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US 200901 65360A1

(19) United States

(12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2009/0165360 A1
Dobbs et al. (43) Pub. Date: Jul. 2, 2009
(54) FRAGRANCE FIXATIVES Related U.S. Application Data
(75) Inventors: Suzanne Winegar Dobbs, (60) Provisional application No. 61/016,885, filed on Dec.
Kingsport, TN (US); Terry Ann 27, 2007.
Oldfield, Kingsport, TN (US); Publication Classification
David Justin Olsen, Kingsport, TN
(US) (51) Int. Cl.
CIIC5/00 (2006.01)
Correspondence Address: A6IL 9/02 (2006.01)
William K. McGreevey CIOL 5/00 (2006.01)
Eastman Chemical Company (52) U.S. Cl. ............................................... 44/275; 512/4
P.O. Box 511
Kingsport, TN 37662 (US) (57) ABSTRACT
(73) Assignee: EASTMLAN CHEMICAL Compositions are provided that contain fragrance com
COMPANY, Kingsport, TN (US) pounds and fragrance fixatives selected from diesters of
TMPD. Scented compositions and scented articles containing
(21) Appl. No.: 12/330,532 Such compositions are also provided. Also disclosed are
methods for imparting a fragrance to a location and methods
(22) Filed: Dec. 9, 2008 for formulating the compositions of the present invention.
US 2009/01 65360 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

FRAGRANCE FXATIVES Solid at room temperature and standard pressure, and between
about 0.5% and about 15% by weight of at least one diester of
CROSS REFERENCE TO RELATED TMPD. Some scented compositions are liquid at standard
APPLICATIONS pressure and room temperature.
0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi 0007. The invention also provides articles that include or
sional Application Ser. No. 61/016,885 filed on Dec. 27, contain the fragrance compositions or the scented composi
2007, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by ref tions of the present invention. In some embodiments, the
erence to the extent it does not contradict the disclosures article is a solid scented object such as a candle or a solid air
herein. freshener.
0008. The invention also provides methods of imparting
FIELD OF THE INVENTION an aroma to a location, in which a fragrance composition or
scented composition of the present invention is delivered to
0002 The present invention relates to fragrance composi the location.
tions. More particularly, the present invention relates to fra 0009. The invention also provides methods for formulat
grance compositions that contain at least one fragrance com ing fragrance compositions, in which at least one fragrance
pound and at least one diester of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentane compound and at least one diester of TMPD are combined. In
diol (TMPD). some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is selected from
TMPD di-2-ethyl hexanoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pen
BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION tanediol di-isobutyrate (available as TXIB from Eastman
0003. The importance of fragrances and perfumes has Chemical Company) TEXANOL laurate (which can by
been understood for hundreds of years. Fragrances and per made, for example, though an esterification reaction between
fumes have been and continue to be utilized for personal and 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol monoisobutyrate and lauric
commercial uses. To slow the evaporation of fragrance com acid), and TMPD di-laurate. In some embodiments, the
pounds, the fragrance compounds are sometimes combined diester of TMPD is TXIB or TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate. In
with lower volatility components generally known as fixa some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is TMPD di-2-ethyl
tives. These fixatives are substances which improve lasting hexanoate.
qualities of odorous Substances of a fragrance. There is a 0010. The invention also provides methods for formulat
continuing need for the development of new fragrance fixa ing scented compositions, in which at a fragrance composi
tives. tion and an additional component are combined.
0004. The present invention is based on the discovery that 0011. The invention provides compositions that contain at
the use of diesters of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentane diol least one fragrance compound and at least one diester of
(TMPD) in perfumes or fragrances can provide a more endur 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentane diol (TMPD). The invention fur
ing fragrance by slowing the evaporation of fragrance com ther provides scented compositions and scented articles that
pounds. The invention therefore provides compositions that contain the compositions of the present invention. The inven
contain at least one fragrance compound and at least one tion further provides methods of delivering fragrance com
diester of TMPD. The invention further provides articles that positions to a selected location as well as methods of formu
contain the compositions of the present invention. The inven lating the fragrance compositions.
tion further provides methods of formulating and using the 0012 Compositions
compositions of a present invention. 0013 The compositions of the present invention contain at
0005 Thus, the invention provides fragrance composi least one fragrance compound and at least one diester of
tions that result in longer lasting aromas. In some embodi TMPD. In some embodiments, the composition is a fragrance
ments, the fragrance composition contains at least one fra composition containing at least one fragrance compound and
grance compound and at least one diester of TMPD. In some at least one diester of TMPD. In some embodiments, the
embodiments, the diester of TMPD is selected from TMPD composition is a scented composition that contains a fra
di-2-ethyl hexanoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol grance composition of the present invention. Such composi
di-isobutyrate (available as TXIB from Eastman Chemical tions can optionally contain any other desired components.
Company) TEXANOL laurate, and TMPD di-laurate. In 0014 Fragrance Compositions and Compounds
some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is TXIB or TMPD 0015. As used throughout this application, “fragrance
di-2-ethylhexanoate. In some embodiments, the diester of compound' means any compound that possesses an aroma
TMPD is TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate. that is detectable to human olfactory senses when in a free or
0006. The invention further comprises scented composi un-entrapped State at room temperature (about 25 degrees
tions. In some embodiments, the scented compositions con C.). Some examples of “fragrance compounds' include natu
tain a fragrance composition of the present invention and at ral oils and other natural materials, synthetic oils, alcohols,
least one additional component. In some embodiments, the aldehydes, ketones, esters, terpene compounds, carboxylic
scented compositions contain at least one fragrance com acids, lactones, nitrogenous or Sulfurous heterocyclic com
pound, at least one wax, and at least one diester of TMPD. pounds, ethers, hydrocarbons, nitrites and other classes of
Some scented compositions are solid at room temperature chemical compounds. Many of these ingredients are listed in
(25°C.) and standard pressure (1 atmosphere). For example, reference texts such as "Perfume and Flavor Chemicals
the invention provides a solid scented composition containing (Aroma Chemicals). Steffen Arctander, published by the
between about 0.5% and about 10% by weight of at least one author, 1969 Montclair, N.J., “Perfumery, Practice and Prin
fragrance compound, one or more waxes present in an ciples’ Robert R. Calkin and J. Stephan Jellinek, John Wiley
amount Sufficient to render the Solid scented composition a & Sons, Inc. 1994, or in other works of a similar nature.
US 2009/01 65360 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

0016. As used throughout this application, “fragrance as TEXANOL from Eastman Chemical Company). In some
composition' shall mean any composition that contains one embodiments, the esterification is through the reaction of the
or more fragrance compounds. Fragrance compositions alcohol groups with carboxylic acid groups. For example, an
release fragrance compounds upon delivery to a desired loca esterification reaction of one mole of TMPD with two moles
tion under desired conditions, in amounts Sufficient to pro of 2-ethylhexanoic acid would yieldTMPD di-2-hexanoate,
duce a desired aroma. In some embodiments, fragrance com in which RandR are each C, linear chains in which the third
positions contain several fragrance compounds or several carbon is bonded to the carbon in the ester linkage.
combinations of fragrance compounds having different 0021. In some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is
release profiles after application. selected from TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl
0017. In some embodiments, the fragrance compositions 1,3-pentanediol di-isobutyrate (available as TXIB from East
contain different “notes, typically referred to as: “top note.” man Chemical Company) TEXANOL laurate, and TMPD
denoting the aroma that is most noticeable immediately after di-laurate. Embodiments involving any one of the foregoing
delivery or application of a fragrance composition and caused diesters of TMPD or combinations of two or more of the
or influenced by the fragrance compounds that are most vola foregoing diesters of TMPD are also within the present inven
tile or otherwise release the most quickly from the composi tion. Thus, in some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is
tion: “middle note.” an intermediate aroma that bridges from TXIB; in some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is TMPD
top note to the base or bottom note and due to fragrance di-2-ethylhexanoate.
compounds having an intermediate release profile; and the 0022. The diester of TMPD may be present in any accept
“base note' or “bottom note,” which are those materials able amount in the fragrance compositions of the present
which have an aroma that is detectable the longest after appli invention. In some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is
cation. In some embodiments, a formulation containing top, present in a fragrance composition in a range of from about
middle and base notes is prepared to give a desired balance 0.01 to about 95 weight %, based on the total weight of the
between these three groups. Mixtures of fragrance materials composition. In some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is
are known by those skilled in the art of fragrances and per present in an amount in a narrower range, such as from about
fumes as “accords.”
0.01 to about 90 weight%, from about 0.05 to about 40 weight
0.018. A fragrance composition may contain any desired %, from about 0.5 to about 25 weight %, from about 0.5 to
combination of fragrance compounds and resulting notes, about 15 weight%, from about 0.5 to about 10 weight%, from
formulated to achieve desired fragrance character. The fra about 25 to about 50 weight %, from about 50 to about 75
grance composition can, for example, include ingredients weight%, from about 75 to about 99.5 weight%, from about
providing various notes of the fragrance families (for 55 to about 95 weight%, from about 50 to about 99.5 weight
example, green notes, fruity notes, aldehydic notes, chypre %, from about 5 to about 10 weight%, from about 40 to about
notes, oriental notes, tobacco notes, leather notes and fougere 80 weight%, from about 60 to about 80 weight%, and from
notes), and Sub-classifications thereof (Such as fresh and bal about 85 to about 95 weight %. In some embodiments, the
samic green notes; fresh and Sweet floral notes; floral and amount of diester of TMPD ranges from about 50 to about 75
floral-woody-powdery aldehydic notes; and fresh-mossy-al weight %. Depending upon the specific formulation for the
dehydic, floral-mossy-animalic and mossy-fruity chypre fragrance composition and a resulting scented composition,
notes). Any acceptable fragrance compounds or combina narrower embodiments also exist in which the range is
tions thereof can be utilized. Moreover, the existence of a selected from 0.1-10, 10-20, 20-30, 30-40, 40-50, 50-60,
certain number of notes not critical to the invention and fra 60-70, 70-80, 80-90, 90-99.5% by weight, or a large range
grances having any number of one or more notes are within based on combining two or more of Such ranges. In some
the scope of the invention. embodiments, the amount of diester of TMPD is between
0019 Diesters of TMPD about 0.1 to 15% by weight. In some embodiments the fore
0020. As used throughout this application, “diester of going percentages are based on the weight of the fragrance
TMPD or “diester of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentane diol composition. In some embodiments the foregoing percent
means a compound having a structure described by Formula ages are based on the weight of an entire scented composition
as defined below.
0023. In some embodiments, at least one diester of TMPD
in the composition has a Total Hansen Solubility Parameter
(also referred to as the Hildebrand Solubility Parameter)
within 5.0 units of the Total Hansen Solubility Parameter of
one or more fragrance compound(s) in the composition. In
some embodiments, at least one diester of TMPD in the
composition has a Total Hansen Solubility Parameter within
4.0 units of the Total Hansen Solubility Parameter of one or
more fragrance compound(s) in the composition. In some
embodiments, at least one diester of TMPD in the composi
wherein R and Reach independently represent a C to C, tion has a Total Hansen Solubility Parameter within 3.0 units
alkyl group. By “independently, it is mean that R and R of the Total Hansen Solubility Parameter of one or more
may be the same or different. Although any such compounds fragrance compound(s) in the composition. In some embodi
are within the present invention irrespective of how made or ments, at least one diester of TMPD in the composition has a
derived, one method of making Such compound is through Total Hansen Solubility Parameter within 2.0 units of the
esterification of the alcohol groups of 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3- Total Hansen Solubility Parameter of one or more fragrance
pentane diol (TMPD) or of a monoester of TMPD such as compound(s). In some embodiments, at least one diester of
2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol monoisobutyrate (available TMPD in the composition has a Total Hansen Solubility
US 2009/01 65360 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

Parameter within 1.0 units of the Total Hansen Solubility 0030 Scented compositions include many fully formu
Parameter of one or more fragrance compound(s). As used lated commercial products or fully formulated parts of com
herein, the “Total Hansen Solubility Parameter” refers to the mercial products. Some examples of Such products include
amount estimated (in units of (calories/cubic centimeter)'') eau de parfum, eau de toilette, aftershave and preshave prod
using the group-contribution method described in "Hansen ucts, eau de colognes, splash colognes, perfumed freshening
Solubility Parameters. A User's Handbook” by C. M. wipes, perfuming neutral cleaners (e.g. floor cleaners, win
Hansen, pp. 9-10, 167-185, CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fla., dow cleaners, dishwashing detergents, bath and sanitary
2000. The Total Hansen Solubility Parameter (or Hildebrand cleaners, carpet cleaner foams and powders, liquid deter
Solubility Parameter) is made up of three components: a gents, detergent powders, laundry pretreatment agents such
dispersion force component, a polar component, and a hydro as bleaches, soaking agents and stain removers), fabric Soft
gen bonding component. It is calculated from the heat of eners, washing Soaps, washing tablets, disinfectants, air
vaporization using the formula: fresheners or scented portions thereof (in liquid, gel or Solid
Total Solubility Parameter=((HV-RT)/LVOL)'?
form), aerosol sprays, waxes and polishes, (e.g. furniture
polishes, floor waxes, shoe creams), Solid and liquid Soaps,
where HV-Molar Heat of Vaporization, R=Gas Constant, shower gels, shampoos, shaving Soaps and creams, bath oils,
T=Absolute Temperature, and LVOL-Licuid Molar Volume cosmetic emulsions (e.g. skin creams and lotions, face creams
at T. and lotions, Sunscreen creams and lotions, after Sun creams
0024. Using the above methods, the Hildebrand Solubility and lotions, hand creams and lotions, foot creams and lotions,
Parameter for TXIB, TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate, and TEX depilatory creams and lotions) hair sprays, hair gels, hair
ANOL laurate were each calculated to be 8.3 (cal/cm)' and setting lotions, hair rinses, hair dyes and colorants, hair-shap
the total solubility parameter for TMPD di-laurate was cal ing compositions, hair-smoothing compositions, hair tonics,
culated to be 8.2 (cal/cm)'. hair creams and lotions, deodorants and antiperspirants (e.g.
0025 By way of comparison, Hildebrand solubility sprays, Sticks and roll-ons), deodorant creams, decorative
parameters for the following examples of fragrance com cosmetics (e.g., eye shadow, nail varnish, make-up, lipsticks,
pounds, are published in Chemistry and Technology of Fla mascara), candles and candle wax materials, lamp oils, joss
vors and Fragrance, edited by David Rowe, “Chapter 13, Sticks, furniture sprays, insecticides, and insect repellents.
Applications II: Fragrance' by Stephen J. Herman, Blackwell 0031 Additional components added to scented composi
Publishing (2004), p 310 as follows: isoamyl acetate, 8.4 tions can include colorants, waxes, antibacterial agents, anti
(cal/cc)''': citronellal, 8.8 (cal/cc)''': benzyl alcohol, 12.3 fungal agents, gelling agents (e.g. metallic Soaps such as
(cal/cc)''': linalool, 9.6 (cal/cc)''': and citronellol, 9.9 (cal/ Sodium Stearate and/or sodium isostearate), dibenzylidene
cc)'. In some embodiments, all of the individual Hansen Sorbitol or a mixed glycol system in combination with diben
Solubility Parameters for both the diester of TMPD and the Zylidene Sorbitol), anti-irritants, emollients, Surfactants,
fragrance compound in the composition are within one of the abrasives, absorbents, anti-caking agents, anti-oxidants, Vita
ranges specified in this paragraph. In some embodiments, mins, binders, biological additives, buffering agents, bulking
one, two, or three of the individual Hansen Solubility Param agents, chelating agents, chemical additives, cosmetic astrin
eters are within one of the ranges specified in this paragraph. gents, cosmetic biocides, denaturants, drugastringents, exter
nal analgesics, film formers, humectants, opacifying agents,
0026 Other Components in the Fragrance Composition pH adjusters, preservatives, propellants, reducing agents and
0027. The perfume or fragrance and the fixatives accord skin bleaching agents. In some embodiments, the fragrance
ing to the present invention may be used alone or with other composition can be adsorbed on a carrier which serves to
perfuming, non-perfuming or active ingredients. The compo distribute the fragrance finely, to release it in a controlled
sitions of the present invention can contain other components manner during use, or both. Some examples of Such carriers
Such as solvents, preservatives, antioxidants, additional fixa include Sulfate, silica gels, Zeolites, gypsums, clays, clay
tives, extenders, stabilizers, UV screening agents and the like. granules, gas concrete or organic materials such as woods,
Some examples of useful solvents include ethanol, water/ cellulose-based Substances and their derivatives, polymers
ethanol mixtures; isopropanol; diethylene glycol monoethyl and plastics. The foregoing list is not limited and scented
ether, glycerol, propylene glycol, 1.2-butyleneglycol, dipro compositions can comprise any optional components. Sev
pylene glycol, diethyl phthalate, ethyl citrate (2-(2-ethoxy eral such components are well known in the art. The CTFA
ethoxy)-1-ethanol), triethyl citrate, isopropyl myristate, International Cosmetic Ingredient Dictionary and Hand
waxes, isoparaffins, glycol ethers and glycol ether esters. book, Eleventh Edition, 2006, for example, describes many
0028 Scented Compositions examples of ingredients commonly used in the skin and hair
0029. The invention also includes scented compositions care industry.
that contain at least one fragrance compound, at least one 0032 Some embodiments of scented compositions, for
diester of TMPD, and at least one additional component. In example some Solid compositions, contain one or more
Some embodiments, the scented compositions contain a fra waxes. As used in this application, a “wax refers to any of the
grance composition of the present invention along with at high molecular weight organic compounds or mixtures that
least one component, obtainable, for example by combining are solid at room temperature and standard pressure and that
at least one fragrance composition and at least one additional have a reversible melting point range of from 40° to 120° C.
component. In some embodiments, the scented compositions (“reversible” meaning that the solid becomes a liquid upon
are obtained by combining all three components simulta heating and returns to a solid upon cooling). Examples
neously. Some scented compositions are solid at room tem include certain hydrocarbons and fatty acid esters and com
perature and standard pressure. Some are liquid at room tem binations thereof. Some specific examples of waxes include
perature and standard pressure. In some embodiments, the waxes of mineral or petroleum derivations (e.g. montan or
scented compositions contain at least one wax. lignite wax, paraffin wax, cerisin, oZokerite, and microcrys
US 2009/01 65360 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

talline wax); waxes of plant derivation (e.g. bayberry wax, fresheners, candles, packaging, Solid compositions of the
carnauba wax, candelilla wax, Japan wax, jojoba wax, bay present inventions, and articles made from scented polymers
berry wax, castor wax, soy wax, palm wax, and rice bran wax) (e.g. writing implements, toys, films).
waxes of animal derivation (e.g. include beeswax, lanolin 0038 Methods
chinese insect wax, shellac wax, and spermaceti wax) and 0039. The invention further includes methods for impart
synthetic waxes (e.g. polyethylene wax and polymerized ing an aroma to a location. The method involves delivering a
alpha olefin wax, chlorinated napthalenes and certain polyol fragrance composition or scented composition of the present
ether-esters). In some embodiments, the wax is a paraffin wax invention to the location. The compositions may be delivered
orbeeswax. In some embodiments, the wax is a paraffin wax. by any means including, but not limited to spraying, brushing
In some embodiments, the wax is present in an amount of at on, pouring on, dipping or immersing, applying by hand or
least about 50% by weight based on the total weight of the with a contact applicator, dripping application, or simply
scented composition. In some embodiments, the wax is placing a solid scented composition in a desired location.
present in an amount of at least about 70% by weight based on 0040. The invention further includes methods for formu
the total weight of the scented composition. In some embodi lating the fragrance compositions of the present invention.
ments, the wax is present in an amount of at least about 80% The methods include combining at least one fragrance com
by weight based on the total weight of the scented composi pound with at least one diester of TMPD. In some embodi
tion. ments, the diester of TMPD is selected from TMPD di-2-ethyl
0033. In some embodiments involving waxes, additives hexanoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol di-isobutyrate
used include compounds that harden the composition, (available as TXIB from Eastman Chemical Company)TEX
increase its melting point, or both. Some examples include ANOL laurate, and TMPD di-laurate. In some embodiments,
long-chain fatty acid or additional waxes. Such additives can the diester of TMPD is TXIB or TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate.
be useful in embodiments involving waxes that are softer or In some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is TMPD di-2-
have a lower melting point than is desired in the final com ethylhexanoate.
positions. In some embodiments. Such additives are present in 0041. The invention further includes methods for formu
concentrations up to about 20%. In some embodiments. Such lating the scented compositions of the present invention. The
additives are present in concentrations up to about 30%. In methods include combining at least one fragrance compound,
Some embodiments, at least one additive is a fatty acid having at least one diester of TMPD, and at least one additional
16-20 carbons. In some embodiments, at least one additive is component, in any desired order. In some embodiments, the
Stearic acid.
0034. As noted above, one way of preparing scented com diester of TMPD and fragrance compound are first combined
positions is to first prepare a fragrance composition of the together, then combined with the additional components. In
present invention, then combine the fragrance composition some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is selected from
with one or more additional components. However, the TMPD di-2-ethyl hexanoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pen
scented compositions may be made by combining the com tanediol di-isobutyrate (available as TXIB from Eastman
ponents in any order that is effective to combine them (e.g., Chemical Company) TEXANOL laurate, and TMPD di-lau
simultaneously, combine the diester of TMPD and additional rate. In some embodiments, the diester of TMPD is TXIB or
components first, etc.). Thus, although proportions of fra TMPD di-2-ethyl hexanoate. In some embodiments, the
grance compositions in the scented compositions are dis diester of TMPD is TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate.
cussed below, the invention is not limited to compositions that 0042. The present invention is illustrated in greater detail
are prepared by formulating the fragrance compositions first. by the specific examples presented below. It is to be under
The proportions in fragrance compositions of the present stood that these examples are illustrative embodiments and
invention can be incorporated into scented compositions at a are not intended to be limiting of the invention, but rather are
broad range of concentrations. These values depend on the to be construed broadly within the scope and content of the
nature of the product to be perfumed and on the olfactory appended claims. All parts and percentages in the examples
effect sought, as well as on the nature of the co-ingredients in are on a weight basis unless otherwise stated.
a given composition when the compounds of the invention are
used in admixture with perfuming co-ingredients, solvents or EXAMPLE 1.
additives commonly used in the art. In some embodiments,
the amount of fragrance composition is between about 1 and Effect of Fixatives on Evaporation Rate of Fragrance
about 50 weight% of the scented composition based on the Components as Determined by Weight Loss Over
total weight of the scented composition. In some embodi Time
ments, the weight range for fragrance compositions is a nar
rower range, such as about 0.1 to about 40% by weight, about 0043 Separate mixtures of various individual fixatives
0.5 to about 20% by weight, about 5 to about 10% by weight, (TXIB, TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate, TEXANOL laurate and
about 0.5 to about 10% by weight, about 1 to about 15% by TMPD di-laurate, as well as diethyl phthalate as a control)
weight, about 5 to about 15% by weight, about 15 to about with various individual aroma chemicals were prepared by
30% by weight, about 1 to about 5% by weight, about 0.1 to weighing the liquids into vials. Into each vial was weighed 90
about 2% by weight, and so on, in each case the percentages
being based on the weight of the total product. g of fixative and 10g of an aroma chemical (isoamyl acetate,
0035 Percentages of the diester of TMPD in the scented benzyl alcohol, linalool, or citronellol), so that the weight
composition from various embodiments are discussed above ratio offixative to aroma chemical was 9:1. Vials were then
in the description of fragrance compositions. sealed. Each mixture of fixative and aroma chemical was
0036 Articles stirred and observed to confirm that the components were
0037. The invention further comprises scented articles that miscible. In triplicate for each fixative/aroma chemical mix
comprise one or more compositions of the present invention. ture, a porous non-woven cotton pad, 0.04 g/cm, available
The articles comprise one or more fragrance compositions, from Buckeye Technologies, Inc., (Buckeye paper) to
scented compositions, or both. Some examples include air approximately 2 inchesx2 inches was placed in a shallow
US 2009/01 65360 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

aluminum pan and weighed to four decimal places. 1.0 grams

of each fixative/aroma chemical mixture was applied to a TABLE 3
separate pad using a dropper pipet and weighed again. For Effect of Fragrance Fixative on Evaporation Rate of Citronellal
controls without fixatives, each aroma chemical (0.10g), in % weight loss
triplicate, was also separately applied to a preweighed pad
and pan and weighed to four decimal places. All samples were Time, Without 2Ethyl TEXANOL Di
left open to the air at room temperature and 68% Relative hours Fixative TXIB hexanoate DEP laurate laurate
humidity. O O O O O O O
0044) The weight of each sample was recorded at selected 3 34.6856 S.6716 6.8918 6.1143 8.8166 6.4056
time intervals after applying the compositions. For the fixa 4
tive/aroma chemical mixtures, percent weight loss was cal 8 77.4.317 18.OO64 20.8069 19.6249 24.6866 198118
culated as: 24 86.084 45.8937 47.3208 46.9007 S3.3988 47.1524
32 86.7127 58.3945 56.6765 56.5397 62.3483 55.9025
% Weight loss=(Wso-Wsf)/(0.1x(Wso-Wi)x100 48 86.7156 74.6403 66.2615 67.1336 70.3331 65.3129

for the aroma chemicals by themselves (without fixative),

percent weight loss was calculated as:
% Weight loss=(Wso-Wsf)/(Wso-Wi)x100 TABLE 4

In both formulas: Effect of Fragrance Fixative on Evaporation Rate of Linalool

% weight loss
0045 W so is the weight of the sample including pad and
aluminum pan at time Zero, Time, Without Di 2Ethyl TEXANOL Di
0046 Wsf is the weight of the sample including pad and hours Fixative TXIB hexanoate DEP laurate laurate
aluminum pan after the lapsed time, O O O O O O O
0047. Wit is the weight of the pad and aluminum pan (tare 2 13.8251 O.7932 2.0472 1919.1 2.251 NA
weight). 4 34.1037 4.5633 6.3068 6.4841 6.5545 NA
6 53.4174 9.027S 11.1608 11.9423 11.123 NA
0048. The average percent weight loss for triplicate 8 71.1828 13.2277 15.7SO4 16.8048 15.6582 NA
samples are given in the Tables 1 through 4. The calculation of 24
percent weight loss for the fixative/aroma chemical mixtures 48 84.71.92 65.1172 60.063 650654 S9.6532 NA
assumes that the fixative does not evaporate over the duration 55 91.878S 80.1644 72.0492 78.363 72.O34 NA
of the test.

Effect of Fragrance Fixative on Evaporation Rate of IsoamylAcetate 0049 50.0 grams of paraffin wax, 5.0 grams of stearic acid
% weight loss
and 2.5 grams of TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate (TMPD di-2-
TMPD D TMPD EH) and 1.5g of a fragrance oil (“Finess Type, Bqt. 43135'
Time, Without
minutes Fixative TXIB
hexanoate DEP
available from Intarome Flavor and Fragrance Corp) were
placed into a covered glass container. The container was
O O O O O O heated in an oven until the oven temperature was 80° C. to
melt all ingredients, and the contents were mixed until homo
45 94.4484 41.3356 40.1964. 36.5661 37.4316 38.84.82
geneous. Melted contents were then poured into candle molds
6O 94.9323 S1.5938 SO.9459 48.1621 49.4562 50.7792 (containing wicks) and allowed to solidify. Solidified candles
7S 95.2313 S9.232S 58.966S 56.3239 S8.1023 59.2593 are refrigerated to shrink and allow separation from the mold.
90 95.3847 65.445 65.6731 63.4943 65.4903 66.5883 0050 Having described the invention in detail, those
1 OS 95.5682 71.2327 71.3944 69.6084 71.42O2 72.3405 skilled in the art will appreciate that modifications may be
12O 95.8539 75.9753 75.9644 74.5978 76.2246 76.81.1
made to the various aspects of the invention without departing
from the scope and spirit of the invention disclosed and
described herein. It is, therefore, not intended that the scope
TABLE 2 of the invention be limited to the specific embodiments illus
Effect of Fragrance Fixative on Evaporation Rate of Benzyl Alcohol
trated and described but rather it is intended that the scope of
% weight loss the present invention be determined by the appended claims
and their equivalents. Moreover, all patents, patent applica
TMPD D TMPD tions, publications, and literature references presented herein
Time, Without
hours Fixative TXIB
hexanoate DEP
are incorporated by reference in their entirety for any disclo
Sure pertinent to the practice of this invention, except that
O O O O O O Such incorporations by reference shall not change the mean
2 8.6376 6.16O2 8.2416 1678 8.1598 9.2648 ing of any terms defined in this application.
4 178394 8.5.449 11.883 24345 11.808S 14.7233 What is claimed is:
6 38.2846 25.1712 28.4654. 18.362 28.3934 31.53O8
7 45.335S 31.9938 35.0846 24.0548 34.8615 38.1147 1. A fragrance composition comprising at least one fra
24 91.4374 65.6431 68.4143 47.7117 68.2303 74.0452 grance compound and at least one diester of TMPD.
2. The fragrance composition of claim 1 wherein at least
one diester of TMPD is selected from TMPD di-2-ethylhex
US 2009/01 65360 A1 Jul. 2, 2009

anoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol di-isobutyrate, TEX 15. The scented composition of claim 14, wherein the one
ANOL laurate, and TMPD di-laurate. or more waxes are present in an amount of at least about 50%
3. The fragrance composition of claim 1 wherein at least by weight based on the total weight of the scented composi
one diester of TMPD is TMPD di-2-ethylhexanoate. tion.
4. The fragrance composition of claim 2 wherein the 16. The scented composition of claim 14, wherein the one
amount of diester of TMPD is from about 0.5 to about 15 or more waxes are present in an amount of at least about 80%
weight%, based on the total weight of the fragrance compo by weight based on the total weight of the scented composi
17. A Solid scented composition comprising:
5. A scented composition comprising the fragrance com between about 0.5% and about 10%, based on the total
position of claim 2 and at least one additional component. weight of the fragrance composition, of at least one
6. The scented composition of claim 2, wherein at least one fragrance compound;
additional component is a wax. one or more waxes present in an amount Sufficient to render
7. The scented composition of claim 2, wherein the wax is the Solid fragrance composition a solid at room tempera
present in an amount of at least about 50% by weight based on ture and standard pressure; and
the total weight of the scented composition. between about 0.5% and about 15%, based on the total
8. The scented composition of claim 2, wherein the wax is weight of the fragrance composition, of at least one
diester of TMPD.
present in an amount of at least about 80% by weight based on 18. An article comprising the Solid scented composition of
the total weight of the scented composition. claim 17.
9. A scented composition comprising: 19. The article of claim 18, wherein the article is a candle or
at least one fragrance compound; a solid air freshener.
at least one wax; and 20. An article comprising the fragrance composition of
at least one diester of TMPD. claim 1.
10. The scented composition of claim 9 wherein at least one 21. An article comprising the scented composition of claim
diester of TMPD is selected from TMPD di-2-ethyl hex 22. A method of imparting an aroma to a location, com
anoate, 2,2,4-trimethyl-1,3-pentanediol di-isobutyrate, TEX prising delivering the fragrance composition of claim 1 to the
ANOL laurate, and TMPD di-laurate. location.
11. The scented composition of claim 9 wherein at least one 23. A method of imparting an aroma to a location, com
diester of TMPD is TMPD di-2-hexanoate. prising delivering the scented composition of claim 9 to the
12. The scented composition of claim 9 wherein the location.
amount of diester of TMPD is from about 0.5 to about 10 24. A method of imparting an aroma to a location, com
weight%, based on the total weight of the scented composi prising delivering the Solid scented composition of claim 17
tion. to the location.
25. A method for formulating a fragrance composition,
13. The scented composition of claim 9 wherein the comprising combining at least one fragrance compound with
amount of diester of TMPD is from about 2.0 to about 5.0 at least one diester of TMPD.
weight%, based on the total weight of the scented composi 26. A method for formulating a scented composition, com
tion. prising combining at least one fragrance compound, at least
14. The scented composition of claim 9 wherein one or one wax, and at least one diester of TMPD.
more waxes are present in an amount Sufficient to render the
scented composition a solid at room temperature. c c c c c

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