Personal Development Form (1) - Apprisal

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Personal Development Plan

Member Details
Member ID : Grade: Joining dt:
Name: Division :
Designation: Department:
Region: Location:
Supervisor : Grand Supervisor:
Years in SFOC:
Total Experience in
Various roles held by you in the last 5 years at SFOC are as follows:
Role Function Location Grade From To

Section I. Member's Perspective on the Current Year

In order to facilitate a more meaningful PDP dialogue you need to think through the various aspects to be discussed during the PDP.
Please fill the following and send to your supervisor at least a week before the PDP Discussion:

1. What have been the most challenging/ fulfilling aspects of your role in the last 12 months? Why do you feel so?
Comments by member

2. What has been the best recognition you have received at SFOC in the last 12 months? What made it so special for you?
Comments by member

3. In the last 12 months, my learning & development happened through:

Competency Medium Start Date Completion Date Training Driven by Key Learning


4. My fulfillment will be enhanced through (e.g. enhancement/ enrichment in the current role, modification in the current role, new
projects, new role, etc.)
a) In the Short term (Next 2 years):
Comments by member

b) In the Medium to long term (Beyond 2 years):

Comments by member

5. Feedback of member to Supervisor/Peers/Organisation (if any)

Comments by Member

Section II:PDP Discussion

A – 'Perspective on Member’s Role in the Current Year & Valuing the member'
Comments by Supervisor

1. What are the key contributor's made by the member in the current role?
Comments by Supervisor

2. What are the member's strengths (generic/ functional) and what were leveraged well over the last year?
Strengths (generic /functional) Description / detail

3. What skills/ knowledge gaps hindered the role performance?

Strengths (generic /functional) Description / detail
4. What are the contributions made by the member to institutional membership (role played in futhering those organizational
practices/ values that help strengthen the organization foundation )?
Comments by Supervisor

Please capture any specific outcome from the discussion to facilitate member fulfillment.
Comments by Supervisor

B - Development Plan
1. What development action needs to be taken to enable the member to meet his/ her future aspirations/ perform current role well?
What are the dates for reviewing the development plan- Review dates/ frequency & by whom.
Driven by the member (Self-Development):

Development Area Medium Action Points

To be Reviewed By
(Name) Review Date Completion Date


Driven by the supervisor (On the job caoching - self or external):

Development Area Medium Action Points

To be Reviewed By
(Name) Review Date Completion Date


Driven by the organisation (Programs in skills/ knowledge areas):

Development Area Medium Action Points

To be Reviewed By
(Name) Review Date Completion Date

Personal Development 2011-2012
Plan Section
FormSupervisor's View on Member Potential
for Managers
Member ID : Name:
Function: Division :
Grade: Location:

1 What will make the member stay at SFOC? List 2 critical reasons

2 What can make the member leave SFOC in the next 12 to 18 months? List 2 critical reasons

Supervisor's view on the member's potential:

Please tick the statement(s) that are applicable to the member:

Sr Parameter Supervisor Grand Supervisor

1 Can do immediate supervisor's role in 2-3
2 Can do current/ different role with higher
complexity in the next 2 years.

3 Can move to roles with similar levels of


4 Struggles to do current role at higher


5 Can do current role adequately.

6 Cannot do current role adequately.

The following is the suggested future action to be taken with respect to the member:
Options Description
Continue in current role:

Job Rotation (movement to roles of similar

New Role (movement to role at next
responsibility level)
Role Enrichment/ Enlargement (refer to

Level Rating 1 2 3 3+ 4

Comments from Immediate Supervisor

Comments from Grand Supervisor

Immediate Grand
Supervisor Supervisor MD

Signature : Signature : Signature :

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