QS Yearbook 2022 V1-Min

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2022 May 2022

QS Quacquarelli Symonds
The University of Lampung

QS World University Rankings 2022 Yearbook

Published by QS Quacquarelli Symonds Limited.
1 Tranley Mews, Fleet Road, London NW3 2DG United Kingdom qs.com
1st edition, May 2022

The content of this publication is protected by international copyright. No part of it may be copied
or reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form, without the prior written
permission of the publisher. For permission, please write to Anton John Crace [email protected]

QS would like to thank the advertisers in this edition, the editorial contributors, and the many
colleagues who provided their thoughts and time, including:

Ben Sowter, Jason Newman, Leigh Kamolins, Jacques de Champchesnel, Monica Hornung Cattan,
Anton John Crace, Shukri Abdullah, Sarah Ain Arbain, Madalina Ardeleanu, Alex Berka, Priyanka
Biswas, Juan Carlos, Nilly Chingate Castano, E Way Chong, Joel Chowry, Gabriel Maschiao da
Costa, Afifah Darke, Ashwin Fernandes, Dmytro Filchenko, Indira Ghosh, Gitanjali Goswami, Raluca
Grigorescu, Ludovic Highman, Shadi Hijazi, Roxana Ionica, Azmi Iskandar, Frances James, Martin

Juno, Daniel Kahn, Kek Yea Yin, Kashif Khan, Neha Kirpalani, Suzie Knight, Aditya Kumbhavdekar,
Enzo Kuo, Chloe Lane, Annabel Light, Drew MacFarlane, Product Manager, Henna Mansuri,
i n t e rn a t i
Fernando Coca Martin-Romo, Juan Carlos Mejia Cuartas, Alessandro Messina, Paul Meynell,
Tagreed Mustafa, David Myers, Kendrick Ng, Craig O’Callaghan, Veronica Omeni, Kesh Patel,
Jeroen Prinsen, Kuldeep Reddy, Siti Norsyuhada Modh Roffeei, Shiloh Rose, David Ryan, Rashmi
Sharma, Khushboo Singh, Padmashree Sorate, Chris Strods, Sharifah Nadia Syed, Vineet Thakur,
Simran Uklekar, Marta Vazquez, Mirela Vlasceanu, Florence Webb, Wei Wei, Jia Ying Wong, Samuel s t u d y p ro g
Wong, Kusum Yadav, Tony Yang , Yuh Ming Yap.

Thanks also to Dr Haifa Al Kaylani, Claudia Civinini, Amie Edwards-McLean, John O’Leary, and
Niamh Ollerton for their contributions and advice.

Yearbook Cover design: Alessandro Messina

Higher Ed Report and QS-GEN cover design: Annabel Light, Alessandro Messina, and David
Additional design: Kek Yea Yin

Notes on data and tables

Every effort has been made to ensure information contained in this book is accurate. However,
with the volume of data, the authors cannot give a total guarantee. The publisher sincerely regrets

any inaccuracies and is grateful for them to be brought to its attention. Further, limited page
space, translation, and the need for stylistic editing means that some university names have had
e b o
10 W
to be abbreviated (e.g. University = Uni, Technology = Tech etc). Please always refer to universities
directly to confirm full and correct names. In addition, where universities are ranked in bands - e.g.
e n m etric Tropical dry land
15 Gre ago
151 – 200 - a broad alphabetical approach has been taken based on a selected key word in a name;
the banded list does not imply that the institution 200th spot is of any lower ranking than that in
m Enviromental studies
16 Sci
151st. The publisher realises that sometimes selected key words may differ from that which the
university or business school might itself have selected and which could potentially have given it a
different position in the presented band list.

For the most complete and up to date data for all QS Rankings, please see topuniversities.com
and topmba.com

Foreword 7 Life Sciences & Medicine 194

Introduction 8 Classroom to the field 205
World University Rankings 11 Natural Sciences 220
Overview 12 The science of wunderlust 231
Methodology 14 Social Sciences & Management 244
Set/reset 18 Cultivating empathy in
leadership 256
We’re not going to wait 28
Reassessing assessment 42 Graduate Management
Education 277
Access Education 50
Global MBA 278
Bringing her A-game 58
Master in a year 279
Cloud nine 66
Masters in Management 288
Regional Rankings 71 The investors are watching 289
Asia 72 Masters in Finance 296
For the love of learning 82 Business schools and
Emerging Europe & Central Asia 94 the SDGs 297
From oil tankers to Masters in Business Analytics 304
speedboats 104 Masters in Marketing 308
Latin America 108 Teaching Gen Z 309
Which way is South? 116 Masters in Supply Chain
The Arab Region 124 Management 316
Empowering Arab women 127 Online MBA 320
The future today 134
Employability and Best Cities 325
Subject Rankings 139 Graduate Employability 326
Subject Overview 140 What employers want? 335
Arts & Humanities 142 Best Student Cities 344
Matter of the Heart 153
QS Stars Ratings 349
Engineering & Technology 168
Tracking progress on Key and Advertiser Index 361
environmental sustainability 181 Contributors IBC

by Monica Hornung Cattan

Welcome to the 2022 QS Yearbook.

My colleagues and I are proud to present the third edition of this annual
publication. You will notice since last year, we have expanded on the changes
made. As with the 2021 iteration of the Yearbook, we have again included articles
from the 12 publications throughout the year. The number of articles, however,
has been increased further, as has the number of Rankings and institutions
featured. We hope this provides even more insights into the past year.
These are not the only expansions that have been made within the team.
Outside of the publications, the past year has seen our conferences rebranded
to become the QS Higher Ed Summits. As well as a name change, we have added
three new programmes to the calendar, namely Europe, Americas, and China.
Our inaugural editions of these summits attracted almost 2,000 delegates, and
hundreds of speakers talking on a diverse range of topics, including new models
of internationalisation, the role of the SDGs in higher education, and fostering
research excellence.
Of great importance was the resumption of in-person elements to the
conferences. Like universities, we acknowledge there is no going back to the
pre-pandemic days of physical only. While those parts serve a purpose, it is
equally vital that knowledge sharing covers even more stakeholders, both current
and emerging. In achieving this, we will continue offering hybrid conference
experiences, reducing both their economic and environmental impacts.
This reality bares out in the numbers. We were pleased to see both publications
and conferences attract more than 20,000 professionals in the space last
year alone. I thank you for your continued support, contributing to these
conversations and paving a way for the decade ahead, and look forward to more
The previous two editions of the Yearbook were released during a period of
uncertainty. While I believe it is too early to declare that we have found a new
normal, I do think the third edition comes out as we are inch towards the end
of transitional period. The conversations across QS’ portfolios and with its
partners show buoyed optimism for what the future may hold.
I hope the third edition finds you in a period of increased certainty and drive, as
we work toward building a more equitable and sustainable future.

by Anton John Crace

In the 2021 Yearbook, we endeavoured to provide not only the data, but the On several occasions, we have said the Rankings are a perfectly imperfect
stories from when that data was released, to create a more holistic view of view of higher education. The overall scores, and the overall ranks, are not an
the Rankings; a combination of the quantitative and the qualitative of higher indication of the overall benefit of a university.
education. When we did so, I admitted that our attempt ultimately failed,
The individual metrics, which are not included in this volume, provide a more
because we could not provide everything.
nuanced view of an institution in areas that may be of interest to a student
The Rankings tables were limited to only overall scores, and others were reduced or academic. Even then, they don’t include metrics around arguably more
to either a top 50 or simply an institution’s rank. For the handful of education important factors such as: where is the closest university, or which university has
leaders featured in the articles, there were countless more who weren’t. The the best cafeteria? The world’s number one university may not be an individual’s
quotes included were only a fraction of the hours and days of interviews, panels, preferred choice for a multitude of reasons.
keynotes, and conversations that didn’t make it into the volume. The articles
Sometimes, however, we can be afraid to interrogate the information put in front
selected were less than half of what was written in the period covered.
of us, especially when asking about our own specific needs. This may be because
While we have expanded parts of the 2022 Yearbook, noticeably more articles we’re afraid to ask a silly question, or because of the implications a question
and an expansion of some focused ranks to a top 100, I admit we have failed might be perceived to have. Other times, we can be afraid to ask whether the
again. This year, however, I view that failure differently, and hope you will, too. information provided is useful at all out of concern for causing offense.
This edition of the Yearbook comes out a few weeks before the 2022 EduData With these observations in mind, I encourage you to look at the data, read the
Summit, our first to have an in-person component for three years. You may be articles and ask yourself and your colleagues your own questions. Things such
lucky enough to be reading this in New York at the event. If so, please take the as “what do you think this means?”, “why is this important?”, and “where to from
time to say hello and introduce yourself. here?”. Equally important is to ask the antitheses of these questions: “what
doesn’t this mean?”, “why is this unimportant?”, and “where should we avoid?”.
As we put the EDS programme together, my team and I engaged in many
conversations on data, its usage, and the possibilities and challenges that may Where there are gaps in the data, visit topuniversities.com and topmba.com to
lie ahead. Throughout those conversations, there was a single recurring point: fill them. If your questions aren’t answered, ask what should we measure next?
data is only as powerful as the questions you ask of it. When excerpted pieces pique your interest, visit qs.com to access the Higher
Education Reports and QS Global Education News for more.
While we have again failed to provide you with everything, everywhere all at once,
I feel it’s crucial to point out that while compiling this volume, we were always We have tried again with the latest edition of the Yearbook to show Rankings,
asking questions. For brevity’s sake, we asked what was of the most importance. like the rest of higher education, do not exist in a vacuum. It is a quick reference
For insight’s sake, what were the newest and most astute observations we could guide for you to look back on the overall positions of the world’s universities.
find? We hope we’ve done our best. This year, however, we hope it sparks questions you had not considered.
EDS reminded us that in providing information, we must ask ourselves many Data and information are only as powerful as the interrogations we place upon
questions. Rather than putting the qualitative and quantitative side-by-side, at it. Collaboratively understanding what we know and what we don’t but should, is
times, we used the qualitative as a lens through which to view the quantitative, a virtuous endeavour.
and vice versa. This is a shared responsibility. While we seek to provide you
All we need to do is ask.
with a record of what’s happened, we hope you use it as a starting point for
discussions on where higher education can go in the future.

8 9
QS World University Rankings
Overview 12
Methodology 14
Set/reset 18
We’re not going to wait 30
Reassessing assessment 44
Bringing her A-game 60
Cloud nine 68
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

World University Rankings Overview

by Dr Andrew MacFarlane

We’re thrilled to say this is our biggest ever World University Rankings – featuring When we looked across different research trends this year, we saw
more institutions, more survey responses, and more comparative data. With multi-disciplinary approaches to solving these issues. In mathematics and
1,300 institutions in this year’s ranking and a truly global coverage, students economics, both showed trends on market volatility; in Medicine, we saw strong
have an invaluable resource to help guide them choose the best university for correlation with our top ranked institutions and the research focus being put
them. towards COVID-19; in Environmental Sciences we saw trends in air quality
and sustainability which were also mirrored in economics; and in Physics we
This year, perhaps more than ever, students will look carefully at which university
saw shared focus on renewable energy and climate change also mirrored in
to attend, and with some countries recovering from COVID-19 at different rates
environmental sciences.
than others, old perceptions may find themselves challenged by necessity.
In the annual QS Global Employer Survey, we looked at the skills most
Established rankings players are finding themselves challenged by countries
important to employers, and the skills of graduates in which they were most and
like China and Malaysia, and smaller nations such as Denmark, Hong Kong, and
least satisfied. Employers said the most important skills were problem solving,
Singapore well outshine some larger nations when it comes to the impact they
communication, and team work.
make through research.
Graduates’ commercial awareness, leadership, and negotiation skills meanwhile,
Even our Top 10 – typically a bastion of stability – sees some interesting
were areas in which employers said they were least satisfied.
movement this year.
While the higher education sector has seen volatility recently, employers’
This elite grouping has no new entrants but sees some exciting movement
expectations of graduates have remained more or less unchanged for at least
from Oxbridge, with University of Oxford moving from 5th place to 2nd, and
the past three years.
University of Cambridge moving from 7th to joint 3rd. The United States
continues to dominate the Top 100, with 28 institutions represented, and the The positive to take out of the reports is that satisfaction in graduates’
United Kingdom follows with 17. commercial awareness and negotiating skills has improved in those three years;
leadership is still down from 2018 after a large drop in 2019 despite strengthening
After somewhat of a slump last year, the United Kingdom has kickstarted its
most recently.
progress again, with a strong showing in this year’s ranking.
Professional experience was the most sought-after characteristic of the global
China’s rise also continues at an impressive pace, driven by both the reputation
employers we surveyed. It is paramount that institutions prepare their students
of its institutions worldwide, and the growing impact and reach of its research.
for the realities of the global workplace. By ensuring that work experience is
For the first time ever, it sees two of its institutions enter our global Top 20.
woven into the fabric of their education, as well as integrating these soft skills
China’s record on global collaboration in research, however, is somewhat low
into the learning experience, institutions will be supporting their students’
compared to some of the other key rankings locations, and this is something the
futures in their regions and beyond.
country’s higher education sector should look to improve on.
Institutions at the top of their fields are, of course, tackling the big research
issues of our time. COVID-19 and immunology, cancer research, obesity, Brexit,
and the effect on financial markets.

12 13
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

By Craig O’Callaghan

The QS World University Rankings continue to enjoy a remarkably consistent Citations per faculty (20%)
methodological framework, compiled using six simple metrics that we believe
Teaching is one key pillar of an institution’s mission. Another is research output.
effectively capture university performance. Since faculty area normalisation was
We measure institutional research quality using our Citations per Faculty metric.
introduced in 2015 to ensure that institutions specialising in Life Sciences and
To calculate it, we take the total number of citations received by all papers
Natural Sciences were not unduly advantaged, we have avoided fundamental
produced by an institution across a five-year period by the number of faculty
changes. In doing so, we aim to ensure that year-on-year comparisons remain
members at that institution.
valid, and that unnecessary volatility is minimised.
To account for the fact that different fields have very different publishing
Academic reputation (40%) cultures – papers concerning the Life Sciences are responsible nearly half of all
The highest weighting of any metric is allotted to an institution’s Academic research citations as of 2015 – we normalize citations. This means that a citation
Reputation score. Based on our Academic Survey, it collates the expert received for a paper in Philosophy is measured differently to one received for a
opinions of over 130,000 individuals in higher education regarding teaching and paper on Anatomy and Physiology, ensuring that, in evaluating an institution’s
research quality at the world’s universities. In doing so, it has grown to become true research impact, both citations are given equal weight.
the world’s largest survey of academic opinion, and, in terms of size and scope, We use a five-year publication window for papers, so for this edition we looked
is an unparalleled means of measuring sentiment in the academic community. at papers published from 2015 to 2019. We then take a look at a six-year citation
Employer reputation (10%) window; reflecting the fact that it takes time for research to be effectively
disseminated. In this edition we look for citations from 2015-2020.
Students will continue to perceive a university education as a means by which
they can receive valuable preparation for the employment market. It follows All citations data is sourced using Elsevier’s Scopus database, the world’s largest
that assessing how successful institutions are at providing that preparation is repository of academic journal data. This year, QS assessed 96 million citations
essential for a ranking whose primary audience is the global student community. from 14.7 million papers once self-citations were excluded.

Our Employer Reputation metric is based on over 75,000 responses to our QS International faculty ratio/International student ratio (5% each)
Employer Survey, and asks employers to identify those institutions from which A highly international university acquires and confers a number of advantages.
they source the most competent, innovative, effective graduates. The QS It demonstrates an ability to attract faculty and students from across the world,
Employer Survey is also the world’s largest of its kind. which in turn suggests that it possesses a strong international brand. It implies a
Faculty/Student Ratio (20%) highly global outlook: essentially for institutions operating in an internationalised
higher education sector. It also provides both students and staff alike with a
Teaching quality is typically cited by students as the metric of highest importance multinational environment, facilitating exchange of best practices and beliefs.
to them when comparing institutions using a ranking. It is notoriously difficult to In doing so, it provides students with international sympathies and global
measure, but we have determined that measuring teacher/student ratios is the awareness: soft skills increasingly valuable to employers. Both of these metrics
most effective proxy metric for teaching quality. It assesses the extent to which are worth 5% of the overall total.
institutions are able to provide students with meaningful access to lecturers
and tutors, and recognizes that a high number of faculty members per student
will reduce the teaching burden on each individual academic.

14 15
World University Rankings 2022


The QS World University Rankings® have been published since 2004. Whilst the
headline measures have not changed since 2005, we introduce refinements to provide
even stronger results year after year.

Taken from the annual survey conducted by QS designed to

evaluate the perceptions of academics from around the world
Academic regarding the best institutions in terms of research. In this 40%
Reputation edition, responses from over 130,000 academics were
recorded globally.

Taken from the annual QS survey aimed at gathering the

Employer views of employers around the world on the institutions
providing the best professionals. For the 2022 edition, 10%
responses from over 75,000 employers were analysed.

This is the ratio between the number of academic staff and

Faculty number of students. A higher number of academics per
student is an indirect indicator of the commitment of the 20%
institutions to high-quality teaching.

This ratio measures the average number of citations obtained

per faculty member, and is an estimate of the impact and
quality of the scientific work produced by universities. This
Citations per indicator is calculated using data from Scopus. To avoid
Faculty anomalous results, an affiliation cap is applied discarding
papers with an unusually high number of affiliations.
Self-citations are excluded and citation counts are normalized..

The International Faculty Index is simply based on the

proportion of faculty members that are international. It is a
International proxy measure for how internationally attractive the university
is to academic staff. Universities based in locations known for 5%
attracting high proportions of expatriates perform well here
such as those in Hong Kong, Switzerland and UAE.

Similar in nature to the International Faculty Index, the

International Students Index is based on the proportion of
International students that are international. It is a proxy measure for how
internationally attractive the university is to students. Attracting 5%
international faculty and students can be challenging for
institutions that are more nationally or regionally focussed.

World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

By Anton John Crace

For more than a year, the ongoing pandemic has

thrown most plans from before 2020 into disarray,
and institutions are seeking the best ways forward to
overcome challenges to teaching and research.
Along the way, they have quickly discovered what
does and doesn’t work, what can be adapted, and
what may need to be left behind in the past.
Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic & International)

“The biggest
at Malaysia’s Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM),
Dr Roziah Mohd Janor says it became clear early on
that class sizes for tutorials could not be replicated
mistake that during this period.
keeps a student
In terms of scale, UiTM enrols more than 170,000
from getting
students across its campuses. Many students residing
smarter is
in one location may be registered and studying at
thinking that
being smart is
the fix.” To overcome the restrictions to travel between
states, Dr Janor says the university experimented in
a somewhat inverted campus mobility programme.
“We have 35 locations throughout the nation, so one
student can be registered in one campus, one state
in Malaysia. But the same courses are also offered at
other campuses,” she says.
“What we allowed earlier on, was to make sure
there is campus mobility so they don’t have to be
in a campus that they are registered. They can also
come and get information from the closest location, rese
closest campus where they reside.”
Dr Janor also notes the pandemic has forced
institutions to rethink the way they attribute
resources throughout a course. Dr Janor says UiTM
experimented with mass online lectures, which in her
view could maximise the usage of some resources
and reduce some costs throughout the system.

18 19
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

Institutional transformation understand a current problem through the eyes of

the user.”
Dr Esra Aldhaen notes assessment and academic integrity is an area of
significant concern. At Ahlia University in Bahrain, where she works as Executive When the programme had to move online, however,
Director of the Centre for Accreditation and Quality Assurance, the first hurdle Deputy General Manager at Berytech, Carla Saba,
in adapting learning to the virtual was maintain fidelity of outcomes. says it was a very smooth process, as the companies,
former graduates, and entrepreneurs that formed the
“We found that verification and validity of online assessment were really lacking
course were already well versed in quickly adapting
and maintaining ethics of academic standards was a serious issue,” she says.
to situations. Instead, the considerations needed to
To overcome this, the institution began conducting multiple faculty development be placed on the student.
sessions and workshops, which she said led to university leaders coming to the
“For us, we thought that it’s very important to
understanding that academic transformation needed to be treated equally “We really need
emphasise on the practical side of activities with
alongside institutional transformation. to invest more
students,” she explains.
“We cannot really focus only on the academic and neglect the organisational in our faculty
“We looked at the realistic and practical tasks and readiness.”
part,” she explains.
problem situations and not just the theoretical ones,
“However, we still feel that in order to reach to the digital transformation, we because we thought it’s very important for the
really need to invest more in our faculty readiness, especially when it comes to development of the career.”
the assessment part.”
In attempting to create an atmosphere in which
One initiative in Lebanon at Université Saint Joseph (USJ) is tackling issues students are taught to critically think about situations,
around assessment through an innovation course for engineers, in partnership assess, and reassess, USJ and Berytech have created
with its incubator accelerator Berytech. another roadmap for universities considering their
delivery of teaching and research during these times.
Developed prior to the pandemic, the course shifted online, and the assessment
method has translated well enough that it also addresses some of the concerns “The biggest mistake that keeps a student from
other universities have gauging the effectiveness of teaching. getting smarter is thinking that being smart is the
fix,” says Saba.
Embracing ambiguity
“That is a dynamic process.”
Universities have been preparing graduates to become as adaptable as possible
for some time. One of the four pillars of the innovation programme co-created The full version of this abridged article first appeared
by USJ and Berytech was in helping students prepare for ambiguity. in Higher Ed Report featuring the 2022 World
University Rankings, published in June 2021.
“University projects usually have predetermined solutions,” says Ursula El Hage,
Quality expert at USJ..
“We know already the solutions, the professor knows it. In this course, we invite
students to explore the ambiguity of the real world, to empathise and try to

20 21
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1 1 n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 100.0 50= 47 i Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 75.6
2 5 h University of Oxford UK 99.5 50= 50 n Technical University of Munich DE 75.6
3= 2 i Stanford University US 98.7 52 42 i Duke University US 75.2
3= 7 h University of Cambridge UK 98.7 53= 51 i Carnegie Mellon University US 74.6
5 3 i Harvard University US 98.0 53= 48 i City University of Hong Kong HK 74.6
6 4 i California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 97.4 55 61 h University of Amsterdam NL 73.8
7 8 h Imperial College London UK 97.3 56 56 n Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 73.5
8= 6 i ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 95.4 57 57 n Delft University of Technology NL 73.1
8= 10 h UCL UK 95.4 58 55 i Monash University AU 72.2
10 9 i University of Chicago US 94.5 60 60 n Brown University US 71.3
11 11 n National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 93.9 61 62 h The University of Warwick UK 71.2
12 13 h Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 90.8 62 58 i University of Bristol UK 71.0
13 16 h University of Pennsylvania US 90.7 63 64 h Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE 70.8
14= 14 n EPFL CH 90.2 64 63 i Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE 70.1
14= 17 h Yale University US 90.2 65 59 i Universiti Malaya (UM) MY 69.8
16 20 h The University of Edinburgh UK 89.9 66 75 h The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 69.1
17 15 i Tsinghua University CN 89.0 67 71 h University of Texas at Austin US 68.4
18 23 h Peking University CN 88.8 68 66= i National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 68.2
19 19 n Columbia University US 88.7 69 66= i Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) AR 67.9
20 12 i Princeton University US 88.6 70= 84 h KU Leuven BE 67.2
21 18 i Cornell University US 88.3 70= 69= i University of Zurich CH 67.2
22 22 n The University of Hong Kong HK 86.3 72 83 h Sorbonne University FR 67.1
23= 24 h The University of Tokyo JP 86.2 73 77= h University of Glasgow UK 66.8
23= 21 i University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 86.2 74 69= i Korea University KR 66.3
25 25= n Johns Hopkins University US 85.9 75= 72= i Osaka University JP 66.2
26 25= i University of Toronto CA 85.3 75= 65 i University of Wisconsin-Madison US 66.2
27= 31= h McGill University CA 84.0 77 90 h University of Southampton UK 65.7
27= 31= h The Australian National University AU 84.0 78 74 i Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 65.6
27= 27= n The University of Manchester UK 84.0 79= 76 i University of Copenhagen DK 65.5
30 29 i Northwestern University US 82.8 79= 85 h Yonsei University KR 65.5
31 34 h Fudan University CN 82.6 81 77= i Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) KR 65.4
32 30 i University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US 82.5 82= 86 h Durham University UK 65.2
33 38 h Kyoto University JP 82.3 82= 79 i Tohoku University JP 65.2
34 27= i The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 82.2 82= 82 n University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 65.2
35 31= i King's College London UK 82.0 85= 81 i The University of Auckland NZ 65.0
36 37 h Seoul National University KR 81.7 85= 72= i University of Washington US 65.0
37 41 h The University of Melbourne AU 81.4 86= new Université Paris-Saclay FR 64.9
38 40 h The University of Sydney AU 80.4 87 97 h Lund University SE 63.8
39 43 h The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 80.3 88 80 i Georgia Institute of Technology US 63.5
40 36 i University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 79.7 89 98 h KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE 63.2
41 39 i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 79.1 90 87 i University of Birmingham UK 62.9
42 35 i New York University (NYU) US 78.9 91 96 h University of St Andrews UK 62.8
43 44 h The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 77.7 92 91 i University of Leeds UK 62.6
44 52 h Université PSL FR 77.6 93 92 i The University of Western Australia AU 62.5
45 53 h Zhejiang University CN 77.4 94 89 i Rice University US 62.3
46 45 i University of British Columbia CA 77.1 95 93= i The University of Sheffield UK 61.6
47 46 i The University of Queensland AU 76.6 96 101= h Pennsylvania State University US 61.5
48 54 h University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US 76.1 97 88 i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 60.5
49= new Institut Polytechnique de Paris FR 75.9 98 93= i University of Science and Technology of China CN 60.1
49 49 n The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) UK 75.8 99 103 h Technical University of Denmark DK 59.9

22 23
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
100 95 i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 59.6 151= 159 h Cardiff University UK 50.4
101 101= n Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 59.5 151= 150= i University of Vienna AT 50.4
102 113 h University of Oslo NO 59.0 151= 150= i University of York UK 50.4
103 99 i University of Nottingham UK 58.9 154 165= h University of Rochester US 50.3
104 104 n University of Helsinki FI 58.5 155 147 i Aarhus University DK 50.2
105= 100 i Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 58.3 156 146 i Hanyang University KR 49.8
105= 106= h University of Geneva CH 58.3 157 157 n Michigan State University US 49.7
107 105 i Washington University in St. Louis US 58.0 158 152= i University of Maryland, College Park US 49.5
108 106= i The University of Adelaide AU 57.9 159 148 i Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE 49.3
108= 112 h University of California, Davis US 57.9 160 158 i Emory University US 48.6
109 143 h King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA 57.7 161= 162= h Case Western Reserve University US 48.2
110 121= h Utrecht University NL 57.5 161= 155 i Tecnológico de Monterrey MX 48.2
111 118 h Université de Montréal CA 57.3 163= 186 h King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals SA 48.1
112= 127 h Aalto University FI 57.0 163= 156 i University of Pittsburgh US 48.1
112= 110= i Boston University US 57.0 165 145 i RWTH Aachen University DE 48.0
112= 128= h Leiden University NL 57.0 166= 160 i Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 47.7
112= 121= h University of Southern California US 57.0 166= 173= h University of Bath UK 47.7
116 109 i Purdue University US 56.9 168= 169= h Texas A&M University US 47.6
117 114 i Queen Mary University of London UK 56.7 168= 183 h Universitat de Barcelona ES 47.6
118 110= i Nagoya University JP 56.2 170 203= h Western University CA 47.5
119 114 i University of Bern CH 56.1 171 171 n Sapienza University of Rome IT 47.2
120 108 i The Ohio State University US 56.0 172 175= h Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg DE 47.0
121= 139= h Chalmers University of Technology SE 55.9 173= 177= h University College Dublin IE 46.9
121= 115= i Universidade de São Paulo BR 55.9 173= 162= i University of Florida US 46.9
123 115= i Wageningen University & Research NL 55.8 175 165 i Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ 46.8
124 124= n Uppsala University SE 55.4 176 169= i University of Lausanne CH 46.6
125 120 i Eindhoven University of Technology NL 55.3 177= 175= i Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE 46.4
126 119 i University of Alberta CA 55.2 177= 172 i Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN 46.4
127 130 h Freie Universitaet Berlin DE 54.9 179 197= h Erasmus University Rotterdam NL 46.3
128= 117 i Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE 54.8 180= 168 i National Tsing Hua University TW 46.1
128= 128= n University of Groningen NL 54.8 180= 191= h Technische Universität Wien AT 46.1
130 161 h École Normale Supérieure de Lyon FR 54.6 180= 202 h University of Gothenburg SE 46.1
131 124= i Nanjing University CN 54.2 183= 211= h Khalifa University of Science and Technology AE 46.0
132 135= h Lancaster University UK 54.0 183= 180 i Universidad de Chile CL 46.0
133 133= n University of Technology Sydney AU 53.9 185 193 h Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN 45.9
134 152= h Newcastle University UK 53.8 186= 185 i Indian Institute of Science IN 45.7
135 121= i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 53.6 186= 177= i University of Minnesota Twin Cities US 45.7
136 131 i KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE 53.4 188 189= h Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE 45.6
137 124= i Kyushu University JP 53.3 189= 181= i University of Liverpool UK 45.5
138= 149 h University of Basel CH 53.0 189= 197= h University of Twente NL 45.5
140 144 h McMaster University CA 52.7 191= 203= h Dartmouth College US 45.1
141 135= i Ghent University BE 52.6 191= 187= i Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY 45.1
142 137 i Politecnico di Milano IT 52.5 193 196 h University of Wollongong AU 44.9
143 132 i Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 52.2 194= 217= h Curtin University AU 44.8
144 141 i Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 52.0 194= 173= i Technische Universität Dresden DE 44.8
145 139= i Hokkaido University JP 51.4 194= 184 i University of Otago NZ 44.8
146 152= h University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) US 51.2 197 197= n The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) AU 44.6
147 142 i Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 51.0 198 177= i The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL 44.5
148 181= h Stockholm University SE 50.6 199 194 i University of Bergen NO 44.2
149= 164 h The University of Exeter UK 50.5 200 214= h Macquarie University AU 44.1
149= 166= h University of Waterloo CA 50.5

24 25
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
201 191= i Keio University JP 43.9 251 230= i University of Colorado Boulder US 38.5
202 205 h University of Reading UK 43.5 252= 234= i National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 38.4
203 189= i Waseda University JP 43.3 252= 341 h Yeshiva University US 38.4
204 195 i University of Göttingen DE 43.2 254 254= n Gadjah Mada University ID 38.3
205 207 h University of Aberdeen UK 43.1 255= 275= h Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) IN 38.1
206 223= h RMIT University AU 42.8 255= 252= i Mahidol University TH 38.1
207= 200= i Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES 42.7 255= 230= i Tel Aviv University IL 38.1
207= 250= h Universite libre de Bruxelles BE 42.7 258= 238= i National University of Ireland Galway IE 37.6
209= 213 h Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES 42.6 258= 259 h Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 37.6
209= 236= h Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL 42.6 258 270= h University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha NZ 37.7
211 256= h Tongji University CN 42.5 260 263 h Sun Yat-sen University CN 37.4
212 new Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) SK 42.4 261= 242= i Sciences Po FR 37.3
213 217= h Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU 42.1 261= 275= h Université de Paris FR 37.3
214 228= h Universität Hamburg DE 42.0 264= 236= i Kyung Hee University KR 37.2
215 208 i Chulalongkorn University TH 41.9 264= 258 i Rutgers University–New Brunswick US 37.2
216= 220= h Arizona State University US 41.8 266= 260= i Charles University CZ 37.1
216= 209 i Queen's University Belfast UK 41.8 266= 252= i University of Navarra ES 37.1
218 187= i Vanderbilt University US 41.7 268= new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW 36.9
219 233 h Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 41.3 268= 273= h The University of Arizona US 36.9
220 214= i Radboud University NL 41.1 269= 267= i Technical University of Darmstadt DE 36.9
221 200= i Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE 41.0 270= 279= h Beijing Normal University CN 36.7
222 211= i University of Notre Dame US 40.9 270= 301= h Heriot-Watt University UK 36.7
223 206 i Complutense University of Madrid ES 40.8 272= 291= h Dalhousie University CA 36.6
224 245 h Qatar University QA 40.7 272= 250= i Tomsk State University RU 36.6
225 246= h Wuhan University CN 40.4 272= 267= i University of Surrey UK 36.6
226= 240= h Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE 40.3 275= 323= h Southern University of Science and Technology CN 36.5
226= 220= i University of Cape Town ZA 40.3 275= 260= i Tufts University US 36.5
226= 246= h University of Sussex UK 40.3 277= 275= i Graz University of Technology AT 36.4
226= 217= i University of Virginia US 40.3 277= 350= h Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) IN 36.4
230 279= h University of Ottawa CA 40.2 277= 287= h King Saud University SA 36.4
231 226 i Loughborough University UK 40.1 280 314= h Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) IN 36.3
232 210 i University of California, Irvine US 40.0 281= 282= h Bauman Moscow State Technical University RU 36.2
233= 234= h Maastricht University NL 39.8 281= 265= i Universität Innsbruck AT 36.2
233= 238= h University of Antwerp BE 39.8 283 275= i Deakin University AU 36.1
235 246= h University of Calgary CA 39.7 284 272 i Massey University NZ 35.9
236= 260= h Harbin Institute of Technology CN 39.6 285= 256= i University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US 35.6
236= 227 i Universidad de los Andes CO 39.6 285= 265= i University of Tsukuba JP 35.6
236= 242= h University of Leicester UK 39.6 287 264 i Hong Kong Baptist University HK 35.5
236= 223= i Victoria University of Wellington NZ 39.6 288= 284 i United Arab Emirates University AE 35.4
240= 246= h Queen's University at Kingston CA 39.5 290= 303= h Griffith University AU 35.1
240= 273= h USI - Università della Svizzera italiana CH 39.5 290= 281 i Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) RU 35.1
242= 220= i American University of Beirut (AUB) LB 39.2 290= 305= h Universitas Indonesia ID 35.1
242= 225 i Saint Petersburg State University RU 39.2 290= 287= i Université Paris h Panthéon-Sorbonne FR 35.1
242= 216 i Università di Padova IT 39.2 290= 303= h Xi’an Jiaotong University CN 35.1
245 242= i Ecole des Ponts ParisTech FR 39.1 295= 317= h Belarusian State University BY 34.9
246= 228= i Novosibirsk State University RU 38.8 295= 357= h University of Porto PT 34.9
246= 270= h University of Massachusetts Amherst US 38.8 295= 287= i University of Turku FI 34.9
248= 230= i Georgetown University US 38.7 298= 323= h Simon Fraser University CA 34.8
248= 287= h Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ES 38.7 298= 286 i University College Cork IE 34.8
250 254= h Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) BN 38.6 300= 295= i North Carolina State University US 34.7

26 27
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

We’re not going to wait

By Niamh Ollerton

Women are making waves in the higher education

sector – building new business models, boosting
morale, and paving the way for female leaders of the WOMEN IN
All of them, they tell QS-GEN aren’t done yet, and
hope the lessons they’ve learned during their careers
to senior leadership positions, and their wisdom and
strategies will allow others to follow in their footsteps.
Improving education from an early age
Lindsey Nefesh-Clarke, Founder & Managing
Director, Women’s WorldWide Web (W4), says:
“There’ve been great gains in education, but the
“Girls and young problem is we’re not seeing that in STEM and we’re
women tend to certainly not seeing that in tech.
self-select out.” “In Europe, women account for 17 percent of ICT
specialists. There’s a huge, costly supply-demand
“The research shows it starts at an early age. It’s got
nothing to do with ability. Instead, girls and young
women tend to self-select out.”
Nefesh-Clarke believes there are a number of ways
to address this: adopting education, and address
unconscious bias and stereotypes in education.
Women transforming HE
The Global Leadership League (The League) is one
organisation transforming the lives of professionals
across the globe.
Founded by 10 women in 2017, after initially being
sparked during a Forum on Education Abroad
retreat focused on women in international education

28 29
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

leadership, each member of The League has a key role to help operationalise With this in mind, Banks says it only makes sense
its vision. that those influencing the education of the group
understand diverse needs, and diverse colleagues
Key among the focus discussions was considering what each member wished
across the organisation ensure listening posts are
they’d known at the start of their career, and how to overcome a lack of
mentoring, a circumstance many shared.
“We live and breathe the belief that diverse
“It was a collective moment of questioning how to really change our field for
perspectives in leadership lead to amazing and
the practitioners coming up,” says Martha Johnson, Assistant Dean, Learning
positive changes for an organisation! This stems
Abroad at University of Minnesota and co-founder of The League.
from understanding that education is a service to “We give you
The list of women who have influenced global education is long and robust. others who are, themselves, diverse. our support and
In fact, it should be noted that women make up the majority of the roles in global “As part of learning to effectively lead this new would love to
education, but The League’s fellow founder, Cynthia Banks explains to QS-GEN world, The League believes that the more feminine help counsel
that considering those numbers alone does not provide a complete picture of leadership qualities such as transparency, empathy, and support you
their positions of power. open communication, cooperation, and listening can in your journey.”
overall create a more effective organization.
“However, and this is a big however, we do not always see women in the top
leadership roles in universities and organisations. I believe this is a paradoxical “Any gender can learn and practice this style of
issue related to career progression,” she says. essential power skills,” Banks says.
The League focuses on the individual leader and their need for management How experience influences change
skills, learning opportunities to reflect on their situation, and peer mentoring
All genders are invited to join The League to help
and expanding networks.
effect great sector changes while advancing
“We aim to prepare the person for the role – whatever it may be. their own leadership skills and educating the next
“Before and now after the pandemic, global educators need to know how to
lead teams and be effective team members through times of crisis and to be “For female leaders who do wish to rise, we give
innovative when there is lack of clear directions. you our support and would love to help counsel and
support you in your journey,” says Banks.
“These skills are what will transform the global education sector and ensure we
adequately can prepare students – and ourselves as professionals - for a truly With over 30 years’ experience in the global education
globalised world.” field, Banks knows first-hand the challenges of
building a brand and reputation.
The importance of gender parity
The full version of this article first appeared in
The League members come from a variety of backgrounds including diversity
QS-GEN 4, published in May 2021.
of gender, race, religion, socio-economic status, and more.

30 31
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
300= 285 i University of Tartu EE 34.7 351= 368= h Brunel University London UK 31.3
302 300 i University of Strathclyde UK 34.4 351= 311= i Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) ES 31.3
303= 313 h Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID 34.2 351= 331= i Ural Federal University - UrFU RU 31.3
303= 308= h University of Tasmania AU 34.2 354 362= h Johannes Kepler University Linz AT 31.2
305= 295= i Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) KR 34.1 355 353= i George Washington University US 31.1
305= 298= i HSE University RU 34.1 356= 368= h Tilburg University NL 31.0
307 333= h University of East Anglia (UEA) UK 34.0 356= 357= h University of Lisbon PT 31.0
308 321= h University of Warsaw PL 33.9 358= 377= h Nankai University CN 30.9
309= 326= h Jagiellonian University PL 33.8 358= 355 i National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad PK 30.9
309= 353= h University of Southern Denmark (SDU) DK 33.8 358= 333= i University of Jyväskylä FI 30.9
311= 320 h Indiana University Bloomington US 33.7 358= 333= i University of Utah US 30.9
311= 282= i University of Cologne DE 33.7 362= 333= i Ewha Womans University KR 30.8
311= 291= i University of Miami US 33.7 362= 398= h La Trobe University AU 30.8
314= 267= i National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) TW 33.6 362= 348= i MGIMO University RU 30.8
314= 342= h Université Grenoble Alpes FR 33.6 365= 360= i ITMO University RU 30.5
316 301= i University of Milan IT 33.5 365= 333= i Umea University SE 30.5
317= 327 h IE University ES 33.4 365= 344= i University Ulm DE 30.5
317= 326= h RUDN University RU 33.4 368 375= h Sultan Qaboos University OM 30.4
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics 369= 360= i Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO 30.3
319= 314= i RU 33.1
Institute) h
369= 380= Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 30.3
319= 314= i Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) ES 33.1
371 326= i Universitat Politècnica de València ES 30.0
321 372 h Swinburne University of Technology AU 33.0
372 387= h Lincoln University NZ 29.8
322= 319 i University of Dundee UK 32.9
373= 392= h Beijing Institute of Technology CN 29.6
322= 317= i Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg DE 32.9
373= 342= i University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague CZ 29.6
322= 326= h Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina AR 32.9
373= 501-510 h University of Connecticut US 29.6
322= 367 h University of Macau MO 32.9
373= 375= h University of Waikato NZ 29.6
326= 305= i Aalborg University DK 32.8
377 408 h University of Oulu FI 29.5
326= 295= i University of South Australia AU 32.8
378= 437= h Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg DE 29.4
328 357= h L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) KZ 32.7
378= 454= h Quaid-i-Azam University PK 29.4
329 362= h Linköping University SE 32.5
378= 373= i Stony Brook University, State University of New York US 29.4
330= 350= h City, University of London UK 32.4
381= 409= h Sharif University of Technology IR 29.3
330= 291= i Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL 32.4
381= 362= i Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) JP 29.3
332= 344= h Birkbeck, University of London UK 32.3
383= 348= i American University of Sharjah AE 29.1
332= 379 h Taylor's University MY 32.3
383= 449= h Beihang University (former BUAA) CN 29.1
334= 396= h Huazhong University of Science and Technology CN 32.2
383= 380= i University of Kent UK 29.1
334= 331= i National Taiwan Normal University TW 32.2
386 403= h Kobe University JP 28.9
334= 308= i Politecnico di Torino IT 32.2
387 383= i University of Kansas US 28.8
334= 308= i Royal Holloway University of London UK 32.2
388= 346= i University at Buffalo SUNY US 28.7
334= 387= h Tianjin University CN 32.2
388= 383= i University of Pisa IT 28.7
334= 370= h University of Victoria (UVic) CA 32.2
390 392= h Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele IT 28.6
340= 311= i Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE 32.1
391= 346= i SOAS University of London UK 28.5
340= 333= i University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa US 32.1
391= 377= i Universidad de Palermo (UP) AR 28.5
342 362= h Northeastern University US 31.9
393= 401= h Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University RU 28.4
343 321= i Hiroshima University JP 31.8
393= 439= h Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE 28.4
344= 323= i Universität Jena DE 31.7
395= 470= h Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) IN 28.3
344= 350= h Universiti Teknologi Brunei BN 31.7
395= 401= h National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University RU 28.3
346 326= i Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US 31.6
395= 432= h Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PE 28.3
347= 370= h Kazan (Volga region) Federal University RU 31.4
398 373= i Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) PK 28.2
347= 391 h UCSI University MY 31.4
399 396= i University of the Philippines PH 28.1
347= 333= i Universität Stuttgart DE 31.4
400= 383= i Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) IN 28.0
347= 416= h University of California, Santa Cruz US 31.4
400= 443= h Universidad Austral AR 28.0
400= 423= h Vilnius University LT 28.0
32 33
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
403= 432= h Czech Technical University in Prague CZ 27.9 451= 531-540 h Sichuan University CN 25.8
403= 485= h Shandong University CN 27.9 451= 432= i University of Florence IT 25.8
403= 449= h University of California, Riverside US 27.9 455= 446= i Brandeis University US 25.7
407= 423= h Flinders University AU 27.8 455= 431 i University of Coimbra PT 25.7
407= 462= h South China University of Technology CN 27.8 455= 420= i University of Iowa US 25.7
407= 387= i Taipei Medical University (TMU) TW 27.8 458 465= h University of Saskatchewan CA 25.6
407= 432= h Xiamen University CN 27.8 459= 451= i Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ES 25.5
411 356 i Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster DE 27.7 459= 428= i University of St.Gallen (HSG) CH 25.5
412= 416= h National Sun Yat-sen University TW 27.5 461= new Colorado School of Mines US 25.4
412= 426= h Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CO 27.5 461= 493= h Far Eastern Federal University RU 25.4
414= 403= i Chung-Ang University (CAU) KR 27.4 461= 416= i Goldsmiths, University of London UK 25.4
414= 470= h Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT FI 27.4 461= 470= h Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg DE 25.4
414= 409= i Tampere University FI 27.4 465= 521-530 h Airlangga University ID 25.3
414= 420= h Université Laval CA 27.4 465= 477= h Amirkabir University of Technology IR 25.3
414= 439= h Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) MY 27.4 465= 493= h Southeast University CN 25.3
414= 398= i University of Colorado, Denver US 27.4 465= 465= n Universidad de Belgrano AR 25.3
414= 446= h University of Science and Technology Beijing CN 27.4 469= 488= h National Taipei University of Technology TW 25.2
421= 477= h National Technical University of Athens GR 27.3 469= 492 h Universidad de Montevideo (UM) UY 25.2
421= 398= i Université de Strasbourg FR 27.3 471= 446= i Ben-Gurion University of The Negev IL 25.1
423 307 i Universität Mannheim DE 27.2 471= 456= i Hasselt University BE 25.1
424= 462= h James Cook University AU 27.1 471= 462= i Universidad ORT Uruguay UY 25.1
424= 392= i University of Naples - Federico II IT 27.1 471= 485= h University of Stirling UK 25.1
424= 403= i University of Witwatersrand ZA 27.1 475 456= i Florida State University US 25.0
427= 403= i Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz DE 27.0 476 483= h University of Missouri, Columbia US 24.9
427= 411= i Washington State University US 27.0 477= 551-560 h Bar-Ilan University IL 24.8
429= 383= i Oxford Brookes University UK 26.9 477= 488= h Chiba University JP 24.8
429= 380= i Wake Forest University US 26.9 477= 531-540 h University of Texas Dallas US 24.8
431= 443= h Colorado State University US 26.8 480= 493= h Chang Gung University TW 24.7
431= 470= h Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute US 26.8 480= 451= i Université de Liège BE 24.7
431= 428= i Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT 26.8 482= 490= h Auezov South Kazakhstan University (SKU) KZ 24.6
434= 420= i Universidade Federal de São Paulo BR 26.7 482= 456= i Stellenbosch University ZA 24.6
434= 439= h University of Johannesburg ZA 26.7 482= 456= i The Catholic University of Korea KR 24.6
436= 387= i Shanghai University CN 26.6 485= 511-520 h Aston University UK 24.5
436= 414= i Tulane University US 26.6 485= 521-530 h University of Turin IT 24.5
436= 456= h University of Canberra AU 26.6 487= 428= i The National University of Science and Technology MISIS RU 24.4
439 411= i Essex, University of UK 26.5 487= 501-510 h Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL 24.4
440= 474= h Swansea University UK 26.3 487= 465= i Yokohama City University JP 24.4
440= 477= h University of Cyprus (UCY) CY 26.3 490= 439= i Dublin City University IE 24.3
440= 403= i University of Trento IT 26.3 490= 531-540 h Justus-Liebig-University Giessen DE 24.3
440= 416= i University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway NO 26.3 492= 493= h UNESP BR 24.2
444 426= i Illinois Institute of Technology US 26.2 492= 501-510 h University of Granada ES 24.2
445= 392= i HUFS - Hankuk (Korea) University of Foreign Studies KR 26.1 494= 474= i Western Sydney University AU 24.1
445= 411= i The American University in Cairo EG 26.1 494= 454= i Boston College US 24.1
447= 474= h Umm Al-Qura University SA 26.0 494= 501-510 h Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel DE 24.1
447= 483= h Universität Leipzig DE 26.0 494= 456= i Dongguk University KR 24.1
447= 451= h Universität des Saarlandes DE 26.0 494= 541-550 h Iowa State University US 24.1
450 521-530 h University of Milano-Bicocca IT 25.9 494= 490= i Sogang University KR 24.1
451= 437= i Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NZ 25.8 494= 511-520 h University of Rome "Tor Vergata" IT 24.1
451= 414= i Bond University AU 25.8 494= 531-540 h York University CA 24.1

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World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
501-510 511-520 h Aix-Marseille University FR - 551-560 601-650 h Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University KZ -
501-510 493= i Jilin University CN - 551-560 571-580 h Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR -
501-510 541-550 h Satbayev University KZ - 551-560 591-600 h Kazakh National Agrarian University KazNAU KZ -
501-510 498 i Universidad de La Habana CU - 551-560 531-540 i Masaryk University CZ -
501-510 443= i Universität Konstanz DE - 551-560 601-650 h Middle East Technical University TR -
501-510 425 i University of Bordeaux FR - 551-560 581-590 h Universidad de Sevilla ES -
501-510 501-510 n University of Delhi IN - 551-560 571-580 h Universidad Panamericana (UP) MX -
501-510 511-520 h University of Klagenfurt AT - 551-560 511-520 i Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore IT -
501-510 511-520 h University of Limerick IE - 551-560 551-560 n Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III FR -
501-510 511-520 h Warsaw University of Technology PL - 551-560 501-510 i University of Szeged HU -
511-520 531-540 h Bogor Agricultural University ID - 561-570 571-580 h Altai State University RU -
511-520 465= i Koç University TR - 561-570 551-560 i Hallym University KR -
511-520 601-650 h Missouri University of Science and Technology US - 561-570 531-540 i Inha University KR -
511-520 511-520 n Singapore Management University SG - 561-570 N/A new Jawaharlal Nehru University IN -
511-520 499= i Universidad de Alcalá ES - 561-570 551-560 i Technische Universität Braunschweig DE -
511-520 531-540 h Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) MY - 561-570 561-570 n The New School US -
511-520 501-510 i University of Balamand LB - 561-570 601-650 h Università degli Studi di Pavia IT -
511-520 477= i V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University UA - 561-570 601-650 h Université de Fribourg CH -
511-520 477= i Wayne State University US - 571-580 561-570 i Cairo University EG -
521-530 651-700 h Central South University CN - 571-580 591-600 h Dalian University of Technology CN -
521-530 571-580 h China University of Geosciences CN - 571-580 601-650 h East China University of Science and Technology CN -
521-530 477= i Concordia University CA - 571-580 601-650 h Holy Spirit University of Kaslik LB -
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (IAU) (formerly UNIVERSITY OF 571-580 601-650 h Hunan University CN -
521-530 521-530 n SA -
571-580 601-650 Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University GE -
521-530 465= i National Central University TW -
571-580 591-600 h Jeonbuk National University KR -
521-530 531-540 h Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas CU -
571-580 541-550 i Osaka City University JP -
521-530 511-520 i Université de Montpellier FR -
571-580 541-550 i Universität Bremen DE -
521-530 521-530 n University of Bayreuth DE -
571-580 591-600 h Universitat de Valencia ES -
521-530 499= i University of Eastern Finland FI -
571-580 591-600 h University of Minho PT -
521-530 591-600 h University of Tehran IR -
571-580 561-570 i University of Nebraska - Lincoln US -
531-540 551-560 h Ajou University KR -
581-590 551-560 i Lebanese American University LB -
531-540 501-510 i East China Normal University CN -
581-590 571-580 i Lingnan University, Hong Kong HK -
531-540 501-510 i Hitotsubashi University JP -
581-590 571-580 i Murdoch University AU -
531-540 541-550 h Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA) FR -
581-590 571-580 i Okayama University JP -
531-540 551-560 h Lehigh University US -
581-590 591-600 h Samara National Research University (Samara University) RU -
531-540 531-540 n Nagasaki University JP -
581-590 651-700 h Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) AR -
531-540 521-530 i National Research Saratov State University RU -
581-590 571-580 i University of Guelph CA -
531-540 499= i Oregon State University US -
581-590 581-590 n University of South Florida US -
531-540 541-550 h Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) LB -
591-600 651-700 h Applied Science University - Bahrain BH -
531-540 591-600 h Southern Federal University RU -
591-600 551-560 i Bilkent University TR -
531-540 571-580 h Universidad de Costa Rica CR -
591-600 601-650 h Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad IN -
531-540 501-510 i Universidad de Zaragoza ES -
591-600 561-570 i Kumamoto University JP -
531-540 541-550 h University of Delaware US -
591-600 581-590 i National Chengchi University TW -
541-550 485= i Aberystwyth University UK -
591-600 651-700 h Savitribai Phule Pune University IN -
541-550 601-650 h Iran University of Science and Technology IR -
591-600 601-650 h Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" BG -
541-550 561-570 h Kyungpook National University KR -
591-600 561-570 i Universidad Externado de Colombia CO -
541-550 541-550 n Niigata University JP -
591-600 601-650 h Universität Regensburg DE -
541-550 531-540 i Northwestern Polytechnical University CN -
591-600 601-650 h Université du Québec CA -
541-550 521-530 i Sabanci University TR -
591-600 521-530 i University of Debrecen HU -
541-550 501-510 i The University of Georgia US -
591-600 701-750 h University of Electronic Science and Technology of China CN -
541-550 432= i The University of Tennessee, Knoxville US -
591-600 601-650 h University of Ljubljana SI -
541-550 521-530 i University of Ulsan KR -
36 37
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
601-650 571-580 i Abo Akademi University FI - 651-700 651-700 n College of William and Mary US -
601-650 601-650 n American University in Dubai AE - 651-700 701-750 h Comenius University in Bratislava SK -
601-650 601-650 n Ateneo de Manila University PH - 651-700 601-650 i Drexel University US -
601-650 601-650 n Bangor University UK - 651-700 651-700 n Edith Cowan University AU -
601-650 new Canadian University Dubai AE - 651-700 601-650 i Eötvös Loránd University HU -
601-650 601-650 n Carleton University CA - 651-700 601-650 i Free University of Bozen-Bolzano IT -
601-650 591-600 i Central Queensland University (CQUniversity Australia) AU - 651-700 651-700 n Howard University US -
601-650 601-650 n Chiang Mai University TH - 651-700 new Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University RU -
601-650 701-750 h China Agricultural University CN - 651-700 601-650 i International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) MY -
601-650 581-590 i Clark University US - 651-700 651-700 n Jadavpur University IN -
601-650 541-550 i Coventry University UK - 651-700 651-700 n Kagoshima University JP -
601-650 601-650 n Gifu University JP - 651-700 581-590 i Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz AT -
601-650 591-600 i Kanazawa University JP - 651-700 601-650 i King Khalid University SA -
601-650 581-590 i Kingston University, London UK - 651-700 651-700 n Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) PK -
601-650 551-560 i Konkuk University KR - 651-700 601-650 i Lobachevsky University RU -
601-650 651-700 h Leibniz University Hannover DE - 651-700 701-750 h Macau University of Science and Technology MO -
601-650 551-560 i Management and Science University MY - 651-700 601-650 i Michigan Technological University US -
601-650 701-750 h Nanjing University of Science and Technology CN - 651-700 651-700 n National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR -
601-650 591-600 i Palacký University Olomouc CZ - 651-700 601-650 i National Chung Hsing University TW -
601-650 651-700 h Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice SK - 651-700 651-700 n National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" UA -
601-650 581-590 i Pusan National University KR - 651-700 651-700 n Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro BR -
601-650 581-590 i Renmin (People's) University of China CN - 651-700 new Sechenov University RU -
601-650 new S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University KZ - 651-700 701-750 h Sunway University MY -
601-650 651-700 h Sejong University KR - 651-700 601-650 i Syracuse University US -
601-650 601-650 n Shenzhen University CN - 651-700 601-650 i Tokushima University JP -
601-650 601-650 n Smith College US - 651-700 601-650 i Ulster University UK -
601-650 651-700 h Soochow University CN - 651-700 651-700 n Universidad de Antioquia CO -
601-650 601-650 n Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA - 651-700 651-700 n Universidad ICESI CO -
601-650 561-570 i Thammasat University TH - 651-700 701-750 h Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) PE -
601-650 601-650 n Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology JP - 651-700 651-700 n Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana CO -
601-650 651-700 h Universidad Anáhuac México MX - 651-700 651-700 n Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR -
601-650 601-650 n Universidad de Concepción CL - 651-700 701-750 h Universität Rostock DE -
601-650 new Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN) AR - 651-700 701-750 h Université Claude Bernard Lyon h FR -
601-650 651-700 h Universidad Pontificia Comillas ES - 651-700 651-700 n Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM MY -
601-650 601-650 n Universitat Ramon Llull ES - 651-700 801-1000 h University of Crete GR -
601-650 581-590 i University of Aveiro PT - 651-700 601-650 i University of Hull UK -
601-650 601-650 n University of Cincinnati US - 651-700 651-700 n University of Hyderabad IN -
601-650 651-700 h University of Genoa IT - 651-700 601-650 i University of Kentucky US -
601-650 651-700 h University of Hohenheim DE - 651-700 651-700 n University of Massachusetts Boston US -
601-650 601-650 n University of Jordan JO - 651-700 651-700 n University of Mons BE -
601-650 601-650 n University of Manitoba CA - 651-700 new University of New Brunswick CA -
601-650 651-700 h University of Plymouth UK - 651-700 601-650 i University of New Mexico US -
601-650 561-570 i University of Pretoria ZA - 651-700 651-700 n University of Oklahoma US -
601-650 601-650 n University of Sharjah AE - 651-700 601-650 i University of Oregon US -
601-650 651-700 h University of Siena IT - 651-700 651-700 n University of Pecs HU -
601-650 571-580 i University of South Carolina US - 651-700 601-650 i University of Portsmouth UK -
601-650 541-550 i University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas FR - 651-700 601-650 i University of Salamanca ES -
601-650 551-560 i Victoria University AU - 651-700 701-750 h University of Trieste IT -
651-700 651-700 n American University US - 651-700 601-650 i University of Vermont US -
651-700 751-800 h Chongqing University CN - 651-700 701-750 h Zayed University AE -

38 39
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

Reassessing assessment
By Niamh Ollerton

Assessment. A single word that can immediately

send a shiver down the spine of a university student.
Gradually, however, the word is sending a shiver down
the spine of universities who have started to see its
cracks and flaws and are questioning whether the REASSESSING
current methods of determining student competency
are appropriate. ASSESSMENT
While group work, examinations, and assignments
are common when assessing knowledge across
Exam title:
the globe, arguably they have become a means to
demonstrate information retention, leaving some University:
to question whether they are a necessary evil to
determine if a student has understood or acquired Date:
knowledge from a course.
Exam No.:
Quality and control
“They were all Dr Esra Al Dhaen has over a decade of experience
facing certain in Higher Education and is currently the Executive
challenges at Director for Quality Assurance and Accreditation at Exam instructions to follow:
home.” Ahlia University in Bahrain. • Please use a black ballpoint pen
• Enter the correct information in the above boxes

She has been focusing on different areas including •

Please do not start the exam until instructed
Read through each question thoroughly
the most suitable online learning experiences, the • All questions must be answered, and in the correct space provided

most effective online assessments, and how best •

Leave time at the end of the exam to check through your answers

The time limit for the exam is 60 minutes

to maintain the quality and provide assurance of

“One of the major challenges we faced at the
beginning was keeping students engaged especially
mentally, because they were all facing certain
challenges at home that we didn’t know about,” she
Dr Al Dhaen and her team have found the use of
smart books has helped with this development,
especially in the online space as they keep students

42 43
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

engaged, which she says allows them “to catch up, and also gain feedback “Requiring students to establish and then manage a group task that contributes
instantly through different means”. to their overall end grade for a subject can be a far from happy or productive
experience for many students,” she says.
While using the smart books, Dr Al Dhaen says she and her team decided
assessment contained within would also be considered as formative assessment. Reassessing research
“It will be considered as an assessment to maintain and continuously provide Jonathan Grant wrote a thorough investigative piece entitled ‘Academic
the student with feedback,” she explains. incentives and research impact: Developing reward and recognition systems to
better people’s lives’ as part of the broader Paradigm Project, which Academy
Grading from all angles
Health is running to re-envision health services research in the US context.
Ursula El Hage is the director of the Career and Placement Office and
“I think the layman’s argument in there is that we created an academic incentive
Entrepreneurship Centre for Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ).
system, that is at best no longer fit for purpose, and at worst potentially corrupt,
During the semester, students at the university work with a company to identify in the sense that it drives unwanted behaviours. In the extreme, that can be
a challenge and must apply their learnt innovation concepts, and present their unwanted behaviours around research misconduct.”
understanding of the challenge, a re-framed question, potential solutions, and
Over the last 30 years, academics have fine-tuned the meaning of research
a proposed prototype.
excellence. This has been achieved by metrics, namely the number of papers
“The company grades each student, then peers also grade each other,” El Hage written, and the number of citations included within those papers.
Grant, however, says this approach to assessing research has created an
“We see inside of the group, how things are functioning, and students grade incentivised system, which has received backlash in the past few years for a few
each other on participation and completion of activities, but also on teamwork reasons.
and communication, and added value and support for others.”
“One of the reasons is it disadvantages early career researchers. Obviously
This method of marking is known as 360 assessment because students are the more experienced and older you are, the more publications you have,” he
evaluated from all angles. observes.
“Having these differences in the same group, students are not used to it. They What can be learnt from assessment?
understand it’s a personal added value they must do, and they must do the
“While assessment for learning has replaced assessment for measurement as
work, they must study like any other course, but also must be professional.”
its purpose in many higher education institutions, it is fair to say that is not the
Group vs solo case in some institutions,” Temmerman says.
Nita Temmerman’s background is in education. She worked at Deakin University The academic world as we once knew it will never be the same, and because of
in Australia, then as Dean and Pro-Vice Chancellor at the University of Southern this more hybrid reality, higher education institutions need to take a closer look
Queensland, and now as an independent consultant. at assessment methods. Academics believe a shakeup is in order and are keenly
watching and contributing to its reformation.
Temmerman believes students tend to loathe group assessment, an observation
she made in her piece for University World News focusing on the student group The full version of this abridged article first appeared in QS-GEN 5, published in
assessment quandary in higher education. August 2021.

44 45
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
701-750 701-750 n Abu Dhabi University AE - 701-750 651-700 i Virginia Commonwealth University US -
701-750 701-750 n Ajman University AE - 751-800 801-1000 h American University of the Middle East KW -
701-750 new Al Ain University AE - 751-800 801-1000 h Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) BY -
701-750 651-700 i Beijing University of Technology CN - 751-800 751-800 n Bournemouth University UK -
701-750 651-700 i Boğaziçi University TR - 751-800 701-750 i Chonnam National University KR -
701-750 651-700 i Brno University of Technology CZ - 751-800 751-800 n Chungnam National University KR -
701-750 701-750 n Charles Darwin University AU - 751-800 751-800 n Clarkson University US -
701-750 651-700 i City University of New York US - 751-800 751-800 n Dankook University KR -
701-750 701-750 n Gunma University JP - 751-800 751-800 n Georgia State University US -
701-750 new Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar IN - 751-800 751-800 n Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Surabaya) ID -
701-750 601-650 i Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) AR - 751-800 701-750 i Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX -
701-750 751-800 h Istanbul Technical University TR - 751-800 701-750 i Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) MX -
701-750 new Jouf University SA - 751-800 751-800 n Jamia Millia Islamia IN -
701-750 701-750 n Lebanese University LB - 751-800 601-650 i Jinan University (China) CN -
701-750 701-750 n Middlesex University UK - 751-800 801-1000 h Karaganda State Technical University KZ -
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic 751-800 701-750 i Keele University UK -
701-750 701-750 n UA -
Institute" h
751-800 801-1000 Lanzhou University CN -
701-750 751-800 h New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT) US -
751-800 751-800 n Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India IN -
701-750 651-700 i Northumbria University at Newcastle UK -
751-800 701-750 i Maynooth University IE -
701-750 701-750 n Notre Dame University-Louaize NDU LB -
751-800 701-750 i Memorial University of Newfoundland CA -
701-750 651-700 i O.P. Jindal Global University IN -
751-800 751-800 n Northwest University (China) CN -
701-750 651-700 i Osaka Prefecture University JP -
751-800 801-1000 h Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso CL -
701-750 651-700 i Philipps-Universität Marburg DE -
751-800 801-1000 h Princess Nourah bint Abdulrahman University SA -
701-750 751-800 h Plekhanov Russian University of Economics RU -
751-800 701-750 i Riga Technical University LV -
701-750 751-800 h Politecnico di Bari IT -
751-800 801-1000 h Ritsumeikan University JP -
701-750 751-800 h Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd university SA -
751-800 801-1000 h Shiraz University IR -
701-750 701-750 n Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU-LETI RU -
751-800 751-800 n Southern Cross University AU -
701-750 701-750 n Stevens Institute of Technology US -
751-800 651-700 i Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) EE -
701-750 701-750 n Sumy State University UA -
751-800 701-750 i Temple University US -
701-750 651-700 i Tokyo Metropolitan University JP -
751-800 701-750 i Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez CL -
701-750 new Ufa State Aviation Technical University RU - h
751-800 801-1000 Universidad de la República (Udelar) UY -
701-750 751-800 h Universidad Central de Venezuela VE -
751-800 751-800 n Universidad del Rosario CO -
701-750 751-800 h Universidad de La Sabana CO -
751-800 751-800 n Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) EC -
701-750 701-750 n Universidad de San Andrés - UdeSA AR -
751-800 651-700 i Universidad Torcuato Di Tella AR -
701-750 701-750 n Universidad Iberoamericana IBERO MX -
751-800 701-750 i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul BR -
701-750 701-750 n Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ES -
751-800 751-800 n Università degli Studi di Perugia IT -
701-750 801-1000 h Universität Potsdam DE -
751-800 701-750 i Université de Sherbrooke CA -
701-750 751-800 h Universitat Rovira i Virgili ES -
751-800 701-750 i Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) MY -
701-750 601-650 i Université Côte d\'Azur FR -
751-800 751-800 n University at Albany SUNY US -
701-750 new Université de Sousse TN - n
751-800 751-800 University Duesseldorf DE -
701-750 601-650 i University of Bradford UK -
751-800 751-800 n University of Brescia IT -
701-750 701-750 n University of Haifa IL -
751-800 701-750 i University of Central Florida US -
701-750 701-750 n University of Houston US -
751-800 651-700 i University of Denver US -
701-750 701-750 n University of Huddersfield UK -
751-800 701-750 i University of Greenwich UK -
701-750 751-800 h University of Modena and Reggio Emilia IT -
751-800 701-750 i University of Maryland, Baltimore County US -
701-750 701-750 n University of Southern Queensland AU -
751-800 801-1000 h University of Zagreb HR -
701-750 751-800 h University of the Basque Country ES -
751-800 651-700 i Vilnius Gediminas Technical University LT -
701-750 651-700 i University of Westminster UK -
751-800 701-750 i Worcester Polytechnic Institute US -
701-750 751-800 h University of Windsor CA -

46 47
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
801-1000 1001+ h Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda University KZ - 801-1000 801-1000 n King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi TH -
801-1000 801-1000 n Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań PL - 801-1000 801-1000 n Kyoto Institute of Technology JP -
801-1000 801-1000 n AGH University of Science and Technology PL - 801-1000 801-1000 n Kyushu Institute of Technology JP -
801-1000 801-1000 n Ain Shams University EG - 801-1000 801-1000 n Liverpool John Moores University UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Ankara Üniversitesi TR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Lodz University of Technology PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n Anna University IN - 801-1000 801-1000 n London Metropolitan University UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Auburn University US - 801-1000 751-800 i London South Bank University UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Australian Catholic University AU - 801-1000 701-750 i Louisiana State University US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology BD - 801-1000 801-1000 n Loyola University Chicago US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Beijing Foreign Studies University CN - 801-1000 801-1000 n Lviv Polytechnic National University UA -
801-1000 751-800 i Beijing Jiaotong University CN - 801-1000 801-1000 n Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) UK -
801-1000 new Beijing University of Chinese Medicine CN - 801-1000 701-750 i Mendel University in Brno CZ -
801-1000 new Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications CN - 801-1000 new Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology RU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Beirut Arab University LB - 801-1000 new Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics CN -
801-1000 801-1000 n Bielefeld University DE - 801-1000 801-1000 n National Chung Cheng University TW -
801-1000 801-1000 n Binghamton University SUNY US - 801-1000 801-1000 n Nicolaus Copernicus University PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU - 801-1000 751-800 i NJSC KIMEP University KZ -
801-1000 751-800 i Ca' Foscari University of Venice IT - 801-1000 751-800 i Nottingham Trent University UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Catania University IT - 801-1000 801-1000 n Novosibirsk State Technical University RU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Charles Sturt University AU - 801-1000 751-800 i Oklahoma State University US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Clemson University US - 801-1000 751-800 i Paris Lodron University of Salzburg AT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Corvinus University of Budapest HU - 801-1000 801-1000 n Perm State National Research University RU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Cracow University of Technology (Politechnika Krakowska) PL - 801-1000 new Pondicherry University IN -
801-1000 new CY Cergy Paris University FR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo BR -
801-1000 801-1000 n Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague CZ - 801-1000 801-1000 n Poznań University of Technology PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n De La Salle University PH - 801-1000 801-1000 n Prince of Songkla University TH -
801-1000 801-1000 n De Montfort University UK - 801-1000 801-1000 n Princess Sumaya University for Technology JO -
801-1000 801-1000 n Edinburgh Napier University UK - 801-1000 new Qassim University SA -
801-1000 new Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation RU - 801-1000 801-1000 n Queen Margaret University , Edinburgh UK -
801-1000 751-800 i Florida International University US - 801-1000 801-1000 n Rhodes University ZA -
801-1000 801-1000 n Fordham University US - 801-1000 801-1000 n Riga Stradins University LV -
801-1000 801-1000 n Gdańsk University of Technology PL - 801-1000 801-1000 n Robert Gordon University UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n George Mason University US - 801-1000 801-1000 n Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration RU -
801-1000 801-1000 n German Jordanian University JO - 801-1000 751-800 i Rutgers University–Newark US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Gulf University for Science and Technology KW - 801-1000 801-1000 n Ryerson University CA -
801-1000 801-1000 n Hacettepe University TR - 801-1000 new Seattle University US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Harbin Engineering University CN - 801-1000 801-1000 n Shinshu University JP -
801-1000 751-800 i Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis US - 801-1000 new Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed to be University) IN -
801-1000 new International Christian University JP - 801-1000 801-1000 n Silesian University of Technology PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n Islamic University of Madinah SA - 801-1000 801-1000 n Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava SK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Istanbul University TR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Sophia University JP -
801-1000 651-700 i Jordan University of Science & Technology JO - 801-1000 801-1000 n South Ural State University (National Research University) RU -
801-1000 701-750 i Kansas State University US - 801-1000 701-750 i Southern Methodist University US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Kasetsart University TH - 801-1000 new Széchenyi István University HU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Kaunas University of Technology LT - 801-1000 801-1000 n Szent Istvan University HU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages KZ - 801-1000 801-1000 n Technical University of Kosice SK -
801-1000 751-800 i Kazakh-British Technical University KZ - 801-1000 751-800 i Technical University of Liberec CZ -
801-1000 new Kazan National Research Technological University RU - 801-1000 801-1000 n Technological University Dublin IE -
801-1000 801-1000 n Khon Kaen University TH - 801-1000 801-1000 n Tecnológico de Costa Rica -TEC CR -
801-1000 801-1000 n King Faisal University SA - 801-1000 801-1000 n Texas Tech University US -

48 49
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

Access eduction
By Anton John Crace

The 2021 EduData Summit discussed how data can

help frame access to education, from obstacles
experienced by educators and the online platforms
used to house learning, to students’ use of technology
and their understanding of materials. Here are excerpts
of some of the key messages from the summit.
“We can Inderpal Bhandari Global Chief Data Officer, IBM
understand In 1993, I worked on this computer programme that
better.” did data mining. It used to look for hidden patterns
in data, and we applied it to the National Basketball
Association, and it would find these counterintuitive
patterns in game data.
One of the patterns that it found essentially had to
do with a team being recommended that they should
play two backup players in a playoff game.
The coach had no idea as to why the system was
recommending that. They gave me a call and said,
“we can’t follow this advice. If we did this, we’d lose
the series, I’d also lose my job.”
Regarding education, the key aspect is that there is a
human decision-maker in the loop, and they must be
comfortable and conversant in terms of looking and
working with AI systems.
Dame Wendy Hall Regius Professor of Computer
Science, University of Southampton
The power of the web together with AI gives you
a way of analysing what students are doing that
you could never do before. It will help design those
personalised AI systems that will augment the
teacher personalised for the students.
One of the things I’ve been doing very much at
Southampton is thinking about how then we can go

50 51
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

about sharing data. To me, the whole point of these observations is that you can A board member in that meeting who was generally
then say this is our analysis from our data, we could share that with your analysis very quiet, raised this hand. He came up and talked
of your data, and we could make more inferences. We can understand better. about a doctor, a graduate of Harvard Medical
School, who was very young, a very recent graduate,
Alan Goodman President and CEO, Institute of International Education
and he went to be a house doctor for a lot of the
This is the twelfth pandemic in the Institute of International Education’s history. nearby communities near Boston.
We know that pandemics do end, and we know afterwards there is surge of
The graduate was treating a patient, who then died
international academic mobility.
under his care. Then another patient, he treating,
The first data we need is how did students cope? The pandemic hit international died.
students everywhere at the same time and approximately had the same
When a third patient was ill and he came for a house
call, the head of the household also invited a different,
One of the untold stories of data collection is how our students everywhere older doctor, who had more experience.
coped, how they evacuated, how they put their research and academic
That doctor saw what the Harvard graduate and he
credentials back together, how they pivoted to online classes from in-person. I
asked him step-by-step what he was doing.
don’t think we’re yet doing those kinds of studies.
He was looking at the patient, diagnosing, and then
What can students teach us as educational institutions, as international student
he poured a level of medication to give to the patient.
advisors? How can we distil what they learnt on the ground so that we’re
prepared, and they’re prepared for the next crisis and the next pandemic? The older doctor said, “if you administer that
level of medication, you will kill the patient”. The
Ben Nelson Founder, Minerva
board member said, “I understand that we have a “The first data we
Charles Eliot was one of the most important and transformative presidents in responsibility to those students. But it seems to me need is how did
higher education history. like we have a much greater responsibility to the students cope?”
individuals that those students serve.”
He led Harvard in the late 19th century, and he recalled a time when Harvard
Medical School was graduating students without having taken any tests. After that talk, Harvard Medical School implemented
final examinations. In all nine subject areas.
There was a big debate about making sure that students would take at least five
tests of the nine subject areas that they studied to certify that they learned. Imagine if we could societally increase outcomes
for students by a factor of three. Three times the
At the time, the biggest opponent of that move was the Dean of Harvard’s
number of students that we currently consider to
Medical School. And in a board meeting, he vociferously argued that we cannot
be top or good students would be educated by our
do that at Harvard.
educational institutions.
The reason was that 50 percent of the students in Harvard Medical School were
Imagine what that would mean for access.
illiterate. If you gave them a test, they couldn’t take it, they couldn’t read it, they
couldn’t pass it. The full version of this abridged article first appeared
in Higher Ed Report featuring the 2022 Asia Region
He said, “what would this do to our enrolments? It would be very bad, and we
Rankings, published in November 2021.
couldn’t do that to the students.”
52 53
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
801-1000 801-1000 n The University of Alabama US - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Bari IT -
801-1000 751-800 i Tokyo University of Science JP - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Brighton UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n TU Dortmund University DE - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Calcutta IN -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo MX - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Central Lancashire UK -
801-1000 new Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) MX - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Dhaka BD -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMex) MX - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of East London UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) MX - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore PK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Católica Andres Bello VE - 801-1000 801-1000 n UNIVERSITY OF GDANSK PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU) UY - 801-1000 new University of Hartford US -
801-1000 751-800 i Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) MX - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Hertfordshire UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) MX - 801-1000 new University of Hradec Kralove CZ -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad de Los Andes - (ULA) Mérida VE - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Kwazulu-Natal ZA -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad de los Andes - Chile CL - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Lincoln UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad de Oviedo ES - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Lodz PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad del Valle CO - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Malta MT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) CL - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Maribor SI -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad EAFIT CO - 801-1000 new University of Messina (UniME) IT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - UNC AR - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Mississippi US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) AR - 801-1000 new University of Missouri, Kansas City US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Nacional de San Luis AR - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Murcia ES -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos PE - 801-1000 new University of Naples Parthenope IT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) VE - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of New England Australia AU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) CL - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of New Hampshire US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) PA - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Palermo IT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) AR - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Parma IT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP PT - 801-1000 751-800 i University of Patras GR -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade da Coruña ES - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Salerno IT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade de Brasília BR - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Salford UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) BR - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Santo Tomas PH -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina BR - 801-1000 751-800 i University of Seoul KR -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) BR - 801-1000 new University of Texas at San Antonio US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR BR - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of the Punjab PK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universita' degli Studi di Ferrara IT - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of the West of England UK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Università degli Studi di Udine IT - 801-1000 751-800 i University of Tulsa US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Università degli studi Roma Tre IT - 801-1000 new University of Tyumen RU -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universita' Politecnica delle Marche IT - 801-1000 new University of Wisconsin Milwaukee US -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universitas Padjadjaran ID - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Wroclaw PL -
801-1000 751-800 i Universität Duisburg-Essen DE - 801-1000 801-1000 n University of Wyoming US -
801-1000 751-800 i Université de Lille FR - 801-1000 new University of Žilina SK -
801-1000 801-1000 n Université de Lorraine FR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Verona University IT -
801-1000 801-1000 n Université de Nantes FR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) VN -
801-1000 801-1000 n Université de Rennes 1 FR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Vietnam National University, Hanoi VN -
801-1000 801-1000 n Université Toulouse 1 Capitole FR - 801-1000 801-1000 n Vytautas Magnus University LT -
801-1000 new Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) MY - 801-1000 new West Virginia University US -
801-1000 751-800 i Universiti Malaysia Pahang MY - 801-1000 801-1000 n Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WRUST) PL -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universiti Malaysia Perlis MY - 801-1000 801-1000 n Wuhan University of Technology CN -
801-1000 801-1000 n Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) MY - 801-1000 801-1000 n Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University CN -
801-1000 801-1000 n University of Alicante ES - 801-1000 801-1000 n Yamaguchi University JP -
801-1000 801-1000 n University of Baghdad IQ - 801-1000 new Yerevan State University AM -
801-1000 801-1000 n University of Bahrain BH - 801-1000 801-1000 n Yeungnam University KR -
801-1000 801-1000 n Yokohama National University JP -

54 55
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1001-1200 new Al Quds University The Arab University in Jerusalem PS - 1001-1200 new Jeju National University KR -
1001-1200 new Al-Azhar University EG - 1001-1200 new Kangwon National University KR -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Alexandria University EG - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Kent State University US -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Aligarh Muslim University IN - 1001-1200 new King Mongkut\'s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang TH -
1001-1200 new Amity University IN - 1001-1200 new Kookmin University KR -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham IN - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Kuwait University KW -
1001-1200 new Anadolu University TR - 1001-1200 new Leeds Beckett University UK -
1001-1200 new An-Najah National University PS - 1001-1200 new Makerere University UG -
1001-1200 new Assiut University EG - 1001-1200 new Marquette University US -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Athens University of Economics and Business GR - 1001-1200 new Meiji University JP -
1001-1200 new Azerbaijan State University of Economics AZ - 1001-1200 new Miami University US -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Babes-Bolyai University RO - 1001-1200 new Mississippi State University US -
1001-1200 new Baku State University AZ - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Multimedia University (MMU) MY -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Banaras Hindu University IN - 1001-1200 new Mustansiriyah University IQ -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Baylor University US - 1001-1200 new Mutah University JO -
1001-1200 new Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics BY - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT) JP -
1001-1200 new Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla MX - 1001-1200 new National Dong Hwa University TW -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) ID - 1001-1200 new National Taiwan Ocean University TW -
1001-1200 new Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani IN - 1001-1200 new National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) UA -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Birmingham City University UK - 1001-1200 new North South University BD -
1001-1200 new BRAC University BD - 1001-1200 new Northern Arizona University US -
1001-1200 new Brigham Young University US - 1001-1200 new North-West University ZA -
1001-1200 new British University in Egypt EG - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Ohio University US -
1001-1200 new Brock University CA - 1001-1200 new OSMANIA UNIVERSITY IN -
1001-1200 new Canterbury Christ Church University UK - 1001-1200 new Panjab University IN -
1001-1200 new Católica de Córdoba AR - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Paul Valéry University Montpellier FR -
1001-1200 new Chang Jung Christian University TW - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) EC -
1001-1200 new China University of Political Science and Law CN - 1001-1200 new Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) BR -
1001-1200 new Chung Yuan Christian University TW - 1001-1200 new Portland State University US -
1001-1200 new Chungbuk National University KR - 1001-1200 new Pukyong National University KR -
1001-1200 801-1000 i COMSATS University Islamabad PK - 1001-1200 new Rikkyo University JP -
1001-1200 new Diponegoro University ID - 1001-1200 new Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) US -
1001-1200 new Doshisha University JP - 1001-1200 new Russian State University for the Humanities RU -
1001-1200 new EGE UNIVERSITY TR - 1001-1200 new Saint-Petersburg Mining University RU -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Escuela Politécnica Nacional EC - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Saitama University JP -
1001-1200 new Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) EC - 1001-1200 new Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University KZ -
1001-1200 new Feng Chia University TW - 1001-1200 801-1000 i San Diego State University US -
1001-1200 new Florida Atlantic University - Boca Raton US - 1001-1200 new Seoul National University of Science and Technology KR -
1001-1200 new Fu Jen Catholic University TW - 1001-1200 new Shahid Beheshti University (SBU) IR -
1001-1200 new Gazi Üniversitesi TR - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Shanghai International Studies University CN -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Glasgow Caledonian University UK - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Sheffield Hallam University UK -
1001-1200 new Harper Adams University UK - 1001-1200 new Siberian Federal University, SibFU RU -
1001-1200 new Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University – IMSIU SA - 1001-1200 new Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra SK -
1001-1200 new Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad IN - 1001-1200 new Sookmyung Women's University KR -
1001-1200 new Irkutsk State University RU - 1001-1200 new Suez Canal University EG -
1001-1200 new Istanbul Aydin University TR - 1001-1200 new Taibah University SA -
1001-1200 new Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi TR - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Tallinn University EE -
1001-1200 new Ivan Franko National University of Lviv UA - 1001-1200 new Technical University of Lublin PL -
1001-1200 new Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) TR - 1001-1200 new Telkom University ID -
1001-1200 new Jamia Hamdard IN - 1001-1200 new Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology IN -

56 57
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

Bringing her A-game

By Afifah Darke

A cliché that never seems to get old for Mother’s

Day cards is lauding women for their superhuman
Despite their heroic qualities, the reality of having a
full-time career has sometimes made it unthinkable
for many mothers to take on another identity: college
Single mothers especially, who face considerably
more hurdles, are finding themselves overlooked in
28 percent of the traditional university environment.
single mother
According to a report by the Institute for Women’s
students in the
Policy Research (IWPR), only 28 percent of single
US attain a
mother students in the United States attain a degree
degree within
within six years of enrolling. Another 55 percent drop
six years.
out before earning a college credential.
Cloak of invisibility
University is typically catering to those who fit into
three categories: young, single, and carefree.
As a result, students with caregiving responsibilities
like single mothers become “invisible” because of
the way in which universities normally operate, says
Marie-Pierre Moreau, Professor in Education, Work
and Inequalities and Education Research Lead from
Anglia Ruskin University in the UK.
This sentiment is resonating with former teen mother
Nicole Lyn Lewis, who tells QS-GEN it was isolating
when she attended university with her 3-month-old
daughter in tow. She is currently the founder
and Chief Executive of non-profit organisation,
Generation Hope, which provides emotional and
financial support for young parents pursuing higher

58 59
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

“Many people think about their college experience, they think about how many “We need people who believe in these students and believe in them passionately,”
days and nights they spent in the library on campus, studying with friends or adds Lewis.
pulling an all-nighter,” she says.
Finally, by including single mother students in institutional policies, universities
“I probably went to the library on campus about three or four times in my whole could be progressing on their Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion efforts, says Lewis.
college experience, because there were no family-friendly spaces or areas
Key to survival
where I could go.”
Even though single mother students are more likely to face more challenges
In a report by Professor Moreau and Charlotte Kerner, where student parents
than their peers, it is also just as important to understand mothers do not lack
were interviewed about their university experience, it was highlighted that
having an on-site nursery was highly valued.
Ajayi points out several studies have shown student mothers are more motivated
However, there was a lack of such provision in some universities, and even if
and tend to have higher GPAs than their non-student mother counterparts.
campuses did have nurseries, they were oversubscribed or had long waiting lists.
“This is because they have that thing going on with them: they have their
Caregiving burdens amplified
family; they want their children to be proud of them. There is some personal
According to a 2021 report by McKinsey & Company, mothers are more than gratification, that sense of fulfilment that you’re not only doing it for yourself.”
three times as likely as fathers to be responsible for most of the housework and
Lewis agrees, adding, “I don’t think I’ve ever met a parenting college student
caregiving during the pandemic.
who doesn’t talk about their children being their motivating factor in completing
Unsurprisingly, this has caused one in three mothers to consider leaving the college.”
workforce or downshifting their careers because of COVID-19, the report found.
Speaking from her own personal experience, Lewis says as a student mother,
Additionally, with childcare centres closed, caregiving responsibilities rested
her university degree was her “key to survival”.
more on mothers.
Ensuring single mothers attend and graduate college has a follow-on impact
Single mothers especially, who tend to have weaker support systems and lower
the broader community.
socioeconomic backgrounds, suffer from all these compounding factors.
According to another IWPR report in 2019, Investing in Single Mothers’ Higher
While the pandemic has provided opportunities such as the flexibility of learning,
Education, helping single mothers persist in college and graduate “would benefit
the repercussions underneath the surface amplify for these students.
their families, their communities, and society as a whole”.
Therefore, childcare is so vital for single mothers to do well in college, with or
“The mother going to school is not only for the mother. It’s for her child, for her
without the pandemic, stresses Kobi Ajayi, a graduate research assistant at
children’s children … in the long term it’s for the society,” says Kobi.
Texas A&M.
“We need women in places where they make key decisions... for women to be in
University policies, that take into consideration students’ caregiving
those places, they need education.”
responsibilities, can create a more accommodating and welcoming atmosphere
for single mothers who are deciding to go to college. The full version of this abridged article first appeared in QS-GEN 7, published in
March 2022.
Single mothers need “cheerleaders” who show up for them throughout their
academic journey, Ajayi says.

60 61
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1001-1200 new The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia RU - 1001-1200 new Université de Poitiers FR -
1001-1200 new The Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek HR - 1001-1200 new Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail FR -
1001-1200 new The National Research University "Belgorod State University" RU - 1001-1200 new Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 FR -
1001-1200 new The University of Lahore PK - 1001-1200 new Université Lumière Lyon 2 FR -
1001-1200 new The University of Northampton UK - 1001-1200 new Université Paris-Nanterre FR -
1001-1200 new The University of Texas at Arlington US - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) MY -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Tokai University JP - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) MY -
1001-1200 new Tomas Bata University in Zlin CZ - 1001-1200 new Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) MY -
1001-1200 new Ton Duc Thang University VN - 1001-1200 new University of Agriculture, Faisalabad PK -
1001-1200 new Universidad Andrés Bello CL - 1001-1200 new University of Arkansas Fayetteville US -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Universidad Austral de Chile CL - 1001-1200 new University of Belgrade RS -
1001-1200 new Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León MX - 1001-1200 new University of Bialystok PL -
1001-1200 new Universidad Central del Ecuador EC - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Bucharest RO -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha ES - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Calabria IT -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Córdoba - Colombia CO - 1001-1200 new University of Colombo LK -
1001-1200 new Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO) CL - 1001-1200 new University of Derby UK -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Lima PE - 1001-1200 new University of Ghana GH -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) MX - 1001-1200 new University of International Business and Economics CN -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Puerto Rico PR - 1001-1200 new University of Karachi PK -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Talca CL - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Kufa IQ -
1001-1200 new Universidad de Valparaíso (UV) CL - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Latvia LV -
1001-1200 new Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) CL - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Miskolc HU -
1001-1200 new Universidad del Norte CO - 1001-1200 new University of Montana Missoula US -
1001-1200 new Universidad del Pacífico PE - 1001-1200 new University of Mumbai IN -
1001-1200 new Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS CO - 1001-1200 new University of Nairobi KE -
1001-1200 new Universidad Metropolitana VE - 1001-1200 new University of Niš RS -
1001-1200 new Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina PE - 1001-1200 new University of North Carolina at Charlotte US -
1001-1200 new Universidad Nacional de Cuyo AR - 1001-1200 new University of North Texas US -
1001-1200 new Universidad Nacional de la Asunción PY - 1001-1200 new University of Novi Sad RS -
1001-1200 new Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata AR - 1001-1200 new University of Ostrava CZ -
1001-1200 new Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto - UNRC AR - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Pardubice CZ -
1001-1200 new Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) AR - 1001-1200 new University of Peradeniya LK -
1001-1200 801-1000 i Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica CR - 1001-1200 new University of Rhode Island US -
1001-1200 new Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas PE - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of Rijeka HR -
1001-1200 new Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ES - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of San Diego US -
1001-1200 new Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae CU - 1001-1200 new University of San Francisco US -
1001-1200 new Universidade de Vigo ES - 1001-1200 new University of Silesia in Katowice PL -
1001-1200 new Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) BR - 1001-1200 new University of South Alabama (USA) US -
1001-1200 new Universidade Federal da Bahia BR - 1001-1200 new University of Texas El Paso US -
1001-1200 new Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora- (UFJF) BR - 1001-1200 801-1000 i University of the Pacific US -
1001-1200 new Universidade Federal de Pelotas BR - 1001-1200 new University of the Sunshine Coast AU -
1001-1200 new Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) BR - 1001-1200 new University of the Western Cape ZA -
1001-1200 new Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) BR - 1001-1200 new University of West Bohemia CZ -
1001-1200 new Universidade Federal Fluminense BR - 1001-1200 new University of Wolverhampton UK -
1001-1200 new Universita' degli Studi "G. d'Annunzio" Chieti Pescara IT - 1001-1200 801-1000 i Utah State University US -
1001-1200 new Università degli Studi della Tuscia (University of Tuscia) IT - 1001-1200 new Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) IN -
1001-1200 new Universitas Brawijaya ID - 1001-1200 new Voronezh State University RU -
1001-1200 new Universitas Hasanuddin ID - 1001-1200 new VSB - Technical University of Ostrava CZ -
1001-1200 new Universität Siegen DE - 1001-1200 new Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (WULS-SGGW) PL -
1001-1200 new Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara / West University of Timisoara RO - 1001-1200 new Western Michigan University US -

62 63
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1001-1200 new Youngsan University KR - 1201+ new Universidad Autónoma de San Luis de Potosí MX -
1001-1200 new Yuan Ze University TW - 1201+ new Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan MX -
1201+ new Don State Technical University RU - 1201+ new Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) MX -
1201+ new Akdeniz Üniversitesi TR - 1201+ new Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins CL -
1201+ new Al-Balqa Applied University JO - 1201+ new Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" BO -
1201+ new Alexandru Ioan Cuza University RO - 1201+ new Universidad Católica de Colombia CO -
1201+ new Aoyama Gakuin University JP - 1201+ new Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil EC -
1201+ new Bahauddin Zakariya University PK - 1201+ new Universidad Católica del Norte CL -
1201+ new Birzeit university PS - 1201+ new Universidad de Guanajuato MX -
1201+ new Cukurova University TR - 1201+ new Universidad de La Salle CO -
1201+ new Damascus University SY - 1201+ new Universidad de La Serena CL -
1201+ new Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi TR - 1201+ new Universidad de las Fuerzas Armadas ESPE (Ex - Escuela Politécnica del Ejército) EC -
1201+ new German University in Cairo EG - 1201+ new Universidad de Medellín CO -
1201+ new Hanoi University of Science and Technology VN - 1201+ new Universidad de Panamá - UP PA -
1201+ new Helwan University EG - 1201+ new Universidad de Sonora MX -
1201+ new Hongik University KR - 1201+ new Universidad del Bío-Bío CL -
1201+ new Indiana State University US - 1201+ new Universidad del Salvador AR -
1201+ new ITESO, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara MX - 1201+ new Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) BO -
1201+ new Kindai University (Kinki University) JP - 1201+ new Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH) HN -
1201+ new Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu RO - 1201+ new Universidad Nacional de Quilmes AR -
1201+ new Mansoura University EG - 1201+ new Universidad Nacional de Tucumà¡n AR -
1201+ new Marmara University TR - 1201+ new Universidad Nacional del Litoral AR -
1201+ new MIREA - Russian Technological University RU - 1201+ new Universidad Nacional del Sur AR -
1201+ new Moscow City University RU - 1201+ new Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola PE -
1201+ new Moscow Pedagogical State University RU - 1201+ new Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar CO -
1201+ new National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) RU - 1201+ new Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira CO -
1201+ new National Taipei University TW - 1201+ new Universidade Estadual de Londrina BR -
1201+ new Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná BR - 1201+ new Universidade Federal da Paraíba BR -
1201+ new Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy RU - 1201+ new Universidade Federal de Goiás BR -
1201+ new Sakarya University TR - 1201+ new Universidade Federal de Santa Maria BR -
1201+ new Shanghai University of Finance and Economics CN - 1201+ new Università degli studi di Bergamo IT -
1201+ new Shibaura Institute of Technology JP - 1201+ new Universitas Andalas ID -
1201+ new Soochow University (Taiwan) TW - 1201+ new Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta ID -
1201+ new Southwest University CN - 1201+ new Universitas Sebelas Maret ID -
1201+ new SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN - 1201+ new Universitas Sumatera Utara ID -
1201+ new Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava RO - 1201+ new Université de Caen Normandie FR -
1201+ new Sudan University of Science and Technology SD - 1201+ new Université de Tunis TN -
1201+ new Suranaree University of Technology TH - 1201+ new Université de Tunis El Manar TN -
1201+ new Tamkang University TW - 1201+ new Université Mohammed V de Rabat MA -
1201+ new Tanta University EG - 1201+ new University of Babylon IQ -
1201+ new Technical University of Cluj-Napoca RO - 1201+ new University of Basrah IQ -
1201+ new The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi RO - 1201+ new University of Khartoum SD -
1201+ new The Hashemite University JO - 1201+ new University of Kragujevac RS -
1201+ new The University of Notre Dame, Australia AU - 1201+ new University of Sarajevo BA -
1201+ new Toraighyrov University KZ - 1201+ new University of Split HR -
1201+ new Transilvania University of Brasov RO - 1201+ new University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest RO -
1201+ new Tunghai University TW - 1201+ new University Politehnica of Timisoara, UPT RO -
1201+ new Universidad Autónoma de Baja California MX - 1201+ new Yarmouk University JO -
1201+ new Universidad Autónoma de Chile CL - 1201+ new Yildiz Technical University TR -
1201+ new Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ) MX - 1201+ new Zagazig University EG -

64 65
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

Cloud nine
By Afifah Darke

“Don’t worry, be happy,” Bobby McFerrin’s whistling

song, which usually gets every person in the room up
for a little jig, is deceptively simple.
Just be happy.
The rest of the song, however, provides little insight
on the “hows”, but tips on happiness seldom offer
further wisdom behind them.
For Dr Jaime Kurtz, Associate Professor of
Psychology at James Madison University (JMU) in
the US, approaching happiness and mental wellbeing
from the position of simply willing it can cause harm.
“That just makes people more stressed and puts
“That’s toxic
more pressure on them. I hear a lot of ‘I should be
positivity… and
happier. My life is so good. My family’s healthy,’,” she
a recipe for
points out.
“That’s toxic positivity… and a recipe for unhappiness.”
Dr Kurtz is the Director of JMU’s summer programme,
Exploring the Good Life in Scandinavia, where she
leads college students on a tour of two of the world’s
happiest countries: Denmark and Sweden.
In the two-week course, students observe and
conduct interviews on cross-cultural differences in
well-being, as well as carry out “happiness-boosting”
exercises of their own.
“If there are ways to teach students scientifically-
backed strategies for how to reap all the benefits out
of life, I think that that’s a really worthwhile thing,” she
tells the Higher Ed Report.
More than just the A, B, Cs
In the UK, a 2022 study by the Prince’s Trust revealed
46 percent of young people experience feelings of
self-loathing, and almost a quarter agree they will

66 67
World University Rankings 2022 World University Rankings 2022

never recover from the emotional impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. Sustainable Happiness programme, believes in a world of so much “apocalyptic
storytelling”, classes like this can let people focus on solutions.
College students in the US are also struggling, according to the Healthy Minds
Study in the fall of 2020. Around 39 percent of American college students “[These problems] can feel too big, we can feel start to feel hopeless in face of
reported experiencing depression, and 29 percent have gone through mental how catastrophic it is… part of what we can find with sustainable happiness is
health therapy or counselling in the previous year. helping people to feel more resilient because they maybe have not understood
exactly how to take care of their own well-being,” she says.
Dr Ties Van der Werff, who teaches Eternal Pursuit of Happiness at the University
of Amsterdam, tells HER he has noticed how his students are increasingly living Feeling on top of the Earth
on their phones, which is not helping them become any happier.
Dr John Zelenski, Professor of Psychology at Carleton University in Canada,
With the rampant use of social media, the idea of “the good life”, if without any believes the Earth is so intimately interconnected with people that “when nature
critical reflection, makes it seem like happiness is gained through consumption, suffers, humans are likely to suffer too”. Therefore, when people connect with
says Dr Ties. nature and appreciate it, they also seem to treat it better.
“What I see with my students is that they’re sometimes so anxious and pressured. Dr Zelenski, a researcher and Director of Carleton University’s Happiness
The pressure… to look good, and the pressure to get a boyfriend or girlfriend,” Laboratory, constantly encourages his students to go out into nature.
he adds.
“If the weather is very bad, even nature videos can be a little mood boost,” he
This is where universities, and classes like the one led by Dr Ties, play a role, as laughs.
they guide students to reflect on the concept of happiness, relate technological
Happiness is also intrinsically linked to nature and the environment for Dr O’Brien
developments to happiness, as well as apply insights to their daily lives.
and Chris Adam, Manager of Dawson College’s Sustainability Office. As part of
The fluffy stuff the programme, students learn how the choices they make in their personal life
affect the environment, what they could do to live in a more sustainable manner,
At the University of Bristol in the UK, Professor of Developmental Psychology
and how to use nature as “a mentor”.
in Society Bruce Hood confesses he was initially sceptical about positive
psychology courses. “If we can use nature, and positive experiences in nature to bring down the stress
that so many students feel, that would release the creativity and imagination
“Now, I call myself a cautious convert in that I do believe that [the class] does
problem solving that we need in our institutions,” says Adam.
leave a lasting impression on not all, but some individuals,” he says.
He reminds students, “If we want to be good people, if we want to do good for
With a focus on positive psychology, his class prepares students with resilience,
the world, that’s a skill.
he says, and “to deal with life a bit better” which Dr Ties also believes helps
students to flourish. “We need to take the time to reflect on it, support each other, and then do
something that takes our words into action.”
“It might be a fluffy subject in the sense that it doesn’t give you certainty, but
this is exactly what we need right now because the world is not certain,” Dr Ties A longer version of this article was originally featured in 2022 Subject Rankings
says firmly. Higher Ed Report, published in April 2022.
Canadian-based Dr Catherine O’Brien, the founder of Dawson College’s

68 69
Regional Rankings
Asia 72
For the love of learning 82
Emerging Europe & Central Asia 94
From oil tankers to speedboats 104
Latin America 108
Which way is South? 116
Arab Region 124
Empowering Arab Women 127
The future today 134
Asia Region Rankings 2022

Asia Region Overview

by Dr Andrew MacFarlane

The universities in this year’s Asia Rankings should be proud to be part of these
prospective students’ journeys, and we extend our thanks and congratulations
for their continued engagement with our ranking.
This year’s Asia Region Rankings features 675 institutions, up from 650 last
year, making it our biggest yet. The major locations represented include China
(126 institutions), India (116), Japan (105), and South Korea (85), accounting
between themselves for more than a half of all ranked institutions.
For the fourth subsequent year, National University of Singapore (NUS) is
number one in the region. It is one of two universities from Singapore in the top
20. Yonsei University from South Korea is the only new entrant to this year’s top
20, improving their previous rank by 6 places.
Looking across the metrics, there is improvement all around. The regional
mean for academic reputation has increased by 3 percent, while the research
metrics demonstrate even better dynamics – 9 percent increase for Papers per
Faculty, and 14 percent increase for Citations per Paper. International Research
Network, a measure of the global connectedness of research being done at the
institutions, has improved by an average of 7 percent.
“Geointellect” (Jain, 2021) was coined to refer to the emerging manifestation
of China’s global influence. The term refers to a country’s dominance in higher
education, research and innovation models across multiple geographies. Its aim
is to establish and consolidate China’s global intellectual dominance.
As part of this geointellect agenda, China launched the Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI) Education Action Plan 2016. This plan established China’s leadership in
shaping the contours of educational cooperation among BRI countries, which
includes 140 countries across the globe. As such, it is no surprise Chinese
universities are particularly prominent in this year’s ranking, with Peking
University rising to the second spot, up five places since 2021.
China is also successfully exporting its higher education model, and this ‘going
out’ approach is reflected in its higher education internationalisation through
overseas campuses such as Peking University’s HSBC Business School campus
in Oxford and the Global Innovation eXchange in Seattle – a partnership
between the University of Washington and Tsinghua University.

Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 100.0
2 7 h Peking University CN 99.5
3= 3 n Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 98.7
3= 4 h The University of Hong Kong HK 98.7
5 2 i Tsinghua University CN 98.3
6 5 i Zhejiang University CN 97.8
7 6 i Fudan University CN 97.4
8 9 h Universiti Malaya (UM) MY 94.9
The quality of Singapore’s higher education system and institutions is no secret, 9 8 i The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 94.2
and as early as 1996 the then prime minister announced the government’s plans 10 10 n Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 93.9
to turn Singapore into the “Boston of the East”, with Harvard and MIT serving 11= 13 h The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 93.6

as role models for the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Nanyang 11= 15 h The University of Tokyo JP 93.6

Technological University (NTU). 13 11 i Korea University KR 93.1

14 12 i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 93.0
Singapore is a small country well embedded in the global economy, and an 15 17 h Kyoto University JP 92.1

international higher education hub hosting several domestic world leading 16 21 h Yonsei University KR 91.1
17 16 i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 91.0
institutions that rank in first (NUS) and third place (NTU) in this new ranking, i
18 14 Seoul National University KR 90.9
international branch campuses of prestigious overseas universities and joint 19 19 n National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 90.8
initiatives between domestic institutions and overseas institutions (e.g. the 20 18 i City University of Hong Kong HK 89.2
Yale-NUS College in 2014, the Duke-NUS Medical School in 2009). 21 20 i Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 88.8
22 22 n Osaka University JP 87.6
South Korean universities also feature highly in the ranking. South Korea spends 23 23 n Tohoku University JP 87.3
a greater proportion of its Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on R&D than any 24 24 n Hanyang University KR 86.3
other country in the world bar Israel, at 4.6 percent (OECD, 2019). This is well 25 25 n The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 85.1

ahead of regional competitors such as China (Mainland) at 2.2 percent and 26 26 n Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) KR 83.6
27 28 h Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 81.4
Japan at 3.2 percent. Such investment has enabled to drive innovation and h
28 32 Nagoya University JP 79.7
helped South Korea become a global leader in information and communication 29 31 h Kyushu University JP 78.7
technologies. 30 29 i Hokkaido University JP 78.3
31 27 i University of Science and Technology of China CN 77.8
Special note must also go to Malaysia, who are this year’s top improvers – 60 32 30 i Nanjing University CN 77.3
percent of ranked Malaysian universities improved their position this year. With 33 35 h Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 76.8
a strong focus on collaboration and internationalization, they are well placed to 34 33 i National Tsing Hua University TW 76.1
continue in this trajectory. 35 34 i Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 74.6
36 43 h Chulalongkorn University TH 72.4
37 38 h Wuhan University CN 72.3
38 39 h Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY 72.2
39 36 i Kyung Hee University KR 71.4
40 40 n Waseda University JP 71.3
41 42 h National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 71.2
42 37 i Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN 71.0
43 44 h Mahidol University TH 70.2
44 41 i Sun Yat-sen University CN 70.0
45 47 h Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN 69.6
46 45 i Keio University JP 68.0
47 46 i National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW 66.9
48 53 h Tongji University CN 63.6
49 49 n University of Tsukuba JP 62.9
50 48 i National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) TW 61.0

74 75
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51 51 n Beijing Normal University CN 60.1 101 92 i HUFS - Hankuk (Korea) University of Foreign Studies KR 44.1
52 52 n Xi’an Jiaotong University CN 60.0 102 110 h Jeonbuk National University KR 43.9
53 89 h Taylor's University MY 59.0 103 87 i Sichuan University CN 43.6
54 50 i Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) IN 58.8 104 97 i Pusan National University KR 43.5
55 55 n Huazhong University of Science and Technology CN 58.2 105= 96 i Dongguk University KR 43.3
56= 56 n Indian Institute of Science IN 58.1 105= 108 h Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM MY 43.3
56= 59 h Universitas Indonesia ID 58.1 107= 81 i Jawaharlal Nehru University IN 43.2
58 54 i Ewha Womans University KR 58.0 107= 99 i Singapore Management University SG 43.2
59 57 i Gadjah Mada University ID 57.3 109 103 i Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) IN 42.9
60 58 i Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) IN 56.0 110 124 h Airlangga University ID 42.6
61 61 n National Taiwan Normal University TW 55.2 111 111 n Thammasat University TH 42.0
62 60 i Renmin (People's) University of China CN 54.2 112 118 h Bogor Agricultural University ID 41.7
63 63 n Harbin Institute of Technology CN 54.0 113 109 i Southeast University CN 41.1
64= 72 h Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) IN 53.1 114 101 i Konkuk University KR 40.3
64= 66 h Kobe University JP 53.1 115 125 h Shenzhen University CN 39.8
66 64 i Hong Kong Baptist University HK 53.0 116= 114 i Beihang University (former BUAA) CN 39.3
67 62 i Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID 52.5 116= 121 h Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) PK 39.3
68 73 h National Sun Yat-sen University TW 52.3 118 112 i National Chung Hsing University TW 39.0
69= 65 i Chung-Ang University (CAU) KR 52.2 119 117 i Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) IN 38.6
69= 75 h Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD) BN 52.2 120 126 h Inha University KR 38.4
71 79 h Tianjin University CN 51.8 121 172 h Sunway University MY 37.9
72 70 i Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) MY 51.6 122 119 i South China University of Technology CN 37.5
73 68 i Xiamen University CN 51.4 123 123 n International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) MY 37.1
74 76 h National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad PK 51.3 124 135 h Ateneo de Manila University PH 36.9
75 74 i Nankai University CN 51.2 125 115 i University of Science and Technology Beijing CN 36.6
76 88 h National Taipei University of Technology TW 50.9 126 128 h Universiti Teknologi Brunei BN 36.5
77= 86 h Shandong University CN 50.0 127= 127 n Northwestern Polytechnical University CN 36.4
77= 105 h UCSI University MY 50.0 127= 141 h Ritsumeikan University JP 36.4
77= 71 i University of Delhi IN 50.0 129 133 h Universiti Malaysia Pahang MY 36.3
77= 69 i University of the Philippines PH 50.0 130 122 i Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) JP 36.2
81= 82 h East China Normal University CN 49.7 131= 130 i Chiba University JP 36.0
81= 83 h Sejong University KR 49.7 131= 120 i Lingnan University, Hong Kong HK 36.0
83 77 i Hiroshima University JP 49.2 133 151 h Khon Kaen University TH 35.6
84 80 i Shanghai University CN 49.1 134 131 i Chonnam National University KR 35.5
85 85 n University of Chinese Academy of Sciences CN 48.9 135 137 h Tokyo University of Science JP 35.2
86 78 i Sogang University KR 48.5 136 129 i University of Seoul KR 35.1
87 67 i National Central University TW 48.2 137 146 h COMSATS University Islamabad PK 35.0
88 102 h Chiang Mai University TH 48.1 138 149 h Kasetsart University TH 34.8
89 84 i Jilin University CN 48.0 139 152 h Ajou University KR 34.2
90 95 h National Chengchi University TW 47.1 140 132 i Hunan University CN 33.8
91= 106 h Quaid-i-Azam University PK 46.8 141 169 h Nagasaki University JP 33.7
91= 116 h Southern University of Science and Technology CN 46.8 142= 163 h Ton Duc Thang University VN 33.4
93 104 h Kyungpook National University KR 46.2 142= 134 i University of Dhaka BD 33.4
94 100 h Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) SK 46.0 144 168 h Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) MY 33.1
95 90 i Taipei Medical University (TMU) TW 45.8 145= 136 i Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology JP 33.0
96= 94 i Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) KR 45.7 145= 178= h University of the Punjab PK 33.0
96= 93 i University of Macau MO 45.7 147= 139 i Management and Science University MY 32.9
98 107 h Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) MY 45.1 147= 140 i University of Ulsan KR 32.9
99 98 i Beijing Institute of Technology CN 45.0 147= 160 h Vietnam National University, Hanoi VN 32.9
100 91 i Hitotsubashi University JP 44.3 150= 144 i East China University of Science and Technology CN 32.8

76 77
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
150= 138 i Jinan University (China) CN 32.8 201 208= h University of Electronic Science and Technology of China CN 25.6
152 148 i Soochow University CN 32.6 202= 199= i Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology BD 25.4
153 150 i Kanazawa University JP 32.3 202= 198 i Beijing University of Technology CN 25.4
154= 143 i Dalian University of Technology CN 32.1 204 191 i Osaka Prefecture University JP 25.3
154= 154 n University of Calcutta IN 32.1 205= 201 i Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhopal IN 25.2
156= 153 i Beijing Jiaotong University CN 31.8 205= 218 h Macau University of Science and Technology MO 25.2
156= 161 h National Chung Cheng University TW 31.8 205= 205 n Nanjing Normal University CN 25.2
156= 142 i University of Hyderabad IN 31.8 205= 281-290 h Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris (UPSI) MY 25.2
159 171 h Chongqing University CN 31.6 209 241 h Diponegoro University ID 24.9
160= 166 h De La Salle University PH 31.5 210 351-400 h Duy Tan University VN 24.8
160= 164 h Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Surabaya) ID 31.5 211 206 i Niigata University JP 24.7
162 147 i Jadavpur University IN 31.3 212 212 n Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics CN 24.5
163 162 i Chungnam National University KR 31.2 213 291-300 h Rikkyo University JP 24.4
164 145 i Tokyo Metropolitan University JP 31.1 214 244 h University of Agriculture, Faisalabad PK 24.1
165 173 h China University of Geosciences CN 30.8 215 228 h North South University BD 24.0
166 167 h Lanzhou University CN 30.6 216 new Sungshin Women's University KR 23.9
167= 195 h Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) MY 30.4 217 210= i Shinshu University JP 23.7
167= 157 i Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) MY 30.4 218= 261-270 h Amity University IN 23.5
169 170 h Yokohama National University JP 30.3 218= 236 h Harbin Engineering University CN 23.5
170 182 h Central South University CN 30.2 220= 199= i Alagappa University, Karaikudi IN 23.4
171 165 i Prince of Songkla University TH 30.0 220= 227 h Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) ID 23.4
172= 185 h China Agricultural University CN 29.4 220= 281-290 h Zhengzhou University CN 23.4
172= 178= h Sophia University JP 29.4 223 246= h Sookmyung Women's University KR 23.3
174 156 i Osaka City University JP 29.2 224= 246= h Donghua University CN 23.0
175 159 i Yeungnam University KR 29.1 224= 220 i Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad IN 23.0
176 174 i Nanjing University of Science and Technology CN 29.0 226 239 h Kyoto Institute of Technology JP 22.8
177 186 h University of Santo Tomas PH 28.9 227= 210= i Universiti Malaysia Sabah (UMS) MY 22.7
178 188 h Indian Institute of Technology Indore (IIT Indore) IN 28.7 227= 251-260 h Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) MY 22.7
179 158 i Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) VN 28.4 229 237 h National Taiwan Ocean University TW 22.6
180 193 h Savitribai Phule Pune University IN 28.2 230= 214 i Central China Normal University (f.k.a. Huazhong Normal University) CN 22.5
181= 180 i Banaras Hindu University IN 28.1 230= 235 h Yokohama City University JP 22.5
181= 177 i Chang Gung University TW 28.1 232= 196 i Anna University IN 22.4
183= 155 i Institute of Chemical Technology (UDCT), Mumbai IN 28.0 232= 271-280 h Huazhong Agricultural University CN 22.4
183= 175 i University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore PK 28.0 232= 261-270 h Northwest University (China) CN 22.4
183= 192 h Wuhan University of Technology CN 28.0 232= 208= i Tokushima University JP 22.4
186 203 h Jamia Millia Islamia IN 27.9 236= 243 h China University of Petroleum CN 22.3
187 184 i Kumamoto University JP 27.8 236= 251-260 h Fu Jen Catholic University TW 22.3
188 204 h Jiangsu University CN 27.4 236= 251-260 h Nanjing Tech University CN 22.3
189= 190 h Multimedia University (MMU) MY 27.3 239= new Ashoka University IN 22.2
189= 181 i Okayama University JP 27.3 239= 226 i Feng Chia University TW 22.2
189= 176 i Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences (PIEAS) PK 27.3 239= 232 i Kangwon National University KR 22.2
192 238 h Universitas Padjadjaran ID 26.7 239= 291-300 h Nanjing Medical University CN 22.2
193 183 i The Catholic University of Korea KR 26.6 239= 216 i Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology CN 22.2
194= 194 n Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani IN 26.5 239= 271-280 h Universitas Brawijaya ID 22.2
194= 230 h Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India IN 26.5 245= 281-290 h Ocean University of China CN 22.1
196 189 i King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi TH 26.4 245= 281-290 h University of Karachi PK 22.1
197 217 h University of Peshawar PK 26.1 247= 251-260 h Tokai University JP 21.9
198 215 h Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) IN 25.8 247= 291-300 h Universiti Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia (UTHM) MY 21.9
199= 197 i Beijing University of Chemical Technology CN 25.7 249= 223 i International Christian University JP 21.8
199= 229 h Jiangnan University CN 25.7 249= 251-260 h Kagoshima University JP 21.8

78 79
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
251-260 231 i Aga Khan University PK - 301-350 351-400 h Akita International University JP -
251-260 261-270 h Aligarh Muslim University IN - 301-350 301-350 n Akita University JP -
251-260 233 i Indian Institute of Technology Bhubaneswar IN - 301-350 301-350 n Asia University Taiwan TW -
251-260 271-280 h Indian School of Mines (ISM) University, Dhanbad IN - 301-350 351-400 h Bahauddin Zakariya University PK -
251-260 261-270 h Kookmin University KR - 301-350 301-350 n China Pharmaceutical University CN -
251-260 245 i Nagaoka University of Technology JP - 301-350 301-350 n Hohai University CN -
251-260 301-350 h O.P. Jindal Global University IN - 301-350 301-350 n Hong Kong Shue Yan University HK -
251-260 221= i Southwest University CN - 301-350 new IIT Gandhinagar IN -
251-260 207 i Universiti Malaysia Perlis MY - 301-350 301-350 n Indian Institute of Technology Patna IN -
251-260 251-260 n Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool University CN - 301-350 301-350 n Inje University KR -
261-270 246= i Beijing Foreign Studies University CN - 301-350 351-400 h International Islamic University Islamabad (IIU) PK -
261-270 291-300 h China University of Political Science and Law CN - 301-350 301-350 n Jeju National University KR -
261-270 251-260 i Fuzhou University CN - 301-350 351-400 h Kwansei Gakuin University JP -
261-270 281-290 h Gunma University JP - 301-350 351-400 h Lincoln University College, Malaysia MY -
261-270 225 i Indian Institute of Technology Ropar IN - 301-350 281-290 i Meiji University JP -
261-270 291-300 h JSS Academy of Higher Education and Research (Deemed to be University) IN - 301-350 301-350 n Nagoya City University JP -
261-270 224 i Kyushu Institute of Technology JP - 301-350 301-350 n Nanjing Agricultural University CN -
261-270 271-280 h University of Electro-Communications (UEC) JP - 301-350 291-300 i National Dong Hwa University TW -
261-270 202 i University of Madras IN - 301-350 301-350 n National Taipei University TW -
261-270 221= i University of Peradeniya LK - 301-350 351-400 h North China Electric Power University CN -
271-280 301-350 h Asia Pacific University of Technology and Innovation (APU) MY - 301-350 301-350 n Northeast Normal University CN -
271-280 new Chandigarh University IN - 301-350 301-350 n Panjab University IN -
271-280 261-270 i Chung Yuan Christian University TW - 301-350 301-350 n Pondicherry University IN -
271-280 249 i Chungbuk National University KR - 301-350 291-300 i Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University JP -
271-280 261-270 i Doshisha University JP - 301-350 301-350 n Saitama University JP -
271-280 251-260 i Gifu University JP - 301-350 301-350 n Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology (deemed to be university) IN -
271-280 250 i National Institute of Technology Rourkela IN - 301-350 281-290 i Seoul National University of Science and Technology KR -
271-280 301-350 h Northeastern University (China) CN - 301-350 301-350 n Shaanxi Normal University CN -
271-280 291-300 h Shoolini University of Biotechnology and Management Sciences IN - 301-350 261-270 i Shanghai International Studies University CN -
271-280 219 i University of Mumbai IN - 301-350 261-270 i Shanghai Normal University CN -
271-280 301-350 h Yuan Ze University TW - 301-350 301-350 n Shanghai University of Finance and Economics CN -
281-290 281-290 n Hallym University KR - 301-350 301-350 n Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine CN -
281-290 301-350 h Hanoi University of Science and Technology VN - 301-350 301-350 n Shantou University CN -
281-290 301-350 h Indian Institute of Technology (BHU) Varanasi IN - 301-350 351-400 h Shibaura Institute of Technology JP -
281-290 271-280 i King Mongkut\'s Institute of Technology Ladkrabang TH - 301-350 213 i Shimane University JP -
281-290 261-270 i National University of Defense Technology CN - 301-350 291-300 i South China Normal University CN -
281-290 261-270 i Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University CN - 301-350 351-400 h Southwest Jiaotong University CN -
281-290 240 i Soongsil University KR - 301-350 301-350 n Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore IN -
281-290 234 i Tezpur University, Tezpur IN - 301-350 271-280 i Tamkang University TW -
281-290 251-260 i Thapar Institute of Engineering & Technology IN - 301-350 301-350 n The University of Lahore PK -
291-300 261-270 i Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham IN - 301-350 501-550 h Tokyo University of Foreign Studies JP -
291-300 271-280 i BRAC University BD - 301-350 401-450 h Toyota Technological Institute in Japan JP -
291-300 271-280 i China University of Mining and Technology CN - 301-350 301-350 n Tunghai University TW -
291-300 271-280 i Dankook University KR - 301-350 291-300 i Universiti Kuala Lumpur (UniKL) MY -
291-300 242 i Gyeongsang National University KR - 301-350 291-300 i University of Colombo LK -
291-300 251-260 i National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli IN - 301-350 301-350 n University of International Business and Economics CN -
291-300 281-290 i Pukyong National University KR - 301-350 351-400 h University of Miyazaki JP -
291-300 new Qingdao University CN - 301-350 351-400 h University of Mysore, Mysore IN -
291-300 301-350 h SEGi University MY - 301-350 301-350 n University of the Ryukyus JP -
291-300 new Shiv Nadar University IN - 301-350 301-350 n Yamaguchi University JP -

80 81
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

For the love of learning

By Niamh Ollerton

When taking a close look at the motivations for “Learning can provide a sense of satisfaction that you were able to comprehend
undergraduate and postgraduate study, students new knowledge that you were unaware of previously. Through learning, one will
indicate they want to advance their knowledge and be able to learn better time management skills which can assist in dealing with
skillset. Education is also in pursuit of employment, both family and work demands,” says Professor Chandra Pathki, Nazarbayev
learning or boosting skills during their career, or University Graduate School of Business in Kazakhstan.
advancing the research of their given subject and
Sabbatical with a difference
Harish Jani broke the status quo and smashed societal expectations by heading
An often-overlooked area, however, are those
to business school at 68.
students who have achieved a substantial proportion
of what they wanted within their career, and now A Chartered Accountant by trade, qualifying at the Institute of Chartered
“Learning can see education as a tool for personal growth and Accountants in England & Wales in 1973, it had been a while since Jani spent
provide a sense knowledge. time in a classroom.
of satisfaction
that you Celebrating lifelong learning When Jani finally decided to enrol for the programme, his employers were more
were able to than supportive and provided financial assistance as well.
The decision to re-engage with education at any age
comprehend can be a significant step for anyone to take. On his decision to embark on the one-year MBA programme at Cass Business
new School, Jani tells QS-GEN: “I think all scientific evidence suggests that the
knowledge.” The number of mature learners engaging in further
more you exercise your brain in a positive way, it continues to function well. It’s
education across the globe is increasing yearly, and
a use it or lose it scenario.
as the general population is living longer, lifelong
learning, and those choosing to truly submerge Jani thinks the format of his MBA programme at Cass enabled him to better
themselves in it, should be encouraged. build on his business acumen. The MBA covered 12 subjects, with four blocks,
each lasting about two months, of three subjects during the year.
Returning to education can increase employment
prospects, provide educational opportunities missed There were a lot of work projects and papers on each subject, formal exams,
in the past, facilitate new friendships, and develop business subjects, electives with coursework requirements, he says.
new interests. But the most desired outcome is
“Let no one tell you that baby boomers’ work is complete. There are lots still to
significant personal development and growth.
do. After nearly 50 years of professional life as a Chartered Accountant, an MBA
Simon Nelson, Chief Executive of FutureLearn was an eye-opener and has added something to me,” says Jani.
speaking at the ‘Turning Promise into Reality: The
“I call it a sabbatical with a difference, and I’m already looking forward to the
Future of MOOCs’ panel at QS’ Reimagine Education
next challenge!”
Conference in London, 2019 noted: “Two-thirds of
people have got a degree. Since when does having Curious about the world
a first degree mean you do not need more learning? John Mortensen was 60 when he joined the Global MBA at Alliance Manchester
“The level of disruption today means people need to Business School (AMBS) in Hong Kong in 2019.
learn throughout their lives.”

82 83
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

301-350 301-350 n Yangzhou University CN -
351-400 new AIMST University MY -
351-400 351-400 n Air University, Pakistan PK -
351-400 301-350 i Annamalai University IN -
351-400 351-400 n Aoyama Gakuin University JP -
351-400 301-350 i Beijing Forestry University CN -
351-400 351-400 n Beijing University of Chinese Medicine CN -
351-400 301-350 i Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications CN -
“I don’t regard it as going back at all,” he retorts. “I am a naturally curious person 351-400 401-450 h Chang Jung Christian University TW -
and I like learning about things. I guess that makes me a great believer in lifelong 351-400 401-450 h Daffodil International University BD -
learning. 351-400 401-450 h Dow University of Health Sciences PK -
351-400 351-400 n Dr. Harisingh Gour Vishwavidyalaya (Sagar University), Sagar IN -
“I was National Director of an architectural practice for 10 years before I joined 351-400 351-400 n Ehime University JP -
a Chicago-based global real estate services firm to run the North Asia project 351-400 551-600 h Government College University, Faisalabad PK -
management business,” he says. 351-400 401-450 h HELP University MY -
351-400 301-350 i Incheon National University KR -
When deciding on the right business school and programme for him, Mortensen 351-400 301-350 i Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur IN -
looked at various providers across the globe, and inevitably chose AMBS. 351-400 351-400 n Institute of Space Technology, Islamabad PK -
351-400 401-450 h INTI International University MY -
Mortensen says the group on his Global MBA was from diverse professional 351-400 451-500 h Iwate Prefectural University JP -
backgrounds, and they keep in touch today. 351-400 351-400 n Jamia Hamdard IN -
351-400 351-400 n Kindai University (Kinki University) JP -
The benefits of continuous studying remain throughout life, according to 351-400 301-350 i King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok TH -
Mortensen, because the world is always responding to change. 351-400 301-350 i Kochi University JP -
351-400 351-400 n Kwangwoon University KR -
“Technology, geo-politics, technology, demographics. The rate of change and 351-400 301-350 i Minzu University of China CN -
the breadth and depth of its impact are affecting every aspect of our lives. 351-400 401-450 h Myongji University KR -
351-400 301-350 i Nagoya Institute of Technology (NIT) JP -
“Study is an opportunity to step back from the narrow vision of work and 351-400 501-550 h Nara Women's University JP -
contemplate the broader impacts of events and where they may lead. I can’t 351-400 351-400 n National Chi Nan University TW -
think of any disadvantages of studying,” he adds. 351-400 401-450 h National Institute of Technology, Karnataka, Surathkal IN -
351-400 351-400 n National Yunlin University of Science and Technology TW -
Learning as a mature student is a topic that isn’t often explored by the general 351-400 351-400 n NED University of Engineering and Technology PK -
population, with many citing there is “no point” to going back to school later in 351-400 351-400 n OSMANIA UNIVERSITY IN -
life. 351-400 401-450 h Shandong University of Science and Technology CN -
351-400 401-450 h Shanghai University of International Business and Economics CN -
Mortenson disagrees, citing one of his professors who told him on the first day 351-400 301-350 i Shizuoka University JP -
of the MBA programme: “You will get much more out of this than just a better 351-400 401-450 h Soka University JP -
understanding of business”. 351-400 281-290 i Soochow University (Taiwan) TW -
351-400 351-400 n Soonchunhyang University KR -
“What it offers is a different approach to looking at the world, and a better 351-400 351-400 n Sri Venkateswara University IN -
understanding of how you respond to certain situations. It’s all about personal 351-400 401-450 h Srinakharinwirot University TH -

growth, and that never stops.” 351-400 351-400 n SRM INSTITUTE OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY IN -
351-400 301-350 i Suranaree University of Technology TH -
This shortened article originally appeared in QS-GEN 7, published in March 2022. 351-400 301-350 i Symbiosis International (Deemed University) IN -
351-400 401-450 h Tata Institute od Social Sciences IN -
351-400 351-400 n Universitas Hasanuddin ID -
351-400 401-450 h University of Jaffna LK -
351-400 401-450 h University of Taipei TW -
351-400 301-350 i Xidian University CN -

84 85
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
351-400 401-450 h Zhongnan University of Economics and Law CN - 401-450 401-450 n University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce TH -
401-450 351-400 i Andhra University IN - 401-450 401-450 n Yamagata University JP -
401-450 451-500 h Bahria University PK - 451-500 501-550 h Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan PK -
401-450 401-450 n Busan University of Foreign Studies KR - 451-500 new Ahmedabad University IN -
401-450 new Chinese Culture University TW - 451-500 451-500 n Anhui University CN -
401-450 351-400 i Chosun University KR - 451-500 451-500 n Atma Jaya Catholic University Jakarta ID -
401-450 401-450 n Chuo University JP - 451-500 451-500 n Banasthali Vidyapith IN -
401-450 401-450 n Cochin University of Science & Technology IN - 451-500 351-400 i Bangalore University, Bangalore IN -
401-450 401-450 n Fujian Normal University CN - 451-500 401-450 i Bangkok University TH -
401-450 401-450 n Future University Hakodate JP - 451-500 451-500 n Changwon National University KR -
401-450 401-450 n Gangneung-Wonju National University KR - 451-500 501-550 h Chaoyang University of Technology TW -
401-450 451-500 h GC University Lahore PK - 451-500 451-500 n Dongseo University KR -
401-450 401-450 n Guangxi University CN - 451-500 401-450 i East West University BD -
401-450 351-400 i HeFei University of Technology CN - 451-500 451-500 n Guangdong University of Foreign studies CN -
401-450 351-400 i Hongik University KR - 451-500 451-500 n Guru Nanak Dev University, Amristar IN -
401-450 401-450 n Hue University VN - 451-500 451-500 n Hosei University JP -
401-450 351-400 i Independent University Bangladesh BD - 451-500 401-450 i Hunan Normal University CN -
401-450 351-400 i Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIIT) Delhi IN - 451-500 451-500 n Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad IN -
401-450 401-450 n I-Shou University (ISU) TW - 451-500 501-550 h Iqra University IU Karachi PK -
401-450 new Islamic University of Technology BD - 451-500 451-500 n Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT) IN -
401-450 351-400 i Kansai University JP - 451-500 451-500 n Keimyung University KR -
401-450 451-500 h KLE Academy of Higher Education and Research, Belagavi IN - 451-500 451-500 n Khulna University of Engineering and Technology BD -
401-450 401-450 n Korea Maritime and Ocean University KR - 451-500 451-500 n Kitasato University JP -
401-450 351-400 i Limkokwing University of Creative Technology MY - 451-500 401-450 i Kunsan National University KR -
401-450 351-400 i Mehran University of Engineering & Technology PK - 451-500 451-500 n Liaoning University CN -
401-450 new Muroran Institute of Technology JP - 451-500 451-500 n Mae Fah Luang University TH -
401-450 351-400 i Nanchang University CN - 451-500 401-450 i Ming Chuan University TW -
401-450 401-450 n Naresuan University TH - 451-500 501-550 h National Chin-Yi University of Technology TW -
401-450 351-400 i National Changhua University of Education TW - 451-500 451-500 n National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology TW -
401-450 351-400 i National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad PK - 451-500 new National Pingtung University of Science and Technology TW -
401-450 351-400 i National University of Kaohsiung TW - 451-500 451-500 n National Taipei University of Education TW -
401-450 351-400 i Nihon University JP - 451-500 451-500 n Ochanomizu University JP -
401-450 new NIT Silchar IN - 451-500 501-550 h Saga University JP -
401-450 401-450 n NITTE (Deemed to be University) IN - 451-500 401-450 i Sardar Patel University, Vallabh Vidyanagar IN -
401-450 351-400 i Shivaji University, Kolhapur IN - 451-500 451-500 n SASTRA Deemed University IN -
401-450 401-450 n Siam University TH - 451-500 501-550 h Seoul National University of Education KR -
401-450 351-400 i Siksha 'O' Anusandhan (Deemed to be University) IN - 451-500 451-500 n Shih Chien University TW -
401-450 401-450 n Silpakorn University TH - 451-500 451-500 n Sri Krishnadevaraya University, Anantpur IN -
401-450 401-450 n South China Agricultural University CN - 451-500 451-500 n Tottori University JP -
401-450 351-400 i Southwestern University of Finance and Economics CN - 451-500 401-450 i United International University BD -
401-450 401-450 n Taiyuan University of Technology CN - 451-500 501-550 h Universitas Islam Indonesia ID -
401-450 401-450 n Telkom University ID - 451-500 451-500 n Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta ID -
401-450 401-450 n Toyo University JP - 451-500 451-500 n University of Central Punjab PK -
401-450 401-450 n Universitas Sebelas Maret ID - 451-500 451-500 n University of Kashmir, Srinagar IN -
401-450 401-450 n Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka MY - 451-500 new University of Kelaniya LK -
401-450 401-450 n University of Calicut IN - 451-500 451-500 n University of Malakand,Chakdara PK -
401-450 351-400 i University of Kerala IN - 451-500 501-550 h University of Management and Technology PK -
401-450 401-450 n University of Moratuwa LK - 451-500 501-550 h University of Sargodha PK -
401-450 401-450 n University of Shanghai for Science and Technology CN - 451-500 451-500 n Yanshan University CN -
401-450 451-500 h University of Sri Jayewardenepura LK - 451-500 451-500 n Youngsan University KR -

86 87
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
451-500 401-450 i Yunnan University CN - 551-600 351-400 i Arid Agriculture University PK -
501-550 551-600 h Acharya Nagarjuna University IN - 551-600 551-600 n Burapha University TH -
501-550 551-600 h Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology BD - 551-600 501-550 i Dalian Maritime University CN -
501-550 501-550 n Ateneo de Davao University PH - 551-600 551-600 n Delhi Technological University IN -
501-550 new Bharath University IN - 551-600 501-550 i Doshisha Women's College of Liberal Arts JP -
501-550 451-500 i Can Tho University VN - 551-600 new Forman Christian College (A chartered University) PK -
501-550 501-550 n Central University of Finance and Economics CN - 551-600 601+ h Fukushima University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Changan University CN - 551-600 new Government College Women University, Sialkot PK -
501-550 451-500 i Chung Hua University TW - 551-600 551-600 n Guizhou University CN -
501-550 501-550 n Communication University of China CN - 551-600 551-600 n Hanoi National University of Education VN -
501-550 501-550 n Daegu University KR - 551-600 551-600 n Hansung University Seoul KR -
501-550 new Dhaka University of Engineering and Technology BD - 551-600 new Hazara University, Dodhial PK -
501-550 451-500 i Dong-A University KR - 551-600 501-550 i Hebei University of Technology CN -
501-550 451-500 i Gakushuin University JP - 551-600 501-550 i Hirosaki University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Gauhati University, Guwahati IN - 551-600 551-600 n Iwate University JP -
501-550 501-550 n GITAM University IN - 551-600 501-550 i Japan Women's University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Goa University IN - 551-600 551-600 n Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University IN -
501-550 new Government College Women University Faisalabad PK - 551-600 501-550 i Josai International University JP -
501-550 451-500 i HanDong Global University KR - 551-600 501-550 i Kansai Gaidai University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design & Mfg Kancheepuram IN - 551-600 451-500 i Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon IN -
501-550 451-500 i Inner Mongolia University CN - 551-600 551-600 n Kogakuin University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Jain (Deemed to be University) IN - 551-600 551-600 n Korea National University of Education KR -
501-550 551-600 h Kanagawa University JP - 551-600 551-600 n Kumaun University, Nainital IN -
501-550 501-550 n Kyonggi University KR - 551-600 551-600 n Kuvempu University, Shankaraghatta IN -
501-550 501-550 n Kyoto Sangyo University JP - 551-600 new Lovely Professional University (LPU) IN -
501-550 451-500 i Malaysia University of Science and Technology (MUST) MY - 551-600 551-600 n Maharishi Markandeshwar University IN -
501-550 501-550 n Mapua University PH - 551-600 501-550 i Mahasarakham University TH -
501-550 451-500 i Mie University JP - 551-600 551-600 n Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology PH -
501-550 501-550 n Mokpo National University KR - 551-600 new Nanhua University TW -
501-550 new National United University TW - 551-600 551-600 n National Textile University PK -
501-550 451-500 i Riphah International University PK - 551-600 551-600 n Northeast Forestry University CN -
501-550 451-500 i Sangmyung University KR - 551-600 551-600 n PaiChai University KR -
501-550 501-550 n Seoul Women's University KR - 551-600 501-550 i Saurashtra University, Rajkot IN -
501-550 501-550 n Sichuan Agricultural University CN - 551-600 501-550 i Shangdong Agricultural University CN -
501-550 501-550 n Silliman University PH - 551-600 551-600 n Silla University KR -
501-550 501-550 n Sun Moon University KR - 551-600 551-600 n Sojo University JP -
501-550 new The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong HK - 551-600 new Sukkur IBA University PK -
501-550 501-550 n The Islamia University of Bahawalpur,Pakistan PK - 551-600 551-600 n Sunchon National University KR -
501-550 501-550 n Udayana University ID - 551-600 501-550 i Tokyo City University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia ID - 551-600 551-600 n Tokyo Denki University JP -
501-550 501-550 n Universitas Sumatera Utara ID - 551-600 551-600 n Universitas Andalas ID -
501-550 501-550 n Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia MY - 551-600 551-600 n Universiti Malaysia Kelantan MY -
501-550 451-500 i Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin MY - 551-600 601+ h University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City VN -
501-550 401-450 i University of Da Nang VN - 551-600 551-600 n University of Jammu, Jammu IN -
501-550 451-500 i University of Fukui JP - 551-600 501-550 i University of Sindh PK -
501-550 501-550 n Utsunomiya University JP - 551-600 501-550 i University of Suwon KR -
501-550 451-500 i Wonkwang University KR - 551-600 451-500 i University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Lahore PK -
501-550 451-500 i Xinjiang University CN - 551-600 new Walailak University TH -
501-550 501-550 n Yogyakarta State University ID - 551-600 501-550 i Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology (XAUAT) CN -
501-550 551-600 h Ziauddin University PK - 551-600 551-600 n Yanbian University CN -

88 89
Asia Region Rankings 2022 Asia Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
601-650 551-600 i American International University, Bangladesh BD - 601-650 551-600 i University of Surabaya ID -
601-650 new Atma Jaya Yogyakarta University ID - 601-650 551-600 i Vel Tech University IN -

i B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology (Deemed to 601-650 601+ Xavier University PH -
601-650 551-600 IN -
be University) i
601-650 551-600 Yong In University KR -
Balochistan University of Information Technology Engineering and Management
601-650 551-600 i PK - 651+ 601+ Adamson University PH -
Sciences (BUITEMS)
651+ 601+ Ahmad Dahlan University ID -
601-650 551-600 i Bharati Vidyapeeth University, Pune IN -
651+ 601+ Aichi Gakuin University JP -
601-650 601+ Central Luzon State University PH -
651+ 601+ Aichi University JP -
601-650 601+ Chitkara University IN -
651+ 601+ Andong National University KR -
601-650 551-600 i CHRIST (Deemed to be University), Bengaluru IN -
651+ 601+ Anyang University KR -
601-650 601+ Daejeon University KR -
651+ new Beijing Sport University CN -
601-650 601+ Daejin University KR -
651+ 601+ Bunkyo University JP -
601-650 551-600 i Dong-eui University KR -
651+ new Cebu Technological University PH -
601-650 601+ Guangdong University of Technology CN -
651+ 601+ Central Mindanao University PH -
601-650 551-600 i Gulbarga University, Gulbarga IN -
651+ 601+ Central Philippine University PH -
601-650 551-600 i Hannam University KR -
651+ 601+ CheongJu University KR -
601-650 601+ Hanseo University KR -
651+ new Chukyo University JP -
601-650 601+ Hindustan Institute of Technology & Science IN -
651+ 601+ Da-Yeh University TW -
601-650 601+ Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City VN -
651+ 601+ Foundation University islamabad PK -
601-650 601+ Islamia College University Peshawar PK -
651+ new Graphic Era (Deemed) University IN -
601-650 601+ Jiwaji University, Gwalior IN -
651+ 601+ ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education, Hyderabad IN -
601-650 new Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education IN -
651+ new Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung ID -
601-650 551-600 i Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation IN -
651+ 601+ Josai University JP -
601-650 601+ KongJu National University KR -
651+ new Kakatiya University, Warangal IN -
601-650 601+ KonYang University KR -
651+ 601+ Kanagawa Institute of Technology JP -
601-650 551-600 i Kumoh National Institute of Technology KR -
651+ 601+ Kanazawa Institute of Technology JP -
601-650 601+ Kurukshetra University, Kurukshetra IN -
651+ 601+ Kangnam University KR -
601-650 601+ Kyungsung University KR -
651+ 551-600 i Karnatak University, Dharwad IN -
601-650 601+ Lahore College for Women University PK -
651+ 601+ Kobe College JP -
601-650 new Maejo University TH -
651+ 601+ Korea Nazarene University KR -
601-650 551-600 i Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Vadodara IN -
651+ 601+ Kyoto Women's University JP -
601-650 551-600 i Mangalore University, Mangalore IN -
651+ new Lahore Garrison University PK -
601-650 601+ Mohanlal Sukhadia University, Udaipur IN -
651+ 601+ Lyceum of the Philippines University PH -
601-650 601+ NMIMS University IN -
651+ new Maranatha Christian University ID -
601-650 601+ Northeast Agricultural University CN -
651+ 551-600 i Mongolia University of Science and Technology MN -
601-650 551-600 i Parahyangan Catholic University ID -
651+ 601+ Mukogawa Women's University JP -
601-650 601+ Ryukoku University JP -
651+ 601+ Nanzan University JP -
601-650 601+ Sahmyook University KR -
651+ 601+ National Kaohsiung Normal University TW -
601-650 601+ SeoKyeong University KR -
601-650 601+ State Islamic University (UIN) Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta ID -
601-650 551-600 i State University of Malang ID -
601-650 551-600 i Syiah Kuala University ID -
601-650 new TaTung University TW -
601-650 601+ Tsuda College JP -
601-650 601+ Ubon Ratchathani University TH -
601-650 601+ Universitas Muhammadiyah Surakarta ID -
601-650 601+ Universitas Negeri Semarang ID -
601-650 551-600 i Universitas Pelita Harapan ID -
601-650 601+ Universitas Tarumanagara ID -
601-650 new University of Lucknow, Lucknow IN -
601-650 new University of Okara PK -

90 91
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EECA Rankings 2021

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 100.0
2 4 h Charles University CZ 93.9
3 3 n Saint Petersburg State University RU 93.6
4 2 i University of Tartu EE 91.9
5 6 h Jagiellonian University PL 91.8
6 7 h University of Warsaw PL 89.7
7 8 h Masaryk University CZ 89.3
8 5 i Novosibirsk State University RU 88.6
9 10 h Tomsk State University RU 88.1
10 9 i Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) RU 87.9
11 14 h Middle East Technical University TR 87.6
12 12= n Czech Technical University in Prague CZ 85.9
13 15 h Boğaziçi University TR 84.3
14 12= i Warsaw University of Technology PL 83.9
15 11 i Koç University TR 83.0
16 19 h Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ 81.8
17 17 n Istanbul Technical University TR 80.5
18 16 i HSE University RU 80.0
19 20 h Vilnius University LT 77.5
20 18 i Bilkent University TR 77.0
21 21 n Sabanci University TR 75.7
22 25 h Belarusian State University BY 75.3
23= 23 n Brno University of Technology CZ 74.3
23= 22 i Istanbul University TR 74.3
25 34 h Bauman Moscow State Technical University RU 74.2
26 24 i Eötvös Loránd University HU 73.9
27 36 h ITMO University RU 73.5
28 32 h Kazan (Volga region) Federal University RU 72.8
29= 35 h Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU 71.9
29= 26 i University of Szeged HU 71.9
31 43= h RUDN University RU 71.8
32 27 i Ural Federal University - UrFU RU 71.4
33 30 i University of Ljubljana SI 70.9

i National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics

34 28 RU 70.6
35 33 i Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA 70.4
36 37 h Palacký University Olomouc CZ 68.5
37 29 i National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University RU 67.7
38 31 i Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) EE 67.5
39 43= h Hacettepe University TR 67.3
40= 39 i University of Debrecen HU 66.0
40= 41 h University of Latvia LV 66.0
42 52 h L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) KZ 65.6
43 40 i Babes-Bolyai University RO 65.4
44 48 h Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" BG 63.7
45 46 h Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WRUST) PL 63.4
46 45 i Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University RU 63.0

Emerging Europe and 47 47 n University of Zagreb HR 60.9

48 42 i The National University of Science and Technology MISIS RU 60.8

Central Asia
49 58 h University of Wroclaw PL 60.6
50 49 i AGH University of Science and Technology PL 60.5

EECA Rankings 2021 EECA Rankings 2021

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51 60 h University of Belgrade RS 59.9 101 96 i Yildiz Technical University TR 37.5
52 54 h Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań PL 59.8 102 110 h Cyprus University of Technology CY 37.1
53 55 h University of Cyprus (UCY) CY 59.1 103 106 h EGE UNIVERSITY TR 36.9
54 50 i Kaunas University of Technology LT 58.9 104 new University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn PL 36.6
55 53 i MGIMO University RU 58.5 105 115 h National Technical University "Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute" UA 36.4
56 38 i Vilnius Gediminas Technical University LT 58.2 106= 98 i Lviv Polytechnic National University UA 36.2
57 57 n Riga Technical University LV 57.6 106= 100 i University of Pannonia HU 36.2
58 51 i Comenius University in Bratislava SK 57.2 108 128 h University of Rijeka HR 35.5
59 63 h Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague CZ 56.4 109 127 h Siberian Federal University, SibFU RU 34.9
60 62 h University of Pecs HU 55.9 110= 109 i MATE Hungarian University of Agriculture and Life Sciences HU 34.8
61 65 h Vytautas Magnus University LT 55.6 110= 105 i Samara National Research University (Samara University) RU 34.8
62 64 h University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague CZ 55.3 112 101 i Novosibirsk State Technical University RU 34.0
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic 113 119 h University of Novi Sad RS 33.9
63 66 h UA 54.0
Institute" h
114 124 Poznan University of Life Sciences PL 33.3
64 69 h Satbayev University KZ 53.7
115 113 i Lithuanian University of Health Sciences LT 33.0
65 59 i Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava SK 53.2
116 116 n South Ural State University (National Research University) RU 32.8
66 68 h Ankara Üniversitesi TR 52.8
117 new European University at St. Petersburg RU 32.7
67 56 i University of Bucharest RO 52.7
118 108 i Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University GE 32.6
68 61 i Corvinus University of Budapest HU 52.1
119= 121 h Riga Stradins University LV 31.8
69 67 i V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University UA 50.7
119= 120 h Technical University of Cluj-Napoca RO 31.8
70 82 h Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University KZ 48.1
121 117 i Altai State University RU 31.7
71 99 h Gazi Üniversitesi TR 47.7
122 118 i Sumy State University UA 31.6
72 71 i Tallinn University EE 47.4
123 139 h Sechenov University RU 31.5
73 79 h Cracow University of Technology (Politechnika Krakowska) PL 46.4
124 137 h NJSC KIMEP University KZ 31.2
74 76 h Mendel University in Brno CZ 45.5
125 114 i University of West Bohemia CZ 31.0
75 75 n Plekhanov Russian University of Economics RU 45.4
126 146 h Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice SK 30.8
76 78 h University of Lodz PL 45.1
127 149 h Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda University KZ 30.6
128 131 h Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) State University AM 30.1
78 89 h Gdańsk University of Technology PL 44.5
129 140 h Belarusian State University of Informatics and Radioelectronics BY 29.7
79 83 h Kazakh National Agrarian University KazNAU KZ 44.0
130 175 h Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University KZ 29.6
80 72 i University of Maribor SI 43.7
131= 112 i Klaipeda University LT 29.0
81 73 i University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest RO 43.5
131= 131 n National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (NaUKMA) UA 29.0
82 88 h Belarusian National Technical University (BNTU) BY 43.0
131= 111 i Technical University of Liberec CZ 29.0
83 85 h Nicolaus Copernicus University PL 42.8
134 125 i University of Split HR 28.7
84 74 i VSB - Technical University of Ostrava CZ 42.6
135 159 h Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University RU 28.6
85= 81 i Alexandru Ioan Cuza University RO 42.5
136 126 i University of Nicosia CY 28.4
85= 77 i Poznań University of Technology PL 42.5
137 132 i Mykolas Romeris University LT 28.3
87 87 n Tomas Bata University in Zlin CZ 42.2
138= 138 n American University of Central Asia KG 28.1
88 80 i University of Nova Gorica SI 42.0
140= 157 h Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation RU 28.0
89 70 i Lobachevsky University RU 41.4
140= 123 i University of Miskolc HU 28.0
90 90 n Southern Federal University RU 40.8
140= 142 h University of Niš RS 28.0
91 94 h Warsaw University of Life Sciences – SGGW (WULS-SGGW) PL 40.6
143 129 i University of Pardubice CZ 27.7
92 86 i University of Silesia in Katowice PL 40.1
144 133 i University of Primorska SI 27.6
93 91 i Lodz University of Technology PL 40.0
145 122 i University of South Bohemia CZ 27.5
94 95 h Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara / West University of Timisoara RO 39.3
146= 150 h Izmir Institute of Technology (IZTECH) TR 27.1
95 97 h Silesian University of Technology PL 38.8
146= 135 i S.D. Asfendiyarov Kazakh National Medical University KZ 27.1
96 104 h Auezov South Kazakhstan University (SKU) KZ 38.3
148= 136 i Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration RU 26.9
97= 103 h Far Eastern Federal University RU 38.2
148= 145 i University of Ostrava CZ 26.9
97= 93 i The "Gheorghe Asachi" Technical University of Iasi RO 38.2
150= 143 i Saint Petersburg Electrotechnical University ETU-LETI RU 26.7
99 102 h Technical University of Kosice SK 37.8
150= 173 h Széchenyi István University HU 26.7
100 92 i Kazakh-British Technical University KZ 37.6

96 97
EECA Rankings 2021 EECA Rankings 2021

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
152 141 i National Research Saratov State University RU 26.6 201-210 221-230 h Belarusian State Technological University BY -
153 130 i University Politehnica of Timisoara, UPT RO 26.5 201-210 201-210 n Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu RO -
154 147 i Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi TR 26.3 201-210 201-210 n Marmara University TR -
155 148 i Erciyes Üniversitesi TR 26.1 201-210 198 i Moscow State University of Civil Engineering RU -
156= 177 h American University in Bulgaria BG 25.9 201-210 201-210 n South East European University MK -
156= 183 h Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University KG 25.9 201-210 199 i The Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia RU -
156= 190 h Transilvania University of Brasov RO 25.9 201-210 184 i University of Zielona Góra (Uniwersytet Zielonogórski) PL -
159= 154 i Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra SK 25.3 211-220 221-230 h Cankaya Üniversitesi TR -
159= 134 i Ss. Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje MK 25.3 211-220 201-210 i European University Cyprus (EUC) CY -
161 new SWPS University of Social Sciences and Humanities PL 25.2 211-220 166 i Istanbul Bilgi Üniversitesi TR -
162 144 i University of Sarajevo BA 24.8 211-220 194 i Kazan National Research Technological University RU -
163 170 h National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute (MPEI) RU 24.7 211-220 241-250 h Khazar University AZ -
164 153 i Gebze Yüksek Teknoloji Enstitüsü (GYTE) TR 24.6 211-220 new Oles Honchar Dnipro National University UA -
165 151 i Medical University Sofia BG 24.4 211-220 251-300 h Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Agricultural Mechanization Engineers UZ -
166 new Odessa I.I. Mechnikov National University UA 24.2 211-220 211-220 n University of Craiova RO -
167 162 i D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan state technical university KZ 23.6 211-220 221-230 h University of Oradea RO -
168= 185 h Kazan National Research Technical University RU 23.3 211-220 201-210 i University of Rzeszów PL -
168= 165 i Saint-Petersburg Mining University RU 23.3 221-230 221-230 n Azerbaijan State University of Economics AZ -
168= 161 i University of Žilina SK 23.3 221-230 211-220 i Bahcesehir University TR -
171 167 i Bucharest University of Economic Studies RO 23.2 221-230 new Düzce University TR -
172 164 i Stefan cel Mare University of Suceava RO 23.1 221-230 231-240 h Firat Üniversitesi TR -
173= 152 i Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) RU 23.0 221-230 221-230 n Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages KZ -
173= 179 h Yerevan State University AM 23.0 221-230 251-300 h Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics UA -
175 174 i Eastern Mediterranean University NCY 22.9 221-230 189 i National Research University of Electronic Technology - MIET RU -
176 163 i Sarajevo School of Science and Technology BA 22.8 221-230 211-220 i Ogarev Mordovia State University RU -
177= new Acibadem University TR 22.7 221-230 251-300 h Sakarya University TR -
177= 172 i Mendeleev University of Chemical Technology RU 22.7 221-230 201-210 i TOBB University of Economics and Technology TR -
179 178 i University of Kragujevac RS 22.6 221-230 196 i Tomsk State Pedagogical University RU -
180= 180 n Karaganda State Technical University KZ 22.4 231-240 211-220 i Galatasaray Üniversitesi TR -
180= 211-220 h University of Bialystok PL 22.4 231-240 211-220 i Omsk State Technical University RU -
182 158 i University Dunarea de Jos of Galati RO 22.2 231-240 201-210 i Pázmány Péter Catholic University HU -
183 181 i National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine UA 22.1 231-240 200 i Perm State National Research University RU -
184 156 i Anadolu University TR 22.0 231-240 211-220 i Russian State University for the Humanities RU -
185 176 i University of Hradec Kralove CZ 21.9 231-240 221-230 i Saint-Petersburg State Institute of Technology RU -
186= new Belarusian-Russian University BY 21.8 231-240 new Selcuk University TR -
186= 186 n Constantine the Philosopher University SK 21.8 231-240 251-300 h Silesian University in Opava CZ -
186= 231-240 h Óbuda University HU 21.8 231-240 231-240 n The Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek HR -
189 188 i Cukurova University TR 21.7 231-240 231-240 n Tomsk State University of Control Systems and Radioelectronics RU -
190 171 i Ataturk University TR 21.6 241-250 251-300 h Armenian State University of Economics AM -
191 231-240 h Ivan Franko National University of Lviv UA 21.5 241-250 251-300 h Daugavpils University LV -
192 160 i Voronezh State University RU 21.2 241-250 241-250 n Gdynia Maritime University PL -
193 187 i Akdeniz Üniversitesi TR 21.1 241-250 211-220 i Latvia University of Life Sciences and Technologies LV -
194 197 h Almaty Technological University KZ 21.0 241-250 201-210 i National Bohdan Khmelnytsky University of Cherkasy UA -
195 168 i The National Research University "Belgorod State University" RU 20.9 241-250 221-230 i Tajik National University TJ -
196 new Kursk State Medical University RU 20.8 241-250 201-210 i University of Opole PL -
197 169 i Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas (National Research University) RU 20.6 241-250 221-230 i Varna University of Management (VUM) BG -
198 201-210 h University of Tyumen RU 20.3 241-250 231-240 i Volgograd State University RU -
199 191 i Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno BY 20.2
200= 193 i Abdullah Gul University TR 20.0
200= 195 i Moscow State University of Food Production RU 20.0
200= 192 i Ozyegin University TR 20.0
200= 182 i Perm National Research Polytechnic University RU 20.0
98 99
EECA Rankings 2021 EECA Rankings 2021

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
251-300 241-250 i Atilim Universitesi TR - 301-350 251-300 i Don State Technical University RU -
251-300 211-220 i Baku State University AZ - 301-350 new "h Decembrie h9h8" University, Alba Iulia RO -
251-300 251-300 n Canakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi TR - 301-350 301-350 n ”Vasile Goldiș” Western University of Arad RO -
251-300 241-250 i Donetsk National Technical University UA - 301-350 251-300 i Abant Izzet Baysal Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 251-300 n Dostoevsky Omsk State University RU - 301-350 301-350 n Adnan Menderes Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 new Francisk Skorina Gomel State University BY - 301-350 301-350 n Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 251-300 n Gaziosmanpasa Üniversitesi TR - 301-350 251-300 i American University of Armenia AM -
251-300 251-300 n Georgian Technical University GE - 301-350 301-350 n Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy AZ -
251-300 251-300 n Goce Delchev University MK - 301-350 251-300 i Baskent University TR -
251-300 241-250 i I.Zhansugurov Zhetysu State University KZ - 301-350 301-350 n Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 241-250 i Irkutsk State University RU - 301-350 251-300 i Donetsk National University UA -
251-300 251-300 n Istanbul Aydin University TR - 301-350 301-350 n Eszterházy Károly University, Eger HU -
251-300 new Istanbul Medeniyet University TR - 301-350 301-350 n Gaziantep University TR -
251-300 221-230 i Izmir Ekonomi Universitesi TR - George Emil Palade University of Medicine, Pharmacy, Science, and Technology
301-350 new RO -
of Targu Mures
251-300 new Lutsk National Technical University UA -
301-350 251-300 i Harran Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 251-300 n Moscow Pedagogical State University RU -
301-350 301-350 n Inönü Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 241-250 i Moscow State University of Technology STANKIN RU -
301-350 301-350 n Irkutsk National Research Technical University RU -
251-300 231-240 i Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics (MTUCI) RU -
301-350 251-300 i Istanbul Gelisim University TR -
251-300 251-300 n Narxoz University KZ -
301-350 251-300 i Jan Evangelista Purkyně University CZ -
251-300 new National Aerospace University - Kharkiv Aviation Institute UA -
301-350 301-350 n Kadir Has Üniversitesi TR -
251-300 251-300 n National Aviation University UA -
n 301-350 new Karabuk University TR -
251-300 251-300 National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia (NUACA) AM -
301-350 new Kastamonu University TR -
251-300 new National University of Pharmacy Kharkiv (NUPh) UA -
301-350 301-350 n Kiev National Linguistics University UA -
251-300 351-400 h National University of Uzbekistan UZ -
n 301-350 new Kokshetau State University named after Sh. Ualikhanov KZ -
251-300 251-300 North-Caucasus Federal University RU -
301-350 301-350 n Kremenchuk Mykhailo Ostrohradskyi National University UA -
251-300 251-300 n North-Eastern Federal University in Yakutsk RU -
301-350 251-300 i MIREA - Russian Technological University RU -
251-300 241-250 i Northern (Arctic) Federal University named after M.V. Lomonosov RU -
301-350 301-350 n Moldova State University MD -
251-300 251-300 n Nosov Magnitogorsk State Technical University RU -
301-350 251-300 i Moldova Technical University MD -
251-300 251-300 n Penza State University RU -
301-350 351-400 h Moscow City University RU -
251-300 new Rostov State Transport University RU -
301-350 241-250 i Moscow State Linguistic University RU -
251-300 241-250 i Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy RU -
301-350 301-350 n Namik Kemal University TR -
251-300 251-300 n Saint-Petersburg University of Management Technologies and Economics RU -
301-350 301-350 n North-Kazakhstan State University named after M. Kozybayev KZ -
251-300 251-300 n Saken Seifullin Kazakh Agrotechnical University KZ -
301-350 new O.M.Beketov National University of Urban Economy UA -
251-300 new Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University KZ -
301-350 251-300 i Petrozavodsk State University RU -
251-300 new Sergo Ordzhonikidze Russian State University for Geological Prospecting RU -
301-350 301-350 n Saint-Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (SUAI) RU -
251-300 231-240 i Simon Kuznets Kharkiv National University of Economics UA -
301-350 251-300 i Samara Polytech (Samara State Technical University) RU -
251-300 221-230 i St. Petersburg State University of Economics RU -
301-350 301-350 n Semey State University named after Shakarim KZ -
251-300 251-300 n Suleyman Demirel University TR -
301-350 251-300 i Southwest State University RU -
251-300 251-300 n Tambov State Technical University RU -
301-350 251-300 i The National University of Ostroh Academy UA -
251-300 211-220 i Technical University of Lublin PL -
301-350 301-350 n The Ural State University of Economics RU -
251-300 new Ternopil Ivan Puluj National Technical University UA -
301-350 251-300 i Toraighyrov University KZ -
251-300 new The Moscow School of Social and Economic Sciences RU -
301-350 351-400 h Transport and Telecommunication Institute, Riga LV -
251-300 251-300 n Ufa State Aviation Technical University RU -
301-350 301-350 n Tver State Technical University (TSTU) RU -
251-300 251-300 n Ufa State Petroleum Technological University RU -
301-350 251-300 i University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest RO -
251-300 251-300 n Ukrainian National Forestry University UA -
301-350 301-350 n University of Banja Luka BA -
251-300 251-300 n Ulyanovsk State University RU -
301-350 251-300 i University of Mostar BA -
251-300 221-230 i University of Sopron HU -
301-350 251-300 i University of Nyíregyháza HU -
251-300 251-300 n Uzhgorod National University UA -
301-350 301-350 n University of Zadar HR -
251-300 new Vitebsk State University named after P.M. Masherov BY -
301-350 new Uskudar University TR -
251-300 new Yeditepe University TR -
301-350 301-350 n Volgograd State Technical University RU -
251-300 251-300 n Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov RU -
301-350 new Voronezh State Agrarian University named after Emperor Peter the Great RU -
100 101
EECA Rankings 2021 EECA Rankings 2021

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
301-350 301-350 n West Ukrainian National University UA - 401-450 new A. Baitursynov Kostanay Regional University KZ -
301-350 251-300 i Yaroslavl State University RU - 401-450 351-400 i Astrakhan State University RU -
301-350 new Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University UA - 401-450 351-400 i Azerbaijan Architecture and Construction University AZ -
351-400 351-400 n Agricultural University of Tirana AL - 401-450 351-400 i Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University AZ -
351-400 301-350 i Balikesir Üniversitesi TR - 401-450 351-400 i Baku Engineering University AZ -
351-400 301-350 i Bashkir State University RU - 401-450 new Chelyabinsk State University RU -
351-400 351-400 n Belgorod State Technological University named after V.G.Shoukhov RU - 401-450 new Chernihiv National University of Technology UA -
351-400 301-350 i Celal Bayar Üniversitesi TR - 401-450 new Derzhavin Tambov State University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Dnipro Polytechnic National Technical University UA - Donetsk National University of Economics and Trade named after M. Tugan-
401-450 new UA -
i Baranovsky
351-400 301-350 Dumlupinar Üniversitesi TR -
401-450 351-400 i Epoka University AL -
351-400 351-400 n European University, North Macedonia MK -
401-450 351-400 i Istanbul Kültür Universitesi TR -
351-400 new G.F. Morozov Voronezh State University of Forestry and Technologies RU -
401-450 301-350 i Istanbul Ticaret Universitesi TR -
351-400 301-350 i I. I. Polzunov Altai State Technical University RU -
401-450 351-400 i Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Isik Üniversitesi TR -
401-450 351-400 i Kaliningrad State Technical University RU -
351-400 new Istanbul Medipol University TR -
401-450 301-350 i Kazakh State Women's Teacher Training University KZ -
351-400 new Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University TR -
401-450 new Kazan State Power Engineering University RU -
351-400 new Istanbul University Cerrahpasa TR -
401-450 351-400 i Kemerovo State University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Ivano Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas UA -
401-450 351-400 i Kuban State University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Ivanovo State Power Engineering University named after V.I. Lenin RU -
n 401-450 new Lesya Ukrainka Volyn National University UA -
351-400 351-400 K.Zhubanov Aktobe Regional State University KZ -
i 401-450 new Lipetsk State Technical University RU -
351-400 301-350 Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary HU -
401-450 new Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University RU -
351-400 new Korkyt Ata Kyzylorda University KZ -
401-450 351-400 i Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" RU -
351-400 301-350 i Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design UA -
n 401-450 new O.S. Popov Odessa National Academy of Telecommunications UA -
351-400 351-400 M.Kh. Dulaty Taraz Regional University KZ -
401-450 351-400 i Orenburg State University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Moscow Polytechnic University RU -
401-450 351-400 i Ovidius University of Constanta RO -
Moscow State University of Technology and Management named after K.G
351-400 new RU -
Razumovsky 401-450 new Pavlodar State Pedagogical University KZ -
351-400 new National University "Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic" UA - 401-450 351-400 i Pyatigorsk State University RU -
351-400 new Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University n.a. R.E. Alekseev RU - 401-450 351-400 i Russian New University RU -
351-400 new Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University UA - 401-450 new Russian State University of Tourism and Service RU -
351-400 301-350 i Petersburg State Transport University RU - Saint Petersburg State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering
401-450 351-400 i RU -
351-400 301-350 Platov South Russian State Polytechnic University RU -
401-450 351-400 i Samarkand State University UZ -
351-400 351-400 n Rostov State University of Economics RU -
i South Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after Kostiantyn
351-400 301-350 Russian State Hydrometeorological University RU - 401-450 new UA -
Dmytrovych Ushynsky
351-400 231-240 i Russian State Social University RU -
401-450 301-350 i State University of Management RU -
351-400 351-400 n Russian University of Transport RU -
401-450 351-400 i Tula State University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Samara State University of Economics RU -
401-450 351-400 i Turan University KZ -
351-400 301-350 i Siberian State Aerospace University RU -
401-450 351-400 i Tyumen industrial University RU -
351-400 new Singidunum University RS -
401-450 301-350 i Udmurt State University RU -
351-400 351-400 n Suleyman Demirel University, Kazakhstan KZ -
401-450 new University North, Croatia HR -
351-400 351-400 n Tashkent State Technical University UZ -
401-450 301-350 i University of Dubrovnik HR -
351-400 new Togliatti State University RU -
401-450 351-400 i University of Tirana AL -
351-400 301-350 i University of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Geodesy BG -
401-450 351-400 i University of Tuzla BA -
i CS-
351-400 301-350 University of Prishtina - 401-450 351-400 i Vistula University PL -
401-450 351-400 i Vladimir State University RU -
351-400 351-400 n University St.Kliment Ohridski in Bitola MK -
401-450 new Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University UA -
351-400 new Usak University TR -
401-450 351-400 i Voronezh State Technical University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Vinnytsia National Technical University UA -
401-450 351-400 i Voronezh State University of Engineering Technologies RU -
351-400 351-400 n Voronezh Institute of High Technologies RU -
401-450 351-400 i Vyatka State University RU -
351-400 301-350 i Yildirim Beyazit Universitesi TR -
401-450 351-400 i Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University RU -
351-400 351-400 n Zhangir Khan West Kazakhstan Agrarian-Technical University KZ -
401-450 new Yessenov University KZ -

102 103
EECA Rankings 2021 EECA Rankings 2021

From oil tankers to speedboats

By Claudia Civinini

For UCL Professor Diana Laurillard, the value of offered by online delivery for education and internationalisation can be further
technology for education has been clear from the explored.
days “when you could count the pixels on the screen”.
Digital learning is “here to stay”
For years, she has argued for people to see that
More women signing up to STEM courses online is good news, but for Coursera’s
technology can contribute to education. Convincing
Chief Content Officer, Dr Betty Vanderbosch, it is personally a big deal.
the world was no easy feat, until something
unexpected came along: the pandemic. “I have been in STEM my whole career and doing a Bachelor’s in Computer
Science when I did was very lonely,” she observes.
“Having spent decades arguing for the value of
distance and online learning… then the pandemic “I am so glad to see a community of women forming online. Together they can
comes along, and within minutes everybody now learn, grow, and advance their STEM skills.”
“Trust the understands the value and importance of online
teachers, they Data shows an uptick in female students overall compared to pre-pandemic
learning. It’s extraordinary,” says the Professor of
are the ones times and a very rapid growth rate in the number of learners from emerging
Learning with Digital Technology at the UK-based
who know.” economies, examples of how technology can expand equitable access to
“It took a global pandemic to enable people to
Dr Vanderbosch makes no secret of what she thinks the future will look like for
realise that e-learning, distance learning… did have
education: “Today we’ll explore how online learning is a trend that is here to
something to contribute to what we are trying to do
stay,” she says. “And the promise that it holds for building a more just world.
in education.”
“Online education is about more than just turning on a webcam. The lessons
The pandemic has been a steep learning curve for
that faculty learned from this experience will prepare them for the next chapter.”
everyone, but for the education sector it has brought
stressors that were, to use a much-abused word, What began as a forced adoption, she observes, will result in an enduring digital
unprecedented. transformation of higher education.
At the QS Europe Virtual Conference, attendees “I believe digital lectures will be the new textbooks,” Dr Vanderbosch says.
across the sector gathered under the theme Leveling “They are more effective for learners because they maximise flexibility; students
the Field: Bottom-up growth in building resilient can watch at any time and rewind or re-watch. Digital lectures are also more
European higher education, where the challenges efficient for faculty.
COVID created took centre stage.
“Professors can use learning analytics to understand the effectiveness of
While challenging, the mood was in general very their lectures and use those insights to make it better. Or they can use digital
positive. Although the COVID crisis is a tough lectures to create a flipped classroom, maximising the time for engaging, lively
teacher, the sector knows some of its lessons can discussions.”
shape the future of education for the better. And
some of the solutions from the crisis must remain to In a world that she sees characterised by a much bigger focus on employability,
offer a better service for students: the possibilities as students enter a difficult market upon graduation, the pandemic has
accelerated decades-long trends. But while jobs will be displaced and core
104 105
EECA Rankings 2021

skills will need to change to adapt to the automation and digitisation of many
professions, Dr Vanderbosch maintains her optimism.
“A great promise of the new normal is that most of these digital jobs can be
learnt online, opening up educational opportunities across the world. Many
of these jobs can be done remotely, creating employment opportunities at a
global scale.”
A pedagogical and internationalisation revolution
According to UNESCO, the world needs almost 69 million new teachers by
2030. For Professor Laurillard, meeting those needs could still be achieved in
digital technologies; and universities need to step up.
“We have massive educational challenges, and universities are the places that
have to step up to that challenge. Who else is going to change the way in which
we do education? It’s got to begin in universities,” she says.
Rather than transforming the mechanisms of education, she insists universities College of Medicine College of Pharmacy
should focus on the drivers or education: teachers.
If they become competent with digital technologies, “they can do so much Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery Bachelor of Doctor of Pharmacy
more”, she argues. MOOC platforms can be used for this purpose, she adds. (Pharm.D.)

“I would never recommend MOOCs for undergraduate education, except when

people are bringing them in to supplement what they are already teaching… but College of Applied Sciences
for professional education they work very well.”
In recognising their importance, Professor Laurillard stresses the need to call Bachelor of Nursing Bachelor of Industrial Engineering
MOOCs “massive open online collaborations”, not courses.
Bachelor of Respiratory Care Bachelor of Information Systems
“Collaboration is crucial in all aspects of academic life,” she tells QS-GEN.
Bachelor of Anaesthesia Technology Bachelor of Computer Sciences
“Now we need some of that in the way teachers work. We have never had Bachelor of Emergency Medical Services Bachelor of Health Information Systems
that kind of collaborative understanding of how to build this new knowledge…
teachers have got to be given that support to be able to do their own thing, to
be able to discover what it takes to teach online, and to share that knowledge
and build it together.
“Trust the teachers, they are the ones who know,” she adds.
This article was excerpted from QS-GEN 7, published in March 2022.

Lain America Rankings 2022

Latin America Overview

By Dr Andrew MacFarlane

For the fourth subsequent year, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile and
Universidade de São Paulo from Brazil are the top 2 in the ranking. Tecnológico
de Monterrey drops 1 place to 4th, and Universidad de Chile moves into its
spot. This year’s top 20 features the same universities in 2021 with the biggest
improvement coming from Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú, which
moved from 16th to 13th place.
This year’s Latin American ranking features 418 institutions, up from 410 last
year, making it our biggest Latin American ranking yet. The major locations
represented include Brazil (95 universities), Mexico (64 universities), and
Colombia (61 universities), accounting between themselves for more than a half
of all ranked universities in the region. There are 13 new entrants overall this year,
however none of them break into the Top 300, showing that the established
players are firmly holding their territory.
Although the region improved its overall research performance by the average
paper output per university, more than 60 percent of the featured universities
were classified as having medium or low research intensity, highlighting that
there is still plenty of work to do on creating truly global research powerhouses.
Encouragingly from the region, we have seen solid year-on-year increases in
the international nominations received in our Academic Reputation surveys. We
saw an increase in academic nominations of four percent between our 2020
and 2021 ranking, and a further 24 percent increase between our 2021 and 2022
ranking (global average growth of 19 percent).
Reputation is a hard-earned metric that takes time to build and effort to nurture.
Institutions that score well in this tend to have well-rounded faculty offerings, a
strong culture of research, and well-established global partnerships. Institutions
with strong scores in reputation also tend to score well in our other indicators,
bolstering the unsurprising truth that well-rounded institutions offer high-
quality education to their students. An important consideration for the region
is in how it meets the growing demand for access to higher education – what is
often referred to as the ‘massification of higher education’.
As Guzmán-Valenzuela et al. (2019) noted in the Journal of Higher Education
Policy, as this demand has grown in more economically developed areas, the
cost burden has often been passed onto the students and their families.
Latin America
Latin America Rankings 2022 Lain America Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile CL 100.0
2 2 n Universidade de São Paulo BR 98.8
3 4 h Universidad de Chile CL 97.3
4 3 i Tecnológico de Monterrey MX 96.9
5 6 h Universidad de los Andes CO 95.1
6 7 h Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 94.5
7 5 i Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 93.9
8 8 n Universidad de Buenos Aires (Uba) AR 92.1
In those parts of the world where economic inequalities are entrenched, such 9 9 n Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 91.0
as in Latin America, this path is not easily taken. They write “in countries such 10 10 n Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 86.8
as Brazil, Chile, and Mexico, through a pyramidal model, most of the poorest 11 11 n Universidad de Concepción CL 84.4

students access non-selective institutions while students from wealthy 12 12 n UNESP BR 82.9

backgrounds tend to gain access to the most prestigious and selective 13 16 h Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PE 81.2
14 13 i Universidad de Antioquia CO 80.3
institutions. Also, retention and non-completion rates among nontraditional 15 14 i Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL 80.1
students have become major concerns (Braxton, 2000; Schuetze and Slowey, 16 15 i Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR 77.3
2002; van Stolk et al., 2007).” 17 17 n Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro BR 76.3
18 18 n Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CO 75.5
The production of academic knowledge in the world is still clearly unequal, 19 19 n Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul BR 75.3
unaided by economic and political conditions, bureaucracy, slow pace of reform, 20 20 n Universidad de Costa Rica CR 71.4
and ability to attract funding. We see this inequality reflected in our own data at 21 21 n Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) AR 71.2

QS; both on the average numbers of papers and citations being produced across 22 22 n Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso CL 70.9

the different regions, and the interconnectedness of the global research. There 23 23 n Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina BR 70.0
24 24 n Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez CL 69.5
are many paths towards solving this, but as a start, ensuring that crosscultural 25 25 n Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX 67.1
and cross-border research collaboration is prioritised and ensuring that top 26 30 h Universidad Austral AR 66.9
researchers are either trained and retained in the region, or attracted to move 27 28 h Universidad de la Habana CU 66.6
to the region, will be key steps forward. 28= 29 h Universidade de Brasília BR 66.4
28= 26 i Universidade Federal de São Paulo BR 66.4
30 27 i Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) MX 66.1
31 34 h Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) CL 64.5
32 35 h Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR BR 64.4
33 32 i Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFScar) BR 64.3
34 36 h Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) CL 64.1
35 31 i Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - UNC AR 63.5
36 33 i Universidad Torcuato Di Tella AR 62.6
37 38 h Universidad Austral de Chile CL 62.3
38 40 h Universidad del Rosario CO 61.3
39 39 n Universidad Iberoamericana Ibero MX 60.9
40= 41 h Universidad Central de Venezuela VE 60.1
40= 37 i Universidad de Puerto Rico PR 60.1
42 47 h Universidad de la República (Udelar) UY 59.6
43 45 h Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina AR 59.0
44 43 i Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) MX 58.9
45 48 h Universidad de La Sabana CO 58.7
46 42 i Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) MX 58.4
47 49 h Universidad Simón Bolívar (USB) VE 57.7
48 44 i Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León MX 56.1
49 46 i Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) BR 55.9
50 50 n Universidad del Valle CO 55.7

110 111
Latin America Rankings 2022 Lain America Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51= 51 n Universidad de Talca CL 54.3 101= 107 h Universidade Federal Da Paraíba BR 40.6
51= 58 h Universidad del Norte CO 54.3 101= 100 i Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora- (UFJF) BR 40.6
53 52 i Universidad de Las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) MX 52.4 103 94 i Universidad de Monterrey (UDEM) MX 40.5
54 56 h Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) PE 51.7 104 96= i Universidade Estadual de Londrina BR 40.2
55= 62 h Universidad de la Frontera (UFRO) CL 51.4 105 106 h Escuela Politécnica Nacional EC 39.9
55= 57 h Universidad Eafit CO 51.4 106= 105 i Universidad del Bío-Bío CL 39.3
57 55 i Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) BR 51.1 106= 114 h Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) BR 39.3
58= 66 h Universidad de Los Andes - Chile CL 50.8 108 102 i Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN) AR 38.4
58= 54 i Universidade Federal do Ceará (UFC) BR 50.8 109 117 h Universidad de Belgrano AR 38.3
60 65 h Universidad San Francisco de Quito (USFQ) EC 50.6 110 135 h Universidad Nacional de San Martín (UNSAM) AR 38.2
61= 63 h Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR) AR 49.9 111 113 h Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo BR 38.1
61= 60 i Universidade Federal Fluminense BR 49.9 112 111= i Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto BR 37.8
63 90 h Universidad de Valparaíso (UV) CL 49.5 113 129 h Universidad de Antofagasta CL 37.3
64 59 i Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo BR 49.3 114 116 h Universidade Federal de Uberlândia BR 37.2
65 67 h Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS CO 49.2 115 108 i Universidade Federal de Lavras BR 36.8
66 64 i Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana CO 49.0 116 109 i Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador (PUCE) EC 36.7
67 53 i Universidad de San Andrés - UdeSA AR 48.7 117= 125 h Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná BR 36.3
68 61 i Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ) BR 48.6 117= 134 h Universidad de la Serena CL 36.3
69 75 h Universidad de Los Andes - (Ula) Mérida VE 48.5 119 118 i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande BR 36.1
70 72 h Universidade Federal Da Bahia BR 48.4 120 120 n Universidad Iberoamericana (UNIBE) DO 35.9
71 68 i Universidad Andrés Bello CL 48.1 121 124 h Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá (UTP) PA 35.8
72 73 h Universidade Federal de Pelotas BR 47.1 122 133 h Universidad de Lima PE 35.6
73= 70 i Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México (UAEMex) MX 47.0 123 104 i Universidade Federal de Goiás BR 35.5
73= 77 h Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos PE 47.0 124 130 h Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná BR 35.1
75 86 h Universidad Externado de Colombia CO 46.6 125= 111= i Universidad Nacional del Sur AR 34.8
76 76 n Universidad Católica Andres Bello VE 46.2 125= 122 i Universidade Federal de Campina Grande BR 34.8
77 84 h Universidad Anáhuac México MX 45.8 127 131 h Universidade Federal do Parà - UFPA BR 34.6
78 92 h Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla MX 45.7 128 139 h Universidade do Vale do Rio Dos Sinos BR 34.5
79= 85 h Universidad de Montevideo (UM) UY 45.6 129 121 i Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata AR 33.1
79= 71 i Universidad Nacional, Costa Rica CR 45.6 130 138 h Universidad Veracruzana MX 32.9
81 87 h Universidad de Oriente Santiago de Cuba CU 45.2 131= 127 i Universidad Nacional Agraria la Molina PE 32.7
82= 82 n Colegio de México MX 45.1 131= 151-160 h Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa BR 32.7
82= 74 i Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral (ESPOL) EC 45.1 133= 151-160 h Universidad El Bosque CO 32.5
84 83 i Universidad Panamericana (UP) MX 45.0 133= 137 h Universidad Nacional de la Asunción PY 32.5
85 91 h Universidad Ort Uruguay UY 44.9 135 149 h Universidad Central "Marta Abreu" de Las Villas CU 32.4
86 78 i Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) AR 43.6 136= 132 i Federal University Of Health Sciences Of Porto Alegre (UFCSPA) BR 32.3
87 93 h Universidad Católica del Norte CL 43.4 136= 115 i Universidad de Tarapaca CL 32.3
88 80 i Universidad del Desarrollo (UDD) CL 43.3 136= 146 h Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas PE 32.3
89 95 h Universidad del Pacífico PE 42.9 139 144 h Universidade Federal de Itajubá BR 32.2
90 69 i Tecnológico de Costa Rica -Tec CR 42.8 140= 147 h Universidad Autónoma de Baja California MX 32.0
91 101 h Universidad Católica del Uruguay (UCU) UY 42.6 140= 161-170 h Universidad Autónoma de Chile CL 32.0
92 88 i Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) BR 42.5 140= 110 i Universidad Autónoma de San Luis de Potosí MX 32.0
93 99 h Universidade Federal de Santa Maria BR 42.0 140= 142 h Universidade Federal de Alagoas BR 32.0
94= 79 i Universidad de Palermo (UP) AR 41.9 144 141 i Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro (UAQ) MX 31.4
94= 96= h Universidad Nacional de Cuyo AR 41.9 145 136 i Universidade Federal do Triângulo Mineiro BR 31.1
96 96= n Universidade Estadual de Maringá BR 41.5 146 161-170 h Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro BR 30.8
97 81 i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte BR 41.4 147= 151-160 h Universidad del Zulia VE 30.6
98 103 h Universidad Icesi CO 41.2 147= 150 h Universidad Nacional de Quilmes AR 30.6
99= 99 n Universidad de Guanajuato MX 41.1 149 128 i Universidad Mayor de San Andrés (UMSA) BO 30.4
99= 89 i Universidad Nacional del Litoral AR 41.1 150 151-160 h Universidade Federal de Sergipe (UFS) BR 30.2

112 113
Latin America Rankings 2022 Lain America Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
151-160 161-170 h Universidad Autonoma de Yucatan MX - 201-250 351-400 h Dom Bosco Catholic University BR -
151-160 171-180 h Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo (UAEH) MX - 201-250 191-200 i Escuela de Ingeniería de Antioquia - Eia CO -
151-160 171-180 h Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM) MX - 201-250 201-250 n Fundación Universitaria Konrad Lorenz CO -
151-160 171-180 h Universidad de Carabobo VE - 201-250 201-250 n Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência E Tecnologia do Paraná - Ifpr BR -
151-160 181-190 h Universidad de Panamá - Up PA - 201-250 201-250 n Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre Y Maestra DO -
151-160 148 i Universidad del Valle de Guatemala (UVG) GT - 201-250 201-250 n Pontificia Universidade Católica do Minas Gerais - Puc Minas BR -
151-160 161-170 h Universidad Latinoamericana de Ciencia Y Tecnología Costa Rica (ULACIT) CR - 201-250 201-250 n Universidad Autónoma de Aguascalientes MX -
151-160 140 i Universidad Nacional de San Luis AR - 201-250 201-250 n Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila MX -
151-160 161-170 h Universidad Nacional de Tucumà¡N AR - 201-250 201-250 n Universidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (Uag) MX -
151-160 151-160 n Universidade Federal de Alfenas BR - 201-250 201-250 n Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas MX -
161-170 201-250 h Iteso, Universidad Jesuita de Guadalajara MX - 201-250 251-300 h Universidad Católica de Colombia CO -
161-170 171-180 h Universidad de Córdoba - Colombia CO - 201-250 251-300 h Universidad Católica del Maule CL -
161-170 171-180 h Universidad de Magallanes (UMAG) CL - 201-250 251-300 h Universidad Central de Chile CL -
161-170 161-170 n Universidad de Medellín CO - 201-250 201-250 n Universidad de Caldas CO -
161-170 171-180 h Universidad de Piura PE - 201-250 181-190 i Universidad de Cuenca EC -
161-170 161-170 n Universidad Metropolitana VE - 201-250 201-250 n Universidad de la Salle CO -
161-170 161-170 n Universidade Federal do Amazonas BR - Universidad de Las Fuerzas Armadas Espe (Ex - Escuela Politécnica del
201-250 191-200 i EC -
h Ejército)
161-170 171-180 Universidade Federal do Maranhão BR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad de Quintana Roo MX -
161-170 151-160 i Universidade Federal do Mato Grosso do Sul BR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad de San Buenaventura CO -
161-170 126 i Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie BR -
201-250 191-200 i Universidad de Santander - Udes CO -
171-180 181-190 h Pontificia Universidade Católica do Campinas - Puc Campinas BR -
201-250 251-300 h Universidad del Magdalena CO -
171-180 145 i Universidad Alberto Hurtado CL -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad del Salvador AR -
171-180 181-190 h Universidad Argentina de la Empresa -Uade AR -
201-250 191-200 i Universidad del Tolima CO -
171-180 201-250 h Universidad Católica de Temuco CL -
201-250 251-300 h Universidad del Valle de Atemajac MX -
171-180 161-170 i Universidad Central del Ecuador EC -
201-250 301-350 h Universidad Esan PE -
171-180 181-190 h Universidad de Colima MX -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Iberoamericana Puebla MX -
171-180 171-180 n Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo MX -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico PR -
171-180 171-180 n Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires (UNICEN) AR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Latina de Costa Rica CR -
171-180 201-250 h Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira CO -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Mayor de San Simón Cochabamba BO -
171-180 151-160 i Universidade Estadual do Oeste do Paraná BR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Nacional de Entre Ríos AR -
181-190 201-250 h Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo (INTEC) DO -
201-250 251-300 h Universidad Popular Autónoma del Estado de Puebla (Upaep) MX -
181-190 201-250 h The University Of Fortaleza-Unifor BR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Privada Boliviana BO -
181-190 201-250 h Universidad Autónoma de Chapingo MX -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola PE -
181-190 201-250 h Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas MX -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Santa María la Antigua-Usma PA -
181-190 201-250 h Universidad de Las Américas (UDLA) Ecuador EC -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Sergio Arboleda CO -
181-190 191-200 h Universidad de Sonora MX -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Tecnica Particular de Loja (Uptl) EC -
181-190 191-200 h Universidad del Cauca CO -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Tecnológica de Bolívar CO -
181-190 181-190 n Universidad del Valle de Mexico (UVM) MX -
201-250 201-250 n Universidad Tecnológica de la Habana José Antonio Echeverría, Cujae CU -
181-190 181-190 n Universidad la Salle MX -
201-250 251-300 h Universidade de Ribeirão Preto BR -
181-190 171-180 i Universidade Federal do Pampa BR -
201-250 151-160 i Universidade do Estado Da Bahia BR -
191-200 143 i Católica de Córdoba AR -
201-250 181-190 i Universidade do Estado de Santa Catarina BR -
191-200 191-200 n Fundação Universidade Federal do Vale do São Francisco BR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidade Estadual Da Paraíba BR -
191-200 161-170 i Fundación Universidad de Bogotá-Jorge Tadeo Lozano CO -
201-250 251-300 h Universidade Estadual de Feira de Santana BR -
191-200 201-250 h Universidad Antonio Nariño (Uan) CO -
201-250 201-250 n Universidade Estadual do Centro-Oeste BR -
191-200 201-250 h Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción - Ucsc CL -
201-250 181-190 i Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense BR -
191-200 191-200 n Universidad de Cartagena CO -
201-250 201-250 n Universidade Federal de Roraima BR -
191-200 201-250 h Universidad de Especialidades Espiritu Santo EC -
201-250 181-190 i Universidade Federal de São João Del-Rei Ufsj BR -
191-200 151-160 i Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala - Usac GT -
201-250 201-250 n Universidade Federal do Acre BR -
191-200 191-200 n Universidad Nacional del Comahue AR -
201-250 201-250 n Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio de Janeiro - Unirio BR -
191-200 151-160 i Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso BR -
191-200 191-200 n Universidade Federal Dos Vales do Jequitinhonha E Mucuri BR -

114 115
Latin America Rankings 2022 Lain America Rankings 2022

Which way is South?

By Anton John Crace

Higher education in Latin America and the Caribbean encourage more students to consider a Latin American education.
has made significant strides in developing a
Dr Victoria Galán-Muros, Chief of Research and Analysis at UNESCO IESALC,
high-quality system to engage students, academics,
says there needs to be a rethink of North-South collaboration.
and researchers with the aim of contributing to
economic and social wealth. “I would actually like… to move from the concept of cooperation that a lot of the
Global North has about cooperating with the South, which is international aid,”
While their achievements so far have been significant
she says.
in planning towards the future, the region itself is
yet to fully enter the global conscious as a hub of “70 percent of [international aid is] in scholarships and many of them actually
research and innovation. bring students from the recipient country to the donor country to study and
“Latin America potentially to stay there. So actually, a lot of the international aid never leaves
“Although this has been changing in recent years,
has traditionally the country.
Latin America has traditionally been seen as a ‘source’
been seen as a for other regions in academic and scientific matters, “We’re not saying that we can’t, or we shouldn’t do that, it’s that we should
‘source’.” with low levels of local involvement and reciprocity,” not only do that. We have to go to another level; we have to talk about true
says Dr Rolando Roncancio Rachid, President of partnerships between the North and the South.”
Universidad de La Sabana in Colombia.
Domestic pipelines
Leaders in Latin America, he continues, have been
The underlying systems that feed into higher education present considerable
debating the recruitment of Latin America students
domestic challenges for stakeholders, says Claudia Costin, Founder and
elsewhere, and its implications, for several years now.
Director of the Center for Excellence and Innovation in Education Policies in
He adds, universities have also been considering how Brazil. “In Latin America, the problem is not necessarily related to gender, but
best to attract global talent, and improve visibility. Dr rather to income levels combined with ethnicity,” she tells HER.
Roncancio makes a strong case for remapping and
“Ethnic quotas have been introduced in some countries. In my own country,
recontextualising higher education within the region.
Brazil, it was introduced together with public schools… and they have helped
A 2019 study from the UNESCO International Institute levelling the playing field a little bit, but not as much as expected.”
for Higher Education in Latin America (UNESCO
Costin observes that Latin American countries have been ranked towards the
IESALC), found of the 312,000 Latin American and
bottom of the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment, which
Caribbean students who studied abroad in 2017, less
evaluates education systems around the world, for several years.
than a quarter did so within the region.
“This brings difficulties for many countries to ensure the appropriate level of
Over half chose to study in North America or
preparedness for university, for higher education,” she adds.
Europe. Getting those graduates to return can prove
challenging. Across all the Americas, rates of higher education attainment have been
At the same time, international student interest
towards the region is relatively low, and has prompted Dr Galán-Muros observes in the US, the proportion of people who have obtained
the creation of a number of promotional bodies to some level of tertiary education is high, while in Latin America, rates can be less

116 117
Latin America Rankings 2022 Lain America Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

251-300 301-350 h Cetys Universidad MX -
251-300 201-250 i Instituto Tecnológico de Sonora (Itson) MX -
251-300 251-300 n National University Of The Patagonia San Juan Bosco AR -
251-300 301-350 h Universidad Arturo Prat CL -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Autónoma de Asunción PY -
251-300 201-250 i Universidad Autónoma de Bucaramanga CO -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Autónoma de Campeche MX -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua MX -
than half that of their northern counterparts. 251-300 201-250 i Universidad Autónoma de Ciudad de Juárez MX -

Like Costin, Dr Galán-Muros notes that the ability of students to participate 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Autónoma del Caribe (Uac) CO -
251-300 301-350 h Universidad Bernardo O'higgins CL -
in higher education can vary widely. Socioeconomically, those in the highest 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Católica Boliviana "San Pablo" BO -
quintile are nine times more likely to attend university than those in the lowest. 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Católica de Santiago de Guayaquil EC -
Urban-based students are four times as likely than rural. 251-300 201-250 i Universidad Católica Nuestra Señora de la Asunción PY -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Ces CO -
Unified thinking 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Cientifica del Sur PE -
While there are barriers, there has been significant progress made in overcoming 251-300 251-300 Universidad de Ciencias Empresariales Y Sociales (Uces) AR -
251-300 301-350 h Universidad de Ciencias Y Artes de Chiapas MX -
them. 251-300 251-300 n Universidad de Cienfuegos Carlos Rafael Rodríguez CU -

Dr Galán-Muros notes higher education participation rates have doubled in the 251-300 301-350 h Universidad de la Costa CO -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad de Los Lagos CL -
past two decades. 251-300 251-300 n Universidad de San Martín de Porres -Usmp PE -

There is also progress being made towards a system of qualification recognition 251-300 251-300 n Universidad del Atlántico CO -
251-300 201-250 i Universidad del Norte (Uninorte) PY -
in the region, similar to the Bologna Process in Europe.
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas CO -

In achieving this, Dr Galán-Muros says Latin American countries “cannot just 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Ean CO -

think nationally anymore” and highlights the need for South-South collaboration. 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango MX -
251-300 301-350 h Universidad Libre CO -
In 2017, the Buenos Aires Declaration was released after the regional meeting or 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Mayor CL -
education ministers, committing to the fourth Sustainable Development Goal. 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (Unah) HN -
251-300 301-350 h Universidad Nacional de Chimborazo EC -
Among its forward-thinking commitments, the declaration recognised “the n
251-300 251-300 Universidad Nacional de Itapúa (Uni) PY -
importance of exchange and dissemination of successful education policies and 251-300 201-250 i Universidad Nacional de Río Cuarto - Unrc AR -
practices in the region and beyond, the creation of strategic partnerships and 251-300 251-300 n Universidad Nacional de Salta AR -
the generation of synergies to address… remaining challenges and emerging 251-300 201-250 i Universidad Nacional de San Antonio Abad del Cusco PE -

themes related to the SDGs”. 251-300 301-350 h Universidad Nacional de San Juan AR -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña DO -
Two years later, in 2019, 23 countries from within the region met for the final 251-300 301-350 h Universidad Politecnica Salesiana EC -
revisions of the Convention for the Recognition of Studies, Degrees and 251-300 201-250 i Universidad San Sebastián - Chile CL -

Diplomas in Higher Education in Latin America and the Caribbean. 251-300 201-250 i Universidad Santo Tomás CO -
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Tecnológica de México (Unitec) MX -
Dr Galán-Muros says these efforts, which would push further intraregional 251-300 301-350 h Universidad Ute EC -

mobility through better recognition of previous studies, are a step in the right 251-300 191-200 i Universidade de Caxias do Sul BR -

direction and will continue to push for better education outcomes. 251-300 301-350 h Universidade de Santa Cruz do Sul BR -
251-300 251-300 n Universidade do Vale Itajaí (Univali) BR -
The full article was first published in the Higher Ed Report featuring the 2022 251-300 251-300 n Universidade Estadual de Goiás BR -

Latin America Ranking, in August 2021. 251-300 251-300 n Universidade Estadual de Montes Claros BR -
251-300 251-300 n Universidade Luterana do Brasil BR -
251-300 251-300 n Universidade Nove de Julho (Uninove) BR -
251-300 301-350 h Universidade Paulista - Unip BR -
251-300 251-300 n Universidade Potiguar (Unp) BR -

118 119
Latin America Rankings 2022 Lain America Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
301-350 251-300 i Escuela Colombiana de Ingeniería Julio Garavito CO - 351-400 new Catholic University Of Manizales CO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Abierta Interamericana - Uai AR - 351-400 351-400 n Escuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales - Ecci CO -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Autónoma  Benito Juàrez de Oaxaca (Uabjo) MX - 351-400 351-400 n Escuela Superior de Administracion Publica (Esap) CO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero MX - 351-400 401+ h Fundación Universitaria del Area Andina CO -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Autónoma de Manizales CO - 351-400 351-400 n Instituto Tecnológico Metropolitano - Itm CO -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Autónoma de Nayarit MX - 351-400 351-400 n Universiad Cristóbal Colón MX -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Autónoma de Occidente CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Apec (Unapec) DO -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo DO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Autónoma de Chiriquí (Unachi) PA -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa MX - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Católica Cardenal Raúl Silva Henríquez - Ucsh CL -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas MX - 351-400 401+ h Universidad Católica de Cuenca EC -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Autónoma del Carmen MX - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Católica de Santo Domingo DO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Autónoma Nacional de Nicaragua- Managua - Unan NI - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Católica del Salvador SV -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Católica San Pablo, Arequipa PE - 351-400 new Universidad Católica Tecnológica del Cibao - Ucateci DO -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Centroamericana "José Simeón Cañas" - Uca SV - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Central del Este DO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Centroamericana (Uca) NI - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Cristiana de Bolivia (Ucebol) BO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia CO - 351-400 301-350 i Universidad de El Salvador SV -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad de Atacama CL - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad de Guayaquil EC -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad de Holguín CU - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad de Ibagué CO -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad de Manizales CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad de la Amazonía CO -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad de Nariño CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad de Las Américas Chile (Udla) CL -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad de Pamplona CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad de Los Llanos CO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad de Playa Ancha CL - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad de Occidente MX -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad del Azuay EC - 351-400 301-350 i Universidad del Caribe MX -
301-350 new Universidad del Cema AR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad del Caribe (Unicaribe) DO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Finis Terrae CL - 351-400 301-350 i Universidad del Istmo (Udi) PA -
301-350 new Universidad Francisco Marroquín (Ufm) GT - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad del Noreste MX -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Interamericana de Panamá PA - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad del Quindío CO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Tabasco MX - 351-400 251-300 i Universidad del Viña del Mar CL -
301-350 new Universidad Latina de Panamá PA - 351-400 new Universidad Internacional Sek EC -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Militar Nueva Granada CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Mayor de San Francisco Xavier BO -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Nacional de la Matanza AR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Nacional de General Sarmiento AR -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Nacional de la Pampa AR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Nacional de Lanús AR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa PE - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora AR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Nacional de Tres de Febrero AR - 351-400 301-350 i Universidad Nacional de Lujan AR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Nacional de Trujillo PE - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Nacional de Misiones AR -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Nacional del Nordeste AR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Nacional del Altiplano PE -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Nacional del Noroeste de la Provincia de Buenos Aires AR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Pedagógica Nacional Francisco Morazán (Upnfm) HN -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Nacional Federico Villarreal - Unfv PE - 351-400 301-350 i Universidad Politénica de Puerto Rico PR -
301-350 new Universidad Para la Cooperación Internacional (Uci) CR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Privada del Valle (Univalle) - Bolivia BO -
301-350 351-400 h Universidad Privada del Norte PE - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Regiomontana MX -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Ricardo Palma PE - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Tec Milenio MX -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Santiago de Cali CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Técnica de Oruro BO -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Santo Tomás - Chile CL - 351-400 301-350 i Universidad Tecnológica de El Salvador (Utec) SV -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Simón Bolívar Colombia CO - 351-400 351-400 n Universidad Tecnológica del Centro (Unitec) VE -
301-350 251-300 i Universidad Tecnológica Centroamericana (Unitec) - Honduras HN - 351-400 301-350 i Universidade Anhembi Morumbi (Uam) BR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana CL - 351-400 new Universidade de Taubaté BR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidade de Passo Fundo BR - 351-400 new Universidade do Estado do Pará BR -
301-350 251-300 i Universidade do Vale do Paraíba (Univap) BR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidade Positivo BR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidade Estadual do Maranhão BR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidade Regional do Noroeste do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul BR -
301-350 251-300 i Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Sul BR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidade Veiga de Almeida BR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidade Regional de Blumenau BR - 351-400 351-400 n Universidade Vila Velha BR -
301-350 301-350 n Universidade Salvador BR -
120 121
Latin America Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

401+ 401+ n Centro Universitário Ritter Dos Reis (Uniritter) BR -
401+ 351-400 i Colegio Mayor de Antioquia CO -
401+ new Universidad Autónoma Tomás Frías BO -
401+ new Universidad Belloso Chacín VE -
401+ 401+ n Universidad Cuauhtémoc MX -
401+ 401+ n Universidad del Distrito Federal MX -
401+ 351-400 i Universidad Estatal de Sonora MX -
401+ 401+ n Universidad Federico Henríquez Y Carvajal DO -
401+ 401+ n Universidad Francisco Gavidia SV -
401+ new Universidad Juan Misael Saracho BO -
401+ 401+ n Universidad Mexiquense del Bicentenario MX -
401+ 401+ n Universidad Technologica Privada de Santa Cruz BO -
401+ 401+ n Universidad Tecnológica de Honduras (Uth) HN -
401+ new Universidad Autónoma del Beni - José Ballivián BO -

Established in 1989, the Applied Science Private University (ASU) is one of

the pioneering private universities in the Jordan and the middle east.

Founded on the principles of diversity, inclusiveness, and excellence in

education, research, and community service. Being one of the first and
largest private universities in Jordan and with more than 30 years of
experience in the field of higher education; ASU is a vibrant community of
learning and scholarship, and a home for more than 6,000 local and
international students originating from more than 56 different countries.

Arab Region Rankings 2022

Arab Region Overview

By Dr Andrew MacFarlane

Welcome to the QS World University Rankings: Arab Region 2022, our annual
insight into the top performing institutions in the Arab region.
As borders open, travel becomes less burdensome, and people begin to mix
and mingle, it is an exciting time for prospective students around the world.
QS’ mission remains unchanged – to empower motivated people to fulfil their
potential, fostering international mobility, educational achievement, and career
The 2022 Arab Region Rankings features 181 institutions, up from 160 last
year, making it our biggest to date. Universities from the Gulf states feature
prominently in the QS Arab Region University Rankings, while Saudi Arabia
remains the region’s dominant higher education ecosystem, with King Abdulaziz
University (KAU) taking first place.
KAU benefits from an annual endowment fund of $1 billion, demonstrating that
there is keen interest to invest and build world class institutions in the country.
It has been argued that the availability of resources is a crucial characteristic
linked to “world class” university status.
The success of Saudi Arabian institutions is no surprise considering the great
efforts that have been undertaken to further intensify research activities.
The number of scientific publications from Saudi higher education institutions
rose by 120 percent in 2020, reaching a total number of 33,588, almost doubling
the previous year’s output.
According to Nature Index 2020, Saudi Arabia ranked first in the Arab world and
second in the Middle East and North African region for the quality of scientific
publications in the natural sciences, highlighting the country’s core research
strengths in the region, while the country’s share of international co-authored
publications, at 73.5 percent (SciVal), is one of the highest in the region, which
translates into high scores for many Saudi institutions under the International
Research Network.
International research collaboration is an area in which this region tends to
perform noticeably well, certainly, compared with regions such as Latin America
or Central & East Europe. According to Elsevier’s SciVal tool, Saudi Arabia, Qatar,
the UAE, and Lebanon have rates of international research collaboration over
Arab Region
Arab Region Rankings 2022 Arab Region Rankings 2022

Empowering young Arab women leaders

By Dr Haifa Al Kaylani

60 percent, putting them above the UK and US in this sphere, and comparing Gender equality and economic inclusion are key
favourably with Hong Kong and Singapore. areas for action that have always been immensely
important to me, both personally and as President
This approach to international collaboration clearly has benefits in terms of the
& Founder of the Arab International Women’s Forum
impact of the research being done, and the potential audience it can reach,
(AIWF). AIWF was launched in London in 2001 as a
translating back not only to good IRN scores in our ranking, but almost certainly
non-profit, non-governmental, and non-political
to global reputation.
development organisation for women and young
The United Arab Emirates ranks second in the Arab world region for the quality leaders in the UK, MENA and internationally.
of scientific publications in the natural sciences according to Nature Index 2020,
AIWF has become a platform for action where
and reflected in the high number of UAE institutions in the top 10 institutions of
We clearly women’s voices are heard, challenges directly
this year’s ranking, featuring the United Arab Emirates University in fifth position,
see education addressed, and opportunities for women and young
the American University of Sharjah in eighth position and Khalifa University of
as pivotal to people fully leveraged. AIWF has worked diligently
Science and Technology coming ninth.
the region’s at the heart of the Arab world and internationally
The latter institution also has the best ratio of staff holding a doctorate degree, to honour these principles, to move the agenda for
a distinction shared with Kuwait University and South Valley University in Egypt, women’s empowerment forward, to address salient
reflecting a high overall level of expertise and experience within the institution. development issues that directly impact economic
inclusion for women and young people, to advocate
Khalifa University of Science and Technology also had the highest faculty
for legislative and public policy change, and to
member, demonstrating a high research productivity within the institution.
remove roadblocks to women’s participation in Arab
The UAE also demonstrates an outward and collaborative research focus with a political systems and in society overall.
high ratio of international co-authored publications (69.5 percent, SciVal), while
We clearly see education as pivotal to the region’s
Qatar has the highest proportion of publications co-authored with institutions
progress and integral to its economic success.
in other countries in the Arab world (77.5 percent, SciVal), which is one of the
Without a doubt, the advancements in access to
top strengths of Qatar University.
education for women that we have seen in the last two
decades in the region have delivered unprecedented
opportunities for economic inclusion for women
which has positively impacted families, communities,
sectors, and whole economies.
Youth engagement has underscored AIWF’s ethos
from the beginning. When we launched our Young
Arab Women Leaders STEM-focused initiative in
partnership with PwC in 2011, we did so in direct
response to the Arab Spring, having recognised
the need as a development organisation to address
the underrepresentation of young people in civic

126 127
Arab Region Rankings 2022 Arab Region Rankings 2022

participation, the ongoing crisis of job creation and youth unemployment, and Youth Council member from each of the 22 Arab
the persistent problems of ‘brain drain’ and economic migration that has in the States and up to 8 Advisory Council members from
past caused the region to lose its talented youth to economic migration. non-MENA countries where AIWF has an existing
presence or can make significant impact: the UK, US,
In its first phase, the Young Arab Women Leaders initiative held alternately
Germany, Italy, and France among them. There will
in London and across the Arab world, a platform to bring mentors in political,
also be a Youth Council member appointed from the
economic, and social leadership roles in the Arab world together with educated,
African and Asian regions.
creative, and innovative young women who aspire to community, business, and
political leadership. Each conference brought established and emerging women In our 20th anniversary year, the AIWF Young Arab
leaders together for an intensive day of deeply engaging and open discussions, Women Leaders initiative and the AIWF Global
through which women leaders have formed new business and research links Youth Council are important milestones in our
and enjoyed opportunities for highly targeted and valuable networking and mission to empower young Arab leaders and youth
experience exchange. by fostering youth empowerment and leadership,
capacity-building, civic engagement, and youth-led
Young Arab Women Leaders has, since 2011, welcomed nearly 3,000 young
innovation through education. This mission is, in my
Arab and international women advocating sustainable solutions to critical global
view, critical to regional stability and global security,
challenges through education, leadership, and innovation.
and AIWF looks forward to working closely with all our
We are relaunching Young Arab Women Leaders in 2021 as a virtual academy global partners to bring world-class opportunities Young Arab
for young Arab women’s leadership and development. We will be working with for professional and personal development to our Women Leaders
our corporate, institutional, and academic partners to offer a series of short region’s greatest natural resource – our youth. has welcomed
courses and seminars designed to equip young women leaders with the skills nearly 3,000
The full version of this article was first published in
to start, grow, and lead successful businesses. We aim to improve access for young Arab and
QS-GEN 4, in May 2021.
women to digital, technical, and professional education, and to strengthen links international
between young women in the MENA and the international community to create women.
new business alliances and facilitate the exchange of valuable experiences,
opportunities, and best practices.
AIWF has also launched our Global Youth Council, a network of young
leaders and supporters that aims to engage vital young voices, and scale
up engagement between young people, governments, organisations, and
international institutions. The role of our Global Youth Council members is to
support the AIWF Board in its mission to strengthen awareness among the next
generation of young leaders for the AIWF mission across the regions, bring in
vital youth perspectives in our programming and partnerships, and amplify our
international advocacy on youth empowerment, entrepreneurship, education,
and civic engagement. Via an impartial and open selection process, which is
now live and accepting applications, AIWF is looking to appoint one Global

128 129
Arab Region Rankings 2022 Arab Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1 1 n King Abdulaziz University (Kau) SA 100.0 51-60 51-60 n Al-Azhar University EG -
2 3 h Qatar University QA 97.8 51-60 44= i Arabian Gulf University BH -
3 4 h King Fahd University Of Petroleum & Minerals SA 97.7 51-60 51-60 n Birzeit University PS -
4 2 i American University Of Beirut (Aub) LB 97.2 51-60 71-80 h Future University In Egypt EG -
5 5 n United Arab Emirates University AE 95.8 51-60 51-60 n Gulf University For Science And Technology KW -
6 6 n King Saud University SA 91.8 51-60 41 i Helwan University EG -
7 8 h Sultan Qaboos University OM 86.0 51-60 new Northern Borders University SA -
8 7 i American University Of Sharjah AE 84.5 51-60 49 i The Hashemite University JO -
9 9 n Khalifa University Of Science And Technology AE 84.4 51-60 61-70 h Université De Tunis El Manar TN -
10 10 n University Of Jordan JO 81.3 51-60 51-60 n University Of Khartoum SD -
11 11 n The American University In Cairo EG 78.7 51-60 47 i University Of Kufa IQ -
12 12 n Cairo University EG 73.9 61-70 61-70 n Al Nahrain University IQ -
13 17 h Umm Al-Qura University SA 70.5 61-70 51-60 i Al Quds University The Arab University In Jerusalem PS -
14 15 h Ain Shams University EG 69.0 61-70 61-70 n British University In Dubai AE -
15 16 h University Of Sharjah AE 67.5 61-70 81-90 h Effat University SA -
16 13 i Jordan University Of Science & Technology JO 67.3 61-70 51-60 i Prince Sultan University SA -
17 14 i Lebanese American University LB 65.1 61-70 71-80 h Qassim University SA -
18 21 h Lebanese University LB 64.1 61-70 51-60 i Suez Canal University EG -
19 19 n Saint Joseph University Of Beirut (Usj) LB 64.0 61-70 51-60 i University Of Dubai AE -
20 20 n Zayed University AE 62.2 61-70 71-80 h Zagazig University EG -
21 18 i Alexandria University EG 62.1 71-80 71-80 n Al-Balqa Applied University JO -
22 29 h Applied Science University - Bahrain BH 56.9 71-80 61-70 i German University In Cairo EG -
23 39 h Princess Nourah Bint Abdulrahman University SA 56.4 71-80 61-70 i Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University – Imsiu SA -
24 44= h Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd University SA 54.9 71-80 61-70 i Mustansiriyah University IQ -
25 42 h Canadian University Dubai AE 54.6 71-80 91-100 h Mutah University JO -
26 23 i University Of Baghdad IQ 53.9 71-80 71-80 n Najran University SA -
27 22 i Kuwait University KW 52.4 71-80 81-90 h Taibah University SA -
28 24 i American University In Dubai AE 51.1 71-80 71-80 n Tanta University EG -
29 28 i Mansoura University EG 50.7 71-80 81-90 h Université De Carthage TN -
30 35 h Ajman University AE 50.0 71-80 71-80 n Université De Monastir TN -
31 30 i Holy Spirit University Of Kaslik LB 49.9 81-90 new Almaarefa University SA -
32 26 i University Of Balamand LB 49.7 81-90 91-100 h American University In The Emirates AE -
33 25 i University Of Bahrain BH 49.1 81-90 61-70 i Islamic University Of Madinah SA -
34 61-70 h American University Of The Middle East KW 47.8 81-90 131-160 h Jouf University SA -
35 32 i Assiut University EG 47.6 81-90 91-100 h Philadelphia University At Jordan JO -
36 51-60 h Islamic University Of Lebanon LB 46.5 81-90 91-100 h Université De Sousse TN -
37= 36 i Abu Dhabi University AE 46.4 81-90 101-110 h Université Mohammed V De Rabat MA -
37= 27 i Notre Dame University-Louaize Ndu LB 46.4 81-90 71-80 i University Of Babylon IQ -
39 46 h Ahlia University BH 45.9 81-90 81-90 n University Of Basrah IQ -
40 50 h Beirut Arab University LB 45.8 81-90 61-70 i University Of Jeddah SA -
41 34 i Yarmouk University JO 45.6 81-90 81-90 n University Of Nizwa OM -
42 33 i King Faisal University SA 45.3 81-90 61-70 i University Of Technology - Iraq IQ -
43 31 i King Khalid University SA 45.1 91-100 101-110 h Al Akhawayn University Ifrane MA -
44 71-80 h Al Ain University AE 43.8 91-100 91-100 n Al-Ahliyya Amman University JO -
45 38 i Princess Sumaya University For Technology JO 42.4 91-100 91-100 n Cadi Ayyad University MA -
46 37 i An-Najah National University PS 41.9 91-100 71-80 i Damascus University SY -

i Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University (Iau) (Formerly University Of 91-100 new Nile University EG -
47 43 SA 41.0
Dammam) n
91-100 91-100 Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University SA -
48 40 i Alfaisal University SA 40.9
91-100 81-90 i South Valley University EG -
49 51-60 h American University Of Ras Al Khaimah ( Aurak ) AE 39.8
91-100 81-90 i University Of Sadat City EG -
50 48 i German Jordanian University JO 39.5
91-100 91-100 n University Of Tabuk SA -

130 131
Arab Region Rankings 2022 Arab Region Rankings 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
101-110 new Al Falah University AE - 151-180 131-160 i Al Azhar University Of Gaza PS -
101-110 101-110 n Al Zaytoonah University JO - 151-180 new Al Kitab University , Kirkuk IQ -
101-110 101-110 n Applied Science Private University - Jordan JO - 151-180 131-160 i Arab Open University Kuwait KW -
101-110 101-110 n Arab Academy For Science, Technology And Maritime Transport EG - 151-180 131-160 i Aswan University EG -
101-110 91-100 i Benha University EG - 151-180 new Damietta University EG -
101-110 81-90 i British University In Egypt EG - 151-180 new Fallujah Univesity IQ -
101-110 new German University Of Technology In Oman (Gutech) OM - 151-180 new Ferhat Abbas Setif University h DZ -
101-110 91-100 i Majmaah University SA - 151-180 131-160 i Isra University - Jordan JO -
101-110 111-120 h National University Of Science And Technology OM - 151-180 new October University For Modern Sciences And Arts (Msa) EG -
101-110 81-90 i University Of Mosul IQ - 151-180 131-160 i Palestine Polytechnic University PS -
111-120 new Al Furat Al Awsat Technical University IQ - 151-180 new Palestine Technical University - Kadoorie PS -
111-120 101-110 i Fayoum University EG - 151-180 new Pharos University In Alexandria EG -
111-120 81-90 i Islamic University Of Gaza PS - 151-180 new Port Said University EG -
111-120 121-130 h Kafrelsheikh University EG - 151-180 131-160 i Salahaddin University - Erbil IQ -
111-120 111-120 n Middle East University Jordan JO - 151-180 new Shaqra University SA -
111-120 101-110 i Taif University SA - 151-180 131-160 i Sohar University OM -
111-120 101-110 i Université Hassan Ii De Casablanca MA - 151-180 new Soran University IQ -
111-120 131-160 h Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdellah MA - 151-180 new Suez University EG -
111-120 131-160 h University Of Hail SA - 151-180 131-160 i Tafila Technical University JO -
111-120 111-120 n University Of Petra JO - 151-180 131-160 i Tikrit University IQ -
121-130 111-120 i Al Hussein Bin Talal University JO - 151-180 new Universitaire De La Manouba TN -
121-130 121-130 n Arab American University-Jenin PS - 151-180 131-160 i Université De Bejaia DZ -
121-130 111-120 i Beni-Suef University EG - 151-180 131-160 i Université De Gabès TN -
121-130 121-130 n Dhofar University OM - 151-180 new Université Djillali Liabes DZ -
121-130 121-130 n Jazan University SA - 151-180 new Université D'oran DZ -
121-130 111-120 i Minia University EG - 151-180 131-160 i University Of Alqadisiyah IQ -
121-130 111-120 i Université Des Sciences Et De La Technologie Houari-Boumediene DZ - 151-180 new University Of Benghazi LY -
121-130 101-110 i University Of Anbar IQ - 151-180 131-160 i University Of Diyala IQ -
121-130 131-160 h University Of Business And Technology SA - 151-180 131-160 i University Of Duhok IQ -
121-130 new University Of Information Technology And Communications IQ - 151-180 new University Of Tripoli LY -
131-150 121-130 i Al Albayt University JO -
131-150 121-130 i Al Baha University SA -
131-150 111-120 i American University Of Science And Technology LB -
131-150 new Amman Arab University JO -
131-150 131-160 n Dar Al-Hekma University SA -
131-150 121-130 i Menoufia University EG -
131-150 new Ninevah University IQ -
131-150 131-160 n Rafik Hariri University LB -
131-150 131-160 n Sohag University EG -
131-150 111-120 i Sudan University Of Science And Technology SD -
131-150 121-130 i Université Abou Bekr Belkaid Tlemcen DZ -
131-150 101-110 i Université Antonine LB -
131-150 131-160 n Université Badji Mokhtar De Annaba DZ -
131-150 121-130 i Université De Tunis TN -
131-150 131-160 n Université Des Sciences Et De La Technologie D'oran Mohamed Boudiaf DZ -
131-150 121-130 i Université Ibn Tofail MA -
131-150 111-120 i University Of Kerbala IQ -
131-150 131-160 n University Of Science & Technology, Sana'a YE -
131-150 131-160 n University Of Sulaimani IQ -
131-150 131-160 n Zarqa University JO -

132 133
Arab Region Rankings 2022 Arab Region Rankings 2022

The future today

By Anton John Crace

The 2021 MAPLE Conference and Exhibition Equality and real sustainability are borne out of education for all. And by
gathered leaders and experts on the Arab region empowering our brightest and best and providing them with the opportunities
and Africa to discuss the theme The Future Today: they crave to help build their own societies we will ensure a steady course for
Sustainable growth towards 2030. The conference, 2030.
held in March, served a platform to discuss how
The fundamental question that must be addressed by us is how do we ensure
education could drive development over the coming
our developing nations may ignite and improve our capacity for research and for
decade, and identify the areas that needed addressing.
innovation, while also contributing to the meaningful solution of local challenges
Nearly 100 speakers, representing views from across that may inevitably become global?
sectors and regions, shared their expertise and
Dr Haifa Jamal al Lil, President, Effat University
started a dialogue for further collaboration. Below are
If we take the a handful of discussion points. The idea of inclusion and unschooling, and the idea of having employability skills
“education for really brings me back to the idea of the old discussion in academia and between
education” Dr Nagi Wakim, Associate Provost & Professor,
academia and industry: do we need “education for education”, or do we need
viewpoint. Zayed University
“education for the market”?
In many parts of the world, higher education and
If we take the “education for education” viewpoint and how it is important, the
other sectors are the agents of change, which
learning for any person is how to make sustainability.
push their governments towards transformation.
However, in the United Arab Emirates, we almost That part of the “education for education” philosophy is important for us to see
have the opposite situation where the government included as a curriculum, as a style of learning, as a mode of learning.
is constantly challenging the higher education sector
Tom Woolf, Founder and CEO, EDAid Topic
to innovate and evolve.
What we’re seeing, and if we take away the kind of more macro picture of the
We see this initiative as an important part of our
struggles of higher education and the COVID impact, is that tuition fees have
mission as a public institution in a country that
been rising year on year, year after year. [Students do] not go through the kind
thrives to have a first-rate education system with the
of the academic challenges of getting in, but the ability to be able to afford to
regional impact and a global impact as well.
pay upfront.
HRH Princess Sumaya bint El Hassan, President of
What we’re trying to do, and many others are doing are looking at ways to build
the Royal Scientific Society
revolving kind of endowments, you know, pots of capital where students are
COVID-19 has dealt a cruel blow to many and has able to start their studies at the same level, the same footing as other students
highlighted imbalances and inequities between and who come from wealthier backgrounds and then pay for their tuition over time.
within societies.
The full version of this abridged article is available in the Higher Ed Report
It has shone a light on systemic inadequacies and featuring the 2022 Arab Region Rankings, published in October 2021.
social inequalities. It has challenged us in so many

134 135
Join The Innovative

Stem cells will one day be effective in treating
many medical conditions and diseases since
they offer the potential to restore, repair,
replace, and regenerate cells. A team from
Khalifa University is investigating the
pathway by which stem cells self-renew or
differentiate. They found that small
modifications to the gene expression controls
can influence how stem cells function in the
body, paving the way for stem cells to be used
as cell therapies to treat a wide range of

Subject Rankings
Overview 139

Arts & Humanities 140

Matter of the heart 153
Engineering & Technology 168
Tracking university progress on environmental sustainability 181

Life Sciences & Medicine 194

From the classroom to the field 205

Natural Sciences 220

The science of wunderlust 231

Social Sciences & Management 244

Cultivating empathy in leadership 256
Subject Rankings 2022 Subject Rankings 2022

Subject Rankings Overview

by Ludovic Highman

Social Sciences & Management Nanyang Technological University, ETH Zurich in Switzerland, Imperial College
London in the UK, and Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands.
While there is much stability amongst leading institutions in this field, headed
by Harvard University, it is the London School of Economics that scores the Indeed, it is also these institutions that score the highest under our Academic
highest under the Academic Reputation survey, a recognition by peers of Reputation survey, with ETH Zurich, MIT, Imperial, Caltech and EPFL scoring
the exceptional contributions this historic institution in the field has provided the highest under this indicator, demonstrating a clear academic consensus
to advances in the social sciences, which is fitting regarding its mission and around where excellence is in this broad subject area.
founding purpose “for the betterment of society”.
Life Sciences & Medicine
The Emerging Global Model (EGM) of the research university (Mohrman, Ma &
In terms of research impact, calculated through citations per paper, MIT takes
Baker, 2008) is not necessarily one that offers the full spectrum of disciplines,
first spot, under a metric dominated by Western universities. This indicator
but one that knows where its strengths lie, and capitalises on them. This is also
is important for this subject area, where it accounts for 20 percent of each
true for institutions focusing primarily on other broad subject areas including
university’s total score, the highest weighting for all subject areas.
Engineering & Technology; Life Sciences & Medicine; etc.
Although countries like China are now producing more research than leading
While some higher education institutions that benefit from the addition of
Western knowledge powers, challenging and even surpassing the USA, the
IRN to this year’s broad subject area methodology, others do not. Universities
impact of research outputs, as measured by the citations per paper metric in
in countries where internationalisation of research is low on national and
Life Sciences & Medicine has not yet matched that of the more established
institutional agendas tend to fare comparatively less well, with a noticeable dip
knowledge-based economies.
in the performance of Chinese universities, also identified, to a lesser extent,
in the US, with American institutions either maintaining their position or losing Natural Sciences
ground to their European competitors.
There is little change in the top 10, bar the arrival of the University of Tokyo in
Arts & Humanities 10th position. Remarkably for a single country, however, three French universities
enter the top 20 for the first time, Sorbonne University (14), Université PSL (17),
Stability in the top ranks for Arts & Humanities is the main feature for the 2022
and Université Paris-Saclay (20) further cementing the country’s reputation in
edition, with no new institution in the top 20, bar the University of Hong Kong,
Natural Sciences.
up from 27 to 20, and the University of British Columbia slipping from 20 to 30.
France has been reorganising its higher education system, consolidating and
Although Harvard University produces the most highly sought-after graduates
merging institutions to create synergies and promote multidisciplinarity in order
in the Arts & Humanities, followed by the National University of Singapore,
to boost a sector that has traditionally underperformed under the metrics used
Oxford and Cambridge, other national flagship institutions are singled out by
by various international university ranking systems.
his can also be explained by the fact that French universities perform
Engineering & Technology
exceptionally well with regard to international research collaboration, with the
Half of the top 10 universities in this subject area are technological universities Université de Paris, Sorbonne Université, and Aix-Marseille University taking
or historically science and technology focused institutions, founded no earlier the top three spots under the IRN indicator.
than the 19th century, including MIT in pole position, as well as Singapore’s

140 141
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n University of Oxford GB 98.0
2 3 h University of Cambridge GB 97.9
3 2 i Harvard University US 97.4
4 4= n University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US 91.6
5 6 h Stanford University US 91.4
6 4= i Yale University US 90.2
7 10 h Columbia University US 89.4
8 7 i New York University (NYU) US 89.3
9= 11 h The University of Edinburgh GB 88.7
9= 9 n University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 88.7
11 12 h UCL GB 88.3
12 15 h National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 87.6
13= 13= n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 87.1
13= 13= n University of Chicago US 87.1
15 8 i Princeton University US 86.5
16= 18 h The University of Melbourne AU 86.2
16= 17 h University of Toronto CA 86.2
18 16 i The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) GB 85.1
19 19 n Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE 84.9
20 27= h The University of Hong Kong HK 84.8
21 26 h University of Amsterdam NL 84.6
22 23 h The University of Sydney AU 84.5
23= 34 h Sorbonne University FR 84.1
23= 22 i The University of Tokyo JP 84.1
25 21 i The Australian National University AU 83.8
26 31= h Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne FR 83.7
27 30 h King's College London GB 83.6
28 24= i Freie Universitaet Berlin DE 83.4
29 29 n University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 83.0
30 20 i University of British Columbia CA 82.6
31= 35 h Leiden University NL 81.9
31= 31= n University of Pennsylvania US 81.9
33 24= i Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 81.6
34 43 h The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 81.5
35 41 h Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 81.3
36 27= i Cornell University US 81.2
37= 33 i McGill University CA 80.9
37= 38 h Seoul National University KR 80.9
39 65 h Sapienza University of Rome IT 80.5
40 49= h Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE 80.4
41 45= h Durham University GB 80.2
42 49= h Monash University AU 80.1
43= 36= i Peking University CN 80.0
43= 47= h University of Vienna AT 80.0
45 45= n The University of Manchester GB 79.8
46= 66 h KU Leuven BE 79.5
46= 53= h The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 79.5
46= 59= h Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 79.5
49 42 i University of St Andrews GB 79.4

Arts & Humanities 50 36= i University of Texas at Austin US 78.8

Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51= 40 i Duke University US 78.7 103 124= h Politecnico di Milano IT 73.9
51= 53= h Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 78.7 104= 88 i University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US 73.8
53 53= n Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 78.4 104= 118= h University of Washington US 73.8
54= 49= i The University of Warwick GB 78.3 106= 107= h Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg DE 73.7
54= 39 i Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) AR 78.3 106= 93= i The University of Sheffield GB 73.7
54= 58 h University of Leeds GB 78.3 108= 134 h ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 73.6
57 47= i Tsinghua University CN 78.1 108= 132= h Stockholm University SE 73.6
58= 67= h Complutense University of Madrid ES 78.0 108= 152= h Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES 73.6
58= 67= h Kyoto University JP 78.0 111= 96= i Boston University US 73.4
58= 59= h University of Helsinki FI 78.0 111= 93= i University of Zurich CH 73.4
61 62= h Waseda University JP 77.8 113 128= h Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE 73.2
62 130 h Université PSL FR 77.4 114 113= i Macquarie University AU 73.1
63= 62= i Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE 77.2 115 118= h Saint Petersburg State University RU 73.0
63= 72= h University of Copenhagen DK 77.2 116= 105= i Pennsylvania State University US 72.9
65 49= i Brown University US 77.1 116= 137= h University of Nottingham GB 72.9
66 72= h University of Glasgow GB 76.7 118= 107= i Ca' Foscari University of Venice IT 72.8
67 44 i SOAS University of London GB 76.6 118= 91= i Universidad de Chile CL 72.8
68= 79= h The University of Auckland NZ 76.5 120= 100= i The Ohio State University US 72.7
68= 57 i Universidade de São Paulo BR 76.5 120= 123 h Université de Montréal CA 72.7
70= 53= i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 76.4 122 118= i University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 72.6
70= 70 n University of Southern California US 76.4 123 104 i University of Notre Dame US 72.4
72= 71 i University of Birmingham GB 76.3 124= 118= i Central European University HU 72.3
72= 78 h University of York GB 76.3 124= 69 i The New School US 72.3
74 93= h Delft University of Technology NL 76.0 126= 137= h University of Technology Sydney AU 72.2
75 84= h National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 75.9 126= 178= h University of Warsaw PL 72.2
76= 84= h City University of New York US 75.6 128= 128= n Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE 72.1
76= 86= h Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE 75.6 128= 149= h University of Groningen NL 72.1
76= 62= i Fudan University CN 75.6 130 124= i The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 72.0
76= 72= i Victoria University of Wellington NZ 75.6 131= 124= i City University of Hong Kong HK 71.9
80= 59= i Georgetown University US 75.3 131= 109 i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 71.9
80= 86= h Universitat de Barcelona ES 75.3 133 149= h Ghent University BE 71.8
82= 79= i Lancaster University GB 75.1 134 143 h University of Reading GB 71.6
82= 82 n Queen Mary University of London GB 75.1 135= 118= i Beijing Normal University CN 71.5
84= 105= h Universiti Malaya (UM) MY 75.0 135= 140= h Lund University SE 71.5
84= 100= h Utrecht University NL 75.0 135= 159= h Newcastle University GB 71.5
86= 89= h Indiana University Bloomington US 74.9 138= 157= h The University of Arizona US 71.4
86= 77 i Korea University KR 74.9 138= 102= i University of Virginia US 71.4
86= 96= h The University of Queensland AU 74.9 138= 144 h Uppsala University SE 71.4
86= 81 i University of Wisconsin-Madison US 74.9 141= 178= h Charles University CZ 71.3
90= 112 h University of Oslo NO 74.8 141= 131 i Michigan State University US 71.3
90= 72= i Yonsei University KR 74.8 143= 98= i Goldsmiths, University of London GB 71.2
92= 113= h HSE University RU 74.7 143= 168= h The University of Western Australia AU 71.2
92= 113= h University College Dublin IE 74.7 145= 156 h Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ 71.0
94= 72= i Northwestern University US 74.4 145= 142 i Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 71.0
94= 110 h The University of Exeter GB 74.4 147= 135= i Keio University JP 70.9
96= 102= h Carnegie Mellon University US 74.3 147= 145= i University of Liverpool GB 70.9
96= 116= h University of Geneva CH 74.3 149 145= i University of Massachusetts Amherst US 70.7
98 89= i Johns Hopkins University US 74.2 150 159= h Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES 70.6
99= 111 h Aarhus University DK 74.0
99= 116= h RMIT University AU 74.0
99= 83 i Rutgers University–New Brunswick US 74.0
99= 91= i University of Bristol GB 74.0
144 145
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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
151= 168= h University of California, Irvine US 70.5 201 190= i University of California, Davis US 67.9
151= 149= i University of Göttingen DE 70.5 202= 185= i Boston College US 67.8
151= 132= i University of Pittsburgh US 70.5 202= 234= h Universität Leipzig DE 67.8
154= 139 i Universidad de los Andes CO 70.4 204 207= h University of Salamanca ES 67.7
154= 135= i Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 70.4 205= 213= h Ewha Womans University KR 67.6
154= 157= h Universität Hamburg DE 70.4 205= 195= i Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PE 67.6
157= 163= h Università di Padova IT 70.2 205= 192= i Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CO 67.6
157= 172 h University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa US 70.2 208= 239 h University of Southampton GB 67.5
159= 174= h University of Milan IT 70.1 208= 215= h Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster DE 67.5
159= 185= h York University CA 70.1 210= 252= h Université de Paris FR 67.4
161= 154= i University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) US 70.0 210= 182= i University of Calgary CA 67.4
161= 145= i University of Maryland, College Park US 70.0 210= 231= h University of Pisa IT 67.4
161= 166= h University of the Arts London GB 70.0 213= 350= h Gadjah Mada University ID 67.2
164= 173 h Radboud University NL 69.9 213= 192= i The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL 67.2
164= 163= i Royal Holloway University of London GB 69.9 215 252= h University of Wollongong AU 67.1
166 174= h University of Cologne DE 69.8 216= 228= h Birkbeck, University of London GB 67.0
167= 190= h Arizona State University US 69.5 216= 209= i George Washington University US 67.0
167= 242 h Chulalongkorn University TH 69.5 216= 224= h Tecnológico de Monterrey MX 67.0
167= 182= h Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore IT 69.5 216= 209= i University of Navarra ES 67.0
170= 166= i Cardiff University GB 69.4 216= 195= i Washington University in St. Louis US 67.0
170= 154= i Nanjing University CN 69.4 221= 284= h The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 66.9
170= 124= i Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3 FR 69.4 221= 231= h University of Florence IT 66.9
173= 245= h RUDN University RU 69.3 223= 233 h Imperial College London GB 66.8
173= 195= h The University of Adelaide AU 69.3 223= 276= h Kyung Hee University KR 66.8
175= 162 i Sciences Po FR 69.2 223= 249= h University of Antwerp BE 66.8
175= 165 i Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 69.2 223= 182= i University of Sussex GB 66.8
175= 178= h Tongji University CN 69.2 227= 228= h Western Sydney University AU 66.7
175= 145= i Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 69.2 227= 287= h Queen's University Belfast GB 66.7
175= 140= i Zhejiang University CN 69.2 227= 252= h University of Delhi IN 66.7
180 168= i University of Alberta CA 69.1 227= 178= i Wuhan University CN 66.7
181 189 h Osaka University JP 69.0 231= 243= h Griffith University AU 66.6
182= 204= h National Taiwan Normal University TW 68.9 231= 207= i University of Minnesota Twin Cities US 66.6
182= 212 h University of Bergen NO 68.9 231= 314= h University of Turin IT 66.6
184 168= i Hanyang University KR 68.8 234= 209= i Oxford Brookes University GB 66.4
185 185= n University of Otago NZ 68.7 234= 234= n Queen's University at Kingston CA 66.4
186= 98= i Renmin (People's) University of China CN 68.6 236= 200= i Emory University US 66.3
186= 204= h Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ES 68.6 236= 224= i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 66.3
188 159= i Jawaharlal Nehru University IN 68.5 236= 278= h National Chengchi University TW 66.3
189= 227 h Jagiellonian University PL 68.3 236= 224= i University of Basel CH 66.3
189= 185= i Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU 68.3 236= 258= h University of Leicester GB 66.3
189= 174= i University of Cape Town ZA 68.3 236= 220= i University of Lisbon PT 66.3
192= 215= h Universite libre de Bruxelles BE 68.2 242= 266= h National Tsing Hua University TW 66.2
192= 245= h Ural Federal University - UrFU RU 68.2 242= 203 i Rice University US 66.2
194= 195= h American University of Beirut (AUB) LB 68.1 242= 220= i Simon Fraser University CA 66.2
194= 218= h Deakin University AU 68.1 242= 213= i University of Ottawa CA 66.2
194= 152= i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 68.1 246= 252= h Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz AT 66.1
194= 220= h University of Bern CH 68.1 246= 261= h Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa IT 66.1
194= 194 n University of Lausanne CH 68.1 248= 218= i Sun Yat-sen University CN 65.9
194= 177 i Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL 68.1 248= 327= h Università degli studi Roma Tre IT 65.9
200 287= h Universitas Indonesia ID 68.0 248= 258= h Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 65.9

146 147
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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
248= 234= i University of Connecticut US 65.9 301= 299= i Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE 64.3
248= 274= h University of Granada ES 65.9 301= 319 h Université Paris-Nanterre FR 64.3
253= 311= h MGIMO University RU 65.8 303= 243= i University of Iowa US 64.2
253= 302= h The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) AU 65.8 303= 271= i University of Witwatersrand ZA 64.2
253= 234= i Tohoku University JP 65.8 305= 252= i University of Oregon US 64.0
253= 291= h Université du Québec CA 65.8 305= 314= h University of Turku FI 64.0
257= 271= h Hong Kong Baptist University HK 65.7 307= 261= i Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL 63.9
257= 451-500 h L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) KZ 65.7 307= 302= i University of Colorado Boulder US 63.9
257= 314= h Universidad de Sevilla ES 65.7 307= 261= i University of Waterloo CA 63.9
260= 200= i The American University in Cairo EG 65.6 310= 293= i Tel Aviv University IL 63.8
260= 304= h Université de Strasbourg FR 65.6 310= 365= h Université Grenoble Alpes FR 63.8
260= 304= h University of the Philippines PH 65.6 310= 287= i University of Tartu EE 63.8
263= 341= h Aix-Marseille University FR 65.5 313= 269= i California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 63.7
263= 215= i Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR 65.5 313= 266= i Dartmouth College US 63.7
263= 281= h La Trobe University AU 65.5 313= 271= i Georgia Institute of Technology US 63.7
263= 240= i University of Gothenburg SE 65.5 316= 304= i Eindhoven University of Technology NL 63.6
267= 299= h Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE 65.4 316= 228= i Syracuse University US 63.6
267= 249= i Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) US 65.4 316= 369= h Universitat de Valencia ES 63.6
267= 304= h University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha NZ 65.4 319= 314= i East China Normal University CN 63.5
267= 333= h University of East Anglia (UEA) GB 65.4 319= 296= i Vanderbilt University US 63.5
271= 299= h Cairo University EG 65.3 321= 281= i McMaster University CA 63.4
271= 295 h King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA 65.3 321= 400= h Université Lumière Lyon 2 FR 63.4
271= 327= h National University of Ireland Galway IE 65.3 323= 361= h Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań PL 63.3
274= 278= h Erasmus University Rotterdam NL 65.2 323= 451-500 h De La Salle University PH 63.3
274= 234= i Loughborough University GB 65.2 323= 265 i Florida State University US 63.3
274= 220= i Texas A&M University US 65.2 326 451-500 h Swansea University GB 63.2
274= 281= h Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT 65.2 327= 451-500 h Ateneo de Manila University PH 63.1
274= 304= h Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 65.2 327= 304= i UNESP BR 63.1
274= 278= h University of Aberdeen GB 65.2 329 327= i University of Victoria (UVic) CA 62.9
280= 291= h National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR 65.1 330= 269= i Fordham University US 62.8
280= 240= i Purdue University US 65.1 330= 343= h Kazan (Volga region) Federal University RU 62.8
280= 195= i University of Kent GB 65.1 330= 365= h University of South Australia AU 62.8
283= 337 h Boğaziçi University TR 65.0 333= 258= i Essex, University of GB 62.7
283= 200= i Concordia University CA 65.0 333= 401-450 h Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN 62.7
283= 249= i HUFS - Hankuk (Korea) University of Foreign Studies KR 65.0 333= 451-500 h Politecnico di Torino IT 62.7
283= 204= i University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US 65.0 333= 311= i University of Coimbra PT 62.7
283= 252= i University of Rochester US 65.0 333= 338= h University of Southern Denmark (SDU) DK 62.7
288= 261= i University College Cork IE 64.9 338= 391= h Dublin City University IE 62.6
288= 245= i Western University CA 64.9 338= 320= i Stellenbosch University ZA 62.6
290= 296= h National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 64.8 338= 296= i Universidad de Antioquia CO 62.6
290= 276= i Tomsk State University RU 64.8 338= 353= h Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) ES 62.6
290= 245= i Universität Konstanz DE 64.8 342= 401-450 h Istanbul University TR 62.5
290= 274= i University of Florida US 64.8 342= 365= h Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz DE 62.5
294= 310 h University of Naples - Federico II IT 64.7 342= 350= h Kingston University, London GB 62.5
294= 284= i University of Porto PT 64.7 342= 356= h Nagoya University JP 62.5
296 287= i University of California, Santa Cruz US 64.6 342= 293= i Sogang University KR 62.5
297= new Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University KZ 64.5 342= 314= i University of Ljubljana SI 62.5
297= 320= h Curtin University AU 64.5 348 391= h Massey University NZ 62.4
299= 343= h Lingnan University, Hong Kong HK 64.4 349= 341= i European University Institute IT 62.3
299= 343= h Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 64.4 349= 378= h University of Rome "Tor Vergata" IT 62.3

148 149
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
351= 451-500 h École Normale Supérieure de Lyon FR 62.2 401-450 401-450 n Aalborg University DK -
351= 377 h Eötvös Loránd University HU 62.2 401-450 new Airlangga University ID -
351= 353= h Tufts University US 62.2 401-450 373= i Bilkent University TR -
351= 266= i Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) AR 62.2 401-450 new Chiang Mai University TH -
351= 356= h Université Laval CA 62.2 401-450 401-450 n Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel DE -
356= 356= n Masaryk University CZ 62.1 401-450 393= i Dalhousie University CA -
356= 311= i Ritsumeikan University JP 62.1 401-450 401-450 n Hitotsubashi University JP -
356= 361= h Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 62.1 401-450 380= i Hokkaido University JP -
356= 401-450 h University of Limerick IE 62.1 401-450 401-450 n Hongik University KR -
360= 333= i Nottingham Trent University GB 62.0 401-450 451-500 h Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN -
360= 369= h Sophia University JP 62.0 401-450 401-450 n International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) MY -
362 new Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University KZ 61.9 401-450 401-450 n Jadavpur University IN -
363= 451-500 h European University at St. Petersburg RU 61.8 401-450 451-500 h King Saud University SA -
363= 284= i Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro BR 61.8 401-450 new Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) PK -
363= new Taylor's University MY 61.8 401-450 365= i Maastricht University NL -
366= 401-450 h Beijing Foreign Studies University CN 61.7 401-450 451-500 h Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) GB -
366= 385= h City, University of London GB 61.7 401-450 400= i Middle East Technical University TR -
366= 322= i University of Bath GB 61.7 401-450 369= i National Sun Yat-sen University TW -
366= 373= h University of Kansas US 61.7 401-450 new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW -
370= 397= h Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NZ 61.6 401-450 401-450 n Northumbria University at Newcastle GB -
370= 401-450 h Mahidol University TH 61.6 401-450 451-500 h Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO -
370= 331= i University of Manitoba CA 61.6 401-450 401-450 n Novosibirsk State University RU -
370= 338= i Washington State University US 61.6 401-450 401-450 n Pratt Institute US -
374= 325= i Kyushu University JP 61.5 401-450 451-500 h Ryerson University CA -
374= 361= i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso CL 61.5 401-450 401-450 n Shandong University CN -
374= 343= i Universidad Iberoamericana IBERO MX 61.5 401-450 373= i Tampere University FI -
374= 380= h Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ES 61.5 401-450 380= i Temple University US -
378= new Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID 61.4 401-450 new Thammasat University TH -
378= 327= i Georgia State University US 61.4 401-450 322= i The University of Georgia US -
378= new University of Dhaka BD 61.4 401-450 333= i Umea University SE -
378= 325= i University of Miami US 61.4 401-450 338= i Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (UAM) MX -
382 333= i Swinburne University of Technology AU 61.3 401-450 384 i Universidad de la República (Udelar) UY -
383= 385= h Colegio de México MX 61.2 401-450 361= i Universidad Nacional de Córdoba - UNC AR -
383= 383 n Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE 61.2 401-450 397= i Universidade de Brasília BR -
383= new Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY 61.2 401-450 343= i Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR -
383= 401-450 h University of Huddersfield GB 61.2 401-450 400= i Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina BR -
383= 401-450 h University of Waikato NZ 61.2 401-450 385= i Università degli Studi di Pavia IT -
388= new Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" BG 61.1 401-450 393= i Universität Jena DE -
388= 401-450 h Université de Toulouse II-Le Mirail FR 61.1 401-450 401-450 n Universität Potsdam DE -
388= 322= i University at Buffalo SUNY US 61.1 401-450 400= i Université de Liège BE -
388= 355 i University of Surrey GB 61.1 401-450 451-500 h University of Belgrade RS -
388= 385= i Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE 61.1 401-450 new University of California, Riverside US -
393= 356= i KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE 61.0 401-450 373= i University of Cincinnati US -
393= 393= n Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) ES 61.0 401-450 401-450 n University of Genoa IT -
395= 343= i Russian State University for the Humanities RU 60.9 401-450 369= i University of Jordan JO -
395= 378= i Tilburg University NL 60.9 401-450 401-450 n University of Jyväskylä FI -
395= 343= i Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) CL 60.9 401-450 401-450 n University of Missouri, Columbia US -
395= 331= i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul BR 60.9 401-450 397= i University of Pretoria ZA -
395= 401-450 h Universität Innsbruck AT 60.9 401-450 401-450 n University of Strathclyde GB -
395= new Université Paris-Saclay FR 60.9 401-450 401-450 n University of Tasmania AU -
401-450 356= i University of Trento IT -

150 151
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

401-450 401-450 n University of Tsukuba JP -
401-450 401-450 n Vilnius University LT -
401-450 401-450 n Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US - Matter of the heart
451-500 401-450 i American University US -
451-500 new Ankara Üniversitesi TR - By Neha Kirpalani
451-500 new Australian Catholic University AU -
451-500 401-450 i Babes-Bolyai University RO -
451-500 401-450 i Carleton University CA -
451-500 451-500 n Chalmers University of Technology SE -
Arts degrees are becoming a more acceptable
451-500 385= i College of William and Mary US - ambition and are mushrooming at leading university
451-500 451-500 n Florida International University US - campuses across the world, with a career in the arts
451-500 new Gazi Üniversitesi TR - no longer seen as an unusual choice.
451-500 401-450 i Illinois Institute of Technology US -
451-500 451-500 n Justus-Liebig-University Giessen DE - “[Arts graduates] flourish in many roles in non-
451-500 451-500 n Kobe University JP - arts industries because they’re innovative and
451-500 451-500 n Koç University TR -
independent thinkers, but also great team players
451-500 401-450 i Loyola University Chicago US -
and excellent communicators,” says Professor Steve
451-500 new Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg DE -
451-500 new Moscow Pedagogical State University RU -
Dixon, President of LASALLE College of the Arts in
451-500 451-500 n Nankai University CN - Singapore.
451-500 401-450 i Northeastern University US -
451-500 401-450 i Paul Valéry University Montpellier FR -
As the world places higher value on resilience and
451-500 451-500 n Shanghai University CN - adaptability, Professor Dixon notes art schools are
451-500 451-500 n Sichuan University CN - seeing an uptick in students embracing the skills
451-500 401-450 i Stony Brook University, State University of New York US -
“People are they can gain from an arts education, adding that
451-500 new Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA -
thinking with “artists and creative thinkers will have an increasingly
451-500 401-450 i The Open University GB -
their hearts.” important role to play across all industry sectors”.
451-500 new Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez CL -
451-500 451-500 n Universidad Alberto Hurtado CL - In the UAE, meanwhile, the American University in the
451-500 401-450 Universidad de Alcalá ES -
Emirates (AUE) is a cultural hub in Dubai attracting
451-500 451-500 n Universidad de Concepción CL -
451-500 401-450 i Universidad de Guadalajara (UDG) MX -
students from not just the Middle East, but also Asia
451-500 451-500 n Universidad de Zaragoza ES - and Eastern Europe. Professor Abhilasha Singh, Vice
451-500 451-500 n Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP PT - President for Academic Affairs at AUE believes the
451-500 new Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 FR - arts give students a mode of self-expression.
451-500 new Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM MY -
451-500 new University of Alicante ES - “Due to external constraints by society, students
451-500 451-500 n University of Brighton GB - want an outlet to explore creative industries where
451-500 401-450 i University of Bucharest RO - they can express themselves and not be constrained
451-500 451-500 University of Haifa IL -
by formal limitations,” she says.
451-500 451-500 n University of Johannesburg ZA -
451-500 451-500 n University of Siena IT - Charting an Upward Course
451-500 393= i University of South Carolina US -
451-500 new University of South Florida US - At Yoobee Colleges, New Zealand’s largest specialist
451-500 401-450 i University of Stirling GB - creative and technology college, interest in the arts
451-500 451-500 n University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway NO - stems from programmes that marry creativity with
451-500 385= i University of Westminster GB -
technology, such as Web UX, Animation, Software
451-500 new University of Zagreb HR -
451-500 401-450 i Xiamen University CN -
Engineering, and Game Art.

152 153
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

“We are certainly seeing a big rise in students from Scandinavia where gaming “Some students clearly have decided to study subjects that give them a sense
and design industries are so prevalent, and more and more interest from Chinese of personal satisfaction in their careers as opposed to a less interesting path
students,” says Ana Maria Rivera, CEO. that will pay well.”
Further north in Taiwan, The National Dong Hwa University’s (NDHU) At Columbia University, Dean of the university’s School of Arts, Carol Becker,
Department of Arts and Design and Department of Creative Arts and Industries believes during the periods in which people were confined at home, they had
attracts students from Japan, Russia, and even Iran. time to think.
“We have not put much effort yet to attract international students, but we find “Some decided they wanted to be writers, others that they wanted to make film,
that our advantage lies in two areas,” says Professor Frances Hwei-Cheh Liu, some that they had always wanted to be playwrights,” she tells HER.
college dean.
“People are thinking with their hearts more and deciding that a truly creative life
“The first is that we have faculties with international learning experiences is what they most want.”
graduated from renowned art schools or universities... The second feature is
COVID-19 and Beyond...
our natural environment, which is highly appreciated by students from the West
who seek tranquillity for creation as well as varied outdoor activities in their Based on current market trends, Professor Singh foresees an increase in Liberal
student life.” Arts programmes, adding students are committed to the creative professions
because they give them the ability to express their thoughts and frustrations in
The Pandemic Effect
a productive and creative manner.
Rivera admits that while there’s been a surge of interest in arts programmes
Professor Diane Brand, Dean of Creative and Performing Arts in New Zealand’s
over the past few years, 2020 saw declines.
University of Auckland, says fine arts and design now make a significant part of
“Border closures, lockdowns, and crowd restrictions saw many parts of the a transdisciplinary education.
creative sector struggle, including international recruitment,” she explains.
“Employers are now looking for job candidates with creativity as it is widely
“But by the end of the year many parts of our creative industry were experiencing a recognised in business and industry that these skills provide a competitive
rapid recovery as the country’s successful management of COVID-19 presented edge,” she says.
not only new opportunities, but new ways of working together.”
With the world going on a collective pause as of 2020, there’s been a rethink
While the pandemic has disrupted global mobility, it’s also helped push a radical of what constitutes a good, durable, long-term career, free from the shocks
shift in the way students are thinking about their careers. Professor Diane brought about by market fluctuations or economic peaks and troughs.
Brand, Dean of Creative and Performing Arts at the University of Auckland in
Consequently, many are choosing to follow their heart and fulfil the secret
New Zealand says it has increased interest in arts programmes.
ambition of their inner child.
“COVID-19 seems to have led people to recognise that creativity is an important
The original, long-form version of this article was featured in the 2022 World
part of a balanced life and a way of healing trauma and dealing with stress,” she
University Higher Ed Report, published in June 2021.

154 155
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

Art & Design Architecture

1 Royal College of Art 50= University of Gothenburg 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Aalborg University
2 University of the Arts London 51-100 University of Dundee 2 Delft University of Technology 51-100 Carnegie Mellon University
3 Parsons School of Design at The New 51-100 Aarhus University 3 The Bartlett School of Architecture | 51-100 City University of Hong Kong
School 51-100 Academy of Fine Arts Vienna UCL 51-100 Curtin University
4 Rhode Island School of Design (RISD) 51-100 Amsterdam School of the Arts 4 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 Hanyang University
5 Politecnico di Milano 51-100 Bauhaus-Universität Weimar Technology 51-100 Harbin Institute of Technology
6 Aalto University 51-100 Brunel University London 5 Harvard University 51-100 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
7 Pratt Institute 51-100 Concordia University 6 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Korea University
8 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Cornell University 7 Manchester School of Architecture 51-100 Kyoto University
9= Design Academy Eindhoven 51-100 Cranbrook Academy of Art 8 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Lund University
9= School of the Art Institute of Chicago 51-100 Domus Academy 9 Tsinghua University 51-100 McGill University
11 Glasgow School of Art (GSA) 51-100 École Nationale Supérieure des Beaux- 10 Politecnico di Milano 51-100 National Taipei University of Technology
12 Tongji University Arts, Paris 11 University of Cambridge 51-100 Norwegian University of Science And
13 Delft University of Technology 51-100 Edinburgh College of Art (ECA) 12 EPFL Technology
14 Art Center College of Design 51-100 Haute Ecole d’art et de design de Genève 13 Tongji University 51-100 Oxford Brookes University
15 RMIT University 51-100 Hongik University 14 The University of Hong Kong 51-100 Peking University
16 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 51-100 Imperial College London 15 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 51-100 Pennsylvania State University
17 Carnegie Mellon University 51-100 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 16 Columbia University 51-100 Princeton University
18 Goldsmiths, University of London 51-100 Kingston University, London 17 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Queensland University of Technology
19 The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts - 51-100 Korea National University of Arts 18 University of California, Los Angeles (QUT)
The School of Design 51-100 KTH Royal Institute of Technology (UCLA) 51-100 RWTH Aachen University
20= Konstfack University College of Arts, 51-100 Kyoto University 19 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome
Crafts and Design 51-100 Lancaster University BarcelonaTech (UPC) 51-100 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
20= Tsinghua University 51-100 Monash University 20 Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) 51-100 Southeast University
22= California Institute of the Arts 51-100 NABA - Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti 21 Technical University of Munich 51-100 Technische Universität Wien
22= China Central Academy of Fine Arts 51-100 National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) 22 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 51-100 Texas A&M University
24 Emily Carr University of Art and Design 51-100 National Institute of Design, India 23 Cornell University 51-100 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
25 School of Visual Arts (SVA) 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU) 24 The University of Melbourne (CUHK)
26 Savannah College of Art and Design 51-100 Nottingham Trent University 25 The University of Sydney 51-100 The University of Auckland
27= Loughborough University 51-100 Peking University 26 Georgia Institute of Technology 51-100 The University of Edinburgh
27= University of Technology Sydney 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 27 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) 51-100 The University of Queensland
29 Stanford University 51-100 Princeton University 28 Politecnico di Torino 51-100 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
30 École nationale supérieure des Arts 51-100 Queensland University of Technology 29 KU Leuven 51-100 Universidad de Chile
Décoratifs(ENSAD) 51-100 Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (KABK) 30 Seoul National University 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
31 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 31 RMIT University México (UNAM)
32 Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) 51-100 Swinburne University of Technology 32 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Universidad Nacional de Colombia
33= École Nationale Supérieure de Création 51-100 Tecnológico de Monterrey 33 The University of Sheffield 51-100 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
Industrielle, ENSCI Les Ateliers 51-100 The University of Edinburgh 34 Stanford University 51-100 Universita’ IUAV di Venezia
33= Universität der Knste Berlin 51-100 The University of Melbourne 35= Nanyang Technological University, 51-100 Universitat Politècnica de València
35 University of Oxford 51-100 The University of New South Wales Singapore (NTU) 51-100 Universität Stuttgart
36 Nanyang Technological University 51-100 The University of Sydney 35= University of British Columbia 51-100 Universiti Malaya (UM)
37 Seoul National University 51-100 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 37 Tianjin University 51-100 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM)
38 Maryland Institute College of Art 51-100 Universidad de Palermo (UP) 38 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo 51-100 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
39 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo Tech) 51-100 University of Bath
40 Yale University 51-100 University of Brighton 39 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 51-100 University of Cape Town
41 California College of the Arts 51-100 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) (UC) 51-100 University of Lisbon
42 Columbia University 51-100 University of Chicago 40 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 University of Porto
43 Umea University 51-100 University of Toronto 41 The University of New South Wales 51-100 University of Reading
44 Universität für Musik und darstellende (UNSW Sydney) 51-100 University of Southern California
Kunst Wien 42= Aalto University 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
45 New York University (NYU) 42= University of Texas at Austin 51-100 University of Washington
46 University of California, Los Angeles 44 Universidade de São Paulo 51-100 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
47 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 45 Eindhoven University of Technology University
México 46 Cardiff University 51-100 Wageningen University & Research
48= Politecnico di Torino 47 University of Toronto 51-100 Yale University
48= UCL 48 Newcastle University 51-100 Yonsei University
50= Chiba University 49 Chalmers University of Technology 51-100 Zhejiang University
50= Kolding School of Design 50 University of Illinois at Urbana-
50= Royal University College of Fine Arts Champaign
50= University of Applied Arts Vienna

156 157
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

Archaeology Classics
1 University of Cambridge 51-100 Aix-Marseille University 1 Sapienza University of Rome 51-80 Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
2 University of Oxford 51-100 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 2 University of Oxford 51-80 City University of New York
3 UCL 51-100 Boston University 3 University of Cambridge 51-80 Columbia University
4 Harvard University 51-100 Brown University 4 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität 51-80 Complutense University of Madrid
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Complutense University of Madrid München 51-80 Keio University
6 Stanford University 51-100 Cornell University 5 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 51-80 National and Kapodistrian University of
7 Leiden University 51-100 Flinders University 6 Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa Athens
8 Durham University 51-100 Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main 7 Sorbonne University 51-80 National Chengchi University
9 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 8 Harvard University 51-80 National Chung Cheng University
(UCLA) 51-100 Jilin University 9 Leiden University 51-80 New York University (NYU)
10 Sapienza University of Rome 51-100 Korea University 10 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 51-80 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
11 The Australian National University 51-100 KU Leuven 11 Freie Universitaet Berlin Bonn
12 Peking University 51-100 La Trobe University 12 King’s College London 51-80 Seoul National University
13 Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University 13 Durham University 51-80 Swansea University
14 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 51-100 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 14= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 51-80 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
15= Pennsylvania State University (MIT) 14= Peking University 51-80 The University of Manchester
15= University of Chicago 51-100 Nanjing University 14= Stanford University 51-80 The University of Sydney
17 Yale University 51-100 New York University (NYU) 17 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-80 Università di Padova
18 University of York 51-100 Newcastle University 18= Princeton University 51-80 Universität Rostock
19= Aarhus University 51-100 Northwestern University 18= University of St Andrews 51-80 Université de Fribourg
19= Arizona State University 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú 20 Yale University 51-80 Université PSL
21 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Princeton University 21 University of Pisa 51-80 University of Basel
22= Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel 51-100 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 22 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 51-80 University of Bristol
22= Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne Bonn Bologna 51-80 University of California, Los Angeles
24= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Stockholm University 23 UCL (UCLA)
24= University of Pennsylvania 51-100 The University of Manchester 24= Kyoto University 51-80 University of Florence
26 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 51-100 The University of Melbourne 24= National Taiwan University (NTU) 51-80 University of Groningen
27 The University of Arizona 51-100 The University of Queensland 26 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki 51-80 University of Liverpool
28 Sorbonne University 51-100 The University of Sheffield 27 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 51-80 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
29 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 51-100 Università di Padova 28 KU Leuven 51-80 University of Milan
México (UNAM) 51-100 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 29 University of Cologne 51-80 Waseda University
30 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Université PSL 30= Ghent University 51-80 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität
31 University of Southampton 51-100 University of Amsterdam 30= University of Vienna Münster
32 University of Florida 51-100 University of Bergen 32 University of Naples - Federico II
33 Columbia University 51-100 University of Bern 33 The University of Tokyo
34 Kyoto University 51-100 University of Bordeaux 34 Brown University
35= Simon Fraser University 51-100 University of Calgary 35 Fudan University
35= University of Vienna 51-100 University of Cologne 36 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
37= The University of Sydney 51-100 University of Colorado Boulder 37= University of Geneva
37= University of Toronto 51-100 University of Glasgow 37= University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
39 University of Aberdeen 51-100 University of Groningen 39= Nanjing University
40 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 University of Liverpool 39= University of Rome “Tor Vergata”
41 Seoul National University 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 39= University of Zurich
42 University of Copenhagen 51-100 University of Oslo 42 The University of Exeter
43 The University of Auckland 51-100 University of Pisa 43 The University of Edinburgh
44 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 51-100 University of Reading 44 Macquarie University
Bologna 51-100 University of Texas at Austin 45 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
45 University of Leicester 51-100 University of Warsaw Dublin
46 Universitat de Barcelona 51-100 University of Washington 46 University of Göttingen
47= University of British Columbia 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison 47= Université catholique de Louvain
47= University of Otago 51-100 Uppsala University (UCLouvain)
49= The University of Exeter 51-100 Washington University in St. Louis 47= University of Chicago
49= University College Dublin 49 University of Pennsylvania
50= Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
50= University of Toronto

158 159
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

English Language History

1 University of Oxford 52 University of Virginia 1 Harvard University 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
2 University of Cambridge 53 University of Bristol 2= University of Cambridge Bologna
3 Harvard University 54 University of Wisconsin-Madison 2= University of Oxford 51-100 Brown University
4 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 55 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 4 Yale University 51-100 Central European University
5 Yale University (CUHK) 5= Stanford University 51-100 Colegio de México
6 Stanford University 56 The Ohio State University 5= The London School of Economics and 51-100 Complutense University of Madrid
7 Princeton University 57 Northwestern University Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
8 The University of Edinburgh 58= Nanyang Technological University, 7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 European University Institute
9= Columbia University Singapore (NTU) 8 Columbia University 51-100 Fudan University
9= University of California, Los Angeles 58= University of Illinois at Urbana- 9 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 George Washington University
(UCLA) Champaign (UCLA) 51-100 Georgetown University
11 University of Toronto 60 Universiti Malaya (UM) 10 Princeton University 51-100 HSE University
12 University of Chicago 61 The University of Exeter 11 University of Chicago 51-100 KU Leuven
13 UCL 62 The University of Queensland 12 The Australian National University 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University
14 New York University (NYU) 63= Pennsylvania State University 13 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Lund University
15 University of British Columbia 63= Seoul National University 14 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Massachusetts Institute of Technology
16 King’s College London 65 University of Nottingham 15 UCL (MIT)
17 University of Pennsylvania 66= University of California, Irvine 16 Leiden University 51-100 Monash University
18 The University of Sydney 66= Yonsei University 17 King’s College London 51-100 Nanyang Technological University,
19= Duke University 68= Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg 18 University of Toronto Singapore (NTU)
19= McGill University 68= Cardiff University 19 Peking University 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
21 National University of Singapore (NUS) 70 Leiden University 20 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Osaka University
22 The University of Manchester 71= Indiana University Bloomington 21 Johns Hopkins University 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
23= Cornell University 71= National Taiwan University (NTU) 22 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 51-100 Queen Mary University of London
23= The University of Hong Kong 73= Johns Hopkins University 23 Cornell University 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome
25 Trinity College Dublin, The University of 73= York University 24 Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 Sciences Po
Dublin 75= Kyoto University 25 The University of Sydney 51-100 Seoul National University
26 The University of Warwick 75= SOAS University of London 26 Kyoto University 51-100 SOAS University of London
27 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 77= Michigan State University 27= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
28 University of York 77= University of Copenhagen 27= University of British Columbia 51-100 The University of New South Wales
29 The University of Melbourne 79= Georgetown University 29 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 The University of Queensland
30 University of Birmingham 79= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 30 The University of Tokyo 51-100 The University of Sheffield
31 The University of Tokyo 79= University of Southern California 31 University of Amsterdam 51-100 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
32 University of Leeds 82 Victoria University of Wellington 32 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Dublin
33 University of Glasgow 83 Rutgers University–New Brunswick 33 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 51-100 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
34 University of Texas at Austin 84= University of California, San Diego 34 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 51-100 Universidad de Chile
35 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (UCSD) México (UNAM) 51-100 Universidad de los Andes
(MIT) 84= University of Helsinki 35= Durham University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
36= Durham University 84= University of Sussex 35= New York University (NYU) 51-100 Université PSL
36= University of Amsterdam 87 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 37 Sorbonne University 51-100 University College Dublin
38 Queen Mary University of London 88 KU Leuven 38 University of St Andrews 51-100 University of Birmingham
39= Freie Universitaet Berlin 89 University of Liverpool 39 The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Bristol
39= The Australian National University 90 Boston University 40 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 University of California, Davis
41 University College Dublin 91 Aarhus University 41 The University of Manchester 51-100 University of California, San Diego
42= Peking University 92= Goldsmiths, University of London 42 Duke University (UCSD)
42= The University of Auckland 92= Macquarie University 43 The University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Copenhagen
44 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 94= Korea University 44 The University of Exeter 51-100 University of Geneva
45 Brown University 94= Newcastle University 45= McGill University 51-100 University of Glasgow
46 Monash University 94= University of California, Santa Barbara 45= University of Wisconsin-Madison 51-100 University of Göttingen
47 University of St Andrews (UCSB) 47 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences 51-100 University of Groningen
48= Sorbonne University 97 University of Washington Sociales (EHESS) 51-100 University of Helsinki
48= The University of New South Wales 98 Utrecht University 48 The University of Warwick 51-100 University of Leeds
(UNSW Sydney) 99 University of Vienna 49= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 51-100 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
50= Lancaster University 100 University of California, Davis 49= University of Vienna 51-100 University of Washington
50= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 University of York
51-100 Uppsala University
51-100 Utrecht University
51-100 York University

160 161
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

Linguistics Modern Languages

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51 University of Texas at Austin 1 University of Oxford 51 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
(MIT) 52 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 2 University of Cambridge 52 Universidad de los Andes
2 University of Massachusetts Amherst 53 University of Birmingham 3 Harvard University 53 University of Amsterdam
3 University of Cambridge 54 Université de Montréal 4 Stanford University 54= The University of Warwick
4 University of Oxford 55 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 54= University of Texas at Austin
5 The University of Edinburgh 56 Yale University 6 Yale University 56 University of Leeds
6 Harvard University 57 KU Leuven 7 The University of Tokyo 57 Sapienza University of Rome
7 Stanford University 58 Queen Mary University of London 8 University of California, Los Angeles 58 RUDN University
8 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 59 Fudan University (UCLA) 59 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
9 University of California, Los Angeles 60 Beijing Foreign Studies University 9 Princeton University Dublin
(UCLA) 61 Utrecht University 10 The University of Edinburgh 60 Al-Farabi Kazakh National University
10= National University of Singapore (NUS) 62 Victoria University of Wellington 11 Columbia University 61= Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
10= The University of Hong Kong 63= Beijing Normal University 12 Peking University 61= Nanyang Technological University,
12= Lancaster University 63= University of Ottawa 13 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Singapore (NTU)
12= University of Toronto 65= National Tsing Hua University México (UNAM) 63 Durham University
14 Peking University 65= University of California, Santa Cruz 14 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 64= KU Leuven
15 University of Maryland, College Park 67 University of Southern California (MIT) 64= Leiden University
16 University of Pennsylvania 68 Kyoto University 15 National University of Singapore (NUS) 66= Brown University
17 McGill University 69 Pennsylvania State University 16= Sorbonne University 66= Monash University
18 UCL 70 Cornell University 16= University of Chicago 68= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
19 Lomonosov Moscow State University 71 RUDN University 18 New York University (NYU) 68= The University of Auckland
20 University of British Columbia 72 University of Geneva 19 Seoul National University 68= University of Vienna
21 The University of Tokyo 73= Indiana University Bloomington 20 UCL 71 Universidad Nacional de Colombia
22 The Ohio State University 73= Sorbonne University 21 Kyoto University 72 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
23 University of Chicago 73= Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 22 The University of Hong Kong 73 University of St Andrews
24 University of Connecticut 76 University of Washington 23= Freie Universitaet Berlin 74= Université PSL
25 The University of Melbourne 77 The University of Queensland 23= University of Toronto 74= Universiti Malaya (UM)
26 The Australian National University 78= Monash University 25 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 74= University of Glasgow
27 University of Amsterdam 78= University of Canterbury | Te Whare 26= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 77 University of Salamanca
28 Macquarie University Wānanga o Waitaha 26= The University of Melbourne 78 The University of New South Wales
29 Nanyang Technological University, 80 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 28 Lomonosov Moscow State University (UNSW Sydney)
Singapore (NTU) 81= Tsinghua University 29 Cornell University 79 Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)
30 City University of Hong Kong 81= Universität Leipzig 30= King’s College London 80 Osaka University
31 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 83= SOAS University of London 30= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 81= Beijing Normal University
(CUHK) 83= Stockholm University (CUHK) 81= Lancaster University
32 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 85 Waseda University 32 Yonsei University 81= SOAS University of London
33 The University of Sydney 86 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 33 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 81= Universidade Estadual de Campinas
34 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa México (UNAM) (UC) (Unicamp)
35 University of Vienna 87 Université PSL 34 The University of Sydney 81= University of Bristol
36= Michigan State University 88= Korea University 35 Fudan University 86 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
36= New York University (NYU) 88= Northern Arizona University 36 National Taiwan University (NTU) 87= HUFS - Hankuk (Korea) University of
36= Seoul National University 90 National Taiwan Normal University 37 The Australian National University Foreign Studies
36= The University of Auckland 91= Shanghai Jiao Tong University 38 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 87= Saint Petersburg State University
40 Leiden University 91= University of York 39 Duke University 89 Universitat de Barcelona
41 University of California, San Diego 93 University of Tromsø The Arctic University 40 McGill University 90 University of Birmingham
(UCSD) of Norway 41= Universidade de São Paulo 91= Shanghai Jiao Tong University
42 National Taiwan University (NTU) 94= HSE University 41= University of British Columbia 91= University of Wisconsin-Madison
43 Georgetown University 94= Tokyo University of Foreign Studies 43= Complutense University of Madrid 93 Pennsylvania State University
44 Radboud University 94= Zhejiang University 43= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 94= Johns Hopkins University
45 University of Illinois at Urbana- 97 Carnegie Mellon University 43= The University of Manchester 94= University of California, San Diego
Champaign 98 Moscow State Linguistic University 46= Tsinghua University (UCSD)
46 University of Zurich 99 University of Oslo 46= University of Pennsylvania 96= Nanjing University
47 University of Helsinki 100 Saint Petersburg State University 46= Waseda University 96= Queen Mary University of London
48= The University of Arizona 49 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 96= The Ohio State University
48= The University of Manchester Bologna 99= The University of Queensland
50 University of California, Santa Barbara 50 Korea University 99= University of Helsinki

162 163
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022 Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

Performing Arts Philosophy

1 Royal College of Music 51-100 Academy of Performing Arts in Prague 1 New York University (NYU) 51-100 Beijing Normal University
2 Universität für Musik und 51-100 Accademia Nazionale di Arte Drammatica 2 Rutgers University–New Brunswick 51-100 Birkbeck, University of London
darstellende Kunst Wien di Roma Silvio d’Amico 3 The Australian National University 51-100 Boston University
3 Juilliard School 51-100 Beijing Film Academy 4 The London School of Economics and 51-100 Brown University
4 Conservatoire national supérieur de 51-100 Boston University Political Science (LSE) 51-100 City University of New York
musique et de danse de Paris 51-100 California Institute of the Arts 5 University of Pittsburgh 51-100 Columbia University
5 Royal Conservatoire of Scotland 51-100 Chulalongkorn University 6 University of Oxford 51-100 Cornell University
6 Guildhall School of Music and Drama 51-100 City University of New York 7 University of Cambridge 51-100 East China Normal University
7 Royal Academy of Music 51-100 Conservatoire royal de Bruxelles 8 Harvard University 51-100 Fordham University
8 Norwegian Academy of Music 51-100 Conservatorio di Roma Santa Cecilia 9 King’s College London 51-100 Georgetown University
9 Curtis Institute of Music 51-100 Cornell University 10 University of Toronto 51-100 Johns Hopkins University
10 Hong Kong Academy of Performing 51-100 Edith Cowan University 11= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 51-100 Kyoto University
Arts 51-100 Estonian Academy of Music and Theatre 11= University of St Andrews 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University
11 University Mozarteum Salzburg 51-100 Goldsmiths, University of London 13 Princeton University 51-100 McGill University
12 Moscow P. I. Tchaikovsky Conservatory 51-100 Griffith University 14= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
13 New York University (NYU) 51-100 Hochschule für Musik und Theater Felix 14= University of Notre Dame 51-100 Northwestern University
14 The Royal Danish Academy of Music Mendelssohn Bartholdy Leipzig 16 Yale University 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome
15 Royal College of Music in Stockholm 51-100 Hochschule für Musik und Tanz Köln 17 Stanford University 51-100 Seoul National University
16= Harvard University 51-100 Hochschule für Musik und Theater 18 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Sorbonne University
16= Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Hamburg 19 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 The University of Adelaide
Conservatory 51-100 Indonesia Institute of the Arts Yogyakarta 20 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 The University of Arizona
16= Royal Holloway University of London 51-100 King’s College London (MIT) 51-100 The University of Hong Kong
19= Conservatoire national supérieur de 51-100 Monash University 21 University of Bristol 51-100 The University of Melbourne
musique et de danse de Lyon 51-100 Northwestern University 22 Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main 51-100 The University of New South Wales
19= UCSI University 51-100 Oslo National Academy of the Arts 23 UCL (UNSW Sydney)
21 University of Cambridge 51-100 Queen Mary University of London 24 Macquarie University 51-100 The University of Queensland
22= University of Oxford 51-100 Queen’s University Belfast 25 University of Chicago 51-100 The University of Sheffield
22= University of the Arts Helsinki 51-100 Royal Academy of Music, Aarhus 26 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 51-100 The University of Tokyo
24 University of Rochester 51-100 Royal Irish Academy of Music 27 Monash University 51-100 The University of Warwick
25 University of Huddersfield 51-100 Seoul National University 28 The University of Sydney 51-100 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
26 Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and 51-100 Sorbonne University 29 Université PSL Dublin
Dance 51-100 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 30 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Tsinghua University
27 Yale University (CUHK) 31 KU Leuven 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
28 Hochschule für Musik Hanns Eisler Berlin 51-100 The Fryderyk Chopin University of Music 32 University of Southern California México (UNAM)
29 Columbia University 51-100 The Gnesins Russian Academy of Music 33 Central European University 51-100 University of California, Irvine
30 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 The Liszt Academy of Music 34= Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 University of California, Los Angeles
31 McGill University 51-100 The Russian Academy of Arts 34= The Chinese University of Hong Kong (UCLA)
32 University of Southern California 51-100 The University of Auckland (CUHK) 51-100 University of California, San Diego
33 Royal Northern College of Music (RNCM) 51-100 The University of Edinburgh 34= Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (UCSD)
34 Central School of Speech & Drama 51-100 The University of Hong Kong 37 Durham University 51-100 University of Cologne
35 Indiana University Bloomington 51-100 The University of Manchester 38 University of Leeds 51-100 University of Copenhagen
36 Central Academy of Drama, China 51-100 The University of Queensland 39= University of Amsterdam 51-100 University of Geneva
37 Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK) 51-100 The University of Sydney 39= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 University of Glasgow
38 Stanford University 51-100 The University of Warwick 41 Boston College 51-100 University of Groningen
39 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Trinity College Dublin, The University of 42 Fudan University 51-100 University of Helsinki
40 Conservatoire de Musique de Genève Dublin 43 Universitat de Barcelona 51-100 University of Milan
41 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 44= Renmin (People’s) University of China 51-100 University of Navarra
42 Korea National University of Arts México (UNAM) 44= Université catholique de Louvain 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
43 Shanghai Conservatory of Music (SHCM) 51-100 University of Birmingham (UCLouvain) 51-100 University of Nottingham
44 Universität der Knste Berlin 51-100 University of British Columbia 46 Wuhan University 51-100 University of Texas at Austin
45 Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre 51-100 University of California, San Diego 47 University of Oslo 51-100 University of Turin
46 University of Toronto (UCSD) 48 Sun Yat-sen University 51-100 University of Vienna
47 Mahidol University 51-100 University of Chicago 49 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 51-100 University of York
48 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 University of Glasgow 50 Peking University 51-100 Ural Federal University - UrFU
49 The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Leeds 51-100 York University
50 Hochschule für Musik und Theater 51-100 Victoria University of Wellington
München 51-100 Vytautas Magnus University

164 165
Subject Rankings: Arts & Humanities 2022

1 University of Oxford 51-100 Aarhus University
2 Harvard University 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
3 University of Notre Dame Bologna
4 KU Leuven 51-100 Ankara Üniversitesi
5 University of Cambridge 51-100 Bar-Ilan University
6 Yale University 51-100 Baylor University
7 Durham University 51-100 Claremont Graduate University
8 Duke University 51-100 Freie Universitaet Berlin
9 The Hebrew University of Jerusalem 51-100 Fudan University
10 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 51-100 International Islamic University Islamabad
11 Emory University (IIU)
12 Princeton University 51-100 Johns Hopkins University
13 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Lund University
14 University of Chicago 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina
15= Boston College 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
15= The University of Edinburgh (UC)
15= University of Göttingen 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
18 Stanford University 51-100 Radboud University
19 University of St Andrews 51-100 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
20 University of Helsinki Bonn
21 Boston University 51-100 Ruhr-Universität Bochum
22 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 51-100 Santa Clara University
23 Université catholique de Louvain 51-100 Seoul National University
(UCLouvain) 51-100 SOAS University of London
24 University of Zurich 51-100 Stellenbosch University
25 University of Toronto 51-100 The University of Exeter
26 Australian Catholic University 51-100 The University of Hong Kong
27 Georgetown University 51-100 The University of Manchester
28 International Islamic University Malaysia 51-100 The University of Melbourne
(IIUM) 51-100 The University of Sydney
29 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 51-100 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
30 University of Vienna Dublin
31 University of Aberdeen 51-100 Universidad Pontificia Comillas
32 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 51-100 Universität Leipzig
33 King’s College London 51-100 Universität Hamburg
34 University of Birmingham 51-100 Université PSL
35 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 University of Amsterdam
36 Tel Aviv University 51-100 University of Basel
37 Catholic University of America 51-100 University of British Columbia
38 Fordham University 51-100 University of California, Los Angeles
39 The Chinese University of Hong Kong (UCLA)
(CUHK) 51-100 University of California, Santa Barbara
40 Universiti Malaya (UM) (UCSB)
41 University of Oslo 51-100 University of Copenhagen
42 Leiden University 51-100 University of Geneva
43 Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität 51-100 University of Haifa
Münster 51-100 University of Lausanne
44 University of Groningen 51-100 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
45 Sapienza University of Rome 51-100 University of Navarra
46 Université de Strasbourg 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
47 Gadjah Mada University 51-100 University of Otago
48 McGill University 51-100 University of Texas at Austin
49= Columbia University 51-100 University of Turin
49= Vanderbilt University 51-100 University of Virginia
51-100 University of Washington
51-100 Uppsala University
51-100 Yonsei University

Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 96.5
2 3 h University of Cambridge GB 94.8
3 6 h University of Oxford GB 94.5
4 4= n Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 94.2
5 2 i Stanford University US 93.7
6 4= i ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 93.4
7 9 h National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 93.2
8 8 n Imperial College London GB 93.1
9 7 i University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US 91.9
10 15 h Delft University of Technology NL 91.0
11 12 h EPFL CH 90.9
12 11 i Harvard University US 90.7
13 20= h Politecnico di Milano IT 89.6
14 10 i Tsinghua University CN 88.9
15 14 i California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 88.5
16 13 i Georgia Institute of Technology US 88.2
17 20= h The University of Tokyo JP 86.7
18 17 i Carnegie Mellon University US 86.3
19 29 h Technical University of Munich DE 86.1
20 16 i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 85.8
21= 52= h Institut Polytechnique de Paris FR 85.4
21= 43= h The University of Manchester GB 85.4
23 36= h The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 85.1
24 20= i The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 85.0
25 19 i University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 84.6
26= 287 h Université Paris-Saclay FR 84.5
26= 25 i University of Texas at Austin US 84.5
28= 31 h KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE 84.4
28= 34= h Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 84.4
30 50= h The University of Melbourne AU 84.1
31= 26 i University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 84.0
31= 33 h University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 84.0
33 39 h Politecnico di Torino IT 83.9
34= 27= i Seoul National University KR 83.7
34= 18 i University of Toronto CA 83.7
36 32 i University of British Columbia CA 83.3
37= 34= i Purdue University US 82.9
37= 48 h UCL GB 82.9
39= 52= h KU Leuven BE 82.6
39= 58= h Monash University AU 82.6
39= 23 i Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 82.6
39= 40= h The University of Hong Kong HK 82.6
43 24 i Peking University CN 82.4
44 116= h Université PSL FR 82.3
45= 30 i Princeton University US 82.1
45= 65 h The University of Sydney AU 82.1
45= 54= h Universiti Malaya (UM) MY 82.1
48 36= i Cornell University US 81.8
49= 57 h Kyoto University JP 81.7

Engineering & Technology 49= 38 i University of Waterloo CA 81.7

Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51= 72= h King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA 81.5 101= 101 n Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) IN 76.2
51= 40= i National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 81.5 101= 88= i National Tsing Hua University TW 76.2
53= 40= i McGill University CA 81.4 103 94= i Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) IN 76.1
53= 43= i RWTH Aachen University DE 81.4 104= 92 i Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 76.0
55 60= h Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE 81.3 104= 109= h Université de Montréal CA 76.0
56 70= h KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE 81.2 106= 79= i Hanyang University KR 75.9
57 67= h Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 81.1 106= 134= h The University of Adelaide AU 75.9
58= 50= i Eindhoven University of Technology NL 80.8 108= 144= h National Taipei University of Technology TW 75.8
58= 75= h Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ES 80.8 108= 129= h University of Leeds GB 75.8
60 67= h Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) ES 80.6 110= 116= h Aalto University FI 75.7
61= 60= i University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US 80.5 110= 111= h The University of Sheffield GB 75.7
61= 27= i Zhejiang University CN 80.5 110= 111= h University of Bristol GB 75.7
63 63= n Technical University of Denmark DK 80.3 113= 143 h Lund University SE 75.6
64 79= h The Australian National University AU 80.0 113= 150= h Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO 75.6
65 49 i Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN 79.9 113= 93 i Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US 75.6
66= 96= h Sorbonne University FR 79.8 116= 160= h ITMO University RU 75.4
66= 75= h The University of Edinburgh GB 79.8 116= 144= h RMIT University AU 75.4
68 47 i Columbia University US 79.7 118= 156= h King's College London GB 75.3
69 82= h The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 79.6 118= 149 h Universitat de Barcelona ES 75.3
70 43= i Yale University US 79.5 118= 137= h University of Nottingham GB 75.3
71 54= i University of Washington US 79.2 121 78 i University of Chicago US 75.1
72 54= i Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN 78.9 122= 107= i Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) IN 75.0
73 85 h The University of Queensland AU 78.8 122= 100 i National Technical University of Athens GR 75.0
74 104 h Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY 78.7 122= 163 h The University of Western Australia AU 75.0
75 60= i Northwestern University US 78.4 122= 67= i Xi’an Jiaotong University CN 75.0
76 63= i Korea University KR 78.3 126= 111= i University of Alberta CA 74.9
77= 72= i Pennsylvania State University US 77.9 126= 150= h University of Birmingham GB 74.9
77= 70= i Texas A&M University US 77.9 128 107= i University of Southern California US 74.8
79 58= i Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) KR 77.8 129= 94= i New York University (NYU) US 74.7
80 79= i Chalmers University of Technology SE 77.7 129= 150= h Newcastle University GB 74.7
81= 126= h Sapienza University of Rome IT 77.6 129= 66 i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 74.7
81= 96= h Tohoku University JP 77.6 129= 126= i Università di Padova IT 74.7
83= 115 h Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 77.5 129= 105 i University of Maryland, College Park US 74.7
83= 120= h University of Technology Sydney AU 77.5 134= 166= h Cairo University EG 74.6
85 102 h University of Southampton GB 77.4 134= 164= h The University of Warwick GB 74.6
86 116= h Technische Universität Wien AT 77.3 134= 111= i University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) US 74.6
87= 120= h King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals SA 77.1 137= 96= i Harbin Institute of Technology CN 74.5
87= 84 i University of Pennsylvania US 77.1 137= 206= h Université Grenoble Alpes FR 74.5
89 86= i The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 77.0 139= 129= i Tecnológico de Monterrey MX 74.3
90= 88= i Aalborg University DK 76.9 139= 134= i Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 74.3
90= 129= h Technische Universität Dresden DE 76.9 141 180= h Universitat Politècnica de València ES 74.2
92= 96= h City University of Hong Kong HK 76.8 142= 202= h Istanbul Technical University TR 74.1
92= 43= i Fudan University CN 76.8 142= 123= i Johns Hopkins University US 74.1
92= 106 h Osaka University JP 76.8 142= 183= h Middle East Technical University TR 74.1
92= 91 i University of Wisconsin-Madison US 76.8 145= 82= i Huazhong University of Science and Technology CN 74.0
96= 123= h The University of Auckland NZ 76.7 145= 103 i Indian Institute of Science IN 74.0
96= 86= i Universidade de São Paulo BR 76.7 147 146= i University of Wollongong AU 73.9
96= 136 h University of Twente NL 76.7 148= 160= h Technical University of Darmstadt DE 73.8
96= 88= i Yonsei University KR 76.7 148= 206= h University of Amsterdam NL 73.8
100 77 i University of Science and Technology of China CN 76.4 150= 186= h Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) RU 73.7
150= new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW 73.7
150= 133 i The Ohio State University US 73.7
170 171
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
150= 194= h Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 73.7 199= 230= h Warsaw University of Technology PL 71.6
154= 116= i Duke University US 73.6 199= 186= i Waseda University JP 71.6
154= 293= h Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA) FR 73.6 206= 206= n University College Dublin IE 71.5
156= 156= n Kyushu University JP 73.5 206= 194= i University of Lisbon PT 71.5
156= 169= h Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU 73.5 208= 202= i Queen Mary University of London GB 71.4
156= 188= h University of Glasgow GB 73.5 208= 146= i Queen's University at Kingston CA 71.4
159= 172 h Curtin University AU 73.4 208= 226= h University of Naples - Federico II IT 71.4
159= 230= h Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) MY 73.4 211 273= h Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU 71.3
159= 137= i University of California, Davis US 73.4 212= 217 h Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES 71.2
159= 139= i University of Minnesota Twin Cities US 73.4 212= 234= h Utrecht University NL 71.2
163= 158= i Arizona State University US 73.3 214= 212= i Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE 71.1
163= 141 i Michigan State University US 73.3 214= 188= i Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 71.1
165= 142 i Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 73.2 216= 188= i Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE 71.0
165= 183= h Universität Stuttgart DE 73.2 216= 234= h Uppsala University SE 71.0
167= 206= h Cranfield University GB 73.1 218= 258= h Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES 70.9
167= 272 h Grenoble INP, Grenoble Institute of Technology FR 73.1 218= 199= i University of Colorado Boulder US 70.9
167= 199= h Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 73.1 220= 150= i Brown University US 70.8
167= 245= h University of Liverpool GB 73.1 220= 242= h Complutense University of Madrid ES 70.8
171= 188= h Loughborough University GB 73.0 222= 206= i Aarhus University DK 70.7
171= 158= i National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 73.0 222= 212= i Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR 70.7
171= 218= h Saint Petersburg State University RU 73.0 222= 176= i Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) IN 70.7
174 173 i King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) SA 72.9 222= 214= i Khalifa University AE 70.7
175= 221= h Czech Technical University in Prague CZ 72.8 222= 206= i Novosibirsk State University RU 70.7
175= 126= i Universidad de Chile CL 72.8 222= 252 h University of Copenhagen DK 70.7
177= 202= h Ghent University BE 72.7 228= 169= i North Carolina State University US 70.6
177= 176= i University of Calgary CA 72.7 228= 183= i University of California, Irvine US 70.6
179= 256= h Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID 72.6 230 146= i Wuhan University CN 70.5
179= 155 i Boston University US 72.6 231= 266= h American University of Beirut (AUB) LB 70.4
179= 214= h National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad PK 72.6 231= 220 i Heriot-Watt University GB 70.4
179= 180= h Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University RU 72.6 231= 166= i Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) AR 70.4
179= 239= h Qatar University QA 72.6 234= 256= h Cardiff University GB 70.3
179= 164= i University of Florida US 72.6 234= 224= i University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US 70.3
185= 347= h Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology BD 72.5 236= 326= h IMT Atlantique FR 70.2
185= 223 h King Saud University SA 72.5 236= 194= i McMaster University CA 70.2
185= 154 i Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE 72.5 236= 221= i Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) ES 70.2
185= 224= h Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 72.5 236= 234= i University of Surrey GB 70.2
189= 132 i Beijing Institute of Technology CN 72.4 240= 244 h Chulalongkorn University TH 70.1
189= 194= h Nagoya University JP 72.4 240= 401-450 h Swansea University GB 70.1
191= 174= i Bauman Moscow State Technical University RU 72.3 242 285= h University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha NZ 70.0
191= 123= i Rice University US 72.3 243= 247= h Deakin University AU 69.9
193= 239= h The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) AU 72.2 243= 301= h Ecole des Ponts ParisTech FR 69.9
193= 169= i University of Strathclyde GB 72.2 243= 288 h National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University RU 69.9
195= 109= i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 72.1 243= 326= h Universitas Indonesia ID 69.9
195= 178= i University of Porto PT 72.1 247= 311= h Brno University of Technology CZ 69.7
197= 174= i Hokkaido University JP 71.9 247= 247= n Northeastern University US 69.7
197= 234= h University of Pisa IT 71.9 247= 245= i University of Helsinki FI 69.7
199= 120= i Nanjing University CN 71.6 250 275= h COMSATS University Islamabad PK 69.6
199= 166= i National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) TW 71.6 251= 188= i Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL 69.5
199= 242= h Queen's University Belfast GB 71.6 251= 247= i University of Trento IT 69.5
199= 160= i Tongji University CN 71.6
199= 180= i University of Bath GB 71.6

172 173
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
253= 268= h Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg DE 69.4 302 311= h University of Vienna AT 67.3
253= 188= i University of Massachusetts Amherst US 69.4 303 332 h Université du Québec CA 67.2
255= 318= h Ecole Centrale de Lyon FR 69.2 304= 318= h Freie Universitaet Berlin DE 67.1
255= 178= i Sharif University of Technology IR 69.2 304= 333= h Universität Hamburg DE 67.1
257= 335= h Gadjah Mada University ID 69.1 304= 301= i Universite libre de Bruxelles BE 67.1
257= 234= i Universidad de los Andes CO 69.1 304= 275= i University of Virginia US 67.1
259= 451-500 h École Centrale de Nantes FR 68.9 308= 247= i Kyung Hee University KR 67.0
259= 253= i Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) IN 68.9 308= 304 i UNESP BR 67.0
259= 230= i Keio University JP 68.9 308= 293= i University of Houston US 67.0
259= 268= h Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE 68.9 308= 360= h University of Jordan JO 67.0
259= 265 h The University of Arizona US 68.9 308= 282= i University of Tehran IR 67.0
259= 321= h Universidad de Sevilla ES 68.9 313= 451-500 h HSE University RU 66.9
265= 275= h Lancaster University GB 68.8 313= 340= h Leiden University NL 66.9
265= 247= i Linköping University SE 68.8 313= 401-450 h TU Dortmund University DE 66.9
265= 297= h Stockholm University SE 68.8 316= 275= i Case Western Reserve University US 66.8
268 194= i Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 68.7 316= 258= i Colorado School of Mines US 66.8
269= 305= h Ain Shams University EG 68.6 316= new RUDN University RU 66.8
269= 266= i Graz University of Technology AT 68.6 316= 230= i Tianjin University CN 66.8
269= 285= h The National University of Science and Technology MISIS RU 68.6 316= 347= h Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL 66.8
269= 305= h University of South Australia AU 68.6 321= 275= i Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute US 66.7
273= 330= h Leibniz University Hannover DE 68.5 321= 363= h Technische Universität Braunschweig DE 66.7
273= 228= i Western University CA 68.5 323 293= i Alexandria University EG 66.6
275= 340= h Macquarie University AU 68.4 324= 376= h University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore PK 66.5
275= 268= i The University of Exeter GB 68.4 324= 275= i University of Pittsburgh US 66.5
277= 214= i Beihang University (former BUAA) CN 68.3 326= 326= n University of Milan IT 66.4
277= 290= h Boğaziçi University TR 68.3 326= 258= i University of Patras GR 66.4
277= 401-450 h Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Surabaya) ID 68.3 328= 352= h Swinburne University of Technology AU 66.3
277= 253= i University of Notre Dame US 68.3 328= 297= i United Arab Emirates University AE 66.3
281= 263= i Durham University GB 68.2 328= 363= h University of Granada ES 66.3
281= 228= i Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX 68.2 328= 347= h Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE 66.3
281= 261 i Rutgers University–New Brunswick US 68.2 332= 281 i Concordia University CA 66.2
281= 199= i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 68.2 332= 321= i National Central University TW 66.2
281= 268= i University of Ottawa CA 68.2 332= 398= h Singapore University of Technology and Design SG 66.2
281= 239= i University of Zurich CH 68.2 332= new University of Dhaka BD 66.2
National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics 336= 352= h Université de Technologie, Compiègne (UTC) FR 66.1
287= 307= h RU 68.0
Institute) h
336= 501-520 Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III FR 66.1
287= 326= h University of Cape Town ZA 68.0
338 401-450 h University of Limerick IE 66.0
289 297= h University College Cork IE 67.9
339 389= h Quaid-i-Azam University PK 65.9
290 356= h Tomsk State University RU 67.8
340= 318= i Dalian University of Technology CN 65.8
291= 289 i Bilkent University TR 67.7
340= 401-450 h Riga Technical University LV 65.8
291= 347= h University of Rome "Tor Vergata" IT 67.7
340= 333= i Université de Liège BE 65.8
291= 401-450 h Ural Federal University - UrFU RU 67.7
340= 501-520 h Université de Lille FR 65.8
294 202= i Sun Yat-sen University CN 67.6
340= 368= h University of St Andrews GB 65.8
295= 360= h National University of Ireland Galway IE 67.5
340= 373= h University of Tsukuba JP 65.8
295= 263= i Washington State University US 67.5
346= 316= i Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) KR 65.7
297= 352= h Brunel University London GB 67.4
346= 316= i Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR 65.7
297= 262 i Southeast University CN 67.4
346= 311= i University of Central Florida US 65.7
297= 282= i Tampere University FI 67.4
346= 385= h University of Oulu FI 65.7
297= 307= h University of Groningen NL 67.4
346= 297= i University of Texas Dallas US 65.7
297= 340= h University of Oslo NO 67.4
346= 401-450 h Vellore Institute of Technology (VIT) IN 65.7

174 175
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
352= 273= i Florida State University US 65.6 401-450 new AGH University of Science and Technology PL -
352= 307= i University at Buffalo SUNY US 65.6 401-450 new Aix-Marseille University FR -
352= 356= h University of Pretoria ZA 65.6 401-450 345= i Amirkabir University of Technology IR -
352= 401-450 h Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WRUST) PL 65.6 401-450 451-500 h Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand TH -
356= 337= i Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg DE 65.5 401-450 401-450 n Beijing Jiaotong University CN -
356= 321= i Vilnius Gediminas Technical University LT 65.5 401-450 401-450 n Carleton University CA -
358= 330= i Iowa State University US 65.4 401-450 new City University of New York US -
358= 358= n Universiti Malaysia Pahang MY 65.4 401-450 new Duy Tan University VN -
360= new Hanoi University of Science and Technology VN 65.3 401-450 new Gdańsk University of Technology PL -
360= 451-500 h University of Bordeaux FR 65.3 401-450 451-500 h Hiroshima University JP -
362= 321= i Jordan University of Science & Technology JO 65.2 401-450 401-450 n Indiana University Bloomington US -
362= 337= i Université Laval CA 65.2 401-450 451-500 h Jeonbuk National University KR -
362= 378= h University of Rochester US 65.2 401-450 new Kazan (Volga region) Federal University RU -
362= new Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) VN 65.2 401-450 382= i Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) PK -
366= 351 i National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR 65.1 401-450 335= i National Sun Yat-sen University TW -
366= 401-450 h Università degli Studi di Pavia IT 65.1 National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
401-450 new UA -
h Institute"
366= 389= University of Aberdeen GB 65.1
401-450 451-500 h Northumbria University at Newcastle GB -
366= 363= i University of Geneva CH 65.1
401-450 385= i Oregon State University US -
366= 401-450 h University of Turin IT 65.1
401-450 401-450 n Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE -
366= 358= i University of York GB 65.1
401-450 451-500 h Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa IT -
372= 451-500 h Dublin City University IE 65.0
401-450 373= i Sejong University KR -
372= 451-500 h École Normale Supérieure de Lyon FR 65.0
401-450 340= i Shanghai University CN -
372= 380= h Florida International University US 65.0
401-450 385= i Singapore Management University SG -
372= 401-450 h Koç University TR 65.0
401-450 451-500 h Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg DE -
372= 451-500 h Victoria University of Wellington NZ 65.0
401-450 451-500 h Technological University Dublin IE -
377= 389= h Colorado State University US 64.9
401-450 451-500 h The American University in Cairo EG -
377= 301= i Illinois Institute of Technology US 64.9
401-450 282= i The University of Tennessee, Knoxville US -
377= 226= i Jilin University CN 64.9
401-450 401-450 n Tokyo University of Science JP -
377= 501-520 h University of Warsaw PL 64.9
h 401-450 new Ton Duc Thang University VN -
381 401-450 Sabanci University TR 64.8
401-450 401-450 n Universidad de Zaragoza ES -
382= 401-450 h Charles University CZ 64.7
401-450 368= i Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina BR -
382= 337= i Pusan National University KR 64.7
401-450 451-500 h Universitat de Valencia ES -
382= 401-450 h Université de Strasbourg FR 64.7
401-450 382= i Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ES -
382= 311= i University of Science and Technology Beijing CN 64.7
401-450 501-520 h Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 FR -
386= 253= i Shandong University CN 64.6
401-450 451-500 h Université de Lorraine FR -
386= 311= i Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) KR 64.6
401-450 360= i Université de Montpellier FR -
386= 290= i Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) CL 64.6
401-450 451-500 h Université de Rennes 1 FR -
386= new Vietnam National University, Hanoi VN 64.6
401-450 451-500 h Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM MY -
390= 451-500 h Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE 64.5
401-450 401-450 n University of Aveiro PT -
390= new Lebanese University LB 64.5
401-450 451-500 h University of California, Riverside US -
390= 401-450 h Luleå University of Technology SE 64.5
401-450 389= i University of Cincinnati US -
390= 340= i Simon Fraser University CA 64.5
401-450 401-450 n University of Genoa IT -
390= 307= i University of Coimbra PT 64.5
401-450 451-500 h University of Gothenburg SE -
390= 451-500 h University of Florence IT 64.5
401-450 401-450 n University of Göttingen DE -
396= 363= i American University of Sharjah AE 64.4
401-450 389= i University of Manitoba CA -
396= 451-500 h Griffith University AU 64.4
401-450 501-520 h University of Navarra ES -
396= 290= i South China University of Technology CN 64.4
401-450 501-520 h University of Otago NZ -
396= 363= i Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT 64.4
401-450 368= i University of Reading GB -
396= 352= i University of Delaware US 64.4
401-450 368= i University of South Carolina US -

176 177
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
401-450 389= i University of South Florida US - 451-500 451-500 n York University CA -
401-450 451-500 h University of the Basque Country ES - 501-520 501-520 n Aston University GB -
401-450 401-450 n University of Witwatersrand ZA - 501-520 new Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NZ -
401-450 401-450 n University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest RO - 501-520 401-450 i Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani IN -
401-450 321= i Washington University in St. Louis US - 501-520 389= i Clemson University US -
401-450 293= i Xiamen University CN - 501-520 451-500 i Drexel University US -
451-500 501-520 h Western Sydney University AU - 501-520 new École Centrale de Lille FR -
451-500 new Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZ - 501-520 new Kaunas University of Technology LT -
451-500 451-500 n Ajou University KR - 501-520 new Kuwait University KW -
451-500 new Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ - 501-520 new La Trobe University AU -
451-500 new American University of the Middle East KW - 501-520 new Mansoura University EG -
451-500 new Arts et Métiers, ParisTech FR - 501-520 401-450 i Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics CN -
451-500 345= i Beijing Normal University CN - 501-520 401-450 i National Chung Hsing University TW -
451-500 389= i Beijing University of Technology CN - 501-520 new Oxford Brookes University GB -
451-500 501-520 h City, University of London GB - 501-520 389= i Ryerson University CA -
451-500 380= i East China University of Science and Technology CN - 501-520 451-500 i Stony Brook University, State University of New York US -
451-500 new Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE - 501-520 401-450 i Texas Tech University US -
451-500 401-450 i George Washington University US - 501-520 451-500 i Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) BR -
451-500 new Hacettepe University TR - 501-520 new Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) MY -
451-500 401-450 i Inha University KR - 501-520 new University of Baghdad Iraq -
451-500 new International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) MY - 501-520 451-500 i University of Basel CH -
451-500 451-500 n King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi TH - 501-520 new University of Johannesburg ZA -
451-500 451-500 n Kobe University JP - 501-520 451-500 i University of Oklahoma US -
451-500 401-450 i Kyungpook National University KR - 501-520 401-450 i University of Utah US -
451-500 451-500 n Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT FI -
451-500 new Mahidol University TH -
451-500 new Massey University NZ -
451-500 new Novosibirsk State Technical University RU -
451-500 378= i Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro BR -
451-500 401-450 i Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE -
451-500 401-450 i Stellenbosch University ZA -
451-500 new Sultan Qaboos University OM -
451-500 new Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) EE -
451-500 new Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA -
451-500 451-500 n Technical University of Cluj-Napoca RO -
451-500 368= i Tel Aviv University IL -
451-500 398= i Universidad de Concepción CL -
451-500 398= i Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL -
451-500 401-450 i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul BR -
451-500 451-500 n University of Antwerp BE -
451-500 401-450 i University of Delhi IN -
451-500 401-450 i University of Ljubljana SI -
451-500 401-450 i University of Miami US -
451-500 401-450 i University of Minho PT -
451-500 501-520 h University of Tartu EE -
451-500 501-520 h University of the Philippines PH -
451-500 new University of the Punjab PK -
451-500 401-450 i University of Victoria (UVic) CA -
451-500 401-450 i Vanderbilt University US -
451-500 451-500 n Yildiz Technical University TR -

178 179
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

Reframing student mobility during a pandemic

By Frances James

In April 2021, the QS coronavirus reports revealed that, despite the significant
disruption presented by the pandemic, many prospective international students
are still committed to achieving their goal of studying abroad in the future.
QS Student Asked how their plans to study abroad had been impacted, 47 percent responded

Insights Tracker
they planned to defer or delay entry to their chosen study destination by a year.
Only 5 percent said they no longer planned to pursue higher education overseas,
reflecting the long-term goal of the majority to one day travel abroad to study.
However, the pause in global mobility as a result of the coronavirus pandemic
The QS Student Insights Tracker combines data from global prospective has also forced the higher education sector and the rest of the world to reflect
students and trusted higher education sources to help you more on its environmental impact.
effectively recruit international talent and design educational experiences
that meet their expectations. According to Veena Haran, Director of the Asia-Pacific region for Common
Purpose Student Experiences, reframing traditional mobility posy-pandemic
may help institutions meet the expectations of the climate generation and, in
turn, attract greater numbers of students, either through in-person or online
1 2 3 teaching.
A shift in student expectations?
Learn what See how study Identify student “There is an increasing level of climate and environment anxiety amongst the
students want preferences are markets of tomorrow current generation of young people,” says Haran.
changing over time
Survey results from more Your future international “According to the biggest scientific study yet on climate anxiety and young
than 130,000 global More than 50 million talent pipelines depend people [‘Young People’s Voices on Climate Anxiety, Government Betrayal and
prospective students unique visitors have visited on population trends,
Moral Injury: A Global Phenomenon’, The Lancet], nearly 60 percent of those
who have taken the QS TopUniversities.com education participation,
International Student in the last year. and the ability to be aged 16 to 25 were very or extremely worried about climate change; many of
Survey (ISS) and provided Now, for the first time mobile. Explore summary whom will enter or are currently studying in universities.”
insights on their aspirations ever, get a detailed views of these leading
and reservations about look into what they are indicators on more than Haran says the findings of the study in The Lancet correlate with how learners
pursuing higher education. searching for and what 200 countries from are engaging with Common Purpose Student Experiences, which specialises in
content they sources such as UNESCO face-to-face and online leadership programmes.
are consuming. and the World Bank.
“Universities become key contributors to achieving sustainable development
and embedding the SDGs on all fronts, academic and non-academic including

Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

UBT opened the first campus in JEDDAH CORNICHE

Creating student mobility in the new normal?
“Whilst the ongoing pandemic has forcibly pushed universities to rethink and
reframe student mobility, it has also offered them a great opportunity to test
transformative and collaborative virtual experiences to replace traditional
mobility,” continues Haran.
“In the past 12 months, through virtual mobility and global experiences, we have
been able to bring thousands of students together who most likely would have
never otherwise met and learnt with and from each other.”
Haran says virtual experiences create a “truly global” environment at scale and
deliver learning outcomes and impact that are on par with in-person short-term
mobility experiences, if not superior.
“92 percent said they felt better able to understand other cultures, 93 percent
said they felt better prepared to work with difference, and 90 percent said they
felt they could better solve complex problems,” she says. RANKED

“These further reiterate the insights of all global research on the development 2022

of crucial graduate skills and attributes through short-term mobility.” UBT ranked as one of the
At the same time, Haran notes virtual mobility experiences have enabled top ARAB WORLD universities based on
QS ARAB WORLD Rankings 2022 Results.
universities to demonstrate their commitment to sustainability. A significant
move, she says, as students consider their study choices, and look for institutions UBT is ranked among the top 400 Universities globally by
that share with their core values. THE Impact Ranking for SDGS 8 & 10

The resumption of large-scale travel, however, poses the risk that universities UBT scores at the TOP SECOND across all
stop building on the advancements they’ve made. The traditional methods of private instition in the kingdom in the OUR COLLEGES
education mobility, while having a large carbon footprint, were overwhelmingly terms of TOTAL NUMBER OF PROGRAMS
College Of Jeddah Jeddah

successful for several decades. ACCREDITED BY NCAAA. College Of e Of College Of

“[A return to the old normal] is not something the generation would accept,”
warns Haran. 1st
“As universities look into the new normal, they need to consider how to create a The first private University
balance and continue to deliver powerful mobility experiences with sustainability in Saudi Arabia to gain e-Learning License ARAB REGION - 2022

from the Saudi National e-Learning Center.

at their core.”
This shortened article originally appeared in the 2022 Asia Ranking Higher Ed MEMBERSHIPS
Report, published in November 2021.
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

Computer Science
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51 The Australian National University
(MIT) 52= Shanghai Jiao Tong University
2 Stanford University 52= Sorbonne University

QS Consulting 3

Carnegie Mellon University
University of California, Berkeley (UCB)
University of Oxford
KTH Royal Institute of Technology
University of Chicago
King Abdulaziz University (KAU)

A trusted strategic advisor to 6


National University of Singapore (NUS)
Harvard University
University of Cambridge
University of Maryland, College Park
King’s College London
The University of New South Wales

achieve global education excellence

9 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of (UNSW Sydney)
Technology 60 The University of Sydney
10 EPFL 61 National Taiwan University (NTU)
11 Nanyang Technological University, 62= Delft University of Technology
Singapore (NTU) 62= Lomonosov Moscow State University
12 University of Toronto 64 Eindhoven University of Technology
13 Princeton University 65 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
14 Cornell University 66 The University of Manchester
15 Tsinghua University 67 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
QS Consulting helps governments, universities, organizations and think tanks gain 16 University of Washington (IITB)
competitive advantage in the global higher education landscape. 17 Imperial College London 68= Monash University
18 University of California, Los Angeles 68= Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)
19 New York University (NYU) 68= University of Technology Sydney
20 Columbia University 71 Fudan University
Build reputation and brand Improve employability 21 University of British Columbia 72= Purdue University
1 5
We increase your global reach by We advise universities on best 22 UCL 72= Zhejiang University
23 The University of Edinburgh 74= City University of Hong Kong
assessing and advising on how to practices for employability and for
24 Peking University 74= Technische Universität Wien
communicate your brand. engaging with employers. 25 University of Waterloo 76= Korea University
26 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 76= Universiti Malaya (UM)
Enable internationalisation Achieve recruitment objectives 27 University of Illinois at Urbana- 78 The University of Warwick
2 6
We support universities to improve We create student profiles and Champaign 79= Duke University
28 University of Texas at Austin 79= ITMO University
their global engagement strategy. engagement strategies to increase
29= Technical University of Munich 79= Sapienza University of Rome
international student enrolments. 29= The Hong Kong University of Science and 82= University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Build strategic partnerships
3 Technology 82= University of Wisconsin-Madison
We help universities create and develop Assess performance 31 Institut Polytechnique de Paris 84= Aalto University
7 against objectives
partnerships based on strategic 32 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 84= Johns Hopkins University
priorities and global scientific trends. We use data and performance insights Science & Technology 86= RWTH Aachen University
33 Georgia Institute of Technology 86= Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ·
as a tool for strategic planning and
Achieve Sustainable 34 University of Amsterdam BarcelonaTech (UPC)
performance improvement. 35= Seoul National University 86= University of Science and Technology of
4 Development Goals
35= Yale University China
We guide universities with 37= Université PSL 89= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
their alignment to SDGs. 37= University of Pennsylvania 89= Universidade de São Paulo
39= California Institute of Technology 91 Yonsei University
39= The University of Hong Kong 92= Boston University
41 University of California, San Diego 92= The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
42 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 94 Pohang University of Science And
43 The University of Melbourne Technology (POSTECH)
For more information, please visit 44 McGill University 95 University of California, Irvine
qs.com/solutions/consulting 45 The University of Tokyo 96= The University of Adelaide
46= Université Paris-Saclay 96= University of Massachusetts Amherst
46= University of Southern California 98= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
48 Université de Montréal Bologna
49 Politecnico di Milano 98= KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
50 KU Leuven 100 Tokyo Institute of Technology

Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

Engineering - Mineral Engineering - Mechanical

1 Colorado School of Mines 26 Indian School of Mines (ISM) University, 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51 National Taiwan University (NTU)
2 Curtin University Dhanbad (MIT) 52= Kyoto University
3 The University of New South Wales 27 The University of Arizona 2 Stanford University 52= Université PSL
(UNSW Sydney) 28 The National University of Science and 3 University of Cambridge 54= Pohang University of Science And
4 The University of Queensland Technology MISIS 4 Harvard University Technology (POSTECH)
5 The University of Western Australia 29 The University of Newcastle, Australia 5 Delft University of Technology 54= The University of Melbourne
6 McGill University (UON) 6 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 56 The University of Hong Kong
7 Saint-Petersburg Mining University 30 University of Wollongong 7 Nanyang Technological University, 57 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
8 Universidad de Chile 31 Universidade de São Paulo Singapore (NTU) 58 Monash University
9 Queen’s University at Kingston 32 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 8 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 59= Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM)
10 University of British Columbia México (UNAM) Technology 59= University of Pennsylvania
11 Camborne School of Mines | University of 33 University of Pretoria 9 National University of Singapore (NUS) 61 University of British Columbia
Exeter 34 University of Aberdeen 10 Imperial College London 62 Chalmers University of Technology
12 University of Alberta 35 Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) 11 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 63 University of Southampton
13 Delft University of Technology 36 Universidad Nacional de Colombia 12 University of Oxford 64= Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
14 China University of Mining and 37 Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 13 Politecnico di Milano 64= Loughborough University
Technology (IIT-KGP) 14 Georgia Institute of Technology 64= The Ohio State University
15 University of Witwatersrand 38 University of Utah 15 California Institute of Technology 67 University of Bristol
16= King Fahd University of Petroleum & 39 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 16 EPFL 68 University of California, San Diego
Minerals (IITB) 17 Purdue University 69 Carnegie Mellon University
16= RWTH Aachen University 40= Kyushu University 18 Tsinghua University 70= Korea University
18 Technische Universität Bergakademie 40= Middle East Technical University 19 RWTH Aachen University 70= Universidade de São Paulo
Freiberg 42= Politecnico di Torino 20 The University of Tokyo 72= Tohoku University
19 The University of Adelaide 42= University of Illinois at Urbana- 21 Technical University of Munich 72= Zhejiang University
20 Pennsylvania State University Champaign 22 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 74 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
21 University of Toronto 44 Istanbul Technical University Science & Technology 75 Sapienza University of Rome
22 Monash University 45= Queensland University of Technology 23 The University of Manchester 76 The University of Sheffield
23 The University of Melbourne (QUT) 24 University of Illinois at Urbana- 77 Yonsei University
24 Université PSL 45= Western University Champaign 78= Indian Institute of Technology Madras
25 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State 47 University of Colorado Boulder 25 Seoul National University 78= Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya ·
University 48 Université Laval 26 KTH Royal Institute of Technology BarcelonaTech (UPC)
49 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · 27= Cranfield University 80 The University of Sydney
BarcelonaTech (UPC) 27= Pennsylvania State University 81= King Fahd University of Petroleum &
50 Politecnico di Milano 29= University of California, Los Angeles Minerals
(UCLA) 81= Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
29= University of Texas at Austin University
31= Politecnico di Torino 83= Harbin Institute of Technology
31= Shanghai Jiao Tong University 83= Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)
31= University of Toronto 85 University of Nottingham
34 Peking University 86 Xi’an Jiaotong University
35 Northwestern University 87 Tecnológico de Monterrey
36 Eindhoven University of Technology 88= Columbia University
37 Princeton University 88= Johns Hopkins University
38 KU Leuven 88= University of Twente
39 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 91 Michigan State University
40= Institut Polytechnique de Paris 92 Yale University
40= McGill University 93= Lomonosov Moscow State University
40= The Hong Kong University of Science and 93= Technische Universität Dresden
Technology 95= Université de Montréal
43 Tokyo Institute of Technology 95= University of Wisconsin-Madison
44 Technical University of Denmark 97 Duke University
45 Cornell University 98= Beihang University (former BUAA)
46 Texas A&M University 98= Indian Institute of Science
47 Universität Stuttgart 98= Institut National des Sciences Appliquées
48 Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) de Lyon (INSA)
49 University of Waterloo 98= National Tsing Hua University
50 The University of New South Wales 98= University of Birmingham

186 187
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

Engineering - Electrical Engineering - Civil

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 52= Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Cairo University
(MIT) 52= Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · (MIT) 51-100 California Institute of Technology
2 Stanford University BarcelonaTech (UPC) 2 Delft University of Technology 51-100 Carnegie Mellon University
3 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 54 McGill University 3 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Chalmers University of Technology
4 Nanyang Technological University, 55 The Australian National University 4 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 City University of Hong Kong
Singapore (NTU) 56= Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 5 University of Cambridge 51-100 Columbia University
5= ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 56= Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) 6 Imperial College London 51-100 Cornell University
Technology 58 Aalborg University 7 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 Curtin University
5= University of Cambridge 59 Technical University of Denmark Technology 51-100 Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
7 Harvard University 60= Chalmers University of Technology 8 Nanyang Technological University, 51-100 Hanyang University
8 National University of Singapore (NUS) 60= The University of Edinburgh Singapore (NTU) 51-100 Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
9 University of Oxford 62 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 9 Stanford University 51-100 Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD)
10 EPFL 63= The University of Sydney 10 EPFL 51-100 Indian Institute of Technology Madras
11 Imperial College London 63= University of Washington 11 Politecnico di Milano 51-100 Istanbul Technical University
12 California Institute of Technology 65 University of Southampton 12 Tsinghua University 51-100 King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
13 Tsinghua University 66 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 13 The University of New South Wales 51-100 King Fahd University of Petroleum &
14 Georgia Institute of Technology 67= Yale University 14 University of Oxford Minerals
15 University of California, Los Angeles 67= Zhejiang University 15 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 51-100 Korea University
16 Delft University of Technology 69 Pohang University of Science And 16 University of Illinois at Urbana- 51-100 KU Leuven
17 Carnegie Mellon University Technology (POSTECH) Champaign 51-100 McGill University
18 Technical University of Munich 70 King Fahd University of Petroleum & 17 The University of Sydney 51-100 Newcastle University
19= Politecnico di Milano Minerals 18 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Northwestern University
19= University of Illinois at Urbana- 71 University of California, Santa Barbara 19 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 Norwegian University of Science And
Champaign 72= Indian Institute of Technology Madras 20= Georgia Institute of Technology Technology
19= University of Toronto 72= Monash University 20= The Hong Kong University of Science and 51-100 Peking University
22 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 74 Korea University Technology 51-100 Queensland University of Technology
23= KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 75 Kyoto University 20= The University of Hong Kong 51-100 RMIT University
Science & Technology 76= New York University (NYU) 20= Tongji University 51-100 RWTH Aachen University
23= KTH Royal Institute of Technology 76= The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 24 Purdue University 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome
25 The University of Tokyo 76= Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) 25= The University of Melbourne 51-100 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
26= Princeton University 76= University of Wisconsin-Madison 25= University of British Columbia 51-100 Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)
26= University of Texas at Austin 80= Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 27 Monash University 51-100 Technische Universität Wien
28 The Hong Kong University of Science and 80= Texas A&M University 28 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 The University of Adelaide
Technology 80= Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 29 Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · 51-100 The University of Edinburgh
29 Seoul National University 83 University of Pennsylvania BarcelonaTech (UPC) 51-100 The University of Newcastle, Australia
30 University of California, San Diego 84 Yonsei University 30 University of Toronto 51-100 The University of Western Australia
31 University of British Columbia 85 City University of Hong Kong 31= Politecnico di Torino 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
32 Cornell University 86 Université PSL 31= Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) México (UNAM)
33 University of Waterloo 87 University of Southern California 33 Seoul National University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
34 The University of Manchester 88 University of Technology Sydney 34= Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 51-100 Universiti Malaya (UM)
35 Purdue University 89 King’s College London 34= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
36 Université Paris-Saclay 90 National Tsing Hua University 36= The University of Queensland 51-100 University of Bristol
37 The University of New South Wales 91= Sorbonne University 36= Tokyo Institute of Technology 51-100 University of California, Davis
38 Peking University 91= Universidade Estadual de Campinas 38 National Taiwan University (NTU) 51-100 University of California, San Diego
39 KU Leuven 93= University of Science and Technology of 39 Kyoto University 51-100 University of Canterbury | Te Whare
40= The University of Melbourne China 40= The University of Auckland Wānanga o Waitaha
40= Tokyo Institute of Technology 93= Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State 40= UCL 51-100 University of Lisbon
42 Shanghai Jiao Tong University University 42= Technical University of Denmark 51-100 University of Nottingham
43= Politecnico di Torino 95 Universidade de São Paulo 42= The University of Manchester 51-100 University of Porto
43= The University of Hong Kong 96 National Technical University of Athens 44= KTH Royal Institute of Technology 51-100 University of Southampton
45= Columbia University 97= Aalto University 44= Texas A&M University 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
45= RWTH Aachen University 97= Johns Hopkins University 44= University of Leeds 51-100 University of Waterloo
47 UCL 97= Northwestern University 47= KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 51-100 University of Wollongong
48 National Taiwan University (NTU) 97= Tohoku University Science & Technology 51-100 Yonsei University
49 Institut Polytechnique de Paris 47= The University of Sheffield 51-100 Zhejiang University
50= Eindhoven University of Technology 49 Technical University of Munich
50= Universiti Malaya (UM) 50 National Technical University of Athens

188 189
Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022 Subject Rankings: Engineering & Technology 2022

Engineering - Chemical Petroleum Engineering

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51 Yonsei University 1 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
(MIT) 52 The University of Queensland 2 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 Alexandria University
2 Stanford University 53 The University of New South Wales 3 Technical University of Denmark 51-100 Anna University
3 National University of Singapore (NUS) 54= King Fahd University of Petroleum & 4 Stanford University 51-100 Arab Academy for Science, Technology
4 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Minerals 5 Texas A&M University and Maritime Transport
5 University of Cambridge 54= National Taiwan University (NTU) 6 King Fahd University of Petroleum & 51-100 Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)
6 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 54= The University of Hong Kong Minerals 51-100 Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology 54= University of British Columbia 7 Imperial College London Technology
7 Nanyang Technological University, 58 Technical University of Munich 8 University of Alberta 51-100 Brunel University London
Singapore (NTU) 59 Korea University 9 Delft University of Technology 51-100 Cairo University
8 University of Oxford 60= Columbia University 10 The University of Adelaide 51-100 Case Western Reserve University
9 California Institute of Technology 60= Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) 11 Middle East Technical University 51-100 China University of Petroleum
10 Imperial College London 62 University of Delaware 12 University of Strathclyde 51-100 Chulalongkorn University
11 Delft University of Technology 63 National Taipei University of Technology 13 Heriot-Watt University 51-100 Cranfield University
12 Princeton University 64 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 14 Colorado School of Mines 51-100 Dalhousie University
13 Tsinghua University México (UNAM) 15 The University of Manchester 51-100 Escuela Politécnica Nacional
14 EPFL 65= Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) 16 Politecnico di Torino 51-100 Escuela Superior Politécnica del Litoral
15= The University of Tokyo 65= Universiti Malaya (UM) 17 The University of New South Wales 51-100 Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
15= University of Minnesota Twin Cities 67= Indian Institute of Technology Bombay 18 University of Surrey 51-100 Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN)
17 University of California, Los Angeles 67= The University of Edinburgh 19 National Research Tomsk Polytechnic 51-100 Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
18 Georgia Institute of Technology 69 Johns Hopkins University University 51-100 King Saud University
19 University of Texas at Austin 70 University of California, Davis 20 Khalifa University 51-100 Kuwait University
20 University of Wisconsin-Madison 71= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 21 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 51-100 Lebanese University
21 Yale University Bologna 22 Universiti Teknologi PETRONAS (UTP) 51-100 Memorial University of Newfoundland
22 Seoul National University 71= Carnegie Mellon University 23 Sharif University of Technology 51-100 Moscow Institute of Physics and
23 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 73 Hanyang University 24 Pennsylvania State University Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech)
Science & Technology 74 University of Twente 25 Aalborg University 51-100 National Sun Yat-sen University
24 UCL 75 University of Waterloo 26 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 51-100 Novosibirsk State University
25 The University of Manchester 76= Shanghai Jiao Tong University México (UNAM) 51-100 Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de
26= Northwestern University 76= Université PSL 27= King Abdullah University of Science & Janeiro
26= Peking University 76= University of Leeds Technology (KAUST) 51-100 RUDN University
28 University of Toronto 79 The University of Sydney 27= Lomonosov Moscow State University 51-100 Saint Petersburg State University
29 University of Pennsylvania 80 Politecnico di Torino 27= The University of Queensland 51-100 Saint-Petersburg Mining University
30 Politecnico di Milano 81= Universidade de São Paulo 30 Indian Institute of Technology Madras 51-100 Sultan Qaboos University
31 Cornell University 81= Universidade Estadual de Campinas 31 Universidade Estadual de Campinas 51-100 Technical University of Crete
32 Kyoto University 81= University of Alberta 32 Universidade de São Paulo 51-100 Technische Universität Bergakademie
33 Eindhoven University of Technology 84 King Abdullah University of Science & 33 University of Tehran Freiberg
34 Monash University Technology (KAUST) 34= University of Leeds 51-100 The American University in Cairo
35 Purdue University 85= KTH Royal Institute of Technology 34= University of Southern California 51-100 The National University of Science and
36= Technical University of Denmark 85= University of Birmingham 36 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Technology MISIS
36= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 85= University of California, San Diego 37 Norwegian University of Science And 51-100 United Arab Emirates University
38 University of California, Santa Barbara 88= Chalmers University of Technology Technology 51-100 Universidad de los Andes
39 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 88= Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 38 University of Calgary 51-100 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
40= The Hong Kong University of Science and 90 Sorbonne University 39 Istanbul Technical University 51-100 University College Dublin
Technology 91 Osaka University 40 University of Oklahoma 51-100 University of Aberdeen
40= University of Illinois at Urbana- 92= Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) 41 Amirkabir University of Technology 51-100 University of Baghdad
Champaign 92= Rice University 42 University of Copenhagen 51-100 University of Bergen
42 The University of Melbourne 94 The Ohio State University 43 Curtin University 51-100 University of Engineering & Technology
43= KU Leuven 95= Ghent University 44 Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UET) Lahore
43= Pennsylvania State University 95= University of Bath 45 Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS 51-100 University of Houston
43= Tokyo Institute of Technology 97 Universitat de Barcelona 46 University of Lisbon 51-100 University of Liverpool
46 Zhejiang University 98 Nanjing University 47 The University of Western Australia 51-100 University of Oslo
47= RWTH Aachen University 99 East China University of Science and 48 Texas Tech University 51-100 University of Pittsburgh
47= Texas A&M University Technology 49= Boğaziçi University 51-100 University of Tulsa
49= McGill University 100= National Tsing Hua University 49= Universidad Nacional de Colombia 51-100 University of Utah
49= Pohang University of Science And 100= Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 51-100 Ural Federal University - UrFU
Technology (POSTECH) 51-100 Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh
City (VNU-HCM)

190 191
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Harvard University US 99.0
2 2 n University of Oxford GB 94.8
3 5 h Johns Hopkins University US 92.9
4 4 n University of Cambridge GB 92.8
5 3 i Stanford University US 92.5
6 6 n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 91.5
7 8= h Karolinska Institute SE 90.1
8 10 h UCL GB 89.8
9 7 i University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) US 89.6
10 12 h Imperial College London GB 89.5
11 8= i University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 89.2
12 13 h University of Toronto CA 88.8
13 11 i Yale University US 87.8
14 23 h King's College London GB 87.5
15 16= h University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US 86.2
16 15 i University of Washington US 86.1
17 25 h The University of Melbourne AU 85.5
18 14 i University of Pennsylvania US 85.1
19= 22 h The University of Sydney AU 85.0
19= 20= h University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US 85.0
21 27 h National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 84.7
22 16= i Columbia University US 84.6
23 16= i Duke University US 84.5
24= 20= i Cornell University US 84.1
24= 24 n The University of Edinburgh GB 84.1
24= 29 h University of British Columbia CA 84.1
27 19 i University of Copenhagen DK 83.6
28 31 h McGill University CA 83.1
29 55= h KU Leuven BE 82.9
30 28 i Seoul National University KR 82.7
31 38= h The University of Queensland AU 82.5
32 26 i University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 82.2
33 35 h Monash University AU 82.1
34 36= h University of Amsterdam NL 81.9
35 34 i Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE 81.5
36 33 i The University of Tokyo JP 80.9
37 32 i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 80.8
38 40= h Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE 80.5
39= 46= h Sorbonne University FR 80.4
39= 42= h The University of Manchester GB 80.4
41 36= i New York University (NYU) US 80.2
42 44 h London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine GB 80.0
43= 46= h University of California, Davis US 79.9
43= 40= i Utrecht University NL 79.9
43= 59 h Wageningen University & Research NL 79.9
43= 30 i Washington University in St. Louis US 79.9
47= 65 h Universitat de Barcelona ES 79.6
47= 42= i University of Zurich CH 79.6
49= 52 h McMaster University CA 79.5

Life Sciences & Medicine 49= 55= h The University of Hong Kong HK 79.5

Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51 49= i University of Glasgow GB 79.3 101= 98= i Fudan University CN 74.5
52 66= h The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 79.2 101= 117= h University of Florida US 74.5
53 62= h Peking University CN 79.0 103= 95= i University of Bern CH 74.4
54 38= i University of Chicago US 78.9 103= 108= h University of Southampton GB 74.4
55 53= i ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 78.8 105 91= i Medizinische Universität Wien AT 74.3
56 51 i Emory University US 78.6 106 113= h Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 74.2
57 45 i Boston University US 78.5 107 90 i Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 74.0
58 78= h The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 78.3 108 91= i University of Calgary CA 73.9
59 58 i Uppsala University SE 78.1 109= 116 h King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA 73.8
60 82= h Ghent University BE 78.0 109= 111 h University of Cape Town ZA 73.8
61 74= h Universidade de São Paulo BR 77.9 111= 103= i Maastricht University NL 73.7
62= 49= i Erasmus University Rotterdam NL 77.8 111= 103= i Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 73.7
62= 68= h Technical University of Munich DE 77.8 113 133= h The Australian National University AU 73.6
64 60 i Baylor College of Medicine US 77.5 114 122= h Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE 73.5
65= 82= h Kyoto University JP 77.3 115 113= i University of Göttingen DE 73.4
65= 80= h Lund University SE 77.3 116= 85 i Aarhus University DK 73.3
67 82= h University of Nottingham GB 77.2 116= 108= i Radboud University NL 73.3
68= 88= h Newcastle University GB 77.1 118 142= h Mahidol University TH 73.0
68= 55= i Northwestern University US 77.1 119= 126= h Cardiff University GB 72.9
70= 64 i University of Bristol GB 76.9 119= 157= h Pennsylvania State University US 72.9
70= 98= h Yonsei University KR 76.9 121= 119= i Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE 72.8
72= 80= h National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 76.7 121= 141 h University of Leeds GB 72.8
72= 78= h Queen Mary University of London GB 76.7 123= 138= h Sapienza University of Rome IT 72.5
74 74= n University of Groningen NL 76.6 123= 117= i Università di Padova IT 72.5
75= 71= i Leiden University NL 76.4 125= 124= i Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg DE 72.4
75= 88= h University of Alberta CA 76.4 125= 106= i University of Lausanne CH 72.4
77= 70 i University of Basel CH 76.1 127= 133= h Michigan State University US 72.3
77= 53= i University of Helsinki FI 76.1 127= 130 h Osaka University JP 72.3
77= 48 i University of Pittsburgh US 76.1 127= 110 i University of Southern California US 72.3
80 74= i University of Geneva CH 76.0 130 124= i EPFL CH 72.2
81= 119= h Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 75.9 131 152= h University of Dundee GB 71.9
81= 100= h The University of Western Australia AU 75.9 132 115 i Brown University US 71.7
81= 66= i Université de Paris FR 75.9 133= 122= i Tsinghua University CN 71.6
81= 71= i University of Wisconsin-Madison US 75.9 133= 145= h Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES 71.6
85= 68= i The Ohio State University US 75.8 135= 112 i Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai US 71.5
85= 100= h The University of Adelaide AU 75.8 135= 144 h Korea University KR 71.5
87= 71= i Université de Montréal CA 75.7 135= 91= i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 71.5
87= 106= h University of Liverpool GB 75.7 138 179= h Universiti Malaya (UM) MY 71.4
87= 87 n University of Minnesota Twin Cities US 75.7 139= 142= h Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE 71.3
90= 61 i The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center US 75.4 139= 171= h Université de Montpellier FR 71.3
90= 126= h Université Paris-Saclay FR 75.4 141 132 i Universität Hamburg DE 71.2
92 95= h University of Gothenburg SE 75.3 142= 119= i Case Western Reserve University US 71.1
93= 62= i The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center at Dallas US 75.2 142= 126= i Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE 71.1
93= 86 i University of Birmingham GB 75.2 142= 133= i The University of Sheffield GB 71.1
93= 103= h University of Oslo NO 75.2 145 150= h University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US 71.0
96 94 i The University of Auckland NZ 75.0 146 248= h University of Porto PT 70.8
97 95= i University of Milan IT 74.9 147 175= h Complutense University of Madrid ES 70.7
98= 74= i Vanderbilt University US 74.7 148= 165= h Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 70.6
98= 152= h Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL 74.7 148= 203= h Universite libre de Bruxelles BE 70.6
100 100= n University of Otago NZ 74.6 148= 126= i Zhejiang University CN 70.6
151 173= h University College Dublin IE 70.5

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Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
152= 138= i University of Miami US 70.4 204 248= h All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi IN 67.6
152= 165= h University of Ottawa CA 70.4 205= 184= i Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel DE 67.5
154= 133= i Tufts University US 70.2 205= 147= i Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU) US 67.5
154= 165= h University of Aberdeen GB 70.2 205= 162= i Sun Yat-sen University CN 67.5
156= 165= h Technische Universität Dresden DE 70.1 205= 191= i Umea University SE 67.5
156= new Université PSL FR 70.1 209= 238= h Stockholm University SE 67.4
156= 145= i University of California, Irvine US 70.1 209= 213= h Tel Aviv University IL 67.4
159 213= h Charles University CZ 70.0 211= 169= i The University of Arizona US 67.3
160= 131 i California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 69.9 211= 265= h University of Vienna AT 67.3
160= 138= i Princeton University US 69.9 211= 225= h University of York GB 67.3
162 169= h Western University CA 69.7 214= 201= i National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR 67.2
163= 154= i University of Bergen NO 69.6 214= new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW 67.2
163= 149 i University of Texas at Austin US 69.6 214= 173= i University of Utah US 67.2
165 280= h The University of Exeter GB 69.5 217 240= h University of Pisa IT 67.1
166= 156 i Aix-Marseille University FR 69.4 218= 200 i Taipei Medical University (TMU) TW 66.9
166= 147= i Rockefeller University US 69.4 218= 223= h Tokyo Medical and Dental University (TMDU) JP 66.9
166= 160 i Université Laval CA 69.4 220= 284= h Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE 66.8
166= 191= h University of Bordeaux FR 69.4 220= 216= i Universidad de Chile CL 66.8
170 191= h Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES 69.3 220= 267= h Université de Strasbourg FR 66.8
171 223= h King Saud University SA 69.2 223 238= h Queen's University at Kingston CA 66.7
172= 177 h The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) AU 69.1 224 196= i Georgetown University US 66.6
172= 150= i University of Iowa US 69.1 225 221= i RWTH Aachen University DE 66.5
172= 133= i University of Virginia US 69.1 226= 273= h Griffith University AU 66.4
175= 314= h Rutgers University–New Brunswick US 69.0 226= 301= h Indiana University Bloomington US 66.4
175= 161 i Tohoku University JP 69.0 226= 196= i Kyushu University JP 66.4
175= 162= i University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 69.0 229= 216= i Nanjing University CN 66.2
178 206= h Cairo University EG 68.9 229= 209= i University of Leicester GB 66.2
179 184= h Texas A&M University US 68.8 231 287= h Freie Universitaet Berlin DE 66.1
180 216= h Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 68.7 232= 230= i Deakin University AU 66.0
181 203= h Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) AR 68.5 232= 213= i Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg DE 66.0
182= 157= i Medizinische Hochschule Hannover DE 68.4 232= 260= h University of Lisbon PT 66.0
182= 240= h The University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston US 68.4 235= 299 h Chulalongkorn University TH 65.9
182= 178 i University of Cologne DE 68.4 235= 304= h Curtin University AU 65.9
182= 171= i University of Turin IT 68.4 235= 314= h Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 65.9
186= 205 h Purdue University US 68.2 235= 260= h University of Manitoba CA 65.9
186= 216= h The University of Warwick GB 68.2 239 211= i University of South Florida US 65.8
188 182 i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 68.1 240= 206= i Mayo Medical School US 65.7
189= 211= h Queen's University Belfast GB 68.0 240= 209= i Nagoya University JP 65.7
189= 233= h Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU 68.0 240= 181 i Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster DE 65.7
191= 175= i Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore IT 67.9 243= 258= h Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO 65.6
191= 216= h Université Claude Bernard Lyon h FR 67.9 243= 255 h Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 65.6
191= 186= i University College Cork IE 67.9 243= 258= h Universitat de Valencia ES 65.6
191= 221= h University of Antwerp BE 67.9 246= 292= h Colorado State University US 65.5
195= 191= i Dalhousie University CA 67.8 246= 290= h Macquarie University AU 65.5
195= 191= i George Washington University US 67.8 246= 227 i University of Florence IT 65.5
197= 201= h Hokkaido University JP 67.7 246= 260= h Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE 65.5
197= 278= h Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 67.7 250= 248= i The University of Georgia US 65.4
197= 248= h Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences SE 67.7 250= 294= h Université Grenoble Alpes FR 65.4
197= 154= i University of Alabama, Birmingham US 67.7 250= 289 h University of East Anglia (UEA) GB 65.4
197= 179= i University of Colorado, Denver US 67.7
197= 162= i University of Rochester US 67.7
197= 196= i University of Southern Denmark (SDU) DK 67.7
198 199
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
253= 186= i Keio University JP 65.3 303 206= i Wake Forest University US 63.0
253= 294= h La Trobe University AU 65.3 304= 314= h Georgia Institute of Technology US 62.9
253= 157= i University of Maryland, College Park US 65.3 304= 307= h Temple University US 62.9
256= 240= i North Carolina State University US 65.2 306= 341= h Huazhong University of Science and Technology CN 62.7
256= 228= i University of Naples - Federico II IT 65.2 306= 328= h Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ES 62.7
258= 233= i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 65.1 308 310= h University of Milano-Bicocca IT 62.6
258= 278= h Universität Leipzig DE 65.1 309= 335= h Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR 62.5
258= 225= i University of Turku FI 65.1 309= 335= h Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL 62.5
261 233= i University Duesseldorf DE 65.0 309= 294= i Università degli Studi di Pavia IT 62.5
262= 401-450 h Jagiellonian University PL 64.8 309= 321= h University of Coimbra PT 62.5
262= 272 h Semmelweis University HU 64.8 309= 283 i University of Kentucky US 62.5
262= 233= i University of Witwatersrand ZA 64.8 314= 230= i University of Colorado Boulder US 62.4
265= 269= h Stellenbosch University ZA 64.7 314= 233= i Wayne State University US 62.4
265= 287= h Université de Liège BE 64.7 316= 314= i Oregon State University US 62.3
265= 183 i University of Massachusetts Medical School - Worcester US 64.7 316= 304= i Universität Jena DE 62.3
268= 298 h American University of Beirut (AUB) LB 64.6 316= 335= h University of Tasmania AU 62.3
268= 451-500 h Université de Lille FR 64.6 319= 307= i University of South Australia AU 62.2
268= 363= h Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 64.6 319= 314= i University of Tsukuba JP 62.2
271 228= i Virginia Commonwealth University US 64.5 321= 286 i Arizona State University US 62.1
272= 186= i Dartmouth College US 64.3 321= 300 i Sichuan University CN 62.1
272= 240= i Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz DE 64.3 323 358= h Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 62.0
272= 292= h Technical University of Denmark DK 64.3 324= 343 h University of Technology Sydney AU 61.9
272= 260= i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul BR 64.3 324= 310= i Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US 61.9
276= 301= h Hacettepe University TR 64.2 326= 401-450 h Masaryk University CZ 61.8
276= 260= i Universidade Federal de São Paulo BR 64.2 326= 332= h University of Massachusetts Amherst US 61.8
276= 232 i University of Cincinnati US 64.2 326= 340 h University of Saskatchewan CA 61.8
279= 189= i The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL 64.1 329 248= i Weizmann Institute of Science IL 61.7
279= 323= h UNESP BR 64.1 330= 323= i China Agricultural University CN 61.5
279= 256= i University of Kansas US 64.1 330= 330 n Hanyang University KR 61.5
282= 401-450 h Tehran University of Medical Sciences IR 64.0 330= 401-450 h University of Delhi IN 61.5
282= 256= i The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) US 64.0 333= 280= i University of Missouri, Columbia US 61.4
284 265= i Medizinische Universität Graz AT 63.9 333= 240= i University Ulm DE 61.4
285 273= i Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg DE 63.8 335= 376= h Ain Shams University EG 61.3
286= 347 h Western Sydney University AU 63.7 335= 267= i University of Connecticut US 61.3
286= 310= h Iowa State University US 63.7 337= 335= i James Cook University AU 61.2
286= 284= i Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR 63.7 337= 248= i Kyung Hee University KR 61.2
286= 269= i University of Guelph CA 63.7 337= 392= h Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III FR 61.2
290= 273= i Washington State University US 63.6 337= 348= h University of Pretoria ZA 61.2
290= 240= i Wuhan University CN 63.6 341= 376= h Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE 61.1
292 323= h University of Science and Technology of China CN 63.5 341= 401-450 h Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT 61.1
293= 301= h Flinders University AU 63.4 343= 354= h Justus-Liebig-University Giessen DE 61.0
293= 323= h Istanbul University TR 63.4 343= 344= h Tampere University FI 61.0
293= 273= i Medizinische Universität Innsbruck AT 63.4 343= 189= i University at Buffalo SUNY US 61.0
293= 304= h University of Tartu EE 63.4 346= 294= i National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 60.7
297= 321= h National University of Ireland Galway IE 63.3 346= 280= i University of New Mexico US 60.7
297= 334 h University of Granada ES 63.3 348 401-450 h Universitas Indonesia ID 60.6
297= 273= i University of Navarra ES 63.3 349= 361= h Aga Khan University PK 60.5
300= 248= i China Medical University Taichung TW 63.1 349= 348= i Northeastern University US 60.5
300= 271 i Stony Brook University, State University of New York US 63.1 349= 290= i University of Eastern Finland FI 60.5
300= 240= i Universität Duisburg-Essen DE 63.1 349= 358= h University of Rome "Tor Vergata" IT 60.5

200 201
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
353= 385= h Chiang Mai University TH 60.4 401-450 348= i Aalborg University DK -
353= 387= h Kaohsiung Medical University TW 60.4 401-450 401-450 n Ben-Gurion University of The Negev IL -
353= 323= i Linköping University SE 60.4 401-450 370= i Central South University CN -
353= 401-450 h Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland (RCSI) IE 60.4 401-450 392= i Chiba University JP -
357 348= i University of Reading GB 60.3 401-450 361= i Delft University of Technology NL -
358= 385= h Massey University NZ 60.2 401-450 369 i Drexel University US -
358= 366= h University of Waterloo CA 60.2 401-450 396= i Durham University GB -
360= 451-500 h Swansea University GB 60.1 401-450 451-500 h Huazhong Agricultural University CN -
360= 331 i Tulane University US 60.1 401-450 344= i Indiana University–Purdue University Indianapolis US -
360= 370= h University of Bari IT 60.1 401-450 401-450 n Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX -
360= 387= h University of Zagreb HR 60.1 401-450 401-450 n Kansas State University US -
364= 309 i Medical College of Wisconsin US 60.0 401-450 401-450 n Khon Kaen University TH -
364= 372 h Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 60.0 401-450 401-450 n King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) SA -
364= 451-500 h Universität für Bodenkultur Wien AT 60.0 401-450 401-450 n Lancaster University GB -
367 381= h Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg DE 59.9 401-450 401-450 n Mansoura University EG -
368 354= i St. George's, University of London GB 59.6 401-450 396= i Nanjing Agricultural University CN -
369= 401-450 h Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZ 59.5 401-450 401-450 n Okayama University JP -
369= 451-500 h Florida International University US 59.5 401-450 451-500 h Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CO -
371= 374= h Kobe University JP 59.3 401-450 new Qatar University QA -
371= 341= i Philipps-Universität Marburg DE 59.3 401-450 401-450 n Rice University US -
371= 451-500 h University of Belgrade RS 59.3 401-450 363= i Rush University US -
374 368 i The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 59.2 401-450 348= i Shandong University CN -
375= 401-450 h Alexandria University EG 59.0 401-450 401-450 n Simon Fraser University CA -
375= 387= h Carnegie Mellon University US 59.0 401-450 new South China University of Technology CN -
375= new Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, Karnataka, India IN 59.0 401-450 356= i The Catholic University of Korea KR -
375= 451-500 h University of Genoa IT 59.0 401-450 401-450 n Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP -
379= 363= i Florida State University US 58.9 401-450 396= i Tongji University CN -
379= 451-500 h Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ES 58.9 401-450 451-500 h Universidad de Antioquia CO -
379= 366= i University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) US 58.9 401-450 328= i Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele IT -
379= 373 i University of Kwazulu-Natal ZA 58.9 401-450 400= i Universität des Saarlandes DE -
379= 401-450 h University of Nebraska - Lincoln US 58.9 401-450 379= i Universität Regensburg DE -
384 313 i Thomas Jefferson University US 58.8 401-450 400= i Université Côte d\'Azur FR -
385= 381= i Hiroshima University JP 58.6 401-450 356= i Université de Lorraine FR -
385= new Sechenov University RU 58.6 401-450 451-500 h Université du Québec CA -
385= 374= i The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 58.6 401-450 451-500 h Université Paris-Est Créteil FR -
385= 353 i University of South Carolina US 58.6 401-450 401-450 n University of Bath GB -
389= 339 i Chang Gung University TW 58.5 401-450 401-450 n University of California, Riverside US -
389= 451-500 h City University of New York US 58.5 401-450 401-450 n University of Debrecen HU -
389= 387= i University of Maryland, Baltimore US 58.5 401-450 401-450 n University of Ljubljana SI -
389= 320 i University of Ulsan KR 58.5 401-450 401-450 n University of Massachusetts Boston US -
389= 401-450 h Verona University IT 58.5 401-450 401-450 n University of Mississippi US -
394= 381= i Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) KR 58.4 401-450 358= i University of Oklahoma US -
394= 401-450 h United Arab Emirates University AE 58.4 401-450 332= i University of Oulu FI -
394= 401-450 h University of the Philippines PH 58.4 401-450 392= i University of Parma IT -
397= new Ankara Üniversitesi TR 58.1 401-450 401-450 n University of Sussex GB -
397= 451-500 h Universidad de Sevilla ES 58.1 401-450 451-500 h University of Szeged HU -
397= 376= i University of St Andrews GB 58.1 401-450 381= i University of Texas Dallas US -
397= 401-450 h University of Wollongong AU 58.1 401-450 401-450 n University of Tromsø The Arctic University of Norway NO -
401-450 314= i Xi’an Jiaotong University CN -
401-450 387= i Xiamen University CN -
401-450 346 i Yeshiva University US -

202 203
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

451-500 401-450 i Ajou University KR -
451-500 451-500 n Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NZ -
451-500 new Australian Catholic University AU - From the classroom to the field
451-500 401-450 i Beijing Normal University CN -
451-500 401-450 i Catania University IT - By Niamh Ollerton
451-500 401-450 i Chung-Ang University (CAU) KR -
451-500 401-450 i Chungnam National University KR -
451-500 new École Normale Supérieure de Lyon FR -
451-500 401-450 i Ewha Womans University KR -
Sports Management degrees combine educational
451-500 401-450 i Jilin University CN - and practical elements of business leadership skills
451-500 451-500 n Jordan University of Science & Technology JO - with passionate knowledge of the sports world.
451-500 new Kasetsart University TH -
451-500 new KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE - The business-oriented degree focuses on how an
451-500 392= i Kyungpook National University KR - individual can lead an organisation in the sports
451-500 396= i Loyola University Chicago US - industry, with students undertaking classes in
451-500 451-500 n Makerere University UG -
finance, marketing, public relations, leadership skills,
451-500 401-450 i Nanjing Medical University CN -
and communications.
451-500 401-450 National Tsing Hua University TW -
451-500 451-500 n Peking Union Medical School CN - To hone necessary expertise, Sports Management
451-500 new Prince of Songkla University TH -
students will also study laws and ethics specifically
451-500 401-450 i Pusan National University KR -
451-500 new RMIT University AU -
related to the sports industry and finesse important
451-500 new Royal Veterinary College, University of London GB - skills such as negotiating a sponsorship contract or
451-500 451-500 n Saint Petersburg State University RU - managing a sports facility.
451-500 451-500 n Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE -
451-500 new Tecnológico de Monterrey MX -
The opportunities that come along with the degree
451-500 240= i The University of Tennessee, Knoxville US - are growing. PwC figures predict the sports market
451-500 451-500 n Universidad de Zaragoza ES - “We see sport will grow at a compound annual rate of 3.2 percent
451-500 451-500 n Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia (UPCH) PE - as a starting in North America alone, rising from $71.1 billion in
451-500 401-450 i Universidade de Brasília BR - point, not a 2018 to $83.1 billion in 2023 through a mixture of
451-500 401-450 i Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina BR - finish line.” established and emerging areas.
451-500 451-500 n Universidade Federal do Paraná - UFPR BR -
451-500 401-450 i Università degli Studi di Perugia IT -
Among its outlook predictions for 2022, PwC
451-500 new Universitat Politècnica de València ES -
451-500 new Université de Nantes FR -
identified betting, streaming and rights negotiations,
451-500 new Université de Rennes h FR -
mergers and acquisitions, the resurgence of live
451-500 new Université Sorbonne Paris Nord FR - audiences, smart venues, NFTs and digital assets,
451-500 451-500 n University of California, Santa Cruz US - sports documentaries and reality TV, sponsorship
451-500 451-500 n University of Crete GR - data, fan-created content, and mixed reality.
451-500 401-450 i University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa US -
451-500 new University of Jordan JO - A changing sector
451-500 401-450 i University of Louisville US -
451-500 new University of Messina (UniME) IT - Emlyon Business School’s MSc in Sports Industry
451-500 451-500 n University of Modena and Reggio Emilia IT - Management is designed to provide students with
451-500 451-500 n University of Oregon US - global perspectives of the sports industry.
451-500 new University of Plymouth GB -
451-500 451-500 n University of Siena IT - “Although we name it Sports Industry Management,
451-500 451-500 n University of Strathclyde GB - the MSc SIM could be looked at first as a Master’s
451-500 451-500 n University of Surrey GB -
451-500 451-500 n University of Twente NL -
451-500 new University of Warsaw PL -

204 205
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

in Marketing and Innovation where sports are our field of study,” says Antoine “By sharing not only their knowledge but also their
Haincourt, Head of MSc in Sports Industry Management. personal experiences, the cohort benefits from
getting a deeper understanding of the requirements
“We see sport as a starting point, not a finish line. Why? Because sport is a
and demands of the sports industry,” Zoé says.
fantastic playground, multifaceted, culturally coded, but more interestingly a
sector facing major transformation challenges.” Emlyon’s diverse range of classes and experiences
which, in Zoé’s case, offer the professional learnings
Emlyon’s programme started in 2012, and essentially looked at sport through
needed for the career she wants to build in sports,
the lens of the sporting goods market. Haincourt believes the boundaries from
and more specifically, in the outdoor industry.
the past have become blurry, and today, sport meets with lifestyle, technology,
entertainment, and health. Zoé believes these programmes are essential to
build strong and competent professionals and allow PwC predics the
Other examples of change in the sector may not seem as obvious, such as
diversity in an industry as specific as sports. North American
digital transformation, media consumption, and global political instability and
its impact of mega events. “Programmes such as Emlyon’s MSc SIM offer sports market
opportunities for young professionals and leverage will grow to
“We should look at some other factors, probably less visible,” Haincourt says. $83.1 billion in
for an international career,” she says.
“Sport is historically driven by males for males. What we see today is a major 2023.
“These programmes don’t only focus on the surface
shift towards feminisation.
of the industry, they also teach what the future
“Some may essentially see the rise of female teams in the major sports and challenges will be and how the industry will adapt to
leagues. However, just to name one example, one should also take into the issues of tomorrow turning us into true leaders
consideration that the greatest shift and growth driver is the rise of heartbeat and innovators.”
sports among females, outside of most institutional organisations. Another shift
Emlyon’s cohort is generally half international and
is how organisations embrace CSR, and sustainability issues.”
half French, 60 percent male, 40 percent female
Changing the sector on average. Students also come from different
backgrounds, countries and previous study,
In addition to teaching concrete and theoretical knowledge, Sports
something Zoé thinks is very important.
Managements programmes put cohorts in the shoes of sports professionals by
allowing students to work hand-in-hand with renowned brands. “Diversity allows for interesting debates and we
also learn from one another. As a woman entering
“From startups to international sports companies, we had the chance to learn
the sports industry and one of the six girls on the
and put into context and action the different notions learned,” says Zoé Gerdil,
programme, I’m looking forward to seeing more
a MSc in Sports Industry Management student at Emlyon Business School.
women apply to such programmes!”
“The programme also has a long list of professors and speakers which are either
The article from which this was excerpted originally
current or former sports professionals.
appeared in the 2022 Subject Rankings Higher Ed
Report, published in April 2022.

206 207
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

Agriculture Anatomy
1 Wageningen University & Research 51 Kansas State University 1 University of Oxford 51-100 Baylor College of Medicine
2 University of California, Davis 52 Massey University 2 University of Cambridge 51-100 Boston University
3 Swedish University of Agricultural 53= Kasetsart University 3 Stanford University 51-100 Case Western Reserve University
Sciences 53= Kyoto University 4 Johns Hopkins University 51-100 China Medical University Taichung
4 Cornell University 55= The University of Georgia 5 Columbia University 51-100 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen
5 China Agricultural University 55= University of Nebraska - Lincoln 6 UCL 51-100 Emory University
6 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 57 Colorado State University 7 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Fudan University
Technology 58 Huazhong Agricultural University (UCLA) 51-100 Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main
7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 59= The University of Sydney 8= Duke University 51-100 Leiden University
8 Purdue University 59= University College Cork 8= University of British Columbia 51-100 Lund University
9 Norwegian University of Life Sciences 61 University College Dublin 8= University of Toronto 51-100 Maastricht University
(UMB) 62= Nanyang Technological University, 11 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 Mayo Medical School
10 Michigan State University Singapore (NTU) 12 The University of Sydney 51-100 Medizinische Hochschule Hannover
11= Ghent University 62= Tokyo University of Agriculture and 13 Washington University in St. Louis 51-100 Peking University
11= University of Reading Technology 14 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
13 University of Wisconsin-Madison 64 University of California, Riverside 15 McGill University 51-100 The Australian National University
14 Iowa State University 65= Estonian University of Life Sciences 16 King’s College London 51-100 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
15 Texas A&M University 65= Northwest Agriculture and Forestry 17 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (CUHK)
16= The University of Queensland University 18= The University of Edinburgh 51-100 The Ohio State University
16= University of British Columbia 67= Lund University 18= University of Glasgow 51-100 The University of Adelaide
16= University of Copenhagen 67= Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) 20 University of Copenhagen 51-100 The University of Auckland
19 University of Hohenheim 69 The University of Edinburgh 21 University of Alberta 51-100 The University of Georgia
20= University of Guelph 70 The University of Adelaide 22 University of Washington 51-100 The University of Manchester
20= University of Illinois at Urbana- 71= McGill University 23 The University of Tokyo 51-100 The University of Texas Southwestern
Champaign 71= University of Saskatchewan 24= The University of Western Australia Medical Center at Dallas
22 North Carolina State University 73 Yale University 24= University of California, San Diego 51-100 Tsinghua University
23 Universität für Bodenkultur Wien 74= University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UCSD) 51-100 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
24 The University of Tokyo 74= University of Alberta 26 University of Zurich 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
25 Sup Agro, Montpellier 76= Stellenbosch University 27 The University of Queensland México (UNAM)
26 Oregon State University 76= Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 28 The University of Melbourne 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
27= Technical University of Munich 78 University of Aberdeen 29 Monash University 51-100 Università di Padova
27= University of Florida 79 National Taiwan University (NTU) 30 McMaster University 51-100 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
29 Nanjing Agricultural University 80= Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) 31 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 Université de Montréal
30 University of Göttingen 80= University of Maryland, College Park 32 University of Florida 51-100 University of Bristol
31 University of Massachusetts Amherst 82= Hokkaido University 33= Northwestern University 51-100 University of California, Davis
32 The Ohio State University 82= Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 33= University of California, San Francisco 51-100 University of California, Irvine
33 Pennsylvania State University 82= Universitat de Valencia (UCSF) 51-100 University of Gothenburg
34 Seoul National University 85 Peking University 35 Imperial College London 51-100 University of Groningen
35 Université Paris-Saclay 86 University of Nottingham 36= Sorbonne University 51-100 University of Iowa
36 South China Agricultural University 87 Università di Padova 36= University of Basel 51-100 University of Kansas
37= Aarhus University 88 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 38 University of Calgary 51-100 University of Leeds
37= University of Minnesota Twin Cities Bonn 39= ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 University of Liverpool
39 The Australian National University 89 Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV) Technology 51-100 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
40 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 90= Czech University of Life Sciences in 39= Pennsylvania State University 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Bologna Prague 41 Kyoto University 51-100 University of Nottingham
41= Bogor Agricultural University 90= Korea University 42 National Taiwan University (NTU) 51-100 University of Oslo
41= Universitat Politècnica de València 92= Jiangnan University 43= KU Leuven 51-100 University of Ottawa
43= University of Helsinki 92= University of Leeds 43= University of Geneva 51-100 University of Southern California
43= Zhejiang University 94= Duke University 43= University of Otago 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison
45= The University of Western Australia 94= Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 46 Western University 51-100 Vanderbilt University
45= Washington State University (UC) 47 The University of New South Wales 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
47 Universidade Estadual de Campinas 94= University of Manitoba (UNSW Sydney) 51-100 Zhejiang University
(Unicamp) 97 The University of Arizona 48 University of Waterloo
48= Universidade de São Paulo 98 Lincoln University 49 University of Birmingham
48= Warsaw University of Life Sciences – 99 Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg 50= Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
SGGW (WULS-SGGW) 100 RMIT University 50= Universitat de Barcelona
50 The University of Melbourne

208 209
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

Biological Dentistry
1 Harvard University 51 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 1 Karolinska Institute 51-70 Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Science & Technology 2= Academic Centre for Dentistry 51-70 Cairo University
(MIT) 52 Uppsala University Amsterdam (ACTA) 51-70 Cardiff University
3 University of Cambridge 53= The University of Queensland 2= The University of Hong Kong 51-70 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
4 Stanford University 53= Utrecht University 4 University of Gothenburg 51-70 National and Kapodistrian University of
5 University of Oxford 55 University of Amsterdam 5 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Athens
6 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 56 University of Wisconsin-Madison 6 Tokyo Medical and Dental University 51-70 National University of Singapore (NUS)
Technology 57 University of Glasgow (TMDU) 51-70 Newcastle University
7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 58 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 7 University of Bern 51-70 Osaka University
8 University of California, San Diego 59 The Australian National University 8 University of Zurich 51-70 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
(UCSD) 60 KU Leuven 9= King’s College London Bonn
9 University of California, Los Angeles 61 Osaka University 9= University of California, San Francisco 51-70 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
(UCLA) 62= The University of Hong Kong (UCSF) 51-70 The University of Queensland
10 Yale University 62= Universitat de Barcelona 11 KU Leuven 51-70 The University of Sheffield
11= Imperial College London 64= Northwestern University 12 Harvard University 51-70 The University of Sydney
11= UCL 64= University of Bristol 13 Malmo University 51-70 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
13 California Institute of Technology 66 Université PSL 14 Queen Mary University of London Dublin
(Caltech) 67= Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 15 Universidade de São Paulo 51-70 Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do
14 National University of Singapore (NUS) 67= Leiden University 16 Complutense University of Madrid Sul
15 Cornell University 69= Monash University 17 UCL 51-70 University at Buffalo SUNY
16 University of Toronto 69= National Taiwan University (NTU) 18 Saveetha Institute of Medical and 51-70 University of Helsinki
17 University of California, San Francisco 71= The University of Sydney Technical Sciences (deemed to be 51-70 University of Oslo
(UCSF) 71= Trinity College Dublin, The University of university) 51-70 University of Southern California
18 The University of Tokyo Dublin 19 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 51-70 University of Turku
19 Johns Hopkins University 73= Fudan University 20 New York University (NYU)
20= Columbia University 73= University of Basel 21 University of California, Los Angeles
20= Princeton University 75= Lomonosov Moscow State University (UCLA)
22 The University of Edinburgh 75= Shanghai Jiao Tong University 22 University of Pennsylvania
23 EPFL 75= University of Göttingen 23 University of Washington
24 University of Pennsylvania 75= University of Helsinki 24 University of Birmingham
25 University of Copenhagen 75= University of Illinois at Urbana- 25 The University of Adelaide
26= Tsinghua University Champaign 26 University of Copenhagen
26= University of Chicago 80 University of Geneva 27 Columbia University
28 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 81= The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) 28 The University of Melbourne
29= Peking University 81= Zhejiang University 29 Boston University
29= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 83 Lund University 30 University of Geneva
31= Nanyang Technological University, 84 University of Groningen 31 Seoul National University
Singapore (NTU) 85= Baylor College of Medicine 32 Universidade Estadual de Campinas
31= University of British Columbia 85= University of Lausanne (Unicamp)
33= Kyoto University 87= Université Paris-Saclay 33 Sichuan University
33= Sorbonne University 87= University of Vienna 34 University of Toronto
35 New York University (NYU) 89 University of Texas at Austin 35 The University of Manchester
36= Karolinska Institute 90= The University of New South Wales 36 UNESP
36= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (UNSW Sydney) 37 The Ohio State University
38 University of Washington 90= The University of Texas Southwestern 38 Peking University
39 McGill University Medical Center at Dallas 39 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
40 Seoul National University 92 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 40 Yonsei University
41 The University of Melbourne (CUHK) 41 University of Otago
42 University of California, Davis 93= University of Dundee 42 Radboud University
43 Technical University of Munich 93= Universidade de São Paulo 43 King Saud University
44= Duke University 95= Boston University 44= Tufts University
44= Rockefeller University 95= Yonsei University 44= University of Iowa
46 King’s College London 97 Pennsylvania State University 46 University of British Columbia
47= The University of Manchester 98= Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg 47 Wuhan University
47= Wageningen University & Research 98= Ghent University 48 Aarhus University
49 University of Zurich 98= Université de Paris 49 University of Leeds
50 Washington University in St. Louis 50 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of

210 211
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

Medicine Nursing
1 Harvard University 52= Kyoto University 1 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 Aarhus University
2 University of Oxford 52= Universitat de Barcelona 2 King’s College London 51-100 Boston College
3 Stanford University 54= Peking University 3 Johns Hopkins University 51-100 Cardiff University
4 University of Cambridge 54= University of Glasgow 4 University of Washington 51-100 Case Western Reserve University
5 Johns Hopkins University 56 Emory University 5 University of Southampton 51-100 Curtin University
6 University of California, Los Angeles 57= Boston University 6 The University of Manchester 51-100 Edith Cowan University
(UCLA) 57= The University of Texas M. D. Anderson 7 Yale University 51-100 Flinders University
7 UCL Cancer Center 8 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 51-100 George Washington University
8 Imperial College London 59= Technical University of Munich 9 University of Alberta 51-100 Ghent University
9 Yale University 59= Utrecht University 10 University of Toronto 51-100 Kaohsiung Medical University
10 University of Toronto 61 University of Pittsburgh 11 University of California, San Francisco 51-100 La Trobe University
11 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 62 Queen Mary University of London (UCSF) 51-100 Linköping University
(MIT) 63 Yonsei University 12 The University of Sydney 51-100 Oregon Health & Science University
12 Karolinska Institute 64= Newcastle University 13 Columbia University (OHSU)
13 University of California, San Francisco 64= University of Birmingham 14 Monash University 51-100 Peking University
(UCSF) 66= Mayo Medical School 15 New York University (NYU) 51-100 Queen’s University at Kingston
14 Columbia University 66= Medizinische Universität Wien 16= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 51-100 Queen’s University Belfast
15 University of Pennsylvania 68 Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin (CUHK) 51-100 Rush University
16 King’s College London 69 University of Bristol 16= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome
17 Duke University 70 Université de Montréal 18 Karolinska Institute 51-100 Seoul National University
18 The University of Sydney 71= Leiden University 19 Duke University 51-100 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
19 University of Washington 71= Maastricht University 20 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 The University of Sheffield
20 The University of Melbourne 71= University of Southampton (UCLA) 51-100 Ulster University
21 National University of Singapore (NUS) 74 Fudan University 21= McMaster University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
22= McGill University 75= ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 21= University of Pittsburgh 51-100 Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore
22= University of California, San Diego Technology 23 University of British Columbia 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
(UCSD) 75= Lund University 24 University of Technology Sydney 51-100 University College Dublin
24 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 77 Universidade de São Paulo 25 University of Nottingham 51-100 University of Basel
25= London School of Hygiene & Tropical 78 Vanderbilt University 26= Emory University 51-100 University of Birmingham
Medicine 79= University of Groningen 26= Griffith University 51-100 University of Colorado, Denver
25= The University of Edinburgh 79= University of Liverpool 28 University of Turku 51-100 University of Eastern Finland
27 University of British Columbia 81= University of Milan 29 The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Glasgow
28 University of Amsterdam 81= Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 30= National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 University of Gothenburg
29= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 83= The Ohio State University 30= Queensland University of Technology 51-100 University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
29= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 83= University of Calgary (QUT) 51-100 University of Iowa
(CUHK) 83= University of Oslo 32 The University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Miami
31 University of Chicago 86 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai 33 Deakin University 51-100 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
32 Seoul National University 87 Brown University 34 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 University of Navarra
33 New York University (NYU) 88 University of Cape Town 35= Pennsylvania State University 51-100 University of Otago
34= Cornell University 89 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 35= The University of Newcastle, Australia 51-100 University of Ottawa
34= KU Leuven Bologna (UON) 51-100 University of South Australia
36 Erasmus University Rotterdam 90= Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) 37 The University of Queensland 51-100 University of Surrey
37 McMaster University 90= The University of Texas Southwestern 38 McGill University 51-100 University of Texas at Austin
38= Monash University Medical Center at Dallas 39 The Ohio State University 51-100 University of Virginia
38= The University of Manchester 90= University of Alberta 40 University of Calgary 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison
40= The University of Hong Kong 93 Nanyang Technological University, 41 University College Cork 51-100 University of Wollongong
40= Washington University in St. Louis Singapore (NTU) 42= Western Sydney University 51-100 Uppsala University
42 The University of Tokyo 94 University of Bern 42= The University of Auckland 51-100 Utrecht University
43 The University of New South Wales 95 Trinity College Dublin, The University of 42= Trinity College Dublin, The University of 51-100 Vanderbilt University
(UNSW Sydney) Dublin Dublin 51-100 Yonsei University
44= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 96= Shanghai Jiao Tong University 42= Western University
44= Sorbonne University 96= University of Nottingham 46 The University of Adelaide
46= Baylor College of Medicine 96= University of Southern California 47= National Taiwan University (NTU)
46= National Taiwan University (NTU) 99= University of Gothenburg 47= Taipei Medical University (TMU)
46= Northwestern University 99= Uppsala University 47= University of Leeds
49 University of Zurich 50= Australian Catholic University
50= The University of Queensland 50= Lund University
50= University of Copenhagen

212 213
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022 Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

Pharmacy Veterinary Science

1 Monash University 50 University of Bristol 1 Royal Veterinary College, University of 51-60 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
2 Harvard University 51 Kyoto University London Bologna
3 University of Oxford 52 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 2 University of California, Davis 51-60 École Nationale Vétérinaire, Alfort
4 UCL (CUHK) 3 Utrecht University 51-60 The University of Adelaide
5 University of Nottingham 53= Fudan University 4 Cornell University 51-60 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
6 University of Cambridge 53= Université catholique de Louvain 5 University of Guelph México (UNAM)
7 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UCLouvain) 6 The University of Edinburgh 51-60 Università di Padova
8 Johns Hopkins University 55= Cardiff University 7 Vetsuisse Faculty Bern and Zurich 51-60 Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)
9 University of Toronto 55= Queen’s University Belfast 8 University of Copenhagen 51-60 University of Helsinki
10 University of California, San Diego 55= The University of Melbourne 9 University of Pennsylvania 51-60 University of Pretoria
(UCSD) 58 University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 10 The Ohio State University 51-60 University of Saskatchewan
11 University of California, San Francisco 59 University of Strathclyde 11 Colorado State University 51-60 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
(UCSF) 60= University of Helsinki 12 University of Wisconsin-Madison University
12 National University of Singapore (NUS) 60= University of Pennsylvania 13 Ghent University
13 Leiden University 62 Universitat de Barcelona 14 University of Cambridge
14= The University of Manchester 63 Universidade de São Paulo 15 Wageningen University & Research
14= The University of Sydney 64= University of Groningen 16 North Carolina State University
16 University of Copenhagen 64= University of Liverpool 17 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
17 King’s College London 66= Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) 18 University of Glasgow
18 Yale University 66= University College Cork 19 University of Bristol
19 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 68 Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main 20 Texas A&M University
20 Seoul National University 69 Zhejiang University 21 The University of Melbourne
21 Karolinska Institute 70= Sapienza University of Rome 22 The University of Sydney
22= ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 70= Shanghai Jiao Tong University 23 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Technology 70= The University of Adelaide 24= Swedish University of Agricultural
22= Imperial College London 73= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Sciences
24 Purdue University 73= The University of Hong Kong 24= University of Liverpool
25 Trinity College Dublin, The University of 75= Freie Universitaet Berlin 26 University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna
Dublin 75= University of Glasgow 27 Michigan State University
26 Utrecht University 77= Korea University 28 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
27 KU Leuven 77= National Taiwan University (NTU) 29= Iowa State University
28 The University of Tokyo 79 Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 29= Massey University
29 Peking University 80 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 29= The University of Georgia
30 The University of Queensland 81 Cairo University 32 The University of Tokyo
31 The University of Auckland 82 Sorbonne University 33 University College Dublin
32 University of British Columbia 83 King Saud University 34 Purdue University
33 McGill University 84 The University of New South Wales 35= Complutense University of Madrid
34= University of Milan (UNSW Sydney) 35= Université de Montréal
34= Uppsala University 85= Complutense University of Madrid 37 University of Calgary
36 University of Washington 85= The Ohio State University 38= Seoul National University
37= Columbia University 85= University of Alberta 38= The University of Queensland
37= King Abdulaziz University (KAU) 88 University of Wisconsin-Madison 40 Kansas State University
37= The University of Edinburgh 89= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 41 Universidade de São Paulo
40 University of Geneva Bologna 42 University of Florida
41 University of Texas at Austin 89= Université Paris-Saclay 43 London School of Hygiene & Tropical
42 Tsinghua University 91 University of Pittsburgh Medicine
43 University of Minnesota Twin Cities 92 Université de Montréal 44= Tufts University
44= University of Dundee 93 China Pharmaceutical University 44= University of Illinois at Urbana-
44= National Institute of Pharmaceutical 94= Lomonosov Moscow State University Champaign
Education & Research (NIPER), Mohali 94= Nanjing University 44= University of Nottingham
46 Duke University 94= Rutgers University–New Brunswick 44= University of Pisa
47= University of Basel 97 Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz 48 University of Milan
47= Vanderbilt University 98 Université de Paris 49 Freie Universitaet Berlin
49 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 99 University of Kentucky 50 Washington State University
100= Mahidol University
100= Università di Padova

214 215
Subject Rankings: Life Sciences & Medicine 2022

1 Harvard University 52 University of Washington
2 Stanford University 53 Leiden University
3 University of Oxford 54 Pennsylvania State University
Academic Programs
4 University of Cambridge 55 Michigan State University
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 56= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin Education
6 University of California, Los Angeles 56= The Ohio State University Sciences and
(UCLA) 58 Cardiff University Art
7 UCL 59 University of Zurich
8 Yale University 60 Maastricht University Computer Information Art Basic Education
9 University of Amsterdam 61= Boston University English
French Statistics Systems Special Education Field 2
10 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 61= Radboud University
German Mathematics Web Design Kindergarten Fashion Designing
(MIT) 61= The University of Tokyo
Arabic Physics and Information Basic Education Jewelry Designing
11 University of Pennsylvania 64 The University of Warwick
12 Columbia University 65 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile Biology Security Field 1
13 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (UC) Chemistry
14 Princeton University 66 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
15 University of Toronto 67 Johns Hopkins University
16 University of British Columbia 68= University of Bristol
17= New York University (NYU) 68= University of Maryland, College Park Economics Engineering
17= The University of Melbourne 70= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
19 University of Chicago 70= Sapienza University of Rome
20 National University of Singapore (NUS) 72 Université catholique de Louvain
21 King’s College London (UCLouvain) Pharmacy Business Information Systems Architecture Chemical and
22 KU Leuven 73= Macquarie University Nursing Administration Intenational Trade Electrical Petrochemical
23 Nanyang Technological University, 73= The University of Exeter Physical Therapy Accounting Operations Computer Structural
Singapore (NTU) 75= University of Leeds Marketing Management Civil
24 The London School of Economics and 75= University of Virginia Recrational Economics and Environmental
Political Science (LSE) 77= Universitat de Barcelona Management Finance Interior Design
25 Northwestern University 77= University of Nottingham
26 The University of New South Wales 77= University of York
(UNSW Sydney) 80= Arizona State University
27 The University of Edinburgh 80= Freie Universitaet Berlin General Information
28= The University of Sydney 80= University of Birmingham
28= University of Illinois at Urbana- 83 University of Southern California
Champaign 84= Ghent University Research Center 5 100+ # Researchers
28= Utrecht University 84= Indiana University Bloomington
31 McGill University 86= Korea University
32 The University of Queensland 86= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
33 The University of Hong Kong México (UNAM) Research Projects
34 University of Texas at Austin 86= Victoria University of Wellington Students SupportCenters 12 200+
35 Duke University 89= Beijing Normal University
36 University of Groningen 89= Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
37 Carnegie Mellon University 89= Vanderbilt University
38 The University of Manchester 92= Seoul National University Scientifics Papers
39= The Australian National University 92= University of Glasgow laboratories 107 2100+
39= University of Minnesota Twin Cities 94= Aarhus University
41 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 94= Durham University
(CUHK) 94= University of Helsinki
42 The University of Auckland 97 Brown University Achievements
43= Cornell University 98= National Taiwan University (NTU)
entists: Stan
43= Tilburg University 98= University of Otago Sci f


43= Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 98= University of Southampton

rld’s Top
46= Erasmus University Rotterdam

e capsule
The univer
46= University of Wisconsin-Madison
48 The University of Western Australia


49 Monash University

local level local level

50= Peking University re a

ves a patent in
50= University of California, San Diego
(UCSD) 11

Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 96.4
2 3 h Harvard University US 96.3
3 4 h University of Cambridge GB 95.8
4 5 h University of Oxford GB 95.2
5 2 i Stanford University US 94.0
6 6 n ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 93.9
7 7 n California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 93.4
8 8 n University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US 93.3
9 9 n Imperial College London GB 91.5
10 13 h The University of Tokyo JP 90.1
11= 11 n EPFL CH 88.7
11= 10 i Princeton University US 88.7
13 14 h Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 88.1
14 22 h Sorbonne University FR 87.9
15 12 i National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 87.8
16 21 h Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 87.5
17 28 h Université PSL FR 87.2
18 15= i University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 87.0
19 18= i University of Chicago US 86.7
20 64= h Université Paris-Saclay FR 86.3
21 17 i Peking University CN 86.2
22 26 h Institut Polytechnique de Paris FR 85.9
23 15= i Tsinghua University CN 85.8
24 18= i University of Toronto CA 85.5
25 27 h Kyoto University JP 84.7
26 23= i University of British Columbia CA 84.6
27 37= h The Australian National University AU 84.2
28 31 h Technical University of Munich DE 84.0
29 32 h Seoul National University KR 83.9
30 40 h Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 83.8
31 20 i Yale University US 83.7
32 25 i Cornell University US 83.5
33 29= i University of Texas at Austin US 83.2
34 34= n University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 82.9
35 23= i Columbia University US 82.6
36 34= i University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US 82.5
37 57= h UCL GB 82.3
38= 53= h The University of Melbourne AU 82.2
38= 36 i University of Washington US 82.2
40= 43= h The University of Edinburgh GB 82.1
40= 59 h The University of Manchester GB 82.1
42= 64= h Delft University of Technology NL 81.9
42= 29= i University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 81.9
44 71 h Sapienza University of Rome IT 81.8
45 33 i University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) US 81.4
46 41 i Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE 81.3
47 46 i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 81.2
48 53= h KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE 81.0
49 62= h The University of Sydney AU 80.9

Natural Sciences 50=

Northwestern University
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022 Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
52 53= h Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE 80.6 101= 150= h Politecnico di Milano IT 76.8
53 72 h The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 80.5 101= 120= h Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE 76.8
54 42 i The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 80.4 103= 92= i Indian Institute of Science IN 76.7
55 76 h Monash University AU 80.3 103= 96 i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 76.7
56 43= i Georgia Institute of Technology US 80.2 105 147= h The University of Western Australia AU 76.6
57 52 i The University of Hong Kong HK 80.1 106= 79= i Carnegie Mellon University US 76.4
58= 62= h National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 80.0 106= 78 i Duke University US 76.4
58= 131= h Université de Paris FR 80.0 108= 112= h Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE 76.3
60= 60= n University of Bristol GB 79.9 108= 104= i University of Geneva CH 76.3
60= 82= h University of Copenhagen DK 79.9 108= 122= h University of Pisa IT 76.3
60= 37= i University of Science and Technology of China CN 79.9 111 111 n Università di Padova IT 76.2
63 48 i McGill University CA 79.7 112 140= h Uppsala University SE 76.1
64= 66= h Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) RU 79.5 113= 104= i New York University (NYU) US 76.0
64= 68= h Osaka University JP 79.5 113= 166= h Universiti Malaya (UM) MY 76.0
66 81 h Universitat de Barcelona ES 79.3 113= 99= i University of Minnesota Twin Cities US 76.0
67 66= i RWTH Aachen University DE 79.2 113= 114= h Yonsei University KR 76.0
68= 60= i Pennsylvania State University US 79.1 117 127= h Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES 75.9
68= 88= h University of Amsterdam NL 79.1 118= 85= i University of California, Davis US 75.8
70 43= i Fudan University CN 79.0 118= 137= h University of Glasgow GB 75.8
71= 68= i Tohoku University JP 78.8 120= 99= i The Ohio State University US 75.6
71= 99= h Université Grenoble Alpes FR 78.8 120= 107= i University of Zurich CH 75.6
71= 49= i University of Colorado Boulder US 78.8 122= 107= i Michigan State University US 75.5
71= 49= i University of Maryland, College Park US 78.8 122= 120= i Universität Hamburg DE 75.5
75 73 i Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE 78.7 124= 131= h Saint Petersburg State University RU 75.4
76 98 h Stockholm University SE 78.6 124= 140= h Technische Universität Dresden DE 75.4
77 75 i Universidade de São Paulo BR 78.4 124= 104= i The University of Adelaide AU 75.4
78 85= h KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE 78.3 127 145= h King's College London GB 75.2
79 77 i Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES 78.2 128= 119 i National Tsing Hua University TW 75.1
80 70 i University of Pennsylvania US 78.1 128= 131= h University of Leeds GB 75.1
81 57= i Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 78.0 128= 112= i Wageningen University & Research NL 75.1
82= 107= h Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 77.9 131 126 i Kyushu University JP 74.9
82= 74 i Novosibirsk State University RU 77.9 132= 137= h King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA 74.8
84= 49= i Nanjing University CN 77.8 132= 152= h The University of Auckland NZ 74.8
84= 92= h Purdue University US 77.8 132= 137= h University of Birmingham GB 74.8
86= 117= h Lund University SE 77.7 132= 145= h University of Vienna AT 74.8
86= 82= i Nagoya University JP 77.7 136= 175= h Leiden University NL 74.6
86= 92= h Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 77.7 National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics
136= 159= h RU 74.6
i Institute)
89 85= Johns Hopkins University US 77.6
136= 102= i The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 74.6
90= 82= i Korea University KR 77.4
139 114= i Freie Universitaet Berlin DE 74.5
90= 92= h The University of Queensland AU 77.4
140= 149 h The University of Arizona US 74.4
90= 53= i Zhejiang University CN 77.4
140= 143= h Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 74.4
93= 110 h KU Leuven BE 77.3
142= 131= i Boston University US 74.3
93= 79= i University of Waterloo CA 77.3
142= 114= i Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN 74.3
95 88= i The University of Warwick GB 77.2
142= 140= i Université de Strasbourg FR 74.3
96= 88= i Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) KR 77.0
142= 147= h University of Bern CH 74.3
96= 91 i Texas A&M University US 77.0
146 170= h Technische Universität Wien AT 74.2
96= 102= h Utrecht University NL 77.0
147 155= h University of Helsinki FI 74.0
99= 97 i Durham University GB 76.9
148 129= i University of Göttingen DE 73.9
99= 127= h University of Southampton GB 76.9
149 122= i Brown University US 73.8
150= 129= i Rutgers University–New Brunswick US 73.7

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150= 165 h Technical University of Denmark DK 73.7 201= 201= n Aarhus University DK 70.4
152= 117= i University of Alberta CA 73.6 201= 205= h City University of Hong Kong HK 70.4
152= 163 h University of Groningen NL 73.6 201= 228= h École Normale Supérieure de Lyon FR 70.4
154 152= i Hanyang University KR 73.5 201= 191= i Florida State University US 70.4
155= 185= h Ghent University BE 73.4 201= 196= i King Abdullah University of Science & Technology (KAUST) SA 70.4
155= 122= i Rice University US 73.4 201= 187= i The University of Exeter GB 70.4
157= 155= i Hokkaido University JP 73.3 201= 207= h Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 70.4
157= 155= i University of Florida US 73.3 208= 253 h University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha NZ 70.3
157= 178 h University of Warsaw PL 73.3 208= 244= h University of Twente NL 70.3
160= 169 h Complutense University of Madrid ES 72.8 210= 159= i Colorado State University US 70.2
160= 143= i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 72.8 210= 175= i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 70.2
160= 159= i University of St Andrews GB 72.8 210= 193= i Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster DE 70.2
163= 155= i Eindhoven University of Technology NL 72.7 213= 185= i Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg DE 70.1
163= 187= h University of Rome "Tor Vergata" IT 72.7 213= 259= h Quaid-i-Azam University PK 70.1
165= 193= h Charles University CZ 72.6 213= 196= i University of Massachusetts Amherst US 70.1
165= 150= i Stony Brook University, State University of New York US 72.6 213= 193= i Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL 70.1
165= 168 h University of Milan IT 72.6 217= 210= i Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN 70.0
168 131= i University of California, Irvine US 72.5 217= 224= h UNESP BR 70.0
169= 173= h Arizona State University US 72.4 217= 236= h University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US 70.0
169= 190 h Universitat de Valencia ES 72.4 217= 228= h University of Naples - Federico II IT 70.0
169= 179= h University of Liverpool GB 72.4 217= 216= i University of Tsukuba JP 70.0
169= 182= h University of Nottingham GB 72.4 222= 250= h Jagiellonian University PL 69.9
173= 122= i Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) AR 72.3 222= 275= h Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III FR 69.9
173= 179= h Universite libre de Bruxelles BE 72.3 224= 221= i University of Wollongong AU 69.8
173= 201= h University of Lisbon PT 72.3 224= 196= i Weizmann Institute of Science IL 69.8
176= 184 h Chalmers University of Technology SE 72.1 226= 284= h Chulalongkorn University TH 69.7
176= 187= h Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) IN 72.1 226= 210= i The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 69.7
176= 181 h University of Oslo NO 72.1 228= 240 h Université de Montpellier FR 69.6
179= 299= h Aix-Marseille University FR 72.0 228= 203= i University College Dublin IE 69.6
179= 164 i Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 72.0 228= 284= h University of Florence IT 69.6
179= 200 h Université Claude Bernard Lyon h FR 72.0 228= 243 h University of Milano-Bicocca IT 69.6
182= 175= i The University of Sheffield GB 71.9 232= 256= h ITMO University RU 69.4
182= 275= h Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) ES 71.9 232= 231= i University of Bath GB 69.4
184= 182= i Curtin University AU 71.8 234= 173= i Beijing Normal University CN 69.3
184= 216= h Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE 71.8 234= new RUDN University RU 69.3
184= 170= i Johannes Gutenberg Universität Mainz DE 71.8 234= 207= i Waseda University JP 69.3
184= 152= i Université de Montréal CA 71.8 237 263 h University of Rochester US 69.2
188= 218= h Politecnico di Torino IT 71.7 238= 254= h Czech Technical University in Prague CZ 69.1
188= 210= h Universidad de Chile CL 71.7 238= 236= i University of Cape Town ZA 69.1
190= 284= h Macquarie University AU 71.3 238= 264 h University of Turin IT 69.1
190= 244= h University of Bordeaux FR 71.3 241= 267= h Middle East Technical University TR 69.0
192= 191= i Tomsk State University RU 71.2 241= 226= i University of Calgary CA 69.0
192= 170= i Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE 71.2 241= 196= i University of Southern California US 69.0
194 131= i Wuhan University CN 71.1 244= 284= h Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE 68.9
195 221= h Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg DE 71.0 244= 272= h Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY 68.9
196= 247= h Aalto University FI 70.9 246 207= i Tel Aviv University IL 68.8
196= 247= h Technical University of Darmstadt DE 70.9 247 250= h Leibniz University Hannover DE 68.6
198 210= h Queen Mary University of London GB 70.8 248= 267= h Cardiff University GB 68.5
199= 159= i Sun Yat-sen University CN 70.6 248= 231= i Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) IN 68.5
199= 166= i Technion - Israel Institute of Technology IL 70.6 248= 226= i Indiana University Bloomington US 68.5

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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
251= 316= h Newcastle University GB 68.4 300= 271 i Radboud University NL 66.7
251= 265= h Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University RU 68.4 300= 291= i University of Strathclyde GB 66.7
251= 244= i Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 68.4 300= 388 h University of Technology Sydney AU 66.7
254 250= i National Technical University of Athens GR 68.3 303= 291= i Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR 66.6
255= 335= h Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic CZ 68.2 303= 401-450 h Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel DE 66.6
255= 291= h National Central University TW 68.2 303= 305= h Istanbul Technical University TR 66.6
255= 322= h Universität Innsbruck AT 68.2 303= 282= i Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 66.6
258 231= i Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US 68.1 307= 369= h Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU 66.4
259= 280 h Universität Stuttgart DE 68.0 307= 284= i University of Delhi IN 66.4
259= 256= i University of Virginia US 68.0 309= 329= h Northeastern University US 66.3
261 299= h National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 67.9 309= 327= h Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO 66.3
262= 241= i University of Basel CH 67.8 309= 301= i Ruhr-Universität Bochum DE 66.3
262= 311= h University of Cologne DE 67.8 309= 322= h Università degli Studi di Pavia IT 66.3
262= 259= i University of Granada ES 67.8 313= 329= h Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE 66.2
262= 203= i University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa US 67.8 313= 267= i Washington University in St. Louis US 66.2
262= 218= i University of Pittsburgh US 67.8 315= 322= h Kyungpook National University KR 66.0
262= 284= h Warsaw University of Technology PL 67.8 315= 451-500 h Swansea University GB 66.0
268= new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW 67.7 317= 295= i Beihang University (former BUAA) CN 65.9
268= 327= h Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 67.7 317= 261= i Harbin Institute of Technology CN 65.9
268= 247= i University of Bergen NO 67.7 317= 369= h University of Antwerp BE 65.9
271= 221= i University of Ottawa CA 67.6 317= 256= i Washington State University US 65.9
271= 295= h University of York GB 67.6 321 322= h TU Dortmund University DE 65.7
273= 231= i North Carolina State University US 67.5 322= 329= h Heriot-Watt University GB 65.6
273= 220 i University of Reading GB 67.5 322= 291= i Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR), Mumbai IN 65.6
275= 275= n Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) IN 67.4 322= 311= i Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) AR 65.6
275= 275= n Lancaster University GB 67.4 322= 322= n University of Ljubljana SI 65.6
275= 228= i McMaster University CA 67.4 322= 272= i University of Victoria (UVic) CA 65.6
275= 272= i Queen's University at Kingston CA 67.4 327= 241= i The University of Tennessee, Knoxville US 65.5
275= 346= h RMIT University AU 67.4 327= 396= h Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 65.5
275= 301= h University of Trento IT 67.4 327= 311= i University of Tasmania AU 65.5
281= 362= h King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals SA 67.3 327= 297= i University of Utah US 65.5
281= 210= i Nankai University CN 67.3 331= 401-450 h Griffith University AU 65.4
283= 343= h City University of New York US 67.2 331= 385= h Université Côte d\'Azur FR 65.4
283= 451-500 h Université de Rennes h FR 67.2 331= 329= i University of Otago NZ 65.4
283= 316= h University of Porto PT 67.2 334= 346= h Hiroshima University JP 65.3
283= 210= i Xi’an Jiaotong University CN 67.2 334= 401-450 h HSE University RU 65.3
287= 309= h Eötvös Loránd University HU 67.1 334= 401-450 h Kazan (Volga region) Federal University RU 65.3
287= 254= i Iowa State University US 67.1 334= 360= h Universidad de los Andes CO 65.3
287= 205= i Oregon State University US 67.1 334= 346= h University of California, Riverside US 65.3
287= 366= h Queen's University Belfast GB 67.1 334= 275= i University of Miami US 65.3
287= 231= i The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL 67.1 340= 236= i Jilin University CN 65.2
292= 339 h Cairo University EG 67.0 340= 267= i Pusan National University KR 65.2
292= 261= i Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX 67.0 340= 377 h Victoria University of Wellington NZ 65.2
292= 346= h University of California, Santa Cruz US 67.0 343 236= i Xiamen University CN 65.1
295= 362= h King Saud University SA 66.9 344 308 i Universidade de Santiago de Compostela ES 65.0
295= 345 h National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University RU 66.9 345= 346= h Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST) KR 64.9
295= 311= h The National University of Science and Technology MISIS RU 66.9 345= 343= i Universitat Politècnica de València ES 64.9
295= 265= i University of Notre Dame US 66.9 345= 316= i University of Houston US 64.9
299 224= i Huazhong University of Science and Technology CN 66.8 348= 451-500 h Swinburne University of Technology AU 64.8
348= 401-450 h The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) AU 64.8
348= 389 h Universität Jena DE 64.8

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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
351= 451-500 h COMSATS University Islamabad PK 64.7 401-450 401-450 n AGH University of Science and Technology PL -
351= 337= i Tokyo University of Science JP 64.7 401-450 451-500 h Ain Shams University EG -
351= 304 i Universität Bremen DE 64.7 401-450 401-450 n Boğaziçi University TR -
351= 401-450 h Université de Lille FR 64.7 401-450 451-500 h Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU -
351= 355= h University of Aberdeen GB 64.7 401-450 346= i Case Western Reserve University US -
351= 316= i Western University CA 64.7 401-450 451-500 h Catania University IT -
357= 301= i University of East Anglia (UEA) GB 64.6 401-450 340= i Dalhousie University CA -
357= 401-450 h University of the Basque Country ES 64.6 401-450 369= i East China Normal University CN -
357= 396= h Ural Federal University - UrFU RU 64.6 401-450 401-450 n Florida International University US -
360 359 i University of Witwatersrand ZA 64.5 401-450 401-450 n Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (GIST) KR -
361= 297= i Beijing Institute of Technology CN 64.4 401-450 new Hacettepe University TR -
361= 309= i University of Coimbra PT 64.4 401-450 new Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA) FR -
363= 375= h Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) IN 64.3 401-450 401-450 n James Cook University AU -
363= 284= i Simon Fraser University CA 64.3 401-450 401-450 n Loughborough University GB -
363= 390= h University of Trieste IT 64.3 401-450 352= i Louisiana State University US -
363= 305= i Vanderbilt University US 64.3 401-450 401-450 n National Sun Yat-sen University TW -
367 340= i National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR 64.2 401-450 401-450 n National University of Ireland Galway IE -
368 401-450 h Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati (SISSA) IT 64.1 401-450 401-450 n Palacký University Olomouc CZ -
369= 329= i Colorado School of Mines US 64.0 401-450 379= i South China University of Technology CN -
369= 281 i Shandong University CN 64.0 401-450 385= i Texas Tech University US -
369= new Tampere University FI 64.0 401-450 315 i Tianjin University CN -
372= 451-500 h Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID 63.9 401-450 401-450 n Universidad de Sevilla ES -
372= 337= i Shanghai University CN 63.9 401-450 451-500 h Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) CL -
372= 401-450 h Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA 63.9 401-450 394= i Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR -
375= 366= i Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg DE 63.8 401-450 451-500 h Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul BR -
375= 366= i Université de Liège BE 63.8 401-450 401-450 n Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT -
377= 379= h Kobe University JP 63.7 401-450 401-450 n Università degli studi Roma Tre IT -
377= 379= h University of Genoa IT 63.7 401-450 451-500 h Universität Leipzig DE -
377= 373= i University of Gothenburg SE 63.7 401-450 401-450 n Université de Lorraine FR -
377= 305= i University of Iowa US 63.7 401-450 401-450 n Université de Nantes FR -
381= 379= i Kyung Hee University KR 63.6 401-450 401-450 n Université du Québec CA -
381= 375= i Universität Potsdam DE 63.6 401-450 369= i University at Buffalo SUNY US -
381= 316= i University of Science and Technology Beijing CN 63.6 401-450 401-450 n University of Aveiro PT -
384= new Belarusian State University BY 63.5 401-450 451-500 h University of Belgrade RS -
384= 451-500 h Jeonbuk National University KR 63.5 401-450 354 i University of Cincinnati US -
384= 396= h Linköping University SE 63.5 401-450 355= i University of Connecticut US -
387= 401-450 h Bauman Moscow State Technical University RU 63.4 401-450 451-500 h University of Delaware US -
387= 401-450 h National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad PK 63.4 401-450 451-500 h University of Jyväskylä FI -
389= 329= i Tongji University CN 63.3 401-450 379= i University of Leicester GB -
389= 401-450 h Universidad de Zaragoza ES 63.3 401-450 401-450 n University of Nebraska - Lincoln US -
391= 335= i Ewha Womans University KR 63.2 401-450 401-450 n University of Oklahoma US -
391= 401-450 h Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati (IITG) IN 63.2 401-450 316= i University of Oregon US -
391= 401-450 h University of Bari IT 63.2 401-450 362= i University of South Carolina US -
391= 394= h University of Lausanne CH 63.2 401-450 451-500 h University of Surrey GB -
391= 340= i University of New Mexico US 63.2 401-450 362= i University of Sussex GB -
396= 378 i Keio University JP 63.1 401-450 451-500 h University of Tartu EE -
396= 390= i Universidad de Concepción CL 63.1 401-450 401-450 n University of Tehran IR -
396= 352= i Université Laval CA 63.1 401-450 355= i University of Texas Dallas US -
396= 355= i University of Central Florida US 63.1 401-450 451-500 h University of the Punjab PK -
400 360= i University of Kansas US 63.0 401-450 new Vietnam National University, Hanoi VN -
401-450 401-450 n Vilnius University LT -

228 229
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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

451-500 new Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ -
451-500 new Babes-Bolyai University RO -
451-500 451-500 n Bilkent University TR - The science of wanderlust
451-500 451-500 n College of William and Mary US -
451-500 new Deakin University AU - By Claudia Civinni
451-500 390= i East China University of Science and Technology CN -
451-500 401-450 i Emory University US -
451-500 new Gadjah Mada University ID -
451-500 new George Washington University US -
Few things will make you question your education
451-500 new Graz University of Technology AT - choices more than a visit to Moku o Lo‘e, also known
451-500 451-500 n Justus-Liebig-University Giessen DE - as Coconut Island, set in the crystalline waters of
451-500 401-450 i Kansas State University US - Kāne‘ohe Bay, in Hawai‘i.
451-500 451-500 n Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz AT -
451-500 401-450 i Lanzhou University CN - Despite its beauty, Coconut Island didn’t become
451-500 new Mahidol University TH - a resort. Instead, it became the Hawai‘i Institute of
451-500 new Masaryk University CZ -
Marine Biology, part of the University of Hawai‘i.
451-500 new Massey University NZ -
Ground breaking research is being conducted in
451-500 new National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) TW -
451-500 451-500 n Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro BR -
laboratories nestled among the palm trees.
451-500 401-450 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute US -
It’s not only marine biologists that get to experience
451-500 451-500 n Sejong University KR -
451-500 401-450 i Sharif University of Technology IR -
work in exotic locations.
451-500 451-500 n Stellenbosch University ZA -
Some researchers end up travelling to extreme,
451-500 451-500 n Syracuse University US -
sometimes dangerous, environments. Many find
451-500 373= The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) US -
451-500 new The University of Alabama US -
themselves in places much colder than Coconut
451-500 379= i The University of Georgia US - “It’s like a big Island, but the taste for discovery and adventure,
451-500 451-500 n Tokyo Metropolitan University JP -
videogame.” once acquired, seems hard to shake off. Beyond the
451-500 401-450 i Tufts University US - adventures, students and researchers need these
451-500 new Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL -
experiences to develop valuable research skills.
451-500 451-500 n Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) BR -
451-500 401-450 i Università degli Studi di Perugia IT - Caldera, caldera!
451-500 new Universität Duisburg-Essen DE -
451-500 400 i Universität Regensburg DE - The Island of Hawai‘i is the easternmost island of the
451-500 new Université de Savoie, Chambery, Annecy FR - archipelago. One of its five active volcanoes, Kīlauea,
451-500 401-450 i University College Cork IE - made news worldwide in 2018 for generating lava
451-500 new University of Bayreuth DE -
flows that destroyed 700 homes through the area
451-500 451-500 n University of Bucharest RO -
451-500 new University of Debrecen HU -
around Puna, on the East side of the island.
451-500 new University of Guelph CA -
Such an environment provides a wealth of information
451-500 451-500 n University of Johannesburg ZA -
451-500 401-450 i University of Kentucky US -
for geologists and volcanologists, and Professor of
451-500 451-500 n University of Kwazulu-Natal ZA -
Geology Steve Lundblad at the University of Hawai‘i
451-500 451-500 n University of Saskatchewan CA - at Hilo knows the area around the volcano quite well.
451-500 new University of South Australia AU -
451-500 451-500 n University of Turku FI -
He, along with his undergraduate students, has
451-500 451-500 n University of Wroclaw PL - conducted regular research field trips for years, using
451-500 new University of Zagreb HR - what he calls an “old school technique”, line levelling,
451-500 401-450 i University Ulm DE - to measure ground movement in the area.
451-500 451-500 n Wayne State University US -
451-500 451-500 n Wroclaw University of Science and Technology (WRUST) PL -
451-500 401-450 i York University CA -
230 231
Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022 Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

While locals make up a minority of the student population, the small geology Staff and students share all duties for the nine days
department attracts mainland US and international students. Before COVID, it camping: cooking, washing up, and bear watch.
especially enjoyed a steady stream of students from Norway. Teamwork is one of the most valuable lessons
students learn during the trip. “It’s a really powerful
When the 2018 eruption hit, Professor Lundblad already had a lot of baseline
way for them to collaborate, use each other’s skills,
data to compare the ground uplift with but taking measurements at first was
work as a team,” Sole explains.
not easy.
“We had the landing, then we showed the students
“We were trying to level when the fissures were opening…. the ground is moving
around the town, we stopped on our virtual way to
while you are trying to measure it,” Professor Lundblad recalls.
the ice sheet and got them to interpret landforms
“It’s like a big videogame, where you are out trying to hop around the right and aspects of the landscape on a map, and we
things to get to where you need to be,” he adds, explaining there are cliffs and did various trips to the ice where we looked for key
big cracks in the ground, some with vegetation, which he is aware of it being features virtually, and we got to interpret them and
deceitful. discuss them.”
Under the sea During the pandemic, the field trips went virtual.
Lacking the nitty-gritty of the organisation side, Dr “There is a lot of
For Millie Mannering, a recent MSc Marine Studies graduate from the University power to inspire
Sole decided to include extra sessions on logistics;
of Otago, New Zealand, the passion for adventurous research came after other people.”
for example, best principles of data gathering, and
discovering how scuba diving could make her studies come alive.
camp setting in an area inhabited by polar bears. A
“The ability to immerse yourself in the environment has so much value for formative assessment saw students organising an
learning and connecting people with the environment, and with it there is a lot expedition considering several critical aspects of
of power to inspire other people and inspire yourself to actually protect what is health and safety.
under the surface,” Mannering says.
So much work went into making the virtual trip a
Dancing with the polar bears success that Sole is confident the upcoming trip to
For Dr Andrew Sole, Senior Lecturer in Physical Geography at the University of Greenland this year will be even better than the pre-
Sheffield in the UK, fieldwork in Greenland comes with unique challenges. pandemic ones.

“I used to have nightmares mostly about students falling into a crevasse or a Charlotte Curry, who participated in the 2020 virtual
moulin,” he says, vertical shafts going from the surface of a glacier right into its field class as a student, says it was a great educational
depths. “They are horrible,” he adds. “Almost like a pitcher plant.” experience. “I did feel we missed out a bit, we didn’t
get to feel the crunch of snow beneath our feet, and
And then there are polar bears. In the past, they were rarely seen in West we saw all those beautiful pictures,” she reveals.
Greenland, around Kangerlussuaq, where Dr Sole has been leading a field trip
for his MSc Polar and Alpine Change students. Since 2015, however, there have The original, long-form version of this article is
been two or three sightings. available in the Higher Ed Report featuring the 2022
Rankings by Subject, published in April 2022.

232 233
Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022 Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

Chemistry Earth & Marine Sciences

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51 National Taiwan University (NTU) 1 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 Brown University
2 Harvard University 52 Purdue University Technology 51-100 Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel
3 Stanford University 53 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 2 Harvard University 51-100 Cornell University
4 University of Cambridge 54 KU Leuven 3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Georgia Institute of Technology
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 55= Johns Hopkins University (MIT) 51-100 Hokkaido University
6 University of Oxford 55= University of California, Santa Barbara 4 University of Cambridge 51-100 James Cook University
7 Nanyang Technological University, (UCSB) 5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Johns Hopkins University
Singapore (NTU) 57 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 6 California Institute of Technology 51-100 Kyoto University
8 National University of Singapore (NUS) 58 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (Caltech) 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
9 EPFL 59 University of Minnesota Twin Cities 7 University of Oxford 51-100 Lund University
10= California Institute of Technology 60 McGill University 8 Stanford University 51-100 Macquarie University
10= ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 61 RWTH Aachen University 9 Columbia University 51-100 Monash University
Technology 62 The University of Sydney 10 University of Washington 51-100 Nanjing University
12 Peking University 63 Pohang University of Science And 11 Princeton University 51-100 Nanyang Technological University,
13 Imperial College London Technology (POSTECH) 12 University of California, San Diego Singapore (NTU)
14 Northwestern University 64= Korea University (UCSD) 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
15 University of California, Los Angeles 64= The University of Queensland 13 University of Colorado Boulder 51-100 Oregon State University
(UCLA) 66= Eindhoven University of Technology 14 The Australian National University 51-100 Purdue University
16 The University of Tokyo 66= The University of New South Wales 15 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Seoul National University
17 Tsinghua University (UNSW Sydney) 16 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Stockholm University
18= University of Toronto 68 University of Groningen (UCLA) 51-100 The Ohio State University
18= Yale University 69 King Abdulaziz University (KAU) 17 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 The University of Adelaide
20 Princeton University 70 Nagoya University 18= Pennsylvania State University 51-100 The University of Exeter
21 Kyoto University 71 University of Bristol 18= University of British Columbia 51-100 The University of Hong Kong
22 Technical University of Munich 72= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 20 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 The University of Manchester
23 University of Texas at Austin 72= The University of Edinburgh 21 Imperial College London 51-100 The University of Queensland
24 University of Illinois at Urbana- 74= Lomonosov Moscow State University 22 Yale University 51-100 Universidad de Chile
Champaign 74= Yonsei University 23 University of Toronto 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
25 The University of Manchester 76= Technical University of Denmark 24 University of Leeds México (UNAM)
26 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 76= The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) 25 Sorbonne University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
Science & Technology 78 Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) 26= University of Bristol 51-100 Universität Bremen
27 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 79 Pennsylvania State University 26= Utrecht University 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
28 Seoul National University 80 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 28 UCL 51-100 Universität Hamburg
29 Tokyo Institute of Technology 81= Indian Institute of Science 29 The University of Arizona 51-100 Université de Paris
30= Delft University of Technology 81= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 30= The University of Western Australia 51-100 Université PSL
30= The Hong Kong University of Science and (CUHK) 30= University of Reading 51-100 University of Alberta
Technology 83 Tohoku University 32 Colorado School of Mines 51-100 University of Bergen
32 UCL 84 Kyushu University 33 McGill University 51-100 University of Bern
33 University of Chicago 85= Duke University 34 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 University of California, Davis
34= Georgia Institute of Technology 85= The Australian National University 35= Delft University of Technology 51-100 University of California, Santa Barbara
34= University of Wisconsin-Madison 87= Freie Universitaet Berlin 35= The University of New South Wales (UCSB)
36 University of California, San Diego 87= King’s College London (UNSW Sydney) 51-100 University of California, Santa Cruz
(UCSD) 87= Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) 37= Peking University 51-100 University of East Anglia (UEA)
37= Monash University 87= Trinity College Dublin, The University of 37= University of Maryland, College Park 51-100 University of Geneva
37= Zhejiang University Dublin 39 Colorado State University 51-100 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
39= Columbia University 87= Université PSL 40 Curtin University 51-100 University of Illinois at Urbana-
39= The University of Melbourne 92= Texas A&M University 41 Université Grenoble Alpes Champaign
41 The University of Hong Kong 92= Universidade de São Paulo 42 The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Miami
42 Fudan University 94= University of Bath 43= Tsinghua University 51-100 University of Oslo
43= Cornell University 94= University of Glasgow 43= University of Southampton 51-100 University of St Andrews
43= Université de Strasbourg 96 University of Amsterdam 45= Arizona State University 51-100 University of Tasmania
43= University of Pennsylvania 97= Hokkaido University 45= Durham University 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison
46 Osaka University 97= University of Nottingham 45= Texas A&M University 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
47 University of Science and Technology of 99 University of Washington 45= University of Copenhagen 51-100 Wageningen University & Research
China 100= Carnegie Mellon University 49 University of Chicago
48 University of British Columbia 100= University of Alberta 50 The University of Sydney
49= Nanjing University
49= Sorbonne University

234 235
Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022 Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

Environmental Sciences Geography

1= Harvard University 51 University of Colorado Boulder 1 University of Oxford 51-100 Aarhus University
1= Stanford University 52 Uppsala University 2 The London School of Economics and 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 53 National Taiwan University (NTU) Political Science (LSE) Bologna
(MIT) 54= Nanjing University 3 University of Cambridge 51-100 Arizona State University
4 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 54= University of Wisconsin-Madison 4 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Beijing Normal University
5 Wageningen University & Research 56 The University of Manchester 5 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Cardiff University
6= University of Cambridge 57 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 6 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 City University of New York
6= University of Oxford 58 Technical University of Munich (UCLA) 51-100 Complutense University of Madrid
8 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 59= Pennsylvania State University 7 The Australian National University 51-100 Fudan University
Technology 59= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 8 University of British Columbia 51-100 Ghent University
9 Tsinghua University México (UNAM) 9 UCL 51-100 HSE University
10 National University of Singapore (NUS) 61= Ghent University 10 The University of Hong Kong 51-100 Indiana University Bloomington
11 Imperial College London 61= University of Reading 11 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 51-100 Jawaharlal Nehru University
12 Delft University of Technology 63 Arizona State University 12 University of Toronto 51-100 Johns Hopkins University
13 University of British Columbia 64 Johns Hopkins University 13 Peking University 51-100 Korea University
14 Nanyang Technological University, 65 KU Leuven 14 University of Amsterdam 51-100 Macquarie University
Singapore (NTU) 66= KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 15 Durham University 51-100 Monash University
15 Yale University Science & Technology 16 The University of Melbourne 51-100 Nanjing University
16 Peking University 66= Purdue University 17= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
17 EPFL 66= Tongji University (CUHK) 51-100 Queen Mary University of London
18 University of California, Los Angeles 66= Universidade de São Paulo 17= The University of Edinburgh 51-100 RMIT University
(UCLA) 70 Universitat de Barcelona 19 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
19 The University of Queensland 71= Aarhus University 20= The University of Sydney 51-100 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
20 University of California, Davis 71= Kyoto University 20= Utrecht University 51-100 The University of Arizona
21 The University of Melbourne 73 Texas A&M University 22 University of Chicago 51-100 The University of New South Wales
22 The University of New South Wales 74 University of Waterloo 23 Lund University (UNSW Sydney)
(UNSW Sydney) 75= University of East Anglia (UEA) 24 The University of Manchester 51-100 The University of Queensland
23 Columbia University 75= University of Minnesota Twin Cities 25 The University of Exeter 51-100 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)
24= California Institute of Technology 77 University of Helsinki 26 King’s College London 51-100 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
(Caltech) 78 University of California, San Diego 27 University of Washington 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
24= McGill University (UCSD) 28 University of Wisconsin-Madison 51-100 Universität Hamburg
26 University of Toronto 79= Michigan State University 29 McGill University 51-100 Université catholique de Louvain
27 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 79= Swedish University of Agricultural 30 The University of Auckland (UCLouvain)
28 Stockholm University Sciences 31 KU Leuven 51-100 Universiti Malaya (UM)
29= Cornell University 79= University of Bristol 32= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 51-100 University College Dublin
29= The Australian National University 82= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin México (UNAM) 51-100 University of Birmingham
31 The University of Hong Kong 82= Lancaster University 32= University of Leeds 51-100 University of California, Santa Barbara
32 University of Washington 84 The University of Western Australia 34 Seoul National University (UCSB)
33 The University of Tokyo 85 Monash University 35 SOAS University of London 51-100 University of Cape Town
34 Princeton University 86 Universiti Malaya (UM) 36 Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 University of Colorado Boulder
35= Lund University 87= Politecnico di Milano 37 University of Bristol 51-100 University of Glasgow
35= The Hong Kong University of Science and 87= University of California, Santa Barbara 38 Universidade de São Paulo 51-100 University of Groningen
Technology (UCSB) 39= Pennsylvania State University 51-100 University of Helsinki
35= UCL 89= Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) 39= Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 51-100 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
38 Duke University 89= University of Florida 39= University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 51-100 University of Oslo
39 University of Leeds 91 Carnegie Mellon University 42 Universidad de Chile 51-100 University of St Andrews
40 Zhejiang University 92= Hanyang University 43= Kyoto University 51-100 University of Sussex
41= Georgia Institute of Technology 92= James Cook University 43= Tsinghua University 51-100 University of Vienna
41= The University of Edinburgh 94 Korea University 45 University of Copenhagen 51-100 University of Zurich
43 Technical University of Denmark 95= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 46 Newcastle University 51-100 Uppsala University
44= Seoul National University (CUHK) 47 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 51-100 Victoria University of Wellington
44= Utrecht University 95= University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (UC) 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
46 University of Texas at Austin 97 Harbin Institute of Technology 48= Stockholm University 51-100 Wageningen University & Research
47 University of Copenhagen 98 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 48= The University of Sheffield 51-100 Waseda University
48 The University of Sydney 99= Sorbonne University 50 The Ohio State University 51-100 Zhejiang University
49 University of Illinois at Urbana- 99= University of Saskatchewan
50 The University of Exeter

236 237
Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022 Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

Geology Geophysics
1 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 1 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
Technology Bologna Technology Bologna
2 Harvard University 51-100 China University of Geosciences 2 Harvard University 51-100 Beijing Normal University
3 California Institute of Technology 51-100 Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel 3 California Institute of Technology 51-100 Christian-Albrechts-University zu Kiel
(Caltech) 51-100 Cornell University (Caltech) 51-100 Cornell University
4 University of Cambridge 51-100 École Normale Supérieure de Lyon 4 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Georgia Institute of Technology 5 University of Cambridge 51-100 EPFL
6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Ghent University 6 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Georgia Institute of Technology
(MIT) 51-100 Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main (MIT) 51-100 Ghent University
7 University of Oxford 51-100 Johns Hopkins University 7 Columbia University 51-100 Johns Hopkins University
8 Columbia University 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 8 University of Oxford 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
9 University of Washington 51-100 Lund University 9 University of Washington 51-100 Lund University
10 Stanford University 51-100 Macquarie University 10 Stanford University 51-100 Macquarie University
11 Princeton University 51-100 Monash University 11= Princeton University 51-100 Monash University
12 University of California, San Diego 51-100 Nanjing University 11= University of Colorado Boulder 51-100 Nanjing University
(UCSD) 51-100 Nanyang Technological University, 13 University of California, San Diego 51-100 Nanyang Technological University,
13 University of Colorado Boulder Singapore (NTU) (UCSD) Singapore (NTU)
14 The Australian National University 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU) 14 The Australian National University 51-100 Oregon State University
15 Pennsylvania State University 51-100 Oregon State University 15= Pennsylvania State University 51-100 Purdue University
16 The University of Tokyo 51-100 Purdue University 15= Sorbonne University 51-100 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
17 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 15= The University of Tokyo 51-100 Seoul National University
18 Sorbonne University 51-100 Seoul National University 18 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Stockholm University
19 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Stockholm University 19 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 The Ohio State University
(UCLA) 51-100 The Ohio State University (UCLA) 51-100 The University of Exeter
20 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 The University of Adelaide 20 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 The University of Hong Kong
21 University of British Columbia 51-100 The University of Exeter 21= University of British Columbia 51-100 The University of Manchester
22 University of Leeds 51-100 The University of Hong Kong 21= University of Toronto 51-100 The University of Queensland
23 The University of Arizona 51-100 The University of Manchester 23= The University of Arizona 51-100 The University of Sydney
24 University of Toronto 51-100 The University of Queensland 23= Yale University 51-100 Universidad de Chile
25 Yale University 51-100 The University of Sydney 25 Utrecht University 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
26 Utrecht University 51-100 Universidad de Chile 26 University of Leeds México (UNAM)
27 Imperial College London 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 27 Colorado State University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
28 The University of Western Australia México (UNAM) 28 University of Maryland, College Park 51-100 Universität Bremen
29 University of Bristol 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo 29= UCL 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
30 UCL 51-100 Universität Bremen 29= University of Bristol 51-100 Universität Hamburg
31= Colorado State University 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona 31 Imperial College London 51-100 Université de Paris
31= University of Maryland, College Park 51-100 Universität Hamburg 32= The University of Western Australia 51-100 University of Alberta
33 Université Grenoble Alpes 51-100 University of Alberta 32= Université PSL 51-100 University of Bergen
34 Curtin University 51-100 University of Bergen 34 Université Grenoble Alpes 51-100 University of Bern
35 Université PSL 51-100 University of Bern 35 Wageningen University & Research 51-100 University of California, Irvine
36= Delft University of Technology 51-100 University of California, Irvine 36= McGill University 51-100 University of California, Santa Barbara
36= McGill University 51-100 University of California, Santa Barbara 36= Peking University (UCSB)
36= Peking University (UCSB) 38 University of Copenhagen 51-100 University of California, Santa Cruz
39= The University of New South Wales 51-100 University of California, Santa Cruz 39= The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Chicago
(UNSW Sydney) 51-100 University of Chicago 39= The University of New South Wales 51-100 University of East Anglia (UEA)
39= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 University of East Anglia (UEA) (UNSW Sydney) 51-100 University of Geneva
41 Wageningen University & Research 51-100 University of Geneva 39= Tsinghua University 51-100 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa
42= Tsinghua University 51-100 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 42 Delft University of Technology 51-100 University of Illinois at Urbana-
42= University of Copenhagen 51-100 University of Illinois at Urbana- 43 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor Champaign
44 Durham University Champaign 44= Curtin University 51-100 University of Miami
45= Arizona State University 51-100 University of Miami 44= Durham University 51-100 University of St Andrews
45= Texas A&M University 51-100 University of St Andrews 44= Texas A&M University 51-100 University of Tasmania
45= The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Tasmania 47 University of California, Davis 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison
48 University of Southampton 51-100 University of Victoria (UVic) 48 Arizona State University 51-100 University of Zurich
49 University of California, Davis 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison 49= University of Oslo 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
50 University of Oslo 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 49= University of Southampton

238 239
Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022 Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

Materials Science Mathematics

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 53 The University of Hong Kong 1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51 Technical University of Munich
2 Stanford University 54= Korea University 2 Stanford University 52 Duke University
3 Nanyang Technological University, 54= Politecnico di Milano 3 University of Cambridge 53= Fudan University
4= Harvard University 54= UCL 4 Harvard University 53= Université de Paris
4= University of Cambridge 57= The University of Melbourne 5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 55 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of
6 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 57= Tohoku University 6 University of Oxford Science & Technology
7 National University of Singapore (NUS) 59 Chalmers University of Technology 7 Princeton University 56 The University of Hong Kong
8 University of Oxford 60 University of Pennsylvania 8 New York University (NYU) 57= Johns Hopkins University
9 Georgia Institute of Technology 61= Nanjing University 9 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 57= The University of New South Wales
10= EPFL 61= Princeton University Technology (UNSW Sydney)
10= Tsinghua University 63 Yonsei University 10 University of California, Los Angeles 59= KTH Royal Institute of Technology
12 Northwestern University 64= Technical University of Denmark 11 Imperial College London 59= Politecnico di Milano
13 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 64= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 12 Université PSL 61 University of Illinois at Urbana-
Technology (CUHK) 13 National University of Singapore (NUS) Champaign
14 Imperial College London 66= Université PSL 14 Institut Polytechnique de Paris 62= Purdue University
15 Peking University 66= University of Waterloo 15 Columbia University 62= University of Washington
16 University of California, Los Angeles 68= King Abdullah University of Science & 16 University of Chicago 64 Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin)
17 California Institute of Technology Technology (KAUST) 17 California Institute of Technology 65 King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
18 Seoul National University 68= McGill University 18 Sorbonne University 66= Northwestern University
19 Delft University of Technology 70 Yale University 19 Université Paris-Saclay 66= The University of Sydney
20 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of 71= Hanyang University 20 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 68 Université de Montréal
Science & Technology 71= National Taipei University of Technology 21= EPFL 69 The University of Manchester
21= The University of Tokyo 71= The University of Queensland 21= University of Toronto 70 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo
21= University of California, Santa Barbara 74 The University of Sheffield 23 The University of Warwick Tech)
23 University of Illinois at Urbana- 75 The Ohio State University 24 Tsinghua University 71 Delft University of Technology
Champaign 76= Indian Institute of Science 25 Peking University 72= HSE University
24 Pennsylvania State University 76= University of Wisconsin-Madison 26 Carnegie Mellon University 72= King’s College London
25= Shanghai Jiao Tong University 78= National Tsing Hua University 27 Georgia Institute of Technology 74= Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
25= University of Texas at Austin 78= University of Wollongong 28 Yale University 74= University of Science and Technology of
27 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 80= Columbia University 29 University of British Columbia China
28 The Hong Kong University of Science and 80= North Carolina State University 30 University of Pennsylvania 76 Michigan State University
Technology 80= Politecnico di Torino 31 The University of Tokyo 77 Sapienza University of Rome
29 The University of Manchester 83 The Australian National University 32 University of Texas at Austin 78= École Normale Supérieure de Lyon
30 Fudan University 84 University of Science and Technology 33 Nanyang Technological University 78= University of Maryland, College Park
31= RWTH Aachen University Beijing 34 Cornell University 80 University of Amsterdam
31= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 85= Harbin Institute of Technology 35 Kyoto University 81 University of Bristol
33 Pohang University of Science And 85= Xi’an Jiaotong University 36 Brown University 82= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Technology (POSTECH) 87= RMIT University 37= The Hong Kong University of Science and 82= Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
34 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 87= Trinity College Dublin, The University of Technology 84 National Taiwan University (NTU)
35= Monash University Dublin 37= The University of Edinburgh 85= Monash University
35= Technical University of Munich 89= King Abdulaziz University (KAU) 39 UCL 85= Pennsylvania State University
35= Zhejiang University 89= University of British Columbia 40 Lomonosov Moscow State University 85= Saint Petersburg State University
38 University of Toronto 89= University of Minnesota Twin Cities 41= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 88 City University of Hong Kong
39= Carnegie Mellon University 92 The University of Sydney 41= The University of Melbourne 89= McMaster University
39= The University of New South Wales 93= Osaka University 41= University of Waterloo 89= Moscow Institute of Physics and
41= University of California, San Diego 93= Université Paris-Saclay 44= Seoul National University Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech)
41= University of Science and Technology of 95= Aalto University 44= University of California, San Diego 89= Zhejiang University
China 95= Friedrich-Alexander-Universität 44= University of Wisconsin-Madison 92= Rutgers University–New Brunswick
43 Purdue University Erlangen-Nürnberg 47= McGill University 92= Texas A&M University
44 Tokyo Institute of Technology 97 Beijing Institute of Technology 47= The Australian National University 92= University of Copenhagen
45 Cornell University 98 University of Washington 49 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität 95 Universidade de São Paulo
46 Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU) 99= Indian Institute of Technology Bombay Bonn 96 KU Leuven
47= City University of Hong Kong (IITB) 50 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 97= University of Bath
47= Kyoto University 99= Sorbonne University 97= University of Southern California
49 Technische Universität Dresden 99= University of Minnesota Twin Cities
50= KU Leuven 99= University of Zurich
50= National Taiwan University (NTU)
50= Rice University

240 241
Subject Rankings: Natural Sciences 2022

1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 52= Johns Hopkins University
2 Harvard University 52= University of Pennsylvania
3 Stanford University 54 Carnegie Mellon University
4 University of Cambridge 55 University of Southampton
5 University of Oxford 56 University of Washington
6 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 57 Tohoku University
7 California Institute of Technology 58= McGill University
8 Princeton University 58= Osaka University
9 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 60 Leiden University
Technology 61 Northwestern University
10 The University of Tokyo 62 RWTH Aachen University
11 University of Chicago 63 The University of Melbourne
12 Imperial College London 64 National Taiwan University (NTU)
13 Yale University 65= Durham University
14 University of California, Los Angeles 65= The University of Sydney
15 Columbia University 67= The University of Hong Kong
16= EPFL 67= University of Geneva
16= Technical University of Munich 69 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of
18 National University of Singapore (NUS) Science & Technology
19 University of California, Santa Barbara 70 University of Wisconsin-Madison
(UCSB) 71 Pennsylvania State University
20= University of Illinois at Urbana- 72 Purdue University
Champaign 73= National Research Nuclear University
20= University of Toronto MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics
22 Nanyang Technological University Institute)
23 Cornell University 73= Shanghai Jiao Tong University
24 Tsinghua University 73= University of Copenhagen
25 Université PSL 76 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
26 Peking University 77 University of Science and Technology of
27 Kyoto University China
28 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 78 University of Pisa
29 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 79 King’s College London
30 Université Paris-Saclay 80= Nagoya University
31 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 80= University of Colorado Boulder
32 Seoul National University 82= National Tsing Hua University
33 University of Texas at Austin 82= New York University (NYU)
34 Lomonosov Moscow State University 82= The Ohio State University
35 The Australian National University 85= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
36= Sapienza University of Rome 85= Stony Brook University, State University
36= Tokyo Institute of Technology of New York
36= UCL 87= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
39 University of Amsterdam Bologna
40 Institut Polytechnique de Paris 87= Universidade de São Paulo
41 Moscow Institute of Physics and 89 Fudan University
Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) 90 Università di Padova
42= Sorbonne University 91 Indian Institute of Science +97125015555
42= The University of Edinburgh 92= Michigan State University
44= University of British Columbia 92= Rice University
44= University of Maryland, College Park 92= Universität Hamburg
46 The University of Manchester 95= Universitat de Barcelona
47 Georgia Institute of Technology 95= University of Waterloo
48= Delft University of Technology 97= Boston University
48= KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology 97= Scuola Normale Superiore di Pisa
50= The Hong Kong University of Science and 99= KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Technology 99= Monash University
50= University of California, San Diego

Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Harvard University US 97.4
2 3= h University of Oxford GB 94.9
3 2 i The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) GB 93.7
4 5 h University of Cambridge GB 93.3
5 3= i Stanford University US 92.8
6 6 n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 91.9
7 9 h National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 90.0
8 7 i University of California, Berkeley (UCB) US 89.6
9 8 i Yale University US 87.5
10 16 h Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi IT 87.3
11 17 h Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (NTU) SG 87.0
12 12= n Columbia University US 86.4
13 10 i University of Chicago US 86.3
14 11 i University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 86.0
15 24 h The University of Melbourne AU 85.5
16 12= i University of Pennsylvania US 85.4
17 12= i New York University (NYU) US 84.4
18 28 h UCL GB 84.2
19= 15 i Princeton University US 83.9
19= 26 h The University of Hong Kong HK 83.9
21 18 i University of Toronto CA 83.2
22 39= h The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 82.9
23 29= h University of Amsterdam NL 82.6
24 34= h The Australian National University AU 82.5
25 23 i London Business School GB 82.2
26= 21 i Peking University CN 82.1
26= 32 h The University of Sydney AU 82.1
28 22 i University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 82.0
29= 25 i INSEAD (France) FR 81.9
29= 46= h Monash University AU 81.9
31 20 i University of British Columbia CA 81.6
32 34= h The University of Tokyo JP 80.8
33= 33 n Cornell University US 80.5
33= 39= h The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 80.5
35 45 h The University of Manchester GB 80.4
36= 36 n Erasmus University Rotterdam NL 80.3
36= 19 i Northwestern University US 80.3
38 27 i Tsinghua University CN 80.2
39 50 h The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) HK 80.1
40 42 h The University of Warwick GB 79.5
41 31 i Seoul National University KR 79.2
42 52= h King's College London GB 78.8
43 43 n McGill University CA 78.7
44 41 i HEC Paris FR 78.6
45= 60= h Imperial College London GB 78.3
45= 63 h The University of Queensland AU 78.3
47 56= h ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 78.0
48= 38 i Duke University US 77.9
48= 64= h KU Leuven BE 77.9

Social Sciences & Management 50=

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Universiti Malaya (UM)

Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
52 48 i HSE University RU 77.7 101= 118= h Complutense University of Madrid ES 73.2
53= 54 h Copenhagen Business School DK 77.6 101= 105 h Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE 73.2
53= 59 h The University of Edinburgh GB 77.6 101= 99= i University of Washington US 73.2
55 44 i University of Texas at Austin US 77.5 104 172= h King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA 73.0
56 62 h Université Paris h Panthéon-Sorbonne FR 77.2 105= 96= i Carnegie Mellon University US 72.9
57 55 i Lomonosov Moscow State University RU 77.1 105= 94 i University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 72.9
58 80= h The University of Auckland NZ 77.0 107= 141 h University of Groningen NL 72.8
59= 37 i Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 76.9 107= 91= i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 72.8
59= 71 h University of Navarra ES 76.9 109= 123= h Maastricht University NL 72.7
61 69= h National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 76.7 109= 89 i University of Zurich CH 72.7
62= 75 h Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 76.5 111 90 i The Ohio State University US 72.6
62= 49 i Fudan University CN 76.5 112= 123= h Lund University SE 72.4
64 46= i Korea University KR 76.4 112= 67= i Universidad de Chile CL 72.4
65 56= i Sciences Po FR 76.3 112= 218= h Universitas Indonesia ID 72.4
66 29= i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 76.2 115= 111= i KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 72.3
67 83= h Kyoto University JP 75.9 115= 91= i Universität Mannheim DE 72.3
68 76= h Singapore Management University SG 75.7 115= 111= i University of Minnesota Twin Cities US 72.3
69 91= h City University of Hong Kong HK 75.4 115= 166= h University of Technology Sydney AU 72.3
70 66 i Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE 75.3 119= 83= i Universidad de los Andes CO 72.2
71 72 h Tilburg University NL 75.2 119= 110 i WU (Vienna University of Economics and Business) AT 72.2
72= 51 i Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 75.1 119= 73 i Zhejiang University CN 72.2
72= 101= h University of Leeds GB 75.1 122= 132= h Aarhus University DK 72.1
74= 52= i Universidade de São Paulo BR 74.9 122= 96= i Georgetown University US 72.1
74= 86= h Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ES 74.9 122= 142= h Sorbonne University FR 72.1
74= 64= i Yonsei University KR 74.9 125 142= h Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES 72.0
77= 69= i Pennsylvania State University US 74.8 126= 137= h ESSEC Business School, Paris FR 71.9
77= 56= i Tecnológico de Monterrey MX 74.8 126= 166= h The University of Western Australia AU 71.9
77= 225= h Université PSL FR 74.8 126= 149= h Universitat de Barcelona ES 71.9
80 74 i Michigan State University US 74.6 129 118= i Université de Montréal CA 71.8
81 67= i University of Wisconsin-Madison US 74.5 130= 123= i Saint Petersburg State University RU 71.7
82= 76= i Boston University US 74.4 130= 108= i Stockholm School of Economics SE 71.7
82= 107 h Universitat Ramon Llull ES 74.4 132= 155= h City, University of London GB 71.6
84 96= h University of Copenhagen DK 74.2 132= 208= h Macquarie University AU 71.6
85 60= i Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) AR 74.1 132= 128 i Oxford Brookes University GB 71.6
86= 101= h Durham University GB 73.9 132= 137= h University of Birmingham GB 71.6
86= 86= n Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) ES 73.9 136= 120= i Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE 71.5
86= 76= i University of Southern California US 73.9 136= 132= i University College Dublin IE 71.5
86= 86= n University of St.Gallen (HSG) CH 73.9 138= 147= h Johns Hopkins University US 71.4
90 108= h Utrecht University NL 73.8 138= 257= h Taylor's University MY 71.4
91 181= h Luiss Guido Carli University IT 73.7 138= 155= h University of Nottingham GB 71.4
92= 106 h Leiden University NL 73.6 141= 131 i Lancaster University GB 71.2
92= 117 h Politecnico di Milano IT 73.6 141= 80= i Renmin (People's) University of China CN 71.2
92= 126= h Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES 73.6 141= 82 i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR 71.2
95= 137= h Sapienza University of Rome IT 73.5 144= 129= i University of Bristol GB 71.1
95= 95 n University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US 73.5 144= 120= i University of Vienna AT 71.1
97= 114 h University of Glasgow GB 73.4 146= 101= i Hitotsubashi University JP 70.9
97= 101= h Waseda University JP 73.4 146= 223= h RMIT University AU 70.9
99= 99= n Freie Universitaet Berlin DE 73.3 148 159 h Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL 70.8
99= 115= h Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 73.3 149= 142= i George Washington University US 70.7
149= 142= i Indiana University Bloomington US 70.7
149= 218= h The University of Adelaide AU 70.7

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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
149= 126= i University of Maryland, College Park US 70.7 203= 163= i Georgia Institute of Technology US 68.4
153= 168 h Cardiff University GB 70.6 203= 238= h Griffith University AU 68.4
153= 261= h Gadjah Mada University ID 70.6 203= 238= h Institut Polytechnique de Paris FR 68.4
153= 149= i IE University ES 70.6 203= 451-500 h University of Dhaka BD 68.4
156= 111= i Brown University US 70.5 207= 265= h Curtin University AU 68.3
156= 181= h Deakin University AU 70.5 207= 152= i Fundação Getulio Vargas BR 68.3
156= 172= h Delft University of Technology NL 70.5 209= 232= h National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW 68.2
156= 120= i Keio University JP 70.5 209= 195= i Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore IT 68.2
156= 137= i Texas A&M University US 70.5 211= 241= h Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN 68.1
156= 155= i Universite libre de Bruxelles BE 70.5 211= 197= i Università di Padova IT 68.1
162= 147= i Arizona State University US 70.4 211= 192= i University of Cape Town ZA 68.1
162= 202= h Chulalongkorn University TH 70.4 214= 169= i Beijing Normal University CN 68.0
162= 149= i Purdue University US 70.4 214= 249 h Ghent University BE 68.0
162= 202= h Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU 70.4 214= 232= h Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN 68.0
166 172= h Victoria University of Wellington NZ 70.2 214= 252= h University of the Philippines PH 68.0
167= 175= h Stockholm University SE 70.1 218= 252= h University of Southampton GB 67.9
167= 163= i The University of Sheffield GB 70.1 218= 152= i Wuhan University CN 67.9
167= 142= i University of Florida US 70.1 220= 282= h ESCP Europe FR 67.8
170= 180 h Central European University HU 70.0 220= 155= i Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CO 67.8
170= 187= h Loughborough University GB 70.0 220= 216= i Universität Hamburg DE 67.8
170= 160= i University of Helsinki FI 70.0 220= 199= i University of California, Davis US 67.8
173= 152= i Queen Mary University of London GB 69.9 224= 189= i Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR 67.7
173= 169= i The University of Exeter GB 69.9 224= 228= h University of Milan IT 67.7
173= 115= i Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO 69.9 226= 257= h Cairo University EG 67.6
173= 132= i University of Virginia US 69.9 226= 212= i Essex, University of GB 67.6
177 160= i University of Bath GB 69.8 226= 218= i National Chengchi University TW 67.6
178 232= h Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY 69.7 226= 202= i University of Massachusetts Amherst US 67.6
179= 192= h Aalto University FI 69.6 226= 280= h University of South Australia AU 67.6
179= 225= h Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY 69.6 226= 208= i University of Sussex GB 67.6
179= 192= h University of Oslo NO 69.6 232= new Airlangga University ID 67.5
182 181= i Newcastle University GB 69.5 232= 232= n University of York GB 67.5
183= 216= h Technical University of Munich DE 69.4 234= 243= h Middle East Technical University TR 67.4
183= 267= h Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY 69.4 234= 218= i University of St Andrews GB 67.4
185= 189= h Goethe-University Frankfurt am Main DE 69.3 234= 212= i University of Waterloo CA 67.4
185= 132= i Western University CA 69.3 234= 187= i York University CA 67.4
187= 132= i California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 69.2 238= 331= h Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID 67.2
187= 175= i University of Geneva CH 69.2 238= 181= i Boston College US 67.2
189 175= i University of Alberta CA 69.1 238= 215 i University of Calgary CA 67.2
190= 202= h Plekhanov Russian University of Economics RU 69.0 238= 298= h University of Liverpool GB 67.2
190= 199= h Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg DE 69.0 238= 228= i University of Strathclyde GB 67.2
192 243= h Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY 68.9 243= 169= i Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PE 67.0
193 212= h University of Otago NZ 68.8 243= new Université Paris-Saclay FR 67.0
194 208= h American University of Beirut (AUB) LB 68.7 245= 250= h SOAS University of London GB 66.9
195= 129= i Hanyang University KR 68.6 245= 282= h University of Canterbury | Te Whare Wānanga o Waitaha NZ 66.9
195= 178= i Osaka University JP 68.6 247= 248 h University of Surrey GB 66.8
195= 208= h University of Delhi IN 68.6 247= 278= h University of Twente NL 66.8
195= 232= h University of Wollongong AU 68.6 249= 243= i European University Institute IT 66.7
199= 165 i Queen's University at Kingston CA 68.5 249= 201 i MGIMO University RU 66.7
199= 162 i Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR 68.5
199= 181= i University of Lausanne CH 68.5
199= 202= h Uppsala University SE 68.5

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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
251= 189= i Florida State University US 66.6 302 398= h Cranfield University GB 64.8
251= 303= h The University of Newcastle, Australia (UON) AU 66.6 303= 321= h University of Lisbon PT 64.7
251= 340= h Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) MY 66.6 303= 282= i University of Rome "Tor Vergata" IT 64.7
254= 181= i Dartmouth College US 66.5 303= 357= h University of Waikato NZ 64.7
254= 273= h RUDN University RU 66.5 306= 388= h EMLYON Business School FR 64.6
254= 238= i The University of Arizona US 66.5 306= new Swansea University GB 64.6
254= 261= h Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT 66.5 306= 282= i University of Trento IT 64.6
254= 273= h University of Warsaw PL 66.5 309 276= i McMaster University CA 64.5
259= 292= h Indian Institute of Management (IIM) - Ahmedabad IN 66.4 310= 314= h Aalborg University DK 64.4
259= 178= i Sun Yat-sen University CN 66.4 310= 298= i Kobe University JP 64.4
259= 202= i The University of Georgia US 66.4 310= 346= h Université du Québec CA 64.4
259= 243= i University of Gothenburg SE 66.4 310= 311= h University of Kent GB 64.4
259= 267= h University of Reading GB 66.4 314= 314= n BI Norwegian Business School NO 64.3
264 287= h Charles University CZ 66.3 314= 346= h National Sun Yat-sen University TW 64.3
265= 271= h Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 66.2 314= 225= i Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez CL 64.3
265= 331= h Wageningen University & Research NL 66.2 317= 287= i Florida International University US 64.2
267= 346= h Dublin City University IE 66.1 317= 287= i University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) US 64.2
267= 331= h Massey University NZ 66.1 319= 328= h Bilkent University TR 64.1
267= 252= i Rutgers University–New Brunswick US 66.1 319= 197= i Instituto Tecnológico Autónomo de México (ITAM) MX 64.1
267= 195= i University of Notre Dame US 66.1 319= 354= h King Saud University SA 64.1
271= 303= h Indian Institute of Management (IIM) - Bangalore IN 66.0 319= 321= h University of Central Florida US 64.1
271= 381= h La Trobe University AU 66.0 323= new L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) KZ 64.0
271= 223= i Nanjing University CN 66.0 323= 334= h RWTH Aachen University DE 64.0
271= 271= n National Tsing Hua University TW 66.0 323= 295= i Tohoku University JP 64.0
271= 241= i University of California, Irvine US 66.0 323= 252= i University of Miami US 64.0
276= 295= h Boğaziçi University TR 65.9 323= 314= i University of Pretoria ZA 64.0
276= 218= i Kyung Hee University KR 65.9 328= 311= i Ca' Foscari University of Venice IT 63.9
276= 298= h University College Cork IE 65.9 328= 290= i University of Jordan JO 63.9
276= 334= h Ural Federal University - UrFU RU 65.9 330= 309= i Koç University TR 63.8
280 228= i Vanderbilt University US 65.8 330= 360= h National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) TW 63.8
281 228= i University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US 65.7 330= 401-450 h University of Antwerp BE 63.8
282 252= i University of Cologne DE 65.6 330= 354= h Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) BE 63.8
283 381= h Qatar University QA 65.5 334= 318= i American University US 63.7
284 257= i The American University in Cairo EG 65.4 334= 290= i Georgia State University US 63.7
285= 298= h Aston University GB 65.3 334= 369= h Thammasat University TH 63.7
285= 340= h Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) PK 65.3 334= 265= i University of Rochester US 63.7
285= 307= h Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE 65.3 338= 401-450 h Corvinus University of Budapest HU 63.6
285= 261= i Simon Fraser University CA 65.3 338= 360= h Hokkaido University JP 63.6
289 new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW 65.2 338= 388= h University of Aberdeen GB 63.6
290= 314= h National University of Ireland Galway IE 65.1 341= 398= h Western Sydney University AU 63.5
290= 318= h Universitat de Valencia ES 65.1 341= 401-450 h Hong Kong Baptist University HK 63.5
290= 346= h University of Limerick IE 65.1 341= 323= i Radboud University NL 63.5
293= 257= i Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ 65.0 341= 292= i United Arab Emirates University AE 63.5
293= 334= h National Taiwan Normal University TW 65.0 341= 295= i University of Bern CH 63.5
293= 267= i University of Pittsburgh US 65.0 341= 375= h University of Florence IT 63.5
293= 273= i Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US 65.0 341= 375= h University of Science and Technology of China CN 63.5
293= 250= i Washington University in St. Louis US 65.0 341= 323= i University of Southern Denmark (SDU) DK 63.5
298= 292= i City University of New York US 64.9 341= 393= h University of Turin IT 63.5
298= new North South University BD 64.9 350= 323= i Jawaharlal Nehru University IN 63.4
298= 340= h Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM MY 64.9 350= 366= h Queen's University Belfast GB 63.4
298= 280= i University of Ottawa CA 64.9

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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
350= 375= h Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE 63.4 401-450 new Aix-Marseille University FR -
350= 388= h University of Naples - Federico II IT 63.4 401-450 401-450 n Babes-Bolyai University RO -
354 401-450 h Mahidol University TH 63.3 401-450 451-500 h Bauman Moscow State Technical University RU -
355= 371= h University of Bergen NO 63.2 401-450 451-500 h Beijing Institute of Technology CN -
355= 401-450 h University of Granada ES 63.2 401-450 451-500 h Brunel University London GB -
357= 243= i Athens University of Economics and Business GR 63.1 401-450 new Chiang Mai University TH -
357= 401-450 h Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE 63.1 401-450 388= i Concordia University CA -
357= 395= h Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) IN 63.1 401-450 new Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne CH -
357= 278= i Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro BR 63.1 401-450 401-450 n EDHEC Business School FR -
357= 340= i UNESP BR 63.1 401-450 401-450 n Ewha Womans University KR -
362= 371= h Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NZ 63.0 401-450 381= i Heriot-Watt University GB -
362= 401-450 h Jagiellonian University PL 63.0 401-450 451-500 h International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) MY -
362= 357= i University of Porto PT 63.0 401-450 501-520 h Istanbul University TR -
365= 398= h Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation RU 62.9 401-450 395= i Kazan (Volga region) Federal University RU -
365= 401-450 h Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ES 62.9 401-450 401-450 n King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals SA -
365= 360= i University of Leicester GB 62.9 401-450 451-500 h Kingston University, London GB -
368= 328= i Albert-Ludwigs-Universitaet Freiburg DE 62.8 401-450 451-500 h KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE -
368= 311= i American University of Sharjah AE 62.8 401-450 371= i Kyushu University JP -
368= 354= i Emory University US 62.8 401-450 new Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) GB -
368= 309= i Goldsmiths, University of London GB 62.8 401-450 340= i National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR -
368= 369= h Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) IN 62.8 401-450 451-500 h National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad PK -
368= 303= i Rice University US 62.8 401-450 451-500 h Northumbria University at Newcastle GB -
368= 261= i Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL 62.8 401-450 451-500 h Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO -
368= 340= i University of Texas Dallas US 62.8 401-450 375= i Paris School of Economics FR -
368= 360= i Washington State University US 62.8 401-450 451-500 h Quaid-i-Azam University PK -
377= new American University of the Middle East KW 62.7 401-450 401-450 n Shanghai University CN -
377= 451-500 h Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand TH 62.7 401-450 298= i Sogang University KR -
377= 401-450 h De La Salle University PH 62.7 401-450 401-450 n Tampere University FI -
377= 360= i North Carolina State University US 62.7 401-450 318= i The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL -
377= 401-450 h Universidad de Sevilla ES 62.7 401-450 346= i Universidad del Rosario CO -
377= 328= i University of South Carolina US 62.7 401-450 303= i Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) CL -
383= 451-500 h Eötvös Loránd University HU 62.6 401-450 451-500 h Universidad Externado de Colombia CO -
383= 401-450 h Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration RU 62.6 401-450 401-450 n Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP) AR -
383= new UCSI University MY 62.6 401-450 307= i Universidad Torcuato Di Tella AR -
383= 401-450 h Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) ES 62.6 401-450 401-450 n Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR -
383= 357= i University of Tartu EE 62.6 401-450 new Universitas Brawijaya ID -
388= new Indian Institue of Management (IIM) - Calcutta IN 62.5 401-450 401-450 n Université Grenoble Alpes FR -
388= 346= i Nagoya University JP 62.5 401-450 393= i Université Laval CA -
390= 366= i KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE 62.4 401-450 451-500 h Université Toulouse h Capitole FR -
390= 282= i Syracuse University US 62.4 401-450 381= i University of Economics, Prague CZ -
390= 381= i Temple University US 62.4 401-450 401-450 n University of Göttingen DE -
393= 334= i Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR 62.3 401-450 401-450 n University of Houston US -
393= 451-500 h Ateneo de Manila University PH 62.3 401-450 334= i University of Missouri, Columbia US -
393= 398= h Northeastern University US 62.3 401-450 451-500 h University of Pisa IT -
393= 334= i Stellenbosch University ZA 62.3 401-450 375= i University of Salamanca ES -
393= 346= i University of Colorado Boulder US 62.3 401-450 401-450 n University of Turku FI -
393= 388= i University of Milano-Bicocca IT 62.3 401-450 new Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) VN -
393= 323= i University of Witwatersrand ZA 62.3 401-450 401-450 n Vilnius University LT -
393= 267= i Xi’an Jiaotong University CN 62.3 401-450 401-450 n Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster DE -
401-450 401-450 n WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management - Koblenz DE -
401-450 323= i Xiamen University CN -

252 253
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2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
451-500 new Bogor Agricultural University ID - 501-520 501-520 n Ain Shams University EG -
451-500 new Bournemouth University GB - 501-520 401-450 i Barcelona Graduate School of Economics ES -
451-500 new BRAC University BD - 501-520 401-450 i Case Western Reserve University US -
451-500 451-500 n Carleton University CA - 501-520 451-500 i George Mason University US -
451-500 new COMSATS University Islamabad PK - 501-520 501-520 n Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) IN -
451-500 451-500 n Coventry University GB - 501-520 451-500 i Iowa State University US -
451-500 new Diponegoro University ID - 501-520 new James Cook University AU -
451-500 new Grenoble Ecole de Management FR - 501-520 401-450 i Novosibirsk State University RU -
451-500 346= i Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX - 501-520 381= i Shandong University CN -
451-500 new KEDGE Business School FR - 501-520 451-500 i Shanghai University of Finance and Economics CN -
451-500 401-450 i Linköping University SE - 501-520 new Swinburne University of Technology AU -
451-500 new Masaryk University CZ - 501-520 new Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA -
451-500 451-500 n National Central University TW - 501-520 451-500 i The New School US -
451-500 451-500 n Nottingham Trent University GB - 501-520 451-500 i The University of Alabama US -
451-500 401-450 i Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso CL - 501-520 new Universidad de la República (Udelar) UY -
451-500 451-500 n Ritsumeikan University JP - 501-520 401-450 i Universidad EAFIT CO -
451-500 401-450 i Royal Holloway University of London GB - 501-520 401-450 i Universidad Iberoamericana IBERO MX -
451-500 401-450 i Sabanci University TR - 501-520 new Université de Lille FR -
451-500 501-520 h Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna Pisa IT - 501-520 451-500 i University of Basel CH -
451-500 new Technische Universität Wien AT - 501-520 new University of Bordeaux FR -
451-500 401-450 i Tel Aviv University IL - 501-520 new University of East Anglia (UEA) GB -
451-500 381= i Tomsk State University RU - 501-520 501-520 n University of Johannesburg ZA -
451-500 401-450 i Tongji University CN - 501-520 new University of Jyväskylä FI -
451-500 360= i Universidad de Antioquia CO - 501-520 451-500 i University of Massachusetts Boston US -
451-500 451-500 n Universidad de La Sabana CO - 501-520 401-450 i University of Oregon US -
451-500 501-520 h Universidad Pontificia Comillas ES - 501-520 new Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) PL -
451-500 401-450 i Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP PT -
451-500 395= i Universidade de Brasília BR -
451-500 401-450 i Universidade Federal do Rio Grande Do Sul BR -
451-500 501-520 h Università degli studi Roma Tre IT -
451-500 new Universitas Padjadjaran ID -
451-500 new Université de Strasbourg FR -
451-500 501-520 h University of Canberra AU -
451-500 401-450 i University of Coimbra PT -
451-500 451-500 n University of Deusto ES -
451-500 401-450 i University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa US -
451-500 398= i University of Iowa US -
451-500 451-500 n University of Kansas US -
451-500 371= i University of Ljubljana SI -
451-500 451-500 n University of Nevada - Las Vegas US -
451-500 401-450 i University of South Florida US -
451-500 401-450 i University of Stirling GB -
451-500 501-520 h University of the Punjab PK -
451-500 new University of the West of England GB -
451-500 401-450 i University of Tsukuba JP -
451-500 401-450 i University of Utah US -
451-500 501-520 h University of Westminster GB -
451-500 new Vietnam National University, Hanoi VN -
451-500 375= i Vilnius Gediminas Technical University LT -

254 255
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Cultivating empathy in leadership

By Amie Edwards-McLean

The COVID-19 pandemic has radically altered how leaders will then need to play an active role to support the health and wellbeing
academic institutions, firms, and communities around of their teams. To support leaders for this purpose, university education has a
the world communicate. With emotional intelligence key role to play.
(EQ) consistently correlating with the rising success
The Royal College of General Practitioners predicts there will be a surge of
of businesses, human and economic metrics are
patients with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) due to COVID-19, either
being given equal importance and attention.
because of their experiences at work or because of the loss of loved ones. The
In the discourse surrounding leadership, the rise transition to a new way of life after a long period of social isolation will be difficult
of empathy and the growing need for it is taking for many, compassion then becomes a necessity to combat with this difficulty.
centre stage. This has led businesses to attempt to
Authentic empathetic leadership can help to address workplace insecurities, with
understand how empathy can be ingrained into the
a focus on pivoting practices to navigate the fast change of pace throughout
role of leadership, and higher education providers,
the pandemic and beyond.
particularly MBA programmes.
“A good manager will always check in with their team members and see how
Changing circumstances and the future of the
they’re doing before jumping into what’s happening at work. Is everything okay
“Employee with them? It’s a natural thing to do for some yet not for others,” notes Minihane.
mental health Clare Altmann-Richer, an Executive MBA student at
Altmann-Richer supports this view, suggesting that leaders need to be open
should be University of Exeter, believes, “Employee expectations
communicators, tailor, and flex their styles to the characters and behaviours of
addressed and will have changed due to the pandemic, and leaders
those in their teams.
supported by need to focus on demonstrating and role modelling
management.” behaviours. “Employee mental health should be Cognitive bias vs empathy
addressed and supported by management.”
Cognitive bias is a mental shortcut that our brains take to expedite information
Vladi Minihane, a finance professional and MBA to process and try to quickly make sense of a situation. This is a systematic
student at Oxford Brookes University, agrees pattern of deviation from a rationality in judgement that can affect our decisions,
with Altmann-Richer, adding that leaders should actions, and behaviours.
remember they work with humans; not with robots,
While this process of deduction has its benefits in quickly understanding the
“a fairly basic principle but it’s easy to forget” she
circumstances, it also comes with significant downsides. When a team member
approaches a leader with a problem, the leader may address it with their own
“We need to take into account our team’s cognitive bias as opposed to demonstrating empathy.
circumstances when it comes to decision making
“People are too willing to jump in and help someone find an answer or a solution
and work twice as hard at making connections. Make
without really trying to understand what the problem is in the first place,” Capner
allowances that your team may not always have a
good day,” she tells QS-GEN.
By quickly offering advice, a leader removes a person’s sense of autonomy for
As employees return to post-pandemic world,
resolving their own problems which can result in dwindled confidence. This

256 257
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Make Your Ambitions

a Reality
Your journey to success
starts at PMU
removes one of the key pillars of empathy, active
listening. Active listening involves collecting the
information with compassion and using a questioning
technique prior to offering advice.
Empathy and the MBA
According to the QS Global Employer Survey,
employers value soft skills above technical skills when
recruiting MBA graduates. Yet, the extent to which
soft skills such as empathy can be taught as part of
an MBA and how is it currently being adopted into the
syllabus is inconclusive and somewhat inconsistent.
Minhane says her programme has impacted the
way she thinks and considers situations through an “A good
empathetic lens. manager will
“Empathetic leadership has been brought out in me always check in
as part of the MBA. It was the reflective writing that with their team.”
really made me think,” she explains to QS-GEN.
Capner adds: “If you’re not a truly empathetic person
then it’s not just a switch that you can turn on.
“We all grow up in a certain way and if it is not part
of your mindset now as a leader, then you’re at the
wrong end of the curve. You need to spend time
getting into that mindset and that can take years or
even decades. People who aren’t truly empathetic
now are probably going to be playing at it for a while
and there’s a danger then that comes across like it’s
being fake.”
This shortened article originally appeared in
QS-GEN 4, published in May 2022. PMU Ranked in the top 101–200 Universities Creative
in THE Impact Rankings 2022 the world


258 /PMUOfficial
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

QS Publications 1 Harvard University 51 University of Southern California
2 Stanford University 52 University of Navarra

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Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Oxford
The University of Queensland
ESSEC Business School, Paris

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5 University of Chicago 56 Université PSL
6 University of Cambridge 57= The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
7 The London School of Economics and 57= University of Illinois at Urbana-
Political Science (LSE) Champaign
8 University of Pennsylvania 59= Korea University
9 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 59= National Taiwan University (NTU)
10 New York University (NYU) 61 University of Glasgow
11 London Business School 62= Copenhagen Business School
HIGHER ED GLOBAL 12 Columbia University 62= Fudan University
REPORT EDUCATION 13 National University of Singapore (NUS) 64 Lancaster University

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14 Yale University 65 City, University of London
15 Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 66 University of Washington
16= University of California, Los Angeles 67 McGill University
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16= University of Toronto 68= Stockholm School of Economics
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18 The University of Manchester 70 Boston University

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20 The University of New South Wales 71= University of St.Gallen (HSG)

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(UNSW Sydney) 73 Universiti Malaya (UM)
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46= Seoul National University 98= King Abdulaziz University (KAU)
46= The University of Auckland 98= RMIT University
48 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 100 Universidad de Chile
49= Singapore Management University
49= University of Amsterdam

Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Anthropology Business
1= University of Cambridge 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 1 Harvard University 52
Monash University
1= University of Oxford Bologna 2 INSEAD (France) 53
EMLYON Business School
3 Harvard University 51-100 Brown University 3 London Business School 54
Yonsei University
4 UCL 51-100 City University of New York 4 Stanford University 55
University of Texas at Austin
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Complutense University of Madrid 5 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 56
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
6= The Australian National University 51-100 Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen 6 Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi (CUHK)
6= University of Chicago 51-100 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences 7 University of Pennsylvania 57 Politecnico di Milano
8 University of California, Los Angeles Sociales (EHESS) 8 University of Cambridge 58 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(UCLA) 51-100 Indiana University Bloomington 9 University of Oxford (UC)
9 The London School of Economics and 51-100 Jawaharlal Nehru University 10 HEC Paris 59 Luiss Guido Carli University
Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Johns Hopkins University 11 The London School of Economics and 60= City, University of London
10= National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 La Trobe University Political Science (LSE) 60= Michigan State University
10= SOAS University of London 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 12 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 62 KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of
12 Stanford University 51-100 Monash University 13 National University of Singapore (NUS) Science & Technology
13= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Northwestern University 14 Copenhagen Business School 63= Indian Institute of Management (IIM) -
13= Yale University 51-100 Peking University 15 Erasmus University Rotterdam Bangalore
15 Leiden University 51-100 Pennsylvania State University 16 Northwestern University 63= Tilburg University
16 University of Toronto 51-100 Radboud University 17 ESADE Business School | Universitat 65 Indian Institute of Management (IIM) -
17 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg Ramon Llull Ahmedabad
18 Columbia University 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome 18 New York University (NYU) 66= Pennsylvania State University
19 University of Amsterdam 51-100 Seoul National University 19 University of Chicago 66= Universität Mannheim
20 The University of Melbourne 51-100 Stockholm University 20 Nanyang Technological University, 68= Fudan University
21 New York University (NYU) 51-100 The New School Singapore (NTU) 68= Stockholm School of Economics
22= Duke University 51-100 The University of New South Wales 21 The University of Warwick 70= Lancaster University
22= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de (UNSW Sydney) 22 Columbia University 70= University of Leeds
México (UNAM) 51-100 Universidad de Chile 23 IESE Business School | Universidad de 72 IMD
24= The University of Tokyo 51-100 Universidad de los Andes Navarra 73 Western University
24= University of British Columbia 51-100 Universidad Nacional de Colombia 24 The Hong Kong University of Science and 74 Aalto University
26 The University of Sydney 51-100 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Technology 75 Universiti Malaya (UM)
27 University of Copenhagen 51-100 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 25= IE University 76= City University of Hong Kong
28 Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona 25= Imperial College London 76= Georgia Institute of Technology
29 Durham University 51-100 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 27 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 76= The University of Queensland
30= Kyoto University 51-100 Université PSL 28 ESSEC Business School, Paris 79= Carnegie Mellon University
30= The University of Manchester 51-100 University of Aberdeen 29 Yale University 79= Technical University of Munich
32 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 51-100 University of Bergen 30 Tecnológico de Monterrey 79= University of Amsterdam
33= Aarhus University 51-100 University of California, San Diego 31 University of St.Gallen (HSG) 82 University of Southern California
33= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (UCSD) 32= The University of Manchester 83= The Australian National University
35 McGill University 51-100 University of California, Santa Barbara 32= University of Toronto 83= University of Bath
36 Princeton University (UCSB) 34= The University of Melbourne 85 Université de Montréal
37 The University of Auckland 51-100 University of California, Santa Cruz 34= University of California, Los Angeles 86 Texas A&M University
38 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 University of Cape Town 36= Singapore Management University 87 Université PSL
39 The University of Arizona 51-100 University of Göttingen 36= University of British Columbia 88 The University of Tokyo
40 University of Oslo 51-100 University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 36= WU (Vienna University of Economics and 89 Princeton University
41 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Helsinki Business) 90 Boston University
(CUHK) 51-100 University of Illinois at Urbana- 39= Cornell University 91 Universidad de los Andes
42= Massachusetts Institute of Technology Champaign 39= Seoul National University 92= KU Leuven
(MIT) 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 41= The University of Hong Kong 92= National Taiwan University (NTU)
42= Universidade de São Paulo 51-100 University of Otago 41= Tsinghua University 94 Indiana University Bloomington
44 Goldsmiths, University of London 51-100 University of St Andrews 43 Peking University 95= Arizona State University
45 Simon Fraser University 51-100 University of Sussex 44 The University of New South Wales 95= Oxford Brookes University
46= Arizona State University 51-100 University of Texas at Austin 45 ESCP Europe 97= Taylor’s University
46= University of Vienna 51-100 University of Washington 46 Duke University 97= Universidade de São Paulo
46= University of Wisconsin-Madison 51-100 University of Zurich 47 The University of Sydney 99= Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)
49 Cornell University 51-100 Uppsala University 48= Korea University 99= UCL
50 The University of Queensland 51-100 Utrecht University 48= The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
51-100 Washington University in St. Louis 50= McGill University
50= Shanghai Jiao Tong University

262 263
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Development Studies Economics & Econometrics

1 University of Sussex 51-100 American University 1 Harvard University 52 The University of Sydney
2 SOAS University of London 51-100 Arizona State University 2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 53 The University of Hong Kong
3 University of Oxford 51-100 Brown University (MIT) 54 Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität
4 The London School of Economics and 51-100 Chulalongkorn University 3 Stanford University Bonn
Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Fudan University 4 University of Chicago 55= Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
5 University of Cambridge 51-100 Gadjah Mada University 5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 55= University of Minnesota Twin Cities
6 Harvard University 51-100 George Washington University 6 The London School of Economics and 55= University of Wisconsin-Madison
7 The University of Manchester 51-100 HSE University Political Science (LSE) 58= Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
8 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Imperial College London 7 Princeton University 58= University of Texas at Austin
9 University of Cape Town 51-100 KU Leuven 8= University of Oxford 60 Singapore Management University
10 Stanford University 51-100 Kyung Hee University 8= Yale University 61 University of Amsterdam
11 Erasmus University Rotterdam 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University 10 University of Cambridge 62 The University of Manchester
12 Wageningen University & Research 51-100 Maastricht University 11 New York University (NYU) 63 Shanghai Jiao Tong University
13 The University of Melbourne 51-100 Michigan State University 12 Columbia University 64 Stockholm School of Economics
14= The Australian National University 51-100 Monash University 13 University of Pennsylvania 65 Institut Polytechnique de Paris
14= University of East Anglia (UEA) 51-100 Nagoya University 14 University of California, Los Angeles 66 Barcelona Graduate School of Economics
16 Columbia University 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU) 15 Northwestern University 67 Korea University
17 Princeton University 51-100 Newcastle University 16 Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi 68= HSE University
18= University of Chicago 51-100 Paris School of Economics 17 UCL 68= KU Leuven
18= University of Göttingen 51-100 RMIT University 18 National University of Singapore (NUS) 70 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
20 Cornell University 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome 19 University of California, San Diego 71= Kyoto University
21 University of Amsterdam 51-100 Stellenbosch University 20 University of Toronto 71= University of Southern California
22 University of Witwatersrand 51-100 The Ohio State University 21= Duke University 73= Fudan University
23 Leiden University 51-100 The University of Adelaide 21= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 73= The University of Edinburgh
24 The University of Hong Kong 51-100 The University of Auckland 23 University of British Columbia 73= University of Copenhagen
25 The University of Tokyo 51-100 The University of Queensland 24 Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) 76 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
26 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 The University of Sheffield 25 The University of Warwick 77= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
27 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 The University of Warwick 26 Peking University Bologna
(UCLA) 51-100 Universidade Estadual de Campinas 27= Boston University 77= Johns Hopkins University
28 Ghent University (Unicamp) 27= The Hong Kong University of Science and 77= Université catholique de Louvain
29 Lund University 51-100 Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro Technology (UCLouvain)
30 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 51-100 Université catholique de Louvain 29 Cornell University 77= University of Maryland, College Park
México (UNAM) (UCLouvain) 30 Tsinghua University 81 Dartmouth College
31 University of Toronto 51-100 Universite libre de Bruxelles 31= ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 82 Sciences Po
32 University of Copenhagen 51-100 Université Paris-Saclay Technology 83 The University of Queensland
33 The University of Sydney 51-100 Universiti Malaya (UM) 31= The University of Tokyo 84 Yonsei University
34= Sciences Po 51-100 University of Bath 33 The Australian National University 85 HEC Paris
34= University of British Columbia 51-100 University of Bergen 34 The University of Melbourne 86= The University of Auckland
36 McGill University 51-100 University of Bern 35 Brown University 86= Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
37= Boston University 51-100 University of Birmingham 36 The University of New South Wales 88 University of Groningen
37= Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 51-100 University of Glasgow (UNSW Sydney) 89 Boston College
39 Makerere University 51-100 University of Groningen 37= London Business School 90 University of Nottingham
40 American University of Beirut (AUB) 51-100 University of Kwazulu-Natal 37= University of Zurich 91= Hitotsubashi University
41 University of Delhi 51-100 University of Massachusetts Amherst 39= Imperial College London 91= Zhejiang University
42 University of Leeds 51-100 University of Nairobi 39= Monash University 93= Copenhagen Business School
43 Universidad de los Andes 51-100 University of Oslo 41= Nanyang Technological University 93= Queen Mary University of London
44 University of California, Davis 51-100 University of Otago 41= Tilburg University 93= Stockholm University
45 Massey University 51-100 University of Pennsylvania 43 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 96 WU (Vienna University of Economics and
46= Duke University 51-100 University of St Andrews 44= California Institute of Technology Business)
46= King’s College London 51-100 University of the Western Cape (Caltech) 97= Maastricht University
48 Yonsei University 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison 44= Erasmus University Rotterdam 97= Texas A&M University
49 Johns Hopkins University 51-100 Uppsala University 46 Carnegie Mellon University 99 The Ohio State University
50 Victoria University of Wellington 51-100 Utrecht University 47= Paris School of Economics 100= Universite libre de Bruxelles
51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 47= Seoul National University 100= Universiti Malaya (UM)
47= The Chinese University of Hong Kong
50= Universität Mannheim
50= University of California, Davis

264 265
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Education Hospitality
1 UCL Institute of Education | University 51 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 1 Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne 50 Kyung Hee University
College London México (UNAM) 2 University of Nevada - Las Vegas 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
2 Harvard University 52 University of Birmingham 3 SHMS - Swiss Hotel Management Bologna
3 University of Oxford 53 New York University (NYU) School 51-100 Arizona State University
4 University of Toronto 54 University of Illinois at Urbana- 4 Glion Institute of Higher Education 51-100 Auburn University
5 Stanford University Champaign 5 Les Roches Global Hospitality 51-100 Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
6 University of Cambridge 55 Universiti Malaya (UM) Education 51-100 Business and hotel management school -
7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 56= Arizona State University 6 Cesar Ritz Colleges bhms
8 The University of Hong Kong 56= The Ohio State University 7 Hotel Institute Montreux - HIM 51-100 Ca’ Foscari University of Venice
9 Columbia University 56= University of Calgary 8 Culinary Arts Academy Switzerland 51-100 Cairo University
10 University of California, Los Angeles 56= University of Oslo 9 Hotelschool The Hague 51-100 Clemson University
11 Nanyang Technological University, 60 University of Leeds 10 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 51-100 Colorado State University
Singapore (NTU) 61 University of Twente 11 Hotel School Vatel 51-100 ESSEC Business School, Paris
12 The University of Melbourne 62= Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical 12 Escuela Universitaria de hosteleria y 51-100 George Washington University
13 Monash University University turismo de Sant Pol de Mar 51-100 Hanyang University
14= The University of Edinburgh 62= University of Turku 13 Cornell University | School of Hotel 51-100 HSE University
14= University of British Columbia 64= The University of Tokyo Administration 51-100 James Cook University
16 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 64= University of Maryland, College Park 14 University of Surrey 51-100 Johnson & Wales University
17= The Education University of Hong Kong 66 University of Chicago 15 Hotel and Tourism Management Institute, 51-100 L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National
17= University of Wisconsin-Madison 67= Universitat de Barcelona Switzerland University (ENU)
19 Michigan State University 67= University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) 16 Taylor’s University 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University
20 Johns Hopkins University 67= University of Minnesota Twin Cities 17 Bournemouth University 51-100 Manchester Metropolitan University
21= Gazi Üniversitesi 70 Queensland University of Technology 18 Oxford Brookes University (MMU)
21= University of Helsinki 71 University of York 19 University of Central Florida 51-100 Monash University
23= King’s College London 72= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 20 IMI-Luzern - International Hotel 51-100 New York University (NYU)
23= Vanderbilt University 72= Indiana University Bloomington Management School, Switzerland 51-100 North Carolina State University
25 The University of Sydney 72= Trinity College Dublin, The University of 21= Blue Mountains International Hotel 51-100 SAIT Polytechnic - School of Hospitality
26 National Taiwan Normal University Dublin Management School (BMIHMS) and Tourism
27 McGill University 72= Université de Montréal 21= Pennsylvania State University | School of 51-100 Sheffield Hallam University
28 Beijing Normal University 76 The University of New South Wales Hospitality Management 51-100 Sun Yat-sen University
29 Utrecht University 77= Aarhus University 23 Macao Institute for Tourism Studies 51-100 Texas Tech University
30= Pennsylvania State University 77= Durham University 24 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State 51-100 The Chinese University of Hong Kong
30= University of Texas at Austin 77= Princeton University University (CUHK)
32 University of Pennsylvania 77= Purdue University 25 Griffith University 51-100 The Emirates Academy of Hospitality
33 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 81= Newcastle University 26 NHTV Breda University of Applied 51-100 The University of Auckland
34 University of Bristol 81= University of Jyväskylä Sciences 51-100 The University of Exeter
35= Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 83 University of Virginia 27 The University of Queensland 51-100 The University of Hong Kong
35= The University of Queensland 84= Cornell University 28 University of Florida 51-100 Ulster University
37 The University of Auckland 84= Technical University of Munich 29 Michigan State University 51-100 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
38= Seoul National University 86 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 30 University of Houston 51-100 Universidad Autónoma del Estado de
38= University of Amsterdam 87= HSE University 31 Swiss School of Tourism and Hospitality México (UAEMex)
40 Peking University 87= Korea University 32 Nanyang Technological University 51-100 Universidad de Sevilla
41 University of Glasgow 87= University of Alberta 33 Florida International University 51-100 Universidad Externado de Colombia
42 The University of Manchester 90= Boston College 34= Florida State University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo
43 Deakin University 90= Ghent University 34= Washington State University 51-100 Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
44 KU Leuven 92= Macquarie University 36 Texas A&M University 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
45 Sorbonne University 92= National Taiwan University (NTU) 37 Ecole Hoteliere de Geneve 51-100 Universitat Ramon Llull
46 University of Nottingham 92= Universidad de Chile 38 Purdue University 51-100 University of Alicante
47= Lomonosov Moscow State University 95= University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 39 University of South Carolina 51-100 University of Amsterdam
47= Tsinghua University 95= University of Southern California 40 UCSI University 51-100 University of British Columbia
47= University of Washington 97= Duke University 41 University of South Florida 51-100 University of Denver
50 Maastricht University 97= East China Normal University 42 Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM 51-100 University of Guelph
97= Leiden University 43= University of Calgary 51-100 University of Lausanne
100= Australian Catholic University 43= University of Derby 51-100 University of Leeds
100= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 43= University of Massachusetts Amherst 51-100 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
100= Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) 46 Leeds Beckett University 51-100 University of South Australia
100= University of Groningen 47 Ural Federal University - UrFU 51-100 University of Waterloo
48 Sejong University 51-100 Victoria University of Wellington
49 National Kaohsiung University of
Hospitality and Tourism

266 267
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Law Library
1 Harvard University 51= Sciences Po 1 The University of Sheffield 51-60 Erasmus University Rotterdam
2 University of Oxford 51= Universidade de São Paulo 2 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 51-60 KU Leuven
3 University of Cambridge 53 Utrecht University 3 University of Illinois at Urbana- 51-60 Manchester Metropolitan University
4 Yale University 54 Northwestern University Champaign (MMU)
5 Stanford University 55= The University of Queensland 4 University of Washington 51-60 Nanjing University
6 New York University (NYU) 55= Universidad Externado de Colombia 5 University of British Columbia 51-60 National Taiwan Normal University
7 The London School of Economics and 57 Maastricht University 6 Syracuse University 51-60 National Taiwan University of Science and
Political Science (LSE) 58 The University of Manchester 7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) Technology (Taiwan Tech)
8 Columbia University 59= Kyoto University 8 McGill University 51-60 Simmons University
9 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 59= National Taiwan University (NTU) 9 Indiana University Bloomington 51-60 The University of Sydney
10 University of Chicago 61 Lomonosov Moscow State University 10 Université de Montréal 51-60 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de
11 National University of Singapore (NUS) 62= Complutense University of Madrid 11 University of Toronto México (UNAM)
12 The University of Melbourne 62= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 12= Tampere University 51-60 University of Glasgow
13 UCL 62= Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) 12= University of Texas at Austin
14 The University of New South Wales 65 City University of Hong Kong 14 University of Maryland, College Park
(UNSW Sydney) 66= The University of Auckland 15 Rutgers University–New Brunswick
15 King’s College London 66= University of Bristol 16 University of Pittsburgh
16 The University of Sydney 66= University of Glasgow 17 Wuhan University
17 The University of Edinburgh 69 University of Copenhagen 18= Nanyang Technological University,
18 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 70= O.P. Jindal Global University Singapore (NTU)
19 University of Toronto 70= Universidad de Chile 18= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor
20 The University of Hong Kong 72 University of Technology Sydney 20 UCL
21= Georgetown University 73= University Paris 2 Panthéon-Assas 21 Loughborough University
21= Leiden University 73= Victoria University of Wellington 22 University of Technology Sydney
23 The Australian National University 75 University College Cork 23 Western University
24 The University of Tokyo 76= George Washington University 24 University College Dublin
25 University of California, Los Angeles 76= Tilburg University 25 University College of Boras
(UCLA) 78= Trinity College Dublin, The University of 26 University of Wisconsin Milwaukee
26 Queen Mary University of London Dublin 27 University of Amsterdam
27 University of Pennsylvania 78= University College Dublin 28 Universiti Malaya (UM)
28 Duke University 78= University of Texas at Austin 29 Drexel University
29 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 81 Waseda University 30 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
México (UNAM) 82= Luiss Guido Carli University 31 University of Strathclyde
30 University of Amsterdam 82= Universitat de Barcelona 32 University at Buffalo SUNY
31= McGill University 84 Korea University 33 Yonsei University
31= Tsinghua University 85 Universidad Autónoma de Madrid 34 Victoria University of Wellington
33 Peking University 86= University of Milan 35 Cornell University
34 KU Leuven 86= University of Oslo 36 University of California, Los Angeles
35 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 88 University of Nottingham (UCLA)
36 Cornell University 89 Freie Universitaet Berlin 37 Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)
37 Seoul National University 90 University of Leeds 38= Peking University
38= China University of Political Science and 91= Universiti Malaya (UM) 38= University of Wisconsin-Madison
Law 91= University of Geneva 40 The University of Arizona
38= Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 91= Yonsei University 41= Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M)
(UC) 94 Nanyang Technological University, 41= Universitat de Barcelona
40 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) Singapore (NTU) 43 City, University of London
41= Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 95= European University Institute 44 Sapienza University of Rome
41= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 95= Singapore Management University 45 University of Southern California
(CUHK) 95= Universidad del Rosario 46 University of Tsukuba
43= Monash University 98 Keio University 47 University of Science and Technology of
43= University of British Columbia 99= Renmin (People’s) University of China China
45 Universidad de los Andes 99= University of Vienna 48 Monash University
46= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 49= RMIT University
Bologna 49= University of Porto
46= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
46= Sapienza University of Rome
49 Durham University
50 University of Virginia

268 269
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Politics Social Policy

1 Harvard University 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 1 Harvard University 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of
2 University of Oxford Bologna 2 University of Oxford Bologna
3 Sciences Po 51-100 American University 3 The London School of Economics and 51-100 American University
4 The London School of Economics and 51-100 Brown University Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Boston University
Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Durham University 4 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Cardiff University
5 Princeton University 51-100 Fudan University 5 University of Cambridge 51-100 Carnegie Mellon University
6 Stanford University 51-100 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 6 Stanford University 51-100 Central European University
7 University of Cambridge 51-100 Keio University 7 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Chulalongkorn University
8 Yale University 51-100 Korea University 8= Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Cornell University
9= National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 KU Leuven (MIT) 51-100 Duke University
9= University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Kyoto University 8= The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Erasmus University Rotterdam
11 The Australian National University 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University 8= The University of Hong Kong 51-100 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of
12 Columbia University 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 11 Columbia University Technology
13= Georgetown University 51-100 Lund University 12 The University of Melbourne 51-100 European University Institute
13= King’s College London 51-100 Monash University 13 Syracuse University 51-100 Freie Universitaet Berlin
15 SOAS University of London 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU) 14 University of Chicago 51-100 Fudan University
16 University of Chicago 51-100 Peking University 15 Princeton University 51-100 Gadjah Mada University
17 New York University (NYU) 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 16= University of Amsterdam 51-100 George Washington University
18 University of Amsterdam (UC) 16= University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Georgetown University
19 Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 Queen Mary University of London (UCLA) 51-100 HSE University
20 Leiden University 51-100 Saint Petersburg State University 18 University of Bristol 51-100 Imperial College London
21 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 The Ohio State University 19 Seoul National University 51-100 Kyoto University
(UCLA) 51-100 The University of Exeter 20 Sciences Po 51-100 Lomonosov Moscow State University
22 Luiss Guido Carli University 51-100 The University of Queensland 21 KU Leuven 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
23 University of California, San Diego 51-100 The University of Sheffield 22 Indiana University Bloomington 51-100 Lund University
(UCSD) 51-100 The University of Warwick 23 University of Toronto 51-100 Nanyang Technological University,
24 Central European University 51-100 Trinity College Dublin, The University of 24 The Australian National University Singapore (NTU)
25= George Washington University Dublin 25 The University of Tokyo 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
25= Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 26 Ural Federal University - UrFU 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
(MIT) 51-100 Universidad de los Andes 27 Johns Hopkins University (UC)
27 University of Toronto 51-100 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 28 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Rutgers University–Newark
28 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor México (UNAM) 29 University of York 51-100 Sun Yat-sen University
29 Cornell University 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo 30 UCL 51-100 Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU)
30= Nanyang Technological University, 51-100 Universität Mannheim 31 Stockholm University 51-100 The University of Auckland
Singapore (NTU) 51-100 Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) 32 The University of Sydney 51-100 The University of New South Wales
30= UCL 51-100 Université de Montréal 33 Peking University (UNSW Sydney)
32 European University Institute 51-100 Universite libre de Bruxelles 34 Yonsei University 51-100 The University of Sheffield
33 Johns Hopkins University 51-100 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne 35 University of British Columbia 51-100 Trinity College Dublin, The University of
34 University of Copenhagen 51-100 University College Dublin 36 University of Southern California Dublin
35= The University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Geneva 37 Korea University 51-100 Universitas Indonesia
35= The University of Tokyo 51-100 University of Gothenburg 38 Utrecht University 51-100 Universität Bremen
37 MGIMO University 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 39 Leiden University 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
38 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 University of Notre Dame 40 King’s College London 51-100 Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona)
Technology 51-100 University of Oslo 41 The University of Georgia 51-100 Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne
39 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 University of Pennsylvania 42= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 51-100 Universiti Malaya (UM)
40 The University of Sydney 51-100 University of St Andrews (CUHK) 51-100 University of Glasgow
41 Seoul National University 51-100 University of Texas at Austin 42= University of Birmingham 51-100 University of Helsinki
42 McGill University 51-100 University of Vienna 44= Aarhus University 51-100 University of Kent
43 Duke University 51-100 Uppsala University 44= Tsinghua University 51-100 University of Leeds
44= HSE University 51-100 Utrecht University 46= City University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Milan
44= The University of Manchester 51-100 Victoria University of Wellington 46= University of Bath 51-100 University of Pennsylvania
44= The University of Melbourne 51-100 Waseda University 48 University of Washington 51-100 University of Pittsburgh
47 Aarhus University 51-100 Yonsei University 49 New York University (NYU) 51-100 University of Southern Denmark (SDU)
48 University of British Columbia 50= The University of Queensland 51-100 University of Sussex
49 Tsinghua University 50= Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 51-100 University of Wisconsin-Madison
50= Essex, University of México (UNAM) 51-100 University of Zurich
50= University of Zurich

270 271
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Sociology Sports-related Subjects

1 Harvard University 52 Johns Hopkins University 1 Loughborough University 51-100 Arizona State University
2 University of Oxford 53 Kyoto University 2 The University of Queensland 51-100 Australian Catholic University
3 The London School of Economics and 54 National Taiwan University (NTU) 3 University of British Columbia 51-100 Boston University
Political Science (LSE) 55 Essex, University of 4 The University of Sydney 51-100 Brock University
4 Stanford University 56= The University of Warwick 5 University of Toronto 51-100 Brunel University London
5 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 56= Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona 6 Deakin University 51-100 Curtin University
6 University of Cambridge 58 European University Institute 7 University of Birmingham 51-100 Durham University
7 University of Amsterdam 59 University of Vienna 8 University of Bath 51-100 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of
8 University of Chicago 60= KU Leuven 9 Liverpool John Moores University Technology
9 University of California, Los Angeles 60= Tsinghua University 10 The University of Melbourne 51-100 Florida State University
(UCLA) 62 Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences 11 University of Copenhagen 51-100 Ghent University
10= Columbia University Sociales (EHESS) 12 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Indiana University Bloomington
10= National University of Singapore (NUS) 63 Universität Mannheim 13 Seoul National University 51-100 King Saud University
10= Princeton University 64 Lancaster University 14 University of Florida 51-100 Kyoto University
13 Yale University 65= Central European University 15 University of Otago 51-100 Leeds Beckett University
14 University of Wisconsin-Madison 65= Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 16= The University of Exeter 51-100 Maastricht University
15 The Australian National University 67 Yonsei University 16= University of Alberta 51-100 Manchester Metropolitan University
16= New York University (NYU) 68 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile 18 Pennsylvania State University (MMU)
16= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor (UC) 19 University of Calgary 51-100 National Taiwan Normal University
18 UCL 69 University of Bristol 20 KU Leuven 51-100 National Taiwan University (NTU)
19= The University of Manchester 70= Brown University 21 UCL 51-100 Northwestern University
19= The University of Melbourne 70= Sorbonne University 22 McMaster University 51-100 Peking University
19= University of Toronto 72= HSE University 23= The University of Western Australia 51-100 Queen’s University at Kingston
22 University of British Columbia 72= Nanyang Technological University, 23= Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam 51-100 Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg
23= Peking University Singapore (NTU) 25 University of Ottawa 51-100 Swansea University
23= The University of Edinburgh 72= The University of New South Wales 26 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 Temple University
25 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (UNSW Sydney) 27 The Ohio State University 51-100 Texas A&M University
26 Universidad Nacional Autónoma de 72= Uppsala University 28 Western University 51-100 The University of Newcastle, Australia
México (UNAM) 76= Bielefeld University 29 University of Massachusetts Amherst (UON)
27 Cornell University 76= Renmin (People’s) University of China 30 Edith Cowan University 51-100 Universitat de Barcelona
28= Freie Universitaet Berlin 78= University of Helsinki 31 Griffith University 51-100 University College Dublin
28= The University of Tokyo 78= University of Sussex 32= McGill University 51-100 University of Brighton
30 Duke University 80= Leiden University 32= The University of Auckland 51-100 University of Bristol
31 Sciences Po 80= Pennsylvania State University 32= The University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Colorado Boulder
32 The University of Sydney 82 University of Maryland, College Park 35 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 51-100 University of Connecticut
33 Utrecht University 83= Korea University 36 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 University of Glasgow
34= Seoul National University 83= University of York (MIT) 51-100 University of Groningen
34= The University of Hong Kong 85 Lund University 37 Nanyang Technological University, 51-100 University of Jyväskylä
36 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 86= Fudan University Singapore (NTU) 51-100 University of Lausanne
37 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 86= University of Leeds 38 University of Illinois at Urbana- 51-100 University of Leeds
(CUHK) 88= Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Champaign 51-100 University of Leicester
38 Stockholm University Bologna 39 Auckland University of Technology (AUT) 51-100 University of Limerick
39= King’s College London 88= University of Zurich 40= Victoria University 51-100 University of Lisbon
39= Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) 90 Université de Montréal 40= Yonsei University 51-100 University of Maryland, College Park
39= University of Pennsylvania 91= SOAS University of London 42 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 University of Nottingham
42 University of Copenhagen 91= Universidad de Chile 43 University of Technology Sydney 51-100 University of South Australia
43 University of Texas at Austin 91= University of California, San Diego 44 Cornell University 51-100 University of Southern California
44 Goldsmiths, University of London (UCSD) 45 The University of Manchester 51-100 University of Tsukuba
45 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 94= Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 46= Michigan State University 51-100 University of Virginia
(MIT) 94= University of Southern California 46= University of Oslo 51-100 University of Wollongong
46 The University of Queensland 96 University of Glasgow 48 La Trobe University 51-100 Utrecht University
47 McGill University 97= The Hong Kong University of Science and 49= The Chinese University of Hong Kong 51-100 Waseda University
48 Monash University Technology (CUHK)
49= Northwestern University 97= The University of Auckland 49= The University of New South Wales
49= Universidade de São Paulo 99 Erasmus University Rotterdam (UNSW Sydney)
49= University of Oslo 100 Universidade Estadual de Campinas 49= Universidade de São Paulo

272 273
Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022 Subject Rankings: Social Sciences & Management 2022

Statistics Communication
1 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Alma Mater Studiorum - University of 1 University of Amsterdam 51-100 Arizona State University
(MIT) Bologna 2 University of Southern California 51-100 Boston University
2 Stanford University 51-100 City University of Hong Kong 3 The London School of Economics and 51-100 City, University of London
3 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of 51-100 Fudan University Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Complutense University of Madrid
Technology 51-100 Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin 4 University of Texas at Austin 51-100 Erasmus University Rotterdam
4 Harvard University 51-100 King Abdulaziz University (KAU) 5 Nanyang Technological University, 51-100 Fudan University
5 University of Cambridge 51-100 Korea University Singapore (NTU) 51-100 George Washington University
6= University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 KTH Royal Institute of Technology 6 Stanford University 51-100 Ghent University
6= University of Oxford 51-100 Lancaster University 7 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 Hong Kong Baptist University
8 Imperial College London 51-100 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 8 University of Wisconsin-Madison 51-100 Korea University
9 Georgia Institute of Technology 51-100 McGill University 9= Michigan State University 51-100 KU Leuven
10 Columbia University 51-100 McMaster University 9= New York University (NYU) 51-100 Loughborough University
11 Princeton University 51-100 Michigan State University 11 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) 51-100 Lund University
12 National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 Monash University 12 Goldsmiths, University of London 51-100 Massey University
13 Carnegie Mellon University 51-100 North Carolina State University 13 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 51-100 McGill University
14 The University of Warwick 51-100 Pennsylvania State University (CUHK) 51-100 Monash University
15= University of Chicago 51-100 Sapienza University of Rome 14 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Peking University
15= University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 51-100 Shanghai Jiao Tong University 15 Queensland University of Technology 51-100 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
17 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) (QUT) (UC)
(UCLA) 51-100 Texas A&M University 16= Northwestern University 51-100 Purdue University
18 Université PSL 51-100 The Australian National University 16= University of Zurich 51-100 Rutgers University–New Brunswick
19 University of Pennsylvania 51-100 The Chinese University of Hong Kong 18 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 51-100 Stockholm University
20 Cornell University (CUHK) (MIT) 51-100 Syracuse University
21 University of Toronto 51-100 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 19 University of Vienna 51-100 Tampere University
22= Tsinghua University 51-100 The University of Melbourne 20 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München 51-100 Temple University
22= University of Wisconsin-Madison 51-100 The University of New South Wales 21 University of California, Los Angeles 51-100 The University of Edinburgh
24 Institut Polytechnique de Paris (UNSW Sydney) (UCLA) 51-100 The University of Georgia
25 Duke University 51-100 The University of Queensland 22= Cardiff University 51-100 The University of New South Wales
26 University of Washington 51-100 The University of Sydney 22= University of Leeds (UNSW Sydney)
27 UCL 51-100 Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo 24 Columbia University 51-100 The University of Queensland
28 The London School of Economics and Tech) 25 University of California, Santa Barbara 51-100 The University of Sheffield
Political Science (LSE) 51-100 Universidade de São Paulo (UCSB) 51-100 The University of Warwick
29 Delft University of Technology 51-100 Università di Padova 26= Cornell University 51-100 Tsinghua University
30 Sorbonne University 51-100 Université catholique de Louvain 26= National University of Singapore (NUS) 51-100 University of Antwerp
31 The University of Tokyo (UCLouvain) 28 The University of Sydney 51-100 University of Chicago
32 Technical University of Munich 51-100 University of Amsterdam 29 King’s College London 51-100 University of Colorado Boulder
33 KU Leuven 51-100 University of Bath 30= The Ohio State University 51-100 University of Glasgow
34 University of Southampton 51-100 University of Bristol 30= University of Copenhagen 51-100 University of Gothenburg
35 Yale University 51-100 University of British Columbia 32= Pennsylvania State University 51-100 University of Helsinki
36= Peking University 51-100 University of California, Davis 32= University of Illinois at Urbana- 51-100 University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC)
36= Université Paris-Saclay 51-100 University of California, San Diego Champaign 51-100 University of Iowa
38= Nanyang Technological University, (UCSD) 34 Yale University 51-100 University of Leicester
Singapore (NTU) 51-100 University of Copenhagen 35 University of Toronto 51-100 University of Maryland, College Park
38= Université de Montréal 51-100 University of Illinois at Urbana- 36= Aarhus University 51-100 University of Minnesota Twin Cities
40 Johns Hopkins University Champaign 36= The University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Navarra
41 Erasmus University Rotterdam 51-100 University of Minnesota Twin Cities 38 The University of Melbourne 51-100 University of Oslo
42 New York University (NYU) 51-100 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 39 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill 51-100 University of Technology Sydney
43= Northwestern University 51-100 University of Science and Technology of 40= Freie Universitaet Berlin 51-100 University of Westminster
43= Purdue University China 40= RMIT University 51-100 Utrecht University
43= The University of Manchester 51-100 University of Southern California 40= Seoul National University 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
46 The University of Edinburgh 51-100 University of Vienna 43 University of Missouri, Columbia 51-100 Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB)
47= Seoul National University 51-100 University of Waterloo 44= UCL 51-100 Yonsei University
47= The University of Hong Kong 51-100 University of Zurich 44= University of Washington
47= University of Texas at Austin 51-100 Utrecht University 46 Indiana University Bloomington
50= Eindhoven University of Technology 51-100 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State 47 University of British Columbia
50= The Hong Kong University of Science and University 48= University of Florida
Technology 51-100 Yonsei University 48= University of Groningen
51-100 Zhejiang University 50 City University of Hong Kong

274 275
Graduate Management Education
Global MBA 278
Master in a year 279

Masters in Management 288

The investors are watching 289

Masters in Finance 296

Business schools and the SDGs 297

Masters in Business Analytics 304

Masters in Marketing 308
Teaching Gen Z 309

Masters in Supply Chain Management 316

Online MBA 320
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

Master in a year
By John O’Leary

The popularity of master’s courses was already

growing when the COVID-19 pandemic turned
higher education upside down around the world.
But the subsequent squeeze on employment and
the prospect of greater competition for jobs when
economies recover has only made the trend more
With students and their families struggling to afford
postgraduate fees, it is not surprising the cost,
and length, of programmes has come under the
microscope. The one-year master’s, and especially
the more affordable online offerings, have become
favourites for those seeking an edge in the graduate
employment market.
“Learning once As most courses went online while the pandemic
and working raged, it was natural that so-called ‘microcredentials’
for the next should also gain dramatically in popularity, especially
30 years is at postgraduate level. The MicroMasters launched
obsolete.” by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology
(MIT) and Harvard University, and Yale University’s
Specializations, were just what many students, and
universities, wanted.
Industry links
Leading universities that have become close
collaborators in MicroMasters include Columbia and
Pennsylvania universities. Programmes can take only
a few months, or more than a year, depending on the
subject and location. The common thread, according
to edX, is they “provide deep learning in a specific
career field and are recognised by employers for
their real job relevance”.
Each MicroMasters is sponsored by at least one
partner from business or industry, with direct
Global MBA
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022 Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

involvement in course design and delivery, as well as employment possibilities. “It is hard to jam enough knowledge into 9-10 months
Microsoft, Bloomberg, Boeing, Walmart, PwC, and Ford are among a long list of (one academic year) for a student to learn technical
participants. knowledge and professional skills in sciences and
engineering,” she says.
The critical view
“1.5-2 years actually sound better to me, although
Critics of short master’s programmes, like Kevin Carey, who directs the education
there may be exceptions in other fields such as
policy programme at the New America thinktank, see this type of tie-up with a
business and management that emphasize learning
commercial provider as the driving force behind the expansion of “questionable”
by doing.”
and often overpriced programmes, although in this case, edX has promised not
to raise fees unduly. Apart from an excursion into online learning during the
pandemic, all Duke Kunshan’s graduate programmes
A statement issued by edX promised “new opportunities to accelerate online
are taught face-to-face and almost all take two
growth and innovation, deliver exceptional student outcomes across the career
years. The only exception is a 10-month Master of “It is hard to
curriculum continuum, and continue bending back the cost curve of higher
Management Studies (MMS), which comprises 15 jam enough
practical business courses taught in three semesters. knowledge into
Those costs vary according to the subject where MicroMasters are concerned. 9-10 months.”
It is too soon to tell how far and how fast MicroMasters
At the University of Malaya, a MicroMasters in supply chain management costs
and other similar programmes will expand, but
less than $1,500 for a programme lasting a year and five months.
Professor Anant Agarwal, chief executive of edX, is
Carey’s targets have mainly been the one-year programmes designed to confident in the model, at least, he said in an interview
be taught face-to-face. He claims that “universities see master’s degree with forbes.com.
programmes as largely unregulated cash cows that help shore up their bottom
“Learning once and working for the next 30 years
is obsolete; we need to move to a world where re-
Things to come skilling becomes part of the culture,” he said.
The online model, already a significant player in the postgraduate market, “The MicroMasters as a standalone modular
seems poised to be a serious disrupter internationally. In China, for example, credential serves as academic currency in a
Dr Shuyi Wang, Senior Director of Graduate Programs at Duke Kunshan continuous, lifelong-learning world.”
University, sees a big future for MicroMasters programmes as a more affordable
The full version of this abridged article first appeared
route to a postgraduate qualification, although, she thinks many students will
in the 2022 Latin America Higher Ed Report, published
struggle with the workload alongside the pressures of a full-time job.
in August 2021.
She has her doubts about one-year programmes in sciences and engineering,

280 281
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022 Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1 1 n Stanford Graduate School of Business US 94.2 51 45= i EGADE Business School MX 65.3
2= 4 h Harvard Business School US 92.2 52 49 i Dartmouth (Tuck) US 65.2
2= 2 n Penn (Wharton) US 92.2 53 57 h St. Gallen CH 64.3
4 5 h HEC Paris FR 91.8 54 51 i Virginia (Darden) US 64.1
5 3 i MIT (Sloan) US 91.4 55= 62= h EMLyon Business School FR 63.3
6 7 h London Business School GB 90.9 55= 52= i University of Edinburgh Business School GB 63.3
7= 9 h IE Business School ES 90.8 57 55 i Georgia Tech (Scheller) US 63
7= 6 i INSEAD FR 90.8 58 56 i Georgetown (McDonough) US 62.7
9 8 i Columbia Business School US 90.4 59 58 i WHU (Otto Beisheim) DE 62.5
10 11= h IESE Business School ES 89.5 60 61 h Shanghai Jiao Tong (Antai) CN 62.4
11 10 i UC Berkeley (Haas) US 89.3 61 60 i Emory (Goizueta) US 61.9
12 11= i Chicago (Booth) US 88.5 62 52= i Vlerick Business School BE 61.8
13= 13 n Esade Business School ES 87.6 63 64 h Florida (Warrington) US 61.1
13= 16 h Oxford (Said) GB 87.6 64= 67 h Minnesota (Carlson) US 60.2
15 15 n UCLA (Anderson) US 87.5 64= 66 h Queen's (Smith) CA 60.2
16 14 i Northwestern (Kellogg) US 87.2 66= 72 h Texas A&M (Mays) US 60.1
17 17= n Cambridge (Judge) GB 86.7 66= 71 h Washington (Foster) US 60.1
18 17= i Yale School of Management US 86.6 68 62= i North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) US 59.9
19 19 n NYU (Stern) US 84.7 69 68 i CUHK Business School HK 59.7
20 20 n Michigan (Ross) US 83.7 70= new Fudan University CN 59.6
21 22 h Imperial College Business School GB 83.4 70= 65 i Michigan State (Eli Broad) US 59.6
22 21 i Duke (Fuqua) US 82.8 72 69 i Western (Ivey) CA 59.5
23 23 n SDA Bocconi IT 82 73 73 n Monash Business School AU 59.4
24 24 n Copenhagen Business School DK 80.8 74 59 i McGill (Desautels) CA 59.1
25 25 n IMD CH 78.6 75 82= h Cranfield School of Management GB 58.9
26 26 n Melbourne Business School AU 78.3 76 79= h IIM Calcutta IN 58.7
27 27 n ESSEC Business School FR 77 77 75= i Vanderbilt (Owen) US 58.6
28 28 n National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 75.7 78= 75= i City's Business School GB 58.3
29 30= h Nanyang NTU Singapore SG 73.7 78= 84= h Durham University Business School GB 58.3
30 29 i Erasmus (RSM) NL 73.5 80 79= i AUB (Suliman S. Olayan) LB 58.1
32 34 h Warwick Business School GB 72.9 81= 96= h George Washington US 58
33 32 i Cornell (Johnson) US 72.4 81= 74 i Rochester (Simon) US 58
34 33 i Boston (Questrom) US 72.3 81= 88= h York (Schulich) CA 58
35 41 h UNSW (AGSM) AU 72 84= 95 h Macquarie Business School AU 57.9
36 30= i USC (Marshall) US 71.7 84= 79= i Rice (Jones) US 57.9
37 35 i CEIBS CN 70.9 84= 94 h UBC (Sauder) CA 57.9
38 43= h University of Hong Kong HK 69.4 84= 70 i Washington (Olin) US 57.9
39 39 n Mannheim Business School DE 69.2 88= 90 h Penn State (Smeal) US 57.6
40 36 i Texas (McCombs) US 69.1 88= 101-110 h Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 57.6
41 37 i Carnegie Mellon (Tepper) US 68.7 90= 82= i ESMT Berlin DE 57.5
42 45= h Toronto (Rotman) CA 68.6 90= 78 i TIAS Business School NL 57.5
43 40 i EDHEC Business School FR 68.3 92 93 h Indian School of Business IN 57.4
44 42 i Frankfurt School of Finance & Management DE 68 93 88= i Babson College (Olin) US 57.1
45 38 i Indiana (Kelley) US 67.7 94= 84= i INCAE Business School CR 57
46 50 h IIM Ahmedabad IN 67.4 94= 99 h UQ Business School AU 57
47= 43= i HKUST HK 67.3 96 91 i Ohio State (Fisher) US 56.4
47= 48 h Manchester (Alliance) GB 67.3 97 77 i Trinity College Dublin IE 56.2
49 47 i ESCP Europe FR 66.1 98 101-110 h North Carolina State (Jenkins) US 56.1
50 54 h Indian Institute of Management Bangalore IN 66 99= 101-110 h IESEG School of Management FR 55.7
99= 92 i UT Dallas (Naveen) US 55.7

282 283
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022 Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
101-110 111-120 h Arizona State (Carey) US - 151-200 151-200 n Arizona (Eller) US -
101-110 new Asian Institute of Management PH - 151-200 121-130 i Auburn (Harbert) US -
101-110 96= i Boston College (Carroll) US - 151-200 151-200 n Bath School of Management GB -
101-110 84= i Grenoble Ecole de Management FR - 151-200 141-150 i Baylor (Hankamer) US -
101-110 101-110 n Notre Dame (Mendoza) US - 151-200 151-200 n Brandeis International Business School US -
101-110 98 i Pittsburgh (Katz) US - 151-200 151-200 n Brigham Young (Marriott) US -
101-110 new Renmin University of China (RMBS) CN - 151-200 151-200 n Brunel Business School GB -
101-110 new School of International Corporate Strategy, Hitotsubashi University JP - 151-200 151-200 n Case Western (Weatherhead) US -
101-110 100 i Wisconsin School of Business US - 151-200 151-200 n City University of Hong Kong HK -
101-110 111-120 h Zhejiang University CN - 151-200 131-140 i Colorado (Leeds) US -
111-120 101-110 i Alberta School of Business CA - 151-200 151-200 n Connecticut (UCONN) US -
111-120 111-120 n Athens University of Economics and Business GR - 151-200 151-200 n Dalhousie (Rowe) CA -
111-120 101-110 i Cape Town GSB ZA - 151-200 151-200 n ESIC Business & Marketing School ES -
111-120 111-120 n Lancaster University Management School GB - 151-200 151-200 n Exeter Business School GB -
111-120 101-110 i Lehigh University US - 151-200 151-200 n Florida International University US -
111-120 121-130 h Maryland (Smith) US - 151-200 151-200 n Glasgow (Adam Smith) GB -
111-120 new Southampton Business School GB - 151-200 141-150 i HEC Montréal CA -
111-120 84= i The American University in Cairo EG - 151-200 131-140 i Howard University US -
111-120 111-120 n The Lisbon MBA PT - 151-200 151-200 n IAE Business School AR -
111-120 111-120 n UCD (Smurfit) IE - 151-200 new Indian Institute of Management Indore IN -
111-120 101-110 i University of Western Australia Business School AU - 151-200 151-200 n International University of Monaco MC -
121-130 101-110 i Asian Institute of Technology TH - 151-200 151-200 n LUISS University IT -
121-130 111-120 i Colorado State US - 151-200 151-200 n McMaster (DeGroote) CA -
121-130 111-120 i Georgia (Terry) US - 151-200 new MIB Trieste School of Management IT -
121-130 141-150 h HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management DE - 151-200 141-150 i Missouri (Trulaske) US -
121-130 111-120 i IPADE Business School MX - 151-200 151-200 n Newcastle University Business School GB -
121-130 121-130 n Leeds University Business School GB - 151-200 151-200 n Oregon (Lundquist) US -
121-130 111-120 i SMU (Cox) US - 151-200 151-200 n Otago Business School NZ -
121-130 121-130 n Toulouse Business School FR - 151-200 151-200 n Pepperdine (Graziadio) US -
121-130 new United Arab Emirates University College of Business and Economics AE - 151-200 151-200 n RMIT University School of Business and Law AU -
131-140 121-130 i Australian National University AU - 151-200 121-130 i Rutgers Business School US -
131-140 121-130 i Concordia (John Molson) CA - 151-200 151-200 n Sasin School of Management TH -
131-140 131-140 n EU Business School ES - 151-200 151-200 n Shanghai University CN -
131-140 131-140 n Fordham (Gabelli) US - 151-200 151-200 n South Carolina (Moore) US -
131-140 new KFUPM Business School SA - 151-200 151-200 n SPJIMR IN -
131-140 131-140 n Northeastern (D'Amore-McKim) US - 151-200 new Sun Yat-Sen CN -
131-140 131-140 n Nottingham University Business School GB - 151-200 151-200 n Texas Christian (Neely) US -
131-140 141-150 h NUCB Business School JP - 151-200 151-200 n The University of Sussex Business School GB -
131-140 121-130 i Thammasat Business School TH - 151-200 131-140 i UC Irvine (Merage) US -
131-140 131-140 n UC Davis US - 151-200 151-200 n UC San Diego (Rady) US -
141-150 121-130 i American (Kogod) US - 151-200 151-200 n Unisa Business School, University Of South Australia, Australia AU -
141-150 121-130 i Aston Business School GB - 151-200 201+ h University at Buffalo US -
141-150 151-200 h Audencia Business School FR - 151-200 new University of Bahrain BH -
141-150 131-140 i Birmingham Business School GB - 151-200 141-150 i Uts Business School, University Of Technology Sydney, Australia AU -
141-150 141-150 n EADA Business School ES - 151-200 151-200 n Waseda Business School JP -
141-150 141-150 n Miami (Herbert) US - 151-200 151-200 n Willamette (Atkinson) US -
141-150 141-150 n San Francisco (Masagung) US - 151-200 151-200 n Wits Business School ZA -
141-150 new Shanghai University of Finance and Economics CN - 151-200 151-200 n Wollongong (Sydney) AU -
141-150 131-140 i Universidad de Palermo AR - 151-200 201+ h Zagreb School of Economics and Management HR -
141-150 131-140 i University of Strathclyde Business School GB -
141-150 151-200 h Yonsei School of Business KR -

284 285
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022 Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
201-250 201+ ALBA Graduate Business School GR - 251+ 201+ Alabama (Manderson) US -
201-250 new American University of Sharjah AE - 251+ 201+ American University in Dubai AE -
201-250 new Baruch College (Zicklin) US - 251+ new Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport "AASTMT" EG -
201-250 201+ Bentley (McCallum) US - 251+ 201+ Arkansas (Walton) US -
201-250 new BINUS Business School ID - 251+ 201+ California State Long Beach US -
201-250 201+ Brock (Goodman) CA - 251+ 201+ Clark University US -
201-250 201+ CENTRUM Catolica Business School PE - 251+ new Clarkson University US -
201-250 201+ Chapman (Argyros) US - 251+ new Clemson University (Powers) US -
201-250 201+ Cincinnati (Lindner) US - 251+ new Dominican University (Brennan) US -
201-250 201+ Claremont (Drucker) US - 251+ 201+ Doshisha University JP -
201-250 151-200 i Denver (Daniels) US - 251+ 201+ Haskayne School of Business CA -
201-250 201+ Drexel (LeBow) US - 251+ 201+ Hofstra (Zarb) US -
201-250 201+ EAE Business School ES - 251+ 201+ International University of Japan JP -
201-250 151-200 i ESAN Graduate School of Business PE - 251+ 201+ Iowa State University (Ivy) US -
201-250 201+ GBSB Global Business School ES - 251+ 201+ ISC Paris FR -
201-250 151-200 i Graduate School of Business AlmaU KZ - 251+ 201+ Kazan Federal University RU -
201-250 151-200 i Houston (Bauer) US - 251+ 201+ Kent State University US -
201-250 151-200 i Indian Institute of Management Lucknow IN - 251+ new Lagos Business School NG -
201-250 151-200 i Kent Business School GB - 251+ new Louisiana State University - Baton Rouge (Ourso) US -
201-250 151-200 i Kentucky (Gatton) US - 251+ 201+ Manitoba (Asper) CA -
201-250 151-200 i La Trobe Business School AU - 251+ 201+ North Carolina, Greensboro (Bryan) US -
201-250 151-200 i Liverpool Management School GB - 251+ 201+ Oregon State US -
201-250 151-200 i Loughborough School of Business and Economics GB - 251+ 201+ RIT (Saunders) US -
201-250 new Massey University NZ - 251+ new Ryerson (Rogers) CA -
201-250 201+ MGIMO School of Business and International Proficiency RU - 251+ new S P JAIN School Of Global Management AE -
201-250 201+ "Othman Yeop Abdullah Graduate School of Business " 251+ new Saint Louis University (Chaifetz) US -
201-250 new Pacifico Business School PE - 251+ 201+ Saskatchewan (Edwards) CA -
201-250 201+ Porto Business School PT - 251+ 201+ South Dakota (Beacom) US -
201-250 new Qassim University SA - 251+ 201+ Stevens Institute of Technology US -
201-250 201+ Ritsumeikan APU JP - 251+ 201+ Suffolk (Sawyer) US -
201-250 151-200 i Riverside (UCR) US - 251+ 201+ Texas Tech (Rawls) US -
201-250 201+ Sabanci University TR - 251+ 201+ Universidad Icesi CO -
201-250 201+ Saint Mary's (Sobey) CA - 251+ 201+ University at Albany US -
201-250 151-200 i Sheffield University Management School GB - 251+ new University of Petra JO -
201-250 201+ Simon Fraser (Beedie) CA - 251+ 201+ University of South Florida (Muma) US -
201-250 201+ Suleman Dawood School of Business PK - 251+ 201+ University of Tennessee, Knoxville – Haslam College of Business US -
201-250 151-200 i Sungkyunkwan University GSB KR -
201-250 201+ Syracuse (Whitman) US -
201-250 201+ Telfer School of Management CA -
201-250 201+ UMass Amherst (Isenberg) US -
201-250 new United International Business Schools ES -
201-250 201+ Universidad EAFIT CO -
201-250 201+ Universitas Gadjah Mada ID -
201-250 new University of Kansas US -
201-250 201+ University of San Diego US -
201-250 201+ Utah (Eccles) US -
201-250 201+ Victoria (Gustavson) CA -
201-250 201+ Victoria University AU -
201-250 201+ Wilfrid Laurier (Lazaridis) CA -
201-250 151-200 i William & Mary (Mason) US -
201-250 201+ Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Foisie) US -

286 287
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

The investors are watching

By Anton John Crace

Venture capital and investment has been in the

background of the broader education space for
some time and is growing. Investors have been
waiting patiently for the catalyst to spark the change
that shifts the market.
Whether private investment can challenge, or even
wants to challenge, higher education is yet to be
seen, but Fadi Ghandour, Executive Chairman of
entrepreneurial accelerator Wamda, was clear in his
message on how education should treat it during a
2020 webinar.
“If you’re a president of a university and you don’t
have a strategy for having distance learning, you
“The investor shouldn’t be the president. You’re in trouble. You’ve
community is been caught off guard. You didn’t take this seriously,”
watching.” he warned.
“The investor community is watching.”
A developing tech market
According to edtech insights provider, HolonIQ,
investment interest in the education space has grown
exponentially. From 2010-2019, yearly global edtech
investment rocketed 14-fold, from US$0.5 billion to
US$7 billion.
The highwater mark for the decade was achieved in
2018 when VC reached US$8.2 billion, pushing total
investment over the period to US$32.2 billion.
Despite the growth in capital, HolonIQ’s Co-Chief
Executive and Co-Founder Maria Spies tells QS-GEN
private investment in education is relatively low and
still in its infancy.
“We did a comparison at one point about the
combined market cap of education companies and
Masters in Management
Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022 Graduate Management Education: Global MBA 2022

healthcare companies,” she says, continuing that comparing the two provides The length of time it can take to shift a market is another reason why those
a level of insight as both are often seen as “quasi-public sectors, but quasi- investors tell QS-GEN capital needs to be patient.
Gold, gold, gold
“Healthcare is more than 10 times the size [of education].”
“I do worry just a little bit about; is there a gold rush coming?” asks David Linke,
Nic Newman, Partner at Emerge Education sees the ongoing COVID-19 Managing Director of Australian edtech peak body, EduGrowth.
pandemic as the main driver behind the US$26.1 billion invested in edtech since
“Are we going to see a whole bunch of capital coming into the market not
necessarily with great understanding of what education and education
“Until recently, edtech had been seen as a poor cousin of the technology technology is and drive-up valuations for a spike?”
sector. People have been looking, but people haven’t seen the same return
Growth begets growth, and as edtech and the increased levels of investment
opportunities, so therefore they’ve been sitting on the sidelines,” he says.
in education elevate the sector above its “poor cousin of technology” status,
“COVID has really allowed edtech to have much more voice, personality, and there are some concerns that it could encourage the wrong types of players
results,” he says. into the market.
“Edtech is trendy. Suddenly, edtech looks like it’s achieving very high multiples, “Whenever there’s a hot property, you get people who pour into it. It doesn’t
so it looks like it’s going to have a great return on capital perspective, similar to necessarily mean that they’re there long term, either,” Linke adds.
other technology sectors.”
How much concern should be placed on that eventuality is unclear; Linke
Underrepresented audiences reiterates those looking for quick returns have chosen the wrong sector with
Emerge’s founder Lynn-Matern published a manifesto for the company in 2020,
detailing the reasons he chose to invest in education. There is a clear future for investment in education, and Spies says its necessary
to achieve the goal of long-term prosperity.
A child of migrants, he says growing up, his parents decided “education was the
answer - whatever the question”. Their commitment to education led Lynn- “In order to grow something or build something new, you need capital. That’s
Matern to secure scholarships and eventually secure a place at Oxford. just the law of business,” she says.
Newman, meanwhile, says he came from a working-class background and hadn’t “One of the things about the current, public education market is that it has got
considered university as an option until a teacher encouraged him to apply. certain structures and rules, and people are excluded from it. A lot of people are
excluded from it.
“The power of democratising education, that was a belief perspective,” he says
on investing in education. “If you want to provide access, if you want to provide opportunities for people to
do education in whatever form, for outcomes, for jobs, then you need to invest.”
The challenges facing higher education have created several potential
audiences, not only at a learner-level through access, but also at an institutional This article was abridged from a piece featured in QS-GEN 6, published in
level to serve and understand student needs. November 2021.
The problem, as Newman puts it, is that for a long time “people thought it can’t
happen, or it’s going to happen, but it’s going to take years”.

290 291
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Management 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Management 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1 1 n HEC Paris FR 94.9 51 47 i HKUST HK 59.8
2 2 n London Business School GB 93.1 52 52 n NEOMA Business School FR 59.7
3 3 n ESSEC Business School FR 91.8 53 51 i IIM Calcutta IN 59.6
4 new INSEAD FR 89.6 54 54 n Durham University Business School GB 59.3
5 6 h IE Business School ES 89.1 55 new Mays Business School, Texas A&M University US 57.6
6 4 i Esade Business School ES 88.3 56 53 i Thunderbird School of Global Management at ASU US 56.6
7 5 i Copenhagen Business School DK 86.8 57 68= h Wits Business School ZA 55.7
8 7 i ESCP Europe FR 86.3 58 72= h IESEG School of Management FR 55.1
9 12 h ESADE/UVA McIntire/Lingnan ES 85.1 59= 63 h Northeastern (D'AmoreMcKim) US 55
10 8 i Imperial College Business School GB 83.3 59= 59 n Bath School of Management GB 55
11 10= i WU Vienna AT 83 59= 60= h Wollongong (Sydney) AU 55
12= 10= i EMlyon business school FR 82.1 62 60= i CENTRUM Catolica Business School PE 54.9
12= 9 i Bocconi University IT 82.1 63 55 i Lancaster University GB 54.3
14 14 n EDHEC Business School FR 81.7 64 62 i Arizona State (Carey) US 54
15 16 h CEMS FR 81.3 65 56 i Université Paris Dauphine (PSL) FR 53.9
16 13 i London School of Economics GB 79.9 66 new Thammasat Business School TH 53.6
17 15 i Michigan (Ross) US 78.5 67 81= h HHL Leipzig Graduate School of Management DE 53.5
18 17 i WHU (Otto Beisheim) DE 78.3 68 58 i Notre Dame (Mendoza) US 53.4
19 19 n Warwick Business School GB 78 69 57 i Koç University TR 53.3
20 18 i University of St.Gallen CH 77.2 70 72= h ESIC Business & Marketing School ES 53.2
21 23 h SKEMA Business School FR 76.6 71 93 h Higher School of Economics RU 53
22 22 n Erasmus (RSM) NL 76.3 72 79= h Toulouse Business School FR 52.7
23 21 i TUM School of Management DE 74.8 73 65= i IQS/FJU/USF ES 52.5
24 25 h University of Mannheim, Business School DE 73.5 74 64 i Birmingham University GB 52.3
25 20 i Duke (Fuqua) US 73.4 75 68= i EADA Business School ES 52
26 28 h University of Sydney Business School AU 73 76 83= h Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics PT 51.4
27 24 i Manchester (Alliance) GB 71.7 77 71 i Florida (Hough) US 51.2
28 26 i Cranfield School of Management GB 70.8 78= 74= i City's Business School GB 50.9
29= 31 h IIM Ahmedabad IN 70.1 78= 67 i University of Strathclyde Business School GB 50.9
29= 29 n Vlerick Business School BE 70.1 78= 79= h Leeds University GB 50.9
31 27 i BI Norwegian Business School NO 68.9 78= 83= h EM Normandie FR 50.9
32 30 i Antwerp Management School BE 67.7 82 76 i HEC Montréal CA 50.8
33 35 h IIM Bangalore IN 67.4 83 81= i University of Technology Sydney Business School AU 50.2
34 33 i UCD (Smurfit) IE 66.9 84= 74= i "Tilburg University " NL
35 34 i University of Edinburgh Business School GB 66.8 84= 91 h University of Porto PT 49.9
36 32 i Trinity College Dublin IE 66.6 84= 77 i Lehigh University US 49.9
37 36 i Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 66.3 87 89= h Aston Business School GB 49.8
38 39 h Grenoble Ecole de Management FR 65.7 88 new Institut Mines-Telecom Business School FR 49.5
39 41 h KEDGE Business School FR 64.7 89 78 i Michigan State (Eli Broad) US 49.4
40 40 n EGADE Business School MX 64.6 90= 101+ h ESMT Berlin DE 49.3
41 46 h Western (Ivey) CA 63.8 90= 85 i Nottingham University Business School GB 49.3
42 42 n Nova School of Business PT 63.4 92 68= i The University of Sussex Business School GB 48.8
43 43 n British Columbia (Sauder) CA 63 93= 86 i George Washington US 48.4
44 37 i Shanghai Jiao Tong (Antai) CN 61.8 93= 88 i Newcastle University Business School GB 48.4
45 44 i Boston (Questrom) US 61.5 95= 94 i UT Dallas (Naveen) US 48.3
46= 38 i Aalto University FI 61.2 95= 101+ h Excelia, La Rochelle Business School FR 48.3
46= 49 h Macquarie Business School AU 61.2 97 87 i Fordham (Gabelli) US 47.6
48 48 n Frankfurt School of Finance & Management DE 61.1 98= 95 i ICN Business School FR 47.1
49 50 h Audencia Business School FR 61 98= 89= i Concordia (John Molson) CA 47.1
50 45 i Solvay (Brussels) BE 60.5 100 97= i Wake Forest University US 46.9

292 293
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Management 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Management 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
101-110 101+ Aalborg University DK - 151+ new Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport "AASTMT" EG -
101-110 101+ Babson College (Olin) US - 151+ 101+ GBSB Global Business School ES -
101-110 101+ EM Strasbourg FR - 151+ 101+ Great Lakes Institute of Management Chennai IN -
101-110 101+ EU Business School ES - 151+ 101+ Indian Institute of Management Indore IN -
101-110 101+ Exeter Business School GB - 151+ 101+ Indian Institute of Management Udaipur IN -
101-110 101+ Glasgow (Adam Smith) GB - 151+ new Rabat Business School MA -
101-110 96 i Henley Business School GB - 151+ 101+ Suffolk (Sawyer) US -
101-110 new La Trobe Business School AU - 151+ 101+ T A PAI Management Institute IN -
101-110 99 i Montpellier Business School FR -
101-110 92 i Sheffield University Management School GB -
111-120 101+ EAE Business School ES -
111-120 100 i Georgia State (Robinson) US -
111-120 new Haskayne School of Business CA -
111-120 101+ Indian Institute of Management Lucknow IN -
111-120 101+ Loughborough School of Business and Economics GB -
111-120 101+ Manchester Metropolitan University GB -
111-120 101+ NUCB Business School JP -
111-120 101+ Saint Petersburg University (GSOM) RU -
111-120 101+ South Carolina (Moore) US -
111-120 97= i Southampton Business School GB -
121-130 101+ DCU Business School IE -
121-130 101+ ISC Paris FR -
121-130 101+ ISCTE-IUL PT -
121-130 101+ Kent Business School GB -
121-130 101+ LUISS University IT -
121-130 101+ RIT (Saunders) US -
121-130 101+ Stevens Institute of Technology US -
121-130 101+ University of Economics (Prague) CZ -
121-130 101+ Vilnius University LT -
121-130 101+ Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Foisie) US -
131-140 101+ ALBA Graduate Business School GR -
131-140 101+ EMLV Business School FR -
131-140 101+ ESC Clermont FR -
131-140 101+ Kozminski International Business School, Kozminski University, Poland PL -
131-140 101+ Nyenrode University NL -
131-140 101+ Rennes School of Business FR -
131-140 101+ SGH Warsaw School of Economics PL -
131-140 new United International Business Schools ES -
131-140 101+ University of South Florida US -
131-140 101+ Victoria (Gustavson) CA -
141-150 101+ Brunel Business School GB -
141-150 101+ Burgundy School of Business (BSB) FR -
141-150 new Clark University US -
141-150 101+ ESSCA FR -
141-150 101+ Indian Institute of Management (IIM) - Kozhikode IN -
141-150 new La Salle Ramon Llull University ES -
141-150 101+ Liverpool Management School GB -
141-150 101+ Ottawa (Telfer) CA -
141-150 new Pacifico Business School PE -
141-150 101+ University of Texas at Arlington US -
294 295
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022

Business schools and the SDGs

By Daniel Kahn and Anton John Crace

Business schools are feeling the pressure to get their

sustainability and impact efforts into shape, and
As one of the most powerful forces for change,
business can encourage behaviours that benefit the
Business schools face several challenges in
addressing sustainability: overlapping ambitions,
meeting the needs of cross-sector stakeholders, and
having a unique mission statement that incorporates
the SDGs.
According to QS’ ongoing International Student
Survey (ISS), there are many opportunities for
It is crucial that business schools to carve out their own niche within
MBA students the areas of sustainability and the SDGs.
become Less than three percent of respondents said
positive impact they were unconcerned by whether a university’s
leaders. corporate and social responsibility values aligned
with theirs. Understanding what those values are
presents an opening for uniqueness.
Including SDGS
Business schools are adapting their course work in
several ways to address this challenge.
One example is hands-on projects where students
can partner with an organisation to help solve
complex problems on sustainability.
In essence, moving classroom learning far beyond
the theoretical, and into an adapted form of Work
Integrated Learning (WIL); a practice that could be
characterised as Sustainability Integrated Learning

Masters in Finance
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022

The challenge, though, is implementing the integration of sustainability issues A second approach is required, say the authors, where a deeper understanding
into existing disciples such as business, finance, strategy, and marketing. of the mechanisms of sustainability is needed, noting the true scale and scope
of the challenges lies within the ever-changing nature and understanding of
Accreditation bodies, such as the Association to Advance Collegiate Schools
climate and biodiversity dynamics.
of Business (AACSB), have recently incorporated Engagement and Societal
Impact into their standards. Tomorrow’s leaders
The rationale they say is: “Business schools and business are a force for good It is crucial that MBA students become positive impact leaders, as many of them
in society. Through their activities, schools have the opportunity to make a have influence in business and with their peers.
difference to society and to address significant issues at a local, national, or
MBA programmes are the prime educational venue for current business leaders,
international scale.”
and more schools each year are engaging in and contributing to the SDGs.
Most recently, the Positive Impact Rating System survey in 2021, is encouraging
The UN Principles for Responsible Management Education (PRME) has
institutions to think less about salary outcomes and more about social impact.
hundreds of signatories from business schools who commit to the PRME
The rating, which is comprised of responses from 9,000 students from 46 6 principles which are purpose, values, method, research, partnership, and
business schools, provides insight into the breadth of concerns of students. dialogue.
Among some of its key findings, students said they wanted business schools These principles are comparable to the SDGs and although PRME has many
to provide practical sustainability competencies. Students also suggested an business schools involved there are still some top ranked and influential business
overhaul of the curriculum, arguing business schools should stop “teaching schools who are yet to sign up.
outdated theories and models of economics and business”.
Business of change
The IPCC report and business schools
The role of business schools isn’t necessarily to help students understand why
The IPCC report is a wake-up call to many business schools, who play a dual role they should be saving the planet. Instead, business schools’ role is significantly
in both adhering to sustainability efforts as well as instilling in their students an more nuanced and advanced.
understanding of those efforts post-graduation.
Their primary concern is to ensure that students understand how saving the
The challenge of business schools is to translate Climate Action into what the planet connects to marketing, to operations, to HR. Students and educators
business risks and implications are. already show the desire to marry their discipline with sustainable practices.
The 2021 paper, Business education meets planetary boundaries: how to It is for students and staff to understand how the SDGs are relevant, how they
teach energy and climate in business schools?, written by Aurélien Acquier & are impacted by their work. The job of implementing the SDGs into business
Pierre Peyretou of ESCP Business School, asks the questions: What types of schools should not be left to specific courses on the subject; the focus of
investment and change are needed to adapt corporations to this coming reality? business schools is business.
Who bears the costs and how do we manage the risks and process of change?
Instead, students and staff should be given the tools to be able to engage and
The paper argues that the integration of sustainability within business school’s make it their own, regardless of their career focus.
curricula is not by itself enough to prepare graduates to tackle the likely reforms
This shortened article originally appeared in the Higher Ed Report featuring the
that will take place.
2022 Global MBA and Business Masters Rankings, published in September 2021.

298 299
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
1 1 n Oxford (Said) GB 97.5 50= 59 h Frankfurt School of Finance & Management DE 56.4
2 4 h HEC Paris FR 96.5 52 55= h Grenoble Ecole de Management FR 56.3
3 2= i London Business School GB 95.7 53 new Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong AU 55.9
4 2= i MIT (Sloan) US 95.5 54 49 i Lancaster University Management School GB 55.8
5 5 n Cambridge (Judge) GB 92.2 55= 52 i Washington (Olin) US 55.7
6 6 n UC Berkeley (Haas) US 91.8 55= 57 h Audencia Business School FR 55.7
7 7= n ESSEC Business School FR 91.1 57 55= i Ohio State (Fisher) US 55.6
8 7= i UCLA (Anderson) US 90.5 58 58 n Shanghai Advanced Institute of Finance at SJTU CN 55.2
9 9 n London School of Economics GB 89.7 59 61 h Arizona (Eller) US 54.9
10 10 n Bocconi University IT 85.6 60= 60 n Minnesota (Carlson) US 54.8
11 13 h IE Business School ES 85.3 60= 54 i Illinois (Gies) US 54.8
12 14 h Copenhagen Business School DK 84 62= 47= i Koç University TR 54.3
13 12 i Imperial College Business School GB 83.4 62= 64 h Vanderbilt (Owen) US 54.3
14 11 i ESADE Business School ES 83.3 64 63 i Wisconsin School of Business US 54.1
15 15 n ESCP Europe FR 82.2 65 68 h Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 53.7
16= 16 n EMLyon Business School FR 80.2 66 67 h Miami Herbert Business School US 53.3
16= 18 h WU Vienna University AT 80.2 67= 69 h Purdue (Krannert) US 53.1
18 20 h Toronto (Rotman) CA 78.8 67= 70 h NEOMA Business School FR 53.1
19 17 i McGill (Desautels) CA 78.2 67= 71= h University of Technology Sydney Business School AU 53.1
20 21 h Warwick Business School GB 77.8 70 71= h Babson (Olin) US 53
21 19 i University of St Gallen CH 76.9 71 62 i AUB (Suliman S. Olayan) LB 52.9
22 22 n EDHEC Business School FR 75.5 72 65= i City's Business School GB 52.7
23 23 n WHU (Otto Beisheim) DE 74.3 73 76 h Durham University Business School GB 52.6
24 24 n Manchester (Alliance) GB 71.8 74 65= i George Washington US 52.2
25 27 h SKEMA Business School FR 71.5 75 86 h IESEG School of Management FR 52.1
26 25 i Erasmus (RSM) NL 71.3 76 77= h KEDGE Business School FR 51.7
27 26 i University of Edinburgh Business School GB 71 77 100= h Exeter Business School GB 51.1
28 29 h USC (Marshall) US 69 78 74 i CENTRUM Catolica Business School PE 51
29 28 i Texas (McCombs) US 68.3 79 79 n Bath School of Management GB 50.9
30 30 n Florida (Warrington) US 65.6 80= 75 i HEC Montréal CA 50.7
31 32= h Trinity College Dublin IE 65.2 80= 71= i Boston College (Carroll) US 50.7
32 32= n Macquarie Business School AU 64.8 82= 80 i SMU (Cox) US 50.6
33 32= i HKUST HK 64.1 82= 83 h EADA Business School ES 50.6
34 36 h Boston (Questrom) US 63.7 84 77= i Birmingham Business School GB 50.5
35= 39 h Georgetown (McDonough) US 62.9 85= 94 h American (Kogod) US 50.3
35= 37 h UCD (Smurfit) IE 62.9 85= 81= i Case Western (Weatherhead) US 50.3
37 31 i Antwerp Management School BE 62.7 85= 89= h Florida International US 50.3
38 35 i Solvay (Brussels) BE 61.6 85= 89= h Higher School of Economics RU 50.3
39 43 h EGADE Business School MX 61.4 89 88 i Arizona State (Carey) US 50
40 38 i Vlerick Business School BE 61.2 90 91 h UT Dallas (Naveen) US 49.5
41 46 h UQ Business School AU 60.4 91 81= i Sheffield University Management School GB 49.4
42 40 i Cranfield School of Management GB 60.2 92 84 i Nottingham University Business School GB 49.3
43 44 h BI Norwegian Business School NO 59.7 93 new Excelia Business School FR 49
44= 47= h Nova School of Business PT 59.6 94 87 i Loughborough GB 48.8
44= 41 i Maryland (Smith) US 59.6 95 95= n Glasgow (Adam Smith) GB 48.5
46 45 i Georgia Tech (Scheller) US 59.2 96 100= h Fordham (Gabelli) US 48.4
47 42 i CUHK Business School HK 57.9 97= 92 i Rensselaer Polytechnic (Lally) US 48.3
48= 53 h Lund University SE 56.5 97= 98= h Athens University of Economics and Business GR 48.3
48= 50 h Colorado Boulder (Leeds) US 56.5 99 101+ h SGH Warsaw School of Economics PL 48
50= 51 h Texas A&M (Mays) US 56.4 100 95= i Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics PT 47.7

300 301
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Finance 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
101-110 101+ Cincinnati (Lindner) US - 151+ 101+ Alba Graduate Business School GR -
101-110 101+ Colorado State US - 151+ 101+ Bentley University US -
101-110 97 i DCU Business School IE - 151+ 101+ Clark University US -
101-110 101+ Henley Business School GB - 151+ 101+ EAE Business School ES -
101-110 85 i Loyola University of Chicago (Quinlan) US - 151+ 101+ EAFIT CO -
101-110 101+ Rochester (Simon) US - 151+ 101+ GBSB Global Business School ES -
101-110 98= i Strathclyde Business School GB - 151+ 101+ Goethe Business School DE -
101-110 101+ Syracuse (Whitman) US - 151+ 101+ Griffith University AU -
101-110 93 i The University of Sussex Business School GB - 151+ new GROUPE ISCAE MA -
101-110 101+ Tilburg University NL - 151+ 101+ Hofstra (Zarb) US -
111-120 101+ Aston Business School GB - 151+ 101+ Hong Kong Baptist University HK -
111-120 101+ Connecticut (UCONN) US - 151+ 101+ IIT Stuart School of Business US -
111-120 101+ Georgia State (Robinson) US - 151+ new ISCTE BUSINESS SCHOOL PT -
111-120 101+ ICN Business School FR - 151+ 101+ Jagdish Sheth School of Management (Formerly IFIM Business School) IN -
111-120 101+ Newcastle University Business School GB - 151+ 101+ Liverpool Management School GB -
111-120 101+ Sabanci University TR - 151+ 101+ Manchester Metropolitan University GB -
111-120 new Thammasat Business School TH - 151+ new MIB Trieste School of Management IT -
111-120 101+ University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US - 151+ 101+ Pacifico Business School PE -
111-120 101+ University of Porto, School of Economics and Management PT - 151+ new Rabat Business School MA -
111-120 101+ Utah (Eccles) US - 151+ 101+ Rennes School of Business FR -
121-130 101+ Alberta School of Business CA - 151+ 101+ RIT (Saunders) US -
121-130 101+ AUC (Cairo) School of Business EG - 151+ 101+ Saint Mary's (Sobey) CA -
121-130 101+ McMaster (DeGroote) CA - 151+ 101+ Simon Fraser (Beedie) CA -
121-130 101+ Oregon (Lundquist) US - 151+ 101+ Suffolk (Sawyer) US -
121-130 101+ St. Petersburg State (GSOM) RU - 151+ new T A PAI Management Institute IN -
121-130 new The John Molson School of Business CA - 151+ 101+ Tulsa (Collins) US -
121-130 101+ The University of Texas at Arlington US - 151+ new United International Business Schools ES -
121-130 101+ UC San Diego (Rady) US - 151+ 101+ Universidad Esan PE -
121-130 101+ University of San Diego US -
121-130 101+ Waseda Business School JP -
131-140 101+ Brandeis International Business School US -
131-140 101+ Claremont (Drucker) US -
131-140 101+ ESIC Business & Marketing School ES -
131-140 101+ EU Business School ES -
131-140 101+ Kent Business School GB -
131-140 new Mediterranean School of Business TN -
131-140 101+ Montpellier Business School FR -
131-140 101+ Pittsburgh (Katz) US -
131-140 101+ Tampa (Sykes) US -
131-140 101+ University of Economics (Prague) CZ -
141-150 101+ Drexel (LeBow) US -
141-150 101+ Kentucky (Gatton) US -
141-150 101+ Kozminski International Business School PL -
141-150 101+ LUISS University IT -
141-150 101+ San Francisco (Masagung) US -
141-150 101+ The University of Alabama US -
141-150 101+ UMass Boston US -
141-150 new University of Iowa US -
141-150 101+ University of South Florida US -
141-150 101+ Vilnius University LT -
141-150 new West Texas A&M University US -
302 303
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Business Analytics 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n MIT (Sloan) US 95.3
2 2 n UCLA (Anderson) US 92.4
3 new Ecole Polytechnique/ HEC Paris FR 90.9
4 3 i ESSEC/CentraleSupélec FR 89
5 5 n Imperial College Business School GB 87.4
6 4 i ESCP Business School FR 84
7 6 i Texas (McCombs) US 80.6
8 7 i USC (Marshall) US 79.6
9 8 i ESADE Business School ES 78.6
10 9 i Manchester (Alliance) GB 76.4
11 10 i McGill (Desautels) CA 75
12 12 n Warwick Business School GB 74.6
13= 15 h Melbourne Business School AU 73.6
13= 17 h Toronto (Rotman) CA 73.6
15= 16 h NUS Business School SG 73.5
15= 11 i Washington (Foster) US 73.5
17 13 i Purdue (Krannert) US 73.1
18 14 i University of Edinburgh Business School GB 72.3
19 19 n Minnesota (Carlson) US 69
20 18 i Wisconsin School of Business US 67.4
21 20 i Michigan State (Eli Broad) US 67.3
22 new Boston University (Questrom) US 65.2
23 26 h EMLyon Business School FR 64.9
24 22 i SMU - School of Computing and Information Systems SG 64.6
25 new Texas A&M University US 64.3
26 21 i UC San Diego (Rady) US 64.1
27 23 i UCD (Smurfit) IE 63.8
28 29 h EDHEC Business School FR 63.1
29 33 h UBC (Sauder) CA 62.5
30 24 i BI Norwegian Business School NO 61.1
31 25 i Maryland (Smith) US 60.6
32 27 i Arizona State (Carey) US 60.4
33 30 i Emory (Goizueta) US 59.8
34 28 i Notre Dame (Mendoza) US 59.7
35 32 i California (Davis) US 59.4
36 31 i George Washington US 58.8
37 new The Paul Merage School of Business US 58
38 34 i SKEMA Business School FR 57.9
39 new Warsaw School of Economics PL 57.5
40 41 h American (Kogod) US 57.4
41 43= h University of Miami US 57.1
42 36 i UIC (Liautaud) US 56.7
43 45 h Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 56.5
44= 42 i SMU (Cox) US 56.1
44= 35 i Colorado Boulder (Leeds) US 56.1
46 38 i Case Western (Weatherhead) US 55.4
47 new Durham University Business School GB 54.7
48= 37 i Cincinnati (Lindner) US 54.4

Masters in Business Analytics 48=

Olayan School of Business
Nottingham University Business School

Graduate Management Education: Masters in Business Analytics 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Business Analytics 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51-60 39= i Arizona (Eller) US - 101+ 51+ Brunel Business School GB -
51-60 51+ Fordham (Gabelli) US - 101+ 51+ Clark University US -
51-60 new Frankfurt School of Finance & Management DE - 101+ new Fairfield (Dolan) US -
51-60 51+ Georgia State (Robinson) US - 101+ 51+ Higher School of Economics RU -
51-60 51+ IIM Calcutta IN - 101+ new Iscte Business School PT -
51-60 47 i Lancaster University Management School GB - 101+ new Jagdish Sheth School of Management (Formerly IFIM Business School) IN -
51-60 new Macquarie Business School AU - 101+ 51+ Kent State University US -
51-60 48 i Rochester (Simon) US - 101+ 51+ La Trobe Business School AU -
51-60 49 i UT Dallas (Naveen) US - 101+ 51+ Manchester Metropolitan University Business School GB -
51-60 46 i Washington (Olin) US - 101+ 51+ NUI Galway IE -
61-70 51+ Florida International University US - 101+ new Pacifico Business School PE -
61-70 51+ IESEG School of Management FR - 101+ 51+ Rennes School of Business FR -
61-70 50 i Rensselaer Polytechnic (Lally) US - 101+ 51+ RIT (Saunders) US -
61-70 new School of Management, Zhejiang University CN - 101+ 51+ Sabanci Business School TR -
61-70 51+ Syracuse (Whitman) US - 101+ 51+ Stevens Institute of Technology US -
61-70 new The Business School (formerly Cass) GB - 101+ 51+ Suffolk University US -
61-70 51+ Tilburg University NL - 101+ new Universidad ORT Uruguay US -
61-70 51+ University of Bath, School of Management GB - 101+ new University of Iowa US -
61-70 51+ Wake Forest US - 101+ new West Texas A&M University - Paul and Virginia Engler College of Business US -
61-70 51+ William & Mary (Mason) US - 101+ 51+ Zarb School of Business US -
71-80 51+ Athens University of Economics and Business GR -
71-80 51+ Cal Poly (Orfalea) US -
71-80 51+ Connecticut (UCONN) US -
71-80 new Graduate School of Management Saint Petersburg University RU -
71-80 new LeBow College of Business - Drexel University US -
71-80 51+ Leeds University Business School GB -
71-80 51+ Southampton Business School GB -
71-80 new Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong AU -
71-80 51+ UMass Boston US -
71-80 51+ University of South Florida US -
81-90 51+ Aston Business School GB -
81-90 51+ Brandeis International Business School US -
81-90 51+ HEC Montreal CA -
81-90 51+ Kent Business School GB -
81-90 51+ Loughborough University GB -
81-90 51+ Strathclyde Business School GB -
81-90 51+ Toulouse Business School FR -
81-90 new University of San Diego School of Buisness US -
81-90 51+ University of Texas at Arlington US -
81-90 51+ Worcester Polytechnic Institute US -
91-100 51+ Bentley (McCallum) US -
91-100 51+ EAE Business School ES -
91-100 51+ ESIC Business and Marketing School ES -
91-100 51+ Liverpool Management School GB -
91-100 51+ Luiss Business School IT -
91-100 new Mediterranean School of Business- MSB TN -
91-100 51+ Oklahoma (Price) US -
91-100 new The University of Tampa US -
91-100 51+ University of Porto PT -
91-100 51+ Utah (Eccles) US -

306 307
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Marketing 2022

Teaching Gen Z
By Chloe Lane

According to Vision Critical, the average Gen Z

student has an attention span of just eight seconds.
Despite this, Pew Research has found them to be
the most educated generation yet, with around 57
percent of university-age students enrolling in higher
education, compared to 52 percent of Millennials and
just 43 percent of Gen X.
With such a supposedly low attention span, teaching
students to the expected high standard should
pose challenges, but Professor Sunita Malhotra,
believes this statistic doesn’t account for student
A teacher on the CEMS Master in International
Management (MIM) at Louvain School of
It is crucial that Management in Belgium, she says if a student is
MBA students interested in what they are learning, they will have
become the passion to fully engage in the material.
positive impact
leaders. “Rather than having a short attention span, Gen Z
students want to be engaged, valued, and listened to
as individuals within their learning,” she says.
Gen Z also crave flexibility, explains Professor
Malhorta. They don’t want to be stuck in a
monotonous 9-to-5 job, and instead crave passion
and purpose in their work.
Dr Louise Robson, a senior university teacher at the
University of Sheffield’s School of Biosciences in the
UK, also challenges the statistics on attention spans.
She tells QS-GEN that in her 25 years of teaching
experience, she’s found Gen Z have a similar attention
span to any other generation of student.
“If a lecture involves an academic standing at the
front of a large lecture hall and talking at a group of
Masters in Marketing students for 40 minutes, the attention span in the
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Marketing 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Marketing 2022

room will understandably wane, whether the students are Gen Z or not,” she encourages higher education professionals to talk directly with students about
says. what they want from university curriculums.
Using digital teaching methods Gen Z also has a stronger interest in certain subjects, such as technology,
climate change, social justice, and world issues, adds Professor Malhorta.
To avoid drops in attention spans, Dr Robson has changed the way she teaches,
using technology alongside traditional lectures to encourage students to play “It is rare I sit with a Gen Z student and do not have a philosophical discussion of
an active role in the learning process. some kind. The key if you are preparing something as a teacher is to make sure
you add in cases that address the issues of today,” she says.
As class sizes continue to increase year-on-year, she’s found using technology
helps large groups of students to feel more engaged and creates a supported Professor Paul Wiltshire, a journalism course leader and senior lecturer at the
learning community. University of Gloucestershire in the UK, sees the challenge is finding new ways
of approaching these important issues and approaching them as journalists.
The University of Sheffield’s hybrid teaching and learning platform Echo360
enables Dr Robson to create video recordings for students before class. During “We very much teach in short bursts, with frequent breaks and changes of pace,”
the lecture, she uses the platform to drop anonymous polls and open questions he says.
to keep students engaged.
Avoiding stereotypes
It seems Gen Z students feel incredibly comfortable using technology. According
As with any generation, there is a tendency to generalise and stereotype. In
to Global News, Gen Z spend approximately 10 hours online each day.
reality, each student is different and will learn in different ways, explains
“Gen Z are truly digital natives,” explains Professor Malhorta. “Digital is part of Professor Malhorta.
who they are, and they have never had to learn it.”
“Every individual is different based on upbringing, culture, and values, so it is
Professor Malhorta has also made the switch to digital learning, finding it a much not as simple as dividing generations into categories according to year of birth,”
more effective and interactive method of teaching than traditional lectures. she says.
“I rarely use slides and if I do, it is just a few to introduce the concept. Quizzes, Although certain generations can share certain interests and views, it is only by
collaborative whiteboards such as Miro, and resources that are colorful, visual, spending time with each student that you can find out who they are and how
and engaging also work brilliantly,” she says. they like to be taught.
Helping students find solutions to complex global issues Overall, all three lecturers enjoy teaching Gen Z students.
Ultimately, Gen Z students want to be passionate about what they’re studying “I love teaching Gen Z students and hope I never have to stop teaching them,”
and understand the reason for studying it. she says.
“Gen Z students have a keen interest in finding solutions to many of the “As a truth-seeker myself, I want to make the world a better place and believe in
world’s greatest challenges, from climate change to sustainability, equality, and individual expression, so Gen Z’s values are extremely close to mine.”
diversity,” says Dr Robson.
This article was shortened from a piece originally published in QS-GEN 6, from
At the University of Sheffield, sustainability has been embedded into the November 2021.
curriculum as a direct result of conversations with students. Dr Robson

310 311
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Marketing 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n HEC Paris FR 94.2
2 2 n Columbia University US 91
3 3 n Imperial College Business School GB 89.8
4 new ESSEC Business School FR 89.7
5 5 n ESCP Business School FR 85.7
6 4 i Esade Business School ES 85.3
7 6 i Warwick Business School GB 83.9
8 8 n EMLyon Business School FR 82.2
9 7 i EDHEC Business School FR 81.9
10 10 n WU Vienna University AT 81.3
11 11 n SKEMA Business School FR 79.9

QS In Converstion
12 9 i Manchester (Alliance) GB 78.5
13 12 i University of Edinburgh Business School GB 76.7
14 13 i Texas (McCombs) US 73.5
15= 14 i USC (Marshall) US 72.5
15= 16 h Cranfield School of Management GB 72.5
17 15 i Vlerick Business School BE 68.8
18 17 i Trinity Business School IE 68.6
19 19 n Macquarie Business School AU 66.6
20 18 i Grenoble Ecole de Management FR 65.2
21 20 i Audencia Business School FR 65
22 23 h Erasmus (RSM) NL 64.8
23 26= h IESEG FR 64.7
A series of podcasts and live online panel discussions unpacking
24 24= n Michigan State (Broad) US 63.4
global trends in higher education, online learning, employability
25= 30 h KEDGE Business School FR 62.2
and cutting-edge themes. It brings together global leaders in their i
25= 24= BI Norwegian Business School NO 62.2
field as well as QS’ experts and content creators to get the story 27 29 h Texas A&M (Mays) US 62.1
behind data and trends. 28 22 i UCD (Smurfit) IE 61.9
29 26= i Purdue (Krannert) US 61.1
30 28 i Durham University Business School GB 60.7
31 21 i Lancaster University GB 60.1
LIVE Panel 32 38= h Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 58.8
A quarterly online panel
#QSinconversation 33 35 h Arizona (Eller) US 58.5
discussion among leaders in 34= 31 i Bath School of Management GB 58.2
the Higher Education sector 34= 32 i John Hopkins (Carey) US 58.2
Find out more at: 36 38= h Aston Business School GB 57.3
Podcast 37 34 i Maryland (Smith) US 56.9
38 new The University of Liverpool Management School GB 55.9
A monthly one-to-one 39 33 i Birmingham Business School GB 55.7
podcast with education 40= 37 i Florida International US 55.5
and industry experts 40= 40 n American (Kogod) US 55.5
Follow us on Spotify or h
42= 50 Newcastle University Business School GB 55.4
Apple Podcasts i
42= 36 Lund University SE 55.4
44 48= h Glasgow (Adam Smith) GB 55.2
45 41 i Strathclyde Business School GB 54.3
46 48= h ESIC Business & Marketing School ES 53.6
47 51+ h Toulouse (TBS) FR 52.8
48 51+ h Montpellier Business School FR 52.2
49 51+ h Alabama (Manderson) US 52
50 47 i Nottingham University Business School GB 51.9

Graduate Management Education: Masters in Marketing 2022 Graduate Management Education: Masters in Marketing 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall 2022 2021 Institution Name Overall
51-60 51+ Cincinnati (Lindner) US - 101+ 51+ GBSB Global Business School ES -
51-60 51+ DCU Business School IE - 101+ new GROUPE ISCAE MA -
51-60 51+ ICN Business School FR - 101+ 51+ Jagdish Sheth School of Management (Formerly IFIM Business School) IN -
51-60 51+ Loyola University-Chicago US - 101+ new Rabat Business School MA -
51-60 46 i Pittsburgh (Katz) US - 101+ new United International Business Schools ES -
51-60 51+ Rochester (Simon) US -
51-60 42 i Sheffield University Management School GB -
51-60 51+ Texas at Dallas (Naveen Jindal) US -
51-60 45 i The University of Sussex Business School GB -
51-60 44 i University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US -
51-60 51+ University of Technology Sydney Business School AU -
51-60 43 i Vanderbilt (Owen) US -
61-70 51+ CENTRUM Catolica Business School PE -
61-70 51+ EU Business School ES -
61-70 new Excelia Business School FR -
61-70 51+ Fordham University US -
61-70 51+ HEC Montreal CA -
61-70 new Mediterranean School of Business- MSB TN -
61-70 new National University of Ireland, Galway IE -
61-70 51+ Texas at Arlington US -
71-80 51+ Athens University of Economics and Business GR -
71-80 51+ Concordia (Molson) CA -
71-80 51+ EAE Business School ES -
71-80 51+ ESAN PE -
71-80 51+ Georgia State (Robinson) US -
71-80 51+ Higher School of Economics RU -
71-80 51+ Loughborough University GB -
71-80 51+ Southampton Business School GB -
71-80 51+ Tampa (Sykes) US -
71-80 51+ "Tilburg University " NL
71-80 51+ University of Porto PT -
81-90 51+ Bentley University US -
81-90 51+ Brunel Business School GB -
81-90 51+ Católica Lisbon School of Business and Economics PT -
81-90 51+ IQS ES -
81-90 51+ Kent Business School GB -
81-90 51+ Manchester Metropolitan University GB -
81-90 new Pacifico Business School PE -
81-90 51+ Rennes School of Business FR -
81-90 51+ Thammasat Business School TH -
91-100 51+ Alba Graduate Business School GR -
91-100 new Clark University US -
91-100 51+ Hofstra (Zarb) US -
91-100 51+ Suffolk (Sawyer) US -
91-100 51+ Universidad EAFIT CO -
91-100 new Universidad Icesi CO -
91-100 51+ University of South Florida US -
91-100 51+ Vilnius University LT -
91-100 51+ Worcester Polytechnic Institute US -

314 315
Graduate Management Education: Masters in Supply Chain Management 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n MIT’s Center for Transportation & Logistics US 94.5
2 3 h WU Vienna University of Economics and Business AT 89.5
3 2 i Michigan (Ross) US 87.9
4 4 n Erasmus (RSM) NL 84
5 6 h USC (Marshall) US 72.8
6 new Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin IE 72.7
7= 7 n Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 71.4
7= 5 i Manchester (Alliance) GB 71.4
9 8 i Purdue (Krannert) US 67.6
10 9 i Washington (Foster) US 67.3
11 11 n Cranfield School of Management GB 66.3
12 12 n SKEMA Business School FR 65.6
13 10 i UCD (Smurfit) IE 65.1
14 new Florida International University College of Business US 63.5
15 13 i The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology HK 62.6
16 15 i Audencia Business School FR 62
17 new KFUPM Business School SA 61.7
18 14 i Antwerp Management School BE 61.2
19 16 i Minnesota (Carlson) US 60.5
20 22= h Durham University Business School GB 58.5
21 20 i CENTRUM Catolica Business School PE 56.2
22 17 i Northeastern (D'AmoreMcKim) US 55.8
23 19 i Arizona State (Carey) US 55.3
24 18 i HEC Montreal CA 55.1
25 new Bayes Business School (formerly Cass) GB 55
26 24 i Maryland (Smith) US 53.9
27 21 i ESIC Business & Marketing School ES 53.7
28 22= i Case Western (Weatherhead) US 53.4
29 new University of San Diego School of Buisness US 53.1
30 28 i UT Dallas (Naveen) US 51.5
31 25= i Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute US 51.4
32= 25= i Uts Business School, University Of Technology Sydney, Australia AU 51.2
32= 27 i Washington (Olin) US 51.2
34 31 i Excelia, La Rochelle Business School FR 50.6
35 29= i Colorado (Leeds) US 50.2
36 new Loughborough School of Business and Economics GB 49.8
37 29= i Toulouse Business School FR 49.4
38 38 n Wollongong (Sydney) AU 46.8
39 36= i Nottingham University Business School GB 46.7
40 35 i EAE Business School ES 46.6
41 new University of South Florida Muma College of Business US 46.2
42 34 i Higher School of Economics RU 45.6
43 new Kedge Business School FR 45.5
44 36= i "Tilburg University " NL
45 33 i Sheffield University Management School GB 44.6
46 41+ Aston Business School GB 43.2

Masters in Supply Chain 47

48 32
new Mediterranean School of Business
i The University of Sussex Business School

Management 49=
40 i Southampton Business School
new Pacifico Business School

Graduate Management Education: Masters in Supply Chain Management 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

51+ 41+ ESAN Graduate School of Business PE -
51+ 41+ GBSB Global Business School ES -
51+ new Groupe ISCAE MA -
51+ new ICN Business School FR -
51+ new ISCTE Business School PT -
51+ 39 i Kent Business School GB -
51+ 41+ Manchester Metropolitan University Business School GB -
51+ new Rabat Business School MA -
51+ new Rennes School of Business FR -
51+ 41+ RIT (Saunders) US -
51+ 41+ Tongji-KLU-UTK DE -
51+ new United International Business Schools ES -

Graduate Management Education: Online MBA 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n IE Business School ES 83.9
2 2 n Imperial College Business School UK 82.6
3 3 n Warwick Business School UK 80.2
4 4 n AGSM @ UNSW Business School AU 75.0
5 8 h Southern California (Marshall) US 71.1
6 5 i Alliance Manchester Business School UK 71.0
7 7 n Indiana University (Kelley Direct Programs) US 70.9
8= - new University of North Carolina (Kenan-Flagler) US 68.9
8= - new Arizona State University (Carey) US 68.9
10 10 n Florida International University US 68.5
11 6 i Politecnico di Milano School of Management IT 67.4
12= 9 i Vlerick Business School BE 64.6
12= - new Rice University (Jones) US 64.6
14 - new Washington (Foster) US 62.2
15 12 i Oxford Brookes Business School UK 61.5
16= 15 i University of Florida (Warrington) US 61.4
16= 11 i Durham University Business School UK 61.4
18 - new Babson (Olin) US 61.3
19 - new Universidad de Chile CL 60.5
20 19 i Macquarie Business School AU 60.0
21= 21 n University of Maryland (Smith) US 58.6
21= - new Massachusetts, Amherst (Isenberg) US 58.6
23 16 i Naveen Jindal UT Dallas US 58.1
24 20 i EU Business School ES 58.0
25 18 i George Washington University US 57.9
26 13 i University of Otago Business School NZ 57.4
27 24 i NC State University (Poole) US 57.3
28 - new Hult International Business School US 57.2
29 - new EAE Business School ES 56.8
30 14 i Birmingham Business School UK 56.6
31 23 i Colorado State US 56.4
32 22 i American University (Kogod) US 55.6
33 - new Bologna University Business School IT 55.3
34 25 i Syracuse (Whitman) US 54.7
35 30 i Arizona (Eller) US 53.8
36 17 i CENTRUM PUCP Graduate Business School PE 52.2
37 - new RMIT AU 51.9
38 27 i Baylor University US 51.4
39 28 i Lehigh University US 50.4
40 34 i Hofstra (Zarb) US 49.6
41 31 i La Trobe University AU 49.1
42 32 i Robert Gordon University (Aberdeen) UK 49.0
43= 33 i Temple University (Fox) US 47.7
43= 29 i Deakin Business School AU 47.7
45 36 i Pacifico Business School PE 46.9
46 35 i The Open University Business School UK 46.7
47 39 i Jack Welch Management Institute US 46.3
48 42 i University of South Florida (Muma) US 46.1

Online MBA 49
GBSB Global Business School
Aston Business School

Graduate Management Education: Online MBA 2022

2022 2021 Institution Name Overall

51 41 i SBS Swiss Business School CH 45.7

52 37 i Amity Directorate of Distance & Online Education IN 44.9
53 44 i West Texas A&M University (Engler) US 44.0
54 45 i Curtin Graduate School of Business AU 42.2
55 43 i Nottingham Trent University UK 42.0

56= 49 i Cincinnati (Lindner) US 41.6
56= - new International Institute of Business (IIB) UA 41.6
58 - new Worcester Polytechnic Institute (The Business School) US 40.6

59 - new Business School Netherlands NL 40.3
60 38 i Bradford School of Management UK 39.7
61 47 i Georgia Southern University (Parker) US 39.1
62 54 i Suffolk University (Sawyer) US 39.0


63 48 i Kennesaw State (Coles) US 38.5
64 51 i Delaware(Alfred Lerner) US 37.8
United International Business Schools (UIBS)
OBS Business School
(56%) BY QS ARAB REGION 2021
67 50 i University of Memphis (Fogelman) US 36.4
68 46 i Clarkson University US 36.2
69 52 i University of Wisconsin MBA Consortium US 35.6
70 57 i Walsh College US 35.2
71 55 i Kent State University US 33.8
72 56 i Michigan-Dearborn US 26.8


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Employability and Best Cities
Graduate Employability 326
What employers want? 335

Best Student Cities 344

Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

Graduate Employability Overview

By Dr Andrew MacFarlane

The number of people with university degrees is at record levels. A report from
the OECD projects that the number of global graduates will double in this
Students from China and India will soon account for half of worldwide degree
holders. With the landscape of higher education both simultaneously expanding
and shifting, the ability of universities to put its graduates into gainful
employment has never been more important.
Headlines of a graduate employment crisis abound, from the UK’s Guardian
newspaper headlining with “Graduates face highest unemployment rate since
austerity era”, to Italy’s Republica cautioning the effects of COVID on graduate
employment. Yet, OECD figures show that those with at least a tertiary
education have the lowest chances of unemployment, at 4.6 percent vs. 10.8
percent for those who did not complete final high school qualifications.
But you might ask, how much more does it pay? This, in contrast, makes for
less optimistic reading. In the United Kingdom, the Higher Education Statistics
Authority produced figures showing that for those born in 1970, there was a
potential 19 percent salary uplift from attending university.
For those born in 1990, this had reduced to 11 percent. Contrasted with China,
this looks rather meagre - with graduates getting on average a 26 percent
uplift. Again, though, a historic comparison shows that this is changing - over
the past 10 years, the gap between graduates and non-graduates has narrowed
by 5 percent.
Of course, a university’s mission is more than just the production of future
employees – this much hardly needs to be expounded on. But in an increasingly
marketised and massified higher education landscape, we cannot escape the
reality that students expect employment in return for time and fees.
In our 2021 QS International Student Survey, we asked students which factors
were most important to them in choosing where to study. The top answer, with
56 percent of the share, was a high graduate employment rate.
Combined with the fact many graduates desire a job straight out of college,
it’s clear partnerships between employers and universities, and opportunities to
meet these partners, are important.
Graduate Employability Rankings
326 327
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall

1 1 n Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) US 100
2 2 n Stanford University US 99.3
3 3 n University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) US 99.1
4 4 n The University of Sydney AU 98.1
5 5 n Harvard University US 97.7
6 6 n Tsinghua University CN 96.9
7 10 h University of Oxford GB 96.7
8 7 i The University of Melbourne AU 94.5
To complement our insights into employability, we also look at the skills most h
9 12 Cornell University US 94.4
in demand to employers, how satisfied they are with these skills, and where 10 9 i The University of Hong Kong HK 94.2
the biggest gaps are. Consistently we find that employers value teamwork and 11 8 i University of Cambridge GB 94
communication, and this year, flexibility is in the Top 3 in demand skills. 12 - new Institut Polytechnique de Paris FR 93.7
13 14 h University of Chicago US 92.6
We postponed the publication of this ranking last year, leaving a gap in our 2021 14 13 i Yale University US 92.2
calendar, due to the uncertainty around the COVID-19 pandemic. 15 15 n Princeton University US 90.5
16 11 i New York University (NYU) US 90.2
It is with much appreciation that institutions have continued to supply us with h
17 24 National University of Singapore (NUS) SG 90
data, and indeed this ranking uses the largest underlying dataset in its history 18 21 h Columbia University US 89.9
– truly testament to the efforts of universities to help us to help students. We 19 20 h University of Pennsylvania US 89.8
did not make any changes to our methodology this year but made a concerted 20 22 h UCL GB 89.6
effort to expand the lists of alumni we look at, with a particular push to grow this 21 16 i University of Toronto CA 89.5

list in Asia and Africa, and to continue to expand the alumni not only from the 22 17 i ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology CH 89
23 19 i Peking University CN 88.8
corporate world, but from the worlds of performing, the arts, and sports. h
24 25 University of Waterloo CA 88.7
This 2022 edition evaluated more than 650 institutions and published 550, 25 23 i The University of Tokyo JP 87.8

with 70 new entries. The most represented locations include the United States 26 40 h Tecnológico de Monterrey MX 87.3
27 26 i University of Michigan-Ann Arbor US 85.6
(90 institutions) and the United Kingdom (54 institutions), followed by China h
28 30 Duke University US 84.8
(Mainland) and Japan (22 institutions respectively). Uruguay, and several 29 30 h Northwestern University US 84
countries from the Arab region (Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, and Iraq) managed to 30 30 n Imperial College London GB 82.8
enter this exercise for the first time. 31 33 h Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC) CL 82.3
32 27 i The University of New South Wales (UNSW Sydney) AU 82.2
33 29 i Fudan University CN 81.8
34 28 i Seoul National University KR 80.9
35 35 n Zhejiang University CN 80.4
36 38 h Purdue University US 79.8
37 34 i Waseda University JP 78
38 39 h Carnegie Mellon University US 76.8
39 37 i Delft University of Technology NL 76.2
40 44 h Georgia Institute of Technology US 75.7
41 43 h Shanghai Jiao Tong University CN 74.8
42 41 i The University of Manchester GB 73.9
43 46 h Johns Hopkins University US 73.8
43 41 i Politecnico di Milano IT 73.8
43 121-130 h Western University CA 73.8
46 36 i KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology DE 72.6
47 54 h University of Texas at Austin US 72.5
48 45 i The London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE) GB 72.2
49 48 i The University of Edinburgh GB 71.6
49 58 h University of Bristol GB 71.6

328 329
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall 2022 2020 Institution Name Overall
51 56 h National Taiwan University (NTU) TW 71.4 101-110 101-110 n Arizona State University US -
52 53 h Kyoto University JP 70.6 101-110 111-120 h Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB) IN -
52 51 i University of Leeds GB 70.6 101-110 111-120 h North Carolina State University US -
54 66 h Monash University AU 70.4 101-110 101-110 n Queen's University at Kingston CA -
55 47 i Brown University US 69.2 101-110 141-150 h Sorbonne University FR -
56 50 i Keio University JP 69.1 101-110 96 i Sungkyunkwan University(SKKU) KR -
57 61 h University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign US 69 101-110 111-120 h Universidad de los Andes CO -
58 63 h RWTH Aachen University DE 68.2 101-110 121-130 h University of Minnesota Twin Cities US -
59 64 h University of Southern California US 67.8 101-110 101-110 n University of Southampton GB -
60 49 i University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill US 67.6 101-110 101-110 n University of Virginia US -
61 60 i University of Washington US 67.4 111-120 88 i Durham University GB -
62 69 h University of Technology Sydney AU 67.1 111-120 121-130 h Huazhong University of Science and Technology CN -
63 74 h California Institute of Technology (Caltech) US 66.9 111-120 101-110 i Queensland University of Technology (QUT) AU -
63 57 i The University of Queensland AU 66.9 111-120 93 i Sapienza University of Rome IT -
63 55 i University of Wisconsin-Madison US 66.9 111-120 97 i Technical University of Darmstadt DE -
66 62 i University of Nottingham GB 66 111-120 98 i Technische Universität Berlin (TU Berlin) DE -
67 65 i Tokyo Institute of Technology (Tokyo Tech) JP 65.8 111-120 121-130 h Texas A&M University US -
68 68 n King's College London GB 65.6 111-120 151-160 h The University of Western Australia AU -
68 59 i The University of Auckland NZ 65.6 111-120 86 i University of Birmingham GB -
70 75 h KTH Royal Institute of Technology SE 65.5 111-120 71 i University of Navarra ES -
71 101-110 h The Hong Kong Polytechnic University HK 65.4 111-120 95 i Washington University in St. Louis US -
72 71 i Université PSL FR 65.1 111-120 101-110 i Wuhan University CN -
73 51 i American University of Beirut (AUB) LB 64.9 121-130 94 i Complutense University of Madrid ES -
74 77 h RMIT University AU 64.7 121-130 101-110 i Lomonosov Moscow State University RU -
75 - new Korea University KR 64.5 121-130 131-140 h Lund University SE -
76 73 i Osaka University JP 64.3 121-130 111-120 i Politecnico di Torino IT -
77 82 h KAIST - Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology KR 64.1 121-130 111-120 i Tel Aviv University IL -
77 83 h The University of Warwick GB 64.1 121-130 111-120 i Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya · BarcelonaTech (UPC) ES -
79 66 i The Australian National University AU 62.9 121-130 121-130 n University of California, San Diego (UCSD) US -
80 75 i Boston University US 62.2 121-130 161-170 h University of Liverpool GB -
81 98 h McMaster University CA 61.9 131-140 121-130 i Hokkaido University JP -
81 111-120 h University of Florida US 61.9 131-140 151-160 h Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD) IN -
83 81 i Chalmers University of Technology SE 61.5 131-140 131-140 n Kyushu University JP -
83 101-110 h Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) MX 61.5 131-140 121-130 i Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München DE -
85 85 n The Ohio State University US 61.3 131-140 121-130 i The University of Sheffield GB -
86 88 h Yonsei University KR 61.2 131-140 131-140 n Tongji University CN -
87 80 i Universitat de Barcelona ES 61.1 131-140 141-150 h Universiti Malaya (UM) MY -
87 78 i University College Dublin IE 61.1 131-140 131-140 n University of Calgary CA -
89 90 h City University of Hong Kong HK 60.5 131-140 - new University of Delaware US -
90 111-120 h Georgetown University US 60.4 131-140 131-140 n University of Glasgow GB -
91 92 h Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin IE 60.1 141-150 131-140 i Aarhus University DK -
92 98 h Nagoya University JP 59.9 141-150 151-160 h Chulalongkorn University TH -
93 141-150 h University of Bath GB 59.6 141-150 - new National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University TW -
94 79 i Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM) ES 59.4 141-150 171-180 h Thammasat University TH -
95 91 i University of Cape Town ZA 59.1 141-150 141-150 n Universidad de Chile CL -
96 101-110 h Hanyang University KR 58.8 141-150 151-160 h Universidad Nacional de Colombia CO -
97 84 i Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna IT 58.2 141-150 121-130 i Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore IT -
98 101-110 h Macquarie University AU 57.9 141-150 121-130 i University of Amsterdam NL -
99 87 i University of Alberta CA 57.6 141-150 141-150 n University of Copenhagen DK -
100 101-110 h Loughborough University GB 57.4 141-150 131-140 i University of St.Gallen (HSG) CH -

330 331
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall 2022 2020 Institution Name Overall
151-160 161-170 h Ateneo de Manila University PH - 201-250 251-300 h Al-Farabi Kazakh National University KZ -
151-160 131-140 i Drexel University US - 201-250 201-250 n Aston University GB -
151-160 141-150 i Erasmus University Rotterdam NL - 201-250 201-250 n Bogaziçi Üniversitesi TR -
151-160 151-160 n Hitotsubashi University JP - 201-250 201-250 n Brno University of Technology CZ -
151-160 171-180 h Indian Institute of Technology Madras (IITM) IN - 201-250 251-300 h Curtin University AU -
151-160 151-160 n Indiana University Bloomington US - 201-250 201-250 n George Washington University US -
151-160 161-170 h Newcastle University GB - 201-250 201-250 n Hiroshima University JP -
151-160 141-150 i Tokyo University of Science JP - 201-250 201-250 n HSE University RU -
151-160 141-150 i Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ES - 201-250 251-300 h Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin DE -
151-160 151-160 n University of Kansas US - 201-250 201-250 n Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) IN -
161-170 181-190 h Beijing Institute of Technology CN - 201-250 251-300 h Jagiellonian University PL -
161-170 161-170 n Dartmouth College US - 201-250 191-200 i MGIMO University RU -
161-170 191-200 h Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS) PK - 201-250 191-200 i National Taiwan University of Science and Technology (Taiwan Tech) TW -
161-170 161-170 n Nanjing University CN - 201-250 201-250 n National Technical University of Athens GR -
161-170 161-170 n National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) TW - 201-250 201-250 n Northeastern University US -
161-170 131-140 i Queen's University Belfast GB - 201-250 251-300 h Pohang University of Science And Technology (POSTECH) KR -
161-170 141-150 i Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (UC3M) ES - 201-250 201-250 n Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú PE -
161-170 151-160 i Università di Padova IT - 201-250 251-300 h Pontificia Universidad Javeriana CO -
161-170 161-170 n University of Illinois at Chicago (UIC) US - 201-250 201-250 n Queen Mary University of London GB -
161-170 171-180 h Xi’an Jiaotong University CN - 201-250 201-250 n Riga Technical University LV -
171-180 201-250 h Aalto University FI - 201-250 251-300 h Ritsumeikan University JP -
171-180 201-250 h Bauman Moscow State Technical University RU - 201-250 251-300 h Shandong University CN -
171-180 181-190 h Lehigh University US - 201-250 - new Stony Brook University, State University of New York US -
171-180 181-190 h Saint Petersburg State University RU - 201-250 201-250 n Sun Yat-sen University CN -
171-180 171-180 n The Hebrew University of Jerusalem IL - 201-250 181-190 i Technische Universität Dresden DE -
171-180 171-180 n The University of Adelaide AU - 201-250 191-200 i The American University in Cairo EG -
171-180 161-170 i The University of Arizona US - 201-250 251-300 h UCSI University MY -
171-180 151-160 i Tufts University US - 201-250 201-250 n Universidade Nova de Lisboa PT -
171-180 201-250 h Universidad Pontificia Comillas ES - 201-250 251-300 h Universitat de Valencia ES -
171-180 171-180 n University of California, Davis US - 201-250 201-250 n Universitat Politècnica de València ES -
181-190 171-180 i Charles University CZ - 201-250 171-180 i Université catholique de Louvain (UCLouvain) BE -
181-190 201-250 h Ecole des Ponts ParisTech FR - 201-250 191-200 i Université de Montpellier FR -
181-190 181-190 n Maastricht University NL - 201-250 301-500 h Université Laval CA -
181-190 201-250 h Renmin (People's) University of China CN - 201-250 181-190 i Universite libre de Bruxelles BE -
181-190 141-150 i Universidad Autónoma de Madrid ES - 201-250 251-300 h Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman (UTAR) MY -
181-190 191-200 h University of Pittsburgh US - 201-250 251-300 h University College Cork IE -
181-190 161-170 i University of Surrey GB - 201-250 201-250 n University of Colorado Boulder US -
181-190 181-190 n University of Vienna AT - 201-250 191-200 i University of Delhi IN -
181-190 201-250 h University of Warsaw PL - 201-250 201-250 n University of Latvia LV -
181-190 171-180 i University of Wollongong AU - 201-250 201-250 n University of Massachusetts Amherst US -
191-200 181-190 i Cardiff University GB - 201-250 201-250 n University of Milan IT -
191-200 301-500 h Dublin City University IE - 201-250 201-250 n University of Science and Technology of China CN -
191-200 201-250 h Lancaster University GB - 201-250 251-300 h University of Southern Denmark (SDU) DK -
191-200 201-250 h Taylor's University MY - 201-250 201-250 n University of St Andrews GB -
191-200 201-250 h Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona) ES - 201-250 201-250 n University of Strathclyde GB -
191-200 171-180 i Université de Montréal CA - 201-250 201-250 n Uppsala University SE -
191-200 201-250 h University of Limerick IE - 201-250 201-250 n Utrecht University NL -
191-200 191-200 n University of Notre Dame US - 201-250 201-250 n Vanderbilt University US -
191-200 251-300 h University of South Florida US - 201-250 191-200 i Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University US -
191-200 181-190 i University of Tsukuba JP -
191-200 181-190 i University of Witwatersrand ZA -
332 333
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall

251-300 301-500 h Belarusian State University BY -
251-300 251-300 n Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani IN -
251-300 201-250 i Case Western Reserve University US - What employers want?
251-300 301-500 h Diponegoro University ID -
251-300 301-500 h East China University of Science and Technology CN - By Anton John Crace
251-300 201-250 i Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg DE -
251-300 - new Fundação Getulio Vargas BR -
251-300 - new IMT Atlantique FR -
Finding work after graduation has become an area
251-300 301-500 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur (IITK) IN -
251-300 301-500 h Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon (INSA) FR -
of increasing interest for prospective students for
251-300 251-300 n Kanazawa University JP - years.
251-300 301-500 h King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals SA -
According to QS’ International Student Survey, 56
251-300 301-500 Kyung Hee University KR -
251-300 251-300 n Lebanese American University LB -
percent of prospective students expect to enter
251-300 251-300 n Mahidol University TH - the workforce after graduation, and the same
251-300 301-500 h Massey University NZ - proportion also look towards an institution’s graduate
251-300 301-500 h National Research Nuclear University MEPhI (Moscow Engineering Physics
RU - employment rate when determining graduate
251-300 251-300 n National Tsing Hua University TW -
251-300 301-500 h Northumbria University at Newcastle GB -
Universities are continuing to adapt their services
251-300 201-250 i Norwegian University of Science And Technology NO -
and courses, as well as student expectations of their
251-300 301-500 Nottingham Trent University GB -
251-300 - new Oklahoma State University US -
providers, are also changing.
251-300 201-250 i Oxford Brookes University GB -
Driving this, however, are employers, who are
251-300 251-300 n Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina AR -
navigating a period of disruption, forcing them
251-300 301-500 h Stockholm University SE - “We have
to reconsider their needs. Now, the landscape is
251-300 201-250 i The University of Exeter GB -
seen that with
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Anáhuac México MX - changing again, pushed in large part by the pandemic
industry, work is
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Austral AR - and the way in which it has changed how we work.
251-300 301-500 h Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León MX -
251-300 201-250 i Universidad de Alcalá ES -
Digital literacy
251-300 301-500 h Universidad de Costa Rica CR -
“We have seen that with industry, work is changing,”
251-300 301-500 h Universidad de Sevilla ES -
251-300 301-500 h Universidad EAFIT CO -
says Coursera’s Managing Director of India and APA,
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Iberoamericana IBERO MX - Raghav Gupta.
251-300 251-300 n Universidad Rey Juan Carlos ES -
According to Gupta, the extended periods of work
251-300 251-300 n Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro BR -
251-300 301-500 h Universitas Indonesia ID -
from home have caused a shift in priorities. One major
251-300 251-300 n Universität Konstanz DE - area is the limited capabilities of firms operating in a
251-300 201-250 i Universität Mannheim DE - digital world.
251-300 251-300 n University of Aberdeen GB -
251-300 251-300 n University of Basel CH -
“Many companies are investing in learning of their
251-300 251-300 n University of Coimbra PT - employees on digital skills, on skills related to data,
251-300 201-250 i University of Geneva CH - on skills related to working in a virtual world, and also
251-300 251-300 n University of Miami US - being able to be more resilient in these times,” he
251-300 251-300 n University of Mumbai IN - says.
251-300 251-300 n University of Nairobi KE -
251-300 251-300 n University of Pretoria ZA -
251-300 201-250 i University of Reading GB -
251-300 251-300 n University of Santo Tomas PH -
251-300 201-250 i University of Trento IT -
334 335
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

Not only do graduates now need to consider a career in the digital world, but Sonak adds that skills such as intercultural cooperation, problem-solving,
universities need to help them conceptualise their careers amid a digital learning and contextual understanding are also important as they drive success when
experience. managing across multiple stakeholders.
“How do you equip students for professional success with the most in-demand The future of degrees
human skills, especially in a virtual work environment?” he asks.
Dr Courtney Brown is the Vice President of Strategic Impact and Planning at the
Managing the supply chain Lumina Foundation in the US, an independent, private foundation committed to
making post-secondary learning opportunities available to all.
Many employers also point out a burgeoning appreciation for prospective
employees who embed business-oriented thinking. Changes to the graduate employability landscape signal several consequences
for universities, she says.
For example, supply chain management has seen a rise in popularity among
employers. “Regardless of what you hear, the relative value of educational credentials in
hiring has actually held steady or increased for most employers over the last
In the Higher Ed Report for the 2021 Rankings, QS founder and chief executive,
five years,” she says, pointing to figures from Northeastern University’s (NU)
Nunzio Quacquarelli, pointed to the roll-out of COVID-19 vaccines as a key
Centre for the Future of Higher Education and Talent Strategy.
example of where the skill was necessary.
The challenge, however, is multi-faceted. NU’s study found the level of education
Inoculation not only requires a vaccine, but also syringes and health care
required or preferred by American employers increased 44 percent from five
years earlier, hinting at another trend among employers preferring degrees for
Reports from several countries have highlighted how needle shortages can positions that don’t explicitly require them.
hamper efforts to administer vaccines and show how a breakdown within the
“Data shows that a majority of human resources leaders believe that in the
chain can have follow-on consequences.
future, the need for continuous lifelong learning will demand higher levels of
Supply chain management can also bolster profit margins. For example, the education and more credentials.”
inventors of RoomTetris, an algorithm developed in Italy’s University of Trento,
Coursera’s Gupta agrees higher education will remain relevant for the
say it can improve profits by 5-10 percent for hotels through allocating rooms
foreseeable future and sees the challenges around graduate employability.
when a guest arrives, rather than at time of booking.
“COVID is having a massive impact … For the next two, three, four years, industry
“[Supply chain management is] definitely not new, but it has become
is going to be in recession and new jobs are going to be very hard to come by,”
significantly more important,” says Anshul Sonak, Intel’s Principal Engineer and
he says.
Global Director – Digital Readiness Programmes.
Gupta speculates the solution to graduate employability and lifelong careers
While Intel is a technology giant, it’s helpful to think of it as a company that deals
may come down to further education.
with goods, says Sonak.
“I think we may be entering a future where college education will extend to
The research and innovation of its technology obviously come from expertise
beyond four years.”
and software development, but ultimately, Intel deals almost exclusively in
silicon. The original, unedited version of this article appeared in the Higher Ed Report
featuring the 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings, published in September
“The supply chain has become more and more complex, you can’t really
manufacture a product just in one place,” he says.

336 337
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall 2022 2020 Institution Name Overall
251-300 201-250 i University of Turin IT - 301-500 301-500 n Istanbul University TR -
251-300 201-250 i University of York GB - 301-500 - new ITMO University RU -
251-300 251-300 n Victoria University of Wellington NZ - 301-500 301-500 n Jilin University CN -
301-500 301-500 n University of Dundee GB - 301-500 251-300 i Karolinska Institute SE -
301-500 301-500 n Western Sydney University AU - 301-500 301-500 n Kasetsart University TH -
301-500 251-300 i Aalborg University DK - 301-500 301-500 n King Abdulaziz University (KAU) SA -
301-500 301-500 n Ain Shams University EG - 301-500 301-500 n Kobe University JP -
301-500 - new Airlangga University ID - 301-500 301-500 n Koç University TR -
301-500 301-500 n American University of Sharjah AE - 301-500 301-500 n Kuwait University KW -
301-500 301-500 n Athens University of Economics and Business GR - 301-500 301-500 n Kyungpook National University KR -
301-500 301-500 n Auckland University of Technology (AUT) NZ - 301-500 301-500 n La Trobe University AU -
301-500 - new Australian Catholic University AU - 301-500 - new Lebanese University LB -
301-500 301-500 n Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) ID - 301-500 301-500 n Leeds Beckett University GB -
301-500 301-500 n Ben-Gurion University of The Negev IL - 301-500 301-500 n Louisiana State University US -
301-500 251-300 i Bilkent University TR - 301-500 301-500 n Management and Science University MY -
301-500 301-500 n Brigham Young University US - 301-500 - new Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) GB -
301-500 - new Brunel University London GB - 301-500 - new Masaryk University CZ -
301-500 301-500 n Budapest University of Technology and Economics HU - 301-500 301-500 n Middle East Technical University TR -
301-500 301-500 n Carleton University CA - 301-500 301-500 n Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT / Moscow Phystech) RU -
301-500 301-500 n Central Queensland University (CQUniversity Australia) AU - 301-500 301-500 n Nankai University CN -
301-500 301-500 n Chiang Mai University TH - 301-500 301-500 n National and Kapodistrian University of Athens GR -
301-500 301-500 n Chiba University JP - 301-500 301-500 n National Central University TW -
301-500 301-500 n Chung-Ang University (CAU) KR - 301-500 301-500 n National Chengchi University TW -
301-500 301-500 n City University of New York US - 301-500 301-500 n National Sun Yat-sen University TW -
301-500 301-500 n City, University of London GB - 301-500 301-500 n National Taipei University of Technology TW -
301-500 301-500 n Colorado State University US - 301-500 301-500 n National University of Ireland Galway IE -
301-500 301-500 n Concordia University CA - 301-500 301-500 n National University of Sciences And Technology (NUST) Islamabad PK -
301-500 301-500 n Coventry University GB - 301-500 301-500 n North South University BD -
301-500 301-500 n Czech Technical University in Prague CZ - 301-500 301-500 n Novosibirsk State University RU -
301-500 301-500 n Dalhousie University CA - 301-500 - new O.P. Jindal Global University IN -
301-500 301-500 n De La Salle University PH - 301-500 301-500 n Osaka Prefecture University JP -
301-500 301-500 n East China Normal University CN - 301-500 301-500 n Plekhanov Russian University of Economics RU -
301-500 301-500 n Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen DE - 301-500 301-500 n Pusan National University KR -
301-500 - new Ecole hôtelière de Lausanne CH - 301-500 - new Qatar University QA -
301-500 301-500 n Emory University US - 301-500 301-500 n Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute US -
301-500 301-500 n Eötvös Loránd University HU - 301-500 301-500 n Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn DE -
301-500 301-500 n Florida State University US - 301-500 301-500 n RUDN University RU -
301-500 301-500 n Gadjah Mada University ID - 301-500 301-500 n Rutgers University–New Brunswick US -
301-500 301-500 n Graz University of Technology AT - 301-500 301-500 n Saint Joseph University of Beirut (USJ) LB -
301-500 301-500 n Griffith University AU - 301-500 301-500 n Shanghai University CN -
301-500 301-500 n Harbin Institute of Technology CN - 301-500 301-500 n Sharif University of Technology IR -
301-500 251-300 i Heriot-Watt University GB - 301-500 301-500 n Simon Fraser University CA -
301-500 301-500 n Hong Kong Baptist University HK - 301-500 301-500 n Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" BG -
301-500 301-500 n HUFS - Hankuk (Korea) University of Foreign Studies KR - 301-500 301-500 n Sogang University KR -
301-500 301-500 n Indian Institute of Science IN - 301-500 251-300 i Stellenbosch University ZA -
301-500 - new Inha University KR - 301-500 301-500 n Stevens Institute of Technology US -
301-500 301-500 n Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember (ITS Surabaya) ID - 301-500 - new Taipei Medical University (TMU) TW -
301-500 - new Instituto Politécnico Nacional (IPN) MX - 301-500 301-500 n Tallinn University of Technology (TalTech) EE -
301-500 301-500 n Iowa State University US - 301-500 301-500 n Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv UA -
301-500 301-500 n Istanbul Technical University TR - 301-500 301-500 n Temple University US -

338 339
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022 Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall 2022 2020 Institution Name Overall
301-500 301-500 n The National University of Science and Technology MISIS RU - 301-500 301-500 n University of Bucharest RO -
301-500 301-500 n The University of Alabama US - 301-500 301-500 n University of California, Irvine US -
301-500 301-500 n The University of Georgia US - 301-500 301-500 n University of California, Riverside US -
301-500 - new The University of Lahore PK - 301-500 301-500 n University of Canterbury | Te Whare W?nanga o Waitaha NZ -
301-500 301-500 n The University of Tennessee, Knoxville US - 301-500 301-500 n University of Cincinnati US -
301-500 301-500 n Tianjin University CN - 301-500 301-500 n University of Colombo LK -
301-500 - new Tilburg University NL - 301-500 - new University of Connecticut US -
301-500 301-500 n Tokai University JP - 301-500 - new University of Debrecen HU -
301-500 301-500 n Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology JP - 301-500 301-500 n University of Dhaka BD -
301-500 - new Tomas Bata University in Zlin CZ - 301-500 - new University of Engineering & Technology (UET) Lahore PK -
301-500 301-500 n Ulster University GB - 301-500 301-500 n University of Gothenburg SE -
301-500 301-500 n UNESP BR - 301-500 301-500 n University of Göttingen DE -
301-500 301-500 n United Arab Emirates University AE - 301-500 301-500 n University of Guelph CA -
301-500 251-300 i Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez CL - 301-500 301-500 n University of Houston US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Católica Andres Bello VE - 301-500 251-300 i University of Huddersfield GB -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Central de Venezuela VE - 301-500 301-500 n University of Iowa US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de Antioquia CO - 301-500 301-500 n University of Johannesburg ZA -
301-500 - new Universidad de Concepción CL - 301-500 301-500 n University of Jordan JO -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de La Habana CU - 301-500 301-500 n University of Kent GB -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de La Sabana CO - 301-500 - new University of Kentucky US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de las Américas Puebla (UDLAP) MX - 301-500 301-500 n University of Kwazulu-Natal ZA -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de Lima PE - 301-500 301-500 n University of Leicester GB -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de los Andes - Chile CL - 301-500 251-300 i University of Ljubljana SI -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de Palermo (UP) AR - 301-500 301-500 n University of Milano-Bicocca IT -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de Puerto Rico PR - 301-500 301-500 n University of Missouri, Columbia US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de San Andrés - UdeSA AR - 301-500 251-300 i University of Naples - Federico II IT -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad de Santiago de Chile (USACH) CL - 301-500 - new University of New Brunswick CA -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad del Rosario CO - 301-500 301-500 n University of Oklahoma US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Diego Portales (UDP) CL - 301-500 301-500 n University of Portsmouth GB -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Externado de Colombia CO - 301-500 - new University of Rochester US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad ICESI CO - 301-500 301-500 n University of South Australia AU -
301-500 251-300 i Universidad Interamericana de Panamá PA - 301-500 301-500 n University of South Carolina US -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Metropolitana VE - 301-500 - new University of Stirling GB -
301-500 - new Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas PE - 301-500 301-500 n University of Sussex GB -
301-500 - new Universidad Santa María la Antigua-USMA PA - 301-500 301-500 n University of Tartu EE -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María (USM) CL - 301-500 301-500 n University of Tehran IR -
301-500 301-500 n Universidad Torcuato Di Tella AR - 301-500 301-500 n University of Texas Dallas US -
301-500 251-300 i Universidade Estadual de Campinas (Unicamp) BR - 301-500 301-500 n University of the Philippines PH -
301-500 301-500 n Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BR - 301-500 - new University of the Punjab PK -
301-500 301-500 n Università degli Studi di Pavia IT - 301-500 301-500 n University of Tulsa US -
301-500 301-500 n Universität Innsbruck AT - 301-500 301-500 n University of Turku FI -
301-500 251-300 i Université de Liège BE - 301-500 251-300 i University of Victoria (UVic) CA -
301-500 251-300 i Université Paris h Panthéon-Sorbonne FR - 301-500 301-500 n University of Zagreb HR -
301-500 301-500 n Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) MY - 301-500 - new Ural Federal University - UrFU RU -
301-500 301-500 n Universiti Malaysia Pahang MY - 301-500 301-500 n Verona University IT -
301-500 - new Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) MY - 301-500 301-500 n Viet Nam National University Ho Chi Minh City (VNU-HCM) VN -
301-500 301-500 n Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) MY - 301-500 301-500 n Vilnius University LT -
301-500 - new Universiti Teknologi Malaysia MY - 301-500 301-500 n Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam NL -
301-500 301-500 n Universiti Teknologi MARA - UiTM MY - 301-500 301-500 n Vytautas Magnus University LT -
301-500 - new University of Baghdad Iraq - 301-500 301-500 n Warsaw University of Technology PL -

340 341
Graduate Employability Rankings 2022

2022 2020 Institution Name Overall

301-500 301-500 n Yokohama National University JP -
301-500 301-500 n York University CA -
501+ - new Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University KZ -
501+ - new Academician Y.A. Buketov Karaganda University KZ -
501+ 301-500 Aix-Marseille University FR -
501+ 301-500 American University in Dubai AE -
501+ 301-500 Amirkabir University of Technology IR -
501+ - new Applied Science University - Bahrain BH -
501+ 301-500 Aristotle University of Thessaloniki GR -
501+ 301-500 Bina Nusantara University (BINUS) ID -
501+ 301-500 Ca' Foscari University of Venice IT -
501+ - new Clemson University US -
501+ - new Cracow University of Technology (Politechnika Krakowska) PL -
501+ - new École Centrale de Nantes FR -
501+ - new Essex, University of GB -
501+ - new Ewha Womans University KR -
501+ - new Fordham University US -
501+ - new Grenoble INP, Grenoble Institute of Technology FR -
501+ - new Hacettepe University TR -
501+ - new Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee (IITR) IN -
501+ 301-500 Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires (ITBA) AR -
501+ - new Kaunas University of Technology LT -
501+ - new Khalifa University of Science and Technology AE -
501+ - new Konkuk University KR -
501+ - new National Taiwan Normal University TW -
National Technical University of Ukraine "Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic
501+ - new UA -
501+ 301-500 Novosibirsk State Technical University RU -
501+ - new Radboud University NL -
501+ 301-500 Robert Gordon University GB -
501+ - new Sabanci University TR -
501+ - new Sejong University KR -
501+ 301-500 Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava SK -
501+ - new SOAS University of London GB -
501+ - new Sophia University JP -
501+ - new Sultan Qaboos University OM -
501+ 301-500 Tampere University FI -
501+ 301-500 Technische Universität Braunschweig DE -
501+ - new Tecnológico de Costa Rica -TEC CR -
501+ - new Universidad de la República (Udelar) UY -
501+ - new Universidad Industrial de Santander - UIS CO -
501+ 301-500 Universidad Nacional de la Asunción PY -
501+ - new Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos PE -
501+ - new Universidad ORT Uruguay UY -
501+ - new Universidade Católica Portuguesa - UCP PT -
501+ - new Universitas Brawijaya ID -
501+ - new Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) MY -
501+ 301-500 University of Calcutta IN -
501+ 301-500 University of Denver US -
501+ - new University of East Anglia (UEA) GB -
501+ - new University of Manitoba CA -
Best Student Cities 2022

Student View
Student Mix






1 1 n London 98.2 95.9 84.4 92.9 36.9 98.4 100

2 4 h Munich 56.6 89.9 9h.4 85.3 75.4 95.5 97.4
3= 2 i Tokyo 87.4 62.3 h00 h00 5h.6 85.5 96.1
3= 10= h Seoul h00 77.4 82.h 93.5 57.6 76.6 96.1
5 5 n Berlin 5h.9 83 90.6 84.2 76.h h00 95.9
6 3 i Melbourne 69.8 h00 88.7 88.3 38.4 98.4 95.5
7 8 h Zurich 64.h 85.4 95.9 89.9 52.9 93 94.9
8 9 h Sydney 66.2 98.5 95.8 86.8 33.4 96.9 94.3
9= 6 i Montreal 59.2 93.8 87.6 73.9 58.6 93.8 92.1
9= 7 i Paris 77 82.h 83.3 88.3 60.2 75.9 92.1
9 13 h Boston 78.7 93.2 76.8 94.4 27.4 96 92.1
12 15 h Edinburgh 64.5 97.6 74.9 7h.7 57.7 9h.6 90.3
13 12 i Toronto 55 93.2 97.5 80.6 39.5 89.6 89.7
14 14 n Vienna 40.6 85.h 90.h 76.9 72.7 87.h 89.3
15 10= i Hong Kong 75 72.5 78 8h.4 60.8 83.8 89.2
16 19 h New York 79.5 83.9 74.4 87.6 23.6 95.6 87.8
17 20 h Singapore 65.2 7h.7 94.5 75.4 4h.4 92.7 87
18 16 i Vancouver 53.8 94 90.7 74.6 40.h 80.4 85.6
19= 18 i Kyoto-Osaka-Kobe 72.3 52.9 78.5 83.5 60.7 85 85.4
19= - new Lausanne 6h 88.6 74.2 8h.h 57.h 7h.3 85.4
21 24 h Amsterdam 49.h 8h.5 94.3 67.7 47.4 9h 85
22 31 h Buenos Aires 70.6 75 47.6 8h.6 73.2 79.h 84.2
23 37= h Stockholm 5h.6 8h.3 78.2 78.6 36.h 95.5 83
24 35= h San Francisco 67.4 83.3 74 86.3 24.h 85.2 82.8
25= 32 h Beijing 89.5 52.3 52.6 90.8 70.h 63.2 82.6
25= 34 h Moscow 89.8 66.9 5h.2 85.h 67.7 58.7 82.6
27 17 i Taipei 65.8 72.7 67.8 68.3 7h.5 70.8 82.2
28 39 h Glasgow 49.9 88.4 6h.7 58.6 58 96.4 81.5
29 22 i Brisbane 53.7 94.h 80.8 63.7 42.4 77 81.3
30 29= i Manchester 54.h 88.8 66.5 7h.6 53.2 76.4 81.1
31= 25 i Los Angeles 68 73.8 7h.7 82.6 22.9 86.h 79.9
31= 27= i Auckland 46.h 94.6 84.9 62.4 37.8 79.5 79.9
31= 29= i Kuala Lumpur 63 53.9 52.6 70.h h00 65.7 79.9
34 21 i Barcelona 50.4 74.4 69.5 75.4 56.7 72.8 78.7
35= 26 i Adelaide 40.8 93.8 78.h 55.2 4h.5 87.4 78.3
35= 41= h Perth 56.2 90.9 77.5 55 40.7 76.8 78.3
37= 23 i Canberra 52.h 86.4 75 67.h 39.5 75.7 78.1
37= 33 i Shanghai 7h.8 53.8 5h.5 80.6 64.4 74.2 78.1
39 37= i Dublin 49.8 9h.6 74.2 7h.6 32.9 75.2 77.9
40 27= i Madrid 42.4 7h.5 74.2 73.h 57.8 74.5 77.7
41 41= n Chicago 7h.3 75 7h 77.9 27.3 67.7 76.9
42 47 h Coventry 46.9 99.8 46.6 66.4 54.4 72.9 76.3
43 57= h Newcastle upon Tyne 54.6 92.3 54.h 45.8 54.h 84.5 75.9
44 - new Leuven 52.5 85.8 50.8 63 60.3 68.8 75.1
45 35= i Prague 35.2 82.h 47 67 6h.9 83.3 74.4

Best Student Cities

Best Student Cities 2022 Best Student Cities 2022

Student View

Student View

Student Mix

Student Mix







City City

46= 40 i Milan 45.2 74 69.5 82.h 39.h 65.9 74.2 91 118 h Leicester 24 89.8 43.2 h9.4 55.9 39.7 53.6
46= 49 h Birmingham 48.3 82.3 57.h 53.7 52 82.9 74.2 92= 78 i Johannesburg h3.4 50.h 37.9 h9.2 87.6 62.6 53.5
48 50 h Lyon 43.2 76.5 56.3 50.6 75.8 69.9 73.4 92= 87 i Baltimore 58.6 70.7 48 49 28.7 h5.9 53.5
49 46 i Copenhagen 54.9 74.h 88.9 42.h 24.2 78.6 71.6 92= 88 i Abu Dhabi 36.h 5h.9 46.2 h5.4 47.4 74.2 53.5
50 43= i Brussels 30.2 79 67.3 6h.5 63.9 59.6 71.4 95 99 h Nanjing 38.h 28.9 35.4 34.h 67.7 64.3 53.1
51 55 h Gothenburg 4h.4 85.6 60.5 55.h 37 8h.4 71.2 96 - new Riyadh 26.8 42.3 33.9 3h 78.4 55.9 52.9
52 97 h Bristol 46.8 84.3 45.8 54.2 48.4 80.2 71 97 91 i Monterrey 34.3 4h.h h6.9 67.2 77.2 25.7 51.7
53= 45 i Ottawa 24.h 87.h 8h 40.h 52.7 73.6 70.8 98 82 i Bogota 48.2 h9.8 2h.3 75.7 6h.3 34.3 51.5
53= 48 i Nottingham 35.8 87.5 53.7 44.2 55.6 8h.8 70.8 98 89= i Ankara h9.8 42.6 26.h 46.9 74.4 5h.2 51.5
55 - new Leeds 45.2 8h.6 47.8 52 56.5 72.5 70.2 100 93 i Houston 45 53.5 5h.8 28.4 33.h 45.8 50.9
56 57= h Atlanta 54.3 72.2 59 57.h 35.4 63.8 67.5 101 104 h Krakow h9 52.h 4h 27.7 66.4 50.6 50.7
57 54 i Santiago 6h.3 45.6 44.8 86 46 55.2 66.9 102= 95 i Vilnius h3.9 52.3 30.9 42.6 82.4 33.7 50.5
58 43= i Budapest 9.6 60.5 6h.8 55.9 83.9 66.2 66.7 102= 105 h Wuhan 33.8 37.7 29.7 36.h 65.3 53.2 50.5
59 103 h Sheffield 44.9 85.8 42.6 40.8 5h.h 7h.8 66.5 102= - new Kazan h5 66.5 2h.9 25.3 89.8 37.2 50.5
60 51 i Warsaw h9.h 55 52.5 68.h 72.4 66.6 65.9 105 112 h Almaty 45 48.8 h9.6 56.h 54.4 30 50.1
61 106 h Liverpool 33.h 83 42.8 4h.h 55 74.h 64.9 106 85= i Mumbai 33.7 9.3 38.2 62.4 75 34.8 49.9
62= 52 i Lisbon 23.2 72.5 65.4 59.8 64.7 4h.3 64.5 107= 92 i Novosibirsk 27.5 48.5 27.h 42.4 88.6 h7.9 49.7
62= 62 n Philadelphia 6h.6 65.2 53.2 69.5 27.2 50 64.5 107= 94 i Miami h5.3 52.2 58.3 39 3h.4 56.h 49.7
62= 63 h Washington DC 46.4 76.4 65 26.6 28.4 84.h 64.5 109 107 i Cairo 25.6 54.3 25.9 57 49.6 38.6 49.5
65 60= i Dubai 24.6 6h.7 66.3 40.h 46.2 86.6 64.3 110= 81 i Bangalore 33.2 h2.7 36 29.9 85 48 48.3
66 56 i Helsinki 4h.8 59.7 82.8 53.9 34 44.9 62.5 110= 121 h Guangzhou 28.8 50.4 34 24.9 65.5 40.9 48.3
67 64 i Aberdeen 24.9 79.5 54.8 24.5 6h 68.9 61.9 112 95 i Nagoya 35.4 40.6 67.h 24.h 64.7 6.6 47.1
68 53 i Mexico City 5h.8 43.h 30.2 75.9 68.8 39.4 60.9 113= 85= i Manila 24.4 24.3 3h.5 39.4 75.4 40.8 46.5
69 70 h Rome 37.2 64.4 60.h h8.4 66 62.2 60.7 113= 115 h Quebec City h0.h 74.8 53.9 38.h 57.7 h 46.5
70 71 h Istanbul 37 49 39.h 58.5 63.3 59.9 60.6 115 98 i Lima 37.8 24.5 23.4 69.2 53.5 24.5 46
71 79 h Graz 22.8 68.h 66.5 4h.9 7h.5 33.h 60
72= 66 i St. Petersburg 36.4 58.9 40.h 43.9 77.8 45.5 59.8
72= 68 i Hsinchu 37 56.4 45.2 49.8 80.4 34 59.8
74= 59 i Bangkok 42.9 3h.9 35.2 63.h 63.3 63 59
74= 67 i Pittsburgh 53.3 65.2 46.2 56.3 35.9 42.4 59
76 72 i Athens h5.5 59 45.2 43.3 88.2 47 58.8
77 60= i Brno h0.6 83.2 28.7 33.9 56.5 84.4 58.6
78 89= h Daejeon 50.3 44.9 46.h 7h.2 6h.2 2h.9 58.4
79 76= i San Diego 52.8 7h.8 6h.h h0.6 36.3 59.5 57.6
80= 65 i Christchurch 27 7h.4 67.2 4h.h 45.8 38.2 57.4
80= 76= i Sao Paulo 5h.9 32.6 30.8 74.4 74.6 26.8 57.4
80= - new Durham 47.3 63.8 43.9 56.9 32 47.5 57.4
83 68 i Stuttgart h5 67.9 72 39 66.2 29.h 57
84 80 i Cape Town 24.3 44.8 40.6 29.8 78 69 56.6
85 73 i Tomsk 26.7 6h.7 25.2 38.5 86.5 44.7 55.8
86= 74= i Valencia h4.5 60.h 56.4 27.8 78.7 43.8 55.4
86= 74= i Toulouse h0.5 76.6 48.6 32.7 75.5 37.h 55.4
88 83 i Brighton 24.3 80.9 54.2 8 37.8 69.5 54.2
89 84 i Gold Coast 28.2 80.2 60.h 22.8 46.3 35 53.8
89 - new Seattle 45.8 70.h 40.8 40 30.4 45.4 53.8

346 347
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University Australia

Committed to the goal of being “Locally Diversified and Inclusive Campus Central Queensland University (CQUniversity)
Engaged, Globally Connected, A Leading
• Nearly 400 international students
Sustainable University,” CJCU pursues Curtin University
from 21 countries
further innovation and continuous
• Disability support services for
improvement for high-quality education. James Cook University
disabled students or others with
Location special conditions to flourish as
independent learners La Trobe University
• Located in Tainan, a city that
• Religion, faith, and worship facilities-
combines history and technology in
Prayer room, Chapel
• Chinese Language & Culture Center- Murdoch University
• Next to the Shalun Smart Green
tailored programs for learning
Energy Science City, a figurative
Chinese and local culture University of Southern Queensland (USQ)
innovation settlement where the
Taiwan government promotes Featured Industry-academia
advanced technology and green collaboration
University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)
• Kadokawa International
Academic Excellence Edutainment-creating Vtubers and
cultivating talents for the animation
• Ranked 351-400 in the QS Asia Azerbaijan
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• Orchid Flouriculturing Inc.-promoting
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vanilla planifolia cultivation and Western Caspian University
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realization: Yunus Social Business
Center, International Jane Goodall’s
cooperating with representative wind
Roots & Shoots Eco-Center
or solar power companies to develop
• Extended Campus for Field-Based Bolivia
international green energy talents
Learning: distinguishing feature
buildings in remote areas for regional
revitalization, such as Erren River, Overall Universidad Cristiana de Bolivia (UCEBOL)
Tainan Barclay Memorial Park, and
Ikedaya in Liugui Universidad Privada Boliviana (UPB)
• Trending majors- Green Energy and
Environmental Resources, Applied
Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Technology,
Sustainable Development

Universiti Teknologi Brunei

Locally Engaged, Globally Connected,

A Leading University with Social

QS Stars QS Stars

Cambodia Universidad de Antioquia

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Studies University
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School of Finance, Nankai University Ain Shams University

Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Mari-
time Transport (AASTMT)


Fundación Universitaria del Área Andina India

Universidad Católica de Colombia Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT)

352 353
QS Stars QS Stars

India continued Kazakhstan

Karunya Institute of Technology and Services – Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University
Deemed to be University
Karaganda Economical University of Kazpotreb-
SRM University soyuz

The NorthCap University

Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation
Indonesia (APU)
Malaysia University of Science and Technology
Gunadarma University
Institut Teknologi Nasional Bandung Management and Science University (MSU)

Universitas Muhammadiyah Malang SEGi University

Universitas Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Sunway University

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Universiti Malaysia Pahang

Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM)

Ireland Universiti Teknologi Malaysia (UTM)

Dublin Business School Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia (UTHM)

National College of Ireland (NCI)


Jordan CETYS University

Applied Science Private University Tecnológico de Monterrey (ITESM)

Mutah University Universidad Autonoma de Guadalajara

354 355
QS Stars QS Stars

Mexico continued University of Santo Tomas

Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo University of Science and Technology of Southern
(UAEH) Philippines
Universidad Iberoamericana (IBERO)
Universidad Popular Autonoma del Estado de
Puebla (UPAEP) Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra

New Zealand

University of Otago Romania

University of Waikato Babes-Bolyai University

Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu


Universidad Continental Saudi Arabia

Universidad de Lima Qassim University

Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC) The University of Business and Technology

Universidad San Ignacio de Loyola


Philippines CESINE University

Colegio Universitario de Estudios Financieros
Central Bicol State University of Agriculture
Lyceum of the Philippines University Universidad Europea

Tarlac Agricultural University Universidad Pontificia Comillas

356 357
QS Stars QS Stars

Switzerland Suranaree University of Technology

American University in Switzerland

Business and Hotel Management School (BHMS) United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi School of Management

Taiwan Abu Dhabi University

National Taipei University of Education Ajman University

Canadian University of Dubai

Thailand City College University of Ajman

Asian Institute of Technology United Arab Emirates University (UAEU)

Chiang Mai University

Dhurakij Pundit University United Kingdom

Dhurakij Pundit University Leeds Beckett University

Kasetsart University Newcastle University

Khon Kaen University Nottingham Trent University

King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkra-
Sheffield Hallam University
bang (KMITL)
King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi Staffordshire University
Krirk University The University of Law

Mae Fah Luang University (MFU) University of Dundee

Mahasarakham University University of Glasgow

358 359
QS Stars

United States

MIU City University Miami


Ba Ria-Vung Tau University

Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics & Fi-
Industrial University of Ho Chi Minh City

Van Hien University

Van Lang University

Key and Advertiser Index

Yearbook 2022: Key and Advertiser Index

Code Region Name Code Region Name Code Region Name
AE United Arab Emirates GT Guatemala OM Oman
AL Albania HK Hong Kong SAR PA Panama
Abu Dhabi University 243 The Chinese University of Hong
AL Albania HN Honduras PE Peru Kong
AM Armenia HR Croatia PH Philippines
Ajman University 138 The University of Business and
AR Argentina HU Hungary PK Pakistan 183
AT Austria ID Indonesia PL Poland Technology
AU Australia IE Ireland PR Puerto Rico Al-Ahliyya Amman University 319
AZ Azerbaijan IL Israel Palestinian Territory,
Tianjin University 10
BA Bosnia and Herzegovina IN India
AlMaarefa University 107
BD Bangladesh IQ Iraq
PT Portugal United Arab Emirates University 192
BE Belgium IR Iran, Islamic Republic of
PY Paraguay American University of the Mid-
BG Bulgaria IS Iceland
QA Qatar
dle East Universitas Lampung 3
RO Romania
Bahrain Italy
Applied Science Private Univer-
BN Brunei JO Jordan
RS Serbia
123 University of Nizwa 217
BO Bolivia JP Japan
RU Russia sity
BR Brazil KE Kenya
SA Saudi Arabia
Canadian University of Dubai 219 University of Petroleum and
SD Sudan 315
BY Belarus KG Kyrgyz Republic Energy Studies
SE Sweden
CA Canada KR South Korea Chang Jung Christian Univer-
CH Switzerland KW Kuwait
SG Singapore
sity Zayed University 40
SI Slovenia
CL Chile KZ Kazakhstan
SK Slovakia
CN China (Mainland) LB Lebanon City University of Hong Kong 17
SK South Korea
CO Colombia LK Sri Lanka
SV El Salvador
CR Costa Rica LT Lithuania
SY Syrian Arab Republic
Deakin University 6
CS-KM Kosovo LU Luxembourg
TH Thailand
CU Cuba LV Latvia
TJ Tajikistan Khalifa University 136
CY Cyprus LY Libya
TN Tunisia
CZ Czech Republic MA Morocco
DE Germany MC Monaco
TR Turkey King Abdulaziz University 276
TW Taiwan
DK Denmark MD Moldova
National University of Singa-
DO Dominican Republic MK North Macedonia
UA Ukraine
DZ Algeria MN Mongolia
UG Uganda pore
UK United Kingdom
Ecuador Macau SAR
US United States Northern Borders University 167
EE Estonia MT Malta
UY Uruguay
EG Egypt MX Mexico Prince Mohammad bin Fahd
UZ Uzbekistan 259
ES Spain MY Malaysia
UZ Uzbekistan
ET Ethiopia NCY Northern Cyprus
VE Venezuela
FI Finland NG Nigeria Sogang University 4
VN Vietnam
FR France NI Nicaragua
GE Georgia NL Netherlands
YE Yemen SRM Institute of Science &
ZA South Africa 339
GH Ghana NO Norway Technology
ZW Zimbabwe
GR Greece NZ New Zealand

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