were always on the move. The British also
wanted a regular revenue source for the state from the revenue in form of tax on agriculture. So, they
introduced land settlements – that is, they measured the land, defined the rights of each individual to
that land, and fixed the revenue demand for the state. Some peasants were declared landowners,
others tenants. However, this move was not very successful and jhoom cultivators continued to adopt
shifting cultivations.

Tribal reaction against land settlemet move of British – Many tribal groups reacted against the colonial
forest laws. They disobeyed the new rules, continued with practices that were declared illegal, and at
times rose in open rebellion. Such was the revolt of 'Songram Sangma' in 1906 in Assam, and the 'forest
satyagraha of the 1930s' in the Central Provinces.

New occupations and exploitation of Tribals – The plight of the tribals who had to go far away from
their homes in search of work was even worse. From the late nineteenth century, tea plantations
started coming up and mining became an important industry. Tribals were recruited in large numbersto
work the tea plantations of Assam and the coal mines of Jharkhand. They were recruited through
contractors who paid them miserably low wages, and prevented them from returning home. There were
deaths of hundreds of them in the mines.

Through the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, tribal groups in different parts of the country rebelled
against the changes in laws, the restrictions on their practices, the new taxes they had to pay, and the
exploitation by traders and moneylenders. The 'Kols' rebelled in 1831-32, 'Santhals' rose in revolt in
1855, the 'Bastar Rebellion' in central India broke out in 1910 and the 'Warli Revolt' in Maharashtra in

Birsa Movement – The movement that Birsa led was one such movement. It carries the essence of the
tribal resentment. While growing up, Birsa heard stories of a golden age when the Mundas had been
free of the oppression of dikus. An idea of a free tribe was implanted here. His movement was aimed at
reforming tribal society. In 1895 Birsa urged his followers to recover their glorious past. What worried
British officials most was the political aim of the Birsa movement, for it wanted to drive out missionaries,
money lenders, Hindu landlords, and the government and set up a Munda Raj with Birsa at its head. The
movement identified all these forces as the cause of the misery the Mundas were suffering.

 The land policies of the British were destroying their traditional land system
 Hindu landlords and money lenders were taking over their land
 Missionaries were criticising their traditional culture.

As the movement spread the British officials decided to act. They arrested Birsa in 1895, convicted him
on charges of rioting and jailed him for two years. Birsa’s followers began targeting the symbols of diku
and European power. They attacked police stations and churches, and raided the property of
moneylenders and zamindars. They raised the white flag as a symbol of Birsa Raj. In 1900 Birsa died of
cholera and the movement faded out.

Causes of Failure of Tribal Movements –

 Failure to Identify the real Enenmy

 Primitive Methods
 Unorganised
 Superstition

Other tribal Movements during those times were –

I. Khond Uprising – These tribal lived mainly in Orissa and they were led by Chakra Bisoi.
II. Chaur Uprising, 1832 – Uprising by the Tribals in Bihar and Bengal region.
III. Kol and Ho Uprising, Chota Nagpur, 1832 – They belonged to Chota Nagpur belt, the kols
inhabited large portion of the Chota Nagpur region. They rebelled to resist British entry into
their dominion.Soon they joined the Munda rebellion. In Kol uprising the chief leader was –
Buddho Bhagat
IV. Koli Revot – In Sahyadri Hills
V. Satara Revolt, 1840 – Nar Singh and Dhar Rao
VI. Santhal Rebellion, 1856 – They belonged to Bengal Region, commonly known as SANTHAL
HOOL was a native rebellion in present day Jharkhand, in eastern India against both the British
colonial authority and corrupt upper caste zamindari system by the Santal people. Led by
Sidhha and Kanku
VII. Nayak Dae Revolt, Gujarat, 1858 – Leaders were Roop Singh and Joria Bhagat
VIII. Rampa Rebellion, Andhra, 1879 – It was against money lenders. These tribes paid a regular
tribute to a zamindar or mansabdar who was a subject of British India. The then zamindar of
the region, an illegitimate son of his predecessor, was an oppressive tyrant. To make matters
worse, the Madras government introduced a law making toddy tapping illegal and introducing
a toddy tax. This led to a full-scale rebellion in early 1879.
IX. Bhil Uprising, Rajasthan, 1913 – Led by Gobind Guruin Gujarat belt
X. Khonds Revolt,Orissa, 1914 – leader was Chakra Bisayi
XI. Oraon Revolt, Chota Nagpur, 1914 – Led by Jatra Bhagat
XII. Kuki Revolt, Manipur, 1917-19.The first Resistance movement by the kuki People was the kuki
Rebellion of 1917-19. It was against the British hegemony. Kuki country was subjugated by the
British and divided between British India and British Burma administrations following the 'Kuki
Uprising of 1917-19'.Up until the fateful defeat in 1919, the Kukis were an independent people
ruled by their chieftains.Jado Nang was major leader.
XIII. Chinchu Revolt, Andhra, 1921 – led by Hanumanthu
XIV. Koyas Revolt or Gudem Hill Revolt or Rampa Rebellion, Andhra, 1922 – This was during the
Non Cooperation Movement and was led by Alluri Sitaram Raju. The Gudem rebels attacked
police stations, attempted to kill British officials and carried on guerrilla warfare for achieving
swaraj. Raju was captured and executed in 1924, and over time became a folk hero.

Though tribal movements were more often than not crushed by the British, they were significant in at
least two ways.

 First – it forced the colonial government to introduce laws so that the land of the tribals could
not be easily taken over by dikus.
 Second – it showed once again that the tribal people had the capacity to protest against
injustice and express their anger against colonial rule.


SANYASI REBELLION (1770 onwards)

The Sannyasi Rebellion or Sannyasi is a term used to describe activities of sannyasis and fakirs,
or Hindu and Muslim ascetics respectively, in Bengal, India in the late 18th century. It took place
around Murshidabad and Baikunthupur forests of Jalpaiguri.

Sanyasis oppressed by the British policies retaliated by organizing raids on the companies
factories and state treasuries under leadership of ‘Kena Sarkar’ and ‘Dirji Narayan’ in West
Bengal and Bihar.

Perhaps, the best reminder of the Rebellion is in literature, in the Bengali novel Anandamath,
written by India's first modern novelist Bankim Chandra Chatterjee


The Vellore Mutiny on 10 July 1806 was the first instance of a large-scale and violent mutiny by
Indian sepoys against the East India Company, predating the Indian Rebellion of 1857 by half a
century. The revolt, which took place in the South Indian city of Vellore, was brief, lasting only
one full day, but brutal as mutineers broke into the Vellore Fort and killed or wounded 200 British
troops, before they were subdued by reinforcements from nearby Arcot. Summary executions of
about 100 mutineers took place during the suppression of the outbreak, followed by the formal
court-martial of smaller numbers. The immediate causes of the mutiny revolved mainly around
resentment felt towards changes in the sepoy dress code introduced in November 1805. Hindus
were prohibited from wearing religious marks on their foreheads and Muslims were required to
shave their beards and trim their moustaches. The new headdress included a leather cockade
and was intended to replace the existing turban. These measures offended the sensibilities of
both Hindu and Muslim sepoys.
Making of a Mutiny –

I. Political Causes
a. Subsidiary Alliance (Wellesely). Nizam of Hyderabad was the first to fall under it. It made
it mandatory for a ruler to – Maintain military force trained by company but paid by
ruler and prohibition of establishing relation with other European nations
b. After demise of Bahadurshah Jafar, British refused to recognize his descendants as
‘Kings’ (but only as ‘Princes’). His name was also removed from coins.
c. Doctrine of Lapse of Dalhousie. Annexations and Loss of Sovereignity - In Jhansi,
Lakshmibai declared her adopted son as heir of her kingdom.
d. Ban on Pension – Nana shaeb claimed pensions of on behalf of his father after his
demise. However company refused to entertain it.
e. Annexation of Awadh in 1856 caused much resentment and also created panic among
local rulers. Humiliation of their ruler, forced people to join the mutiny.
II. Economic Causes –
a. Peasant Dissatisfaction – Farmers were also dissatisfied due to oppressive farm loans by
planters and coercive farm practices like beggar,high land revenues.
b. Permanent Settlement – Zamindari System also didn’t helped and it led to rise of Money
Lenders Class and growth in indebtedness of farmers and atrocities of money lenders. It
led to ‘absentee landlordism’ and rise of ‘tenancy’ and ‘share cropping’.
c. Drain of Wealth – This was later highlighted by likes of Dadabhai Naroji and R C Dutt and
it was felt that British rule is to the detriment of Indians and Indian wealth was gradually
drained to Britain.
d. Ruin of traditional and handicraft industry
III. Religious Causes And Cultural Causes
a. In 1850, government enacted a law that enabled a convert to Christianity to inherit the
anestoral property.
b. On religious front also Indians resented British policies. Further, British – in a bid to
reform the Indian society, promoted Christianity, this also resented people and was
seen as an attack on religion. ‘Religious Disability Act’, 1856 was passed it legalized
c. An 1856 Act was passed under which a new recruit was required to serve even overseas
and it was anti-reigion to Hindus.
d. Sati was banned, widow remarriage was allowed (Widow Remarriage Act, 1856) and
reforms were seen as anti-religion campaign.
e. Intrusion of missionaries was seen as interference in their religious beliefs.
IV. Administrative Causes
a. Sepoys of the company were also discontented. They were unhappy about their pay,
allowances and conditions of service. Sepoys also reacted to what was happening in the
countryside. Many of them were peasants and had families living in the villages. So the
anger of the peasants quickly spread among the sepoys.
b. Racial nature and access to only menial jobs
c. Alien Rule – the very fact that British rule was alien hurt the self-respect of Indians.
V. Immediate Causes
a. Rumours of Bone mixed in flour, Cow/Pig fat coated cartridges in Enfield rifles.
b. Treatment of soldiers
c. Indian troops were in majority and European troops were also busy in war in Europe

However to realize a common enemy, a common communication is required and some sort of
organization of disparate groups is required. These conditions were fulfilled in Northern India in 1857.

On 29 March 1857, a young soldier, Mangal Pandey, was hanged to death for attacking his officers in
Barrackpore. Some days later, some sepoys of the regiment at Meerut refused to do the army drill using
the new cartridges, which were suspected of being coated with the fat of cows and pigs. (There were
other rumours like British hatching a plan to mass corruption of religion of Hindus and Muslims, rumours
of forced conversion were also doing round and these added fuel to fire. People were already offended
by the treatment meted out to their kings, customs and sentiments, arrival of missionaries and later
rumours hasten the process of revolt). Eighty-five sepoys were dismissed from service and sentenced to
ten years in jail for disobeying their officers. This happened on 9 May 1857. The response of the other
Indian soldiers in Meerut was quite extraordinary. On 10 May, the soldiers marched to the jail in Meerut
and released the imprisoned sepoys. They attacked and killed British officers. They captured guns and
ammunition and set fire to the buildings and properties of the British and declared war on the firangis.

However sepoys saw a leadership crisis post rebellion. The solution was seen in the aging Mughal
emperor Bahadurshah Zafar. The sepoys of Meerut rode all night of 10 May to reach Delhi in the early
hours next morning. As news of their arrival spread, the regiments stationed in Delhi also rose up in
rebellion. Again British officers were killed, arms and ammunition seized, buildings set on fire.
Triumphant soldiers gathered around the walls of the Red Fort where the Badshah lived, demanding to
meet him. The emperor was not quite willing to challenge the mighty British power but the soldiers
persisted. They forced their way into the palace and proclaimed Bahadur Shah Zafar as their leader. The
ageing emperor had to accept this demand. He wrote letters to all the chiefs and rulers of the country to
come forward and organise a confederacy of Indian states to fight the British. This single step taken by
Bahadur Shah had great implications. British thought the disturbance caused by the issue of the
cartridges would die down. But Bahadur Shah Zafar’s decision to bless the rebellion changed the entire
situation dramatically. Often when people see an alternative possibility they feel inspired and enthused.
It gives them the courage, hope and confidence to act.

The rebellion was seen as a war in which both Hindus and Muslims had equally to lose or gain. The
ishtahars harked back to the pre-British Hindu-Muslim past and glorified the coexistence of different
communities under the Mughal Empire. The proclamation that was issued under the name of Bahadur
Shah appealed to the people to join the. It was remarkable that during the uprising religious divisions
between Hindus and Muslim were hardly noticeable despite British attempts to create such divisions.
The fight was against everything that was British and there was an attempt to overthrow the existing

Rebellion Spreads

After the British were routed from Delhi, there was no uprising for almost a week. It took that
much time for news to travel. Then, a spurt of mutinies began. Regiment after regiment
mutinied and took off to join other troops at nodal points like Delhi, Kanpur and Lucknow. After
them, the people of the towns and villages also rose up in rebellion and rallied around local
leaders, zamindars and chiefs who were prepared to establish their authority and fight the

I. Kanpur – Nana Saheb, the adopted son of the late Peshwa Baji Rao who lived near
Kanpur away from his Maratha kingdom, gathered armed forces and expelled the British
garrison from the city. He proclaimed himself Peshwa. He declared that he was a
governor under Emperor Bahadur Shah Zafar.
II. Lucknow – In Lucknow, Birjis Qadr, the son of the deposed Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of
Awadh, was proclaimed the new Nawab. He too acknowledged the suzerainty of
Bahadur Shah Zafar. His mother Begum Hazrat Mahal took an active part in organising
the uprising against the British.
III. Jhansi – In Jhansi, Rani Lakshmibai joined the rebel sepoys and fought the British along
with Tantia Tope, the general of Nana Saheb.
IV. Ahmadullah Shah, a maulvi from Faizabad, prophesied that the rule of the British would
come to an end soon. He was a native of Madras where he preached armed rebellion.
He caught the imagination of the people and raised a huge force of supporters. He came
to Lucknow to fight the British. In Delhi, a large number of ghazis or religious warriors
came together to wipe out the white people.
V. Bakht Khan, a soldier from Bareilly, took charge of a large force of fighters who came to
Delhi. He became a key military leader of the rebellion.
VI. Kunwar Singh from Jagdishpur, Bihar, joined the rebel sepoys and battled with the
British for many months. Leaders and fighters from across the land joined the fight.

The pattern of rebel at places suggests that there was some form of communication and

The British were greatly outnumbered by the rebel forces. They were defeated in a number of
battles. This convinced the people that the rule of the British had collapsed for good and gave
them the confidence to take the plunge and join the rebellion.

There was an attempt to restore the Mughal era order, revenue collection, administration etc
were tried to be restored. Orders were issued to stop looting and plundering. However this was
short lived.

Company's Response
It brought reinforcements from England, passed new laws so that the rebels could be convicted
with ease, and then moved into the storm centres of the revolt. Not only the police and military
personnel, but ordinary Britons were empowered to punish the Indians suspected of rebellion.
Rebellion had only one punishment – Death. Delhi was recaptured from the rebel forces after 4
months in September 1857. The last Mughal emperor, Bahadur Shah Zafar was tried in court
and sentenced to life imprisonment. His sons were shot dead before his eyes. He and his wife
Begum Zinat Mahal were sent to prison in Rangoon in October 1858. Bahadur Shah Zafar died in
the Rangoon jail in November 1862.

The recapture of Delhi, however, did not mean that the rebellion died down after that. People
continued to resist and battle the British. The British had to fight for two years to suppress the
massive forces of popular rebellion. They used not only military force to suppress rebellion, they
also used divisive tactics, they promised landlords to give them their lost land back.

Lucknow was taken in March 1858. Rani Lakshmibai was defeated and killed in June 1858. Tantia
Tope escaped to the jungles of central India and continued to fight a guerrilla war with the
support of many tribal and peasant leaders. He was captured, tried and killed in April 1859.

Just as victories against the British had earlier encouraged rebellion, the defeat of rebel forces
encouraged desertions. The British also tried their best to win back the loyalty of the people.
They announced rewards for loyal landholders would be allowed to continue to enjoy traditional
rights over their lands. Those who had rebelled were told that if they submitted to the British,
and if they had not killed any white people.

Causes of Failure

I. Apathy of Many Indian Rulers – like Scindia and Holkar. If Sindhia would have revolted all
Maratha forces would have joined against British, situation would have been different. Similarly
Nizam of Hyderabad sided with the British.
II. Lack of leadership was also there, Bhadur Shah Jafar was an accidentally made reluctant leader.
III. There was a lack of popular support also.
IV. Middle class and upper class was critical of the revolt.
V. Since moneylenders were chief targets also, they sided British. Similarly, Zamindars also
remained loyal to the British.
VI. Unorganised nature of the revolt
VII. Dated weaponary

Nature of the Revolt

Two views are prominent on the nature of the revolt –

I. Nationalist School – Termed the revolt as a true nationalist movement and the first war
of Indian Independence. They said that since it united India more or less under a single
ruler – Bahadur Shah Jafar – it was a true assertion of nationalist identity of whole India.
Sacrkar, Tilak viewed the revolt so.
II. Apologistic School – They argue that till that time India didn’t have a true nationalist
identity and princely states had their own separate identity and parochial interests in the
revolt. Revolt was spontaneous and everyone had their own vested interests. Education
class and urban areas largely stayed away. South India also didn’t participate.

It is commented by some that the movement didn’t had a uniform ideology and goal. The
sepoys were fighting for their caste and religion, the chiefs for their kingdoms, the landed elite
for their estates, masses against the fear of coversion and Muslims wanted to restore the old
glorious order. As a result, once the movement was suppressed, there were no attempt to
reunite as there was no common goal.

Aftermaths of the Rebellion

Following were the prominant changes that were brought about –

I. Power Transfer & End of Company Rule – The British Parliament passed a new Act in 1858
and transferred the powers of the East India Company to the British Crown in order to
ensure a more responsible management of Indian affairs. A member of the British Cabinet
was appointed Secretary of State for India and made responsible for all matters related to
the governance of India. He was given a councilto advise him, called the India Council.The
Governor-General of India was given the title of Viceroy, that is, a personal representative of
the Crown and he was put under Secretary of State. Through these measures the British
government accepted direct responsibility for ruling India.
II. Queen’s Proclamation – All ruling chiefs of the country were assured that their territory
would never be annexed in future. They were allowed to pass on their kingdoms to their
heirs, including adopted sons. However, they were made to acknowledge the British Queen
as their Sovereign Paramount. Thus the Indian rulers were to hold their kingdoms as
subordinates of the British Crown.
III. Act for Good Governance in India – Government of India Act 1858
The Act was termed as - ‘Act for Good Government in India’
Queen Victoria issued a proclamation on November 1, 1858, placing India under direct
government of the Crown, whereby –
 A viceroy was appointed in India – i.e. end of Governor General System – Canning,
last governor general, became first viceroy.
 An ‘Executive Council’ was provided for the Governor General/Viceroy
 Princes were given the right to adopt a son (abolition of Doctrine of Lapse).
However, they were made to acknowledge the British Queen as their Sovereign
Paramount. Thus the Indian rulers were to hold their kingdoms as subordinates of
the British Crown.
 Treaties were honoured
 It abolished Board of Control (British Crown’s appointed body to look into political
affairs of India) and Court of Directors (Company body to look into administrative
and trade functions) and instead a ‘Secretary of State’ was appointed. He was a
member of British Cabinet and directly responsible to British Parliament.
 Religious freedom was restored and equality treatment promised to Indians
 Secretary of State was made highest authority, directly responsible to crown.
Charles Wood made first secretary of state. ‘India Council’ – a 15 member body –
was established for assisting him.
 It was also decided that instead of recruiting soldiers from Awadh, Bihar, central
India and south India, more soldiers would be recruited from among the Gurkhas,
Sikhs and Pathans.
 The British decided to respect the customary religious and social practices of the
people in India.
The Proclamation was called the 'Magna Carta of Indian Liberty'. The British rule in India
was strongest between 1858 and 1905. Because of various subjective and objective factors
which came into existence during this era, the feeling of nationalism in Indians started and
The act only aimed at administrative aspects while the way India was ruled remained more
or less similar to company rule.
IV. Reduction in Indian Soldiers – It was decided that the proportion of Indian soldiers in the
army would be reduced and the number of European soldiers would be increased. It was
also decided that instead of recruiting soldiers from Awadh, Bihar, central India and south
India, more soldiers would be recruited from among the Gurkhas, Sikhs and Pathans. Indians
were prevented to take higher ranks in army. Crucial branches of army like Signals, Artillery
etc were in hands of Europeans only. They also adopted policy of divide and rule in army to
counter balance different communities and discrimination on the basis of cate, region and
religion was practiced. It was insulated from national ideas and newspapers, journals and
nationalist publications were not allowed to reach to soldiers. Indian army became very
expensive to maintain. In 1904 it absorbed 52% of total revenues.
V. Policy Towards Princly States – In the wake of recent unrest, Britain has to reverse its earlier
policy of annexing states at every possible opportunity. Another reason for this reversal of
policy was support from many princely states to crush the revolt. In the words of Lord
Canning, ‘Princly states acted as breakwaters in storm’. They were rewarded by the
announcement that they will now be allowed to adopt heirs and their territorial integrity will
be respected. British now saw them as useful allies. However, subordinate position of the
princely states remained. States have to acknowledge Britain as paramount power. Queen
Victoria when assumed throne declared herself of empress of Indian subcontinent as a whole
and later Curzon also clarified that princes ruled merely as agents of crown. As paramount
power, Bitain retained the power to supervise ther affairs and for this purpose a ‘Resident’
was appointed in courts of these states. Further British also interfered continuously even in
day to day matters on name of administration, railways and communication and so on.
VI. Antagonism Towards Muslims – The land and property of Muslims was confiscated on a
large scale and they were treated with suspicionand hostility. The British believed that they
were responsible for the rebellion in a big way. However, post 1870 British started to attract
Muslims to counter the national movement. It used allure of government jobs to divide
various communities.
VII. Changed Outlook towards Customs and Religion - he British decided to respect the
customary religious and social practices of the people in India.
VIII. Policies were made to protect landlords and zamindars and give them security of rights over
their lands. Zamindars were hailed as traditional natural leaders. Zamindars also recognized
that their existence is lnked with the existence of British rule.
IX. India Councils Act 1861 was passed and it expanded the council of viceroy and it now also
performed legislative functions also and was known as Imperial Legislative Council. It was
merely an advisory body to viceroy.


According to William Lee Warner in his book – ‘The Native States of India’, The British policy was mainly
divided into three phases – Ring Fence, Subordinate Isolation and Subordinate Union.

I. Ring Fence Policy or Buffer State Policy (1765-1813) – During initial years, prime concern of the
British was defense of their boundry as the Empire was still fledgling and not strong enough to
defend large territories. Marathas and Sikhs were still a power to reckon with and Mysore was
also a powerful state. So it adopted a policy largely based upon non-intervention. Under Warren
Hastings (1773-85) treaties were made. If a treaty was signed with a princely state, the state was
provided full autonomy in affair of states. This was exemplified, for instance, in Clive’s decision
not to annex Oudh and Delhi in 1765 after the Battle of Buxar, or the decisions of Cornwallis and
Barlow to return many conquered areas to Indian rulers in the peace treaties signed after the
battles of 1802-1804. However, Wellesly was more aggressive with his policy of Subsidiary
Alliance, but authority of treaty states was still respected.
II. Policy of Subordinate Isolation (1813-1857) – Successors of Wellesly were more aggressive.
States were deemed as subordinate as many wars were won. In a marked shift from earlier
policy of treating them on equal footing they were treated as subordinate. Under this policy,
states could not declare war, establish relations with other states or employ Europeans without
explicit British permission. Many of them signed treaties with the British which regulated the
size of their armed forces and several native states had British forces stationed within their
territory. This policy was reflected in Doctrine of Lapse, Subsidiary Alliance etc. The wars of Lord
Hastings opened anew epoch in the relations of the East India Company with the Indian states
and annexations of states became rampant. Though treaties professed isolation of states,
practically they were annexed.
III. Policy of subordinate union (1858-1935) – The mutiny was a turning point in the history of
relations of British with Indians it alarmed British of its policy of annexations and isolation of
states. Policy of annexation was given up. After the Queen’s Proclamation, the status of Pricly
States changed and they were made part of the British Empire and this also allowed
Government of India to interfare into the matters of state in their own welfare (unlike complete
isolation policy earlier). It was in pursuance of this policy that Champer of Princes was created in
1921 which constituted 120 princes, this further reaffirmed the abandoning of old British Policy
of isolating the Princly States form each other and outside world. Butler Committee also
reaffirmed the Paramountcy of Crown and 1935 Act made provisions for representation of
princely states in the Federal Assembly.
IV. Policy of Equal Federation – This policy was followed in theory after 1935 onwards, however, in
practice, the princes were largely subordinate

Lord Lytton (1876 and 1880) was termed as ‘reactionary Viceroy’ for his ill designed policies and
conservative outlook. He reduced age for civil services from 21 to 19 – this caused musch resentment
among Indians. Venracular Press Act, 1878 curbed the press freedom of local newspapers. Arms Act
1878-80 made it compulsory for Indians (however Europeans were exempted) to hold a licence to carry
arms, it was also resented. He also jumped into Afghan War (2nd Anglo Afghan War) – It was objected as
Indian resources were employed, and there was no vested interest of India in war. He also held a grand
Delhi Durbar – while country was mired in famine, he organized a lavish Durbar in 1877. This is one of
the major criticisms of Lytton for his mishandeling of the famine.

Lord Ripon (1880-84) repealed Vernacular Press Act and Arms Act. He also gave autonomy to Local
Bodies, called ‘Father of Indian Local Self Governance’. Ilbert Bill was also presented during his times

Lord Curzon (1899–1905) is also termed as reactionary viceroy like Lytton. Official Secrecy Act 1904 and
Partition of Bengal, 1905 were some of the most unpopular steps during his time. Bengal Municipality
Act was also passed during his time and under this the Municipality of Bengal was again brought under
the rule of the British and its autonomy was taken away which was given during time of Rippon. He
inaugurated a new province – NWFP. He also held Delhi Durbar, and like his predecessor Lytton this
time also the country was mired in Famine and he was criticized for it. He also enacted the Police Act –
This led to formation of CID. He is credited with reorganization of Indian police and lowering of taxes on
peasants ad protection of peasants against eviction. Department of Agriculture and Agriculture Research
Institute were started by him. He also started Archeology Department and Imperial Library at Cacutta.

Lord Hardinge (1910- 1916) is remembered for the annulment of the Partition of Bengal in 1911. Other
points are – Held a durbar in December, 1911 to celebrate the coronation of King George V. Capital
Shifted from Calcutta to Delhi 1911. A bomb was thrown at him; but he escaped unhurt (December
23,1912). Gandhiji came back to India from South Africa (1915). Annie Besant announced the Home
Rule Movement.


There were some societies even before the 1857 revolt -

I. Lanholder’s Society (1838) – It was originally founded to take up the interests of Zamindars and
Landlords, but later it took the cases of peasants as well. It was perhaps the first organization
which made the start of political activities for achieving its ends which laid the foundation of
national movement.
II. Bengal British India Society (1839) – While landholder’s Society worked in India, it worked for
Indian cause in England.

Organisations post 1857 uprising -

I. Poona Sarvajanik Sabha (1867) – This was the first important organsisation setup post 1857
uprising. It was a brainchild of Mahadev Govind Ranade – first Indian Judge – It protested
against vernacular Press Act (1878) and also demanded introduction of Local Self government. It
started with the aim of working as a mediating body between the government and people of
India. It started as an elected body of 95 members elected by 6000 persons in 1870. The Poona
Sarvajanik Sabha provided many of the prominent leaders of national stature to the Indian
freedom struggle including Bal Gangadhar Tilak.
II. India League (1875) – It was established in Bengal and one of the founding members was Sisir
Kumar Ghosh (founder of Amrita Bazar Patrika). This organization truly represented first
political awakeing of people. The nationalist leaders like Ananda Mohan Bose, Durgamohan
Das, Nabagopal Mitra, Surendranath Banerje and others were associated with this organisation.
The League represented the middle class and worked to stimulate the sense of nationalism
among the people and to encourage political education.
III. Indian Association (1876) – The India League was soon replaced by Indian Association. It was led
by Anand Mohan Bose and Surendranath Banarjee. It was the most important political
organisation before formation of INC. It mainly composed of educated middle class and gave
rise to an intellectual ferment on nationalism. It published ‘The Bengalee’– a daily which
highlights the intellectual developments of that time. It came into highlight when it took a firm
stance over the ‘Ilbert Bill’ Controversy (1883). It conceived as an ‘All India National Conference’
and it met in Calcutta in 1883. This conference is considered as a precursor of Indian National
Congress which was formed two year later in 1885.
IV. Madras Mahajan Sabha (1884) formed by P Anada Charlu, M Viraragahavchari, G Subramania
Aiyer was the first political organization of South India.
V. Bombay Presidency Association (1885) formed by Pherozshah Mehta, K T Telang, Badruddin


The dissatisfaction with British rule intensified in the 1870s and 1880s. The Arms Act was passed in
1878, disallowing Indians from possessing arms. In the same year the Vernacular Press Act was also
enacted in an effort to silence those who were critical of the government. In 1883, there was a furore
over the attempt by the government to introduce the Ilbert Bill and its later withdrawal under pressure.
The event highlighted the racial attitudes of the British in India.
Although the British succeeded in suppressing the 1857 Revolt, they could not stop the growth of
political awareness in India. The Indian National Congress was founded in December 1885 in Bombay in
presence of 72 delegates. The first meeting was scheduled to be held in Pune, but due to outbreak of
plague the venue was shifted to Gokuldas Tejpal Sanskrit College, Bombay. It was the visible
embodiment of the national awakening in the country. Its founder was an Englishman, Allan Octavian
Hume, a retired member of the Indian Civil Service. The first President of the Congress was W C

Its initial demands were –

 Expansion of Legislative assembly

 Reduction in military expenditure, which was around 50% of annual revenues at that time.
 Granting of more civil rights to people
 Setting up of a ‘Royal Commission’ to enquire into Indian Administration (Welby Commission on
Indian Expenditure was appointed in 1895 following their demand)
 Holding up of simultaneous Public Service examination in India and England and rainsing the age
limit for the candidates (their first achievement was in form of establishment of Public Service
Commission in 1886 – which was disappointing though – and later a resolution to that effect
was passed in 1893 for simultaneous examination)

 The demand for Indianisation of the administration was part of a movement against racisim.
Further, since British officers were sending a major part of their large salaries home,
Indianisation, it was hoped, would also reduce the drain of wealth to England.

 Other demands included the separation of the judiciary from the executive, the repeal of the
Arms Act and the freedom of speech and expression.

 The early Congress also raised a number of economic issues. It declared that British rule had led
to poverty and famines

Broad aims of the early moderates were –

 To unite Indians politically as well and raise their political awareness level and take the
argument of Economic exploitation a step further
 To sow the seeds of a secular and all inclusive national movement
 To develop and propagate an anti-colonial ideology
 To adopt methods of Constitutional Agitation and thus secure more political rights

1886 session was also vey decisive as many vetern leaders like Surendernath Banarjee joined it as they
could not attend the inaugural session due to their commitments in Bengal.

Congress as a Saftey Valve Theory – Primarily propagated by A O Hume and other englishmen. It was
argued by some that British allowed the formation of Congress because it would act as a ‘Saftey Valve’.
However, he was also influenced by the noble cause of India. After 1857 uprising, a need for a political
organization was felt which could not only vent people’s grienvances but also shows the true picture of
nation so that British can better handle the situation. However, this theory is debunked by many a
historian who think that leaders agreed for a British face as it would have made British less suspicious of
activities of Indians. Further, an all Indians organsiation risked repression from British.

British Response to Congress – It grew suspicious of Congress activities soon after its formation. Curzon
– was one of the most hostile Viceroys to Congress – hoped that Congress will face a ‘Peaceful Demise’.
They resorted again to ‘Divide and Rule’ and propped up Syed Ahmed Khan and Raja Shiva Prasad of
Benaras to start anti-Congress movement early on soon after foundation of Congress. Further, it was
argued that Congress represented only an elite minority and hence has nothing to do with national

Achievements of early Congressmen – On the achievement of early moderates, Bipin Chandra Pal
commented – ‘The period of 1885-1905 was a seed-time of Indian Nationalism, and the early nationalists
sowed the seeds well and deep’.

Criticism of Congress – In its early phase, it remains largey an organization of educated middle class and
hence its demands also reflected their vested interests (more space in Civil Services, expansion of
Legislative council etc.). Thus it was accused of representing only a narrow minority. Peasant interests
could be brough into mainstream only after Kisan Sabha movement and workers plight was highlighted
only after 1919.

History of India post the formation of Indian National Congress can be viewed in 3 phases –

I. 1885-1905 – Moderate Phase or Early Nationalism – from Formation of Congress till the
Partition of Bengal. This phase helped in creating intellectual background of the national
movement. They used Constitutional agitation, petitions, meetings, memoranda etc.
Contribution of Moderates –
a. Economic Critique of British Empire – It was perhaps the most important contribution of
the moderates. RC Dutt, Dadabhai Naroji (Drain Theory). They also exposed the ill effect
of foreign capital in India in form of suppression of Indian industries.
b. Constitutional Reforms – Indian Councils Act of 1892 was result of their efforts which
increased the number of members in Imperial Legislative Council as well as Provincial
Legislative Council.
c. Efforts for national unity – To unite India politically, Congress sessions were held in
different cities every year and initially president would have been from a city other than
the hosting city.
d. A truly representative body – It has representation from all parts of India, from all castes
and religions. Its early presidents included – Muslims, Hindus, Parsis and even Britishers.
e. Administrative Reforms – Indianisation of higher civil services.
f. Defence of Civil rights – They vouched for freedom of press, freedom of speech etc.
They also opposed aggressive foreign policy towards India’s neighbors.
g. Formed public opinion and aroused nationalism.
Though they are criticized for not reaching to the masses and having failed to bring any
significant reforms, their achievement lie in the fact that they ignited spirit of nationalism,
showed way of political agitation, propagated modern outlook and so on.

II. 1905-1916 – Extremist Phase – Started with Partition of Bengal and Swadeshi Movement and till
first effort by Gandhi to make political activity on mass level starting from Champaran. Factors
leading to rise of Extremists –
a. Little achievement by moderates during 1885-1905
b. Indian Councils Act 1892 was a complete disappointment
c. In 1904, Indian Official Secrets Act was passed limiting freedom of press

Moderates Extremists

Social base Social base constituted Zamindars Social base was still not a mass
and middle class elites based, but they included lower
middle class and educated middle

Ideology Western liberal thoughts Indian history and culture inspired

Attitude Believed in their supremacy and Rejected the providential mission

towards their providential mission in India of Britain

Didn’t believe in mass movement Realised the potential of masses

Demanded constitutional reforms Demanded Swaraj

Methods Petition and memoranda Extra constitutional methods like

boycott and passive resistance

III. 1916-1947 – Gandhian Era

Other Trivia –

 Lord Gross was secretary of state, while Dufferein was Viceroy at the time of formation of INC in
 2nd Seesion was held in Calcutta under Dada Bhai Naroji
 3rd session was held in Madras under leadership of Badruddin Tyabji
 4th session was held in Allahbad under leadership of George Yule
 Apart from George Yule, William Wedderbern (5th session and 1910), Alfred Webb (1894),
Henery Cotton (1904), and Bhikaji Cama were the foreigners to hold Congress presidenship
 G K Gokhle was president in 1905 at Benaras session
 Surat Split session was presided over by Rasbihari Ghosh
 Ambika Charan Mazumdar was president of 1916 session in Luckno when moderates and
extremists united
 Abdul Kalam Azad in 1923 became the youngest man to be elected Congress president.
 1st Women president was Annie Besant, 1917 at Calcutta session
 Gandhi became president only once in 1924, at Belgaum session and later he relegated the
formal membership but remained driving force behind all its decisions.
 1st Indian Women president was Sarojini Naidu in 1925 at Kanpur session
 Independence resolution was adopted for the first time in 1927 session at Madras held by M A
Ansari as president
 In 1928 session under Motilal Nehru, Youth Congress was formed for the first time
 In 1936, Nehru urged Congress to adopt socialism as its goal in Lucknow session
 1937 session of Congress was the first session to be held in a village
 1939, after resignation of Bose in this session at Tripuri, Rajendra Prasad became president
 J B Kriplani was the president at the time of Independence.
 Before independence, Narauji held presidentship for 3 times, Nehru for 3 times
 Before independence, there were only 3 women presdents – Besant, Sarojini Naidu and Nelli


On December 30, 1898, Lord Curzon took over as the new Viceroy of India. The partition of Bengal was
announced in 1903, through a Royal Proclamation, reducing the old province of Bengal in size by
creating a new province of East Bengal, which later on became East Pakistan and present day

Bengal was a unified Province Constituting Bihar, Orissa, Bengal and Dacca. Partition mooted separation
of Muslim population as East Bengal and Bihar, Orissa and a part of Bengal as another province.

Huge protests followed, but the government remained unmoved and ultimately it happened on 20th July
1905 and came into effect on October 16, 1905.

The government explained that it was done to stimulate growth of underdeveloped eastern region of the
Bengal and for administrative convenience as Bengal was largest province in term of population and this
was making administration difficult. But, actually, the main objective was to 'Divide and Rule' the most
advanced region of the country at that time and Muslim Community was allured away by bait of a
separate province for them. Nationalists also saw it as a challenge to Indian nationalism and not merely
an administrative action. They saw it as a blow to Bengali culture and language also. In Curzon’s Words –
It attempted ‘to dethrone Calcutta’, as it was the nerve center of Congress during that time and center
point of nationalist activity.
The Partition also led to conflict of opinion among Congress as Moderates wanted to confine the
partition agitation to Bengal only. On the other hand, Extremists wanted to launch a nation wide
agitation and wanted to make it impact feel through launching a Swadeshi Movement.

This led to heightened tensions among the two camps and it came to head in 1906 session of congress in
which a face of was avoided by appointing Dadbhai Naroji as the president (he was respected by the
both factions and as a result Tilak – the leader of extremist – also agreed to his name. However earlier he
was frontrunner for presidentship)


In August 1905 boycott resolution was passed in Calcutta Townhall meeting, formal
proclamation of Swadesh was made.

The Swadeshi movement has its genesis in the anti-partition movement which was started to
oppose the British decision to divide Bengal. With the start of the Swadeshi movement at the
turn of the century, the Indian National Movement took a major leap forward.

Partition was done on October 16, 1905 and it was celeberated as a day of mourning. People
tied rakhis as a symbol of Hindu-Muslim unity and unity of two Bengals. People took a dip in holy
rivers. People sang Bande Matram which almost became a national song. Tagore composed
Amar Sonar Bangla for the occasion which became national anthem of Bangladesh in 1971.
During the Swadeshi movement in Bengal, a tricolour flag (red, green and yellow) was designed.
It had eight lotuses representing eight provinces of British India, and a crescent moon,
representing Hindus and Muslims.

Another means of creating a feeling of nationalism was through reinterpretation of history. The
British saw Indians as backward and primitive, incapable of governing themselves. In response,
Indians began looking into the past to discover India’s great achievements. They wrote about the
glorious developments in ancient times when art and architecture, science and mathematics,
religion and culture, law and philosophy, crafts and trade had flourished.

During the movement demand for foreign cloth dropped many a times. There was a widespread
call for boycott of Manchester cloth and Liverpool salt.

Corps of Volunteers or ‘Samitis’ were also orgnised by the extremists. Ashwini Kumar Dutt’s
Swadeshi Bandhab Samiti in Bengal is such an example. It helped in building political
consciousness. Along with Tilak, Ashwini Kumar Dutt emerged as one of the early militant

Leadership of the Movement – Initial leadership was provided by themoderates including

Surendernath Banarjee, Krishan Kumar Mitra and P C Ray. In fact, both moderates and
extremists cooperted during the movement. Ajit Singh and Lajpat Rai led the movement in
Punjab. Syed Haider Raza took command in Delhi. Chidambaram Pillai took the movement to
Madras Presidency which was also galvanized by Bipin Chandra Pal’s extensive lecture tour
roused nationalist feelings. Tilak toured many parts of the country and tried to make the
movement a national one.

Divide in Congress over Swadeshi Movement – Before the split, in 1906 Calcutta session under
Dada Bhai Naroji 4 resolutions were passed – Boycott; National Education; Swadeshi and
Condemnation of Partition. Question of either retention or rejection of these resolution became
the major cause of split in the Congress. A faction – led by moderates – wanted to confine the
movement to Bengal only, the other – led by extremists – wanted to make it a pan Indian
movement in shape of a wide struggle. Further, Extremist wanted to rise beyond politics of
partition and wanted to demand for full Swaraj, Moderates on the other hand thought that
country is not yet ready for such demands and mass movement. (This demand was however
somehow reached a compromise in the 1906 session under Naroji in which Naroji demanded
‘Swaraj’ or ‘Self rule’ like other colonies of British. Demand of Swaraj is landmark in Indian

Success of Swadeshi Movement –

 All major political trends of future – militant nationalism, socialism etc – had their origin
in Swadeshi Movement
 For the first time mass participation was seen
 Economic expolitation point was further pushed forward and this time even some
Zamindars also involved in the movement.
 Many factories observed strikes
 Women and student for the first time participated in large number
 Population of the nation saw the first political awakening
 The richness of the movement was not confined to politics alone, it was reflected in arts,
literature, music, science and industry as well. Swadeshi education was promoted and
Bengal National College was founded with Aurobindo as its principle. National Council
of Education was also formed in 1906. A cultural movement also started during that
time. Many prominant writers and poets like Rajanikanta Sen, Mukunda Das,
Dwijedralal Ray wrote scores of patriotic scores. Rabindranath Tagore wrote ‘Amar
Sonar Bangla’ at that time which was later adopted as the National Anthem of
Bangladesh. In art, Abnindra Nath Tagore broke the domination of Victorian style and
pioneered the Tagore School by reviving the Mughal, Rajput and Ajanta style. He also
drew the iconic Bharat Mata figure which became a rallying point in the movement.
Nandlal Bose was another important Oriental artist. In field of science P C Ray and
Jagdish Chandra Basu made their mark. Acharya P C Ray’s Bengal Chemical Factory was
a shining example of successful indegenious venture. All it marked what is termed as –
Bengal Renaissance.
 Fresh ideas were put forward by militant nationalists and extremists and new means of
propaganda emerged. Techinque of ‘Extended Boycott’ from schools to jobs to Britsh
goods was followed.
 Some leaders like Tilak used the movement to creatively celebrate the traditional
festival (Ganesh Chaturthi and Shivaji festival) which added mass appeal to the
movement. Traditional folk theatre like Jatra was used extensively for spreading the
idea of nationalism.
 Many Muslim leaders like – Saiyaed Haider Raza, Abdul Rasool, Maulana Abdul Kalam
Azad, Liaqat Hussain etc also participated.

By 1908, the movement has weaned away. Major causes were –

 There was squabble in Congress and its split in 1907 (Surat Split) led to weakening of
 Tilak was jailed for six year in 1908, Ashwini Kumar Dutt and others were also deported.
Bipin Chandra Pal and Aurobindo Ghosh retired from politics.
 The movement was mired with inertia.
 It was no longer possible for common people to keep boycotting foreign goods due to
constrained domestic supply and economic implications. Loss of jobs was another issue.
 Government came down heavily and students were expelled, people were expelled from
jobs and arrests were also made.

Criticism of Swadeshi Movement–

 The movement was largely untouched in Southern states

 It could also not take it along the peasant class and hence is often criticized as a
middleclass movement.
 Mass of the Muslim didn’t participate and their participation was limited. Ultimately
Muslim League was also established in 1906.
 The efforts to unify people were not without problems. When the past being glorified
was Hindu, when the images celebrated were drawn from Hindu iconography, then
people of other communities felt left out.


Causes for the rise of extremists or militant nationalism are very much same as those responsible for the
rise of nationalism in India. Leaders like – Tilak, Ashwini Kumar Dutt etc had been active to propagate
militant nationalism since beginning. Leadership of Swadeshi Movement transferred from moderates to
extremists like Bipin Chandra Pal, Aurobindo Ghosh, Tilak etc. It was due to many factors –

I. Failure of Moderates – Politically conscious nationalists believed that exploitation by British will
continue as moderates’ demands were making no effect on British policies. Moderates belived
that foreign rule can be reformed, but it was not happening.
 Anti-Congress attitude of Curzon convinced people that Congress will remain an
ineffective organization
 Congress largely gained status of Zamindars’ and upper middle class elite party. Poets
like Bankim Chandra called the Congress session as ‘a three day annual show’
 Indian Council Act of 1892 was a complete disappointment and it questioned the tactics
of the Moderates.
II. International Events –
 Defeat of Russia by Japan
 Defeat of Italian Army by Ethopians broke the myth of Western Supermacy
 Revolutionary movement in Russia and Ireland etc inspired Indian nationalists
 Boer War in South Africa also inspired Indian nationalists.
III. Ill treatment of nationalist leaders – Lala Lajpat Rai and Ajit Singh were deported in 1907. KK
Mitra, Ashwini Kumar Dutt were deported in 1908. Tilak was also given severe sentence of 6
years in 1908.
IV. Evils of foreign rule were now clearly evident in death of around 3 crore people in famines from
1850 to 1900.
V. Official Secrecy Act considerably reduced the freedom of press
VI. Arrest of Natu Brothers in 1897 and their deportation even without disclosing charges against
them infuriorated people. In the same year, Tilak and other newspaper editors were sentenced
for long sentences for arousing public sentiments.
VII. Spread of political education made people realize that British rule is not for India’s good and it
also led to rejection of White Man’s burden theory.
VIII. Indians were becoming educated, at the same time more un-employment was also a reality.
Educated Indians became the torch-bearers of new militant nationalism.
IX. New leaders on the bloc aroused the self-respect of people and people now find humiliating to
subjugate to alien rule. It led to awareness among masses too which moderates have ignored b
focusing only on upper middle class. Vivekananda said – ‘The only hope of India is from the
masses. The upper classes are physically and morally dead’.
X. Police assault on the peaceful delegates in a conference in Barisal emerged as one of the
dastardly acts of government which angered people.
XI. Immediate Causes
 During time of Curzon Bengal Partition happened and it became one of the biggest
rallying points in the history of Indian freedom struggle
 There were other events which lead to rise in anger of people Municipal Act, Delhi
Darbar being a few of them.
 Burma war

Failure of early militant nationalists –

 They failed to give a definitive direction to the movement.

 They also failed to reach masses
 Arrest of key leadership left the national movement under militant nationalist rudderless.
 The key rallying point – the Partion of Bengal was annuled and capital was shifted to Delhi –
1911. (However capital was actually shifted in 1912)
Lack of political participation of Muslim and poor representation in administrative jobs led to formation
of Muslim league. It was initially founded by a group of Zamindars and well off Muslims. Syed Ahmed
Khan’s rhetoric of separate Muslim interests were its key principles.

In 1906, All India Muslim League was set up under the leader-ship of Aga Khan, Nawab Salimul-lah of
Dacca and Nawab Mohsin-ul-Mulk in Dacca. The League supported the partition of Bengal, opposed the
Swadeshi Movement, and demanded special safegurds for its communityand a separate electorates of
Muslims. This led to communal differences between Hindus and Muslims.

Initial aims of Muslim leagues were delineated as –

I. To promote among Mulims loyality towards the British

II. To safeguard the political and other interests of Muslims
III. To prevent feeling of hostility towards other communities (i.e. it had no communal agenda when
it was founded)


In 1906 an imminient confrontation was avoided with appointment of Dadabhai Naroji as the new
president – since he was revered by both the groups, they were pacified. With a view of conciliating the
differences, idea of ‘Swaraj’ was given in this session by Naroji and it was defined as the goal of

Four resolutions were passed at the 1906 session of Congresss (headed by Naroji) –

I. Condemning partition and policies of Curzon

II. Uphold Boycott Movement,
III. Support the Swadeshi Movement,
IV. Protest against existing Education Policy.

Causes of split –

I. The split happened on the question of retention of 4 resolutions and spreading of movement to
the rest of nation.
II. Failure of Moderates – After the failure of moderates to get major gains, extremists became
III. Bengal Split Agitation Issue – Led by Tilak and others they demanded for extension of mass
movement and demand for Swaraj during Swadeshi Movement. This didn’t go down well with
Moderates who wanted to restrict the movement to Bengal only.
IV. Extremists were also encouraged by the two events outside India, namely – Defeat of Russia by
Japanand defeat of Italian Army by Ethopians which broke the notion of invincibility of
V. Extremists were optimist overappointment of new Secretary of State Morley, but he failed to do
anything over issue of partitionand it greatly annoyed the Extremists

Extremists wanted either Tilak or Lala Lajpat Rai as president, but moderates wanted Rash Behari Ghose
(not ‘Rash Behari Bose’) to be president in 1907 session (which was to be held at Nagpur, but moderates
shifted it to Surat so that Tilak couldn’t be appointed as president as it had been policy of Congress to
appoint a person from outside the province where session is held as president.) Meeting for the first time
was ruptured and when it held for next day, Tilak was denied the opportunity to speak by the Chair. A
brawl ensued ending in suspension of meeting sine die. This came to a relief to British who were looking
for an opportunity to subdue the activities of Congress. From next meeting, Extremists were barred from
Congress. All in all, the split benefitted neither Moderates nor Extremists, but only British government.
Tilak was jailed soon after for a long 6 years to Mandaley in 1908.

Extremists resorted to passive resistance and moderates took to petition for greater legislative reforms.
Moderates felt it as dangerous to support extremists as they might attract wrath of mighty British rule.
Moderates didn’t realize that concessions by government were not to placate them, but to create a rift
between them and extremists.


Morley-Minto Reforms were introduced in 1909 during the period when Lord Minto was the
Governor-General of India.

I. Separate Electorates – The reforms envisaged a separate electorate for Muslims besides other
constitutional measures. The government thereby sought to create a rift within the Congress on
the one hand by winning the support of the moderates, and on the other, to win favour of
Muslims against Hindus. To achieve the latter objective, the reforms introduced the system of
‘separate electorates’ under which Muslims could only vote for Muslim candidates. This was
done to encourage the notion that the political, economic and cultural interests of Hindus and
Muslims were separate and not common. It sowed the seeds of communalism and checked the
historical process of unification of India. It also distracted Indians from focusing on economic and
political problems. Indian political leaders were however dissatisfied by these reforms. Lord
Minto came to be called as ‘Father of Communal Electorate’.
II. Expanded Legislative Councils, but still no power – Both Provincial legislative council and
imperial legislative councils were expanded but still members were elected indirectly and council
didn’t have any real powers like discussion of budget, though they were allowed to pass
resolutions now etc.
III. Association of Indians with Executive Council of Viceroy and Governors – For the first time it
allowed association of Indians in Executive functions. Satyendra Prasad Sinha (SP Sinha) became
the first Indian to join Viceroy’s executive Council as a law member. (Number was restricted to
IV. Franchisee was introducedfor the first time – It was limited however, women didn’t have voting
power and it was limited in other sense also.
V. Element of Self Rule was not introduced – It made provisions for Indirect Elections.

Positive aspects were –

I. Voting on some part of budget was allowed

II. More power was given regarding asking of questions
III. More representation was given

Still reformed council didn’t enjoy any power. In fact purpose of reforms was to confuse moderate
nationalists and check the growth of unity among nationalists.


War was seen as differently by the different groups. Extremists and revolutionaries saw the predicament
of British as their opportunity and many organizations like Home Rule League by Annie Besant and Tilak.
Moderates on the other hand extended support to government hoping that government will reciprocate
by more relaxation in to them.

Ghadar party saw this as an opportunity that they have been waiting for, though, they were not fully
prepared. They didn’t want to let the opportunity go. It exhorted its leaders to go to other countries like
Singapore, Malya, Phillipines and Burma etc and exhort Indian nationals there to stand for the cause.
Others like that of Kartar Singh Sarabha and Raghubar Dayal Guptaleft for India. An attempt was made
to overthrow the British rule by military revolt. Rash Behari Bose was chosen as the leader. However
government CID foiled this bid and Ghadar Conspiracy failed. More than 40 were sentenced to death.

Start of First World War led to following –

I. Loss of India – Millions of Rupees from India was diverted for use in war, Indian soldiers died
while fighting in Europe.
II. Working Class – Middle class had more job opportunities as new factories were setup to supply
European. However wages were low and working conditions were bad. Trade Unionism was still
to become popular so it left workers with little bargaining power.
III. Capitalists – Capitalists had a field day as industrial production boomed.
IV. Agriculture – After scourge of famine, World War further led to crash in prices of agriculture
commodities in international markets. This pushed farmers further into debt trap.
V. Politics and National Movement – Nationalist leaders saw it as an opportunity to bargain more
rights and conditional support in war was provided in the hope that post-war, Britain will take
political actions in favor of Indians.

After the war, Economic situation deteriorated. Industry which prospered during war time, was now
facing closure and fall in output. Workers and artisans who now faced loss of jobs and high prices also
turned toward the national movement.

Promise made during the war were betrayed and it also pushed nationalism. While colonies were
promised democracy they got a raw deal in turn. Erstwhile colonies of defeated powers were distributed
among winners as war bounty.
Russian revolution further stoked nationalism and put heart in colonial people.

As the war was over, national Leaders were disappointed by the measures taken by government.
Government of India Act of 1919 was a huge disappointment. Treatment of Ottoman Empire after
Treaty of Severs led to rousing Muslim Sentiments and it paved way for Khilafat Movement and Non-

After war, trade unionism also flourished and in 1920 first headway was made with formation of AITUC
under N M Joshi.


First World War period also saw growth of revolutionarism. Most notable of these was Ghadar party
which was found in San Francisco by Lala Hardayal, Sohan Singh Bakhna, Mohammed Barkattullah etc
were some of the leaders. It was a secular party and its influence was also spread in other Asian nations
where Indians were there.

As First World War broke out, Ghadar party also took arms against British Empire. 21st February 1915
was decided as a day of mutiny in India which has to be started from Punjab. However, British CID foiled
it and Ghadarites were arrested, tried and many hanged. Inspired by Ghadarites, 700 men of British
Army in Singapore revolted under the leadership of Chisti Khan and Dundey Khan. This was bitterly

Many of those who were later released found Kisan and Communist movements in Punjab.


PACT (1916)
In background of disappointment from 1909 Act and failure of moderates to make headway, ground has
been prepared for another movement. Further, First World War laid bare the claim of racial supremacy
as colonial powers propagandized against each other to expose each other’s dirty past. War also
increased misery of the Indians and they were ready to join militant forces. Tilak was released from the
jail in 1914 and was ready to assume a greater role, however, leadership of Congress was with
moderates and he had to launch a separate movement. Russian Revolution of 1917 provided additional
edge while the movement was still in progress.

The two factions of Congress reunited in December 1915.

Next year the Congress and the Muslim League signed the historic Lucknow Pact and decided to work
together for representative government in the country.


After Tilak was released from jail in 1914, he again started his nationalist activities. He was in a
bid to gain entry into Congress. However his first such bid was thwarted by moderates lead by
Pherozshah Mehta.
However after death of Pherozshah Mehta, opposition towards the Extremists weakened and
they were allowed to rejoin Congress in December 1915.

Apparently no progress was made on the front of self-rule and many leaders were disappointed
by the attitude of moderates.

Dr. Annie Besant (along with George Arundale), who had gained enough experience in national
activism from her activities with her association with Theosophical Society, inspired by the Irish
rebellion, started a Home Rule Movement in India in September 1916. She was supported by B
W Wadia and C P Ramaswamy Aiyer in her efforts.

Bal Gangadhar Tilak also launched another Home Rule Movement and wholeheartedly
supported this movement. Tilak took the lead and in 1916, he started the Home Rule League
Movement from Maharashtra. It was during Home Rule Movement that Tilak declared that –
‘Swaraj is My Birth Right and I will have it’.

Gandhi was not involved in the movement as he had only arrived last year and was still testing
the waters in new political environment.

The objective of movement was - ‘To enjoy Dominion status as enjoyed by other British Colonies
like – Australia, South Africa and New Zealand’.

The movement spread rapidly and branches of the Rome Rule League were established all over
India. While Tilak mainly focused in Maharashtra, Besant focused on rest of India. He joined the
forces with Dr. Besant and persuaded the Muslim League to support this programme. (Though
Tilak and Besant had their own differences with each other).

Many leaders like Jawahar Lal Nehru joined Home Rule League, but he mostly worked with
Annie Besant.

Annie Besant was arrested in 1917, however this further stoked the fire of movement. The
movement has now even wider reaches and had now even penetrated villages. And many more
important leaders like C Y Chintamani, Motilal Nehru, Tej Bahadur Sapru stood by her and
joined the movement. S Subramania Aiyer renounced his knighthood in protest and joined the

Owing to her popularity due to the movement, she was chosen as the next – and the first
woman – president of Congress in 1917.

She was soon released following a conciliatory stance of government. Montague commented –
‘Shiva… cut his wife into 52 pieces only to discover that he has 52 wives. This is what happens to
the Government of India when it interns Mrs. Besant’.

Decline of Home Rule Movement –

 After release of Besant, moderates were pacified and the anger was calmed down
 New Secretary of State Montague declared in Britain Parliament that Indians will be
given more role (unlike his predecessor Morley who denied any such possibility) in
administration. Pronouncement of Montegue was termed as ‘August Declaration’. This
rendered demand for self-rule no more seditious and moderates were considerably
pacified by this new announcement.
 Rise of Gandhi and talks of Civil Disobedience diverted the national attention
 Tilak went to US and this left a leadership void
 Communal riots sparked in 1917-18

Success of the movement –

 However, the movement succeeded in attracting masses and marked a shift from elite
participation model of moderates.
 Tilak and Besant’s effort revived Congress after Lucknow Pact of 1916.
 They compelled the government to go for more reforms in form of Mont-Ford reforms
of 1919.
 Further, movement also prepared ground for Gandhian politics of mass movement.


Montague’s Declaration of 1917 was in a reaction to the Home Rule League Movement and it promised
that the Indians would be increasingly associated with the administration and self-governing institutions
would be gradually developed. It stated that responsible government in India as an integral part of
British Empire was the final goal of the government and this would be achieved in stages and the British
Governments and the Government of India would be, the sole authority to judge the time and measure
of each advancement and in this, they would be guided by the responsible Indian leaders and their
capability to handle responsibility.

The famous declaration closed one chapter in the constitutional history of India and opened another.
With this declaration benevolent despotism was dead and India’s right to Swaraj was admitted and
despotism was to give place to constitutional government. Demand for Swaraj was no longer seditious
with this declaration.

So all ifs and buts were ignored and the announcement was welcomed by almost all political parties. The
greatest importance of the declaration perhaps lay in the fact that every Indian was feeling convinced
that self-government for India was within the domain of possibility. The declaration also gave the
nationalist leaders the moral courage to continue their political fight. However, it was also seen by the
extremists as a mean to confound the moderates and distract attention from demand of Purna Swaraj.

LUCKNOW PACT (December 1916)

Background – In the First World War, Turkey entered against Britain, Muslims were on side of Turkey
and were angered by the British. Congress was also exhausted with its pleas for self-rule.

The Lucknow session was significant for the two reasons –

 Union of Congress and League – In 1916, sessions of both Muslim League and Congress were
held in Lucknow. An agreement made by the Indian National Congress headed by Bal Gangadhar
Tilak and the All-India Muslim League led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah; it was adopted by the
Congress at its Lucknow session on December 29 and by the league on Dec. 31, 1916.
 Union of moderates and extremists – The meeting at Lucknow marked the reunion of the
moderate and radical wings of the Congress after Tilak returned from Jail

The pact dealt both with the structure of the government of India and with the relation of the Hindu and
Muslim communities. Following broad agreements were reached –

 Direct Elections to the Legislative Councils – Four-fifths of the provincial and central legislatures
were to be elected on a broad franchise, and half the executive council members, including
those of the central executive council, were to be Indians elected by the councils themselves.
(unlike indirect election as envisaged by the 1909 Morley-Minto Reforms)
 More Powers should be conferred upon Councils
 Self Government at the earliest – dominion status at the earliest
 At least half of the Viceroy’s ‘Executive Council’ should be filled by Indians (Morley-Minto
reforms suggested 1 Indian member)

These proposals were largely embodied in the Government of India Act of 1919. This pact paved the way
for Hindu-Muslim cooperation in the Khilafat movement and Mohandas Gandhi’s noncooperation
movement from 1920.

However, this is also said to color the Pact with Communalism. Among most controversial outcomes of
the pact was that the Congress also agreed to separate electorates for Muslims in provincial council
elections. Acceptance of separate electorate is considered as one of the biggest follies of Congress
which ultimately led to extreme communalism in country. It showed the acceptance by Congress of the
separate identities of Hindu and Muslims. Further, it didn’t involve either Hindu or Muslim masses.


The Mont-Ford (Montegue Chelmsford) commission submitted its report in 1918. It professed to pave
way for self-government in India, however it also aimed at appeasing Indians to persuade to support
British during First World War (1914-18). For the first time government showed its intention of gradual
introduction of responsible government in India.

The Government of India Act, 1919 was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom. It was passed
to expand participation of Indians in the government of India. The Act covered ten years, from 1919 to
1929. This retraction of British imperialism was also partially a result of India's enthusiastic participation
in World War I and continued struggle of Indians which was growing stronger.

The structure of this Act also allowed Britain to use the Princely States (who were directly represented in
the Council of States) to offset the growing power of the native political parties.

The main provisions were the following –

I. Provincial Diarchy (Dual Rule) – The Act provided a dual form of government (a ‘diarchy’) for
the major provinces. It relaxed control over provinces by demarcating subjects as ‘central
subjects’ and ‘provincial subjects’. Provincial subjects were further divided as –
a. Reserved Subjects – Administered by governor with the help of his ‘Executive Council’.
The 'reserved list' included Defence (the military), Foreign Affairs, and Communications.
b. Transferred Subjects – Administered by Governor with the aid of ‘Ministers’ responsible
for ‘Provincial Legislative Council’. The 'transferred list' included Agriculture, supervision
of local government, Health and Education.
This dual system of government was known as ‘Diarchy’. This new system, however, failed to
gain popular acceptance and Simon Commission recommended that Diarchy should be done
away with and 1935 Act did the same.
II. For the first time introduced ‘Direct Elections’ and limited franchise was granted on the basis of
tax paid, education, property etc. in the country
III. A bicameral system at center (the Central Legislature would comprise two chambers – the
Council of State and the Indian Legislative Assembly) was introduced and majority members of
both the houses in this bicameral system were directly chosen.
IV. Establishment of unicameral Provincial Legislative councils.
V. The Central Legislature was empowered to enact laws on any matter for whole of India.
VI. Separate Electoral provision of Morley Minto was retained.
VII. The Governor General was given powers to summon, prorogue, dissolve the Chambers, and to
promulgate ordinances. Thus, despite reserved and transferred list, governor general reigned
VIII. The number of Indians in Viceroy's Executive Council was increased to three out of eight
members. The number was increased, however the council still remained at best an advisory
body and no real power conferred.

Review Provision for Reforms – The Montagu-Chelmsford report stated that there should be a review
after 10 years. Sir John Simon headed the committee (Simon Commission) responsible for the review
which recommended further constitutional change. Three Round Table Conferences were also held in
London later in 1930, 1931 and 1932 with representation of the major interests to consider further
constitutional measures. Gandhi attended the 2nd Round Table Conference of 1931 after negotiations
with the British Government.

One important significance of the reforms was that, demand by nationalists for self-government or
Home Rule couldn’t be termed as seditious since attainment of self-government for Indians now
officially became a government policy which was indicated in August Declaration of Montegue.

The 1919 reforms did not satisfy political demands in India for various reasons –

 These measures were rammed through the Legislative Council with the unanimous opposition of
the Indian members. Indians were resentful that British would decide what was good and what
was bad for Indians. Several members of the council including Jinnah resigned in protest.
 The British repressed opposition, and restrictions on the press and on movement were re-
enacted in the Rowlett Act introduced in 1919.
 Other major disagreement between Congress and the British was separate electorates for each
community which Congress opposed but which were retained in Ramsay MacDonald's
‘IndianCommunal Award’ of 1932.

Another faction of Congress wanted to go ahead with constitutional means and were in favor of
accepting government proposals. Led by Surendranath Banarjee, they formed ‘Indian Liberal Federation’
and were known as Liberals. They, however, failed to make an impact on Indian political scene and
didn’t perform well in any elections.


Gandhi remained in South Africa for almost 20 years. His experiments with Satyagraha started there. He
started a newspaper – Indian Opinion – while he was in South Africa.

Gandhi returned India on 9th January 1915. He spent initial one year travelling all over India and
understanding Indian conditions and Indian people and then in 1916 found Sabarmati Ashram, in

Changed situation when Gandhi arrived –

 After the World War, Imperialist forces were totally exposed and White Man’ Burden theory
was now debunked
 Russian Revolution of 1917 also showed way for new ideological revolution
 A war affected India was facing high unemployment, peasantry was suffering from taxes and
workers were affected by high costs of goods

Major Influencing factors on his personality are –

 Religious Factors – He borrowed the Karma Theory from Buddhism and took the idea of Ram
Rajya from Hinduism while on the other hand his idea of Non-Violence is inspired from Jaina
teachings and Hijra – leave the place where you are not respected – from Kuran.
 Personalities – he was greatly affected by the works of likes of Tolstoy and Henry David
Thoreau. His idea of Civil Disobedience is influenced by Thoreau. Gopal Krishna Gokhale was
Gandhiji’s Political Mentor.
 Idea of Trusteeship – According to him the rich and well-off are the chosen one – the trustees –
of the welth that is endowed upon them by the almighty. They should treat this wealth for the
benefit of the deprived.
 He believed in ‘Sarvodya’ – i.e. rise of all. This idea was further taken forward by Vinoba Bhave
in his Bhoodan and Gramdan movements.
 He believed in local self governance and local self rule. He had a great faith in cottage industries
and panchayati raj. This is one of the differences of opinion between him and Nehru who
favored industrialization.
After arriving in India, Mahatma Gandhi successfully organized Satyagraha movements in
various places.

Satyagraha philosophy of Gandhi – Satya means Truth; Aagraha means insistence. The literal meaning
of this word is insistence on truth. Initially Gandhi referred to this method of fighting injustice as passive
resistance. As he refined the technique over the years he realized that it required true Satyagrahis to be
totally fearless and nonviolently militant, and therefore he changed the definition to Truth Force. The
goal of Satyagraha is to resolve the conflict with an opponent without inflicting physical or emotional
injury to him, and with willingness to suffer physical or emotional injury to oneself. During the course of
the conflict, the adversary’s essence is not violated, and the two sides develop respect and goodwill
towards each other after the conflict is resolved. Both sides must not harbor resentment, bitterness and
vengefulness during or after the conflict is resolved. Since Truth is relative, the Satyagrahi must be
willing to compromise his initial demands to some extent.

What differentiated Gandhi from hitherto existing leadership was his mass appeal and ability to connect
to peasant class. Therefore he was able to appeal masses and peasantry into national struggle and
raised their issues as well.

He spun charkha daily to signify dignity of human labor and self reliance.

Initial Stayagrahas by Gandhi after coming to India –

I. Champaran Satyagraha, 1917 – when Gandhiji returned from South Africa, he heard about the
case in Champaran that the British forced the poor peasants to grow indigo and they had no
other choice. More than cultivation of Indigo what was appalling was the sharing system that
was prevalent – Tinkathia System – According to the Tinkathia System, farmers were under
compulsion to grow Indigo on 3/20th of their land and were allowed to take only one-third of
the indigo produced by themselves while two-thirds had to be given to the British/European
planters. The Government favored the planters, overlooking any pleas including legal action. The
Bengal Tenancy Act and other reactionary laws further helped exploit the peasants, requiring
the peasants to plant 3/20, and sometimes up to 5/20, of their holdings with indigo.

Raj Kumar Shukla was an indigo cultivator of Champaran (Bihar), who met Gandhiji to make him
aware of the plight of the cultivators in Champaran and persuaded him to come there. In 1917,
he travelled to Champaran in Bihar to inspire the peasants to struggle against the oppressive
plantation system. He began leading the clean-up of villages, building of schools and hospitals
and encouraging the village leadership to undo purdah, untouchability and the suppression of
women. He was joined by many young nationalists from all over India, including Dr. Sri Krishna
Sinha, Ramarshi Deo Trivedi ‘Rishi Ji’, Brajkishore Prasad, J B Kriplani, Dr. Rajendra Prasad,
Dr. Anugrah Narayan Sinha and Jawaharlal Nehru. But his main assault came as he was
arrested by police on the charge of creating unrest and was ordered to leave the province. He
was released after massive protests. Gandhi led organized protests and strike against the
landlords, who with the guidance of the British government, signed an agreement granting
more compensation and control over farming for the poor farmers of the region, and
cancellation of revenue hikes and collection until the famine ended. It was during this agitation,
that Gandhi was addressed by the people as Bapu (This was given by Subhash Chandra Bose)
and Mahatma (It was given by Rabindranath Tagore). (Earlier, he had also got the title of Kaiser-
e-Hind from British government after he started Ambulance service during Boers War while he
was in South Africa).

II. Ahembdabad Mills Strike, 1918 – In 1918, Mahatma Gandhi went to Ahmadabad to organize a
satyagraha movement amongst cotton mill workers. Workers were, among other things,
demanding continuation of ‘Plague Bonus’ post epidemic. Mahatma Gandhi intervened in a
dispute and arbitrated between the workers and mill-owners of Ahmadabad. He advised the
workers to go on strike and to demand a 35 per cent increase in wages. He went on fast unto
death and mill owners agreed to give the hike to workers. Anasuya Behn was one of the major
lieutenant of Gandhi during this Satyagraha. She was, however, sister of one of the mill owners
and close friend of Gandhi – Ambalal Sarabhai.

He also founded – ‘Ahembdabad Textile Labor Association’ – after the mill strike. It gave
Gandhi an urban and industrial base and is said to have set the tone of industrial relations in the

III. Kheda or Kaira Satyagraha, 1918 – He organized a Satyagraha to support the peasants of the
Kheda district of Gujarat. Affected by crop failure and a plague epidemic, the peasants of Kheda
could notpay the revenue, and were demanding that revenue collection be relaxed. Despite
their difficulties, British government raised the revenue. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel and a close
coterie of devoted Gandhians, namely Narhari Parikh, Mohanlal Pandya, Indulal Yagnik and
Ravi Shankar Vyas toured the countryside, organized the villagers and gave them political
leadership and direction. Many aroused Gujaratis from the cities of Ahmedabad and Vadodara
joined the organizers of the revolt, but Gandhi and Patel resisted the involvement of Indians
from other provinces, seeking to keep it a purely Gujarati struggle. British government after
facing a united opposition agreed on a compromise and the revenue was waived for that year
and next year.


Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act or Rowlett Act – Termed as ‘Black Act’. After the dis-
satisfaction from Montford Reforms of 1919, government passed Rowlett Act to suppress the freedom.
The Rowlatt Act passed by the British in colonial India in March 1919, indefinitely extending ‘emergency
measures’ (of the Defence of India Regulations Act, 1915) enacted during the First World War in order
to control public unrest and root out conspiracy. The Act authorizes the authority to imprision a person
suspected of terrorism for maximum of two years without trial. The Act was condemned by one and all
including Congress and League.

The Rowlatt Satyagraha of 1919 turned out to be the first all-India struggle against the British
government although it was largely restricted to cities.
Satyagraha launched in protest of this Act also marked the first attempt of Gandhiji for a nation wide
movement. It was thus the first of Gandhian mass struggle. (Earlier events like Champaran and
Ahembdabad mill strikes were mainly concentrated on local and specific issues). Emboldened with the
success of initial efforts in Ahemdabad, Kheda and Champaran, Gandhiji in 1919 decided to launch a
nationwide Satyagraha against the proposed Rowlatt Act (1919). He gave a call to massive Hartal on 6th
April 1919 and people participated enthusiastically.

Jinnah declared – ‘A government which enacts such Acts during peace time has no right to be called as a
civilian government’

About the Act –

I. It gave the government enormous powers to repress political activities, and allowed detention
of political prisoners without trial for two years.
II. During the Great War of 1914-18 (First World War), the British had instituted censorship of the
press and permitted detention without trial under Defence of India Regulations Act, 1915. Now,
on the recommendation of a committee chaired by Sir Sidney Rowlatt, these tough measures
were continued.

This Act had been hurriedly passed through the Imperial Legislative Council despite the united
opposition of the Indian members (Non-official Indian members to the Imperial Legislative Council like –
Tej Bahadur Sapru, D E Wacha, and Surendranath Banarjee were opposed to the bill, though they didn’t
like the idea of Satyagraha either).

The protests gathered huge momentum. It was during such protests that Jalianwalan Massacre took
place. The Indians had been promised extension of democracy during the war. They felt humiliated and
were filled with anger when they found that their civil liberties were going to be curtailed still further.
The protests were particularly intense in the Punjab, where many men had served on the British side in
the War – expecting to be rewarded for their service. Instead they were given the Rowlatt Act. This
Satygraha launched Gandhi as a truly national leader.

During the protests against the Act two prominent leaders of Congress were arrested in Punjab –
Saifudin Kitchlew and Satya Paul. People protested their arrest in Jalianwala Bagh which later saw the
Jalianwala Massacre.

British Reaction to Satyagraha – Alarmed by the popular upsurge, and scared that lines of
communication such as the railways and telegraph would be disrupted, the British administration
decided to clamp down on nationalists. Local leaders were picked up from Amritsar, and Mahatma
Gandhi was barred from entering Delhi.

On 10 April, the police in Amritsar fired upon a peaceful procession, provoking widespread attacks on
banks, post offices and railway stations. Martial law was imposed and General Dyer took command.


On 13 April 1919, the infamous Jallianwalla Bagh incident took place. On that day a crowd of
villagers who had come to Amritsar to attend a fair gathered in the enclosed ground of
Jallianwalla Bagh. They were also protesting the arrest of Dr Satyapaul and Saifuddin Kitchlew.
Being from outside the city, they were unaware of the martial law that had been imposed. Dyer
entered the area, blocked the exit points, and opened fire on the crowd, killing hundreds. His
object, as he declared later, was to ‘produce a moral effect’, to create in the minds of
satyagrahis a feeling of terror and awe. As the news of Jallianwalla Bagh spread, crowds took to
the streets in many north Indian towns. There were strikes, clashes with the police and attacks
on government buildings. In a protest, Tagore renounced his knighthood.

The government responded with brutal repression, seeking to humiliate and terrorise people –
satyagrahis were forced to rub their noses on the ground, crawl on the streets, and do salaam
(salute) to all sahibs; people were flogged and villages (around Gujranwala in Punjab, now in
Pakistan) were bombed. Seeing violence spread, Mahatma Gandhi called off the movement.

The Satygraha failed in achieving what it aimed to – repealing of the Rowlett Act, but it launched
Mahatma Gandhi as national leader. In 1922, the Act was repealed by the government itself.


Government of India named an investigatory committee to be led by Lord William Hunter (1865-
1957) charged with the examination of the violence which had occurred in Amritsar and
elsewhere in Punjab, in consequence of the catastrophic Jalianwalabagh Amritsar massacre. On
8th March 1920, the Hunter Committee’s majority reprimanded Brigadier-General Dyer in its
final report for his mistaken concept of duty. The report concluded that Brigadier-General Dyer
was justified in firing on the mob, though notice should have been given and its duration
shortened. However, Dyer was exonerated and the commission. This enraged Indians and they
termed the commission as ‘Whitewash Commission’.


Ground for Hindu Muslim cooperation in national struggle has been prepared by Lucknow Pact of 1916.
An opportune movement came in form of Turkey issue which was encashed by Gandhi to further forge
unity ties among Hindus and Muslims for a joint struggle against British.


 Rowllett Act
 Jalianwala Bagh Massacre exposed the ugly face of repressive government. This forced
Mahatma to go from cooperation to non-cooperation.
 Hunter Commission whitewash further fuelled the frustration of Indians.
 Montegue Chelmsford reforms failed on expectation of each and everyone.
 While the Rowlatt Satyagraha had been a widespread movement, it was still limited mostly to
cities and towns (limitation). Mahatma Gandhi now felt the need to launch a more broad-based
movement in India. But he was certain that no such movement could be organised without
bringing the Hindus and Muslims closer together. One way of doing this, he felt, was to take up
the Khilafat issue.
 The First World War had ended with the defeat of Ottoman Turkey. And there were rumours
that a harsh peace treaty was going to be imposed on the Ottoman emperor Claiph – the
spiritual head of the Islamic world (the Khalifa). Caliphet (Khalifa) was viewed as symbolic
representative of Pan-Islamic group and the leadership was abolished by ‘Treaty of Severs’ and
instead a puppet sultan was put in his place (However, later Mustafa Kamal Attaturk replaced
the puppet Sultan of Turkey and started modernizing Turkey. In the aftermaths, the treaty was
also revised in favor of Turkey. This to some extent placated Muslims in India). British refused to
make any moves in support of Khalifa (who at the start of war was against British) and said that
they will abide by Treaty of Severs. To defend the Khalifa’s temporal powers, a Khilafat
Committee was formed in Bombay in March 1919 by Ali Brothers, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Abdul
Kalam Azad, Hasrat Mohani etc. and All India Khilafat Conference was held in Delhi in
November 1919. A young generation of Muslim leaders like the brothers Muhammad Ali and
Shaukat Ali, began discussing with Mahatma Gandhi about the possibility of a united mass
action on the issue. Gandhiji saw this as an opportunity to bring Muslims under the umbrella of
a unified national movement. At the Calcutta session of the Congress in September 1920, he
convinced other leaders of the need to start a non-cooperation movement in support of Khilafat
as well as for swaraj. (i.e. Non-cooperation was combined with Khilafat movement to maximize
the impact).
 Economic situation in country worsened in aftermaths of World War
 Lucknow Pact has brought Congress closer to League
 Radical Muslim leaders like Mohmmad Ali, Abdul Kalam Azad, Hakim Azmal Khan and Hsan
Imam gained more say over the Aligarh school of thought.

Idea of Non-Cooperation – In his famous book Hind Swaraj (1909) Mahatma Gandhi declared that
British rule was established in India with the cooperation of Indians, and had survived only because of
this cooperation. If Indians refused to cooperate, British rule in India would collapse within a year, and
swaraj would come. Embolden with the success of the Rowlett Satyagrah, Gandhiji decided to take
things to next level, from Satyagrah to Non-Cooperation.

From Cooperation to Non-Cooperation – While Gandhi was initially cooperative with British, but events
of Punjab (Jalianwala, Marshel Law, Hunter report) and Treatment of Khalifa of Turkey forced him to
take the route of Non-Cooperation. Further, as mentioned above, it was cooperation of Indians only
which has sustained British rule in India and if Indians start to non-ccoperate, the rule will collapse.

Gandhiji proposed that the movement should unfold in stages. It should begin with the surrender of
titles that the government awarded, and a boycott of civil services, army, police, courts and legislative
councils, schools, and foreign goods. Then, in case the government used repression, a full civil
disobedience campaign would be launched.

Through the summer of 1920 Mahatma Gandhi and Shaukat Ali toured extensively, mobilising popular
support for the movement.
Concerns of Congress Regarding Non-Cooperation – Many within the Congress were, however,
concerned about the proposals. They were reluctant to boycott the council elections scheduled for
November 1920, and they feared that the movement might lead to popular violence. In the months
between September and December there was an intense tussle within the Congress. For a while there
seemed no meeting point between the supporters and the opponents of the movement.

Non cooperation movement (1920-22) was led by Mahatma Gandhi. Veterans like Bal Gangadhar Tilak,
Bipin Chandra Pal, Mohammad Ali Jinnah, Annie Besant opposed the idea outright. But the younger
generation of Indian nationalists were thrilled, and backed Gandhiji. The Congress Party adopted his
plans, and he received extensive support from Muslim leaders like Abul Kalam Azad, Mukhtar Ahmed
Ansari, Hakim Ajmal Khan, Abbas Tyabji, Maulana Mohammad Ali and Maulana Shaukat Ali.


The 'Non-Cooperation-Khilafat' Movement was launched on 1st August 1920. Tilak died on same

Congress too passed a resolution in its Calcutta special session of September 1920 presided
over by Lala Lajpat Rai and agreed Gandhiji’s plan for non-cooperation with the government till
wrongs of Punjab (Jalianwala) and Khilafat are undone and Swaraj is established. It was ratified
in Nagpur Session in December 1920. Though there was some reservation among veterans
about Gandhi’s methods, it was Motilal Nehru who stood by him.

Various social groups participated in this movement, each with its own specific aspiration. All
of them responded to the call of Swaraj, but the term meant different things to different
people.Non-cooperation for the first time shook the roots of the British Empire since 1857

Gandhiji famousluy said that – ‘Swaraj is possible within 1 year if Non-Cooperation is continued
as a movement’.

Thousands of students left schools and colleges under Britsh and new crop of national schools
and colleges cameup including Jamia Milia, Kashi Vidyapith, Bihar Vidyapith etc. Many leaders
like Subhash Chandra Bose, Lala Lajpat Rai, Zakir Hussain led these institutes.

Tilak-Swaraj fund was formed as a tribute to Tilak and fuel nationl sentiments which was
oversubscribed at more than Rs 1 crore.

In November 1921 huge demonstrations greeted Prince of Wales during his visit to India.

Jinnah and Malviya opposed the idea of Swaraj and Jinnah left the Congress after an association
of 15 years.

Spread of the Movement –

 From Central provinces many big nationalists like – Motilal Nehru, Prushottam Das
Tandon, Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi, G B Pant, Lal Bahadur Shastri etc participated.
 From Punjab Lala Lajpat Rai.
 Peasants in Avadh were led by Baba Ram Chandra
 Tea Gardens in Assam were also largely affected by movement
 There were also signs of non-revenue payment movements
 In Andhra likes of T Prakasam and Pattabhai Sitaramaiya took the lead

Non-Cooperation in Towns – The movement started with middle-class participation in the cities.
Thousands of students left government-controlled schools and colleges, headmasters and
teachers resigned, and lawyers gave up their legal practices. The council elections of 1920 were
boycotted in most provinces except Madras, where the Justice Party, the party of the non-
Brahmans, felt that entering the council was one way of gaining some power – something that
usually only Brahmans had access to. The effects of non-cooperation on the economic front were
more dramatic. Foreign goods were boycotted, liquor shops picketed, and foreign cloth burnt in
huge bonfires. The import of foreign cloth halved between 1921 and 1922, its value dropping
from Rs 102 crore to Rs 57 crore. In many places merchants and traders refused to trade in
foreign goods or finance foreign trade.

But the movement subdued in urban areas for many reasons – like – Khadi was more expensive
that mass produced mill cloth and urban poor couldn't afford it. Difficulties were there in
complete boycott of the British institutions as they were providers of the major services.

Non-Cooperation in Rural Areas – The movement spread from cities to rural ares and included
peasants tribal areas as well.

Different Inerpretation of Non-Cooperation Movement –

I. In Awadh, peasants were led by 'Baba Ramchandra' – a sanyasi who had earlier been to
Fiji as an indentured labourer. The movement here was against talukdars and landlords
who demanded from peasants exorbitantly high rents and a variety of other cesses.
Peasants had to do begar and work at landlords’ farms without any payment. As tenants
they had no security of tenure, being regularly evicted so that they could acquire no
right over the leased land. The peasant movement demanded reduction of revenue,
abolition of begar, and social boycott of oppressive landlords. The peasant movement,
however, developed in forms that the Congress leadership was unhappy with. As the
movement spread in 1921, the houses of talukdars and merchants were attacked,
bazaars were looted, and grain hoards were taken over. In many places local leaders
told peasants that Gandhiji had declared that no taxes were to be paid and land was to
be redistributed among the poor. The name of the Mahatma was being invoked to
sanction all action and aspirations. In many places 'nai – dhobi bandhs' were organised
by panchayats to deprive landlords of the services of even barbers and washermen.
II. ‘Gudem Hill’ Tribe War, or Koya Rebellion or Rampa Rebellion 1922 – Tribal peasants
interpreted the message of Mahatma Gandhi and the idea of swaraj in yet another way.
In the 'Gudem Hills'of Andhra Pradesh, for instance, a militant guerrilla movement
spread in the early 1920s – not a form of struggle that the Congress could approve.
Here, as in other forest regions, the colonial government had closed large forest areas,
preventing people from entering the forests to graze their cattle, or to collect fuelwood
and fruits. This enraged the hill people. Not only were their livelihoods affected but they
felt that their traditional rights were being denied. When the government began forcing
them to contribute begar for road building, the hill people revolted. The person who
came to lead them was 'Alluri Sitaram Raju'. But at the same time he asserted that India
could be liberated only by the use of force, not non-violence. The Gudem rebels
attacked police stations, attempted to kill British officials and carried on guerrilla
warfare for achieving swaraj. Raju was captured and executed in 1924, and over time
became a folk hero.
III. Idea of Swaraj of Plantation Workers – Workers too had their own understanding of
Mahatma Gandhi and the notion of swaraj. For plantation workers in Assam, freedom
meant the right to move freely in and out of the confined space in which they were
enclosed, and it meant retaining a link with the village from which they had come. Under
the Inland Emigration Act of 1859, plantation workers were not permitted to leave the
tea gardens without permission, and in fact they were rarely given such permission.
When they heard of the Non-Cooperation Movement, thousands of workers defied the
authorities, left the plantations and headed home. They believed that Gandhi Raj was
coming and everyone would be given land in their own villages. They, however, never
reached their destination. Stranded on the way by a railway and steamer strike, they
were caught by the police and brutally beaten up.
IV. Eka Movement – Towards the end of 1921, peasant discontent surfaced again after
earlier Kisan Sabha movements in the districts of Hardoi, Bahraich and Sitapur of United
Provinces with grievances relating to the extraction of a rent that was generally 50
percent higher than the recorded rent. Madari Pasi from the depressed class and the
one of the key leaders who gave the movement direction opposing the non-violence
methods and called for violent struggle.
V. Palnad Satyagraha or Forest Satyagraha – The ‘Forest Satyagraha’was of the ryots of
Palnad in Guntur district in 1921 during Non-Cooperation Movement. The peasants of
this place had to pay heavy tax for permission to graze their cattle in forests. When the
crops failed that year, they decided to send their cattle into the forests without paying
the fee and suffer the penalties. However authorities retaliated by compounding the
cattle and a clash ensued between the cattle owners and the armed police. In the firing
that took place Kannuganti Hanumanthu was killed. Meanwhile, Gandhiji called off the
Non-Co-operation Movement due to some untoward incidents at Chowri Chowra and
with this the Palnad Satyagraha also came to an end.
VI. Chirala-Perala (name of two villages in Guntur district) episode during Non-Cooperation
was led by Duggirala Gopalakrishnayya. The movement was against the merger of two
villages into municipality, which would have attracted taxes and villagers opposed this
move. The movement was against the encroachment upon the autonomy of the village.
He urged people to refuse to pay taxes and as a result whole population of Chirala
moved out of town and refused to pay taxes.
VII. Tana Bhagat Movement – Just like the Birsa’s religious movement among the Mundas, a
similar religious movement gained among the Oraon of Chotanagpur, Bihar known as
Tana Bhagat. The movement aimed against the missionaries and British
colonialistsDuring Non-Cooperation also they participated and they boycotted liquor.

Decline of Non-Cooperation Movement –

I. Chaura Chauri Incident – A crowd which was fired upon by police, burnt a police station
in Chaura Chauri in which 22 policemen were killed and this distressed Gandhiji a lot. He
deemed it as under-preparedness of the people to adopt his methods. Many Congress
leaders including Subhash Chnadra Bose, Nehru were in disbelief over this decision of
Gandhi. ‘For a sin of handful people down in the Himalayas, the entire nation has been
brought down to its knees’ – SC Bose said on withdrawl of Non-Cooperation. However,
Gandhi was aware that in the event of violence and a direct confrontation with the
British, Indians are a no match to British power and they will be crushed brutally.
Incidents like Chaura-Chauri would have led to a direct confrontation and ultimately loss
to Indians.
II. Moplah Incident generated considerable acrimony between Hindu and Muslims
III. Support of Ali brothers and Muslims was on religious grounds rather than nationalistic
grounds. As the cause diminished, their support to vanished.
IV. Ali Brothers also started to give way and started to apologise to Viceroy Reading and
they were arrested soon (their arrest was however resented by Gandhi and others and
he called for the people to give their jobs up).
V. ‘The treaty of Severs’ was revised by the British in favor of Turkey. The cause of unity
was no longer there and Muslims were no longer attached to Congress.
VI. Mustafa Kamal Pasha toppled the theocratic puppet government installed by the
British in Turkey and started a new era of modernization and made it a secular state. He
took extensive steps to nationalized education, lierate woman, develop agriculture etc
and this broke the back of Khilafat.

After arrest of Ali Brothers and other leaders, Gandhi gave a memorandum to the government
for their release and lift the ban from civil liberties or face mass civil disobedience (which he
planned to start from Bardoli as a no-tax movement). But things took a different turn and
Chaura-Chauri incident took place. Gandhi called off the movement (even in face of
disappointment of leaders like Nehru, Subhash etc) and he was sent to Jail for 6 years which was
reduced (1922-24) owing to his health. At this moment Gandhi declared his frustration with
colonial government and declared that attitude of government has turned him from a supporter
of government to its sharpest critic. He said during his trial – ‘I came reluctantly to the
conclusion that the British had made India more helpless than she ever was before, politically
and economically’. Judge handed down him same sentence as was given to Tilak in 1908.
Achievements of Non-Cooperation Movement –

I. Congress became a mass party – Hitherto, one of the important criticism of Congress
had been that it was a party of elites representing only a minority. For the first time
people from all sections participated. From 1920 Session of the Congress, joining fee
was reduced (25 paisa per annum) considerably and so was reduced Age of Joining (18
years from 21 years), which took it into even villages and expanded its mass base.
II. Khilafat movement produced many leaders of tall stature like – Maulana Azad, Saifuddin
Kitchlew, M A Ansari and so on
III. Charkha a National Symbol – Under Gandhi a new ideological support was given in form
of Non-Violence and Satyagraha which later became important tools for national
IV. Muslims also Participated – Barring the incident of Moplah rebellion in Malabar the
movement saw participation of Muslims also
V. Removed fear of British Might from the minds of people
VI. Many educational institutes like Jamia Milia Islamia, Bihar Vidyapeeth, Kashi Vidyapith,
Gujarat Vidyapith etc were established.

Failures of Non-Ccoperation Movement –

a. Swaraj – as it was claimed – was not achieved within 1 year. This disheartened many.
b. Alienation of Muslims – Failure of Non-Cooperation also menat failure of Khilafat. Ali
brothers accused congress for failure. Further movements by Congress saw less
enthusiastic participation from Muslims
c. Divide in Congress – With recall of movement, many resented this step and others
became anxious to take part into Provincial elections and Swaraj Party is born.
d. Revival of Revolutionary Activities – This also gave birth to second phase of
revolutionary activities after partition of Bengal
e. Mass Reach – Khadi was unaffordable to poor and this was the reason that middle class
and poor swept away from movement

Within the Congress, some leaders were by now tired of mass struggles and wanted to participate in
elections to the provincial councils that had been set up by the Government of India Act of 1919. They
felt that it was important to oppose British policies within the councils, argue for reform and also
demonstrate that these councils were not truly democratic. C R Das and Motilal Nehru (alongwith N C
Kelkar, Vithalbhai Patel, G S Kaparde, S Srinivas Iyenger (all were lawyers)) formed the Swaraj Party
within the Congressto argue for a return to council politics. But younger leaders like Jawaharlal Nehru
and Subhas Chandra Bose pressed for more radical mass agitation and for full independence.

Gaya Session of Congress debated this issue of joining the legislative council. Those who favored joining
were termed as Pro Changers and involved C R Das, Motilal Nehru, Hakim Ajmal Khan and N C Kelkar.
Those who were opposed of joining were termed as No Changers and included Gandhi and other
veterans who favored idea of Non-Cooperation and hence boycott of assembly elections.
Gandhiji's decision to call off the agitation caused frustration among masses. His decision came in for
severe criticism from his colleagues like Motilal Nehru, C R Das and N C Kelkar, Vithalbhai Patel, G S
Kaparde, S Srinivas Iyenger, M R Jaykar who organized the Swaraj Party. The foundations of the 'Swaraj
Party' were laid on January 1, 1923, as the 'Congress-Khilafat-Swarajya Patty'. It proposed then an
alternative programme of diverting the movement from widespread civil disobedience programme to
restrictive one which would encourage its member to enter into legislative councils (established under
Montford Reforms of 1919) by contesting elections in order to wreck the legislature from within and to
use moral pressure to compel the authority to concede to the popular demand for self-government.

The ones who favored the entry into council were called – ‘Pro Changers’ and involved C R Das, Motilal
Nehru, Hakim Ajmal Khan and N C Kelkar, while others were called ‘No-Changers’ (included Vallabhai,
Rajendra Prasad, Vijiaraghavachariar and C Rajgopalachari). Proposal of pro-changers for entry was
rejected in Congress Gaya Session. They (No-Changers) argued that council entry will distract them from
carrying out constructive work among masses and the legislatures entering councils will ultimately get
sucked into system and will be reduced to mere rubber stamps.

Pro-Chagers insited upon the idea and formed a Swaraj Party. Later in 1923 meet at Delhi, the
differences were reconciled to a large extant and it was declared that Swaraj Party is a part of Congress.

When Gandhiji returned from jail, he initially opposed the idea of Council Entry and he also didn’t like the
idea of Swarajists putting hurdles in council work on ideological grounds. As British were hoping a split
in Congress, Gandhi started to coming to terms with the constructive work of Swarajists and in Belgam
Session of 1924 (which he himself presided) Swarajists were given full support.

Manifesto of Sawaraj Party declared – ‘While swaraj is ultimate aim of the party, the immediate goal
would be Dominon Status’ and ‘it is a party within Congress and not a rival party’. It declared that they
will take the Non-Cooperation inside the legislature and will disrupt the business in legislature and will
attract attention towards national Issues.

Elections and Aftermaths – The party fought the 1923-24 elections and won majority of seats despite
less time for preparations defeating ‘The Liberals’ (who have earlier seceded from Congress) and formed
the coalition government in provinces and brought out important issues in legislative assemblies.
Unionist Party of Sikandar Hyat Khan of Punjab was also in coalition.

After death of CR Das in 1925, in response to government’s failure to bring self-rule reforms, Swarajists
decide to walk away from legislatures. However, some of the members decided to stay back and broke
away (Lajpat Rai, Madan Mohan Malviya, NC Kelkar and M R Jayakar) to form a separate party
‘Responsivist Party’ that still preferred co-operation with British. Likes of Lajpat Rai and Malviya accused
Motilal of ignoring Hindu interests.

Swaraj party didn’t fare well in next elections and its leader again focused on mainstream Congress
activities. In 1926 elections, party didn’t fare so well as earlier due to communal campaign by other
parties, weakened leadership, anti-incumbancy etc. However it still managed to pull some good jobs like
defeat of Public Safety Bill, 1928 which aimed at deporting the subversive elements inspired by
communist ideology. In wake of imminent Civil Disobedience Movement, party completely pulled back
from the assemblies in 1930.

Success of Swarajists –

 They filled the political vaccum at a time when Gandhiji was absent from political scene and
national movement was recuperatin its strength.
 They exposed the hollowness of 1919 Act
 Active participation of Motilal and CR Das in assemblies earned them good attention of media
and this helped in making people interested in working of Legislative assemblies and higtened
their political awareness level.
 It exposed the true nature of provincial governments and hollowness of 1919 reforms.
 It also exposed budget effectively and for the first time intense analysis of budget was done.

Failures of Swarajists –

 They failed to make a dent into the policies of government

 They soon indulged into power politics
 They couldn’t connect to masses
 They alienated Muslim members who vouched for peasant interests
 They also couldn’t do much about plight of peasants of Bengal

No Changers in the meanwhile carried on constructive work and established many ashrams, carried out
community service.


Communists emerged, trade unionism emerged, women’s organisation started to come up, peasant
agitation, youth unrest, new wave of revolutionaries etc.


Against this background the new Tory government in Britain constituted a Statutory Commission under
Sir John Simon to review the constitutional reforms (made during Government of India Act 1919) in
Britain's most important colonial dependency. It had 6 members – Clement Atlee, the future prime
minister of Britain being one of them. (The commission was sent 2 years ahead as per 10 year review
period suggested during GoI Reform Act of 1919).

Set up in response to the nationalist movement, the commission was to look into the functioning of the
constitutional system facilitated by the 1919 Act in India and suggest changes.

The Government of India Act 1919 had introduced the system of diarchy to govern the provinces of
British India. However, the Indian public clamoured for revision of the difficult diarchy form of
government, and the Government of India Act 1919 itself stated that a commission would be appointed
after 10 years to investigate the progress of the governance scheme. In the late 1920s, the Conservative
governmentthen in power in Britain feared imminent electoral defeat at the hands of the Labour Party,
and also feared the effects of the consequent transference of control of India to such an ‘inexperienced’
body. Hence, it appointed seven MPs (including Chairman Simon) to constitute the commission that had
been promised in 1919 that would look into the state of Indian constitutional affairs. The people of the
India were outraged and insulted, as the Simon Commission, which was to determine the future of India,
did not include a single Indian member in it.

The Commission’s recommendations were –

I. An outline of new constitution was put forward.

II. Diarchy should be scrapped and Ministers responsible to the Legislature would be entrusted
with all provincial areas of responsibility. It strongly opposed diarchy at the center. In place of
diarchy it called for responsible government in the provinces.
III. It suggested a formally federal union, including both British India and the Princely States, was
the only long-term solution for a united, autonomous India.
IV. It recommended that the franchise should be extended; and the Legislature enlarged

Congress in its Madras Session of 1927 decided to oppose it. Major reason behind its opposition was
that – though the Commission aimed at reviewing constitutional reforms in India, all its members were
white and there was no Indian member.

In 1928, when the Simon Commission arrived in India, it was greeted with black flags and the slogan ‘Go
back Simon’. All parties, including the Congress, Hindu Mahasabha and the Muslim League, participated
in the demonstrations. When commission arrived in Lahore, it met with the huge protests and Lala
Lajpat Rai dies.

The outcome of the Simon Commission (and Round Table Conferences) was the Government of India
Act 1935, which established representative government at the provincial level in India and is the basis of
many parts of the Indian Constitution. In 1937 the first elections were held in the Provinces, resulting in
Congress Governments being returned in almost all Provinces.

Rise of New Generation of Youth – Simon Commission provided an opportunity to youth to prove its
mettle. It was this Commission and death of Lala Lajpat Rai that fired the spirit of likes of Bhagat Singh. It
was after this commission that a new breed of young leaders like Bhagat Singh and Subhash rose to
prominence. This upsurge of youth saw the germination of new ideas of socialism.

Lord Birkenhead challenged Indians to produce an agreed constitution. This was accepted by Indian

(Report of Commission was published in 1930 and it recommended federal constitution, provincial
autonomy, enlargement of provincial councils. It didn’t mention either Dominion Status or right of
secession. It disappointed both the Congress and Muslim League. Muslim league said that report has
vouched for a Hindu raj)
Background – There was a longstanding demand on the part of people of India to new constitution and
their greater say in its drafting. The report was an attempt to address this need for a new constitution.
Lord Birkenhead had challenged Indians to produce an agreed constitution. This report came in that

The ‘Nehru Report’ (1928) was a memorandum outlining a proposed new Dominionconstitution (it was
an outline and not a constitution itself) for India. It was prepared by a committee of the All Parties
Conference chaired by Motilal Nehru with his son Jawaharlal acting as secretary. There were nine other
members in this committee including two Muslims.

The report didn’t seek complete independence but, the constitution outlined by the Nehru report was
for India enjoying dominion status within the British Commonwealth. Motilal commented – ‘It’s an
achievement on which any country in the world wight well be proud of’.

Recommendations –

I. It called for Dominion Status

II. Unlike the eventual Government of India Act 1935 it contained a Bill of Rights.
III. It did not provide for separate electorates for any community or weightage for minorities.
IV. It advocated federal structure.
V. Seperation of state from religion
VI. A parliamentary form of Government
VII. Residual powers with federal/central government
VIII. Adult franchise
IX. Redistribution of provincial boundries on a linguistic basis

Most of its recommendations formed the basis of constitution of independent India.

Controversies over report –

I. It did away with Communal/Separate Electorate – this attracted much ire from Muslim league
and other minority communities
II. It asked for Dominion Status and not complete Independence – On this issue, even Jawahar Lal
differed with his father (which was reflected a year later when he came up with a demand for
Purna Swaraj). Nehru and Subhash formed ‘Independence for India League’.

Neither Muslim League nor Hindu Mahasabha nor ardent Sikhs agreed with the report and it set the
stage for the communal confrontation.


With few exceptions League leaders rejected the Nehru proposals.They objected the provision of
single electorate and wanted separate electorate. They also saw residual powers in federal
structure with center as unacceptable as they were not in majority at national level and feared
that this provision can be misused.

In reaction, Mohammad Ali Jinnah drafted his Fourteen Points in 1929 which became the core
demands the Muslim community put forward as the price of their participating in an
independent united India.

Main points of 14 Point Formula were –

I. Separate electorate
II. 33% seats reserved for Muslims in Central Legislatures
III. Residual powers vested with provinces
IV. Provincial autonomy
V. No constitutional amendment by the by the center without the concurrence of the
states constituting the federation.
VI. Adequate representation of Muslims in services
VII. Full religious freedom to all communities

However, Gandhi and a few others also, didn’t support the separate electorate for Muslim or
Dalits as he saw it divisive and perpetuating the divide that exist.

Over Dominion status, Gandhiji and Motilal argued that consensus over it has been built by
great efforts and 2 years should be given to see government response. After negotiations this
time was reduced to 1 year and it was decided that if Dominion Status was not realized during
this period a demand for full independence will be made and Civil Disobedience will be launched.

In 1929, just before demand for Poorna Swaraj, in an effort to win them over, the viceroy, Lord
Irwin, announced in October 1929, a vague offer of ‘dominion status’ for India in an unspecified
future, and a Round Table Conference to discuss a future constitution. This did not satisfy the
Congress leaders.


Background – Jawaharlal Nehru, Subhas Chandra Bose and Satyamurti became more assertive after the
Nehru Report which defied their expectations by announcing Dominion Status as their demand.
However, Motilal Nehru and Gandhi were reluctant to shed the gains they have made by demanding
Dominion Status and they demanded to give a 1 year’s time to government. But British didn’t relent.
There was some hope after the new Labor government was elected in 1929 (headed by Ramsay
McDonald) and new Secretary of State ‘Wedgewood Benn’ was also sympathetic to Indian cause.
Viceroy Irwin too raised some hope among likes of Motilal and Gandhi when hinted towards Dominion
Staus (which was, however, not confirmed) a round table talk for the same. This, however, didn’t
assuage the sentiments of neither liberals nor Jawahar Lal and others.

In December 1929, under the presidency of Jawaharlal Nehru, the Lahore Congress formalized the
demand of ‘Purna Swaraj’ or full independence for India. Jawahar unfurled Indian flag at the bank of
Ravi on midnight of 31st December. He declared – ‘It’s a crime against man and God to submit any

Following broad decisions were taken –

I. Boycott of Round Table Conference

II. Demand for Poorna Swaraj
III. All members of legislature may resign.
IV. It was declared that 26 January 1930, would be celebrated as the Independence Day when
people were to take a pledge to struggle for complete independence. Lahore session also
marked a leadership shift to younger generation.
V. It was also decided that a Civil Disobedient movement will be launched under leadership of

Call for nation wide meetings was made and it saw huge participation from both Rural and Urban areas
and pledges were made for Purna Swaraj.


Background – After non-action of government over Nehru Report and failure of government to agree
upon any demand for even dominion status, Gandhiji was looking for a new plan amidst growing
restlessness among the Congress and nation as a whole.

Mahatma Gandhi found in salt a powerful symbol that could unite the nation. On 31 January 1930 –
Soon after demand for Purna Swaraj, he sent a letter to Viceroy Irwin stating eleven demands (11
points). In his letter to Viceroy he stated – ‘British rule has impoverished ‘the Dumb Millions’ by a system
of progressive exploitation, reducing us to political serfdom and sapped us culturally, degraded us

Some of these were of general interest; others were specific demands of different classes, from
industrialists to peasants. The idea was to make the demands wide-ranging, so that all classes within
Indian society could identify with them and everyone could be brought together in a united campaign.

These included among others –

I. Total prohibition
II. Release of political prisioners
III. Reduce expenditure on civil services and military
IV. Levy of duty on foreign cloth
V. Issue of firearm licences
VI. Reduce land revenue by 50%
VII. Reduce Rupee Sterling exchange ratio to make Indian exports profitable
VIII. Reserve Coastal shipping for Indians
IX. Abolition of Salt Tax.
The most stirring of all was the demand to abolish the salt tax. Salt was something consumed by the rich
and the poor alike, and it was one of the most essential items of food. The tax on salt and the
government monopoly over its production, Mahatma Gandhi declared, revealed the most oppressive
face of British rule. Further, Salt Satyagraha had a potential of mass appeal and mass-involvement.
Mahatma Gandhi’s letter was, in a way, an ultimatum.

Indian reaction to proposed 11 Points –

I. There was some resentment among nationalist leaders over the 11 points as they saw it running
counter the Swaraj Declaration that was made just some time back. However Gandhi wanted to
see the sincerity of British.
II. Industrial class wholeheartedly supported Gandhian demands in full as they saw them more of
economic nature (levy of duty on foreign cloth and other demands if would have been accepted
would have promoted domestic indutry)

If the demands were not fulfilled by 11 March, the letter stated, the Congress would launch a civil
disobedience campaign. Irwin was unwilling to negotiate and no-response was given to deamnds.
Gandhi decided to go for Civil Disobedience. On this, Gandhi commented – ‘While he asked for the
bread, he was given a stone’on the apathetic attitude of Viceroy and British government over their non-
response to Gandhi’s pleas before he started Civil Disobedience Movement.

So, Mahatma Gandhi started his famous salt march accompanied by 78 of his trusted volunteers which
also included Sarojini Naidu. Congress vested in Gandhi power to launch Civil Disobedience Movment.
The march was over 240 miles, from Gandhiji’s ashram in Sabarmati to the Gujarati coastal town of
Dandi. The volunteers walked for 24 days, about 10 miles a day. Thousands came to hear Mahatma
Gandhi wherever he stopped, and he told them what he meant by swaraj and urged them to peacefully
defy the British. On 6 April he reached Dandi, and ceremonially violated the law, manufacturing salt by
boiling sea water. This marked the beginning of the Civil Disobedience Movement.

Masses participated in the movement. Salt laws were broken everywhere. Even women participated in
huge numbers. Kamla (wife of Nehru), Swarup Rani (Mother of Nehru) were at the forefront. In Tamil
Nadu, C Rajagopalchari led the march, In Malabar K Kelappan took the lead.

Thousands in different parts of the country broke the salt law, manufactured salt and demonstrated in
front of government salt factories. As the movement spread, foreign cloth was boycotted, and liquor
shops were picketed. Peasants refused to pay revenue and chaukidari taxes, village officials resigned,
and in many places forest people violated forest laws – going into Reserved Forests to collect wood and
graze cattle.

Other Impacts –

I. There was a wide scale boycott of liquor shops and in protest toddy trees were cut down
II. Women participated at large scale for the first time
III. Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan launched a Khudai Khidmatgar Movement at the North West Frotnier
IV. Rani Gaidillieu at the age of 13 responded to Gandhian call in Manipur and was sentenced for
life imprisionment and was released only in 1947
V. Chowkidar Tax Non-Pyment Campaign was initiated in the Eastern part of the nation
(Chowkidars were hated with their pro-government activities and were even considered
government spies).
VI. Forest laws were liberally violated in Southern and Central provinces
VII. Bardoli Satyagraha was launched by Patel just before Civil Disobedience movement and it
became a model no-tax campaign in other parts of the country during the Civil Disobedience
VIII. UP saw another form of ‘No-Revenue, No Rent’ Campign. No-Revenue call was for Zamindars
and they were asked not to pay revenue to government and No-rent call was for cultivators.
IX. A variety of mass mobilization techniques like Prabhat Pheris, Patrikas (illegal newsprint) were
used. Children were organized into Vanar Sena and Girls into Manjari (cat) Sena.

Dharsana Satyagraha, 1930 – Dharasana Satyagraha was a protest against the British salt tax in colonial
India in May, 1930. Following the conclusion of the Salt March to Dandi, Mahatma Gandhi chose a non-
violent raid of the Dharasana Salt Works in Gujarat as the next protest against British rule. Hundreds of
satyagrahis were beaten by soldiers under British command at Dharasana. In a peaceful move led by
Sarojini Naidu, files of Satyagrahis faced the lathis of police and they fell in line, only to be replaced by
other line. The ensuing publicity attracted world attention to the Indian independence movement and
brought into question the legitimacy of British rule in India.

British Response – Worried by the developments, the colonial government began arresting the Congress
leaders one by one. This led to violent clashes in many palaces. A frightened government responded
with a policy of brutal repression. Peaceful Satyagrahis were attacked, women and children were
beaten, and about 60,000 people were arrested. Big leaders like C Rajagopalachari, Vallabhai, Jawahar,
Madan Mohan Malviya, J M Sengupta etc were also arrested. Gandhi too was arrested in May 1930 and
leadership was transferred to Abbas Tyabji and he too was arrested. Later Sarojini took the lead, but
she was also arrested. Government came up with many ‘repressive resolutions’, ‘Congress was declared

Success of Movement –

 It rallied masses like never before

 Import of foreign goods was effectively boycotted
 Students and Women participated in masses
 Workers also joined the movement big time

Failures of Movement –

 Not all social groups were moved by the abstract concept of swaraj. One such group was the
nation’s ‘untouchables’, who from around the 1930s had begun to call themselves dalit or
oppressed. For long the Congress had ignored the dalits, for fear of offending the sanatanis, the
conservative high-caste Hindus. Dr B R Ambedkar, who organised the dalits into the Depressed
Classes Association in 1930, clashed with Mahatma Gandhi at the second Round Table
Conference by demanding separate electorates for dalits.
 Muslims – except in NWFP under Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan – show apathetic response. They were
polarized by communal rhetorics of leaders as well as government’s positive response to their
demands. After the decline of the Non-Cooperation-Khilafat movement, a large section of
Muslims felt alienated from the Congress. From the mid-1920s the Congress came to be more
visibly associated with openly Hindu religious nationalist groups like the Hindu Mahasabha. As
relations between Hindus and Muslims worsened, each community organised religious
processions with militant fervour, provoking Hindu-Muslim communal clashes and riots in
various cities.
 Lukewarm Support from Industrial Class
 Poor participant from peasents

Non-Cooperation vs Civil Disobedience – People were now asked not only to refuse cooperation with
the British, as they had done in 1921-22, but also to break colonial laws. So, it was an ideological
progression. This time objective was complete independence. There was poor Muslim participation this
time and labor participation was also poor.

This movement, however, catapulted Gandhi on international arena and for the first time women also
participated in large number in a national movement.


Background – As British repression became harder during Civil Disobedience Movement, it led to
sufferance of common people. In such a situation, Mahatma Gandhi once again decided to call off the
movement and he along with many others was arrested only to be released in 1931. Congress didn’t
participate in first Round Table Conference which was though attended by Muslim League, Hindu
Mahasabha, Chamber of Princes, the Liberals and Dalits and it was speculated that any agreement
without the participation of Congress will be futile. Irwin was also anxious to find a solution and in a
gesture he released the political prisioners and decided to directly talk to Gandhi.

In this backdrop, Gandhi entered into a pact with Irwin on 5 March 1931. The Pact and direct Gandhi-
Irwin talks put Congress on equal terms with government and this move of Irwin was also criticized in
Britain for shedding too much space.

Below were the proposed conditions –

I. Discontinuation of the civil disobedience movement by the Indian National Congress

II. Participation by the Indian National Congress in the Round Table Conference
III. Withdrawal of all ordinances issued by the British Government imposing curbs on the activities
of the Indian National Congress
IV. Release of prisoners arrested for participating in the civil disobedience movement
V. Removal of the tax on salt, which allowed the Indians to produce, trade, and sell salt legally and
for their own private use.
Things that were not accepted by British as a part of Gandhi Irwin pact or Delhi Pact –

I. However, Congress demand for a police enquiry into arrests and atrocities made during Civil
Disobedience movement was rejected.
II. Commutation of sentences of Bhagat Singh and his comrades
III. The pact also didn’t accept demand of immediate return of the lands confiscated during
movement (this caused musch resentment among the radicals)

By this Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Gandhiji consented to participate in a Round Table Conference in London and
the government agreed to release the political prisoners. The pact was criticized by radicals for not
extracting definite gains from government and compromising on the demand of Swaraj by agreeing to
participate in Round Table Conference. Gandhij was perhaps aware that mass movements are
essentially short lived and he tried to leverage the situation by extracting some gans from British


Background – The Gandhi-Irwin pact was criticised by radical nationalists, for Gandhiji was unable to
obtain from the Viceroy a commitment to political independence for Indians; he could obtain merely an
assurance of talks towards that possible end. It was organised even as many Congress leaders opposed
the Gandhi-Irwin pact, for the government had not accepted even one of the major nationalist demands
(viz – demand for police enquiry, return of confiscated peasant lands). It had not agreed even to the
demand that the death sentence on Bhagat Singh and his two comrades be commuted to life
imprisonment. It was termed as a bourgeoise agreement, which ignored masses. However, the session
aimed at approving Gandhi Irwin Pact.

Gandhiji prevailed upon the session to approve the agreement. He was greeted with black flag and
flowers by angry protestors. Further, Gandhiji and Congress as national representatives in that
congress was disputed by three sections – Muslim League, Princly states and BR Ambedkar (he
accused congress of ignoring the welfare of lower castes).

However, the session is significant from following point of views –

I. It endorsed Delhi Pact or Gandhi Irwin Pact

II. For the first time it moved a resolution on Fundamental Rights and the draft resolution was
prepared by Jawahar Lal Nehru (session was presided over by Vallabhai Patel)
III. It for the first time explained the concept of Purna Swaraj and reiterated it as goal
IV. It also declared that interests of minority will be looked after and their culture will be preserved
V. It acknowledged the brave sacrifice of Bhagat Singh and others

Significance of the Karacahi Resolution lies in the fact that – it remained the basic essence of political
and economic programmes of Congress in later years.
Karachi Congress Resolution, 1931 – Swaraj as conceived by the Congress should include real economic
freedom of the masses. The Congress declares that no constitution will be acceptable to it unless it
provides or enables the Swaraj Government to provide for –

I. Freedom of expression, association and meeting.

II. Freedom of religion.
III. Protection of all cultures and languages.
IV. All citizens shall be equal before the law.
V. No disability in employment or trade or profession on account of religion, caste or sex.
VI. Equal rights and duties for all in regard to public wells, schools, etc.
VII. All to have right to bear arms in accordance with regulations.
VIII. No person to be deprived of property or liberty except in accordance with law.
IX. Religious neutrality of State.
X. Adult Suffrage.
XI. Free compulsory primary education.
XII. No titles to be conferred.
XIII. Capital punishment to be abolished.
XIV. Freedom of movement for every citizen of India and right to settle and acquire property in any
part thereof, and equal protection of law.
XV. Proper standard of life for industrial workers and suitable machinery for settlement of disputes
between employers and workers and protection against old age, sickness, etc.
XVI. All labour to be free from conditions of serfdom.
XVII. Special protection of women workers.
XVIII. Children not to be employed in mines and factories.
XIX. Rights of peasants and workers to form unions.
XX. Reform of system of land revenue and tenure and rent, exempting rent and revenue for
uneconomical holdings and reduction of dues payable for smaller holdings.
XXI. Inheritance tax on graduated scale.
XXII. Reduction of military expenditure by at least half.
XXIII. No servant of State ordinarily to be paid above Rs 500 per month.
XXIV. Abolition of Salt tax.
XXV. Protection of indigenous cloth against competition of foreign cloth.
XXVI. Total prohibition of intoxicating drinks and drugs.
XXVII. Currency and exchange in national interest.
XXVIII. Nationalisation of key industries and services, railways, etc.
XXIX. Relief of agricultural indebtedness and control of usury.
XXX. Military training for citizens.


Background – The Congress had boycotted the first Round Table Conference (1930) which was actively
attended by princely states, Ambedkar and other non-Congress parties. Ambedkar also raised the issue
of separate electorate for Dalits and Jinnah demanded more safeguards for the Muslims (these two
demands were reflected in Communal Award of 1932). After Gandhi-Irwin Pact, Gandhi was sent as a
representative of Congress.

Objective of Round table Conference – Round table conference were in line with the constitutional
progtression envisaged by the British which were outlined by the Simon Commission as well to chart out
a future course of action for political mechanism in India. One of the prime objective of Congress to
participate in it was demand of Indians for more autonomy and dominion status.

Though the round table conferences were termed as 1st, 2nd, and 3rd. It will be wrong to term as so
because – it was basically a single conference that was held in three sessions.

In April, before Second Round Table Conference, Irwin was replaced by new Viceroy Willingdon and he
was not ready to take a liberal attitude as taken by Irwin. Even before Gandhi left for Conference there
were complaints regarding the non-release of prisioners in some areas, repression of Khudai
Khidamtgars in NWFP and Gandhi was refused permission to go there.

Non-Congress parties were involved by the British in a big way at the 2nd Round Table Conference as
well. In December 1931, Gandhiji went to London for the conference, but the negotiations broke
downon the minority issue. Not only Muslims demanded separate electorate, this time minorities led by
Ambedkar also demanded separate electorate. British also refused to grant Dominion Status a key
demand of Congress. Gandhi pressed upon point of Constitutional reforms and leaving behind
communal arguments. But no consensus was reached and he returned disappointed. It failed because of
initial non-attendance by the Congress and because Gandhi, who later did attend, claimed he was the
only representative of all of India.

Outcomes –

I. Two new Muslim majority provinces – NWFP and Sindh to be created

II. Setting up of Indian Consultative Committee
III. Prospect of a unilateral Communal Award if Indians failed to agree.
IV. New right/conservative government under Churchil refused to put Congress on equal footing
and adopted a stern attitude, in its aftermath new Viceroy refused to have a meeting with

Back in India, Gandhi discovered that the government had begun a new cycle of repression. Gaffar Khan
and Jawaharlal Nehru were both in jail, the Congress had been declared illegal, and a series of measures
had been imposed to prevent meetings, demonstrations and boycotts. Press was gagged and Congress
was still facing ban. New Viceroy Willington and Secretary of State had adopted a tough stance against
Gandhi and they decided not to negotiate any further like the former Viceroy Irwin didearlier.

With great apprehension, Mahatma Gandhi relaunched the Civil Disobedience Movement. For over a
year, the movement continued, but by 1934 it lost its momentum due to severe repression by

Causes of Failure of 2nd Phase of Civil Disobedience Movement –

 Major Leaders were Behind Bars
 Poor Support from Peasentry
 Inertia and apparent disappointment from Gandhian politics

To break the lull in activities, council entry was suggested on the line of Swarajists by Satayamurti which
was later endorsed by likes of Bhulabhai Desai, M A Ansari. As a result Congress participated in Central
Legislative Elections of 1934 and it won a heavy majority.

Within Congress as well, an alternative ideological development happened and Congress Socialist Party
was born as a left leaning faction.

In the meanwhile, many nationalists thought that the struggle against the British could not be won
through non-violence. In 1928, the Hindustan Socialist Republican Army (HSRA) was founded at a
meeting in Ferozeshah Kotla ground in Delhi as an offshoot of Hindustan Republican Association visibly
influenced by socialist ideas. Amongst its leaders were Bhagat Singh, Jatin Das and Ajoy Ghosh. In a
series of dramatic actions in different parts of India, the HSRA targeted some of the symbols of British
power. In April 1929, Bhagat Singh and Batukeswar Dutta threw a bomb in the Legislative Assembly. In
the same year there was an attempt to blow up the train that Lord Irwin was travelling in.

New Viceroy Willigdon who replaced Irwin believed that government did a major mistake by reaching a
truce with Congress and by putting Gandhi on equal par. He was determined this time to crush


Background – In the wake of inconclusive Round Table Talks, British government had declared that, if a
consensus was not reached on separate representation of minorities, a unilateral communal award will
be made. Government kept its promise in form of Communal Award of 1932.

The Communal Award was by the British Prime Minister Ramsay McDonald on 4 August 1932 to grant
separate electorates to minority communities in India, including Muslims, Sikhs, and Dalit (then known
as the Depressed Classes or Untouchables) in India (during Round Table Discussions, separate electorate
was demanded by not only Muslim Leaders but by Ambedkar and other minorities as well). The
depressed classes were assigned a number of seats to be filled by election from special constituencies in
which voters belonging to the depressed classes only could vote.

The award was opposed for provision of separate electorate by Congress and other nationalist leaders
and was viewd as a part of ‘Divide and Rule’ policy of Britain. The Award was highly controversial and
opposed by Mahatma Gandhi. Gandhi called the award as – ‘English Attack on Hindu-Muslim Unity’. He
argued that what Dalits need is eradication of untouchability and discrimination and not further division.
In the award he saw similar consequences of Muslim having separate electorate and ultimately
demanding a separate nation. He began an indefinite hunger strike at Yerwada Central Jail from
September 20, 1932 to protest this Award.
Communal Award was supported by many among the minority communities, most notably the Dalit
leader, Dr. B R Ambedkar. Madan Mohan Malviya acted as a mediater between Gandhi and Ambedkar
and after lengthy negotiations, Gandhi reached an agreement with Dr. Ambedkar to have a single Hindu
electorate, with Dalits having seats reserved within it (in fact, seats for Dalits were increased after the
Pact). This is called the Poona Pact. Electorates for other religions like Muslim and Sikh remained

After this pact, Gandhi put renewed effort towards upliftment of Dalits. He started a magazine called –
Harijan and he also spent one year in community service of Dalits and spreading the message of
untouchability. However, orthodox Hindus sternly opposed his efforts.

Soon after that in 1934, Gandhi renounced the membership of Congress and expressed his desire to put
Jawahar in as next leader. As a result, Jawahar was elected president in 1935 and 1936.


Background – Third Round Table Conference happened in 1932, and no Congress leader participated.
However its discussion and discussions of earlier Round Tables and Simon Commission
recommendations led to the enactment of 1935 Act.

The Act provided for an all India federal structure as a union of Princly States and Provinces. Inclusion of
Princly States was an idea to act as a balance against the rising nationalism in the provinces.

Features of the Act –

I. It introduced Federalism in India with Princly States and Provinces being its parts and
introduced Federal List, Provincial List and Concurrent List. However, this never became a reality
for Princly States didn’t approve this.

II. Provincial Autonomy replaced Provincial Diarchy (after unpopular nature of Dyarchy in
Provinces, Simon Commission suggested its abolition) i.e. Responcible Government was
introduced in Provinces. Governor has to now act on the advice of the miniters responsible to
Provincial Legislature.

III. Bicameralism was introduced in 6 out of 11 Provinces.

IV. There was also to be a bicameral federal legislature in which the (princly) states were given
disproportionate weight age. Moreover, the representatives of the states were not to be elected
by the people, but appointed directly by the rulers.

V. NWFP was given status of province and Burma was separated from India (Burma became part of
India only during British)

VI. Diarchy at federal/central level was introduced and abolished at provincial level

VII. Emergency power was vested in Governor General and Governors in Provinces – The Governor-
General and the Governors were to be appointed by the British government. Though power was
given to provinces, the Governors were given special powers. They could veto legislative action.
Moreover, they retained full control over the civil service and the police.Governer General was
given ‘Emergency Powers’.

VIII. Separate Electorate was provided for Hindu and Muslims as was provided by 1909 and 1919
Acts too.

IX. Limited Franchise – Only 14 per cent (1/6) of the total population in British India was given the
right to vote. Even this legislature, in which the princes were once again to be used to check and
counter the nationalist elements, was denied any real Power.

X. Key Portfolios were kept under British Control – Defense and foreign affairs remained outside
its control, while the Governor-General retained special control over the other subjects.

XI. Lower house termed as – Legislative Assembly and Upper House as Council of States

XII. Vote on Budget was also allowed

XIII. ‘Vote of No Confidence’ and ‘Idea of Collective Representation’ was introduced.

XIV. There were also other features of the act like – Establishment of a Fedearl Court, A Federal
Bank (RBI), Federal Public Service Commission etc.

Foreign rule was to continue as before; only a few popularly elected ministers were to be added to the
structure and the Congress condemned the Act as ‘totally disappointing’. The act was condemned by
one and all. Jawaharlal Nehru termed this Act as – ‘The Act is a car without engines, but all brakes’.

It didn’t mention the Dominion Statusas was promised by Simon Commission.

It also carried on provision of separate electorate which would also lead to further communal divide.
Separate electorate was long opposed by Congress.

On the basis of the Act, the first ‘provincial elections’ were held in February 1937 and they conclusively
demonstrated that a large majority of Indian people supported the Congress and it recorded majority in
8 out of 11 provinces. Congress ministries were formed in July 1937 in seven out of eleven provinces.
However they had to work under supervision of governor.

Despite the criticism of the Act at that time, many of the provisions of the Act were adopted by the
government of India after Independence and this act was landmark in terms of concessions provided to
Indians and the changes that it proposed in the governing system. This is the reason that it is termed as
‘Point of no return to freedom’.

Congress for the first time officially demanded establishment of a Contitutional Aseembly in its 1935
session based on adult franchise to draft Constitution.
Jawahar Lal Nehru, Bose, Congress Socialists and Communists were against the idea of entering into
Provincial elections which were scheduled to be held in 1937 for the first time according to the 1935 Act.
According to them it defeats their purpose because –

 Paticipating would dilute their stand and will be akin to cooperating with the repressive
 Assuming offices after elections means having ‘responsibility without power’ as the governing
structure has not changed much
 Assuming the office would take away the revolutionary character that movement has assumed
since 1919

Others argued that while focus of congress is still on the activities outside the legislature, entering the
legislatures is only a short term tactic to bust the Act of 1935 from within and to practically demonstrate
the hollowness of the Act. It was also termed as a part of all round strategy with ultimate goal as
independence. With this assurance, Jawahar started his campaign extensively in 1936 and in his election
manifesto made three things clear –

 Goal of Congress is still attainment of Independence

 Congress still rejects 1935 Act
 Formation of Constituent Assembly is still top priority of Congress (INC in 1936 for the time
proposed to constitute the Constitution Assembly to form the Indian Constitution)

Congress won in majority of provinces with exception of Bengal, Sind, Punjab, Assam, NWFP etc and it
formed ministries in many of them. To match their acts with their electoral promises, leaders took the
steps like – reduced their salaries, travelled through trains in second and third class. It initiated many
reforms, passed many legislations, freed political prisioners.

The elctions also had another undesirable outcome. It widened the rift between Congress and the
League and it became more communal and more strident in its demand of a separate nation. The
Congress’s failure to mobilise the Muslim masses in the 1930s allowed the League to widen its social
support. The Congress’s rejection of the League’s desire to form a joint Congress League government in
the United Provinces in 1937 also annoyed the League.

However, its performance was limited by various factors, especially in the field of agrarian reforms –

I. Inherent power still lied with center and Viceroys and Governors had the power to veto their
II. Congress had little financial resources as lion’s share was taken by the Center
III. According to mechanism of bicameralism in provinces, most of the provinces, there were
‘legislative councils’ also which had elections on the basis of limited franchise and were occupied
by the landlords, zamindars and other elites. A lower house support was often not enough to
pass a legislation and this led to compromise on many issues including agrarian reforms which
ran counter to the interests of these members.
IV. Vested interests withing Congress also scuttled its plans of reforms and infightings and bickering
further aggravated it

Muslim League and 1937 election – The election came as a great disappointment for Muslim League.
Jinnah was called from London to lead Muslim League in 1935, but despite that it secured only around
100 seats out of the allotted 480 seats. This failure left it with no choice but to resort to communalism
and it got manifested in the 1937 by elections in UP when it rallied the voters on the name of Allah and
Kuran. Nehru strongly condemned this Act. This was turning point in the history of communalism in
India when it took an extreme form which was aggravated in coming years.


Gandhi had retired from Congress in 1934 and Congress under Jawahar’s leadership has acquired a taste
of socialism and radicalism. Subhas was chosen unanimously in February 1938 session of Congress at
Haripura to built upon that trend. In that session under the leadership of Bose, Congress passed a
resolution to opposition to the impending imperialistic war.

Difference between Gandhi and Subhash – However, Gandhi had a sympathetic corner for British in this
hour of difficulty and he also didn’t like the idea of Subhash to join the other European forces in a bid to
bring freedom to India. Other issue was Subhash’s plan for industrialised development, which Gandhi
opposed in favor of grass root level changes. These differences came in open in the next session of
Congress of 1939 in Tirupuri when Gandhi fielded Patabhai Sitaramaiya as candidate and he was
defeated and Bose re-elected.

Bose declared its opposition to fascism and imperialism alike and passed a resolution in this effect along
with a resolution demanding independence and forming a constituent assembly. He also openly criticized
moderate policies of Congress and called for an aggressive movement. This open criticism irked many
veterans and 12 of the working Committee members (out of 15) resigned and in the same year Govind
Vallabh Pant moved a resolution to form a new working committee under Gandhian leadership. The
resolution was passed and Bose stepped down from presidency.

Congress Socialist Party refrained from voting and Bose called it as a betrayal. He formed Forwards Block
in 1939, first as a part of Congress then parted ways with it.


In 1939 World war broke out and British declared participation of India in War without permission from
or consultation with Indians. League (on conditional support that constitutional decisions will be taken
with its consent) and Princly States supported the War.

Gandhi expressed sympathy, while Subhash urged for taking benefit of this situation to launch a full
blown movement. Nehru was in middle and argued for refraining from the war and at the same time not
taking advantage. ‘Tell me the difference between Imperialism and Fascism’, remarked Nehru.
British offered Dominion Status to India after War, but Congress found it too little too late. All Congress
ministers resigned from provinces in 1939 in protest of alleged involvement of India in war without
consultation with Indians. League celebrated 22 December 1939 as ‘Deliverence Day’ from Congress

Congress agreed to provide conditional support and put forward two demands –

 After the war constituent assembly should be convened

 Immediately some form of responsible government should be established at the center

Viceroy Linglithgo rejected these demands. Government tried to use Chamber of Princes and Muslim
League against Congress. It further wanted to regain lost ground on pretext of war.

A nationalist movement was not initiated by Congress during the war because –

 Gandhi and other leaders thought that cause of Allied Forces was just and it will be unfair to go
for a national movment at this difficult hour
 Secondly, communal passions were at an all times high and this threatened any new national
movement also and a movement may degenerate into a communal riot
 Most importantly, leaders thought that people were not ready for the mass movement at this

Gandhi wrote – ‘We don’t seek our Independence out of British ruin’. This view was summed up in the
Ramgarh Session of the Congress when the working committee passed a resolution to this effect.

However, as the condition of Allied Forces aggravated and a danger loomed even on India, Congress
agreed for a conditional support if the British free India after the war.

To negotiate the demands of Indians of Complete dependence Viceroy made an offer known as –
‘August Offer’ – which didn’t talk of independence and was rejected by both League and Congress.

In the meanwhile in 1940, Muslim league demanded a ‘separate constituency’ (still a demand for
separate nation was not there) for Muslims in its Lahore Resolution.

Gandhi launched an Individual Satyagraha in the meanwhile.

Amidst this, British PM sent Stafford Cripps to forge a compromise with Gandhi and Congress and seek
their support for war. Talks broke down, however, after the Congress insisted that if it was to help the
British defend India from the Axis powers, then the Viceroy had first to appoint an Indian as the Defence
Member of his Executive Council.


Amidst all the confusion over war and Congress’ dielemma of joining the war, Muslim League passed a
resolution in its 1940 session declaring that ‘Muslims are not a minority, but a separate nation’. This
gave rise to ‘Two nation Theory’. It called for the creation of 'independent states' for Muslims in British
India. The constituent units of these states were to be autonomous and sovereign (The name ‘Pakistan’
had been suggested in 1933 by a Cambridge scholar Rehmat Ali, but was not formally announced in this


The August offer 1940 was made on August 8, 1940 by Viceroy Lord Linglithgow, the eve of the Battle of
Britain in which it was beleagured to seek support of India by providing some concessions on front of
self-rule that were earlier demanded by Indians.

The offer in principle accepted the demand for Constituent Assembly.

The Viceroy at the time, Lord Linlithgow, made a fresh offer that promised –

I. Dominion Staus
II. The expansion of the governor-general's Executive Council to include more Indians
III. The Establishment of an Advisory War council
IV. Giving full weight to minority opinion
V. Recognition of Indians' right to frame their own constitution (after the war would end), framed
‘mainly’ by Indians.

In return, it was hoped that all parties and communities in India would cooperate in Britain's war efforts.

However, the Congress as well as League rejected this offer, and Gandhi viewed it as having ‘widened
the gulf between Nationalist India and the British ruler’ and he launched ‘Individual Satyagraha’ as
result. Nehru reacted that – ‘Dominion Status is dead as door nail’.

However, this offer for the first time recognized right of Indians to frame their own constitution.
Further, for the first time Dominion Status was explicitly offered.


Background – In 1940, after refusal of August Offer, Congress was in a fix again. While some wanted to
organize a mass Civil Disobedience movementas they saw it as a right opportunity as Britain was
entangled in war, others – mainly Gandhi – wanted to go for Individual Satyagraha as he didn’t want to
take advantage of difficult situation of the British.

Its aim was to show that nationalist patience was not a symbol of weakness and people made no
difference between colonialism and Nazism. Further, it was a warning to government as well as giving it
another opportunitiy.

There were three people who were nominated by Gandhi himself as Individual satyagrahi. First was
Acharya Vinoba Bhave. He was arrested soon after he started it. Other two were Jawaharlal Nehru and
Brahama Dutt. They too were arrested. Individual Satyagraha was very limited and was withdrawn by
end of 1940. However it was relaunched in 1941 and this times it had some mass appeal and thousands
were arrested.
Background – In 1939 the Viceroy, Lord Linlithgow, declared India a party to war without consulting
Indian political leaders or the elected provincial representatives. This caused considerable resentment in
India and provoked the resignation en masse of elected Congress Party Provincial Governments in 1939
(which were elected in 1937), giving rise to the prospect of public revolt and political disorder in India.
Government tried to reconcile with August Offer, but that was rejected and instead Individual
Satyagraha was launched. News that ‘Atlantic Charter’ won’t be applicable to Indians (which was signed
between US and Britain and provided the freedom to people to chose their own government) further
angered Indian leaders.

It was another attempt in late March 1942 by the British government to secure Indian cooperation and
support for their efforts in World War II. The offer was made in a situation in which, Britain was pushed
against the wall in wake of rising facism aggression –

 As Japan approached towards Asia, British felt a need to garner support of British Indian Army.
 There was also pressure from Allied forces to seek Indian cooperation.

Pandit Nehru and Mulana Azad were official negotiators with the Cripps Mission. Cripps spent a major
chunk of his time in bringing congress and league on the same table. But, there was little trust between
the British and Congress by this stage, and both sides felt that the other was concealing its true plans.

Major Features of Cripps Mission were (Almost same as August Offer) –

I. Dominion Status with later right to withdraw from Commonwealth

II. Reconstitution of Viceroy’s Executive Council
III. Constitutional Making Body for India – Consisting of elected members of provinces and
representatives from princely states
IV. War Executive Council – A war executive council was proposed having Indian representation,
however Defense of India will be retained by the government
V. Provinces may have separate Constitution

Unlike August offer, it gave offer of Constitution making by Indians alone and not ‘mainly’ by Indians as
proposed in August Offer. Secondly, it was given right to withdraw from Commonwealth.

Failure of Cripps Mission –

I. It spent most of the time in negotiations with Congress and League which remain adamant.
II. Viceroy and Secretary of State worked from behind to sabotage its efforts.
III. Gandhi's opposition led the Indian National Congress to reject the British offer;
IV. Cripps' modification of the original British offer, which provided for no real transfer of power
and offered only Dominion Status which was rejected by Indians
V. Another major reason was the Cripps incapacity to bargain, he was told to not go beyond the
boundaries of Draft Plan.
While the demand of Congress was of Independence, Gandhi said that Cripps’s offer of Dominion status
after the war was a ‘Post dated cheque drawn on a crashing bank’.

Major objections of Congress were dominion status. It also objected to the basis of nomination of the
princely states through nomination and not by people themselves. Right of provinces to secede also
went against plan of united India. Muslim League criticized idea of a single union. Depressed felt that
partition will leave them at the mercy of Hindu and Muslim majority elite.


Background – Failure of August offer and Cripps Mission has left Indians with little choice and
government has also shown repressive tendencies as witnessed in Individual Satyagraha. Government
was also adamant with its lame proposal of Dominion Status. There was a general price rise and
hardship for common man in wake of war. News of reversals suffered by British in War and expectations
of its imminent collapse as the Imperial Japanese Army advanced closer to India with the conquest of
Burma, Indians perceived an inability upon the part of the British to defend Indian soil.

When the British remained unresponsive, Gandhi and the Congress began planning a major public
revolt, the Quit India movement – the first truly pan Indian mass movement. This period concurred with
the rise of the Indian National Army, led by Subhash Chandra Bose. The British response to the Quit India
movement was to throw most of the Congress leadership in jail. Jinnah took a separate line and instead
supported British and League even participated in provincial elections.

In the 8th August Bombay session, Congress passed the Quit India resolution at Gowalia Tank and its
draft was prepared by Jawahar Lal Nehru and seconded by Patel. Gandhi called for a ‘Do or Die’ and gave
slogans of ‘Quit India’ and ‘Bharat Choro’. Very next day of Gowalia Tank meet, major leaders were
arrested under ‘Operation Thunderbolt’ launched by the British.

Common people showed unprecedented heroism, but they also faced unprecedented repression. On
the name of war, government had armed itself with draconian provisions and laws.

There were other events like – Forcing people in Bengal and Orissa to restrict the use of their boats in
fear of Japanese capture and use against British, news from South East were that British only evacuated
white natives when Japanese attacked and thus leaving locals on their fate.

This lead to anger and confusion and people came on roads, hartaals ensued and clashes happened.
Underground activities started and even parallel governments were formed like the one in Satara. A new
underground leadership emerged led by Achyut Patwardhan, R M Lohia, Sucheta Kriplani, Chhotubhai
Puranik, R P Goenka and J P Narayan.

A new event happened in 1943, when Gandhi announced a 10 day fast in Jail in response to British
government’s exhortation to condemn the violence committed by people. Instead of condemning the
violence, Gandhi fasted on. It raised public anger many a fold. He issued specific instructions to various
groups –

I. Government Servants – Don’t resign, but declare your allegiance to the Congress.
II. Soldiers – Don’t leave the army, but don’t ire on your compatriots
III. Students – If confident leave the studies
IV. Peasants – If Zamindars are pro-government, don’t pay the rent. If they are anti government,
V. Princes – Support the masses and accept the sovereignty of people.

The movement was short lived, but significant as it marked a new high in mass participation and made it
amply clear to British that it will no longer be possible to suppress the masses. Students and the
peasantry served as the backbone, middle class and bureaucracy sided government.

Sardar Vallabhai Patel was the most fervent supporter of Gandhi’s proposal for an all-out campaign of
civil disobedience during Quit India Movement. He participated in Gandhi’s call for individual
disobedience, and was arrested in 1940 and imprisoned for nine months. He also opposed the proposals
of the Cripps’ mission in 1942.

Muslim league after the Quit India came with its own ‘Divide and Quit’ demand.

Features of Quit India Movement –

I. It was a spontaneous movement

II. It was not non-violent like earlier movements of Gandhi, it was first violent movement and the
last one too launched by Gandhi. There were many incidences of violence
III. It didn’t attract labor class in general
IV. Gandhi didn’t call for the government servants to leave their jobs but declare their support to
Congress. Similarly he asked army not to leave, but not fire on compatriots.

Phases of Quit India Movement –

I. Urban Phase – Lasted for only one week

II. Rural Phase – Sabotage of government communication lines and transportation. It lasted for a
few months around 3-4 months
III. Under ground movement – it was the most violent and long lasting. All India Congress Radio
was operated by Usha Mehta. Asif Ali and Aruna Asif Ali trained everyone to operate multiple
IV. Parallel Governments – Various parallel governments were formed –
a. Balia, UP – Under Chittu Pandey
b. Tumluk, Bengal – Tamralipta National Government of Tumluk was different as it set up
separate police, and revenue system. It also carried out relief work, supplied paddy from
rich to poor. They also had an active Women’s Wing ‘Bidyut Vahini’. Its major leaders
were – Ajoy Kumar Mukharjee, Matangini Hazara, Satish Chandra Samanta, Sushil
Kumar Dhara.
c. Satara, Maharashtra – Under Achyut Patwardhan, YB Chavan, Nana Patil etc. Village
libraries were formed and Nyayadan Mandals were organized, prohibition campaigns
were organized.
Quit India repression was one of the most violent repressions since repression of 1857. Around 10,000
people lost their lives.

It made in a way final assertion of the will of people who were determined now not be held back by any
false promises.


Background – Muslim League was intransigent on any issue of conciliation with Congress. Gandhi
wanted a united India and sought to break this deadlock and on C Rajaji’s inducement he got ready for
talks. C Rajagopalachari proposed a formula (or C R formula or Rajaji formula) to solve the political
deadlock between the All India Muslim League and Indian National Congress on independence of India
from the British. It was presented via a pamphlet ‘The Way Out’.

It offered the League the after independence, Pakistan based on plebiscite of all the peoples in the
regions where Muslims made a majority and in turn Muslim League should support the demand for
Independence. This in some way gave approval for separate Pakistan to which as per C Rajaji, Gandhi
also agreed as formula had provision that after Independence if plebiscite called for a separate
sovereign Pakistan, so it be.

Although the formula was opposed even within the Congress party, Gandhi used it as his proposal in his
talks with Jinnah in 1944. However, Jinnah rejected the proposal and the talks failed. Jinnah refused to
accept the Rajaji Formula as Itdid not meet the League’s full demand for Pakistan. The provision of
plebiscite in the formula didn’t go down well with the Muslim leaders. They agreed for plebiscite only in
some areas and not in all places.

In talks with Gandhi also, Gandhi loathed the idea of two separate nations which lead to their failure.
Gandhi was adamant that any talk of partition should be held after British leave India which was not
acceptable to Jinnah.

Hence, Jinnah rejected the initiative, telling his Council that it was intended to 'torpedo' the ‘Lahore
resolution’; it was 'grossest travesty', a 'ridiculous proposal' and he termed it as – ‘a shadow and a husk,
maimed, mutilated Pakistan’.

To end the deadlock another attempt was made. Bhullabhi Desai and Liaqat Ali Khan came up with a
draft of forming an ‘interim government’ at the center, consisting of –

I. Equal number of representatives nominated by League and Congress

II. 20% seats reserved for minorities


As the Gandhi-Jinnah talks over Rajaji formula failed, government offered another way to reconcile the
differences between the two. The Shimla Conference was a 1945 meeting between Viceroy Wavell and
the major political leaders of India at Simla, India to discuss composition of Viceroy’s Executive Council.
Convened to agree on and approve the Wavell Plan for Indian self-government, it reached a potential
agreement for the self-rule of India that provided separate representation to Muslims and reduced
majority powers for both communities in their majority regions.

However, talks stalled on the issue of selection of Muslim representatives.The conference broke down
on the insistence of Jinnah that his party should have an exclusive right to nominate Muslim members of
the Viceroy’s Executive Council. This was something which the Congress could not concede without
repudiating its national composition and saw this as an attempt to brand itself a caste Hindu party.

This scuttled the conference, and perhaps the last viable opportunity for a united, independent India.
When the Indian National Congress and All India Muslim League reconvened under the Cabinet Mission
the next year, the Indian National Congress was far less sympathetic to the Muslim League's requests
despite Jinnah's approval of the British plan.

In the meanwhile, Government changed in Britain and hostile Churchil was replaced by Clement Attlee
of Labor Party. Pethwick Lawrence became new secretary of state.

Further, elections were held in 1945-46 in India too and both Muslim League and Congress won heavily
in their respective constituencies. This further bolstered the confidence of Muslim League.


INA was first formed by Mohan Singh and was later reorganized by Rash Behari Bose. Mohan Singh,
Niranjan Shah Gill and Mohammed Akram were the Indian expats who for the first time originally
formed INA with the help of Japan. However, later due to disagreement with Japanese, INA was
disbanded and they were again made PoW.

Rash Bihari Bose also contributed significantly to unite various local Indian Independence Leagues in
East Asian countries to form All India Independence League. Command of INA was given to Subhash
when he arrived in 1943.

Subhash formed a provisional government in Singapore and formed INA headquarters in Rangoon and
Singapore and he famously gave the call of ‘Delhi Chalo’. Netaji hoisted Indian flag in Andaman in
December 1943 and renamed the islands as – ‘Shahid’ and ‘Swaraj’ in memory of martyrs.

In 1944, INA started to advance along the eastern border and Kohima was taken. In the Imphal
Campaign one Indian battalion led by Shah Nawaz was also allowed to go along Japanese. However, the
failure of Imphal Campign and unequal treatment by Japanese demoralized INA soldiers. With the
Japanese surrender in 1945, Azad Hind Fauj’s dream to liberate India was also shattered.

After surrender, famous INA trials at Red Fort took place in 1945-46. This saw massive rally of people
and un-precedented emotional support for the brave patriots. Though the court martial held found the
officers guilty, government under pressure released them. Trials garnered huge support cutting across
the community lines as one of the main leaders was Hindu, Prem Sehgal, one was Muslim, Shah Nawaz
Hussain and one a Sikh, Gurbaksh Singh Dhillon.
During war time, Indian Armies were also employed to restore French and Dutch colonies and this also
fuelled anti-imperialist sentiments as Britain on one hand was talking independence on the other hand
was promoting colonialism.

In Calcutta, an INA officer Rashid Ali was sentenced for 7 years and this caused much anger.

In June 1944, with the end of the war in sight, Gandhiji was released from prison. Later that year he held
a series of meetings with Jinnah, seeking to bridge the gap between the Congress and the League.

The prevailing conditions made it amply clear to the British that holding India away from Independence
will no londer be feasible in a post war arena because –

 It has grown weak

 Peer pressure from US and Russia
 Signals from INA for other possible armed struggles
 Final straw came by RIN mutiny, which proved that army which used to be the stronghold of
Britsh cannot remain insulated to national events, further strike by Signals Corps at Jabalpur also
indicated similar things. These events broke the notion of loyal-Indians and they realized that
Indians can no longer be relied for administrative work

In 1945, a Labour government came to power in Britain under prime minister Clement Attlee and
committed itself to granting independence to India. Meanwhile, back in India, the Viceroy, Lord Wavell,
brought the Congress and the League together for a series of talks. Elections took place with separate
electorate and both Muslim league and congress participated and both recorded overwhelming majority
in their respective reserved seats. And it made the political polarization complete, which culminated in
the partition.


It started with an incident when a sailor on board of INS Talwar wrote ‘Quit India’ and he was arrested
for this, however causes were deep rooted. Racil discrimination, unpalatable food, poor working
conditions, abuse by senior officers, INA trials were the causes.

The Royal Indian Navy mutiny (also called the Bombay Mutiny) encompasses a total strike and
subsequent mutiny by Indian sailors of the Royal Indian Navy on board ship and shore establishments at
Bombay (Mumbai) harbour on 18 February 1946. From the initial flashpoint in Bombay, the mutiny
spread and found support throughout British India, from Karachi to Calcutta and ultimately came to
involve 78 ships, 20 shore establishments and 20,000 sailors.

It was repressed by force by the British Royal Navy. Only the Communist Party supported the strikers; the
Congress and the Muslim League condemned it.

Two interpretations of movement –

I. Revolt for Freeedom – Nationalist historians on the far left have looked at the mutiny as a revolt
against the British Raj and imperial rule.
II. Revolt against Bad Condition of Sailors - However naval historians argue that internal
conditions in the Royal Indian Navy were more important sources of unrest.

Notably, the mutinying ships hoisted three flags tied together — those of the Congress, Muslim League,
and the Red Flag of the Communist Party of India (CPI), signifying the unity and demarginalisation of
communal issues among the mutineers.

Rallies were organized in support of mutineers, food and essential items were sent on ships, hartals
were organized.

The mutiny was called off following a meeting between the President of the Naval Central Strike
Committee (NCSC) and Vallabh Bhai Patel of the Congress, who had been sent to Bombay to settle the
crisis. Patel issued a statement calling on the strikers to end their action, which was later echoed by a
statement issued in Calcutta by Mohammed Ali Jinnah on behalf of the Muslim League.

The mutiny was significant because till that day there has been no revolt from the armed forces and
this had a moral effect on masses and it electrified the whole nation. It prompted British government to
treat INA prisioners with lineancy and only those who were accused of murder, and brutal crime were
put to trial. Soon Cabinet Mission also followed.


In post world war time, Indians have revealed their heroic tendencies during Quit India and INA. New
struggle took place in the form of massive movement against onviction of INA soldiers. Under enormous
pressure, government set them free.

Change in attitude of government in post war period was because of –

I. Power equation changed in post war period and both USA and Russia supported cause of
independence of colonies including India.
II. War caused huge economic drain on Britain
III. There was a government change in Britain and Labor party won elections. Hostile Churchil was
replaced by a more pragmatic Clemen Attlee who supported Indian cause.
IV. British soldiers were haggard after war and were not willing on further foreign jaunts.
V. British faith in Indian army and administrative machinery was also broken after RIN mutiny and
Signals corps at Jabalpur.
VI. Congress as well as Muslim League performed well in provincial elections giving boost to
support for domestic rule.


After failure of Gandhi-Jinnha talks (1944) and Wavell plan (1945) Cabinet Mission was sent to India to –

I. Discuss the formation of interim government and outline of future government

II. Setting up of a constituent assembly.
Cabinet mission stood for united India. It was a last opportunity to avoid partition. Its members were –
Cripps, Pathwick Lawrence, Alexender

Attitude of British Government was now considerably changed due to following reasons –

 War wearied away UK and it was no more a global superpower.

 New Labor government was more sympathetic to Indian demands.
 There was an anti-imperialist wave in South East Asia.
 British soldiers were haggard and economy in a shambles.
 RIN mutiny was a strong signal that Indians will no longer subjugate to imperial oppression

A Cabinet Mission sent in the summer of 1946 failed to get the Congress and the League to agree on a
federal system that would keep India together while allowing the provinces a degree of autonomy.

The Cabinet Mission toured the country for three months and recommended a loose three-tier
confederation. India was to remain united. It was to have a weak central government controlling only
foreign affairs, defence and communications with the existing provincial assemblies being grouped into
three groups. Initially all the major parties accepted this plan. It made following proposals initially –

I. A united Dominion of India would be given independence with opt-out clause.

II. Formation of a Constituent Assembly
III. There will be compulsory grouping with three groups.
 Muslim-majority provinces would be grouped in two groups (Group B and C) –
Baluchistan, Sind, Punjab and North-West Frontier Province would form one group, and
Bengal and Assam would form another.
 Hindu-majority provinces in central and southern India would form another group
(Group A).
IV. The central government would be empowered to run foreign affairs, defence and
communications, while the rest of powers and responsibility would belong to the provinces,
coordinated by groups. (this provision lend a truly federal structure, which was not acceptable
to center leaning congress)
V. Princly states will no longer be under Crown and they will be free to join the successor or
continue their relations with Britain.

June 16 Plan – Congress rejected the concept of grouping – while League was vouching for compulsory
grouping, Congress wanted a choice for provinces to join any grouping – as well as power to provinces
and in this wake a revision was made which envisaged separate states for Hindus and Muslims and a
choice for provinces to take any of the sides (Though British suggest that that initially only provinces will
be grouped compulsorily, later on after formation of constitution, they will be free to get out of their
grouping to other grouping. But Congress rejected it).

Congress later ruled out the June 16 plan also calling it divisive. However Muslim League agreed to it.

Elections of Constituent Assembly in 1946 resulted in huge Congress majority which Jinnah termed as
‘Brute Majority’. This further stoked Muslim League’s apprehensions of Congress dominance in partition
and it led to demand for separate nation which was rejected by Congress. The rejection of cabinet
mission plan combined with recent Constituent Assembly results led to a resurgence of confrontational
politics beginning with the Muslim League's call for general strike known as‘Direct action day’ and they
called for – ‘Lekar rahenge Pakistan, Larkar lenge Pakisatan’.

This led to confrontation on the day and subsequent communal riots and Bihar killings. Only Mahatma
Gandhi and Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan of the NWFP continued to firmly oppose the idea of partition.

In a last bid, Wavell was replaced by Mounbetton for last round of talks, but that too failed.

Out of senior Congress Leaders, it was Patel who was in favor of the Mountbetton Plan.


Since 1940 when the Muslim League raised the Pakistan proposal at its Lahore convention, it had
adopted an increasingly hostile attitude. Talks after talks failed including Cripps Mission talks, CR
Formula (Gandhi Jinnah Talks), Desai-Liaquat Pact and finally Cabinet Mission. In the 1946, the Muslim
League contested the elections on the plank of Pakistan, and an overwhelming 97% of the Muslim
population of Bengal voted for Muslim League, but it also resulted in huge Congress majority which
Jinnah termed as ‘Brute Majority’. This further stoked Muslim League’s apprehensions of Congress
dominance in partition. The Muslim League refused to accept the Cabinet Mission plan and also refused
to join the Interim Government or Constituent Assembly. Congress on the other hand rejected the
demand for a separate state for Muslims.

The rejection of cabinet mission plan combined with recent Constituent Assembly row led to a
resurgence of confrontational politics beginning with the Muslim League's ‘Direct action day’ (16 August
1946) as a general strike in Calcutta and they called for – ‘Lekar rahenge Pakistan, Larkar lenge

On that day meeting would be held all over the country to explain League's resolution. In Bengal, the
only Muslim League ruled province in British India, the day was declared a public holiday. However
things turned ugly on the day of strike after initial skirmeshes between the two communities. Kolkata
witnessed an unprecedented mass violence in the next five days, leaving 4,000 dead. Violence in
Calcutta sparked off further religious riots in the surrounding regions of Noakhali, Bihar, United Province
(modern Uttar Pradesh), Punjab, and the North Western Frontier Province. These events sowed the
seeds for the eventual Partition of India.

Noakhali genocide was a series of massacres, rapes, abductions and forced conversions of Hindus and
loot and arson of Hindu properties, perpetrated by the Muslim community in the districts of Muslim
dominated Noakhali and Tipperah in the Chittagong Division of Bengal in October–November 1946.
Gandhi, camped in Noakhali for four months and toured the district in a mission to restore peace and
communal harmony.
Background – The failure of the Cabinet Mission was followed by the collapse of the Interim
Government. Furthermore, by the end of 1946 communal violence increased in the country and the
British feared that India would settle for a civil war. In such a tumultuous situation, Lord Mountbatten
replaced Lord Wavell as Viceroy of India in 1947.

Mountbatten's formula was to divide India and at the same time retain maximum possible unity.

The actual division between the two new dominions of India and Pakistan was accomplished according
to what has come to be known as the 3rd June Plan or Mountbatten Plan. It was announced at a press
conference by Mountbatten on 4 June 1947, and the date of independence was also announced – 15
August 1947. The main points of the plan were –

I. Partition – Muslim-dominated areas may be separated to form a Dominion. In that case such
domination would be constituted by a partition of Bengal and the Punjab Hindus and Muslims in
Punjab and Bengal legislative assemblies would meet and vote for partition. If a simple majority
of either group wanted partition, then these provinces would be divided.
II. Referendum for NWFP and Sylhet – The fate of North West Frontier Province and Sylhet district
of Bengal was to be decided by a referendum.
III. India would be free by 15th August 1947.
IV. Princly States – Independence of princely states was ruled out. They would either join India or
Pakistan. Independence for Bengal also ruled out.
V. A boundary commission to be set up in case of partition.

The Muslim league's demand of a separate state was thus conceded. Congress' position on unity was
also taken into account while integrating the princely states to India.

Gandhi and Azad had been totally opposed to Mounbatten Plan as it confirmed the division of country.


Indian Independence Act was passed in July 1947, which specified the following –

I. The British rule of India should be over on the midnight of August 15, 1947.
II. An independent dominion of India shall be created out of the United Provinces, Central
Provinces, Bombay Presidency, Madras Presidency, the Carnatic, East Punjab, West Bengal,
Assam and the Northeast Frontier Agency. The territories of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands
and the Lakshadweep Islands are also turned over to the Indian Dominion.
III. An independent dominion of Pakistan shall be created out of the provinces of West Punjab,
North West Frontier Province, Sindh and East Bengal.
IV. The all Princely states that were officially related to British Empire were made free from all the
treaties and relationships and they could decide which dominion to join.
V. Both the Indian and Pakistan Dominions would be members of the British Commonwealth and
was allowed to leave whenever they pleased.
VI. Both Dominions of India and Pakistan were completely self-governing in their internal affairs,
foreign affairs and national security but the British monarch will continue to be their head of
state, represented by the Governor-General of India and a new Governor-General of Pakistan.


Right after the first rebellion of 1857, a section of Muslims Syed Ahmed Khan felt that Muslims are not
getting due representation in India in every field.

I. Muslim League – Muslim League was founded in 1906.

II. Separate Electorate – It is argued that separate electorate of 1909 was one of the major acts
that deepened the rift between Hindu and Muslims.
III. Lucknow Session of 1916 – It defacto gave consent to separate electorate.
IV. Non-Partition in Civil Disobedience – Participation of Muslims in Civil Disobedience, 1930, was
V. Demand of Autonomous Region – Iqbal for the first time in 1930 put forward demand of an
autonomous region for the Muslims
VI. Pakistan – Rehmat Ali a Cambridge scholar coined the term Pakistan in 1933 (Punjab,
Afghaistan, Kashmir, Sindh, Baluchistan)
VII. Congress Attitude in 1937 Elections – In 1937 elections after gaining majority, Congress denied
forming coalition with League
VIII. Lahore Session and ‘Two Nation Theory’ – 1940 – The Lahore Session of League passed a
resolution with Theory of Two Nations.
IX. Divide and Quit – While Congress called for Quit India, League called for ‘Divide and Quit’ in
X. Direct Action Day, 1946 – Muslim League called a general strike in August 1946 and called it
Direct Action Day. Foreign government instead of curbing the riots that ensued after call of
Direct Action Day rather encouraged these by their divisive policies perhaps to play the two
newly independent states against each other.
XI. Religious Angle – The efforts of the Arya Samaj to bring back to the Hindu fold (shuddhi) those
who had recently converted to Islam irked Muslims. Hindus were angered by the rapid spread of
tabligh (propaganda) and tanzim (organisation) after 1923.Other developments like Hindu
groups like Hindu Mahasabha (1915), RSS, celeberation of Hindu festivals etc further reinforced
the Hindu Identity.
XII. In the end, the secular and radical rhetoric of the Congress merely alarmed conservative
Muslims and the Muslim landed elite, without winning over the Muslim masses.

Gandhi’s Bid to Restore Peace – He moved to villages of East Bengal (present-day Bangladesh) to the
villages of Bihar and then to the riot-torn slums of Calcutta and Delhi, in a heroic effort to stop Hindus
and Muslims kill each other, careful everywhere to reassure the minority community. In October 1946,
Muslims in East Bengal targeted Hindus. Gandhiji visited the area, toured the villages on foot, and
persuaded the local Muslims to guarantee the safety of Hindus. Similarly Gandhi persuaded Hindus to
refrain from violence in other parts like Delhi. He held a fast in Delhi which made many to change their
hearts and minds. However, the streak of hatred could be ended only with the martyrdom of Gandhi.

Approximately one third of the total area was under princely states when India got independent. A big
challenge was to integrate them into Indian union. With efforts of Vallabhai Patel most of them became
part of India. Only three – Junagarh, Hyderabad and Kashmir didn’t join. They were later integrated by
various methods.


While Gupta age is considered golden period, 18th century India is considered the dark ages in
cultural history of India. By this time many evil practices had gripped Indian society and women
were the biggest sufferers. Due to decline of Mughals and Marathas, politically also, India was

Raja Ram Mohun Roy was the first modern man and father of Indian Renaissance which was
rimarily driven by upper middle class. 19th century is regarded as century of Indian Renaissance.
It was not the result of British rule as the British always delayed the spread of technology and
modernism into India as it was against their colonial interests. Indian Renaissance aimed at
reviving past glory of India, break the shackles of ignorance and exploitation. Its biggest focus
was liberation of woman.

The word ‘renaissance’ in European history meant ‘rebirth’. During this time Bengal saw a new
vigour in the areas of social religious reforms which also affected arts, literature and science

Factors that affected Renaissance in Bengal were –

 The boost of British-Bengali commerce

 The introduction of English education
 British Orientalism
 Christianity
 The way Bengali intellectuals themselves responded to these influences.

The Bengal renaissance can be said to have started with Raja Ram Mohan Roy and ended with
Rabindranath Tagore. Other socio-religious reformers were Aurobindo Ghosh, Ishwer Chandra
Vidyasagar etc. While Ram Mohan Roy and Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar were the pioneers,
others like Bankim Chandra Chatterjee broadened it and built upon it.

The renaissance emphasized on development of local languages and literature. Many

masterpieces like Neel Darpan, Anand Math were produced during this time which were
universal in outlook.

Efforts were also made to recover Indian history by the likes of R G Bhandarkar, Elphinstine,
Jadunath Sarkar etc.

This movement questioned existing orthodoxies, particularly with respect to women, marriage,
the dowry system, the caste system and religion.
One of the earliest social movements that emerged during this time was the Young Bengal
Movement that espoused rationalism and atheism as the common denominators of civil
conduct among upper caste educated Hindus.

The Young Bengal movement (1820-1830) adopted rationalism and atheism as core tenets. The
Young Bengal movement was a group of radical Bengali free thinkers emerging from Hindu
College, Calcutta in the early 19th century. They were also known as Derozians, after their
firebrand teacher at Hindu College, Henry Louis Vivian Derozio who was inspired by French
Revolution of 1789. He was removed from Hindu College soon afterwards due to his radicalism
and died of Cholera at the age of 22. The Young Bengals were inspired and excited by the spirit
of free thought and revolt against the existing social and religious structure of Hindu society.
Derozians however remained confined to textbook radicalism. They didn’t take up the cause of
peasants or depressed class.

The Bengal Renaissance also saw the emergence of pioneering Bengali scientists such as
Jagadish Chandra Bose, Satyendra Nath Bose (Satyendra Nath Bose worked on Bose-Einstein
statistics and the theory of the Bose-Einstein condensate.), Upendranath Brahmachari and
Meghnad Saha (Meghnad Saha was a astrophysicist best known for his development of the Saha

Art and Bengal Renaissance – The Indian art of painting which had almost died down in the
nineteenth century was revived during this time. E B Havell, the Head of the Calcutta School of
Art, together with his colleague and fellow-artist, Abanindranath Tagore began to preach the
beauty of Indian art especially Mughal and Ajanta style. A society called ‘The Indian Society of
Oriental Art’ was established and classes were taken by Tagore. Abanindranath Tagore is known
as the father of the new renaissance in painting. He trained pupils who are famous today,
namely Aurendra Ganguly, Nandalal Bose, K Venkatappa, Hakim Khan, Asit Kumar Haldar and
Samrendranath Gupta.

In the political pre-independence scenario, a huge number of debating societies and

newspapers appeared. Personalities like Kashi Prasad Ghosh (1809-1873), Kristo Pal and Sisir
Kumar Ghosh explicitly expressed their political opinions and would not hesitate to exercise
their newspapers to achieve political ends, often in direct defiance to British rule. Ultimately the
roots of Indian independence can be traced back to the Bengal Renaissance.


The Asiatic Society was founded by Sir William Jones (1746–1794) on January 15, 1784 at the
Fort William in Calcutta, then capital of the British Raj, to enhance and further the cause of
Oriental research.


Northeast became part of India for the first time after this treaty.
It was an outcome of the First Indo-Burmese War. According to the treaty, the Burmese agreed
to – (1) cede to the British Assam, Manipur, Rakhine (Arakan), and Taninthayi (Tenasserim) coast
south of Salween river, (2) cease all interference in Cachar and Jaintia, (3) pay an indemnity of
one million pounds sterling in four installments, (4) allow for an exchange of diplomatic
representatives between Ava and Calcutta, and (5) sign a commercial treaty in due course. The
treaty ended the longest and most expensive war in British Indian history. For the Burmese, it
was to be the beginning of the end of their independence. The British would make two more
wars against the much weaker Burmese, and swallow up the entire country by 1885.


'The Battle of Chinhat' was fought on the morning of June 30, 1857, between British forces and
Indian rebels, at Ismailganj, near Chinhat (or Chinhut), Awad/Oudh. The insurgent force, which
consisted of mutineers from the East India Company's army and retainers of local landowners,
was led by Barkat Ahmad, a mutineer officer of the Company's army and Maulvi Ahemdullah
Shah or Danka Shah. British forces under Henry Lawrence were defeated.


Sir Courtenay Ilbert wanted to bring about a change in the existing law because he wanted to
change the existing law of the country with regard to the trial of Europeans. The Criminal
Procedure Code of 1873 laid down that except in Presidency towns no Magistrate or Sessions
Judge could try a European British subject unless he himself was a European by birth. By this
time, many Indian members of the covenanted civil service (higher civil services) were occupying
posts of responsibility and dignity. As a result justice demanded that the Indian Magistrates be
given the same authority as their European counterparts. The Government thus made up its
mind to abolish the judicial disqualifications based on race distinction. In 1883, Ilbert prepared a
Bill to bring out the Indian and the European Magistrates on the same footing. Howevr
Europeans strongly opposed such a move and ultimately the bill was presented in much
modified form. History says that political unrest in India received a great stimulus from the
European Opposition to the Ilbert Bill. Due to the Ilbert Bill controversy the nationalist
movement of India also began to take shape.


The Theosophical Society is an organization formed in 1875 to advance the spiritual principles
and search for truth known as Theosophy. The Theosophical Society was originally formed in
New York City by Colonel H S Olcott and was later shifted to Adyar Chennai.

Their motivation was the ‘wisdom of the East’. It was a movement led by westerners who
glorified Indian religious and philosophical traditions. This helped Indians recover their self-
confidence, even though it tended to give them a sense of false pride in their past greatness. The
society promoted the study of Aryan, Zorastrian, Buddhist and other Scriptures, of the World’s
religion and sciences, and to vindicate the importance of old Asiatic literature, namely, of the
Buddhist, Brahmanical, and Zoroastrian philosophies.
Annie Besant (was not a founder) was one of the most important members of the Society in
India and also became its president. She fought for the causes she thought were right, starting
with freedom of thought, women’s rights, secularism birth control, Fabian socialism and
workers’ rights. Besant set up a new school for boys, the Central Hindu College (CHC) at Benares
which was later turned into Banaras Hindu University by Madan Mohan Malviya.


The Servants of India Society was formed in Pune, Maharashtra, on June 12, 1905 by Gopal
Krishna Gokhale. Along with him were a small group of educated Indians, as Natesh Appaji
Dravid, Gopal Krishna Deodhar and Anant Patwardhan who wanted to promote social and
human development and overthrow the British rule in India. Its primary aim was to create a
cadre of selfless workers. The Society organized many campaigns to promote education,
sanitation, health care and fight the social evils of untouchability and discrimination, alcoholism,
poverty, oppression of women and domestic abuse. They ran many night schools, free day
schools and public libraries. The publication of ‘The Hitavada’, the organ of the Society in English
from Nagpur commenced in 1911.


The Ahrar movement was a militant movement started after partition of Bengal and had a
nationalist and militant agenda. Hakim Ajmal Khan, Hasan Imam, Mohemad Ali were some of
its leaders. They rejected Aligarh school and were influenced by the modern ideas of self-rule.


It was a Japanese ship that was used by Singapore based Indian businessman and fisherman
Gurdit Singh Sandhu to take the Sikh migrants to Canada during the turbulent times of World
War-I (who has earlier failed to make to Canada due to its strict immigration policy). However,
the 356 of passengers on board it were not allowed to land in Canada, and the ship was forced
to return. In the meanwhile, World War broke out and the ship also failed to find anchor at
other places also. Ultimately it landed at Indian port in Calcutta.

The Komagata Maru arrived in Calcutta on September 27, 1914. Upon entry into the harbour,
the ship was forced to stop by a British gunboat, and the passengers were placed under guard.
The government of the British Raj saw the men on the Komagata Maru as dangerous political
agitators in wake of rising revolutionary activities in Punjab and Bengal. When the ship docked
at Budge Budge, the police tried to arrest Baba Gurdit Singh and some 20 other men. Reacting
to this some members revolted and in the process, shots were fired and 19 of the passengers
were killed and ship was kept under surveillance for 6 months in sea and passengers suffered
enormously. This incident became known as the ‘Budge Budge Riot’.

The incident became a rallying point to recruit members for the Ghadar movement, most
notably in support of promulgating plans to coordinate a massive uprising in India.

The All India Trade Union Congress (AITUC) is the oldest trade union federations in India and one
of the five largest.

It was founded on 31 October 1920 in Bombay by Lala Lajpat Rai(its first president) and N M
Joshiand a few others as an arm of Congress in support of workers (which were hitherto
unenthusiastic in taking participation in national movement) and, until 1945 when unions
became organised on party lines, it was the primary trade union organisation in India. Since then
it has been associated with the Communist Party of India.


Since 1858 Act, relations of the Princly States were not revised with the British Crown. There
was a longstanding demend that their relations be clarified. In above light, after the
recommendations of Mont-Ford commission, The Chamber of Princes was established in 1921 by
a royal proclamation of the King-Emperor to provide a ‘forum’ in which the rulers of the Indian
princely states could voice their needs and aspirations to the government of British India and
ensure greater cooperation with British.

It did not alter the relations between any state and the Paramount Power and was only an
advisory body.

BORSAD SATYAGRAHA (Against Punitive Taxes, 1922)

The Borsad Satyagraha took place in 1922, in Borsad, Gujarat. Borsad Satyagraha was a fight
against dual tyranny. The first involved two dacoits (Babar Deva and Ali) who committed
robberies and murders unchecked. Second, the Government levied a heavy punitive tax on the
Taluka for deployment of additional police. Initaially there was terror of Babar Deva, but the
police instead of protecting the villagers entered into a secret pact with a Muslim dacoit Ali and
provided him rifels and ammunitions, and pitted him against Babar Deva. The shots taken out of
the bodies of persons injured in the dacoities proved that the police rifles were being used by
the bandits. Government instead accepting its mistakes imposed punitive taxes and in failure to
pay them threatened to attach the properties of villagers. Vallabhbhai Patel publicly charged the
authorities and proved the allegations by photographs. Thereupon the Government withdrew
the police on the spot. Borsad Satyagraha and Bardoli Satyagraha improved the image of
Vallabhai as a national leader.


The socio-political movement, derived from ancient rite of shuddhikaran, or purification was
started Arya Samaj, and its founder Swami Dayanand Saraswati and his followers like Swami
Shraddhanand, who also worked on the Sangathan or consolidation aspect of Hinduism, in
North India, especially Punjab in early 1900s, though it gradually spread across India. There were
two major agenda of the movement –
 The movement strove to reduce the conversions of Hindus to Islam and Christianity,
which were underway at the time and at the same time push for the reconversion of the
 Shuddhi had a social reform agenda behind its belligerent rationale and was aimed at
abolishing the practise of untouchability by converting outcasts from other religions to
Hinduism and integrating them into the mainstream community by elevating their
position, and instilling self-confidence and self-determination in them.

The movement was vociferous in tone and called for avenge against the conversion and other
atrocities done by other communities, especially Muslims. However the movement created a
flashpoint between Hindus and Muslims as it offended Muslim and ‘Tanzeem and Tabligh’
movement was launched as a parallel movement. Ultimately, it led to death of the leader of the
movement, Swami Shraddhanand in 1926 by a fanatic. Gradually the movement faded away
especially with the rise of nationalistic fervor during the Civil Disobedience movement of
Mahatma Gandhi in the 1930s.


Hindus were angered by the rapid spread of tabligh (expansion of Islam) and tanzim
(organisation) after 1923. Tabligh movement was a Muslim revivalist movement. It is said that
these movements aimed at organizing Muslims and countering the Shudhi and Sangathan
movement launched by Arya Samajis.


Its main aim was to review the working of diarchy and other constitutional provisions as laid
down by Montegue Chelmsford reforms. The committee was also known as the ‘Reforms
Enquiry Committee’. The committee was set up due to the growing political unrest on the
diarchy issue of the Constitution.


There had been a longstanding request of the Chamber of Princes that the present powers of
intervention and political practice should be more clearly defined and their political relations
with the Paramount Power strictly limited by the terms of agreements and treaties entered into
from time to time. They often complained that there has been substantial infringement of their
contractual rights, to which they submitted through weakness or ignorance or a salutary respect
for the Government of India.

In this light, on 16th December 1927 a three-person committee under Harcourt Butler (1869-
1938) to examine the financial and economic relationships existing between British India and the
Indian Princly States. This committee thus, reviewed the question of Paramountcy. It gave the
following recommendations –
 Paramountey must remain supreme. It underscored that relations of the princely states
were with the Crown and not with the Indian government.
 States should not be handed over to an Indian government in British India, responsible
to an Indian Legislature. But it could be done with the consent of states.
 The viceroy was made the Crown’s agent in dealing with states.

The committee left it yet undefined creating ambiguity, which was appointed to define
paramountcy. By this definition in the report princes were shocked. As a result they resorted to
constitution of All India Union to save themselves from such vague concept of paramountey.
The report also posed challenge to possible integration after independence as princely states
could have interpreted the provisions as independent of new government.


Disappointed by the Nehru Report which demanded only Dominion Status, Jawahar and Bose
and other radical leaders founded ‘Independence for India League’ which aimed at


Khudai Khidmatgar literally translates as the servants of God, represented a non-violent freedom
struggle against the British Empire by the Pashtuns (also known as Pathans, Pakhtuns or
Afghans) of the North-West Frontier Province. Also known as ‘Surkh Posh’ or ‘Red Shirts’, it was
originally a social reform organisation focussing on education and the elimination of blood
feuds. The movement was led by Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan, known locally as Bacha Khan or
Badshah Khan. It was a non-violent movement and due to use of non-violent means in the
movement Abdul Gaffar Khan came to known as Frontier Gandhi. Red Shirts played a key role in
taking the Civil Disobedience movement to grass root in NWFP. During the Civil Disobedience,
they gathered critical mass in Peshwar and it also became significant because army refused to
fire on the protestors.


Also known as Royal Commission on Labor. It aimed at looking at existing problems with
industry in India. Its mandate was to report on the existing conditions of labour and to make
recommendations.G D Birla, N M Joshi etc were among the members of 11 members. Its report
in 1931 led to the passing of ‘Trade Dispute Act of 1931’


Under the leadership of Nehru Congress was influenced by socialist ideas. In 1936, when
Congress President Nehru expressed his idea of visiting Bombay, some industrialists including A
D Shroff, Homi Mody, Walchand Hirachand and in total 21 Businessmen issued a manifesto
openly criticizing Nehru’s socialist ideas.


After 1937 elections (which were held for the first time in Provinces), Congress came to power in
8 out of 11. Muslim league alleged that Congress ruled states have done atrocities on other
minorities, significantly on Muslims, and they have tried to suppress cultural rites and demote
Urdu. To enquire into these, Peerpur Committtee was established by Muslim League headed by
Raja Muhammad Mehdi.


Lahore Resolution had been the pioneering step of the Muslim League towards the creation of
Pakistan. Also known as Pakistan Resolution, the Muslim League adopted a formal resolution in
the three day session held from 22-24th March 1940 regarding their claim for a separate state
with Muslim majority. While the resolution was presented by A K Fazlul Haq, the name Pakistan
was initially suggested by Choudhury Rehmat Ali in his Pakistan declaration. The Lahore
Resolution remained relevant in the history of India as with this for the first time a formal
resolution was passed claiming for division of the United India on the basis of religion.


This was launched in Calcutta in 1940 by Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. After quitting Congress
and forming All India Forward Bloc, he gathered masses in Calcutta and declared to destroy the
Holwell Monument (the Black Hole Monument) of Calcutta that stood as a symbol of British rule
in India. For this, he was put in prision.


After two Japanese attacks on Christmas Island in late February and early March 1942 relations
between the British officers and their Indian troops broke downand some of the Indian troops
led by Sikh policemen mutinied killing the five British soldiers and the imprisoning of the
remaining 21 Europeans on the island. Later on 31 March, a Japanese fleet arrived at the island
and the Indians surrendered.


It was appointed in November 1944 to examine the communal question in a judicial framework
following the breakdown of the Gandhi-Jinnah talks on communal problems. The committee
submitted proposals to the viceroy, Lord Wavell, in an attempt to break the political deadlock
ensuing on the collapse of the Gandhi-Jinnah talks. The committee's report contained a detailed
historical analysis of proposals and claims of each community and a rationale for its
constitutional recommendations. On the critical question of partition, the Sapru Committee
made a fruitless plea to avert the creation of Pakistan.


The Telangana Rebellion or Vetti Chakiri Movement was a communist-led peasant rebellion
against the feudal lords (jagirdars and deshmukhs) of the Telangana region and later against the
Nizam of princely state of Hyderabad between 1946 and 1951. The most strident demand was
for the writing off of all debts of the peasants that were manipulated by the feudal lords.

This was led by the Communist Party of India.The communist led agitation was successful in
liberating over 3000 villages from the feudal lords and 10,000 acres of agriculture land was
distributed to landless peasants. Around 4000 peasants lost their lives in the struggle fighting
feudal private armies led by Razakar militias of the Nizam.


Dickie bird plan is also known as Plan Balkan. This plan was mooted by Mountbatten prior to his
famous 3rd June plan. In dickie bird plan it was decided that instead of giving sovereignity to a
common center, all the existing states be rendered free.Thus getting a large number of sovereign
territories in the country of present similar to the Balkan peninsula where a large no of contries
exist which were taken out of the original countries.


Sarvodaya is a term meaning 'universal uplift' or 'progress of all'. The term was first coined by
Mahatma Gandhi. Sarvodaya workers associated with Vinoba, J P Narayan and others undertook
various projects aimed at encouraging popular self-organisation during the 1950s and 1960s,
including Bhoodan and Gramdan movements. Many groups descended from these networks
continue to function locally in India today.


As Governor General, Hardinge attempted to modernise the equipment of the army. The Enfield
rifles that were introduced initially used the greased cartridges the sepoys rebelled against.


Romesh Chunder Dutt, was an Indian civil servant, economic historianand writer. He published –
‘The Economic History of India’ – A seminal work which highlighted the economic exploitation
by British. He along with M G Ranade and Dadabhai Naroji are credited with doing an economic
analysis of British rule, which is considered as the biggest contribution of Moderates


Sir Syed Ahmed Khan was an Indian educator and politician, and an Islamic reformer and
modernist. Sir Syed in the aftermaths of 1857 rebellion pioneered modern education for the
Muslim community in India by founding the Muhammedan Anglo-Oriental College, which later
developed into the Aligarh Muslim University. He also worked towards religious orthodoxies and
called for contemporary interpretation of Kuran as well. During the Indian Rebellion of 1857 he
remained loyal to the British and was noted for his actions in saving European lives. One of the
most influential Muslim politicians of his time, Sir Syed was suspicious of the Indian
independence movement and called upon Muslims to loyally serve the British Raj. He
denounced nationalist organisations such as the Indian National Congress. His biggest
contribution lies in promoting western education among the Muslim middle class whom he
wanted to progress and take on socio-economic opportunities.


Theodoer Beck was a British educationalist working for the British Raj in India, who was invited
by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan to serve as the first principal of the Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental
College in Aligarh, which would later evolve into the Aligarh Muslim University.


Badruddin Tyabji (Tyab Ali) was the third President of the Indian National Congress. Badruddin
Tyabji was the first Muslim to become the President of Indian National Congress.


Gokhale was a senior leader of the Indian National Congress and founder of the Servants of
India Society. He was also a close contributor of Deccan Education Society. Gokhale was
famously a mentor (political guru) to Mahatma Gandhi in his formative years. Gokhale was also
the role model and mentor of Mohammed Ali Jinnah. He was the first Indian to attack salt
legislation inside the Indian legislature.


Justice Mahadev Govind Ranade was a distinguished Indian scholar, social reformer and author.
He was a founding member of the Indian National Congress. During his life he helped establish
the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha and the Prarthana Samaj. He along with RC Dutt and Dadabhai
Naroji are credited with doing an economic analysis of British rule, which is considered as the
biggest contribution of Moderates. He was also vociferous against Purdah, child marriage and
other social evils. To encourage consideration of social problems, he started ‘Indian National
Social Conference’ which held sessions parallel to INC sessions to provide a forum for the
discussion of social issues.


E B Havell was an influential English arts administrator, art historian and author of numerous
books about Indian art and architecture. He was the principal of the Government School of Art,
Calcutta from 1896 to 1905, where, along with Abanindranath Tagore,he developed a style of
art and art education based on Indian rather than Western models, which laid to the foundation
of the Bengal school of art. He established the Indian Society of Oriental Art, which sought to
adapt British art education in India so as to reject the previous emphasis placed on European
traditions in favour of revivals of native Indian styles of art, in particular the Mughal miniature

Surendranath Banerjee was one of the earliest Indian political leaders during the British Raj. He
was wrongfully removed from Indian Civil Services as he fell in disfavor of his seniors. He
founded the Indian National Association along with Anand Mohan Bose as one of the earliest
He also became the patron of rising Indian leaders like Gopal Krishna Gokhale and Sarojini
Naidu. Banerjee was also one of the senior-most leaders of the moderate Congress. He was the
one who spearheaded the initial movement that started after partition of Bengal. Banerjee
supported the Morley-Minto reforms 1909 – which were resented and ridiculed as insufficient
and meaningless by the vast majority of the Indian public and nationalist politicians. In 1919
after opposition by Congrees to Montford reforms, he formed a separate party. Banerjee was a
critic of the proposed method of civil disobedience advocated by Mohandas Gandhi.


He was a moderate who presided over the famous Lucknow Session of 1916.


Pherozeshah Mehta, was a Parsi Indian political leader, activist, and a leading lawyer. He was a
moderate and was hence not directly opposed to the crown's sovereignty but only demanded
more autonomy for Indians to self-rule. He was one of the founders of INC. He was one of the
main moderates who vehemently opposed the extremists and he blocked re-entry of Tilak till his
death in 1915.


Madan Mohan Malaviya (1861–1946) was an Indian educationist, and freedom fighter notable
for his role in the Indian independence movement and his espousal of Hindu nationalism. He
was also addressed as 'Mahamana'. He is most remembered as the founder ofthe largest
residential university in Asia – Banaras Hindu University (BHU) at Varanasi in 1916. It was him,
who acted as mediator during the talks with B R Ambedkar to negotiate ‘Poona Pact’. He also
helped in founding of UP Kisan Sabha.


He is well known for his participation in Ahrar Movement and Khilafat Non-Cooperation
Movement and belonged to militant nationalism. Khan was one of the founders of the Jamia
Millia Islamia University, becoming its first chancellor in 1920.


He proposed to adopt complete independence for the first time as a goal in 1920 Ahmbdabad
session of the Congress. However, it was opposed by Gandhi, which led to the rejection of
resolution. He also took part in Khilafat Non Cooperation Movement as a front Muslim leader.

Satyendranath Tagore was the first Indian to join the Indian Civil Service. He was an author, song
composer, linguist and made significant contribution towards the emancipation of women in
Indian society during the British Raj.


Prafulla Chandra Ray (1861 –1944) was an Indian academician, a chemist and entrepreneur. He
was the founder of Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals, India's first pharmaceutical company
which was founded during the high spirits of Swadeshi movement. He was one of those who
contributed significantly to what is termed as Bengal Renaissance, with others like of Jagdish
Chandra Basu.


Charles Freer Andrews (1871 –1940) was an English priest of the Church of England and a
Christian missionary and social reformer in India. He was an educator and participant in the
campaign for Indian independence, and became a close friend and associate of Mahatma
Gandhi. He was instrumental in convincing Gandhi to return to India from South Africa. For
Andrews's contributions to the Indian Independence Movement Gandhi and his students at St.
Stephen's College, Delhi named him Deenabandhu.


George Arundale (1878 — 1945) was a theosophist, freemason, president of the Theosophical
Society Adyar. He worked closely with Annie Besant in formation of her ‘Home Rule League’. He
also remained princilple of Central Hindu College which Besant helped in establishing.


Narhari Parikh was an Indian freedom fighter and social reformer, who was a close associate of
Mahatma Gandhi and the chief architect of the Indian Independence Movement in Gujarat. He
especially worked for the upliftment of Kaliparaj (a word for depressed class meaning ‘Dark
People’). He along with Ravishankar Vyas and MohanlalPandya were key in Gujrat in organizing
Bardoli Satygraha along with Vallabhai Patel.


Abbas Tyabji (1853 – June 9, 1936) was an Indian freedom fighter from Gujarat, who once
served as the Chief Justice of the (Baroda) Gujarat High Court. Mahatma Gandhi appointed
Tyabji to replace him as leader of the Salt Satyagraha in May, 1930 after Gandhi’s arrest. Tyabji
was arrested soon afterward and imprisoned by the British Indian Government. Gandhi and
others respectfully called Tyabji the ‘Grand Old Man of Gujarat’.

He was a member of the Bombay Legislative Council during 1923-1925, and a leader of the
‘Swaraj Party’. He was one of the founding members of the ‘Swaraj Party’ along C R Das, Motilal
Nehru and was also later split away from it to form ‘Responsivist Party’ with Kelkar.


Maulana Abul/Abdul Kalam Muhiyuddin Ahmed Azad (1888 –1958) was an Indian Muslim
scholar and a senior political leader of the Indian independence movement. He was one of the
most prominent Muslim leaders to support Hindu-Muslim unity, opposing the partition of India
on communal lines. He became the first Minister of Education in the Indian government. Azad
was an exponent of the notion of wahadat-i-deen, the essential oneness of all religions. An
active participant in Gandhian movements and a staunch advocate of HinduMuslim unity, he
was opposed to Jinnah’s two-nation theory

He was posthumously awarded India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna in 1992. Azad
became the leader of the Khilafat Movement during which he came into close contact with
Indian leader Mahatma Gandhi. Azad became an enthusiastic supporter of Gandhi's ideas of
non-violent civil disobedience, and worked actively to organise the Non-cooperation movement
in protest at the 1919 Rowlatt Acts. He became the youngest person to serve as the President of
the Indian National Congress in 1923. He is also credited with the establishment of the ‘Indian
Institutes of Technology’ and the foundation of the University Grants Commission. He was totally
opposed to partition and along with Gandhi was most disappointed on the Mountbatten Plan.


Dr. Mukhtar Ahmed Ansari was one of the founders of the Jamia Millia Islamia University He was
an outspoken supporter of the ‘Khilafat movement’ and also led a medical mission to Turkey
during Balkan war of 1913. He alongwith S Satayamurthi, Asaf Ali, Bhulabhai Desai and B C Roy
was the one who advocated constitutional methods for the Central Legislative Assembly
Elections in 1934.


Asaf Ali (1888 – 1953) was an Indian independence fighter and noted Indian lawyer. He
defended Shaheed Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt as a lawyer, after they threw a bomb in
the Central Legislative Assembly on April 8, 1929, during the passage of a controversial
ordinance. He alongwith S Satayamurthi, Bhulabhai Desai and B C Roy was the one who
advocated constitutional methods for the Central Legislative Assembly Elections in 1934when
Congress was still in a state of flux after Civil Disobedience had been called off. He and his wife
Aruna Asaf Ali played a lead role during 1942 Quit India Movement when other leaders were in
Jail. He was one of the defendants of the Red Fort trialsalong with Tej Bahadur Sapru, Jawahar
Lal Nehru, and Bhullbhai Desai.

Bhulabhai Desai (1877 – 1946) was an Indian freedom fighter and acclaimed lawyer. He is well-
remembered for his defense of the three INA soldiers accused of treason during World War II,
and for attempting to negotiate a power-sharing agreement with Liaquat Ali Khan of the Muslim
League known as Desai Liaqat Pact.


He was an ascetic, nationalist and peasant leader of India. He was a social reformer. He is
credited with giving birth to Kisan Sabha movement. He founded Bihar Kisan Sabha (1929) and
played a key role in formation of All India Kisan Mahasabha in 1936. Thus he was one of the
pioneers of peasant movements in India.


Manabendra Nath Roy (1887 - 1954), popularly known as M N Roy, was an Indian nationalist
revolutionary and a communist leader known as father of communism in India. Roy was a
founder of the Communist Party of India and was a delegate to congresses of the Communist
International in Tashkantand started CPI in 1920 in Tashkant. He was was sentenced to six years
imprisonment for his role in the ‘Kanpur Communist Conspiracy Case’. He was the one who for
the first time advocated for the establishment of a Constituent Assembly in 1934.


Shripad Amrit Dange (1899 - 1991) was a founding member of the Communist Party of India
(CPI) and a stalwart of Indian trade union movement. Dange played an important role in
bringing the labor activists amongst Bombay textile workers under the communist umbrella.
Girni Kamgar Mahamandal was split and the communists formed their own union, the Girni
Kamgar Union during the general strike of 1928. He was one of the key accused in ‘Meerut
Conspiracy’. He was a key in establishinig ‘Girni Kamgar Union’ and helped communists to
establish a stranglehold in Bombay trade union movement and it was one of the initial trade
unions founded by Communists in India. He led two major strikes during which he was arrested
along with Muzaffar Ahmed and Shaukat Usmani.


Muzaffar Ahmed (1889 –1973) was a noted Bengali politician, journalist and communist
activist.In 1920, along with Kazi Nazrul Islam he started a new magazine, ‘Navayug’. He was one
of the pioneers to spread the communist movement in the Indian subcontinent. In 1924, he was
sentenced to four years of imprisonment in the ‘Kanpur Bolshevik Conspiracy’ Case along with S
A Dange, Nalini Gupta and Shaukat Usmani.


He is termed as ‘father of trade union movement in India’. He was the one who along with Lala
Lajpat Rai established the landmark trade union ‘All India Trade Union Congress’(AITUC) in 1920
while he was in Congree.

Jayaprakash Narayan (1902 –1979), widely known as JP Narayan, Jayaprakash, or Loknayak, was
an Indian independence activist and political leader, remembered especially for leading the
opposition to Indira Gandhi in the 1970s and for giving a call for peaceful Total Revolution. He
was posthumously awarded the Bharat Ratna. After being jailed in 1932 for civil disobedience
against British rule, Narayan was imprisoned in Nasik Jail, where he met Ram Manohar Lohia,
Minoo Masani. After his release, the Congress Socialist Party, or (CSP), a left-wing group within
the Congress, was formed with Acharya Narendra Deva as President and Narayan as General
secretary. He also played crucial role during Quit India movement.


N G Ranga (1900 – 1995), was an Indian freedom fighter, parliamentarian, and kisan leader. He
was an exponent of the peasant philosophy, and considered the father of the Indian Peasant
Movement after Swami Sahajanand Saraswati. Ranga joined the freedom movement inspired by
Gandhi's clarion call in 1930. He led the ryot agitation in 1933. Three years later, he launched
the Kisan Congress party. He held historic discussions with Gandhiji on the demand for a rythu-
coolie state. Post Independence, Ranga became the founder-president of the ‘Swatantra Party’
and held that post for a decade.


Tej Bahadur Sapru (1875 –1949) was an eminent lawyer, political and social leader in India
during the British Raj. He carried forward the moderate policies of Gopal Krishna Gokhale in the
radicalized post-Amritsar Massacre period after World War I. Sapru criticized Mahatma Gandhi's
leadership, as well as the Non-Cooperation Movement and the Salt Satyagraha. He however
acted as mediator on many occasions between the British and Nationalist. He played a critical
role in settling Gandhi-Irwin pact. He along with Malviya also acted as initiator of talks between
Ambedkar and Gandhi which finally lead to signing of Poona Pact. He was one of the defendants
of the Red Fort trials of INA soldiersalong with Jawahar Lal Nehru, Asaf Ali, and Bhullbhai Desai.
In 1944, he also headed the Sapru Committee to look into the communal question.


Achyut Patwardhan (1905 – 1992) was an Indian independence activist and political leader and
founder of the Socialist Party of India. He took a prominent part in the Quit India movement
which started in 1942 and led the underground activists. In 1945–46 he went underground, and
evading arrest, he ably directed the movement of a parallel government mainly in the Satara
district. He was called thereafter by many as ‘Sataryacha Sinha’ (The Lion of Satara).


Rammanohar Lohia was an Indian freedom fighter and a socialist political leader. His most
prominent role was during Quit India movementwhen most of the big leaders were in jails and
he along with likes of Achyut Batwardhan, Aruna Asaf Ali, Sucheta Kriplani, Chootubhai Puranik
and Usha Mehta operated underground and kept the movement going on.


They belonged to the Royal Indian Naval Ratings that revolted in 1946 against service conditions
and supporting the cause of freedom. B C Dutt was arrested during the mutiny for scrawling
‘Quit India’ on the ship HMIS Talwar, from where the mutiny started.


Nawabzada Liaquat Ali Khan was one of the leading Founding Fathers of modern Pakistan,
statesman, lawyer, and political theorist who became and served as the first Prime Minister of
Pakistan. He was second most important leader of Muslim League after Jinnah.

Development of nationalism has both positive and negative drivers and had both indigenous as well as
external causes.

Negative drivers included economic exploitation that was highlighted by likes of RC Dutt and Dadabhai
Narauji was key in heightening the level of awareness about economic condition, which later served as a
sound political base. Events like – Afghan War, Vernacular Press Act of 1878, Arms Act 1878, Ilbert Bill
Controversy during Ripon, holding of imperial durbar when famine was there in country in 1877. Racial
arrogance of British – British branded all Indians as inferior irrespective of their caste, class, creed, color
or religion – made people conscious of national humiliation and led them to think themselves of a single
group of people.

Positive drivers included – administrative unity, introduction of English as lingua franca – New ideas
about nationalism and democracy were explored by scholars from western literatures which were later
spread among masses. Means of communication – Railways and Telecommunication made it possible to
bind the nation into a single piece. Rise of early nationalism and political consciousness was a result of
western ideas themselves. Early nationalist leaders studied the nationalist movements of European
nations. Rousseau, Paine, JS Mill etc became their political guides while Mazini of Italy, Garibaldi and
Irish nationalist became their nationalist ideals.

Nationalism is created through ideas, symbols, slogans and collective identification. Many means are
used for this. Starting from the revolt of 1857, the early seeds were sown by the revolutionaries who
invoked a pan-Indian image of India by linking it to historical factors and Hindu-Muslim unity. Desire to
establish a political unit under the leadership of the Last Mughal flared such feelings.

Establishment of pan-Indian organisations like Congress helped to fan such ideas far and wider parts of
nations. National movements like Satyagraha, Non-Cooperation, Civil Disobedience also roused national
feelings. Pan Indian heros like Gandhi, Bhagat Singh and Subhas became cult national figures.
Nationalist literature also helped in arousing national feelings. The identity of the nation is most often
symbolised in a figure or image. This helps create an image with which people can identify the nation. It
was in the twentieth century, with the growth of nationalism, that the identity of India came to be
visually associated with the image of Bharat Mata. The image was first created by Bankim Chandra
Chattopadhyay in his ‘Vande Mataram’ as a hymn to the motherland. Hind Swaraj by Gandhi, First War
of Indian Independence by Sawarkar etc evoked such feelings. Early nationalist literature also made
significant contribution. Vishnu Shastri Chiplunkar in Marathi, Subramaniam Bharti in Tamil, Bhartendu
Harishchandra in Hindi, Altaf Hussain Hali in Urdu were some of the prominent poets.

Another means of creating a feeling of nationalism was through reinterpretation of history. By the end
of the nineteenth century many Indians began feeling that to instill a sense of pride in the nation, Indian
history had to be thought about differently. The British saw Indians as backward and primitive, incapable
of governing themselves. In response, Indians began looking into the past to discover India’s great
achievements. They wrote about the glorious developments in ancient times when art and architecture,
science and mathematics, religion and culture, law and philosophy, crafts and trade had flourished.

Ideas of nationalism also developed through a movement to revive Indian folklore. In late-nineteenth-
century India, nationalists began recording folk tales sung by bards and they toured villages to gather
folk songs and legends. In Bengal, Rabindranath Tagore himself began collecting ballads, nursery rhymes
and myths, and led the movement for folk revival. In Madras, Natesa Sastri published a massive four-
volume collection of Tamil folk tales, The Folklore of Southern India. He believed that folklore was
national literature.

In art and culture also nationalist ideas were invoked. Old culture was revived. Artists like Raja Ravi
Verma pained old Indian glory. Abnindranath Tagore painted Bharat Mata as a feminine representation
of India. As the national movement developed, nationalist leaders became more and more aware of
such icons and symbols in unifying people and inspiring in them a feeling of nationalism. During the
Swadeshi movement in Bengal, a tricolour flag (red, green and yellow) was designed. It had eight lotuses
representing eight provinces of British India, and a crescent moon, representing Hindus and Muslims. By
1921, Gandhiji had designed the Swaraj flag. It was again a tricolor (red, green and white) and had a
spinning wheel in the centre, representing the Gandhian ideal of self-help. Carrying the flag, holding it
aloft, during marches became a symbol of defiance.

Leading nationalist literary figures were –

 Vishnushastri Chiplunkar (1850-1882) was a Marathi writer, whose writings have had a decisive
influence on modern Marathi prose style. In 1880, he founded (together with Gopal Ganesh
Agarkar and Bal Gangadhar Tilak) the newspapers Kesari (in Marathi) and Maratha (in English).
He was the earliest doyens of extremist thoughts in Indian Nationalism.
 Rajanikanta Sen (1865-1910) was a Bengali (Indian) poet and composer, known for his
devotional (bhakti) compositions, as well as his patriotic songs. He played a major role during
the Swadeshi Movement in arousing national sentiments.
 Dwijendralal Ray (1863-1913) was a Bengali poet, playwright, and musician. He was known for
his Hindu mythological and nationalist historical plays. Following the 1905 Partition of Bengal,
Ray joined the cultural movement to reunite the two new Bengali provinces. It was during the
time he wrote several patriotic songs that are still immensely popular today.
 Mukunda Das (1878 -1934) was an Indian poet, ballad singer, composer and patriot, who
contributed to the spread of Swadeshi movementin rural Bengal. He was a student of Ashwini
Kumar Dutta in Barisal school.
 Subramanya Bharathi was a Tamil writer, poet, journalist, Indian independence activist and
social reformer from Madras Presidency, India. Popularly known as Mahakavi Bharathiyar, he is
considered to be a pioneer of modern Tamil poetry. He worked as a journalist with many
newspapers, notable among them being the Swadesamitran and India. Bharathi was also an
active member of the Indian National Congress. He worked along with Chidambram Pillai and
Subramaniya Siva during Swadeshi Movement.
 Kazi Nazrul Islam (1899–1976), sobriquet ‘Bidrohi Kobi’(Rebel Poet), was a Bengali poet,
musician and revolutionary who pioneered poetic works espousing intense spiritual rebellion
against fascism and oppression. Nazrul started a bi-weekly magazine, publishing the first
‘Dhumketu’ on August 12, 1922. Kazi Nazrul Islam became a critic of the Khilafat struggle,
condemning it as hollow, religious fundamentalism. Also known for his communist leanings, in
1920, along with Muzzafar Ahmed he started a new magazine, ‘Navayug’. He is now the
national poet of Bangladesh.
 M Veeraraghavachariar (1857-1906) was an Indian journalist, freedom-fighter and teacher from
the erstwhile Madras Presidency. In 1878, he and four of his friends, G Subramaniaiyer, P
Anandacharlu founded the English-language newspaper, The Hindu.
 G Subramania Iyer was a leading Indian journalist, socialreformer and freedom fighter who
founded 'The Hindu' newspaper on September 20, 1878. He also started Swadesamitran, the
Tamil language newspaper in 1882. Subramania Iyer actively participated in the Indian
Independence movement. He was one of the 72 delegates present at the Bombay Conference at
Tejpal Sanskrit College on December 12, 1885, which resulted in the founding of the Indian
National Congress.

Some famous literary works that played important part in national movement are –

 Amrita Bazar Patrika was one of the oldest newspapers in India; it is written in Bengali. It
debuted on 20 February 1868. It was started by Sisir Ghosh and Moti Lal Ghosh. It played a
major role in the evolution and growth of Indian journalism and made a striking contribution to
creating and nurturing the Indian freedom struggle. The Patrika had many brushes with Lord
Curzon, the Viceroy of India at the time of the Partition of Bengal (1905). It made attempts
through its editorials to maintain communal harmony during partition.
 The Bande Mataram was an Indian nationalist publication from Paris begun in September 1909
by the ‘Paris Indian Society’. Founded by ‘Madam Bhikaji Cama’, the paper along with the later
publication of ‘Talvar’ was aimed at inciting nationalist unrest in India and sought to sway the
loyalty of the Sepoy of the British Indian Army. It was founded in response to the British ban on
Bankim Chatterjee's nationalist poem of Vande mataram, and continued the message of ‘The
Indian Sociologist’.
 Swadesamitran (1881–1985) was the first Tamil language newspaper owned and operated by
Indians. It was published from Chennai (then called Madras). It was founded by G Subramania
Aiyer who also served as the papers first editor. It was founded as a sister paper of The Hindu.
 Young India was a weekly journal published in English by Mahatma Gandhi from 1919 to 1932.
Gandhi wrote various quotations in this journal that inspired many. He used the Young India to
spread his unique ideology and thoughts regarding independence.
 First War of Independence by V D Sawarkar argued that 1857 revolt was not merely a sporadic
 Gita Rahasya is a book written by Tilak on Srimadbhagwat Gita.
 Gulam Giri is written by Jyotirao Phule on untouchability.
 Indian Opinion was a newspaper that was operated by Gandhi in South Africa.
 Al Hilal was a journal brought out by Abdul Kalam Azad
 Bahishkrit Bharat by B R Ambedkar
 National Herald was a paper started by Jawahar Lal Nehru
 Sudharak was a paper started by Gokhale
 The Indian Struggle was written by Lala Lajpat Rai
 Vanguard was a communist journal founded by M N Roy.
 Subh-e-Azadi is a poem written by Faiz Ahmed Faiz

Major Reasons/Inspiration for Revolutionaries are –

I. Failure of national leadership to provide positive lead and lack of progress on reoform front and
repression by government. Inspiration from aggressiveness of Extremists and failure of
Moderates to make headway in the Independence movement.
II. International Events – Defeat of Italy by Ethopia, Defeat of Russia by Japan. It broke the notion
of Western Supermacy
III. Inspiration from revolutionary movement under Mazini in Italy, Lenin in Russia.

Revolutionary nationalists didn’t try for a mass movement and instead tried to copy methods of Irish
terrorists and Russian Nihilists i.e. to assassinate unpopular officers. Chapekar brothers assassinated
two officers in Poona. Similarly attempt was made on life of Kingsford by Khudram and Prafful Chakki.

First phase of the rise of revolutionaries coincide with Partition of Bengal. Bengal and Punjab acted as
breeding grounds for the revolutionaries. Anushilan Samiti, Jugantar etc were outcome of this wave.
Aurobindo Ghosh was pioneer in Bengal. In Punjab, biggest name was Sardar Ajit Singh and he
established Bharat Mata Society of Lahore. Around First World War, Ghadar Party was also formed in
San Fransisco.
Second phase started after the failure of Non Cooperation movement and events like – foundation of
HRA/HSRA, Kakori Robery, Saunders Murders took place during this phase. In the second phase,
compared to old revolutionaries and also compared to likes of Bhagat Singh and other HSRA members,
Chittagong Revolutionaries didn’t focus on individual heroism, but focused on group actions. Another
important feature of Bengal revolutionaries of second phase was that this saw active participation of
woman also.

Third phase was with rise of Azad Hind Fauz. This time they were more organized and planned.

Government responded with various legislative measures – like Defense of India Act – as well as by use
of brutal force to suppress them.

Chronology of revolutionary movements and organizations –


Ramosi Uprising, 1879 – Vasudeo Balwant Phadke was an Indian revolutionary and is widely
regarded as ‘the father of the armed struggle for India's independence’. Phadke was moved by
the plight of the farmer community during British Raj. Phadke believed that ‘Swaraj’ was the
only remedy for their ills. Immediate cause was uprising against the British apathy towards
famine measures. With the help of Kolis, Bhils and Dhangars communities in Maharastra,
Vasudev formed a revolutionary group called as ‘Ramoshi’. The group started an armed struggle
to overthrow the British Raj. The group launched raids on rich English businessmen to obtain
funds for their liberation struggle. Phadke came into limelight when he got control of the city of
Pune for a few daysin 1879 when he caught the British soldiers off guard during one of his
surprise attacks. He was later captured and sent to Andeman Jail.

Mitra Mela (1900) – This was a revolutionary organization setup by V D Savarkar in Nasik. The
Mitra Mela members served the victims of plague in Nasik. In Nasik Conspiracy, many members
of Mitra Mela were also rounded up. This organization is also termed as a pre-cursor to the
Abhinav Bharat of Pune founded in 1904.

Abhinav Bharat (1904) – It was another secret organization founded by V D Savarkar in

Maharashtra. It called for an ‘armed struggle’ against the British Indian state. This was inspired
from Mazini’s ‘Young Italy’. A member of the organization P N Bapat also went to Paris to learn
the art of bomb making. It came into highlight after its members were tried under Nasik
Conspiracy – a chain of investigations which were initiated after the assassination of Mr Jackson
– Collector of Nasik by one of the members – Anant Laxman Kanhere.

Nasik Conspiracy (1910) – The members of ‘Abhinav Bharat’ – set up by V D Savarkar – planned
to assassin Mr. Jackson – collector of Nasik who sentenced for life to Babarao Savarkar (elder
brother of V D Savarkar) for indulging in revolutionary activities. A young student from
Aurangabad named ‘Anant Laxman Kanhare’ took the responsibility of execution of Jackson.
While Jackson has came to attend a drama after his transfer orders, Ananat Laxman Kanhare
fired on him. The collector died on the spot. Death of Jackson set a whole chain of government
inquiry into vigorous activity and it was found that there was a deep-laid, widespread conspiracy
to overthrow British Government in India, by means of an armed rebellion or revolution, and to
overawe the government established by law by force or show of criminal force. The result was
that around 38 people connected with underground activities in the name of ‘Mitra-Mela’ and
Abhinav Bharat, including Savarkar, were arrested, tried, and sentenced to severe punishments.


Anushilan Samiti (1902) – Anushilan Samiti was an armed anti-British organisation in Bengal and
the principal secret revolutionary organisation operating in the region in the opening years of
the 20th century. Pramath Nath Mitra founded the Anushilan Samiti on 24 March, 1902 and was
sponsored by Aurobindo Ghosh. Jugantar was its important offshoot. The members were
committed towards the path of armed revolution for independence of India from British rule.
Kolkata and, later, Dhaka were the two major strongholds of the association. Alipore Bomb
Conspiracy is one of the major events that were attributed to the activities of Samiti. In April
1908, two young recruits, Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki were sent on a mission to
Muzaffarpur to assassinate the Chief Presidency Magistrate D H Kingsford.

Dawn Society (1902-06) – Satish Chandra Mukherjee was its founder. The Society’s object was
to draw the attention of the students to the needs of the country, to love Mother India, to
cultivate their moral character, to inspire original thinking. It played a key role in mobilizing the
youth to agitate against the partition of Bengal and it emerged as the key organization. Among
active members were Sister Nivedita, Bagha Jatin (Jatin Mukherjee).

Jugantar (1906) – Jugantar or Yugantar (English meaning New Era or more literally Transition of
an Epoch) was one of the two main secret revolutionary trends operating in Bengal for Indian
independence during Partition of Bengal. This association, like Anushilan Samiti started in the
guise of suburban fitness club. This extremist outfit was established by leaders like Aurobindo
Ghosh, his brother Barin Ghosh, Bhupendranath Datta, Raja Subodh Mallik in April 1906. Some
senior members of the group were sent abroad for political and military training. One of the first
batches included Surendra Mohan Bose, Tarak Nath Das and Guran Ditt Kumar, who, since
1907, were extremely active among the Hindu and Sikh immigrants on the Western coast of
North America. These units were to compose the future Ghadar Party.

Barrah Dacoity (1908) – Barrah dacoity in Bengal was organized by by Pulin Behari Das group in
Bengal and is said to be the first major revolutionary act in East Bengal. Pulin was an active
member of DhakaAnushialn Samiti.

Alipore Bomb Trial (1909) – The Alipore Bomb Case was an important court trial in Alipore,
Calcutta, during May 1908 to May 1909, in the history of the Indian Independence Movement.
In the aftermath of partition there was considerable anger among the revolutionaries of Bengal.
The British cracked down hard on the activists and the conflict came to a head on April 30, 1908
when Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki attempted to kill Magistrate Kingsford, a judge known
for handing down particularly harsh sentences against nationalists. (Chakki shot himself later
on). However, the bomb thrown at his horse carriage missed its target and instead landed in
another carriage and killed two British women. The trial led to death sentence to Barindra
Ghosh and Ullaskar Dutt, but sentences were commuted to life in prison, and both released in

Barisal Conspiracy (1913) – The Barisal Conspiracy Case of 1913 was a trial prosecuted by the
British colonial authorities against 44 Bengalis who were accused of planning to incite rebellion
against the Raj. Barisal was a district in the south-eastern corner of Bengal. The colonial police
there reported that they had seized certain documents implicating the Anushilan Samiti, a
revolutionary organization whose East Bengal chapters were under the leadership of
Trailokyanath Chakrobarty and Pratul Chandra Ganguli. Of the original 44 accused, most of
them were freed, however a few which pleaded guilty were awarded long imrisionment in

Bengal Volunteers (1928) – Bengal Volunteers are regarded the underground revolutionary
group against the British rule in India. The group was operational from its origination in 1928
until the Indian independence. It was Subhas Chandra Bose during the 1928 Kolkata session of
Indian National Congress, who had unionised a group of volunteers. Bengal Volunteers soon
turned into an active revolutionary association. They mainly worked around Chittagong,
Midnapore etc. Its most prominent members were – Benoy Basu, Badal Gupta, Dinesh Gupta.
Bengal Volunteers decided to launch 'Operation Freedom' in the early 1930s, primarily to
protest against the police repression in different jails in Bengal. In August 1930, one of the
members – Benoy Basu – assassinated Lowman, the Inspector General. The next target was Col
N S Simpson, the Inspector General of Prisons, who was infamous for the brutal oppression of
the prisoners in the jails. In the encounter, Benoy and Dinesh shot themselves, while Badal
consumed cynide. In Midnapore district, 3 District magistrates were assassinated one after
another by the Bengal Volunteers Members. Bimal Dasgupta, Jyothi Jibon Ghosh assassinated
James Peddy. Pradoot Bhattacharya, Probhansupal assassinated Robert Dougles.

Chittagong Armory Raid (1830) – It was led by Surya Sen. He led a nationwide non-cooperation
movement as a revolutionary. He was initiated into revolutionary ideas in 1916 by one of his
teachers while he was a student of Intermediate Class in the Chittagong College and joined the
renowned revolutionary group Anushilan. He was also accompanied by Ananta Singh, Ganesh
Ghosh, Ambika Chakravarty, Loknath Baul, Tegra (Tiger) Baul as well as women like – Kalpana
Dutt and Pritilata Waddedaron April 18, 1930. After that he foght gureilla warfare for
sometimes and was alter on captured and hanged. Chittagong Armory Raid is said to be the first
organized armed struggle for independence after 1857.


Delhi-Lahore Conspiracy (1912) – The Delhi Conspiracy case, also known as the Delhi-Lahore
Conspiracy, refers to a conspiracy in 1912 to assassinate the then Viceroy of India, Lord
Hardinge, on the occasion of transferring the capital of British India from Calcutta to New Delhi.
Hatched by the Indian revolutionary underground in Bengal and Punjab and headed by Rash
Behari Bose, the conspiracy culminated on the attempted assassination on 23 December 1912
when a homemade bomb was thrown into the Viceroys's ceremonial procession when it moved
through the Chandni Chowk suburb of Delhi. Although wounded in the attempt, the Viceroy
escaped with his injuries, along with Lady Hardinge, but his Mahout was killed in the attack. In
the aftermath of the event, efforts were made to destroy the Bengali and Punjabi revolutionary
underground, which came under intense pressure for sometime. Rash Behari – purportedly
mastermind behind the attack - successfully evaded capture for nearly three years, becoming
actively involved in the Ghadar conspiracy before it was uncovered, and fleeing to Japan in
1916. The investigations in the aftermath of the assassination attempt led to the Delhi
Conspiracy trial. Although Basant Kumar Biswas was convicted of having allegedly thrown the
bomb and executed, along with Amir Chand, Bal Mukund and Avadh Behari for their roles in
the conspiracy.

Ghadar Conspiracy or Ghadar Mutiny or February Mutiny (1915) – The Ghadar Conspiracy was
a conspiracy for a pan-Indian mutiny in the British Indian Army in February 1915 formulated by
the Ghadar Party. When First World War started, Ghadar party saw this as an opportunity that
they have been waiting for. Though they haven’t been fully prepared, they didn’t want to let the
opportunity go. It exhorted its leaders to go to other countries like Singapore, Malya, Phillipines
and Burma etc and exhort Indian nationals there to stand for the cause. Others like that of
Kartar Singh Sarabha and Raghubar Dayal Gupta left for India. An attempt was made to
overthrow the British rule by military revolt. Rash Behari Bose was chosen as the leader in
Punjab (he was also key in earlier failed attempt to assassinate Viceroy Hardinge which led to
Delhi Conspiracy Trials). The conspiracy originated on the onset of the World War-1, between
the Ghadar Party. The events surrounding the Komagata Maru incident served as a catalyst for
the Ghadarite cause as they use the event to rouse the sentiments of the people. It focused
upon starting the mutiny in army with a start from Punjab Regiments. In India, confident of
being able to rally the Indian sepoy, the plot for the mutiny took its final shape. Under the plans,
the 23rd Cavalry in Punjab was to seize weapons and kill their officers while on roll call on 21
February. This was to be followed by mutiny in the 26th Punjab, which was to be the signal for
the uprising to begin, resulting in an advance on Delhi and Lahore. The Bengal cell was to look
for the Punjab Mail entering the Howrah Station the next day (which would have been cancelled
if Punjab was seized) and was to strike immediately. However, the Punjab CID successfully
infiltrated the conspiracy at the last moment. Plans for revolt in the regiments of Punjab did not
go beyond the conspiracy stage. This also led to failure of planned mutinies in Firozpur, Lahore,
and Agra. A last-ditch attempt was made by Kartar Singh Saraba and Pingle to trigger a mutiny in
the 12th Cavalry regiment at Meerut. However, later both were arrested. Mass arrests followed
as the Ghadarites were rounded up in Punjab and the Central Provinces. Rash Behari Bose
escaped from Lahore and in May 1915 fled to Japan. Thus the mutiny failed to take shape and
the revolutionaries were tried in Lahore conspiracy trials and more than 40 were given death.
Major causes of Failure – They grossly under-estimated the colonial might. There was almost a
non-existent organizational structure.
First Lahore Conspiracy Trial (1915) – The Ghadar conspiracy or Failed February Mutiny led to a
number of trials in India, most famous among them being the Lahore Conspiracy trial, which
opened in Lahore in April 1915 in the aftermath of the failed February mutiny. Other trials
included the Benares, Simla, Delhi, and Ferozepur conspiracy cases. At Lahore, a special tribunal
was constituted under the Defence of India Act 1915 and a total of 291 conspirators were put
on trial. Of these 42 were awarded the death sentence, 114 transported for life, and 93 awarded
varying terms of imprisonment. A number of these were sent to the Cellular Jail in the

Naujawan Bharat Sabha (1926) – Bhagat Singh started the militant Naujawan Bharat Sabha in
Punjab. The organization was declared illegal under the Criminal Law Amendment Act of 1908 in
September 1934. Its purpose was to help foster revolution against the British Raj by gathering
together worker and peasant youth. Along with Kirti Kisan Sabha, it was one of the grass root
level revolutionary organizations.

Second Lahore Conspiracy Trial (1929) – This involved the trial of HSRA members after they
thre a bomb in Legislative Assembly. The charges that were framed included ‘war against
crown’. It became more famous due to hunger strike by the prisioners in the jail, one of them –
Jatin Das – died after 64 days of hunger strike. The trial lead to death sentence to Bhagat Singh,
Rajguru and Sukhdev.


Free India Society – The Free India Society was a political organization of Indian students in
England, committed to obtaining the independence of India from British rule. Initially an
intellectual group, it became a revolutionary outfit under its founding leader, Vinayak Damodar

The Indian Home Rule Society (1905) – The Indian Home Rule Society (IHRS) was an Indian
organisation founded in London in 1905 that sought to promote the cause of self-rule in British
India. The organisation was founded by Shyamji Krishna Varma, with support from a number of
prominent Indian nationalists in Britain at the time, including Bhikaji Cama, Dadabhai Naoroji
and S R Rana. The society was foundation of the India House and, along with Krishna Varma's
journal The Indian Sociologist, was the foundation of the militant Indian nationalist movement in

 India House (1905) – India House was an informal Indian nationalist organisation based in
London between 1905 and 1910. With the patronage of Shyamji Krishna Varma (He supported
the assassination of the Commissioner of Plague by the Chapekar brothers also and later on he
moved on to Paris, from where also he continued his activities), it promoted nationalist views
among Indian students in Britain. The building soon became a hub for political activism and a
meeting place for radical Indian nationalists. It ranked among the most prominent centres for
revolutionary Indian nationalism outside India. India House published an anti-colonialist
newspaper ‘The Indian Sociologist’, which the British Raj banned as ‘seditious’. A number of
prominent Indian revolutionaries and nationalists were associated with India House, most
famously Vinayak Damodar Savarkar; others included Virendranath Chattopadhyay, Lala Har
Dayal, V V S Aiyar, M P T Acharya and P M Bapat. As key members of revolutionary conspiracies
in India, they went on to be the founding fathers of Indian communism and Hindu nationalism.
After Madan Lal Dhingra shot William Curzon Wyllie, India House faced decline. The network
created by India House played a key part in the Hindu-German Conspiracy for nationalist
revolution in India during World War I.

Ghadar Party (1913) – It was founded in San Fransisco by Lala Hardayal in the office known as
‘Yugantar Ashram’.

Berlin Committee (1914) – The Berlin Committee, later known as the ‘Indian Independence
Committee’ after 1915, was an organisation formed in Germany in 1914 during World War-I by
Indian students and political activists residing in the country. The purpose of the Committee was
to promote the cause of Indian Independence. It came to be an integral part of the Hindu-
German Conspiracy. Famous members of the committee included Virendranath
Chattopadhyaya, Champakaraman Pillai and Abinash Bhattacharya.

The Hindu–German Conspiracy or Indo German Conspiracy (1914) – The Hindu–German

Conspiracy was a series of plans formulated between 1914 and 1917 to initiate a Pan-Indian
rebellion against the British Raj during World War I. Should have been actually – Indo-German
conspiracy, but American took Hindu and Indo as same. It was a plot to smuggle arms from US
to the subcontinent during WW-1 to foment a revolt against the Raj. It involved revolutionaries
exiled to US and Europe. It was part of wider German plan of turning India from a great asset to
great liability for Britain. It had allies from Ghadar party, Bengal revolutionaries, Deobandis etc.
It culminated into the establishment of a provisional government in Kabul under Mahender
Pratap and Barkatullah. Bigger game plan now was to bring thousands of Turkish and German
soldiers to Afghanistan to wage war against Raj. However, it couldn’t be materialized. Most
prominent among the plots was ‘Ghadar Conspiracy’ or ‘February Mutiny’. The conspirators
included radical nationalists in India, the ‘Ghadar Party’ in the United States and the ‘Indian
Independence Committee’ aka ‘Berlin Committe’ in Germany. The conspiracy was drawn up at
the beginning of the war, and was extensively supported by the Irish republican movement, the
German Foreign Office. The most prominent plan attempted to foment unrest and trigger a
Pan-Indian mutiny in the British Indian Army from Punjab to Singapore. This plot was planned
to be executed in February 1915 with the aim of overthrowing the Raj from the Indian
subcontinent. The February mutiny (also known as Ghadar Conspiracy) was ultimately thwarted
when British CID infiltrated the Ghadarite movement, arresting key figures and more than 40
were sentenced to death.

Singapore Mutiny (1915) – The Mutiny of the 5th Native Light Infantry was a mutiny involving
up to half of 850 sepoys (Indian soldiers) against the British in Singapore during the First World
War, linked with the 1915 Ghadar Conspiracy. The mutiny, on 15 February 1915, lasted nearly
seven days and resulted in the deaths of 47 British soldiers and local civilians, before it was
finally quelled by British forces and Allied naval detachments. It was an event that not only
caught the British off-guard but also shook the foundation of British rule in Singapore.

India Independence League (1928) – The Indian Independence League (also known as IIL) was
an expat political organisation operated from the 1920s to the 1940s to organize those living
outside of India into seeking the removal of British colonial rule over India. Founded in 1928 by
Indian nationalists, the organisation was located in various parts of South-East Asia and included
Indian expatriates, and later, Indian nationalists in-exile under Japanese occupation following
Japan's successful Malayan Campaign during the first part of the Second World War. During the
Japanese Occupation in Malaya, the Japanese encouraged Indians in Malaya to join the Indian
Independence League. There were other similar organizations as well. K P K Menon, Nedyam
Raghavan, Giani Pritam Singh Dhillon, S C Goho and others were the prestigious members of
these organizations.Established primarily to foster Indian Nationalism and to obtain Japanese
support. Later, after the arrival of Subhas Chandra Bose in South East Asia and the revival of the
INA, the League came under his leadership, before giving way to Azad Hind.

Free India Legion (1942) – This was a voluntary organization formed by Subhash Chandra Bose
in 1942 and it consisted of volunatary members and Prisoners of Wars.

Some other famous revolutionaries –

 Chapekar Brothers – They were three brothers (Damodar Hari, Balkrishna Hari and Vasudeo
Hari) from Chinchwad, Pune. In the late 19th century (1896) plague spread in Pune and
thousands died. However anti plague measures by government were inadequate and Rand – an
ICS – was chairman of the committee for plague. The brothers in a daring act assassinated him
and his military escort. The brothers were found guilty and hanged. This was perhaps one of the
first major revolutionary acts.
 Madan Lal Dhingra (1883–1909) was an Indian revolutionary freedom fighter. While studying in
England, he assassinated Sir William Hutt Curzon Wyllie, a British official, hailed as one of the
first acts of revolution in the Indian independence movement in the 20th century. Dhingra came
into contact with noted Indian independence and political activists like Vinayak Damodar
Savarkar and Shyamji Krishna Varma. He was also a member of India House, the base for Indian
student political activity.
 Barindra Ghosh or Barindranath Ghose (1880–1959) was an Indian revolutionary and journalist.
He was one of the founding members of Jugantar, a revolutionary outfit in Bengal. Barindra
Ghosh was a younger brother of Aurobindo Ghose. In the trial known as the Alipore Bomb Case
he was sentenced to death. However, the sentence was reduced to life imprisonment, and Barin
was deported to the Cellular Jail in Andaman in 1909.
 Aurobindo was an Indian nationalist, revolutionary freedom fighter, philosopher, yogi, guru, and
poet. He was the one of the early revolutionaries in Bengal. He was closely associated with the
Anushialan Samiti and Jugantar. He took active participation in 1905 Swadeshi movement and
promoted revolutionarism and in second decade of 19th century he relinquished politics to exile
himself into spirituality in Pondicherry.
 Pulin Behari Das (24 January 1877 - 17 August 1949) was an Indian revolutionary and the
founder-president of the Dhaka Anushilan Samiti. He along with others was key accused in
Dacca Conspiracy Case. He was the one who organized the ‘Barrah Dacoity’ – said to be the first
major revolutionary event in east Bengal.
 Subodh Chandra Mullick was a nationalist in Calcutta. He is notable for the substantial
monetary contribution for the cause of education. He was a key in the foundation of the
Anushilan Samiti. He was one of the collaborators of Sri Aurobindo in his secret action. It is
believed that the decision to assassinate Douglas Kingsford, District Judge of Muzaffarpur, in
which Khudiram Bose and Prafulla Chaki were involved, was taken by a revolutionary 'tribunal'
consisting of Sri Aurobindo, Charu Chandra Dutt and Subodh Chandra Mullick.
 Sardar Ajit Singh Sindhu was an Indian was an early protester in the Punjab region of India who
challenged British rule, and openly criticized the Indian colonial government. He organized
Bharat Mata Society. He was declared a political rebel and spent much of his life in jail. Sardar
Ajit Singh was the uncle of Sardar Bhagat Singh. In 1905 he along with Lala Lajpat Rai were key in
spreading the Swadeshi Movement to Punjab. In 1907, he was deported to Mandalay Jail in
Burma along with Lala Lajpat Rai. After his release, he fled to Iran, rapidly developed as a centre
for revolutionary activities by groups led by Sardar Ajit Singh and Sufi Amba Prasad who had
worked there since 1909. In 1918, he came in close contact with the Ghadar Party in San
Francisco. In 1939, he returned to Europe and later on helped Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose in his
mission in Italy. On August 15, 1947 he uttered his last breath.
 Sufi Amba Prasad (1858–1919) was an Indian nationalist and pan-Islamist leader notable for his
involvement in the agrarian unrest in Punjab in 1900s and subsequently in the Revolutionary
movement for Indian independence.His associates at the time included Sardar Ajit Singh (uncle
of Bhagat Singh), Mahasha Ghaseeta Ram, Kartar Singh and Lala Lajpat Rai. During World War I
he was associated with Indian revolutionaries of the likes of Har Dayal and Mahendra Pratap.
Sufi worked with the revolutionaries of the ‘Berlin Committee’ in Mesopotamia and Middle
East, attempting to spread propaganda among Indian troops of the Indian expeditionary force.
 Ullaskar Dutta (1885–1965) was a Bengali Indian revolutionary who manufactured bombs
intended for use against British colonial officials. Ullaskar was a member of the ‘Jugantar party’
and he became expert in bomb-making. Khudiram Bose used a bomb manufactured by Ullaskar
and Hem Chandra Das in an attempt to murder Kingsford, a magistrate. However, police caught
many members of the Jugantar group including Ullaskar Dutta, Barindra Ghosh and Khudiram. In
the famous ‘Alipore bomb case’, Ullaskar was arrested on May 2, 1908 and he was sentenced to
death in 1909. Later, on appeal, the verdict was reduced to transportation for life and he was
deported to the Cellular Jail in Andaman and was later released in 1920.
 Ashwini Kumar Dutta (1856 –1923) was an Indian educationist, philanthropist, social reformer
and patriot. He was a teacher at Barisal. The Partition of Bengal drew him to the Swadeshi
movement. At that time Samitis were formed for mass mobilization. He founded the Swadesh
Bandhab Samiti to promote the consumption of indigenous products and boycott foreign goods
– this was one of the most popular samitis that were formed during Swadeshi Movement.They
played a key role in spreading the message of Swadeshi to villages which were hitherto relatively
less involved in national movement.
 Krishna Kumar Mitra (1852-1936) one of the leaders from Bengal who was closely associated
with the brahma samaj and the swadeshi movement and later was an eminent revolutionary. He
was a key member of Anushilan Samiti. He was a front leader of Swadeshi Movement and was
deported along with Tilak.
 Kanailal Dutta (1888–1908) was a revolutionary in the India's freedom struggle belonging to the
Jugantar group. In connection with the Kingsford assassination attempt, Kanailal was arrested
on 2 May 1908 and detained in Alipore Jail (of famous Alipore Trial), Calcutta. There, he and
Satyendranath Basu (another detainee) were instructed to kill Naren Goswami (a revolutionary
turned approver in Alipore Bomb Trial case). On 31 August 1908, they carried out their orders
and shot him dead inside the jail hospital.
 Subramanya Siva was a firebrand revolutionary independence fighter from MadrasPresidency.
He closely worked with V O Chidambaram Pillai and Subramanya Bharathyand inspired many
young men to join the freedom movement. Siva was the first political prisoner in the Madras
Presidency when he along with Chidambram Pillai led a strike against a cotton mill for the hike
of wages.
 Basant Kumar Biswas was an activist involved in the Jugantar group who, in December 1912, is
believed to have bombed the Viceroy's Parade in what came to be known as the Delhi-Lahore
Conspiracy. He disguised as a woman, threw a bomb at Lord Charles Hardinge in Delhi. He was
one of the youngest Indians to be executed.
 Bagha Jatin or Jatin Mukharjee was a Bengali revolutionaryphilosopher against British rule. He
was the principal leader of the Jugantar party that was the central association of revolutionaries
in Bengal. Having personally met the German Crown-Prince in Calcutta shortly before World
War I, he obtained the promise of arms and ammunition from Germany; as such, he was
responsible for the planned German Plot during World War-I. Another of his original
contributions was the indoctrination of the Indian soldiers in various regiments in favour of an
insurrection. He gave up his life fighting with police at Balasore.
 Baba Sohan Singh Bhakna (1870–1968) was as Indian revolutionary, the founding president of
the Ghadar Party and was one of the three founding members – other two being Lala Hardayal,
Pandit Kanshi Ram – and a leading member of the party involved in the Ghadar Conspiracy of
1915. He was tried at the Lahore Conspiracy trial, and served sixteen years of a life sentence for
his part in the conspiracy before he was released in 1930. He later worked closely with the
Indian labour movement, devoting considerable time to the Kisan Sabha and the Communist
Party of India.
 Bhai Parmanand (1876 –1947) was an Indian nationalist. Parmanand persuaded Hardayal to go
to the United States to foundGhadar Party. He was a founder member of the Ghadar Party. He
returned to India as part of the Ghadar Conspiracyand was arrested in connection with the ‘First
Lahore Conspiracy Case’ and was sentenced to death in 1915. The sentence was later commuted
to one of transportation for life.
 Taraknath Das (1884 –1958) was an anti-British Bengali Indian revolutionary and internationalist
scholar. He was a professor of political science at Columbia University and a visiting faculty in
several other universities. He was a key in founding Ghadar Party in US.
 Pandurang Mahadev Bapat (1880 –1967), popularly known as Senapati Bapat, was a major
figure in the Indian independence movement. Originally as a member of ‘Abhinav Bharat’ he
came to Paris to learn the art of bomb-making. Bapat learned bomb-making skills during his
association with the ‘India House’ in London, although he later claimed that none of his bombs
ever killed anyone, but were rather intended solely to draw attention to the cause. Despite
these claims, he was suspected of involvement in the deaths in the Alipore bomb case of 1908.
 Krishnaji Gopal Karve (1887 –1910) was an Indian freedom fighter, a revolutionary. He was a
member of the ‘Abhinav Bharat Society’ in Nashik. On 21 December 1909, he along with Anant
Laxman Kanhere shot Jackson, the Collector of Nashik. He was sentenced to death in the
Bombay high court after the famous ‘Nasik Conspiracy’ trials and hanged in Thane Jail on 19th
April 1910.
 Virendranath Chattopadhyaya alias Chatto (1880 —1937) was a prominent Indian revolutionary
who aimed to overthrow the British Raj in India by using violence as a tool. While frequenting
Shyamji Krishnavarma’s India House Viren became closely acquainted with V D Savarkar. In
1907, Viren was on the editorial board of Shyamji’s Indian Sociologist and in August, along with
Madame Cama and S R Rana, he attended the Stuttgart Conference. From Berlin he was
responsible for the publication of ‘Talwar’. He also played a key role in the famous Indo-German
Conspiracy which however failed.
 Chempakaraman Pillai (1891 –1934) was an Indian revolutionary during the Anti-British
Movements in India, who went abroad to organise an army to declare war against the British for
the self-rule in Indian subcontinent. He was a key member of ‘Berlin Committee’ along with
Chatto, which played important role in Indo-German Conspiracy.
 Barkattullah was a staunch anti-British Indian revolutionary with sympathy for the Pan-Islamic
movement. Barkatullah fought from outside India, with fiery speeches and revolutionary
writings in leading newspapers, for the independence of India. While in England he came in
close contact with Lala Hardayal and Raja Mahendra Pratap. He was one of the founders of the
‘Ghadar’ (Rebellion) Party in 1913 at San Francisco. Later he became the first prime minister of
the Provisional Government of India established on 1 December 1915 in Kabul with Raja
Mahendra Pratap as its President.
 Guran Ditt Kumar was an Indian revolutionary associated with the pioneers of the Gadhar
movement involved in the Indo-German conspiracy during the First World War. He along with
Tarak Nath Das set up ‘United India House’in Seattle US for Indian students where they also
spread nationalist ideas.
 Vishnu Ganesh Pingle was an Indian revolutionary and a member of the Ghadar Party and was
one of the key in the failed February Mutiny plot. In the aftermath of which, he was the one who
was one of those executed in 1915 following the Lahore conspiracy trial for his role in the
Ghadar conspiracy (failed February Mutiny plot).
 Pandit Kanshi Ram was an Indian revolutionary who, along with Har Dayal and Sohan Singh
Bhakna was one of the three key members in founding the Ghadar Party. He served as the
treasurer of the party from its foundation in 1913 to 1914. In 1914 Kanshi Ram returned to India
as a part of the Ghadar Conspiracy. He was arrested in the aftermath of the failed ‘February
plot’ and later tried in the ‘Lahore conspiracy trial’. Pandit Kanshi Ram was executed along with
Kartar Singh Sarabha and Vishnu Ganesh Pingle on November 1916.
 Ram Chandra Bharadwaj, also known as Pandit Ram Chandra was the president of the Ghadar
Party between 1914 and 1917. As a member of the Ghadar Party, Ram Chandra was also one of
the founding editors of the ‘Hindustan Ghadar’and a key leader of the party in its role in the
Ghadar Conspiracy. He assumed the role of the president of the party following Lala Har Dayal's
departure for Switzerland in 1914 and, along with Bhagwan Singh and Maulvi Mohammed
Barkatullah, was a key in rallying the support of the South Asian community in the Pacific Coast
in the wake of the Komagata Maru incident for the planned February Mutiny.
 Harnam Singh Tundilat He was one of the important members of Ghadar Partyand he was one
of the founding members of the party.
 Bhai Bhagwan Singh Gyanee was an Indian Nationalist and a leading luminary of the Ghadar
Party. Elected the party president in 1914, he was extensively involved in the Ghadar Conspiracy
of 1915 during World War I and in the aftermath of its failure fled to Japan. He is also known for
his nationalist poems that were published in the Hindustan Ghadar and later in the compilation
Ghadar di Gunj. He urged people to adopt Bande Matram as salute.
 Sachindra Nath Sanyal was a famous Indian revolutionary and the founder of Hindustan
Republican Association (HRA, which after 1928 became the Hindustan Socialist Republican
Association or HSRA). He was the mentor for revolutionaries like Chandrashekhar Azad and
Bhagat Singh. Sanyal was extensively involved in the plans for the Ghadar conspiracy, and went
underground after it was exposed in February, 1915. He was sentenced for the Kakori train
robbery and was tried and sentenced to life for the same. He was sent to the dreaded Cellular
Jail in the Andamans and in jail he wote the famous book ‘Bandi Jeevan’. This book would
become the bible for a generation of revolutionaries fighting British rule.
 Pt. Genda Lal Dixit was an Indian revolutionary who was a school teacher in the district of
Etawah, UP. He was the leader of Shivaji Samiti – a gang of decoits who participated in the
revolutionary activities of United Province in the year of 1918 against British Empire (He
motivated them by the tales of Shivaji a Hindu leader to start a gurilla war against British like
Shivaji who had started this tactic in the Moghul period of Aurangzeb). The historical case filed
against him by the then British Government is known as Mainpuri Shadyantra. He was a guide
to Ram Prasad Bismil with whom he planned to fight against British but unfortunately he could
not survive due to his deteriorating health.
 Ram Prasad Bismil (1897-1927) participated in Mainpuri Conspiracy of 1918, and the Kakori
conspiracy of 1925. Bismil was one of the founder members of the revolutionary organisation
Hindustan Republican Association. He was also a patriotic poet. The famous poem ‘Sarfaroshi ki
Tamanna’ is also popularly attributed to him. He was executed in the Kakori case in 1927.
 Rajendra Lahiri (1901–1927) was a Bengali revolutionary, who participated in various
revolutionary activities of the Hindustan Republican Association aimed at ousting the British
forever from India. In 1925 he participated in the famous ‘Kakori train robbery’, 1925. In Kakori
Conspiracy case he was awarded death.
 Ashfaqulla Khan (1900 –1927) was tried under Kakori Conspiracy and was awarded death
 Manmath Nath Gupta was an Indian revolutionary writer and author of autobiographical,
historical and fictional books in Hindi, English and Bengali. He joined the Indian independence
movement at the age of 13, and was an active member of the Hindustan Republican
Association. He participated in the famous Kakori train robbery in 1925 and was imprisoned for
14 years (due to his young age).
 Chandra Shekhar Azad (1906 –1931), popularly known as Azad was one of the most important
Indian revolutionaries who reorganised the Hindustan Republican Association under the new
name of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA) after the execution of its founder
Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil. He is considered to be the mentor of Bhagat Singh and chief strategist
of the HSRA. He was involved in the famous Kakori Train Robbery of 1925, in the attempt to
blow up the Viceroy's train in 1926, and at last the shooting of J P Saunders at Lahore in 1928 to
avenge the killing of Lala Lajpat Rai. He died in a police encounter in Alfred Park.
 Jai Gopal was a member of HSRA. In 1929 police raided the HSRA's bomb factory in Lahore and
arrested Kishori Lal, Sukhdev and Jai Gopal. In the planned murder of Scott (which involved
Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru in which Saunders was killed instead), Jai Gopal also played
an important role. Jai Gopal was supposed to identify the chief and signal for Bhagat Singh to
shoot. However, in a case of mistaken identity, Gopal signalled Singh on the appearance of J P
Saunders, a Deputy Superintendent of Police. Thus, Saunders, instead of Scott, was shot.
 Jaidev Kapoor was a member of HSRA. He along with Shiv Varma and Bijoy Kumar Sinha worked
in UP to spread revolutionary activities. On April 9, 1929 arranged entry passes for Bhagat Singh
and Batukeshwar Dutt and also accompanied them to the assembly to recover these passes
before they threw the bombs, alongwith Shiv Verma had made all the arrangements of bomb
episode at Central Legislative Assembly Delhi on April 8, 1929. Sentenced to transportation lor
life inSecond‘Lahore conspiracy case’.
 Bhagwati Charan Vohra played a key role in HSRA, was founder member of ‘Naujawan Bharat
Sabha’, his wife Durga Bhabi was a leading woman revolutionary. Along with Sukhdev, he was
active revolutionary member of HSRA in Punjab.
 Thakur Roshan Singh was an Indian revolutionary who was previously sentenced in the ‘Bareilly
Goli Kand’ during Non Cooperation Movement of 1921-22. After release from Bareilly central
jail, he joined the Hindustan Republican Association in 1924. Although he had not taken part in
the Kakori conspiracy yet he was arrested and awarded death sentence by the then British
 Baikunth Shukla (1907–1934) was an Indian nationalist and revolutionary. He was the nephew
of Yogendra Shukla, one of the founders of Hindustan Socialist Republican Association (HSRA).
He was hanged for murdering ‘Phanindra Nath Ghosh’ who had become a government
approver which led to hanging of Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Rajguru.
 Gopinath Saha was a Bengali Indian freedom fighter who attempted to assassinate Charles
Tegart, the then head of the Detective Department of Calcutta Police who was hated among the
revolutionaries, but erroneously killed a White civilian who had come there on official business.
Saha was arrested and executed by the government.


I. The Prevention of Seditious Meetings Act (1907) – Tilak was charged under this and was sent
for 6 years of imprisionment
II. The Explosive SubstancesAct (1908)
III. The Indian Criminal Law Amendment Act (1908)
IV. The Newspaper (Incitement to Offences) Act, 1908
V. The Press Act of 1910
VI. Defence of India Rules, 1915 – Also referred to as the Defence of India Regulations Act, was an
Emergency Criminal Law enacted by the Governor-General of India in 1915 with the intention of
curtailing the nationalist and revolutionary activitiesduring and in the aftermath of the First
World War. It was most unpopular Act among revolutionaries in the history of British India. It
would later be applied during the First Lahore Conspiracy trial in the aftermath of the failed
Ghadar Conspiracy of 1915. The act, after the end of World War I, formed the basis of the
Rowlatt Act.
VII. Rowlatt Act


Two important developments of the mid-1920s were the formation of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak
Sangh (RSS), a Hindu organisation, and the Communist Party of India.

The Communists in India rose in two different streams –

 As a branch ofInternational Communist Movement led by MN Roy and others started with CPI,
 Congress Socialist Party within Congress started in 1934

The Communist Party of India was founded in Tashkent in 1920, soon after the Second Congress of the
Communist International. M N Roy was one of the founding members. CPI in India was formed in 1924.
Among its founders M N Roy, S A Dange, ShaukatAli were prominent.

British response was hostile towards communists and in Peshwar Conspiracy, Kanpur Bolshewik
Conspiracy and Meerut Conspiracy several desperate bids were made to curb communists. So much so
that CPI was declared illegal after Meerut conspiracy. It also tried to pass Public Saftey Bill in 1928 to
curb the activities of Communist elements.

Dutt Bradley Thesis – ‘The Anti-Imperialist People's Front In India’ written by Rajni Palme Dutt and Ben
Bradley, popularly known as the Dutt-Bradley thesis, as leaders of the Communist Party of Great Britain.
It advocated that Communist leaders should infiltrate in Congress as it is an organized party in India.

Declaration of a resolution on Fundamental Rights during the Karachi Session of March 1931 of the
Congress hinted at the peneteration of socialist ideas into Congress.

Within Congress, ‘Congress Socialist Party’ in 1934 was founded J P Narayan, Acharya Narendra Dev
and Minoo Masani and it was later lead by likes of Subhash Chandra and Jawahar Lal Nehru. Influenced
by Fabianism as well as Marxism-Leninism, the CSP included advocates of armed struggle or sabotage
(such as Jai Prakash Narayan and Basawon Singh (Sinha) as well as those who insisted upon ahimsa or
nonviolent resistance (such as Acharya Narendra Deva). However, over the election of 1939
presidentship of Congress, CSP showed little enthusiasm over defending election of Bose and it caused
much bitterness. After Indepepndence, CSP parted its ways with Congress.

However, Gandhi was not impressed with socialistic thinking of communists. He called this ideology as –
‘Importated Political Wisdom’ and communists as – ‘a body of men in hurry’.

Communists also contributed immensely to peasant movements and trade union movment. They
launched many peasant struggles – Harsha Chinna Moghha Morcha in Punjab, Telangana Movement in
Hyderabad, Tebhaga Movement in Begal were the most notable of these. AICTU became an integral part
of socialist agenda and they worked closely with Kisan Sabhas and took up the cause of peasants.

Communist drew considerable criticism when they decided to not support Quit India Movement in 1942.

After independence, Communist were again in limelight when they put up an armed struggle against
Nizam of Hyderabad in Telangana movement in which women also participated in considerable
numbers. Later, they also turned their fight against government.

Major events –

I. Peshawar Conspiracy (1923) – Peshawar Conspiracy 1923 (It was also a bid by government to
curb the rising Communists and is one of the 3 main Conpiracy cases against communists) The
Peshawar Conspiracy Case refers to a set of five cases which took place between 1922 to 1927 in
the British India. The people who were tried in these cases had sneaked into British India from
Russia to start a revolution. The 1920s was a decade which saw the revival of revolutionary
movement in British India. The British Imperial government in India was terrified by the idea of
spread of communism in India.
II. Kanpur Bolshevik Connspiracy (1924) – Kanpur Bolshevik Conspiracy Case tried the emerging
leaders supporting communist ideology. Under this trial, Muzaffar Ahmad, S A Dange, Shaukat
Usmani and Nalini Gupta were jailed in May 1924. This was a despearate bid of the British
government to nip in the bud the rising communist movement.
III. Meerut Conspiracy (1932) – Meerut Conspiracy Case was a controversial court case, in which
several trade unionists, including three Englishmen were arrested for organizing Indian-rail
strike. In a desperate bid in 1929, the government in a swoop arrested all major commmunist
leaders – 32 of them. The ensuing Conspiracy trial was mainly a result of fear psychosis of British
about the emerging Communist ideology. The main charges were that in 1921 Dange, Shaukat
Usmani and Muzaffar Ahmad entered into a conspiracy to establish a branch of ‘Comintern’ in
India and they were helped by various persons, some British nationals and sent to India by the
Communist International. In the trial the accused were all labeled as Bolsheviks. The main charge
was of sedition against the Crown. Defense was taken by Jawahar Lal Nehru and M A Ansari.
During the trial of four and a half years, the defendants turned the courtroom into a public
platform to espouse their cause. As a result, the trial saw strengthening of the communist
movement in the country. After Meerut Conspiracy Case, CPI was banned in India.


During British rules, princely states had separate governing structures of their own and often civil rights
were at mercy of the rulers of the states. Condition of people in princely states was even worse.
Revenues were spent on luxuries of princes and little was done for welfare. Serfdom, forced labor and
slavery existed in many of the states. People couldn’t revolt as well as well as princely states had
protection of British paramouncy. Before arrival of British people had option of revolting against the
princess, now that right too was suppressed by might of British. British on the other hand used states to
act as a buffer against provinces and rising nationalism.

The national movement in princely states started after 1920 after the non-cooperation movement which
had taken place in the British provinces only. Under the national movement, the people of the princely
states established people’s organisation.

These people’s organisation started by the people of princely states for the national movement were
called ‘Praja Mandals’ or ‘Praja Parishads’. The national movement in the princely states are also called
Praja Mandal Movements.

The people of Praja Mandal fought against dual evilas – feudalism and colonialism. The people of Praja
Mandal movement fought against their feudal princes and the British administration simultaneously for
their rights.

The main demand of the Praja Mandal movements was the democratic rights.

Mysore, Orissa and Baroda were such among a few states where such praja mandals were organized.
However, Orissa was the state that was center for Praja Mandal Movement.

Initially, Congress role was limited due to the nature of rules in these states.

They gained major momentum when ‘All India States’ People Conference’ (AISPC) was organized in
1927 in Bombay under leaders like Balwant Rai Mehta, G R Abhyankar and Maniklal Kothari who
championed the cause of self-rule. Role of Congree in the organisation of All India States People's
Conference and declared objective to be involved in States People's Movement in the Tripuri Congress
session provided the moral booster to Prja Mandal Movemnt.

In 1938, when Congress declared goal of Independence, it also included the independence of princely
states also and Jawahar Lal Nehru was president of AISPC in 1939 and this further boosted the cause of
people in states.

The Praja Mandal Movement nakedly exposed the character of feudal polity and prepared the ground
for integration of princely states.


In general, condition of woman was not good during 18th-19th century. Further, condition of upper
caste/class women was even worse than peasant woman as upper class women had strict social
restrictions, while participation of peasant class woman was relatively higher in social and economic life.
Polygamy prevailed among upper class and widow remarriage was strictly prohibited among upper class.
Further economic and social dependency on men was also high.

Women’s rights movements were initially taken by western educated social reformer men and they
established some of the organisations that worked for woman’s emancipation. Brahmo Samaj, Prarthna
Samaj etc were such organisations in 19th century.

It was only around 1920s that women themselves came forward and many women’s organisations like
All India Women’s Conference etc were established. Growth of militant nationalism also gave a push to
the cause of woman (Earlier moderate stream of nationalists was also conservative in approach towards
cause of women). With arrival of Gandhian era, participation of women in freedom movement started
and this also pushed the reformist agenda in Congress and other organisations.

Soon after independence, Article 14 and 15 provided for equality of women in all field of life. Hindu
Succession Act of 1956 provded for their inheritance rights and Hindu Marriage Act of 1955 permitted
dissolution of marriage on specific grounds.

Early Leaders – Their participation in the struggle began as early as 1817 when Bhima Bai Holkar fought
agaist the British Colonel Malcolm and defeated him in guerilla warfare. Contribution of Rani Laxmi Bai
of Jhansi is unparalled. After the battle, the British commented – ‘She was the only man among all the
men’. Another woman was Hazrat Mahal Begum. She was the wife of the deposed ruler of Lucknow
who actively took part in the revolt of 1857 against the Doctrine of Lapse under which Dalhousie wanted
her to surrender Lucknow.

Patriotic Literature – Sarojini Naidu

Revolutionaries – There many revolutionaries like – Durga ‘Bhagwati Charan Vohra’ aka Durga Bhabhi
helped the revolutionaries during Kakori Conspiracy. She helped Bhagat Singh escape from the police
and opened her house to freedom fighters, Kalpanna Dutta, Preetilate Wadedkar (Chittagong Raid),
Bina Das (shot Governor Jackson in Bengal), Matangini Hazara (parallel government during Quit India
Movement), Usha Mehta during Quit India ran an underground radio, Santi Ghosh and Suniti Ghosh
were two young school girls from Bengal shot District Magistrate dead in 1931, a phase during which
revolutionary activities were at peak in Bengal and so on. Bhikhaji Kama and Vijaylakshmi Pandit were
revolutionaries which worked from abroad.

Women Abroad – Likes of Bhikaji Cama – Unfurled Indian flag at Stuggert, Germany at a socialist
conference and started Bande Matram magazine, Captain Lakshmi Sehgal – led the only women
regiment of INA etc

National Movements – During thick of fight of Independence many like Sarojini Naidu – during Civil
Disobedience, Round Table etc, Swarup Rani (Mother of Jawahar) – despite being frail and old took
morcha against British during Non-Cooperation. Aruna Asaf Ali rose to prominence during Quit India.

Social Reformers – Savitri Bai Phule started the first school for lower caste girls. Many women began to
write and publish their critical views on the place of women in society. Tarabai Shinde, a woman
educated at home at Poona, published a book, Stripurushtulna, (A Comparison between Women and
Men), criticizing the social differences between men and women. Pandita Ramabai, a great scholar of
Sanskrit, felt that Hinduism was oppressive towards women, and wrote a book about the miserable lives
of upper-caste Hindu women. She founded a widows’ home at Poona to provide shelter to widows who
had been treated badly by their husbands’ relatives. Here women were trained so that they could
support themselves economically.

Women’s Associations –

I. Bharat Stree Mahamandal was the first women's organisation in India founded by Sarala Devi
Chaudhurani in Allahabad in 1910. One of the primary goals of the organisation was to promote
female education which was not well developed at that time. The organisation opened several
offices in Lahore, Allahabad, Delhi, Karachi, Amritsar etc. to improve the condition of women all
over India. She was grand daughter of Debendranath Tagore. Purdah was regarded by Sarala
Devi as the main obstacle for women’s education and teachers were sent round to women’s
homes to educate them.
II. All India Women’s Conference was founded in 1927 by Margret Cousins having Sarojni Naidu,
Lady Dorab Tata as its founding members. It worked towards women’s education, abolition of
purdah system, legislative reform, abolition of child marriage, harijan welfare, family planning,
and rural reconstruction. These women’s organisations worked for a society based on principles
of social justice, integrity, equal rights and opportunities. They wanted security for every human
being; the essentials of life not determined by accidental births but by planned social
distribution. Their efforts led to several legislative reforms in Sarda Act (1929) (by efforts of
Harbilas Sarda), Hindu Women’s Right to Property Act (1937), Factory Act (1947), Hindu
Marriage and Divorce Act etc. AIWC efforts also led to setting up of The All India Women’s
Education Fund Association, and Lady Irwin College of Home Science.
Social and educational reforms effort by the women’s associations helped in preparing the Indian
women to participate in the freedom struggle. With Mahatma Gandhi women availed an opportunity to
get into the scene of freedom struggle.

Some other famous woman activists are –

 Anasuya Sarabhai aka Anasuya Behn – Anasuya Sarabhai had led the Ahmedabad textile
workers’ strike in which Gandhi also participated and in 1920 under her leadership the Majoor
Mahajan, the Ahmedabad textile mill workers union was established. She played a key role in
leading the workers movement and became a face of women participation in workers
 Maniben Kara – She came under influence of N M Joshi and one of the earliest woman
participants in trade union and workers’ movement. In Bombay she emerged as the socialist
leader of railway workers.
 Mira Alphonse – Mira Alphonse, the Mother, was born in Paris in 1978. She came to India in
1914 and met Shri Aurobindo. She was a key in motivating likes of Sister Nivedita and Annie
 Sarla Behn – Katherine Helliman was an African national, better known in India as Sarla Behn,
along with Mira Behn was an ardent follower of Gandhi. She played an important role in
spreding message of Gandhi at grass root level.
 Meera Behn – Mira Behn was an English woman and her original name was Madelene Slade. It
was Gandhiji who gave her the name Mira, for her spirit of devotion. After Gandhiji’s arrest in
the course of Salt Satyagraha, she toured several other provinces for promoting spinning and
khadi. She went with Gandhiji to London when he went there for the Second Round Table
Conference and became a link between Gandhiji and the English people.
 Sister Nivedita aka Margaret Nobel – She was a Scots-Irish social worker, author, teacher and
disciple of Swami Vivekananda. Swami Vivekananda gave her the name Nivedita (meaning
‘Dedicated to God’). She was also actively associated with Indian Nationalist movement. In 1905
the British Government under Curzon initiated the partition of Bengal which was a major turning
point in the Indian independence movement. Nivedita played a pioneering role in organizing the
movement. She played an important rule in Swadeshi Movement. She also took the cause of
Indian Independence to other countries like – US, UK etc.
 Margaret Cousins – She was an Irish of origin and came to India with her husband to take
Theosophical avtivities and came into influence of Annie Besant. In 1917, she established the
first Women’s organisation in India – the ‘Women’s Indian Association’ – and used it to exert
pressure on the government to grantvoting rights to Indian women. The association also played
a key role in establishing the All India Women’s Conference, in 1927. It played an important role
in demanding universal adult franchise for women and as a result limited adult franchie was
given to women in 1935 Act.
 Bhikhaiji Rustom Cama was born in Bombay (now Mumbai) into a large, well-off Parsi family
and is known as Mother of Indian Revolutionaries. While getting treatment in Britain, she came
in contact with Shyamji Krishna Verma. Through him, she met Dadabhai Naoroji, then president
of the British Committee of the Indian National Congress, and for whom she came to work as
private secretary. Together with Naoroji and Singh Rewabhai Rana (S R Rana), Cama supported
the founding of Varma's ‘Indian Home Rule Society’ in February 1905. That same year Cama
relocated to Paris, where—together with Singh Rewabhai Rana she co-founded the ‘Paris Indian
Society’. Cama wrote, published (in Holland and Switzerland) and distributed revolutionary
literature for the movement, including ‘Bande Mataram’ (founded in response to the Crown ban
on the poem Vande Mataram) and later ‘Madan's Talwar’ (in response to the execution of
Madan Lal Dhingra). These weeklies were smuggled into India through the French colony of
Pondicherry on the subcontinent's south-east coast. On 22 August 1907, Cama attended the
International Socialist Conference in Stuttgart, Germany, where she unfurled what she called
the ‘Flag of Indian Independence’ which is the first tricolor made during the freedom struggle.
 Lakshmi Sehgal Swaminathan, also known as Captain Laxmi is an activist of the Indian
independence movement, an ex-officer of the Indian National Army, and the Minister of
Women's affairs in the Azad Hind Government. A doctor by profession, Captain Lakshmi came
into the limelight in India towards the end of World War II for her role as the commander of the
‘Rani of Jhansi Regiment’ (only women’s regiment in Azad Hind Fauj) of the INA. In 2002 four
leftist parties nominated her as a candidate in the presidential electionsagainst A P J Abdul
 Annie Besant (1847 – 1933) was a prominent British Theosophist, women's rights activist, writer
and orator and supporter of Irish and Indian self rule. She was most important members of the
Tehosophical Soceity Adyar. As part of her Theosophy-related work, she travelled to India
where in 1898 she helped establish the Central Hindu College, and in 1902 she also became
involved in politics in India, joining the Indian National Congress. When World War I broke out in
1914 she helped launch the Home Rule League to campaign for democracy in India and
dominion status within the Empire. She also launched two papers – New India and
Commonwealth. This led to her election as president of the India National Congress in late
1917. She was also first woman president of Congress.
 Mithuben Petit’s life and mission began in the golden era of Gandhiji’s national movement in
1930 and ended in 1973. She dedicated her life for the upliftment of the tribal poor, the
underprivileged and the downtrodden of Gujarat. Gandhiji’s Salt Satyagraha was a turning point
in her life. She kept away from politics and followed Gandhiji’s principle of selfless service.
 Aruna Asif Ali is widely remembered for hoisting the Indian National Congress flag at the
Gowalia Tank maidan in Bombay during the Quit India Movement, 1942. She became an active
member of Congress Party after marrying Asaf Ali and participated in public processions during
the Salt Satyagraha. However her most prominent role was during Quit India movement when
most of the big leaders were in jails and she along with Usha Mehta operated underground
activities and kept the movement going on.
 Sucheta Kriplani was an Indian freedom fighter and politician in Uttar Pradesh, India. She
became the first woman to be elected Chief Minister of any Indian state. She was one of the few
women who were elected to the Constituent Assembly and was part of the subcommittee that
drafted the Indian Constitution. Like Aruna Asaf Ali and Usha Mehta she was a key figure in the
underground phase of Quit India Movement.
 Leela Roy Nag (1900 –1970), was a radical leftist Indian politician and reformer, and a close
associate of Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose. Leela Nag’s main concerns were regarding the
education and advancement of women. She founded ‘Deepali Sangha’. It became the centre for
initiating various activities by women and its branches were established in different parts of
Dacca. During the partition violence, she joined Gandhi in Noakhali. Even before Gandhiji
reached there, she opened a relief center and rescued 400 women. After the Partition of India,
she ran homes in Calcutta for destitute and abandoned women and tried to help refugees from
East Bengal.
 Usha Mehta (1920 –2000) was a renowned Gandhian and freedom fighter of India. She is also
remembered for organizing the Congress Radio, also called the Secret Congress Radio, an
underground radio station, which functioned for few months during the Quit India Movement of
 Durgabai Deshmukh was a feminist, a Parlimentarian and played a key role in Swadeshi and salt
Satyagraha movement. Durgabai was fascinated by the teachings of Gandhiji and became a
devoted Congress sevika. She was imprisoned during the Salt Satyagraha and was sent to Vellore
Jail where she mingled with other women prisoners. Popularly known as the 'Iron Lady', she also
became a member of the Constituent Assembly and used her potential in framing the
 Maniben Nanavati was the first woman who took spinning to every village of India. She stitched
clothes for the Adivasi and Dalit children and attended to the sick and the suffering millions of
India. Under influence of Gandhi, she started the ‘khadimandir’exclusively for women and their
progress. She founded the Nanavati Hospital in memory of her husband, Shri Chandulal
 Raj Kumari Gupta of Kanpur played a key role in the Kakori dacoity case. On being arrested, she
was disowned by her in-laws and thrown out of the house.
 Khurshidben Naoraji was grand daughter of Dadabhai Naoraji. Khurshidben was attracted by
the teachings of Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan who was trying to convert the revolutionary Pathans
into messengers of peace. Later she went to the North-West Frontier Province (NWFP) and
helped Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan in forging unity among Pathans, Pirs, Maliks and Khans. It was
Khurshidben who supported the workers (when they went on strike) of the Tata Steel Works at
Jamshedpur during the Quit India Struggle.
 Nellie Sengupta was married to J M Sengupta. During the non-cooperation movement she was
arrested while selling khadi in Chittagong. Later she was also elected as Congress president.
 Kamladevi Chattopadhyay (1903 –1988) was an Indian social reformer, freedom fighter, and
most remembered for her contribution to Indian independence movement, for being the driving
force behind the renaissance of Indian handicrafts, handlooms, and theatre in post-
Independence India, and for upliftment of the socio-economic standard of Indian women by
pioneering the co-operative movement in India. Numerous cultural institutions in India today
are a gift of her vision, she played a key role in growth of National School of Drama, Sangeet
Natak Akademi, Central Cottage Industries Emporium, and The Crafts Council of India, to name
a few. During Independence movement, Kamaladevi came to know of Mahatma Gandhi’s Non-
Cooperation Movementand joined the Seva Dal, a Gandhian organisation set up to promote
social upliftment. Later she was a part of the seven member lead team, announced by Mahatma
Gandhi, in the famous Salt Satyagraha (1930), to prepare Salt at the Bombay beachfront, the
only other woman volunteer of the team was Avantikabai Gokhale. In the 1930s, she was
arrested for entering the Bombay Stock Exchange to sell packets of contraband salt, and spent
almost a year in prison.
 Basanti Devi was the first Indian woman to be arrested during the non-cooperation movement
for selling khadi. Subhash Chandra Bose addressed her as ‘Maa’ (mother).
 Latika Ghosh formed the Mahila Rashtriya Sangh, first formal organization to mobilize women
for political work, which looked as its goal, independence and women's emancipation and she
was a close associate of Subhash Chandra.
 Bina Das (1911–1986) was an Indian revolutionary and nationalist from Bengal. On 6 February
1932, she attempted to assassinate the Bengal Governor Stanley Jackson in the Convocation
hall of the University of Calcutta. She was part of Chaattri Sanhga.The Chaattri Sangha was an
association for female students formed by Bina Das, her elder sister Kalyani, Surama Mitra and
Kamala Dasgupta for the discussion of revolutionary matters.
 Nonibala Devi was widowed at the age of 16, but refused to live a secluded life, as was the fate
of most widows of those times. Instead, she joined the Jugantar Party. She was arrested in
Peshawar for possessing arms and ammunition and deported to Calcutta jail. She also became
the Calcutta jail's first woman prisoner.
 Krishnabai Rau, a loyal Gandhian since childhood, responded to Gandhi’s call for civil
disobedience. In Madras, S Ambujammal and Krishna Rau formed the Desh Sevika Sangh, which
preached the true value of Swadeshi. Dressed in orange saris and blouses, DSS women picketed
foreign cloth shops with men volunteers.
 Rajkumari Amrit Kaur was the Princess of Kapurthala. She never married and she took up the
cause of women’s emancipation in India and joined the All-India Women’s Conference. Raj
Kumari Amrit Kaur was a close follower of Gandhiji from 1919 onwards. A Congress member,
she actively participated in the 1930 Salt Satyagraha and the Quit India Movement. After the
independence, when Jawaharlal formed the Interim Government, Amrit Kaur became the first
women Union Minister.


Industrial class was almost non-existent by the end of the 19th century. Cause of national movement also
found affinity among the industrialists as well. British had deliberately crippled the Indian industry and
massive imports were having a disasterous effect on Indian industry.
Many Industrialists supported Swadeshi movement for this reason. V O Chidambaram Pillai – who ran a
shipping company – actively supported Swadeshi movement in South. P C Ray was another industrialist
who played active role during Swadeshi movement and also formed a Swadeshi Chemical factory.

They wanted protection against imports of foreign goods, and a rupee-sterling foreign exchange ratio
that would discourage imports. To organise business interests, they formed the Indian Industrial and
Commercial Congress in 1920 and the Federation of the Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industries
(FICCI) in 1927. Led by prominent industrialists like Purshottamdas Thakurdas and G D Birla, the
industrialists attacked colonial control over the Indian economy, and supported the Civil Disobedience
Movement when it was first launched. They gave financial assistance and refused to buy or sell imported
goods. Most businessmen came to see swaraj as a time when colonial restrictions on business would no
longer exist and trade and industry would flourish without constraints.

Jamnalal Bajaj was another nationalist industrialist. He gave land for the Wardha Ashram of Gandhi and
took active participation in the national freedom struggle. Gandhi is known to have adopted him as his
son. Later, in 1923, he participated in the flag Satyagraha, defying a ban on flying the national flag in
Nagpur, and was arrested. This earned him national admiration.

At the same time, businessmen were also cautious about mass movements and spread of trade
unionism and were apprehensive of the spread of militant activities, and worried about prolonged
disruption of business, as well as of the growing influence of socialism amongst the younger members of
the Congress.


Maniram Diwan – He was first Indegenous tea planter and also a sepoy mutinee leader. In the mutiny,
he saw an opportunity to restore the Ahom rule. He was hanged by the British for conspiring against
them during the 1857 uprising.

Kiang Nongbah was the leader and the guiding spirit of the Jaintiya Rebellion of 1862. Cause rebellion
was imposition of income tax in addition to house tax. Apprehension of tax on betel and betel-nut
created turmoil and fierce rebellion broke, led by Kiang Nongbah. He was betrayed, captured and
hanged by Britishers publicly on 30th December, 1862.

Taji Mideren was the resident of elopian village in the North Eastern region. Taji Mideren was a farmer
& trader. He took part in the activities aganist british rule& killed 3 british officers near the Diran river in
1905, organised his mesmi fellow tribals & got them to come together to resist the expansion of british
authority. He established a mishmi leadership. He was finally captured by the British police at sadiya in
December 1917 & was deported to tezpur in Assam. There he was tried and sentenced to death.

Rani Gaidinliu was one of the active participants in the fight for freedom from British rule in India. Born
in a village of Manipur she joined freedom struggle at the age of 13 and was the first freedom fighter
from Manipur state. She led a socio-political movement to drive out the British from Manipur and Naga
areas. She assumed leadership after her brother Jadonag was hanged in 1931. She was also instrumental
in making people in North East aware about Gandhian struggle. She was arrested in 1932 at the age of
16 and imprisoned for life. She was freed in 1947 after India gained freedom and Nehru gave her the
title of ‘Rani’.


South India was generally more involved in non-revolutionary activities. Earliest example of nationalists
came in form of pre-Congress organizations like – Madras Mahajan Sabha. Nationalist newspapers like
The Hindu were also founded in the latter half of 19th century.

Some of the major freedom fighters include –

 S Satyamurthi – Sundara Sastri Satyamurti (1887 –1943) was a protege of S Srinivasa Iyengar
and was the political mentor of Kumaraswami Kamaraj. Satyamurti was one of the leading lights
of Swarajists who laid the foundation for parliamentary democracy in India, the others being C R
Das and Motilal Nehru. He alongwith Asaf Ali, M A Ansari, Bhulabhai Desai and B C Roy was the
one who advocated constitutional methods. In fact, he was the first to propose for the revival of
Swarajists methodby again gaining entry to councils for the Central Legislative Assembly
Elections in 1934 when Civil Disobedience movement was withdrawn and Congress was in
disarray. He was arrested in 1942 for performing 'Individual satyagraha' at the height of the Quit
India Movement.
 Ukkirapandi MuthuramalingaThevar (1908 –1963) hailed from the Maravar community and
became the leader of the All India Forward Bloc in Tamil Nadu, and was national deputy
chairman of the party from 1952 onwards. He palyed a key role in election of Subhash as
Congress president for the second time against candidate of Gandhi (Tripuri Session), he
mobilised all south India votes for Bose.
 Nilkant Brahmachari and Vanchi Ayyer – They founded Bharat Mata Association in Madras and
were one of the few revolutionaries from Madras. Vanchi killed DM Ashe of Tirunelvelli in 1911
who was infamous for his oppressive methods. The DM was shot in daylight by Vanchi Ayyer
accomplice by his cousin Shankar Krishna Ayyer. Vanchi killed himself instead of getting cought.
Vanchi is the only martyr from South India.
 S Subramania Iyer (1842 –1924) was an Indian lawyer, jurist and freedom fighter who, along
with Annie Besant, founded the Home Rule Movement. He was popularly known as the ‘Grand
Old Man of South India’. He renounced his knighthood in support of the movement and to
protest against the arbitrary arrest of Besant.
 Subramanya Bharathi was a Tamil writer, poet, journalist, Indian independence activist and
social reformer from Madras Presidency, India. Popularly known as Mahakavi Bharathiyar, he is
considered to be a pioneer of modern Tamil poetry. He worked as a journalist with many
newspapers, notable among them being the Swadesamitran and India. Bharathi was also an
active member of the Indian National Congress. He worked along with Chidambram Pillai and
Subramaniya Siva during Swadeshi Movement.
 K Kelappan was a freedom fighter and social reformer. He joined the Non-cooperation
movement led by Mahatma Gandhi and joined the Freedom movement. He played a dominant
role in the famous Vaikom Satyagraha and was the leader of the Guruvayur Satyagraha in 1932.
He also led the movement during the Salt Satyagraha in Malabar area.
 Chakravarti Rajagopalachari (1878 –1972) was a Gandhian nationalist and was the last
Governor-General of India. Rajaji founded the ‘Swatantra Party’ after Independence and was
one of the first recipients of India's highest civilian award, the Bharat Ratna. He joined the Indian
National Congress and participated in the agitations against the Rowlatt Act, the Non-
Cooperation movement, the Vaikom Satyagraha and the Civil Disobedience movement.He led
the Salt Satyagraha in Tamilnadu. He later advocated cooperation over Britain's war effort and
opposed the Quit India Movement. He favoured talks with both Muhammad Ali Jinnah and the
Muslim League and proposed what later came to be known as the C R Formula or Rajaji
 Alladi Krishnaswamy Iyer (1883 – 1953) was an Indian lawyer and member of the Constituent
Assembly of India, which was responsible for framing the Constitution of India. He was Advocate
General of the Composite Madras State. Dr B R Ambedkar was assisted by two eminent lawyers
while drafting the constitution. K M Munshi from Gujarat and Alladi Krishnaswamy Aiyar from
Madras, both of whom gave crucial inputs in the drafting of the Constitution.
 T Prakasam (1872 –1957) was an Indian politician and Freedom Fighter and the first Chief
Minister of the Indian province Andhra state. He was also known as Andhra Kesari (literally, the
Lion of Andhra). In 1922, during the Non-cooperation Movement, he organised a demonstration
by 30,000 Congress volunteers at Guntur. In Madras during demonstrations in protests against
Simon Commission, he bared his chest in front of a policeman and openly dared him to fire.
 E M S Namboodiripad (1909 –1998) was an Indian Communist leader and the first Chief
Minister of Kerala state. As the first non-Indian National Congress Chief Minister in Republic of
India, he became the leader of the first democratically elected Communist government in the
world. Namboodiripad pioneered radical land and educational reforms in Kerala state that are
today being duplicated by other states of India.
 P Theagaraya Chetty (1852 - 1925) was one of the founders of the ‘Justice Party’ (which was
first non-brahmin political entity) in 1916 along with C Natesa Mudaliar, Dr. T M Nair and
worked for the political and social empowerment of Non-Brahmins and lower caste Brahmins in
 K Kamraj was former Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu widely acknowledged as the ‘Kingmaker’ in
Indian politics during the 1960s. He was instrumental in bringing to power two Prime Ministers,
Lal Bahadur Shastri in 1964 and Indira Gandhi in 1966. In Tamil Nadu, his home state, he is still
remembered for bringing school education to millions of the rural poor by introducing free
education and the free Midday Meal Scheme during his tenure as chief minister. He is also
known for his famous ‘Kamraj Plan’ in which he called for senior leaders to quit mainstream
politics and strengthen the party.He was awarded India's highest civilian honour, the Bharat
Ratna, posthumously in 1976.
 Vallathol Narayana Menon (1878–1958), popularly known as Mahakavi, was one of the
celebrity poets in Malayalam language. He is the author of the famous Sahithya Manjari. He
raised Kathakali as a great art form to the level today. Vallathol actively participated in the
Nationalist movement. He attended the all India Conferences of the Indian National Congress in
1922 and 1927 and rejected the Royal Honour bestowed upon him by Prince of Wales during his
India visit (1922).


Before start of 20th century, there were no big communal divisions. Earlier the wars were fought on the
basis of territories and religious ideologies were not antagonistic to each other in a communal sense.
Even during 1857 revolt both the communities fought side by side.

Fights among different kings of different religious identity earlier occurred mostly to gain economic and
political control and religious factors were only secondary. Growth of communalism can be seen in three
stages in India –

I. Initially, after 1857, belief was propagated that religious communities are distinct from each
II. Second phase came when it was believed that interests of one group are different from the
III. Third stage came when it was believed that interests of communities are not only different, but
also incompatible.

Thus, communalism is a modern phenomenon and its roots in India lies in the ‘Divide and Rule policy’ of
British in India.

After establishment of Congress in 1885, British propped popular leaders like Syed Ahmed Khan and
Raja Shiva Prasad of Benaras to wdge a rift between people and Congress. Syed Ahmed believed that
Muslim’s share in administration is hogged by Hindu majority and he launched a campaign to get their
rightful place. Muslims have remain backward because of their initial hostility towards British and ardent
boycott of British education during first 70 years of 19th century.

Partition of Bengal, 1905, was the most inglorious attempt of British to stoke the communal fire.
Separate Electorateintroduced by 1909 Morley-Minto reforms was another instrument that deepened
the Hindu-Muslim hostility.

Militant nationalists also inadvertently promoted Hindu imagery during Swadeshi movement which
acted to alienate Muslims.

There were economic reasons too. While Muslim remained more of a closed community and less
exposed to modernity, their participation in jobs and economic activities was lower. Economic
backwardness of nation ensured that there was stiff competition in jobs and Muslims felt left out in this.
The schism due to economic disparity was seen as deprivation of opportunity which was attributed to
Hindu hegemony. This gave birth to the idea of Hindu-Domination.

Education system also contributed to growth of communalism. Historians described medieval period of
Indian history as the period of Muslim period. And declared the Muslims were the rulers and non-
muslims were thee ruled. They failed to bring out the point that in that period economic and political
interests defined the relations in India as elsewhere in the world during that time. Hindu communal view
on the other hand saw period before Muslim arrival as golden age of Hinduism which suffered decline
after their arrival.

While it is argued that when seeds of communalism were sown, some say that consent of Congress to
join Khilafat Movement was start of it. By acceptingseparate identities of Hindus and Muslims, it allowed
the communal seeds to take their roots.

In the following years ‘Shuddhi Movement’ of Arya Samaj and Later ‘Tabligh’ and ‘Tanzeem’ movements
didn’t help either.

In 1932, the Communal Award and then the Government of India Act of 1935 accepted nearly all the
liberal communal demands.

Electoral Politics was the last straw. However, the year 1937 was a turning point in the history of
communalism in India in so far as it concerns the stridency and intensity of politics of hatred. In the
elections held for the provincial legislative assembly, the Muslim League won only 109 out of 492
reserved Muslim seats and only 4.8 % of the total Muslim votes showing thereby the lack of popular
support for Muslim League even among the Muslim population. This prompted Muslim League to take a
communal stance and name of God, ‘Islam in danger’ and ‘Minority Insecurity’like slogans were raised
and were used as rallying point in coming days by Muslim League.

British also fueled the communal fire in 1937 in pursuance of their divide and rule policy. By 1937, all
other divisive tactics of the British had failed. There was no tussle between Zamindars and Congress.
Right and Left have also learned to exist together. Dalits were also less hostile after Poona pact. In such
a situation only communal card was left with the British to play with.

On the other hand, in same elections Hindu Communalists haven’t fared better either. Hindu
Mahasabha also had a dismal record in Punjab where seats were reserved for Hidus. Hence the same
choice of extinction faced them as had faced their Muslim counterparts forcing them to embrace a
politics of hatred for survival. Their predicament was aggravated in 1938 when Congress disallowed
communalists from working within the Congress organization. Consequently, Congress was condemned
by them for “supporting our inveterate enemies” and preaching that Hindus were the only Nation living
in India. Thus evolved the Hindu fundamentalists' version of ‘two nation theory’.

Thus, basic change from liberal communalism (to extreme communalism) occurred during 1937-38
when both the Hindu and Muslim communalism, in the form of the Muslim League and Hindu
Mahasabha and the RSS started becoming fascist and irrational in their ideologies and politics.Blame lies
on Hindu communalists much higher for they were in majority and never tried to allay the fears of

Things only exacerbated after 1940. Muslim league and Congress took diametrically opposite stance on
every major issue. This lead to failure of Cripps Mission and Wavell plan.
Direct Action day and the ensuing riots were only symbolic confirmation of the larger divide that has
already separated the two communities which was manifested in the realization of Two Nations Theory
when the two nations got independence separately. Communalism had taken its toll.


With the arrival of the British Raj in India the modern European education came to India.

 British Raj was reluctant to introduce mass education system as it was not their interest. Instead
it aimed at lowering administrative costs by creating educated middle class who may fill clerical
 Another concern was that educated Indians would provide market for British goods.
 Further, western education was to legitimize the British rule in India as it glorfied British rule.

Thus British wanted to use Western education to strengthen their political rule.


Early aim of the British was to decipher the local society and traditions for better administration
by learning more about the Indians. A madrasa was set up in Calcutta in 1781 – Calcutta
Madrasa stated by Warren Hastings – to promote the study of Arabic, Persian and Islamic law.

Benaras Sanskrit College at Varanasi/Benaras was started by Jonathan Duncan in 1791 to

understand Hindu customs and culture.

With great energy and passion, Macaulay emphasized the need to teach the English language.
He felt that knowledge of English would allow Indians to read some of the finest literature the
world had produced.

Following Macaulay’s minute, the English Education Act of 1835 was introduced. The decision
was to make English the medium of instruction for higher education, and to stop the promotion
of Oriental institutions like the Calcutta Madrasa and Benaras Sanskrit College. These
institutions were seen as “temples of darkness that were falling of themselves into decay”.
English textbooks now began to be produced for schools.

In second phase, due to the strong pressure exerted on the Co. by the Christian missionaries and
many humanitarians, including some Indians, to encourage and promote modern education in
India, The Charter Act of 1813 required the Co. to spend rupees 1 lakh annually for encouraging
learned Indians and promoting the knowledge of modern sciences in India.

Raja Ram Mohun Roy also helped David Hare establish Hindu College in Calcutta and he himself
established Vedanta College.

The Govt, policy of opening a few English schools and colleges instead of a large number of
elementary schools led to the neglect of education of masses and only a few elite got the
privilege of education and this policy is termed as ‘Downward Filtering’ i.e. education and
modern ideas were supposed to filter downward from the upper classes.

First major development in the field of education was made with the establishment of Wood’s
Despatch (1854) by the then Secretary of State Woods. It recommended promotion of both
Western educations at the same time of promotion of Vernacular education at primary level for
education of masses. It is often termed as Magna Carta of India education. It asked government
to take responsibility of education of masses, however government did a little to spread it. Key
recommendations and their impact –

I. According the recommendations, it was declared that the aim of Government’s policy
was the promotion of the western education. In his despatch he emphasised on the
education of art, science, philosophy and literature of Europe.
II. Outlining the educational policy that was to be followed in India, it emphasized once
again the practical benefits of a system of European learning, as opposed to Oriental
III. One of the practical uses the Despatch pointed to was economic. European learning, it
said, would enable Indians to recognise the advantages that flow from the expansion of
trade and commerce, and make them see the importance of developing the resources
of the country. Introducing them to European ways of life, would change their tastes
and desires, and create a demand for British goods, for Indians would begin to
appreciate and buy things that were produced in Europe.
IV. Wood’s Despatch also argued that European learning would improve the moral
character of Indians. It would make them truthful and honest, and thus supply the
Company with civil servants who could be trusted and depended upon. The literature of
the East was not only full of grave errors, it could also not instill in people a sense of
duty and a commitment to work, nor could it develop the skills required for
V. It recommended setting up of universities at Madras, Calcutta and Bombay. As a result
of this dispatch, universities were established at Calcutta (Jan 1857) Bombay (Jul 1857)
and Madras (Sep 1857).
VI. However, the significance of the vernacular language was also emphasised as Woods
believed that through the mediums of vernacular language, European knowledge could
reach to the masses. Wood’s Despatch also proposed the setting up of several
vernacular primary schools in the villages at the lowest stage.

Almost all the proposals of the Wood’s despatch were implemented. The new scheme of
education proposed by the Wood’s Despatch was merely an imitation of the English models.
TheWestern system of education gradually replaced the indigenous methods of education and
learning and private efforts of Indians emerged only gradually. Hence, mass education aspect
was ignored by this dispatch and it is criticized for only pandering to colonial needs.


Mohmmandan Anglo Oriental College was one of the first efforts by Sir Syyed Ahmed Khan
after the 1857 revolt which later became Aligarh Muslim University.

Deccan Education Society was established by Tilak and G G Agarkar and its aim was to prepare
a band of people who can undertake educational reforms for national upliftment.

The turn of the century witnessed even more development in education under British ruling,
when educational reforms of 1901-1904 came into consideration. The reforms were primarily
made under the supervision of Lord Curzon, Viceroy of India. They included – Creation of the
post of Director-General of Education in 1902, IISc and Indian Agricultural Research Institute at
Pusa was established during this time.

During Swadeshi Movement also, many initiatives were taken to indigenize the education.
Bengal National College was founded with Aurobindo as its principle. National Council of
Education was also formed in 1906.

Nationalist leaders opened Vidyapiths in various states such as Gujarat and Uttar Preadesh were
established during Non-Cooperation Movement. Vishwa Bharati Universtiy was opened at
Shantiniketan by Rabindranath Tagore. SNDT University was also opened for Women as the first
women’s only university. Jamia Milia was also opened apart from BHU.

Another big push came in 1929, with the establishement of Hartog Commission which
recommended reforms at elementary level and university level. The Indian Statutory Commission
or Simon Commission appointed a Commission to survey into the whole system of education and
it was termed as ‘Hartog Committe’. The quantitative increase of the education subsequently
reduced the quality of the education provided in the Indian schools, colleges and universities.
There was a continuous dissatisfaction about the entire system and the procedure of education.
The Hartog Committee emphasized primarily on the national importance of the primary
education or mass education. Instead of expansion of the education the commission
recommended for the consolidation and the improvements of the education procedure. It
primarily focused on the primary and secondary education and even criticized the policy on
University education. It said that universities by way of affiliation have led to downgrade in
standard of education. Honours courses in affiliate colleges are not upto the expectation.
Universities have failed to transform students into responsible citizens. Therefore, it
recommended improvement of the university work so that it could provide proper instructions
to the students.

There were other Indians, however, who reacted against Western education. Mahatma Gandhi
and Rabindranath Tagore were two such individuals. “English education has enslaved us”
Mahatma Gandhi argued that colonial education created a sense of inferiority in the minds of
Indians. It made them see Western civilisation as superior, and destroyed the pride they had in
their own culture. Education in English crippled Indians, distanced them from their own social
surroundings, and made them “strangers in their own lands”. Western Education valued
textbooks rather than lived experience and practical knowledge. He argued that education
ought to develop a person’s mind and soul. People had to work with their hands, learn a craft,
and know how different things operated. According to Gandhi ‘By education I mean an all-round
drawing out of the best in child and man – body, mind and spirit. Literacy is not the end of
education nor even the beginning. It is only one of the means whereby man and woman can be

Rabindranath Tagore started the institution in 1901. As a child, Tagore hated going to school. He
found it suffocating and oppressive. The school appeared like a prison, for he could never do
what he felt like doing. According to him, childhood ought to be a time of self-learning, outside
the rigid and restricting discipline of the schooling system set up by the British. Teachers had to
be imaginative, understand the child, and help the child develop her curiosity. Tagore was of the
view that creative learning could be encouraged only within a natural environment. So he chose
to set up his school 100 kilometres away from Calcutta, in a rural setting. He saw it as an abode
of peace (santiniketan), where living in harmony with nature, children could cultivate their
natural creativity.

In many senses Tagore and Mahatma Gandhi thought about education in similar ways. There
were, however, differences too. Gandhiji was highly critical of Western civilisation and its
worship of machines and technology. Tagore wanted to combine elements of modern Western
civilisation with what he saw as the best within Indian tradition. He emphasized the need to
teach science and technology at Santiniketan, along with art, music and dance.

In the meanwhile, Gandhiji proposed Wardha System of Basic Education in 1937. The Wardha
scheme of Education, popularly known as ‘Basic education’ occupies a unique place in the field
of elementary education in India. This scheme was the first attempt to develop an indigenous
scheme of education in British India by Mahatma Gandhi. As a nationalist leader he fully realised
that the British system of education could not serve the socio-economic need of the country. For
improving this condition he advocated a scheme of free compulsory primary education based on
Indian traditional culture through the medium of mother tongue. Along the formal education,
there should be some productive activity also alongside like Handicrafts (as this system will
generate funds for the remuneration of teacher and will also inculcate among the students value
of human labor). This was most striking feature of the scheme as it aimed at making the
education system as self-sustainable. It also advocated no religious education. A committee
under the Chairmanship of Dr. Zakir Hussain – ‘Zakir Hussain Committee’ – was appointed to
prepare a detailed education plan and syllabus on the lines of the above resolutions. The
scheme was opposed by Muslim league for ignoring Urdu, despite the fact that two Muslim
leaders – Zakir Husain and K G Saiyudin were largely responsible for drafting this scheme.
However, World War-2 broke and Congress provincial governments resigned in 1939, leaving
the dream of basic education scheme incomplete.

In 1944, came the Sergeant Plan of Education. The Sergeant Scheme, formally known as the
‘Report of the Sergeant Commission on Post-War Education Development in India’, was a 1944
memorandum prepared at the behest of the British-run Government of India that outlined the
future development of literacy and education in India. The Sergeant plans recommended the
junior and the basic level of education. The plan at the same time envisaged the introduction of
universal free and compulsory education for the children between the ages of 6 to 11 years. The
Sergeant scheme notably envisaged a long term 40 years plan for educational reconstruction for
the country and in this period bringing universal literacy in India.


Education system during the British period was determined by the needs of the colonial powers.
British needed Indian to work in clerical positions for which English was a preferred medium of
communication. Their push to English education via Woods Despatch etc can also be seen in this
light. In 1837, English replaced Persian as the official and court language, and in 1844 Hardinge
announced preference for English educated Indians in the Civil Service.

A Commission appointed by Curzon in 1902, under the chairmanship of Sir Thomas Raleigh
recommended limiting the number of universities and some other measures which were not
favored by Indians. Protest against British Education Policy was one of the Four Agenda during
the 1906 session of the Congress.

As their focus was not on mass education, as a result condition of Indian masses was no better in
1921 as in 1821. In 1921 also only 6% Indians were educated.

Another lacuna in British policy was neglect of girls as British didn’t see investment in them as
valuable investment as they couldn’t be employed as clerks.


Discovery and promotion of Indian culture by British –

 William Jones (28 September 1746 – 27 April 1794) studied ancient Indian texts on law,
philosophy, religion, politics, morality, arithmetic, medicine and the other sciences and founded
Asiatic Society.

 Henry Thomas Colebrooke and Nathaniel Halhed were also busy discovering the ancient Indian
heritage, mastering Indian languages and translating Sanskrit and Persian works into English.
Together with them, Jones set up the Asiatic Society of Bengal (1784), and started a journal
called Asiatick Researches.

 Charles Wilkins published the first English translation of the Bhagavad Gita in 1785

 The most important of the society's achievements was the decipherment of Mauryan Brahmi
script by James Prinsep in 1837. This successful decipherment inaugurated the study of Indian

 Alexander Cunningham, a protégé of Prinsep, carried out a detailed survey of the Buddhist
monuments which lasted for over half a century. Inspired by early amateur archaeologists like
the Italian military officer, Jean-Baptiste Ventura, Cunningham excavated stupas across the
length and breadth of India. While Cunningham funded many of his early excavations himself, in
the long run, he realized the need for a permanent body to oversee archaeological excavations
and the conservation of Indian monuments and used his stature and influence in India to lobby
for an archaeological survey. While his attempt in 1848 did not meet with success, the
Archaeological Survey of India was eventually formed in 1861 by a statute passed into law by
Lord Canning with Cunningham as the first Archaeological Surveyor.

 Max Muller translated 50 books in a monumental volume titled ‘Sacred Book of East’.

 In Adyar also, Annie Besant and others opened Theosophical Society of India to look into the
religious and philosophical nuances of Indian traditions.

 Robert Bruce Foote – Father of Indian Pre-history. He was a geologist of the Geological Survey
of India. He discovered first Palaeolithic tools in India.

 WH Wiser made a detailed study of economic system under caste system in his famous study of
Jajmani System

 However, from the early nineteenth century many British officials began to criticise the
Orientalist vision of learning. They said that knowledge of the East was full of errors and
unscientific thought. James Mill was one of the leading figures among them. By the 1830s the
attack on the Orientalists became sharper. One of the most outspoken and influential of such
critics of the time was Thomas Babington Macaulay. He saw India as an uncivilised country that
needed to be civilized. No branch of Eastern knowledge, according to him could be compared to
what England had produced. According to Macauley ‘a single shelf of a good European library
was worth the whole native literature of India and Arabia’. He urged that the British government
in India stop wasting public money in promoting Oriental learning, for it was of no practical use.


First school exclusively for women was established by a British M P Drinkwater Bethune as ‘Hindu
Balika School’ in Calcutta in 1849 with Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar as its secretary. It was later renamed
as Bethune School.

Arya Samaj also made pioneering effort and opened Arya Kanya Vidyalya in Jalandhar. Later many other
communities followed the suit. However, one major problem was that such efforts were limited to
primary education only. First women graduate of India – Saudamini Ganguli – graduated only in 1902.

Sri Narayan Guru and his wife also worked for the education of Women and they opened a schoold
dedicated for women.

Similarly, Sarda Sadan was opened by Pandita Ramabai in Bombay for special focus on the education of
Widow Girl Child.
Mahirishi D K Karve also did pioneering work in Women’s education and he laid foundation of first
women’s university of India – SNDT University.

Major push came with the national movement and issue of girl’s education were taken by national

In aristocratic Muslim households in North India, women learnt to read the Koran in Arabic. They were
taught by women who came home to teach. Some reformers such as Mumtaz Ali reinterpreted verses
from the Koran to argue for women’s education.

From the early twentieth century, Muslim women like the Begums of Bhopal played a notable role in
promoting education among Muslim women.


The Faraizi movement was founded by Haji Shariatullah in Bengal as a revivalist and nationalist
movement. It was a revivalist and anti-British, anti-zamindar movement. After returning from Mecca
(hence the title Hajji) after a 20 year hiatus Shariatullah, seeing the degraded Muslims of Bengal, called
on them to give up un-Islamic practices and act upon their duties as Muslims(Faraiz). The movement
was also concerned with the British influence upon Muslims and called for social justice. Haji Shariatullah
deemed British domination in Bengal as exceedingly detrimental to the religious life of the followers of
Islam. He also formed an armed force to attack the zamindars and their followers and then went one
stage further by attempting to form a parallel Muslim government within East Bengal. Haji Sharitullah
died in 1840 and then his son Dadu Miyan kept the movement alive waging war against the British.
However, the faraizi movement went into decline following Miyan’s death in 1860.

Wahabi Movement was one of the earliest reform movements which was launched before 1857 revolt.
The Wahabi Movement was a part of the Indian freedom struggle and one of the first challenges to
British Empire as it offered a serious threat to British supremacy in India in the 19 th century. The
movement was led by Syed Ahmed of Bareli. He interpreted the Quran in the light of rationalism and
science. He urged the people to develop a critical approach and freedom of thought. It was a revivalist
movement which held that the return to the true spirit of Islam was the only way to get rid of the socio-
political oppression. Their major aim was to get rid of Sikhs in Punjab and British in Bengal. In Bengal,
Titu Mir led the movement who died in 1831 fighting the British.

The Muslim upper classes had tended to avoid contact with Western education and culture and it was
only after the revolt of 1857 that modern ideas of religious reform began to appear. The beginning was
made by the Muhammedan Literary Society founded in Calcutta in 1863 founded by Nawab Abdul Latif.
It promoted discussion of religious, social and politicalquestions in the light of modern ideas and
encouraged upper and middle class Muslims toadopt Western education. It also played an important
role for Muslim Unity.

Another movementis associated with Shah Waliullah in Delhi, who opposed the unorthodox religious
practicesand revived the Shia sect and strict monotheism.
Aligarh Movement was actually an educational movement with a view to purify Islamled by Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan, to educate the upper middle class Muslims of India after the defeat of the rebels in the
Indian rebellion of 1857, who he thought were lagging behind other ommunities when it came to
educational and government job opportunities. It had enormous success and had a profound impact on
the future of the subcontinent. Its most significant achievement was the establishment of
Muhammadan Anglo-Oriental College at Aligarh, which later became Aligarh Muslim University. The
vision of the movement was to create an administrative class that would govern in cooperation with the
British rather than focus its attention on the Ulama. Sir Saiyed Ahmed Khan emphasized on rationality
and scientific outlook and insisted that Islam should be a progressive religion.

Deobandi Movement is named after the town of Deoband in Uttar Pradesh, India. In 1886, several
prominent scholars a group of learned theologians, led by Maulana Muhammad Qasim Nanautawi,
founded an Islamic Seminary – Darul Uloom – in the modest town of Deoband, north of Delhi. It has a
three fold agenda – revivalist, refomist/modernizing and nationalist. Majority of the rebellion and
resistance to colonization had been crushed by the East India Company. Therefore, the Ulamaa
gathered at Deoband and created a safe haven for those still committed to preserving Islam and resisting
the occupation by the British. Once gathered and organized there, they began to develop a plan to not
only build up a resistance, but also preserve and spread Islam in the subcontinent. The Deobandi
movement and particularly the Dar-ul-Uloom system were established to provide structure in the areas
of education and politics for the Muslims of the subcontinent. A large group of scholars at the Darul
Uloom Deoband had opposed the establishment of a state established along sectarian lines, particularly
the demands of Muhammad Ali Jinnah's Muslim League for the Partition of British India into Muslim and
non-Muslim sections. Maulana Husain Ahmad Madani was one of the scholars who opposed the idea of
Pakistan. It was also later led by Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad and propagated rationalist and militant

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad had founded the Ahmediya Movement in 1899. Ahmediyya as a non-political
Islamic reformist movement founded in British India near the end of the 19th century, originating with
the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad in Punjab. Under this movement, a number of schools
and colleges were opened all over the country, imparting modern education. In the field of religion the
followers of this movement emphasized the universal and humanitarian character of Islam. They
favoured the unity among Hindus and Muslims. One of the greatest poets of modern India, Muhammad
Iqbal, (1876-1938) also profoundly influenced through his poetry, the philosophical and religious outlook
of the younger generation of Muslims as well as of Hindus.

Women’s education

In aristocratic Muslim households in North India, women learnt to read the Koran in Arabic.
They were taught by women who came home to teach. Some reformers such as Mumtaz Ali
reinterpreted verses from the Koran to argue for women’s education.

From the early twentieth century, Muslim women like the Begums of Bhopal played a notable
role in promoting education among Muslim women.
Religious reform among the Sikhs was started at the end of the 19th Century when the Khalsa College
started at Amritsar. Through the efforts of the Singh Sabhas (1870) and with British support, the Khalsa
College was founded at Amritsar in 1892. This college and schools set up as a result of similar efforts,
promoted Gurumukhi, Sikh learning and Punjabi literature as a whole.


The Nirankari movement originated in Rawalpindi in the North West region of Punjab in first half
of 19th century. The Nirankari movement was founded by Baba Dayal Das and was considered to
be a movement of purification and return. The main focus behind the Nirankaris movement was
on deficiencies in religious practice. They emphasized on teachings of first guru Guru Nanak Dev.
It later evolved as a separate sect.


Kuka Movement or Namdhari movement was started by Bhagat Jawahar Mal, but in its most
crucial phase was led by Baba Ram Singh Namdhari in 1872.

The Kuka Movement marked the first major reaction of the people in the Punjab to the new
political order initiated by the British after 1849. The Namdhari Movement of which the Kuka
Movement was the most important phase aimed at the overthrow of the British rule and
restoration of sovereignity of Punjab. Ram Singh, who became its leader in 1863, gave military
training to his followers.

The clash with British which started over the question of slaughter of cows culminated in the
Kuka raid on Malerkotla on January 15, 1872. The Kuka outbreak of 1872 was visited by terrible
punishment, which was equalled in brutality by few events in our history. A large number of
Kuka prisoners were blown to death with cannons, their leader Ram Singh was deported to


The Singh Sabha intended to restore Sikhism to its past purity by publishing historical religious
books, magazines and journals, to propagate knowledge using Punjabi, to return Sikh apostates
to their original faith, and to involve highly placed Englishmen in the educational programme of
the Sikhs.

The first Singh Sabhas were formed at Amritsar in 1873 and at Lahore in 1879. The Sabhas
sought to rid Sikhism of superstitions, caste distinctions and practices seen by them as non-Sikh.

The people who helped to establish the Singh Sabha were Kanwar Bikram Singh and Thakur
Singh Sandhawalia.
Everything that went against Gurus teaching was discarded. Rites and customs were regarded as
regular and steady with Sikh principles and traditions were established. With this came the
restructuring of Sikh Shrines. This period of the Singh Sabhas also witnessed the modern
development and emergence of new cultural and political aspirations. The Sikhs properly
achieved higher level of literacy. Famous Khalsa College at Amritsar and hundreds of Khalsa
Schools were established all across Punjab.


The Akali movement or the Gurdwara Reform Movement was a campaign to bring reform in the
gurdwaras (the Sikh places of worship) in India during the early 1920s. The movement was
against the unwarranted authority of ‘Mehants’ that lead to corruption and mismanagement in
Gurudwara operations. Popular Sikh shrines like Nankana Sahib, Tarn Taran Sahib and Guru-ka-
Bagh were occupied by the Mahants, who had made the shrines into their personal property,
vanquishing the sanctity of the holy places. The Mahants had become the puppets of the
government of the Punjab.

The movement led to the introduction of ‘Sikh Gurdwara Bill in 1925’, which placed all the
historical Sikh shrines in India under the control of Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak
Committee (SGPC).

Gurudwara Reform movement was largely peaceful, non-violent movement.

The Akali movement was started in 1920 by the Singh Sabha's political wing later known as
Akali Dal. The jathas (volunteer groups) led by Kartar Singh Jhabbar played a major role in the

Various episodes of this movement are –

 Taran Taran Morcha

 Nankana Tragedy of 1920 – The local Sikhs passed a resolution calling upon the mahant
of Nankana to reform himself. Mahant Narain Das instead asked for police protection
and began to make preparations for violence and hired thugs and armed them who
attacked a procession of Sikhs and killed more than 100 people.
 Guru Ka Bagh Morcha
 Golden Temple ‘Keys Affair’ – Chabiya da Morcha – Management of the Golden Temple
had always been of special interest to the community. Newly elected SGPC in 1921
adopted a resolution asking the then Mahant Secretary of Golden Temple to hand over
the keys of the treasury to its president, Kharak Singh. However, he submitted the Keys
with district authorities and this led to agitations and many leaders like Master Tara
Singh, Baba Kharak Singh etc were imprisioned. But in the end government has to hand
over the keys under popular pressure.
 Babar Akali Movement – The Babbar Akali Movement took place during the years 1921
to 1925. The majority of the Babbar Akalis were returned immigrants from Canada.
Some of them had actively participated in the Gadhar Movement. The Babbar Akali
Movement came into existence when the peaceful Akali struggle for Gurdwara reform
was passing through a crucial stage. The Mahants stood against the Akalis to put an end
to their peaceful struggle for Gurdwara reformation. After massacres at Nankana and
other shrines some Akalis decided to take the revolutionary path and decided to
eliminate key government stooges, mahants and infamous government officials. The
movement was met with heavy hand.



Brahmo Samaj – literally meaning ‘one God society’ – was a quasi-protestant, theistic movement
within Hinduism, founded in Calcutta in 1828 by Raja Ram Mohun Roy. It is credited with
starting the Bengal Renaissance of the 19th century. It denounced polytheism, idol worship, and
the caste system, karma or rebirth. It was influenced by modern ideas, Vedantic philosophy and
even ideas of Christianity and Islam. It discarded Hindu rituals and included some elements from
other religions. It emphasized on ideas of modernity and rationality. Its greatest effort was
towards emancipation of women and reformation of Hinduism as a monotheistic religion.

Biggest contribution of Samaj was efforts towards liberation of women and depressed classes.
Rammohun Roy was particularly moved by the problems widows faced in their lives. He tried to
show through his writings that the practice of widow burning had no sanction in ancient texts.

It were the efforts of Raja Ram Mohun Rao that sati was banned by the British Government in
1829. Raja Rammohan Roy realized that the practice of Sati was due to the extremely low
position of Hindu women. Therefore he started working as a stout champion of women’s rights.
He also stressed education of women.

He also strived towards promotion of Western education. He helped David Hare establish Hindu
College in Calcutta and he himself established Vedanta college.

He also expressed discontent over oppressive policies of Zmindari system and monopoly of
company over trade. He published a newspaper called – Sambad Kaumudi – which had a
reformist agenda especially against Sati.

After Raja Ram Mohun Roy, first Debendranath Tagore and later Keshab Chandra Sen steered
the movement. By efforts of Keshab Chandra Sen Child marriage Act was passed. Soon,
Debendranath and Keshab Chandra fell apart as Debendranath advocated a slow and cautious
approach, while Keshab Chandra advocated radical reforms. Keshab Chandra gave an idea of
‘naya vidhaan’ as a synthesis of many religions.

After initial leadership, Samaj was divided into different branches in middle of 19th century.


The Tattwabodhini Sabha was a group started in Calcutta on 29 September 1839 as a splinter
group of the Brahmo Samaj, reformers of Hinduism and Indian Society. The founding member
was Debendranath Tagore father to renowned polymath Rabindranath Tagore.


The Manav Dharma Sabha was an influential organization in the Hindu reform movement that
started in Surat in 1844. Mehtaji Durgaram Manchharam was one of the prominent figures of
this organization, others being – Durgaram, Dadoba Pandurang etc.

The Manav Dharma Sabha rejected ‘the existence of ghosts, their exorcism by means of
incantations, the evils of early marriage and the bar against remarriage of high caste Hindu


Parmahansa Mandali was founded in Poona, Satara and other towns of Maharashtra. Its
followers had faith in one God and they opposed caste system. At its meetings, members took
food cooked by low-caste people. They favoured education of women and supported widow
remarriage. Mahadev Ranade believed that without social reforms it was not possible to
achieve any progress in the political and economic fields.


Established in Madras (Chennai) in 1864, the Veda Samaj was inspired by the Brahmo Samaj. It
worked to abolish caste distinctions and promote widow remarriage and women’s education. Its
members believed in one God. They condemned the superstitions and rituals of orthodox


The Prarthana Samaj was established in Bombay by Dr. Atma Ram Pandurang. The Samaj drew
its inspiration from the Vaishnavite ‘Paramahansa Mandali’ and was also greatly influenced by
‘Keshab Chandra Sen’ and Brahmo Samaj.

The two great members of this Samaj were Shri R C Bhandarkar and Justice Mahadev Govind
Ranade. They devoted themselves to the work of social reform such as inter-caste dining,
intercaste marriage, widow remarriage and improvement of the lot of women and depressed

Mahavdev Govind Ranade devoted his entire life to Prarthana Samaj. He was the founder of the
Widow Remarriage Association (1861) and the Deccan Education Society (1885). He
established the Poona Sarvajanik Sabha as well. To Ranade, religious reform was inseparable
from social reform. M G Ranade was the leader of social reformation and cultural renaissance in
Western India.
Main difference between Brahmo Samaj and Prarthna Samaj was that whereas the Bahmo
Samaj assailed Hinduism by forming an organisation more or less outside the Hindu orbit,
memers of Prarthna Samaj remained in the fold of Hinduism.


It said – ‘Go Back to Vedas’.

Dayanand Saraswati was its fonder and he believed in the infallible authority of the Vedas. He
wrote Satyarth Prakash which is an interpretation of Vedas. Arya Samaj also unequivocally
condemns Puranic practices such as polytheism, iconolatry, animal sacrifice,ancestor worship,
pilgrimage, priestcraft, the belief in Avatars or incarnations of God, the hereditary caste
system,untouchability and child marriage on the grounds that all these lack Vedic sanction.

Samaj also helped the people at the times of crises like flood, famines and earthquakes.

They also promoted education of women and ‘Arya Kanya Vidyalya’ was established in Punjab.

Arya Samajis later lead the reformist ‘Shuddhi Movement’ in a bid to protect Hinduism.

Arya Samaj became immensely popular in Punjab and United Provinces.

He was the first to give the call for ‘Swarajya’ – India for Indians – in 1876, later taken up by
Lokmanya Tilak. Followers of Dayanand Saraswati started many educational institutes also. Lala
Hansraj of Delhi started a college. Swami Shradhanand started a gurukul near Haridwar to revive
the traditional education system. Later DAV educational institutions also started.


Ramakrishna Math and Ramakrishna Mission are twin organizations which form the core of a
worldwide spiritual movement known as Ramakrishna Movement or Vedanta Movement. The
Ramakrishna Mission is a philanthropic, volunteer organization founded by Ramakrishna's chief
disciple Swami Vivekananda on May 1, 1897. Ramakrshina had faith in all religions and he saw
god as one with many ways to reach him. The Mission conducts extensive work in health care,
disaster relief, rural management, tribal welfare, elementary and higher education and culture.

Vivekananda proclaimed ‘renunciation and service’ as the twofold national ideals of modern
India and the work of Ramakrishna mission strives to practice and preach these ideals. The
service activities are based on the message of ‘Jiva is Shiva’ from Ramakrishna and Swami
Vivekananda's message of ‘Daridra Narayana’ to indicate that service to poor is service to God.
Vivekananda followed Vedanta philophy and rejected Brahminical orthodoxies and caste
system. Vivekananda also represented India at Religious Parliamant at Chicago in 1893 where
he stunned the world with Hindu philosophy.

Ramkrishna Paramhansa’s spiritual movement indirectly aided nationalism, as it rejected caste

distinctions and religious prejudices. The mission was a religious body, but not a proselytizing
one. Social service still remains the foremost aim of the mission even today. More than 1 lakh
children study in schools run by the mission, it runs more than 15 hospitals and has more than
140 branches including India and abroad.

Orthodox Hindu society also reacted by founding Sanatan Dharma Sabhas and the Bharat Dharma
Mahamandal in the north, and associations like the Brahman Sabha in Bengal.


In spite of the drain of wealth from India and British apathetic attitude, the factories grew on this soil.
The cotton mills in Bombay, the jute mills in Bengal and tea industry in Assam grew up. The poor Indian
mass got employment in these factories as workers.

‘Working Men's Club’ was perhaps the first organized group formed in 1870. Later many more such
organizations were established like – Ahmedabad Textile Labour Association, by Gandhiji. Others were
like Girni Kamfar Union, Hindustan Majdoor Sabha by Vallabhai Patel, Rajendra Prasad and J B Kriplani

By the efforts of the leaders like N M Joshi, Roy Chaoudhry, Lala Lajpat Rai and Joseph, one of the most
important organization ‘the All-IndiaTrade Union Congress’ (AITUC) was established in 1920. Later due
to difference over power and other ideological issues, Joshi also established other Trade Union which
represented ‘moderate’ opinion (‘Revolutionaries’ were other group – who retained AITUC within
Congress) also like – All India Trade Union Federation (AITUF).

With the recognition of the trade unions by the Trade Union Act of 1926, the trade union movements in
India gained momentum. The fourth Congress of the Communist International sent a message to the
AITUC to overthrow capitalism and imperialism.

Legislations – Low wages, long working hours, unhygienic conditions, exploitation at the hands of native
and foreign capitalists made their condition more miserable. The first Factory Act of 1881 and the Acts
of 1891, 1909, 1911 etc. could not end the plights of the working class people.

The Russian Revolution of 1917 exerted tremendous influence over the working class people of the

Bengal Jute Workers’ Association which was formed in 1925 gave a call for a general strike in 1929 and
it saw massive effect. More than 3 Lakh workers participated many were leaders were arrested.

Leadership – While Likes of M N Joshi remained the topmost leaders, other socialist leaders like – S A
Dange, M N Roy, Muzzafar Ahmed also emerged. With the emergence of socialistic and communist
ideas, the left wing within the Indian National Congress became active and leaders like Subhas Chandra
Bose and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru also presided over the sessions of AITUC.

While AITUC organised meetings for protecting the freedom of speech, association, participation in
national struggle etc. The Communist Party also flared up the flame.
Government Response – Government linked trade union activities with communism and it came down
heavily upon the socialist and trade union leaders. After ‘Peshawar Conspiracy’ (1923) and ‘Lucknow
Conspiracy’ (1924), the trade union activities were so rampant that in 1928 Viceroy Lord Irwin arrested
the prominent leaders and brought them to Meerut for trial in famous Meerut Conspiracy in 1929. After
trial, S A Dange, Muzaffar Ahmed, Joglekar, Spratt etc. were given transportation or rigorous
imprisonment despite best efforts of Nehru to get them acquitted. It aroused worldwide sympathy for
the union leaders. However, it hurled a terrible blow on the trade union activities in India. Now the
Leftists and Rightists joined their hands and defended the case.

During the Non-Cooperation Movement, the British Government suppressed the trade union leaders
with iron hand. The Socialist Party formed in 1934 wanted to cement coherence between the moderate
and the radical trade unions. During the popular governments between 1937-1938 the trade unions
increased significantly. During Quit India Movement, the Trade Union Movement went on as usual.

However, after 1940s, control of communist on trade unions was more effective and when they decided
to not to participate in Quit India movement, involvement of workers in that movement was also less
than satisfactory.


In India, social reforms movement has two central foci – upliftment of status of women and the lower


During Company rule – There were many social evils that were prevalent on the name of
religion. Initially, the Company decided to interfere as little as possible with the indigenous laws
and social customs.

 1829 - Bengal Sati Regulation, 1829

 1843 – ‘The Indian Slavery Act’ – This was an act passed in British India under East India
Company rule, which outlawed many economic transactions associated with slavery.
 In 1850 ‘Removal of the Caste Disability Act’
 In 1856 ‘Widow Remarriage Act’ - This was a legislation that was enacted during Lord
Dalhousie’s tenure to allow widow remarriage.

Legislations post 1857 – Now more steps were taken which aimed at increasing the age of
consent, improving the condition of woman and ameliorating the condition of Dalits. Some of
the legislations are –

 Child Marriage Restraint Act 1929 popularly known as the Sarda Act after its sponsor
Rai Sahib Harbilas Sarda to the British India Legislature in India was passed on 28
September 1929, raised the age of marriage for girls to 14 years and boys to 18 years. It
was the first social reform issue which was taken up by the organized women in India.
All India Women’s Conference (AIWC) (established in 1927) was one of the major forces
behind the Act.


I. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar – Ishwar Chandra Bandopadhyay, was an Indian Bengali polymath
and a key figure of the Bengal Renaissance. He was an excellent Sanskrit scholar also. He was
born in a very poor family and spent his entire life in soial service and reform. He was also
known for his charity and philanthropy as ‘Daya sagar’. However his biggest contribution was
Widow Remarriage. He used the ancient texts to suggest that widows could remarry. In 1856, a
legislation was enacted during Lord Dalhousie’s tenure to allow widow remarriage. (Widow
Remarriage Act, 1856). He also started Bethune School, 1849 or Hindu Balika School in Calcutta
to promote women’s education with the help of a British MP of same name. Som Prakash was a
Bengali newspaper started by the Iswar Chandra Vidya sagar.It was first Bengali Newspaper.
II. Pandita Ramabai – Pandita Ramabai was the earliest social reformers of India. She was born as
Brahmin Hindu, started ‘Arya Mahila Samaj’ as the very first Indian feminist organization in
1881 to serve widows and helpless women of India. She also established one of the earliest
women’s organisations ‘Bharat Mahila Parishad’ in 1887. She also founded Sharda Sadan – a
school for Girl Child Widows in Bombay and ‘Mukti’ for older widows. While legislations were
there like – Widow Remarriage Act – but social acceptability was still very poor. It was the
seminal work of like of Pandita Ramabai and D K Karve who worked at ground level to bring
social change for widows. She also worked extensively against caste and its evils and in a
symbolic move, she later converted to Christianity to reject caste system, though she was
herself an upper caste Brahmin.
III. Maharishi D K Karve was a Women Social Reformer. He started schools for girls, as well as
working houses for widows and destitutes. Soon this movement gained momentum and many
schools and colleges were opened for women. He also established SNDT University, the first
Women’s university of India. He was the first social reformers to get the Bharat Ratna.
IV. Ramakrishna Gopal Bhandarkar (1837–25) was an Indian scholar, orientalist, and social
reformer. The world-renowned Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute in Pune is named after
Ramakrishna Gopal Bhandarkar.
V. Gopal Hari Deshmukh (18 February 1823 – 9 October 1892) was a social reformer from
Maharashtra. He promoted emancipation (liberation) and education of women, and wrote
against arranged child marriages, dowry system, and polygamy, all of which were prevalent in
India in his times. He was a prolific writer crusader against these evils and he wrote under pen-
name ‘Lokhitwadi’.
VI. Veereslingam was a social reformer of Andhra Pradesh. He encouraged education for women,
and started a school in Dowlaiswaram in 1874. He started a social organisation called Hitakarini.
He was influenced by Brahma Samaj and took forward ideas of Prarthna Samaj in South. He
pioneered the movement in support of widow remarriage and girls education in Andhra. Veda
Samaj founded in Madras in 1864 advocated discarding of caste distinctions and promotion of
widow remarriage and women’s education. It condemned the superstitions and rituals of
orthodox Hinduism and propagated belief in one supreme God.
VII. Gopal Ganesh Agarkar (1856–1895) was a social reformer, educationist, thinker from
Maharashtra, India during the British Raj. A close associate of Lokamanya Tilak, he was a co-
founder of the renowned educational institutes like New English School, the Deccan Education
Society. He was the first editor of Kesari, a prominent Marathi weekly in those days which was
started by Lokmanya Tilak in 1880-81. He started his own periodical Sudharak in which he
campaigned against the injustices of untouchability and the caste system. By nature Tilak tended
toward extreme views while Agarkar tended toward the moderate.
VIII. Behramji Merwanji Malbari (1853–1912) was an Indian poet, publicist, author, and social
reformer best known for his ardent advocacy for the protection of the rights of women. It was
largely due to his efforts that Age of Consent Act 1885 was brought which raised the age of
consent from 10 to 12 years for girls and made the marriage and sex before that as criminal
IX. Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha – This was a Parsee Reform Movement. Dababhai Naoroji and
others set up the Rehnumai Mazdayasan Sabha (Religious Reform Association) in 1851 to carry
out campaigns against the strict orthodoxy in Zoroastrianism. They laid special emphasis on
modernising the Parsis and raising the social status of women by providing for their education.
The first Zoroastrians to enter India arrived on the Gujarat coast in the 10th century and by the
17th century, most of them had settled in Bombay. Today, there are approximately 90,000 only
Parsis in India and are concentrated largely in Maharashtra and Gujarat.


Much of the lower caste movements in India were in a reaction to the Brahamnical authority. Initial
work was done by Brahmo Samaj, Arya Samaj, Ramkrishna Mission etc. National movement also
opposed divisive caste based social life.

Ayyankali, born in Kerala, was a leader of the lower castesand Dalits. With his efforts, Dalits got the
freedom to walkon public roads, and Dalitchildren were allowed to joinschools.

Jyotiba Phule and his wife founded Satya Shodhak Samaj in Maharashtra where they worked against
unouchability and upliftment of lower caste women. Phule attacked the Brahmans’ claim that they were
superior to others, since they were Aryans. Phule argued that the Aryans were foreigners, who came
from outside the subcontinent, and defeated and subjugated the true children of the country – those
who had lived here from before the coming of the Aryans. Phule claimed that before Aryan rule there
existed a golden age when warrior-peasants tilled the land and ruled the Maratha countryside in just
and fair ways. He proposed that Shudras (labouring castes) and Ati Shudras (untouchables) should unite
to challenge caste. In 1873, Phule wrote a book named Gulamgiri, meaning slavery. Some ten years
before this, the American Civil War had been fought, leading to the end of slavery in America. Phule
dedicated his book to all those Americans who had fought to free slaves, thus establishing a link
between the conditions of the “lower” castes in India and the black slaves in America.
His wife Savitribai Phule was the pioneer of women's education in India. First girls’ school was opened
by them in India. In 1852 she opened a school for Untouchable girls and she was the first headmistress
of the country’s this first school for girls in Pune. She also started a night school for shudra agriculturists
and labourers. She died while serving plague patients.

The Satnami movement in Central India was founded by Ghasidas who worked among the
leatherworkers and organised a movement to improve their social status.

In eastern Bengal, Haridas Thakur’s Matua sect worked among Chandala cultivators. Haridas
questioned Brahmanical texts that supported the caste system.

Another notable social reformer was Narayan Guru and his Sri Narayana Dharam Paripalana (SNDP)
Yogam movement or Ezhawa Movement. He worked at grass root level and worked against
untouchability and caste system. His contribution is notable for two broad activities – abolishing of caste
Sysytem and advocacy of Temple Entry (mainly for Ezhawas). One of the famous sayings of the Narayan
Guru on caste system was – “oru jati, oru matam, oru daivam manushyanu” (one caste, one religion,
one god for humankind).

The first political movement in modern India was launched in 1917, by P Theyagaraya and T M Nair and
they organsied first Non-Brahmnical organization called South Indian Liberal Federation which later
came to known as Justice Party.

Vaikom Satyagraha was started in 1924–25 in Travancore, India (now part of Kerala) against
untouchability in Hindu society and temple entry for Ezhavas (an untouchable community). The
Satyagraha aimed at securing freedom of movement (temple entry) for all sections of society through
the public roads leading to the Sri Mahadevar/Siva Temple at Vaikom. The Vaikom Satyagraha was the
first systematically organized agitation in Kerala against orthodoxy to secure the rights of the depressed
classes. Ezhavas and other depressed classes under the leadership of Sree Narayana Guru, Periyar and T
Madhavan waged a campaign and ultimately a compromise was reached and some of the doors were
opened for the depressed classes also. It also saw involvement of Congress and Gandhiji and other
leaders from across the nation.

The Self-Respect Movement of 1925 was a movement against Brahmnical order with the aim of
achieving a society where backward castes have equal human rights, and encouraging backward castes
to have self-respect in the context of a caste based society that considered them to be a lower end of
the hierarchy. The movement is also interpreted as an effort to break brahmnical hegemony and giving
due respect to Dravidian identity. It was founded by E V Ramasamy (also known as Periyar) in Tamil
Nadu, India. He supported cause of down troddedn, organized temple entry, marriages without priest,
burned copies of Manusmritis etc. The movement was extremely influential not just in Tamil Nadu, but
also overseas in countries with large Tamil populations, such as Malaysia and Singapore.

Ambedkar led three movements for temple entry between 1927 and 1935.

Mahad/Mahar Satyagrah, 1927 – According to Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar, the Hindu Dharmashastras gave
legitimacy to the doctrine of Chaturvana and the caste system. Manusmriti dehumanised the Shudras
and untouchables, ruled the Hindu psyche for centuries and created the greatest obstacle to any serious
attempt at eradicating the caste system. This made Ambedkar publicly burn the Manusmriti on the
occasion of his historical Mahad Satyagraha in 1927 for establishing the right of untouchables to drink
the water of the Chawdar tank in Mahad town in Maharashtra.

Guruvayur Satyagraha took place in 1931–32 and was a Satyagraha in present Thrissur, of Malabar
district, now part of Kerala, seeking entry for untouchables into the Guruvayur Temple. It was led by K
Kelappan who undertook a fast unto death for 12 days however it was given up on a request from
Mahatma Gandhi. The satyagraha was one of the key events which ultimately forced the Maharajah of
Travancore to make the ‘Temple Entry Proclamation’ and right to enter temples was granted to
Backward Hindus like Ezhavas only in 1936.

Gandhi also worked for the cause of lower castes and after 1932 (Poona Pact), he actively worked for
the cause of depressed classes and started a magazine Harijan and did community service and lived with

B R Ambedkar also took the cause of Dalits and he showed adoption of Budhhism as a way to break
away from Caste System. He also had divergent views with Gandhi over rights of Dalits and had a
standoff with him over Poona Pact (1933). He was the first Dalit graduate in British India. He launched
Bahiskrit Hitkari Sabha, Bahishkrit Bharat (Marathi Newspaper), Samaj Samta Sangh Movement. In 1942,
he formed All India Scheduled Caste Federation, He was the first Law Minister in free India and played
bug role in framing of constitution.

However, struggle against caste during colonial rule had limited success as it was not fully supported by
the alien rule. British were afraid of arousing hostilities of dominant orthodox groups.

Other famous personalities waging war against untouchability –

I. Bal Shastri Jambekar – He was one of the first reformers in Bombay. He attacked Brahmanical
orthodoxy and tried to reform popular Hinduism.
II. Iyotheethass – He was one of the early founder of anti-caste movements in South India and a
pre-cursor of anti-caste crusade. Iyothee Thass, hailed as the precursor of Non-Brahmin
movement in Madras Presidency was instrumental in articulating the idea that the lower castes
were not only Buddhists formerly but were the original inhabitants of India which later paved
way for many social movements. Thass launched a magazine called Dravida Pandian along with
Rev. John Rathinam in 1885. He issued a statement in 1886 announcing that the so-called
‘untouchables' are not Hindus. During the 1881 Census he urged the ‘untouchables' to register
themselves as casteless Dravidians and established the Dravida Mahajana Sabha in 1891.
Iyothee Thass remains the first recognized anti-Casteist leader of the Madras Presidency. In
many ways, Periyar, Dravidar Kazhagam, Dr. Ambedkar, Udit Raj and Thirumavalavan are
inheritors of his legacy.
III. Shahuji Maharaj – He was born in 1874 and was an upper caste king from Maharashtra who was
one of the pioneers of efforts to improve conditions of untouchables in Maharastra. Ambedkar
was also influenced by him and also worked for a newspaper started by him for upliftment of
untouchables. He offered free education and boarding to Dalit students, dined with dalits
frequently and have for the first time in India appointed dalits as officials predominantly.
IV. T K Madhavan – He was an Indian social reformer from Kerala. He led the struggle against
untouchability which was known as ‘Vaikom Satyagraha’. He met Gandhi at Tirunelveli, and
persuaded him to visit Vaikom. Vaikom Satyagraha was a struggle of the backward class people
of Kerala for establishing their right to walk through the temple roads of Vaikom, a small temple
town in South Kerala. Gandhi agreed to include the issue in the agenda of the Indian National
V. N Kumar Asan – He was one of the triumvirate poets of Kerala, South India. He was also a
philosopher, a social reformer and a disciple of Sree Narayana Guru. He worked extensively
through his poems and social work for the cause ofEzhavas. He also participated in SNDP


Before 1857, the peasant movements were sporadic and local issue based. It was only after 1920s that
the peasant’s struggle acquired a pan-Indian outlook.

The Santhal Rebellion, 1855-56 – The Santals of Hazaribagh, Midnapur, Bankura, Birbhum, Manbhum
etc. were the worst sufferers due to the permanent settlement. The police and other government
officials did not protect their interest; rather exploited them. The Santhals under the leadership of Sidhu
and Kanhu raised in 1856 with a view to put an end to colonial rule in India. They disrupted the railway
and postal communications between Bhagalpur and Rajmahal.The British took repressive measures,
arrested the Santhal leaders and quelled the rebellion. The Rebellion was pacified with the creation of a
separate district consisting of the Santhal Parganas.

Strike of Bengal Indigo Cultivators, 1860 – Bengal projected the first strike in the history of the peasant
movement in India. The European planters in Bengal forced the local peasants to resort to indigo
cultivation and earned a good deal of profit. The peasants suffered a lot in 1860. The peasants of the
districts of Pabna and Nadia and Barasat sub-division went on strike and refused to cultivate indigo.
Soon, the news spread and peasants of Dacca, Malda, Jessore, Khulna, Rajsahi and several other places
followed their path. A commission was set up which opined in favor of peasants. This freed the
peasants from the clutches of the planters who left Bengal and ultimately went to Bihar and UP.

Pabna Riots, Bengal, 1873 – These were against the landlords and rents (while Deccan Riots were
against money lenders) in Bengal and policies of Zamindars to to prevent occupants from acquiring
occupancy rights. They along with the Deccan riots were manifestation of Agrarian unrest in the country
under British rule. Led by Khoodi Mullah, Shambhu Pal. They led to to passage of Bengal Tenancy Act

Peasant Uprising In Deccan, 1875 – The payment of Government revenue, fall of the price of cotton and
manipulation of bonds/deeds by the money-lenders in Deccan added plights to the life of the peasants.
The peasants forcibly entered into the house of the money-lenders, burnt their houses and shops and
the bond of loans. The government was alarmed and sent police who arrested hundreds of peasants.
The government could not take any action against the peasants because there was no evidence to prove
it, A ‘Deccan Riots Commission’ was appointed to investigate the course of such uprising. The
‘Agriculturists' Relief Act of 1879’ was passed which facilitated the peasants in the payment of their
loan but under no circumstancethey could be arrested and sent to jail for non payment of loans. Before
riots could spread to other parts of the country, the British Government passed Punjab Land Alienation
Act, and pacified the discontent of the peasants of Punjab.

Champaran Movement, 1917 – The peasants of Champaran in Bihar started a movement against their
planters who had forced them for indigo cultivation. The movement was lead by Gandhi in his famous
Champaran Satyagraha.

Kheda Satyagraha, 1918 – The peasant’s of Kheda, Gujarat in 1917 denied paying revenue to the
government in 1918. Gandhiji and other leaders guided them and the government had to bend before

Eka Movement, 1921 – Towards the end of 1921, peasant discontent surfaced again after earlier Kisan
Sabha movements in the districts of Hardoi, Bahraich and Sitapur of United Provinceswith grievances
relating to the extraction of a rent that was generally 50 percent higher than the recorded rent.
Congress and Khilafat leaders provided the initial thrust to the peasant grievances and the movement
grew under the name Eka or unity movement. The Eka Movement was also widespread and militant. It
raised the demands of fixed rents, receipts for payments, stoppage of beggar for the landlord, free use
of water from ponds, and the freedom to graze cattle in the jungles. It was a revolt of the tenants
against the unbearable oppression of the landlord. With grass-root leadership not in favour of non-
violence taking over the movement, the authorities succeeded in bringing it to an end. Madari Pasi was
from the depressed class and the one of the key leaders who gave the movement direction opposing the
non-violence methods.

Moplah Rebellion or Malabar Rebellion, 1921 – The Malabar Rebellion was an armed uprising in 1921
against British authority and upper caste Namboodris and Nairs Hindu landlords (known as Jenmi) in the
Malabar region of Southern India by Mappila/Moplah Muslims and the culmination of a series of
Mappila/Moplah revolts that recurred throughout the 19th century and early 20th century. Their
grievances related to renewal fees, high rent and other oppressive land lord exaction. In the first stage of
rebellion, the target of attacks were the unpopular jenmies (landlord) mostly Hindu, the symbol of
governmental authority, police stations etc. Lenient landlords and poor Hindus were never touched. The
British declared martial law and repression began in earnest. Hindus were pressurized to help the British
and some voluntarily gave assistance to them. This gave rise to anti-Hindu sentiment among some poor,
illiterate Muslims and they turned against Hindus Jenmi's. This rebellion emerged as one of the irritants
during Non-Cooperation movement and created acrimony among Hindus and Muslims.

Palnad Satyagraha or Forest Satyagraha, 1921 – The ‘Forest Satyagraha’was of the ryots of Palnad in
Guntur district in 1921 during Non-Cooperation Movement. The peasants of this place had to pay
heavy tax for permission to graze their cattle in forests. When the crops failed that year, they decided
to send their cattle into the forests without paying the fee and suffer the penalties. However authorities
retaliated by compounding the cattle and a clash ensued between the cattle owners and the armed
police. In the firing that took place Kannuganti Hanumanthu was killed. Meanwhile, Gandhiji called off
the Non-Co-operation Movement due to some untoward incidents at Chowri Chowra and with this the
Palnad Satyagraha also came to an end.

Sarabandi Campaign, 1922 – This was a no tax campaign that was launched by Sardar Vallabhai Patel in
Gujarat. It became a model for peasants of rest of India.

The Kishan Sahhas, 1918-28 – Formation of the Kishan Sabhas during 1922-1928 at different places
inside the country protected the interests of the peasants. The Kishan Sabhas at Andhra, Bihar, UP,
Gujarat, Karnataka etc. were organised by the national leaders who came forward to champion the
causes of the peasants. UP Kisan Sabha was founded by Gauri Shankar Mishra and Indra Narayan
Dwivedi with support from Madan Mohan Malviya in 1918. The Restoration of Bengal Land Act and
Bihar Tenancy Act in 1938 were passed in 1938. The movement finally culminated in formation of All
India Kisan Sabha in 1936.

Kirti Kisan Sabha Movement, 1928 – It was an organization of kirtis (workers) and kisans (peasants),
fostered by the veterans of Ghadar Party, established on 12 April 1928 with a view to organizing small
agriculturists and industrial workers and other low-paid urban labour, for revolutionary activity and also
addressing their plight. The Sabha owed its origin to the Kirti Kisan movement started by Bhai Santokh
Singh, a Ghadar leader.

Bardoli Satyagraha, 1928 – The Bardoli Satyagrahaof 1928, in the state of Gujarat, India during the
period of the British Raj, was a major episode of civil disobedience and revolt in the Indian Independence
Movement. The Satyagraha started as the government raised revenue rates for the already burdened
peasants. Patel called for a no-tax campaign which proved successful and it became a model peasant
movement all across India. In 1925, the taluka of Bardoli in Gujarat suffered from floods and famine,
causing crop production to suffer and leaving farmers facing great financial troubles. However, the
Government of the Bombay Presidency had raised the tax rate by 30% that year, and despite petitions
from civic groups, refused to cancel the rise in the face of the calamities. The Gujarati activists Narhari
Parikh, Ravi Shankar Vyas, and Mohanlal Pandya talked to village chieftains and farmers, and solicited
the help of Gujarat's most prominent freedom fighter, Vallabhbhai Patel. Patel had previously guided
Gujarat's farmers during the Kheda struggle. Patel consulted Gandhi, Gandhi agreed but decided not to
participate. Outcomes of the Satyagraha – In 1928, an agreement was finally brokered by a Parsi
member of the Bombay government. The Government agreed to restore the confiscated lands and
properties, as well as cancel revenue payment not only for the year, but cancel the 30% raise until after
the succeeding year. Its success gave rise to Vallabhbhai Patel as one of the greatest leaders of the
independence struggle. He was given title of ‘Sardar’ by women of Bardoli. Bardoli Model became an
ideal movement for the peasants and soon peasants at other places – mainly in Punjab and
Maharashtra also followed the same model.

All India Kisan Sabha, 1936 – The Civil Disobedience Movement and the rise of the left parties produced
a new generation of political workers who devoted themselves to the organisation of peasants and
workers. All India Kisan Sabha was the name of the peasants front of the undivided Communist Party of
India (CPI), an important peasant movement formed by Swami Sahajanand Saraswati in 1936. The
organization originated in Bihar by the efforts of Swami Sahajanand who had earlier established Bihar
Kisan Sabha. Other prominent members were like N G Ranga, Indulal Yagnik etc.

Tebhaga/Tebaga Movement, 1946 – The Tebhaga movement was a militant campaign initiated in
Bengal by the ‘Kisan Sabha’ (peasants’ front of Communist Party of India) in 1946. At that time share-
cropping peasants (essentially, tenants) had to give half of their harvest to the owners of the land. The
demand of the Tebhaga (sharing by thirds) movement was to reduce the share given to landlords to one
third. In many areas the agitations turned violent, and landlords fled villages leaving parts of the
countryside in the hands of Kisan Sabha. As a response to the agitations, the then Muslim League
ministry in the province launched the Bargadari Act, which provided that the share of the harvest given
to the landlords would be limited to one third of the total.

Harsha Chhina Mogha Morcha, 1946 – The Harsha Chhina Mogha Morcha was an agrarian revolt in
Harsha Chhina, Near Amritsar inPunjab, India, that took place in 1946 under the leadership of the
Communist Party. The Morcha started in response to a decision taken by the British Government to
decrease the supply of irrigation water to farmers by remodelling the moghas (canal outlets). The
Morcha was headed by Comrade Achhar Singh Chhina, Sohan Singh Josh etc.

Worli Revolt, 1946 – It was a post war (WW-2) revolt by peasants and tribals in Worli, Maharashtra. It is
also noted for large scale tribal women participation in the revolt.

Telangana Revolt, 1946-50 – It was a communist led uprising in the Hyderabad region which was against
the autocracy of the Nizam and the high handedness of the Zamindars. Nizam used trained militias
called Razakars to deal with the struggle, but after independence, government of India also intervened
and Nizam’s forces were defeated. Hundreds of peasants died in this and thousands of acres of land was
forcefully occupied by the peasants.

The Punnapra-Vayalar Uprising, 1946 – The Punnapra-Vayalar uprising was a peasant uprising led by
communist uprising in the Princely State of Travancore, British India against the Prime Minister, Sir C P
Ramaswami Iyer and the state. This is also seen as a movement for the rights of the depressed Ezhava

History of press in India has been a mixed bag of restrictions by British and articulation of nationalism on
other hand.

First newspaper Bengal Gadget started as early as 1780. First law to curb press also followed soon with
Censureship of Press Act, 1799 under which all the material has to be sent for scrutiny before
publishing. Then came licensing regulation of 1823. However, Charles Metcalfe became acting
Governor General and he lifted of all the restrictions from press. Thus he is termed as ‘liberator of press
in India’.

After the revolt of 1857, the attitude to freedom of the press changed. Canning assumed office and
several restrictions including Licensing Act of 1857. Enraged Englishmen demanded a clamp down on
the ‘native’ press. As vernacular newspapers became assertively nationalist, the colonial government
began debating measures of stringent control. In 1876, Dramatic Performances Act and in 1878, the
Vernacular Press Act curbing the freedom of the press, modelled on the Irish Press Laws. Vernacular
Press Act provided the government with extensive rights to censor reports and editorials in the
vernacular press. From now on the government kept regular track of the vernacular newspapers
published in different provinces. When a report was judged as seditious, the newspaper was warned,
and if the warning was ignored, the press was liable to be seized and the printing machinery confiscated.
Vernacular Press Act was however repealed in 1882 by Lord Ripon.

Despite repressive measures, nationalist newspapers grew in numbers in all parts of India. They
reported on colonial misrule and encouraged nationalist activities. Attempts to throttle nationalist
criticism provoked militant protest. This in turn led to a renewed cycle of persecution and protests.
When Punjab revolutionaries were deported in 1907, Bal Gangadhar Tilak wrote with great sympathy
about them in his 'Kesari'. This led to his imprisonment in 1908, provoking in turn widespread protests
all over India.

Indian Press Act of 1910 by Minto revived the Vernacular Act. During the war times, Defense of India
Act also put considerable restrictions on press in India. In 1931, Indian Press Emergency Power Act
came in force to suppress Civil Disobedience movement.


Initially the British went for Permanent Settlement or Zamindari System in Bengal. However this proved
to be a not so profitable agreement from revenue point of view. They experimented with different
methods of revenue collections after Permanent Settlement. They had Jagirdari System, Malguzari
System, Mehalawari System and Ryotwari System etc. However, the most important and most
controversial has been the Zamindari System.

Zamindari System was implemented by Cornwallis in Bengal, Bihar and part of Orissa in 1793 under
Permanent Settlement. After the ruin of Bengal under dual government and ravage of terrible famine of
1770, the revenues were stagnant. If the economy was in ruins, could the Company be certain of its
revenue income? Most Company officials began to feel that investment in land had to be encouraged
and agriculture had to be improved. How was this to be done? After two decades of debate on the
question, the Company finally introduced the Permanent Settlement in 1793. Under this, landlord was
recognized as land owner and cultivators were reduced to tenants. They were required to give a fixed
10/11th of the revenue collection to the British government in perpetuity. British adopted this system
because British officias realize that they are foreigners and their rule will be unstable unless they
acquired local supporters who would act as a buffer between them and the people. Second motive was
financial security. As rates were fixed, they no longer fluctuated. Zamindars were supposed to issue
Pattas to the farmers, however they were not issued by Zamindars because there was no official check
upon Zamindars. It led to introduction of a pyramidical system of revenue collection (Zamindars at top,
in between a hierarchy of Sub-zamndars, followed by tenants). While tenants/cultivators paid to
Zamindars, government in turn collected revenue from Zamindars. Zamindars often employed
subordinate Zamindars. This was an opaque system and pushed tenants into indebtedness in many
parts. Since revenue was fixed in perpetuity, Zamindars often put additional burden of tenants. Further,
rates were fixed high and even Zamindars couldn’t sustain at times and within 15 years around 50%
Zamindari land were put up at sale. Later, when markets improved and production increased, the share
of the British remained same and it proved an apparently loss making proposition to the British as well.
So, under this system, though largely Zamindars gained, everyone felt like a loser.

Other Systems were –

I. Mahalwari System – Mahalawari was introduced by Hold McKenzi and under this sytem
unit of revenue settlement was a village or mahal. One village headman was made
responsible for collection of revenue. It was mainly introduced in North India. It has
advantage over Zamindari system that there was elimination of middleman and revenue
was shared and often villagers compensated for each other in times of distress. In this,
revenue was not fixed in perpetuity.
II. Ryotwari System – Introduced by Munro and Reed, Munro said – ‘It is the system that has
always prevailed in India’. It was realized that under Permanent Settlement, company was a
loser as it could not lay claim on the rising production or revenue of Zamindar. Moreover
cultivator was left at mercy of Zamindar who could exploit him at his will. It was prevalent in
Deccan and South (first in Madras, then in Bombay). In this every registered holder was
recognized as owner of the land (unlike Zamindari system, in which landlord was the

Effect of British Land and Agriculture Policy–

 Disintegration of Village Economy and as no part of revenue collection was spent on upliftment
of villages, it pushed the villages into backwardness
 Capital base was transferred from Aristocrats to Landlords due to Zamindari System, cultivator
was reduced to tenant on mercy of Zamindar
 Frequent famines and their mishandling further compounded the situation


1st Milestone – In 1665 Company started a regular gradation – Apprentice, Writer, Factor, Merchant and
Hastings laid the foundation of modern civil services 1772.

Cornwallis is called ‘Father of Indian Civil Services’. He started Coveneted and Non-Coveneted services.
However, Indians didn’t have entry into the prestigious Covented services and this led to dissatisfactions
among them.

Lord Wellesly took initiative to institutionalize the training of Civil Services in India and he established
Fort William College in Calcutta.
First legislation came in 1861 in form of Indian Civil Services Act. However, open competition
Examination for civil services had started to be held in India before that Act since 1853. For the first
time, examinations were held in Allahbad.

In the meantime many committees were established to define the term and conditions of civil serces and
eligibility criterion. Aithchson Committee of 1886 was one of them which recommended no
simultaneous examination in Britain and India and abolish the distinction between covenanted and non-
covenented and instead recommended a 3 fold classification (Imperial, Provincial and Subordinate).
Later on Islington Commission (1912) and Lee Commission or Royal Commission (1926) were also

After Independence, government of India retained these services and Indian Civil Services was renamed
as Indian Adminstrative Services


The panchayat had never been the priority of the British rulers. The rulers were interested in the creation
of 'controlled' local bodies, which could help them in their trading interests by collecting taxes for them.
However there are a few instances in which such efforts were made that strengthened local governance.

It severly limited the autonomy of Villages in two ways –

I. Patwari in Villages – It abolished the village land record office and created a company official
called Patwari. The Patwari became the official record keeper for a number of villages.
II. District magistrate’s Office – The second was the creation of the office of magistrate and the
abolition of village police. Thus villages were bereft of their judicial powers. The magistrate
carried out policing functions through the Darogha.

The primary purpose of these measures was the collection of land revenue by fiat. The depredations of
the Patwari and the Darogha are part of our folklore and it led to the worst famine in Bengal.
Concentration of powers in the hands of DM was also a result of centralizing and despotic policies of the

After 1857 the British tried to restore the panchayat by giving it powers to try minor offences and to
resolve village disputes. But these measures never restored the lost powers of the village community.

Lord Mayo’s Resolution of 1870 dealt with the issue of decentralization of finance. However, real
impetus came during time of Lord Ripon, 1882. In his famous resolution on local self-government, he
recognised the twin considerations of local government: (i) administrative efficiency and (ii) political

The Royal Commission on Decentralisation (1907) under the chairmanship of Hobhouse recognised the
importance of panchayats at the village level. It also recommended revival of Panchayats and
highlighted the inadequacy of funds for local bodies.
The provincial autonomy under the Government of India Act, 1935, marked the evolution of
panchayats in India. Popularly elected governments in provinces enacted legislations to further
democratise institutions of local self-government. But the system of responsible government at the
grassroots level was least responsible.

Among national leadership, on the one end Gandhi favoured Village Swaraj and strengthening the
village panchayat to the fullest extent and on the other end, Dr. B R Ambedkar opposed this idea. He
believed that the village represented regressive India, a source of oppression. Even after the
constitution was framed, Panchayats were kept under non-justiciable part of the constitution.


Amartya Sen implies that the famines in the British era were due to a lack of a serious effort on the part
of the British government to prevent famines. He links the lack of this serious effort to the absence of
democracy in British India.

The first major famine that took place under British rule was the Bengal Famine of 1770. About a
quarter to a third of the population of Bengal starved to death in about a ten-month period. East India
Company's raising of taxes disastrously coincided with this famine and exacerbated it.

Policy of Lord Lytton toward famines didn’t help either. He termed the idea of funds for famines as – ‘Let
the British public foot the bill for its 'cheap sentiment,' if it wished to save life at a cost that would
bankrupt India’ thus valuing revenues more than lives of people. His organization of an ostentatious
Delhi Darbar amidst famine attracted much criticism from all quartes.

With the advent of Rail and Telegraph communication and transport improved, but that didn’t help
much due to lack of sympathy from government. According to Jean Drèze ‘Railroads could perform the
crucial task of moving grain from one part of India to another, but they could not assure that hungry
people would have the money to buy that grain.

After the famine of 1876-78, Royal Famine Commission was appointed and it was the most important
famine missions in India. Its recommendations included suspension of land revenue, supplies of food etc.

It was Ripon after Lytton who introduced Famine Code in 1880 (which is still employed by Governemnt
in its updated form) which embodied means of tackling famines and transfer of surplus grain to famine
hit provinces to other provinces. However famines continued till first decade of 20th century.

Mcdonell Commission in 1901 appointed by Curzon suggested Moral Strategy to combat famines

There was no major famine from 1910 to 1943 and then again a major famine struck in 1943 in Bengal.
The famine was exacerbated by the ongoing war and scarcity of resources. It proved to be one of the
biggest famines.

The father of India's green revolution M. S. Swaminathan credits the elimination of famines to Indian
independence from the Britain despite the trebling of population.
The example of indentured labour migration from India also illustrates the two-sided nature of the
nineteenth-century world. It was a world of faster economic growth as well as great misery, higher
incomes for some and poverty for others, technological advances in some areas and new forms of
coercion in others. In the 19th century, hundreds of thousands of Indian and Chinese labourers went to
work on plantations, in mines, and in road and railway construction projects around the world. In India,
indentured labourers were hired under contracts which promised return travel to India after they had
worked five years on their employer’s plantation. Most Indian indentured workers came from the
present-day regions of eastern Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, central India and the dry districts of Tamil Nadu.

Cause of People Getting into Indentured Labor – In the mid-nineteenth century these regions
experienced many changes – cottage industries declined, land rents rose, lands were cleared for mines
and plantations. All this affected the lives of the poor – they failed to pay their rents, became deeply
indebted and were forced to migrate in search of work.

The main destinations of Indian indentured migrants were the Caribbean islands (mainly Trinidad,
Guyana and Surinam), Mauritius and Fiji. Closer home, Tamil migrants went to Ceylon and Malaya.
Indentured workers were also recruited for tea plantations in Assam.

Recruitment was done by agents engaged by employers and paid a small commission. Many migrants
agreed to take up work hoping to escape poverty or oppression in their home villages. Agents also
tempted the prospective migrants by providing false information about final destinations, modes of
travel, the nature of the work, and living and working conditions. Often migrants were not even told
that they were to embark on a long sea voyage. Sometimes agents even forcibly abducted less willing
migrants. Nineteenth-century indenture has been described as a ‘new system of slavery’. On arrival at
the plantations, labourers found conditions to be different from what they had imagined. Living and
working conditions were harsh, and there were few legal rights. But workers discovered their own ways
of surviving.

In 1613 AD, Jahangir issued a farman permitting English to establish a factory permanently at Surat. In
1612, the newly formed company had sent four ships under Captain Thomas Best to trade with India.
These were mercantile ships but were capable of defending themselves. The defeated the Portuguse,
who were already there in Surat for at least 100 years. This defeat apparently so impressed the Emperor
Jehangir that he granted the British squadron a firman to trade.

Gandhian Model of Sustainable Development – The central unit is the eternal village and villagers, who
are deemed to be reservoirs of what is intrinsically valuable in society. Village-level self-sufficiency is an
objective. It is not against machines per se, but he was not in favour of the so-called labour saving
machinery or technology which will make unnecessary involvement of human hands. In this model, the
guiding principle is not maximization of utility and economic gains but minimization of wants. Whatever
be the arguments in favour of technology-say efficiency, productivity, precision and so on-Gandhi’s
criterion was that it shall not substitute, enslave, alienate and dehumanise the human beings. He,
therefore, stood for a technology that could be “put in the homes of the millions”. Human beings are
not for technology; technology is for human beings-this was Gandhi’s stand.

Calcutta Session, 1896, INC officially accepted the “Drain Theory”. President of Congress was Dadabhai

First Industrial Commission: In 1916 an Industrial Commission was appointed to find out means for
giving encouragement for the growth of Indian industries. The report of the commission was submitted
in 1918.

Dalhousie’s worst political blunder was Annexation of Oudh.

“The Congress is in reality a civil war without arms”. The above statement was made by Sir Saiyid
Ahmad Khan, who denounced congress in blunt terms. The object of a civil war is to determine in whose
hands the rule of the country shall rest.

Indian Home Rule League of Bal Gangadhar Tilak was launched in April 1916 and Home Rule League in
Sept 1916 by Annie Besant. Joseph Bapista was the first President of the Indian Home Rule League
established in April 1916.

Nawab Abdul Latif Khan: - father of Muslim Renaissance (1828-1893)a prominent personality of mid
19th century Bengal, the pioneer of Muslim modernization and the architect of the Muslim Renaissance,
was one of those great men who appeared as saviours of their frustrated, humiliated, demoralized and
disorganised fellow countrymen under colonial rule. His chief contribution was in the field of education.
He was among the first to understand that young Bengali Muslims should receive modern education.

George Yule was a Scottish businessman who became the fourth President of INC in 1888, the first non-
Indian to hold that office.
The British empire is rotten to the core, corrupt in every direction and tyrannical and mean. The above
statement was made by Sister Nivedita. She was described as a real lioness by Vivekananda, ‘Lokmata’
(the mother of the people) by Rabindra Nath Tagore and Agnishikha (the flame of fire) by Aurobindo

With the observance of the All India Flag Day on June 18, 1923, the Jhanda Satyagraha assumed
national complexion with Nagpur as its headquarters and “Nagpur Chalo” as its slogan.

Ahmebdabad Mill Strike marks Mahatma Gandhi’s first fast unto death.


1. The Bombay Plan was a blue print adopted by the leaders of the Indian capitalist class who, in their
nationalistic fervour, had decided to "eclipse" their individual interests and favoured a largely State-
led revival of India's industry. JRD Tata, Birla, Singhania etc were the leaders who drew this plan. The
Bombay Plan" pitched for a largely State-led strategy of "creating basic industries in as short a time
as possible". The Bombay Plan of 1944 was a milestone in India's economic policy thinking: it laid
down the blueprint for how India must industrialise. Although the Bombay Plan did not itself
propose a socialist agenda, "virtually all" commentators acknowledge "that there is a direct line of
continuity from the Bombay Plan of 1944-1945 to the First Five-Year Plan in 1950.

Various Acts and other major developments like – formation of SC etc


The Discovery of India was writte by India's first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru during his
imprisonment in 1942-1946 at Ahmednagar in the Ahmednagar Fort. Nehru was jailed for his
participation in the Quit India movement along with other Indian leaders, and he used this time to
write down his thoughts and knowledge about India's history. The book is widely regarded as a
classic in India since its first publication in 1946, and provides a broad view of Indian history,
philosophy and culture, as viewed from the eyes of a liberal Indian fighting for the independence of
his country. In The Discovery of India, Nehru argued that India was a historic nation with a right to
sovereignty. He says that India in the past was a country that lived in harmony and peace, but the
evils of society corrupted the people. The effect of these various people on Indian culture and their
incorporation into Indian society is examined. This book also analyses in depth the philosophy of
Indian life. This book was dedicated to the Prisoners of Ahmednagar jail.


Both united India, while Dalhaousie led to expansion of British area by his doctrine of Lapse Patel did
it by diplomacy. Both played a key role in uniting India politically.


Gandhiji differed from the Marxian concept of property. While Marx advocated a classless society
and State-ownership of property, Mahatma Gandhi viewed that property should not be snatched
away from the rich or capitalist people; rather they should consider themselves as trustees of the
property. The wealth and talent should be considered as a trust of the whole society and as 'trustee'
the individuals should handle it for the betterment of society. Trusteeship aimed at reforming the
capitalist society. It advocated that rich people should change themselves and should come forward
to use their property for the betterment of society.



It took representatives from princely states

It invited written submissions from public at large

Congress in itself had large representation from all classes


Tantia Tope was betrayed by his friend Man Singh and was put to death.


Congress was seen as a burgeosis party by then communist leaders


Gandhi in 1947 suggested Mountbetton to invite Jinnah to form government. However it was
opposed by both Congress and Muslim league.


Indian Councils Act (Morley-Minto Reforms) 1909


Early Extremists like Tilak emphasized upon the use of Hindu symbols like Shivaji and Ganesh
festivals, holy dip during Swadeshi movement, India was shown as Bharat Mata like a Hindu godess
etc. These deterred Muslims to join extremist force.


According to Gandhi after attaining Independence, Congress should be wound up as it would have
served its purpose and it should become a voluntary organization.


Like Iqta of Mughals, these were land grants that were given by Marathas


Wheat producing zone


Ashtapradhan was a council of miniters constituted by Sivaji in Maratha administration


The title Ashtadiggajas (Ashta + dik + gaja) means elephants in eight directions. It refers to the old
Hindu belief that eight elephants hold the earth in eight directions


It was a Persian script during mughal period




Atharva Veda




Southern lands were not very fertile in long stretches


Because Kalinga controlled land and sea routes to South India


Aryans were a speech group called after their language, which spread from central Asia to other


Painted Grey Ware – Later Vedic Period

Black on Red Pottery - Harappan


It was an association of merchants or a ‘guild’ of south India in ancient India.

Silver coin issued by Guptas


He was the British representing East India Company who appeared in the court of Jhangir to get a
permission to setup a factory. They eventually setup a factory in Surat.


He wanted to revenge Marathas for expulsion of his viceroy Timur Shah from Lahore.


The statement was made by Nehru.


The statement was made by Lord Curzon as tensions between Moderates and Extremists escalated
and led to a split in 1907


The statement was made by Gandhi


The statement was made by Gandhiin the wake of the increasing dillusionment with the British
government after the 1919 Congression Session of Amritsar. Soon after he launched the Non-
Cooperation movement.


The statement was made by Gandhiduring his trial when he was arrested after Non-Coperation
movement in 1922.


The statement was made by Gandhi after he failed to quell the communal sentiments in the country
in 1920s. It highlights the fact that communal leaders couldn’t see their own welfare and overlooked
the advanges of a united India and fell for divisive communal gains.

The statement was made by Motilal Nehru after he drafted Nehru Report outlining dominion
constitution after an all-party meet. Though report had some points of disagreements, its most of
the recommendations also featured in the constitution of independent India.


A statement made by Jawahar Lal Nehruafter he unfurled the tricolor on the bank of Ravi and
demanded full Swaraj in Lahore Session of Congress in 1929


Gandhi in his letter to Viceroy Irwinwhen the latter refused to budge on 11 demands and Gandhi
announced launch of Civil Disobedience Movement.


Gandhi on the apathetic attitude of Viceroy and British government over their non-response to
Gandhi’s pleas before he started Civil Disobedience Movement.Gandhiji wrote to the Viceroy
demanding abolition of salt-tax and the Government monopoly of the manufacture of salt. When
the Viceroy refused to do so.


Sarojini Naidu said this after Gandhi was arreasted during Salt Satyagraha and she took the
leadership and exhorted the masses not to let the movement down.


Haileybury College: This College in UK imparted educatiin & training to English youths for the East
India Company’s civil service from 1805. It functioned as a college for the education of the east India
company cadets by selecting men for the Indian civil service by competitive examination & it was
used until the transference of the power of the EIC to the government of India in 185

Ijara system: It is the system of framing out the land revenue to contractors among the later
mughals. In this system rent / use-right of land revenue administration, wherein the actual property
did not go to the ijander/lessee but it was fraught with much evil in the adminsitration.


In his book, An Autobiography, Nehru was critical of Liberals. He openly discussed his differences
with Gandhi on Socialism, Inductrialisation and Westernisation.

During national movement also differences were manifested on many occasions –

 During Non-Cooperation movement when the movement was called off Nehru expressed
his displeasure
 When Gandhi presented his 11 demands in 1930, just after Purna Swaraj declaration, this
shocked Nehru and was seen by many others too as running counter to the idea of Purna
 Similarly, when Gandhi signed Gandhi-Irwin pact, Nehru was shocked not to see the demand
for Full Independence and was dis-appointed
 Industrialisation Idea of both was also different

Swarajist Manifesto of 1923 asserted that –

 It is not a rival party of Congress and is very much part of it

 It declared that while goal of party is attainment of full Swaraj, immediate goal is full
Dominion Status
 It still rejects 1919 Act

Demands of Swarajists were –

 Complete overhaul of Government of India Act of 1919.

 Right of Self-determination of Indians
 Framing of Indian Constitution by Indian Constitution Assembly

However response of governent remained cold and Viceroy was still able to push any legislation
despite protests from Swarajists.

Failure of Swarajists –

 First of all, they didin’t bring much change in polity and working of government as they had
little power and all the power still vested with government. Viceroy was still all powerful and
he could push any legislation notwithstanding the opposition from Swarajists
 While they effectively argued in assemblies, sometimes they needed support of other parties
also to push their agenda and this led to acceptance of sectarian demands at times.
 Further, when members saw that nothing concrete is happening, it lead to difference of
opinion and some decided to take up executive posts and assumed ministerial positions
which was criticized by likes of Nehru.
 Swarajists couldn’t do anything when in 1924 Bose was detained without trial. This caused
resentment among Swarajists too.

Significance of Swarajists –

 However, the experience gained by Swarajists was not wasted and was used immensely
when Congress won Provincial elections in 1937.
 They filled the political void that was created after the end of Non-Cooperation Movement.
 Above all they showed that legislature can be used in a creative manner and it helped in
political awakeing of people. They also successfully exposed the hollowness of Reform Act of

Gandhi himself distinguished between the two as – ‘Non-Violent Passive Resistance is different from
Satyagraha in three essentials: Satyagraha is a weapon of the strong; it admits of no violence under
any circumstance whatsoever; and it ever insists upon truth.’

Non-Violence or Ahimsa according to Gandhi ‘Non-violence comes to us through doing good

continually without the slightest expectation of return. That is the indispensable lesson in non-


Cornwallis felt that the collector has concentrated too much power and this is undesirable in a single
person and as a result he was deprived of his judicial functions.


After direct action day the country was reeling under the scar of communal riots and passion of both
Hindu and Muslim communities were high. The last chance of reconciliation of differences between
the two communities had been lost.

Mountbetton Plan or 3rd June Offer came as final straw and it approved the already divided nations
and [aved way for separate nations on 15th August 1947.

In July, Britain's Parliament passed the Indian Independence Act, which set a deadline of midnight
on August 14-15, 1947 for ‘demarcation of the dominions of India’. Boundary Commission was also
set up under Radcliff. As a result, at least 10 million Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs fled their homes to
seek sanctuary on whichever side of the line was favorable to them.


While initial response of Nehru on idea of partition was that of opposition. But with later turn of
events his non-opposition appeared as his tacit support. Congress Win in 1937 elections
margianalissed Muslim Leagues and stoked the political ambitions of Congress leaders.
Reconciliation with Muslim League was viewd as compromise.

Even when a compromise was seen in sight with Cabinet Mission, while Jinnah seemingly agreed to a
decentralized idea of India, Nehru opposed this in favor of a federal structure with strong center. He
also opposed the idea of grouping the provinces on Hindu Muslim lines as mooted in the Cabinet
Mission Plan, which was however favored by League. Both Nehru and Sardar Patel were not happy
with this scheme. And as Azad has pointed out in his book – Nehru, on being elected as president of
the congress in 1946, gave a statement that Cabinet Mission Plan could be, if necessary, changed.
This infuriated Jinnah as Muslim League. This also led to the speculations of ‘thirst for power’ of
Nehru and other Congress leaders.
However, painting the difference in opinion as nod for partition will also not be justified. Nehru
supported the idea of talks to avoid partition. C R Formula and discussion of Cabinet Mission are
example of his willingness to find a middle path.


Chauth (from Sanskrit meaning one-fourth) was an annual tax or tribute imposed, from early 18th
century, by the Maratha Empire in India. It was nominally levied at 25% on revenue or produce,
hence the name.

The right to assess and collect this tax was asserted first by Shivaji in the later 17th century, on
spurious grounds that his family was hereditary tax collectors in Maharashtra. He extracted chauth
from the Muslim kingdoms of Bijapur and Golconda. The sardeshmukhi was an additional 10% levy
on top of the chauth.It is a tribute paid to the king.


British rule in India had always been an awkward compromise between principle and practice. The
early Victorians had declared that the purpose of the Company Raj was the political education of
Indians and their preparation for eventual self-government. The rule was defended by White Man’s
Burden theory. However its un-Britsh nature was exposed by the early nationalist leaders when they
proved that rule means nothing but exploitation of people of India.


Bhagavati Sutra is an ancient text, forming part of a collection of texts containing Lord Mahavir’s
teachings, which are collectively termed as Agam Sutras. Among the Agam Sutras, this particular
text is the largest. Bhagavati Sutra contains a comprehensive approach towards subjects pertaining
to soul and matter. These topics along with other spiritual matters are presented in a discussion
format, wherein Lord Mahavir answers the queries put forth by his disciples. This text contains
about 36000 questions with their corresponding answers.


The Yajnavalkya Smriti is a part of Dharamsastra and has been called the ‘best composed’ text of the
Dharamsastra tradition. It reflects a superior vocabulary and level of sophistication in comparison to
many of the other texts of its time. It was written by Sage Yajnavalkya of Mithila during the peak
influence of the Gupta dynasty in India.


Land grants during Pallavas to religious institutions were called Brahmadeya, (i.e. donated to
Brahmins) Devadana (donated to Gods) and Agrahara (Settlement – of priests).

Lands were given as brahmadeya either to a single Brahmana or to several Brahmana families which
ranged from a few to several hundreds or even more than a thousand, as seen in the South Indian
context. Brahmadeyas were invariably located near major irrigation works such as tanks or lakes.

Gangaikonda Cholapuram was erected as the capital of the Cholas by Rajendra Chola I, the son and
successor of Rajaraja Chola, the great Chola who conquered a large area in South India at the
beginning of the 11th century C.E. It occupies an important place in the history of India. Named
Gangaikonda after victory of Cholas over kings of Gangaes plane.


Reason that litigations increased was – he abolished Court Fees, which not only affected company’s
earnings but also made litigation making a free for all.


Home charges refer to the expenditure incurred in England by the Secretary of State on behalf of
India. Before the Revolt of 1857 the Home charges varied from 10% to 13% of the average revenues
of India. After the Revolt the proportion shot up to 24% in the period 1897-1901. In 1901-02, the
Home charges amounted to £ 17.36 million. During 1921-22, the Home charges sharply increased to
40% of the total revenue of the Central Government. It is part of drain of wealth theory which
included funds used to support India Office in London; British Personnel Engaged in India; Funds
used for waging wars outside India by the British.


Gobinda Guru – At Mangarh hills in 1908, the bhil tribals dalits & others had raised the banner of
freedom under the leadership of Goivnd Guru , the founder of the Samp Sabha, an organisation
dedicated to fighting british rule as well as the feudal indian princess of Durgapur, Banswara etc.

Rukmini Devi Arundale (29 February 1904 – 24 February 1986) was an Indian theosophist, dancer
and choreographer of the Indian classical dance form of Bharatnatyam, and also an activist for
animal rights and welfare. She is considered the most important revivalist in the Indian classical
dance form of Bharatnatyam. She was wife of noted Theosophist and supporter of Annie Besant in
Home Rule League movement George Arundale. She founded ‘Kalakshetra’, the leading art
academy especially in the field of Bharatanatyam dance and Gandharvaveda music.

Vishnu Digambar Paluskar (August 18, 1872 – August 21, 1931) was a Hindustani musician. He sung
the original version of the bhajan Raghupati Raghava Raja Ram.

Lord Pethwick Lawrence – Lord Pethick-Lawrence was the Secretary of State for India and a
member of Cabinet Mission.

George Yule (1829–1892) was a Scottish businessman in India who notably became the fourth
President of the Indian National Congress in 1888, the first non-Indian to hold that office. He was
succeeded by Sir William Wedderburn.

William Wedderburn was a liberal MP member of the Royal Commission on Indian Expenditure in
1895 and chairman of Indian Parliamentary Committee. He was considered a great friend of the
Indian Progressive Movementand presided at the Indian National Congress, 1889, later Chairman,
British Committee of the Indian National Congress. With their efforts, a resolution was passed that
called for Civil Services exam to be held simultaneously in London and India. He along with WS Caine
set up ‘Indian Parliamentry Committee’ to agitate for the Indian political reforms in house of

Prati Sarkar and Nana Patil – Nana Patil popularly known as Krantisinha ('revolutionary lion') was a
communist leader who formed a parallel government during Quit India called 'Prati-sarkar' in Satara
district of west Maharashtra. Instead of Gandhian resistance, Patil's method of direct attack on the
colonial government was widely accepted in this district.The parallel administration or Prati Sarkara
lasted for almost 4 years.


 Vedas were first to be compiled followed by Brahanas and Araaykas which were extensions of
Vedas. Upnishads followed these two. They were followed by Purans which were probably
compiled during Gupta period.
 The Dharmasutras were compiled between 500 and 200 BC. These lay down duties for different
varnas as well as for the kings and their officials.
 Urdu perhaps originated around Delhi. Urdu as a language was born out of the interaction
between Hindi and Persian. It developed as a camp language in the army of Allauddin Khilji
when they were stationed in the Deccan around fourteenth century AD.The famous poet Amir
Khusrau, who composed poetry in this language, also played some part in making it popular.
During freedom struggle it was an important language along with Hindi and after Independence
it as ‘Hindustani’ was one of contenders of being declared as official language.
 Mughals were preceded by Sultanat period which consisted a series of Sultans starting from
Turkish Sultans. Sultans were deemed to be direct representatives of Caliphat – the holy leaders
who succeeded Muhammad – and hence power of Ulemas was very high during Sultanat period.
During Mughals period, rulers undermined power of religious leaders and assumed political and
religious power in their own hands.

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