HR and Competence Development

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HR and Competence Development

What is competence?

 Organizational competencies (Vesa Taatila – 2004) –An organizations internal capability to

achieve objectives

 Core competence (Prahalad and Hamel 1990): A company’s core competencies relate to the
achievement of its vision through the value-added it intends to produce in the future
(Core competencies are to be based on a knowledge of customers and markets.)

 Competence Management: can be defined as the activity that aims to safeguard and strengthen a
company’s operating capability and competitiveness by means of its knowledge base.
o How are these linked to the company’s vision, mission?
o How can the core competences can be defined?

 Strategic HRM – competence based HRM

How does an organization plan, organize, control and develop human resources to carry out its
strategy and to renew its competitive positions? (Kirjavainen 2003)

Defining competences

• Skills
–Specific expertise that can be taught and that is applied in actual job assignments (
• Capability
–The ability to apply skills and competencies in particular context in such a way that value added is
perceived to be produced (p. 52)
• Competence
–The sum of experiences and knowledge, skills, traits, aspects of self-image or social role, values and
attitudes a person has acquired during his/her lifetime (p. 52)


Competence classification scheme
Is a model that divides personal skills into different competence areas and should be firmly rooted in a
company’s core competence areas
–Examples could be:
•Customer expertise
•Operational expertise
•Production process expertise

Level Description
0 Clueless Doesn’t know anything about the matter
1 Informed Can explain in a general way what is involved
2 Novice Knows the basics, can complete tasks if given support
3 Professional Knows how to make use of knowledge in tasks
4 Expert Deep expertise, capable of assisting professionals
5 Best in the field Expert with national recognition
HR and Competence Development


Company´s Company´s
current state future state

Needs Program Results

analysis implementation assessment

Needs analysis stages: Development plans

Competence areas and development in
Competence levels practice
Competence need Examples:
Current competencies Work orientation
Development areas Development
Results and discussions
conclusions Job rotation
Development projects
functional areas are there/are needed in the future?
How are the different functional areas related/the flow between the different functional areas (now and
future need)?

Mapping the organization

As HR partner you have the task of mapping your company. As part of this task you are to illustrate the
relation flow between the functional areas
Based on the mapping of your company you choose one functional area. Map the chosen functional area
Draft a department description of the chosen functional area
Choose one position from the above functional area and draft a job description for the chosen position

GAP Analysis
A.What are the competence need?
•Categorizing competencies
•Selecting competencies
•Defining competence levels
HR and Competence Development

B.Where is
•The company now?
•The department now?
•The employee now?
•You now?


Competence Need Current Goal

Sales 5 4
Sales back-up 3 5
Market analysis 3 2
Sales forcast 2 3
Workforce adm. 5 4
HR development 3 3
Strategic recruitment 4 3
Retention 2 4
Product development 4 5
Innovative processes 3 4
Networking 2 4
Costumer service 4 3
IT infrastructure 5 4
Internet sales 4 4
Facilities 5 5

HR and Competence Development
Marketing Coordinator Current Goal
Extrovert 5 4
Creative 3 5
Flexible 3 2
Initiative 2 3
Structured 5 4
Independent 3 3
Result Oriented 4 3
Analytic 2 4
Written Communication 4 5
Verbal Communication 3 4
Statistics 2 4
Project Management 4 3
Danish 5 4
English 4 4
MS Offi ce 5 5

Knowledge Management
HR and Competence Development

When mapping the future competence need and the current competence status of the company, then
• How can we develop the organization to fit the future competence need?

What activities can support workforce

– Training
– Job rotation
– On the job training
– Participation in projects
– Expansion of responsibility area
– …

Body Language
•Total impact of the message: verbal 7% (words only), vocal 38% (tone, inflection and other sounds), non-
verbal 55%
•Face-to-face conversations: less than 35% verbal more than 65% non-verbal
•We are still driven by our biological codes
•Most people are unaware of body language signals and their impact, despite most of our messages in any
face-to-face conversation are revealed through body signals.

•Women are far more in reading non-verbal signs

•MRI scans show that women have greater capacity for communicating with and evaluating people
•Fortune-tellers use a technique called “cold reading” when they are simply based on an observation and

The ruels of accurate reading

•Three rules of accurate reading:
•1. Read gestures in clusters
•2. Look for congruence
•3. Read gestures in context
•You need to considerate a lot of other things to avoid misread
•Kids are easier to read
HR and Competence Development
•You can’t fake your body language
•How to become a great reader? Observe


-Tribes – exposed hand=no weapons
-Roman times – concealed dagger – lower arm grasp
-Modern handshake - seal commercial transaction
 - initiate greeting or departure

Palm power
-show hands=show respect
-dominant/submissive – palm display
-detect openness – f.e. both palms, hidding

•Palm-up position
- submissive, non-threatening
•Palm-down position
- Immediate authority
•Palm-closed finger position
- Beats listeners into submission

◦Reinforced arm-crossing
◦Arms crossed with fists clenched
◦Agressive and attacking attitude
◦Double arm-grip
◦Gripping the upper hands
◦Comforting himself
◦Way of self-hugging
◦Negative attitude

◦Palm in palm – superiority

◦Hands in pocket – non-involvement
◦Thumbs up – arms crossed
◦But pretty cool
◦In control
◦Women – partial arm cross
◦Imitating a hug
◦No self-confidence
◦Broken zipper position
◦Standing in front of crowd
◦Protect voulnerable feelings


HR and Competence Development
◦Handshake with right hand while touch with left hand

◦Skilful elbow-touching can give you up to three times the chance of getting what you want

◦Elbow tuch works better in countries where frequent touching is not the cultural norm


1.The mouth cover
2.The nose touch
3.The eye rub
4.The ear grab
5.The neck scratch
6.The collar pull

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