Speakout C1 Summer Intensive Final Test

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Kateryna Oryshchenko

Advanced SpeakOut C1
Final Test
Task 1. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in the box. There are
words you do not need.
build fail hope keep explode
marry miss propose serve study want

Example: 1 We were hoping to bump into Anton at the party but he was nowhere to be seen.

2 The old city, around which the great wall was built centuries ago, is now protected by UNESCO.
3 Having Studied French at university and lived in Paris for ten years, Fi felt she was fluent in the language.
4 It was only when he misseddinner that we started to worry about where he’d got to.
5 It was only when Bill failed to turn up to work that we started worrying about him.
6 I could tell from Gavin’s expression that he was about to explode but I managed to calm him down.
7 Not wanting to offend my hosts, I took a mouthful of the local delicacy and pretended it was delicious.
8 Just think, this time next week, we will have been married for a whole day and will be on honeymoon in

/7 marks

Task 2. Complete the text with one word in each gap.

(1)Had I realised how underwhelming the journey (2) would be, I don’t think I would ( 3) have even
considered it but as they say, ‘ignorance is bliss’, so I set off on my own one cold day in December last
To start with, my flight was delayed and then, when I finally arrived, the hotel I stayed in was nothing
(4)like its picture in the brochure. Not (5) only were the rooms tiny (6) but they were also absolutely filthy
and there were cobwebs everywhere. To be honest, apart from some stunning views, the trip was a
complete and utter waste of money.
Next year, I think I (7)would rather stay at home (8) than go abroad to some unknown destination that may
well disappoint. After all, this country is every (9) bit as beautiful as many others and in some places, more

/8 marks

Task 3. Complete the second sentence with no more than FIVE words so that it means the same as
the first. Use the word in capitals.
Example: 1 I have band practice with Lars tonight, so I can tell him then.
I’ll be seeing Lars tonight at band practice so I can tell him then.

2 Betty found it difficult coming to terms with her husband’s illness.

What betty found difficult was coming to terms with her husband’s illness.
3 Mick regrets not taking the job he was offered.
Mick wishes had taken the job he was offered.
4 It isn’t a good idea to arrive late to team meetings.
You would better no to late to team meetings.
5 The plan had been for me to take over the family business when I finished my studies.
I was planned to take over the family business when I finished my studies.

6. Fewer students are continuing to university after school even though student loans are available.
Despite being available student loans, fewer students are continuing to university after school.

7. The moment we returned from our first cruise we booked our next one.
As sooner as we had returned from our first cruise we booked our next one.

/6 marks

Task 4. Underline the correct alternative.

1 Despite/Even if never having finished school, Dean went on to establish a very successful car
manufacturing company. He’s a billionaire now.
2 In some countries, anyone who is able to vote ought/is compelled to do so. Failure to vote in a
general election has serious consequences.
3 In an attempt to reduce traffic congestion in the capital, it’s been announced that cars must be/have
now been banned from the central zone during peak hours.
4 Isaac will probably/is due to be late to the match tomorrow. He said something about having
to take the children to their grandmother’s first.
5 One effective way to tackle the issue of juvenile delinquency is to introduce/will be introducing
community programmes which help develop family relations and improve parenting skills in
troubled families.
/4 marks

Task 5. Complete the sentences with one word.

Example: 1 .The days of writing letters by hand are but a distant memory for those of us who grew
up as computers came into being.

2 . After looking at numerous brochures, we managed to narrow down our choice of holiday destinations
to a mere five options.
3 . I think Matthew regrets putting his name forward for company representative.
4 . Lucia sometimes engages her mouth before her brain and almost let it slip that we were planning
a surprise party for Joe when she was talking to him the other day.
5 . Why must Philip always play devil’s advocate ? It’s so frustrating! I wish he’d just let people
have an ordinary conversation sometimes.
6 . Whenever Alice hears that old tune, the memories of earlier years come flooding memories to her.
7 . The new laws aim to crack down on late night anti-social behaviour in city centres.
8 . Betty’s not one for beating about the bush but at least you know where you stand with her.
9 . Doctors warn that many thousands of peopleare at risk of contracting the disease in the most
remote rural areas.
10. At present, with the current situation as it is, people are far more concerned about political and
socio-economic instability than environmental issues.
11. Whatever you do, don’t give the game away and tell Dad that Amy’s flying in from
Australia. We want to keep this quiet.

/10 marks
Task 6. Match 1–6 with a)–h). There are two options you do not need.
Example: 1 David has always been held in d

2 No-one was more surprised than me when our first film became an overnight f
3 It’s so exciting that Zoe’s toying g
4 Kim is so inventive and is always coming up with novel e
5 He admitted that while living abroad he had always hankered a
6 When my parents were young it was commonplace for young lads to serve i
7 As all my grandparents died when I was a young child, I only have hazy h

a) after his mother’s home cooking.

b) on becoming a TV celebrity.
c) the spotlight for much of his career.
d) high esteem for the role he’s played in popularising natural history.
e) ideas for solving day-to-day problems.
f) success after being aired at Cannes.
g) with the idea of going to university to studying zoology.
h) recollections of what they looked like.
i) an apprenticeship in order to learn the skills of a trade on the job.

/6 marks

Task 7. Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the word in capitals.

Example: 1. So tell me, how long have you had aspirations (aspire) to join the Air Force and become a pilot?

2. To say that the company is in a spot of bother seems a huge statement (state) when we’re actually facing
3. The aim of the parents’ group was to discuss how best to encourage independent (depend) in teenagers
whilst providing them with vital support.
4. The parents of the young child who had been left unsupervised(supervise) while they had gone on
holiday were severely reprimanded by the judge.
5. Due to the strong currents between the mainland and the island, few people have stepped foot on the
island, leaving it pretty much unchanged (change).

/4 marks
Task 8. Choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).
1 Rob is always saying he’ll get to painting the lounge but he never does.
a) round b) up c) away
2 I found the detailed exploration of the artist’s early childhood rather and depressing if truth be told.
a) charming b) exhilarating c) bleak
3 I’ve always tried to stand my beliefs as I think it’s important to have principles.
a) up for b) up to c) in for
4 Daisy is so competitive. She goes all the sports competitions at school.
a) along with b) in for c) out with
5 After all that hard work, you need to yourself at least once in a year.
a) chill out b) unwind c) hang out
/5 marks
Task 9. Read the article and choose the correct answer, a), b) or c).
Example: 1 The author believes b .
a) wholeheartedly in the notion of fate
b) we create our own good fortune
c) that many people are cynical about having a predetermined destiny

2 According to the author our future .

a) is created from our past
b) is the result of all we achieve today
c) can be shaped by our current thinking
3 Each individual has the capacity to .
a) change how they conduct themselves
b) take charge of their lives
c) manipulate the people around them
4 He attests that if we , we’ll better gauge all we hold dear.
a) scrutinise our immediate surroundings
b) constantly evaluate our daily aspirations
c) understand what shaped our background
5 If you expect dreadful things to occur, .
a) you’ll be surprised when they do
b) you’ll learn to manage them better
c) you’re more likely to experience them
6 He states that people memory of an event.
a) never share exactly the same
b) tend to have an identical
c) are sometimes are able to distort their
/5 marks
Why are some people born lucky – or are they?
By Robin Stanley
Have you ever looked at some people and wondered whether they were born under a lucky star?
They seem to have it all, or at least all the things that you would like to have. Well, actually, it’s nothing to
do with luck but all to do with positive thinking, visualisation, self-belief, call it what you will.
Looking at your own life, are there things you would like to change or improve? I’m assuming that
there probably are, otherwise you wouldn’t be reading this article. If you want to know what your future
holds, just take a look at your present thoughts as they’re the very thoughts that create your future. In some
ways this is a frightening notion but it’s also very powerful because it means that we can actually take
control of our existence and mould it into what we want for ourselves.
If you want to have a closer look at your belief system, then just look around you. The thoughts that
go through your head every day, over and over again, have shaped your reality. For example, if you
believe there is never enough to go round and that life’s a struggle, that you have to fight for what you
want, then you’ll never have enough, and you’ll struggle and fight your way through life.
We all know people who say ‘why do bad things always happen to me?’. This is nothing less than
a self- fulfilling prophecy because if you believe bad things will happen to you, then they surely will. If,
on the other hand, you believe there’s no limit to what you can do and you believe that adversity just
serves to make you stronger, then your life will be one of achievement and resilience.
Consider how many times you’ve talked over a situation with someone. Although you’ll have been
in the same place, you’ll inevitably have remembered different things and this ‘filtering’ of information is a
reflection of the way we view the world. If, for example, you’re feeling very negative, you’ll see only bad
things around you. If, however, you’re full of the joys of life, everyone will be smiling and happy.
So, if you want to shape your future into a happy, productive, fulfilling time, eliminate negative
thoughts about what you don’t want, in favour of positive ones about what you do. You’ll be amazed at how
quickly your life will change. Only you have the power, so what are you waiting for?

Task 10. Read the article again and underline true (T) or false (F).
1 The author believes we tend to see successful people as having good fortune.
2 The author says it is positive thinking that alters how we approach life and if we prosper or not.
3 He says that everyone is ultimately looking to make changes to their life.
4 Our own concept of reality, in effect, shapes where we’re heading in our lives.
5 According to the author, people are generally too lazy to make real changes to their lives.
6 If we focus on the hardships of life, we will ultimately find better coping strategies.
7 Humans naturally focus on different aspects in a given situation.
8 If you’re ecstatically happy, you’re likely to feel that trouble is heading your way.
9 By creating an optimistic view of the world, you can harness more positive thoughts and change
your life accordingly.

/9 marks
Task 11. Writing
Write a ‘for and against’ essay on ONE of these statements (300–350 words).
1. It’s best not to have children until you are at least 30.
2. People should pay the cost of their medical treatment.

I guess that people should pay the cost of their medical treatment. There is popular opinion that
medicine has to be good, developed and cheap or even free. Healthcare should be freely available to
anyone who needs it, regardless of means In the hospital all cabinets should be totally full of
beautiful, comfortable, brand-new, foreign devices. However, is it real for young country with free
Healthcare is not free. We pay for it through taxation. Paying for treatment has a lot of benefits for
everybody. First of all, state can develop and upgrade public clinics. Salary for worker will increase
and they will be more motivated to work and to stay at Ukraine. My mother is a family doctor or
therapist. She has the average salary working in public clinic. Instead of this hard work she could
earn twice as much in the private clinic. Because there is not free treatment. It is not necessary to
imagine different ways how to adapt to contradicted rules of government.
In addition, creating a medicine requires a lot of research and development and that needs a
monetary support. With no money, companies would put minimal efforts in R&D and you can
imagine the effectiveness of medicines then.
The main setback of this is an inability to pay for senior citizens. On the one hand time of eternal
gatherings and queue near to doctor's cabinet is comes to an end, but on the other hand they will find
it difficult to pay for treatment. That is why we should create some programs or discounts for children
and old people.
In conclusion, I reckon that treatment should be free for poor families, children and old people that
cannot pay for it. In case, if a person has all conditions to pay it can be chargeable. In this way we
can help our country to develop.
/20 marks

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