SYS600 Application Design

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MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.

Application Design
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Checked in 2015-06-08
1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015


1 Copyrights ............................................................................................. 19

2 Introduction ........................................................................................... 21
2.1 This Manual .................................................................................. 21
2.2 Use of symbols ............................................................................. 21
2.3 Related documents ....................................................................... 22
2.4 Document conventions ................................................................. 22
2.5 Document revisions ...................................................................... 23

3 Creating a SYS600 application ............................................................ 25

3.1 Object Navigator engineering ....................................................... 25
3.1.1 Installing standard functions ........................................... 26 Standard functions of LIB 5xx and Power
Process Library ............................................. 26 Installing and configuring standard
functions ........................................................ 27
3.1.2 Connecting standard functions to display ....................... 30
3.2 SCL Importer ................................................................................ 31
3.2.1 Basic workflow ................................................................ 31
3.2.2 Import options in Main view ............................................ 33 External OPC DA Client Configuration ......... 33 Override Process Objects ............................. 35 Preserve Modified Attribute Values ............... 35
3.2.3 Options menu ................................................................. 36 Import settings ............................................... 36 Character mapping ........................................ 37 Logical naming conventions .......................... 38 Device Name Mapping .................................. 39
3.3 Using Input Objects ...................................................................... 39

4 Defining application options ................................................................ 43

4.1 Application settings ....................................................................... 43
4.2 Application Language ................................................................... 44
4.3 Daylight settings ........................................................................... 45
4.4 Process control settings ................................................................ 46
4.5 HD space alarm ............................................................................ 47
4.6 Customizing time formats ............................................................. 48

5 SQL Exporter ......................................................................................... 51

5.1 Using SQL Exporter ...................................................................... 51
5.1.1 Menu bar ......................................................................... 52

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5.1.2 Toolbar ............................................................................ 53

5.1.3 Dialog selections ............................................................. 53
5.2 Creating database ........................................................................ 54
5.3 Creating cyclical measurement recording table ............................ 54
5.4 Creating history recording table .................................................... 57
5.5 Creating user accounts ................................................................. 59
5.5.1 Enabling and disabling SQL logging .............................. 63
5.6 Enabling communication between SQL database and SYS600 .... 63
5.6.1 Editing command procedures ......................................... 69
5.7 Testing user accounts and databases .......................................... 69
5.8 Managing process objects ............................................................ 70
5.8.1 Adding process object .................................................... 70
5.8.2 Removing process objects .............................................. 71
5.8.3 Selecting process objects ............................................... 71
5.8.4 Using database filter options .......................................... 72
5.9 Exporting list ................................................................................. 72
5.10 Opening list in Excel ..................................................................... 73
5.11 Opening list in refreshable Excel range ........................................ 74
5.12 Importing list ................................................................................. 75
5.13 Cleaning objects ........................................................................... 77

6 Standard functions of Power Process Library ................................... 79

6.1 Preliminary work ........................................................................... 79
6.2 Procedures for use with standard functions ................................. 79
6.3 Communication support ................................................................ 80
6.4 Station ........................................................................................... 81
6.4.1 Standard function installation .......................................... 81 Symbol installation ........................................ 81
6.4.2 Standard function configuration ...................................... 81 Configuration with a tool ................................ 81 Configuration with the Process Object Tool ... 82 Example of a station configuration ................ 83
6.4.3 Application engineering information ................................ 84 Structure of the station standard function ..... 84 Files ............................................................... 84 Language text file .......................................... 84 Help text file .................................................. 84 Configuration files ......................................... 84 Other text files ............................................... 85 Process objects ............................................. 85 Scale objects ................................................. 86 Command procedures .................................. 86 Event channels .............................................. 86
6.5 Bay ................................................................................................ 86
6.5.1 Standard function installation .......................................... 86 Symbol installation ........................................ 87

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

6.5.2 Standard function configuration ...................................... 87 Configuration with tools ................................. 87 Configuration of process objects ................... 88 Example of a bay configuration ..................... 90
6.5.3 Application engineering information ................................ 90 Structure of the bay standard function .......... 90 Files ............................................................... 91 Language text file .......................................... 91 Help text file .................................................. 91 Configuration files ......................................... 91 Other text files ............................................... 91 Command procedures .................................. 92 Process objects ............................................. 92 Scale objects ................................................. 94 Event channels .............................................. 94
6.6 Switching device ........................................................................... 95
6.6.1 Standard function installation .......................................... 95 Symbol installation ........................................ 95
6.6.2 Standard function configuration ...................................... 96 Configuration with tools ................................. 96 Configuration of process objects ................... 97 Example of a switching device configuration . 99
6.6.3 Application engineering information ................................100 Structure of switching device standard
function ..........................................................100 Files ...............................................................100 Language text file ..........................................101 Help text file .................................................. 101 Configuration files ......................................... 101 Other text files ............................................... 102 Command procedures .................................. 102 Process objects .............................................103 Scale objects .................................................113 Operation counters ........................................113
6.7 Tagout ........................................................................................... 113
6.7.1 Standard function installation .........................................114
6.7.2 Tagout class properties ................................................... 114 Tagout storage .............................................. 115
6.7.3 Tagout presentation symbols .......................................... 120 Tagout symbol dynamics ...............................122 Color setting tool ........................................... 123 Tagout symbol installation with Display
Builder ........................................................... 124
6.7.4 Tagout Control dialog ...................................................... 126
6.7.5 Tagout action methods ....................................................128

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Application Design

6.7.6 Tagout Class Editor .........................................................129 Basic tagout class attribute settings .............. 129 Tab settings ................................................... 130 Attribute position in views ..............................132 Attribute type Selector ................................... 132 Attribute type Text ......................................... 135 Attribute type Boolean ...................................135 Overall settings ............................................. 135 Action Method settings ..................................136 History handling settings ............................... 137 Activity logging settings ................................. 137
6.7.7 Viewing Tagouts ..............................................................138
6.7.8 Localization ..................................................................... 143
6.7.9 Application engineering information ................................143 Files ...............................................................143 Command procedures .................................. 144 Process objects .............................................144 Event handling object ....................................144
6.8 Tap changer .................................................................................. 145
6.8.1 Standard function installation ..........................................145 Symbol installation ........................................ 145
6.8.2 Standard function configuration ...................................... 146 Configuration with tools .................................146 Configuration of process objects ...................147 Example of a tap changer configuration ....... 148
6.8.3 Application engineering information ................................149 Structure of the tap changer standard
function ..........................................................149 Files ...............................................................149 Language text files ........................................ 149 Help text file .................................................. 150 Configuration files ......................................... 150 Other text file ................................................ 150 Command procedures .................................. 151 Process objects .............................................152 Scale objects .................................................154 Operation counters ........................................154
6.9 Measurement ................................................................................154
6.9.1 Standard function installation ..........................................154 Symbol installation ........................................ 154
6.9.2 Standard function configuration ...................................... 155 Configuration with tools .................................155 Configuration of process objects ...................156 Example of measurement configuration ....... 159

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

6.9.3Application engineering information ................................159 Structure of measurement standard
function ..........................................................159 Files ...............................................................160 Language text file ..........................................160 Help text file .................................................. 160 Configuration files ......................................... 161 Other text files ............................................... 161 Command procedures .................................. 161 Process objects .............................................162 Scale objects .................................................165
6.10 Alarm indicator ..............................................................................165
6.10.1 Standard function installation ..........................................165 Symbol installation ........................................ 165 Configuration with tools .................................166 Configuration of process objects ...................166 Example of alarm indicator configuration ...... 167
6.10.2 Application engineering information ................................167 Structure of alarm indicator standard
function ..........................................................167 Files ...............................................................167 Language text file ..........................................168 Help text file .................................................. 168 Configuration files ......................................... 168
6.11 Auto Reclose ................................................................................ 169
6.11.1 Standard function installation ..........................................169 Symbol installation ........................................ 169 Configuration with tools .................................169 Configuration of process objects ...................170
6.11.2 Application engineering information ................................171 Structure of Auto Reclose standard function .171 Files ...............................................................171 Language text file ..........................................172 Help text file .................................................. 172 Configuration files ......................................... 172 Process objects .............................................172 Scale objects .................................................173
6.12 Trip Signal .....................................................................................173
6.12.1 Standard function installation ..........................................173 Symbol installation ........................................ 174 Configuration with tools .................................174 Configuration of process objects ...................174
6.12.2 Application engineering information ................................175 Structure of the Trip Signal standard
function ..........................................................175 Files ...............................................................175

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Application Design Language text file ..........................................176 Help text file .................................................. 176 Configuration files ......................................... 176 Process objects .............................................176 Scale objects .................................................177
6.13 Generator ......................................................................................177
6.13.1 Standard function installation ..........................................177 Symbol installation ........................................ 177 Configuration with tools .................................178 Configuration of process object .................... 178
6.13.2 Application engineering information ................................178 Structure of the generator standard function .178 Files ...............................................................179 Language text file ..........................................179 Help text file .................................................. 179 Configuration files ......................................... 179 Process object ...............................................180 Scale object ...................................................180
6.14 Line Indicator ................................................................................ 180
6.14.1 Standard function installation ..........................................180
6.14.2 Symbol installation .......................................................... 180
6.14.3 Configuration with tools .................................................. 180
6.14.4 Configuration of process objects .................................... 181
6.14.5 Application engineering information ................................181 Structure of the line indicator standard
function ..........................................................181 Files ...............................................................181 Language text file ..........................................182 Help text file .................................................. 182 Configuration files ......................................... 182 Command procedures .................................. 183 Process objects .............................................183 Scale object ...................................................183
6.15 Descriptions of the configurable attributes ................................... 183
6.16 Group configuration ...................................................................... 203
6.17 Object types ..................................................................................205
6.17.1 General ........................................................................... 205
6.17.2 Object type file ................................................................ 206 Attributes ....................................................... 206 Methods ........................................................ 207
6.17.3 Object type for switch device .......................................... 207 Attributes ....................................................... 207 Methods for adding/modifying process
objects ...........................................................208 Method for value conversions ....................... 209 Methods for customized control ................... 210

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Method for changing texts ............................210 Configuration .................................................212

7 Sequence Configurator ........................................................................ 215

7.1 Overview .......................................................................................215
7.2 Terminology .................................................................................. 215
7.3 Installation and removal ................................................................216
7.4 User Interface ............................................................................... 217
7.5 Configuring a Sequence ............................................................... 219
7.5.1 Configuration Parameteres ............................................. 219
7.5.2 Major Functions .............................................................. 221
7.5.3 Sequence Identification and Managing ...........................226
7.5.4 Sequence Modification Log ............................................ 226
7.5.5 Configuring internal and external triggers ....................... 227 Internal Triggers ............................................ 227 External triggers ............................................ 228
7.5.6 Configuring for Hot Stand-by system .............................. 229
7.5.7 User Authorizations ........................................................ 229
7.6 Sequence Validation and Controllablity Checks ........................... 229
7.6.1 Sequence Validation Check ............................................ 230
7.6.2 Sequence Controllablity Check .......................................230

8 Creating a single-line diagram .............................................................233

8.1 Connecting signals ....................................................................... 233
8.1.1 Creating data sources .....................................................234
8.1.2 Creating data variables manually ................................... 235
8.1.3 Creating data variables with vector and matrix data ....... 236
8.1.4 Connecting data variables to process database ............. 237
8.2 Data variable types ....................................................................... 237
8.3 Customizing used process object indexes ................................... 238
8.4 Status color logic .......................................................................... 240
8.5 Configuring status signals .............................................................242
8.6 Customizing the Object Browser .................................................. 242
8.6.1 General settings ..............................................................242
8.6.2 Filtering settings ..............................................................243
8.6.3 Symbol definitions ...........................................................244
8.6.4 Default settings for the Object Browser .......................... 247
8.6.5 Show/hide process objects shown in the browser .......... 248
8.6.6 Create a symbol definition for the object ........................ 249 Create a single symbol for the object ............ 249 Create a symbol group for the object ............ 249 Create symbol definition containing alternative
symbols for the object ................................... 251 Use same symbol definition for multiple
objects ...........................................................252
8.6.7 Change the symbol name in the browser ....................... 252

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Application Design

8.6.8 Change the symbol order in the browser ........................ 252

8.6.9 Create a process mapping definition for the symbol ...... 253
8.6.10 Change the object name in the browser ......................... 255
8.7 Network topology coloring ............................................................ 255
8.7.1 Network topologies ......................................................... 257 Enabling network topology coloring for a
display ........................................................... 258 One large display .......................................... 258 Many small displays ...................................... 259 Many small displays and large overview
display ........................................................... 259 Summary overview display ........................... 263
8.7.2 Getting network status outside displays ........................ 264 Using external color handling ........................264 Additional circuit breaker and earthing
switch ............................................................ 264 Using measurement values ......................... 265
8.7.3 Setting up the configuration ............................................ 266
8.7.4 Removing the configuration ............................................ 266
8.7.5 Network topology coloring modes ...................................266 Used states and colors ..................................267 Color priorities ............................................... 268
8.7.6 Configuring voltage levels ...............................................269
8.7.7 Using Network Topology Coloring Process Objects in
application design ........................................................... 270
8.7.8 Troubleshooting Network Topology Coloring .................. 272
8.8 Launching external application from Process Displays ............... 272
8.9 Modifying data variable with SCIL ............................................... 272

9 Event Display ........................................................................................ 275

9.1 Attributes .......................................................................................275
9.2 Event Display specific attributes ................................................... 276
9.3 General Settings ........................................................................... 277
9.4 Layout Settings ............................................................................. 277
9.5 Locate Object ................................................................................277
9.5.1 Configuration using PV (Process Views) attribute .......... 278
9.5.2 Configuration using SCIL program ................................. 278
9.6 Filters and Preconfigurations ........................................................ 278
9.7 Color Settings ............................................................................... 279
9.8 Blockings ...................................................................................... 280
9.9 Authorization Groups .................................................................... 280

10 Alarm Display ........................................................................................ 281

11 Blocking Display ................................................................................... 283

12 User Activity Log Display .....................................................................285

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

13 Trends Display ...................................................................................... 287

13.1 Introduction to trends .................................................................... 287
13.2 Defining Trends coloring ............................................................... 288
13.2.1 Trends coloring example .................................................288
13.2.2 Setting the gridline color in Trends Display .................... 288
13.3 Trends Display parameters ...........................................................291
13.4 Application objects ........................................................................292
13.4.1 Data objects .................................................................... 292
13.4.2 Time channels .................................................................292

14 Measurement Reports .......................................................................... 293

14.1 Main components ......................................................................... 293
14.2 Report engineering steps ..............................................................294
14.3 Engineering aspects ..................................................................... 297
14.3.1 Overall application specific configurations ...................... 297
14.3.2 Engineering tools common functionality ......................... 300
14.3.3 General Object handling commands .............................. 306
14.3.4 Report Objects ................................................................ 307
14.3.5 Report Displays .............................................................. 315
14.3.6 Report Page ....................................................................320
14.4 Report Object generator ............................................................... 326
14.5 Reports configuration database ....................................................332
14.6 Report data logger ........................................................................ 332
14.7 Report data viewer ........................................................................334
14.8 Migration and Upgrade strategy ................................................... 335
14.8.1 Upgrade from LIB510 based Measurement Reports ...... 335
14.8.2 Upgrade from MicroSCADA Pro 9.x based Measurement
Reports ........................................................................... 336
14.9 Localization ...................................................................................338

15 Group alarm ...........................................................................................339

15.1 Group alarm database .................................................................. 339
15.1.1 Group alarm structure ..................................................... 341
15.1.2 Group member attributes ................................................ 341
15.1.3 Settings for group alarm processing ............................... 341
15.2 Process Object database ..............................................................342
15.3 Installation and initialization .......................................................... 342
15.4 Group Alarm Editor ....................................................................... 342
15.4.1 Group alarm structure in tree view ..................................344 Adding new group ......................................... 344 Editing group name ....................................... 344 Deleting groups ............................................. 345 Adding new alarm ......................................... 345
15.4.2 Properties page for selected object ................................ 347
15.4.3 Member list for selected group ....................................... 348

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15.4.4 Optional group alarm settings ......................................... 348

15.5 Group Alarm Viewer ..................................................................... 349
15.6 Group alarm symbol ..................................................................... 351
15.7 Group alarm processing ............................................................... 351
15.8 Localization ...................................................................................352
15.9 Application engineering information ............................................. 352
15.9.1 Group alarm files ............................................................ 352
15.9.2 Command procedures .................................................... 352
15.9.3 Process objects .............................................................. 353

16 Customizing application window ........................................................ 355

16.1 Layout adaptations ....................................................................... 355
16.2 Application window title .................................................................355
16.3 Customize dialog .......................................................................... 356
16.3.1 Toolbars tab .................................................................... 358
16.3.2 View Info field ................................................................. 362
16.3.3 Commands tab ............................................................... 363
16.3.4 Options tab ..................................................................... 363
16.4 Adding audible alarm acknowledgement to toolbar ...................... 364
16.5 Adding new menus and toolbars .................................................. 364
16.5.1 Creating a new menu ......................................................364
16.5.2 Creating a new menu by copying an existing menu ....... 366
16.5.3 Creating a submenu ....................................................... 367
16.5.4 Creating a new toolbar ....................................................368
16.5.5 Creating a new toolbar in the Customize dialog ............. 370
16.6 Customizing menu commands ..................................................... 371
16.6.1 Adding menu commands from Commands tab .............. 371
16.6.2 Moving menu command between menus ....................... 371
16.6.3 Copying existing menu command ...................................372
16.7 Configuring process display context menus ................................. 372
16.7.1 Configuring context menu in Display Builder .................. 375
16.7.2 Troubleshooting .............................................................. 376
16.8 Resetting layout, toolbars or localizations .................................... 377
16.9 Process Display menu .................................................................. 377
16.9.1 Process Display menu files .............................................378
16.10 Configuring the Process Display search .......................................378
16.11 Opening Visual SCIL tools ............................................................ 380
16.11.1 Using modal VSO dialogs with Monitor Pro .................... 380
16.11.2 Opening Visual SCIL dialog from Monitor Pro ................ 380 Methods automatically executed when
opening Visual SCIL dialog ........................... 381 Methods for general Visual SCIL dialog
design ............................................................389
16.11.3 Creating subdrawing for Visual SCIL tool ....................... 392
16.11.4 Taking subdrawing into use ............................................ 392

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

16.12 Command line support ..................................................................394

16.12.1 Starting Monitor Pro with a delay .................................... 396
16.13 Customizing Monitor Pro appearance .......................................... 396
16.13.1 User specific appearance ............................................... 399
16.13.2 Application specific appearance ..................................... 399
16.13.3 System specific appearance ........................................... 399
16.14 Custom commands in Monitor Pro ............................................... 400
16.14.1 Opening display .............................................................. 400 Alarms ........................................................... 402 Blockings .......................................................402 Events ........................................................... 402 Trends ........................................................... 402 Measurement Reports ...................................403 Process Display ............................................ 403
16.14.2 Process Display .............................................................. 403
16.14.3 Process Display with defined zoom area ........................ 404
16.14.4 Renaming Process Display .............................................404
16.14.5 Running command line ................................................... 404
16.14.6 Running SCIL ................................................................. 406
16.14.7 Opening Visual SCIL tool ................................................408 Selecting Visual SCIL tool from list ............... 409 Defining Visual SCIL tool file ......................... 409
16.14.8 Setting alarm indicator .................................................... 410
16.15 Customizing Monitor Pro login ......................................................411
16.15.1 Configuring a shortcut key for the Login dialog .............. 411
16.15.2 Configuring new window login ........................................ 412
16.16 Defining shortcuts to Process Displays ........................................ 412
16.17 Customizing Process Displays toolbar ......................................... 414
16.17.1 Hiding Process Displays ................................................. 414
16.17.2 Enabling Process Displays combo box ...........................414
16.18 Resetting icons ............................................................................. 415
16.19 Customizing Alarm Row ............................................................... 416
16.19.1 Changing combo box width ............................................ 416
16.19.2 Changing visible alarm count ..........................................417

17 Localizing application .......................................................................... 419

17.1 Language identifiers ..................................................................... 419
17.2 Text Translation Tool ..................................................................... 419
17.3 Text databases ..............................................................................419
17.4 Monitor Pro, tools and components .............................................. 420
17.5 Basic workflow of localization ....................................................... 421
17.5.1 Translating the SYS600 System Texts ........................... 421
17.6 Translating Monitor Pro, tools and components ........................... 424
17.7 Translating user interface components .........................................431
17.7.1 Translating a component ................................................ 432
17.7.2 Using a translation .......................................................... 432

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Application Design

17.7.3 Removing a translation ................................................... 434

17.8 Adding new language in Monitor Pro ............................................434
17.9 Using Asian characters .................................................................434
17.10 Setting the default input language ................................................ 436

18 System Self Supervision ...................................................................... 439

18.1 General ......................................................................................... 439
18.1.1 Installation .......................................................................440
18.1.2 Environmental requirements ........................................... 441
18.2 Preliminary work ........................................................................... 442
18.2.1 System Configuration ..................................................... 442
18.2.2 Object identification in database ..................................... 443
18.3 Protocol support ............................................................................443
18.4 Display building .............................................................................444
18.5 System Self Supervision Base ......................................................444
18.5.1 Configuration .................................................................. 444
18.5.2 Application Engineering information ............................... 444 Structure of supervision base ....................... 444 Language text file ..........................................444 Initialization files ............................................ 445 Configuration files ......................................... 445 System configuration manager files .............. 447 Other text files ............................................... 447 Process objects .............................................448 Scale objects .................................................450 Data objects .................................................. 450 Command procedures .................................. 450 Time channels ............................................... 451 Event channels ..............................................451 Visual SCIL object files ................................. 452
18.6 Application supervision ................................................................. 452
18.6.1 Standard function installation ..........................................452
18.6.2 Symbol installation .......................................................... 452
18.6.3 Standard function Configuration ..................................... 453 Configuration with tools .................................453 Configuration of process objects ...................453 Example of application status configuration ...454
18.6.4 Application engineering information ................................455 Structure of application standard function ..... 455 Files ...............................................................455 Help text file .................................................. 455 Configuration files ......................................... 455 Command procedures .................................. 456 Time channels ............................................... 456 Event channels ..............................................456

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

18.7 DuoDriver Server status ............................................................... 456

18.7.1 Standard function installation ..........................................456
18.7.2 Symbol installation .......................................................... 457
18.7.3 Standard function Configuration ..................................... 457 Configuration with tools .................................457 Configuration of process objects ...................457 Example of DuoDriver Server status
configuration .................................................458
18.7.4 Application engineering information ................................458 Structure of DuoDriver Server status standard
function ..........................................................458 Files ..............................................................459 Help text file .................................................. 459 Configuration files ......................................... 459
18.8 DuoDriver Device status ............................................................... 459
18.8.1 Standard function installation ..........................................459
18.8.2 Symbol installation .......................................................... 460
18.8.3 Standard function Configuration ..................................... 460 Configuration with tools .................................460 Configuration of process objects ...................461 Example of DuoDriver Device status
configuration .................................................461
18.8.4 Application engineering information ................................461 Structure of DuoDriver Device standard
function ..........................................................461 Files ...............................................................462 Help text file .................................................. 462 Configuration files ......................................... 462
18.9 Device status via SNMP ............................................................... 462
18.9.1 Standard function installation ..........................................462
18.9.2 Symbol installation .......................................................... 463
18.9.3 Standard function Configuration ..................................... 463 Configuration with tools .................................463 Configuration of process objects ...................463 Opening of Control dialog ............................. 464 Example of SNMP device status
configuration ..................................................466
18.9.4 Application engineering information ................................467 Structure of Device status via SNMP standard
function ..........................................................467 Files ..............................................................467 Help text file .................................................. 467 Configuration files ......................................... 467 Modifying template file .................................. 468

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Application Design

18.10 Configuring SSS control dialog views ...........................................469

18.10.1 File format ....................................................................... 469 General section ............................................. 470 Object type sections ..................................... 470 Tab sections .................................................. 471 Predefined tab types ..................................... 472
18.10.2 Files related to SSS control dialog ..................................475
18.11 Removing SSS application objects and files ................................ 475

19 User Account Management ..................................................................477

19.1 Users ............................................................................................ 477
19.1.1 Properties ....................................................................... 478
19.1.2 Roles ...............................................................................478
19.1.3 Changing Properties and Roles ...................................... 478
19.1.4 Adding a user ..................................................................478
19.1.5 Removing a user .............................................................479
19.1.6 Setting default role .......................................................... 479
19.1.7 Resetting password ........................................................ 479
19.2 Groups and Roles .........................................................................479
19.2.1 Adding a group ............................................................... 482
19.2.2 Removing a group .......................................................... 482
19.2.3 Adding a role ...................................................................482
19.2.4 Removing a role ..............................................................482
19.2.5 Renaming a role ............................................................. 482
19.3 Password Policy ........................................................................... 482
19.3.1 Defining password policy ................................................ 483
19.4 Timeouts ....................................................................................... 483
19.4.1 Defining timeouts ............................................................ 484

20 SYS600 Historian .................................................................................. 485

20.1 Configuring Logging Objects ........................................................ 485
20.2 Locating Objects in SYS600 Historian ..........................................488
20.3 Monitoring ..................................................................................... 488
20.4 Viewing and Processing History ................................................... 488

21 Integrating PCM600 .............................................................................. 489

21.1 Opening PCM600 relay tool ..........................................................489
21.2 Controlling PCM600 by using SCIL .............................................. 489

22 Authorization .........................................................................................493
22.1 Default authorization levels ...........................................................494
22.2 Authorization Groups .................................................................... 494
22.2.1 Customization authorization groups ............................... 496
22.2.2 Control authorization groups ...........................................499
22.2.3 Configure authorization groups .......................................500

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

23 Saving Customized Application .......................................................... 505

23.1 Search Path and Relative Paths in Process Displays .................. 505

24 Tool Manager ......................................................................................... 507

24.1 General ......................................................................................... 507
24.2 Tools ............................................................................................. 508
24.2.1 Adding tools .................................................................... 508
24.2.2 Adding user defined tools ............................................... 509
24.2.3 Moving tools to another tool page ...................................510
24.2.4 Tool properties ................................................................ 511
24.2.5 Deleting a tool ................................................................. 513
24.3 Setting Global Font ...................................................................... 513
24.4 Setting Tool specific fonts ............................................................. 514
24.5 Viewing and terminating currently loaded tools ............................ 515
24.6 Pictures .........................................................................................515

25 Terminology ...........................................................................................517

26 Abbreviations ........................................................................................ 519


A NTC migration to SYS600 9.3 FP1 or later ..........................................521

A.1 Disabling starting and stopping of Network Topology Coloring
Manager ........................................................................................521
A.2 Defining switching device polarity .................................................521
A.3 Network Topology Coloring layouts .............................................. 522
A.4 Rebuilding Network Topology Coloring .........................................523
A.5 Known issues ...............................................................................524
A.5.1 Duplicate switch devices .................................................524
A.5.2 Breaker with truck ........................................................... 524
A.6 Line indicator ................................................................................ 524
A.6.1 Configuration of line indicator ......................................... 524
A.6.2 Topology color data variable ........................................... 525

B Migrating MicroSCADA application in SYS600 and Monitor Pro ..... 527

B.1 Exporting information from pictures .............................................. 528
B.1.1 Configuration Data Export tool ........................................529
B.1.1.1 Starting Configuration Data Export tool ........ 529
B.1.1.2 Options ..........................................................530
B.1.1.3 Exporting picture data ................................... 531
B.2 Event conversion .......................................................................... 531
B.2.1 Event Conversion Tool .................................................... 532
B.2.1.1 Starting Event Conversion Tool ..................... 532
B.2.1.2 Making conversion ........................................ 534

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C Object type example ............................................................................. 535

C.1 Object type main file ..................................................................... 535
C.2 Process objects ............................................................................ 537
C.3 Custom commands .......................................................................539
C.4 Value conversion .......................................................................... 542
Index .......................................................................................................545

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

1 Copyrights

The information in this document is subject to change without notice and should not be
construed as a commitment by ABB Oy. ABB Oy assumes no responsibility for any
errors that may appear in this document.
In no event shall ABB Oy be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental or consequential
damages of any nature or kind arising from the use of this document, nor shall ABB Oy
be liable for incidental or consequential damages arising from the use of any software
or hardware described in this document.
This document and parts thereof must not be reproduced or copied without written
permission from ABB Oy, and the contents thereof must not be imparted to a third party
nor used for any unauthorized purpose.
The software or hardware described in this document is furnished under a license and
may be used, copied, or disclosed only in accordance with the terms of such license.
Copyright © 2015 ABB Oy. All rights reserved.
ABB is a registered trademark of ABB Group. All other brand or product names
mentioned in this document may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective
Please inquire about the terms of guarantee from your nearest ABB representative.
Third Party Copyright Notices
List of Third Party Copyright notices are documented in "3rd party licenses.txt" and
included in SYS600 and DMS600 installation packages.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

2 Introduction

2.1 This Manual

This manual provides information for application engineers who build up the SYS600
applications using the Monitor Pro user interface.
The steps for application engineering are:
• Creating the process database by using the IET Data Loader Tool, SCL Importer or
Object Navigator
• Building the Process Displays by dragging and dropping complete objects from
Object Browser to the Process Display
• Customizing the Process Display
• Customizing the Alarm, Event, Blocking, Trend and Measurement Report Displays
• Customizing the menus and toolbars
• Localizing the application texts

2.2 Use of symbols

This publication includes warning, caution and information symbols where appropriate
to point out safety-related or other important information. It also includes tips to point
out useful hints to the reader. The corresponding symbols should be interpreted as follows:

Warning icon indicates the presence of a hazard which could

! result in personal injury.

Caution icon indicates important information or a warning

related to the concept discussed in the text. It might indicate
the presence of a hazard, which could result in corruption of
software or damage to equipment/property.

Information icon alerts the reader to relevant factors and


Tip icon indicates advice on, for example, how to design a

project or how to use a certain function.

Although warning hazards are related to personal injury, and caution hazards are
associated with equipment or property damage, it should be understood that operation
of damaged equipment could, under certain operational conditions, result in degraded
process performance leading to personal injury or death. Therefore, comply fully with
all warnings and caution notices.

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Application Design

2.3 Related documents

Name of the manual MRS number
SYS600 9.4 Operation Manual 1MRS758087
SYS600 9.4 Process Display Design 1MRS758088
SYS600 9.4 Installation and Administration Manual 1MRS758086
SYS600 9.4 System Objects 1MRS758115
SYS600 9.4 Application Objects 1MRS758113
SYS600 9.4 Visual SCIL Application Design 1MRS758099
SYS600 9.4 Programming Language SCIL 1MRS758114
SYS600 9.4 System Configuration 1MRS758100
PCM600 Installation and Commissioning Manual 1MRS755552
PCM600 Help

2.4 Document conventions

The following conventions are used for the presentation of material:
• The words in names of screen elements (for example, the title in the title bar of a
dialog, the label for a field of a dialog box) are initially capitalized.
• Capital letters are used for file names.
• Capital letters are used for the name of a keyboard key if it is labeled on the keyboard.
For example, press the CTRL key. Although the Enter and Shift keys are not labeled
they are written in capital letters, e.g. press ENTER.
• Lowercase letters are used for the name of a keyboard key that is not labeled on the
keyboard. For example, the space bar, comma key and so on.
• Press CTRL+C indicates that the user must hold down the CTRL key while pressing
the C key (in this case, to copy a selected object).
• Press ALT E C indicates that the user presses and releases each key in sequence (in
this case, to copy a selected object).
• The names of push and toggle buttons are boldfaced. For example, click OK.
• The names of menus and menu items are boldfaced. For example, the File menu.
- The following convention is used for menu operations: Menu Name > Menu
Item > Cascaded Menu Item. For example: select File > Open > New Project.
- The Start menu name always refers to the Start menu on the Windows Task
• System prompts/messages and user responses/input are shown in the Courier font.
For example, if the user enters a value that is out of range, the following message
is displayed: Entered value is not valid.
The user may be told to enter the string MIF349 in a field. The string is shown as
follows in the procedure: MIF349
• Variables are shown using lowercase letters: sequence name

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

2.5 Document revisions

Version Software revision Date History
A 9.4 16.5.2014 New document
B 9.4 FP1 3.6.2015 Document updated

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

3 Creating a SYS600 application

The engineering of a SYS600 application can be divided in different approaches:

• IET Data Loader
• Object Navigator engineering
• SCL Importer

From the different engineering approaches, the IET Data

Loader is preferred.

IET Data Loader

The IET Data Loader tool is used when Engineering SYS600 with configuration data
coming from IET600. This approach is primarily used for IEC 61850 engineering. For
more information, see MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4 IEC 61850 System Design.

Object Navigator engineering

These objects are installed during Process Display engineering by drag and drop operation.
In this operation, all the connections between display elements and the process database
are automatically configured. The following figure describes the Object Navigator
engineering approach.

Object Navigator Engineering approach MicroSCADA Pro application

Creates the process objects Uses the configuration

and configuration PDB
Browse objects
Connect to

Figure 3.1: Object Navigator engineering approach

3.1 Object Navigator engineering

The function of an application is to fulfil the requirements to monitor and control the
process devices related to certain application area. The application area may be electricity
distribution, heat distribution or some other related application.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

The application requires its own connections to the process equipment in the form of
system and application objects. System objects describe how the system is configured.
Application objects are more related to signal flow, when indications are received in the
application database or process devices, which are controlled in the application. For
more information, see SYS600 Application Objects and SYS600 System Objects.

3.1.1 Installing standard functions

Object Navigator is capable of creating application objects or standard functions. In the

case of standard functions, a set of application objects is created during the standard
function installation. Object Navigator can be used for application engineering of objects
with regard to the following operations:
• Add
• Delete
• Modify
• Export
• Import
• Document
The functionality of the Object Navigator to create and engineer certain types of
application objects is described in more detail in the Application Objects manual. The
following section describes how Object Navigator can be used for creating and
engineering standard functions. Standard functions of LIB 5xx and Power Process Library

The Power Process Library is included in SYS600. This library contains generic functions
for building process displays for distribution/transmission network. These functions can
be used during application engineering to model application related processes. Each
standard function contains a set of configurable attributes, which specify how the signal
flow is passed between the process devices and the application database.
The following standard functions are included in the Power Process Library:
• Station
• Bay
• Switching Device
• Tap Changer
• Measurement
• Alarm Indicator
• Auto Reclose
• Trip Signal
• Generator
• Line Indicator
If the SYS600 system also contains Standard Application Library LIB 5xx products,
they are included in the list of standard functions as well.

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For more information on symbols, see Chapter 6 Standard functions of Power Process
Library. Installing and configuring standard functions

In the Object Navigator, installing of standard functions is possible when Standard

Function > Install is selected from the menu bar. The Install Standard Function dialog
is then opened, see Figure 3.2.

Figure 3.2: Install Standard Function

Expand the SA_LIB Process node, select a standard function, then click Install or press
ENTER. The Standard Function Tool is now opened, see Figure 3.3.
Standard Function Tool contains the Attributes, Programs, and Tools tabs, see
Figure 3.3.

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Application Design

Figure 3.3: Standard Function Tool

In Standard Function Tool, the standard function related configurable attributes are
displayed and configured in the Attributes tab. In the Programs tab, select the program
that is to be edited. The standard function specific tool is found on the Tools tab.
When Standard Function Tool is opened, the default values are assigned in the attribute
list. During application engineering, these attributes are engineered to the values required
by the application in question. When Apply is clicked, the configuration for these
attributes is created. The next step is to start the Process Object Tool from the Tools tab.
This can be done either by double-clicking the Process Object Tool in the list or by
selecting the Process Object Tool and clicking Open.

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Figure 3.4: Process Object Tool

There are three tabs in the Process Object Tool:

• New
• Existing
• Other
On the New tab, the standard function related process objects can be created one by one
or in small groups with the Create button located on the bottom row of the tool. The
Create All button creates all the process objects on the New tab. After the process objects
have been created, they appear on the Existing tab.
The Existing tab of the Process Object Tool includes functionalities to directly edit the
process object attribute values usually modified in the Process Object Form of the Object
Navigator. The editable process object attributes are:
IU = In Use
SS = Switch State
UN = Unit Number
OA = Object Address
OB = Object Bit Address

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Application Design

The OA and OB attributes are displayed and handled as process object type dependent
encoded values, like in the Process Object Form of Object Navigator, thus they are not
necessarily the same values as stored in the SYS600 process database. The titles for OA
and OB fields are surrounded with brackets to indicate this encoding and slight address
naming inaccuracy. Both the OA and OB attributes are displayed as decimal numbers,
ignoring the Output Type attribute definition.
A separate edit area (bottom of the Existing tab) is used for editing purposes in this tab.
Read only columns for the attributes are also shown in the process object list of the
Existing tab.
When an existing process object is selected in the Process Object Tool, the current
attribute values for IU, SS, UN, OA and OB are displayed in the edit area together with
their corresponding dialog commands. When multiple process objects are selected, the
attribute values of the first selected object are shown in the edit area. If an attribute value
is modified, it affects the attribute value for all the selected process objects.
However, if multiple process objects are selected, then the OA and OB attribute fields
are disabled. The UN attribute is the only address attribute that can be changed alone.
If either OA or OB attribute is changed, all the three/two address attributes must be
defined before applying the change. If all address attributes UN, OA and OB have their
initial values (UN=0, OA=0 and OB=16), they are shown as empty fields.
The change in IU or SS attribute value is executed immediately after modifying the value
of the edit control, except for multiple selected objects. After this, a confirmation prompt
appears. The UN, OA and OB attribute changes are executed only after the user clicks
the Enter button on the right hand side of the attribute edit areas, or presses the ENTER
key on the keyboard.
The Other tab shows indexes that are not recognized by a standard function. This happens
when the user creates new indexes for an existing process object group in the Object
Navigator. For more information on the Object Navigator, see SYS600 Application

3.1.2 Connecting standard functions to display

Object Browser can be used for creating display symbols based on existing process
objects in the process database. The browser contains the insertable objects structured
in tree view. Object Browser is opened by selecting Object Browser in the Actions
menu of the Display Builder.
Object Browser displays the object structure for all applications. An application can be
selected from the drop-down list in the upper part of the dialog. Select an application
from the list and click the Select... button to update the view.
Symbols can be inserted in the display by dragging them to the drawing area. Station
and bay symbols are dragged from the corresponding node. As an example, dragging an
Incoming 110kV object in Fig. 3.5 creates a bay symbol in the display. Dragging an
Eastwick object creates a station symbol.

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Figure 3.5: View of the Object Browser

3.2 SCL Importer

With SCL import function, process objects from CID (Configured IED Description) or
SCD (System Configuration Description) files can be created. In addition, it is possible
to create External OPC DA Client configuration file(s). SCL Importer can be used with
IEC 61850 Protocol.

The substation section (template) is needed also in CID files.

The workflow when using SCL Importer as well as the different options that can be used
are described in the following chapters.

3.2.1 Basic workflow

The SCL Importer tool is opened from the Tool Manager's Application Objects tab.

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Figure 3.6: SCL Importer dialog

1. In the Main view, browse the SCD/CID file to be imported. If the selected file is of
CID type, Object Identification needs to be filled in.
2. Select the Application and Language from the drop-down list.
3. Define the additional options found from the Main view and from the Options menu.
4. Click Preview to see details of the data being imported.
5. Click Import.
6. View the created process objects and their indexes by clicking View Log, which is
activated after importing.

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Figure 3.7: Viewing log file

3.2.2 Import options in Main view External OPC DA Client Configuration

If Enable External OPC DA Client Configuration is checked in the Main view, a

dialog asking for the unit number(s), i.e. station number of MicroSCADA base system
STA object is shown when importing is started. The Unit number can be selected from
the drop down list or written directly into the field.

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Application Design

Figure 3.8: Select unit number

In case of SCD files, unit numbers are given at this phase for all IEDs found from the
Once the Unit Number(s) are defined, a dialog for assigning properties for External DA
Client Configuration file is shown.

Figure 3.9: External OPC DA Client Configuration

OPC Server ProgID lists available OPC DA Servers. If none is found, then option
<Unknown IEC 61850 Server> is available. In this case, the External OPC DA Client
configuration file can be created, but the correct IEC 61850 OPC server information has
to be filled in later on to the OPC Client Config file.

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Version: B/3.6.2015

After the IEC 61850 OPC server configuration is done, server information can be defined
with External OPC Client Configuration Tool.
If Assign IED to Client Automatically is selected in the Main view, MicroSCADA
SCL Importer resolves the correct OPC Server ProgID for the IED.

Algorithm for resolving the correct OPC servers assumes that

IED name is unique within the IEC 61850 OPC server

OPC Client Config File defines the name and location of the configuration file.
If Override File is checked, a new file for External OPC DA Client is created. This file
will contain only the configuration defined in imported SCD/CID file. Backup is taken
from the existing one.
CPI Node Number is the node number of the External DA Client in MicroSCADA
System Messages Enabled (SE) defines how system messages (used for System Self
Supervision purposes) are updated to MicroSCADA process database. When 1 is selected,
analog status points are updated. When 4 is selected, both analog and binary status points
are updated.
As the status for the IEDs is received as binary information, 4 should be used.
In the IED Name field, the name of the IED being configured is shown.

If External OPC DA Client Configuration is selected,

MicroSCADA base system NOD and STA objects should be
created, and IEC 61850 OPC Server configuration should be
made before importing. Override Process Objects

When Overwrite Process Objects is selected in the Main view, process object that has
the same Logical Name (LN) that is being created by MicroSCADA SCL Importer is
deleted and then re-created. Preserve Modified Attribute Values

If Preserve Modified Attribute Values is selected, a copy is taken from the existing
process object before it is deleted, and the attributes of the copied object and a new object
are merged. This way, for example, if a certain Event Handling object was connected to
a process object, the same configuration is also found from the new process object.

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Application Design

3.2.3 Options menu Import settings

In Options > Import Settings, there is a possibility to affect to the amount of process
objects that are created, and to enable or disable the possibility to affect the logical name
of process objects.

Figure 3.10: Import Settings

When Create process Objects according to Datasets is selected, the program checks
that a Logical Node (e.g. CSWI) is found both from substation section and data set in
CID/SCD file. If both conditions are fulfilled, process objects are created for the Logical
Node in question.

If Create process Objects according to Datasets is not selected,

process objects are created for all Logical Nodes found from
the substation section. This means that some of the process
objects may not ever receive event based data from process.

When Use Character Mappings is selected, the mappings made in the Options >
Character Mapping dialog are taken into account when creating process objects.
When Use Device Name Mappings is selected, the mappings made in the Preview >
Device Name Mapping dialog are taken into account when creating process objects.
When Use Logical Naming Conventions is selected, the rules defined in the Options
> Logical Naming Conventions dialog are taken into account when creating process

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Create Process Objects for DuoDriver Server status is enabled only if DuoDriver is
installed. When this function is used, process objects for DuoDriver server supervision
are created during the SCL import. Preferably dedicated Unit numbers should be assigned
for DuoDrivers, since they do not belong to any IED. Character mapping

During import, the logical name of a process objects is formed from Substation, Voltage
Level and Bay defined in the SCL Importer Main view. Also, this information is set to
the object identification (OI attribute).
For process objects, the allowed characters are the letters A-Z, all digits and the underscore
(_). However, there can be cases when some special characters are wanted to be used in
object identification e.g. "ä". In those cases, the characters that are not allowed in the
logical name of process objects can be converted into allowed characters with the help
of the Character Mapping dialog.

Figure 3.11: Character Mapping

By default, some character conversion are shown. In order to add a new character
conversion, click the last shell in the Character column and add the character to be

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

converted. Then, click the corresponding Converted column field and fill in the converted
character. Logical naming conventions

With the Logical Naming Conventions dialog, it is possible to affect the length of the
logical name of the process objects.

Figure 3.12: Logical Naming Conventions dialog

The number of characters taken to the process object name from Station, Voltage Level,
Bay and Device in Main view can be defined.
For example, if Station Name Characters is 3, the three first letters from a station name
is used in process object name and so on.
It is also possible to define a separator. If this option is selected, the underscore (_)
character will be used as a separator.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Device Name Mapping

With Device Name Mapping, it is possible to affect the device name part of object
identification and the logical name of the process objects. By default, the IEC61850
Logical Node information found from the CID/SCD file is used for this part, or a device
name is created by internal algorithms in MicroSCADA SCL Importer.
Device Name Mapping dialog can be opened from the Import Preview dialog. All
device names found from the CID/SCD file are shown on the left side, and the converted
value can be defined on the right side.
In order to change the device name, click the field in the Converted column and type
in a new device name.

Figure 3.13: Device Name mapping

3.3 Using Input Objects

Input Object is an object responding to the user's action, for example a mouse click. It
writes data to the MicroSCADA process database and can have several appearances,
such as a button or a slider.

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Application Design

When the data is written from the Input Object to the process database, it is done in two
phases, which are always required to write data to the process database:
1. First, the Input Object sets the data variable to a certain value, for example, when
the mouse moves above the Input Object slider. The data variable value is changed
accordingly, but the value is not yet written into the process database. The data
variable for the set operation can be defined by selecting the data variable in the
Input Object Properties dialog.
2. The data variable is written to the data source (MicroSCADA OPC server). This
happens when the user clicks on the object. The data variable for writing can be
defined in the Rules tab of the Input Objects Properties dialog, see Fig. 3.17.
There are two ways to create an Input Object and connect it to the process database:
• Set a data variable to a certain value and write the value to a data source in the same
object, as described in the example below.
• Do it in separate objects. For example, there can be two buttons: the first button sets
a variable1 to value x, and the second button writes the value of variable1 (x) to

Creating an Input Object and connecting it to process database:

1. Click the Input Object icon on the Objects toolbar of Display Builder. See Fig.

Figure 3.14: Input Object button

2. 2. Select the location for the Input Object by dragging a rectangle on the drawing
area. Now you can see the Input Object on the drawing area, see Fig. 3.15.

Figure 3.15: Input Object on the drawing area

3. Right-click the Input Object and select Input Object Properties to open the Input
Object Properties dialog. The data variable that is mapped to the object is displayed
in the Variables field , see Fig. 3.16.

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Figure 3.16: Mapped data variable

4. To change the mapped data variable, click Change and select the data variable.
5. Click OK.
6. Right-click the Input Object and select Properties.
7. Click the Create a New Rule button on the Rules tab, see Fig. 3.17.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Figure 3.17: Rules tab of the Input Object dialog

8. Select Write Data Var to Data Var from the drop-down list in the Action column
to open the Data selection for the Writable Vars dialog.
9. Select the data varible you want to write to. You can select the same variable that
was defined in the Input Object Properties dialog.
10. The Data Selection dialog is displayed. Select the variable from where the data is
read in this dialog. This can be the same data variable that was used as the target
data variable.
As default, Input Object is shown as a slider. To change its layout, right-click the Input
Object and select the Types tab in the Input Object Properties dialog and select another

The different types of Input Objects may require a different

count of mapped data variables.

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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4 Defining application options

To define application options, select Settings > Application Settings. The user can
specify application specific options, such as:
• System name
• System location
• Startup display, first display shown after login
• Application language
• Daylight Saving time handling
• Process controlling dialog settings
• Hard disk space limit supervision
To modify these options, authorization level must be Engineering (2). For more
information see, Chapter 22 Authorization.

4.1 Application settings

Application settings can be modified on the Application Settings tab.
The application name is shown in the title bar of the Application Settings dialog. The
name of the application cannot be changed in the Application Settings tab, see Figure 4.1.

Figure 4.1: Application settings

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Application Design

A certain Process Display can be defined to be shown after logging by browsing the
Process Display to the Startup Display box. The Process Display can be any .v or .sd
type. It is also possible to define other displays by clicking the Startup Display box.
Select the Display and add the existing preconfiguration name after the display, for
example Event Display MyPreconfiguration.
System location is an attribute that needs to be configured. This defines whether SYS600
is running as Network Control Center (NCC) or Substation Control System (SCS).
To be able to make any changes in the application settings, the user's authorization level
must be Engineering (2) in the authorization group PRO_OPTIONS_HANDLING. For
more information about authorization, see Chapter 19 User Account Management.
To save the new settings, click OK or Apply. Clicking Cancel returns the previous

4.2 Application Language

Language settings can be modified on the Application Language tab. The default
language is English and the following customized languages (if any) are defined as local
When printing to an event printer, the application language is used. The application
language is the same for all the users within the same application. The application
language does not have any effect on the language shown in the monitors.
Application language can be selected from the drop-down list, see Fig. 4.2. To save the
new settings, click OK or Apply. Clicking Cancel returns the previous settings.

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Figure 4.2: Application Language tab

4.3 Daylight settings

If the daylight saving time function is set to be in use in the operating system, the system
time will be automatically adjusted to normal time and to daylight saving time. It is
possible to do application specific actions in MicroSCADA Pro during the time change
if Automatically adjust applications for daylight saving time changes is enabled in
Application Settings, see Figure 4.3.

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Application Design

Figure 4.3: Daylight Settings tab

When Automatically adjust applications for daylight saving time changes option is
enabled, application specific actions can be defined in the following command procedures:
• BGU_TIMEFO:C, executed when the clock is moved forwards (Daylight saving
time activated).
• BGU_TIMEBA:C, executed when the clock is moved backwards (Daylight saving
time deactivated).
The point of execution time is 20 seconds after the change. Command procedures are
executed in each found LOCAL application according to the application mapping.
When the Automatically adjust applications for daylight saving time changes option
is enabled, the application handling the actions can be selected from the drop-down list.
To save the new settings, click OK or Apply. Clicking Cancel returns the previous

4.4 Process control settings

The process control settings can be defined on the Process Control tab. The user can
set the behavior for process control when operations are executed, see Figure 4.4. When
the Close Control Dialog after execution option checkbox is checked, the control dialogs,
for example the breaker dialogs, are closed after the operation is done.

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Control timeout defines the timeout for control confirmation dialog used to execute or
cancel operations. With Dialog timeout, it is possible to define the user inactivity time
in the desktop before the Control Dialog expires.
Horizontal offset and Vertical offset values configure the position of the Control Dialog.

Figure 4.4: Process Control tab

To activate or deactivate option, select or clear the check box. To save the new settings,
click OK or Apply. Clicking Cancel returns the previous settings.

4.5 HD space alarm

The hard disk supervision function can be defined on the HD Space Alarm tab to
supervise the free hard disk space. With this function, the user receives an early warning
if there is a risk of running out of space on the hard disk, see Figure 4.5.

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Figure 4.5: HD space alarm dialog

The user can give a lower alarm limit for disk space by selecting the alarm limit from
the Alarm limit drop-down list. The required limit can also be typed in. The limit is
presented as megabytes.
If the alarm limit is set to zero (0), the hard disk supervision is stopped. A warning limit
is calculated from the alarm limit. The warning limit is 10% higher than the low alarm
To save the new settings, click OK or Apply. Clicking Cancel returns the previous

4.6 Customizing time formats

Date format for Alarm and Event Display, Alarm Row and time fields in Monitor Pro
can be customized individually for each user.
Date format is defined by the key FreeDateTimeField in the DAYFORMAT section of
the FrameWindow.ini configuration file:
;Datetime format can be, for example "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" (note the quotation
marks). If not defined, the format is received from MicroSCADA (when logged in).

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The application specific configuration file is located at \sc\apl\<application

The user specific configuration file is located at \sc\apl\<application name>\PAR\<user
Quotation marks must be used in the date format string.
If FreeDateTimeField key is empty (default), the time format is taken from the SYS:BTF
(Time Format) attribute:
• If SYS:BTF is 0, then format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" is used.
• If SYS:BTF is 1, then format "%m-%Y-%d %H:%M:%S" is used.
• If SYS:BTF is 2, then format "%m-%d-%Y- %H:%M:%S" is used.
If the %S specifier is used and milliseconds are available for the attribute in question,
milliseconds are automatically added to the formatted string in Event Display and Alarm
Display. Milliseconds are displayed immediately after %S, separated with period (.).
Customize dialog can be user for changing the user specific configuration:
1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right click the time on Status Bar, see Figure 4.6.

Figure 4.6: Customizing user specific time format

3. Type in the desired time format.

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4. The time format is set to the configured one.

5. Click Close to exit the Customize dialog.
The following format specifiers can be used in format string. Notice that month and
weekday names are translated according to the operating system's user locale setting.
Table 4.1: Custom time format specifiers
Specifier Description
%a Abbreviated weekday name
%A Full weekday name
%b Abbreviated month name
%B Full month name
%d Day of month as decimal number (01–31)
%H Hour in 24-hour format (00–23)
%I Hour in 12-hour format (01–12)
%m Month as decimal number (01–12)
%M Minute as decimal number (00–59)
%p Current locale's A.M./P.M. indicator for 12-hour clock
%S Second as decimal number (00–59)
%y Year without century, as decimal number (00–99)
%Y Year with century, as decimal number

Any other characters are added to resulting string as given.

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5 SQL Exporter

SQL Exporter is used to get an HSI (human-system interface) for selecting process
objects to be sent to an SQL database. With SQL Exporter, a process object can be
connected to a history database, a measurement database (cyclic) or to both.
To set up the connection between the SQL server and SYS600:
1. Create a database.
2. Create tables for cyclical measurement recording and history recording.
3. Create user accounts.
4. Enable communication between the SQL database and SYS600.
5. Edit command procedures.
6. Test the user accounts and database.

5.1 Using SQL Exporter

To open SQL Exporter, click on SQL Exporter in the Application Objects tab of Tool
Manager. The left pane of the SQL Exporter dialog contains process objects in the
SYS600 database, see Figure 5.1. The process objects are filtered according to the options
specified in the filter options below. The right pane contains the process objects that are
connected to the SQL database, also filtered according to the filter options below. In the
middle of the dialog, there are buttons for adding and removing objects to/from the SQL

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Figure 5.1: SQL Exporter

5.1.1 Menu bar

The main menu bar contains four menus: File, Edit, View, and Help.
• File contains three menu commands:
- Exit
- Import from file
- Export to file
For more information about the import and export functions, see Section 5.9 Exporting
list and Section 5.12 Importing list.
• Edit has three menu commands:
- Clean RDBMS Objects
- SQL Logging enabled and SQL Logging disabled
For more information about the functions, see Section 5.13 Cleaning objects and
Section 5.5.1 Enabling and disabling SQL logging .
• View contains one menu command:
- Toolbar, which hides the main toolbar.
• Help contains one menu command
- About SQL Exporter, which provides information about SQL Exporter and
the SYS600 system, such as version numbers and license information.

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5.1.2 Toolbar

Table 5.1: Toolbar buttons

Toolbar button Description
Use Exit for exiting the program. The same command
can be found in File > Exit.
Use Import for importing the CSV files (comma de-
limited). The same command can be found in File >
Import from file. For more information about import-
ing files, see Section 5.12 Importing list.
Use Export for exporting the CSV files. The same
command can be found in File > Export to file. For
more information about exporting files, see Sec-
tion 5.9 Exporting list.
Use Enable to enable the SQL logging. The same
command can be found in Edit > SQL Logging en-
Use Disable to disable the SQL logging. The same
command can be found in Edit > SQL Logging

5.1.3 Dialog selections

• Database Objects
Process objects in the database are filtered according to the database filter options.
When an object is selected, the object's OI (Object Identifier) and OX (Object Text)
are shown in the Selected Process Object field. If the object can be added to the
SQL system, Add is activated.
• Selected Process Object info
When a process object in the Database Objects or the objects list is clicked, the
object is displayed in this field. If several objects are selected, the field is empty.
• RDBMS objects
The process objects connected to the SQL database are listed under the objects.
When a process object is selected, information about the object is displayed in the
Selected Process Object info field and Remove... is activated.
• Database selection
To choose whether the object should be connected to the history database, the cyclic
database or both, select one of the check boxes or both. SQL Exporter suggests the
history database for indications and alarms and the cyclic database for analog values.
If more than one object is selected, no suggestions are made.
• The Add and Remove... buttons
To add or remove objects that are to be connected to the SQL system, use the Add
or Remove... buttons. These buttons are enabled and disabled according to what is
allowed to do with the selected process objects. For more information about adding
or removing process objects, see Section 5.8.1 Adding process object and
Section 5.8.2 Removing process objects.
• Process object filter options

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The five optional filters can be used one at a time or together. The selected filters
apply to both the process objects and to the SQL process objects lists. For more
information about the filter options, see Section 5.8.4 Using database filter options.

5.2 Creating database

To create a database:
1. Install Microsoft SQL 2000 Server.
2. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Enterprise Manager to start
the Enterprise Manager of the SQL Server.
3. Create a new database by right-clicking the server and selecting New > Database,
see Figure 5.2.

Figure 5.2: Creating a new database

4. Name the database, for example SCADA.

5.3 Creating cyclical measurement recording table

The cyclically sent values are saved in the process object table (MSPDB). Typically,
values are measurements. The SYS600 command procedure updates the values every
15 minutes and a new value is inserted to a new row in the table. If SYS600 does not
send the process objects, the process objects are no longer updated. The old process
object are not removed.
A unique ID consists of:
• LN
• IX

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• Moment
• Moment_IX
If several signals from a process object have the same LN and IX, the values are indexed
with the Moment_IX time stamp.
To create a table:
1. Open the Enterprise Manager and create a new table.
2. Name the table columns for the database as shown in Figure 5.3.

Figure 5.3: Defining table for the cyclical recording

3. Save the table as a MSPDB.

4. Run the following code to create a table. The table can be created with, for example,
the Query Analyzer.
CREATE TABLE [mspdb] (

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[LN] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,

[IX] [int] NOT NULL ,
[Moment] [varchar] (23) NULL ,
[Object_identifier] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[Object_text] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[Value] [float] NULL ,
[Status] [varchar] (15) NULL ,
[Last_Update] [varchar] (25) NULL ,
[Sort_type] [varchar] (10) NULL ,
[Process_type] [varchar] (20) NULL

The user must have engineering rights to run the code.

Figure 5.4 describes how an update of a process object’s value is distributed to the cyclic
database, that is, to the MSPDB SQL table.

What is updated?
Process Object
· When the user adds a process object
to the cyclic database in the tool, the
process object is added to a list in the
file T_objects.dat
· When the object is removed from the
cyclic database it is also removed from

Updating data
Time Channel Command Procedure
· Executes the SQL_FLUSH_T command · Executes com.proc. SQL_FLUSH
procedure with variable TIME=”yes”
· Execution cycle (CY2) = 15 min · SQL_FLUSH reads from
T_objects.dat which process object’s
values to update in MSPDB

Figure 5.4: Information flow to MSPDB

The SQL table registers changes only. If the states of the

process objects are static, nothing is updated in the tables.

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5.4 Creating history recording table

The history and event values are saved in the process object table (MSPDB_hist).
Typically, values are indications or alarms. The values are saved in the SYS600 queue
file and sent to the history table every five seconds. Every value from the queue file is
added to the table. Therefore, there can be several entries from the same process object.
The new rows are added until the table size reaches the limit of the SQL system.
A unique ID consists of:
• LN
• IX
• RT
If several signals from a process object have the same LN and IX, the values are indexed
with the RT_IX time stamp.
To create a table:
1. Open the Enterprise Manager and create a new table.
2. Name the table columns for the database as shown in Figure 5.5.

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Figure 5.5: Defining table for the history recording

3. Save the table as a MSPDB_hist.

4. Run the following code to create a table. The table can be created, for example, with
the Query Analyzer.
CREATE TABLE [mspdb_hist] (
[LN] [varchar] (50) NOT NULL ,
[IX] [int] NOT NULL ,
[DI_OV] [int] NULL ,
[AI_OV] [float] NULL ,
[RT] [varchar] (23) NULL ,
[OI] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[OX] [varchar] (50) NULL ,
[OS] [varchar] (30) NULL ,
[Sort_type] [varchar] (10) NULL ,
[Process_type] [varchar] (20) NULL

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The user must have engineering rights to run the code.

When the user adds a process object to the history database (MSPDB_Hist SQL table)
in SQL Exporter, the process object is connected to the SQL_WRITE_DB_EVENT
event channel. Figure 5.6 describes how, for example, a change in an indication object
is distributed to the history database.

Queuing data
Process Object Event Channel Command Procedure
· Connected to the event SQL_WRITE_DB_EVENT SQL_WRITE_DB_EVENT
channel via attribute AN · Connected to the · Writes SQL commands to
· Action Activation (AA) command procedure via Queue.txt about what to
on new value or ack. attribute AN insert to MSPDB_Hist

Dequeuing data
Time Channel Command Procedure
· Executes the SQL_FLUSH SQL_FLUSH
command procedure · Reads SQL commands from Queue.txt
· Execution cycle (CY2) = 5 sec about what to insert into MSPDB_Hist.

Figure 5.6: Information flow to MSPDB_Hist

The SQL tables register changes only. If the states of the process objects are static,
nothing is updated in the tables.

5.5 Creating user accounts

To create a new user:
1. Select New... from the login name drop-down list to create a new user account, see
Figure 5.7.

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Figure 5.7: Creating a new user

2. Define options for the new SQL user, see Figure 5.8.
3. Type the user name in the Name field.
4. Select the SQL Server Authentication option from the Authentication field.
5. Type the default password in the Password field.
6. Select a database created before, for example SCADA, from the Database drop-down
7. Select the Database Access tab.

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Figure 5.8: Defining a new SQL user options

8. Define the database that the user can access by selecting the database defined before,
see Figure 5.9.
9. Select the new user from the Database Role field.

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Figure 5.9: Defining database access

10. Click Properties to open the Database User Properties dialog, see Figure 5.10.
11. Define the needed permissions.

The user must have at least write/delete permissions.

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Figure 5.10: Defining access rights

12. Click OK to save the settings.

5.5.1 Enabling and disabling SQL logging

Select Edit > SQL enabled/SQL disabled to turn on or off the logging to SQL. The
function is useful when working with the application.

5.6 Enabling communication between SQL database and

To enable communication between the SQL database and SYS600, define the ODBS/DDE
connection settings.
1. Select Start > Settings > Control Panel > Administrative tools > DataSources
2. Select Add in the System DSN tab, see Figure 5.11.

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Figure 5.11: Adding SQL Server

3. Select the SQL Server in the Create New Data Source dialog, see Figure 5.12.

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Figure 5.12: Selecting a database

4. Click Finish to display the SQL server configuration dialog.

5. Enter the name of the data source in the Name field. The name is used to connect
to the database through SYS600, see Figure 5.13.
6. Enter the description of the data souce in the Description field.
7. Select the server that SYS600 is connected to. If the server and the client are on the
same computer, it is possible to use localhost as a SQL server.

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Figure 5.13: Creating a new data source

8. Click Next.
9. Select the SQL server authentication and type the user name and password in the
Login ID and Password fields, see Figure 5.14. Use the same user name as created
in Section 5.5 Creating user accounts.

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Figure 5.14: Defining authentication when logging on

10. Click Next.

11. Select a default database, for example SCADA, see Figure 5.15. Select the same
database as created in Section 5.2 Creating database.

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Figure 5.15: Selecting the default database

12. Click Next.

13. Select the Perform translation for character data check box, see Figure 5.16.

Figure 5.16: Selecting the Perform translation for character

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14. Click Finish. After creating the database, test it as described in Section 5.7 Testing
user accounts and databases.

5.6.1 Editing command procedures

To enable SQL Exporter to log on to the SQL database, edit the SQL_FLUSH command
procedure in SYS600, see Table 5.2.
Table 5.2: Command procedures to be edited
SQL_DATABASE Rename the value with the same name as used to
refer to the data source in Section 5.6 Enabling com-
munication between SQL database and SYS600.
SQL_USER Rename the value with the same name as created in
Section 5.5 Creating user accounts.
SQL_PASSWD Rename the value with the same name as created in
Section 5.5 Creating user accounts.

;*************** CONFIGURATION ***************




@CONSOLE_LOGGING="on" ;set "on" to log, "off" to disable


Do not change the rest of the configuration.

Connect the RDBMS event channel (SQL_WRITE_DB_EVENT) to a Process Object

with SQL Exporter in SYS600.

5.7 Testing user accounts and databases

Test the connection to the SQL Server with the SQL Query Analyzer.
1. Select Start > Programs > Microsoft SQL Server > Query Analyzer to start the
SQL Query Analyzer.
2. Type the required information in the Connect to SQL Server dialog.
3. Try a simple query to see the content of the database, for example, see Figure 5.17.

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Figure 5.17: Testing the database connection

It is possible to type several queries at a time, for example:

Select * from mspdb

Order by mspdb.moment

Select * from mspdb_hist

Order by mspdb_hist.rt

5.8 Managing process objects

5.8.1 Adding process object

To add a process object to the SQL system:

1. Open SQL Exporter.
2. Select a process object from the Database Objects list.
3. Select whether to add the process object to the history or to the cyclic database or
4. Click Add.
The process object is displayed in the objects list.
To add several process objects to the SQL system at once:
1. Hold down the CTRL key and select all the needed process objects or drag the cursor
over the process objects to select them.

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2. Select whether to add the process objects to the history or to the cyclic database or
3. Click Add.
In general, measurements are added to the cyclic database while indications, alarms, and
so on are added to the history database.

5.8.2 Removing process objects

To remove a process object from the SQL system:

1. Open SQL Exporter.
2. Select a process object from the objects list.
3. Click Remove....
The process object disappears from the objects list.
To remove several process objects from the SQL system at once:
1. Press CTRL and click all the process objects you would like to select or drag the
cursor over the process objects to select them.
2. Click Remove....

Note that this action does not actually remove anything from
the history database with the SQL Exporter. This only stops
the process object's value from being registered in the history
database when it is removed from the objects list. Clicking the
Remove... button does not remove any rows from the cyclic
database. It only stops the object's value from being updated
in the SQL database.

5.8.3 Selecting process objects

Excel can be used to create a list where the user has selected which process objects are
to be connected to the SQL database. Create a list in Excel with four columns:
1. In the first column, add logical names (LN).
2. In the second column, add an index (IX).
3. In the third column, add an X if the process object should be connected to the history
4. In the fourth column, add an X if the process object should be connected to the
measurement database.

The column headers do not necessarily need to be included.

The import function in the SQL Exporter starts reading process objects only from the
second row, so if a process object is on the first row, it is ignored. Make sure that the

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columns are separated with commas or semicolons and not with any other character.
Otherwise, the SQL Exporter cannot read the file correctly. For more information about
saving the Excel list in a correct format, see Section 5.12 Importing list.
An easy way to get a pre-made list of the process objects in the current application is to
use the export function in SQL Exporter. For more information about exporting, see
Section 5.9 Exporting list. After exporting, import the list to Excel and add the X:s. For
more information about importing, see Section 5.10 Opening list in Excel.

5.8.4 Using database filter options

The process objects in the SYS600 and SQL databases can be filtered according to their
attributes LN, IX, PT, OA and UN. To use a filter, select the check box of the desired
filter. It is possible to use the filters independently or several filters combined.

Note that both the Database Objects and RDMS Objects lists
in the SQL Exporter are filtered using the same filters.

• LN (Logical Name): Use an asterisk (*) as a wildcard character at the end of the
filter string. The filter is case sensitive.
• IX (Index): Enter an index number. It is only possible to enter numbers, wildcard
characters are not allowed.
• PT (Process Object Type): Select the desired type of objects list to be visible:
- 3 – Single indication
- 6 – Digital input
- 9 – Analog input
- 12 – Double indication
• OA (Object Address): Enter an object address number. It is possible to enter numbers
only, wildcard characters are not allowed.
• UN (Unit Number): Enter a unit number. It is possible to enter numbers only,
wildcard characters are not allowed.

5.9 Exporting list

To export the Database Objects list to a CSV file (comma delimited file), there are three
• Click Export.
• Select File > Export to file.
• Use the shortcut CTRL+E.
A list with the filtered process objects in the Database Objects list is written to a CSV
file. The list in the file has 4 columns separated with commas. The column headers are:
• LN

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• IX
• Send to history database
• Send to measurement database
Mark the process objects that are connected to the history or the measurement database
respectively with an X in the corresponding column.
The CSV file can be imported to, for example, Excel. For more information about opening
the CSV file in Excel, see Section 5.10 Opening list in Excel.

5.10 Opening list in Excel

To import the list to Excel:
1. Open the text file created with SQL Exporter in Excel.
2. Text Import Wizard opens, see Figure 5.18.
3. Select the Delimited option in the Original data type field.
4. Click Next.

Figure 5.18: Excel Text Import Wizard, step 1

5. Select Comma in the Delimiters field, see Figure 5.19.

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Figure 5.19: Excel Text Import Wizard, step 2

6. Preview the results of the import operation in Data preview.

7. Click Finish to import the list into an Excel worksheet.

5.11 Opening list in refreshable Excel range

Use this procedure to refresh the data in Excel whenever the original text file changes.
If the data should be copied into Excel without maintaining a connection to the original
file, open the text file in Excel. Once the list is imported, it can be saved as a normal
Excel file.
To create a refreshable Excel:
1. Click the cell where the data from the text file should be placed.
2. Select Data > DataImport External Data > Import Data.
3. Select the text file that should be imported as an external data range.
4. To specify how to divide the text into columns, follow the instructions in Text Import
5. Click Finish.
6. Click Properties in the Import Data dialog to set formatting and layout options
for how the external data range is imported into Microsoft Excel.
7. In the Import Data dialog, do one of the following:
• To place the data to the existing worksheet, select Existing worksheet.
• To place the data to a new worksheet, select New worksheet. Microsoft Excel
adds a new worksheet to the workbook and automatically puts the external data
range in the upper left corner of the new worksheet.

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8. Click OK.
To refresh the external data range when the original text file changes:
1. Click Refresh Data on the External Data toolbar.
2. Select the text file in the Import Text File dialog.
3. Click Import.
To change the settings made in the Text Import Wizard:
1. Click Edit Text Import on the External Data toolbar.
2. Select the text file in the Import Text File dialog.
3. Click Import.
4. Make the desired changes in Text Import Wizard.
To import only part of the data in a text file as a refreshable data range, a query can be
created to retrieve the data.

5.12 Importing list

The import function concerns only the process objects in the objects list. This function
enables the user to import a list of process objects that are to be connected to the SQL
database. The file should be the same file type as in the export function (a CSV file).
To import objects to the objects list from a CSV file (or another comma delimited text
file), there are three alternatives:
• Click Import.
• Select Import to file from the File menu.
• Use the shortcut CTRL+I.
In the import list, the column headers are:
• LN
• IX
• Send to history database
• Send to measurement database
The list contains a process object in the LN column and the index in the IX column.
Mark the process objects that will be connected to the SQL database respectively with
an X in the corresponding column, see Figure 5.22.

Currently, it is possible to add process objects only by using

the import function. If an X is removed and the list is imported,
the process object is not removed from the objects list.

The CSV file can be generated, for example, with Excel or Notepad. Save the file as a
CSV file. The most convenient way to create a list to be imported to SQL Exporter is to
use Excel on an existing process object list.
To import a list by using Excel:

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1. Select File > Save As....

2. Save the file as a CSV file.
3. Answer Yes if asked whether to keep the workbook in this format, see Figure 5.20.

Figure 5.20: Save the workbook in CSV format

4. The file is saved as a text file with semicolons separating the columns and each row
ending with a carriage return.
Make sure that the columns are separated with commas or semicolons, and not with any
other character. Check this by opening the file with, for example Notepad, see Figure 5.21.
Otherwise, SQL Exporter cannot read the text file correctly.
If any other character than semicolon or comma is used as a delimiter, replace the
character with a semicolon or comma. To replace delimiters in Notepad, select Edit >

Figure 5.21: Comma delimited process object list in Notepad

In Figure 5.22, the process object FMU_ALARM is added to the history database and
B_HDS is added to the measurement database.

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Figure 5.22: Creating a signal list in Excel for importing

All process objects available in the current application do not necessarily have to be
included in the imported list. Including only the desired objects to the SQL system is
An error log is created:
• If the process object list contains a process object that does not exist in the user's
current application.
• If the user tries to add a process object that already is connected to an event channel
to the history database.
The error log is located in the same folder as the file that is being imported (filename:
<imported file>_ERROR.LOG).

5.13 Cleaning objects

When building a SYS600 application, process objects are added and removed. Sometimes
the objects are left in the SQL_OBJECTS command procedure.
The cleaning function removes non-existing process objects from the command procedure
(SQL_OBJECTS:C). Select Edit > Clean RDBMS Objects to clean the command

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6 Standard functions of Power Process Library

6.1 Preliminary work

Before the configuration of the standard functions can start, some preparatory
configurations are required (that is, configurations that are required only once). The
usage of the object identification (OI) attribute has to be settled, the naming convention
of process object has to be decided and the translation of signal texts into the local
language has to be performed.

Some of the symbols in this chapter have different

presentations, for example the vertical and horizontal
presentation. For more information on the different
presentations, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.

6.2 Procedures for use with standard functions

This procedure can be used to define other process objects that are needed by the standard
function. This procedure can be used for optimizing the performance of the control
dialog. When these logical names are defined, the control dialog does not need to make
query to process database to find the objects, but it can directly refer to the objects with
their given logical names. For STATION_LN and BAY_LN, value NONE can be used
to define that the corresponding object does not prohibit operations in the control dialog.
When STATION_LN or BAY_LN is "", the corresponding object state is checked and
it is searched from process database by object identification (OI).
Default contents of the procedure is following:
BAY_LN = "",-
AR_LN = "",-
TRIP_LN = "")

STATION_LN defines the logical name of station standard function.

Table 6.1: Attributes for Procedure U_OTHER_OBJECTS
Attribute Description
STATION_LN TEXT, logical name of station standard function.
BAY_LN TEXT, logical name of bay standard function.
AR_LN TEXT, logical name of auto-reclosure standard function.
TRIP_LN TEXT, logical name of trip tag standard function.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

This procedure can be used for defining custom interlocking conditions for the control
dialog. The procedure is executed at control dialog startup. The procedure must return
a LIST with the following attributes:
Table 6.2: Attributes for Procedure U_INTERLOCKING
Attribute Description
OPEN_INTERLOCKED BOOLEAN, open interlocking state. If TRUE, the Open button
is disabled in the control dialog.
CLOSE_INTERLOCKED BOOLEAN, close interlocking state. If TRUE, the Close button
is disabled in the control dialog.
INTERLOCKING_CAUSE TEXT, reason of the interlocking to be displayed in control
dialog info field.

Default contents of the procedure is:


The procedure is executed only at dialog startup. If the

prerequisites of the interlocking state change while the dialog
is open, the changes are not dynamically updated in the dialog.

6.3 Communication support

The following protocols are supported in Power Process Library:
• RP-570
• RP-570 with FTABs
• IEC 60870-5-101/104
• IEC 60870-5-103
• IEC 61850-8
• DNP 3.0

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

6.4 Station

6.4.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of station standard function from the Power Process
Library. The standard function for the station is found in the directory
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power Process
Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Station). The standard function can be
configured by using the Object Navigator tool. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for station standard function is installed by using Display
Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For more information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.3: Power Process symbol for station standard function
File name Symbol

6.4.2 Standard function configuration Configuration with a tool

The station standard function has the following attributes to be configured with the
Standard Function Tool:
Table 6.4: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database pro- -
cess objects
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & LON
CMD_PARAMETER The type of control command N/A
OUTPUT_STATUS Process objects for output N/A
status with DNP 3.0 protocol

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Attribute Meaning Default

AUTHORIZATION_GROUP The name of the authorization MV_CONTROL
STATION_LR_IN_USE Station local/remote switch Yes
used for control authority
IND_DOUBLE_BINARY Indication type double bin- Double binary
ary/single binary
LR_REMOTELY_CONTROL- Station local/remote switch re- Yes
LABLE motely controllable/ manually
EVENT_RECORDING Process objects for event re- No process objects
cording with RP-570
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX Specifies the OPC Item Prefix "IEC61850 Subnet-
used as an IEC 61850 instance work.IED1.LD1"
OPC_LN_INSTANCES Specifies the OPC Logical VECTOR("LLN0")
Node names used as IEC
61850 instance information

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration with the Process Object Tool

Depending on the configuration of the station standard function, the Process Object Tool
creates a certain set of the process objects into the database. Process objects that will be
linked to the actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a
proper switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable
values for normal operation.
The Process Object Tool creates process objects based on the following list:
Table 6.5: Process objects created by the Process Object Tool
Index Explanation Purpose
10 Station local/remote switch The station local/remote switch is used to determine
indication whether the control of station objects is allowed from
the panel (local), from the substation control system,
from the remote control system or whether station
authority checking is out of use.
11 Station local/remote switch The station local/remote switch to Local command
to Local command or Sta- object is an output object which is designed to set
tion/Remote command the station control to local (panel) when the attribute
If IND_DOUBLE_BINARY is not checked, output
object is used for setting the switch either to Station
or Remote.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Explanation Purpose

12 Station local/remote switch The station local/remote switch to Station command
to Station command object is an output object, which is designed to set
the station control to substation control system (sta-
13 Station local/remote switch The station local/remote switch to Remote command
to Remote command object is an output object, which is designed to set
the station control to network control system (remote).
14 Station local/remote switch The station local/remote switch to Out of use com-
to Out of use command mand object is an output object, which is designed
to set the station authority checking out of use.
15 Station blockings (optional) The indication for station blockings is an internal ob-
ject, which is meant for generating events and prin-
touts of the station blockings.
16 Station selected on monitor The indication for station selected on monitor is an
(optional) internal object and it is used to inform other users
that the station dialog has been opened by other
110 Station local/remote-switch Created only for ANSI and RTU type stations. For
indication ANSI it is used for converting the indication from
analog value to a double binary value. For RTU, it is
used as an event recording object.
111-114 Indication for command ter- Indicates with IEC 60870-5-101/104 and -103
mination (optional) whether the issued command was successful or not. Example of a station configuration

Table 6.6: Example of a station standard function configuration

Attribute Value

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

6.4.3 Application engineering information Structure of the station standard function

This section describes the structure of the station standard function. All subdrawing files
form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included. The
station is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and has a directory. Files

The table below lists all of the station standard function related files and their
Table 6.7: Station standard function related files
File Functionality
Station Power Process symbol for /PROG/GRAPHICSEN- station standard function GINE/PALETTE/04-SA_Indica-
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture for /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
printing Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the station standard
function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.8: Text Translation Tool compatible text files
File Functionality
SAI_STA2.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the station help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.9: Station help text file
File Functionality
SAI_STA2.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the station standard function. The path is

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Table 6.10: Configuration files used by the station standard function

File Functionality
SAI_STA2.DAT Contains the configuration data for station when
it is created, modified or deleted with the config-
uration tools.
SAI_STA2.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Process Object Tool.
SAI_DAU.TXT Contains the list of data acquisition units.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for the installation tool. Other text files

The following text file is used by the station. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE.
Table 6.11: Another text file used by the station
File Functionality
BGU_AUTH.TXT Contains the SCIL code for the station authority
check. The code is executed by the dialog for
the station. Process objects

The following process objects are created depending on the configuration of the station.
Table 6.12: Process objects created by manually operated station local/remote
Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 DB/BI Station local/remote switch ind. - FPASTAILRS
15 AI Blockings Internal FPASTAXBLK
16 AI Station selected on monitor Internal FPASTAXMEV
110 EVREC Station local/remote switch ind. RP-570 only FPASTAELRS
110 AI Station local/remote switch ind. ANSI only FPASTAELRS

Table 6.13: Process objects created by remotely controllable station local/remote

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 DB/BI Station local/remote switch ind. - FPASTAILRS
11 BO L/R-sw. to Local -command or - FPASTACLRS
Station Remote command
12 BO L/R-sw. to Station -command - FPASTACLRS
13 BO L/R-sw. to Remote -command - FPASTACLRS

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier

14 BO L/R-sw. to Out of use -command - FPASTACLRS
15 AI Blockings Internal FPASTAXBLK
16 AI Station selected on monitor Internal FPASTAXMEV
110 EVREC Station local/remote switch ind. RP-570 only FPASTAELRS
110 AI Station local/remote switch ind. ANSI only FPASTAELRS
111-114 TERM Command termination indication IEC 60870-5- FPASTATOBC
for output signals 101/104 and -103
Optional Scale objects

At the first installation, the station creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale). For
SPACOM/SRIO (ANSI) station type, the installation will also create the scale
FPU_1_1000 (linear 1:1000 scale). Command procedures

At the first installation, the station creates the command procedure BGU_UPDATE,
which updates process objects when they are update-deblocked. This feature is similar
to the SYS600 Blocking Display function. It is also used by the Update process data
function in the control dialog.
For SPACOM/SRIO (ANSI) station type, the installation creates the command procedure
BGU_AI2DB, which updates the station level local/remote switch indication double
binary from an analog input. Event channels

For SPACOM/SRIO (ANSI) station types, the installation creates the event channel
BGU_AI2DB, which is set to activate the command procedure BGU_AI2DB.

6.5 Bay

6.5.1 Standard function installation

This section describes the installation of the bay standard function in Power Process
Library. The standard function for the bay is found in the directory

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power Process

Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Bay). This standard function is
configured by using configuration tools, such as the Object Navigator. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the bay standard function is installed by using the Display
Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For more information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.14: Bay Switch Indication
File name Symbol

6.5.2 Standard function configuration Configuration with tools

The bay standard function has the following attributes to be configured with the Object
Table 6.15: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database pro- -
cess objects
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & LON
CMD_PARAMETER Parameter for control method N/A
for IEC 60870-5-101/104 and
DNP 3.0 protocol
OUTPUT_STATUS Process objects for output N/A
status with DNP 3.0 protocol
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP The name of the authorization MV_CONTROL
BAY_LR_IN_USE Physical L/R-switch exists/not Bay L/R-switch exists
BAY_LR_POLARITY Polarity of the bay L/R switch L1

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Attribute Meaning Default

IND_DOUBLE_BINARY Indication type double bin- Double binary
ary/single binary
LR_REMOTELY_CONTROL- Bay L/R-switch remotely con- Manually operated
LABLE trollable/ manually operated
EVENT_RECORDING Process objects for event re- No process objects
cording with RP-570
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX Specifies the OPC Item Prefix IEC61850 Subnetwork.IED1
used as IEC 61850 instance
OPC_LN_INSTANCES Specifies the OPC Logical VECTOR("LLN0")
Node names used as IEC
61850 instance information
OPERATOR_PLACE_HAND- Specifies the baywise operator None
LING place (SCS/NCC) authority
MULTILEVEL_CONTROL Allows the multilevel operator No multilevel control
place control

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the bay standard function, the tools create a certain
set of process objects in the database. Those process objects that will be linked to the
actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a proper
switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable values
for normal operation.
The tools create process objects based on the following list:
Table 6.16: Process objects created for the bay
Index Explanation Purpose
10 Bay local/remote The bay (disabled)/local/remote switch is used to determine
switch indication whether the control to the bay objects is completely inhibited, or it
is allowed locally or remotely.
11 Bay local/remote The bay local/remote switch to Disabled command object is an
switch to Disabled output object which is designed to set the bay control to disabled
command, or bay (no control locally or remotely).
local/remote com- If IND_DOUBLE_BINARY is not checked and STATION_TYPE is
mand IEC 61850-8, this output object is used for setting bay L/R switch
either to local or remote.
12 Bay local/remote The bay local/remote switch to Local command object is an output
switch to Local object, which is designed to set the bay control to the local (panel).

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Explanation Purpose

13 Bay local/remote The bay local/remote switch to Remote command object is an output
switch to Remote object, which is designed to set the bay control to substation or
command network control system (remote).
14 Bay local/remote The bay local/remote switch to Reserved command object is an
switch to Re- output object, which is designed to set the bay control to reserved.
served command The reserved position can be used for special purposes.
15 External interlock- The external interlocking in use/out of use (HW) ind. is meant as
ing ON/OFF (HW) an ON/OFF type of indication for the hardware switch of the inter-
indication (option- locking function.
16 External interlock- The external interlocking in use/out of use (SW) ind. is meant as
ing ON/OFF (SW) an ON/OFF type of indication for the software switch of the interlock-
-indication (option- ing function.
17 External interlock- The external interlocking in use/out of use command is an output
ing ON/OFF - object, which can be used to remotely enable/disable interlocking
command (option- function of the field device.
18 Internal interlock- The internal interlocking in use/out of use indication is meant as an
ing ON/OFF -indic- ON/OFF type of indication of the internal interlocking functions. By
ation (optional) disabling internal interlocking, there will not be any interlocking
checking in the control dialogs during operation.
19 Internal interlock- The internal interlocking in use/out of use command is an object,
ing ON/OFF - which is defined to internally control the state of the internal inter-
command (option- locking in use/out of use indication.
20 Bay blockings The bay blockings indication is an internal object, which is meant
(optional) for generating events and printouts of the bay blockings.
21 Bay selected on The bay selected on monitor indication is an internal object and it
monitor (optional) is used to inform other users that the bay dialog has been opened
by another user(s).
22 Bay operator The bay operator place switch defines the authorized control location
place switch (op- (SCS/NCC/Both) for devices belonging to the bay. If the IU attribute
tional) of the process object is set to 0 (not in use), Bay operator place is
not checked in control dialogs.
23 Bay operator Used for setting Bay operator place switch to not in use or switching
place switch to not the operator place between Station/NCC (IEC 61850)
in use cmd
24 Bay operator Used for setting Bay operator place switch to Station (SCS).
place switch to
station cmd
25 Bay operator Used for setting Bay operator place switch to Remote (NCC).
place switch to re-
mote cmd
26 Bay operator Used for setting Bay operator place switch to Station and Remote.
place switch to

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Explanation Purpose

30 Multilevel control Used for enabling multilevel control (both Station and NCC author-
ized to control) for a bay.
110 Bay local/remote Created only for ANSI and RTU type stations. For ANSI it is used
switch indication for converting the indication from analog value to double binary
value. For RTU it is used as an event recording object.
111- Indication for Indicates with IEC 60870-5-101/104 and -103 whether the issued
114, command termina- command was successful or not.
117 tion (optional) Output status object with DNP 3.0 type of stations.
115 External interlock- Event recording object (for accurate time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-
ing ON/OFF (HW) 570 type of stations.
116 External interlock- Event recording object (for accurate time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-
ing ON/OFF (SW) 570 type of stations.
(optional) Example of a bay configuration

Table 6.17: Example configuration of the bay standard function

Attribute Value
BAY_NAME Outgoing HA2

6.5.3 Application engineering information Structure of the bay standard function

This section describes the structure of the bay standard function. All subdrawing files,
form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included. The bay
is a part of the standard functions of the Power Process Library and has a directory.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Files

The table below lists all bay standard function related files and their functionality.
Table 6.18: Bay standard function related files
File Functionality Path
Bay Power Process symbol for the /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/04- bay standard function SA_Indication
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture for printing /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the bay standard
function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.19: Text Translation Tool compatible text files
File Functionality
SAI_BAY2.TXT Text file for the database creation of the standard function Help text file

The path to the bay help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.20: Bay help text file
File Functionality
SAI_BAY2.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the bay standard function. The path is
Table 6.21: Configuration files used by the bay standard function
File Functionality
SAI_BAY2.DAT Contains the configuration data for the bay when it is created, modified
or deleted by the configuration tools.
SAI_BAY2.POT Contains the process object definitions for the Object Navigator.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard functions for the install-
ation tool. Other text files

The following text file is used by the bay. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 6.22: Another text file used by the bay

File Functionality
BGU_AUTH.TXT Contains the SCIL code for the station authority check. The code is ex-
ecuted by the dialog of the bay. Command procedures

At the first installation, the bay creates the command procedure BGU_UPDATE, which
updates process objects when they are update-deblocked. This feature is similar to the
SYS600 Blocking Display function. It is also used by the Update process data dialog.
Table 6.23: Command procedures used by bay
File Functionality
BGU_CONTROL Performs the actual control operations. Process objects

The following process objects are created depending on the configuration of the bay.
Table 6.24: Process objects created by manually operated bay local/remote switch
Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 DB/BI Bay local/remote switch ind. - FPABAYILRS
15 BI Interl. in use/out of use (SW) Hardware sw. FPABAYIINH
16 BI Interl. in use/out of use (HW) Software sw. FPABAYIINH
17 BO Interl. in use/out of use -cmd Command to MFU FPABAYCINH
18 BI Interl. in use/out of use Internal FPABAYIINH
19 BO Interl. in use/out of use -cmd Internal FPABAYCINH
20 AI Blockings Internal FPABAYXBLK
21 AI Bay selected on monitor Internal FPABAYXMEV
110 EVREC Bay local/remote switch ind. RP-570 only FPABAYELRS
110 AI Bay local/remote switch ind. ANSI only FPABAYELRS
115 EVREC Interl. in use/out of use (SW) RP-570 only FPABAYEINH

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier

116 EVREC Interl. in use/out of use (HW) RP-570 only FPABAYEINH
117, TERM Command termination indication IEC 60870-5- FPASTATINH
for output signals 101/104 and -103

Table 6.25: Process objects created by remotely controllable bay local/remote

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 DB/BI Bay local/remote switch ind. - FPABAYILRS
11 BO L/R-sw. to Local -command or Local Remote FPABAYCLRS
Local Remote command command if sta-
tion type is IEC
12 BO L/R-sw. to Local -command - FPABAYCLRS
13 BO L/R-sw. to Remote -command - FPABAYCLRS
14 BO L/R-sw. to Reserved -command Only if ind. type FPABAYCLRS
15 BI Interl. in use/out of use (HW) Hardware sw. FPABAYIINH
16 BI Interl. in use/out of use (SW) Software sw. FPABAYIINH
17 BO Interl. in use/out of use -cmd Command to MFU FPABAYCINH
18 BI Interl. in use/out of use -ind. Internal FPABAYIINH
19 BO Interl. in use/out of use -cmd Internal FPABAYCINH
20 AI Blockings Internal FPABAYXBLK
21 AI Bay selected on monitor Internal FPABAYXMEV
22 DB Bay operator place switch Optional FPABAYIOPS
Process objects
for Bay operator
place switch are
created also for
remotely control-
lable bay

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier

23 BO Bay operator place switch to not Optional FPABAYCOPS
in use cmd or
Bay Operator place-switch com-
24 BO Bay operator place switch to sta- Optional FPABAYCOPS
tion cmd
25 BO Bay operator place switch to re- Optional FPABAYCOPS
mote cmd
26 BO Bay operator place switch to sta- Optional FPABAYCOPS
tion/remote cmd
30 BI Multilevel control Optional FPABAYIMLT
110 EVREC Bay local/remote switch ind. RP-570 only FPABAYELRS
110 AI Bay local/remote switch ind. ANSI only FPABAYELRS
111-114 TERM/OS Command termination indication IEC 60870-5- FPASTATOBC
for output signals 101/104 and -103
Output status object only
Output status ob-
ject when station
type is DNP 3.0,
115 EVREC Interl. in use/out of use (HW) RP-570 only FPABAYEINH
116 EVREC Interl. in use/out of use (SW)-ind. Only RP-570 only FPABAYEINH
117, TERM Command termination indication IEC 60870-5- FPASTATINH
for output signals 101/104 and -103
only Scale objects

At the first installation, the bay creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale). For
SPACOM/SRIO (ANSI) station type. The installation also creates the scale FPU_1_1000
(linear 1:1000 scale). Event channels

For SPACOM/SRIO (ANSI) station type, the installation creates the event channel
BGU_AI2DB, which is set to activate the command procedure BGU_AI2DB.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

6.6 Switching device

6.6.1 Standard function installation

This section describes the installation of the switching device standard function from
the Power Process Library. The standard function for the switching device is found in
the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the
Power Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Switching Device).
This standard function is configured by using configuration tools, such as the Object
Navigator. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the switching device standard function is installed by
using the following Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For more information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.26: Power Process symbol for switching device standard function
File name Representation Symbol
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Breaker ANSI

Disconnector ANSI

Truck Common

Breaker IEC

Contactor IEC

Disconnector IEC

Load Breaker Load IEC

Earth Common

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

6.6.2 Standard function configuration Configuration with tools

The switching device standard function has the following attributes to be configured
with the Object Navigator:
Table 6.27: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database process -
SWITCHING_DEVICE_TYPE Type of switching device Circuit breaker
SWITCHING_DEVICE_PURPOSE Usage of the selected switching Circuit breaker
device type
SWITCH_SECTION Switch section of the truck or 3- Truck: first section
state switch 3-state switch: dis-
STATION_TYPE Type of control device & protocol LON
INDICATION_TYPE Type of position indication pro- Double binary
cess object
MOTORIZED Selection of motorized or manu- Motorized
ally operated
CMD_PARAMETER Parameter for control method for N/A
IEC 60870-5-101/104 and DNP
3.0 protocol
CONTROL_TYPE Type of control process object(s) Secured control
with 4 binary out-
OUTPUT_STATUS Process objects for output status N/A
with DNP 3.0 protocol
CONTROL_PULSE_LENGTH Length of control pulse 0
CONTROL_BITS Bits to be used to send a control Empty vector
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP Name of the authorization group MV_CONTROL
BAY_LR_POLARITY Polarity of bay L/R switch L1
TAGOUT Release the Tagout function for Not used
this switching device
AUXILIARY_PLUG Selection if the switching device Stand-alone switch
is mounted in the truck
EVENT_RECORDING Process objects for event record- No process objects
ing with RP-570

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Attribute Meaning Default

INTERLOCKING_BYPASS Specifies whether the interlocking FALSE
bypass function is used or not
SYNCHROCHECK_BYPASS Specifies whether the syn- FALSE
chrocheck bypass function is used
or not
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX Specifies the OPC Item Prefix IEC61850 Subnet-
used as IEC 61850 Instance in- work.IED1.LD1
OPC_LN_INSTANCES Specifies the OPC Logical Node VEC-
names used as IEC 61850 In- TOR("CSWI1","CILO1")
stance information
QUALIFIERS Qualifier is the value written to the Minimum length is
QL attribute of process object 0 (default) and
when writing the control com- maximum length 5
mand. Qualifiers are given as a
vector of integers.
ADD_CAUSE_IX Index for process object for Ad- 55
dCause value.
OPERATOR_PLACE_HANDLING Specifies the operator place (loc- None
al/Station/NCC) handling of the

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the switching device standard function, the tools
create a certain set of process objects in the database. Those process objects that will be
linked to the actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a
proper switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable
values for normal operation.
The tools create process objects based on the following list:
Table 6.28: Process objects created for switching device
Index Explanation Purpose
10 Position indication Used for position indication of the switching
device state open/closed/ intermediate/faulty.
11 Open select or Depending on the defined control type it is used
open execute for sending Open select or Open execute to
the control unit.
12 Close select or Depending on the defined control type it is used
close execute for sending Close select or Close execute to
the control unit.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Explanation Purpose

13 Execute selected or Depending on the defined control type it is used
select open/close for sending Execute or Select open/close and
and execute/cancel Execute/Cancel to the control unit.
or execute open
14 Cancel command or Used for sending Cancel command or Execute
execute close com- close command to the control unit.
15 External control Receives a control blocking signal from the
blocking (optional) control unit and prevents the control actions in
the single line diagram.
16 Open interlocked Receives a control blocking signal for Open
(optional) command from the control unit and prevents
the Open command in the single line diagram.
17 Close interlocked Receives a control blocking signal for Close
(optional) command from the control unit and prevents
the Close command in the single line diagram.
18 Interlocking cause Receives an interlocking cause, that is, an in-
(optional) teger value that represents a reason for an
unsuccessful control action.
19 Selected on monitor An internal tag that shows if the switching
(optional) device is selected on different picture(s) or
20 Command event An internal or external tag that shows if the
(optional) switching device is right under the command
21 Auxiliary plug state An internal or external tag to indicate if the
(optional) switching device is fully racked out from the
cubicle, and therefore it should not be shown
in the single line diagram.
25 Cancel command Used for sending a Cancel command to the
control unit.
41 Open blocked Receives a control blocking signal from the
control unit and prevents open control actions
in control dialog.
42 Close blocked Receives a control blocking signal from the
control unit and prevents close control actions
in control dialog.
49 Tagout indication Used for Tagout priority value storage and
Tagout text storage.
50 Tagout history Used for tagout activity event generation.
55 (configurable) Add cause of com- Used for showing the failure of select/execute
mand operation.
70 Local/Remote- Used for Device level Local/Remote-switch in-
switch dication
71 Operator place- Used for device level operator place (Sta-
switch tion/NCC) indication

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Index Explanation Purpose

72 Operator place- Used for device level operator place (Sta-
switch command tion/NCC) command
(108) Position indication Receives position indication as a single indica-
110 other type than tion (110), analog input (110) or two single in-
double indication dications (110-open, 108-close).
111-114 Indication for com- Indicates with IEC 60870-5-101/104 and -103
mand termination or whether the issued command was successful
indication for output or not.
status (optional) With DNP 3.0 indicates the status of output
115 External control Event recording object (for accurate time
blocking (optional) stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations.
116 Open interlocked Event recording object (for accurate time
(optional) stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations.
117 Close interlocked Event recording object (for accurate time
(optional) stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations.
120 Command event Event recording object (for accurate time
(optional) stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations.
121 Auxiliary plug state Event recording object (for accurate time
(optional) stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations.
(208) Position indication Event recording object (for accurate time
210 other type than stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations.
double indication Example of a switching device configuration

The configuration of a switching device as a circuit breaker can be given as an example:

Table 6.29: Configuration of the switching device
Attribute Value
BAY_NAME Outgoing HA2

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Attribute Value
CONTROL_TYPE Secured control with 4
binary outputs

6.6.3 Application engineering information Structure of switching device standard function

This section describes the structure of the switching device standard function. All
subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are
included. The switching device is a part of the standard functions of the Power Process
Library and has a directory. Files

The table below lists all switching device standard function related files and their
Table 6.30: Switching device standard function related files
File Functionality Path SA ANSI symbol for breaker /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
nector GINE/PALETTE/03 - SA_ANSI SA Common symbol for truck /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
mon SA IEC symbol for breaker /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
GINE/PALETTE/02 - SA_IEC SA IEC symbol for contactor /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
GINE/PALETTE/02 - SA_IEC SA IEC symbol for disconnect- /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-

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Version: B/3.6.2015

File Functionality Path

Load SA IEC symbol for load /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
breaker GINE/PALETTE/02 - SA_IEC SA Common symbol for earth /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture for /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
printing Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the switching
device standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.31: Text Translation Tool compatible text files
File Functionality
SAI_SSW.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the switching device help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.32: Switching device help text file
File Functionality
SAI_SSW.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the switching device standard function.
Table 6.33: Configuration files used by the switching device standard function
File Functionality
SAI_SSW.DAT Contains the configuration data for the switching
device when it is created, modified or deleted
by the configuration tools.
SAI_SSW.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Object Navigator.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of the Power Process Library
standard functions for the installation tool.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Other text files

The following text file is used by the switching device. The path is
Table 6.34: Another text file used by the switching device
File Functionality
BGU_AUTH.TXT Contains the SCIL code for the station authority
check. The code is executed by the dialog of
the switching device. Command procedures

At the first installation, the bay creates the command procedure BGU_UPDATE, which
updates process objects when they are update-deblocked. This feature is similar to the
SYS600 Blocking Display function. It is also used when simulation mode is disabled in
the control dialog.
For the indication type of single indication (BI), the installation will create the command
procedure BGU_BI2DB, which updates the position indication double binary from the
binary input.
For the indication type of an analog input (AI), the installation will create the command
procedure BGU_AI2DB, which updates the position indication double binary from the
analog input.
For the indication type of two single indication (2xBI), the installation creates the
command procedures BGU_2BI2DB and BGU_SETDB, which are used to update the
position indication double binary from two binary inputs.
Table 6.35: Command procedures used by the switching device
BGU_CONTROL Performs the actual control operations
Function Functionality
OBJECT_INFO Gets configuration of the standard function.
GET_OI_TEXT Gets object identification text.
SELECT_ON_MONITOR Sets standard function to selected on monitor
OPEN_SELECT Performs open select command on standard
function.Uses text file
UNSELECT_ON_MONITOR Removes selected on monitor state from
standard function.
CLOSE_SELECT Performs close select command on standard
function.Uses text file
OPEN_EXECUTE Performs open execute command on standard
function.Uses text file

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BGU_CONTROL Performs the actual control operations

Function Functionality
CLOSE_EXECUTE Performs close execute command on standard
function.Uses text file
CANCEL Performs cancel command on standard function.
Uses text file.
SEARCH_OBJECTS Searches for objects that belong to standard
CHECK_AUTHORITY Checks if the user is authorized to control the
CHECK_AUTHORITY_WORKPLACE Checks if the used workstation is authorized to
make control operations.
INTERRUPT_AR_SEQUENCE Interrupts a running auto-reclosure sequence.
SET_SIMULATION Sets simulation state for objects that belong to
standard function.
GET_SIMULATION Gets simulation state of objects that belong to
standard function.
GET_ALARMS Gets alarms of standard function.
ACKNOWLEDGE_ALARM Acknowledges single alarm of standard function.
GET_OFFSETS Gets index offsets for indexes that are used for
indicating command event, selection on monitor,
control blocking, alarm, external blocking, open
blocking and close blocking.
BGU_BLOCK Performs the blocking operations
Function Description
GET_BLOCKING_STATE Gets blocking state for objects that belong to
the standard function.
SET_BLOCKING_STATE Sets blocking state for the objects that belong
to the standard function. If standard function is
a bay, applies to all objects that belong to the
bay. If standard function is a station, applies to
all objects that belong to the station.
GET_ENABLED_BLOCKINGS Disables blocking possibility in some standard
functions. For example, control blocking cannot
be used with a measurement and alarm indicator
standard functions. Process objects

Depending on the configuration the following process objects are common to all switching

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 6.36: The process objects to be created with the tools.

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
70 BI Local/Remote- Optional FPQxxxILRS
71 BI Operator place- Optional FPQxxxIOPS
72 BO Operator place- Optional FPQxxxCOPS
switch command

The following process objects are created depending on the configuration of the switching
Table 6.37: Manually operated circuit breaker, disconnector or earth switch. The
process objects to be created with the tools.
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 DB Position indication FPQxxxIPOS
19 AI Object selected Optional FPQxxxXMEV
on monitor
21 BI Auxiliary plug in- Optional FPQxxxIAUX
49 DI Tagout indication Tagout released FPXTAGXIND
50 DI Tagout history Tagout released FPXTAGXEVT
108 BI Close position in- Indication type FPQxxxEPOS
dication 2xBI
110 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQxxxEPOS
or open position 2xBI
110 EVREC Event recording Indication type FPQxxxEPOS
DB for position indica- DB
tion RP-570 only
121 EVREC Event recording RP-570 only FPQxxxEAUX
BI for auxiliary plug Optional
208 EVREC Event recording Indication type FPQxxxEPOS
BI for close position 2xBI
indication RP-570 only
210 EVREC Event recording Ind. type AI, BI or FPQxxxEPOS
BI or AI for position indica- 2xBI RP-570 only
tion or open posi- Optional
tion indication

The three characters (xxx) in the group identifier are replaced

by other characters based on the selection made with

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

configurable attributes SWITCHING_DEVICE_TYPE and


Table 6.38: Motorized circuit breaker, disconnector or earth switch. The process
objects to be created with the tools.
Index Obj. type Process ob- Remarks Group identifier
10 DB Position indica- FPQxxxIPOS
11 BO Open com- Sec. control with 4xBO, FPQxxxCOBC
mand or Open 2xBO or 2xDO
12 BO Close com- Sec. control with 4xBO, FPQxxxCOBC
mand or Close 2xBO or 2xDO
13 BO Execute com- Sec. control with 4xBO, FPQxxxCOBC
mand or or 5xBO
select and Ex-
command or
Open execute
14 BO Cancel com- Sec. control with 4xBO FPQxxxCOBC
mand or close or 5xBO
execute com-
15 BI/AI External con- AI when the selected FPQxxxIBLK
trol blocking station type is
IEC 61850-8
16 BI External inter- Optional FPQxxxIINH
lock for open
17 BI External inter- Optional FPQxxxIINH
lock for close
18 AI External inter- Optional FPQxxxIINH
locking cause
19 AI Object selected Optional FPQxxxXMEV
on monitor
20 BI Object com- Optional FPQxxxICEV
mand event
21 BI Auxiliary plug Optional FPQxxxIAUX
25 BO Cancel com- 5xBO FPQxxxCOBC

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. type Process ob- Remarks Group identifier

41 BI Externally open Created with IEC 61850- FPQxxxIBLK
blocked 8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols
42 BI Externally Created with IEC 61850- FPQxxxIBLK
close blocked 8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols
49 DI Tagout indica- Tagout released FPXTAGXIND
50 DI Tagout history Tagout released FPXTAGXEVT
55 AI Add cause of Optional FPQxxxTAEC
108 BI Close position Indication type 2xBI FPQxxxEPOS
110 BI or AI Position indica- Ind. type AI, BI or 2xBI FPQxxxEPOS
tion or open
position indica-
110 EVREC Event record- Indication type DB FPQxxxEPOS
DB ing for position RP-570 only
indication Optional
111-114 TERM/OS Command ter- IEC 60870-5-101/104 FPQxxxTOBC
mination indica- and -103 only
tion for output Optional
115 EVREC Event record- Only RP-570 FPQxxxEBLK
BI ing for external Optional
control block-
116 EVREC Event record- Only RP-570 FPQxxxEINH
BI ing for external Optional
interlock for
open cmd
117 EVREC Event record- Only RP-570 FPQxxxEINH
BI ing for external Optional
interlock for
close cmd
120 EVREC Event record- RP-570 only FPQxxxECEV
BI ing for object Optional
121 EVREC Event record- RP-570 only FPQxxxEAUX
BI ing for auxiliary Optional
plug indication
208 EVREC Event record- Indication type 2xBI FPQxxxEPOS
BI ing for close RP-570 only
position indica- Optional

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Index Obj. type Process ob- Remarks Group identifier

210 EVREC Event record- Ind. type AI, BI or 2xBI FPQxxxEPOS
BI or AI ing for position RP-570 only Optional
indication or
open position
252 AI Calculated in- Optional FPQxxxIINH

The three characters (xxx) in the group identifier are replaced

by other characters based on the selection made with
configurable attributes SWITCHING_DEVICE_TYPE and

Table 6.39: Manually operated truck. The process objects to be created with the
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-
30 DB Position indication FPQT01IPOS
39 AI Object selected on Optional FPQT01XMEV
49 DI Tagout indication Tagout released FPXTAGXIND
50 DI Tagout history Tagout released FPXTAGXEVT
128 BI Close position indic- Indication type 2xBI FPQT01EPOS
130 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQT01EPOS
or open position in- 2xBI
130 EVREC Event recording for Indication type DB FPQT01EPOS
DB position indication RP-570 only
228 EVREC Event recording for Indication type 2xBI FPQT01EPOS
BI close position indic- RP-570 only
ation Optional
230 EVREC Event recording for Ind. type AI, BI or FPQT01EPOS
BI or AI position indication 2xBI RP-570 only
or open position in- Optional

Table 6.40: Motorized truck. The process objects to be created with the tools.
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-
30 DB Position indication FPQT01IPOS

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-

31 BO Open command or Sec. control with FPQT01COBC
Open execute 4xBO, 2xBO or
32 BO Close command or Sec. control with FPQT01COBC
Close execute 4xBO, 2xBO or
33 BO Execute command Sec. control with FPQT01COBC
or Open/Close se-
lect and Ex-
ecute/Cancel com-
mand or Open ex-
ecute command
34 BO Cancel command or Sec. control with FPQT01COBC
Close execute com- 4xBO or 5xBO
35 BI/AI External control AI when the selec- FPQT01IBLK
blocking ted station type is
IEC 61850-8
36 BI External interlock Optional FPQT01IINH
for open cmd
37 BI External interlock Optional FPQT01IINH
for close cmd
38 AI External interlock- Optional FPQT01IINH
ing cause
39 AI Object selected on Optional FPQT01XMEV
40 BI Object command Optional FPQT01ICEV
45 BO Cancel command 5xBO FPQT01COBC
49 DI Tagout indication Tagout released FPXTAGXIND
50 DI Tagout history Tagout released FPXTAGXEVT
61 BI Externally open Created with IEC FPQT01IBLK
blocked 61850-8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols
62 BI Externally close Created with IEC FPQT01IBLK
blocked 61850-8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols
128 BI Close position indic- Indication type 2xBI FPQT01EPOS
130 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQT01EPOS
or open position in- 2xBI
130 EVREC Event recording for Indication type DB FPQT01EPOS
DB position indication RP-570 only

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-

131-134 TERM Command termina- IEC 60870-5- FPQxxxTOBC
tion indication for 101/104 and -103
output signals only
135 EVREC Event recording for Only RP-570 FPQT01EBLK
BI external control Optional
136 EVREC Event recording for Only RP-570 FPQT01EINH
BI external interlock Optional
for open cmd
137 EVREC Event recording for Only RP-570 FPQT01EINH
BI external interlock Optional
for close cmd
140 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQT01ECEV
BI object command Optional
228 EVREC Event recording for Indication type 2xBI FPQT01EPOS
BI close position indic- RP-570 only
ation Optional
230 EVREC Event recording for Ind. type AI, BI or FPQT01EPOS
BI or AI position indication 2xBI
or open position in- RP-570 only
dication Optional
251 AI Calculated interlock- Optional FPQT01IINH
ing cause

Table 6.41: Manually operated three-state switch. The process objects to be created
with the tools.
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 DB Position indication Disconnector sec- FPQ301IPOS
11 DB Position indication Earth switch sec- FPQ301IPOS
25 AI Object selected Optional FPQ301XMEV
on monitor
49 DI Tagout indication Tagout released FPXTAGXIND
50 DI Tagout history Tagout released FPXTAGXEVT
108 BI Close position in- Indication type FPQ301EPOS
dication 2xBI
Disconnector sec-
109 BI Earth position in- Indication type FPQ301EPOS
dication 2xBI
Earth switch sec-

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier

110 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
or open position 2xBI
indication Disconnector sec-
111 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
or free position in- 2xBI
dication Earth switch sec-
110 EVREC Event recording Indication type DB FPQ301EPOS
DB for position indica- RP-570 only
tion Optional
111 EVREC Event recording Indication type DB FPQ301EPOS
DB for position indica- RP-570 only
tion Optional
208 EVREC Event recording Indication type FPQ301EPOS
BI for close position 2xBI
indication RP-570 only
209 EVREC Event recording Indication type FPQ301EPOS
BI for earth position 2xBI
indication RP-570 only
210 EVREC Event recording Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
BI or AI for position indica- 2xBI
tion or open posi- RP-570 only
tion indication Optional
211 EVREC Event recording Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
BI or AI for position indica- 2xBI
tion or free posi- RP-570 only
tion indication Optional

Table 6.42: Motorized three-state switch. The process objects to be created with
the tools.
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-
10 DB Position indication Disconnector sec- FPQ301IPOS
11 DB Position indication Earth switch section FPQ301IPOS
12 BO Open command or Sec. control with FPQ301COBC
Open execute 4xBO, 2xBO or
13 BO Close command or Sec. control with FPQ301COBC
Close execute 4xBO, 2xBO or
14 BO Free command or Sec. control with FPQ301COBC
Free execute 4xBO, 2xBO or

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-

15 BO Earth command or Sec. control with FPQ301COBC
Earth execute 4xBO, 2xBO or
16 BO Execute command Sec. control with FPQ301COBC
or open/close select 4xBO, BO or AO
and execute/ cancel Direct control with
cmd BO
17 BO Cancel command or Sec. control with FPQ301COBC
free/earth select 4xBO, BO or AO
and execute/cancel Direct control with
cmd BO
18 BI External control Optional FPQ301IBLK
19 BI External interlock Optional FPQ301IINH
for open cmd
20 BI External interlock Optional FPQ301IINH
for close cmd
21 BI External interlock Optional FPQ301IINH
for free cmd
22 BI External interlock Optional FPQ301IINH
for earth cmd
23 AI External inter-lock- Optional FPQ301IINH
ing cause
24 AI External interlock- Optional FPQ301IINH
ing cause
25 AI Object selected on Optional FPQ301XMEV
26 BI Object command Optional FPQ301ICEV
41 BI Externally open Created with IEC FPQ301IBLK
blocked 61850-8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols,
disconnector sec-
42 BI Externally close Created with IEC FPQ301IBLK
blocked 61850-8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols
disconnector sec-
49 DI Tagout indication Tagout released FPXTAGXIND
50 DI Tagout history Tagout released FPXTAGXEVT
61 BI Externally open Created with IEC FPQ301IBLK
blocked 61850-8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols,
earth switch section

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-

62 BI Externally close Created with IEC FPQ301IBLK
blocked 61850-8 and
DNP 3.0 protocols,
earth switch section
108 BI Close position indic- Indication type 2xBI FPQ301EPOS
109 BI Earth position indic- Indication type 2xBI FPQ301EPOS
110 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
or open position in- 2xBI
111 BI or AI Position indication Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
or free position indic- 2xBI
110 EVREC Event recording for Indication type DB FPQ301EPOS
DB position indication RP-570 only
111 EVREC Event recording for Indication type DB FPQ301EPOS
DB position indication RP-570 only
112-117 TERM Command termina- IEC 60870-5- FPQxxxTOBC
tion indication for 101/104 and -103
output signals only
118 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQ301EBLK
BI external control Optional
119 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQ301EINH
BI external interlock Optional
for open cmd
120 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQ301EINH
BI external interlock Optional
for close cmd
121 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQ301EINH
BI external interlock Optional
for free cmd
122 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQ301EINH
BI external interlock Optional
for earth cmd
126 EVREC Event recording for RP-570 only FPQ301ECEV
BI object command Optional
208 EVREC Event recording for Indication type 2xBI FPQ301EPOS
BI close position indic- RP-570 only
ation Optional

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifi-

209 EVREC Event recording for Indication type 2xBI FPQ301EPOS
BI earth position indic- RP-570 only
ation Optional
210 EVREC Event recording for Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
BI or AI position indication 2xBI
or open position in- RP-570 only
dication Optional
211 EVREC Event recording for Ind. type AI, BI or FPQ301EPOS
BI or AI position indication 2xBI
or free position indic- RP-570 only
ation Optional
251 AI Calculated interlock- Optional FPQ301IINH
ing cause
252 AI Calculated interlock- Optional FPQ301IINH
ing cause Scale objects

At the first installation, the switching device creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale). For
indication type of analog input, the installation will also create the scale BGU_1_1000
(linear 1:1000 scale). Operation counters

In a switch control dialog, the CO, CV, CE and CL attributes of the DB process object
are used for operation counting. Regardless of whether the counting is used or not, the
attributes are always readable.

6.7 Tagout
Tagout is a procedure for disabling equipment to protect maintenance and service
personnel from either an unexpected release of energy, or an accidental start-up while
performing field activities.
The Tagout function provides locks (control block)/inhibits (update blocks) on control/data
A tagout can be assigned to switching devices. The main focus is on breaker tagout
facility. The facility allows for selection from a set of user defined tagout classes, which
specify lock, remote lock, inhibit, remote inhibit, priority and other class attributes.
Lock, remote lock specifies whether a control can pass through locally or remotely.
Inhibit, remote inhibit specifies whether status will be reported locally or remotely.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

The system allows operators to lock control of devices by means of a secure, multi-level
tag feature. This feature allows operators to apply an unlimited number of tags to each
point, each tag being stored with a date/time stamp and an operator entered description.
Every tag and un-tag operation can be logged and it generates an event.
The system permits no means of bypassing the control inhibit caused by a tag. This
applies to any and every application interacting with the system.
A tag symbol indicating the control inhibit conditions can be displayed next to the device
on all displays where the device is presented. The following information can be defined
for each tag type:
• tag symbol to be displayed
• tag priority
• tag reason
• type of controls that will be inhibited by the tag, i.e. open and close, or information
only (no control inhibit)
• other optional tag information
The Tagout function can be enabled with the Power Process Library Standard Function
Configuration tool.

6.7.1 Standard function installation

For the Tagout function to be taken into use for selected switching devices, it has to be
configured. For that purpose, the attribute TAGOUT within the Standard Function
Installation and Configuration Tool for switching devices can be used. This attribute is
disabled by default. It will be enabled after the Tagout function has been initialized. The
initialization takes place with the first Tagout Class Editor usage.
The tagout attribute will be used for the Control dialog to show/hide the Tagout tab.

6.7.2 Tagout class properties

A set of attributes forms a Tagout Class. Tagout classes can be adjusted with the Tagout
Class Editor.
Table 6.43: Tagout class attributes
Attribute name Description and properties
Mandatory attributes
Date/Time Date and time of tagout activation and modification.
Priority None, Very Low, Low, Medium, High, Very High.
The list content can be modified with the Tagout Class Editor.
Reason Men at work, equipment in service, abnormal condition, other.
The list content can be modified with the Tagout Class Editor.
Owner The user/owner name will be taken over from the current
active MicroSCADA user.

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Attribute name Description and properties

Comments Free comment text
Action attributes
Action methods Lock, block control local (Station), remote (NCC)
Inhibit, block update local (Station), remote (NCC)
Other standard blocking attributes:
alarm blocking
event blocking
printout blocking
reprocessing blocking
Tag Repr Tagout symbol reference (hidden to user)
Tag text For Symbol Type Tagout Text
Up to 6 optional attributes
Optional attribute 1..5 Predefined name for 5 optional attributes of text type
Optional Attribute 6 Predefined name for optional attribute 6 of selector type

The attribute names and their properties can be modified with the Tagout Class Editor.
Each attribute has the following basic properties:
1. Name (internal name, not editable),
2. Title, editable with Tagout Class Editor,
3. Used or not used within this class,
4. Visible in tagout views as there are, Control Dialog Tagout tab and Tagout List,
5. Enabled, attribute value is visible but the user cannot change the default value,
6. Logging release,
7. History/event handling release. Tagout storage

Class data
Only one tagout class can be active at a time. Out of the amount of pre-configured classes,
one class can be activated.
The active tagout class can only be changed when there is no tagout assigned to any
switching device.
All class properties are stored in a SYS600 SCIL Database (SDB) located in the
application \apl_ directory.
The tagout class database is located in sc/'application name'/apl_.
The database file name is apl_tagout.sdb.

Active tagout
Active tagout(s) on a control/data point will be stored in the tagout class database with
their logical name (LN) and index (IX) as section name.

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Application Design

Figure 6.1: Active Tagout storage structure in Tagout Class Editor

Multiple tagouts, as well as multiple priorities on one object are supported. Depending
on the used tagout presentation type, the tagout indicators for either the highest priority,
or all priorities will be shown on the display.

Tagout event and logging

All Tagout changes generate a new event in the event list. A printout of the tagout can
also be generated if the option is released in the process object database.
Event generation for certain attribute and tagout changes can be released with the Tagout
Class Editor.

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Figure 6.2: Tagout class attribute event handling settings

The following information will form the event entry:

• Date & time of change
• Object Identifier (OI)
• User name, in Object Text (OX)
• Attribute information, in Object Text (OX)
• Kind of tagout activity, add/remove or edit tagout, in Event State Text (EH)
The Object Text (OX) attribute for the different activities has the following format:
For edit and remove attribute actions:
Date + Time + Object Identifier + Prefix OX + Owner Name + Separator + Attr. Title
+ Separator + Attr. Value

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

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29-05-09 09:32:32.898 Rivers Wilbur Q0 Tagout: DEMO,Priority,high Attr.value changed

29-05-09 10:45:08.851 Rivers Wilbur Q0 Tagout: DEMO,Priority,high Attribute removed

For tagout add and removal actions:

29-05-09 10:45:09.866 Rivers Wilbur QO Tagout: ,Owner DEMO Removed
29-05-09 09:34:10.804 Rivers Wilbur QO Tagout: ,Owner DEMO Insert

Date + Time + Object Identifier + Prefix OX + Separator + Owner Attr. Title + Owner
Table 6.44: Event descriptions
Event Item Description Definition in Class Editor Default
Date Date and time of tagout Tagout Date attribute value
Time Tagout Time attribute value
Object identifier From position indication
Prefix OX Tagout name descriptor Root node\Settings\His- Tagout:
tory\Tagout prefix OX
Owner name Current logged on Micro-
SCADA user
Owner attribute title Title for the attribute Active class\attribute\own- Owner
Owner er\title
Separator Separator between each Root node\Settings\His- ,
event item in the object tory\Separator
Attribute Title Title for the attribute Active class\attribute title
causing the event
Attribute Value New value assigned to Active class\attribute value
the attribute causing the

The Event state text uses the event handling object SAGR_TAGOUT_HIST. The state
text can be modified with the Tagout Class Editor by editing the root/settings/history

Figure 6.3: Event state text in event handling object

All activities related to tagout will be logged in an ASCII text file.

The tagout log file is located in sc/'application name'/apl_.

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The file name is apl_tagout'year'.log.

One log file will be created for each year.
The following data will be logged:
• Date and time
• Object Identifier (OI)
• Tagout owner name
• Kind of Tagout activity, add/remove or edit Tagout
• Changed attribute name and value
Tagout Class Editor can be used for releasing tagout activity logging for all attributes,
see Figure 6.3.
The log file can be viewed with Log Viewer or with any text editor. Log Viewer is
included in the Tagout List, but can only used for viewing and not editing. Select a year
from the drop down list to view the content of that year's log file.

Figure 6.4: Log file selection in Log Viewer

The log file entry for the different activities has the following format:
For edit and remove attribute actions:
Date + Time + Separator + Object Identifier + Separator + Owner Name + Separator +
Tagout activity + Separator + Attr. Title + Separator + Attr. Value
29-05-2009 Rivers Wilbur Q0 DEMO Attr. value changed Reason Out of service
29-05-2009 Rivers Wilbur Q0 DEMO Attribute removed local Set
17:29:14 lock

For tagout adding and removal:

Date + Time + Separator + Object Identifier + Separator + Owner Name + Separator +
Tagout activity
29-05-2009 17:29:23 Rivers Wilbur QO DEMO Removed
29-05-2009 17:29:14 Rivers Wilbur QO DEMO New Tagout added

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Application Design

Table 6.45: Log text description

Log item Description Definition in Class Editor
Date Date and time of tagout activity Tagout Date attribute value

Object Identifier From position indication object
Owner Name Current logged on MicroSCADA user
Tagout Activity Root node\Settings\Log-
ging\Tagout Action Text

Separator Separator between each log item Root node\Settings\Log-

Attributes Title Attribute title for the attribute causing the entry Active class\attribute title
Attributes value New value assigned to the attribute causing the Active class\attribute value
log entry

6.7.3 Tagout presentation symbols

The following table shows some possible symbols. In this example, the ANSI type of
breaker function is used.
Table 6.46: Tagout presentation symbols
Presentation Priority value
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(Bit weight)
Priority order 5 priority levels
Pattern frame Solid frame Text Indicator



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Presentation Priority value

Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
(Bit weight)
Priority order 5 priority levels
Pattern frame Solid frame Text Indicator









Only one representation type per tagout instance can be used. It is not possible for the
operator to change the representation type for a tagout instance.
One special type of symbol is part of the delivery. This symbol acts as a container for
up to 8 subdrawings, which can be modified on a project specific base. See Figure 6.5

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Figure 6.5: Tagout multi symbol presentation

The subsymbols can be found in the \sc\prog\graphicsEngine\Palette\01 -

SA_Common\TagoutxSymbol1(2..8).sd directory. Before making modification, it is
recommended to copy the subdrawings to the local \sc\application name\aplmod4\
Palette\01 - SA_Common directory. The sub-symbols will be visible according to the
priority attribute value assigned to them. The priority value can be defined by using the
Tagout Class Editor. Tagout symbol dynamics

The quantifier is the value stored in the tagout indication process object value (OV) for
the selected priority.

Figure 6.6: Priority quantifier

The priority plays the most important role when it comes to the tagout symbol shown in
the displays.

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For the simple type of symbols as, for example, Tagout with solid frame, the color
selection is based on the currently assigned priority. If multiple tagouts are assigned, the
highest priority will be used for the color presentation.
By using the Tagout indicator symbol, the priority (up to 5 priority levels) for all active
tagouts for one switching device can be made visible. Color setting tool

The tagout symbol colors representing the different priority states can be modified with
the Color Setting Tool, see Figure 6.7 below.

Figure 6.7: Tagout settings on Color Settings Tool

The following table shows the relation between priority quantity and Power Process
Library color indexes.
Table 6.47: Color index reference to priority value
Data variable Power Process Lib- Class attribute
Value Color index Priority (default) Quantity
>=0 and <1 116 None (Lowest) 0
>=1 and <2 115 Very low 1
>=2 and <4 114 Low 2
>=4 and <8 113 Medium 4
>=8 and <16 112 High 8
>=16 and <32 111 Very high 16
>=32 and <64 110 Highest 32
>=64 and <128 117 Free (Reserve 1) 64
>=128 and <256 118 Free (Reserve 2) 128
- 119 Reserved 3 -

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Tagout symbol installation with Display Builder

The tagout symbols are installed with Display Builder tool using the Object Browser.
There are three options for installing a tagout symbol:
1. As a group of symbols, switch device symbol together with the tagout symbol, with
automatic creation and mapping of all used data variable. See Figure 6.8 below.

Figure 6.8: Tagout symbol group installation

2. Only the tagout symbol, with automatic creation and mapping of all used data
variable. See Figure 6.9 below.

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Figure 6.9: Tagout symbol single installation

3. From the 01 - SA_Common palette without automatic creation and mapping of all
used data variable. See Figure 6.10 below.

Figure 6.10: Tagout symbol selection from the palette

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6.7.4 Tagout Control dialog

In the Switch Control dialog, the Blocking tab will be replaced with a Tagout tab if the
active tagout class contains action method attributes. The Tagout tab is only visible for
objects where the tagout function has been enabled with the Standard Function
Configuration Tool.
The properties and view for the Tagout tab can be adjusted with the Tagout Class Editor.
The Tagout tab is used for presenting all active tagouts for the selected switching device,
see Figure 6.11 below.

Figure 6.11: Switch Control dialog with active tagouts

The tab is also the only place where the user can add, edit and remove tagouts by using
the Add, Remove... and Edit buttons. Active tagouts can only be edited and removed
by the owner of the tagout. The owner name is fetched from the currently logged on
MicroSCADA user.

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Figure 6.12: Add/Edit Tagout dialog

The dialog for adding and editing tagouts can contain several tabs, see Figure 6.12 above.
The title and position of these tabs can be adjusted with the Tagout Class Editor.
In case of an error in communication between Switch Control dialog and the tagout class
database, the user will be informed with and error notification dialog, see Figure 6.13

Figure 6.13: Switch Control dialog error notification

The error message text can be modified with the Tagout Class Editor.

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6.7.5 Tagout action methods

The standard blocking attributes need a special treatment when used within the Tagout
function. To highlight this, the term Action_Methods is be used for these attributes.
Table 6.48: Tagout Action Methods
Method name Purpose SYS600 attribute notation
Local lock Block control from SA system UB update blocking commands
Lock remote Block control form remote system Depends on remote connection. For COM
500i, commands received from an NCC will
be blocked and a negative action confirma-
tion will be sent back to the NCC.
Inhibit local Update block from process UB update blocking for indication. Reset will
force a data update to the process level
Inhibit remote Update block upwards to NCC Depends on the remote connection. For
COM 500i, sending an update to NCC will
be blocked.
Standard blocking attributes
Inhibit Alarm Blocks all alarm activation from alarm- AB, alarm blocking
ing objects within the current group
Inhibit Event Blocks all alarm events for objects with HB, history blocking
enabled history function within the cur-
rent group
Inhibit Printout Blocks all prinouts for objects with en- PB, printout blocking
abled printout function within the current
Inhibit Processing Blocks all further processing for objects XB, activation blocking
with enabled reprocessing function
within the current group

Blocking attributes, which have been activated or deactivated with the Tagout function,
are not enabled in other standard blocking attribute views, such as the Blocking list and
the Blocking tab inside the Switch Control dialog. The blocking state will be visible but
it cannot be changed.
The set of process objects included in the object search, depends on the selection made
in the Tagout Class Editor, see Section Action Method settings.
Every change in any of the action method attributes will launch the user defined command
The following parameters will be provided:
• Logical Name
• Main indexes (Index 10 for Indication, Index xx for commands, depending on
command type)
• Action Method attribute name, e.g. LOCALLOCK, REMOTEINHIBIT
• New value for changed attribute

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This user defined command procedure can be used, for project specific code, to perform
actions related to process level devices, either to activate some locking inside an IED or
to inform a possible external gateway, for example, COM6xx or COM581, about tagout
changes related to their function.

6.7.6 Tagout Class Editor

Tagout Class Editor is a tool for modifying the properties of each tagout class and their
attributes. Basic tagout class attribute settings

Figure 6.14: Tagout Class editor, Class root page, Attributes tab

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The following basic settings for tagout class attributes can be done in the class root page
(see Figure 6.14 above):
• Taking an attribute in use or out of use.
Attributes set to Not in use will be ignored in all Tagout function components
• Setting an attribute as Visible in List and Tab view
• Enabling changing attribute value in add/edit dialog
• Releasing attribute changes for logging and event generation (history) purposes
• Assigning an attribute to any existing tab of the add/edit dialog
The following figures show the different behavior for attributes depending on the settings
described above.

Figure 6.15: Attribute behavior settings

Figure 6.16: Attribute presentation in Switch Control dialog

The first attribute local inhibit is out of use and will not be used at all.
The second attribute remote inhibit is in use but not visible anywhere. The specified
default value will be used when a tagout is added.
The third attribute local lock is in use and visible. The specified default value will be
used when a tagout is added.
The fourth attribute remote lock is in use, visible and enabled. The user can change the
specified default value before a new tagout is added. Tab settings

With the Tab titles the user can:

• add/remove/edit the tab titles for the Add/Edit Tagout dialog,
• define the tab position within the Add/Edit Tagout dialog.

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Figure 6.17: Handling Add/Edit Tagout dialog tabs

Tabs can only be removed when there is no class attribute assigned to them.

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Application Design Attribute position in views

Figure 6.18: Changing attribute position

The absolute attribute position within the Switch Control dialog Tagout List can be
changed with the Down and Up buttons.
The relative attribute position in the assigned tab of the Add/Edit Tagout dialog can also
be changed with the Down and Up buttons. Attribute type Selector

For attributes of the type Selector, the following properties can be modified:
• The attribute title shown in the Switch Control dialog's Tagout List view and in the
Add/Edit Tagout dialog.
• The default value used for the add/edit dialog when a new tagout is added

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Figure 6.19: Editing the Selector attribute properties

The quantifier is the value that is written into the process object database for the selected
title. In the current version, the quantifier will be used only for the priority attribute.
It is possible to add, remove or edit the attribute selector titles and quantifier. However,
at least one selector title must remain.
With the Insert button, a new row can be added above the selected row. With the context
menu that opens when a row is right-clicked, a new row can be added above or below
the selected row.
A special treatment for post processing activities is needed for the priority attribute. Post
processing activities are attribute changes which depend on priority value selection.
The post processing selection, shown in Figure 6.20 below, is only available for classes
containing action methods. Only action methods that are a part of the selected class and
in use can be used in post processing.

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Figure 6.20: Post processing priority editing

The action method attribute values are set with the Add/Edit Tagout dialog after the
priority value selection has been made. Below, Figure 6.21 shows Add/Edit Tagout dialog
for the rows handled above in Figure 6.20.

Figure 6.21: Priority post processing in Add/Edit Tagout dialog

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
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Version: B/3.6.2015 Attribute type Text

For attributes of type Text, the following properties can be modified:

• the attribute title shown in the Switch Control Dialog's Tagout List view and in the
Add/Edit Tagout dialog,
• the default value used for the Add/Edit Tagout dialog when a new tagout is added,
• the minimum and maximum length.

Figure 6.22: Editing attribute properties for type Text Attribute type Boolean

For attributes of type Boolean, the following properties can be modified:

• The attribute title shown in the Switch Control Dialog's Tagout List view and in the
Add/Edit Tagout dialog
• The default value used for the Add/Edit Tagout dialog when a new tagout is added

Figure 6.23: Editing attribute properties for type Boolean Overall settings

Class activation
The activation of one class out of the list of existing classes can be done in the Main
page of the Activate Class tab, see Figure 6.24 below.

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Figure 6.24: Class activation

The active class can only be changed if there are no active tagouts at that moment. Once
a tagout has been activated, the properties from the active tagout class will be made read
only. This prevents any mismatch in properties between active tagouts and active tagout
class. Action Method settings

Figure 6.25: Action Method settings

The following settings are available on the Settings tab (see also Section Action
Method settings):
• Only main indication and command objects included
Index 10 (and 11 for three-state switch) for the status indication
Main object command indexes for switch device control (Index range depends on
command type)
• Filter on Object Identification (OI)
• Filter on Logical Name (LN).
Blockings will be set for all process objects based on the defined filter condition.
Excluded from object search command are all internal objects, such as:

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• Selected on monitor
• Tagout indication object (Index 49)
• Tagout event & logging object (Index 50) History handling settings

For the event (History) handling, the following settings are available on the Settings tab
(see Figure 6.26):

Figure 6.26: History Handling settings

By using the History enabled check box, the event generation can be taken out of use
for all tagout activities. This setting will overrule the history handling settings made for
class attributes. Activity logging settings

For the Logging function the following settings are available on the Settings tab (see
Figure 6.27):

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Figure 6.27: Activity logging settings

Using the Logging enabled check box the logging function can be taken out of use for
all tagout activities. This setting will overrule the logging handling settings made for
class attributes.

6.7.7 Viewing Tagouts

Tagout Lists opens from the View menu of the Tagout Class Editor. The Active Tagouts
tab of Tagout List presents all active tagouts, see Figure 6.28 below. Tagout List can be
added as an item into the existing menu structure. Also, launching via a toolbar button
or icon from any display will be supported. The Tagout List can only be used to view
active tagouts.

Figure 6.28: Tagout List

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The Tagout Log Viewer is integrated in the Tagout List as a separate Log Viewer tab.

Figure 6.29: Tagout Log Viewer in Tagout List

The Tagout List can be set to be opened from the menu as a Visual SCIL dialog. The
following item properties should be used for the set up in the Specify VSCIL Tool dialog
(see also Figure 6.30 below):
• File: C:\sc\Stool\AplBuild\TOEDIT.VSO
• Object name: TOList
• Tool Appearance: Tool size: Size 1 (960x720)

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Figure 6.30: Settings for Tagout List to open as Open Visual SCIL Tool

To make the Tagout List open as a Visual SCIL dialog from a display, the following
settings should be used in the Tool Launcher Settings dialog (see Figure 6.31 below):
• The Visual SCIL dialog radio button should be selected
• VSO file: C:\sc\Stool\AplBuild\TOEDIT.VSO
• Visual SCIL object name: TOList

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Figure 6.31: Launcher Settings for Tagout List

The Blocking Display can also be used to present all active blockings including the
blockings activated by the Tagout function, see Figure 6.32 below. However, it is not
possible to modify the blocking attributes set by the Tagout function in the Blocking

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Figure 6.32: Blocking Display with active blockings

The Event Display can be used to list all historical tagout activities. The Tagout filter
function in the Filter Settings dialog can be used for listing only tagout related events
in Event Display.

Figure 6.33: Event Display Filter Settings dialog

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6.7.8 Localization

Tagout Class Editor dialog items and notification messages can be translated with the
Text Translation Tool.
Tagout Class attributes are part of the Tagout Class and need to be translated with the
Tagout Class Editor. The tagout Class attributes include, for example, attribute titles,
which are used for the Switch Control Dialog Tagout tab and Tagout List.
Some basic text, for example the button caption text for the Switch Control Dialog Tagout
Tab, needs to be translated with third party software. This text is located in the Control
Dialog resource file ControlDialog2_EN.dll. See Table 17.1.

6.7.9 Application engineering information Files

The table below lists all the Tagout function related files and their functionality.
Table 6.49: Tagout function files
File Functionality Path
ToEdit.vso Class editor /STOOL/APLBUILD
Tagout 8xSymbol / PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
Tagout 8xSymbol / PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
Tagout 8xSymbol / PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
Tagout 8xSymbol TopDown / PROG/GRAPHICSEN- GINE/PALETTE/01 - SA_Common
Tagout 8xSymbol / PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
Tagout Indicator / PROG/GRAPHICSEN-

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File Functionality Path

tagoutxSymbol1(..8).sd * / PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
GINE/PALETTE/01 - SA_Common Command procedures

At the first Tagout Class Editor usage, the following command procedures will be created:
Table 6.50: Tagout function related command procedures
Name Functionality
SAGR_TAGOUT SCIL interface to tagout Class Database
SAGR_TAGOUT_AM Action Method (blocking) handling
SAGR_TAGOUT_AM_EX Interface with COM 500i
SAGR_TAGOUT_AM_UD For user defined action on Action Method activ-
ation and deactivation
SAGR_TAGOUT_HIST Logging handling
SAGR_TAGOUT_LOG Event and History handling Process objects

During the installation with the Standard Function Installation tool, two process objects
within the switching device logical name group will be created:
Table 6.51: Process object attributes related to Tagout function
Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group Identifier
49 DI Tagout Indication Internal FPXTAGXIND
50 ID Tagout History activ- Internal FPXTAGXEVT
ation Event handling object

Table 6.52: Event handling object for Tagout event text

Name Functionality
SAGR_TAGOUT_HIST Event state text for tagout activities

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6.8 Tap changer

6.8.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of the Tap changer standard function from the
Power Process Library. The standard function for the Tap changer is found in the directory
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power Process
Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Tap Changer). This standard function
is configured by using configuration tools, such as the Object Navigator. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the tap changer standard function is installed by using
the following Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.53: Power Process symbol for tap changer standard function
File name Representa- Symbol
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
02 -SA_ANSI Trans- Trans- ANSI

02 -SA_IEC\ Trans- Trans- IEC


02 -SA_ANSI\ Trans- Trans- ANSI


02 -SA_IEC\ Trans- Trans- IEC


SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

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File name Representa- Symbol

Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
02 -SA_ANSI\ Trans- Trans- ANSI

02 -SA_IEC\ Trans- Trans- IEC


6.8.2 Standard function configuration Configuration with tools

The Tap changer standard function has the following attributes to be configured with
the Object Navigator:
Table 6.54: Tap changer attributes configured with the tools
Attribute Meaning
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
MIN_POSITION Minimum position of tap changer 1
MAX_POSITION Minimum position of tap changer 19
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database process -
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & pro- ANSI
CMD_PARAMETER A selector for selecting of control N/A
method. This attribute has mean-
ing only if IEC 60870-5-101/104
or DNP 3.0 protocol is selected,
otherwise this attribute is disabled.
OUTPUT_STATUS Process objects for output status N/A
with DNP 3.0 protocol.
AUTO_MANUAL_IND_TYPE The type of the auto/manual sig- 01=manual,
nal 10=auto (DB)
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP The name of the authorization MV_CONTROL

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Attribute Meaning
TRANSFORMER_TYPE The number of windings 2-winding
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX Specifies the OPC Item Prefix to IEC61850 Subnet-
as IEC 61850 instance informa- work.IED1.LD1
OPC_LN_INSTANCES Specifies the OPC Logical Node VECTOR
names used as IEC 61850 In-
stance information.
OPERATOR_PLACE_HANDLING Specifies the operator place (loc- None
al/Station/NCC) handling of the

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the Tap changer standard function, the tools create a
certain set of process objects into the database. Process objects that will be linked to the
actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a proper
switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable values
for normal operation.
When process objects are created, default scales are assigned to the analog input signals
meant to be connected to the process (indices 24,25 and 26).
Table 6.55: Process objects created for tap changer
Index Explanation Purposes
10 Tap position indication Used for indication of the tap changer position.
11 Tap ch. auto/manual Used for indication of the transformer auto
ind. manual state.
12 Tap ch. single/parallel Used for indication of the transformer single /
ind. parallel state.
13 Tap ch. master/slave Used for indication of the transformer Mas-
ind. ter/Slave state.
14 Tap ch. manual cmd Used for sending "manual" command to the
control unit.
15 Tap ch. auto cmd Used for sending "auto" command to the control
16 Tap ch. raise cmd Used for sending "raise" command to the control
17 Tap ch. lower cmd Used for sending "lower" command to the con-
trol unit.
18 Tap ch. single/parallel Used for sending "single" or "parallel" command
cmd to the control unit.

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Application Design

19 Tap ch. master/slave Used for sending a "master" or "slave" command

command to the control unit.
20 Transformer ext. block- Used for indication of the transformer blocking
ing signal.
24 Voltage Used for indication of the voltage.
25 Reference voltage ind. Used for indication of the reference voltage.
26 Reference voltage Used for sending the reference voltage to the
command control unit
28 Set tap position Used for setting tap directy to a certain position
29 Tap changer operation In internal use, used for counting the number of
counter tap changer step changes.
30 Selected on monitor In internal use, tags the selection of the object
made in different pictures or monitors.
70 Local/Remote-switch Used for Device level Local/Remote-switch in-
71 Operator place-switch Used for device level operator place (Sta-
tion/NCC) indication
72 Operator place-switch Used for device level operator place (Sta-
tion/NCC) command
249 Transformer routing For network topology coloring purposes.
prim. info
250 Transformer predefined For network topology coloring purposes.
253 Transformer fict. pos. For network topology coloring purposes.
255 Transformer predefined For network topology coloring purposes.
color Example of a tap changer configuration

Table 6.56: Example configuration of a tap changer

Attributes Value
BAY_NAME Transformer 1

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

6.8.3 Application engineering information Structure of the tap changer standard function

This section describes the structure of the Tap changer standard function. All subdrawing
files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included.
The Tap changer is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and has
the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

The table below lists all Tap changer standard function related files and their functionality.
Table 6.57: Tap changer standard function related files
File Functionality Path SA ANSI symbol for two /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
winding transformer GINE/PALETTE/03 - SA_ANSI SA ANSI symbol for three /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
winding transformer GINE/PALETTE/03 - SA_ANSI SA IEC symbol for two /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
winding transformer GINE/PALETTE/03 - SA_IEC SA IEC symbol for three /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
winding transformer GINE/PALETTE/02 - SA_IEC
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture for /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
printing Language text files

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the Tap changer
standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.58: Text Translation Tool compatible text files used by the tap changer
standard function
File Functionality
SAI_TR2R.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function
SAI_TR2S.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function
SAI_HVT2.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function network topology coloring
SAI_HVT3.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function network topology coloring

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Help text file

The path to the Tap changer help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.59: Tap changer help text file
File Functionality
SAI_TR2.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the Tap changer standard function. The
Table 6.60: Configuration files used by the tap changer standard function
File Functionality
SAI_TRI_2.DAT Contains the configuration data for tap changer
when it is created modified or deleted by config-
uration tools.
SAI_TRI_2.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Object Navigator.
SAI_HVT23.POT Contains the process object network topology
coloring definitions for the Object Navigator.
SAI_TRAIDX.TXT Contains the process object network topology
coloring definitions for the Object Navigator.
SAI_HVT2.TPL Contains the process object network topology
coloring template definitions for the Object
SAI_HVT3.TPL Contains the process object network topology
coloring template definitions for the Object
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for installation tool. Other text file

The following text file is used by the Tap changer. The path is
Table 6.61: Text file used by the tap changer
File Functionality
BGU_AUTH.TXT Contains the SCIL code for station authority
check. The code is executed by the dialog of
the tap changer.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Command procedures

At the first installation, the Tap changer creates the command procedure BGU_UPDATE,
which updates process objects when they are update-deblocked. This feature is similar
to the SYS600 Blocking Display function.
For ANSI type of station, the command procedure BGU_AI2DB will be created while
installing. The command procedure BGU_AI2DB updates the position indication double
binary from the analog input. The command procecure BGU_TCCO is created for
updating the operation counter object.
Table 6.62: Command procedures used by the tap changer
BGU_TRAFO Performs the control operations
Function Description
AUTOMATIC_SELECT Performs select operation for automatic com-
mand on transformer standard function.
AUTOMATIC_EXECUTE Performs execute operation for automatic com-
mand on transformer standard function.
Uses text file
AUTOMATIC_CANCEL Performs cancel operation for automatic com-
mand on transformer standard function.
LOWER_SELECT Performs select operation for lower command
on transformer standard function.
LOWER_EXECUTE Performs execute operation for lower command
on transformer standard function.
LOWER_CANCEL Performs cancel operation for lower command
on transformer standard function.
MANUAL_SELECT Performs select operation for manual command
on transformer standard function.
MANUAL_EXECUTE Performs execute operation for manual com-
mand on transformer standard function.
MANUAL_CANCEL Performs cancel operation for manual command
on transformer standard function.
PARALLEL_SELECT Performs select operation for parallel command
on transformer standard function.
PARALLEL_EXECUTE Performs execute operation for parallel com-
mand on transformer standard function.
PARALLEL_CANCEL Performs cancel operation for parallel command
on transformer standard function.
RAISE_SELECT Performs select operation for raise command
on transformer standard function.
RAISE_EXECUTE Performs execute operation for raise command
on transformer standard function.
RAISE_CANCEL Performs cancel operation for raise command
on transformer standard function.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

BGU_TRAFO Performs the control operations

Function Description
SINGLE_SELECT Performs select operation for single command
on transformer standard function.
SINGLE_EXECUTE Performs execute operation for single command
on transformer standard function.
SINGLE_CANCEL Performs cancel operation for single command
on transformer standard function.
SELECT_ON_MONITOR Sets transformer standard function to selected
on monitor state.
UNSELECT_ON_MONITOR Removes selected on monitor state from trans-
former standard function.
OBJECT_CONF Gets object configuration for transformer
standard function.
GET_STATES Gets process object states of transformer
standard function.
GET_MESSAGES Gets object messages of transformer standard
BGU_BLOCK Performs the blocking operations
Function Description
GET_BLOCKING_STATE Gets blocking state for objects that belong to
standard function.
SET_BLOCKING_STATE Sets blocking state for objects that belong to
standard function. If standard function is bay,
applies to all objects that belong to bay. If
standard function is station, applies to all objects
that belong to a station.
GET_ENABLED_BLOCKINGS Disables blocking possibility in some standard
functions. For example, control blocking cannot
be used with a measurement and alarm indicator
standard functions. Process objects

The following process objects will be created depending on the configuration of the Tap
Table 6.63: Process objects for Generic tap changer
Index Object type Meaning of Pro- Remarks Group identifier
cess object
10 AI Tap changer posi- - FPTAVRIPOS
11 BI/DB Tap changer - FPTAVRIMAN
manual/auto -ind.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Object type Meaning of Pro- Remarks Group identifier

cess object
12 BI/DB Tap changer DB with FPTAVRISGL
single/parallel - IEC 61850-8
13 BI/AO Tap changer mas- AO with FPTAVRIMST or
ter/slave -ind. or IEC 61850-8 FPTAVRCPOS
Raise/Lower cmd.
14 BO Tap changer - FPTAVRCMAN
Manual cmd or
15 BO Tap changer Auto - FPTAVRCMAN or
cmd or Parallel FPTAVRCSGL
select cmd
16 BO Tap changer - FPTAVRCPOS or
Raise cmd or tap FPTAVRCSGL
Raise/Lower cmd
17 BO Tap changer - FPTAVRCPOS or
Lower cmd or FPTAVRCSGL
Parallel execute
18 BO Single execute Only IEC 61850-8 FPTAVRCSGL
19 BO Single/Parallel Only IEC 61850-8 FPTAVRCSGL
cancel cmd
20 BI/AI Tap changer ex- AI with FPTAVRIBLK
ternal blocking IEC 61850-8
24 AI Voltage - FPTAVRMVOL
25 AI Reference voltage -
26 AO Reference voltage
29 AI Tap changer oper- - FPTAVRICNR
ation counter
30 AI Tap changer selec- - FPTAVRXMEV
ted on monitor
31 BI Master indication Only if operation FPTAVRIMST
mode is Mas-
32 BI Follower indica- Only if operation FPTAVRIMST
tion mode is Mas-
33 BO Master command Only if operation FPTAVRIMAN
mode is Mas-
34 BO Follower com- Only if operation FPTAVRIMAN
mand mode is Mas-

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Object type Meaning of Pro- Remarks Group identifier

cess object
70 BI Local/Remote- Optional FPTAVRILRS
71 BI Operator place- Optional FPTAVRIOPS
72 BO Operator place- Optional FPTAVRCOPS
switch command Scale objects

At the first installation, the Tap changer creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale). For ANSI
station type, the installation creates also the scale BGU_1_1000 (linear 1:1000 scale). Operation counters

In the Tap changer control dialog, the AZ, OV, IU and HI attributes of the dedicated
analog input point are used for operation counting. The AZ, OV and HI attributes are
not readable if the IU attribute value is 0.

6.9 Measurement

6.9.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of measurement standard function from the Power
Process Library. The standard function for the measurement is found in the directory
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power Process
Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Measurement). This standard function
is configured by using the configuration tools, such as the Object Navigator: Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the measurement standard function is installed by using
the Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Table 6.64: Power Process symbols for measurement standard function

File name Representa- Symbol
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical

Line Graph 20

Current Transducer Current Trans- ANSI

ANSI ducer

Current Transducer Current Trans- IEC

IEC ducer

Voltage Transducer Voltage Trans- ANSI

ANSI ducer

Voltage Transducer Voltage Trans- IEC

IEC ducer

6.9.2 Standard function configuration Configuration with tools

The measurement standard function has the following attributes to be configured with
the Object Navigator:
Table 6.65: Configurable measurement picture function attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database -
process objects
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & LON
TYPE_MEAS_'number' The type of the measurement None

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Attribute Meaning Default

FOLDER_'number_TITLE Abbreviation of the measure- -
MEAS_'number_DECIMALS Decimals used for presenting 0
the value
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP The name of the authorization MV_CONTROL
EVENT_RECORDING Process objects for event re- No process objects
cording with RP-570
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX Specifies the OPC Item Prefix "IEC61850 Subnetwork.IED1
used as IEC 61850 Instance
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_1 Specifies the OPC Logical VECTOR("MMXU1")
Node names used as IEC
61850 Instance information
for the measurement type 1
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_2 Specifies the OPC Logical VECTOR("MMXU1")
Node names used as IEC
61850 Instance information
for the measurement type 2
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_3 Specifies the OPC Logical VECTOR("MMXU1")
Node names used as IEC
61850 Instance information
for the measurement type 3
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_4 Specifies the OPC Logical VECTOR("MMXU1")
Node names used as IEC
61850 Instance information
for the measurement type 4

For more detailed description on the configurable attribute, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the measurement standard function configuration, the tools create a certain
set of process objects in the database. Process objects that will to be linked to the actual
process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a proper switching
state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable values for normal
Table 6.66: Process objects created for measurement
Index Explanation Purpose
10 Current L1 Current measurement on phase L1
11 Current L2 Current measurement on phase L2
12 Current L3 Current measurement on phase L3
13 Neutral current I0 Neutral current measurement

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Explanation Purpose

14 Directional neutral cur- Directional neutral current measurement
rent Ij
15 Maximum demand Current measurement of 15 minutes maximum
I15min demand
16 Voltage U12 Phase to phase voltage measurement on
phases L1-L2
17 Voltage U23 Phase to phase voltage measurement on
phases L2-L3
18 Voltage U31 Phase to phase voltage measurement on
phases L3-L1
19 Residual voltage U0 Residual voltage measurement
20 Active power P Active power measurement
21 Reactive power Q Reactive power measurement
22 Apparent power S Apparent power measurement
23 Power factor Cosj Power factor measurement
24 Frequency f Frequency measurement
25 Harmonic distortion Harmonic distortion measurement
26 Temperature Temperature measurement
27-32 User-defined measure- Any analog input (AI) type of user-defined
ment measurement
33-37 User-defined pulse Any pulse counter (PC) type of user-defined
counter measurement
38 Active energy (kWh) Active energy counter for kWh
39 Active energy (MWh) Active energy counter for MWh
40 Active energy (GWh) Active energy counter for GWh
41 Reversed active en- Reversed active energy counter for kWh
ergy (kWh)
42 Reversed active en- Reversed active energy counter for MWh
ergy (MWh)
43 Reversed active en- Reversed active energy counter for GWh
ergy (GWh)
44 Reactive energy Reactive energy counter for kvarh
45 Reactive energy Reactive energy counter for Mvarh
46 Reactive energy Reactive energy counter for Gvarh
47 Reversed reactive en- Reversed reactive energy counter for kvarh
ergy (kvarh)
48 Reversed reactive en- Reversed reactive energy counter for Mvarh
ergy (Mvarh)

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Explanation Purpose

49 Reversed reactive en- Reversed reactive energy counter for Gvarh
ergy (Gvarh)
50 Voltage U1 Voltage for phase U1
51 Voltage U2 Voltage for phase U2
52 Voltage U3 Voltage for phase U3
53 Voltage U0 Voltage for phase U0
54 Residual Current I0 Residual Current I0
73 Active power L1 Active power for L1
74 Active power L2 Active power for L2
75 Active power L3 Active power for L3
79 Reactive power L1 Reactive power for L1
80 Reactive power L2 Reactive power for L2
81 Reactive power L3 Reactive power for L3
91 Power factor L1 Power factor for L1
92 Power factor L2 Power factor for L2
93 Power factor L3 Power factor for L3
131 Current Current (not allocated to a phase)
132 Voltage Voltage (not allocated to a phase)
133 Active Power Active Power (not allocated to a phase)
134 Reactive Power Reactive Power (not allocated to a phase)
135 Apparent Power Apparent Power (not allocated to a phase)
136 Power factor Power factor (not allocated to a phase)
137 Impedance Impedance (not allocated to a phase)
138 Frequency Frequency (not allocated to a phase)
139 Positive, Negative and Positive, Negative and Zero Sequence Current
Zero Sequence Current
140 Positive, Negative and The absolute measured values of Positive,
Zero Sequence Current Negative and Zero Sequence Current
141 Positive, Negative and The absolute measured values of Positive,
Zero Sequence Current Negative and Zero Sequence Current
142 Positive, Negative and The absolute measured values of Positive,
Zero Sequence Negative and Zero Sequence Voltage
143 Positive, Negative and The absolute measured values of Positive,
Zero Sequence Negative and Zero Sequence Voltage
144 Positive, Negative and The absolute measured values of Positive,
Zero Sequence Negative and Zero Sequence Voltage

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

With RTU 2xx/RP-570 type of stations Event recording objects (for accurate time stamp)
are created with convention Index + 100. These are optional. Example of measurement configuration

The configuration of the measurement with a horizontal field can be given as an example:
Table 6.67: Measurement configuration
Attribute Value
BAY_NAME Outgoing HA2
TYPE_MEAS_1 Current L1
TYPE_MEAS_2 Active power P
TYPE_MEAS_3 Reactive power Q

6.9.3 Application engineering information Structure of measurement standard function

This section describes the structure of the measurement standard function. All subdrawing
files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included.
The measurement is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and has
a directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE, and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Files

The table below lists all measurement standard function related files and their
Table 6.68: Measurement standard function files
File Functionality Path
Bar Measurement bar graph /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 -
symbol SA_Measurement
Line Measurement line graph /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 -
symbol SA_Measurement Measurement value /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 -
symbol SA_Measurement Measurement circle /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 -
symbol SA_Measurement
Current Transducer SA ANSI symbol for cur- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 - rent transducer SA_Measurement
Current Transducer SA IEC symbol for cur- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 - rent transducer SA_Measurement
Voltage Transducer SA ANSI symbol for /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 - voltage transducer SA_Measurement
Voltage Transducer SA IEC symbol for /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/05 - voltage transducer SA_Measurement
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
for printing Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text file is used by the measurement
standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.69: Language text file
File Functionality
SAI_ME.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the measurement help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.70: Help text file
File Functionality
SAI_ME1.HLP Standard function installation help file

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the measurement standard function. The
Table 6.71: Configuration files used by the measurement standard function
File Functionality
SAI_ME1.DAT Contains the configuration data for measure-
ment when it is created modified or deleted by
configuration tools.
SAI_ME1.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Object Navigator.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for installation tool. Other text files

The following text file is used by the measurement. The path is

Table 6.72: Text file used by the measurement
File Functionality
BGU_AUTH.TXT Contains the SCIL code for station authority
check. The code is executed by the dialog of
the measurement. Command procedures

At the first installation, the measurement creates the command procedure BGU_UPDATE,
which updates process objects when they are update-deblocked. This feature is similar
to the SYS600 Blocking Display function. It is also used when simulation mode is
disabled in control dialog.
Table 6.73: Command procedures used by measurement
BGU_CONTROL Performs the control operations
Function Description
OBJECT_INFO Gets configuration of the standard function.
GET_OI_TEXT Gets object identification text.
CHECK_AUTHORITY_WORKPLACE Checks if the used workstation is authorized to
make control operations.
GET_ALARMS Gets alarms of standard function.
GET_OFFSETS Gets index offsets for indexes that are used for
indicating command event, selection on monitor,
control blocking, alarm, external blocking, open
blocking and close blocking.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

BGU_CONTROL Performs the control operations

Function Description
BGU_BLOCK Performs the blocking operations
Function Description
GET_BLOCKING_STATE Gets blocking state for objects that belong to
the standard function.
SET_BLOCKING_STATE Sets blocking state for the objects that belong
to the standard function. If standard function is
a bay, applies to all objects that belong to the
bay. If standard function is a station, applies to
all objects that belong to the station.
GET_ENABLED_BLOCKINGS Disables blocking possibility in some standard
functions. For example, control blocking cannot
be used with a measurement and alarm indicator
standard functions. Process objects

The following process objects are created depending on the configuration of the
Table 6.74: Measurement process objects
Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier
10 AI Current L1 - FPPMEAMCUR
11 AI Current L2 - FPPMEAMCUR
12 AI Current L3 - FPPMEAMCUR
13 AI Neutral current I0 - FPPMEAMNCU
14 AI Directional neutral - FPPMEAMDNC
current Ij
15 AI Maximum demand - FPPMEAMMDC
16 AI Voltage U12 - FPPMEAMVOL
17 AI Voltage U23 - FPPMEAMVOL
18 AI Voltage U31 - FPPMEAMVOL
19 AI Residual voltage - FPPMEAMRVL
20 AI Active power P - FPPMEAMAPW
21 AI Reactive power Q - FPPMEAMRPW
22 AI Apparent power S - FPPMEAMAPP
23 AI Power factor Cosj - FPPMEAMCOS
24 AI Frequency f - FPPMEAMFRQ

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier

25 AI Harmonic distor- - FPPMEAMHDS
26 AI Temperature - FPPMEAMTMP
27-32 AI User defined - FPPMEAMXXX
33-37 PC User defined - FPPMEAMXXX
pulse counter
38 PC Active energy E - FPPMEAMAEN
39 PC Active energy E - FPPMEAMAEN
40 PC Active energy E - FPPMEAMAEN
41 PC Reverse active - FPPMEAMAEN
energy E (kWh)
42 PC Reverse active - FPPMEAMAEN
energy E (MWh)
43 PC Reverse active - FPPMEAMAEN
energy E (GWh)
44 PC Reactive energy E - FPPMEAMREN
45 PC Reactive energy E - FPPMEAMREN
46 PC Reactive energy E - FPPMEAMREN
47 PC Reverse reactive - FPPMEAMREN
energy E (kvarh)
48 PC Reverse reactive - FPPMEAMREN
energy E (Mvarh)
49 PC Reverse reactive - FPPMEAMREN
energy E (Gvarh)
50 AI Voltage U1 - FPPMEAMVOL
51 AI Voltage U2 - FPPMEAMVOL
52 AI Voltage U3 - FPPMEAMVOL
53 AI Voltage U0 - FPPMEAMVOL
54 AI Residual Current - FPPMEAMRCR
73 AI Active power L1 - FPPMEAMPAP
74 AI Active power L2 - FPPMEAMPAP
75 AI Active power L3 - FPPMEAMPAP
79 AI Reactive power - FPPMEAMPRP

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier

80 AI Reactive power FPPMEAMPRP
81 AI Reactive power - FPPMEAMPRP
91 AI Power factor L1 - FPPMEAMCOS
92 AI Power factor L2 - FPPMEAMCOS
93 AI Power factor L3 - FPPMEAMCOS
131 AI Current - FPPMEAMCUR
132 AI Voltage - FPPMEAMVOL
133 AI Active Power - FPPMEAMAPW
134 AI Reactive Power - FPPMEAMRPW
135 AI Apparent Power - FPPMEAMAPP
136 AI Power factor - FPPMEAMCOS
137 AI Impedance - FPPMEAMIMP
138 AI Frequency - FPPMEAMFRQ
139 AI Positive, Negative - FPPMEAMCSQ
and Zero Se-
quence Current
140 AI Positive, Negative - FPPMEAMCSQ
and Zero Se-
quence Current
141 AI Positive, Negative - FPPMEAMCSQ
and Zero Se-
quence Current
142 AI Positive, Negative - FPPMEAMVSQ
and Zero Se-
quence Voltage
143 AI Positive, Negative - FPPMEAMVSQ
and Zero Se-
quence Voltage
144 AI Positive, Negative - FPPMEAMVSQ
Zero Sequence

For RP-570, event recordind objects are created with convention shown in the table
below. These are Optional.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Table 6.75: Process objects for Event recording

Index Obj. Process object Remarks Group identifier
Index + 100 (In- EVREC Same as Index - Only RP-570, op- xxxxxxExxx, where x is
dex refers to In- 100 tional same as in Index - 100
dex in previous
table) Scale objects

At the first installation, the measurement creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale). For
ANSI station type, the scale BGU_1_1000 (linear 1:1000 scale) is also created at the

6.10 Alarm indicator

6.10.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of alarm indicator standard function from the
Power Process Library. The standard function for the alarm indicator is found in the
directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power
Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Alarm Indicator). This standard
function is configured by using configuration tools, such as the Object Navigator. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for alarm indicator standard function is installed by using
the Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.76: Power Process symbol for the alarm indicator standard function
File Name Symbol




SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Configuration with tools

The alarm indicator standard function has the following attributes to be configured with
the Object Navigator:
Table 6.77: Alarm indication attributes to be configured with the tools
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database process -
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & pro- LON
TYPE_OF_SIGNAL’x’ The type of the input signal. -
SIGNAL’x’_TEXT Identification for signal shown in Not available
event lists, alarm list and so on
ALARMING_STATE_OF_SIGNAL’x’ The state of the signal when an Not available
alarm (warning) is activated.
LINK_SIGNAL’x’_LN The logical name of the process Not available
object to which the signal is
LINK_SIGNAL’x’_IX The index of the process object to Not available
which the signal is linked.
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP The name of the authorization MV_CONTROL
EVENT_RECORDING Selection whether the event re- Not available
cording process objects are cre-
ated when the RP-570 protocol is

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the alarm indicator standard function, the tools will
create a certain set of process objects in the database. Process objects that will be linked
to the actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a proper
switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable values
for normal operation.
If the value of the attribute TYPE_OF_SIGNAL'nr' is linked, the process object is not
created by the tools, but the name and the index of the signal is given to the attributes

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Table 6.78: Process objects created for the alarm indicator

Index Explanation Purpose
10...17 Alarm indication Used for indication of the alarming
state of the signal Example of alarm indicator configuration

Table 6.79: Alarm indicator configuration

Attribute Value
BAY_NAME Outgoing HA5
TYPE_OF_SIGNAL1 Binary Input (BI)
SIGNAL1_TEXT SF6 low pressure

6.10.2 Application engineering information Structure of alarm indicator standard function

This section describes the structure of the alarm indicator standard function. All
subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are
included. The alarm indicator is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library
and has a directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE, and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

The table below lists all alarm indicator standard function related files and their
Table 6.80: Alarm indicator standard function related files
File Functionality Path
Alarm Power Process sym- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/04 -
bol for alarming A SA_Indication
Alarm Power Process sym- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/04 -
bol for alarming bell SA_Indication

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

File Functionality Path

Alarm Power Process sym- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/04 -
bol for alarming led SA_Indication
Alarm Power Process sym- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/04 -
bol for alarming star SA_Indication
ture for printing Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the alarm indicator
standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.81: Text Translation Tool compatible text file used by the alarm indicator
File Functionality
SAI_AI.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the alarm indicator help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.82: Alarm indicator help text file
File Functionality
SAI_AI.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the alarm indicator standard function. The
Table 6.83: Configuration files used by the alarm indicator
File Functionality
SAI_AI.DAT Contains the configuration data for alarm indic-
ator when it is created modified or deleted by
configuration tools.
SAI_AI.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Object Navigator.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for installation tool.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

6.11 Auto Reclose

6.11.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of Auto Reclose standard function from the Power
Process Library. The standard function for the Auto Reclose is found in the directory
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power Process
Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Auto Reclose). This standard function
is configured by using configuration tools, such as the Object Navigator. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for Auto Reclose standard function is installed by using the
Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.84: Power Process symbol for Auto Reclose standard function
File Name Symbol
Auto-Reclosing Configuration with tools

The Auto Reclose standard function has the following attributes to be configured with
the Object Navigator:
Table 6.85: Auto Reclose standard function configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database process -
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & pro- LON
OUTPUT_STATUS Process objects for output status N/A
with DNP 3.0 protocol

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Attribute Meaning Default

AR_WITH_MULTIPLE_CYCLES Select object type to indicate auto- No
reclosure in progress
SHOW_AR_IN_USE Show tag during auto-reclosure Show tag
SHOW_AR_NOT_IN_USE Show tag also when no auto-re- Do not show tag
closing is in progress
EVENT_RECORDING Process objects for event record- No process objects
ing with RP-570
LINK_AR_TAG_TO_LN Create link between existing auto- -
reclosing objects from other Ob-
ject Browser functions
LINK_AR_TAG_TO_MODULE Select type designation of the No linking
auto-reclosing module
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX Specifies the OPC Item Prefix IEC61850 Subnet-
used as IEC 61850 Instance in- work.IED1.LD1
OPC_LN_INSTANCES Specifies the OPC Logical Node VEC-
names used as IEC 61850 In- TOR("RREC1")
stance information

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the Auto Reclose standard function, the tools create
a certain set of process objects in the database. Process objects that will be linked to an
actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a proper
switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable values
for normal operation.
Table 6.86: Process objects created for Auto Reclose
Index Explanation Purpose
10 Auto-reclosing in use/out of Indicates if the auto-reclose is in use
use indication (optional) (software switch of the auto-reclosing
11 Auto-reclosing in use/out of Indicates if the auto-reclose is in use
use indication (optional) (hardware switch of the auto-reclosing
12 Auto-reclosing in pro- Indicates if there is an auto-reclosing
gress/not in progress ind. sequence running.
13 Auto-reclosing interrupt Interrupts the auto-reclosing se-
command (optional) quence.
14 Auto-reclosing in use/out of Enables/disables the auto-reclosure.
use command (optional)

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Explanation Purpose

110 Auto-reclosing in use/out of Event recording object (for accurate
use indication (optional) time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570
type of stations.
111 Auto-reclosing in use/out of Event recording object (for accurate
use indication (optional) time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570
type of stations.
112 Auto-reclosing in pro- Event recording object (for accurate
gress/not in progress ind. time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570
(optional) type of stations.
113 Auto-reclosing interrupt Command termination object with IEC
command (optional) 60870-5-101/104 and -103 type of
Output status object with DNP 3.0
type of stations.
114 Auto-reclosing in use/out of Command termination object with IEC
use command (optional) 60870-5-101/104 and -103 type of
Output status object with DNP 3.0
type of stations.

6.11.2 Application engineering information Structure of Auto Reclose standard function

This section describes the structure of the Auto Reclose standard function. All sub-drawing
files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included.
The Auto Reclose is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and has
a directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE, and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

The table below lists all Auto Reclose standard function related files and their
Table 6.87: Auto Reclose standard function related files
File Functionality Path Power Process symbol for /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
Auto Reclose GINE/PALETTE/04 - SA_Indica-
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture for /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the Auto Reclose
standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.88: Text Translation Tool compatible text file used by the Auto Reclose
standard function
File Functionality
SAI_ARC2.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the Auto Reclose help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.89: Auto Reclose help text file
File Functionality
SAI_ARC2.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the Auto Reclose standard function. The
Table 6.90: Configuration files used by the Auto Reclose stardard function
File Functionality
SAI_ARC2.DAT Contains the configuration data for the Auto
Reclose when it is created, modified or deleted
by configuration tools.
SAI_ARC2.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Object Navigator.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for installation tool. Process objects

The following process objects are created for the Auto Reclose standard function.
Table 6.91: Process objects created for the Auto Reclose standard function
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group ident.
10 BI Auto-reclosing in Software switch FPFARCISCE
use Optional
11 BI Auto-reclosing in Hardware switch FPFARCISCE
use Optional

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group ident.

12 BI or AI Auto-reclosing in Optional FPFARCIARC
13 BO Auto-reclosing in- Optional FPFARCCINR
14 BO AR in use/ out of Optional FPFARCCSCE
use -cmd
110 EVREC Event recording Only RP-570 FPFARCESCE
for auto-reclosing Optional
in use
111 EVREC Event recording Only RP-570 FPFARCESCE
for auto-reclosing Optional
in use
112 EVREC Event recording Only RP-570 FPFARCEARC
for auto-reclosing Optional
in progress
113 TERM / OS Command termin- Only IEC 60870- FPFARCTINR
ation of auto-re- 5-101/104 and -
closing interrup- 103; Optional
tion Output status ob-
Output status ob- ject when station
ject type is DNP 3.0,
114 TERM / OS Command termin- Only IEC 60870- FPFARCTSCE
ation of auto-re- 5-101/104 and -
closing in use/ out 103; Optional
of use –cmd Output status ob-
Output status ob- ject when station
ject type is DNP 3.0,
Optional Scale objects

At the first installation the Auto Reclose creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale). For
multiple shots with ANSI station type, the installation creates also the scale BGU_1_1000
(linear 1:1000 scale).

6.12 Trip Signal

6.12.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of Trip Signal standard function from the Power
Process Library. The standard function for the Trip Signal is found in the directory
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the Power Process
Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Trip Signal). This standard function
is configured by using the configuration tools, such as the Object Navigator.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for Trip Signal standard function is installed by using the
Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.92: Power Process symbol for the Trip Signal standard function
File Name Symbol Configuration with tools

The Trip Signal standard function has the following attributes to be configured with the
Object Navigator:
Table 6.93: Configurable Attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database process -
STATION_TYPE The type of control device & pro- LON
OUTPUT_STATUS Process objects for output status N/A
with DNP 3.0 protocol
EVENT_RECORDING Process objects for event record- No process objects
ing with RP-570
LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_LN_x The logical name of the database -
process objects to which this trip
tag is linked.
LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_ The module to which this trip tag No linking
is linked.

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the Trip Signal standard function, the tools create a
certain set of process objects in the database. Process objects that will be linked to actual

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a proper switching
state. All other attributes should have suitable values for normal operation by default.
Table 6.94: Process objects created for Trip Signal
Index Explanation Purpose
10 General protection trip indic- The general protection trip indication
ation (optional) can be used as ON/OFF type indica-
tion of any protection trip within the
11 General trip relay latched The general trip relay latched indica-
indication (optional) tion can be used as ON/OFF type in-
dication of any latched protection trip
relay within the bay.
12- General trip relay reset The general trip relay reset command
command (optional) object is an output object which can
be used to reset latched output relays,
trip indicators and memorised paramet-
110 General protection trip indic- Event recording object (for accurate
ation (optional) time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570
type of stations.
111 General trip relay latched Event recording object (for accurate
indication (optional) time stamp) with RTU 2xx/RP-570
type of stations.
112- Indication for command ter- Indicates with IEC 60870-5-101/104
mination (optional) and -103 whether the issued com-
mand was successful or not.

6.12.2 Application engineering information Structure of the Trip Signal standard function

This section describes the structure of the Trip Signal standard function. All subdrawing
files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included.
The Trip Signal is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and has the
directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE, and the standard Power Process Library subdirectories
INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

The table below lists all Trip Signal standard function related files and their functionality.
Table 6.95: Trip Signal stardard function related files
File Functionality Path Power Process symbol PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/04 -
for Trip Signal SA_Indication

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

File Functionality Path

FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
for printing Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text file is used by the Trip Signal
standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.96: Text Translation Tool compatible text file used by the Trip Signal
standard function
File Functionality
SAI_TRIP2.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the Trip Signal help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.97: Help text file used by the Trip Signal
File Functionality
SAI_TRIP2.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the Trip Signal standard function. The path
Table 6.98: Configuration files used by the Trip Signal standard function
File Functionality
SAI_TRIP2.DAT Contains the configuration data for Trip Signal
when it is created modified or deleted by config-
uration tools.
SAI_TRIP2.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Object Navigator.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for installation tool. Process objects

The following process objects are created for the Trip Signal standard function.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Table 6.99: Process objects created for the Trip Signal

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group ident.
10 BI Protection trip Optional FPFTRPITRP
11 BI Trip relay latched Optional FPFTRPITRL
12- BO Latched trip relay Optional FPFTRPCTRL
110 EVREC Protection trip Only RP-570 FPFTRPETRP
111 EVREC Trip relay latched Only RP-570 FPFTRPETRL
112- TERM Command termin- Only IEC 60870- FPFTRPTTRL
ation of latched 5-101/104 and -
trip relay reset 103; Optional Scale objects

At the first installation the Trip Signal creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale).

6.13 Generator

6.13.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of generator standard function from the Power
Process Library. You can find the standard function for generator in the
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST directory and install it by using the Power Process Library
installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Generator). To configure this standard function,
you can use the Object Navigator. Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the Generator standard function is installed by using the
following Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 6.100: Power Process symbol for the generator standard function
File Name Symbol Configuration with tools

The following generator standard function attributes can be configured with the Object
Table 6.101: Generator standard function configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of database process -

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes,see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes. Configuration of process object

The generator's configuration creates one process object in the database.

Table 6.102: Process object created for the generator
Index Explanation Purpose
255 Generator color Used for generator coloring object by
DMS 600

6.13.2 Application engineering information Structure of the generator standard function

This section describes the structure of the generator standard function. All the subdrawing
files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are included in
it. The generator is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and has
the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Files

The table below lists all the generator standard function related files and their
Table 6.103: Generator standard function related files
File Functionality Path Power Process PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/
symbol for the 01 - SA_Common
generator Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text file is used by the generator standard
function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.104: Text Translation Tool compatible text file used by the generator
standard function
File Functionality
SAI_GEN.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the generator help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.105: Help text file used by the generator
File Functionality
SAI_GEN.DAT Contains the configuration data and process
object definitions for the generator when it is
created, modified or deleted by configuration
tools. Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the generator standard function. The path
Table 6.106: Configuration files used by the generator standard function
File Functionality
SAI_GEN.DAT Contains the configuration data and process
object definitions for the generator when it is
created, modified or deleted by configuration
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for the Installation tool.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Process object

The following process object is created for the generator standard function.
Table 6.107: Process object created for the generator
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group ident
255 AI Generator color - BCHTCIXPCD Scale object

At the first installation the generator creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale).

6.14 Line Indicator

6.14.1 Standard function installation

This chapter describes the installation of line indicator standard function from Power
Process Library. The standard function for the line indicator can be found in the
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST directory and it can be installed by using the Power
Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Process/Line Indicator). To configure
this standard function, the Object Navigator can be used.

6.14.2 Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol can be installed for the line indicator standard function by
using the Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For further information, see the SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 6.108: Power Process symbol for the line indicator standard function
File Name Symbol
Horizontal Vertical Horizontal Vertical
Line Indicator Line

6.14.3 Configuration with tools

The line indicator standard function has the following attributes to be configured with
the Object Navigator.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Table 6.109: Line indicator standard function configurable attributes

Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of the database -
process objects
LINE_INDICATOR_COLORED_BY Specifies which product or func- DMS 600
tion is used for the coloring

For more detailed description on the configurable attributes, see Section 6.15 Descriptions
of the configurable attributes.

6.14.4 Configuration of process objects

Configuration of the line indicator creates a certain set of process objects in the database.
Table 6.110: Process objects created for the line indicator
Index Explanation Purpose
10 DMS 600 color number Used for line indicator coloring object
by DMS 600
253 Virtual switch for Topol. Col. Virtual switch for network topology
254 Ext. ground ind. For Topol. External ground indicator for network
Col. topology coloring
255 Infeed color for Topol. Col. Infeed color for network topology col-

6.14.5 Application engineering information Structure of the line indicator standard function

This section describes the structure of the line indicator standard function. All the
subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects are
included. The line indicator is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library
and has the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE, and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

The table below lists all the line indicator standard function related files and their

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 6.111: Line indicator standard function related files

File Functionality Path
Line Vertical Power Process PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/01 -
symbol for Line Indicator SA_Common
Line Indicator Horizontal Power Pro- PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/
cess symbol for Line In-
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
for printing Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text file is used by the line indicator
standard function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 6.112: Text Translation Tool compatible text file used by the line indicator
standard function
File Functionality
SAI_LIND.TXT Text file for the database creation of the stand-
ard function Help text file

The path to the line indicator help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 6.113: Help text file used by the line indicator
File Functionality
SAI_LIND.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the line indicator standard function. The
Table 6.114: Configuration files used by the line indicator
File Functionality
SAI_LIND.DAT Contains the configuration data and process
object definitions for the line indicator when it is
created, modified or deleted by configuration
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for the Installation tool.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Command procedures

At first installation, the Line indicator creates the command procedure SAI_MTSTS,
which updates the status of the line indicator color.
For the indication type of an analog input (AI), the installation creates the command
procedure SAI_MT2TC, which updates the fictitious power indicator, grounding indicator
and active voltage color. Process objects

The following process objects are created for the line indicator standard function.
Table 6.115: Process objects created for the line indicator
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group ident.
10 AI DMS 600 color - BCHMTCXFCD
253 BI Virtual switch for - BCHTCIXFPI
Topol. Col.
254 AI Ext. ground ind. - BCHTCIXCCD
for Topol. Col.
255 AI Infeed color for - BCHTCIXPCD
Topol. Col Scale object

At first installation, the line indicator creates the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale).

6.15 Descriptions of the configurable attributes

A selector type of an editable combo box to select or enter the name of the substation.
By default, the maximum length of the text is 9 characters. The selection list shows up
to ten latest entries.
The configurable attribute is read directly from the process object database, if there is
any process object linked to the selected station picture function. Therefore, the
configurable attribute within a picture function has only meaning when the process
objects have not been created.
This text is used as a substation identifier of the common station objects on event list,
alarm list, printout, database query, and so on. It is very important that this text is similar
to all objects within the same substation.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

The logical name of the database process objects. The maximum length of the text is 10
characters. Allowed characters are letters A-Z, all digits and the underscore (_).
The logical names of process objects have to be unique throughout the entire system,
that is, different objects cannot have the same logical name. Therefore, it is very important
to have a proper naming convention for the process object database.
Certain naming convention is also required to speed up the opening time of the main
dialogs. With the predefined naming convention it is possible to collect all station and
bay related database objects without searching through the complete database. Therefore,
it is advised to use the following naming convention:
• The first three characters identify the substation
• The following four characters identify the bay
• The last three characters can be freely used to identify the source of the signal, that
is device, unit, and so on.
The following list is presented as an example of the proper naming convention within
one bay. The station name is Green Bay and the bay name is HA12 Downtown:
• GRB, station
• GRBHA12BAY, bay
• GRBHA12Q0, circuit breaker Q0
• GRBHA12Q1, truck Q1
• GRBHA12Q9, earth switch Q9
• GRBHA12CT, measurements/current transformer
• GRBHA12VT, measurements/voltage transformer
• GRBHA12ALA, alarm indicator
• GRBHA12AR, auto-reclosing tag
• GRBHA12TRP, tripping tag
• GRBHA12R1, feeder terminal or protection unit 1
• GRBHA12R2, feeder terminal or protection unit 1
If some other naming convention than 3+4 is used, it usually takes a longer time to open
the main control dialogs.

A selector type of a combo box to select the station type of the objects.
The database process objects are created for the station type defined here. The list of
supported protocols is as follows:
• RP-570
• RP-570 with FTABs
• IEC 60870-5-101/104
• IEC 60870-5-103
• IEC 61850-8

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

• DNP 3.0

A selector type of a combo box to select a command parameter for the control method.
This attribute has meaning only if IEC 60870-5-101/104 or DNP 3.0 protocol is selected.
Otherwise this attribute is disabled.
The supported control parameters for the IEC 60870-5-101/104 protocol are:
• Single command (ASDU 45)
• Double command (ASDU 46)
• Single command with time tag (ASDU 58)
• Double command with time tag (ASDU 59)
• Normalized value (ASDU 48)
• Scaled value (ASDU 49)
• Short floating point number (ASDU 50)
• Normalized value with time tag (ASDU 61)
• Scaled value with time tag (ASDU 62)
• Short floating point number with time tag (ASDU 63)
and for DNP 3.0 protocol:
• Direct
• Direct - No ack.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether there is need for output status
process objects with the DNP 3.0 protocol. If STATION_TYPE is other than DNP 3.0,
the configurable attribute is disabled, and the value has no meaning.

A selector type of an editable combo box to select the authorization group for the object.
The maximum length of the text is 63 characters. The given text has to be usable as a
SCIL list attribute name. For more information about the SCIL list attribute name, see
SYS600 Programming Language SCIL. The contents of the selection list is taken from
the existing authorization groups.

The name may not be composed of two letters followed by a


The attribute needs to be defined if the object is wanted to be included in some

authorization group. The authorization level of each user in this group can be defined
afterwards by the system manager with User Management pictures.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select if the station local/remote switch is in use,
that is, a physical switch exists.
By default, the station local/remote switch is in use.
If this selection is set OFF, the control authority is given to everyone whose personal
authorization level is high enough for the control actions. This is gained by setting the
state (value) of the station local/remote switch permanently out of use.
The process object for station local/remote switch is created regardless of the selection.
If the station local/remote switch is NOT in use, the process object should be left as it
is created, that is, switching state (SS) to manual and value (DB) as 3 (out of use).

An ON/OFF type of toggle button to select whether the station/remote switch or bay
local/remote indication type is double binary or single binary. This selection is disabled
and it has no meaning if the station/remote switch or bay local/remote is not in use, that
is, STATION_LR_IN_USE or BAY_LR_IN_USE is not set.
Depending on the actual field device or communication protocol, the indication of the
local/remote switch is sent either as a single binary (0/1) or as a double binary (0/1/2/3)

Binary input:
0 = Remote
1 = Station
Double binary input:
0 = Local
1 = Station
2 = Remote
3 = Out of use

Binary input:
Local or Remote. Depends on Bay L/R switch polarity
Double binary input:
0 = Disabled

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1 = Local
2 = Remote
3 = Reserved

An ON/OFF type of toggle button to select whether the bay switch indication type is
analog input. This selection is disabled and it has no meaning if the local/remote switch
is not in use, that is, BAY_LR_IN_USE is not set.
Analog input:
0 = Off
1 = Local
2 = Remote
3 = Error
4 = Error
5 = All

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button for the selection, whether the station local/remote
switch can be controlled remotely by SYS600 or not.
By default, the station local/remote switch is defined as manually controllable only.
Typically, if there is a remote control for the station local/remote switch, switching
election between the station and remote can be done remotely, whereas switching election
to or from local has to be performed locally.
Switching to and from local can be achieved by setting the attribute SS (switching state)
of the local command process object to OFF (0). Setting the SS attribute to 0 will make
the relevant Radio button in the dialog insensitive for selections.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether there is need for event recording
process objects with the RP-570 protocol. If STATION_TYPE is other than RTU 2xx
or RTU 2xx/FTABs, the configurable attribute is disabled and the value has no meaning.
With the RP-570 the time stamp from process device comes into the event recording
process object. If no accurate time stamp is needed or available, or the device is emulating
the RP-570 without an event recording possibility, do not set this attribute ON.

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Application Design

Specifies the OPC Item Prefix used as an IEC 61850 instance information. The default
is IEC61850 Subnetwork.IED1.LD1.

Specifies the OPC Logical Node names used as IEC 61850 instance information. The
default is VECTOR("LLN0").

A selector type of an editable combo box to select or enter the name of the bay (feeder).
By default, the maximum length of the text is 14 characters. The selection list shows up
to ten latest entries.
The configurable attribute is read directly from the process object database, if there is
any process object linked to the selected bay picture function. Therefore, the configurable
attribute within a picture function has meaning only when the process objects have not
been created.
This text will be used as a bay (feeder) identifier of the common bay objects on event
list, alarm list, printout, database query, and so on. It is very important that this text is
similar to all objects within the same bay (feeder).

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select if the bay local/remote switch is in use,
that is, a physical switch exists.
By default, the bay local/remote switch is in use.
It is typical that if RTU 200 or RTU 210 is used as a remote terminal unit, there is no
bay local/remote switches at bay level. The control authority of a single bay is determined
by using station local/remote switch only.
The process object for bay local/remote switch is created regardless of the selection. If
the bay local/remote switch is NOT in use, the process object should be left as it is
created, that is, switching state (SS) to manual and value (DB) as 2 (remote).

The polarity of the bay local/remote switch input signal.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select if the bay local/remote switch can be
controlled remotely by SYS600. This selection is disabled and it has no meaning if the
bay local/remote switch in not in use, that is, BAY_LR_IN_USE is not set.
By default, bay local/remote switch is defined as manually controllable only.

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It is typical that if there is a remote control for bay local/remote switch, shift to local can
be done remotely, whereas shift from local to remote has to be performed locally. This
can be achieved by setting the attribute SS (switching state) of the local command process
object to OFF (0). By setting the SS-attribute to 0, the relevant Radio button on dialog
becomes insensitive for shifting.

A selector type of an editable combo box to select or enter the name (identifier) of the
switching device. By default, the maximum length of the text is 5 characters. The selection
list shows up to ten latest entries.
The configurable attribute is read directly from the process object database, if there is
any process object linked to the selected switching device.
Therefore, the configurable attribute within a picture function has meaning only when
the process objects have not been created.
This text will be used as an identifier of the switching device on event list, alarm list,
printout, database query, and so on.

A selector type of a combo box to select the type of the switching device. By default,
the type is a circuit breaker.
The configurable attribute has a great effect since it defines the index range for process
objects, the texts within database and dialogs, the functionality and methods on dialogs,
and so on. It is also used by the event and alarm list when filtering certain types of
switching devices.
Circuit breakers:
• Circuit breaker
• Circuit breaker with synchro-check
• Circuit breaker-disconnector (no full breaking capacity)
• Disconnector
• Fuse switch
• Load breaking switch
Earth switch
Fault-making switch
Three-state switch

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Application Design

A selector type of a combo box to select the purpose of the switching device.
The configurable attribute has just an informative purpose since, by the default, it is not
used by any function within LIB 5xx. The attribute is stored into process object database
(the 25th or the 26th character of the RX attribute) for user defined purposes, for example,
for special search condition on the alarm or event list.
Circuit breakers:
• Circuit breaker
• Main busbar circuit breaker
• Main busbar A circuit breaker
• Main busbar B circuit breaker
• Reserve busbar circuit breaker
• By-pass circuit breaker
• Bus-section circuit breaker
• Bus-coupler circuit breaker
• Disconnector
• Main busbar disconnector
• Main busbar A disconnector
• Main busbar B disconnector
• Reserve busbar disconnector
• By-pass disconnector
• Line disconnector
• Line disconnector A
• Line disconnector B
• Bus-section disconnector
• Bus-section A disconnector
• Bus-section B disconnector
• Bus-section C disconnector
• Bus-coupler disconnector
Earth switches:
• Earth switch
• Main busbar earth switch
• Main busbar A earth switch
• Main busbar B earth switch
• Reserve busbar earth switch
• By-pass earth switch
• Line earth switch
• Line earth switch A
• Line earth switch B
• CT-section earth switch
Fault-making switch

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Three-state switch

A selector type of a combo box to select the switch section for the truck and the three-state
switch. If SWITCHING_DEVICE_TYPE is some other than truck or 3-state switch, the
configurable attribute is disabled, and the value has no meaning.
In Power Process library this attribute is not relevant, but for backward compatibility
reasons it is not removed.

A selector type of a combo box to select the type of the position indication process
object(s). By default, the process object type is defined as a double indication (DB).
The purpose of this configurable attribute is to support other data type than double
indication as the position indication of the switching device. The supported data types
• Double indication (DB)
• Single indication (BI)
• 2 x Single indications (2 x BI)
• Analog input (AI)
The interface between the picture function and the process object database is always
with double indication object, that is, there is an additional process object(s) receiving
information and then passing it to double indication.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select if the switching device is motorized and
remotely controllable. By default, the switching device is defined as a motorized object.
By selecting Motorized option, the Process Object Tool (POT) will create a set of process
objects for control purpose, and all configurable attributes related to control are being

A selector type of a combo box to select the control method and the type of the control
process object(s). If the configurable attribute MOTORIZED is not selected, this attribute
is disabled, and the value has no meaning.
The purpose of this configurable attribute is to support other control methods and process
object types than the conventional one. The conventional control method depends very
much on the configurable attribute STATION_TYPE since there is a certain default
method for each protocol to control the switching device. The supported control methods
• Secured command with four binary outputs

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Application Design

• Secured command with two binary outputs

• Secured command with two digital outputs
• Secured command with a single binary output (*)
• Secured command with a single analog output
• Secured command with five binary outputs
• Direct command with a single binary output
(*) Control method not supported with SPA and ANSI protocols
Normally, A RTU 2xx with RP-570 uses secured command with a single binary output.

An input field for integer value to set the pulse length of the control pulses. The
configurable attribute is enabled, if the attribute MOTORIZED is set and
CONTROL_TYPE is secured control with two digital outputs.

A vector type of an input field for integer values to specify the bits to be used to send a
control command to the switching device. The configurable attribute is enabled if the
attribute MOTORIZED is set and CONTROL_TYPE is a secured control with an analog
The user must specify two or four elements for that vector. If two elements are specified,
the first element represents the bit for Open execute while the second element is for
Close execute.
When four elements are used, the first represents the bit for Open select, the second
represents Close select, the third represents Execute and the fourth represents Cancel.
When five elements are used, the first represents the bit for Open select, the second
represents Close select, the third represents Open execute, the fourth represents Close
execute and the fifth represents Cancel.
The bit vector shall be given to the SCT in the following way: (0,1) or (9,10,11,8) or

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether the device utilizes an auxiliary
plug or not. If the SWITCHING_DEVICE_TYPE is truck or three-state switch, the
configurable attribute is disabled, and the value has no meaning.
The process object for an auxiliary plug informs if the control cable from the switching
device to the cubicle has been disconnected, that is, if the switching device is fully racked
out from the cubicle. In that case, no switching device symbol is shown in the single line

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Version: B/3.6.2015

The process object can also be used as an internal tag without the process connection.
In that case, the control dialog asks the auxiliary plug state when the object state is

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether the switching device has interlocking
bypass capability. This attribute is enabled only when IEC 61850-8 protocol is selected.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether the switching device has
synchrocheck bypass capability. This attribute is enabled only when IEC 61850-8 protocol
is selected.

Qualifier is a value that is written to the QL attribute of process object when writing the
control command. The qualifiers are given as a vector of integers. Minimum length is 0
(default) and maximum length 5. The vector items have the following meanings:
Item Meaning
1 = Qualifier for open select
For example, (1,2,3) defines qualifier 1 for open select, qualifier 2 for close select and
qualifier 3 for open execute.

It is not possible to give empty items e.g. (,,,,3), but all the
values must be given, e.g. (0,0,0,0,3).

The minimum position of the tap changer.

The maximum position of the tap changer.

Selection for the 2-winding or 3-winding transformer.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether it is possible to directly control
tap changer to a certain tap position instead of stepwise raise or lower operations.

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Application Design

Selection for the operation mode, where regulator is running. Depending on this attribute
the following indications/settings are possible in control dialog:
• Single
- Auto
- Manual
• Parallel - Master/Slave
- Parallel
- Single
- Auto/Manual, when regulator is in Single mode
- Master/Slave, when regulator is in Parallel mode
• Parallel - Negative Reactance Principle
- Parallel
- Single
- Auto
- Manual
• Parallel - Minimizing Circulating Current
- Parallel
- Single
- Auto
- Manual
Single/Parallel setting is available only with IEC 61850 protocol, otherwise it is indication
With IEC 61850 protocol Master/Slave setting can be enabled/disabled by setting the
IU attribute of indexes 33 and 34 to in use/not in use.

Either BI or DB type of process object can be created for the auto/manual indication.
This attribute must be configured before the process objects are created.

The type of the measurement. The type identifies the measurement for the creation of
database (indexes, object texts, units...). In case no suitable alternative can be found, the
indexes 27...37 can be used. The indexes 27 ... 32 are for user defined analog (AI) objects,
and the indexes 33 ... 37 are for user-defined pulse counter (PC) objects.

The database objects are not created until the Process Object
Tool has been used to create them.

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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The name of the measurement to be shown in the measurement dialog. Attribute is
optional, if it is not given, the measurement is referred to as Meas. 'number' in the dialog.
If the configurable attribute TYPE_MEAS_'number' is not configured, this attribute is
disabled, and the value has no meaning.

The number of decimals used when presenting the measurement value in the dialog.
If the configurable attribute TYPE_MEAS_'number' is not configured, this attribute is
disabled, and the value has no meaning.

Specifies the OPC Logical Node names used as IEC 61850 Instance information for the
measurement type 1. The default is VECTOR("MMXU1").

Specifies the OPC Logical Node names used as IEC 61850 Instance information for the
measurement type 2.
The default is VECTOR("MMXU1").

Specifies the OPC Logical Node names used as IEC 61850 Instance information for the
measurement type 3.
The default is VECTOR("MMXU1").

Specifies the OPC Logical Node names used as IEC 61850 Instance information for the
measurement type 4.
The default is VECTOR("MMXU1").

A selector type of a combo box to select the type of the signal. The list of supported
input signals is as follows:
• Binary Input (BI)
• Double Binary (DB)
• Analog Input (AI)
• Linked

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Application Design

If any of the first three choices is selected, the process objects are created by using the
Process Object Tool. When Linked is selected, the logical name and the index of the
process object where the signal is connected to has to be given. When an empty string
is selected, it means that the signal is discarded by the alarm indicator.

This text is used as an identifier of the signal on event list, alarm list, printouts, and so

The alarming state of the signal is defined by this attribute. The value of the attribute is
related to the type of the signal. The following examples clarify how this attribute should
be defined:
• Type of signal is BI, alarming state is 1 value to be set: (1)
• Type of signal is DB, alarming states are 0 and 3 values to be set: (1,0,0,1)
• Type of signal is AI.

The logical name of the process object to which the signal is linked.

The index of the process object to which the signal is linked.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select the object type for the indication
auto-reclosing in progress. The configurable attribute is enabled if the attribute
P_OBJECT_LN has been configured. The database process objects will be created either
as a binary input or as an analog input depending on the selection.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select if the tag is shown when the auto-reclosing
is in use. The configurable attribute is enabled if the attribute P_OBJECT_LN has been
By default no tag is shown. This is useful when the auto-reclosure is normally OFF and
a warning should be produced if the auto-reclosing is in use.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select if the tag is shown when the auto-reclosing
is not in use. The configurable attribute is enabled if the attribute P_OBJECT_LN has
been configured.

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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By default, no tag is shown. This is useful when the auto-reclosure is normally ON and
the warning should be produced if the auto-reclosing is not in use.

The logical name of the database process objects of the auto-reclosing module. The
maximum length of the text is 10 characters.
Allowed characters are the letters A-Z, all digits and the underscore (_). However, an
object name cannot begin with a digit or an underscore.
The configurable attributes LINK_AR_TAG_TO_LN and
LINK_AR_TAG_TO_MODULE are utilized to create a link between existing
auto-reclosing objects from the other Object Browser function (for example, auto-reclosing
module) and the auto-reclosing tag. It even supports linking of user defined process
objects as LINK_AR_TAG_TO_MODULE is an editable selector.

An editable selector type of a combo box to select the type designation of the
auto-reclosing module. The configurable attribute is enabled if the attribute
LINK_AR_TAG_TO_LN has been configured.
By default, all auto-reclosing modules from the SPACOM family have been implemented
for the users to choose from. The supported modules are:
index 70 HSAR started/reset (E1/E2)
index 91 HSAR forward started/reset (E1/E2)
During the relay installation and configuration, the following indexes have to be created
and SPACOM events have to be enabled as a minimum requirement for the auto-reclosing
tag by using the SPACOM Relay Configuration Tool:
index 65 auto-reclosing started/reset (E1/E2)
index 151 auto-reclosing started/reset (E1/E2)
index 32 auto-reclosing interrupted by ARINH (E30)

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index 16 auto-reclosing interrupted (E7)

If there is no appropriate auto-reclosing module to choose, or if freely defined process
objects are going to be used, it is possible to link those objects by using the following
"IDENT","INDX1","REPR1","INDX2","REPR2", ...
IDENT = module ID - (used only as a comment)
As an example, the auto-reclosing module SPCT 2D46:
"SPCT 2D46","91","F_REPR/F_ARRUN4","95","F_REPR/ARRUN5"
The type designation of the auto-reclosing module is not necessary, it is just additional
information for users.

The logical name of the database process objects of the protection module x (x=1..5).
The maximum length of the text is 10 characters. Allowed characters are the letters A-Z,
all digits and the underscore (_).
The configurable attributes LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_LN_x and
LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_MODULE_x are utilized to create a link between the existing
protection tripping indication objects from the other picture function (for example,
protection module) and the trip indication tag. It even supports linking user defined
process objects as LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_MODULE_x, which is an editable selector.

An editable selector type of a combo box to select the type designation of the protection
module x (x=1..5). The configurable attribute is enabled if the attribute
LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_LN_x has been configured.
By default, all protection modules from the SPACOM family have been implemented
for the users to choose from. The supported modules are:
SPAM 05x
The minimum requirement for the tripping tag to function is that the following indexes
have been created and SPACOM events have been enabled by using the Relay
Configuration Tool:
SPAM 05x
index 122 thermal trip (E5/E6)
index 26 TS2 (E31/E32) Note!

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index 32 dI> L1 (E3/E4)

index 34 dI> L2 (E3/E4)
index 36 dI> L3 (E3/E4)
index 44 TS2 (E27/E28) Note!
index 12 I0> trip (E3/E4)
index 16 I0> trip (E3/E4)
index 23 dI0> trip (E1/E2)
index 20 I> trip (E3/E4)
index 57 I> trip (E3/E4)
index 51 TS2 (E23/E24) Note!
index 44 TS2 (E25/E26)
index 80 TS2 (E25/E26) Note!
index 57 TS2 (E25/E26)
index 78 TS2 (E41/E42)
index 39 TS2 (E25/E26)

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index 95 TS2 (E33/E34)
index 108 TS2 (E25/E26)
index 135 TS2 (E31/E32) Note!
index 62 U>, U>> trip (E3/E4)
index 95 TS2 (E19/E20) Note!
index 107 TS2 (E22/E30) Note!
index 22 TS2 (E23/E24) Note!
index 29 I0> trip (E3/E4)
index 121 TS2 (E25/E26)
index 134 TS2 (E25/E26)
index 147 TS2 (E25/E26)
index 12 U> trip (E3/E4)
index 16 U0> trip (E3/E4)
index 126 TS2 (E23/E24) Note!

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index 142 TS2 (E23/E24) Note!

index 20 U> trip (E3/E4)
index 20 U< trip (E3/E4)
index 101 I> alarm (E3/E4)

As a presumption, these modules are using TS2 as the indicator

of latched output.

If there is no appropriate protection module to pick, or if freely defined process objects

are going to be used, it is possible to link those objects by using the following syntax:
"ID","I1","R1","I2","R2","I3","R3", ...
ID = module ID - (used only as a comment)
If the module does not support sending of an event of a latched output relay, the vector
element I1 has been left as an empty element, that is " ".
As an example, non-directional overcurrent and neutral earth-fault of REF 54x feeder
The type designation of the protection module x (x=1..5) is not necessary, if there is no
logical name for the protection module in question.

A selector type of combo box to select the color of line indicator.
The line indicator can get its color either from DMS 600, Network Topology Coloring
or by manual settings.

The ADD_CAUSE_IX attribute defines the index of a process object created for showing
the possible failure of select and execute operations. AddCause functionality is available
only with IEC 61850-8 protocol.
The AddCause feature is informative, that is, the AddCause process object value does
not prevent an execution operation in control dialog.

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Application Design

Values -35- -30, -25- -22, 1- 18, 1000-1018, 2000-2018 and 3000-3018 have a descriptive
text for AddCause, otherwise a number is displayed as a description.
Assuming that the AddCause value is 1001, the following text is shown if the AddCause
value changes after the selected operation: Control failed: Not supported
Assuming that the AddCause value is 1020, the following text is shown if a descriptive
text is not available: Control failed: 1020.

A selector type of a combo box to select the lib object type for the object. The lib object
type can be used to configure:
• Index convention of process objects.
• Value semantic of process objects.
• Predefined custom methods.
• Object specific process object.

An ON/OFF type of a toggle button to select whether the filling of OPC item path (to
IN attribute) is done when the process objects are created. This attribute is enabled only
when IEC 61850-8 protocol is selected.

Defines the OPC path to the subnetwork level. This path has to be same as the object
path in IEC 61850 OPC server configuration. When this attribute is filled, the information
can be utilized when automatically generating External OPC DA Client configuration.

Defines the operator place handling for the Bay, Switch Device and Tap Changer objects.
Depending on the configuration the operator place can be switched between
• None, there is no operation place checking
• MicroSCADA Internal, fictive process object is created for operator place
• Loc, process object for device level L/R switch is created
• LocSta, process objects for device level Station/NCC switch are created
• Loc and LocSta, process objects for device level L/R switch and device level
Station/NCC are created
Loc and LocSta are available only for IEC 61850-8 protocol.

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By enabling multi level control, process object for indication multilevel operator place
is created. Multilevel control means that both Station and NCC are authorized operator

6.16 Group configuration

The power process libary functions share some attributes, which can be configured at
the same time for several selected objects. Multiple objects can be configured with the
Group Configuration Tool. Group configuration is useful, for example, when the
authorization group must be changed for a several objects after they have already been

The Group configuration is intended for experienced users.

To configure multiple objects:

1. Go to the Object Navigator.
2. Click Process Objects and select View > Process Objects in Groups.

Figure 6.34: Viewing object by groups

3. Select the process objects groups you want to configure.

4. Select Standard Function > Group Configure... to open the Group Configuration

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Application Design

Figure 6.35: Opening the Group Configuration Tool

5. Click OK in the warning dialog box. Type the new values for the attributes in the
text boxes, or select one of the shared selector values from the combo boxes.

Only values accepted by all the selected Power process

libary functions can be selected for the selector type

Clicking the enable/disable button next to each text or combo box includes or
excludes the attribute to/from the configuration. See Figure 6.36.

Figure 6.36: Group Configuration Tool

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6. Click OK. A dialog for confirming the group configuration action appears. Click
OK to accept the new configuration. Once the group configuration operation is
finished, a log dialog appears showing the missing attributes and/or attributes
excluded from the configuration.

When changing the value of attributes related to object

identification, for example STATION_NAME, the new
value is written both to the CD attribute and to the correct
part of the OI-attribute.

To define the group configuration attributes:

1. Select Standard Function Configuration > Define Group Attributes.... The
Group Configuration Attributes dialog, shown in Figure 6.37 appears.

Figure 6.37: Group Configuration Attributes dialog

2. To add an attribute, click Add and type the name of the new attribute to the text
3. To delete an attribute, select the attribute to be deleted and click Delete.
4. When the attributes to be configured are defined, click Close to close the dialog.

6.17 Object types

6.17.1 General

There may be project specific needs to make adaptations to control dialogs or to the
structure of the process database. With object type, it possible to affect to the behavior
of standard Power Process Library objects both in the configuration phase and during
runtime. The object type can be used to configure:
• Index convention of process objects.
• Value semantic of process objects.
• Predefined custom methods.

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Application Design

• Device specific process object.

The basic principle of object type is shown below:

Figure 6.38: The main principle of object type

6.17.2 Object type file

Object type is an ASCII file with suffix .DAT. Object types are located in directory
\sc\sa_lib\defaults\Object_Types or alternatively in \sc\apl\'apl
The content of the object type file is a SCIL list dump. From object type of view, the
content can be divided as attributes and methods. Attributes

Attributes can be used for defining the index convention of the object (at run time). This
is useful, for example, if the control dialog is connected to process database built with
convention, where indexes differ from the ones that are created by Power Process Library
Attributes can also be used to override selections made in Standard Function Tool. All
attributes of the standard function do not have to be defined in the object type.

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Object type methods can be divided into two categories: ones that are executed in
configuration phase and the ones that affect the run time functionality of the control
dialog. The run time methods are dependent on the Power Process Library function.
Object type methods can be written directly into the object type file or method can be a
reference to an external file which is executed with #DO READ_TEXT … statement.

Figure 6.39: Example location of object type files

Characters ' and " have to be duplicated in when writing


The name of the object type file should be carefully considered in order to avoid duplicate
file names. File name could contain e.g. some device specific or protocol specific
information, for example REx5xx_IEC104.DAT.

6.17.3 Object type for switch device Attributes

Object type for switch device has the following attributes to modify the index convention.
Table 6.116: Attributes for index convention
Process object meaning Default Power Pro- Attribute in object type
cess Library index
Position indication 10 INDICATION_DB_IX
Open select command 11 OPEN_CMD_IX
Close select command 12 CLOSE_CMD_IX
Execute command 13 EXECUTE_CMD_IX
Open execute command 13 EXECUTE_OPEN_CMD_IX

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Application Design

Process object meaning Default Power Pro- Attribute in object type

cess Library index
Close execute command 13 EXECUTE_CLOSE_CMD_IX
Cancel command 14 CANCEL_CMD_IX
Device control block 15 EXT_CNTR_BLK_IX
Open interlocked 16 OPEN_ILOCK_IX
Close interlocked 17 CLOSE_ILOCK_IX
Cause of interlocking 18 ILOCK_CAUSE_IX
Selection on monitor 19 SEL_ON_MON_IX
Command event 20 CMD_EVENT_IX
Auxiliary plug 21 AUX_PLUG_IX
Breaker Synchrocheck 22 SYN_IND_IX
Device open blocked 41 OPEN_BLOCK_IX
Device close blocked 42 CLOSE_BLOCK_IX
Bay L/R switch 10 BAY_LR_OBJECT_IX
Station Remote switch 10 STA_LR_OBJECT_IX

For example, if the open and close interlocked signals would come from indexes 71 and
72, the definition in the object type is done in a following manner.


CLOSE_ILOCK_IX=72) Methods for adding/modifying process objects

These methods can be utilized when a process database is created with Process Object

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Table 6.117: Methods for modifying process database

Method Meaning
METHOD_INIT_SIGNALS Additional signals defined in object type. These
signals appear in process object tool (POT) for
the standard function. This can be used, for ex-
ample, for creating additional event signals for
the standard function. The method must return
a vector each item contains list defining an ob-

@v_Object_Type_Process_Object = VECTOR(-




#return %v_Object_Type_Process_Objects

METHOD_CUSTOMIZE_OBJECTS The method is executed after the

SAI_SSW.POT file is executed. Therefore,
vector %OBJECTS contains all process objects
to be created, so it is possible to edit final ob-
jects that were created. Variable %OBJECTS
is a vector, whose each element is a list contain-
ing the configuration of the process object. Note
that modifying %OBJECTS does not change
the object configuration, because objects are
already created. Method for value conversions

Depending on IED or protocol, certain signals can have a different value for same
meaning. For example, some IED can send value 1 when Device is interlocked, whereas
some other IED can send value 0 in a same situation.
In order to support different value conventions in control dialog, it is possible to define
value conversions in the object type.
Table 6.118: Method for value conversion
Method Meaning
METHOD_GET_INDICATIONS This method is executed when user opens
control dialog and used for value conversion.

Table 6.119: Signals supporting value conversion

Process object meaning Return variable Interpretation in control dialog
Position indication INDICATION_OV 0=intermediate, 1=open,
2=closed, 3=faulty
Device control block EXT_CNTR_BLK_OV 0=control allowed, 1=blocked
Open interlocked OPEN_ILOCK_OV 0=interlocked, 1=control allowed

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Process object meaning Return variable Interpretation in control dialog

Close interlocked CLOSE_ILOCK_OV 0=interlocked, 1=control allowed
Cause of interlocking - -
Breaker Synchrocheck SYN_IND_OV 0=synchrocheck inhibits, 1=con-
trol allowed
Bay L/R switch BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV 0=control allowed, 1=not author-
ized to control the bay Methods for customized control

Table 6.120: Control methods for switch device

Method Meaning
METHOD_OPEN_SELECT This method is executed when the user makes
the Open Select operation in control dialog.
METHOD_CLOSE_SELECT This method is executed when the user makes
theClose Select operation in control dialog.
METHOD_OPEN_EXECUTE This method is executed when the user makes
the Open Execute operation in control dialog.
METHOD_CLOSE_EXECUTE This method is executed when the user makes
the Close Execute operation in control dialog.
METHOD_CANCEL This method is executed when the user makes
the Cancel operation in control dialog. Method for changing texts

Table 6.121: Method for text conversions

Method Meaning
METHOD_GET_STRING_REPLACEMENTS By using this method, dialog texts can be
changed in object type. When the control dialog
is opened, this method is executed if it exists,
and strings returned by it are applied to control

It is possible to define object type specific localization of the strings for control dialog
according to user language, see REPLACE_STRINGS.DAT, where languages EN and
FI are implemented as an example.
String ID:s are returned by method METHOD_GET_STRING_REPLACEMENTS of
object type. To replace, e.g. id 100, define attribute ID100 in list returned by the method.
See REPLACE_STRINGS.DAT how to do this.

"#if %language==""EN"" #then #block",-

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"ID272=""Switch state is Hand"",-",-

"ID273=""Switch state is Auto"",-",-

"ID315=""Are you sure you want to change the switch to Hand state?"",-",-

"ID316=""Are you sure you want to change the switch to Auto state?"")",-


"#else #if %language==""FI"" #then #block",-




"ID272=""Kytkin on kasitilassa"",-",-

"ID273=""Kytkin on automaattitilassa"",-",-

"ID315=""Oletko varma että haluat muuttaa kytkimen kasitilaan?"",-",-

"ID316=""Oletko varma että haluat muuttaa kytkimen automaattitilaan?"")",-


"#RETURN %strings"))

Resulting appearance when REPLACE_STRINGS.DAT object type is used for switching


SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Figure 6.40: Changing titles in control dialog with object type Configuration

Once the object type description is made, it can be taken in use while installing Switch
In Standard Configuration Tool there is an attribute LIB_OBJECT_TYPE. The appropriate
object type can be selected from the combo pop down.

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Figure 6.41: Selection of object type

If the object type has own control methods, CONTROL_TYPE attribute has to be
configured "Use from Object Type". When this is selected object type has to have all
control methods defined. See section Methods for customized control .

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Application Design

Figure 6.42: Selection of control type for object type

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7 Sequence Configurator

7.1 Overview
SYS600 Sequencer offers creation, execution and monitoring of switching device
command sequences in MicroSCADA Pro. Sequencer has two separate tools one for
creation and configuration of sequences (Sequence Configurator) and another tool for
execution of sequences (Sequence Executor). This chapter describes sequence creation
and configuration using Sequence Configurator. More details regarding Sequence
Executor tool can be found from SYS600 Operation Manual.
A Sequence is a collection of one or more steps/commands for switching type devices.
These sequences can be created and configured by a MicroSCADA user with sufficient
engineering rights using Sequence Configurator/SeqConf tool. For each step of the
sequence, the command to be executed is defined together with optional precondition
and postcondition checks or delays. Currently supported commands are switching device
open/close command or message box display. For information on how to execute
sequences see SYS600 Operation Manual.
Sequences can also be started from internal and external triggers in addition to an
interactive user. Internal triggers include event channel and Schedule function of the
MicroSCADA Pro Calendar. Using external triggers, the sequences can be started from
NCC via COM500i functionality or from DMS600.
Sequencer also supports creation and execution of sequences from external system via
MicroSCADA OPC server interface. This is used by DMS600 for dynamic sequence
creation and execution.

7.2 Terminology
This chapter defines the terminology used in relation to Sequencer
Sequence Configurator – a tool for creation and configuration of sequences
Sequence Executor - a tool intended for execution and monitoring of configured
Sequence – List/collection of steps
Step – a configured command to execute or a message to display to an interactive user.
The configuration of a step consists of:
• Precondition or command execution delay
• Command
• Postcondition or proceed with next step delay
Precondition/Postcondition – several comparisons of process objects with defined
values. If the condition is fulfilled the sequence execution continues. If the condition
fails the further sequence execution will be interrupted.

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Command – can be of two types:

• Command to control a switching device as e.g. circuit breaker or disconnector:
• Message Box – show the defined message box for an interactive user. For other user
types this type of command will be ignored during execution.
Validation check – predefined conditions that can be checked with Sequence
Controllability check – predefined conditions that are automatically checked when
loading a new sequence in Sequence Executor. These controllablity checks are also
performed at the beginning of each sequence step execution.
SIF File - Every sequence is stored in SCIL database file with a .sif extension.
User Name – User Name shown in the Event List for sequence execution. The real user
name is only shown for interactive users. For other sequence triggers, the trigger names
such as DMS and SYS are used as User Names.
Sequencer Trigger Four trigger types are allowed to start and execute a sequence:
• INT – MicroSCADA Interactive User
• SYS – MicroSCADA command procedure or event channel
• DMS – DMS600
• COM – COM500i / NCC
Internal Triggers – MicroSCADA internal events that can start sequence execution.
These include event channels and command procedures.
External Triggers – A trigger in which sequence execution is started from an external
source such as from DMS or NCC

7.3 Installation and removal

Sequencer installation and removal can be done using LIB5 Application Initialization
Tool. To Install Sequencer Select Tools > Engineering Tools > Tool Manager > in
Monitor Pro and navigate to Application Objects > Application Initialization Tool in
Tool Manager. Selecting Sequencer checkbox and clicking Prepare selected packages
button installs sequencer and clearing the checkbox uninstalls it. However, Sequencer
cannot be installed if not enabled in the applied license.

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Figure 7.1: Sequencer installation

During installation the following line gets added to LIB5INIT_1:C command procedure
#exec epu_seq_main_mng_clear_queue:c
epu_seq_main_mng_clear_queue:c command procedure resets possible interrupted
sequence executions due to abnormal system halt.
The following line gets added to LIB5INIT_H:C command procedure.
#exec epu_seq_main_continue_executing:c
The above command procedures ensures that running sequence will continue to execute
when a switch-over occurrs in a Hot-Standby system. Both the above calls are removed
automatically during sequencer uninstallation.

7.4 User Interface

Sequence Configurator can be launched from Tool Manager by Navigating to Monitor
Pro Tools>Engineering Tools>Tool Manager>Application Objects>Sequence
Configurator. See Figure 7.2 below.

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Figure 7.2: Sequence Configurator

Menu bar
The menu bar in Sequence Configurator consists of different menus.

Figure 7.3: Sequence Configurator’s Menu bar

The descriptions of the each menu functions are described in Table 7.1 below.

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Table 7.1: Sequence Configurator’s File menu functions

Menu Function Description
File New Prepares a new sequence in-
New Based on Current Tem- Creates a new sequence based
plate on the opened sequence in-
Open Opens an existing sequence
Save Saves a sequence
Duplicate Duplicates a currently opened
sequence (Makes a copy of the
currently opened sequence)
Delete Used to delete sequence files
from the list of available se-
Exit Exits Sequence Configurator
Sequence Validation Check Makes a validation check to an
already prepared sequence
Modification Log Shows timestamps and modific-
ation information about the
available sequence files
Help About Information about the tool and

7.5 Configuring a Sequence

7.5.1 Configuration Parameteres

Sequences are used to control specific switching objects that are configured in sequence
steps. Table 7.2 below lists all the sequence parameter which can be configured using
the Sequence Configuration tool.
Table 7.2: Sequence configuration parameters and corresponding descriptions
Parameter Description Type Values/Range
Sequence Name Textual identification of Text 1-30 character
the sequence
User Response Timeout for waiting Integer 1-60 Minutes
Timeout user response during Default: 1 min
sequence execution. If
no user response re-
ceived within the
timeout, the sequence
execution is aborted

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Parameter Description Type Values/Range

User defined step Textual identification of Text 1-30 character
name the step. Default: empty
User confirmation Definition if the steps Boolean True/False
will be executed auto- toggling checkbox
matically or if some
user confirmation is
needed before the step
is executed
Precondition Configurable precondi- Up to 10 OR branches.
tion check. Condition is Each OR branch may
created with condition have up to 10 AND
wizard (see figure x.x). conditions
Condition can include
multiple comparisons
of process object val-
ues. Logical OR and
AND operations can be
used with comparisons
to advanced conditions
Precondition Check The retry time for the Integer 0-60 Seconds
Time condition check. Check Default: 1 s
is repeated in 1 second
interval until it is
passed or the time limit
is reached. If the time
limit is reached and
check has not passed,
the check is considered
as failed.
Delay Before Com- Delay before command Integer 0-60 Seconds
mand Execution execution, if no precon- Default: 1 s
dition is configured.
Command Command to be ex- Integer open or close com-
ecuted in the step. mand, message output
Command can be
either switch object
open/close operation
or message output for
the user. Command is
configured using a
command wizard
Postcondition Configurable postcondi- Integer
tion check (see precon-

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Parameter Description Type Values/Range

Postcondition Check The retry time for the Integer 0-60 Seconds
Time condition check. Check Default: 1 s
is repeated in 1 second
interval until it is
passed or the time limit
is reached. If the time
limit is reached and
check has not passed,
the check is considered
as failed.
Value 0 means condi-
tion checked only once
immediately after com-
mand execution
Delay After Command Delay after command Integer 0-60 Seconds
Execution execution, if no post- Default: 1 s
condition is configured.
Postcondition Check Message to be dis- Text
Failed Message played to the user,
when check is not ful-

7.5.2 Major Functions

The following major functions are available in Sequence Configuration Tool:

1. Create new empty sequence (see Figure 7.4 first item)
2. Create new sequence based on existing. Only sequences with Process Object
references to one bay only can be used as source. In this case a list of bays containing
the same amount and type of switching devices will be provided. Multiple bays can
be selected to create sequences for the selected bays (see Figure 7.4 and Figure 7.5).
3. Create and save a new sequence as a copy from an existing (duplicate). Possible
configured internal triggers are also created as new triggers to the new sequence ID.
4. Save sequence
5. Open sequence
6. Delete sequence

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Figure 7.4: New sequence dialog

A sequence containing only Process Object links to one bay (based on OI) can be used
as template to duplicate the sequence to other equivalent bays.

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Figure 7.5: New sequence based on template

Sequence Configuration Functions

For each sequence the following configuration functions are available:
1. Edit sequence name
2. Edit user response timeout in minutes
3. Create, Edit, delete, move steps
4. Define internal and external triggers
Step Configuration Functions
For each step, the following configuration functions are available:
1. Edit step name
2. Edit user confirmation required flag. If the flag is set, user confirmation is required
before the step is executed. This flag is used only when the sequence is executed
by an interactive user.
3. Edit delay before command execution in seconds. This option is available in case
no precondition is set
4. Edit precondition with the help of the condition wizard (see Figure 7.8)
5. Edit precondition check time in seconds if precondition is set

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6. Edit text for INT user when precondition is not fulfilled

7. Edit step command, with the following options available:
• CLOSE for closing switching object (see Figure 7.7)
• OPEN for opening switching object (see Figure 7.7)
• MESSAGE output

Figure 7.6: Command Type selection

8. Edit delay after command execution in seconds. This option is available in case no
postcondition is set
9. Edit postcondition in help of the condition wizard (see Figure 7.8)
10. Edit postcondition check time in seconds if postcondition is set
11. Edit text for INT user when postcondition is not fulfilled

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Figure 7.7: Switching Device Selection for commands

The precondition and postcondition can be constructed in help of the condition wizard.

Figure 7.8: Condition wizard

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7.5.3 Sequence Identification and Managing

ID_APL is an INTEGER, 1.. 2147483647 (MAX_INTEGER), sequence number, unique
within MicroSCADA application. This value is used in the command to start the sequence
from NCC via COM500i. ID_APL value is stored in the index table which is saved in
\sc\apl\<apl name>\SEQUENCER\SEQUENCES\index.csv file.
Sequence ID_APL numbers are generated by the sequencer configuration tool. Sequencer
will ensure that the ID_APL number of the executable sequence is unique within an
application. If the user copies the sequence file from another application, Sequencer
assignes a new unique and unused ID_APL for the copied sequence file.

7.5.4 Sequence Modification Log

The sequence modification log is stored in the file

\sc\apl\<apl name>\PAR\APL\SEQ_CONF_HIS.sdb
The log consists of the following log details:
1. <Date&Time> - date and time of operation
2. < File_Name > - Name of SIF-file
3. < UserType >
• INT – if modified by SeqConf
• DMS –if procedure is created automatically by DMS request
4. < UserName > - User name
5. < OperationType > - includes the following operation type events:
• Event “CREATED” is saved to the history table when a user or a DMS600
request creates a new sequence
• Event “MODIFIED” is saved to the history table when a user modifies an
existing sequence
• Event “DELETED” is saved to the history table when a user deletes a sequence
The sequence modification log content can be viewed in Sequence Configuration tool.
To launch Modification Log dialog Select Sequence>Modification Log from the menu.

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Figure 7.9: Sequence modification log dialog

7.5.5 Configuring internal and external triggers

In addition to an interactive user, sequences can be started by internal or external triggers.

The internal and external trigger settings can be configured only for saved sequences.
When a new sequence is not saved the following message will be shown:

Figure 7.10: Trigger information box Internal Triggers

Internal triggers are based on these application objects:

• Command procedure to start sequence execution for example to run from calendar
• Event channel to start command procedure (EPU_SEQ_CP_<ID_APL>:C) sequence
If the user creates the event channel the command procedure is created automatically.
All application objects (command procedure and event channel) have predefined names:
• Command procedure: EPU_SEQ_CP_<ID_APL>:C
• Event channel: EPU_SEQ_EC_<ID_APL>:A

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See below example for standard sequence with ID_APL=1.

Figure 7.11: Internal Trigger Configuration

See details in Table 7.3 Below. External triggers

External triggers can be used e.g. to start a sequence from NCC via COM500i.
There is a check box for each configured NCC connection in COM500i, that is used to
allow (when checked) or deny the execution of the sequence from the corresponding

Figure 7.12: Configuring external triggers

For user types INT and SYS the external trigger permissions are not checked. See details
in Table 7.3 Below.
Table 7.3: Summary of sequence execution triggers
Trigger Internal User Name Type Activation Output Results Available
INT <Interactive user name> Interactive User Sequence Execution
• Sequence Execution Tool
• Event and Alarm List
• SYS600 Notify
• Execution log
SYS SYS Internal trigger
• By Command pro- • Event and Alarm List
cedure • SYS600 Notify
• By Event Channel • Execution log
DMS DMS External trigger Command from DMS
• Event List and Alarm List
• SYS600 Notify
• Execution log

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Trigger Internal User Name Type Activation Output Results Available

COM NCC Name/NCC Num- External trigger Command from NCC
• Event and Alarm List
ber via COM500i up to 8
• SYS600 Notify
directions • Execution log

7.5.6 Configuring for Hot Stand-by system

When a sequence starts by an interactive user (”INT” User Type), sequence execution
gets aborted during HSB takes over. However, when a sequence starts by internal trigger
(SYS user) or by an external trigger (“COM” or “DMS” user type), sequence execution
continues automatically on HSB take-over.
Note: During installation procedure SCIL-code is already added in LIB5INIT_H:c for
Sequencer HSB to work:
#exec epu_seq_main_continue_executing:c

7.5.7 User Authorizations

The level of access rights is defined in help of the SEQ_HANDLING authorization

If the SEQ_HANDLING group does not exist the GENERAL group will be used to
determine the access levels. The details of authorization levels are explaind in Table 7.4
Authorization level.
Table 7.4: Authorization level
Level Sequence Configuration Sequence Execution
0 Opening the tool is not possible Opening the tool is not possible
1 Opening the tool is not possible View mode for current state
2,3,4,5 Editor rights View and execute sequence

7.6 Sequence Validation and Controllablity Checks

Sequencer has two kinds of checking methods namely validation and controllability
checks. The checkings are explained in the following sections in detail.

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7.6.1 Sequence Validation Check

Validation checking ensures that the sequence fullfils the valid startup requirments e.g.
needed Process Objects and standard function configuration data exists. Validation
checking can be performed manually from Sequence Configurator's menu by selecting
Sequence>Validation Check. When an interactive user selects a sequence to run it in
Sequence Executor, validation is checked before the selected sequence is loaded for
execution. If validation checking fails the sequence cannot be loaded.
After validation checking is completed, user can see three type of checking messages in
Validation Check dialog:
• OK – Value or Validation checking passed
• FAIL – Unexpected values
• ERR – Validation checking error
When a validation check fails, the checking can be repeated from validation check dialog
by pressing the Repeat Check button.

7.6.2 Sequence Controllablity Check

Sequence controllablity check is done in addition to validation check and it is done only
during execution. Every single step of the sequence will be checked before the execution
will start.
Controllability check includes:
• All station, bay and device local/remote keys and operation place indications are in
the expected position
• Switching Device to be controlled is not interlocked or blocked by the process
• All Process Objects included:
- must exist
- are in use
- have proper Object Status
- are not blocked
The failed checks are visible in Figure 7.13.

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Figure 7.13: Controllability Check Dialog showing a failure due to Bay local/remote switch
inhibition of control

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8 Creating a single-line diagram

Display Builder is an editor that lets the user create complete graphical interfaces. It is
the primary tool that is used when Process Displays are created. The user can draw the
displays and map the signals before or after process objects have been created to the
process database, except that the Object Browser requires an existing and running
Symbols representing the process objects can be created to an empty display from the
palette, and the signal mappings can be done manually. Alternatively, the symbols and
mappings can be created with the Object Browser. After adding the symbols for process
objects and busbars to the display, the network topology coloring can be built manually
or by using Display Builder's automatic functions. For more information on the Display
Builder, see SYS600 Process Display Design.

Figure 8.1: Main window of Display Builder

8.1 Connecting signals

The data variable properties can be edited by selecting Edit > Data Variables, see
Figure 8.2. Usually, the Object Browser tool automatically generates the data variables

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Application Design

for symbols that are dragged into the display from the object browser tree, and connects
the symbol to the variables. Sometimes, it is necessary to edit these settings manually.
In the data source settings, the application number can be set to all data variables that
exist in the data source. This makes it possible to create more than one data source in
the same picture and define the application for them separately.

Figure 8.2: Creating data source in Data Selection dialog

8.1.1 Creating data sources

To create a data source:

1. In the Display Builder, open the Data Variables dialog by selecting Edit > Data
2. Select MicroSCADA from the New Data Source drop-down menu and click the
Add New Data Source button.
3. Give a name for the new data source in the Name field.
4. In the MicroSCADA field, select the application number from the Application
drop-down menu.

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This application number is applied to all data variables that are created under this
data source.
5. Click Rescan.

8.1.2 Creating data variables manually

To create data variables manually:

1. In the Display Builder, open the Data Variables dialog by selecting Edit > Data
2. In the Data Variables dialog, select the MicroSCADA data source from the data
source hierarchy and click the Add New Data Source button.

Figure 8.3: Creating data variables in Data Selection dialog

3. Define the data variable settings in the Data Variables field.

These settings are related to a so called view data variable.
4. Set the type to Float and scope to Private.
5. Click Validate.

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8.1.3 Creating data variables with vector and matrix data

Data variables can also be created with vector and matrix data from MicroSCADA.
To create data variables with vector and matrix data:
1. In Display Builder, open Edit -> Data Variables.
2. Create a MicroSCADA data source and connect it to an application.
3. Create a data variable to MicroSCADA data source.
4. Give an object reference in MicroSCADA data variable settings.
5. Select Generic signal as variable type.
6. Select Create and edit new file... in Run SCIL combo box.
7. Modify the result value.
8. Click Apply. Shape options are activated in Data Variable group.
9. Select vector or matrix shape. For vector data source, Length setting is activated.
For matrix data source, rows/cols setting is activated.
10. Type appropriate length or row/column value.
11. Create a graph object and select Graph Properties from context menu of the object.
12. Select suitable type from Types tab sheet of Graph Properties window (e.g. surface
type for matrix).
13. Connect the graph to data variable and set suitable range in Variables tab sheet.
When matrix data type is used, the data must be a vector set. Each inner vector represent
one column. For example, when defining a matrix that has two rows and three columns,
it is represented following way:
As SCIL code this would be
Following example returns vector of length 3:
When an OPC item with vector data type is used to launch SCIL code, the VALUE
attribute is not created in %L_INPUT, and %L_INPUT. DATA_TYPE value is NONE,
and therefore it cannot be used as an argument. Instead, create the value with SCIL. This
way, it can be passed to data variable.

Only numerical items are supported in the vector and matrix


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8.1.4 Connecting data variables to process database

To connect the data variable to the process database:

1. In the Data Variables dialog in the MicroSCADA field, type the process object
reference in the Object Reference text field.
The format is <process object logical name>:P<process object attribute><process
object index>. For example, ESTH01_Q0:POV10.
Type the object reference in upper case letters.
2. Select the Signal Type. For more information, see Section 8.2 Data variable types.
3. Click the Validate button to check that the name was typed correctly and the process
object exists, see Figure 8.4.

Figure 8.4: Validation notice for existing process object

8.2 Data variable types

The data variable type is selected from the Type of Variable drop-down menu. Three
types are available:
• State indication.
• Status color.
• Generic signal.
The State indication is used for integer state values. There is a possibility to swap values
1 and 2. If the signal value read from the process object is, for example, 1, it can be
changed to 2 and written into the view data variable.
The Status color is used when the data variable should represent the status color value
for the symbol. Internally, this is done by subscribing several process objects' attribute
values from the OPC Server, and the status color is calculated based on the attribute
values. Some attribute values are also subscribed from other process indexes, such as
values for command event, selected on monitor status and control blocked signal. These
values are subscribed from indexes <current index> + 10, <current index> + 9,<current
index> + 3, respectively.
When Generic signal is used, no type conversion is done when moving data from the
OPC Server to the data variable. This variable type can be used with measurement values
and other floating point data types, or text values.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

8.3 Customizing used process object indexes

It is possible to configure the process object indexes that graphical symbols use to indicate
status colors. The status colors are based on the following process object values:
• State indication object
The data source uses attributes of the object to define the device state, for example
object state, blockings and alarms.
• Command event object
The data source uses the OV attribute of the object to define if the device is selected
for the operation.
• Selected on monitor object
The data source uses the OV attribute of the object to define if the control dialog is
open for the device in another monitor.
• Control blocked object
By default, the index is set to 13. Data source uses the UB attribute of the object to
define if the control is blocked.
• Alarming object
The data source uses the alarm attributes of the object to define if the device is
• Externally blocked object
The data source uses the OV attribute of the object to define if the device is externally
• Open blocked object
The data source uses the OV attribute of the object to define if the device is open
• Close blocked object
The data source uses the OV attribute of the object to define if the device is close
To configure the indexes, modify the SA_LIB_INDEXES attribute contents to the
standard function configuration list that is located on the attribute CD. The attribute CD
is located on the process object group of the standard function in Object Navigator. Run
the rescan function to update the changes to the Process Display as described in the
For example, if the SA_LIB_INDEXES attribute is added to the standard function
configuration, the attribute sets the command event index to 20, the selected monitor
index to 19 and the control block index to 13:
After the SA_LIB_INDEXES attribute has been added or modified in the standard
function configuration list on the CD attribute, update the Process Display with Display
Builder as follows:
1. Select Edit > Data Variables to open the Data Selection dialog.
2. Select the appropriate data source on the left pane. See Figure 8.5.
3. Click Rescan in the Data Source Settings field to scan the configuration and to
update and save the index configurations to the display, see Figure 8.5.

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Figure 8.5: Rescanning configuration and updating and saving index configurations

4. Ensure that the indexes were updated correctly, see Figure 8.6.
• Select a Status color Signal Type data variable on the left pane.
• Used indexes are displayed in the Status Color Indexes field and semantics as
a tool tip.

This applies only partly to Power Process switch device

symbols. Some indexes are calculated by internal logic
based on switching device type, indication type and control
type. Logic is in command procedure BGU_CONTROL:C

The number of used indexes may be different for separate

standard functions. If, for example, some circuit breaker
does not have open or close blocking process objects, the
indexes are not added to the Status Color Indexes list.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Changes do not take effect before clicking Rescan and

saving the picture in Display Builder.

Figure 8.6: Ensuring that data variables are updated correctly

8.4 Status color logic

The status color is calculated based on several indexes and attribute values. Details for
switching device can be found from the table below. Values are in priority order.
Table 8.1: Status color logic
Description Condition (LN = Logical Name) Color index
Unmapped device 'LN':PIU10 = 0 29
Not sampled 'LN':POS10 = 10 38
Selected, under command 'LN':POV20 = 1 42
Selected, on display 'LN':POV19 >= 1 41

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Description Condition (LN = Logical Name) Color index

Substituted, Internal 'LN':PSU10 = 1 43
Update blocked*, Obsolete 'LN':PUB10 = 1, 'LN':POS10 = 2 or 'LN':POS10 39
or not updating = 4..9
Substituted, External 'LN':PSB10 = 1 43
Blocked 'LN':PBL10 = 1 39
Invalid value 'LN':POS10 = 1 35
Alarm, Unacknowledged 'LN':PAR10 = 0 46
Alarm, Acknowledged 'LN':PAL10 = 1 and 'LN':PAR10 = 1 45
Control blocked* 'LN':PUB13 = 1 47
Alarm blocked 'LN':PAB10 = 1 34
Externally control blocked** 'LN':POV15 = 1 or (non IEC 61850) 47
'LN':POV15 = 2 or (IEC 61850)
'LN':POV41 = 1 or (open blocked)
'LN':POV42 = 1 (close blocked)
History blocked or Printout 'LN':PHB10 = 1 or 'LN':PPB10 = 1 or 'LN':PXB10 34
blocked or Reprocessing =1
Faulty time*** 'LN':POS10 = 3 50
Not in use 'LN':PSS10 = 0 or 'LN':PIU = 0 29
Manually entered NOT('LN':PSS10 >=2 and 'LN':PUN10 <> 0) 37
Normal 32

* Depending on control type index can vary.

** Available in 9.3 FP1. Depending on switching device type, open blocked and close
blocked indexes can vary.
*** Status coloring is used only if the Use status colors setting is enabled in network
topology coloring settings.
Table 8.2: Status color logic measurements
Description Condition Color Index
Measurement High Alarm 'LN':PAZ'IX' = 2 28
Measurement Low Alarm 'LN':PAZ'IX' = 1 24
Measurement High Warning 'LN':PAZ'IX' = 4 27
Measurement Low Warning 'LN':PAZ'IX' = 3 25
Warning 'LN':PAZ'IX' = 3 or 'LN':PAZ'IX' = 4 44

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

8.5 Configuring status signals

A status signal can be connected to another process object than the indication signal. For
example, the status signal is read from index 110 in the ANSI environment. Control
dialogs use the index automatically for switch devices with the ANSI protocol.
To take the feature in use in another protocol, define an object type that has the
STATUS_IX attribute defined. Object types can be found on
\sc\sa_lib\defaults\object_types. The object type is saved in this directory as a text file
with a .dat extension.
File contents is a dump list containing the attributes, for example
LIST(STATUS_IX=110). To take the object type in use, define the LIB_OBJECT_TYPE
attribute in the standard function file.
The attribute value is an object type file name with the file name extension and without
path, for example ANSI.DAT. Standard function files can be found on \sc\apl\<application

8.6 Customizing the Object Browser

Object Browser displays objects that can be inserted as a symbol to the Process Display,
see Figure 3.5. It automatically creates symbols to the display and also establishes data
mappings (static or dynamic) according to the configuration file. Insertable objects are
defined in the Object Browser configuration file.
The configuration file is located in [drive]\sc\prog\graphicsEngine\ etc\ObjNav.ini. The
file contains settings related to Object Browser and mappings between the process objects
and the symbols. Both numeric and text values can be mapped to symbols. Table 8.3
shows the possible options for the Object Browser configuration file.

When the settings are modified in the configuration file, it is

required to restart Display Builder. There is, however, a
shortcut for this: select the root node in the browser and press
CTRL+R to reload the settings from the configuration file. To
apply general settings and filter settings, press the Select...
button once.

8.6.1 General settings

General settings are used to control some features of the Object Browser. Normally, it
is not necessary to modify these.

The RX (or LN or ST) values are separated with the colon (:).
Whitespace (except spaces) between separators and RX (or
LN or ST) values are not skipped.

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Table 8.3: Options for the ObjectBrowser configuration file

Key Value
UsesReversedSingleIndications Automatically swap values 0 and 1 for single
state indications when dragging a switching
device from Object Browser to the display. This
setting is not used for local/remote switches.
0 = No swap (default)
other value = Swap
UsesReversedDoubleIndications Automatically swap values 1 and 2 for double
state indications when dragging a switching
device from Object Browser to the display. This
setting is not used for local/remote switches.
0 = No swap
other value = Swap (default)
UsePtSpecificMappingRxValues Lists object types, which require process value
type to be used in the object type identification,
e.g. ASTA_12. PT attribute value is appended
to the end of the object type.
LocalRemoteSwitchRxValues Lists object types, which identify local/remote

8.6.2 Filtering settings

Filtering settings can be used to show and hide process objects in the Object Browser.

The RX (or LN or ST) values are separated with the colon (:).
Whitespace (except spaces) between separators and RX (or
LN or ST) values are not skipped.

The process object must have RX attribute value to be shown

in the Object Browser.

Table 8.4: Filtering settings

Key Value
IncludeIx Used for showing process objects only with a
certain IX value in the Object Browser. This
setting overrides IxMax setting.
0 = not used
<n> = only include this IX value
To include other IX values use the In-
cludeAllIndicesForRxValues and IncludedSpe-
cifiedIndicesForRxValue settings.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Key Value
IxMax Used for hiding process objects with IX value
greater than a certain value from the Object
Browser. This setting is useful for skipping
LIB510 event recording objects that all have IX
> 100.
0 = not used
<n> = Skip objects with larger IX
To include larger IX values for some objects use
IncludeAllIndicesForRxValues and IncludedSpe-
cifiedIndicesForRxValue settings.
IncludeAllIndicesForRxValues Shows all IX values for certain RX values in the
Object Browser. This setting overrides IncludeIx
IncludedSpecifiedIndicesForRxValue Specified indices for the specified RX values,
which are shown in the Object Browser. This
setting overrides other RX and IX filter settings.
Indices are separated with the comma (,). In-
dices are listed after RX value and the # charac-
ter. Note that whitespace (except spaces)
between separators are not skipped. Range of
indices is defined with a dash e.g. 10-17
ExcludedRxValues RX values that will be hidden from the Object
Browser. This setting overrides the In-
cludeAllIndicesForRxValues setting.
ExcludeLNsStartingWith Hides all LNs that start with these substrings
from the Object Browser. This setting overrides
both RX, IX, and ST filter settings.
ExcludedStValues ST values that will be hidden in the Object
Browser. This setting overrides RX and IX filter

8.6.3 Symbol definitions

In addition to general and filtering settings, the configuration file contains symbol
definitions for process objects. These are under [RX_Settings] and [RX_Mapping]
sections in the configuration file. [RX_Settings] section defines what part of the RX
value is used for identifying devices in the configuration file, and [RX_Mapping] section
defines what graphical symbols are available for the process object/device. It is possible
to add, remove, and modify symbol definitions in the configuration file.
Table 8.5: RX_Settings
Key Value
StartIndex Used to specify the start position of the substring
in the RX attribute value that contains the object
type. The default value is 23.
Length Used to specify the length of the RX attribute
substring that contains the object type. The de-
fault value is 4.

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Key Value
DetailedLength Used to specify the length of the RX attribute
substring that contains the detailed object type.
The detailed object type can be used to differen-
tiate devices that have the same value specified
by Length setting but different value when more
characters are taken to substring. The default
value is 8.

In a SYS600 product, a device has an instance in the process database. The device has
both static and dynamic data. This data is represented in the process display using
graphical symbols. Graphical symbols available in the Object Browser for the device
and the data linked to the symbol are configured to the configuration file. The syntax of
the symbol definition is in its simplified form.

Single symbol
device_id = [symbol], e.g. QB01 = 02 - SA_IEC\

Symbol group
device_id = [symbol_group], e.g. QE01 = <02 - SA_IEC\,0:IEC Earth
Switch, vertical & 01 - SA_Common\,-1000:Earth symbol>
It is possible to define the following properties for symbols in the configuration file:
• Name
• Path to symbol file
• Coordinates
• Data mappings

Symbol Definition Syntax

The device_id element is the substring of the RX value of the device, specifically, the
object type. Syntax for the symbol definition of a device and its data mapping to the
graphical symbol is presented in the table below. The following notations are used in
the table:
{1} = must have the preceding character/string
? = can be empty or existing
* = repeats
+ = once or more
^ = exclusive or

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 8.6: Symbol definition syntax

Syntax Regular expres- Description Example
sion/valid values
device_symbol_definition [device_id]=[sym- This is the main WSYS =
bol_definition] ^ definition.
Syntax for device identific-
device_id [device_type]([_] QB01, ABAY_3, FM-
[device_value_type])? FUISTR
device _type Any string value PMEA
device_value_type [3 | 6 | 9 |12] 3 - Single indication, 3
6 - Digital input, 9 -
Analog input, 12 -
Double indication. If
this syntax is used,
see also the
pingRxValues set-
device_id_reference [[]{1}[device_id][]]{1} This is useful when [QB01], e.g. QB02 =
a device has same [QB01]
symbols as another
Syntax for symbol defini-
symbol_definition (([single_symbol]^[sym- Single symbol or | Database
bol_group])[|])* symbol group. Al-
ternative symbols
are separated using
the | character.
single_symbol [symbol path]{1}[:][data Symbol definition for Value : POV : 0,0
mapping]?[:][coordin- a single symbol with : Measurement Value
ate]?[:][symbol name]? other detailed in-
symbol_group [<]{1} ([sym- Symbol definition for 1
bol][&]?)*{1} [>]{1} a symbol group. &
symbol path Any valid file path. Absolute or refer- 06 - SA_Supervi-
Also, a relative path ence file path to the sion\
according to graphics symbol.
engine can be used.
symbol name Any string The name shown Circuit Breaker ANSI
for the symbol in the Horizontal
Object Browser.

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Syntax Regular expres- Description Example

sion/valid values
coordinate ([-16732-16372][,][- XY-coordinate value -1000,1000
16732-16372])? to determine symbol
coordinates. Used
in symbol groups.
Can be empty, de-
fault value is 0,0.
Syntax for data mappings
data mappings ([data mapping]([,])?)* Determines which POV, NPOV, POV[10],
static/dynamic data "REF630", 1234,-,, TP-
is mapped to the CX
data variables of the
data mapping (([parent][\])?[data Determines the path See [data mappings]
type]?[object type][at- to process point or
tribute][\[]{1} [process gives a constant,
object index][]]{1})? | static value.
[constant data map-
ping] |
[empty data mapping]
empty data mapping [-]? Determines whether See [data mappings]
the symbol data
variable is skipped.
constant data mapping (["][a-zA-Z0-9]*["]) | [0- Constant text or nu- See [data mappings]
9]* meric mapping.
attribute [A-Za-z]{2} Two-letter process OV, CX
object attribute.
process object index [0-9]* 10, e.g. POV[10]
data type T|N T= text, N=numeric. TPCX,
By default, numeric
is used if nothing is
specified. For text
attributes, T is man-
object type P|H|X|D|C|T|A|E|V|F|B POV, BCX
parent APL|SYS These are used to APL\BNA, SYS\BCX
indicate that top
level attributes are

8.6.4 Default settings for the Object Browser

The following listing shows the default settings for the Object Browser:



SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

LocalRemoteSwitchRxValues = ASTA:ABAY:AGRP

PcmObjectSubdrawing = 01 - SA_Common\

UsePtSpecificMappingRxValues = ASTA:ABAY:FARC:AGRP





IncludedSpecifiedIndicesForRxValue = HTCI#255 : XRST#10000 : QT01#30 : FARC#12 :

HALA#10-17 : Q301#10,11 : XTAG#49 : WSTA#210 : WNETILIN#220-235 :
WNETXLIN#220-235 : WNETXNET#210 : WAPL#100-350,1000-26250


ExcludeLNsStartingWith = BNCC:SAGR_:TOPO_

ExcludedStValues = IN_COLOR





8.6.5 Show/hide process objects shown in the browser

To hide all objects:

1. Empty all excluding filters.
2. Empty all including filters.
3. Set IncludeIx to 100000 (or any other non-existing Ix value).
4. Set IxMax to 0.
To show all objects:
1. Empty all excluding filters.
2. Empty all including filters.
3. Set IncludeIx to 0.
4. Set IxMax to 0.
To include some objects:
1. Modify Include* settings to show some object or remove some of the settings in
Exclude* settings.
To exclude some objects:
1. Modify Exclude* settings to hide some object or remove some of the settings in
Include* settings.

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8.6.6 Create a symbol definition for the object Create a single symbol for the object

Normally, each object presented in the browser has at least one symbol presentation.
The configuration file contains default symbols for common process objects. The user
has the possibility to create symbol definitions for any object shown in the browser that
have unique device identification.
In general, the syntax for symbol definition for one symbol is the following:
device_id = [symbol]
To create new symbol definition for the object, use the following instructions:
1. Open the configuration file and locate symbol definitions. The new line to be added
is a key-value pair. Here, WSYS = 06 - SA_Supervision\ is used as an
2. Start a new line and enter an object identification followed by the = character, e.g.
a. Object identification consists of an object type and possibly an object IO type.
The object type is taken from the RX value of the object. The object IO type is
taken from the ST value of the object. Examples are shown in the table in section
b. The RX value can be more detailed as well, see the DetailedLength setting.
3. After the = character, enter a file name for the symbol, e.g. 06 -
a. Note that relative paths can be used. For example, directories and symbols in
the Palette directory can be found using relative paths. For more information,
see Section 23.1 Search Path and Relative Paths in Process Displays.
4. Items 1-3 are mandatory and the symbol definition is now ready. However, the
symbol definition misses optional definitions for process mapping, as well as a
descriptive display name of the symbol. Process mapping is introduced in more
detail in Section 8.6.9 Create a process mapping definition for the symbol, and
display name in Section 8.6.7 Change the symbol name in the browser.
5. Save the configuration file and restart Display Builder. Create a symbol group for the object

Object Browser makes possible to instantiate many symbols at the same time for the
object shown in the browser. The symbols may include an image of the device, status
symbol, and some labels, for example, for identifying the device. These symbols form
a symbol group, which can be manually configured to the configuration file. The initial
design of the symbol group is done using an empty process display. Note that it is not
possible to export the design automatically to the configuration file. The design in the
empty process display is only used to help in finding valid coordinates for each symbol
of the symbol group. These coordinates can then be used in the symbol definition.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

The symbol group can be written directly to the configuration file by using a text editor,
but the procedure described below makes it easier to get correct coordinates for the
symbols in the group. In general, the syntax for symbol definition for a symbol group is
the following:
device_id = <[symbol] & [symbol] & …>
Symbol coordinates inside the symbol group is based on the width and height of the
symbols in the symbol group, as well as to the coordinates of the main symbol. Symbol
coordinates is an optional definition of the symbol, see Section 8.6.3 Symbol definitions.
Designing a symbol group having symbols with different dimensions.
This example illustrates how to configure the symbol group containing three other
symbols (Label) on the right side of the main symbol (Server). The labels are distributed
vertically even to the height of the Server symbol.
1. Create all symbols that form the symbol group from the Palette and place the main
symbol in the middle of the new process display, i.e., the anchor point of the main
symbol is in coordinates (0,0). Move other symbols as they would appear surrounding
the main symbol. This will help to define the exact coordinates for other symbols
surrounding the main symbol.
a. The symbols in this example have the following properties as seen in the Display
Server (main symbol in the group) Label L (left justified text)
Width: 2000 Width: 1500
Height: 2000 Height: 400
Anchor point: middle center Anchor point: middle left

b. The anchor point of the symbol can be seen in Display Builder when selecting
the symbol. The anchor point is shown with a dot. Observe the anchor points
of all symbols and how they relate to the main symbol width/height.
2. Next, the difference between the X-axis and Y-axis values of the symbols are
calculated. Notice that the main symbol is now located in the coordinate (0,0).
a. The difference between the anchor points of the main symbol and other symbols
in the X-axis is the main symbol width divided by two, i.e., 1000. Therefore,
the X-axis value for other symbols is 1000.
b. The Y-axis values are also calculated taking the anchor points into account:
Label Y-axis value
Topmost label Server symbol height divided by two
=1000, the anchor point of the label symbol
is in the middle, therefore 400/2=200. The
vertical distance between the anchor points
is 1000-200=800. The Y-axis value for the
topmost label is 800.

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Label Y-axis value

Middle label The vertical difference of anchor points of
the Server symbol and the middle label is
zero (0).
Bottommost label See topmost label, but negative Y-axis
value is used, i.e., -800.

3. The calculated values can be verified by observing the symbol's X-axis and Y-axis
values in the symbol properties. Replace the symbol's X-axis and Y-axis values with
the calculated values. There should be only minor changes in the symbol positions.
Otherwise, there is something wrong with the calculated values.
4. When the coordinate values are calculated and verified, symbol group definition
can be added to the configuration file.
a. WSYS=< & Label,800:Server with labels & Label,0 & Label,-800>
5. Save the configuration file.
Note that the process mapping definition, located before the coordinate definition,
was skipped, hence the marking "::".

Symbol group is created as separate symbols on the

process display. This means that all symbols of the symbol
group must be selected separately in order to move them
as whole. This functionality, however, makes it possible
to move the symbols of the symbol group easily
afterwards. Create symbol definition containing alternative symbols for the object

Each object may have alternative symbols, and the user can select a symbol to be created
when the object is inserted into process display. In general, the syntax for symbol
definition for alternative symbols is the following:
device_id = [symbol] | [symbol]
The | operator is used to determine alternative symbols. To create an alternative symbol
definition for the object, use the following instructions:
1. Open the configuration file and locate symbol definitions.
2. Find an existing symbol definition and go to the end of the definition. Insert the |
operator to the end of the line and then enter the new symbol definition.
3. Save the configuration file and restart Display Builder.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Use same symbol definition for multiple objects

When an object uses the same symbols as another object, it is possible to define a
reference to the other object's symbol definition. This reduces duplicate symbol definitions
and maintenance of the configuration file. This functionality is helpful when similar
device types should have the same symbol definitions.
In general, syntax for symbol definition reference is the following:
device_id = [device id]
A referenced symbol definition is surrounded with brackets, [ and ]. To create a symbol
definition reference for the object, use the following instructions:
1. Open Object Browser configuration file.
2. Find a device identification, whose symbol definition is to be referenced and write
it down, e.g. WSYS.
3. Instead of repeating the symbol definition of another device, use device reference
• E.g. let device QB02 to use same symbols as device QB01:
• QB02 = [QB01]
4. Save the configuration file and restart Display Builder.
When the device reference is encountered, the referenced device is searched. The search
continues until a symbol definition is found. If there is a circular reference or the reference
hierarchy is too deep, an error message is shown.

8.6.7 Change the symbol name in the browser

Once the object has been selected, all the symbols available for that object are shown in
a drop-down list. The name shown in the list can be changed to give the user more
information about the symbol e.g. shape, color or other properties.
The symbol definition is the following:
symbol = [symbol path] : [data mappings] : [coordinate] : [symbol name]
1. Open the configuration file and locate symbol definitions.
2. The symbol name is the fourth parameter for the symbol.
3. Enter a descriptive name for the symbol e.g. Nuclear Power Plant.
4. Save the configuration file.
If the symbol definition is a symbol group, the symbol name is read from the first symbol
of the group. If the symbol name is not defined at all, the symbol path is shown instead.

8.6.8 Change the symbol order in the browser

When there are several symbols defined for the object, it is possible to change the order
of the symbols shown in the drop-down list. This functionality enables the user to place

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

frequently used symbols to the beginning of the list. The symbol definition is the
device_id = [symbol] | [symbol] | …
The | operator is used to separate different symbols. The more left the symbol is, the
higher the order in the drop-down list. Symbol order can be changed by swapping the
symbol definitions between two | operators.
To change the symbol order:
1. Open the configuration file and locate symbol definitions.
2. Locate symbol definition for the object whose symbol order needs to be changed.
3. Swap symbol definitions between two | operators, e.g.:
Original: WSYS = Communication | Database
Swapped: WSYS = Database | Communication
4. Save the configuration file.
The drop-down list is generated by reading the symbol definition and parsing all symbols
separated by the | character. Symbols are shown in the order they are specified in the
symbol definition.

8.6.9 Create a process mapping definition for the symbol

Symbols have some dynamic functionality based on process data mapped to the symbols.
The process mappings are defined in the Object Browser configuration file. There are
four types of data mapping:
• No data mapping.
• Map to constant.
• Map to dynamic value.
• Map to calculated dynamic value (status and color).
A symbol may have many data items mapped. The count of data items is relative to the
data variables published by the symbol. The data items defined for the symbol must be
entered in the same order as they will populate the data variables of the symbol. For
example, the first data variable of the circuit breaker symbol is Position and the second
is Status Color, the data items are defined so that the first item presents the position and
the second the status color. In the configuration file, the delimiting character for data
items is the comma (,).
Data mapping types are introduced below. The syntax of data mapping is specified in
Section 8.6.3 Symbol definitions.

No data mapping
It is possible to define that nothing is mapped to the data item of the symbol. This is
indicated with the - character. Leaving data mapping section of the device empty means
that there are no data mappings at all.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Map to constant
It is possible to give a constant value for the data item. The constant value can be numeric,
alphabets, or alpha numeric. Constant string value is surrounded with quotation marks

Map to dynamic value

The dynamic value has a special syntax, which is used to construct a valid mapping.

Map to calculated dynamic value

In addition to generic dynamic values, Object Browser supports status and status colors.
The status is calculated automatically and it swaps the process value if so defined in
Display Builder. A reserved word S is used for indicating that the mapping is status. It
is also possible use process object index with status, e.g. S[10].
The status color is calculated automatically by the system and it can be used to color
some graphical elements of the symbol. A reserved word C is used for indicating that
the mapping is status color. It is also possible use process object index with status color
syntax, e.g. C[10].

Example: Creating process mapping definition for the symbol

In this example, an invented device identification (BREAKER) and symbol called is used. It has the following data variables: Status (type: numeric),
Status Color (numeric), Identification (text), OperationCount (numeric), Manufacturer
(text), ManufactureYear (numeric), where to map static and dynamic process data.
1. Open the configuration file and locate symbol definitions and add a symbol definition
for the circuit breaker.
2. Decide what data items are mapped to the data variables of the symbol:
a. Data variable Status from S[10]
b. Data variable Status Color from C[10]
c. Data variable Identification from TPCX
d. Data variable OperationCount: skipped/not used
e. Data variable Manufacturer: use constant string "ABB"
f. Data variable ManufactureYear: use constant number 2009
3. Enter a process mapping definition to the symbol definition of the circuit breaker.
a.[10],C[10],-,TPCX,"ABB", 2009
4. Save the configuration file and restart Display Builder.
5. Verify that process mapping works:
a. Open Object Browser and select an object that has an object type BREAKER
and instantiate the symbol to the process display.
b. Select the symbol in the process display and select Properties.
c. In the Properties dialog open the Subdrawing tab page and verify that data
variables are set as defined in item 2.

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In case of syntax errors, error messages might appear. The most common error is a
mismatch between data types of the process data item and the data variable of the symbol.

8.6.10 Change the object name in the browser

Object names are automatically read from the MicroSCADA process database, and there
is no setting to change the format or the name of the object in the configuration file. The
object names can be changed by changing the process object attributes in the process
database, for example by using Object Navigator.
The object name is generated from the following information found from the process
• Object Identifier: The last substring of OI attribute value.
• Object Text: The value of OX attribute.
The format of the object name in the browser is following:
%Object Identifier% (%Object Text%)
The changes are applied when the process database is updated by using the Select...
button. The object name is changed in the browser.

8.7 Network topology coloring

Network topology coloring visualizes the topological state of a network. Line segments
and devices can be colored with different colors based on their electric state (powered,
unpowered, earthed etc.), their voltage level, or by voltage source. The data can also be
used for alarms, external systems etc. A process display with network topology coloring
is shown in the figure Figure 8.9.
The network topology coloring is based on topology models. A network topology model
is a model that contains all the objects whose topological state is calculated, and objects
that are affected by the calculation. There may be more than one topological model but
the models do not affect each other. Each process object can be only in one model.
The topological state is a calculated state that should match the real world state of the
network. Possible states of a line segment include powered and unpowered. Also, voltage
level is calculated for each component.
The relationship between process database, network topology models, and process
displays is visualized in figure Figure 8.7. The red dots are normal process objects, for
example state indications for breakers. Each model refers a group of those process objects.
Informally, it can be said that those process objects are a part of the topology model.
Each process display can refer to those process objects, and objects in these displays
will be colored according to the topological state of the object. One display may use
process objects from multiple models, and each object can be in many displays. A process
object is created for a line segment.

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Application Design

Figure 8.7: The relationship of the topology model, process objects, and process displays (red
dots illustrate process objects)

The data flow of the functionality is shown in the figure Figure 8.8. The network topology
model is built from displays and it is entered into the process database. It is combined
with the data from the process. Then, the process database calculates the topological
state which is sent for coloring the process displays.

Figure 8.8: Data flow of the network topology coloring

Topologies may contain several types of network items, such as line segments, different
kinds of switching devices, transformers, generators, line indicators and earths.

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Line indicators can be used for connecting embedded displays to an overview display,
to act as a power feed, or as an output. To connect an overview display to an embedded
display, add a line indicator to the embedded display and snap a line segment to it in the
overview display.
Transformers can be used to convert a voltage level to another. In network topology
coloring, the transformer always emits the configured voltage level. It does not matter
what the input voltage is. The earth travels through transformers.

Figure 8.9: Process Display with network topology coloring

8.7.1 Network topologies

It is possible to design a large display that contains all network objects, but, normally,
subnetworks are designed as small displays which are then used to design a large overview
display. This section introduces several ways to build a network topology. These include
putting all network objects to one large display, or dividing a network to small displays
and then combining them to one large overview display. For each option, a description
is given, and pros and cons are listed in the aspect of engineering, operation, and

It is strongly suggested to divide large network to small process

displays first. See Section Many small displays and
large overview display.

Multilayered/hierarchical displays are supported by network

topology coloring system. There are no limitations to how
many layers a display can have.

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The network topology coloring is enabled only when all

displays are running in the model. A network overview display
can be added to the model. All displays that are part of the
overview display are then calculated in the process database
and colored in Monitor Pro. Displays can also be added
separately to the model.

A network can contain one or more network topology models. For most applications,
using only one model leads to the best solution. For a large application that may have
several hundreds of process displays, and if the network contains non-interconnected
parts, it may be useful to divide a network to several different models. Importing a model
with a large number of displays may take a while. Having many models does not have
a performance impact on a live system. Enabling network topology coloring for a display

To enable network topology coloring for the display:

1. Select Actions > Manage Topology Models....
2. Click Add New... to create a new model.
3. Click Add Display... to browse for a display.
4. Check for error and warning messages and fix the causes.
5. Press Save to import model to the process database.
Monitor Pro can be used to verify that the coloring of the display is correct. One large display

All network objects are put to one large display, there are no other displays. There are
two different aspects to this option. This option is suitable for small networks, where it
is not necessary to view subnetworks separately. This option is not recommended for
large networks.

There is only one large display, which is built in Display Builder. This is the only display
that is shown to the operator. See also Section Enabling network topology coloring
for a display.

• Engineering: Easy for small networks.
• Operation: One display, and therefore network status is easy to see and status is
propagated to whole network.
• Maintenance: Only one display to maintain.

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• Engineering: If the network is large, designing needs excessive zooming and
shrinking of graphical symbols. Finding engineering errors in the large network is
a time taking process.
• Operation: Awkward navigation and controlling of large network.
• Maintenance: - Many small displays

A large network is divided into subnetworks, and a small display is designed for each
subnetwork. A small display normally presents a substation. There is no overview display
presenting the large network.

Topology model is built of all the displays. If the displays have common items that exist
in two or more displays, the state is displayed identically in all displays.
See Section Enabling network topology coloring for a display.

• Engineering: It easier to design a subnetwork when it is presented in a small display.
The engineer can easily see the subnetwork with one glimpse without zooming and
panning the display.
• Operation: Zooming and panning of displays is unnecessary. Controlling the network
objects is easy because graphical symbols are larger.
• Maintenance: It is easier to maintain a subnetwork, because there is one small display
corresponding each subnetwork.

• Engineering: -
• Operation: There is no overview display.
• Maintenance: - Many small displays and large overview display

A large network is divided into subnetworks. A small display is designed for each
subnetwork. A small display normally presents a substation.
Additionally, an overview display is designed embedding small displays to an overview
display and connecting them to each other using line indicators and line segments. The
correct network status is achieved with the sum of network statuses in small displays.

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The network can be displayed as a larger Process Display containing the whole network
or as smaller Process Displays containing a part of the larger network. This section
describes how the information can be consistent in different Process Displays and how
the subnetworks are connected to the network overview.
Start building the network overview by creating the subnetworks and adding them to the
network overview.

Each subnetwork refers to the network overview. Changes

made in the subnetwork also change the network overview

To build the network overview:

1. Build a Process Display for a small geographical area, for example, for a station.
a. Possible topology errors (unconnected symbols) are highlighted when the symbol
is attached/snapped to the adjacent symbol and there is a problem with the
connection by enabling View > Highlight Topology.
2. Connect a line indicator symbol to a line segment that is to be connected to a larger
3. Identify the subnetwork with a unique name. This is done automatically, but can be
changed manually by setting a custom attribute for the process display.
a. Create attribute SADisplayName by selecting View > Properties > Custom
b. Give the Process Display a unique name.
4. Save the display.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until the large network is divided into small enough Process
6. Create a new Process Display used as a network overview.
7. Embed the small Process Displays in the large Process Display as objects or symbols.
a. Select Objects toolbar > Subdrawing.
b. Open a V file to embed a Process Display as an object or a symbol.
8. Repeat step 7 for each Process Display that is required to be embedded in the network
9. Connect the small Process Displays to the network overview by normal busbars.
a. Add a busbar symbol.
b. Use the snap-to-symbol function to connect the symbol to the line indicator of
the small Process Displays.
10. Identify the network overview with a unique name. This is done automatically, but
can be changed manually by creating a new attribute SADisplayName by selecting
View > Properties > Custom Attributes and setting the value to, for example,
11. Save the V file.
12. Add a network overview display to the model and run it.

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a. Select Actions > Manage Topology Models....

b. Click Add New... to create a new model.
c. Click Add Display... to browse for a display.
d. Check for error and warning messages and fix the causes.
e. Press Save to import model to the process database.
Monitor Pro can be used to verify that the coloring of the display is correct.
To verify the successful configuration:
1. Login to Monitor Pro.
2. Open the network overview display and verify that coloring is working.
3. Open one of the small process displays that is and verify that the coloring is working.

Figure 8.10: Network Topology Coloring Settings dialog

Embed the small Process Displays as a subdrawing, as

described above. Unique identifications for network objects
are lost if a display is embedded in the network overview
display as separate symbols using File > Merge instead of
using Object Toolbar > Subdrawing.

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See also Pros, on page 259 in Section Many small displays.
• Engineering: Designing the overview display is easy, just embed small displays and
connect them to each other with busbar symbols. Small displays are references in
the overview display, thus, it is easier to handle small display in the overview display
when only one symbol is selected.
• Operation: There are small displays and an overview display that can be used for
viewing network status. The coloring in small displays is always in accordance with
the status calculated from the overview display.
• Maintenance: -

See also Cons, on page 259 in Section Many small displays.
• Engineering:-
• Operation: -
• Maintenance: -

SADisplayName is added automatically.

Horizontal and vertical presentations

If both horizontal and vertical layouts need to be used in the same Process Display, they
should both be added to the same topology model.

Simple small displays

Simple small display contains all line segments, switching devices, transformers and
measurement transformers. A simple small display is normally a display presenting a
bay of a substation. This display is designed for purposes where the display should not
have any additional detailed information such as measurements. The display may also
contain a link where it is possible to open a detailed small display.
1. Create line segments, switching devices, transformers and measurement transformers.
2. Add line indicators where upper network is about to be connected.
3. Save the display.
4. See Detailed small displays to see more information how to use simple small displays.

Detailed small displays


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In addition to network objects shown in the simple small display, detailed small displays
normally contain measurement data; values and bars. Detailed small display is built using
a simple small display and measurement value/graph symbols.
1. First build simple small display, see section Simple small displays.
2. Create a new process display for detailed small display.
3. Embed simple small display.
4. Create measurement values and bars beside the simple small display.
5. Save detailed small display.
Detailed small displays are not included in the network overview display since detailed
information in this display is not part of the topology. Instead, simple small displays are
included in the network overview display. Summary overview display

There might be a need for a small overview display, which is used to get a quick view
of the large overview display. Usually, this display contains less than fifty network
objects, which are referring to the large overview display. Normally, the network objects
selected to this display are important nodes in the network. When the important node
has an unusual state, it usually means this affects the whole network.

Summary overview display requires that a valid overview display is configured to the
network topology coloring system. To create a summary overview and to reference
network objects in the overview displays, the following steps should be followed:
1. Create a new process display, which will be a summary overview.
2. Open a network overview display.
3. Copy network objects from the network overview display.
a. If network objects are inside the embedded display, open the display and copy
the network objects.
b. An embedded display can also be copied.
4. Paste the network objects to the summary overview display.
5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to each network object to be referenced.
6. Save the summary overview display and open it in Monitor Pro.
7. Verify that the network objects in the summary overview are colored with the same
color as in the network overview.
Note that referred network objects cannot be used to propagate their state to adjacent
network objects. Also, if there is a network object that is not part of the network overview
display, the line segment is not colored.

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Application Design

8.7.2 Getting network status outside displays

A network overview display is normally a subnetwork of a larger network. For example,

the network overview display is a distribution network, which is a part of a transmission
network. Therefore, status information is missing from the outer network, that is, normally
a transmission network.
Get the status information from outer networks in the following ways:
• Use external color handling for voltage sources provided by DMS 600.
• Use an additional circuit breaker and earth switch.
• Use measurement values. Using external color handling

This scenario is suitable in systems where:

• DMS 600 is installed and line indicators are configured to be colored by DMS 600
(standard function).
• the network is larger than the used network in SYS600.
To color the line indicators and line segments with the status information received from
DMS 600:
1. Select Settings > Network Topology Coloring in Monitor Pro.
2. Select DMS 600 external color handling.
3. Click OK.
Use the Color Setting Tool to synchronize colors with DMS 600.
The line indicator foreground color is determined by using the value of the data variable
Position. The valid values are shown in Table 8.7.
External color values 20-29 are mapped to color indexes 90-99. These indexes overlap
with Voltage Level color definitions.
Table 8.7: Valid foreground color values
Color Values
Unpowered 0
Powered 1-5 and 20-29
Uncertain 11
Looped 12
Earthed 13 Additional circuit breaker and earthing switch

This scenario is mostly suitable in electric networks. An additional circuit breaker and
an earthing switch can be used after an incoming line indicator. The devices can be

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virtual or real. In this scenario, virtual devices are created. These two switches simulate
the state of the upper level network enabling to simulate all the states that a feeding line
may have, except for looped the state.
1. Open Tool Manager > Object Navigator.
2. Select Object > Install Standard Function.
3. Browse for Standard Functions/SA_LIB/Process/Switching Device and click Install.
5. Click Apply.
6. Open Process Object Tool from the Tools tab.
7. Click Create All.
8. Repeat steps to to create more virtual circuit breakers.
9. Use Object Browser in Display Builder to create symbols to the station Process
It is recommended to separate virtual circuit breakers from the station picture.
An example of an earthed upper level network (Rivendell 110 kV) is shown in Figure 8.11.

Figure 8.11: Example of an earthed upper level network Using measurement values

Generally, measurements can be used to control the direction of the line indicator
(incoming/outgoing, or powered/not powered, respectively) from the transmission
1. Create a new process object of type Analog Input(AI).
2. Create an Event channel.
The Event channel updates the value of the new object to positive when the line
indicator is incoming.

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3. Map the new process object as the position indication of the line indicator.
The Event channel can also set the status on the process object. If the status is set to 1
or 10, the line indicator propagates an uncertain value.
Because the value of the line indicator is propagated to the network, the Event channel
should be designed so that it only changes the value when necessary.

Measurement value quality

If a measurement value is not sampled, for example, the value cannot be read through
the communication, the item in the network topology model will go to uncertain state.
This will propagate uncertain state from the line indicator to adjacent line segments if,
for example, current or voltage measurements are not sampled.
The uncertain state is not propagated, if the quality is uncertain. This is because it would
cause flickering in the process display if the communication to the process is slow.

8.7.3 Setting up the configuration

See Section Enabling network topology coloring for a display.

8.7.4 Removing the configuration

Network topology coloring of a display can be removed by removing the display from
the model. This will inform network topology coloring system to not to calculate the
state of the network for that display.
To remove the configuration:
1. Open Display Builder.
2. Select Actions > Manage Topology Models....
3. Select a model in which the display is.
4. Select a display from the list and click Remove display.
Verify the removal by opening the removed display in Monitor Pro.

8.7.5 Network topology coloring modes

Network topology coloring is enabled if it uses dynamic coloring. Network topology

coloring is disabled if it uses static coloring.
1. Disabled network topology coloring
If the network topology coloring is disabled, the switching device's position does
not affect the network topology coloring. Therefore, a static foreground color is
used for objects in a Process Display.
2. One color for all powered line segments
Define color called Powered that is used for all powered line segments.

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3. Coloring based on level

In a level based network topology coloring, a feeding point has a level, for example
a voltage level. After the feeding point, a level color applies to the network's powered
line segments.
4. Feeding point type and its color determine the coloring of powered line segments
There are predefined colors for feeding points in SYS600. In SYS600, feeding points
are voltage sources, such as generators, transformers, and incoming line indicators.
A priority order of the feeding point type is applied for this mode. Used states and colors

States used in network topology coloring are defined in Table 8.8. Configure the state's
color by using the Color Setting tool, see SYS600 Process Display Design. The network
object can have one of the following states:
• Powered
• Unpowered
• Looped
• Uncertain
• Error
• Earthed
Table 8.8: States and colors
Color name Description Color
Earthed The object is connected to Yellow
Error The color is used in error situ- Magenta
ations. For example, powered line
segment is earthed.
Looped (meshed) The color is used when there is a Red
loop, e.g. two or more feeding
Powered/active, common Default color used on powered Green
Powered, generator Color used for line after generator. Green
Powered, incoming line indicator Color used for line segment after Green
line indicator.
Powered, transformer (primary) Color used for line segments Cyan
when power flows to transformer
primary winding side.
Powered, transformer (secondary) Color used for line segment after Dark Green
transformer secondary winding.
Powered, transformer (tertiary) Color used for line segment after Olive Green
transformer tertiary winding.
Powered, transformer (quaternary) Color used for line segment after Dark Cyan
transformer quaternary winding .

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Color name Description Color

Powered, custom 1-5 and 20-29 Reserved for external color hand- Several colors
Uncertain Color used for line segment when Magenta
the state of a switching device is
Unpowered/inactive Line segment is cold, no power White
Level colors Colors that are used for level Several colors
based coloring. The default Green
voltage levels in kilovolts (kV) are
0, 3, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 66, 110,
132, 150, 220, 400, 800 and 1600.
Line segments One color used for all line seg- Black
(Network topology coloring disabled) ments when network topology
coloring is disabled. Color priorities

In the network, situations can arise where a line segment can have two or more colors
that could be used in the line segment, for example, generator and transformer colors.
A default priority order of colors are shown in Table 8.9. Some of the priorities are not
configurable and the user can only configure priorities of feeding point types.
Table 8.9: Color priority order
State Priority Configur- Description
Error 1 NO
Uncertain 2 NO The used color after uncertain
switching device.
Looped 3 NO
Earthed 4 NO Earthed color is always indicated
before powered and unpowered.
Powered, feeding line 5 YES The priority of a feeding point
type color in powered line seg-
ments is configurable. Function-
ality can be seen in the line seg-
ments, which are looped. The
coloring mode must be set to
feeding point or voltage source
type to enable priorities.
Powered, generator 5 YES
Powered, transformer, windings 5 YES
(primary, secondary, tertiary, quatern-

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State Priority Configur- Description

Unpowered 6 NO Unpowered objects have lowest

8.7.6 Configuring voltage levels

The Network Topology Manager tool is used for configuring the voltage levels of the
power process (network topology schema POWER) in the current application. It shows
network topology models of the power process in the current application.
To configure the voltage levels:
1. Open the NT Manager tool by selecting Tools > Engineering Tools > Tool Manager
> Application Objects > NT Manager.
2. View the default voltage levels by clicking Levels > Restore Defaults.

Figure 8.12: Network Topology Manager dialog

Power process may have up to 20 voltage levels. Levels are numbered starting from zero.
Each level consists of three items:

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• Level (LV), the value of the nominal voltage level.

• Maximum Value, the item defines the maximum level value that is considered to
belong to the level.
• Level Text (LX), the level text that describes the nominal value. The tool
automatically suggests that a level text is a voltage level value as kilo volts, for
example, 800 kV.

8.7.7 Using Network Topology Coloring Process Objects in application


In addition to visualization of topological state of line segments in single line diagrams,

Network Topology Coloring Process Objects can also be used for the following purposes:
• generating events and alarms
• calculating interlocking conditions
The following is an example of interlocking program that can be used in switch device
control dialogs U_INTERLOCKING method (see Section 6.2 Procedures for use with
standard functions).
Program prevents the closing of switch device if Powered state meets Earthed or Uncertain
; By this program it is possible to create internal interlockings by utilizing

; as OUTPUT you can give variables:

; @OPEN_INTERLOCKED, boolean, (if true then opening gets disabled)

; @CLOSE_INTERLOCKED, boolean, (if true then closing gets disabled)

; @INTERLOCKING_CAUSE, text, cause to be shown on the dialog infobar

; None of these is obligatory!

@t_LN = %PF_ID


@b_Earthed = False

@b_Prevent_Closing = True

@t_Additional_Text = ""

;prevent closing if earthed, opening of breaker should be always possible

;if switch is open

#if 't_LN':PTS'i_IX' == 2 #then #block

;network object connection

@l_NO = 't_LN':PNO'i_IX'

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;Connected network object(s)

@l_CN = 'l_NO:vLN':PCN'l_NO:vIX'

#loop_with i = 1 .. length(%l_CN)

@tmp_LN = %l_CN(%i).LN

@tmp_IX = %l_CN(%i).IX

;if line_segment

#if 'tmp_LN':PNS'tmp_IX' == 3 #then #block

;if earthed

#case 'tmp_LN':PNT'tmp_IX'

#when 0 #block

@b_Prevent_Closing = True

@t_Additional_Text = "Unknown"


#when 1 #block

@b_Prevent_Closing = False

@t_Additional_Text = ""


#when 2 #block

@b_Prevent_Closing = True

@t_Additional_Text = "Uncertain"


#when 3 #block

@b_Prevent_Closing = True

@t_Additional_Text = "Powered"


#when 4 #block

@b_Prevent_Closing = True

@t_Additional_Text = "Error"


#when 5 #block

#if %b_Earthed #then @b_Earthed = False

#else @b_Earthed = True




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#if %b_Earthed and %b_Prevent_Closing #then #block


@INTERLOCKING_CAUSE = "#Earth meets " + %t_Additional_Text + "#"




8.7.8 Troubleshooting Network Topology Coloring

Table 8.10: Network Coloring Topology troubleshooting

Problem Reason Solution
Only some items are The topology is built from an older version of Rebuild the topology.
colored. the display. Some items may be added to the
display afterwards.
Only subdrawings are Only subdrawings are added to the topology. The main display should
colored. If two or more displays contain the same ob- also be added to the topo-
ject, all connection to this object will be added logy. To add the main
to the model. For example, if there are com- display, the user must
ponents A and B in two displays and in the first remove subdrawings
first display they are connected by a line that are in the model, and
segment and in the second display not, the then add the main dis-
current flows from component A to B even play.
when viewing the second display.
Odd loops are detected Two or more displays may contain conflicting Use the same objects
or objects are colored topologies. If two or more displays in the only once in the displays
oddly. same network topology model contain same which constitute a net-
objects, the model will include all logical con- work topology model.
nections between these objects. This may not
represent the physical reality.

8.8 Launching external application from Process Displays

There is a possibility to open external programs, like relay tools from the Process Displays
of the SYS600 Monitor Pro. See Process Display Design manual for more information
about Tool Launcher.

8.9 Modifying data variable with SCIL

Modify the data variable values by running SCIL when the process object value changes,
and place the result to the data variable. It is also possible to run SCIL when data variable
changes, for example when the user clicks a Process Display object. Place the result to
the process object. A SCIL code is located in \sc\apl\[application name]\PICT\.

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LIST is given as a predefined variable, whose name is %L_INPUT, to the code:

LIST(ITEM=<Item ID of OPC item>
The same SCIL file is run in both cases, when
• The process object value changes. The DIRECTION list attribute has value READ.
• The data variable value changes. The DIRECTION list attribute has value WRITE.
When writing, the VALUE list attribute is written to the process object. When reading,
the VALUE list attribute is written to the Process Display data variable.
The OPC item name and data type are also passed to the SCIL code, and they are available
in the ITEM and DATA_TYPE attributes, respectively.
To modify the data variable value when process object changes:
1. Create a Process Display.
2. Create a data variable to the data source.
3. Define process object or process index where the variable is connected to.
4. Set data variable's type to Generic signal.
5. Select Create and edit new file from the Run SCIL drop-down menu.
6. Notepad opens the created SCIL file for editing.
7. Write the SCIL code to modify the variable value and save the file.

The file suffix must be scil.

8. Run the Process Display in Monitor Pro.

To modify the process object value when the data variable changes:
1. Create a Process Display.
2. Create a data variable to the data source.
3. Define process object where the variable is connected to.
4. Set the data variable’s type to Generic signal.
5. Select Create and edit new file from the Run SCIL drop-down menu.
6. Notepad opens the created SCIL file for editing.
7. Write the SCIL code to modify the variable value and save the file.

The file suffix must be scil.

8. Define input object that modifies the data variable value.

9. Run the Process Display in Monitor Pro.

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9 Event Display

This chapter describes the technical aspects of the Event Display. For information on
the usage of the display, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.
Event Display provides a list of events. The purpose of the list is to provide the operator
a view of what is happening in the system. It is also possible to receive information, such
as activities carried out by other users, acknowledging of alarms, editing of limit values,
and logins.

Figure 9.1: A typical Event Display

List of displayed columns can be configured, and the list can be filtered using different
criteria. The configuration of the list can be readymade for operators. Events can be
commented. When an event is double clicked or the Comment... option is selected from
a context menu, a comment dialog appears. Each event can contain one comment.
Chapters Section 9.1 Attributes, Section 9.3 General Settings, Section 9.4 Layout Settings,
Section 9.5 Locate Object, and Section 9.6 Filters and Preconfigurations are applicable
to Event Displays, Alarm Displays and Blocking Displays.

9.1 Attributes
Almost all attributes can be subscribed to the list. However, there are a few exceptions.
Attributes that cannot be subscribed to the list are described in Table 9.1.
Table 9.1: Attributes which cannot be subscribed to the list
Attribute Description
CN Connected Network Objects
ND Network Topology Data
NF Network Feeds
NO Network Object Connection
RO Referenced Objects

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The content of the attributes are described in the SYS600 Application Objects manual.
There are, however, some additional attributes. Attributes that are common to all lists
are described in Table 9.2.
Table 9.2: Common list specific attributes
Attribute Description
OI1-OI5 OI1 The 1st level of Object Identifier (OI) attrib-
OI2 The 2nd level of Object Identifier (OI) attribute
OI3 The 3rd level of Object Identifier (OI) attribute
OI4 The 4th level of Object Identifier (OI) attribute
OI5 The 5th level of Object Identifier (OI) attribute
SX Translated text (TX) is used instead of SX
Time attributes For all time attributes, the millisecond part of the
time is automatically appended.

9.2 Event Display specific attributes

All attributes in the history database are available in Event Displays. In addition, attributes
listed in Table 9.3 can be selected to the list.
Table 9.3: Attributes specific to the Event Display
Attribute Description
STATUS Set of three columns:
1. Alarming state. If the object was in alarm-
ing state when the event is generated, an
asterisk is displayed.
2. Object status. If the signal was in non-nor-
mal state, a state indication is displayed.
3. Comment character. If the event contains
a comment, and exclamation mark is show.
For more information on how to name status
field list captions, see the SYS600 Operation
Note that the status describes the status of the
process object, not the status of the event. For
example, faulty time means that the process
object had a faulty time.
UTC_TIME The time used for sorting the list. If scroll order
setting is LOG, then HT is used. If scroll order
is EVENT, then ET is used.
EVENT Event text. Alias for MX attribute.
CU Custom attribute.

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9.3 General Settings

Each list display has General settings, which can be used to modify the appearance of
the list. General settings can be accessed by selecting Settings > Display Settings >
General Settings. The engineer can define the general application level settings by
selecting Visibility > Application. All users can use these settings, and they are the
default settings for users in the View authorization group. For more information on the
available options and list specific display settings, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.

9.4 Layout Settings

The layout settings can be configured by selecting Settings > Display Settings > Layout
Settings. The engineer can define the display layout for application level settings by
selecting Visibility>Application. All users can use these settings, and they are the default
settings for users in the View authorization group. For more information about
customizing the column layout, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.

9.5 Locate Object

When a signal is displayed on a list, the user can open a process display containing the
signal. This is done by Locate Object in Monitor Pro function in the context menu. The
location of each signal must be configured. The configuration is either done by using
the PV (Process Views) or a SCIL program (GET_DISPLAY_NAME).
A display is opened and the selected object is presented with a highlight symbol. See
Figure 9.2.

Figure 9.2: Located object is highlighted in a display

If DMS 600 software is installed, it is also possible to locate objects in DMS 600. In this
case, a Locate object in DMS function is available in the context menu. Locate functions
can be disabled from the Settings dialog.

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9.5.1 Configuration using PV (Process Views) attribute

The configuration is done by using the PV (Process Views) attribute of the Process
• In Object Navigator, right-click the Process Object and select Group Properties.
• Select the Process Views (PV) tab and click New.
• Select the Process Display(s) to be added to Process Views.
It is possible to add several Process Views. In such cases, an Option dialog is shown in
Monitor Pro for selecting the appropriate Process Display.

9.5.2 Configuration using SCIL program

The configuration is done using a SCIL program GET_DISPLAY_NAME.TXT. The

program is located in \SC\APL\<application name>\PICT-folder. The program gets the
identification of the signal as parameter and returns the display name without extension.
Parameters can be seen in Table 9.4. An example program can be seen in An example
of a locate object procedure, on page 278. The example program returns the station name
element of the object identifier. This configuration works if the system is built so that
there is a separate process display for each station, and the name of the process display
matches the name of the station.
Table 9.4: Parameters of the locate object procedure
Number Parameter Name Description
1 LN The Logical Name (LN) of the
selected signal
2 IX The Index (IX) of the selected
3 OI The Object Identifier (OI) of the
selected signal

#return %IL.STA

If the GET_DISPLAY_NAME.TXT procedure file does not exist or its execution fails,
the function reads the PI attribute value of the object that produces the alarm or event.
The PI attribute value contains a display name without the file extension.

9.6 Filters and Preconfigurations

The lists can be filtered. The user can create a filter, or filters can be created beforehand.
A filter can be created using the Filter Settings dialog. Condition can be based on the OI
of the signal, on the function of the device, or on alarm class. An arbitrary SCIL condition
can be entered as custom condition.

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Filters can be created using an OI based filtering condition, signal function, alarm class
and custom SCIL condition. Complex conditions can be added as custom SCIL conditions.
For example, condition (AC == 2 AND OI==”Eastwick*”) OR ((AC == 1 or AC == 2)
and OI==”Rivers*”) fetches all events from Eastwick station with Alarm Class (AC) 2,
and all events from Rivers station with Alarm Class (AC) 1 or 2.
It is possible to save filter conditions as a preconfiguration. Start creating a
preconfiguration by creating a filter. Then, select Filter Settings > Preconfigurations....
Enter a name for preconfiguration and click the Save button.
Preconfigurations can be either user specific or application specific. Application specific
preconfigurations can be used by all users, and user specific preconfigurations can be
used only by the user who has created it. The engineer can create readymade lists for
operators using preconfigurations. It is possible to configure the used credentials so that
operators do not have permission to enter a filter, but only select one from the readymade

9.7 Color Settings

Color settings can be accessed from Settings > Display Settings... > Color Settings....
Signals can be colored based on different conditions. The syntax for conditions is the
same as in filter configuration. All signal attributes can be used for defining the coloring
condition. Also, several general color settings, such as background of the grid, are
available. If a signal matches multiple coloring conditions, the first matching color rule
is used.
For each rule, there are options to specify foreground color, optional background color
and blinking. The blinking affects the background color of the row.
Other color settings are explained in Table 9.5. For some color settings, the Use Color
Scheme option is available. If checked, the color defined in the color scheme is used.
Table 9.5: Color settings
Number Parameter Name
Background color Default background color for the grid.
Gridline color Color of the gridline.
Filter in use color Color in the Filter in Use sign on the bottom of
the screen.
Frozen mode color Color in the Mode sign on the bottom of the
screen when frozen mode is used.
Day Break color If rows are sorted using a time column, the day
break color is used as default background for
every other day.

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9.8 Blockings
The list provides a quick access for controlling signal blockings. For signals, there is a
context menu item for opening the Signal blocking state dialog. With the dialog, the user
can control the blockings of the selected signal.
The blockings dialog can be disabled from the lists’ General settings.

9.9 Authorization Groups

Lists use different authorization groups. Authorization groups are used for verifying the
user's privilege to perform actions. If the authorization level for a specific authorization
group is not defined for the user, the authorization level of authorization group GENERAL
is used. Table 9.6 describes the authorization groups and their usage. For more information
about authorization, see Chapter 22 Authorization.
Table 9.6: Authorization groups related to event display
Authorization Group Level Enabled Action
BLOCKING_HANDLING >= 1, Control Change blocking states
EVENT_HANDLING >= 1, Control Modify event comments
PRO_EVENTS_CUSTOMIZE >= 2, Engineering Change Application level set-
Modify preconfigurations

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10 Alarm Display

This chapter describes the technical aspects of the Alarm Display. For more information
on the usage of the display, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.
SYS600 Alarm Display displays a summary of the present alarm situation of the
supervised process. There are two Alarm Display templates, and both templates share
the same settings and preconfigurations. Template 1 contains separate lists for persisting
alarms and fleeting alarms. Persisting alarms are alarms that are in active and
unacknowledged state. Fleeting alarms are alarms that are in inactive and unacknowledged
state. Template 2 contains one list for all alarms. An example of Alarm Display template
1 is shown in Figure 10.1.

Figure 10.1: A Typical Alarm Display

One signal can have only one alarm. If a new alarm is created for a signal with an existing
alarm, the new alarm overrides the earlier alarm.
Lists allow the user with adequate authorization level to acknowledge alarms. The user
can acknowledge either all alarms, a single alarm, all visible alarms or selected alarms.
Most of the process object attributes can be added to the list. There is also an alarm list
specific attribute STATUS, which contains a textual explanation of the alarming state.
Both alarm list templates support coloring, filtering, preconfigurations and signal blocking.
These features are explained in sections from Section 9.6 Filters and Preconfigurations
to Section 9.8 Blockings.

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Authorization groups used in Alarm Displays are described in Table 10.1. If authorization
level for a specific authorization group is not defined for the user, the authorization level
of authorization group GENERAL is used. For more information about authorization,
see Chapter 22 Authorization.
Table 10.1: Authorization groups related to Alarm Display
Authorization Group Level Enabled Action
ALARM_HANDLING >= 1, Control Acknowledge alarm
PRO_ALARMS_CUSTOMIZE >= 2, Engineering Change Application level set-
tings in alarm list
Modify preconfigurations
BLOCKING_HANDLING >= 1, Control Change blocking states

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11 Blocking Display

This chapter describes the technical aspects of the Blocking Display. For more information
on the usage of the display, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.
SYS600 Blocking Display displays a summary of the present signal blocking situation
of the supervised process. The Blocking Display is used for viewing and controlling
signal blockings. The list can contain either signals with blockings or all signals. Signals
can be filtered. Blocking columns are editable. If the user has adequate authorization,
the user can either block or deblock signals. An example of a Blocking Display is shown
in Figure 11.1.

Figure 11.1: A typical Blocking Display

With default settings, an event is generated when a blocking attribute is changed. This
can be changed with a configuration option.
The Blocking Display supports coloring, filtering, preconfigurations and signal blocking.
These features are explained in sections from Section 9.6 Filters and Preconfigurations
to Section 9.8 Blockings.
Authorization groups used in the Blocking Display are described in Table 11.1. If
authorization level for a specific authorization group is not defined for the user, the
authorization level of authorization group GENERAL is used. For more information
about authorization, see Chapter 22 Authorization .

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Table 11.1: Authorization groups related to Blocking Display

Authorization Group Level Enabled Action
BLOCKING_HANDLING >= 1, Control Change blocking states
PRO_BLOCKINGS_CUSTOM- >= 2, Engineering Change Application level set-
IZE tings
Modify preconfigurations

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12 User Activity Log Display

This chapter describes the technical aspects of the User Activity Log Display. For more
information on the usage of the display, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.
SYS600 User Activity Log Display displays important user activated events for later
analysis. The User Activity Log Display is a read only list.

Figure 12.1: A typical User Account Log Display

The User Account Log Display supports coloring, filtering and preconfigurations. These
features are explained in sections from Section 9.6 Filters and Preconfigurations to
Section 9.8 Blockings.
Authorization groups used in the User Account Log Display are described in table below.
For more information about authorization, see Chapter 22 Authorization.
Table 12.1: Authorization groups related to User Account Log Display
Authorization Group Level Enabled Action
GENERAL 5, System Management View User Account Log Display

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13 Trends Display

Trends Display is used for trend analyses, as well as for showing measured values in
curve or table form.
A trend is a time related follow-up of process data. All types of process objects, such as
in and out data or binary, analogue and digital data can be illustrated as trends.

Figure 13.1: Trends Display

13.1 Introduction to trends

The Trends Display configuration includes a set of parameters (colors, fonts and so on),
which are called the trend preconfigurations. The user can create, delete or apply an
existing preconfiguration to the trend display.

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13.2 Defining Trends coloring

The SYS600 Trends Display can be configured to use different colors for axes, curves,
gridline and background. By using this functionality, the Trends Display can be adapted
to display the events according to the convention required by the application.

13.2.1 Trends coloring example

The following is an example of trends coloring in an application, and the steps of how
it has been defined in the Color dialog.
To modify the color settings in the Trends Display:
1. In the Trends Display, select Settings > Display Settings > Graph Settings... or

select > Graph Settings... on the toolbar. The dialog opens, see Figure 13.2.
2. Select Common settings > and check the Use Color Schemecheck box if the color
from the current active Color Scheme should be used.
3. Click Change.
4. In the Color Setting Tool dialog, select Graphical View in the Category list.
5. Click the color field for any of the available colors.
6. Specify the color values in the Color dialog and click OK.
7. In the Category list, select Tabular View and change the colors in the same way.
8. Edit the settings on the Axis properties and Curve Properties tabs if necessary.
Click OK to save the changes.

13.2.2 Setting the gridline color in Trends Display

The color used for the gridlines in the Trends Display can be configured in the following
1. In the Trends Display, select Settings > Display Settings > Graph Settings... or

select > Graph Settings... on the toolbar. The dialog opens, see Figure 13.2.

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Figure 13.2: Graph Settings dialog

2. Click Change in the Grid properties to change the gridline color. The Color Settings
Tool opens, see Figure 13.3.

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Figure 13.3: The Color Settings Tool

3. Click the color box next to the Gridline. The Color dialog opens, seeFigure 13.4.

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Figure 13.4: Color dialog

4. Select the color and click OK. The Color dialog closes and the selected color can
be seen in the Gridline color box.

13.3 Trends Display parameters

The Trends Display has a set of parameters, such as the number of data logs and the
maximum length of data logs that can be changed if required. These parameters are
stored in the text file \sc\sa_lib\base\bbone\use\bgu_ta_setup.txt.
If some of the parameters must be changed, the file should be copied first to the
sc\'Application name'\aplmod4\use directory.
The copied file can be edited using the SCIL Editor. The parameters are stored as SCIL
variables. Therefore, ensure that the file syntax is correct when editing the file. The
syntax can be checked using the Check Syntax option in the SCIL Editor.
The parameters are described in the following table:
Table 13.1: Parameter descriptions
Parameter Description
Number of The number of data logs created for the trends, that is, the maximum number of
Datalog process objects that can be logged at the same time. The maximum value of this
attribute depends on the size of the system and the hardware used, and it should
be found out experimentally.
Max Length The maximum number of registrations in one data log, that is, the maximum
of Datalogs number of history values stored for one process object. The maximum value of
this attribute is 65535.

The number and maximum length of the data logs used in the Trends Display are
application specific parameters. Their effect on the system performance should always

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be measured by using the actual hardware. Too large values of these parameters may
cause poor system performance.
After changing one of the parameters, restart the Trends Display and delete the existing
data logs. After this, the changes take effect.

13.4 Application objects

Trends Display in the Monitor Pro application uses a set of application objects. These
are Data Objects and Time Channels. All the needed application objects are created when
the Trends Display is started for the first time. If the full set of needed objects exists
before the first Trends Display start-up, the objects are not updated. To reinitialize the
objects completely, delete the old objects and restart Trends Display.
The following two files are used in the Trends Display:
• \sc\sa_lib\base\bbone\use\bgu_ta_creat.txt
• \sc\sa_lib\base\bbone\lang<*>\sai_ta_objec.txt
Both files are used in the Trends Display to create and initialize the necessary application
objects. The marking <*> refers to the current application language number.

13.4.1 Data objects

Trends Display uses data objects named FTU_TRD*, where * means 1 to the maximum
number of trends. The default maximum trend number is 20 (NUMBER_OF_DATALOGS
parameter of the bgu_ta_setup.txt file).

13.4.2 Time channels

Trends Display uses the following time channels:

• FTU_TRT10 (time channel for 10 seconds time interval)
• FTU_TRT30 (time channel for 30 seconds time interval)
• FTU_TRT60 (time channel for 1 minute time interval)
• FTU_TRT120 (time channel for 2 minutes time interval)
• FTU_TRT300 (time channel for 5 minutes time interval)
• FTU_TRT600 (time channel for 10 minutes time interval)

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14 Measurement Reports

Measurement Reports is used for various types of time related reports, such as hourly,
daily, weekly, monthly and yearly reports.
Measurement Reports can be used for reporting:
• Energy (active, reactive)
• Current (for example bay level)
• Voltage (for example bay level)
• Frequency
• Temperature
• Other measured data
Generally, the reports are time related followups of process data, metered data, or
calculated data. The data can be illustrated as reports in tabular or graphical form. The
data for the reports is calculated and stored in real time. Report data is collected and
calculated cyclically. The most common method is to collect raw data from the process,
refine it and store it in the report database.
The collection and calculation of report data can be initiated in the following ways:
• At predefined time intervals
• As a result of a spontaneous event
• As a result of a calculation
• Based on a condition
• On the operator's request

14.1 Main components

The Measurement Reports function is based on a divided system structure, and it consists
of the following main components:
• Report engineering: Configuration database (RCDB) and engineering tools integrated
in the Object Navigator.
• Report data logger: Data sampling and calculation methods (BMU_* Application
• Report database (RDB): Data Objects.
• Report data viewer: Monitor Pro Measurement Report displays and data provider.

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Figure 14.1: Measurement Reports component view

14.2 Report engineering steps

Engineering the Measurement Reports should be done in steps as listed underneath:
1. Specifying which Process Objects will be part of the Measurement Reports and are
used as Report input data.
2. Setting the overall application specific Measurement Reports definitions.
3. Naming convention for all Report Object types.
4. Report Object type determination.
5. Monitor Pro navigation and menu construction design.
6. Report Objects creation.
Using the Report Object Generator based on filters fulfilling the specifications from
Step 1 is the most efficient way.
7. Report Page creation.
8. Report Display creation and connection to Report Page configuration from previous
9. Report Object type activation after detailed engineering has been done, e.g. specific
Report Object settings.
10. Verification of all Measurement Reports functions in help of some input data

Step 1: Report input Data

Any Process Object of type Analogue Input, Digital Input or Pulse Counter can be used
as input for the Report database.
Normally, Process Object values come from a real existing data collecting device, such
as an IED or PLC, via the communication network.

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If other than real process data needs to be collected, it can be done either on the user's
request via a project specific data entering tool, or as event or time driven request using
a Command Procedure. In both cases, the output must be written to a Process Object.

Step 2: Overall application specific definitions

After the Report Data input has been specified, the overall application specific
Measurement Reports settings should be applied.

Changing some of these settings with a fully engineered

configured and active Report database will cause lost of
historical data.
For more detailed information about these application specific
settings, see Section 14.3.1 Overall application specific

Step 3: Naming conventions

In order to easy recognize the relation between input data and Report Objects, the
following naming convention is recommended:
"Prefix" + "Process Object LN" + "_" + "Process Object IX" + "Report Type ID".

Step 4: Report Object type determination

The used Report Object type should be determined based on the input data type. The
two basic type groups for measured and calculated objects contain several types, each
having a different purpose:
For Measured objects:
• Sum calculated (MS)
• Mean calculated (MM)
• Minimum calculated (MN)
• Maximum calculated (MX)
• Period value (MP)
For Calculated objects:
• Calculated based on sampled value (CS)
• Calculated based on period value (CP)
• Calculated based on sampled and period values (CB)

Step 5: Monitor Pro Measurement Reports navigation

Before starting with the detailed engineering, make sure that the Monitor Pro Measurement
Reports navigation structure is fixed and accepted by the customer. For example:
Main level: Type of Measurement

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Sub level: Location and Report Base type
Station A: Day Report
Station B: Week Report
Main level: Location
Substation X
Sub level: Measurement type and Report Base type

Step 6: Report Object generation

It is recommended to utilize the Report Object Generator tool to create Report Objects.
The tool is described in more detail in Section 14.4 Report Object generator.
Detailed engineering for certain Report Objects can be done by using the Measurement
Reports engineering tools integrated in the Object Navigator.

Step 7: Report Page generation

Every Report Display can contain a certain number of pages. Each page should not
contain more than 20 columns.

Step 8: Report Display generation

Steps 9 and 10: Verification, activation and testing

After all the Measurement Reports configuration data has been created, the data can be
activated and tested.

After a new or modified Report Display has been activated,

all currently running Monitor Pro sessions must be closed and
reopened. The navigation menu structure will only be
reconstructed during Monitor Pro start-up.

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14.3 Engineering aspects

All tasks related to Measurement Reports engineering can be performed with tools
integrated in the Object Navigator.

Figure 14.2: Measurement Reports objects in Object Navigator tree

The engineering tools are available only for local applications. The Measurement Reports
branch will be hidden for external applications.
A valid license is needed for Measurement Reports for the user to be able to use/engineer
the Measurement Reports. Otherwise, the Measurement Reports node will be hidden.
All Report Object type data will be shown in a table. No other view option is available.
The tabular view will have a similar Look-and-Feel as the one used for other Application
Objects, and it is based on the view used for Process Objects.

14.3.1 Overall application specific configurations

If the Measurement Reports node is selected, some overall configurations can be made.
This configuration procedure has been moved here from Monitor Pro Application Settings

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Figure 14.3: Application configurations

Period Settings
These period settings will be used as default settings for all new Report Objects.
If, for some Report Objects, different period settings are needed, they can be changed
on Report Object level.
Changes will be applied to all Report Objects that use these default settings.

Sampling Period
Cycle time *
Range: 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 20, 30 minutes
Default: 3 minutes

History Length for sampled values *

Range: 0-100 days
Default: 15 days

Base Period
Cycle time (BP)*
Range: 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes

History length for base period values history *

Range: 0-5 years
Default: 2 years

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Beginning of reporting day *

Range: 0–23 in hours after midnight
Default: 0
This setting defines at what time the reporting day starts. This time is also used in Day
reports as start time for the data.

Beginning of reporting week

Range: Monday-Sunday
Default: Monday
This setting defines at what time the reporting week starts. Used for Week reports.
Changing this setting will not cause any historical report data loss.

The definitions are valid for the entire application. Changing

the definitions (marked with an asterisk (*)) causes loss of the
existing history data because the Data Objects holding the
report data need to be reconstructed.
The Report Object specific settings, which differ from these
application settings, will not be overwritten. In this case, history
data will also not be lost.

Execution delays
• 0–60 seconds for the sampling period, default value is 0 seconds
• 60–300 seconds for the base period, default value is 60 seconds
The execution delays can be defined both for base period cycle and for sampling period
cycle. The execution delays must be used when process objects are not spontaneous, and
the execution delays need an update command to be used before the current value is
available in the process database. After time channels are triggered, an execution delay
defines how long the program waits for before the evaluation of values starts.
When update commands are used, the commands are sent after the time channels are
triggered. The data logger program reads the value from the process database after the
execution delay.
The execution delay for sampled values must be less than both the delay for base period
values and the smallest used sampling period.
The execution delay for base period values must be less than the smallest used sampling

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Application Design

Call-back procedure

For sampling cycle

A call-back procedure for the sampling period is executed when the other sampling
routines have been executed. Therefore, it is possible to execute programs defined by
the user every time the sampling routines have been executed.

Call-back procedure for period cycle

A call-back procedure for the base period is executed when the other base period routines
have been executed. Therefore, it is possible to execute programs defined by the user
every time the period routines have been executed.

14.3.2 Engineering tools common functionality

All configuration data will be shown in object tables.

Figure 14.4: Measurement Reports object table

Three tables are available for Reports Objects: one for all Report Objects, one for
measured objects and one for calculated objects.
The table length (number of lines per page) and the column size auto-adjustment option
can be changed from the Object Navigator's Options menu.

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Data presentation
Modifications, e.g. add new, remove (delete) or edit, to any report object type in existing
object properties will not be immediately activated. All changes will be stored temporarily.
This temporary stored data will be kept until the user has decided to store it permanently
or explicitly undos the temporary changes. If, for any object, a temporary data set exists,
the corresponding item in the object data table will be highlighted by using a different
background color:
New Green
to be Delete Red
Modified Blue
Active not modified White

Figure 14.5: Object configuration state coloring

Each report object type contains a set of attributes, which can be removed or added to
the object table with the help of the User Defined attributes drop-down menu.

Figure 14.6: User-Defined attributes

Double-clicking a table column title will sort the table based on the selected column
data. The current sort order will be shown in the 5th field of the Status bar.

Page navigation
Page navigation works in a similar way as the other application objects in the Object

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Filter handling
With the filter dialog, the user can enter a condition to filter out certain objects.

Figure 14.7: Filter dialog

All available object attributes can be used for the filter condition. Mixed logical filter
operations (and/or in one condition) are not allowed. It is not possible to enter any
condition freely.
For text value conditions, the leading and trailing quotes can be omitted.
Before activating the condition, the selected condition can be validated. In case the
condition is invalid, an information dialog will be shown with details about the condition

Figure 14.8: Filter condition validation dialog

The most common commands can be activated from the Toolbar, the Menu bar or with
keyboard shortcuts.

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Figure 14.9: Toolbar commands

1. New: Opens the Input dialog to enter a new object name.

2. Properties: Opens the Object Properties dialog.
3. Delete: Marks the selected object to be deleted if activated. New objects will be
removed directly after confirmation is accepted.
4. Refresh: Refreshes the object table.

Menu bar commands

Figure 14.10: Menubar

The following additional menu bar commands are available:

• Edit > Select All: Selects all objects from the current page.
• Edit > Deselect All: Clears the selection.
• Tools > Report Object Generator: Opens the Report Object Generator tool.

Keyboard shortcuts
The following keyboard shortcuts can be used:
• Ctrl+N: New
• Ctrl+D: Delete
• Ctrl+A: Select All
• F5: Refresh
• Ctrl++: Add all user defined attributes
• Ctrl+-: Remove all user defined attributes

Context menu
The following functions are available from the object table context menu:

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Figure 14.11: Object table context menu

• Properties: Open the Object Property dialog for the selected object.
• New...: Open the new object name input dialog.
• Undo Selected Object(s): Undo all modifications for the selected object(s) that
have not been activated already.
• Undo Calculation Order change: Undo possible calculation order changes.
• Activate All: Activate all modifications for all modified objects.
• Activate Selected Object(s): Activate all modifications for selected modified objects.
• Activate Calculation Order: Activate possible calculation order changes.
• Add all User-Defined Attributes: Add all user-defined attributes to the object table.
• Remove all User-Defined Attributes: Remove all user-defined attributes from the
object table.

Object Properties dialog, common functionality

For modified valid attribute values, the corresponding label will be colored blue.

Figure 14.12: Property dialog coloring

In case the current attribute value is invalid, the corresponding label will be colored red.
In the example above, the sampling period cycle has a larger value than the base period
value, which causes the invalidation. For SCIL instruction type attributes, the code will
be validated on update request. Invalid SCIL instructions cannot be updated to the
corresponding attribute.

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Figure 14.13: Invalid SCIL-instruction notification

Object modifications cannot be saved as long as any of the attributes has an invalid value.
The Object Property dialog containing invalid attribute values will be closed without
notification if the user clicks Cancel or presses the ESC key, navigates to another object
or fetches the current valid configuration data. In case valid modifications are detected,
a confirmation dialog will appear if the user attempts to navigate to another object or to
click the Cancel or Fetch button.

Figure 14.14: Modification save confirmation


Figure 14.15: Property dialog command buttons

Table 14.1: Property dialog commands

Button Explanation
Row: Left and Right arrow Navigate to the previous or next object in the object table.
Add The Add button can be used to add multiple new objects. Clicking
this button will append a single new character to the Logical Name
and keep all the other settings. With this feature, an efficient way
to add several objects having the same basic properties can be
provided. It can be seen as a kind of copy/paste feature.

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Button Explanation
OK When the OK button is pressed, the Report Object modifications
are saved and the dialog is closed.
Cancel or the ESC key Pressing the Cancel button discards all changes and closes the
Apply When the Apply button is pressed, the Report Object modifications
are saved and the dialog stays open.
Fetch The last saved configuration will be restored to the property dialog.

14.3.3 General Object handling commands

Add new

Figure 14.16: New object name input dialog

The new object name will be validated before the detailed configuration can be made.
If the new entered name is invalid, a notification dialog shows the name rule violation.

Figure 14.17: Object name invalid information dialog

Modify existing
To modify existing object configuration, either double-click the corresponding line in
the object table or select the appropriate item in the menu or toolbar.

Delete new or active

Before an object will be deleted (new not active) or marked as to be deleted (active), the
delete action has to be confirmed.

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Figure 14.18: Delete confirmation dialog

Delete new: New, not yet activated objects will be immediately and permanent removed
from the configuration database. No undo function is available.
Delete active: Object configuration will be marked as to be deleted in the configuration
database. Final deletion will be done with the activation command.

Based on the selection in the object table, modified or new objects can be activated. The
activation can be selected from the context menu.

Undo actions will be applied immediately, and no confirmation dialog will appear. The
Undo function is only available for modified selected objects.
Table 14.2: UnDo actions
State (CS) Action
New (N) Same as Delete New Objects but without confirmation.
Deleted (D) The tag to delete the object will be removed. If the object data has been modified
before it has been tagged as to be deleted, the modified configuration will be re-
Modified (M) All modifications will be removed. The original active configuration data will be

14.3.4 Report Objects

Each Report Object owns a set of attributes. These attributes describe the functionality
for every object within the Reports Objects as there are, beside others:
• Which process data should be logged for the reports: Process Object connection
• How often should the process data be sampled: Sampling Period SP
• How often should the sampled data be calculated: Base Period BP
• How long should the sampled data and the calculated data be hold: History Length
for sampling and base period SP_HL and BP_HL
• What type of calculation should be performed for the calculated (base period) values
based on the sampled data: Type ID
The maximum number of Report Objects is limited to 10 000.

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Report Object configuration tools are accessible from the Object Navigator object tree
as shown in Figure 14.19.

Figure 14.19: Report Objects node in Object tree

The Report Objects node contains three navigation schemes:

• All Report Objects
• Navigation by Type ID for measured objects
• Navigation by Type ID for calculated objects

Table 14.3: Attributes for measured Report Objects
Description Attribute m/o Type Range Remarks
Configuration State CS m Text M, N, D M=Modified, N=New, Deleted, empty =
Logical name LN m Text 1..59 characters
Report Object Type ID m Text MS, MN, MX, MM Measured:
MS = sum calculated
MN = min calculated
MX = max calculated
MM = mean calculated
MP = period value
Comment CM o Text 0..240 characters 'P_LN':POX'P_IX' from connected Process
Object will be used.
Unit ST o Text 0..255 characters 'P_LN':PST'P_IX' from connected Process
Object will be used.
Sampling Period SP o Integer 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, Minutes, shown as seconds in the object
15, 20, 30 table.
Sampling Period history length SP_HL o Integer 0..365 Days
Base Period BP o Integer 10, 15, 30, 60 Minutes, shown as seconds in the object
Base Period history length BP_HL o Integer 0..5 years The current year plus the number of selec-
ted BP_HL years.
Forecast period FP o Integer 0..1 day
Application of Process Object P_APL o Integer 0..255 For performance reason, it is recommended
to connect Process Objects from the local
application only.

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Description Attribute m/o Type Range Remarks

LN of Process Object P_LN o Text 0..255 From connected Process Object.
IX of Process Object P_IX o Integer 0..9999 From connected Process Object.
PT of Process Object P_PT o Text AI, DI, PC 'P_LN':PPT'P_IX' from connected Process
Value type of Data Object VT o Text INTEGER, REAL Default: Integer for P_PT=PC (Pulse
Counter) else Real. For new objects, other
combinations can also be selected.
Max value of Pulse counter PS o Integer 0..MAX_IN- Only available for VT = INTEGER.
TEGER For PS > 0 the Data Object logging function
"5 – Pulse Difference" will be used. For
PS=0, the Data Object logging function "4
– Difference" will be used.
Linear scale of Process Object P_SC o Real -1,000,000.00 ... The raw Process Object value will be multi-
1,000,000.00 plied with this value before it is stored in
the Data Object.
Update instruction needed P_ACT o Boolean True, false If true, the P_IN instruction will be executed
in every sampling period.
Update Instruction P_IN - Text vector SCIL commands The update instruction will be executed
before the data will be logged in the
sampling period. For Type ID - MP, this in-
struction will be executed before the data
will be logged in the base period. This in-
struction can be used to retrieve the pro-
cess data, calculate or simulate some Pro-
cess Object value.

Table 14.4: Attributes for calculated Report Objects

Description Attribute m/o Type Range Remarks
Report Object Type ID m Text CS, CP, CB Calculated:
CS (sampled value)
CP (period values)
CB (both, sampled and period values)
Input Report Objects DATA_IN - Text vector
Calculation operation OPER - Text vector SCIL commands The calculation operation can be a single
line calculation or a multi line SCIL program
with a #RETURN command.

Attributes marked with m (mandatory) are always visible. The other attributes are optional
and can be added and removed from the table with the selection box for user defined
attribute columns. Attributes marked with a minus (–) sign cannot be added to the table
at all, for example if the data type for that attribute is a vector of SCIL commands.

Status bar
If an object is selected, the details shown in the Status bar depend on the selected Report
Object type. Details can be found in the table below.

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Table 14.5: Statusbar for Report Objects

Selection / Attribute
Object Type
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
No object selec- Number of ob- Total number Sorting order
ted jects in current of objects
MS, MX, MN, P_LN P_IX SP BP Sorting order
P_LN P_IX BP Sorting order
CS, CP, CB LN Calculation Or- Sorting order
der change no-

Properties Dialog
The Properties dialog is designed to add new Report Objects, as well as modify or copy
existing (the Add button) Report Objects.
Report Objects marked as to be deleted cannot be modified. In that case, all attributes
are disabled.
The upper part of the Properties dialog is the same for all Report Object types. The lower
part contains the object type specific attributes separated in three tabs. This lower part
is invisible for new Report Objects as long the Report Object type (ID) has not been

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Figure 14.20: Properties dialog for measured Report Objects

Connected Object tab

In this tab, the Process Object connection can be selected. If needed, update instructions,
which will get executed before the data sampling and calculation takes place, can be
defined here.
The Process Object properties dialog can be loaded for the connected Process Object
(the Show... button). A new connection can be established using the Application Object
selector (the Select... button).

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Period Settings tab

Figure 14.21: Period Settings tab in Properties dialog for Report Objects

In this tab, the value for the sampling and base (calculation) period can be selected. These
values can either be retrieved from the default application settings, or some object specific
setting can be applied.

Data Object tab

Figure 14.22: Data Object tab in Properties dialog for Report Objects

In this tab, the Data Objects which store the sampled (sampling period) and the calculated
values (base period) can be selected, and the Data Object form can be loaded for all
existing Data Objects (the Show Data Object button).

Calculation tab
The properties dialog for calculated Report Objects has no Connected Object tab, but it
has a special Calculation tab for the calculation settings.

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Figure 14.23: Calculation tab for calculated Report Objects

Within this tab, the input Report Object names and the calculation instruction can be
added with the help of the Visual SCIL Program Editor.
The period settings for calculated objects cannot be changed. They will be automatically
set to the period settings attribute values from the entered input Report Objects.
The input Report Objects must use the same period settings in order to be validated.

Figure 14.24: Period setting violation warning

Calculation operation (OPER)

The calculation operation can be an single line calculation, or a multi line SCIL program
with a #RETURN command.
The input parameters can bereferenced with variables %OBJ1..%OBJn.
The %OBJ1 is the first report object from the input parameter list and %OBJn is the last
If there is only one input parameter, the %OBJ variable without index number refers to
the input parameter.
The type of a result calculation operation can be INTEGER or REAL, or a vector of the

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;Single line operation for one input Report Object
%OBJ + 100

;Single line operation for two input Report Objects


;Multi line operation

@i1 = %OBJ1 ;Input Report Object 1 (first input Object in DATAIN)
@i2 = %OBJ2 ;Input Report Object 2 (second ..)
@i3 = %OBJ3 ;Input Report Object 3 (third ..)
#return %i1 * %i2 + %i3 ;return calculation result

Calculation order
The two Calculation order lists for sampled and base period values show the current
order of all existing calculated objects. The lists can also be used to change the order of
the current selected object.

Figure 14.25: Calculation order visibility

1. Calculation order modified, shown in the Status bar if the calculated Report Object
is selected in the object table.
2. New not activated calculated Report Object.
3. Calculated Report Object marked as to be deleted.
The changed calculation order can be activated or removed (Undo) with the help of the
Object table context menu:
• Undo Calculation Order change
Used to undo possible changes in the calculation order.
• Activate Calculation Order change
used to activate possible changes in the calculation order.

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Attribute validation rules

Before a new or modified Report Object configuration can be saved, a certain set of
attributes must have valid values. The rules for these attributes are listed in the table
Table 14.6: Attribute validation rules for Report Objects
Attrib- Validation rules
LN Valid Application_Object_Name (no dots), unique, should not end with numerical
character 0 to 5. The last rule to avoid a possible name conflict with Data Objects used
for base period, where the running year number will be appended to the name.
SP Smaller than BP
BP Bigger than SP
P_* Connected Process Object must exist in the selected application.
P_IN Valid SCIL instruction
For calculated Report Objects only
DATA_IN Entered Report Objects must exist and they must have the same period settings.
OPER Valid SCIL instruction

14.3.5 Report Displays

Each Report Display object has a set of attributes.

These attributes describe the functionality for every object within the Reports as there
are, beside others:
• Which time range should be shown: Report Base RB
• How should the Monitor Pro navigation menu look like: Report Type RT and Display
Header DH
• Which report data should be shown: Page Configuration PC
• Which summary information and how many should be included: Summary
Information SU1 to SU4
The following time related Report Display base types are supported:
• Hourly report (time resolution: 1,2,3,5,6,10,15,20, or 30 minutes), can be used only
for sampling period values
• Daily report (time resolution: 10, 15, 30 or 60 minutes)
• Weekly report (time resolution: 1 day)
• Monthly report (time resolution: 1 day)
• Yearly report (time resolution: 1 month)
Report Display configuration tools are accessible from the Object Navigator object tree
as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 14.26: Report Displays node in Object tree

The maximum number of Report Displays is limited to 1 000.

The report data columns to be shown within the Report Display are configured in the
Report Page, which must be connected to the Report Display configuration.

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Table 14.7: Attributes for Report Displays
Description Attribute m/o Type Range Remarks
Configuration State CS m Text M, N, D
Display Id LN m Text FIXED
Report Base RB m Text HOUR, DAY_10, DAY_15,
DAY_30, DAY_60, WEEK,
Report Type RT m Text Pre-defined types for all report Used for Monitor Pro/Naviga-
base types: tion/Measurement Reports/ menu
• Active Energy
• Reactive Energy
• Active Power
• Reactive Power
• Current
• Voltage
• Temperature
• User defined
Display Header DH m Text 0..100 character Used for Monitor Pro naviga-
tion/Measurement Reports/Report
type/sub menu
Comment CM o Text 0..255 characters
Unit ST o Text 0..10
Scale SC o Real -1,000 .. 1,000
Interval TI o Integer 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30 Minutes, only available for Report
Base = HOUR
Summary Information SU1..4 o Text SUM, MIN, MAX, MEAN, NONE, SU 1..3: RB = HOUR, WEEK
In-Day periods if defined in Calen- SU 1..4: RB = DAY_xx
dar Tool SU 1: RB = MONTH and YEAR
Page Configuration PC o Text Link to Page configuration
Authorization Group AG o Text REPORTS, GENERAL, other
Forecast area enabled FC o Boolean True or false

Attributes marked with m (mandatory) are always visible. The others are optional and
can be added and removed from the table with the selection box for user-defined attribute

Table 14.8: Statusbar for Report Displays
Selection / Attribute
Base Type
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
No object se- Number of ob- Total number Sorting order
lected jects in current of objects

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Selection / Attribute
Base Type
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
All ST SC SP BP Sorting order

Properties Dialog
The properties dialog is designed to add new, modify or copy (Add button) existing
Report Display configurations.
The properties dialog replaces the Standard Function installation and configuration tool
for Measurement Reports.
Report Displays marked as to delete cannot be modified. In this case all attributes are

Figure 14.27: Properties dialog for Report Displays

Type tab
1. Connect to a existing Page Configuration using the Application Object selector tool
2. Open the property dialog for the current selected Page Configuration
The values for Report Type and the Display Header attribute are used to construct the
Monitor Pro Measurement Report navigation menu. Text succeeding a comma in the
Report Type attribute will not be shown in the menu and can be used as additional

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Figure 14.28: Relation Report Display attributes and Monitor Pro Navigation menu

Using numerical character’s as pre-fix for both menu parts helps to get the menu
constructed in a desired order.

Summary Information tab

Figure 14.29: Summary Information tab in Properties dialog for Report Displays

The time range used for the Day, Night or other In-Day periods can be defined in help
of the Calendar Tool.

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Other tab

Figure 14.30: Other tab in Properties dialog for Report Displays

It is recommended to use the pre-defined authorization group REPORTS.

The Report Scale attribute can be used to multiply all values shown in the selected Report
Display with a factor to e.g. toggle the sign (SC = -1.0) or to change the value range
from kV toV (SC = 1000) or vice versa (SC = 0,001).

Attribute validation rules

Before a new or modified Report Display configuration can be saved a certain set of
attributes must have valid values. The rules for this attributes are listed in below table.
Table 14.9: Attribute validation rules for Report Displays
Attribute Validation rules
LN Valid Application_Object_Name (no dots), unique
RT Not empty
DH Not empty
PC Selected Report Page configuration must exist

14.3.6 Report Page

The maximum number of Report Pages is limited to 1 000.

Each Report Page object has a set of attributes. These attributes describe the functionality
for every object within the Reports as there are, beside others:
• Which report data should be shown: Column Data
• How many pages within one Report Display should be shown: Number of pages
• How should the report data be presented: Decimals
• How should report data editing be treated: Editable and manual entry tagging
The Report Page configuration tools are accessible from the Object Navigator object
tree as shown in the figure below.

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Figure 14.31: Page node in Object tree

Each Report Page configuration can be used for all Report Display base types.
It is not necessary to create different Page configurations for, e.g. HOUR and DAY based
Report Displays, if the same Report data should be presented.

Table 14.10: Attributes for Report Pages
Description Attribute m/o Type Range Remarks
Configuration CS m Text M, N, D M=Modified, N=New, Deleted, empty
State = Active
Page Id LN m Text
Comment CM m Text
Number of pages NP m Integer
Page data List

Table 14.11: Page data

Description Type Range Remarks
Page Title Text 0..255 characters
Number of Integer 1..50 It is recommended not to use more than
columns 20 columns per page.
Column data List

Table 14.12: Column data

Description Type Range Remarks
Title Text 1 or 2 lines
Report Object Vector 1 .. Max. 10 Report
name(s) Objects
Decimals Integer 0 .. 9
Editable Boolean True / False
Manual entry tag- Boolean True / False
ging True
Operation Vector SCIL commands

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Status bar
If a configuration is selected, the shown details depend on the selected Report Page type.
Details can be found in the table below.
Table 14.13: Status bar for Report Pages
Selection Attribute
Field 1 Field 2 Field 3 Field 4 Field 5
No object se- Number of ob- Total number Sorting order
lected jects in current of objects
All LN CM Sorting order

Properties Dialog
The properties dialog is designed to create new Report Page configurations, or modify
or copy (Add) the existing Report Page configurations.

Figure 14.32: Properties dialog for Report Pages

1. Text field to enter a title for the selected page.

2. Insert new page before or after current selected page, copy selected page and paste
after, remove the selected page, open the find/replace dialog. The find/replace dialog
can be used to replace text patterns within the title, Object Name or operation column

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for the selected page. This can be usefull for a copied page to replace e.g. the bay
3. Using the numeric spinner up button will add a new column. The down button
removes the last column.
4. Edit the column properties for each report object. Double-click with the left mouse
button will activate the cell data edit handler.
5. Buttons to change the position of the selected column.

Column Data
Below the corresponding column data input functions are described more detailed.

Column Title

Figure 14.33: Report Page column title input dialog

At least one column title must be configured.

Object name(s)

Figure 14.34: Report Object selection for Report Page

The Report Object names which should be added to the selected column can be freely
selected using the standard selection methods. If more than one Report Object has been

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added some operation must be specified. If no operation is defined the summary of all
selected objects will be used as default calculation.

Cell Data edit handler

Number of decimals to be shown

Edit Report Object data value in Report Display enabled disabled

Manual entry tagging enabled/disabled. If this option is enabled manual entered data
will be shown with different color and a value suffix.
To apply the cell data changes another table cell must be selected.


Figure 14.35: Report Page Operation editor

Valid SCIL examples can be seen in commented operation help part.

For the operation to be calculated within the report column all the arithmetical functions
supported by SCIL can be used.
• If only one report object is defined to be shown within the report column, it can be
referenced with the variable %OBJ.

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The variable includes the measured values of the row in question.

If one hour is shown on the row of the report picture and base period cycle within
the report application is 15 min, the variable holds 4 values. If a day is shown in the
row of the report picture, the variable holds 96 values, and so on.
The data type of the variable: Vector.
• If several report objects are defined to be shown within the report column, a single
object can be referenced with the variable %OBJ'vector element index'.
The data type of the variable: Vector.
• The column object can be referenced with the variable %COL'column number'. The
column object has to be calculated before making a quotation to it. That means that
e.g. %COL5 cannot be used in the operation of COL1 but %COL5 can be used in
COL6 operation.
The data type of the argument: Vector.
• When the calculation procedure is defined by SCIL programming, the operation
must be a text vector containing a #RETURN statement.
The result type of the calculation operation may be integer, real or a vector of the
#IF %RES(1) > 10 #THEN #RETURN 1

Page Order tab

Figure 14.36: Report Page order tab

In help of this tab the position for the selected page can be changed.

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Attribute validation rules

Before a new or modified Report Page configuration can be saved, a certain set of
attributes must have valid values. The rules for this attributes are listed in the table below.
Table 14.14: Data attributes for Report Displays
Attribute Validation rules
LN Valid Application_Object_Name (no dots), unique.
Page data At least one page with valid column data.
Column data All columns must have a title defined and at least one valid Report Object
assigned to it.
All column data combinations are allowed. If the title is empty but not the
"Object Name" or "Operation" column the title cell will be colored yellow as
a kind of warning. Changes are allowed to get saved.

14.4 Report Object generator

The purpose of this tool is to provide an easy to use and fast way to create or modify the
Report Object configuration database.
Based on user defined rules, the Report Objects will be created or can be modified if
they already exist.
This tool will not activate new or modified Report Objects. Activation needs to be done
the same way as for single Report Objects from the Report Object table, see Section 14.3.3
General Object handling commands.

Input Process Objects tab

First, the Process Objects used as input for the Report Object generation must be defined.
The mandatory condition cannot be overruled, and will always be used to make sure that
only supported measurements will be included. In addition to the mandatory conditions,
some user conditions can be added to filter out unnecessary measurements.

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Figure 14.37: Report Object Generator Input Process Objects tab

Five pre-defined conditions are available for the following measurement types:
1. Current
2. Voltage
3. Active Power
4. Energy
5. Temperature
It is recommended to handle different types of measurements in separate steps, for
example to create all Report Objects for current measurement first, then energy
measurements etc.
The input list will be refreshed automatically with every user condition change.
To include only some of the found Process Objects from the input list for Report Object
generation, the Process Objects must be selected. If no Process Object from the input
list is selected, all will be included in the Report Object generation.

Build Rules tab

A rule can be defined for all known measurements to specify the properties to be used
for the corresponding Report Object.

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Figure 14.38: Report Object Generator Rules tab

Following rule settings can be made here:

1. Measurement Group can be enabled/disabled
2. Single measurement can be enabled/disabled
3. Which type of Report Objects should be created
4. Use the overall application report settings or specific ones
5. Specify if existing Report Objects will be overwritten or excluded
6. Overall rules:
• Comment (CM) rule: If this option is enabled, the Report Object attribute CM
will be constructed from the connected Process Object OX attribute. Otherwise,
it will be left empty.
• Unit (ST) rule: If this option is enabled, the Report Object attribute ST will be
fetched from the connected Process Object ST attribute. Otherwise, it will be
left empty.
7. Report Object name LN construction:
• Use the rule name as prefix. If this option is enabled, the applied rule name will
be used as a prefix. See Table 14.15 for details about rule names.
• Use the LN_IX attribute or the validated OX_OI attribute combination from
the connected Process Objects. Validated OI_OX means that white space and
special characters that are not allowed will be replaced with the underscore
character (_).
• Use the Report Object Type ID as appendix. This option is recommended to
be used if more than one Type ID is enabled for a measurement Process Object.
The rules will be saved when the tool is closed and restored when the tool is reopened.

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Table 14.15: Process Object Rule name relation

Group name Process Object Rule
RX (28..30) Index IX Description (OX)
Current CUR 10 Current L1 CUR_10
11 Current L2 CUR_11
12 Current L3 CUR_12
131 Current CUR_131
NCU 13 Neutral current I0 NCU_13
DNC 14 Dir. Neutral current Ij DNC_14
MDC 15 Max.demand I15min MDC_15
RCR 54 Residual current I0 RCR_54
CSQ 139 Positive, Negative, Zero Sequence current CSQ_139
140 CSQ_140
141 CSQ_141
Voltage VOL 16 Voltage U12 VOL_16
17 Voltage U23 VOL_17
18 Voltage U23 VOL_18
50 Voltage U1 VOL_50
51 Voltage U2 VOL_51
52 Voltage U3 VOL_52
53 Voltage U0 VOL_53
132 Voltage VOL_132
RVL 19 Residual voltage U0 RVL_19
VSQ 142 Positive, Negative, Zero Sequence voltage VSQ_142
143 VSQ_143
144 VSQ_144
Power APW 20 Active power P APW_20
133 Active Power APW_133
RPW 21 Reactive power Q RPW_21
134 Reactive Power RPW_134

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Group name Process Object Rule

RX (28..30) Index IX Description (OX)
APP 22 Apparent power S APP_22
135 Apparent Power APP_135
COS 23 Power factor cosj COS_23
136 Power factor COS_136
91 Power factor L1 COS_91
92 Power factor L2 COS_92
93 Power factor L3 COS_93
PAP 73 Active power L1 PAP_73
74 Active power L2 PAP_74
75 Active power L3 PAP_75
PRP 79 Reactive power L1 PRP_79
80 Reactive power L2 PRP_80
81 Reactive power L3 PRP_81
Energy AEN 38 Active Energy (kWh) AEN_38
39 Active Energy (MWh) AEN_38
40 Active Energy (GWh) AEN_39
41 Active Energy (kWh)-reversed AEN_41
42 Active Energy (MWh)-reversed AEN_42
43 Active Energy (GWh)-reversed AEN_43
REN 44 Reactive Energy (kvarh) REN_44
45 Reactive Energy (Mvarh) REN_45
46 Reactive Energy (Gvarh) REN_46
47 Reactive Energy (kvarh)-reversed REN_47
48 Reactive Energy (Mvarh)-reversed REN_48
49 Reactive Energy (Gvarh)-reversed REN_49
Other FRQ 24 Frequency FRQ_24
138 FRQ_138
HDS 25 Harmonic distortion DS_25
TMP 26 Temperature TMP_26
IMP 137 Impedance IMP_137
Unknown PT=6 Digital Input PT_6
PT=9 Analog input PT_9
PT=13 Pulse Counter PT_13

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Build Progress tab

From this tab, the Report Object generation progress can be started by using the Function
key F2 or by selecting Start from the Tool menu.

Figure 14.39: Report Object Generator Build progress tab

The table shows the main attributes from input Process Objects, the applied rule, the
constructed Report Object LN and the build progress state for every object.
Table 14.16: Build progress state details
State Details Remarks
Included Ready to create
Ready to modify Report Object already exist and the overwrite option is enabled.
Excluded No group/rule enabled This measurement Process Object is excluded because either the
corresponding group or the measurement item rule has been dis-
The applied rule has no Report Object type Select a Report Object in the Build rules tab for the measurement.
(ID) defined
Duplicate Report Object LN found Use the Type ID as appendix for the Report Object LN construction
to avoid this duplication detection.
Report Object LN already exists Report Object already exist and the overwrite option is disabled.
Report Object LN to long The limit of 59 character length for the Report Object LN has been
reached. Most likely, the P_OI_P_OX attribute combination is selected
for the Report Object LN construction.
Max Report Object count reached The limit of 10 000 Report Objects has been reached.

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14.5 Reports configuration database

All the Report configuration data will be stored in one SCIL database:
• General definitions and settings
• Report Object configuration data
• Report Display configuration data
• Report Page settings
• Runtime data
• Report Object Generator rules
Each of the items listed above have one section within the SCIL database. The database
is stored under the application reports directory. With the first Measurement Reports
configuration tool usage, the database will be generated from the default template located
in <MicroSCADA installation drive>:\sc\sa_lib\defaults\reports. The data from this
database will be copied to application specific system variables for fast access during
Table 14.17: Overview for Report configuration data storage
Data Runtime storage RCDB
Execution delays APL:BSV32._SP(BP)Delay Settings.Runtime
Execution Cycles APL:BSV32.Sampling(Base)Periods Settings.Runtime
Data storage APL:BSV32 Settings.Global
Report Object APL:BSV36.OBJ_* ReportObjectConf.Objects*
Report Object APL:BSV33.SP(BP)_xx (xx = RuntimeData.ReportObject.Groups
Groups sampling period respectively base
Calculation Order APL:BSV35.Order_SP(BP) ReportObjectConf.Calculation
Report Display APL:BSV37.Objects.OBJ_* ReportDisplayConf.Objects
Report Page Con- APL:BSV38.Objects.OBJ_* ReportPageConf.Objects
Internal APL:BSV30, 31, 34 and 39 --

14.6 Report data logger

The Report Data logger is responsible for the following three main tasks:
1. Startup initialization. Depending on the length of time the system was down, the
Data Objects for sampling and base period has to be filled for the down time range
with not sampled values.
2. Collect and store the sampled Process Object values in Data Objects for the sampling
3. Collect and store the calculated Report Data values in Data Objects for the base

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Below is a description of the sequential execution of the two main tasks for the sampling
and base period.

Time channel BMU_CYCLE with 1 minute execution time

Sampling Period
1. Collect all Report Object names that belong to this sampling period cycle.
2. Execute the update instructions, ReportObject.P_ACT = 1.
3. Execute sampling period after sampling period execution delay.
4. Calculate Data Object Index for the actual time.
5. Handle the measured Report Objects (Type ID = MS, MN, MM, MX and NOT MP):
a. Use the instruction attribute (IN) from the Data Object for the sampling period
to evaluate the sampled value.
b. Store the sampled value to the Data Object.
6. Handle the calculated Report Objects in defined sampling period calculation order:
a. Collect the stored sampled values for all input Report Objects from DATAIN
b. Execute the calculation operation from OPER attribute.
c. Store the calculated value to the Data Object.
7. Execute the callback procedure for the sampling period.

Base period
1. Collect all Report Object names that belong to this base period cycle.
2. Execute the update instructions, ReportObject.P_ACT = 1 and Type ID = MP.
3. Base period execution after base period execution delay.
4. Calculate Data Object Index for the actual time.
5. Handle the measured Report Objects (Type ID = MS, MN, MM, MX and MP):
a. If Type ID = MP, store the actual input Process Object value to the Data Object
for the sampling period (one value only).
b. Type ID <> MP: collect all sampled values from the last expired base period
from the sampling period Data Object, e.g. for SP = 1 minute and BP = 15
minutes 15 sampled values to collect.
c. Based on Type ID, calculate the base period value from the collected sampled
values, Type ID =
MS: calculate the sum value from the collected sampled values.
MX: calculate the maximum value from the collected sampled values.
MN: calculate the minimum value from the collected sampled values.
MM: calculate the mean value from the collected sampled values.
MP: collect the value from the Data Object for sampling period.
d. Store the calculated value to the Data Object for the base period.
6. Handle the calculated Report Objects in defined base period calculation order:
a. Collect the stored base period values for all input Report Objects from DATAIN
b. Execute the calculation operation from OPER attribute.
c. Store the calculated value to the Data Object.

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7. Execute the callback procedure for the base period.

14.7 Report data viewer

The Report Data viewer consists of two main parts:
1. Report data provider
2. Monitor Pro displays

Data provider
The Report data to be shown in Monitor Pro Report displays will be provided by the
SAGR_REPORTS_* command procedures.
User actions, such as edit values or add a comment, are also handled by the data provider.
All edit actions will be logged to the following file:

All comments will be stored in separate files for every Report Display:
Reports/‘Report Display LN’.mno

Monitor Pro Report Display configurations

The SYS600 Measurement Reports Display can be configured to use different colors
for axes, curves, gridline and background. By using this functionality, the Measurement
Reports Display can be adapted to display the Report data according to the convention
required by the application.
All this configuration data can be stored either in an application specific or in user specific
preconfiguration file. Unlike other display types, the application specific and the user
specific preconfigurations are not accessible separately from the navigation menu. If a
user specific preconfiguration exists, it will be used. If no such preconfiguration exsist
but an application specific one does, that one will be used. In any other case, the default
values will be used.
For more detailed information on settings for the graphical area, curve properties and
legend control, see Chapter 13 Trends Display.
The time column format in the tabular view is defined by a parameter in section
[REPORT_TIMECOLUMN] of the FrameWindow.ini configuration file.
Parameter name: ShowRangeInTimecol
Parameter value:
• 0: classic format, only period start time will be shown, e.g. 08:15 -
• 1: new format, period start time and end time will be shown, e.g. 08:15 - 08:30
The time format can also be changed in help of the "Time Range" parameter in the
General Settings dialog.

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14.8 Migration and Upgrade strategy

14.8.1 Upgrade from LIB510 based Measurement Reports

If the classic LIB510 Measurement Reports still needs to be used, no upgrade action
should be performed.

Figure 14.40: LIB510 Measurement Report detection

The upgrade for LIB510 based Measurement Reports needs to be done in two steps.

Step 1
DAT export tool selection from the Tool Manager.

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Figure 14.41: Dat Export tool for LIB510 Measurement Report upgrade

The Configuration Data Export tool locates the report configuration of the picture
functions from the SCIL picture. The tool transfers the separated information to
Measurement Reports related configuration files.

Step 2
See Section 14.8.2 Upgrade from MicroSCADA Pro 9.x based Measurement Reports.

14.8.2 Upgrade from MicroSCADA Pro 9.x based Measurement Reports

The upgrade forthe Measurement Report build with SYS600 MicroSCADA PRO version
will not be performed automatically.
The Report Object types EN (Entered data), GA (Gauge meter) are not supported anymore.
They will be automatically converted to MP (Measured Period) type. Also user defined
groups are not supported anymore.
The upgrade is as the other Reports engineering tool integrated in the Object Navigator.
An upgrade information message appears on the Measurement Reports node selection
of the Object tree.

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Figure 14.42: SYS600 Measurement Report upgrade

During the upgrade process, the following actions will be performed:

• All the old configuration data and settings from different locations will be collected,
converted and stored in the Reports configuration database.
• New Data Logger BMU_* Application Objects will be installed.
• New Display Data Provider SAG_REPORTS_* Application Objects will be installed.
• The old runtime data structure will be cleaned, and the new one will be constructed,
initialized and activated.
• All files, FMU_* Application Objects and configuration data used for old the
Measurement Reports version will be moved to the application reports/MR2_backup
• The old initialization procedure will be removed from APL_INIT_1(2,H):C if found.
If one of the following command procedures from LIB500 bbone package are used in
some operation attribute they need to get replaced:

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Table 14.18: LIB500 bbone Reports command procedure upgrade

LIB500 command proced- Upgrade strategy
BGU_INDSF Needs to be manually replaced with BMU_SP_IND command pro-
cedure call.
Input parameter:
1. T1: Start time
2. T2: End Time
3. l_ReportObject: Report object configuration data.
If running in the Report data sampling and calculation context
(BMU_*:C) the Report Object data can be retrieved from the
global variable %l_ReportObjects.
Assume the Report Object name is "BAY01_CURL1" the SCIL
command to get the Report Object configuration data is
@l_ReportObject = %l_ReportObjects.OBJ_BAY01_CURL1
BGU_READSF Will get automatically upgraded if found in application
BGU_READPF Will get automatically upgraded if found in application
BGU_WRITSF Same as for BGU_INDSF but in addition the Report Object data to
be stored needs to be supplied in %v_OV variable. Make sure that
the data vector length fits with the the selected T1-T2 time range.

14.9 Localization
All tool and dialog items, notification messages and object attribute texts can be translated
using the Text Translation Tool.
1. Measurement Reports Visual SCIL tools integrated in Object Navigator can be found
in the <MicroSCADA installation drive>:\sc\sTool\apl_build directory. The file
name for all this tools start with OBJMR.
2. The Language text database <MicroSCADA installation
drive>:\sc\Stool\AplBuild\OBJMR_LANG.SDB contains the Report Object, Report
Display and Report Page attribute titles, help text and descriptions.

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15 Group alarm

The group alarm function can be used to summarize the alarm state of alarm points that
can be freely selected. Groups can be defined, for example, for alarms from a specific
location or alarms with the same functional background.
Group alarms can be further summarized and included as inputs to other groups of alarms
in a tree structure. The group alarm state can be used to create an alarm overview display.

15.1 Group alarm database

All group alarm properties are stored in SYS600 SCIL Database (SDB). The group alarm
database is located in sc/'application name'/apl_ and the database file name is
Up to five sub levels can be defined for each group alarm. Each level can contain up to
999 members.

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Figure 15.1: The group alarm database

The group alarm database is a copy of a template. The database is copied when the Group
Alarm Editor is used for the first time.
The template database is located in sc\sa_lib\defaults\Group_Alarm, and the template
database file name is bgu_grpal.sdb.

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The group alarm database is located in sc\'application name'/apl_ and the database file
name is apl_grpal.sdb.
The group alarm database contains three types of sections:
1. The group alarm structure.
2. The group member attributes.
3. The group alarm processing settings.

Do not manipulate the databases directly with SCIL. Use the

dedicated tools for group alarms.

15.1.1 Group alarm structure

The section names in the group alarm structure always start with A000-A999. Each
section contains the following attributes:
1. Name
The name is used as an object text for the group state Process Object. The name can
be changed in the Group Alarm Editor.
2. Array of member names
The attributes contain the names of all group members.

15.1.2 Group member attributes

Attribute sections are used for the group members. Every process object acting as a
member of an existing group gets its own section. The section name uses the group
member logical name and the index.
Each section contains the following attributes:
1. LN: The logical name for the process object.
2. IX: The index for the process object.
3. PATH: Describes the location of the process object within the group alarm structure.
The PATH variable is used to quickly locate the alarming object within the group
structure and to calculate the new group alarm state.

15.1.3 Settings for group alarm processing

The Settings section has the following attributes:

1. AckChildren: Automatically acknowledges all child objects when group object is
2. AckGroup: Automatically acknowledges a group object when all child objects are
3. ResetWithAB: Resets the child object state within the group when the Alarm
Blocking attribute is activated.

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The settings can be changed in the Group Alarm Editor.

15.2 Process Object database

The group alarm status information is stored in a process object. The process object is
created when a new group is created. The process object attributes can be modified with
the Process Object Tool inside the Object Navigator.

15.3 Installation and initialization

The Group Alarm Editor is located in the Application Objects tab of the Tool Manager.
The group alarm is initialized when the Group Alarm Editor is launched for the first

Figure 15.2: Group alarm initialization

15.4 Group Alarm Editor

The group alarm database and the grouping structure are created with the Group Alarm

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Figure 15.3: Group Alarm Editor

The Group Alarm Editor has three parts:

1. The group alarm structure as a tree view.
2. The Properties page for the selected object.
3. A list of members for the selected group.

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15.4.1 Group alarm structure in tree view

The following commands are available in the toolbar to manage the group alarm database:
: New Alarm
: New Group
: Delete Group
: Edit Group name
The commands can also be selected by right-clicking the structure and selecting them
from the context menu:

Figure 15.4: The group alarm context menu Adding new group

New groups can be added anywhere in the existing structure. Click or select New
Group from the context menu. Enter the group name into the Input Dialog.

Figure 15.5: Input Dialog for adding a new group

There are no restrictions for the group name, except that the group names must be unique
within a group branch. Editing group name

Existing group names can be edited at any time. Renaming the groups does not affect
the group alarm processing routine.

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Figure 15.6: Input Dialog for editing a group name Deleting groups

Alarm signals or groups can be deleted at any time. Deleting group objects also removes
the linked group state process object.
Before deleting an alarm group, a confirmation dialog is displayed.

Figure 15.7: Confirmation dialog for removing a group Adding new alarm

To add alarm signals to an existing group:

Click or right-click the structure and select New Alarm.
2. The Select Process Object dialog opens. Select alarm objects from the Process Object
structure and click Add.

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Figure 15.8: Process object browser for adding alarm signals

It is possible to hide process objects by adding a filter through the Filter dialog.

Figure 15.9: The object browser Filter dialog

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Process object groups starting with BGU_A should be removed from the process object
browser. These names are reserved for group alarm state objects. Also, Process Objects
with Alarm Class equal to 0 cannot be assigned to a group.
When new alarm signals are added, the object browser can stay open. It is possible to
select different groups in the group structure. New alarms are always added to the selected

15.4.2 Properties page for selected object

The appearance of the properties page depends on the selected object type.

Group alarm member object

The attributes for the process object can be modified in the Object Navigator or from
this view by launching the Process Object dialog.

Figure 15.10: The Properties view for the group alarm member object

Group alarm state object

The attributes for the Process Object presenting the state of this group can be modified
in the Object Navigator or by launching the Process Object form from the Properties
view of the Group Alarm Editor.

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Figure 15.11: The Properties view for the group alarm state object

15.4.3 Member list for selected group

The Alarms page presents the state of all connected alarm signals for the selected group.

Figure 15.12: List of members for the selected group

As a default, the attributes OI, OX and the alarm state are shown in the Alarms view.
The symbol for the alarm state for each signal can be seen in the first column. Additional
attributes can be added by using the + and - buttons and by selecting the attribute from
the list.
The - button removes the last column. Befault columns cannot be removed.

15.4.4 Optional group alarm settings

The following options are available for group alarm processing:

1. Automatic Acknowledgement

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If this option is active:

a. All group members are automatically acknowledged with the group state object
b. The group state object is automatically acknowledged when all group members
are acknowledged.
2. Recalculate group alarm with Alarm Blocking:
a. If this option is active, the Alarm Blocking activation and deactivation on a
group alarm member forces a new group state calculation, whereas the member
state is excluded.
The options can be activated/deactivated in the Options menu of the Group Alarm Editor.

Figure 15.13: Group alarm settings

15.5 Group Alarm Viewer

The Group Alarm Editor can also be started in the Viewer mode, where controls for
adding and removing the group members are hidden, and only members belonging to a
dedicated group are shown.

Figure 15.14: Group Alarm Viewer

The Viewer mode is started by supplying a list as a custom argument in Monitor Pro
with an attribute called LN. This must be the Logical Name for the group state Process
Object, e.g.:
The Viewer mode can be opened from Monitor Pro in two ways:

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1. Via a customized Menu item.

2. Connected to a display element.
The following dialog shows the settings that have to be made in order to open the Group
Alarm Viewer via a new menu item.

Figure 15.15: Group Alarm Viewer menu settings

The Group Alarm Viewer can also be launched by using the Display Builder Tool
Launcher feature for any element in the display.

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Figure 15.16: The Group Alarm Viewer Tool Launcher settings

15.6 Group alarm symbol

The following symbol can be used to show the group alarm state:
sc\prog\graphicsEngine\Palette\01 - SA_Common\Group Alarm

Figure 15.17: Group alarm state symbol

To install the symbol, the group state process object must be selected with the Display
Builder Object Browser.
The data variable Name is mapped to the object text (OX) attribute during symbol
installation and used as a label in the symbol.

15.7 Group alarm processing

The pre-defined event channel's APL_ALARM, APL_ALARM_ACK and
APL_BLOCKING must exist. If they do not exist, they will be created during the group
alarm function initialization. The command procedures SAGR_GA_APL_ALARM,

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Application Design


the corresponding event channel.

15.8 Localization
The Group Alarm Editor dialog items and notification messages can be translated with
the Translation Tool. To access the Translation Tool, select Text Tool in the User Interface
tab of the Tool Manager.

15.9 Application engineering information

15.9.1 Group alarm files

The following table shows all group alarm function related files and their functionality.
Table 15.1: Group alarm function related files
File Functionality Path
BGU_GRP_AL.SDB Group alarm database tem- /SA_LIB/DE-
GaEdit.vso Group Alarm Editor /STOOL/APLBUILD
Group Alarm Group alarm symbol /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-

15.9.2 Command procedures

When the Group Alarm Editor is used for the first time, the following command
procedures are created.
Table 15.2: Group alarm function related command procedures
Name Functionality
SAGR_GA_MAIN Main Routine
SAGR_GA_APL_ALARM Connected to pre-defined event channel
SAGR_GA_APL_ALARM_ACK Connected to pre-defined event channel
SAGR_GA_APL_BLOCKING Connected to pre-defined event channel
SAGR_GA_CALCGROUPSTATE Calculation for the group alarm state

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15.9.3 Process objects

The following table shows the group alarm function related process object attributes.
Table 15.3: Process object attributes
Logical Name Index Obj. type Process Ob- Remarks Group
ject identifi-
BGU_A* 10 BI Group alarm Internal BAEAL-
name AXALA

* LN Convention:
LN[1..4] always BGU_
LN[5..8] A000..A999 for first level groups
LN[9..12] B000..B999 for second level groups
LN[13..16] C000..C999 for third level groups
LN[17..20] D000..D999 for fourth level groups
LN[21..24] E000..D999 for fifth level groups

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16 Customizing application window

With Monitor Pro, the user can:

• Add custom toolbars
• Rename custom toolbars
• Delete custom toolbars
• Rename menu commands
• Delete menu commands
• Copy or move menu commands from one place to another
• Rename toolbar buttons
• Delete toolbar buttons
• Copy or move toolbar buttons from one place to another
• Configure a shortcut key for the login dialog
However, some menu commands and toolbars are generated programmatically and,
therefore, they cannot be customized. For example, menu commands in the Process menu
and the buttons in the application specific toolbars or application specific menus cannot
be customized.
In addition, the user cannot add new menus, menu commands or toolbar buttons, but the
existing ones can be copied and moved. Furthermore, pre-defined toolbars cannot be
deleted, but the user can hide or show them.
Monitor Pro layouts are user specific. The default layout is loaded when the user logs
on the application for the first time. Monitor Pro customization can be started in three
different ways:
1. By double-clicking any empty area of the toolbar docking area.
2. By right-clicking any empty area of the toolbar docking area. From this menu, select
the Customize.
3. By selecting Settings > Customize.

16.1 Layout adaptations

During logging, Monitor Pro asks if the user wants to take the new layout for menus,
toolbars and icons into use. If old layout settings do not already exist, the new layout is
taken directly into use. Icons are also updated to menus and toolbars.
If the user chooses to keep the old layout in use, the new icons can still be taken into use
by using the Reset Icons functionality. To update the icons, select Settings > Reset

16.2 Application window title

Monitor Pro application window title includes the display name and the possible
preconfiguration name (for Process Display files, their name is shown without the file
type identifier). If preconfiguration is not loaded, a No Preconfiguration text is shown.

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The title format is:

{Display} – (preconfiguration) – Monitor Pro / {SYS600 application number} – {SYS600
application name} [User: {user name}].
The display can be one of the following values:
• Process Display
• Alarm Display Template 1
• Alarm Display Template 2
• Event Display
• Blocking Display
• Trends Display Graphical View
• Trends Display Tabular View
• Measurement Reports Display Graphical View
• Measurement Reports Display Tabular View

16.3 Customize dialog

In the Customize dialog, the user can:
• Add, rename, and delete custom toolbars (user defined toolbars)1.
• Delete and rename menu commands1.
• Change the caption and style of the menu item or toolbar button.
• Get an action tool categorized listing.
• Drag and drop to any menu or toolbar.
• Create new customized menus, toolbars and menu commands.
• Access full keyboard shortcut customize dialog.

When the Customize dialog is open, the main menu and context
menus can be displayed differently than at runtime. It is not
possible to select any menus during customization.

1Some menu commands (for example, the menu commands in the Process menu, or
items in application specific menus) and some toolbars (for example, the buttons in
application specific toolbars) are not customizable because they are generated
The tool context menu can be used for customization, see Figure 16.1. The tool context
menu can be displayed while the Customize dialog is open. It can be opened by
right-clicking the toolbar button. The styles for this tool are the following:
• Default Style: includes both the text and icon, if available.
• Text Only: only the text (caption of the tool) is shown.
• Image Only: only the icon is displayed, if available.
• Image and Text: includes both the text and icon, if available.

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Figure 16.1: Tool context menu, selecting style

When the Customize dialog is open, toolbar buttons and menu commands can be moved
around. Create a copy of the tool by pressing down the CTRL key while moving the

Figure 16.2: More Tools button

If the user is allowed to customize the toolbar, a More tools button is displayed, see
Figure 16.2. This quick customization context menu allows the user to show or hide tools

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from the toolbar without opening the Customize dialog. However, menu commands must
be customized by using the Customize dialog.

16.3.1 Toolbars tab

Figure 16.3: Toolbars tab in the Customize dialog

When the created toolbar is selected, the Rename and Delete buttons become active and
the user can rename or delete the toolbar. By clicking Revert in the Toolbars tab, the
last saved layout can be loaded. By clicking Keyboard in the Toolbars tab, a new dialog
is displayed, see Figure 16.4.

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Figure 16.4: Keyboard shortcuts customization

In the Categories section, a new keyboard shortcut can be added to the menu commands
and toolbars. The Categories list contains:
• Built-in Menus: all top-level menus
• Start with characters mi: all menus that have sub menu commands
• Start with characters tb: all toolbars (except user defined toolbars, i.e. menus created
by using the Customize dialog)
The Commands list contains:
• Sub menu commands and buttons of a selected category
To give a new value for a tool (menu command or button in the toolbar), do the following:
1. In the Categories list, select the category in which the menu command or toolbar
buttons are located.
2. In the Commands list, select the tool (menu command or toolbar buttons).
3. Type the new shortcut key combination in the text box Press new shortcut key.
4. Click Assign and the shortcut key appears in the Current keys field.
With Remove..., the selected shortcut key in Current keys section can be removed. Reset
the shortcut keys by clicking Reset All.
The user can configure the visibility of the toolbars and menus. Toolbar visibility and
position are display specific: if, for example, the alarm row is moved to a certain position
in Process Display, it will not affect the alarm row position in Event Display. For toolbar
customization, use either the Customize dialog's Toolbars tab, or right-click the toolbar
area and select or deselect toolbars. The user has access to different toolbars according
to the display used. Table 16.1 lists the toolbars visible by default in each display.

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Table 16.1: Toolbars according to different displays

Display Toolbars
Process Alarm Row
Network Topology Coloring
Process Displays
Menu Bar
Alarm Alarm Row
- Template 1 Alarm Display Template 1
Process Displays
Menu Bar
- Template 2 Alarm Row
Alarm Display Template 2
Process Displays
Menu Bar
Event Alarm Row
Event Display
Process Displays
Menu Bar
Blocking Alarm Row
Blocking Display
Process Displays
Menu Bar
Trends Alarm Row
- Graphical View Trends Display
Trends Graphical View
Process Displays
Menu Bar
- Tabular View Alarm Row
Trends Display
Trends Tabular View
Process Displays
Menu Bar

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Display Toolbars
Measurement Reports Alarm Row
- Graphical View Measurement Reports Display
Measurement Reports Graphical View
Process Displays
Menu Bar
- Tabular View Alarm Row
Measurement Reports Display
Measurement Reports Tabular View
Process Displays
Menu Bar

Toolbar visibility is Display specific. For Process Display, Alarm Display, Event Display,
Blocking Display, Trends Display and full screen mode, there are different configurations
on which toolbars are shown. Change the visibility of the toolbar in a view by selecting
the view and changing the visibility of toolbars. The configuration is automatically saved
when some other view is selected.

Figure 16.5: Selecting/deselecting toolbars by right-clicking on the toolbar area

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Figure 16.6: Toolbar menu in full screen mode

16.3.2 View Info field

The Navigate Toolbar display name is shown in the following format:

{Display} - preconfiguration.
For Process Display, the preconfiguration is a file name without the file type identifier.
If the preconfiguration is not loaded, the No Preconfiguration text is shown.
The display can be one of the following values:
• Process Display
• Alarm Display Template 1
• Alarm Display Template 2
• Event Display
• Blocking Display
• Trends Display
• Measurement Reports Display

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16.3.3 Commands tab

Figure 16.7: Commands tab in the Customize dialog

The Categories and Commands functions are the same as in assigning new keyboard
shortcut keys, as described in Section 16.3.1 Toolbars tab.The tools can be moved around
as described in the beginning of Section 16.3 Customize dialog. When the Modify
Selection button is clicked, a same kind of context menu appears as when a toolbar
button or menu command is right-clicked while the Customize dialog is open. The Modify
Selection button becomes active when a tool is selected either from the menu or from
the toolbar.

16.3.4 Options tab

Figure 16.8: Options tab in the Customize dialog

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The user can take the personalized menus into use via the Options tab. Only the most
recently used menus are visible.
The data of menu usage is saved when the application is exited, and loaded again when
the application is restarted (or the user logs into some application and user specific layout
loading actions are done). Also, logging into the application loads the menu usage data
in addition to the user specific layout file. Correspondingly, when logging out, the menu
usage data is saved in addition to the user specific layout file.
In the Options tab, the user can select to use menu animations and the size of icons
(Small, Medium or Large). The menu usage data can be deleted by clicking the Reset
usage data button.

16.4 Adding audible alarm acknowledgement to toolbar

The Audible alarm acknowledgement button is enabled on the Monitor Pro toolbar
when a related process object (ACK_SOUND:P1) is taken into use by setting the IU
attribute value to 1. When this toolbar button is clicked, the command procedure
ACK_SOUND:C is executed. This command procedure can be used to launch appropriate
actions that are required in order to acknowledge an audible alarm. After changing the
value of the IU attribute, logging out/in is necessary before the button becomes visible
in the toolbar.

16.5 Adding new menus and toolbars

It is possible to create new Monitor Pro menus and menu commands in Customization
Mode. Add menus by creating a new menu or by copying an existing menu.

16.5.1 Creating a new menu

To create a new menu:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu, for example Help.
3. Select Create menu, see Figure 16.9.

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Figure 16.9: Creating a new menu

4. A new menu is created to the end of the menu bar.

5. Right-click a new menu and select Name to rename the menu with a descriptive
name, see Figure 16.10.

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Figure 16.10: Renaming a new menu

6. Define a function for the menu. For more information about menu functions, see
Section 16.14 Custom commands in Monitor Pro.

16.5.2 Creating a new menu by copying an existing menu

To create a new menu by copying an existing menu:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu, for example Help.
3. Select Copy as New Item, see Figure 16.11.

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Figure 16.11: Creating a new menu by copying an existing menu

4. A new menu is created to the end of the menu bar.

5. Right-click the new menu and select Name to rename the menu with a descriptive
name, see Figure 16.10.
6. Define a function for the menu. For more information about menu functions, see
Section 16.14 Custom commands in Monitor Pro.
The Copy as New Item menu command is displayed on the customization context menu
if the user has the authorization level 2 (Engineering) in the authorization group
PRO_CONFIG_COMMANDS. If the current authorization group is not defined, the
authorization group GENERAL is used. For more information about authorization, see
Chapter 22 Authorization.

16.5.3 Creating a submenu

Submenus can be created in the same way as a new menu, see Section 16.5.1 Creating
a new menu. When the new menu has been created, select the menu item with the mouse
and drag it to the menu where it is required, see Figure 16.9.

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Figure 16.12: Creating a new submenu

16.5.4 Creating a new toolbar

To create a new toolbar:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a toolbar button or a menu, for example Help.
3. Select Create toolbar, see Figure 16.13.

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Figure 16.13: Creating a new toolbar

4. A new toolbar is displayed as a floating toolbar, Figure 16.14.

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Figure 16.14: A floating toolbar

5. Right-click a new toolbar and select Name to rename the toolbar with a descriptive
6. Define a function for the toolbar. For more information about menu functions, see
Section 16.18 Resetting icons.

16.5.5 Creating a new toolbar in the Customize dialog

To create a new toolbar:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Click New in the Toolbars tab.
3. Name the new toolbar with a descriptive name in the New Toolbar dialog, see
Figure 16.15.

Figure 16.15: New Toolbar dialog

4. Save the toolbar name by clicking OK.

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16.6 Customizing menu commands

Menus can be customized as follows:
• Add menu commands to the new menu by dragging a command from the Commands
• Move the existing menu command from a menu to another.
• Copy the existing menu command to another menu.

16.6.1 Adding menu commands from Commands tab

Add a menu command by dragging it from the Commands tab to the new menu, see
Figure 16.16. The new menu command acts as the original menu command.

The drag-and-drop operation using Commands tab creates a

copy of the original menu command. The original menu
command is located in its original place.

Figure 16.16: Copying menu commands to a new menu

16.6.2 Moving menu command between menus

Move a menu command by dragging it from the existing menu to the new menu, see
Figure 16.17. A new menu command acts as the original menu command.

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Figure 16.17: Moving menu command between menus

16.6.3 Copying existing menu command

To create a copy from an existing menu command:

1. Press CTRL.
2. Drag a menu command from the existing menu to the new menu, see Figure 16.17.
The new menu command acts as the original menu command.

16.7 Configuring process display context menus

The user can create context menus for the symbols of the process displays.
To open a context sensitive context menu in the process display and to run the selected
menu command:
1. Right-click a symbol in the Process Display, see Figure 16.18.
2. Select a corresponding menu command to run the menu command.

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Figure 16.18: Context sensitive context menu

The menu structure is similar to the Windows Start menu. The menu commands are
organized as folders and files in the file system. Therefore, no special tool is needed to
configure the menu. The configuration is done by organizing the files, such as programs,
documents or shortcuts and the directories in a file system.
A menu command can be, for example:
• a file
• a folder containing submenu commands
• a link
• a shortcut to a file
• a shortcut to a directory
• an Internet hyperlink
Object types and instances have separate directories, where files, such as technical
documentation, Internet shortcuts or control commands (SCIL or VB scripts) exist. There
is also a folder for the common menu commands. Table 16.7 shows the parameters that
can be defined with a BAT, COM, SCIL, VBS or VSO file.

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Language support
The menu commands have a national language support (NLS). Changing the language
of the application window in run time affects the menu commands. However, this is not
the case with the files, because the file name determines the name of the menu command.
Thus, for each culture (country or language), there should be a folder where language
specific files are located. Language specific menus can be built in these directories.
Use two-letter language codes when generating a menu structure. For more information
about language codes, see

Title, icon, and command

A title in the context menu item is used to give the operator additional information about
the process object whose context menu was opened. For example, the title may be "Erador
20kV Station, Weathertop, Breaker 1". An icon and a caption of a menu command is,
in fact, an icon that is associated to a file type. A caption is a file name without the file
extension (.doc for example).
Disabled menu commands are grayed. The menu does not support check boxes, radio
buttons or shortcut keys.
A file or a folder is an input for a menu command. Changing the name or the icon of the
file changes the appearance of the menu command. If a file or a folder is hidden, it is
not shown or the menu command is disabled. If a target of a link does not exist, the menu
command is disabled.
The icon, name, and the file or folder attributes are read and a menu command is shown
accordingly. If the file or the folder is a link or a shortcut, its' icon and name are used.
Thus, the target of the link does not affect the appearance of then menu command.
The operator receives additional information about a process object by opening a context
sensitive context menu. It contains the menu commands common to all process objects,
i.e. menu commands that are process object type specific and instance specific. There
can be menu commands that are shown only for a certain process object instance, such
as a log, a figure, a video clip or a maintenance record.
When a menu command is clicked, a file is opened using the application that is associated
with it in the operating system. A menu command may also be executable or a script. It
is possible to give arguments to the executables or scripts.
Each application has its own directory in the file system, where the menu structure is
constructed. The directory contains subdirectories, which determine the menu commands
• All process objects
• Process object types, for example breaker and transformer
• Process object instances
For more information about the menu structure, see MENUS directory, on page 376.

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16.7.1 Configuring context menu in Display Builder

When an object is right-clicked in Display Builder, three menu items are available for
configuring context menus for objects. These items are:
• Edit runtime menu for object
• Edit runtime menu for object type
• Edit runtime menu for all objects
To edit the runtime menu for the current display, select Actions > Edit runtime menu
for current display....

Figure 16.19: Display Builder context menus

When one of these menu items is selected, a dialog opens:

Figure 16.20: Dialog for configuring Display Builder context menus

In this dialog, the user can configure context menus. There are three different dialogs:
• In the Menu for object dialog, a context menu for this individual object can be
• In the Menu for object type dialog, a context menu for this object type can be defined.
Object type can be e.g. Breaker, Disconnector etc.
• In the Menu for all objects dialog, a context menu can be defined that is applied to
all objects.

The user can define the context menus only for SA objects,
i.e. objects that are displayed on sheets SA_* in Palette.

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Save the display before the menu items are available.

The object must have a name before the user can define a
runtime menu for it. The object name must contain only
characters that are valid in directory name. If the user gives a
name that contains characters that are invalid for directory
name, the following error message is displayed:

Figure 16.21: Invalid object name error message

MENUS directory
The MENUS directory consists of directories such as all, objecttypes and instances.
• Menu commands, which are to be shown on each context menu, should be stored
under the directory all.
• The directory objecttypes consists of all object types that a station overview can
have. Menu commands that each object type can have are also located here.
• It is also possible that an instance of a breaker might have some menu commands
that are instance specific, such as a figure of a breaker, online video stream,
maintenance log or a web link to the manufacturer's home page. In that case, the
menu commands are located in \<unique object id>.
• The menu for all objects are located in <apl>\MENUS\all.

16.7.2 Troubleshooting

Table 16.2: Possible problems with context-sensitive context menus

Description of the problem Possible cause Solution
Only a description of a context There are no commands in Check that the application has a
menu is displayed. the menu directory. The menu menu structure, see MENUS dir-
A message "No items" or the is empty. ectory, on page 376.
icon indicates that the context
menu is empty.
The folder is displayed as a
menu command and can be
browsed. The folder does not
contain submenu commands.

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Description of the problem Possible cause Solution

The Open With dialog is dis- The file type of the menu Use the Open With dialog to se-
played when running a menu command is unknown. The file lect the program in which to open
command. has not been associated with the file.
any program.
A menu command is disabled. The user is not authorized to Check the authorization level or
run the menu command or a the link target.
link target does not exist.
The custom object type does A menu structure was not Add a menu structure manually
not have menu commands generated for the custom ob- for the custom object type and
ject type or the type does not ensure that the object has an
have an SAObjectType attrib- SAObjectType attribute.
An instance specific menu No view was defined when the Use Display Builder to set the
structure is not created for a menu structure was generated Object Name field for the symbol.
symbol. or the symbol's Object Name Run the menu generator and use
field is empty. a viewpath argument to generate
menus for instances.

16.8 Resetting layout, toolbars or localizations

These functions can be accessed from the Settings menu in the application window.
• Reset Layout resets the Monitor Pro layout. The old layout files are deleted and
the new layout files are localized and taken into use.
• Reset Toolbars resets the toolbar positions. The user specific customizations are
not deleted.
• Reset Localizations re-localizes the current Monitor Pro layout with the language
used in the current session.

16.9 Process Display menu

A Process Display menu displays both the common parts for all process pictures and the
specific parts for the currently active process picture.
The menu structure is similar to the Windows Start menu. The menu commands are
organized as folders and files in the file system.Therefore, no special tool is needed to
configure the menu. The configuration is done by organizing the files, such as programs,
documents or shortcuts and the directories in a file system. For example, a menu command
can be:
• a file
• a folder containing submenu commands
• a link
• a shortcut to a file
• a shortcut to a directory
• an Internet hyperlink

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For more information about the national language support (NLS), see Language support,
on page 374. For more information about the icons, see Title, icon, and command, on
page 374.

16.9.1 Process Display menu files

Common files for the process are located in [Appl path]\PICT\COMMON_MENU\. The
files are displayed before the command separator in the Process menu.
Process Display specific files are separate files. For example, Process Display specific
files for Example.v are in [Example]\MENU\, where the [Example] folder is the name
of the Process Display file without the suffix v. The picture specific files are displayed
after the command separator in Process Menu.

16.10 Configuring the Process Display search

The Monitor Pro - Search dialog is used for locating objects in the Process Display.

Figure 16.22: Process Display Search Dialog

It is possible to make more specific configurations to the dialog in the Monitor Pro -
Customize Search dialog. The configurations are global, i.e. they affect all users.

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Configuring requires system administrator user rights. With the correct authorization,
the Configure... button in the Search dialog is enabled.
To configure the Process Display search:
Open the Monitor Pro - Search dialog by clicking the icon on the Process Display
The Search dialog opens.
2. Click the Configure... button, see Figure 16.22.
The Monitor Pro - Customize Search dialog opens.

Figure 16.23: Customize Search Dialog

3. Set the configuration in the Customize Search dialog, see Figure 16.22. The following
options are available:
• Remember dialog placement (session specific): When this box is checked,
Monitor Pro opens the dialog in the same location during the whole session
until logout.
• Zoom level default value: Defines the zoom level used when the located object
is selected from the result row and viewed in the Process Display.
• Result with coordinates: Checking this box makes the coordinates of the object
visible on the Search dialog result row.
• Result with OPC Item ID: Checking this box makes the OPC Item ID visible
on the result row.
• Auto-select result row: When this box checked and one of the First/Last radio
buttons is selected, either the first or last result row is automatically selected in
the Search dialog results. The Zoom automatically box can also be checked
to make Monitor Pro automatically zoom on the selected result.
4. Click OK to take the configurations into use.

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16.11 Opening Visual SCIL tools

The Visual SCIL tools can be opened by using a display element.
Add the following information to ExecuteItem[...].ini file in the menu folder, for example
The caption shown in the context menu can be configured to the MenuItemCaption key.
The icon used for the item comes from the file defined in the VsoFileName key.
The user can define several tools to be run from the context menu, one ini file corresponds
one tool.

16.11.1 Using modal VSO dialogs with Monitor Pro

VSO dialog can be made modal by selecting the Modal option in VSO Dialog Editor.
Modal dialog means that it is not possible to make any actions in Monitor Pro main
window before the modal dialog is closed. Note that there are some limitations in support
of modal VSO dialogs in Monitor Pro:
• If non-modal VSO dialog opens modal sub-dialog, other non-modal VSO dialogs
that are open are not blocked. For example, when Tool Manager is open and another
VSO dialog opens a modal sub-dialog, Tool Manager is not blocked.
• Setting a dialog to modal programmatically with SCIL is not supported.

16.11.2 Opening Visual SCIL dialog from Monitor Pro

1. Create a VSO file using Dialog Editor.

2. Define the launching of the dialog in Display Builder.

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Figure 16.24: Tool Launcher dialog Methods automatically executed when opening Visual SCIL dialog

The following list describes optional functions that can be defined in the Visual SCIL
dialog for getting data from Monitor Pro to the custom Visual SCIL dialog. Define these
methods as public methods in the Visual SCIL dialog. See Figure 16.25.

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Figure 16.25: Methods for getting data from Monitor Pro

When opening the Visual SCIL dialog, methods are called in the following order:
1. INIT method of the dialog
2. GetAuthorizationGroup
3. SetAuthorizationLevel
4. SetDialogPosition
5. SetCustomData
6. SetDisplayInfo
7. SetIconInfo
8. SetFontInfo
9. SetColorsInfo

The GetAuthorizationGroup method is called by the underlying root object to get the
authorization group from the VSO dialog. It will be applied when finding out the
authorization level for the dialog. The method must return SCIL data type TEXT that
defines the authorization group. For example, if the dialog should follow the MY_TOOLS
authorization group, the implementation of the function would be:

The SetAuthorizationLevel method is called by the underlying root object to indicate
the authorization level for the dialog. The function gets the authorization level as an
INTEGER argument. For example, if the authorization group returned by function
GetAuthorizationGroup is MY_TOOLS and the authorization level for this group in the
User Management tool of MicroSCADA is 1, this function gets INTEGER value 1 as
an argument. If the authorization group MY_TOOLS does not exist in the User
Management tool of MicroSCADA, the authorization level of the GENERAL
authorization group is passed as an argument into this function.

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SetDialogPosition method gets the following arguments that can be used when positioning
the Visual SCIL dialog:
Argument(1) = The upper left corner of Frame window, LIST(X=value, Y=value)
Argument(2) = Screen coordinates of a mouse-click , LIST(X=value, Y=value)
Argument(3) = Frame window dimensions, LIST(TOP=value, LEFT=value,
BOTTOM=value, RIGHT=value)
Argument(4) = Symbol dimensions, LIST(TOP=value, LEFT=value, BOTTOM=value,
where, value=screen coordinate
Below is an example of the method SetDialogPosition, which places the dialog on the
right hand side of the symbol. If there is no room on the right hand side, the dialog is
shown on the left hand side.
#local l_CursorPos = LIST(x=0,y=0) ;Coordinates of mouse click
#local l_SymbolDimensions=LIST(Left=0,Right=0,Top=0,Bottom=0); Coordinates of
#local l_FrameWindowDimensions=LIST(Left=0,Right=0,Top=0,Bottom=0); Coordinates
on Monitor
#local l_MyGeometry = this._geometry, x = 0, y = 50, i_Xoffset = 20, i_Yoffset =
#local i_SymbolMiddleY, i_SymbolMiddleX, i_MonitorMiddleX, v_MonBSZ = MON:BSZ,
i_ScreenNumber = 1 ;MON:BSZ = Screen resolution
#if argument_count > 1 #then l_CursorPos = argument(2)
#if argument_count > 2 #then l_SymbolDimensions = argument(3)
#if argument_count > 3 #then l_FrameWindowDimensions = argument(4)
i_ScreenNumber = trunc(l_CursorPos.x / v_MonBSZ(1)) + 1
i_MonitorMiddleX = v_MonBSZ(1) / 2 + (i_ScreenNumber - 1) * v_MonBSZ(1)
i_SymbolMiddleX = l_SymbolDimensions.Left + ((l_SymbolDimensions.Right -
l_SymbolDimensions.Left) / 2)
i_SymbolMiddleY = l_SymbolDimensions.Top + ((l_SymbolDimensions.Bottom -
l_SymbolDimensions.Top) / 2)
;x coordinate
#if l_SymbolDimensions.Right + l_MyGeometry.w < l_FrameWindowDimensions.Right
#then #block
x = l_SymbolDimensions.Right + i_Xoffset
#if x + l_MyGeometry.w > v_MonBSZ(1) * i_ScreenNumber #then x =
l_SymbolDimensions.Left - l_MyGeometry.w - i_Xoffset
#else #block
x = l_SymbolDimensions.Left - l_MyGeometry.w - i_Xoffset
#if x < 0 #then #block
#if l_CursorPos.x < i_MonitorMiddleX #then x = i_MonitorMiddleX + i_Xoffset
#else x = i_MonitorMiddleX - l_MyGeometry.w - i_Xoffset
;y coordinate
y = v_MonBSZ(2) - i_SymbolMiddleY - l_MyGeometry.h / 2
#if y < i_Yoffset #then y = i_Yoffset

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#else_if y + l_MyGeometry.h > v_MonBSZ(2) - i_Yoffset #then y = v_MonBSZ(2) -

l_MyGeometry.h - i_Yoffset
;set dialog position
.set this._geometry = list(x = x, y = y, w = l_MyGeometry.w, h = l_MyGeometry.h)

The argument for SetCustomData function can be defined in the Tool Launcher dialog
of the Display Builder, see Figure 16.26.

Figure 16.26: Custom data argument in Tool Launcher dialog of Display Builder

SetDisplayInfo method is called with argument type of list. This list contains various
kinds of data that can be useful in dialog design, for example OPCITEMID. See
Figure 16.27.

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Figure 16.27: Data passed to method SetDisplayInfo

Use the SendDisplayCommand method for sending data to Monitor Pro. The method is
available in an underlying, invisible Visual SCIL dialog that handles communication
between Visual SCIL and Monitor Pro. This function is called in the parent object of the
user's dialog.
There is a certain set of commands that can be passed to Monitor Pro. These commands
are similar to those that can be passed to Monitor Pro as command line arguments.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

The root.SendDisplayCommand(...) command does not work if the dialog is of

VS_MAIN_DIALOG type. This is because the predefined object name "root" refers to
the dialog itself. Use the name "parent" instead.

parent.SendDisplayCommand("test.v -ll:-1000,-1000 -ur:1000,1000")
parent.SendDisplayCommand("alarmlist_temp1 myPreconfiguration")
parent.SendDisplayCommand("LOCATE_OBJECT:OI=Rivers Barnes
The available commands are listed in Table 16.3.
Table 16.3: SendDisplayCommand
Command Meaning
ALARML- Alarm Display to be opened in an appropriate template.
IST_TEMP1 Preconfigured name can be given as an additional argument.
BLOCKING- Blocking Display to be opened.
EVENTLIST Event Display to be opened (event list).
Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.
RE- Reports Display, (graphical or tabular) to be opened with an appropriate type.
PORTS_GRAPH- Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.
TRENDS_GRAPH- Trends Display to be opened with an appropriate type (graphical or tabular).
ICAL Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.
<display Process Display to be opened. Display argument may contain a path. Otherwise,
name>.v the file is searched from the PICT directory.
Process display can have the following additional arguments:
-ll:x1,y1 -ur:x2,y2
This means lower left (x1,y1) and upper right coordinates (x2,y2) of Process
Display area to be zoomed to.
An -ll and -ur argument can also be given without a process display name. In
this case, these arguments refer to the display itself.
"test.v -ll:-1000,-1000 -ur:1000,1000"
"-ll:-1000,-1000 -ur:1000,1000"
LOCATE_OB- Locate object from opened Process Display.
I > OI, LN and IX should be specified accordingly.

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The DisplayInfo method is called by the underlying root object to notify the dialog about
activity that happens in the Monitor Pro window. The function gets data describing the
activity as a LIST argument. The argument LIST always contains three attributes:
MESSAGE (name of message), MESSAGE_DATA (message data contents) and MSG_ID
(identifier of the message). The function is called when:
Display changes (e.g. when user navigates to another process display)
MESSAGE_DATA contents:
Attribute Meaning
DISPLAY_ARG Name of the display that was opened
DISPLAY_TYPE Type of display that was opened. The type can be one of following

Monitor Pro window is moved or resized on the screen
Message name: WINDOW_CHANGED
MESSAGE_DATA contents:
Attribute Meaning
BOTTOMRIGHT_X X-coordinate of bottom right corner of window client area in screen
BOTTOMRIGHT_Y Y-coordinate of bottom right corner of window client area in screen
TOPLEFT_X X-coordinate of top left corner of window client area in screen
TOPLEFT_Y Y-coordinate of top left corner of window client area in screen


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Application Design

Process display object is clicked
MESSAGE_DATA contents:
Attribute Meaning
MOUSE_X X-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
MOUSE_Y Y-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
OBJECT_NAME Name of the object that was clicked
OBJECT_OPCITEM_ID OPC item ID of the object that was clicked
OBJECT_TYPE Object type

Process display dialog is opened
Message name: PD_DIALOG_OPENED
MESSAGE_DATA contents:
Attribute Meaning
MOUSE_X X-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
MOUSE_Y Y-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
CUSTATTR_KEY_NAME Custom attribute name defining ProgID of the dialog to be opened
CUSTATTR_KEY_VALUE Custom attribute value defining ProgID of the dialog to be opened.

Visual SCIL dialog is opened
MESSAGE_DATA contents:

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Attribute Meaning
MOUSE_X X-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
MOUSE_Y Y-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
VSCIL_VSO Name of VSO file that was opened
VSCIL_OBJECT_NAME Name of VSO object that was opened
VSCIL_STYLE Windows style of the VSO dialog that was opened (Modern
VSCIL_SGTS Semigraphic tool size that has been set to VSO dialog

Visual SCIL tool is opened with tool ID
MESSAGE_DATA contents:
Table 16.4:
Attribute Meaning
MOUSE_X X-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
MOUSE_Y Y-coordinate where the mouse was clicked (in screen coordin-
VSCIL_TOOLID Visual SCIL Tool ID that was opened
VSCIL_SGTS Semigraphic tool size that has been set to tool

MOUSE_Y=200,VSCIL_TOOLID="USR_MGR",VSCIL_SGTS="0"),MSG_ID=8) Methods for general Visual SCIL dialog design

There are several methods that can be utilized when making the Visual SCIL dialog
design. These methods are called with the following syntax:
Parent.'method name'

The following methods are available:

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Returns a list of background, foreground and high light color values as defined in the
Example of a return value:
BGCOLOR = LIST(B = 200, G = 208, R = 212),-
FGCOLOR = LIST(B = 0, G = 0, R = 0),-
HLCOLOR = LIST(B = 214, G = 194, R = 187))

Returns the defined custom data argument similar to the SetCustomData. See Figure 16.26.

Returns the same displayinfo list that is also set by the DisplayInfo method. See
Figure 16.27.

Font info that is used by the Monitor Pro.
Example of a return value:
NAME = "MS Shell Dlg",-
SIZE = 8)

Icon size used in the Monitor Pro.
Example of a return value:
LIST(SIZE = "16x16")

Configured user's language, for example EN.

Workplace number, for example 1.

User name, for example DEMO.

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Monitor number, for example 101.

Cursor position of the mouse click which opened the Visual SCIL dialog. This information
is not updated afterwards, so it is mainly useful for initial placement only.
Example of a return value:
X = 1648,-
Y = 583)

Current Monitor Pro window position. This is updated if the window is moved.
Example of a return value:
X = 1490,-
Y = 125)

Recommended placement for the dialog. If the dialog does not handle the
SetDialogPosition method call, this is the offset where the dialog will be placed when
Example of a return value:
X = 1590,-
Y = 225 )

Dimensions of the frame window. This information is updated when the frame window
size and position changes.
Example of a return value:
BOTTOM = 941,-
LEFT = 1490,-
RIGHT = 2537,-
TOP = 125)

Symbol size and position at the time of the click.

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Example of a return value:

BOTTOM = 598,-
LEFT = 1633,-
RIGHT = 1657,-
TOP = 576)

Returns the color scheme file currently in use.
Example of a return value:
LIST(FILE = "C:\sc\apl\demo\PAR\APL\ColorSchemes\SYS600_colors_grey.clut")

16.11.3 Creating subdrawing for Visual SCIL tool

1. Create a subdrawing, for example copy the existing file.

2. To define the custom key, first open the subdrawing in Display Builder.
a. Right-click the subdrawing background and select Properties.
b. Select the Custom tab and define the custom key by double-clicking the key
name on the line.
c. Type the appropriate custom key name to the line.

16.11.4 Taking subdrawing into use

1. Create a new Process Display and import the new subdrawing.

2. Select the object that presents the subdrawing.
3. Add the OpenVso custom key for the object.
a. Right-click the object and select Properties.
b. Click the Custom tab and define the custom key.
Create a new custom key by clicking the button and by typing the key name
on the line.
d. Type OpenVso on the line.
e. Define the VSO tool ID as a key value, for example EXAMPLE, see

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Figure 16.28: Defining the OpenVso custom key

f. Tool IDs can be found in the Tools.ini file and each part of the file is a tool ID.
If LIB 500 is installed, the file is located in \sc\lib4\base\bbone\use, otherwise
it is located in \sc\Stool\Misc.
4. Add the VsoAuthGroup custom key for the subdrawing object, and define a
authorization group name that specifies the authorization level for the tool in the
User Management. The authorization group can be MY_TOOLS, for example.
5. In User Management, add the new authorization group for the users, for example
6. Define the authorization level for the group.
7. Create an ini file for the tool, for example EXAMPLE.INI.
Tool_Description_=Example Tool


8. Create the new tool ID to the Tools.ini file by adding the following lines:
Tool_Dir_ = \sc\apl\510_403_1\APLMOD4\USE

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Application Design

16.12 Command line support

Open Monitor Pro from the Command Prompt by using the following parameters:
Table 16.5: Parameters for opening Monitor Pro from Command Prompt
Parameter Definition
.v-file Open Process Display.
Use "-chars around the file if there are spaces included.
alarmlist_temp1 Open Alarm Display Template 1. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
alarmlist_temp2 Open Alarm Display Template 2. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
blockinglist Open Blocking Display. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
eventlist Open Event Display. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
reports_graphical Open Reports Display Graphical View. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
reports_tabular Open Reports Display Tabular View. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
trends_graphical Open Trends Display Graphical View. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
trends_tabular Open Trends Display Tabular View. Preconfiguration can be given as an additional argument.1
-closeonce Close all Monitor Pros with appropriate user that have the argument defined.
-coordsys:world|screen Defines the coordinate system if flags -ll and -ur are defined, default is world coordinate system.
-debug{:[process id]} Print traces to DbgView window. Process id can be defined to enable/disable trace printing in running
Monitor Pro process.
-disablemousemiddle- Disable panning with middle mouse button in Process Display.
-disablemousewheel- Disable mouse wheel zooming in Process Display.
-disabletouchflicks Disable flick gestures (quick, linear pen movements) in Monitor Pro.2
-disabletouchpan Disable panning gestures in Process Display.2
-disabletouchzoom Disable zooming gestures in Process Display.2
-dis- Monitor Pro upper left coordinates (ulx,uly), width and height (width,height).
-display- Define display mode for Monitor Pro when started with -light argument.
mode:[none|zoom|pan|se- Choice "none" applies only to Process Display.
lect] Choice "select" applies only to Trends and Reports Displays.
-lang:[lang code] Define the default language (two-letter language codes) used in Monitor Pro when not logged in to
any SYS600 application.
-light Start Monitor Pro without toolbars and menus (cannot be used with -noclose).
-ll:x1,y1 -ur:x2,y2 Lower left (x1,y1) and upper right coordinates (x2,y2) of Process Display area to be zoomed to.
-login Login to SYS600 application. If only SYS600 application is given, login dialog is shown.
Additional argument can be one of the displays.
-loginonce Login to SYS600 application that last Monitor Pro has logged to.
Additional argument can be one of the displays.
-loginscript [file] After successful login the contents of file is executed.

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Parameter Definition
-loginruntoolid:[id,size] After successful login scil tool is executed with selected size (0,1,2,3,4).
Tool sizes: 0=640x480,1=960x720,2=1280x960,3=1600x1200,4=1920x1440
-loginrunvso:[file,ob- After successful login vso file executed with appropriate object name, modern look&feel (0,1), selected
ject,look&feel,size,cus- size (0,1,2,3,4) and custom scil attribute value.
tom] Tool sizes: 0=640x480,1=960x720,2=1280x960,3=1600x1200,4=1920x1440.
Mask the "-chars inside custom data using \" - chars.
-logoutonce Logout from all Monitor Pros with appropriate user that have the argument defined.
-noborder Start Monitor Pro without borders (cannot be used with -noclose).
-noclose Start Monitor Pro without possibility to close the application window from Windows system menu
(cannot be used with command line arguments -noborder or -light).
-nomaximize Start Monitor Pro without possibility to maximize the application window.
-nominimize Start Monitor Pro without possibility to minimize the application window.
-nomove Start Monitor Pro without possibility to move the application window.
-noresize Start Monitor Pro without possibility to resize the application window.
-notify{:[process id]} Print traces to SYS600 Notification Window. Process id can be defined to enable/disable trace
printing in running Monitor Pro process.
-pid Show Monitor Pro process id in application window title.
-scold:[.bat file] When SYS600 application turns to cold the contents of .bat file is executed.
-sdown:[closemonitor- Close Monitor Pro or Terminal Server Session when SYS600 is stopped.
-setlogin Initialize login dialog with appropriate username and SYS600 application.
-silentexit Exit Monitor Pro without information messages in following cases:
• SYS600 is forced stopped
• SYS600 is stopped and -sdown:closemonitorpro is defined
• Autologout occurs and it is defined to close Monitor Pro in such situation
-topmost Open Monitor Pro as topmost application window.
-tsid Show current terminal server session id in application window title.
-wait Wait for SYS600 to start.
-version Show version information.
-windowname:[stringid] Start Monitor Pro as named window.

1Use "-chars around preconfiguration if there are spaces included.

2Not needed if already disabled in Windows Control Panel - Pen and Touch.
FrameWindow Eastwick.v
FrameWindow Eastwick.v -ll:-7832,-7832 -ur:861,1334
FrameWindow Eastwick.v -display:0,0,400,400
FrameWindow Eastwick.v -light
FrameWindow alarmlist_temp1
FrameWindow -loginscript C:\sc\prog\sa_lib\samplefile.bat
FrameWindow Eastwick.v -loginscript C:\sc\prog\sa_lib\samplefile.bat
FrameWindow eventlist -loginscript C:\sc\prog\sa_lib\samplefile.bat

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

FrameWindow -login AplOpera

FrameWindow -login demo "" AplOpera
FrameWindow -login demo "" AplOpera Eastwick.v
FrameWindow -login demo "" AplOpera trends_graphical my_trend_preconf
FrameWindow -login demo "" AplOpera alarmlist_temp1 my_alarm_preconf
FrameWindow -login demo "" AplOpera eventlist my_event_preconf
FrameWindow -loginonce Eastwick.v
FrameWindow -loginonce alarmlist_temp1
FrameWindow -loginonce -loginscript C:\sc\prog\sa_lib\samplefile.bat
FrameWindow -loginonce eventlist -loginscript C:\sc\prog\sa_lib\samplefile.bat
FrameWindow -loginrunvso:c:\sc\stool\Misc\TestDlg.vso,Main,0,1,""
FrameWindow -loginrunvso:c:\sc\tool.vso,Main,0,1,"LIST(VAR1 = 8)"
FrameWindow -loginrunvso:c:\sc\tool.vso,Main,0,1,"LIST(VAR1 = \"TEXT VALUE\")"
FrameWindow -loginrunvso:c:\sc\tool.vso,Main,0,1,"LIST(VAR1 = """TEXT VALUE""")"

16.12.1 Starting Monitor Pro with a delay

If Monitor Pro is started by using the -wait command line argument, SYS600 is started
with a delay and the Monitor Pro - Waiting dialog is displayed, see Figure 16.29. The
command line argument can be used when the Monitor Pro program file (exe) is added
to the Start menu, for example.
• Clicking Skip Waiting opens Monitor Pro but the connection to SYS600 is not
• Clicking Exit Monitor Pro closes Monitor Pro.

Figure 16.29: Monitor Pro Waiting dialog

When SYS600 is running, the Monitor Pro login dialog is displayed. For more information
about login in Monitor Pro see SYS600 Operation Manual.

16.13 Customizing Monitor Pro appearance

Authorized users can customize Monitor Pro, for example by creating new menus and
toolbars. After customizing the appearance, the corresponding file is updated. For more
information about the customization file, see Table 16.6. When logging on, the project
and application specific appearances are synchronized with the user specific appearance.
Therefore, the user specific appearance is up-to-date. For more information about
authorization levels, see Chapter 22 Authorization.

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The availability of the application and system specific appearances are checked when
the user logs in. The toolbars are also synchronized. The unique IDs of the toolbar in the
application and the system specific appearances are compared with the IDs in the user
specific appearance. The unique ID is generated when the toolbar is set as application
or system specific. The ID is also saved to the user specific appearance. When the user
logs in and the ID does not match with the user specific appearance, the contents of
application or system specific toolbar or menu is copied to the user specific appearance.
Toolbars and menus can be set as system or application specific in the customization
mode in Monitor Pro. Making application specific changes to appearance requires
engineering level user rights, and system manager rights are required for system level
changes. For more information about authorization levels, see Chapter 22 Authorization.
To change the appearance, right-click, for example, a toolbar and select Set as System
Specific or Set as Application Specific, see Figure 16.30. For more information about
the customization mode, see Chapter 16 Customizing application window. The whole
toolbar or menu is set as system or application specific, and it is updated for other users
when they log in. By default, the toolbar is visible in every display. If the toolbar is
closed, it is not visible in the display in question.

Figure 16.30: Setting toolbar visibility

Toolbar names support translation. For more information about translating the application
specific appearance, see Section 17.7 Translating user interface components.
Table 16.6: Customization files
File path Use
A default appearance for the user.

System specific appearance, which includes

\sc\prog\sa_lib\default_SDIActive- system specific toolbars and menus and which
is synchronized with the user specific appear-
ance when user logs in.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

File path Use

The appearance used when the user is logged
\sc\prog\sa_lib\default_SDIActiveBar.tb2 off.

The user specific appearance.

Bar.tb2 \sc\apl\[appl]\par\[user]\SDI-

Application specific appearance, which includes

\sc\apl\[appl]\par\apl\SDIActive- application specific toolbars and menus and
which is synchronized with the user specific
appearance when the user logs in.

Menu commands can be customized as follows:

• Moving, deleting, copying and resetting menu commands.
• Changing the caption and tooltip.
• Copying, pasting and changing an icon.
While changing an icon, select a new icon from a file. For more information about
icons, see Title, icon, and command, on page 374.
• Changing a style to one of the following: default, text and image, or image and text.
For more information about appearance modes, see Section 16.3 Customize dialog.
• Creating a new menu command.
A new menu uses an existing menu as a template, that is, the menu name and style
is copied from the existing menu. For more information about creating a new menu
command, see Section 16.5 Adding new menus and toolbars
• Adding custom menu commands, for example, execute command line and execute
SCIL. For more information about custom commands, see Section 16.14 Custom
commands in Monitor Pro.
• Authorizing
If the main menu, a custom command with display or a picture specific menu with
Process Display, is not defined. For more information about authorization levels,
see Chapter 22 Authorization.
Toolbar buttons can be customized as follows:
• Creating, copying, moving, renaming, deleting and resetting toolbar buttons.
Resetting loads the last appearance saved.
• Changing the caption and tooltip.
• Copying, pasting and changing an icon.
For more information about icons, see Title, icon, and command, on page 374.
• Changing the appearance mode to one of the following: default, text and image, or
image and text. For more information about styles, see Section 16.3 Customize
• Creating a new menu command or a toolbar button.
For more information about creating a new menu command, see Section 16.14
Custom commands in Monitor Pro.
• Authorizing

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It is not possible to authorize the Process Displays Toolbar buttons. For more
information about authorization levels, see Chapter 22 Authorization.

16.13.1 User specific appearance

The user specific appearance defines the basic appearance for the user, for example
toolbars and menus. The layout file is SDIActiveBar.tb2 and it can be found in
The user specific appearance consists of the following files:
• The TB2 file is the layout file including menus, toolbars, menu commands, toolbar
buttons, icons and so on.
• The CHG file includes the layout changes, for example, toolbar positions.
• The MNU file is used when the personalized menus and toolbars are taken into use
in the Customize dialog.
The default layout file for all users is located in \sc\prog\sa_lib. By default, the system
and application specific layout files do not exist in a user specific folder. Copy the files
to the folder. In addition, copy the files to the user specific folder used for translation.
The Monitor Pro appearance changes are saved in the user specific file. For more
information about translating user specific appearance, see Section 17.7 Translating user
interface components.

16.13.2 Application specific appearance

The application specific layout file is SDIActiveBar.tb2 and it is located in

\sc\apl\[appl]\par\apl. If a toolbar is set as application specific, the toolbar is copied to
the application specific layout either from the user specific layout or from the system
specific layout. The application specific layout is generated, if it does not exist. When
logging in to the appropriate application next time, the toolbar is copied to the user
specific layout. For more information about translating the application specific appearance,
see Section 17.7 Translating user interface components.

16.13.3 System specific appearance

The system specific layout file is SDIActiveBar_Prj.tb2 and it can be found in

\sc\prog\sa_lib\.If a toolbar is set as system-specific, it is copied either from the user
specific layout or from the application specific layout to the system specific layout. The
system specific layout is generated, if it does not exist. When logging in to an application
next time, the toolbar is copied to the user specific layout. For more information about
translating the system specific appearance, see Section 17.7 Translating user interface

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Application Design

16.14 Custom commands in Monitor Pro

New menu commands and toolbar buttons can be configured to act as custom commands.
The function for the menu command and toolbar button can be changed in the
customization mode in Monitor Pro. Custom commands can also be defined for the
Process Display objects. For more information about creating a new menu, see
Section 16.5 Adding new menus and toolbars.
Custom commands provide functions for:
• opening a display
• executing a command line
• executing a SCIL
• opening a VSCIL tool
• setting an alarm indicator
Custom commands support translation. For more information about translating the
application specific appearance, see Section 17.7 Translating user interface components.
Monitor Pro supports drag and drop from Windows Explorer. Files of the appropriate
format can be selected in Windows Explorer, dragged and then dropped to any toolbar
in Monitor Pro.
The supported file types are:
• .v - open display, see Section 16.14.1 Opening display.
• .vso - visual scil tool opening, see Section Defining Visual SCIL tool file.
• .scil, see Section 16.14.6 Running SCIL.
Files that are not supported by Monitor Pro will be executed from the command line and
opened by the operating system, see Section 16.14.5 Running command line.
The user should have at least authorization level 2 in authorization group
PRO_CONFIG_COMMANDS in order to add Custom Commands. Authorization level
1 is required in PRO_MENU_CUSTOMIZE authorization group if custom commands
are to be dropped to menus and PRO_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZE if dropped to toolbars.

16.14.1 Opening display

The open display function opens a defined display with specific settings. The display
can be opened in the same or in a new application window.
To define a display to be opened:
1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu or a toolbar and select Open Display.
3. The Specify Display dialog opens. See Figure 16.31.

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Figure 16.31: Specifying an opened display

4. Select a display to be opened in the Display type list.

5. Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
6. Select the necessary check boxes in the Monitor Pro application window field.
• If the New window check box is selected, the Process Display is opened in a
new window.
If the Light Version is selected, the window does not contain buttons or menus,
and therefore only the Process Display is displayed in a window.
In the Additional new / named window startup arguments field, the user can
write command lines, or command line options from the opened dialog can be
selected by pressing the Help button.
• If the Named window check box is selected, the display will be opened to a
corresponding Monitor Pro application window.
Define the window name in the text box. The new window opens with the
command line argument -windowname:[stringid]. The stringid must match the
one defined in the text box.
Additional startup arguments can be given as for New window.
7. Click OK to confirm the selection.
A .v file can also be dragged from Windows Explorer and dropped to the required toolbar
or menu in Monitor Pro.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Alarms

The alarms function opens the Alarm List Template 1 or Alarm List Template 2 display
with defined filters. The display can be opened in the same or in a new application

Alarm List Template 1

• Select Alarm List Template 1 in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If filters are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the Predefined
Values box.

Alarm List Template 2

• Select Alarm List Template 2 in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If filters are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the Predefined
Values box. Blockings

The blocking function opens the Blocking Display with defined preconfigurations. The
display can be opened in the same or in a new application window.
• Select Blocking Display in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If preconfigurations are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the
Predefined Values box. Events

The events function opens the Event Display with defined filters. The display can be
opened in the same or in a new application window.
• Select Event Display in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If filters are defined for the selected display, they are shown in the Predefined
Values box. Trends

The trends function opens the Trends Display in a Graphical or Tabular View. A display
can contain preconfigurations. The display can be opened in the same or in a new
application window.

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Trends Display Graphical View

• Select Trends Display Graphical View in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If preconfigurations are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the
Predefined Values box.

Trends Display Tabular View

• Select Trends Display Tabular View in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If preconfigurations are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the
Predefined Values box. Measurement Reports

The measurement reports function opens the Measurement Reports Display in a Graphical
or Tabular View. The display can contain preconfigurations. The display can be opened
in the same or in a new application window.

Measurement Reports Display Graphical View

• Select Measurement Reports Display Graphical Viewin the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If preconfigurations are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the
Predefined Values box.

Measurement Reports Display Tabular View

• Select Measurement Reports Display Tabular View in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• If preconfigurations are defined for the selected display, they are displayed in the
Predefined Values box. Process Display

Custom commands can also be defined for the Process Display objects.

16.14.2 Process Display

Opens the Process Display with the defined picture. The display can be opened in the
same or in a new application window.
• Select Process Display in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.

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16.14.3 Process Display with defined zoom area

Opens the Process Display with the defined zoom area. The display can be opened in
the same or in a new application window.
• Select Process Display in the Display type box.
• Select a display to be opened in the Arguments field.
• Select the defined zoom area from application or from the user specific tab sheets.

16.14.4 Renaming Process Display

To rename Process Display:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click on the Process Display name.
3. Select Name and enter new name for the Process Display. See Figure 16.32:

Figure 16.32: Renaming Process Display

16.14.5 Running command line

Runs the defined command lines. Table 16.7 shows the parameters of the command lines
that can be defined with a BAT, COM, SCIL, VBS or VSO file. It is possible to define
whether the parameters are provided for the EXE files.
Table 16.7: Parameters for the command lines
Parameter Description
1 SYS600 user name
2 SYS600 user authorization level (GENERAL)
3 SYS600 user authorization level (TOOLS)
4 SYS600 user authorization level (ALARM_HANDLING)

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Parameter Description
5 SYS600 user authorization level (EVENT_HANDLING)
6 SYS600 user authorization level (REPORTS)
7 SYS600 user language
8 SYS600 user path
9 SYS600 application name
10 SYS600 application number
11 SYS600 installed drive
12 SYS600 application path
13 SYS600 application is a LIB application
14 SYS600 application is a prepared LIB application
15 Current open picture file path
16 Monitor Pro window handle
17 Monitor Pro process ID
18 Terminal server sessions identifier
19 Mouse pointer X-coordinate, Mouse pointer Y-coordinate
20 Object name where applicable
21 OPC item ID where applicable
22 Configured authorization group for current item
23 Configured authorization level for current item
24 Real authorization for the current item in the SYS600 user management
25 SA object name where applicable
26 Object dimensions (top,left,bottom,right) when opened from context menus.
27 Object custom attributes when opened from context menus. Key and value separ-
ated with "=", key and value pairs with ",". If no value for the key exists the "-" is
28 Object variable mappings when opened from context menus. Key and value sep-
arated with "=", key and value pairs with ",". If no value for the key exists the "-"
is used.
29 OPC Item ID (21) in SCIL format when opened from context menus
30 Computer name when running locally, terminal server client name in terminal
server session
31 Custom argument that is given for Custom Commands or Tool Launcher (if applic-
able). If there are several arguments (=includes spaces), the rest of the attributes
in this table will not match unless capsulated inside quotes, for example "My Argu-
ments Passed to Executables".
32 VSCIL tool offset (x,y), defined in Application Settings dialog. Can be used for
other tools also for harmonization.
33 Monitor Pro application window topleft (x,y) in screen coordinates
34 Monitor Pro application window dimensions (top,left,bottom,right)

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Parameter Description
35 Monitor Pro font. Consists of font name, character set and size separated with
36 Monitor Pro icon size. Possible values are 16x16, 24x24 and 32x32
37 Monitor Pro background color (r,g,b)
38 Monitor Pro foreground color (r,g,b)
39 Monitor Pro highlight color (r,g,b)
40 Control Dialog offset (x,y), defined in Application Settings dialog. Can be used for
other tools also for harmonization.
41 Control Dialog (inactivity) timeout, defined in Application Settings dialog. Can be
used for other tools also for harmonization.
42 Monitor Pro instance ID

Define a command line to be run:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu or a toolbar and select Execute Command Line.
3. The Specify Command Line dialog is displayed, see Figure 16.33.

Figure 16.33: Specifying a command line

4. Select a file to be run in the Executable field.

5. Select a file to be opened in the Arguments field.
6. If you want to use the Monitor Pro specific arguments, select the Provide Monitor
Pro Specific Arguments check box.
7. Click OK to confirm the selection.
Any excutable file can be dragged from Windows Explorer and dropped to the required
toolbar or menu in Monitor Pro.

16.14.6 Running SCIL

To define a SCIL file to be run:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
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2. Right-click a menu or toolbar and select Execute SCIL.

3. The Specify SCIL File dialog is displayed, see Figure 16.34.

Figure 16.34: Specifying a SCIL file

4. Select a SCIL file to be run by clicking Select File.

• the full path is required.
5. After selecting a SCIL file, the user can:
• edit the SCIL file by clicking Edit.
• create a new SCIL file by clicking New File.
• delete the SCIL file by clicking Delete File.
6. Click OK to confirm the selection.
A .scil file can also be dragged from Windows Explorer and dropped to the required
toolbar or menu in Monitor Pro.
Table 16.8 shows the arguments for executing SCIL.
Table 16.8: Arguments for executing SCIL
Argument Description
USER_NAME SYS600 user name
GENERAL_AUTH_LEVEL SYS600 user authorization level (GENERAL)
TOOLS_AUTH_LEVEL SYS600 user authorization level (TOOLS)
ALARM_HANDLING_AUTH_LEVEL SYS600 user authorization level
EVENT_HANDLING_AUTH_LEVEL SYS600 user authorization level
REPORTS_AUTH_LEVEL SYS600 user authorization level (REPORTS)
USER_LANG SYS600 user language
USER_PATH SYS600 user path
MSCADA_APP_NAME SYS600 application name
MSCADA_APP_NUM SYS600 application number
MSCADA_APP_PATH SYS600 application path
IS_LIB_APP SYS600 application is a LIB application
IS_PREPARED_LIB_APP SYS600 application is a prepared LIB applica-
PROCESS_DISPLAY_PATH Current open picture file path
WINDOW_HANDLE Monitor Pro window handle

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Argument Description
PROCESS_ID Monitor Pro process ID
TERMINAL_SERVER_ID Terminal server sessions identifier
MOUSECOORDS Mouse pointer X coordinate, Mouse pointer Y
OBJECT_NAME_EXT Object name where applicable
OPCITEMID OPC item ID where applicable
CURRENT_CONF_AUTH_GROUP Configured authorization group for current item
CURRENT_CONF_AUTH_LEVEL Configured authorization level for current item
CURRENT_REAL_AUTH_LEVEL Real authorization for the current item in the
SYS600 user management
OBJECT_NAME SA object name where applicable
WORKPLACE_NAME Computer name when running locally, terminal
server client name in terminal server session.
TOOL_OFFSET VSCIL tool offset (x,y), defined in Application
Settings dialog. Can be used for other tools also
for harmonization.
APPWND_TOPLEFT Monitor Pro application window topleft (x,y) in
screen coordinates.
CONTROLDLG_OFFSET Control Dialog offset (x,y), defined in Application
Settings dialog. Can be used for other tools also
for harmonization.
CONTROLDLG_TIMEOUT Control Dialog (inactivity) timeout, defined in
Application Settings dialog. Can be used for
other tools also for harmonization.
INSTANCE_ID Monitor Pro instance ID
MAPPED_DATA_VARS Object variable mappings. Data packed to a
vector with each name and value pair as a list
element, e.g. MAPPED_DATA_VARS(VEC-
TOR(LIST(Name = "ItemName", Value = "Item-
CUSTOM_ATTRS Object custom attributes. Data packed to a
vector with each name and value pair as a list
element, e.g. CUSTOM_ATTRS(VEC-
TOR(LIST(Name = "ItemName", Value = "Item-

16.14.7 Opening Visual SCIL tool

Opening a Visual SCIL tool can be defined by selecting the tool from the list or by
defining the file used.

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Version: B/3.6.2015 Selecting Visual SCIL tool from list

To select a Visual SCIL tool to be opened from the list:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu or a toolbar and select Open Visual SCIL Tool (tool id).
3. Select the SCIL tool used from the Predefined Values list.
4. Select Tool size from the drop-down list.
5. Click OK to confirm the selection. Defining Visual SCIL tool file

To define a file of the Visual SCIL tool:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu or toolbar and select Open Visual SCIL Tool (vso file).
3. The Specify SCIL Tool dialog is displayed, see Figure 16.35.

Figure 16.35: Selecting a VSCIL tool to be run

4. Define the VSCIL tool used in the Specify VSCIL Tool dialog.
• File
• Object Name
• Custom SCIL Attribute Value
Table 16.9: Examples of SCIL expressions
Expression SCIL data type
"Some text" TEXT

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Expression SCIL data type

5.0 REAL

In option group Tool Appearance, some settings for the visual scil tool can be defined.
• Tool Size
Defines size setting used for semigraphics tools opened from this visual scil tool.
This setting is equivalent to setting monitor size when opening classic monitor. Note
that this setting affects only the VSO tool opened from the menu item/toolbar button
and it does not affect appearance of VSO tool itself.
• Use Modern Style
Defines the look and feel of Visual SCIL controls that are used in the VSO dialog.
When the Use Modern Style is checked, dialog controls are displayed in the same
style as Windows dialogs, as shown in the left image of LINK IS MISSING. The
default style is shown to the right of LINK IS MISSING.

Figure 16.36: Effect of Use Modern Style

A .vso file can also be dragged from Windows Explorer and dropped to the required
toolbar or menu in Monitor Pro.

16.14.8 Setting alarm indicator

Define and monitor the state of the configured alarm indicators based on the value in
the OPC Item. The configured alarm states are described in Table 16.10.
Table 16.10: Configured alarm indicator states
State Description Example
0 No active, unacked alarms The configured command is dis-
1 Active, acknowledged alarms The configured command is en-
abled (not blinking)
2 Active, unacked alarms The configured command is blink-

To set an alarm indicator for the current tool:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a menu or a toolbar and select Set Alarm Indicator.
3. The Set Alarm Indicator dialog is displayed, see Figure 16.37.
• Used OPC items are displayed in a Used OPC Items field.
• Free OPC items are displayed in a Free OPC Items field.

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Figure 16.37: Setting an alarm indicator

4. Set an alarm indicator by selecting a free OPC item.

5. Click Select... to confirm the selection.
• The selected alarm indicators are displayed in the Selected OPC Items field.
• Remove the selected alarm indicators by clicking Remove....
6. Click OK to confirm the selection.
There are 20 alarm indicators by default. More alarm indicators can be added by creating
new B_ALARMINDS process objects.

16.15 Customizing Monitor Pro login

16.15.1 Configuring a shortcut key for the Login dialog

A global shortcut key can be defined for opening the Login dialog to
\sc\prog\sa_lib\default_framewindow.ini file:
1. Find the following text in the \sc\prog\sa_lib\default_framewindow.ini file.
;Keyboard shortcut for showing the Login dialog (Ctrl+[character]). If not
defined using the default value Ctrl+L

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2. Write the shortcut key letter after LoginDlg key name.

16.15.2 Configuring new window login

To change Monitor Pro to automatically login when New window is selected:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click on Main > New Monitor.
3. Select the desired action, see Figure 16.38.

Figure 16.38: Configure new window login

4. Click Close to exit the Customize dialog.

16.16 Defining shortcuts to Process Displays

The user access rights can be restricted by showing the needed Process Displays as
shortcuts. The user can only open the Process Displays shown in a toolbar, if the shortcut
files have been defined. Process Display shortcuts are configured using the Process
Display Shortcut Configuration Tool on the Process Display toolbar, see Figure 16.39.

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Figure 16.39: Process Display Shortcut Configuration Tool

Clicking on the Process Display Shortcut Configuration Tool opens the Process Display
Visibility dialog, shown in Figure 16.40.

Figure 16.40: Process Displays Visibility dialog

The Process Displays currently available for current SYS600 application are shown in
the left window. The right window displays the currently visible Process Display
Shortcuts. Visibility is configured to be either Application specific of User specific.
Application specific visibility allows all the users in current SYS600 application to access
the configured Process Displays.
User specific visibility allows the selected user access to the configured Process Displays.
To enable the Process Display shortcut:
1. Select the required Visibility by checking the appropriate radio button.
If User specific visibility is selected, select the required user from the Users window
to the right.
2. Select the required Process Display shortcut from the All list on the left.
3. Click the button with right-facing arrow ( >).
The shortcut is moved to the Selected list.
4. Click OK to apply the changes.

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An authorization level 5 defined in GENERAL authorization group is required to make

Process Display Shortcut modifications for other users. At least authorization level 2 is
required to make application and at least authorization level 1 to make user specific
Process Display Shortcut modifications.
The default order of the shortcuts is alphabetical, but it can be changed in the Process
Displays Visibility Dialog by selecting a shortcut in the Selected list and using the Up
and Down buttons on the right.
By enabling Process Display shortcuts, the following operations can be restricted from
the user for appropriate Process Displays:
• Opening Process Displays by using the menu operation Main > Open File.
• Dragging Process Displays to an application window.
• Custom commands related to opening the Process Displays.

Shortcut files must be shortcut files at the operating system

level. Copying the picture is not the right way to create the

Application specific Process Display shortcuts are shown to all users. The shortcut files
are located in [Appl path]\PAR\APL\PROCESS\
User specific Process Display shortcuts are shown individually to each user. The user
specific shortcut files are located in [User path]\PROCESS\ TOOLBAR_SHORTCUTS.
The user is not allowed to open Process Displays that are not defined on toolbar of the
user specific Process Displays.

If the user specific shortcut files exist, the application specific

files are ignored.

16.17 Customizing Process Displays toolbar

16.17.1 Hiding Process Displays

It may also be required to hide a Process Display from the Process Displays toolbar. This
is achieved by changing the file attributes of the specific Process Display file (.v file),
through the file properties context menu in Windows Explorer.

16.17.2 Enabling Process Displays combo box

Process Displays combo box can be enabled by accessing the Add or Remove menu
and clicking the Process Displays menu item, see Figure 16.41.

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Figure 16.41: Process Displays combo box

Process Displays combo box can be disabled by clicking the Process Displays menu
item again.

16.18 Resetting icons

Icons are reset in following cases:
• When there is no layout specified for the user or the layout is reset.
• Reset Layout
- When the resetting is done based on the installation layout, the icons from the
file system (icon storage) are loaded.
- When resetting is done to backup layout file, the icons are reset based on the
icons found from the backup layout file.
- Resetting layout resets not only menus and toolbars (structure, captions, tooltips,
shortcuts, and so on) but also icons based on the definitions found in the file
• Reset Tool (Customization context menu):
- Resetting icon is done based on the backup layout file. If backup layout is not
found, the icon is reset based on the file system (icon storage).
• Reset Icons/Icon (Customization context menu):
- Reset is based on the icons found in the file system (icon storage). Possible user
specific definitions from the menu item or toolbar button are removed (pasted
or changed icon information).
- Icon resetting is one of the items that will be done when Reset Layout is
executed. For more information, see Section 16.8 Resetting layout, toolbars or
• Icon sizes:
- If the user has not defined a user specific icon for a menu item or a toolbar
button (not pasted or changed icon), the icons are reset based on the file system

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(icon storage). If the path to the icon is available in the user specific icon settings
(change icon functionality) the specific icon size is loaded from the icon file.
For ABB.ico, only size 32x16 is supported.

16.19 Customizing Alarm Row

16.19.1 Changing combo box width

To change the width of Alarm Row or any combo box:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click the Alarm Row.
3. Type in the desired width, see Figure 16.42.

Figure 16.42: Setting alarm row width

4. The Alarm Row is resized.

5. Click Close to exit the Customize dialog.

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16.19.2 Changing visible alarm count

To change the visible alarm count of Alarm Row:

1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click the Alarm Row.
3. Type in the desired alarm count, see Figure 16.43.

Figure 16.43: Changing visible alarm count

4. The visible alarm count of Alarm Row is set to the configured one.
5. Click Close to exit the Customize dialog.

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17 Localizing application

Translations of the text are included in SYS600 Visual SCIL Objects. For example,
button labels and menu texts are normally defined by using the Dialog Editor and stored
in same objects. For more information on using language dependent texts, see SYS600
Visual SCIL Application Design.
Other translations of application texts, for example texts describing process objects and
their states, are stored in the text databases. The texts are translated explicitly by the
TRANSLATION function, or implicitly by referencing the object's language sensitive
attribute. Text Translation Tool translates the texts.
To save the translation, a Windows based localization tool, such as RCWinTrans,
Multilizer or Lingobit Localizer can be used. For example, the Lingobit Localizer can
be downloaded from

17.1 Language identifiers

It is recommended, but not required, that the two-letter language identifiers that are used
in the applications are defined by the ISO standard 639.
When ISO 639 language identifiers are used, the system is able to map the Windows
language IDs, which are derived from the Windows locale IDs, to the language identifiers
of applications. Consequently, the OPC clients connected to the SYS600 OPC Data
Access Server may define their language by the means specified in the OPC standard.
The SYS600 base system automatically converts the Windows language IDs to the ISO
639 language identifiers. For more information on using language functions, see SYS600
Programming Language SCIL.

17.2 Text Translation Tool

In the SYS600 application, there is a large amount of language dependent text, which
has to be translated. Text Translation Tool can be used to translate the SYS600 system's
different file formats. For more information on using Text Translation Tool, see SYS600
Installation and Administration Manual.

17.3 Text databases

The translations of application texts are stored in data files called text databases. The
databases have three different scopes for different needs of software components using
translated texts:
1. The application text database, APL_TEXT.sdb, is designed to contain the site specific
texts of the application.

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2. The text databases listed by the application attribute, APL:BTD, are used by various
software products, such as LIBxxx products and their localizations.
3. The system text database, SYS_TEXT.sdb, is delivered with the product and should
not be modified.
The databases are searched in the scope order, APL_TEXT.sdb first and SYS_TEXT.sdb

It is not allowed to modify SYS_TEXT.sdb by any tool or

SCIL programming language. A later version of SYS600
always overrides this file.

17.4 Monitor Pro, tools and components

Monitor Pro and some other SYS600 components use the satellite resource Dynamic
Linking Libraries (.dll) to store resources. In this method, each supported language has
its resources in a separate dll. Each dll uses the same resource identifiers, but also contains
strings in the appropriate language.
Each dll's name and directory indicates the language of its resources. For example,
Monitor Pro has executable \sc\prog\sa_lib\FrameWindow.exe, which loads its EN
resources from \sc\prog\sa_lib\EN\FrameWindow_EN.dll. These language dlls can be
translated by using a third party software.
Table 17.1: DLLs that can be translated
DLL name Path Description
alarmctl_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Alarm List
Basket_texts_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Trend Basket
blockingctl_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Blocking List
ColorSettingTool_EN.dll \sc\prog\graphicsEn- Resources for the Color Setting Tool
ControlDialog2_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Control Dialogs
eventctl_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Event List
FrameWindow_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Monitor Pro
IedPcm_EN.dll \sc\prog\pcm_cli- Resources for the IED Tools Dialog
MeasReports_texts_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Measurement Reports
LIB510RelayTools_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en\ Resources for LIB510 Relay Tool Menu
MSCGraph_texts_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Measurement Reports and
OpenRemoteDesktop_EN.dll \sc\prog\utils\Open- Resources for the OpenRemoteDesktop
Options_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Application Settings

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DLL name Path Description

ReportPrint_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the printouts related to Monitor
Pro Displays
TrendApp_texts_EN.dll \sc\prog\sa_lib\en Resources for the Trends

If some of the text still displays in English in spite of the fact that the localization file
exists, the resource file is likely not up-to-date and must be updated towards the _EN.*
file. The file may have new strings that are not yet localized.

17.5 Basic workflow of localization

All the separate tasks listed below are not needed, but they are recommended in order
to get the whole Operator user interface translated for the selected application.
• SYS600 system tools' translation. All SYS600 tools (\sc\stool\), which the operator
uses daily, need to be translated either by using Visual SCIL Editor or Text
Translation Tool.
• If the application is LIB 500 based, the LIB 500 and other needed LIBxxx based
applications need to be translated by using Text Translation Tool.
• Object Identifier structure can by translated by editing the SYS_BASCON.COM
• Translate Monitor Pro, tools and its components.

17.5.1 Translating the SYS600 System Texts

In order to use localized sdb files, \sc\prog\sa_lib\[lang

code]\FrameWindow_[lang code].dll file must exist.

1. Shut down SYS600.

2. Copy \sc\sys\active\sys_\sys_text.sdb to your application folder, for example
3. Name the file with a descriptive name, for example syst_text_de.sdb.
4. Define the new language database file for the application object. Modify the
application creation routine C: \sc\sys\active\sys_\ in a way that
includes a definition for the new text database file added.
For more detailed information about attribute text databases, see SYS600 System
The following example illustrates what the application creation code may look like:

TT = "LOCAL",- ;Translation Type

NA = "TUTOR",- ;Name of application directory

AS = "HOT",- ;Application state (COLD,WARM,HOT)

PH = %l_Global_Paths,-

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design


; Text databases

-; PQ = 15,- ;Number of parallel queues/ Needed in COM500 Applications

-; QD = (1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),-

SV = %SV,- ;System variable (RESERVED)

CP = "SHARED",- ;Color Allocation Policy


HP = "DATABASE",- ;History Logging Policy ("DATABASE", "EVENT_LOG", "NONE")

EE = 1,- ;System Events & Operating System Events (1=Enabled, 0=Disabled)

AA = 1,- ;Number of APL-APL servers

MO = %MON_MAP,- ;Monitor mapping

PR = (1,2,3)) ;Printer mapping


5. Start up the SYS600 and open Visual SCIL monitor.

6. Open Text Tool by using the Tool Manager and open the defined
File apl_/syst_text_de.sdb can be opened by selecting File > Open and navigating
to the correct object in the appearing dialog, see Figure 17.1.

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Figure 17.1: File Navigator dialog

For more information on how to use Text Tool, see SYS600 Installation and
Administration Manual.
7. Shutdown SYS600 and modify the application language:

TT = "LOCAL",- ;Translation Type

NA = "TUTOR",- ;Name of application directory

AS = "HOT",- ;Application state (COLD,WARM,HOT)

PH = %l_Global_Paths,-


; Text databases

LA = "DE",-

-; PQ = 15,- ;Number of parallel queues/ Needed in COM500 Applications

-; QD = (1,1,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),-

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

;Parallel queue dedication/ Needed in COM500 Applications

SV = %SV,- ;System variable (RESERVED)

CP = "SHARED",- ;Color Allocation Policy


;Revision compatibility

HP = "DATABASE",- ;History Logging Policy ("DATABASE", "EVENT_LOG", "NONE")

EE = 1,- ;System Events & Operating System Events (1=Enabled, 0=Disabled)

AA = 1,- ;Number of APL-APL servers

MO = %MON_MAP,- ;Monitor mapping

PR = (1,2,3)) ;Printer mapping


If the system tools are translated by using Visual SCIL Editor,

all changes are lost when installing a later version of SYS600.

17.6 Translating Monitor Pro, tools and components

This chapter presents an example on how to use the Lingobit Localizer in translation.
When Lingobit Localizer is started, it creates a new project or loads an existing project
automatically. The c:\data project location is used in the example below.
1. Fill in the Name field with the project name and click Browse to find the project
location, see Figure 17.2.

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Figure 17.2: Main window of the Localizer and the Project Wizard dialog

2. Click Next to open the list of dll files, see Figure 17.3.
3. Click Add to add more files, and Remove... if there are unnecessary files on the

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Figure 17.3: Example of list of dll files to be translated

4. Click Next to open the dialog for selecting the languages, see Figure 17.4.
5. Select the original language from the drop-down list and click Add to select the
target language.

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Figure 17.4: Selecting the original and target languages

6. Click Next to open the list of dll files in the application window. The list is shown
on the left side of the window, see Figure 17.5.

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Application Design

Figure 17.5: List of dll files in the application window

7. Click the dll files to see the strings to be translated. The resources are collected to
a string table, and all the strings in each table should be translated, see Figure 17.6.

Figure 17.6: String table in the application window

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8. Click the string to be translated and type in the translation in the language column.
The strings that are not translated use the original language, see Figure 17.7.

Figure 17.7: EN translation in the application window

9. When the translations are done, save them by selecting Edit >Save.
10. To generate the dll files, open the Language to export dialog by selecting Project
> Create Localized Files, see Figure 17.8.
11. Select the language to which the dll files are generated to and click OK.

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Application Design

Figure 17.8: Generating the translation

12. The translated dll files can be found where the project was created, which is
c:\data\SYS600 in this example, see Figure 17.9. Depending on the project setup
and the generated languages, there is a directory for each language. As only Finnish
language was generated in this example, there is only one subdirectory in the project
structure c:\data\SYS600\Finnish-Finland.

Figure 17.9: Contents of the localized files

13. When the files have been generated, they should be copied from the project directory
to c:\sc\prog\sa_lib\FI and renamed according to Table 17.2.

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Table 17.2: Renamed DLL files

DLL name New name, if translated to Finnish-Finland
Alarmctl_EN.dll Alarmctl_FI.dll
Basket_texts_EN.dll Basket_texts_FI.dll
Blockingctl_EN.dll Blockingctl_FI.dll
ColorSettingTool_EN.dl ColorSettingTool_FI.dl
ControlDialog2_EN.dll ControlDialog2_FI.dll
Eventctl_EN.dll Eventctl_FI.dll
FrameWindow_EN.dll FrameWindow_FI.dll
IedPcm_EN.dll IedPcm_FI.dll
LIB510RelayTools_EN.dll LIB510RelayTools_FI.dll
MeasReport_texts_EN.dll MeasReport_texts_FI.dll
MSCGraph_texts_EN.dll MSCGraph_texts_FI.dll
OpenRemoteDesktop_EN.dll OpenRemoteDesktop_FI.dll
Options_EN.dll Options_FI.dll
ReportPrint_EN.dll ReportPrint_FI.dll
TrendApp_texts_EN.dll TrendApp_texts_FI.dll

17.7 Translating user interface components

Display names, menus, toolbars and custom commands can be translated in the
customization mode by right-clicking the appropriate component. For more information
about the Customize dialog, see Chapter 16 Customizing application window.
Define the visibility for the custom commands before translation. For more information
about visibility, see Section 16.13 Customizing Monitor Pro appearance.
The localization information for the system specific toolbars, menus, and custom
commands is saved to \sc\prog\sa_lib\default_FrameWindow.ini.
The localization information for the application specific toolbars, menus, and custom
commands is saved to \sc\apl\[appl]\par\apl\FrameWindow.ini.
The localization information for the user created menus, toolbars and custom commands
is saved to \sc\apl\[appl]\par\[user]\FrameWindow.ini.
For more information about Monitor Pro appearances, see Section 16.13 Customizing
Monitor Pro appearance.
For the default toolbars and menus, the localization information is presented in the
language specific satellite resource Dynamic Linking Library (DLL). For more
information about DLLs, see Section 17.4 Monitor Pro, tools and components.

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Application Design

17.7.1 Translating a component

To translate a component:
1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a component and select Localize to open the Localize dialog, see
Figure 17.10.

Figure 17.10: Localization dialog

3. Select the In Use check box in the Localizations field or the User Definition field.
• To use the translations, select the check box in the Localizations field.
• To use the user specific definition, select the check box in the User Definition

17.7.2 Using a translation

To use a translation:
1. Select the In Use check box in the Localizations field, see Figure 17.10.
2. Click New to add a new translation.
3. Select the target language, see Figure 17.11.

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Figure 17.11: Selecting a used language

4. Click OK to confirm the target language.

5. Type the translation in the Name box, see Figure 17.12. A translated tooltip text, if
available, can also be included on the Tooltip box.

Figure 17.12: Typing a translation

6. Click OK to save the translation.

To use a user specific definition:
1. Select the In Usecheck box in the User Definition field, see Figure 17.13.
2. Type the user specific definition in the Name box and a short description of the
component in the Tooltip box if one is available.
3. Click OK to save the definition.

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Application Design

Figure 17.13: Defining a user specific translation

17.7.3 Removing a translation

To remove a translation:
1. Select Settings > Customize to open the Customize dialog.
2. Right-click a component and select Localize to open the Localize dialog.
3. Click Remove... either in the Localizations field or in the User Definition field.
4. Click OK to remove the translation.

17.8 Adding new language in Monitor Pro

In Monitor Pro, the operator language is based on the current user language. The user
language can be changed from the User Management Tool and taken into use in the next

17.9 Using Asian characters

To view the Asian characters correctly:
1. To change the Windows language settings, select Start > Control Panel > Change
display language.
2. Select the Keyboards and Languages tab to set the input language according to
the local language to enable writing of the special characters:
a. Click Change keyboards... to open the Text Services and Input Languages
b. Click Add to open the Input Language dialog.

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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c. To add an input language, select the appropriate language from the Input
Language drop-down list. If the Keyboard layout/IME check box is selected,
it is possible to write, for example, the Chinese characters with the keyboard.
d. Click OK.
e. If the Visual SCIL tools do not accept the special characters from the keyboard,
set the language used as a default input language by selecting the appropriate
language from the Default input language drop-down list.
f. Click OK.
3. Select the Administrative tab to set the local language as a system locale and load
the code pages:
a. Select Change system local... to open the Region and Language Settings dialog.
b. Select the appropriate language from the Language for non-Unicode programs
drop-down list.

Load the Asian characters, before selecting them as

system locale. To load the characters select the
Languages tab and select the Install files for East
Asian languages check box. Click Apply.

c. To display the text correctly, use the fonts that contain the local language
characters or load more code pages. In the Code page conversion tables field,
select the appropriate code pages to be loaded.
d. Click OK.

If it is not possible to write the characters directly,

keystrokes can be used. To write a special character,
hold down the ALT key and type the character code,
for example 0230. Use the Windows Character Map
tool, to find out the correct character code. The
character can be pasted to the Visual SCIL text field.
To open the Character Map tool, select Start > All
Programs > Accessories > System Tools >
Character Map.

4. Click OK and restart the computer so that the new setting takes effect.
Use Text Translation Tool to translate a new language in MicroSCADA Pro. For more
information about Text Translation Tool, see SYS600 Installation and Administration
To take the user language into use, see Section 17.8 Adding new language in Monitor

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Application Design

17.10 Setting the default input language

The default input language can be set in the Windows Control Panel.
To set the default input language:
1. Open the Windows Control Panel Change keyboards or other input methods.

Figure 17.14: Regional and Language Options dialog

2. Select the Formats tab and select the language for the time format accordingly.
3. On the Keyboards and Languages tab, select Change keyboards...
4. In the Text Services and Input Languages dialog, select the default input language.

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Figure 17.15: Selecting input language

5. On the Administrative tab select Change system local... to open the Region and
Language Settings dialog.
6. Select the language for non-unicode programs.
7. Click OK.

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Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
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18 System Self Supervision

18.1 General
System Self Supervision (SSS) provides the means in MicroSCADA Pro systems to
supervise and monitor the system itself. Hardware and software status information is
shown by the application objects and supervision symbols in the product.
The status of the supervised objects can be received to MicroSCADA via system messages
or predefined event channels like APL_EVENT, SYS_EVENT and OS_EVENT.
If necessary, the information is refined by supervision routing (a set of command
procedures, event channels and time channels) and the end result (application objects)
is used for showing events, alarms and status information.

Figure 18.1: Basic dataflow of System Self Supervision

The following object types can be supervised:

• Base system
• Application
• PC-NET line
• 61850 Node
• SNMP device
• DuoDriver
• LON Clock Master
• Display
• Printer
Typically, dedicated system supervision display is designed for MicroSCADA Pro system
self supervision purposes. When designing such a display, the Process Display Design
manual is valuable during the display engineering.

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Application Design

Figure 18.2: Example of system supervision display

18.1.1 Installation

The Supervision Base functionality is installed to the system in one of the following
• Installation of SSS functionality is enabled from the Tools menu of the System
Configuration Tool. The SSS base functionality will be installed according to the
system configuration.
• The SSS functionality will be installed when the SSS object is installed in Object
Navigator. The SSS base functionality is then installed only for that specific object
at the time.

Supervision objects for Application and SNMP devices can

be installed only in Object Navigator. MicroSCADA SCL
Importer can create process objects for DuoDriver supervision.

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For other objects, SSS functionality is created by System

Configuration Tool.

18.1.2 Environmental requirements

In order to obtain full operability, System Self Supervision sets the following
environmental requirements:
• System Self Supervision routing switch is defined and enabled in
SYS_BASCON.COM (System Variable attribute):
SV = (0,- ;System Variables

list(t_System_Configuration_File = "sys_/SysConf.ini",- ;PC-NET Configuration


b_Conf_Mech_In_Use = TRUE,- ;enables/disables start-up configuration

b_SSS_Mech_In_Use = TRUE,- ;enables/disables SSS

t_Version = "9.3")),-

• Operating System events are enabled in SYS_BASCON.COM (Enable Operating

System Event Handler and Operating System Event Handler Filter attributes):
-; Operating System Event Handles Attributes

OE = 1,- ;1=Enabled, 0=Disabled

OT = (Bit_Mask(0,1,2,3,4),-



• The number of parallel queues used in MicroSCADA application has to be at least

4 in SYS_BASCON.COM. However, note that several tools and applications demand
more queues, for example COM 500i has 15 queues:
Parallel queues and queue dedication (defined by the attributes (0...15)
PQ = 4,- ;Number of parallel queues

QD = (1,1,1,1),- ;Parallel queue dedication

For more information about parallel queues, see SYS600 System Objects manual.
• System and Operating System events are enabled in MicroSCADA application
(System Event Enabled attribute in SYS_BASCON.COM):
EE = 1,- ;System Events & Operating System Events (1=Enabled, 0=Disabled)

• Node diagnostics is enabled:

Nod_Permanent = list(SA = Nod_SA, LI = LAN_link, DI = 10, DT = 5)

• Additionally, application diagnostics can be enabled. This way, the status information
of the application state from external application is received as events:
Apl_DI = 10,- ;Application diagnostic interval (0 = Disabled)

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Application Design

Apl_DT = 5 ;Application diagnostic timeout

18.2 Preliminary work

18.2.1 System Configuration

Installation and configuration of the communication related parts is done by using the
System Configuration Tool.
Before building the application, the user should consider whether the system messages
are sent as binary information, analog information or both. The required configuration
is done in file SSS_SETUP.SCL. For more information about SSS_SETUP.SCL, see
Section Configuration files.
In practice, the SSS symbols supports binary model, so using binary model is
recommended. However, it should be noted that if analog model is disabled, it is not
possible to get events to the Log Viewer.
In Hot-stand-by systems, the system configuration can be done in WD application to
speed up the take over time.
When the system configuration is done in WD application, some configuration is needed
from the perspective of SSS in order to get the SSS related information to the main
application. One possible sequence is described below:
1. Make the system configuration in WD application with the System Configuration
2. Open the configuration in the main application.
3. Enable System Self Supervision and save the configuration.
4. Open the configuration in WD application. Disable System Self Supervision and
save the configuration.

If the Supervision Filter Editor dialog is used for setting the

event filter, SSSFilter.ini file has to be copied manually to the
superv directory of the main application.

Resending system messages needs to be initiated during take over. The required
configuration is done in command procedures APL_INIT_1:C and APL_INIT_H. Below
is an example code of how this is done for communication node and station objects.
#SET NET3:SOS = 1 ;updates the status of communication node

#SET STA1:SOS = 1 ;updates the status of station

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In IEC61850 based systems, the System Messages Enabled

(SE) attribute has to be set to value 4 in External OPC DA
Client configuration when binary model is used.

For more information about configuring IEC 61850 based

systems, see IEC 61850 System Design manual.

18.2.2 Object identification in database

SSS objects support the partitioning of the Object identification in a similar way as Power
Process Library functions. By default, the following conventions are used.
Table 18.1: OI- structure
Field Purpose Comment
Station name System name System name can be defined in Application Settings
(SYS:BCX) dialog
Bay name Monitoring object Monitoring object names by default: OS,SYS, APL,
name e.g. Station Node, NET, Line, Station, SLCM and Printer
Device name Monitoring object -

If there are more than 3 levels in OI-hierarchy, "SSS" identifier

will be used for the additional levels.

18.3 Protocol support

The following communication protocols are supported by System Self Supervision:
• ASCII protocol for printer
• RP570
• IEC 60870-5-101/104
• IEC 60870-5-103
• IEC 61850-8
• LCU 500
• DNP 3.0

SNMP devices can be connected to MicroSCADA by using

3rd party SNMP OPC server.

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Application Design

When configuring SNMP devices, System Messages Enabled

(SE) attribute has to be set to value 1 in External OPC DA
Client configuration.

18.4 Display building

After system configuration is done and process objects are created, SSS Display can be
build by dragging and dropping the SSS symbols in Display Builder. For more information
about display building and available symbols for SSS, refer to Process Display Design

18.5 System Self Supervision Base

18.5.1 Configuration

The configuration of System Self Supervision base functionality is done in System

Configuration Tool. Dialog for enabling System Self Supervision can be found by
selecting Settings > System Self Supervision.
For more information, see System Configuration manual.

18.5.2 Application Engineering information Structure of supervision base

This section describes the structure of the Supervision Base. All files, form pictures and
database objects are included. The SSS Backbone related files will be located under
System Tools in the /STOOL/SUPERV folder. Language text file

The following Text Translation Tool compatible text files are used by the SSS Backbone.
Table 18.2: Text Translation Tool compatible text files
File Functionality
SSSTexts.ini Text file for the database creation and for log
event presentations of the SSS Backbone

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
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Version: B/3.6.2015 Initialization files

The following initialization files are used by the System Self Supervision. The path is

Default initialization files are copied under the application

folder /SUPERV as the System Self Supervision functionality
is applied.

Table 18.3: Initialization files used by System Self Supervision

File Functionality
SSSCONF.INI Initialization file for the configuration data of the
System Self Supervision.
SSSEVENT.INI Initialization file for the event and alarm handling
of the System Self Supervision.
SSSFILTER.INI Initialization file for the event filtering data of the
System Self Supervision.

The main function of the initialization files is to include configuration data concerning
the objects to be supervised in the system, and event filtering data concerning the events
to be notified in supervision routing.
The data stored into these files is utilized actively during supervision routing through
Supervision Routing Interpreter via System Configuration Manager Services. Initialization
file for configuration data is updated during the installation of the System Self Supervision
Initialization file for event filtering data has the default settings after installation of the
System Self Supervision. Default event filtering file includes references to communication
units, communication unit lines, stations, LON Clock Masters, printers, predefined and
specified events, that is, references to the supported objects in the System Self
These default settings can be modified as project specific by using Supervision Filter
Editor. Supervision Filter Editor can be opened from System Configuration Tool
(Tools/System Self Supervision Filter Editor menu item). Configuration files

The following configuration file is used by the System Self Supervision. The path is:
Table 18.4: Configuration file used by System Self Supervision
File Functionality
SSS_SETUP.SCL Contains the configuration data for the general
parameters of the System Self Supervision.

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Application Design

The configuration file contains the configuration data for the general parameters of
System Self Supervision. In the specified, file the following settings are defined:
If the application specific modifications to the general parameters are needed, the
configuration file can be copied under the application folder /SUPERV and do the
modifications there.
The contents of general parameters in running MicroSCADA system are shown by the
Supervision Filter Editor tool. This tool is accessible from System Configuration Tool.
To view these parameters:
1. Select Tools > System Self Supervision Filter Editor.
2. Select View > Supervision Settings.

Figure 18.3: General parameters shown by Supervision Filter Editor

In addition to primary process object receiving the system message, another process
object is created for showing the alarm in Alarm List. Process objects are created
dynamically as new system messages are coming to system.

A process object type of analog input is created for receiving system messages.

A process object type of binary input is created for receiving system messages.

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In addition to primary process object receiving the system message, another process
object is created for showing the event in Event List. Process objects are created
dynamically as new system messages are coming to system.

Log file is updated when the system message is coming to system. In order to have this
functionality, analog model needs to be enabled.

With this flag the rerouting of system messages for stations can be enabled/disabled. System configuration manager files

The following System Configuration Manager files are used by the System Self
Supervision. The path is /STOOL/SUPERV/.
Table 18.5: System Configuration Manager files used by System Self Supervision
File Functionality
SSS_MGR.MOD Contains the source code of the System Config-
uration Manager services used in the System
Self Supervision.
SSS_MGR2.MOD Contains the source code of the System Config-
uration Manager services used in the System
Self Supervision. Other text files

The following text files are used by the System Self Supervision.
Table 18.6: System Configuration Manager files used by System Self Supervision
File Functionality
SSS_APLINIT.SCL Contains the source code for initialization of
local applications at system start-up for the
System Self Supervision.
SSS_APLOBJ.SCL Contains the source code for creating command
procedures, time channels, data objects and
event channels for System Self Supervision.
SSS_INIT.SCL Contains the source code for enabling/disabling
the use of command procedures for System Self
SSS_LOGINIT.SCL Contains the source code for initialization of log
files at system start-up for the System Self Su-

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Application Design

File Functionality
SSS_REV Contains the revision info for the System Self
SSS_UPDATE.SCL Contains the source code for updating applica-
tion objects after revision update for the System
Self Supervision. Process objects

In System Self Supervision, the process objects are created for the following purposes:
• For receiving system messages from the communication units.
• For indicating the state of the object.
• For event and alarm handling.
The process object groups, as well as default naming and index conventions used in the
database are described in more detailed below.
Table 18.7: Communication unit (NET) and base system nodes
Process object Type of usage Indexes
SYS_N<number>I Communication unit 10 - indication for communication unit (PC NET)
(PC NET) 11 - indication for redundant frontend pair
110 - routing point for communication unit (PC NET)
111 - routing point for redundant frontend pair
121...128 - routing points for communication unit lines
210 - Communication status of PC NET (BI)
SYS_N<number>I Base system 10 - indication for global memory pool supervision
SYS_N<num- Event objects Indexes are created in ascending order
SYS_N<num- Alarm objects Indexes are created in ascending order

<number> = object number with 4 digits

Table 18.8: Station and LON Clock Master (SLCM) objects
Process object Type of usage Indexes
SYS_S<number>I Station, e.g. SPA, REX, 10 - indication for station (AI)
IEC, DNP 110 - routing point for station
210 - indication for station (BI)
Station RTU 10 - indication for station (AI)
11 - indication for RTU terminal status
110 - routing point for station
111 - routing point for RTU terminal status
210 - indication for station (BI)

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Process object Type of usage Indexes

LON Clock Master 10 - indication for station communication
(SLCM) 11 - indication for active SLCM
12 - indication for redundant SLCM
110 - routing point for station communication
111- routing point for active SLCM
112 - routing point for redundant SLCM
SYS_S<number>E Event objects Indexes are created in ascending order
SYS_S<number>A Alarm objects Indexes are created in ascending order

<number> = object number with 4 digits

Table 18.9: Printer objects
Process object Type of usage Indexes
SYS_P<number>I Printer 10 - indication for printer
110 - routing point for printer (only printer connected to
communication unit)
SYS_P<num- Event objects Indexes are created in ascending order
SYS_P<num- Alarm objects Indexes are created in ascending order

<number> = object number with 4 digits

Table 18.10: Application objects
Process object Type of usage Indexes
SYS_A<number>I Application (Local) 10 - indication for application state
11 - indication for application state (in case of a hot-
stand-by system, application in the external base sys-
tem node)
20 - indication for application shadowing phase (in case
of a hot-stand-by system)
21 - indication for application shadowing phase (in case
of a hot-stand-by system, application in the external
base system node)
30 - indication for local memory pools [PICO_POOL,
40 - indication for local application queues [Event
channel queue, time channel, event, parallel and
delayed execution queues, process/SCIL printouts] (BI)
xxxx - Presentation object (*)
SYS_A<num- Event objects Indexes are created in ascending order
SYS_A<num- Alarm objects Indexes are created in ascending order

<number> = object number with 4 digits

(*) index for Presentation object is calculated with the following formulas
• Single application: 100 + application number
• Hot Stand-By application: SYS:BND * 100 + 1000 + application number

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Application Design

Table 18.11: Operating System objects

Process object Type of usage Indexes
SYS_O<number> Operating System 10 - indication for System Events (BI)
11 - indication for Security Events (BI)
12 - indication for Application Events (BI)
SYS_E<number> Event objects Indexes are created in the ascending order
SYS_A<number> Alarm objects Indexes are created in the ascending order Scale objects

At first installation of System Self Supervision, the scale 1_1 (linear 1:1 scale) is created
(if it does not exist). Data objects

At first installation of System Self Supervision, the data object for the log file counters
is created (SYS_CNTR).
Each log file will contain maximum of 1000 events by default. If the number of events
is exceeded, a backup file is created and the collecting of events is started again. The
dedicated data object for the log file counters is allocated for counting the cumulative
number of events in each of the log file categories. Command procedures

At first installation of System Self Supervision, the following command procedures are
created (the path for the source code files of the command procedures is
Table 18.12: Command procedures
Command procedure Functionality
SYS_APLER Command procedure for receiving APL_EVENT
SYS_NETLMR Command procedure for receiving system
messages for communication unit lines (NET
SYS_NETMR Command procedure for receiving system
messages for communication units (NET)
SYS_NETSR Command procedure for communication unit
SYS_OSER Command procedure for receiving OS_EVENT

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Command procedure Functionality

SYS_PRIMR Command procedure for receiving system
messages for printers (printers that are connec-
ted to a communication unit)
SYS_SLCMR Command procedure for receiving clock status
information from the LON Clock Master (SLCM)
SYS_SSSINI Command procedure for initialization of the
System Self Supervision at system start-up
SYS_SSSREV Command procedure for revision info for the
System Self Supervision
SYS_SSSRT Command procedure for updating functionality
of the System Self Supervision at system start-
SYS_STAMR Command procedure for receiving system
messages for stations
SYS_SYSER Command procedure for receiving SYS_EVENT
SYS_UPOER Command procedure for receiving UN-
DEF_PROC events Time channels

At first installation of System Self Supervision, the time channel for the communication
unit supervision is created (SYS_NETSR). Event channels

At first installation of System Self Supervision, the following event channels are created:
Table 18.13: Event channels
Event channel Functionality
APL_EVENT Event channel for receiving APL_EVENT events
OS_EVENT Event channel for receiving OS_EVENT events
SYS_EVENT Event channel for receiving SYS_EVENT events
SYS_NETLMR Event channel for communication unit line sys-
tem messages
SYS_NETMR Event channel for communication unit system
SYS_PRIMR Event channel for printer system messages
SYS_SLCMR Event channel for LON Clock Master system
SYS_STAMR Event channel for station system messages

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Application Design

Event channel Functionality

UNDEF_PROC Event channel for receiving UNDEF_PROC
events Visual SCIL object files

The following Visual SCIL object files are used by System Self Supervision. The path
Table 18.14: Visual SCIL object files
File Functionality
SSSLVIEWER.VSO Supervision Log dialog
SSSLVIEWER.INI Initialization file for the Supervision Log dialog
SSS_CTRLDLG.VSO Control dialog for SSS objects

18.6 Application supervision

18.6.1 Standard function installation

This section describes the installation of the Application status standard function from
the Power Process Library. The standard function for the Application status is found in
the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by using the
Power Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Supervision/Application status).

18.6.2 Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the Application status standard function is installed by
using the following Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For more information, see SYS600 Process Display Design manual.

When configuring HSB systems, Application status standard

function needs to be installed for both MicroSCADA nodes in
Standard Function Tool. In other words, in both installations,
the configuration is the same except for NODE_NUMBER.
In this way, a unique process object is created for showing the
application state in different nodes.

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Base System symbol can be used together with Application

status symbol. By default, Base System symbol is connected
to attributes SYS:BCX, SYS:BNN and SYS:BON. Therefore,
in HSB systems it might be necessary to change the mapping
in order to get the right information from the base system. This
can be done, for example, by mapping the text labels to

Table 18.15: Symbol for application status standard function

File Name Symbol

18.6.3 Standard function Configuration Configuration with tools

The application standard function has the following attributes to be configured with the
Standard Function Tool:
Table 18.16: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP The name of authorization group SUPERVISION
APL_NUMBER The physical number of the super- APL:BAN
vised applications.
HOT_STAND_BY Indicates whether the system is a FALSE
single or a Hot Stand-By (Warm-
Stand-By) system.
NODE_NUMBER The node number of the Micro- SYS:BND
SCADA base system containing
the supervised application.
EXT_WD_APL_NR The logical number of the watch- 0
dog application in the "remote"
(i.e. other than the current) base
system, "adjacent watchdog". Configuration of process objects

The database objects related to the application object are created automatically in
background as Apply button is being clicked. The following process objects are created:

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 18.17: Local application

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group
10 AI Application state - BSWAP-
20 AI Application shadow- - BSWAP-
ing phase LIAPL
30 BI Application local - BSWAP-
memory pools state LIAPL
40 BI Application local - BSWAP-
queues state LIAPL
10 BI Global memory pool - BSWSYSISYS
state of MicroSCADA
base system
1xx AI Application State This index can be BSWAP-
used for showing the LIAPL
application state e.g.
in Monitor Pro. See
Section Pro-
cess objects.

Table 18.18: External application

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group
11 AI Application state - BSWAP-
21 AI Application shadow- - BSWAP-
ing phase LIAPL
xxxx AI Application State This index can be BSWAP-
used for showing the LIAPL
application state e.g.
in Monitor Pro. See
Section Pro-
cess objects. Example of application status configuration

Table 18.19: Example of application status standard function configuration

Attribute Value

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

18.6.4 Application engineering information Structure of application standard function

This section describes the structure of the application status standard function. All
subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files as well as database objects are
The application status is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library and
has the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

Table 18.20: Application status standard function related files

File Functionality Path
SYS600 Applica- Power Process sym- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/06-SA_Super- bol for application vision
status standard
ture for printing Help text file

The path to the application status help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.

Table 18.21: Application status help file
File Functionality
SAI_APL.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the Application status standard function.
Table 18.22: Configuration files used by the application status standard function
File Functionality
SAI_APL.DAT Contains the configuration data for application
status when it is created, modified or deleted by
the configuration tools.
SAI_APLDEL.VSO Tool for deleting process objects and SSS con-
figuration for application status.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Command procedures

At first installation, the application object creates the following command procedures if
the supervised application refers to an external application or there is a hot-stand-by
(warm-stand-by) system in question.
Table 18.23: Command procedures
Command procedure Functionality Remarks
SYS_APLE1 Command procedure for ap- In case of external application
plication supervision.
SYS_APLE2 Command procedure for ap- In case of external application
plication supervision.
SYS_APLH1 Command procedure for ap- In case of hot-stand-by system
plication supervision.
SYS_APLH2 Command procedure for ap- In case of hot-stand-by system
plication supervision. Time channels

At first installation, the application object creates the following time channels if the
supervised application refers to an external application or there is a hot-stand-by
(warm-stand-by) system in question.
Table 18.24: Time channels
Command procedure Functionality Remarks
SYS_APLE Time channel for application In case of external application
SYS_APLH Time channel procedure for In case of hot-stand-by system
application supervision. Event channels

At first installation, the application object creates the event channel SYS_EVENT, if it
does not exist.

18.7 DuoDriver Server status

18.7.1 Standard function installation

This section describes the installation of the DuoDriver Server status standard function
from the Power Process Library. The standard function for the DuoDriver Server status
is found in the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by
using the Power Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Supervision/DuoDriver
Server status).

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

18.7.2 Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the DuoDriver Server status standard function is installed
by using the following Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For more information, see SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 18.25: Symbol for DuoDriver Server status standard function
File Name Symbol
Status-101 with

18.7.3 Standard function Configuration Configuration with tools

The DuoDriver Server status standard function has the following attributes to be
configured with Standard Function Tool:
Table 18.26: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation SYS:BCX
BAY_NAME Name of the bay DuoDriver
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of process objects SYS_D0001I
INSTANCE_NAME The name of DuoDriver server in- DD1
LINE_A Identification of line A Line A
LINE_B Identification of line B Line B
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP Name of the authorization group SUPERVISION Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the DuoDriver Server status standard function, the
tools create a certain set of process objects in the database. Process objectsthat will be
linked to the actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a
proper switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable
values for normal operation.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 18.27: Process objects for DuoDriver Server status

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
11 BI Line A status Server Instance 1 BSWDDSIDUO
12 BI Line B status Server Instance 1 BSWDDSIDUO
13 BI Line A status Server Instance 2 BSWDDSIDUO
14 BI Line B status Server Instance 2 BSWDDSIDUO
15 BI Line A status Server Instance 3 BSWDDSIDUO
16 BI Line B status Server Instance 3 BSWDDSIDUO Example of DuoDriver Server status configuration

Table 18.28: Example of DuoDriver server status standard function configuration

Attribute Value
BAY_NAME DuoDriver
LINE_A ("Line A", "Line A")
LINE_B ("Line B", "Line B")

18.7.4 Application engineering information Structure of DuoDriver Server status standard function

This section describes the structure of the DuoDriver Server status standard function.
All subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files as well as database objects
are included.
The DuoDriver Server status is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library
and has the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Files

Table 18.29: DuoDriver Server status standard function related files

File Functionality Path
Status-101 with Power Process sym- /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/06-SA_Super- bol for DuoDriver vision
Server status stand-
ard function
ture for printing Help text file

The path to the DuoDriver Server status help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 18.30: DuoDriver Server status help file
File Functionality
SAI_DUOS.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the DuoDriver Server status standard
function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST.
Table 18.31: Configuration files used by the DuoDriver Server status standard
File Functionality
SAI_DUOS.DAT Contains the configuration data for
DuoDriver Server status when it is created,
modified or deleted by the configuration
SAI_DUOS.POT Contains the process object definitions for
the DuoDriver Server status.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library
standard functions for the installation tool.

18.8 DuoDriver Device status

18.8.1 Standard function installation

This section describes the installation of the DuoDriver Device status standard function
from the Power Process Library. The standard function for the DuoDriver Device status
is found in the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

using the Power Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Supervision/DuoDriver

Device status).

18.8.2 Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the DuoDriver Device status standard function is installed
by using the following Display Builder functions:
1. Object Browser
2. Palette
For more information, see SYS600 Process Display Design manual.
Table 18.32: Symbol for DuoDriver Device status standard function
File Name Symbol
Status-101 with

18.8.3 Standard function Configuration Configuration with tools

The DuoDriver Device status standard function has the following attributes to be
configured with Standard Function Tool:
Table 18.33: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of process objects -
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX OPC path to logical device level IEC61850 Subnet-
OPC_LN_INSTANCES The instance name of IEC 61850 ("LPHD1")
logical node for physical device
DATA_OBJECT Common Data class, Data Object ("RSS;Src-
and Data attribute for DuoDriver St.stValA","RSS;Src-
port status information St.stValB")
DATA_TEXT Signal texts for data objects ("Port Status 1/2
Line A","Port
Status 1/2 Line B")
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP Name of the authorization group SUPERVISION

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015 Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the DuoDriver Device status standard function, the
tools create a certain set of process objects in the database. Process objects that will be
linked to the actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a
proper switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable
values for normal operation.
Table 18.34: Process objects for DuoDriver Device status
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
21 BI Port status Line A Server Instance 1 BSWDDDI MSC
22 BI Line B status Server Instance 1 BSWDDDI MSC Example of DuoDriver Device status configuration

Table 18.35: Example of DuoDriver Device status standard function configuration

Attribute Value
BAY_NAME DuoDriver
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX IEC61850 Subnetwork.IED1.LD0
DATA_OBJECT ("RSS;SrcSt.stValA","RSS;SrcSt.stValB")
DATA_TEXT ("Port Status Line A","Port Status Line B")

18.8.4 Application engineering information Structure of DuoDriver Device standard function

This section describes the structure of the DuoDriver Device status standard function.
All subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files, as well as database objects,
are included.
The DuoDriver Device status is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library
and has the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design Files

Table 18.36: DuoDriver Device status standard function related files

File Functionality Path
Status-101 with la- Power Process symbol /PROG/GRAPHICSENGINE/PALETTE/06- for DuoDriver Device SA_Supervision
status standard function
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
for printing Help text file

The path to the DuoDriver Device status help text file is

Table 18.37: DuoDriver Device status help file
File Functionality
SAI_LPHD.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the DuoDriver Device status standard
function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST.
Table 18.38: Configuration files used by the DuoDriver Device status standard
File Functionality
SAI_LPHD.DAT Contains the configuration data for DuoDriver
Device status when it is created, modified or
deleted by the configuration tools.
SAI_LPHD.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
DuoDriver Device status.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for the installation tool.

18.9 Device status via SNMP

18.9.1 Standard function installation

This section describes the installation of the Device status via SNMP standard function
from the Power Process Library. The standard function for the Device status via SNMP
is found in the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST and it should be installed by

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

using the Power Process Library installation procedures (SA_LIB/Supervision/ Device

status via SNMP).

18.9.2 Symbol installation

The Power Process symbol for the Device status via SNMP standard function is installed
by using the following Display Builder functions:
1. Palette

18.9.3 Standard function Configuration Configuration with tools

The Device Status via SNMP standard function has the following attributes to be
configured with Standard Function Tool:
Table 18.39: Configurable attributes
Attribute Meaning Default
STATION_NAME Name of the substation -
BAY_NAME Name of the bay -
DEVICE_NAME Name of the device -
P_OBJECT_LN Logical name of process objects -
SNMP_DEVICE_TEMPLATE Template for the SNMP device -
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP Name of the authorization group SUPERVISION Configuration of process objects

Depending on the configuration of the Device status via SNMP standard function, the
tools create a certain set of process objects in the database. Process objects that will be
linked to the actual process should be edited to have a station number, an address and a
proper switching state. Otherwise, by default, all other attributes should have suitable
values for normal operation.
By default, there are four templates provided for SNMP devices creating the followings
sets of process objects.
Table 18.40: Device status via SNMP (Network switch 20 ports)
Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
1 … 20 DB Port status BSSNMPIDEV
100 AI Temperature BSSNMPIDEV
102 DB Power supply 1 BSSNMPIDEV

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier

103 DB Power supply 2 BSSNMPIDEV

Table 18.41: Device status via SNMP (GPS)

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
3 AI Satellites BSSNMPIDEV

Table 18.42: Device status via SNMP (Computer)

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
1 AI Cooling devices BSSNMPIDEV
2 AI Power supply BSSNMPIDEV
3 AI Temperature BSSNMPIDEV
4 AI Temperature BSSNMPIDEV

Table 18.43: Device status via SNMP (Printer)

Index Obj. type Process object Remarks Group identifier
2 DB Paper empty BSSNMPIDEV
4 DB Toner empty BSSNMPIDEV
8 DB Service requested BSSNMPIDEV Opening of Control dialog

The following predefined templates for SNMP device control dialogs can be found from
file \sc\apl\'apl name'\SUPERV\SSS_CTRLDLG.INI:

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

The launching of the control dialog for SNMP devices is done in Display builder/Tool
Launcher settings.
1. In Display Builder, drag and drop a suitable symbol for SNMP device.
2. Open the Tool Launcher by right-clicking the symbol.
3. Select Open > Visual SCIL.
5. Define Visual SCIL object name = MAIN and Custom argument = LIST(LN="ln",
OBJECTTYPE="object type'"), where 'ln' is the logical name of process objects and
object type is one of the objects types defined in file SSS_CTRLDLG.INI, e.g

If default OBJECTTYPECALLBACK program is changed in

the configuration file, it might be necessary to adjust custom
argument accordingly. Presented configuration depends on
that the callback returns the contents of OBJECTTYPE list

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Figure 18.4: Tool Launcher configuration for opening Control dialog Example of SNMP device status configuration

Table 18.44: Example of Device status via SNMP standard function configuration
Attribute Value
BAY_NAME Network Switch
SNMP_DEVICE_TEMPLATE Network switch 20 ports

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

18.9.4 Application engineering information Structure of Device status via SNMP standard function

This section describes the structure of the Device status via SNMP standard function.
All subdrawing files, form pictures, help and other text files as well as database objects
are included.
The Device status via SNMP is a part of the standard functions of Power Process Library
and has the directory /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE and the standard Power Process Library
subdirectories INST, LANG0 and USE. Files

Table 18.45: Device status via SNMP standard function related files
File Functionality Path Power Process symbol for /PROG/GRAPHICSEN-
Status Device status via SNMP GINE/PALETTE/06-SA_Supervision
Communication Port x standard function
Router -
FORM5SAGR1.PIC Generic format picture for /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/USE
printing Help text file

The path to the Device status via SNMP help text file is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/LANG0.
Table 18.46: Device status via SNMP help file
File Functionality
SAI_SNMP.HLP Standard function installation help file Configuration files

The following configuration files are used by the Device status via SNMP standard
function. The path is /SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Table 18.47: Configuration files used by the Device status via SNMP standard
File Functionality
SAI_SNMP.DAT Contains the configuration data for Device status
via SNMP when it is created, modified or deleted
by the configuration tools.
SAI_SNMP.POT Contains the process object definitions for the
Device status via SNMP.
SAI_SNMP.TPL Contains device templates for SNMP devices.
INDEX5_B1.TXT Selection list of Power Process Library standard
functions for the installation tool. Modifying template file

It is possible to modify the existing SNMP device templates or add new templates in file
/SA_LIB/BASE/BBONE/INST/SAI_SNMP.TPL. Copy the file to \sc\apl\'apl
name'\APLMOD4\INST directory and make the modification there.

File format
A template file has two kinds of sections:
1. Device template section, describes the SNMP device templates in file.
2. Device types sections, describes the details of each SNMP device.

Device template section

Table 18.48: Device templates
Section Meaning
DEVICE_TEMPLATES In this section, the name of SNMP devices in
the template file are described. This information
is used when SNMP devices are installed with
Standard Function Tool.

Device template section has the following key:

Table 18.49: Device types
Key Meaning
DEVICE_TYPES Each device template is described here. The
names are separated with comma. The name
of the device type has to be found as a section
name in the file.

New device type can be added by introducing it in

DEVICE_TEMPLATES/DEVICE_TYPES and adding the section with the same name
to the end of the file.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Device type sections

Device type sections have the following keys:
Table 18.50: Keys in device type
Key Meaning
INDEX The index of the process object (IX-attribute).
INDEX_TYPE The type of process object. Index type can be
BI (Binary input) DB (double binary input) or AI
(Analog input) .
OBJECT_TEXT Signal text that goes to OX-attribute.
HISTORY_ENABLED Defines whether event is generated to event list
or not. 0 = history disabled, 1 = history enabled.
DYNAMIC_EVENT_TEXT Defines the event handling object for the pro-
cess object. If the event handling object is not
defined, the default event handling object for
the process object type will be used.
ALARMS_CLASS Defines the Alarm class for the process object
(AC). Value can be from range 0-7. If value is
0, no alarms will be generated.
ALARM_ACTIVATION Defines the alarming value(s) for the process
object. The value depends on the index_type.
BI, the value of AG-attribute
DB, the value of LA-attribute
AI, the values of LI:LW:HW:HI

Each key value has to have the same amount of comma


18.10 Configuring SSS control dialog views

The configuration of the SSS control dialog views is done in file sc\apl\'apl
name'\SUPERV\SSS_CTRLDLG.INI. This file contains the default views for applications,
base system communication engines, stations and SNMP devices.

18.10.1 File format

Configuration file contains three kinds of sections:

1. General section, used for overriding the automatic detection of object type.
2. Object type sections, defines the layout of the control dialog.
3. Tabs sections, defines the content of separate tabs.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design General section

Control dialog automatically resolves the object type based on the logical name of the
process object. When resolving the object type, the naming conventions described in
Section Process objects are used as a rule.
SYS_?xxxx, where ? determines the type of object:
• N = COM_PCNET, COM_61850, or BASE_SYS in case xxxx equals to SYS:BND
or RX attribute contains BSWSYSYS
• S = STA
• xxxx - defines the object number argument
If, for some reason, the automatic detection is not suitable, OBJECTTYPECALLBACK
can be used to extend the control dialog to support object types not supported by auto
OBJECTTYPECALLBACK program should return an empty string for auto detection
or a text which references to object type section in the configuration file.
By default OBJECTTYPECALLBACK program returns contents of OBJECTTYPE list
attribute if defined in custom argument of the symbol. Object type sections

Table 18.51: Object type sections

Section (Object types) Meaning
BASE_APL_SINGLE Single application
BASE_APL_HSB Hot Stand-By application
BASE_SYS Base system
COM_61850 IEC 61850 node
STA_PCNET Station for PC-NET based communication
STA_61850 Station for IEC 61850 based communication
SNMP_* Templates for different kind SNMP devices
(Switch, GPS, Computer, Printer

Each section has the following keys. If the key value is type of VECTOR, the length of
the vector has to be same for these keys.
Table 18.52: Keys in objects types
Key Meaning Example value
TABS Reference to TABS section, Vector("BASE_MAIN")
i.e. what tabs will be loaded
when the dialog is opened.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Key Meaning Example value

VISIBILITY Defines the minimum author- Vector(0)
ization level in SUPERVI-
SION group for which this
tab is shown. >5 not visible,
0 <= visible for all, 1 = for
Auth.Level 1, 2 = for Au-
th.Level 2, 5 = for Au-
th.Level 5
POSITION Defines the location of tab Vector("A")
in control dialog. "B" = Main
view, "A" = Advanced view
START_MODE Defines the default view of ADVANCED
the control dialog when
opened. "BASIC"=dialog is
opened in main view, "AD-
VANCED"=Dialog is expan-
ded automatically to ad-
vanced view.
OI1 Defines the data to be SYS:BCX
shown in 1st level of "Object
Identification" field in the
OI2 Text to be shown in 2nd SYS:BNN
level of OI field. Same beha-
viour as OI1. Tab sections

Keys in the TAB section depend on the type of tab (the value of OBJECT key). The
common keys for all tabs and keys of the built in tabs are described below.
Table 18.53: Tab sections
Key Meaning
OBJECT The name of Visual SCIL object that is loaded
from VSO. Name is prefixed with NBP_ by the
dialog framework and the object must be of a
VSO The path to the VSO file where the OBJECT is
loaded. If this key is missing or empty
SSS_CtrlDlg.VSO is defaulted to. VSO and
OBJECTS keys can be used to extend the
control dialog functionality without the need to
modify the dialog code itself.
TABTITLE Defines the title of the dialog tab. This key is
EVALUATED by SCIL and can contain variables

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Key Meaning
PRELOAD This key defines a function which is executed
before the tab loading is started. It can be used
to initialize global variables needed by the
notebook page's init method. If STATUS after
PRELOAD method is non-zero, the tab loading
is skipped.
POSTLOAD The function defined in this method is EVALU-
ATED and executed after the tab is successfully
loaded. In case the STATUS after the tabs
LOAD call is non-zero POSTLOAD method is
not executed.
ONSELECT The function in this key is EVALUATED and
executed every time user selects the tab in
question. Predefined tab types

This chapter lists the predefined tab types and the related configuration settings.

General table
With general table, is possible to show information from MicroSCADA base system or
file system in a table view.
OBJECT = GEN_TABLE in tab definition
Table 18.54: Keys for general table
Key Meaning
ATTRIBUTES Values to show in the table. This vector specifies
the attributes to be added to the table. Either
objects from MicroSCADA or file system.
SOURCE Vector with the equal length as ATTRIBUTES
vector. Specifies where the value in question is
searched from. Possible values are "SYS",
"FILE" or "STATIC". Static definition only dis-
ables the variable expansion that is done with
the SYS type.
VISIBILITY Similar visibility vector as for Object type. Vector
defines the minimum authorization level for
corresponding attribute to be shown.
ATTRTITLES Attribute name or description to be shown in the
left column of table. This is key is optional and
if it is missing SCIL function APPLICATION_OB-
JECT_INFO is attempted. In case the value of
an element is "", the same SCIL function is used.
If the function fails to provide a name for the at-
tribute, the attribute itself is shown.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Key Meaning
UPDATERATE How often the table is refreshed. Value is in
seconds. Missing key or 0 means that the table
is only refreshed when the dialog is opened.
FILEx This key has to be referenced from ATTRIB-
UTES key. It defines the file which is read.
FILEx_PRE This key defines a callback function which is
called every time the value of FILEx is about to
be refreshed. It is not recommended to call ex-
ternal programs whose execution takes more
than the update rate, as this would render the
dialog unusable.
FILEx_POST This key defines the callback, which is called
after the file value has been refreshed.
COLSEPARATOR Key defines the separator character used for
splitting the file input into a vector. Key must be
single character (suitable for SCIL function
SEPARATE). If not defined, " " if used.
EVENT_UPDATE Key defines a vector of process objects whose
update causes the table to be refreshed. Re-
fresh is similar that is done with UPDATERATE,
but is event based instead time based. If more
than one PO listed in the key is refreshed simul-
taneously, each update causes the table to be

Force takeover
With the Force takeover tab, it is possible to initiate take over in Hot Stand-By system.
OBJECT = FORCE_TAKEOVER in tab definition
This tab has no specific configuration options.

PC-NET and Line control

With PC_NET and Line control tab is possible to show status of PC-NET and lines
defined under it. Both PC_NET and separate lines can be set in use/out of use.
OBJECT = NET_CTRL in tab definition
Table 18.55: Keys for PC-NET and Line control
Key Meaning
PCNET_CONTROL Defines the minimum authorization level in SU-
PERVISION group to allow PC-NET Control. If
not defined, defaults to 2.
LINE_CONTROL Defines the minimum authorization level in SU-
PERVISION group to allow setting individual
lines in and out of use. If not defined, defaults
to 2.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Device control
With the Device control tab, it is possible to set station in use/out of use, send general
interrogation for station and send time synchronization command to the station.
OBJECT = DEV_CTRL in tab definition
Table 18.56: Keys for Device control
Key Meaning
STATION_CONTROL Defines the minimum authorization level re-
quired in SUPERVISION group to control the
GI_CONTROL Defines the minimum authorization level re-
quired to send GI command.
SYNC_CONTROL Defines the minimum authorization level re-
quired to send Time Sync command to the
GICALLBACK In case there is a need for GI for station types
not supported by default implementation, this
key can define a vector which will implement
the GI
TIMESYNCCALLBACK In case there is a need for time sync for time
sync commands for unsupported station types,
this key should define the vector which will im-
plement the command.

Alarms tab
Shows the alarm states under one process object group (LN) and has possibility to
acknowledge all or selected alarms
OBJECT = ALARMS in tab definition
Table 18.57: Keys for Alarms
Key Meaning
LOGICALNAME Overrides the logical name where alarm
statuses are fetched. Defaults to LN defined in
the symbol.

Diagnostic counters
It is possible to load Diagnostic counters from System Configuration Tool for Device
and Line diagnostics by specifying a VSO as STOOL/SYSCONF.VSO and Object as
COUNTERS (for lines).
This tab has no specific configuration options.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
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18.10.2 Files related to SSS control dialog

This section describes the structure of the SSS control dialog. Files will be located under
System Tools in /STOOL/SUPERV folder.
Table 18.58: SSS Control dialog related files
File Functionality
SSS_CTRLDLG.VSO Main Visual SCIL dialog. Contains most of the
SSS_CTRLDLG.SCL Contains the help functions used and called
from application specific ini files. Functions such
LOAD are implemented in this file and called
from ini file with DO(READ_TEXT … statement.
It is not recommended to customize this file in
projects, but instead define a project specific
SCL file which is called similarly from the ini-file.
SSS_CTRLDLG.INI Default dialog configuration template included
in the product. This file is copied to APL\SU-
PERV during SSS initialization.

18.11 Removing SSS application objects and files

The following steps should be performed, if there is need to clean the SSS information
from the application.
1. Remove SSS routing objects:
a. Select Settings > System Self Supervision to open System Configuration Tool.
Then, change SSS to Disabled state, and set Remove supervision routing objects.
Click OK.
b. Save the active configuration, which will remove the supervision routing objects
from the application that has been constructed by System Configuration Tool.
2. Remove SSS event and alarm process objects:
a. These process objects are following the naming convention, SYS_'nnn'E or
SYS_'nnn'A, where 'nnn' denotes the dynamically constructed part indicating
the functional purpose.
b. Open Object Navigator, select these process objects including E or A as suffix,
and delete them.
3. Remove SSS command procedures:
a. These command procedures are following the naming convention, SYS_*. The
amount of the command procedures depends on what kind of SSS has been
constructed into application.
b. In the maximum, the following command procedures are included, and they
should become deleted with Object Navigator:

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SYS_INIT_1 and SYS_NETD command procedures

should not be deleted, because those belong to the
configuration mechanism of PC-NET with System
Configuration Tool.

4. Remove SSS configuration files:

a. These files are located under the application SUPERV folder. Delete all the
files included into the folder \sc\apl\'appl_name'\SUPERV, where 'appl_name'
denotes the name of application, e.g. MAIN

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19 User Account Management

This section describes the elements and functions of user management. The authorization
level for User Management tool is System manager (5).
With the User Management Tool it is possible to:
1. Add and remove users
2. Define users properties and roles
3. Set users default role
4. Reset users password
5. Define Groups and Roles
6. Define Password policy
7. Define Timeouts for Monitor Pro

Figure 19.1: User Account Management tool

When Central Account Management (CAM) is in use, only

Groups and Roles and Timeouts are available in the tool.

Right click Users, Groups and Roles or Timeouts leaf to adjust

the row header width of the table

19.1 Users
In the Users leaf it is possible to:
1. Add users
2. Remove users
3. Set user properties
4. Define users roles

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19.1.1 Properties

A user can be temporarily disabled. This means that user cannot log in to application
while being disabled. Disabled user is shown with red color.

The language, that is used for the user after login, can be selected from the available
languages in the system.

By default English is available. The other languages can be

added in the Text Tool.

19.1.2 Roles

User can have more than one role. Default role is shown as green. If user has more than
one role, the role is selected during the login. The access rights for the role are configured
in Groups and Roles leaf.

19.1.3 Changing Properties and Roles

To change Properties or Roles of the user, double click the cell in the table. Click OK
or Apply to save the changes.

19.1.4 Adding a user

To add a user click the Add User button. In Add User dialog define the following
1. User name. User name can be any valid file name.
2. Copy data from User. You can copy Properties and Roles settings from another user.
3. Copy Folders from user. You can copy Monitor Pro and Display Builder layout and
configuration settings.
4. Password. Password must be given according to Password Policy settings.
5. User must change password at first login.

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Figure 19.2: Add User

19.1.5 Removing a user

To remove a user, select the user from row heading, click Remove User button and
confirm operation.

19.1.6 Setting default role

To set default role for the user, select the user from row heading and click Set Default
Role button. Save changes by clicking OK or Apply.

19.1.7 Resetting password

To reset the users password, select the user from row heading and click Reset Password.

19.2 Groups and Roles

In the Groups and Roles leaf define the access of the role to different functions, like
Monitor Pro customization or Process controlling, by means of authorization groups and
authorization level to the group.
For example, typically operators have access level 1 - Control, thus Operator role should
have this authorization level configured to each defined authorization group. If
authorization group dedicated to a certain function is not defined, the authorization level
of the GENERAL group is used. Also, if authorization group is defined but the
authorization level is empty, GENERAL group is used for authority check. For more
information about authorization groups, see Section 22.2.1 Customization authorization

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Application Design

Figure 19.3: Groups and Roles

When the role has authorization level 5 in GENERAL group

it is considered as a System Manager role.

In the Power Process Library applications, the standard

functions in the Process Displays can be freely grouped into
authorization groups. This means that there can be different
authorization levels for different apparatus. Users can also be
defined to have different authorization levels for different tools,
substations, and so on.

There are the following default roles that cannot be removed or renamed.
Table 19.1: Roles
Role Meaning Remarks
Viewer Role to be assigned to users IEC 62351-8 standard role.
needing access permissions
only allowing read-only use of
the product.
Operator Role to be assigned to users IEC 62351-8 standard role.
needing access permissions
allowing to operate the primary
equipment via the product.
Engineer Role to be assigned to users IEC 62351-8 standard role.
needing access permissions
allowing the modification and
installation of applications con-
figuration parameters

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Installer Role to be assigned to users IEC 62351-8 standard role. At

needing access permissions the moment no dedicated func-
allowing the installation of soft- tionality behind this role.
ware and configuration up-
dates, but with no rights to
make own changes
SECADM Role to be assigned to users IEC 62351-8 standard role. At
needing full access permissions the moment no dedicated func-
for almost all activities specially tionality behind this role.
user accounts administrative
activities, but excluding auditing
SECAUD Role to be assigned to auditing IEC 62351-8 standard role. At
officers needing access permis- the moment no dedicated func-
sions to view security logs and tionality behind this role.
enabling them to generate se-
curity reports.
RBACMNT Role to be assigned to users IEC 62351-8 standard role. At
needing permissions to change the moment no dedicated func-
role-to-right(permissions) as- tionality behind this role.
Administrator This is a super-set of the exist- ABB vendor role.
ing IEC 62351-8 admin roles

The access rights of the role can be fine-tuned by setting the authorization level for the
groups. The following access levels can be defined:
Table 19.2: Authorization levels
Authorization level Meaning
- 1 - Reserved Reserved for future.
0 - View The operator is allowed to view the functions,
but not to make control operations.
1 - Control The operator is allowed to make control opera-
tions, for example to control switching devices
with limited rights.
2 - Engineering All rights are granted, excluding user manage-
ment, which can be performed only by the sys-
tem manager.
3 - Reserved Reserved for future.
4 - Reserved Reserved for future.
5 - System Manager The user with this authority level is the system
manager. All rights are granted, including the
rights to add and remove users and authoriza-
tion groups. The user who first logs into an ap-
plication is the system manager. Thus, each
application has only one system manager.

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19.2.1 Adding a group

To add an authorization group, click Add Group and select predefined group or type in
your own group.

19.2.2 Removing a group

To remove a group, select group from row heading and click Remove Group and confirm
operation. GENERAL group cannot be removed.

19.2.3 Adding a role

To add a role click Add Role. Copy data from Role copies the authorization levels from
selected role to the new one.

19.2.4 Removing a role

To remove a role, select the role from column heading, click Remove Role and confirm

19.2.5 Renaming a role

To rename a role, select the role from column heading, click Rename Role, type in the
new role name and confirm operation.

19.3 Password Policy

By enabling the password policy, all new users of the application have to have a password
that complies with the password policy settings.
The count and type of characters allowed in the passwords can be defined. By default,
password policy is disabled.

If password policy is changed and the password of the existing

user does not comply with the new rules, users password needs
to be reseted.

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Figure 19.4: Password policy

19.3.1 Defining password policy

To define the password policy enable policy, set the policy settings and click OK or

Password policy cannot be saved if there is policy violation in

definition. For example minimum count of upper case letters
is higher than the minimum password length.

19.4 Timeouts
You can define timeouts for a role. These timeouts are used in Monitor Pro. 0 means
that timeout is not in use.
Monitor Pro Session Timeout starts to run after login. If Monitor Pro Session Timeout
is defined, user is logged out after the specified time has elapsed.
If Monitor Pro inactivity time is defined, user is logged out if there are no user input,
like cursor movement, within the specified time.

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Figure 19.5: Timeouts

19.4.1 Defining timeouts

Define the timeouts for different roles in the table and click OK or Apply.

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20 SYS600 Historian

SYS600 Historian can be used for creating measurement reports, charting, and data
analysis. SYS600 Historian works well with large applications and high load. Arbitrary
many signals can be logged to SYS600 Historian.
Any binary input (BI), binary output (BO), double binary input (DB), digital input (DI),
digital output (DO), analog input (AI), analog output (AO), and pulse counter (PC) signal
or data objects with numerical value can be connected to SYS600 Historian. When a
signal is connected to SYS600 Historian, the values updated to the signal are automatically
sent to the SYS600 Historian. The data collected by SYS600 Historian can be further
processed using aggregate functions. For example, averages, maximums, and minimums
can be calculated.
Many SYS600 systems can log to same SYS600 Historian and a single SYS600 system
can log to multiple SYS600 Historians. SYS600 systems can be either stand alone or
HSB systems. SYS600 Historian installation is referenced using a Database Location.
Location is an URL with following theh form tcp://<host-name>/<database-name>.
Each logged process object and data object has a Tag and a Variable in SYS600 Historian.
These are created automatically when Logging objects are created. Tags and Variables
contain configuration information about the signal. Relevant fields are filled and updated

20.1 Configuring Logging Objects

The configuration is done using logging objects. Logging objects are application objects.
There are three different types of logging objects: DATABASE, HISTORY, and OBJECT.
A DATABASE objects describes a SYS600 History installation. A HISTORY object
describes the aggregates that are collected from logged signal. The last type OBJECT is
used for associate signals to databases.
To configure logging, use the following procedure:
1. Install SYS600 Historian.
2. Create a DATABASE object using Object Navigator (Logging Profile Objects >
a. Enter Database Location as Database Address, Username, and Password.
b. Set In Use (IU).
c. click Apply.
d. If connection parameters are valid, the Object Status (OS) should be
CONNECTED. If the Object Status is DISCONNECTED, Database Address,
Username, or Password is mistyped or the SYS600 cannot connect to the
SYS600 Historian.
e. click OK.
3. Create a HISTORY object.

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a. List the used aggregate functions. The available aggregate can be checked from
the SYS600 Historian using Vtrin user interface (Maintenance > System >
HistoryLists > History Collection Templates).
b. Set In Use (IU).
c. click OK.
4. Create an OBJECT object.
a. Connect the signals to logging profiles. Click Add... > Select... and choose the
signals to be connected.
b. Set In Use (IU).
c. click OK.
Now the Tags and Variables should be created automatically and the values should be
automatically logged to the SYS600 Historian. The instructions above used the default
settings for all objects. For additional configuration parameters, refer to the Application
Object manual.
For pulse counter objects, two aggregate variables are created. The name of the Variable
for pulse value in engineering units is prefixed with E and the name of the Variable for
time derivation is prefixed with D.

The bit count (BC) and pulse scaling (SC) attributes must be
properly defined for pulse counter signals to work correctly
with SYS600 Historian.

SYS600 generates a name for each Tag. If there already is a tag that has a name that
conflicts with the generated name, the tag gets a new name. The SYS600 generated name
is a proposed name. The actual name of the tag is stored in the GN attribute of the process
object or the data object.
Some attributes are defined by patterns. Patterns are defined in a DATABASE logging
object. Patterns are statements of the SCIL Data Derivation Language (SDDL). The
description of the SDDL can be found in Programming Language SCIL manual.
Table 20.1: The automatically filled fields of a Tag
Field Name Description Source
Name The unique name of the Tag. Based on the proposed name
External Name Name of the tag in an external SCIL name of the object. E.g.
system. ESTH01_Q0:P10.
Proposed Name Name of the Tag generated by Generated as defined by the
SYS600. NP or ND attribute in DATA-
BASE object.
Equipment Path A path used for defining the Generated as defined by the
Tags location in the equipment EP or ED attribute in DATA-
model. Comparable to the OI BASE object.
of the process objects.

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Field Name Description Source

Description A description of the Tag. Generated as defined by the
DP or DD attribute in DATA-
BASE object.
Type The data type of the Tag. Defined by the type of the
logged object.
Binary Text The source for textual represent- The event handling object of
ation of binary values. the logged process object. Only
used for BI and DB objects.
Creator Information about the creation The name of the SYS600 applic-
of the Tag. ation.
History Collection Templates List of aggregate collection. Defined in the HISTORY object.

Table 20.2: The automatically filled fields of a Variable

Field Name Description Source
Name The unique name of the vari- Based on the proposed name
able. attribute.
Process Path A path used for defining the Generated as defined by the
Tags location in the equipment EP or ED attribute in DATA-
model. Comparable to the OI BASE object.
of the process objects.
Section Information about the creation The name of the SYS600 applic-
of the tag. ation.
Unit The name of the engineering The ST attribute of the process
unit. object.
Description A description of the Tag. Generated as defined by the
DP or DD attribute in DATA-
BASE object.
Value Type The data type of the Tag. Defined by the type of the
logged object.
Binary Text The source for textual represent- The event handling object of
ation of binary values. the logged process object. Only
used for BI and DB objects.

The automatically filled fields in Variables and Tags are described in Table 20.1 and
Table 20.2.
When the signals are unconnected from a logging object, the corresponding tags are not
removed from the SYS600 Historian. Delete unused tags by clicking the Synchronize
Tags button in DATABASE logging object.
Logging objects cannot be removed if there are connections to other objects. To remove
a logging object with profile OBJECT, open it using Object Navigator. Select all
connected objects and disconnect them. Then, the logging object can be removed from
the Object Navigator main window (Main menu > Edit > Delete).
To remove a logging object with profile DATABASE or HISTORY, the user must first
either delete all connected logging objects with profile OBJECT or disconnect them. To

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disconnect, open the logging object with profile OBJECT and remove the corresponding
row from the storage attribute (ST).

20.2 Locating Objects in SYS600 Historian

There are several ways to find objects in SYS600 Historian. Each signal has a name,
which is generated with name pattern. The SYS600 Historian requires that each signal
has a unique name. If pattern generates a duplicate name, the SYS600 Historian modifies
the name so that it will be unique. The actual name of the signal in SYS600 Historian is
stored in signals in logging name attribute (GN).
Another way to locate signals is by using the plant model. Plant model is build based on
the equipment path. The equipment path is also generated with pattern. With default
settings, the equipment path for process objects (P) is built from the OI structure. For
data objects, the equipment path is empty, hence data objects are not present in the plant
model. It is possible to configure plant model for data objects. If the equipment path
pattern for data object (DD) is set to FX, the database objects will use the FX attribute
as their equipment path. Then the path in plant model can be set as dot separated string
list to the FX attribute of each data object. E.g. if the data object has an FX with value
Rivers.110kv.Q0, it will be placed in the plant model under Rivers, 110kv, and Q0
Patterns are stored to the DATABASE object. There are separate patterns for process
objects (P) and data objects (D).

20.3 Monitoring
The system has several diagnostics attributes. Each DATABASE object has an Object
Status (OS) attribute. This attribute contains the state of the connection between SYS600
and SYS600 Historian. DATABASE objects also contain a diagnostics counter attribute
(DC). Object statuses and diagnostics counters are listed in Application Object manual.
SYS600 also generates application events when the status of the connection is changed.
The events are emitted to the APL_EVENT channel. The list of emitted events can be
found in the Application Object manual.

20.4 Viewing and Processing History

The data logged to SYS600 Historian resides on the system where SYS600 Historian is
installed. The system can be accessed with the Vtrin client application. To open the Vtrin
client, open http://<SYS600 Historian Host>/vtrin.
For further information on viewing and processing the data, refer to SYS600 Historian

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21 Integrating PCM600

The PCM600 relay symbols can be added to a Process Display from the Object Browser
of the Display Builder.
Object Browser displays the relay symbols if PCM600 is installed and the relay objects
exist in the PCM600 projects. For more information about installing PCM600, see the
PCM600 Installation and Commissioning Manual.
To install the PCM600 relay symbols:
1. Install both SYS600 and PCM600.
2. Select Actions > Object Browser to open the Object Browser of the Display Builder.
3. Select PCM600 Projects from the Application drop-down menu.
4. Click Select... to display the relay tools in the Object Browser tree.
5. Drag IED to the drawing area to create a symbol in a Process Display.
For more information about using Object Browser, see SYS600 Process Display Design.
If the user management is in use in PCM600, the user name and password must be the
same in both SYS600 and PCM600 in order to be able to open the relay symbols in
Object Browser. If the user names and passwords differ from each other, installing the
relay symbols and opening the relay tools is not possible in Monitor Pro and an error
message is displayed.

21.1 Opening PCM600 relay tool

The PCM600 relay tools can be opened in a Process Display in the following way:
1. Open a Process Display.
2. Click a symbol. The IED Tools dialog is displayed.
3. Double-click a tool to open it.
Table 21.1: Authorization group related to PCM tool launcher
Authorization Group Level Enabled Action
IED_TOOLS >= 2, Engineering Access granted

For more information about using the PCM600 tools, see PCM600 Help.

21.2 Controlling PCM600 by using SCIL

The following SCIL commands help the user to manage the PCM600 client instances:
Usage: pcmcmd <command> <command parameters>

Manage the PCM600 instance commands

These commands are used to manage PCM client instances.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

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/Start <instanceName> [<user> [<password>]]
/Stop <instanceName>
/IsStarted <instanceName>

The PCM600 instance commands

These commands operate on running PCM client instances.
/ListProjects <instanceName>
/OpenProject <instanceName> <projectName>
/OpenDefProject <instanceName>
/IsProjectOpen <instanceName>
/CloseProject <instanceName>
/ListTools <instanceName> <objectPath>
/OpenTool <instanceName> <objectPath> <toolName>
/ListTasks <instanceName>
/RunTask <instanceName> <taskName>
/ListObjects <instanceName><structureName> [<parentObjectId>]
The return (exit code) values:
Success: 0
Invalid argument: 1
Failure: HRESULT/Win32 error code
Is* functions:
False: 0
True: -1

set inst=an_instance_name

set user=a_user_name

set pwd=user_password_in_PCM

set project=a_project_name

;Start a new instance as a certain user

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pcmcmd /start %inst% %user% %pwd%

;list all projects for the new instance

pcmcmd /ListProjects %inst%

;open a given project

pcmcmd /OpenProject %inst% %project%

;check if the project is open

pcmcmd /IsProjectOpen %inst%

;list all tools for a given object

pcmcmd /ListTools %inst% COMMUNICATION:CN\61850\SNW\REC

;list all tasks

pcmcmd /ListTasks %inst%

;open a given tool (SCLImport) for a given object

pcmcmd /OpenTool %inst% COMMUNICATION:CN\61850\SNW\REC SCLImport

;open another tool (PST) for the same object

pcmcmd /OpenTool %inst% COMMUNICATION:CN\61850\SNW\REC PST

;list all objects in the COMM structure root

pcmcmd /ListObjects %inst% COMMUNICATION

;list all objects in the PLANT structure root

pcmcmd /ListObjects %inst% PLANT

set object_id=<select an objectId from the listed objects

;list all child objects of the given object in the PLANT structure

pcmcmd /ListObjects %inst% PLANT %objectId%

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22 Authorization

User names are associated with a certain user profile that restricts the user’s access rights,
for example to access Process Displays. The authorization levels are defined in Table 22.1.
Table 22.1: Authorization levels
Authorization Description
0 - View The operator is allowed to view the functions, but not to make control operations.
1 - Control The operator is allowed to make control operations, for example to control
switching devices with limited rights.
2 - Engineering All rights are granted, excluding user management, which can be performed
only by the system manager.
5 - System The user with this authority level is the system manager. All rights are granted,
Management including the rights to add and remove users and authorization groups. The user
who first logs into an application is the system manager. Thus, each application
has only one system manager.

The system administrator can restrict a user's access rights either by defining an
authorization level for each object in a Process Display or by defining shortcuts for
Process Displays.
It is possible to define the authorization level for each object in a Process Display. The
authorization level for the object is defined in Display Builder. Right-click the object
and select Tool Launcher.... In the Tool Launcher dialog, select the Required check box
and define the authorization level.
The user's access rights can be restricted also by defining the shortcuts for the Process
Displays. The system manager can define that the user can access Process Displays only
through the shortcuts and prevent the use of the menu commands. For example, the user
cannot open a Process Display by selecting Main > Open. The shortcuts are displayed
on the toolbar of each Process Display. For more information about defining shortcuts,
see Section 16.16 Defining shortcuts to Process Displays.
The user is automatically logged off if Monitor Pro is not used when a certain time has
elapsed since the last login.
If the user has the access rights for the appropriate authorization level, the user can
configure the authorization group and the level which is needed for using certain menu
commands and toolbar buttons. The menu commands and toolbar buttons are disabled
if the user is not authorized to use them. The configurable authorization level definitions
override the default authorization group in Monitor Pro. If some menu commands are
disabled due to the authorization group, default values in the user management. It is
possible to override the default values with the configurable authorization level definitions.
The authorization levels can be managed in the customization mode in Monitor Pro. For
example, right-click the menu or the toolbar button and select Authorize. For more
information about the customization mode, see Section 16.3 Customize dialog.

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Application Design

If a standard function does not have an authorization group defined, or the group is not
included in the authorization definitions, a General authorization level from a predefined
group is used. The authorization group GENERAL cannot be removed.

System Tools are managed from the Tools authorization group.

To dedicate the system tools to certain users, define the Tools
authorization group.

Only the system manager can add and remove users and grant access rights to the users.
The password is selected and can be changed by the user exclusively. Password is changed
in the Change Password dialog.

22.1 Default authorization levels

The default authorization levels for menu commands and toolbar buttons are shown in
Table 22.2.
Table 22.2: Default authorization levels
Action Authorization group Authorization
Tool Manager TOOLS (GENERAL) 2 - Engineering
Display Builder TOOLS (GENERAL) 2 - Engineering
MicroSCADA Control Panel GENERAL 2 - Engineering
Alarm acking from the alarm row, context menu in the ALARM_HANDLING 1 - Control
alarm control, menu command, toolbar button (GENERAL)
Clear Current Trend Log TREND_HANDLING 2 - Engineering
Adding comments to events EVENT_HANDLING 1 - Control

22.2 Authorization Groups

It is not possible to define the authorization level for a menu. Therefore, set the
authorization level for the menu commands and submenus individually by right-clicking
the command in the customization mode, see Figure 22.1 and Figure 22.2. The
authorization groups and levels can be managed through User Management. For more
information about using User Management, see the SYS600 Operation Manual.

It should be noted that Display specific items (Process, Alarm,

Event, Blocking, Trends, Measurement Reports) from which
Displays are opened are not possible to be authorized. This is
due to the fact that it cannot be blocked from showing the
actual Display, but the actions in Displays can be affected by

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authorization groups. For example, for Event Display there

authorization groups that can be used to change the behaviour
of the Display from authorization point of view.

Figure 22.1: Setting the authorization level for the menu command

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Application Design

Figure 22.2: Setting the authorization level for the submenu command

22.2.1 Customization authorization groups

The following authorization groups define the authorization levels for customizing menus,
toolbars and different displays.

Defines the required authorization level for customizing menus. The following operations
are allowed for the PRO_MENU_CUSTOMIZE group:
• Using menu shortcut keys for copying and moving menu commands without opening
the Customize dialog.
- To move a menu command, press down the ALT key and drag the menu
command between menus.
- To copy a menu command, press down the CTRL key and drag the menu
command between menus.
• Using the menu commands in the Customize dialog.
• Using the following menu operations:
- Tools > Set Font.

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- Tools > Reset > Reset Layout.

- Tools > Reset > Reset Localizations.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To customize menus, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.

Defines the required authorization level for customizing toolbars. The following operations
are allowed for the PRO_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZE group:
• Using toolbar shortcut keys for copying and moving toolbar buttons without opening
the Customize dialog.
- To move the toolbar button, press down the ALT key and drag the toolbar button
between toolbars.
- To copy a menu command, press down the CTRL key and drag the menu
command between menus.
• Using the menu commands in the Customize dialog
• Locking and unlocking toolbars (View > Lock Toolbars).
• Hiding and showing toolbars.
- Right-click a toolbar and select or clear a checked commad from the context
• Using the following menu operations:
- Tools > Set Font.
- Tools > Reset > Reset Toolbars.
- Tools > Reset > Reset Layout.
- Tools > Reset > Reset Localizations.
If the current authorization group is not found, the group GENERAL is used. To customize
toolbars, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.

Defines the required authorization level for customizing Alarm Displays.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. The authorization level information for Alarm Displays is listed as follows:
Authorization levels 0 (View) and 1 (Control)
• Read-only access rights for application specific settings
• Read-only access rights for layout specific settings
• Read-only access rights for color specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific layout settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific color settings
Authorization levels 2 (Engineering) and 5 (System Management)
• Read/write access rights for application specific settings
• Read/write access rights for layout specific settings

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• Read/write access rights for color specific settings

• Read/write access rights for user specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific layout settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific color settings

Defines the required authorization level for customizing Event Display.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. The authorization level information for Event Displays is listed as follows:
Authorization levels 0 (View) and 1 (Control)
• Read-only access rights for application specific settings
• Read-only access rights for layout specific settings
• Read-only access rights for color specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific layout settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific color settings
Authorization levels 2 (Engineering) and 5 (System Management)
• Read/write access rights for application specific settings
• Read/write access rights for layout specific settings
• Read/write access rights for color specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific layout settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific color settings

Defines the required authorization level required for customizing Blocking Display.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. The authorization level information for Blocking Displays is listed as follows:
Authorization levels 0 (View) and 1 (Control)
• Read-only access rights for application specific settings
• Read-only access rights for color specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific color settings
Authorization levels 2 (Engineering) and 5 (System Management)
• Read/write access rights for application specific settings
• Read/write access rights for color specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific color settings

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Defines the required authorization level for customizing Trends. The following operations
are allowed for the PRO_TRENDS_CUSTOMIZE group:
• Customizing the Trend display in a graphical view mode by using the Graph
Properties dialog.
- Right-click the display and select Graph Properties to open the dialog.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To customize Trends, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.

Defines the required authorization level for customizing Measurement Reports. The
following operations are allowed for the group PRO_REPORTS_CUSTOMIZE:
• Customizing the Measurement Reports display in a graphical view mode by using
the Graph Properties dialog.
- Right-click the display and select Graph Properties to open the dialog.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To customize Measurement Reports, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.

22.2.2 Control authorization groups

The following authorization groups defines the authorization levels for controlling

Used to lock the advanced view for not authorized user.

MV_CONTROL is the default authorization group for Power Process library control
dialogs. Authorization group can be configured in Standard Function Tool when installing

Define the required authorization level for using the forced operation function in Power
Process library control dialogs.

Block unauthorised access to the simulation function in Control Dialog.

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22.2.3 Configure authorization groups

The following authorization groups define the authorization levels for configuring for
example measurement reports, trends, alarms, events and blockings.

Defines the required authorization level for handling alarms.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. The authorization level information for controlling devices is listed as follows:
Authorization level 0 (View)
• Read-only access rights for application specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific filter settings
Authorization level 1 (Control)
• Read-only access rights for application specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for acknowledgement
Authorization levels 2 (Engineering) and 5 (System Management)
• Read/write access rights for application specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for acknowledgement

Defines the required authorization level for handling blockings.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. The authorization level information for controlling devices is listed as follows:
Authorization level 0 (View)
• It is not possible to change the blocking state.
Authorization level 1 (Control)
• It is possible to change the blocking state.
Authorization levels 2 (Engineering) and 5 (System Management)
• It is possible to change the blocking state.

Defines the required authorization level for handling events.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. The authorization level information for controlling devices is listed as follows:

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Authorization level 0 (View)

• Read-only access rights for application specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific filter settings
• Read-only access rights for event commenting
Authorization level 1 (Control)
• Read-only access rights for application specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for event commenting
Authorization levels 2 (Engineering) and 5 (System Management)
• Read/write access rights for application specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for user specific filter settings
• Read/write access rights for event commenting

The default authorization group. All the tools and standard picture functions configured
to the group will automatically start using the definitions of the GENERAL group.

Used in LIB5xx based relay tools to prevent e.g. unauthorised actions like write/change

Defines the required authorization level for authorizing menu commands and toolbar
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To configure the authorization levels for specific commands, the authorization
level 2 (Engineering) is required.

Defines the required authorization level for configuring custom commands to menu
commands and toolbar buttons.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To configure the custom commands, the authorization level 2 (Engineering) is

Defines the required authorization level for managing layouts in Monitor Pro. The
following operations are covered:
• Configuring the visibility of menus or toolbars in Monitor Pro
• Customizing menus and toolbars with certain visibility in Monitor Pro

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Visibility means project, application or user one. Menus and toolbars with:
• Project visibility are shown in all application for all users
• Application visibility are shown in certain application for all users
• User visibility are shown for certain user

Defines the required authorization level for handling Process Display Note
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To handle Process Display Notes, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.
Process Display Notes can be viewed with the authorization level 0 (View).

Defines the authorization level 2 (Engineering) for making changes in the Application
Settings dialog. If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group
GENERAL is used.

Defines the required authorization level for handling network topology coloring. The
following operations are allowed for the PRO_TOPOLOGY_HANDLING group:
• Network topology coloring in the engineering mode.
• Select Tools > System Tools > Network Topology Coloring to open the network
topology coloring.
• Network topology coloring in the non-engineering mode (read only).
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To handle network topology coloring, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.

Defines the required authorization level for handling zoom area definitions.
Editing, deleting or adding the zoom area definitions in the Save/Restore Zoom dialog
are allowed for the PRO_ZOOMAREA_HANDLING group.
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To handle zoom area definitions, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.

Defines the required authorization level for handling Measurement Reports.
• Editing application specific preconfigurations.
• Showing or hiding the measurement reports by using the Measurement dialog.

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If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To handle Measurement Reports, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required.
To edit the application specific preconfigurations, the level 2 (Engineering) is required.

Used in System Self Supervision control dialog.

Defines the required authorization level for tools to cover appropriate functionality. Used
for example in Display Builder and Tool Manager.

Defines the required authorization level for handling Trends:
• Editing Trend Basket
• Editing application specific preconfigurations
• Trend Curves dialog modifications
If the current authorization group is not found, the authorization group GENERAL is
used. To handle trends, the authorization level 1 (Control) is required. To edit the
application specific preconfigurations, the level 2 (Engineering) is required.

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23 Saving Customized Application

23.1 Search Path and Relative Paths in Process Displays

In Monitor Pro and Display Builder, there is an internal search path that is used to convert
relative file paths to absolute file paths in runtime when searching for subdrawings,
Process Displays, input object layout files, bitmaps and so on, from disk. The search
path contains the following directories:
\sc\apl\<application name>\PICT\
\sc\apl\<application name>\AplMod4\Palette\
If the AplMod4\Palette\ directory is created manually created afterwards, Monitor Pro
and Display Builder have to be restarted to take it in use.
When, for example, a subdrawing object is added to a Process Display, the related
subdrawing file can be referenced in three different ways:
• Absolute full path, for example, C:\sc\prog\graphicsEngine\Palette\01 -
• A full path without the drive letter, for example, \sc\prog\graphicsEngine\Palette\01
- SA_Common\
• A relative path containing only the Palette tab name and the subdrawing file name,
for example: 01 - SA_Common\
The relative path is the recommended way and the default when, for example, a
subdrawing is added from Palette or Object Browser. The absolute full path is the default
whenever, for example, a subdrawing is added or changed by browsing the file system.
It should always be manually changed to back to relative path, or at least the drive letter
should be extracted away.

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24 Tool Manager

The primary use of the Tool Manager is to start tools of various categories. The Tool
Manager is divided into several pages with tool icons. The user is allowed to add both
pages and tools. The geometry of the Tool Manager is saved at the end of a session.
From an application, the Tool Manager is opened by choosing ToolManager from the
Tools & Engineering Tools menu in Monitor Pro.

Figure 24.1: User Interface page. Each page in the Tool Manager represents a category of tools

24.1 General

Tool types
The Tool Manager handles three kinds of tools: services, system tools and object tools.
Services are automatically started when the Tool Manager is started. Services provide
other tools with functionality when they are used. System tools are used when the SYS
environment and its applications are being maintained. Object tools use services provided
by the project database management service, which is not shown in the standard version.
It is part of the CAP package.

The toolbar
The toolbar functions are listed in Figure 24.2.

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Figure 24.2: Tool Manager toolbar

Tool pages
Tool pages can be added to the Tool Manager by choosing Insert Tool Page from the
Edit menu. Tool pages cannot be deleted before all tools are removed from the page.
The tool page title can be changed by choosing Tool Page Properties from the Edit

24.2 Tools
This section describes how to manage tools using Visual SCIL. The pictures are managed
the same way, except adding pictures is done differently.

24.2.1 Adding tools

To add tools:
1. Choose Insert Tool from the Edit menu.

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Figure 24.3: The tool to be added to the Tool Manager can be selected from the Installed
Tools List

2. Select the tool that should be added from the list. The list is retrieved from the tool
registry. Add unregistered tools by clicking the User Defined button.
3. Click OK.

24.2.2 Adding user defined tools

Adding a user defined tool is done in the dialog box shown in Figure 24.4.

Figure 24.4: The General page

To add user defined tools:

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1. In the General page, enter the tool title and its associated Visual SCIL Object
resource filename. Use the browse facility if needed.
a. Following the same procedure you can add an icon referring to a picture
anywhere in the file system. Enter picture title and complete filename or use
the Browse PIC button to locate the picture file.
2. In the Tool Options page, type additional information like the Tool Type (service,
sys or obj, default=sys), Dialog name (default=MAIN), Method to run when loading
the dialog (default=none), Exclusive state (0 or 1, default=0) and the Default Path
for the tool. If the VSO contains a VS_IMAGE named PRODUCT_ICON_M, it is
shown as the icon by default.
• The specified method can also have parameters, for example:
MyMethod("PAGEVIEW", 5)

• Here the method is MyMethod and it passes two parameters: "PAGEVIEW"

as argument 1 and number 5 as argument 2.
• The Exclusive state is used to control whether the tool allows other tools to be
active simultaneously in the same Tool Manager session. If this is set to 1
(TRUE), the tool does not allow other tools to run at the same time. The default
path must be specified as a logical path.
3. Click OK.

24.2.3 Moving tools to another tool page

Tools can be moved from one tool page to another. To move a tool:
1. Select the tool.
2. Choose Move Tool from the Edit menu. The Move Tool dialog appears.

Figure 24.5: Dialog for moving a tool icon from one page to another.

3. Select the destination page.

4. Click OK.

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24.2.4 Tool properties

The tool properties can be edited. To edit:

1. Choose Tool Properties... from the Edit menu. The Tool Properties dialog box
appears, containing three pages.

Figure 24.6: General Page where you determine the tools to be inserted and its properties

2. Type Product ID and associated Tool Registry file for the tool in the General page.
Tool Manager locates tools by their product IDs from either the Sys_Tool or
Cmd_Tool logical paths. The settings file contains detailed information about the
• The Tool Settings File page shows information from the tool's settings file.
Figure 24.7. These settings cannot be changed from the Tool Manager.

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Figure 24.7: The Tools Settings File Page

• The User Settings page has the same text boxes as in the Insert Tool dialog box,
see Figure 24.8. In the User Settings page of this dialog, it is possible to override
the settings in the tool's settings file. For example, it is possible to override the
Exclusive state by setting it to its opposite value. Change the settings if needed.

Figure 24.8: The User Setting Page

3. Click OK.

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24.2.5 Deleting a tool

Tools can be deleted by choosing Delete Tool from the Edit menu. Deleting a tool does
not affect the Tool Manager registry of installed tools, only the active user's tool

Figure 24.9: The Delete Tool confirmation dialog box

24.3 Setting Global Font

The default font used by VSCIL tools is MS Sans Serif, medium, 8.
The font can be changed using the Set Font option in the Tool Manager. Launch the
Font Properties dialog by either selecting Set Font from the Options menu or click the
Set Font button in the tool bar.

Figure 24.10: The Font Properties dialog which allows user to set Global Font

Check the Font... check box to enable the Set Font button, which allows to choose any
of the listed fonts.

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Figure 24.11: The Font Chooser dialog that allows user to select Fonts

When the font is set, the following tools will be launched with the selected font.
• Object Navigator
• NT Manager
• Picture Editor
• Import/Export Tool
• Search Tool
• SCIL Editor
• Test dialog
• License Tool.

24.4 Setting Tool specific fonts

To set font for individual tools, see Figure 24.8:
1. Select the tool and select the User Settings tab in the Tool Properties dialog.
2. Select the Font... checkbox and click the Set Font button.

For the above mentioned tools when the Font is set globally
and if fonts are not set specifically for each of these tools, then
it will be launched with the Global Font that is set.

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24.5 Viewing and terminating currently loaded tools

A dialog box for viewing the currently loaded tools can be opened in the Tool Manager.
From this dialog box, it is possible to terminate tools not responding to user interaction.
To view active tools loaded in current Tool Manager session:
1. Choose Active Tools... from the File menu.
2. Currently active tools are listed in a list box.
3. To terminate a tool, select the tool in the list box and click Terminate.
4. The Active Tools dialog box is closed by clicking Close.

24.6 Pictures
Adding a picture icon into the Tool Manager:
1. Choose Insert Tool from the Edit menu.
2. Click User Defined button.
3. Click Browse PIC.
4. Select a file from the list of picture files.
5. Click OK in the Tool Properties dialog.
Otherwise, pictures are handled in the Tool Manager the same way as tools made using
Visual SCIL.

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25 Terminology

Term Description
Action tool Used to perform an action within the application. An action tool can be a menu
command or a toolbar tool. A tool can be any of the following types: button, drop-
down button, textbox, combo box, label, separator.
Docking area Monitor Pro defines four docking areas on the top, bottom, right and left edges of
the control's dialog. It also defines an area for free position (floating).
Context The context menu appears when you right-click for example a selection, a toolbar,
menu or a taskbar button. It lists commands pertaining only to that screen region or se-

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26 Abbreviations

Abbreviation Description
CSV Comma delimited text file
HSI Human-System Interface
NCC Network Control Center
DLL Dynamic linking Libraries
NLS National language support
NTC Network Topology Coloring
SA-LIB Power Process Library
SCS Substation Control System
SSS System Self Supervision
VBA Visual BASIC for Applications

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Appendix A NTC migration to SYS600 9.3 FP1 or later

The architecture of NTC is changed in SYS600 9.3 FP1. From now on, the calculation
is done in the base system and the result of topological state of the network is stored in
the process database.
Due to this change, some manual changes regarding NTC are required when the
application is migrated to SYS600 9.3 FP1 or later.

During installation, the components related to the previous

NTC version are removed.

The steps in the following sections apply only partly, when

the migration is done from version 9.x, where x refers to
version used before migration, to SYS600 9.3 FP1 or later.

A.1 Disabling starting and stopping of Network Topology

Coloring Manager
The starting and stopping of NTC Manager have to be disabled.
To disable starting and stopping of NTC Manager, comment (add the semicolon character
";" at the front of a line) or remove the following lines:
Stat = ops_process("\sc\prog\sa_lib\ntcmanager.exe")
@a=ops_process(parse_file_name("/prog/sa_lib", "ntcmanager.exe") + " /kill")

The lines mentioned will no longer exist in the file templates

of versions 9.3 FP1 or later.

A.2 Defining switching device polarity

The switching device polarity needs to be defined for the application, or for each base
system STA object separately. The definition is done by setting the APL'apl_nr':BSM

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Application Design

or STA'sta nr':BSM attributes in System Configuration Tool or directly in

The rule for switching device polarity is the following:
IEC 61850: Middle = 0, Open = 1, Closed = 2, Faulty = 3
Other protocols: Middle = 0, Open = 2, Closed = 1, Faulty = 3
In practice, the polarity needs to be defined for IEC 61850 stations. For other protocols,
the polarity is the same as the default value.
Example 1: Pure IEC 61850 application
#SET APL1:BSM = LIST(Middle = 0, Open = 1, Closed = 2, Faulty = 3)
Example 2: Mixed IEC 61850 application with other protocols
@v_IEC61850_Stations = vector(1,2,3,4,5,21,22,23,24,25)
#loop_with Sta= 1 .. length(%v_IEC61850_Stations)
@i_StaNr = %v_IEC61850_Stations(%Sta)
#set STA'i_StaNr':BSM = LIST(Middle = 0, Open = 1, Closed = 2, Faulty = 3)

A.3 Network Topology Coloring layouts

Before performing migration, investigate how the topology is built in the application.
There can be one network overview containing the whole topology or different
independent topologies.
If there is one network overview display, perform the migration for that display only.
This applies if all objects are in the same view, or the overview display is built from
subdrawings (stations) that are connected to each other by line segments.
In some applications, the overview display can be built in a way that it contains only a
subset of all objects, and more detailed displays are included as subdrawings. In this
case, the topology can be built by starting from the overview and then adding the detailed
views to the same topology one by one.
Handle independent topologies separately and save them under unique names.

If the display was built using network objects referenced from

the overview display, these displays have to be built from the

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Migration does not apply to selfmade NTC solutions.

A.4 Rebuilding Network Topology Coloring

NTC is rebuilt in Display Builder.
To rebuild NTC:
1. In Monitor Pro, select Tools > Engineering Tools > Display Builder.
2. In Display Builder, open the Actions > Manage Topologies... dialog.
3. Click Add New... and define topology name.
4. Click Add Current Display... or Add Display... to select display.
5. Select an object causing messages and fix the errors.

Figure A.1: Error message due to switch device symbol connected twice to same process
object in one display

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The Topology Models dialog shows the reasons for the messages and proposes
actions for fixing the errors and warnings. The user can zoom to the object causing
the error or warning also by right-clicking it in the object tree or in the Errors or
Warnings tab.
6. Click Save.
Some errors are discovered during saving. If errors are detected at this phase, repeat
steps 5 and 6.

The rules for building NTC are stricter in 9.3 FP1 than in
previous versions, which may result in a number of errors
and warnings when NTC is generated.
Fix all errors and check all warnings before saving the

7. Check the logical behavior of regenerated topology in Monitor Pro.

A.5 Known issues

A.5.1 Duplicate switch devices

The new NTC algorithm allows that switch device can be in the same display only once.
If there were duplicate objects in the display, remove them.

A.5.2 Breaker with truck

Draw breaker with truck so that breaker is in the middle and truck symbols are directly
connected to it on both sides.

A.6 Line indicator

A.6.1 Configuration of line indicator

The line indicator can also feed Uncertain color. During the first startup after installing
9.3 FP1 or later, line indicators are turned to manual state automatically if they are
configured so that the line indicator is colored by Busbar Coloring or manually.
There may be a configuration error indicating that line indicator(s) are colored by DMS
600 although it should be colored by Busbar Coloring. In such a case, the line indicator(s)
(index 10) needs to be turned to manual state (SS=1).

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Figure A.2: Configuration of line indicator

A.6.2 Topology color data variable

In SYS600 9.3 FP1 or later, the line indicator does not contain Topology color data
variable anymore. Also, the topology color data variable of line segment and generator
symbol is now used by the NTC. If some customer specific solution was created based
on this, it needs to be recreated.

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Appendix B Migrating MicroSCADA application in SYS600 and

Monitor Pro

This chapter provides information on the migration tools needed during the application
design when the existing LIB 5xx based applications are migrated to use the Monitor
Pro Process Displays.
Usually, an existing application contains a set of pictures and their related process database
built with LIB 5xx application library. SYS600 contains the engineering tools to migrate
these applications in a straightforward way. During the migration, the picture configuration
information from the existing pictures is copied to the process database. The Monitor
Pro user interface uses the copied information. The connection between the existing
process objects of the migrated application and the graphical symbols of the Process
Displays is made by dragging and dropping the complete objects during the single line
diagram engineering with Display Builder.

LIB 5xx application SYS 600 application


Export Read configuration

configuration of the objects

Figure B.1: Migrating process

Another migration tool is needed for the event handling concept introduced in SYS600.
In this concept, the Event Objects are displayed in the application's process database.
Another event architecture has been used with the existing application, which database
has been built with LIB5xx application library and contains the LIB 500 Event List. To
provide a continuum from the existing LIB 500 Event List to the SYS600 Event List, a
migration tool to migrate the existing application to the new event handling concept is
introduced. The following figure describes both the event handling processes and the
role of the migration tool.

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Figure B.2: Event conversion process

LIB 500 Event List concept:

• The value of the process object is updated (1)
• Format picture is activated (2)
• Format picture reads the text related to the event from the text file and shows it in
the Event List (3)
Event Conversion Tool:
• Reads all the format pictures and related text files found from the application (4)
• Puts texts to text database, creates Event Objects, connects Process Objects to Event
Objects (5)
Monitor Pro Event Display concept:
• The value of the process object is updated (1)
• Event object is activated. Event Object contains the reference to text database, from
where the textual presentation of event is fetched (6)
By default, Power Process control dialogs can connect to the configuration made with
LIB 510 MV Process. However, it is possible to export data from any picture function
that is designed according to LIB 5xx design rules.

B.1 Exporting information from pictures

In a LIB5xx based picture, the parameters describing the object and its behaviour is
stored in the picture. When the Monitor Pro Process Displays are used with an existing

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process database, these parameters need to be extracted from the pictures and made
available for the new control dialogs.
The Configuration Data Export tool is used for this purpose. It extracts the needed
information from the pictures and stores it to the process database, from where it is
available for the Control dialogs of Power Process library. The configuration of the
Measurement Reports is extracted to a separate files, to directory sc/apl/'apl

B.1.1 Configuration Data Export tool

The Configuration Data Export tool offers the means to reuse the pictures and process
database built with LIB 5xx application library when an application is upgraded to the
Monitor Pro user interface. First, Configuration Data Export can separate the configuration
of the picture functions from the SCIL picture. Next, the tool copies the information to
the process database. In case of Measurement Reports, tool creates the external
configuration data files that are saved in apl\apl name\REPORTS\PRECONF. The Process
Displays and measurement report displays in Monitor Pro can utilize the exported
configuration data. For more information on the picture engineering, see SYS600 Process
Display Design.

B.1.1.1 Starting Configuration Data Export tool

To start the Configuration Data Export tool, select Miscellaneous > Tool Manager >
DAT Export.

Figure B.3: Configuration Data Export tool icon

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Main view

Figure B.4: Main view of the tool

The Source directory shows where the SCIL pictures are located. The destination directory
is always the /POBJCONF directory under the application. When the Override existing
configuration option is checked, the configuration data is recreated, if it already exists.
The SCIL pictures found from the source directory are listed in the Pictures tab.

B.1.1.2 Options

The purpose of the Export Options is to filter out the picture functions that are not related
to the process graphics. These kinds of functions are, for example, components that are
used for building the network topology coloring into the LIB 500 single line diagrams.
In this way, the amount of the data files can be reduced. Also, by having this kind of
filter, the creation of unnecessary configuration data will be prevented.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Figure B.5: Export Options

B.1.1.3 Exporting picture data

To export configuration data from a picture:

1. Select the picture(s) in the Pictures list from which data should be exported.
2. Select filter from the Export Options dialog.
3. Click the Export button.
For more information on how to finalize the display engineering, see SYS600 Process
Display Design.

B.2 Event conversion

In LIB 500 Event List, the format pictures are used for showing the dynamic part of the
event text. However, the event text presentation in SYS600 Event List is based on the
Event Objects. When SYS600 Event List is used with an existing process database, the
format picture mechanism must be converted into the new event handling concept.
The SYS600 Event Conversion Tool offers the means to convert the used format picture
concept into a new event handling concept. In practice, this means that each process
object that has a known LIB 5xx format picture is connected to a comparable Event
Object. When the event conversion is done, the same event texts are shown in the SYS600
Event List and in the LIB 500 Event List.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

B.2.1 Event Conversion Tool

The purpose of Event Conversion Tool is:

• To locate the used, known LIB 5xx format pictures from the process objects of the
• To create the related Event Objects that the new event handling concept needs.
• To separate event texts from the text files, and write them to a text database file
(APL_TEXT.SDB) of the running application.
• To connect the created Event Objects to the text identifiers that are located from the
text database file.
• To connect process objects to event objects.

Format pictures are still needed to print the events to the Event
Printer. Due to this, the format picture information in process
database is not modified during the conversion.

B.2.1.1 Starting Event Conversion Tool

Start Event Conversion Tool from Tool Manager. Select the Miscellaneous tab and click
Event Conversion.

Figure B.6: Icon for opening Event Conversion Tool

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Figure B.7: Main view of Event Conversion Tool

The Event Conversion Tool contains three tabs:

• Found Event Text Conventions
• Not Resolved
• Modified Process Objects.
Found Event Text Conventions tab shows all the supported format picture conventions
found from the application. The conventions within the application can be examined by
clicking Search....
The Format picture field shows the name of the format picture (PF attribute of process
object). The Text file field shows the language text file related to the format picture.
Sometimes the event text does not come from the text file, but the value of the process
data is shown directly in the Event List (OV-attribute). In this kind of cases a text "Value
based form" is shown in the field. The Event object field shows the name of the event
object or objects where the process object is connected.
When the modification of the process database is done, the Not Resolved tab shows all
process objects that are not connected to the event object. Possible reasons for the process
objects not to connect are:
• Not supported software package. The process objects are not recognized because
they are not compatible with LIB4.
• Not supported form convention. Some format pictures have internal logic that is not
possible to convert by the Event Conversion Tool.
• Language text file not found. It is not possible to read the language text file.
• Event text could not be resolved. Event Conversion Tool does not recognize the text
file format and therefore cannot resolve the text.

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Modified Process Objects tab shows the list of all process objects that are successfully
connected to event objects.

B.2.1.2 Making conversion

The conversion can be done by clicking the Search... button, which looks for the known
conventions within the application. Clicking the Modify DB button makes the changes
to the process database. If the user does not want to examine the event conventions
beforehand, the Modify DB button can be clicked directly.
When the conversion is ready, the result can be saved to a log file. The log file contains
all the data found from three tabs in the Event Conversion Tool.

It is recommended to take a backup from the application

(process database) before making the event conversion.

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

Appendix C Object type example

In this example, the following definitions are made in object type for switch device.
• Indexes for controlling are changed to 210 (Select), 211 (Execute), 212 (Cancel)
• Control methods (METHOD_OPEN_SELECT … ) are used for device specific
control actions
• METHOD_INIT_SIGNAL is utilized for creating process objects for controlling
• METHOD_CUSTOMIZE_OBJECTS is used for changing certain attribute values
of process objects
• METHOD_GET_INDICATIONS is used for converting the value of switch state
indication, interlocking signals, bay L/R indication and synchrocheck indication.
• Interlocking and synchrocheck bypass is enabled in control dialog

Figure C.1: Object type example

C.1 Object type main file



-; Attributes defining index convention.






SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design













-; Attributes defining switch control methods








-; Attributes for converting values for control dialog




-; Methods Executed by POT.








"#CASE %IX",-

"#WHEN 10 #SET ''LN'':PEH''IX''=""SAGR_FORM5FPDB1_17""",-

"#WHEN 16,17 #SET ''LN'':PEH''IX''=""SAGR_FORM5FPBI1_43""",-

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015




-; Attributes for overriding SCT selections




SA_LIB_INDEXES = "20,19,210")

C.2 Process objects


@v_Object_Type_Process_Objects = VECTOR(-


IX = 210,- ;index =

PT = 11,- ;process object type = AO

DX = "X4",- ;directive text

OI = %OBJ_IDENT,- ;substation & bay name

OX = "Select",- ;object text

IU = 1,- ;in use = yes

SS = 1,- ;switch state = manual

EE = 1,- ;event enable = yes

HE = 1,- ;history enable = yes

HA = 2,- ;history activation = update

HF = 1,- ;history at first update = yes

HL = BIT_MASK(15),- ;history log number = 15

HO = 0,- ;high alarm limit = 0

LO = 0,- ;low alarm limit = 0

ST = "Command",- ;unit of value

SN = "1_1",- ;scale name

RC = 0,- ;receipt = acknowledgement not required

AB = 0,- ;alarm blocking = no

AC = 0,- ;alarm class = disabled

AD = 0,- ;alarm delay = 0

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

PD = 0,- ;picture device = none

PI = "",- ;alarm picture

PF = "FORM5SAGR1",- ;physical format for printout

RI = 0 ,- ;dynamic texts for printout

PA = 2,- ;printout activation = update

PU = 1,- ;picture/ printout at first update = yes

LD = BIT_MASK(1),- ;listing device = 1

RX = ""),- ;data acquisition unit and group



IX = 211,- ;index =

PT = 11,- ;process object type = AO

DX = "X4",- ;directive text

OI = %OBJ_IDENT,- ;substation & bay name

OX = "Execute",- ;object text

IU = 1,- ;in use = yes

SS = 1,- ;switch state = manual

EE = 1,- ;event enable = yes

HE = 1,- ;history enable = yes

HA = 2,- ;history activation = update

HF = 1,- ;history at first update = yes

HL = BIT_MASK(15),- ;history log number = 15

HO = 0,- ;high alarm limit = 0

LO = 0,- ;low alarm limit = 0

ST = "Command",- ;unit of value

SN = "1_1",- ;scale name

RC = 0,- ;receipt = acknowledgement not required

AB = 0,- ;alarm blocking = no

AC = 0,- ;alarm class = disabled

AD = 0,- ;alarm delay = 0

PD = 0,- ;picture device = none

PI = "",- ;alarm picture

PF = "FORM5SAGR1",- ;physical format for printout

RI = 0,- ;dynamic texts for printout

PA = 2,- ;printout activation = update

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

PU = 1,- ;picture/ printout at first update = yes

LD = BIT_MASK(1),- ;listing device = 1

RX = ""),- ;data acquisition unit and group


IX = 212,- ;index =

PT = 5,- ;process object type = BO

DX = "X1",- ;directive text

OI = %OBJ_IDENT,- ;substation & bay name

OX = "Cancel",- ;object text

IU = 1,- ;in use = yes

SS = 1,- ;switch state = manual

EE = 1,- ;event enable = yes

HE = 1,- ;history enable = yes

HA = 2,- ;history activation = update

HF = 1,- ;history at first update = yes

HL = BIT_MASK(15),- ;history log number = 15

PF = "FORM5SAGR1",- ;physical format for printout

RI = 0,- ;dynamic texts for printout

PA = 2,- ;printout activation = update

PU = 1,- ;picture/ printout at first update = yes

LD = BIT_MASK(1),- ;listing device = 1

RX = "")) ;data acquisition unit and group

#return %v_Object_Type_Process_Objects


C.3 Custom commands

; This is example program for Power Process Library switching device selection

; In: %SELECT_LN, text, The name of the selection object

; %SELECT_IX, int, The index of the selection object

; %SELECT_VALUE, int, The set value for selection



SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

; %FORCED_OPERATION_VALUE, int, 3 = interlocking bypass, 5 = synchrocheck bypass,

7 = interlocking and synchrocheck bypass

; %STA_TYPE, text, The station type


; Out: %NACK, int, The status code of the operation


























; This is example program for Power Process Library switching device execution

; In: %EXECUTE_LN, text, The name of the selection object

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

; %EXECUTE_IX, int, The index of the selection object

; %EXECUTE_VALUE, int, The set value for selection



; %FORCED_OPERATION_VALUE, int, 3 = interlocking bypass, 5 = synchrocheck bypass,

7 = interlocking and synchrocheck bypass

; %STA_TYPE, text, The station type


; Out: %NACK, int, The status code of the operation



























SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

; This is example program for Power Process Library switching device cancel service

; In: %CANCEL_LN, text, The name of the selection object

; %CANCEL_IX, int, The index of the selection object

; %STA_TYPE, text, The station type


; Out: %NACK, int, The status code of the operation






C.4 Value conversion


#error ignore

;return values: 0 = intermediate, 1 = open, 2 = closed, 3 = faulty

#if 'INDICATION_DB_LN':POV'INDICATION_DB_IX' == 1 #then #modify



;return values: 0 = interlocked, 1 = control allowed

#if 'OPEN_ILOCK_LN':POV'OPEN_ILOCK_IX' == 1 #then #modify


#else #modify RESULT:V=LIST(OPEN_ILOCK_OV=1)

;return values: 0 = interlocked, 1 = control allowed

#if 'CLOSE_ILOCK_LN':POV'CLOSE_ILOCK_IX' == 1 #then #modify



;return values: 0 = control allowed, 1 = blocked

#if 'EXT_CNTR_BLK_LN':POV'EXT_CNTR_BLK_IX' == 1 #then #modify


#else #modify RESULT:V=LIST(EXT_CNTR_BLK_OV=0)

;return values: 0 = control allowed, 1 = not authorized to control the bay


#when 0 #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=1)

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

#when 1 #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=1)

#when 2 #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=0)

#when 3 #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=1)

#when 4 #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=1)

#when 5 #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=0)

#otherwise #modify RESULT:V=LISt(BAY_LR_OBJECT_OV=1)


;return values: 0 = synchrocheck inhibits, 1 = control allowed

#if 'SYN_IND_LN':POV'SYN_IND_IX' == 1 #then #modify RESULT:V=LISt(SYN_IND_OV=0)

#else #modify RESULT:V=LIST(SYN_IND_OV=1)



;#else #modify RESULT:V=LIST(STA_LR_OBJECT_OV=2)

#return %RESULT

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015


BAY_NAME .... 87, 90, 96, 99, 146, 148, 155, 159,
A 1 6 6 – 1 6 7 , 1 8 8
Active tagout ....................................................... 115 Binary Input (BI) .................................................. 167
Add/Edit Tagout dialog ............................... 127, 135 blocking attributes .............................................. 128
ALARMING_STATE_OF_SIGNAL1 ................... 167 Blocking List ....................................................... 141
ALARMING_STATE_OF_SIGNAL’nr’ ................. 196
ALARMING_STATE_OF_SIGNAL’x’ .................. 166 C
Alarm limit ............................................................. 48
APL_TEXT.SDB .................................................. 419 CMD_PARAMETER ................................... 146, 185
Application ............................................................ 43 Configuration
Application language ............................................ 44 Of the station picture function ........................... 83
application objects ................................................ 26 Of the switching device .................................... 99
Application Settings .............................................. 43 Configuration Data Export tool ........................... 529
AR_WITH_MULTIPLE_ CYCLES ....................... 196 configuring complete objects ................................ 25
Attributes .................. 82, 88, 97, 104, 107, 147, 170 Configuring Process Display search .................. 378
Authorization ....................................................... 493 CONTROL_BITS .................................. 96, 100, 192
AUTHORIZATION_GROUP .... 82–83, 87, 90, 96, CONTROL_PULSE_LENGTH ............. 96, 100, 192
100, 146, 148, 156, 159 CONTROL_TYPE ................................ 96, 100, 191
Authorization groups for configuring ................... 500 creating configuration file ..................................... 28
ALARM_HANDLING ...................................... 500 creating display symbols ...................................... 30
BLOCKING_HANDLING ................................ 500 creating graphical interfaces .............................. 233
EVENT_HANDLING ....................................... 500 creating process displays ................................... 233
PRO_AUTHORIZE ......................................... 501 Customization dialog .......................................... 356
PRO_CONFIG_COMMANDS ........................ 501 Commands tab ............................................... 363
PRO_NOTEMARKER_HANDLING ................ 502 Options tab ..................................................... 363
PRO_OPTIONS_HANDLING ................. 501–502 Toolbars tab .................................................... 359
PRO_TOPOLOGY_HANDLING ..................... 502 Customize Search dialog ................................... 379
PRO_ZOOMAREA_HANDLING .................... 502 Customizing search ............................................ 379
REPORTS ...................................... 499, 501–503
TREND_HANDLING ...................................... 503 D
Authorization groups for controlling .................... 499
MV_CONTROL .............................................. 499 Data Objects ....................................................... 292
Authorization groups for customization .............. 496 Default authorization levels ................................ 494
PRO_ALARMS_CUSTOMIZE ........................ 497 DEVICE_NAME .... 96, 99, 146, 148, 155, 159, 166–
PRO_BLOCKINGS_CUSTOMIZE ................. 498 1 6 7 , 1 8 9
PRO_EVENTS_CUSTOMIZE ........................ 498 Dialog Editor ....................................................... 419
PRO_REPORTS_CUSTOMIZE ..................... 499 Display Builder ........................................... 124, 233
PRO_TOOLBAR_CUSTOMIZE ..................... 497 DLL ..................................................................... 420
PRO_TRENDS_CUSTOMIZE ........................ 499 Dynamic Linking Libraries .......................... 420, 431
Authorization level .......................................... 43–44
AUTO_MANUAL_IND_TYPE ............................. 146
AUXILIARY_PLUG ............................... 96, 100, 192
engineering tools ................................................ 527
B EVENT_RECORDING .... 82–83, 88, 90, 96, 100,
1 5 6 , 1 5 9 , 1 6 6 , 1 8 7
Basic tagout class attribute settings ................... 129 Event Conversion Tool ....................................... 531
BAY_LR_IN_USE ................................... 87, 90, 188 Event List ............................................................ 142
BAY_LR_POLARITY .......................................... 188 Export Options .................................................... 530

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

IU .......................................................................... 29
Filters L
LN (Logical Name) ........................................... 72
OA (Object Address) ........................................ 72 Language identifiers ........................................... 419
PT (Process Object Type) ................................ 72 Language settings ................................................ 44
UN (Unit Number) ............................................. 72 LIB 5xx application library .................................. 527
FOLDER_1_TITLE ............................................. 159 LINE_INDICATOR_COLORED_BY ................... 201
FOLDER_2_TITLE ............................................. 159 Line ................................................. 180
FOLDER_3_TITLE ............................................. 159 Line Indicator ............................................. 180
FOLDER_4_TITLE ............................................. 159 line indicator standard function ........................... 180
FOLDER_’number_TITLE .................................. 156 LINK_AR_TAG_TO_LN ...................................... 197
FOLDER_’number’_TITLE ................................. 195 LINK_AR_TAG_TO_MODULE ........................... 197
LINK_SIGNAL’nr’_TO_IX ........................... 166, 196
LINK_SIGNAL’nr’_TO_LN .......................... 166, 196
G LINK_SIGNAL’x’_IX ............................................ 166 ....................................................... 178 LINK_SIGNAL’x’_LN .......................................... 166
generator standard function ............................... 177 LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_LN_x ............................... 198
Group alarm ........................................................ 339 LINK_TRIP_TAG_TO_ MODULE_x ................... 198
adding new alarm ........................................... 345 loading last saved layout .................................... 358
adding new group ........................................... 344 Local language ..................................................... 44
command procedures ..................................... 352 LR_REMOTELY_ CONRTOLLABLE .................. 188
database ......................................................... 339 LR_REMOTELY_CONTROLLABLE .... 82–83, 88,
deleting ........................................................... 345 9 0 , 1 8 7
editing ............................................................. 344
engineering ..................................................... 352 M
group member attributes ................................ 341
initializing ........................................................ 342 MAX_POSIT ....................................................... 148
localization ...................................................... 352 MAX_POSITION ........................................ 146, 193
member list ..................................................... 348 MEAS_1_DECIMALS ......................................... 159
optional settings ............................................. 348 MEAS_2_DECIMALS ......................................... 159
processing ...................................................... 351 MEAS_3_DECIMALS ......................................... 159
process objects .............................................. 353 MEAS_4_DECIMALS ......................................... 159
properties ....................................................... 347 MEAS_’number_DECIMALS .............................. 156
settings ........................................................... 341 MEAS_’number’_DECIMALS ............................. 195
structure ......................................................... 344 menu configuration ............................................. 359
symbol ............................................................ 351 MIN_POSIT ........................................................ 148
Viewer ............................................................. 349 MIN_POSITION .................................................. 146
Monitor Pro ......................................................... 355
customization ................................................. 355
H layout .............................................................. 355
HSI (human-system interface) .............................. 51 MOTORIZED .......................................... 96, 99, 191

Icons Network Control Center (NCC) ............................. 44
reset ............................................................... 415 Network topology coloring .................................. 255
IND_DOUBLE_BINARY ......................... 82–83, 186
INDICATION_TYPE ................................ 96, 99, 191 O
installing complete objects ................................... 25
Install Standard Function dialog ........................... 27 OA ........................................................................ 29
INTERLOCKING_BYPASS .......................... 97, 193 OB ........................................................................ 29

1MRS758089 MicroSCADA Pro SYS600 9.4
Issued: 3.6.2015 Application Design
Version: B/3.6.2015

object browser ...................................................... 30 SS ......................................................................... 29

Object Browser ................................................... 124 Standard Configuration Tool ................... 81, 87, 155
Object Navigator ................................................... 26 Standard Function Tool
Object Navigator engineering ............................... 25 attributes ........................................................... 28
OI (Object Identifier) ............................................. 53 STATION_LR_IN_USE ........................... 82–83, 186
OPC_ITEM_PREFIX .................................... 82, 188 STATION_NAME ... 81, 83, 87, 90, 96, 99, 146, 148,
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_1 ............................. 156, 195 155, 159, 166–167, 183
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_2 ............................. 156, 195 STATION_TYPE .... 81, 83, 87, 90, 96, 99, 146, 148,
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_3 ............................. 156, 195 155, 159, 166–167, 184
OPC_LN_INSTANCE_4 ............................. 156, 195 Substation Control System (SCS) ........................ 44
OPC_LN_INSTANCES ................................. 82, 188 SWICHING_DEVICE_ PURPOSE ..................... 190
Other tab ............................................................... 30 SWICHING_DEVICE_TYPE .............................. 189
OUTPUT_STATUS ............................................. 185 SWITCH_SECTION ............................... 96, 99, 191
OX (Object Text) ................................................... 53 Switch Control dialog .......................................... 126
Tagout tab ....................................................... 126
P SWITCHING_DEVICE_PURPOSE ................ 96, 99
SWITCHING_DEVICE_TYPE ........................ 96, 99
P_OBJECT_LN .... 81, 83, 87, 90, 96, 99, 146, 148, Switching state (SS) ................................... 187, 189
155, 159, 166–167, 184 SYNCHROCHECK_BYPASS ....................... 97, 193
PRO_MENU_CUSTOMIZE ................................ 496 SYS600 Event List ............................................. 527
Process control settings ....................................... 46 SYS_TEXT.SDB ................................................. 420
Process Display Search ..................................... 378 System location .................................................... 44
Process Display Search Dialog .......................... 378 System Manager ............................................ 43–44
process object attributes ...................................... 29 system objects ...................................................... 26
Process objects .................................................. 147
Process Object Tool ............................................. 82
Existing tab ....................................................... 30
New tab ............................................................ 29 Tagout
starting .............................................................. 28 action methods ............................................... 128
add ................................................................. 126
Q command procedures ..................................... 144
edit .................................................................. 126
QUALIFIERS ...................................................... 193 event and logging ........................................... 116
event description ............................................ 118
R event entry ...................................................... 117
event handling object ..................................... 144
Reset Localizations ............................................ 377 files ................................................................. 143
Resetting icons ................................................... 415 installation ....................................................... 114
resetting layout ................................................... 377 log ................................................................... 118
Reset Toolbars ................................................... 377 process objects .............................................. 144
RX attribute ......................................................... 190 remove ........................................................... 126
viewing ........................................................... 138
S Tagout action methods ....................................... 128
Inhibit Alarm ................................................... 128
Search dialog ..................................................... 378 Inhibit Event .................................................... 128
SHOW_AR_IN_USE .......................................... 196 Inhibit local ..................................................... 128
SHOW_AR_NOT_IN_USE ................................. 196 Inhibit Printout ................................................ 128
SIGNAL1_TEXT ................................................. 167 Inhibit Processing ........................................... 128
SIGNAL’nr’_TEXT .............................................. 196 Inhibit remote .................................................. 128
SIGNAL’x’_TEXT ................................................ 166 Local lock ....................................................... 128
Source directory ................................................. 530 Lock remote .................................................... 128
Specify VSCIL Tool ............................................. 139

SYS600 9.4 MicroSCADA Pro 1MRS758089

Application Design

Tagout attribute type Tagout presentation symbols .............................. 120

Boolean .......................................................... 135 color ................................................................ 123
Selector .......................................................... 132 color for priority ............................................... 123
Text ................................................................. 135 dynamics ........................................................ 122
Tagout class installation ...................................................... 124
attributes ......................................................... 114 modifying ........................................................ 121
attribute settings ............................................. 129 priority ............................................................. 122
properties ........................................................ 114 Tagout storage .................................................... 115
Tagout class attributes ........................................ 114 Text databases ................................................... 419
Action methods ............................................... 115 Text Translation Tool ........................................... 419
Comments ...................................................... 115 Time Channels ................................................... 292
Date/Time ....................................................... 114 toolbar configuration ........................................... 359
Owner ............................................................. 114 Toolbars tab
Priority ............................................................. 114 changing visibility ........................................... 361
properties ........................................................ 115 renaming and deleting new toolbar ................ 358
Reason ........................................................... 114 Tool Launcher ..................................................... 140
settings ........................................................... 129 TRANSFORMER_TYPE .................... 147–148, 193
Tag reps .......................................................... 115 TRANSLATION function ..................................... 419
Tag text ........................................................... 115 Trend Application ................................................ 287
Tagout class data ................................................ 115 Trend Display ..................................................... 287
Tagout Class Editor ............. 114, 116, 119, 126, 129 TYPE_MEAS_1 .................................................. 159
Action Method settings ................................... 136 TYPE_MEAS_2 .................................................. 159
Activity logging settings .................................. 137 TYPE_MEAS_3 .................................................. 159
attribute position in views ............................... 132 TYPE_MEAS_4 .................................................. 159
Class activation .............................................. 135 TYPE_MEAS_’number’ .............................. 155, 194
History handling settings ................................ 137 TYPE_OF_SIGNAL1 .......................................... 167
Overall settings ............................................... 135 TYPE_OF_SIGNAL’nr’ ............................... 166, 195
Tab settings .................................................... 130 TYPE_OF_SIGNAL’x’ ......................................... 166
Tab titles ......................................................... 130
Tagout Control dialog ......................................... 126 U
Tagout event and logging .................................... 116
Tagout event descirptions ................................... 118 UN ........................................................................ 29
Tagout event entry .............................................. 117 User Management .............................................. 477
Tagout files ......................................................... 143
Tagout function installation ................................. 114 V
Tagout List .......................................................... 138
Tagout log ........................................................... 118 Viewing Tagouts ................................................. 138
text description ............................................... 120 Blocking List ................................................... 141
Event List ........................................................ 142
Tagout List ...................................................... 138
Visual SCIL dialog .............................................. 139

Contact us

1MRS758089 B/3.6.2015 © Copyright 2015 ABB. All rights reserved.

Substation Automation Products
P.O. Box 614
FI-65101 Vaasa
Tel. +358 10 22 11
Fax. +358 10 224 1094

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