PT 2 English ClassVIII

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PT-II (2022-2023)



Time allowed:1.30 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 40

General Instructions:

1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections- READING, WRITING &

2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.

Q.1 Read the passage given below.

The culture of nuclear families is in fashion. Parents are often heard complaining about
the difficulties in bringing up children these days. Too much of freedom in demand, too
much independence; over night parties; excessive extravagance, splurging pocket
money; no time for studies and family all this is a common cry of such families. Aren’t
parents, themselves, responsible for this pitiful state ? The basic need of a growing
youth is the family, love, attention and bonding along with moral values. One should not
forget that ‘charity begins at home’.

Independence and individuality both need to be respected, in order to maintain the

sanctity of family. Children, today are to be handled with tact in order to bridge the ever
widening generation gap. Only the reasonable demands need to be fulfilled, as there are
too many expenses to be met and top many social obligations to be taken care of by the
parents. Our forefathers lived happily in joint families. Children loved to live with their
cousins, learnt to adjust within means. There was perfect harmony between the
generations. There never existed the concept of old-age homes. There was deep
respect for the family elders and love, care and concern for the youngsters. Even the
minor family differences were solved amicably.

Unseen Passage with Question and Answers

1. Mention any two major common concerns of a nuclear family.             (1 x 5 = 5
2. Who, according to the passage, are responsible for them ?
3. Explain the expression ‘charity begins at home’.
4. Describe the atmosphere in joint families.
5. Which word in the passage means ‘Holiness of life’ ?
6. Give the synonym of ‘spendthrift’ from the passage.
Based on your understanding of the passage, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.


Q.2 Read the extract given below.(1x5=5)

In the heat of the mid- day the houses stood with shut doors.

I wandered along the crooked lane.

An old man came out with his bag of gold.

He pondered and said, “I will hire you with my money.”

He weighed his coins one by one, but I turned away.

Based on your understanding of the extract, answer ANY FIVE questions from the six given below.

I.Write the name of the poem from which this extract has been taken.

ii. Who is the poet of this poem?

iii. The man offered the speaker a lot of money. Why he turn down the offer?

iv. Write the antonym of ‘straight’ , from the given extract.

v. Give the example of symbolism' from the given extract.

vi. Who is the speaker in these lines?


Q.3 Attempt any one from I and ii.

i. On the occasion of APJ Abdul Kalam’s birthday, the school has decided to organise a Science Fair.
Vikram/ Vani , the secretary of Science Society, wants to call a meeting of the office- bearers of the
society, to discuss the arrangements of the fair. Write a notice in not more than 50 words.(5 marks)


ii. You are Mehul/ Neera residing at 86, Bandra, Navi Mumbai. Write a letter to your friend
congratulating him/ her on his/ her brilliant success.

Q.4 Do as directed. (1x3=3)

i. Supply the correct form of the verb:

I thought I ___________ the money a week before. ( have sent/ had sent/ sent)

ii Write the noun form for the given word:


iii. Use appropriate article:

________ Eiffel Tower lights up at night.(a/an/the)

Q.5 Rearrange the following words/phrases to make meaningful sentences.(1x2=2)

I. smallest continent / australia is the / in the world

ii. these rays / the ozone layer / atmosphere / surrounding the earth’s


Q 6 Answer ANY SIX questions in 30-40 words. (2x6=12)

I What are the three qualities that played a major role in the author’s climb?

Ii What were the “symbols of reverence” left by the members of the team on Everest?

Iii Had Bepin Babu really lost his memory and forgotten all about a trip to Ranchi?

Iv Mention any three things that Parimal Ghose knew about Bepin Babu.

V What did the Principal say to him, which influenced HC deeply?

Vi The king had a peculiar habit. What was it? Why is it called peculiar?

Vii Give the meaning of the phrase ' going nuts’ and then use it in appropriate sentence.

Q.7 Answer ANY TWO of the following in about 120 words each. (4x2= 8)
i. What is the central idea of the poem,’The Last Bargain’?

ii. How is the attitude and understanding of self worth help aperson succeed in life? Explain in context
with,' The Treasure Within’.

Iii ‘The internal summit is, perhaps , higher than Everest. What qualities do a human being should
possess? Explain this in context with the given statement.

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