Nhom 11 - BTL

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Môn học: Động cơ và bộ dẫn tiến

Nhóm: 11
Danh sách thành viên:
Phạm Hiếu Nghĩa 1612218
Nguyễn Xuân Thành Đạt 1610667

Học kì: HK212

Giảng viên: TS. Trần Tiến Anh
Ngày nộp: 10/03/2022
Propeller design assigment (Group assigment)

The UAV configuration consisted of a twin-boom, 18 m span wing and rear

mounted engine driving a “pusher” propeller between the booms. The separation
distance of three metres between the booms limited the diameter of the propeller
to a practical limit of 2.8 m (D=2R<2.8m).

Table 1: UAV specifications

Airframe mass 750 kg
Available power 59.6 kW
Wingspan 18.0 m
Wing area 16.2 m2
Aspect ratio 20.0
Table 2: Propeller design inputs
Power 21.0 kW
Drive ratio 3.3
Cruise altitude H=15,000 m
Radius R=D/2=?
UAV cruise velocity V=? m/s
Number of blades B=?
Design lift coefficient range Linear decrease from 1.2 at r/R=0.1 to 0.6
at blade tip

Propeller Design
1. Propeller Operation
Propellers have been used since the earliest attempts at flight to drive powered
aircraft and will be the primary alternative to turbofans for the foreseeable future.
Their operation can be explained by the classical momentum theory which is
described in many books on aircraft propulsion and propeller design.
Classical momentum theory assumes that thrust is produced due to a difference in
the static pressure across an infinitely thin actuator disc. It is further assumed
 The velocity and pressure over the disc are constant and uniform;
 The air flows straight through the disc without rotation;
 The flow through the propeller is constrained to a well-defined stream tube; and
 The flow is incompressible.
Based on the control volume drawn in Figure 1, at planes 1 and 4 the static
pressure is constant and equal to the free-stream static pressure and planes 2 and
3 are immediately upstream and downstream of the propeller respectively. The
difference at plane 4 between the flow passing out of the streamline and the flow
leaving the remainder of the control volume is:
Δ Q=A 3 V 3+ ( S− A 3 ) V 0 −S V 0= A3 ( V 3−V 0 )
Hình 1 Classic Momentum Theory of Propellers

Applying the momentum theorem, the thrust, T generated by the disc is equal to:
T =ρ [ A3 V 3 + ( S−A 3 ) V ]−ρS V 0 −ρ ΔQV 0=ρ V 3 A 3
2 2 2

Based on Bernoulli’s equation, the pressure difference also can be expressed as:
p2− p1= ρ ( V 3−V 0 )
2 2

From the previous three equations the velocity of the air passing through the
propeller is:
( V 3 +V 0 )
V 1=
V 3=V 0+ 2 w V 3=V 0 +2 w
V 1=V 0 + w V 1=V 0 +w

Where w is the propeller-induced velocity. The thrust generated by the propeller

is therefore:
T =2 ρAw ( V 0+ w ) T =2 ρAw ( V 0 +w )

This result means that the thrust generated by the propeller is due to increasing
the flow through the propeller disc. The ideal induced velocity necessary to
obtain a given amount of thrust is:

2[ √
−V o+ V 2o+
ρA ( )]
The power consumed by propeller to create a given amount of thrust is:
P= ρA (V +w) [ ( V 0 +2 w ) −V ] =2 ρAw ( V 0 + w )
2 2 2
P=T ( V 0+ w )

The power required for the propeller can also be seen as the sum of the power
that the propeller delivers to the aircraft for propulsion (𝑃 = 𝑇𝑉0) and the power
that is needed due to the induced velocity (𝑃 = 𝑇𝑤) referred to as the induced
The ideal efficiency of the propeller in forward flight is equal to:
TV 1
η= =
T (V + w) 1+( w/V )

Figure 2 shows the velocity components acting on the blade. In practical terms, a
propeller is a twisted wing that is spun on a plane to the forward direction of the
aircraft. Throughout the UAV’s flight, both the forward and induced velocity will
change, affecting the angle of attack of the blade station. This has the effect of
increasing or decreasing the thrust or torque acting on the blades. Thrust can be
most efficiently produced at any forward speed with a variable-pitch propeller
that allows for the blades to be rotated around their longitudinal axis. Rotating
the blades changes the blade angle, β which changes the angle of attack (α) of the
blade’s airfoils.

Hình 2 Angles and velocity components related to the performance of a propeller blade

Varying the blade angle in flight allows for:

- The maximum thrust-to-power ratio to be achieved for any rotational or forward
flight speed. This is possible by making the angle of attack (α) for most of the
propeller blade’s span the angle of attack at which the blade’s airfoils reach their
maximum lift-to-drag ratio.
- The propeller and engine to turn at a constant rotational speed by changing the
angle of the blades to increase/decrease the torque needed from the engine. This
so-called “constant-speed” operation is advantageous as it allows the engine to be
operated at its most efficient speed.
- The blades to be feathered or rotated to be parallel with the direction of travel of
the aircraft to reduce drag in the event of an engine or propeller failure.
- A reduction in ground roll distances following landing and greater descent rates
by rotating the blades to produce negative thrust.
2. Design Methods
Theories existed pre-war for the design of optimum propellers, beginning with
Betz’s theory in 1919. Betz’s theory showed that the most efficient propeller will
minimize induced power losses by having both a constant induced velocity and a
constant wake pitch in the propeller’s slipstream. Goldstein created a theory in
1920 to design propellers that would meet Betz’s condition. The pitch angle of
the wake, ϕ, was defined as:

( πVnD )
ϕ =tan −1 ⁡

The induced velocity could be calculated based on a circulation function, which

was provided in charts for two and four bladed propellers.
Goldstein’s theory, but in particular his definition of the pitch wake angle, is
acceptable for lightly loaded propellers where the induced velocity is much less
than the forward speed of the aircraft. Under conditions when this is not true,
such as when the propeller is operating at low forward speeds or high power
settings, the accuracy of Goldstein’s methods was found to diminish.
Theodorsen modified Goldstein’s methods with the major difference being that
the wake pitch angle was modified to become:

( VπnD
ϕ =tan −1 ⁡
If the solidity (or chord distribution and number of blades) and loading of the
blade are allowed to vary, the induced velocity at any station of the blade is:

( [ ( ) ])
tan γ J
w=V −ζ− ζ +1+
J / πx πx

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