HD Task

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Staff Task What to do Things needed Persons Involve/Support Frequency

 Inventory of Hemodialysis  Inventory of supplies, including  Logbook (for  Purchasing Officer  weekly basis (every Saturday)
Supplies, Consumables and EPO on a weekly and monthly weekly and  Dialysis Technician  3rd Saturday of the month
Office supplies (includes EPO basis Monthly  Staff Nurses
and RO supplies) inventory)
 PO for Supplies  Prepares supplies needed to be  MRF Form  Purchasing Officer  4th Monday of the month
 Logbook Monitoring  Monitors Logbook for:  Logbook  Staff Nurses  Staff Attendance (daily)
 Staff Attendance  Minutes of the Meeting (4th Thursday
 Minutes of the Meeting of the month
 Borrowers Logbook  Borrowers Logbook (every borrowed
 Encoding of Staff Schedule  Encodes Staffs schedule and  Schedule Form  Staff  In a 2 week schedule, finalization of
Zyra Ruby Espinosa
leave request/off request (for  HR the schedule should be a week before
medical director/Approval)  Medical Director the implemented schedule.
 Request and Releasing of  Receive, encodes and release  Logbook  Staff  Requesting 1st and 3rd week of the
Quotation, Medical Abstract, Quotation, Medical Abstract,  Requesting  Social Worker month
Medical Certificate and Medical Certificate and Referral  Releasing  Head Nephrologist  Releasing 2nd and 4th week of the month
Referral Letter Letter

 Inventory of Forms Needed  Checks the supply of the forms  Necessary Bond  Unit Assistant  If the need arises
(Patient Charts)  Prints the necessary forms paper sizes  Staff Nurse
 Manning of CSR  Provides the consumable needs  Supplies  Staff Nurse  If the need arises
of the Nurses and Dialysis  Unit Assistant
Technician during operation  Dialysis Technician
Elino John Bernardo  NKTI Redcop Registration  Registers new dialysis patient to  Pink Form from  Staff nurse  Monthly Census Encoding: Last Week of
DOH REDCOP DOH REDCOP  Unit Assistant the month
 Reports Monthly Census  Logbook  Reporting to DOH Redcop: Quarterly
(including transfers and (last week)
mortality) to DOH Redcop
 Monitoring of Medical  Fill the monitoring form of  Defib monitoring  Staff Nurse  Daily
Equipment ( Defibrillator, Defibrillator and Refrigerator form  Unit Assistant
Refrigerator)  Refrigerator
 E-cart Inventory  Monitor the drugs and supplies  E-cart Checklist  Staff Nurse  Daily
in the e-cart (for completion of  Purchasing Officer
 Failed Dialyzer  Informs patients regarding their  Failed Dialyzer  Staff Nurse  Daily
failed dialyzer Logbook  Dialysis Technician
 PDD Enrollment  Enrolls new HD patient (first  PDD form  Staff Nurse  Every New patient (First Initiation)
initiation) to the PDD portal  Philhealth Dialysis  Unit Assistant
 Fills up the application form and Database
to be submitted to Philhealth Software
 Enrollment of New patient/  Once approved, patient should  New Patient  Staff Nurse  Every new enrollment of patient
Change of Schedule be enrolled in the New Patients Logbook/Change  Unit Assistant  Every request of schedule change
Logbook of Schedule  POD
 Change of schedule for patients Logbook  Head Nephrologist
 Monitoring of Common  Monitoring and Inventory of  Common  Staff Nurse  Everyday
Medications Common Medications used in Medications
the unit Logbook
Ralph Lester Caballes
 Compliance of Infection  Monitors compliance of  Handwashing  Staff Nurse  Weekly
Control Infection Control (Handwashing, Monitoring Form
Proper Handling of Central  Central Access
Access Line) Line Monitoring
Form (to be
 Review of Standard  Check Compliance and reviews  SOP Handbook  Staff Nurse  as needed
Operating Procedure SOP for hemodialysis  POD
 Head Nephrologist
 Medical Director
 Adverse Reaction Logbook  Monitors Adverse Reaction  Adverse Reaction  Staff Nurse  every patient that experience Adverse
Logbook completion Logbook  POD reaction during HD
Jerry O. Faciolan  Water Analysis for  Monitor Water Analysis and  Results to be  Dialysis Technician  Physiochemical - monthly
Physiochemical and Physiochemical compiled in  Agua-lab  Microbiological - Quarterly
Microbiological assigned folder
 Monitoring of RO and  Monitors and Logs RO and  Logbook  Dialysis Technician  Daily
Reprocessing Unit Reprocessing Unit activities

 Cleanliness of HD unit  Monitors the cleanliness of the  Cleaning  Dialysis Technician  Daily
unit Materials  Nurse
 Skills
 Transport for patient  Transports patient when  Wheelchair  Dialysis Technician  As needed
needed  Nurse
 Security Guard
 Troubleshooting of HD  Troubleshoots HD machines and  Logbook  Dialysis Technician  Troubleshooting/error- as needed
machines and chairs other medical equipment  BBRAUN Technician  Maintenance check- Monthly
 Maintenance of HD  Reports error and unusualities  MAAYO medical Biomed  Preventive Maintenance Check-
Equipment to BBRAUN technician and to Quarterly
MAAYO medical biomed
 Perform Maintenance check and
Preventive Maintenance check

Prepared by:

Charles Rey Z. Cuico, R.N.

Head Nurse- San Lucas Medical- Hemodialysis Department

Approved by:

Dr. Enrique C. Magpily

Medical Director- San Lucas Medical

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