Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) (Controller Area Network Projects With Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi 3)
Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) (Controller Area Network Projects With Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi 3)
Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) (Controller Area Network Projects With Arduino Uno and Raspberry Pi 3)
Copyright © 2016
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The Controller Area Network (CAN Bus) was developed in the mid 1980’s by Bosch and
Intel, for use in the automotive industry. Today, CAN Bus is not only used in passenger
cars, but it is also used in many other applications such as
Medical Equipment
Space application
And much, much more …
My goal in this series of eBooks is to explain the fundamentals of the Bus System and
CAN Bus protocol, and to give you a detailed understanding how communication between
microcomputers in the automotive industry transmit-, receive, and process data.
In the Controller Area Network Projects – Part 2, you will learn about the Arduino and
Raspberry Pi Framework, and you will be walked through the installation process, what
software needs to be installed, and how to prototype software application. We will also
hack into an instrument cluster to identify CAN Bus Ids from the modules and write
functionalities in the software to control the module unit.
At the end of this eBook you will have a good understanding,
- How Network Communication works
- How Controller Area Network works
- Have the knowledge to proceed to Part 2 (CAN Bus Projects)
Despite all efforts in preparing this eBook, there is always the possibility that some errors
will occur. As the author, the responsibility for any such errors is mine alone. If you would
like to suggest any amendments or corrections, please send me your comment and I will
respond to you as soon as I can.
To submit amendments and corrections please visit the author’s website at
Contact the Author
Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Bus System Fundamentals
Direct Connection
Point to Point Interface
Bus System
Only one can send
Master Control
Priority Control
Time Control
Protocol – Speak same language
Transmission rate
Communication Medium
Serial Communication
Parallel Communication
OSI Model
Chapter 2. CAN Bus Fundamentals
CAN Milestones
Difference in Voltage
Dominant & Recessive
Transceiver (Physical Layer)
Bit synchronization
CAN Controller (Data Link Layer)
Chapter 3. CAN Bus Protocol
Data Frame
Start Of Frame (SOF)
Arbitration Field
CAN Bus 2.0A & 2.0B (Standard/Extended)
RTR Field
Control Field
Data Field
CRC Field
ACK Field
EOF Field
Acceptance Filter
Acceptance Filter Example
Acceptance Mask Register – Filter
Acceptance Code Register – Mask
Chapter 4. Error Handling
Fault detection – CRC Check
Fault Detection – Frame Check
Fault Detection – ACK Error
Fault Detection – Bit Monitoring
Fault Detection – Bit Stuffing
About The Author
One Last Thing…
People can only communicate effectively with each other when they speak the same
language (English, German, etc.). The communication language for computers (Bus) is the
Children learn in the school that they cannot speak when they want. There must be rules
that govern who and when someone may say something. There are also rules in Bus
systems, called arbitration, that govern when computers may speak to each other. Our
communications take place by these 3 methods, which are also be found in Bus systems:
1. Communication is event driven, to a question we provide the answer
2. Communication is time driven, each has only a short time to say something.
3. Communication is from a master. For example, teacher at school
A conversation between two people at a concert is disturbed by loud noises that might
even make it impossible to hear what is being said. In comparison Bus systems are
affected by electromagnetic interference. Bus systems cannot exchange signals over
considerable distances. To do so requires the signals have to be amplified electronically.
People also aids, such as loudspeakers, microphone, and headphones to boost the sound
level so that it is audible.
However, there are some people who, while participating in a conversation, adhere to no
rules and talk incessantly seemingly without stopping. That can also be found in Bus
systems where defective nodes are permanently sending signals. These are called
“babbling idiot” nodes.
The name ‘Bus system’ is derived from the idea that many pieces of information are
placed into a message container and transmitted on the road (bus) from the stop (node) and
transported to another stop (node).
Before Bus systems, each connection required a separate line for information to flow. As
shown in the image below, each switch (transmitter) with the corresponding lamp
(receiver) is connected directly via an electrical wire.
The term ‘Bus system’ reflects the functionality for forwarding information. Several
individual information carriers (signals) are forwarded together in a frame on the Bus
system, from one location to several locations. On the road, however, only one Bus is
allowed to drive at a time. Driving another vehicle, such as a car or another Bus along the
same road at the same time would lead to congestion higher costs, and data conflicts.
To avoid congestion on a Bus system, only one node can transmit a message and the other
nodes are in the listening mode. There must be a rule in the Bus system to prevent two
nodes from simultaneously accessing the Bus system (Arbitration).
If a node does not have the latest information, then it takes this information from the Bus
and simply discards the old data. The information has to be taken off the Bus first,
otherwise the node does not know which message was transmitted. When the node is
currently in transmitting status then all other nodes have to wait until the sending is
completed. This is a disadvantage of the bus systems.
We have previously learned that only one node at the time has access to the Bus system.
Who controls the entire communication in a bus system? For this purpose, there are 3
different methods:
The first method is Master controlled. In this method there is only one node, which is
called Master, and it decides which node can access the Bus system. An example of this
method is the LIN Bus.
Figure 7 Frame
In a Bus System all nodes need to know how long is a Bit (High/Low), otherwise they
could not clearly identify the Bits.
The transmission rate on a Bus system will be measured in Bit/s NOT in Byte/s! This unit
is also stated as Baudrate, or bps (bits per second).
Figure 8 Baudrate
Each participant (microcontroller) responds to the flanks in the bit stream. When after
each High signal a Low signal would follow, then the flanks for the High/Low detection
would be sufficient. This it is not the case in digital technology as in most scenarios we
have several zeros or ones behind each other that need to be recognized. Therefore, every
participant (microcontroller) knows how high the transmission rate is and also its own
clock rate.
In the image there are 6 cycles per bit. The sampling time for the clock rate needs to be
clearly higher than the transmission rate of the Bus system.
Today you can find bus systems with transmission rates in kBit/s (LIN, CAN) and high-
speed bus systems in MBit/s range, such as FlexRay at 10 MBit/s or ETHERNET with 10
to 100 MBit/s, GigaEthernet 1000 Mbit/s and more.
Each node has a so-called transceiver, which has the task to adapt the bit frames to the
physical bus and read the incoming bits. It operates as an A/D or D/A converter.
Figure 9 Network
In a copper cable the voltage is adjusted and the signal is amplified. In an optical
fiber the bits have to be converted into light pulses.
The topology tells how the individual nodes are connected together.
Figure 10 Topology
The most common structure is the Bus structure (line structure). Nodes are connected via
short stub lines to a common data line.
A star structure has a central distributer, and all other nodes are connected to it.
In a ring structure, all nodes are connected in a circle.
In serial transmission, the individual bits are consecutively transmitted from sender to
The CAN Bus is connected in the bus topology (Line structure). The participants are also
called nodes. CAN is a Multi-Master system in which all nodes have equal access rights.
The nodes are connected by a twisted wire and have at the end of a network a resistor.
CAN Bus is a serial communication system and the data is transmitted on CAN-High and
CAN Low wires.
In the praxis maximal 64 nodes could be connected to the network, but in theory you can
add as many as you want.
The transmission rate of a CAN Bus is between 60 kBit/s to 1 Mbit/s. The transmission
rate depends also on the distance of the connected nodes.
Electrical noise immunity is among other things achieved by transmitting simultaneously
one bit on two lines CAN High and CAN Low with a potential change in opposite
This is known as a differential signal. The differential voltage is transferred between the
two lines which are also called CAN High and CAN Low.
CAN Bus defines the status bit low as Dominant (0) and Bit High as Recessive (1)
The lowest layer in the OSI model is the physical layer (transceiver).
Figure 16 Transceiver
The task of this level will be performed by the so-called transceiver. One participant
(microcontroller, PC, etc.) is connected via a transceiver directly to the bus.
Transceivers can be connected externally or located internally in the microcontroller. A
transceiver has the task of taking the data, bit by bit, from the bus and also to write to the
The transceivers communicate with the two ports RX (Read) and TX (Write), which are
depicted in the image above.
The transceiver performs the following tasks:
Protection against overvoltage
Amplify signals
Level adjustment
Bit encoding / decoding
Bit time - determination
The transceiver has a transistor for CAN High and CAN Low on each line. For CAN High
there is a PNP transistor to protect against Voltage and, for CAN LOW there is an NPN
transistor connected to GND. This allows three states as shown in the table below:
Nodes on the Bus does not transmit at the same clock speed. The nodes usually have
different crystals and therefore have different clock frequencies.
All nodes know at what data rate they have transmit at on the CAN Bus. For example,
500kBit/s the bit length is known. It is at 500kBit/s 2µs.
All the nodes must be synchronized to the same time points and scan the Bus in order to
recognize the same bit within the 2µs. If they were not synchronous, the nodes might fail
to recognize different bits.
Frame encode
Frame decode
Parallel-serial transformation
Bit stuffing
Figure 21 Identifier
Node A (Identifier 0x150), Node B (Identifier 0x350) and Node C (Identifier 0x200) will
simultaneously send a message to the Bus. Here, the bits of each node are consecutively
(Bitwise) sent on the Bus, (from bit 11 to bit 1). The recessive level of a bit is (Logical ”
1”) and dominant levels (Logical “0”). The recessive bit is overwritten without
transmission to interfere or cancel.
Next step you can see the removal from Node B and C.
On bit number 10 you can see that Nodes B and C have recessive bit and lose the
arbitration to Nodes A and D. From now on Nodes B and C are in receiving mode.
Node A and D are still in the transmission mode.
In the next step you can see that Node D is losing to Node A because the RTR bit from
Node D is in recessive state and from here Node A wins the arbitration and has now the
Bus access. All other Nodes are in listening state.
The format of the Arbitration Field is different for Standard Format 2.0 A and Extended
Format 2.0 B Frames.
The IDE bit is set to identify which CAN Bus protocol is sending over the Bus. CAN 2.0
A standard protocol will have IDE = 0 and CAN 2.0 B extended protocol will have IDE =
DLC indicates the number of bytes in the transmitting message. The maximum length is 8
Res Bit stands for reserve bit and is used for development purpose of the CAN Bus. Both
recessive and dominant states will be accepted by the receiver node.
This is the actual information which is sent over the Bus and has a maximum length of 8
bytes or 64 bits. The data field is created in the microcontroller. One CAN Bus message
could contain maximum 64 different Boolean signals.
Figure 25 CRC
Every receiving node on the Bus calculates the CRC based on the transmitted frames and
compares it with the transmitted CRC value. A CRC error will occur if the value is not the
The CRC Check is used solely for error detection and not for error correction.
This field enables the sender to check whether the transmitted data were received correctly
by the recipient node. ACK Field consists of 1 Acknowledge Bit and 1 Delimiter Bit. The
transmitting node expects a dominant bit.
Figure 26 ACK
Figure 27 SOF
In addition, there are 3 last recessive bits ITM (Inter Frame Space). These 3 bits are used
in the processing time of a node to receive the data. These 3 bits identify the minimum
distance between two frames, leaving the CAN controller time to write the decoded data in
the receive buffer. The ITM bits and SOF bit are also used for synchronization.
Data frames contain the most important information on the CAN Bus. Nodes or modules
connected to the network can send and receive data.
When a particular node wants to transmit sensor values or other information to other
nodes on the CAN network, it needs to populate a data frame. The data frame includes an
identifier, data bytes (content of the message) and error checking bits.
Acceptance Filter resides in CAN Controller and serves to reduce the amount of data to be
processed. Each node can be programmed to select incoming data that are relevant for
their usage and functionality and restrict irrelevant CAN messages. This procedure is set
by the acceptance filter.
Your CAN Bus Node should only receive Rx ID of 0x0AA.
You can see the acceptance filter example in the snippet of code below.
In theory everything has gone smoothly, but what happens when errors occur in the
network? Network errors can include:
1. One or more bits are changed during transmission
2. A node cannot send
3. A node sends constantly without interruption (a “babbling idiot”)
4. There is a cable break
5. Etc.
Figure 31 Error
The CAN nodes are all equally responsible for the Bus access. This also applies to error
handling and error monitoring. Each node is responsible for itself. An error occurring at a
node will stop the whole Bus system from sending.
Error Generating -> Error Detection -> Error Handling -> Error Isolation
The CAN protocol can detect and signal errors. To do that,, three mechanisms at the
message level and two mechanisms at the bit level are required.
The CRC Check (Cyclic Redundancy Check) verifies the information of the frames. The
transmitting node calculates the CRC using all frames from SOF to the end of the data
field and places this value into the CRC frame.
The receiving node also calculates the CRC value and compares it with the CRC frame
from the transmitted node.
If the value is not equal an error flag is raised.
Vitali Mueller is an Automotive Software and Machine Learning Engineer. He started his
career in 2005 as Mechatronic for MAN Truck & Bus in Germany. In 2009, he traveled to
Australia and worked in Brisbane as an Automotive Consultant for Ultimate Car care
workshop. He was involved in two Formula Student Projects during his Automotive
Engineering studies and today he is working for a British Automotive Company as a
Software Engineer. He is also an online educator for Automotive Industry and active
blogger on
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