BSS1201 - Africa Marking Guide
BSS1201 - Africa Marking Guide
BSS1201 - Africa Marking Guide
Marking Guide
1. a). Draw a sketch map of Africa and on it mark and label; (15marks)
i. The major latitudes; equator, Tropic of cancer, and Capricorn – 03 marks
ii. Major oceans and seas – Indian, Atlantic, Mediterranean, and red sea – 04 marks
iii. Major mountain ranges – Kilimanjaro, atlas, Drakensberg, futa djalon - 3 marks
The candidate should draw a map of Africa – 5 marks
Location in close proximity to Asia and Europe, ensure easy movement of goods
The oceans offer cheap water transport
Tropical climate due to its location in the tropics
Not prone to disasters due to its location away from active tectonic plates
Big water bodies are sources of fish
2. a). Describe the major relief regions of Africa (10marks)
Rift valleys
Coastal lands.
b). Explain the factors influencing the location of Industries in Africa (8 x 2 =16marks)