Bahasa Inggris

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Millions of years ago, dinosaurs (roam) by the time humankind first (appear)

the earth, but they (become) extinct

3. I (see, never) any of Picasso's paintings before I (visit) the art museum. 4. 1 almost missed my plane. All of the other passengers (board, already) by the time I (get) there. 5. Yesterday at a restaurant, I (see) Pam Donnelly, an old friend of mine. I (see, not) her in years. At first, I (recognize, not) her because she (lose) at least fifty pounds. LATIHAN 41: Gunakan PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE atau PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE. 1. It is midnight. I (study) for five straight hours. No wonder I'm getting tired. 2. It was midnight. I five straight hours. No wonder I was getting tired.

3. Jack suddenly realized that the teacher was asking him a question. He I! couldn't answer because he (daydream) for the last ten minutes. 4. Wake up] You (sleep) long enough. It's time to get up. 5. At least two hundred people were waiting in line to buy tickets to the game. Some of them (stand) in line for more than four hours. We decided not to try to get tickets for ourselves. LATIHAN 42: Diskusikan arti bentuk verba dengan membaca pasangan kalimat berikut ini dan kemudian menjawab pertanyaanya. 1. a. Dan was leaving the room when I walked in. b. Sam had left the room when! walked in. QUESTION Who did Iran into when Iwalked into the room? (ANSWER: Dan) 2. a. When the rain stopped, Gloria was riding her bicycle to work. b. When the rain stopped, Paul rode his bicycle to work. QUESTION: Who got wet on the way to work? 3. a. Dick went to the store because he was running out of food. b. Ann went to the store because she had run out of food. QUESTION: Who is better at planning ahead? 4. a. Ms. Lincoln taught at this school for nine years. b. Mr. Sanchez has taught at this school for nine years. QUESTION: Who is teaching at this school now? 5. a. Alice was walking to the door when the doorbell rang. b. George walked to the door when the doorbell rang. QUESTION: Who expected the doorbell to ring? 6. a. When ! got there, Marie had eaten. b. When! got there, Joe ate. QUESTION: Who was still hungry when Igot there? 7. a. Don lived in Chicago for five years. b. Carlos has been living in Chicago for five years. QUESTION: Who still lives in Chicago? 8. a. Jane put some lotion on her face because she had been lying in the sun. b. Sue put some lotion on her face because she was lying in the sun. QUESTION: Who put lotion on her face after she stood up?

9. a. I looked across the Street. Mr. Fox was waving at me. b. I looked across the street. Mrs. Cook waved at me. QUESTION; Who began to wave at me before I looked across the street? LATIHAN 43 - LISAN (BUKU TERTUTUP): Dari situasi yang diberikan, buatlah sebuah cerita berantai. Satu orang memulai kisahnya; lalu yang lain melanjutkan kisah tersebut secara bergiliran dengan menggunakan kata yang disediakan Example: (Pierre) had a terrible day yesterday. The trouble began early in the morning. His alarm clock rang at 7:00. Cue: when StudentA: When his alarm clock rang, he got out of bed and stepped on a snake. He was nearly frightened to death, but the snake slithered away without biting him. Cue: after Student B: After the snake left, Pierre got dressed in a hurry and ran downstairs to have breakfast. Cue: while Student C. While he was running downstairs, he fell and broke his arm. etc. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Sit uasi yang mungkin untuk znemulai cerita berantal (. . .) had a terrible day yesterday. (. . .) had a great vacation last summer. (. . .) got into a lot of trouble a couple of days ago. (. . .) had a really interesting experience last week. (Make up the beginning of a story.) Kata.kota yang dapat digunakan secara acak: 1. when 2. after 3. beore 4. while 5. by the time 6. as soon as 7. alredy 8. never 9. then 10. next 11. after that 12. later 13. for (a length of time) 14. since 15. because

LATIHAN 44 - TERTUUS: Berkelompokiali dust duduk dalam lingkaran. Keluarkan selembar kertas dan tuliskan kalimat berikut ml, dengan meuggunakan llama orang yang duduk di sebelah kanan sebagai ganti (...) ( ... ) had a strange experience yesterday. Lalu tuliskan satu atau dust kaiimat tambahan, dan teruskan kertas anda Ice orang yang duduk di sebelah kin anda, yang akan melanjutkan kisali tersebut. Tents edarkan kertas ke kin hingga semua orang di dalam kelompok niendapat kesempatan untuk menuliskan bagian dad kisah tersebut Lalu putuskan maria darikisah-kisah di dalam kelompok anda yang paling. xnenyenangkan atau paling menanik. Dalam kelompok, buatlak perbaikan apa pun yang penlu dalam gramatika atau ejaan. Bacakan kisak itu dengan suara keras. (Catatan: Anda rnungkin ingin nienerapkan baja, wa/au untuk hap sumbwzgan pada kisah tersebut. Ketika bojas waktunya habis, flap orang harus meneruskan kertasnya walaupw2 kalimatnya belum selesaf. Orang berikutnya harus menyelesaikan kalimat tersebut dan meneruskan rnenulis ceritanya) 1-19 SIMPLE FUTURE/BE GOING ID
(a) He will finish work tomorrow (b) He is going to finish his work tomorrow Will or be going to is used to tomorrow,express future time.* In speech, going to is often tomorrow, pronounced 'gonna"

LATIHAN 45 - LISAN: Will biasariya disingkat dengan pronomina persona balk dalam pembicaraan maupun tulisan informal. Will sering disiugkat dengan nomina din dengan prononta lain dalam pembicaraan, tetapi tidak dalam tulisan. Latihlah pelafalan will yang disingkal di dalam kalimai-kalimat di bawah ini.
1. Ill come. He'll come. You'll come. 2. She'll help us. They'll help us too. 3. I'm Sure we'll do well on the test. 4. It'll probably rain tomorrow. 5. Bob will (Eob'll) be here soon. 6. The weather will he hot in August. 7. Mary will come tomorrow. 8. Bill will be here too. 9. The children will be home at 3:00. 10. Who will be at the meeting? 11. Where will you be around five? 12. How long will Tom be here? 13. Nobody will recognize you in that wig. 14. That will be a lot of fun. 15. What will you do?


To express a PREDICTIONeither WILL or BE GOING TO used: a) According to the weather report, it will be cloudy tomorrow. (b) According to the weather report, it is going to be cloudy tomorrow. (c) Be carefult You'llhurt yourself'. (d) Watch out! You're going to hurt yourself!! When the speaker is making a prediction (a statement about something s/he thinks will be true or will occur in the future), either will or be going to is possible. There is no difference in meaning between (a) and (b). There is no difference In meaning between (c) and (d).

To express a PRIOR PLANonly BE GOING TO is used: (e) A: Why did you buy this paint? B: I'm going to paint my bedroom tomorrow. When the speaker is expressing a prior plan (something the speaker intends to do in the future because in the past s/he has made a plan or decision to do it), only be going to is used.* In (e): Speaker B has made a prior plan. She decided to paint her bedroom last week. She intends to paint her bedroom tomorrow. In (I): The speaker knows Bob's intention to Bob made the decision in the past and he intends to act on this decision in the future. Will is not appropriate in (e) and (f).

f) I talked to Bob yesterday, He is tired of taking the bus to work. He's going to buy a car. That's buy a car. what he told me.

To express WILLINGNESSonly WILL is used: (g) A: The phones ringing. In (g): Speaker B is saying: ''I am willing lam B: I'll get it. happy to get the phone." He is not making a prediction. He has made no prior plan to answer the phone. He is, instead, volunteering to answer the phone and uses will to show his willingness. (h) A: I don't understand this problem. In (h): Speaker B feels sure about the teachers B: Ask your teacher about it. She'll help you willingness to help. Be going to is not appropriate in (g) and (h).

*COM PARE Situation 1:A: Are you busy this evening? B: Yes. I'm going to meet Jack at the Iikraty at seven. W're going to study together. In situation1, only be going to is possible. The speaker has a prior plan, so he uses be going to. Situation 2: A: Are you busy this evening? B: Well, I reelly haven't n:ade any plans. I'll eat/I'm going to eat dinner, of course. And then/li probably watch/I'm probably going to watch Tvfor a little while. In situation 1, either will or be going to is possible. Speaker B has not planned his evening. He is predicting' his evening (rather than staring any prior plans), so he may use either will or be going to.

LATIHAN 46: Gunakan WILL daolatau BE GOING TO dengan verba di daiain kurung. BAGLAN I: MENGEKSPRESIICA} RAMALAN 1. Sue (graduate) graduate/is going to graduate in June. After that, she (begin) will begin/is q'oing to begin work at an electronics firm. 2. Fred (be) k /i ckeat the meeting tomorrow. I think Jane (come) Ctjf' CCA too. 3. A: Can you give Ed a message for me? B: Sure. I (see,probably) him at the meeting this evening. 4. The damage we do to our environment today (affect) _______ the quality of life of future generations. 5. A: Mr. Swan (be, not) here next term. He has resigned. Who (be) the new teacher? Do you know? B: Yes. Mary Jefferson. Ms. Jefferson (teach) the same courses Mr. Swan taught: English, algebra, and geometry. I (be) in her algebra class.Do you know which algebra class you (be) in next term? BAGIAN II: MENGEESPRESIKAN RENCANA SEBELUMNYA VS. KEAKANAN: Gunakan be going to jika anda pikix pembicara sedg mengekspresikan rencana sebehtmnya. Jika anda pikir tidak ada rencana sebcluiniya, gunakan will. 6. A: This letter is in French, and I don't speak a word of French. Can you help me? B: Sure. I (translate) Well iranstate it for you. 7 A: Do you want to go shopping with me? l(go) am 50iA5 O 30 to the shopping mall downtown. B: Sure. What time do you want to leave?

8. A: This light doesn't work. The bulb is probably burned out. Where are the new light bulbs? B: I (get) one for you.. 9. A: It's cold in here. B: I agree. I (turn) I the heater on. A: That's a good idea. 10.A: I (enroll) in the community college next spring. B: Oh? I didn't know you wanted to go back to school. A: I need to sharpen my skills so I can get a better job. I (take) a course in word rocessing. 11.A: Brrr. Who turned up the air conditioner? It's really cold in here. My nose is cold and my fingers are cold. B: I (make) you a hot cup of tea. A: Thanks. That sounds good. 12.A: Oh, oh! I've spilled coffee on my shirt. B: Just a minute. I (get) 'AJ a damp cloth for you. 13.A: What do you want to be when you grow up? B: I (be) t an astronaut. A: Good for you! 14.A: Do you mind ill turn the TV off? I (place) AC _______________ a long distance call, and it's hard to hear if the TV is on. B: No, that's fine. I wasn't watching it anyway. 15.A: Who wants to erase the board? Are there any volunteers? B: I (do) 'A, Qflhjc, R: it! C: I (do) '(A 3ctic, T- Dc; it! D: No, no! I (do) it! 16.A: Why do you have an eraser in your hand? B: I (erase) the board.


(a) Bob will come soon. When Bob comes, we will see him, (b) Linda is going to leave soon. Before she leaves, she is going to finish her work, (c) I will get home at 5:30. After lgerkor,w, I will eat dinner. (d) The taxi will arrive soon, As soon as it arrives, we'll be able to leave for the airport, (e) They are going to come soon. Illwait here until they come, In (a): When Bob comes" is a time clause.* when + subject + verb a time clause Will or be going to is NOT used in a time clause. The meaning of the clause is future, but the simple present tense is used. A time clause begins with such words as when, before, after, as soon as, until and includes a subject and a verb. The time clause can come either at the beginning of the sentence or in the second part ofthe sentence: When he comes, we'll see him. OR: We'll see him when he comes. Occasionally, the present perfect is used in a time clause, as in (g) Examples (U and (g) have the same meaning. The present perfect stresses the completion of the act in the time clause before the other act occurs in the future.

(f) I will go to bed after Ifinish my work. (g) I will go to bed after I have finished my work,

*A"time clause" is an adverb clause, Sec Chart 5.5 for more information,

LATIHAN 47: Gunakan WIWEE GOING TO atau SIMPLE PRESENT (Di dalam tatihan ml, balk will maupun be going to dimungkinkan jika future tense diperlukan, de- again sedikit atau lanpa perbedaan arti.) 1. Peter is going to leave in half an hour. He (finish) WI!! frmsh / all of his work before he (leave) leaves 2. I'm going to eat lunch at 12:30, After I (eat) a nap. 3. I'll get home around six. When I (get) home, !(call) Sharon, 4. I'm going to watch a TV program at nine. Before I (watch) that program, I a letter to my parents.

5. Gary will come soon. I (wait) here until he (come) 6. I'm sure it will stop raining soon. As soon as the rain (stop) I (walk) to the drugstori to get some film. 7. Right now I'm a junior in college. After I (graduate) with a BA., I (intend) to enter graduate school and work for an M.A. Perhaps I (go) on for a Ph.D. after (get) my Master's degree. 8. A: How long (slay, you) in this country B: I one more year. I (hope) - June. A: What (do, you) (leave) B: I(return) ______ to be here for about to graduate a year from this after you home and (jet) a job. How about you? A: I (be) here for at least two more years before I (return) home and (Jet) a job. LATIHAN 48 - LISAN: Lengkapi kaiimat di bawali mi dengan kata-kata anda sendixi. Gunkan WIWEE GOING TO dean SIMPLE PRESENT, sebagaimana mestinya. 1. When I . . . this afternoon, When Igo downtown this afternoon, I'm going logo to the bank and the post office. 2. After I . . . tomorrow morning, I . 3. Tomorrow, I . . before I . 4. I... when. .. next year. 5. As soon as class . . . ,I 6. I . . . until my friend . 7. When I . tomorrow, I - .

PRESENT PROGRESSIVE (a) My wife has an appointment with a doctor, She is seeing Dr. North next Tuesday. (b) Sam has already made his plans. He is leaving at noon tomorrow. The present progressive may be used to express future time when the idea of the sentence concerns a planned event or definite intention. (COMPARE: A verb such as rain is not used inthe present progressive to indicate future time A: What are you going to do this afternoon? because rain is not a planned event.) B: After lunch lam meeting a friend of mine. A future meaning for the present progressive We are going shopping. Would you like totense is indicated either by future time words come along? in the sentence or by the context. the simple Present can also be used to express future time in sentences that concern events that are on a definite schedule or timetable. These sentences usually contain future time words. Only a few verbs are used in this way: e.g., open, dose, begin, end, start, finish, arrive, leave, come,return.

SIMPLE PRESENT (d) The museum opens at ten tomorrow morning, (e) Classes begin next week. (f) John's plane arrives at 6:05 EM. next Monday.

LATIHAN 49: Thnjukkan arti yang dinyatakan oleh verba yang dicetak miring dengan menuliskan in the future, now, atau habitually di tempat yang kosong. 1. I a caking four courses next semester. 2. I a taking four courses this semester, 3. Students usually take four courses every _____ Semester 4. Ill mail this letter at the corner ehwn I take Susan home 5. My brothers birthday is next week. I am giving him a sweater. 6. Shhh. The broadcaster is giving the latest news about the crisis in England. I want to hear what shes saying 7. When I graduate, Im going to return home 8. When students graduate, they receive diplomas 9. Im tired. I am going to bed early to night 10.When I am in new York, Im going to visit The Museum of modern art

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