Offshore Wind Lecture02 - Final

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Offshore Wind Turbine

Energy Extraction Technology

Lecture: 02
Prepared By:
Farhana Arzu
Lecturer, HRE, BSMRMU
Kinetic Energy of Wind
• For a wind speed u and air density  , the energy density E, i.e., energy per unit
volume) is given by:
1 Kinetic Energy per
E= .u2
2 unit volume

• The volume of air flowing per second through a cross-sectional area A normal to the
direction of the wind = u.A

• Hence, the K.E. of the volume of air flowing per second through this area = E.u.A

• This is called the wind power P (i.e., energy per second) and can be expressed as:
1 1 1
P = E.A.u = .u2 .A.u = .A.u3 = .( .r 2 ).u3 r = radius of blade
2 2 2

• Thus, the power in the wind “P” varies as the cube of the wind speed u.
Key Insights:
P u3

• Fluctuations in wind speed can cause WT power output to vary significantly.

• Much more power is available at higher wind speeds.


Calculate the power (P) in a wind moving with a speed u = 5 m/s incident on a WT with blades of 100 m
diameter (r = 50 m). How does the power change if the wind speed increases to u = 10 m/s? Assume
the density of air  = 1.2 kg/m3

P= 1 .A.u3 = x(1.2)x(3.142x502 )x(53 )  0.6MW

10 m / s 

P   (2)3
 5 m/ s 

Doubling the wind speed will increase the power P by a factor of 8 (=23), hence:
The wind power would increase to 8 x 0.6 MW = 4.8 MW
Maximum Rotor Efficiency (CP)
There are two extreme situations and none of them makes
physical sense:

1) Downwind velocity is zero which means that the wind turbine

extracts all of the wind’s kinetic energy. If this were to happen, no
additional air can pass through the wind turbine as it will be
stopped by the stagnant air.

2) Downwind velocity is the same as the upwind velocity and, hence,

the wind turbine extracts none of the wind’s kinetic energy. If this
were to happen, the turbine blades will not rotate.

In 1919, Albert Betz suggested that there must be some ideal

slowing of the wind velocity so that the turbine can extract the
maximum kinetic energy from the wind.
Maximum Rotor Efficiency (CP)
• CP represents a constraint on the ability of a wind turbine to
convert kinetic energy in the wind into mechanical power.

• As wind passing though the turbine blades, it slows down and

the pressure is reduced so it expands

Kinetic Energy Extracted by the Turbine Blades
1 •
(KE)b =  m  v2 − vd2
ṁ = mass flow rate of air within stream tube
v = upwind undisturbed wind speed
vd = downwind wind speed

Kinetic energy of the upstream wind is greater than the kinetic

energy of the downstream wind.
Determining Mass Flow Rate
• The mass flow rate is easier to calculate at the blades of the
rotor because the cross sectional area (swept area) A is
• Then, the mass flow rate can be calculated as follows:

m =  Avb (6.19)
• Assume the velocity through the rotor vb is the average of
upwind velocity v and downwind velocity vd, then:

v + vd  v + vd 
vb = m = A  
2  2 
Energy Extracted by the Turbine Blades

Substituting m in the kinetic energy equations gives:

 v + vd  2 2
(KE)b =    A 
  v − vd )
2  2 

Downwind velocity vd
 = Wind Speed Ratio = =
Upwind velocity v

(KE)b = 1    A  v + v   (v2 − 2v2 )

2  2 
Energy Extracted by the Turbine Blades

 v + v  2
(KEP)bb =  A 
2  2 
 (v −  v )
2 2

 v + v  v3 2 v3 v3 3v3
 2  (v2
−  v )
2 2
= - + -
  2 2 2 2
= (1+  )- 2 (1+  )
(1+  )(1−  2 )
2 
(KEP)bb = Av  (1+  )(1−  2 )
1 3 1
2 2 
(KE)b= Energy in the wind CP = Rotor efficiency
Maximum Rotor Efficiency (CP)
• Now, we need to determine the wind speed ratio λ which
maximizes the rotor efficiency, CP
• From the previous slide
  
CP = (1+  )(1−  2 ) = - + -
2 3
1 1
2 2 2 2 2
Set the derivative of rotor efficiency to zero and solve for λ:
=-2 +1− 32 = 0 Solve one equation in one unknown ()
=32 + 2 −1 = 0 This value will maximize the rotor efficiency
CP 1
=(3 −1)( +1) = 0 =
 3
Maximum Rotor Efficiency (CP)

• Plug the optimal value for λ = 1/3 back into CP

to find the maximum rotor efficiency:

1  1  1  16
CP =  1+ 1− 2   = = 59.3% (6.26)
2  3  3  27

• The maximum rotor efficiency of 59.3% occurs when the wind velocity is slowed to
1/3 of its upstream value.

• This conclusions is called the “Betz efficiency” or “Betz’ law”

Maximum Rotor Efficiency (CP)
 = 1/3
CP = 0.593

Rotor efficiency CP vs. wind speed

ratio λ

 = Wind Speed Ratio = Downwind velocity = vd Wind Speed Ratio ()

Upwind velocity v
Grid Connected Rotor Power (Pe)
For a grid connected rotor
The electrical power output is,
Pe = CpηmηgPw
Cp is the efficiency coefficient of performance when the wind is converted
to mechanical power.
ηm is mechanical transmission efficiency and
ηg is the electricity transmission efficiency.

For a given system, Pw and Pe will vary with wind speed

Key Insights

• Wind turbines cannot capture more than

59.3% of wind’s energy (Betz, 1919).

• This maximum ratio of 59.3% is found at

wind speed ration  = vd/v ≈ 1/3.

• Ideally, you want the turbine blades to slow

the downstream wind velocity by 2/3 of its
original speed v, that is, from v to 1/3v
Tip-Speed Ratio (TSR)
• WT Efficiency is a function of how fast the rotor turns (rpm).
• Tip-Speed Ratio (TSR) is the speed of the outer tip of the
blade divided by the upstream wind speed (v).

Rotor tip speed rpm D

Tip-Speed-Ratio (TSR) = = (6.27)
Wind speed 60v

 rpm .D
 
TSR =  60  TSR is dimensionless
• D = rotor diameter (m)
• v = upwind undisturbed wind speed (m/s)
• rpm = rotor speed, (revolutions/min)
Tip-Speed Ratio (TSR)
Cp = 59.3%

Rotors with two blades

reach their maximum
efficiency at higher tip-
speed ratios compared to
three blades type.

TSR for various rotor types.

Given Data:
A 40-m diameter wind turbine with three-blades and 600 kW
power output. The wind speed is 14 m/s and the air density ()
is 1.225 kg/m3

a. Find the rpm of the rotor if the wind turbine operates at a

TSR of 4.0
b. Find the tip speed of the rotor
c. What gear ratio is needed to match the rotor speed to the
generator speed if the generator must turn at 1800 rpm?
d. What is the efficiency of the wind turbine under these
Example (cont’d)

a. Calculation of the rpm of the rotor if it operates

at a TSR of 4.0 (rpm)(D)
Tip-Speed-Ratio (TSR)  60v
rpm =
4.0 60sec/min 14m/s
rpm = = 26.7 rev/min
  40m/rev
We can also express this as seconds per
26.7 rev/min
rpm = = 0.445 rev/sec or 2.24 sec/rev
60 sec/min
Example (cont’d)
b) Rotor tip speed:
(rpm)(D) Rotor tip speed = TSR.v
rpm  D
Rotor tip speed=
60 sec/min
Rotor tip speed = (rev/sec) D

Rotor tip speed = 0.445 rev/sec 40 m/rev = 55.92 m/s

c) Gear ratio:
Generator rpm 1800
Gear Ratio = = = 67.4
Rotor rpm 26.7
Example (cont’d)
d. Efficiency of the complete wind turbine (blades, gearbox, generator) under
these conditions:

Overall wind turbine efficiency:

1 1  2
PW = Av = (1.225)  40 143 = 2112 kW

2 2 4 
1 1
Ideal WT Power = Av3 Actual WT Power = Av3
2 2

The actual WT power is given in the problem statement as 600 kW

Actual WT Power 600 kW

= = = 28.4%
Ideal WT Power 2112 kW
• The speed V of the blade at a radius r is given by:
V= where Vtip is the speed of the blade tip and R is max radius
of the blade

• The tip-speed ratio () is the ratio of the speed of the

blade at the tip, Vtip, to the speed of the incident wind


Wind Incident on a  is the same as TSR which was defined

Rotating Turbine
A wind turbine (WT) with three blades is operating in a mean wind speed of 8 m/s. The
turbine rotate at 15 rpm. Each blade is 40 m long. Estimate Vtip and tip-speed ratio ()

The time  (in seconds) for one revolution of the tip of a bade of length R is:

 = 2R = Distance
Vtip Velocity

The number of revolutions per minutes, nrpm can be calculated as follows:

nrpm =

The tip speed and tip-speed ratio (TSR) can be calculated as follows:

2R nrpm
Vtip = = 2R. = 2 (40)(15) / 60 = 62.8 m / s
 60
Vtip 62.8
TSR =  = = = 7.85
Vmean _ wind _ speed 8
Calculate the average power output (P) of a WT with blades of 85 m diameter (D)
operating in wind with a mean speed of 7 m/s. At this speed, the rotor power
coefficient Cp is 0.45. The rated rotor output power is 1.5 MW when the wind
speed is greater than 13 m/s. What is the power coefficient Cp at a wind speed of
13 m/s?
Assume the density of air is 1.2 kg/m3

Solution: P P
Cp = = = 0.45
.u03.A (1/ 2).(1.2)( .852 ).(7 3 )
2 4

P = 526 kW = 0.526 MW

C p = 1.5x106 /{(1/ 20.(1.2)( .852 ).(133 )} = 0.2

In this example, the power coefficient (Cp) at the rated wind speed (i.e., 13 m/s) is
just below half its value (from 0.45 → 0.2) at the mean wind speed (i.e., 7 m/s).
Wind Farms
When the turbines are placed on a square grid
(d x d), the power per unit land area ca be calculated
as follows: 1
 v3d 2
land area (nd )2

where n.d is the number of blade diameters between

Wind Farms
• Good Wind farm sites require an average wind speed > 6 m/s.

• Onshore suitable locations include high altitude plains, exposed ridges, open
lands and coastal areas.

• Offshore wind farms need undersea electric cables to land and installation &
maintenance costs which are higher than onshore farms.

• Spacing of WTs in a wind farm: 5 to 10 rotor diameter (D) downwind by 5D


• On a wind farm, WTs must be spaced out enough

so that they do not interfere with each other.

• One common way of spacing WTs out is ensuring

there is at least 5 rotor diameters between the
turbines as shown in the figure.

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