Training: Third Edition, 2020

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Doc 9868


Third Edition, 2020

This edition incorporates all amendments approved by the Council prior to 8 June 2020
and supersedes on 5 November 2020, all previous editions of Doc 9868.


Doc 9868

Third Edition, 2020

This edition incorporates all amendments approved by the Council prior to 8 June 2020
and supersedes on 5 November 2020, all previous editions of Doc 9868.


Published in separate English, Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian
and Spanish editions by the
999 Robert-Bourassa Boulevard, Montréal, Quebec, Canada H3C 5H7

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First edition 2006

Second edition 2016
Third edition 2020

Doc 9868, Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training

Order Number: 9868
ISBN 978-92-9265-187-9

© ICAO 2020

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a

retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, without prior
permission in writing from the International Civil Aviation Organization.

Amendments are announced in the supplements to the Products and Services

Catalogue; the Catalogue and its supplements are available on the ICAO
website at The space below is provided to keep a record of such



No. Date Entered by No. Date Entered by

1–7 Incorporated in this Edition



Foreword ................................................................................................................................................... (xi)

1. Historical background ......................................................................................................................... (xi)

2. Scope and purpose .............................................................................................................................. (xii)
3. Status .................................................................................................................................................. (xii)
4. Implementation ................................................................................................................................... (xii)
5. Publication of differences ................................................................................................................... (xiii)
6. Contents of the document ................................................................................................................... (xiii)

PART I — GENERAL PROCEDURES ....................................................................................................... I-(i)

Chapter 1. Definitions and acronyms ......................................................................................................... I-1-1

1.1 Definitions .......................................................................................................................................... I-1-1

1.2 Acronyms............................................................................................................................................ I-1-6

Chapter 2. General provisions for competency-based training and assessment..................................... I-2-1

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ I-2-1

2.2 Principles of competency-based training and assessment ................................................................... I-2-1
2.3 Assumptions ...................................................................................................................................... I-2-2
2.4 Structure of an ICAO competency framework ................................................................................... I-2-2
2.5 Structure of adapted competency models ........................................................................................... I-2-3
2.6 Components of a competency-based training and assessment programme ........................................ I-2-4
2.7 Instructional systems design ............................................................................................................... I-2-5

Attachment A to Chapter 2 — General considerations related to competency-based training

and assessment .................................................................................................................................... I-2-A-1
Attachment B to Chapter 2 — Knowledge, skills and attitudes .................................................................. I-2-B-1
Attachment C to Chapter 2 — Design of competency-based training and assessment ............................... I-2-C-1

Chapter 3. Course developers and qualifications of instructors .............................................................. I-3-1

3.1 Course developers............................................................................................................................... 1-3-1

3.2 Instructor qualifications ...................................................................................................................... 1-3-1

PANS-TRG (v) 5/11/20

(vi) Procedures — Training


OPERATIONAL PERSONNEL.................................................................................................................... II-(i)

SECTION 1. Flight crew training and assessment .................................................................................... II-1-1

Chapter 1. ICAO Competency Framework for Aeroplane Pilots............................................................ II-1-1-1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... II-1-1-1

Appendix 1 to Chapter 1 — ICAO competency framework to develop competency-based training

and assessment for aeroplane pilot licences, ratings, and recurrent training ........................................... II-1-1-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 1 — Aeroplane pilot tasks by phases of flight ................................................... II-1-1-App 2-1

Chapter 2. Competency-based training and assessment for the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) ............ II-1-2-1

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ II-1-2-1

2.2 Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... II-1-2-1
2.3 Training .............................................................................................................................................. II-1-2-2
2.4 MPL examiner and inspector qualifications ....................................................................................... II-1-2-2

Appendix 1 to Chapter 2 — Guidelines for the implementation of the

multi-crew pilot licence........................................................................................................................... II-1-2-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 2 — Multi-crew pilot licence training scheme ................................................... II-1-2-App 2-1

Attachment A to Chapter 2 — Structure of the MPL training programme .................................................. II-1-2-A-1

Attachment B to Chapter 2 — Example of MPL training specifications ..................................................... II-1-2-B-1

Attachment C to Chapter 2 — Tasks of MPL examiners and inspectors ..................................................... II-1-2-C-1

Chapter 3. Evidence-based training (EBT)................................................................................................ II-1-3-1

3.1 Applicability ....................................................................................................................................... II-1-3-1

3.2 Background ......................................................................................................................................... II-1-3-2
3.3 EBT instruction................................................................................................................................... II-1-3-2

Chapter 4. Upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) .................................................................. II-1-4-1

4.1 Applicability ....................................................................................................................................... II-1-4-1

4.2 Background ......................................................................................................................................... II-1-4-1
4.3 UPRT approach .................................................................................................................................. II-1-4-1
4.4 Regulatory requirements ..................................................................................................................... II-1-4-2
4.5 Training .............................................................................................................................................. II-1-4-2
4.6 Regulatory oversight ........................................................................................................................... II-1-4-5

Table of Contents (vii)

Chapter 5. Competency-based training and assessment of pilots for the type rating ............................ II-1-5-1

5.1 General provisions for CBTA of pilots for the type rating ................................................................. II-1-5-1
5.2 Procedures for CBTA of pilots for the type rating.............................................................................. II-1-5-1

Appendix to Chapter 5 — Guidelines for the design, development and implementation of

competency-based type rating ................................................................................................................. II-1-5-App-1

Chapter 6. Threat and error management (TEM) ................................................................................... II-1-6-1

6.1 General ............................................................................................................................................... II-1-6-1

6.2 Meeting training and licensing requirements for TEM ....................................................................... II-1-6-1
6.3 The threat and error management (TEM) model ................................................................................ II-1-6-1
6.4 The challenges in the TEM model ...................................................................................................... II-1-6-2
6.5 Threats ................................................................................................................................................ II-1-6-3
6.6 Errors .................................................................................................................................................. II-1-6-4
6.7 Undesired aircraft states ..................................................................................................................... II-1-6-5
6.8 Countermeasures ................................................................................................................................ II-1-6-7

Chapter 7. The ICAO pilot instructor and evaluator competency framework ...................................... II-1-7-1

7.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ II-1-7-1

7.2 ICAO pilot instructor and evaluator competency framework ............................................................. II-1-7-2
7.3 Tables detailing the individual competencies for instructors and evaluators (IEC1 – IEC5) ............. II-1-7-3

Chapter 81. Competency-based training and assessment for remote pilot licence (RPL)...................... II-1-8-1

8.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ II-1-8-1

8.2 Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... II-1-8-1
8.3 Training .............................................................................................................................................. II-1-8-1
8.4 RPAS instructor and RPL examiner qualifications............................................................................. II-1-8-2

Appendix 1 to Chapter 8 — ICAO competency framework for RPL ..................................................... II-1-8-App 1-1

Chapter 9. Other flight crew members ...................................................................................................... II-1-9-1


Chapter 10. Flight validation pilots ............................................................................................................ II-1-10-1


Within Amendment 6 to the PANS-TRG, which is applicable in 2022, Competency-based training and assessment for remote pilot licence (RPL)
had a reserved Chapter 6. Amendment 7 to the PANS-TRG, applicable in 2020, will maintain Competency-based training and assessment for remote
pilot licence (RPL) space reserved under Chapter 8. Therefore, at its applicability in 2022, Amendment 6 to the PANS-TRG should highlight this

(viii) Procedures — Training

SECTION 2. Cabin crew ............................................................................................................................. II-2-1


SECTION 3. Flight operations officer/flight dispatchers ......................................................................... II-3-1

Chapter 1. General provisions for competency-based training and assessment

for flight operations officers/flight dispatchers (FOOs)............................................................................... II-3-1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... II-3-1-1

1.2 Training ................................................................................................................................................. II-3-1-1
1.3 Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ II-3-1-2
1.4 Evaluation of training programmes ....................................................................................................... II-3-1-2

Appendix 1 to Chapter 1 — Guidelines for the implementation of competency-based

training and assessment for FOOs ........................................................................................................... II-3-1-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 1 — ICAO competency framework for

flight information officer/flight dispatcher (FOO) .................................................................................. II-3-1-App 2-1


MAINTENANCE PERSONNEL................................................................................................................... III-(i)

Chapter 1. Competency-based training and assessment

for aircraft maintenance personnel ............................................................................................................... III-1-1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ III-1-1

1.2 Competency-based approach to training and assessment ................................................................... III-1-1
1.3 Design of competency-based training and assessment ....................................................................... III-1-2
1.4 The competency framework ............................................................................................................... III-1-2
1.5 Evaluation of training material ........................................................................................................... III-1-2
1.6 Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... III-1-3
1.7 Training and assessment material ....................................................................................................... III-1-3
1.8 Evaluation of trainees ......................................................................................................................... III-1-4

Appendix 1 to Chapter 1 — ICAO competency framework for AMTEMs ............................................ III-1-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 1 — Guidelines for the implementation of competency-based

training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel ................................................................... III-1-App 2-1

Chapter 2. Competency-based training and assessment as applicable to

maintenance licences and privileges .............................................................................................................. III-2-1

2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... III-2-1

2.2 Existing aircraft maintenance licences and training programmes ......................................................... III-2-1
2.3 The link between competency-based training and assessment and privileges ...................................... III-2-2
2.4 Issue of licences and authorizations ...................................................................................................... III-2-2

Table of Contents (ix)

Chapter 3. The ICAO AMTEM developer, instructor and assessor qualification framework ............. III-3-1


MANAGEMENT (ATM) PERSONNEL ...................................................................................................... IV-(i)

Chapter 1. General provisions for competency-based training

and assessment for air traffic management (ATM) personnel .................................................................... IV-1-1

1.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ IV-1-1

1.2 Competency-based approach to training and assessment ................................................................... IV-1-1

Chapter 2. Competency-based training and assessment for

air traffic controllers (ATCOs) ...................................................................................................................... IV-2-1

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ IV-2-1

2.2 Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... IV-2-1
2.3 Evaluation of training programmes .................................................................................................... IV-2-1

Appendix 1 to Chapter 2 — Guidelines for the implementation of competency-based

training and assessment for air traffic controllers (ATCOs) ................................................................... IV-2-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 2 — ICAO competency framework for air traffic controllers ............................ IV-2-App 2-1

Chapter 3. Competency-based training and assessment for ATC

on-the-job training instructors (OJTIs) ........................................................................................................ IV-3-1

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... IV-3-1

3.2 Assessment ............................................................................................................................................ IV-3-1
3.3 Evaluation of training programmes ....................................................................................................... IV-3-1

Appendix 1 to Chapter 3 — Guidelines for the implementation of competency-based training

and assessment for ATC on-the-job training instructors (OJTIs) ......................................................... IV-3-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 3 — ICAO competency framework for ATC on-the-job training instructors .... IV-3-App 2-1

Chapter 4. Competency-based training and assessment for air traffic safety

electronics personnel (ATSEP) ...................................................................................................................... IV-4-1

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ IV-4-1

4.2 Assessment ......................................................................................................................................... IV-4-1
4.3 Training .............................................................................................................................................. IV-4-1

Appendix 1 to Chapter 4 — Guidelines for the implementation of competency-based

training and assessment for air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP)......................................... IV-4-App 1-1

Appendix 2 to Chapter 4 — ICAO competency framework for air traffic safety

electronics personnel ............................................................................................................................... IV-4-App 2-1

(x) Procedures — Training







1.1 The Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Training (PANS-TRG) are the result of the evolution of the work
initiated by the Flight Crew Licensing and Training Panel (FCLTP) on the implementation of the training required for the
pilot licences and ratings found in Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing, including the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL).

1.2 The FCLTP, at its first meeting (Montréal, 8 to 19 December 2003), identified a clear need for licensing and
training material that, although too detailed to take the form of Standards, was of sufficient importance to provide
universal benefit to States. The need called for material that had to be harmonized and subjected to a formal consultation
and approval process and that called for a higher level of adherence on the part of States than that required of guidance
material. The FCLTP determined that the establishment of the PANS-TRG would be the appropriate document for use
by all States.

1.3 The first amendment to the PANS-TRG was issued in 2011, following the work undertaken by the IATA
Training and Qualifications Initiative on the development of a competency-based approach to the training and assessment
of aircraft maintenance mechanics/technicians/engineers (AMMTEs), including those personnel with licensed or
authorized privileges.

1.4 There is industry-wide consensus that, in order to reduce aircraft hull loss and fatal accident rates, a strategic
review of recurrent training for airline pilots is necessary. Consequently, procedures for evidence-based training (EBT),
developed by the IATA Training and Qualifications Initiative, were introduced in Amendment 2 to the PANS-TRG
issued in 2013 and are intended as a means of assessing and training key areas of flight crew performance in a recurrent
training system. In addition, qualifications of the instructor were expanded.

1.5 Between 2006 and 2010, aeroplane accidents resulting from a loss of control in flight (LOC-I) event were the
leading cause of fatalities in commercial aviation. Recognizing the need to identify and effectively implement mitigating
strategies, the prevention of aeroplane upsets quickly became an ICAO priority. Following extensive studies of the LOC-
I phenomena, in collaboration with civil aviation authorities (CAAs), aviation accident investigative bodies, LOC-I focus
groups, industry associations, original equipment manufacturers and subject matter experts from around the world, it
became readily apparent that deficiencies in current training practices were contributing factors in most aeroplane upset-
related accidents. Consequently, Amendment 3 to the PANS-TRG improved the existing ICAO Standards and
Recommended Practices (SARPs) and supporting guidance material by introducing aeroplane upset prevention and
recovery training (UPRT) requirements.

1.6 In 2015, the Next Generation of Aviation Professionals Task Force developed competency frameworks for air
traffic controllers (ATCOs) and air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) to support the progressive
implementation of competency-based training and assessment practices for air traffic management (ATM) personnel.
This second edition of the PANS-TRG has been restructured and divided into different parts dealing with each category
of personnel.

1.7 Amendment 5 was initially developed by the ICAO Competencies Task Force which was established in 2014
to review and clarify the existing competency-related definitions and concepts in ICAO provisions and organize them in
a conceptual framework that would illustrate the relationships between the concepts.

1.8 In 2016, the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System Panel (RPASP) developed competency frameworks for remote
pilots, RPAS instructors and remote pilot licence (RPL) examiners to complement SARPs being incorporated into
Annex 1, Chapter 2, in a new subpart B. RPAS provisions were introduced into PANS-TRG in Amendment 6.

PANS-TRG (xi) 5/11/20

(xii) Procedures — Training

1.9 In 2018, the Secretariat, with the assistance of the Competency-based Training and Assessment Task Force,
developed Amendment 7 to align the existing material in the PANS-TRG with Amendment 5 to the PANS-TRG and to
update some references and procedures. Notable changes include the introduction of new ICAO competency frameworks.


2.1 The PANS-TRG is complementary to the SARPs. The PANS-TRG generally addresses competency-based
training and assessment programmes that stakeholders may choose to implement.

2.2 The PANS-TRG’s purpose is to support the training and qualification of personnel conducting activities
affecting safety and for whom there are detailed SARPs in Annexes or procedures in PANS with requirements for such
training and qualification.

2.3 The PANS-TRG specifies, in greater detail than in the SARPs, the actual procedures to be applied by training
organizations when providing training for aeronautical personnel. This edition contains procedures for the development
and implementation of various competency-based training and assessment programmes designed to meet the Annex 1
requirements for pilots, including the MPL, the RPL1, the type rating and pilot instructors, and the AMMTE licence, as
well as those flight crew training programmes developed under the EBT concept, which provides an alternative means
of satisfying the recurrent training requirements of Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I — International Commercial
Air Transport — Aeroplanes. It also details the methodologies to successfully introduce aeroplane UPRT training at the
commercial pilot (aeroplane) and MPL levels, as well as providing UPRT in a flight simulation training device at the
commercial air transport pilot and type rating level to support the UPRT provisions promulgated in Annex 1 and Annex 6,
Part I. The PANS-TRG also specifies procedures for the harmonized implementation of training procedures for ATM
personnel and flight operations officers/flight dispatchers.


3.1 The Procedures for Air Navigation Services (PANS) do not have the same status as SARPs. While the latter are
adopted by Council in pursuance of Article 37 of the Convention on International Civil Aviation, and are subject to the
full procedure of Article 90, the PANS are approved by the Council and recommended to Contracting States for
worldwide application.

3.2 While the PANS may contain material that may eventually become SARPs when it has reached the maturity and
stability necessary for adoption as such, they may also comprise material prepared as an amplification of the basic principles
in the corresponding SARPs and designed particularly to assist the user in the application of those SARPs.


The implementation of the PANS-TRG is the responsibility of Contracting States; they are applied in the actual training
only after, and in so far as, States have enforced them. However, with a view to facilitating their processing towards
implementation by States, they have been prepared in language that will permit direct use by the personnel of approved
training organizations (ATOs) and others associated with the development and implementation of a training programme
for the MPL, RPL, flight crew recurrent training, aeroplane UPRT, the AMMTE licence and ATM personnel.

RPL applicable as of 3 November 2022.

Foreword (xiii)


5.1 The PANS do not carry the status afforded to Standards adopted by the Council as Annexes to the Convention
and, therefore, do not fall under the obligation imposed by Article 38 of the Convention to notify differences in the event
of non-implementation. Attention of States is drawn, however, to the provisions of Annex 15 related to the publication
in their Aeronautical Information Publications of lists of significant differences between their procedures and the related
ICAO procedures.

5.2 The ICAO course development methodology is based on the instructional systems design (ISD) model used for
much of the competency-based training and assessment material in this document. It is, however, acknowledged that
there are a variety of ISD models that may be equally appropriate and that States may wish to apply in the development
of competency-based training and assessment. It may also be the case that no single methodology has all the elements
needed and that a number of methodologies will have to be drawn upon for the design of a particular course. In addition,
methodological prescriptions are counter-productive, as all training methodologies should display the flexibility and
adaptability needed to accommodate changes in training circumstances, goals and technology. For this reason, differences
in the systems approach methodologies and models used for the design of competency-based training and assessment
need not be published, so long as the methodologies contain the ISD elements that govern the three basic procedural steps
of a needs analysis, design and production, and evaluation.


Part I — General procedures

6.1 Chapter 1 — Definitions and acronyms

This chapter contains a list of terms and their technical meanings as used in this document. In some cases, the terms are
defined in other ICAO documents.

6.2 Chapter 2 — General provisions for competency-based training and assessment

6.2.1 Developments in the late 1950s and 1960s in the application of systems engineering methodologies, such as ISD
and the systems approach to training (SAT), to the design of training curricula resulted in the implementation of structured,
performance-based training programmes. Competency-based training and assessment also evolved from later developments
in mastery learning and criterion-referenced testing, whereby knowledge and skills had to be demonstrated at levels that met
the entry-level occupational requirements, and assessments had to be based on observable behaviours or outcomes. The
1970s saw the widespread use of competency-based principles in both vocational and technical education and training in
the United States which, by the 1980s and 1990s, had spread to Europe and to other parts of the world.

6.2.2 This chapter outlines the general principles and procedures to be followed in the design and implementation
of a competency-based approach to training and assessment. Attachment A provides general considerations that should
be taken into account when implementing competency-based training and assessment programmes including the
relationship between competencies and tasks. Attachment B describes knowledge, skills and attitudes. Attachment C
provides a generic methodology to design competency-based training and assessment based on the “analyse, design,
develop, implement and evaluate (ADDIE)” principles.

6.3 Chapter 3 — Qualifications of course developers and instructors

Annex 1 contains Standards for the issuance of the flight instructor rating and for granting authorizations to flight
instructors and flight simulation training device instructors. This chapter and its attachment contain the qualifications to
be held, and the competencies to be demonstrated by instructors and course developers employed in a competency-based

(xiv) Procedures — Training

training and assessment programme. In competency-based programmes, instructor competencies are made explicit, and
instructors have to demonstrate these competencies throughout the training process and in their knowledge of the subject
matter and training course content.

Part II — Training and assessment for aircraft operational personnel

6.4 Section 1 — Flight crew training and assessment

6.4.1 Chapter 1 — ICAO Competency Framework for Aeroplane Pilots

This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme for
aeroplane pilots, including an ICAO competency framework and a list of pilot tasks by phases of flight. The training
programmes cover the various licences, ratings and recurrent training (the instructor rating or authorization and a
designated pilot examiner require additional competencies).

6.4.2 Chapter 2 — Competency-based training and assessment for the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL)

This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of an MPL
course and are to be followed in addition to those outlined in Part I, Chapter 2, using an adapted competency model based
on the ICAO competency framework for aeroplane pilots. It provides guidelines for the implementation of an MPL
training programme and an MPL training scheme. The attachments to this chapter contain guidance material on: the
structure of the MPL training programme; examples of training specifications; and the tasks to be performed by MPL
examiners and inspectors.

6.4.3 Chapter 3 — Evidence-based training (EBT)

This chapter is intended to provide guidance to CAAs, operators and ATOs in the recurrent training of pilots and remote

6.4.4 Chapter 4 — Upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT)

This chapter is intended to provide procedures to CAAs, operators and ATOs related to the delivery of UPRT for
aeroplane pilots. This training is required for the MPL, the type-rating and the training of commercial air transport pilots,
and is highly recommended for the CPL(A).

6.4.5 Chapter 5 — Competency-based training and assessment of flight crew personnel for the type rating

This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of a
competency-based training and assessment programme for the type rating, in the aeroplane category.

6.4.6 Chapter 6 — Threat and error management

This chapter describes the threat and error management model and provides the procedures applicable to all pilots.

6.4.7 Chapter 7 — The ICAO pilot instructor and evaluator competency framework

This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme for pilot
instructors and evaluators, including an ICAO competency framework.

Foreword (xv)

6.4.8 Chapter 8 — Competency-based training and assessment for the remote pilot licence

Chapter 8 outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of a remote
pilot competency-based training and assessment programme.

6.4.9 Chapter 9 — Other flight crew members


6.4.10 Chapter 10 — Flight validation pilots


6.5 Section 2 — Cabin crew


6.6 Section 3 — Flight operations officers/flight dispatchers

This section provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme for flight
operations officers/flight dispatchers, including an ICAO competency framework.

Part III — Training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel

6.7 Chapter 1 — Competency-based training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel

This part outlines the principles and procedures for the development and implementation of a competency-based training
and assessment programme for aircraft maintenance personnel in order to focus training and assessment on how an
AMTEM is expected to competently perform on the job. The goal of competency-based training and assessment is to
provide a competent workforce for personnel working in aircraft maintenance including those with certification privileges.
The Manual on Training of Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (Doc 10098) contains guidance material on the design and
development of an aircraft maintenance personnel training programme as well as examples of training objectives.
Implementation of competency-based training and assessment programmes for AMTEM personnel is optional. Annex 1,
Appendix 2, 3.1 enables the use of such competency-based training and assessment programmes as an alternative means
of compliance with the Annex 1 experience requirements.

6.8 Chapter 2 — Competency-based training as applicable to maintenance licences and privileges

This Chapter provides material on the implementation of a competency-based approach to training and assessment for
personnel working in aircraft maintenance, including those with certification privileges. This material is complementary
to those provided in Part I, Chapter 2. Furthermore, the material will be useful to Licensing Authorities responsible for
approving training programmes at approved maintenance organizations (AMOs) and approved training organizations
(ATOs) for maintenance personnel.

6.9 Chapter 3 — The ICAO AMTEM developer, instructor and assessor qualification framework


(xvi) Procedures — Training

Part IV — Training and assessment for air traffic management personnel

6.10 Chapter 1 — General provisions for competency-based training and assessment

for air traffic management (ATM) personnel

This chapter outlines the general principles and procedures to be followed in the design and implementation of
competency-based training and assessment for ATM personnel. Implementation of competency-based training and
assessment programmes for ATM personnel is optional.

6.11 Chapter 2 — Competency-based training and assessment for air traffic controllers (ATCOs)

This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of ATCO
competency-based training and assessment and to be followed, in addition to those outlined in Part I, Chapter 2, by
training organizations or air navigation services providers (ANSPs) opting for a competency-based approach. This
chapter also contains the ICAO competency framework for Air Traffic Controllers. The use of such a competency
framework is not an obligation but is recommended in order to achieve the best performance in ATCO training. The
Manual on Air Traffic Controller Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc 10056) contains guidance material
on the design and development of an ATCO training programme as well as examples of training objectives.

6.12 Chapter 3 — Competency-based training and assessment for ATC on-the-job training instructors (OJTIs)

This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of OJTI
competency-based training and assessment and to be followed in addition to those outlined in Part I, Chapter 2 of PANS-
TRG by training organizations or air navigation services providers (ANSPs) opting for a competency-based approach.
This chapter also contains ICAO competency framework for ATC on-the-job-training instructors (OJTIs). The use of
such a competency framework is not an obligation but is recommended to achieve the best performance in ATC
on-the-job-training instructors (OJTIs) training.

6.13 Chapter 4 — Competency-based training and assessment for air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP)

This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of ATSEP
competency-based training and assessment and to be followed in addition to those outlined in Chapter 1 by training
organizations or ANSPs opting for a competency-based approach. Chapter 4 also contains the ICAO competency
framework for the ATSEP. The use of such a competency framework is not an obligation but is recommended to achieve
the best performance in ATSEP training. The Manual on Air Traffic Safety Electronics Personnel Competency-based
Training and Assessment (Doc 10057) contains guidance material on the design and development of an ATSEP training
programme as well as examples of training objectives.

Part V — Training and assessment for aerodrome personnel


Part VI — Training and assessment for other aviation personnel


Foreword (xvii)

Table A. Amendments to the PANS-TRG

Amendment Source(s) Subject(s) Applicable

1st Edition Flight Crew Licensing and Training Panel Procedures for Air Navigation Services — 19 July 2006
(2006) (2005) Training (PANS-TRG) 23 November 2006
1 Secretariat with the assistance of the New Chapter 4, supported by additional 13 May 2011
Next Generation of Aviation Professionals definitions, containing procedures to 25 August 2011
(NGAP) Task Force and the International facilitate the implementation of competency-
Air Transport Association (IATA) based training and assessment for aircraft
Training and Qualifications Initiative maintenance personnel.
2 Secretariat with the assistance of the New Chapter 5 containing procedures 4 January 2013
Next Generation of Aviation Professionals supporting the implementation of the concept 2 May 2013
(NGAP) Task Force and the International of evidence-based training (EBT), consisting
Air Transport Association (IATA) of:
Training and Qualifications Initiative
(ITQI) a) the applicability, background and
philosophy of EBT; and

b) reference to guidance material providing

the detailed means of implementation.

The amendment also expands the

qualifications of instructors in the current
Chapter 5.
3 Secretariat Amendment concerning the introduction of 23 April 2014
provisions regarding upset prevention and 13 November 2014
recovery training (UPRT) for aeroplane

2nd Edition Secretariat; Next Generation of Aviation Amendment concerning restructuring and 14 August 2015
(2016) Professionals (NGAP) Air Traffic inclusion of competencies for air traffic 10 November 2016
4 Management (ATM) Group controllers (ATCOs) and air traffic safety
electronics personnel (ATSEP).
5 ICAO Competencies Task Force Revised definitions for terms related to 13 July 2017
competencies, a description of how 5 November 2020
competency-related concepts are interlinked
and a generic methodology to design
competency-based training and assessment.
6 Fifth and sixth meetings of the Remotely Regulatory structure for the issuance of 6 August 2018
Piloted Aircraft Systems Panel (RPASP/5 remote pilot licences and the provision of a 3 November 2022
and RPASP/6) global framework for the regulation of
remotely piloted aircraft systems (RPAS)
7 ICAO Competency-based Training and Amendment concerning: new definitions; 8 June 2020
(Third Edition) Assessment Task Force (CBTA-TF) and introduction of air traffic control on-the-job 5 November 2020
the Secretariat training instructors provisions; and minor
updates to existing provisions.


Procedures for
Air Navigation Services


Part I


I-(i) 5/11/20
Part I


This part contains three chapters:

Chapter 1 contains the definitions and acronyms and their technical meanings as used in this document. In some cases,
the terms are defined in other ICAO documents.

Chapter 2 outlines the general provisions for competency-based training and assessment and outlines the general
principles and procedures to be followed in the design and implementation of a competency-based approach to training
and assessment. Attachment A provides general considerations that should be taken into account when implementing
competency-based training and assessment programmes including the relationship between competencies and tasks.
Attachment B describes knowledge, skills and attitudes. Attachment C provides a generic methodology to design
competency-based training and assessment based on the ADDIE principles.

Chapter 3 contains the qualifications to be held by course developers and instructors employed in a competency-based
training and assessment programme.


PANS-TRG I-(iii) 5/11/20

Chapter 1



When the following terms are used in this document, they have the following meanings:

Adapted competency model. A group of competencies with their associated description and performance criteria adapted
from an ICAO competency framework that an organization uses to develop competency-based training and
assessment for a given role.

Air operator certificate (AOC). A certificate authorizing an operator to carry out specified commercial air transport

Aircraft operating manual. A manual, acceptable to the State of the Operator, containing normal, abnormal and
emergency procedures, checklists, limitations, performance information, details of the aircraft systems and other
material relevant to the operation of the aircraft.

Note.— The aircraft operating manual is part of the operations manual.

Appropriate airworthiness requirements. The comprehensive and detailed airworthiness codes established, adopted or
accepted by a Contracting State for the class of aircraft, engine or propeller under consideration.

Approved maintenance training organization (AMTO). An approved training organization performing training for
aircraft maintenance technicians/engineers/mechanics.

Approved training organization (ATO). An organization approved by and operating under the supervision of a
Contracting State in accordance with the requirements of Annex 1 to perform approved training.

Assessment. The determination by an instructor, assessor or evaluator as to whether a candidate meets a required
competency standard under given conditions, by collecting evidence from observable behaviours. Assessment
takes place during instruction and evaluation.

Assessment (evidence) guide. A guide that provides detailed information in the form of evidence that an instructor or an
evaluator can use to determine whether a candidate meets the requirements of the competency standard.

ATA chapters. A common industry referencing standard for aircraft technical documentation.

Note.— The competency frameworks of Part III, Chapter 1 use references to the ATA chapters numbering, due
to its widespread use in civil aviation.

Basic training. Training which is generic in nature but essential in the role of particular activities.

Certify as airworthy (to). To certify that an aircraft or parts thereof comply with current airworthiness requirements after
maintenance has been performed on the aircraft or parts thereof.

PANS-TRG I-1-1 5/11/20

I-1-2 Procedures — Training

Competency. A dimension of human performance that is used to reliably predict successful performance on the job. A
competency is manifested and observed through behaviours that mobilize the relevant knowledge, skills and
attitudes to carry out activities or tasks under specified conditions.

Competency-based training and assessment. Training and assessment that are characterized by a performance
orientation, emphasis on standards of performance and their measurement, and the development of training to
the specified performance standards.

Competency standard. A level of performance that is defined as acceptable when assessing whether or not competency
has been achieved.

Conditions. Anything that may qualify a specific environment in which performance will be demonstrated.

Configuration deviation list (CDL). A list established by the organization responsible for the type design with the
approval of the State of Design which identifies any external parts of an aircraft type which may be missing at
the commencement of a flight, and which contains, where necessary, any information on associated operating
limitations and performance correction.

Criterion-referenced test. A test, the measurement of which is compared with an objective standard (and not against
another measurement).

Dispatch deviation procedures guide (DDPG). Manual to identify any procedure to dispatch an aircraft with allowable
systems/components inoperative or missing.

Note.— Large aircraft manufacturers may choose to produce operating and maintenance procedures in
documents such as dispatch deviation procedure guides, for use by operators.

Error. An action or inaction by an operational person that leads to deviations from organizational or the operational
person’s intentions or expectations.

Note — See Chapter 1 of Annex 19 —Safety Management for a description of operational personnel.

Error management. The process of detecting errors and responding to them with countermeasures that reduce or
eliminate the consequences of errors and mitigate the probability of further errors or undesired states.

Note.— See Part II, Section 1, Chapter 6 and Circular 314 — Threat and Error Management (TEM) in Air
Traffic Control for a description of undesired states.

Evaluator. A person authorized to conduct the formal and final summative assessment of a trainee’s performance.

Event. A combination of a task or a sub-task and the conditions under which the task or sub-task is to be performed.

Facilitation technique. An active training method, which uses effective questioning, listening and a non-judgemental
approach and is particularly effective in developing skills and attitudes, assisting trainees to develop insight and
their own solutions and resulting in better understanding, retention and commitment.

Generic standard shop practices manual. Manual that has been developed by an operator or by an approved maintenance
organization that provides guidance and direction to shop personnel with respect to all aspects of in-house
procedures as applied to the various maintenance and maintenance support activities that has been accepted or
approved by the regulator for the scope of activities for that organization.

Part I — Chapter 1 I-1-3

Generic standard storage practices manual. Manual that has been developed by an operator or by an approved
maintenance organization that provides guidance and direction to maintenance support personnel engaged in the
storage and preservation of aircraft parts, components and other materials used in aircraft maintenance activities.
The scope of the manual forms part of the organization’s accepted or approved maintenance programme as
indicated by the regulator.

Human factors principles. Principles which apply to aeronautical design, certification, training, operations and
maintenance and which seek safe interface between the human and other system components by proper
consideration to human performance.

Human performance. Human capabilities and limitations which have an impact on the safety and efficiency of
aeronautical operations.

ICAO competency framework. A competency framework, developed by ICAO, is a selected group of competencies for
a given aviation discipline. Each competency has an associated description and observable behaviours.
Instructional systems design (ISD). A formal process for designing training which includes analysis, design and
production, and evaluation.

Large aeroplane. An aeroplane of a maximum certificated take-off mass of over 5 700 kg.

Maintenance. The performance of tasks on an aircraft, engine, propeller or associated part required to ensure the
continuing airworthiness of an aircraft, engine, propeller or associated part including any one or combination of
overhaul, inspection, replacement, defect rectification, and the embodiment of a modification or repair.

Maintenance defect reporting sheet. Used by aircraft maintenance personnel to report any defects and malfunctions
being found during aircraft inspections.

Maintenance organization’s procedures manual. A document endorsed by the head of the maintenance organization
which details the maintenance organization’s structure and management responsibilities, scope of work,
description of facilities, maintenance procedures and quality assurance or inspection systems.

Maintenance programme. A document which describes the specific scheduled maintenance tasks and their frequency of
completion and related procedures, such as a reliability programme, necessary for the safe operation of those
aircraft to which it applies.

Maintenance record. Record that sets out the details of the maintenance carried out on an aircraft, engine, propeller or
associated part.

Maintenance release. A document which contains a certification confirming that the maintenance work to which it relates
has been completed in a satisfactory manner, in accordance with appropriate airworthiness requirements.

Master minimum equipment list (MMEL). A list established for a particular aircraft type by the organization responsible
for the type design with the approval of the State of Design containing items, one or more of which is permitted
to be unserviceable at the commencement of a flight. The MMEL may be associated with special operating
conditions, limitations or procedures.

Minimum equipment list (MEL). A list which provides for the operation of aircraft, subject to specified conditions, with
particular equipment inoperative, prepared by an operator in conformity with, or more restrictive than, the
MMEL established for the aircraft type.

I-1-4 Procedures — Training

Modification. A change to the type design of an aircraft, engine or propeller.

Note.— A modification may also include the embodiment of the modification which is a maintenance task subject
to a maintenance release. Further guidance on aircraft maintenance – modification and repair is contained in the
Airworthiness Manual (Doc 9760).

Monitoring. A cognitive process to compare an actual to an expected state.

Note.― Monitoring is embedded in the competencies for a given role within an aviation discipline, which serve
as countermeasures in the threat and error management model. It requires knowledge, skills and attitudes to create a
mental model and to take appropriate action when deviations are recognized.

Non-destructive testing (NDT). An inspection technique used to test the condition of materials, components and systems
used in aircraft, powerplants, associated systems, and components to examine these articles for condition and
defects without causing damage to the item being inspected.

Note.— NDT methods may include but are not limited to ultrasonic, magnetic-particle, liquid penetrant,
radiographic, eddy-current testing and structural health monitoring.

Observable behaviour (OB). A single role-related behaviour that can be observed and may or may not be measurable.

Operations manual. A manual containing procedures, instructions and guidance for use by operational personnel in the
execution of their duties.

Performance criteria. Statements used to assess whether the required levels of performance have been achieved for a
competency. A performance criterion consists of an observable behaviour, condition(s) and a competency

Pilot flying (PF). The pilot whose primary task is to control and manage the flight path. The secondary tasks of the PF
are to perform non–flight path related actions (radio communications, aircraft systems, other operational
activities, etc.) and to monitor other crewmembers.

Pilot monitoring (PM). The pilot whose primary task is to monitor the flight path and its management by the PF. The
secondary tasks of the PM are to perform non–flight path related actions (radio communications, aircraft systems,
other operational activities, etc.) and to monitor other crewmembers.
Rating. An authorization entered on or associated with a licence and forming part thereof, stating special conditions,
privileges or limitations pertaining to such licence.

Remote pilot station (RPS)1. The component of the remotely piloted aircraft system containing the equipment used to
pilot the remotely piloted aircraft.

Remotely piloted aircraft (RPA)*. An unmanned aircraft which is piloted from a remote pilot station.

Remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS)*. A remotely piloted aircraft, its associated remote pilot stations, the required
command and control links and any other components as specified in the type design.

Repair. The restoration of an aircraft, engine, propeller or associated part to an airworthy condition in accordance with
the appropriate airworthiness requirements, after it has been damaged or subjected to wear.

Applicable as of 3 November 2022.

Part I — Chapter 1 I-1-5

Scenario (event-set). Relatively independent segment of training made up of several events.

Serviceability of an aircraft part. An approved part is serviceable when it meets approved design data applicable to that
part and has been manufactured and subsequently maintained in accordance with the requirements of the State
of Design, Manufacture or Registry, as applicable.

Small aeroplane. An aeroplane of a maximum certificated take-off mass of 5 700 kg or less.

Special standard practices/maintenance procedures manual. Manual establishing standard practices for selected
processes to be applied by aircraft and component maintenance personnel for the proper handling (identification,
application, working procedures, use of tools and quality standards) of standard aeronautical hardware;
e.g. welding, NDT.

Standard parts. Parts, such as fasteners, which are considered as approved parts when in accordance with a national or
industry accepted standard and when referenced in the type design of the particular aircraft.

Standard practices manual. Manual establishing standard practices to be applied by aircraft and component maintenance
personnel for the proper handling (identification, application, working procedures, use of tools, and quality
standards) of standard aeronautical hardware.

Standard wiring practices manual (SWPM). Manual establishing standard practices for processes in relation to any
wiring used in aeronautical equipment to be applied by aircraft and component maintenance personnel for proper
handling (identification, application, working procedures, use of tools and quality standards).

Threat. Events or errors that occur beyond the influence of an operational person, increase operational complexity and
must be managed to maintain the margin of safety.
Note.— See Chapter 1 of Annex 19 — Safety Management for a description of operational personnel.

Threat management. The process of detecting threats and responding to them with countermeasures that reduce or
eliminate the consequences of threats and mitigate the probability of errors or undesired states.
Note.— See Part II, Section 1, Chapter 6 and Circular 314 — Threat and Error Management (TEM) in Air
Traffic Control for a description of undesired states.

Training for a particular maintenance rating. Training aimed at developing the set of particular competencies required
to perform maintenance tasks on a type of equipment and in specific environments.

Note.— Such types of equipment include but are not limited to:

a) a specific aircraft or a broad category of aircraft;

b) an airframe or aircraft structure;

c) engines;

d) aircraft systems or components; and

e) avionic systems or components.

I-1-6 Procedures — Training

Training for specialty rating. Training aimed at developing the set of particular competencies required to perform
maintenance tasks on a specific type of equipment and in specific environments.

Note.— Such types of equipment include but are not limited to:

a) a specific aircraft or a broad category of aircraft;

b) an airframe or aircraft structure;

c) engines;

d) aircraft systems or components; and

e) avionic systems or components.

Training objective. A clear statement that is comprised of three parts, i.e. the desired performance or what the trainee is
expected to be able to do at the end of training (or at the end of particular stages of training), the performance
standard that must be attained to confirm the trainee’s level of competence, and the conditions under which the
trainee will demonstrate competence.


AD Airworthiness directive

ADDIE Analyse, design, develop, implement and evaluate

AMM Aircraft maintenance manual

AMTEM Aircraft maintenance technician/engineer/mechanic

AMO Approved maintenance organization

AMTO Approved maintenance training organization

ANSP Air navigation services provider

APU Auxiliary power unit

ATC Air traffic control

ATCO Air traffic controller

ATM Air traffic management

ATO Approved training organization

ATSEP Air traffic safety electronics personnel

BITE Built-in test equipment

CAA Civil aviation authority

Part I — Chapter 1 I-1-7

CBTA Competency-based training and assessment

CE Competency element

CMM Component maintenance manual

CPL(A) Commercial pilot licence (aeroplane)

CRM Crew resource management

CRS Certificate of return to service

DDPG Dispatch deviation procedures guide

EBT Evidence-based training

FIM Fault isolation manual

FOO Flight operations officer/flight dispatcher

FSTD Flight simulation training device

ICAs Instruction for continued airworthiness

IOE Initial operating experience

ISD Instructional systems design

KSA Knowledge, skills and attitudes

LOC-I Loss of control in flight

LOSA Line operations safety audit

LWTR Licence without type rating (an aircraft maintenance technician/engineer/mechanic licence)

MEL Minimum equipment list

MM Maintenance manual

MMEL Master minimum equipment list

MOPM Maintenance organization’s procedures manual

MPL Multi-crew pilot licence

MRM Maintenance resource management

NDT Non-destructive testing

OB Observable behaviour

OEM Original equipment manufacturer

I-1-8 Procedures — Training

OJT On-the-job training

OJTI On-the-job training instructor

PC Performance criteria

QA Quality assurance

QS Quality system

RPA2 Remotely piloted aircraft

RPAS* Remotely piloted aircraft system

RPL* Remote pilot licence

RPS* Remote pilot station

SARPs Standards and Recommended Practices

SMPM Special maintenance procedures manual

SMS Safety management system

SOP Standard operating procedure

SPM Standard practices manual

SRM Structural repair manual

SWPM Standard wiring practices manual

TEM Threat and error management

TR Type rating (on an aircraft maintenance technician/engineer/mechanic licence)

UPRT Upset prevention and recovery training


Applicable as of 3 November 2022.

Chapter 2




2.1.1 The goal of competency-based training and assessment is to provide a competent workforce for the provision
of a safe and efficient air transportation system. In order to focus training and assessment on how an aviation professional
is expected to competently perform on the job, a description of this performance in the particular operational and
environmental context is needed. The adapted competency model, with its associated performance criteria, provides a
means of assessing whether trainees achieve the desired performance.

2.1.2 The provisions in this chapter:

a) describe the relationships between key concepts in competency-based training and assessment;

b) outline the general principles and procedures to be followed in the design and implementation of competency-
based training and assessment; and

c) are applicable to all subsequent chapters of this document.

2.1.3 The ICAO competency frameworks in Parts II to IV of this document, as well as those in ICAO manuals, are
generic models. Organizations implementing competency-based training and assessment in a given aviation discipline
shall adapt the corresponding competency frameworks provided in Parts II to IV to reflect their specific local environment
and requirements. Additional considerations to be taken into account when implementing a competency-based training
and assessment approach can be found in Attachment A to this chapter.


2.2.1 Relevant competencies are clearly defined for a particular role within an aviation discipline.

2.2.2 There is an explicit link between competencies and training, required performance on the job, and assessment.

2.2.3 Competencies are formulated in a way that ensures they can be trained for, observed and assessed consistently
in a wide variety of work contexts for a given aviation profession or role.

2.2.4 Trainees successfully demonstrate competency by meeting the associated competency standard.

2.2.5 Each stakeholder in the process including the trainee, instructor, training organization, operator, service
provider and regulator has a common understanding of the competency standards.

2.2.6 Clear performance criteria are established for assessing competence.

PANS-TRG I-2-1 5/11/20

I-2-2 Procedures — Training

2.2.7 Evidence of competent performance is valid and reliable.

2.2.8 Instructors’ and assessors’ judgements are calibrated to achieve a high degree of inter-rater reliability.

2.2.9 Assessment of competencies is based on multiple observations across multiple contexts.

2.2.10 To be considered competent, an individual demonstrates an integrated performance of all the required
competencies to a specified standard.


In this document, it is assumed that:

a) all tasks performed by an aviation professional require the application of a relevant set of competencies;

b) competencies are defined for each aviation function/profession/role (pilots, cabin crew, air traffic controllers,
air traffic safety electronics personnel, designated medical examiners, dispatchers, etc.) and applied to the
individual; and

c) aviation professionals apply a set of competencies in a given role throughout their career (e.g. private,
commercial, multi-crew and airline transport pilots will demonstrate the same set of competencies but with
different degrees of performance).


2.4.1 In ICAO, a competency framework is structured as shown in Table I-2-1.

Table I-2-1. Structure of an ICAO competency framework

ICAO competency Description Observable behaviour (OB)

OB 1
ICAO Competency 1 Description 1 OB 2
OB n
OB 1
ICAO Competency 2 Description 2 OB 2
OB n
OB 1
ICAO Competency n Description n OB 2
OB n

Part I — Chapter 2 I-2-3

2.4.2 The subsequent parts of this document contain ICAO competency frameworks for the different aviation
disciplines. For example, one of the competencies for an air traffic controller in the ICAO competency framework is
“communication” and can be described and broken down in observable behaviours as shown in Table I-2-2.

Table I-2-2. Example of a competency in an ICAO competency framework

ICAO competency Description Observable behaviour (OB)

Selects communication mode that takes into account

the requirements of the situation

Speaks clearly, accurately and concisely

Uses appropriate vocabulary and expressions to

convey clear messages

Communicate Uses standard radiotelephony (RT) phraseology

Communication effectively in all
operational situations Adjusts speech techniques to suit the situation

Demonstrates active listening and provides feedback

Uses plain language when RT phraseology does not

exist or the situation requires it
Uses eye contact, body movements and gestures that
are consistent with verbal messages


The purpose of competency-based training and assessment is to train and assess the capacity of an individual to perform
at the standard expected in an organizational workplace. Therefore, organizations electing to implement competency-
based training and assessment in a discipline covered in this document shall adapt the corresponding ICAO competency
framework to suit their context by developing an adapted competency model to include the elements in Table I-2-3.

I-2-4 Procedures — Training

Table I-2-3. Elements of an adapted competency model

Performance criteria
Adapted Observable
competency Description behaviour (OB) Competency assessment
OB 1 Final Conditions
Adapted competency
Description 1 OB 2
competency 1 standard
OB n
OB 1
Description 2 OB 2
competency 2
OB n
OB 1
Description n OB 2
competency n
OB n



2.6.1 A training specification describes the purpose of training, the task list and the requirements that shall be
fulfilled when designing the training.

2.6.2 An adapted competency model is a group of competencies with their associated description and performance
criteria adapted from an ICAO competency framework that an organization uses to develop competency-based training
and assessment for a given role.

2.6.3 An assessment plan provides the process and tools for gathering valid and reliable evidence at different stages
during training.

2.6.4 A training plan describes the training required to achieve the competencies. It includes but is not limited to a
syllabus (including knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA), milestones, lesson plans and schedules). See Attachment B to
this chapter for a description of KSA.

2.6.5 Training and assessment materials and resources (i.e. human, material and organizational resources) include
everything needed to implement training and assessment plans.

2.6.6 Figure I-2-1 illustrates the various components needed to build a competency-based training and assessment

Part I — Chapter 2 I-2-5

Adapted Training and
competency model assessment
Training plan

Figure I-2-1. Competency-based training and assessment components


It is recognized that there are several valid instructional systems design (ISD) models that may be used to design
competency-based training and assessment. They can serve as a basis to derive the components of competency-based
training and assessment as described above. The analyse, design, develop, implement and evaluate (ADDIE) framework
is generic to all ISD models. See Attachment C to this chapter for a detailed description of an ADDIE methodology.


Attachment A to Chapter 2



1. Benefits of competency-based training and assessment

The main benefit of a competency-based approach to training and assessment is its potential to encourage and enable
individual aviation professionals to reach their highest level of operational capability while ensuring a basic level of
competence as a minimum standard.

2. Challenges

The evolution in the understanding of how people learn and the growing complexity resulting from the introduction of
new technologies and operating methods present continuous challenges to the approach to training, especially within
limited timeframes and budgets. Some of these challenges are to:

a) ensure that what is trained is relevant to the job;

b) achieve a more effective ratio between learning opportunities and checking/assessment. This implies a shift
towards more learning opportunities;

c) ensure the integration of knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) needed to perform effectively;

d) ensure that the full potential of training tools and methodologies is exploited;

e) support continuous learning and performance improvement over the span of an aviation professional’s career;

f) achieve transfer of KSA across contexts and operational situations; and

g) establish sufficient, well-trained and competent teachers/instructors.

Competency-based training and assessment can be used to address many of these challenges.

3. Relationship between competencies and tasks

3.1 Traditional approaches to training development involve the decomposition of jobs into tasks. For each task there
is a related objective, an assessment and associated elements in a training plan. A limitation of this approach is that each
task must be taught and assessed. In complex systems or when jobs evolve rapidly, it may not be possible to teach and
assess each task. Moreover, learners may demonstrate the ability to perform tasks in isolation without being competent
in their job.

PANS-TRG I-2-A-1 5/11/20

I-2-A-2 Procedures — Training

3.2 Competency-based training and assessment is based on the concept that competencies are transferable. In the
design of a competency-based training and assessment programme, a limited number of competencies are defined.
Typically, an activity will involve several competencies and competencies apply across a variety of activities and contexts.
In the design of training and assessments, tasks and activities are incorporated because they are good candidates for
facilitating, developing or assessing a competency or competencies. Specific tasks may be used to develop specific
competencies. Lack of specific competencies may be identified as root causes of the failure of the performance of a task.

4. Best practices that support competency-based

approaches to training and assessment

To gain the maximum value and achieve efficiencies, competency-based approaches should incorporate training best
practices as follows:

a) organizations encourage and support learning in formal and informal settings at different stages in an aviation
professional’s work life;

b) training programmes focus on the quality of what trainees do and achieve during training rather than on the
prescribed amount of time aviation professionals spend training;

c) training focuses on accommodating an individual trainee’s needs and provides flexibility; and

d) the highest quality and level of consistency of instruction is provided and particular attention is given to coaching,
facilitation and mentoring.


Attachment B to Chapter 2


1. General

In order to display certain observable behaviours and demonstrate the achievement of performance criteria, aviation
professionals call on relevant knowledge, skills and attitudes (KSA) appropriate to a specific role and context. This ability
will vary depending on the level of experience and expertise of the aviation professional.

2. Knowledge

2.1 Knowledge is specific information required to enable a learner to develop and apply the skills and attitudes to
recall facts, identify concepts, apply rules or principles, solve problems, and think creatively in the context of work.

2.2 Knowledge is an outcome of the learning process, whether learning occurs in formal or informal settings. There
are different types of knowledge: declarative (e.g. facts and raw data), procedural (e.g. categorized/ contextualized and
application of conditional if-then rules), strategic (e.g. synthesis, inference to guide resource allocation for decision
making, problem solving and behavioural action), and adaptive (e.g. generalization, innovation and invention).

3. Skills

3.1 A skill is an ability to perform an activity or action. It is often divided into three types: motor, cognitive and
metacognitive skills.

3.2 A motor skill is an intentional movement, involving a motor or muscular component, that must be learned and
voluntarily produced to proficiently perform a goal-oriented task.

3.3 A cognitive skill is any mental skill used in the process of acquiring knowledge, such as reasoning, perception
and intuition.

3.4 A metacognitive skill relates to the ability of learners to monitor and direct their own learning processes
(“thinking about thinking”); for example, planning how to approach a given learning task, monitoring comprehension
and evaluating progress toward the completion of a task.

4. Attitudes

Attitude is a persistent internal mental state or disposition that influences an individual’s choice of personal action toward
some object, person or event and that can be learned. Attitudes have affective components, cognitive aspects and
behavioural consequences. To demonstrate the “right” attitude, a learner needs to “know how to be” in a given context.


PANS-TRG I-2-B-1 5/11/20

Attachment C to Chapter 2



1. General

This attachment provides a step-by-step guide for organizations intending to establish competency-based training and
assessment that is specific to their environment and requirements. It makes use of the ICAO competency framework and
the ADDIE model.

2. Overview of competency-based training and assessment workflows

2.1 The five competency-based training and assessment workflows using the ADDIE model are presented in Figure

Workflow 1 Workflow 2 Workflow 3 Workflow 4 Workflow 5


training need local the training and Conduct the the course
competency- assessment course in including the
based training materials accordance with training and
and assessment the training and assessment plans
assessment plans

Figure I-2-C-1. Competency-based training and assessment workflows

2.2 The workflows relate to the components of competency-based training and assessment programmes presented
in Figure I-2-1. Workflows 1 and 2 establish the training specification, adapted competency model, assessment plan and
training plan that will be used to develop and conduct the training course (as outlined in Workflows 3 and 4). Workflow
5 reviews the effectiveness of the training and assessment conducted and recommends improvements, as appropriate.

2.3 This attachment focuses on Workflows 1 and 2. An overview of the remaining workflows is also provided (see
sections 5, 6 and 7 of this attachment). A stepped approach is used for Workflows 1 and 2 and details:

a) the inputs required;

b) the process to be worked through; and

c) the outputs achieved on completion of each process.

Note.— The output of Workflow 1 becomes one of the inputs for Workflow 2.

PANS-TRG I-2-C-1 5/11/20

I-2-C-2 Procedures — Training

3. Workflow 1: Analyse training need

3.1 The need to develop training may be triggered in various ways; however, the training designer typically receives
some form of training request that provides details on what should be trained and why it is necessary.

3.2 The first step in the development of a competency-based training and assessment programme is to conduct a
training needs analysis (see Figure I-2-C-2). During training needs analysis, the purpose of the training is considered in
relation to the local operational, technical, regulatory and organizational requirements on the training course that will
eventually be delivered. A training specification is developed that details the requirements that need to be fulfilled when
designing the training.

Training request Training

Identify the purpose of the training required

Task list Identify the tasks associated with the

purpose of the training
Operational documents
Identify the operational requirements

Technical documents
Identify the technical requirements
Regulatory documents
Identify the regulatory requirements
Organizational documents
Identify the organizational requirements

Identify any other requirements

Figure I-2-C-2. Workflow 1 — Analyse training need

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-3

3.3 The training specification should provide sufficient detail to answer the questions below.

3.3.1 Purpose What is the purpose of the training?

Note.— This is taken directly from the training request. There is considerable variation in the amount of detail that
is provided in a training request but typically it will indicate the purpose of the training as a minimum. What is(are) the phase(s) of training (e.g. initial, unit, refresher, recurrent and/or conversion training)? What qualification, if any, will the trainee achieve on successful completion of the training?

Note.— In some instances a formal qualification will be achieved at the end of the training (e.g. aerodrome control
rating or validation on XYZ sector). In other instances this is not the case (e.g. after routine refresher training).

3.3.2 Tasks

What are the tasks associated with the purpose of the training?

Note.— For the purposes of defining the training specification, only a task list is required. This task list may be
extracted from an existing job and task analysis or may be taken from the operations manual that has listed the various
roles and responsibilities in the operations environment. In some instances, this task list may need to be developed.

3.3.3 Operational requirements Which operational procedures will be applied? In what operational environment will the training take place? Which non-routine situations are necessary for successful completion of the training? What is the configuration of the working environment?

3.3.4 Technical requirements

What specific operational (or simulated operation) systems and/or equipment are necessary to achieve the purpose of the

3.3.5 Regulatory requirements Which rules and regulations are applicable? Are there any regulatory requirements that will affect the following aspects of the training design:

a) duration;

b) content;

I-2-C-4 Procedures — Training

c) assessment procedures;

d) course approval; or

e) other (equipment, qualifications of instructors, trainee-to-instructor ratios, etc.)?

Note 1.— This is recorded in the training specification to ensure that such issues are considered during the training

Note 2.— Typical regulatory requirements may include minimum number of hours of experience in the operational
environment under supervision (e.g. Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing), minimum list of knowledge subjects to be covered,

3.3.6 Organizational requirements

What organizational requirements may impact training?

Note.— In some instances, an organization may wish to achieve additional objectives that are required to be included
or emphasized in the training (e.g. strategic objectives such as reducing delays or customer focus).

3.3.7 Other requirements

What other requirements may impact training?

Note.— This question captures any other requirements that may not have been covered in the previous questions (e.g.
more than one language to be used).

3.3.8 Simulator equipment

What simulation requirements, if any, are necessary to achieve the training outcome?

Note.— Either state the type of simulator (e.g. part-task trainer, hi-fidelity simulator or operational controller
working position emulator) or the simulator/manufacturer name.

4. Workflow 2 — Design local competency-based training and assessment

4.1 The purpose of Workflow 2 is to:

a) establish an adapted competency model that addresses the training specification identified in Workflow 1;

b) design an assessment plan that will be used to assess the competence of trainees; and

c) design the training plan that will enable the development and delivery of the training course.

4.2 Workflow 2 is shown in two parts:

a) Part 1 deals with the design of the adapted competency model; and

b) Part 2 deals with the design of the assessment and training plans.

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-5

Note.— The processes for developing the assessment and training plans are iterative. The outputs, however,
are separate. Consequently, Workflow 2, Part 2 incorporates processes and outputs for the assessment and the
training plans.

4.3 Workflow 2, Part 1 — Design the adapted competency model

4.3.1 To design an adapted competency model, the appropriate ICAO competency framework is adapted to meet
the organizational competency requirements using the information contained in the training specification. Figure I-2-C-3
illustrates the design process.

Training specification Adapted competency

Select relevant competencies model
ICAO competency framework Select and, if necessary, adapt
observable behaviours Descriptions

Performance criteria
Determine the relevant competency standards Observable behaviours

Final competency standard

Determine the conditions under which the
competencies must be performed Conditions

Figure I-2-C-3. Workflow 2, Part 1 — Design the adapted competency model

I-2-C-6 Procedures — Training

4.3.2 Selection of the competencies

ICAO competency frameworks provide a set of generic competencies that are necessary to perform in a given aviation
discipline. Therefore, it is anticipated that the vast majority of adapted competency models will contain similar lists of
competencies. Should it be decided to add or remove a competency, there should be a clear and justifiable reason to do

4.3.3 Selection and adaptation of the observable behaviours

ICAO competency frameworks provide a comprehensive list of observable behaviours associated with each of the
competencies. The observable behaviours that are appropriate in the local environment should be selected and, if
necessary, adapted.

4.3.4 Determining competency standards

Competency standards apply to all observable behaviours and relate to the standards and procedures, and rules and
regulations, contained in such documents as national regulations, operations manuals, policies and procedures manuals.
In some instances, there may be specific standards associated with a particular observable behaviour.

4.3.5 Determining conditions The training specification completed in Workflow 1 may be used to identify some of the conditions that are
specific to the environment in which performance will be demonstrated. Most of the conditions will apply generically to
all of the observable behaviours that have been identified as part of the adapted competency model. However, in very
few instances, specific conditions may be associated with some observable behaviours. The conditions for the adapted competency model and the final competency standard are the same. As part
of the progression towards the final competency standard, it may be necessary to establish interim competency standards.
How the conditions are modified to establish interim competency standards is covered in There are different types of conditions that may be considered for the final competency standard: conditions
relating to context (nature and complexity of the operational and environmental context); conditions relating to tools and
systems or equipment; and conditions relating to the level of support or assistance a trainee can expect from the instructor
or assessor. During the early stages of training, trainees can expect active coaching and teaching from the instructor.
However, as the trainee progresses towards the final competency standard and gains more confidence in performing
independently, the instructor takes on a more passive role and may only give occasional advice on how to improve
efficiency or intervene in instances where safety may be compromised. Consequently, for this condition in the adapted competency model (i.e. the description of the final
competency standard), the trainee would be expected to be performing independently without assistance from the

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-7

4.4 Workflow 2, Part 2 — Design the assessment and training plans

4.4.1 Issues to consider before developing assessment and training plans

When developing the assessment and training plans, it is important to consider:

a) the principles of competency-based assessment;

b) typical assessment methods;

c) the concept of milestones; and

d) final competency standard and interim competency standards.

The relationship between the adapted competency model and the training and assessment plans should also be understood
(see 4.5). Principles of assessment in a competency-based environment

In a competency-based environment the following principles apply:

a) Clear performance criteria are used to assess competence. The adapted competency model establishes these
performance criteria.

b) An integrated performance of the competencies is observed. The trainee undergoing assessment must
demonstrate all competencies and their seamless interaction with each other.

c) Multiple observations are undertaken. To determine whether or not a trainee has achieved the interim and/or
final competency standard, multiple observations must be carried out.

d) Assessments are valid. All of the competencies that comprise the adapted competency model must be assessed.
There must be sufficient evidence to ensure that the trainee achieves the competency and meets the interim
competency standards and/or the final competency standard. The trainee must not be asked to provide evidence
for or be assessed against activities that are outside the scope of the adapted competency model.

e) Assessments are reliable. All assessors should reach the same conclusion when performing an assessment. All
assessors should be trained and monitored to achieve and maintain an acceptable level of inter-rater reliability. Assessment methods The primary method for assessing performance is the conduct of practical assessments which should serve
to verify the integrated performance of competencies. It may be necessary to supplement practical assessments with other
forms of evaluation. The supplemental evaluations may be included as a result of regulatory requirements and/or a
decision that these methods are necessary to confirm that competence has been achieved. Practical assessments take place in either a simulated or operational environment. There are two types of
practical assessment: formative assessments and summative assessments. Formative and summative assessments are
conducted based on 4.6.6 and 4.6.7.

I-2-C-8 Procedures — Training Formative assessments Formative assessments are a part of the learning process. Instructors provide feedback to the trainees
on how they are progressing toward the interim or final competency standard. This type of assessment enables the trainees
to progressively build on competencies already acquired and should aid learning by identifying gaps as learning
opportunities. If trainees receive feedback or are assessed only at the end of the training, they will have no opportunity
to use that information to improve their performance. The frequency and number of formative assessments may vary
depending on the duration of the training and the syllabus structure and its assessment plan (see 4.6). Formative assessments should serve to:

a) motivate trainees;

b) identify strengths and weakness; and

c) promote learning. Summative assessments Summative assessments provide a method that enables the instructor/assessor to work with a trainee
to collect evidence of the competencies and performance criteria to be demonstrated with respect to the interim or final
competency standard(s). Summative assessments are carried out at defined points during the training and/or at the end of
training. During summative assessments, the decision is either “competent” or “not competent” with respect to the interim
or final competency standard(s). However, this can be further developed into a more refined grading system with a scale
of judgements to improve feedback for the trainee and training personnel. Summative assessments that are conducted during the course to evaluate the progress of the trainee
are typically carried out by the instructing team. It may be advantageous if the instructors conducting these assessments
were different from the instructors who routinely work with the trainee. Summative assessments conducted at the end of
training and that lead to the issue of a licence and/or rating have both legal and safety implications. Therefore, the
personnel carrying out these assessments should have the necessary competencies to assess objectively and meet the
authority’s requirements. Such personnel should be provided with the tools necessary to collect evidence in a systematic
and reliable manner in order to ensure inter-rater reliability. The list of methods below that supplement practical assessments is not intended to be restrictive. Any
suitable supplemental method for assessing competence may be used. Other methods may include projects and group
assignments. Oral assessment Oral assessment is a method that may be used to supplement a summative assessment. Practical
assessment has some limitations including:

a) it may not be possible to observe a representative cross-section of all the competencies and/or the operation; and

b) it is not feasible to enter into discussions with the trainees while they are undertaking the practical assessment. The oral assessment provides the assessor with the opportunity to target those areas of performance
that could not realistically be observed in the practical environment (e.g. emergencies or seasonal issues) and to refocus
on actions observed during the practical assessment that may have been cause for concern.

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-9 Oral assessments may be conducted away from the practical environment. Oral assessments are
usually scenario-based and are designed around situations that the assessor wants to explore further. The assessor explains
the scenario and then asks the trainees to describe what actions they would take. After the trainees have described their
actions, the assessor may ask further clarifying questions. The assessor then assesses the trainees’ responses in relation
to the adapted competency model. Examinations

Examinations are used to evaluate theoretical knowledge and, to a lesser extent, the application of some basic skills.
Examinations may be written or completed with the aid of digital equipment and/or online applications. Milestones When the duration or complexity of a course is such that it makes pedagogic sense to check that a trainee
is progressing towards competence at an acceptable pace, the course may be divided into milestones. The course is
divided into cohesive chunks or units of learning, organized into a logical sequence that generally progresses from the
simple to the complex. Milestones are reached when both training and assessment are completed for each unit of learning. Milestones are sequential; therefore, a trainee would need to successfully complete the training and
assessment for the first milestone before proceeding to the next. Milestones can be determined on the basis of, for example, the number of simulations or hours of on-the-
job training (OJT) to be undertaken or on logical units of learning, meaning that the training that takes place in the
simulated unit environment would be the first milestone and the training that takes place as OJT would be the second
milestone. Final and interim competency standards On successful completion of an initial training course, the trainees will have achieved the final competency
standard for that phase of training. This means that they will have successfully completed all the required training and
assessments that have been determined as necessary to demonstrate the competencies and meet the performance criteria
as described in the adapted competency model. If a course has been divided into milestones, it will be necessary to define an interim competency standard
for each milestone. For the practical assessments, this may be achieved by:

a) modifying the adapted competency model, especially the conditions and/or standards (e.g. limiting the traffic
levels and/or the level of complexity); and

b) defining the degree of achievement expected for each performance criterion. An interim competency standard is achieved when all the required assessments (including any
examinations or other methods of assessment) for that milestone have been successfully achieved. Making significant
modifications to the conditions of an adapted competency model to create an interim competency standard occurs more
typically for training that will take place in a simulated environment. In a simulated environment it is possible to modify
conditions such as operational complexity. During OJT there are fewer opportunities to modify the conditions. The most
typical condition to modify during OJT is the level of support that is provided by the instructor. Refresher and recurrent training are based on the assumption that trainees have already achieved
competence and so it is unlikely that there would be a need to create interim competency standard(s).

I-2-C-10 Procedures — Training During conversion training, the extent or complexity of the change and the duration of the training would
be the determining factors as to whether it would be necessary to introduce milestones and interim competency
standard(s). Figure I-2-C-4 shows an example of a course that has been divided into two milestones. The interim
competency standard for Milestone 1 was determined by modifying the conditions and standards of the adapted
competency model. The final competency standard is directly linked to the adapted competency model, without any
modifications to the conditions and/or standards.

Figure I-2-C-4. Two milestones with an interim and a final competency standard

4.4.2 The assessment plan The purpose of the assessment plan is to detail how competence is going to be determined. It supports the
principles of assessment in a competency-based environment outlined in The assessment plan details:

a) the final competency standard associated with the final milestone;

b) the interim competency standard associated with each milestone (if required);

c) the list of assessments (formative and summative assessments, examinations, oral assessments, etc.) required
for each of the milestone(s) that has been defined;

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-11

d) when assessments should take place;

e) the tools to be used to collect evidence during practical assessment;

f) the pass marks for projects, examinations or oral assessments;

g) if required, the minimum number of formative assessments to be undertaken prior to starting summative
assessments; and

h) the number of observations required to assess performance for the interim and final competency standards. In this document, it is assumed that the organization has a training and procedures manual that describes the
administrative procedures relating to:

a) which personnel may conduct assessments and their qualifications;

b) roles and responsibilities of personnel during the conduct of assessments;

c) assessment procedures (preparation, conduct and post-assessment);

d) conditions under which assessments are to be undertaken;

e) record-keeping; and

f) actions to be taken when a trainee fails to meet the competency standard(s) of the assessment.

4.4.3 The training plan The purpose of the training plan is to detail:

a) the composition and structure of the course;

b) the syllabus;

c) the milestones (if required);

d) the modules, training events and their delivery sequence; and

e) the course schedule. The training plan will be used by the training designer(s) to create the training and assessment materials.
Figure I-2-C-5 illustrates the relationship between milestones and the assessment and training plans.

I-2-C-12 Procedures — Training

Training Plan Milestone 1 Milestone 2

Assessment Plan
Figure I-2-C-5. Relationship between milestones
and the assessment and training plans

4.5 Relationship between the adapted competency model

and the assessment and training plans

4.5.1 The relationship between the adapted competency model and the training and assessment plans is fundamental
to understanding how competency-based training and assessment works. Figure I-2-C-5 illustrates the relationship
between milestones and the assessment and training plans.

4.5.2 The training specification developed in Workflow 1 (see Figure I-2-C-2) serves as the common basis for the
development of the adapted competency model and the training and assessment plans. Generally, when developing the
adapted competency model, the task list is used to aid the selection of the observable behaviours from the ICAO
competency framework. The operational, technical, regulatory and organizational requirements aid the development of
the conditions and standards that will apply to the competencies and observable behaviours.

4.5.3 The same task list and requirements are used to develop the training plan. The training plan is used to prepare
the trainees to undertake assessment to determine if they are competent in accordance with the adapted competency
model. The adapted competency model and the training plan are used to develop the assessment plan.

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-13

4.5.4 The syllabus in the training plan is composed of training objectives derived from tasks and sub-tasks as well
as the underlying KSA. However, when assessing whether competence has been achieved, the adapted competency model,
not the syllabus, is referenced. Consequently, the performance criteria are used to assess if competence has been achieved,
and the tasks/sub-tasks that are carried out by the trainee are the “vehicle” for enabling the assessment to be conducted.
Figure I-2-C-6 illustrates the relationship between Workflows 1 and 2.

Workflow 1

Training Specification

Task list




Workflow 2: Workflow 2:
Part 1 Part 2

Adapted Competency Model Training Plan

Interim standards and/or

Composition and structure



Modules/training events

Course schedule

Workflow 2:
Part 2

Assessment Plan

Final competency standard

Interim competency standard(s)

Assessment list

Assessment tools

Figure I-2-C-6. Relationship between Workflows 1 and 2

I-2-C-14 Procedures — Training

4.6 Design process for assessment and training plans

4.6.1 Figure I-2-C-7 represents Part 2 of Workflow 2 and may be used to aid the design process.

Training specification Determine the sub-tasks and KSA from Assessment Plan
the task list and other relevant data in
the training specification Final competency standard
Adapted competency model
Perform a training gap analysis Interim competency standards

Task analysis Assessment list

Develop a syllabus
Assessment tools
Determine the milestones, if required

Define interim competency standards,

if required
Training Plan
Define the list of assessments that will Syllabus
be used to collect evidence that the final
competency standard (and each interim
competency standard) has been achieved Composition and structure

Develop the assessment tools Milestones

Modules/training events
Design the remaining elements of the
Training Plan
Course schedule

Figure I-2-C-7. Workflow 2, Part 2 — Design the assessment and training plans

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-15

4.6.2 Determining the sub-tasks and KSA To develop the training, it is necessary to determine which tasks and sub-tasks the trainee will perform and
the KSA required to do so. The task list has already been recorded in the training specification (Workflow 1). Therefore,
the sub-tasks and KSA are determined on the basis of the task list in conjunction with the operational, technical, regulatory
and organizational requirements. It is not necessary to list a knowledge element, a skill element and an attitude element for each task; only
the elements that are required are listed.

4.6.3 Perform training gap analysis The training gap analysis is used to compare the tasks and sub-tasks required to be performed competently,
the KSA (see and the current level of the trainee population. The result of the training gap analysis will be used
to develop the training objectives of the syllabus. In some instances, it may not be possible to accurately analyse the target population (because they are not
yet known). A baseline level of tasks/sub-tasks and KSA is assumed to exist, and the training will be developed on this
assumption. Clearly, once the target population is known, it must be verified that the assumption is correct, and if not,
adjustments should be made to the tasks/sub-tasks and KSA.

4.6.4 Develop syllabus

The syllabus is the list of tasks/sub-tasks and KSA that have been formulated into training objectives and structured in such
a way that it will be possible to gauge the scale of the training and, in the next step, whether it will be necessary to introduce
milestones or not. The syllabus is an element of the training plan.

4.6.5 Determine milestones and interim competency standards

Paragraphs and explain how milestones and interim competency standards are determined. The result of
this process is a high-level description of the learning activities and environment for each milestone, their sequence, and
a complete description of the interim competency standard associated with each milestone.

4.6.6 Define the list of assessments

The number of assessments required for each milestone and the methods that will be used are determined by the
complexity of the training and any regulatory requirements.

4.6.7 Develop assessment tools

The following documents should be designed to support practical assessments:

a) Evidence guide. An evidence guide translates the performance criteria from the adapted competency model into
practical examples of observations that instructors/assessors can expect to see. It is used to eliminate different
interpretations among instructors/assessors and ensures that valid and reliable evidence is gathered. It details
competencies, their associated observable behaviours and the expected performance that should be observed at
the interim or final competency standard.

I-2-C-16 Procedures — Training

b) Competency checklist. A competency checklist details the competencies and performance criteria and is used to
record achievements during each formative and summative assessment. The assessment plan details how many
assessments should be completed for each milestone.

c) Competency assessment form. The competency assessment form is used to summarize the results of all the
assessments that have been undertaken by a trainee and then decide whether the trainee has achieved either an
interim competency standard or the final competency standard. The number and method(s) of assessment are
described in the assessment plan. The competency assessment form must correlate with the assessment plan.

4.6.8 Design the training plan

The training plan is made up of the following elements:

a) Composition and structure. This is a high-level description of what will be trained (composition) and how the
various elements of training relate to each other (structure). If the course covers only one type of training (e.g.
aerodrome rating), the composition is simple. When a course is composed of more than one type of training (e.g.
one course covering basic + aerodrome rating + approach surveillance rating), it will need to be explained how
these types of training will relate to each other in terms of structure and sequence.

b) Syllabus. The syllabus is the list of training objectives that will need to be covered by the end of the course. The
training objectives are derived from the tasks/sub-tasks and associated KSA identified in 4.6.2 and the training
gap analysis as described in 4.6.3.

A syllabus does not prescribe the order or sequence of learning; it simply lists the training objectives. To
facilitate the process of assigning training objectives to the various milestones, modules and training events, it
is useful to structure a syllabus into logical groups of subjects.

c) Milestones. If it has been determined that milestones are necessary to structure the course, the assessment plan
will already have defined the interim competency standards associated with each milestone and the final
competency standard that needs to be achieved by the end of the last milestone. Training objectives from the
syllabus are assigned to each milestone.

d) Modules, training events and sequence. Depending on the number, type and complexity of the training
objectives, it may be helpful to further subdivide the training into modules (within an entire course or within all
or some milestones, if milestones are required). This is illustrated in Figure I-2-C-8.

Whichever substructure is determined as appropriate (course, milestones or modules), training events are
developed to support the sub-structure. Training events are the smallest units of learning and include classroom-
based lessons, simulator exercises, web-based training exercises, case studies, etc. Training events contain the
following information:

1) which objectives are grouped and taught together;

2) the number of periods needed to teach each group of objectives;

3) which method(s) should be used (lessons, case studies, individual simulation, briefing, self-study, etc.);

4) which media are used (e.g. simulators, visual aids or textbook);

5 ) the learning rate (i.e. self-paced, time-restricted or real-time); and

6) whether the training is delivered to individuals or in groups.

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-17

Training events should be sequenced into an order of delivery that takes into account sound pedagogic practice,
the sub-structure defined and the assessment requirements. The training events are the template that the training
designers use to create the training materials necessary to deliver the course.

Milestone 1 Milestone 2

Module 1 Module 3 Module 5 Module 7

Training Event 1 Training Event 9 Training Event 17 Training Event 25
Training Event 2 Training Event 10 Training Event 18 Training Event 26
Training Event 3 Training Event 11 Training Event 19 Training Event 27
Training Event 4 Training Event 12 Training Event 20 Training Event 28

Module 2 Module 4 Module 6 Module 8

Training Event 5 Training Event 13 Training Event 21 Training Event 29
Training Event 6 Training Event 14 Training Event 22 Training Event 30
Training Event 7 Training Event 15 Training Event 23 Training Event 31
Training Event 8 Training Event 16 Training Event 24 Training Event 32

Figure I-2-C-8. Structure of the training plan

e) Course schedule. The course schedule indicates how the training events and assessments fit together into the
total duration of the course.

I-2-C-18 Procedures — Training

5. Workflow 3 — Develop the training and assessment materials

During this step, all the training and assessment materials are developed based on the adapted competency model and the
training and assessment plans. Training and assessment materials include but are not limited to training notes, exercise
briefings, practical exercises, case studies, presentations, video clips, self-test quizzes, examinations, assessments and
assessment tools. On completion of Workflow 3, the outputs should include all training and assessment materials,
schedules and any other applicable training resources. Workflow 3 is illustrated in Figure I-2-C-9.

Develop educational materials to support

Adapted competency model the delivery of the course Training Materials

Assessment Plan Develop examinations and assessments Course schedule

Training event materials

Training Plan (training notes, case
studies, exercise
briefings, presentations,
video clips, training
airspace, exercises, etc.)


Practical assessments

Figure I-2-C-9. Workflow 3 — Develop the training and assessment materials

Part I — Chapter 2, Attachment C I-2-C-19

6. Workflow 4 — Conduct the course in accordance with the training and assessment plans

Workflow 4, which illustrates the process of conducting the course in accordance with the training and assessment plans,
is in Figure I-2-C-10.

Adapted competency model Deliver the training according to the Competent

Training Plan trainees

Assessment Plan Monitor trainees’ progress against the

interim and final competency standard

Training Plan Provide timely and continuous

feedback on performance

Diagnose deficiencies and provide

Course materials remediation in a timely manner

Carry out assessments according to

Facilities and equipment the Assessment Plan

Training and assessment


Figure I-2-C-10. Workflow 4 — Conduct the course in accordance with the training
and assessment plans

I-2-C-20 Procedures — Training

7. Workflow 5 — Evaluate the course including the training and assessment plans

At the end of a period of training, feedback on performance on the job from trainees, instructors, assessors and employers
is gathered to determine the effectiveness of the course in supporting the progression of learning towards competence in
the workplace. Evaluation of the training and assessment plans should be based on valid and reliable evidence. This
evaluation may lead to changes or improvements being made to the course. Figure I-2-C-11 illustrates the process of
evaluating a course.

Course results Analyse results, reports and feedback Course report

Formulate improvement actions,

Trainee feedback
if required

Instructor and assessor


Audit reports (if applicable)

Figure I-2-C-11. Workflow 5 — Evaluate the course including the training

and assessment plans


Chapter 3



Note 1.— An ICAO competency framework for pilot instructors and evaluators is contained in Part II, Section 1.

Note 2.— An ICAO competency framework for air traffic control on-the-job training instructors is contained in
Part IV.


Course developers shall have demonstrated that they are able to develop training in accordance with the principles of a
competency-based approach to training, as outlined in Part I, Chapter 2, 2.2.


3.2.1 Instructors shall hold or have held a licence and be authorized to carry out instruction on the basis of their
expertise and/or qualifications and/or ratings.

Note 1.― Authorization to carry out instruction will take into account Annex 1 instructor rating, authorization or
qualification requirements, when applicable.

Note 2.— The above requirement does not preclude a non-licensed technical specialist from being authorized by the
appropriate authority to instruct on subject matters that deal with systems operation or procedural requirements in any
training environment or media.

3.2.2 Prior to an organization authorizing the provision of instruction, instructors should undergo a selection process
designed to ensure the individual’s motivation and disposition are suitable for the instructor’s role.

3.2.3 Prior to an organization authorizing the provision of instruction, instructors should successfully complete a
formal instructor competency assessment during the conduct of practical training. During the assessment, the instructor
should consistently demonstrate the required competencies according to the relevant adapted competency model.

3.2.4 All instructors should receive refresher training, and be reassessed according to 3.2.3 using a documented
training and assessment process acceptable to the appropriate authority, implemented by a certificated or approved
organization and at intervals established by the authority. Such refresher training and reassessment intervals shall not be
greater than three years.

3.2.5 As of 3 November 2022, RPAS instructors. RPAS instructors shall meet the requirements specified in Annex 1,
2.11.7 and 2.14, as appropriate. In addition, the RPAS instructor shall have experience, acceptable to the Licensing
Authority, in RPAS operations.

PANS-TRG I-3-1 5/11/20

I-3-2 Procedures — Training

3.2.6 Qualified and authorized instructors may be assigned to carry out specific assessment, checking and/or testing
duties to determine that all required performance criteria have been satisfactorily achieved. These performance criteria
may have been established as a final objective or required to be met on a continuous basis. In either case, the instructor
is responsible for making a determination of the level of competence achieved and any recommendation for immediate
remediation, if necessary. Qualified instructors/assessors/evaluators may be assigned to determine the final level of
competence of a candidate.


Procedures for
Air Navigation Services


Part II



II-(i) 5/11/20
Part II



This part provides guidance on the training and assessment for aircraft operational personnel, including flight crew, cabin
crew and flight operations officers/flight dispatchers. Section 1 introduces the training and assessment for flight crew.
Chapter 1 outlines the ICAO competency framework for aeroplane pilots. Chapter 2 outlines the principles and
procedures for competency-based training and assessment for the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL). Chapter 3 covers
evidence-based training (EBT). Chapter 4 deals with upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT). Chapter 5 contains
procedures for competency-based training and assessment for the type rating. Chapter 6 describes the threat and error
management model and provides the procedures applicable to all pilots. Chapter 7 outlines the ICAO competency
framework for pilot instructors and evaluators. Chapter 8 outlines the principles and procedures for competency-based
training and assessment for the remote pilot licence (RPL).

Note. — Additional chapters will be introduced to Part II as procedures become available.


PANS-TRG II-(iii) 5/11/20

Section 1


II-1-1 10/11/16
Chapter 1




1.1.1 This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme
for aeroplane pilots, with which approved training organizations (ATOs), air operators and Authorities shall comply
when implementing such a programme.

1.1.2 Paragraph 3 of Appendix 2 to Annex 1 offers to Licensing Authorities the option to apply a competency-based
approach to training for private and commercial pilot licences and instrument rating as an alternative means of
compliance to experience requirements in accordance with the particular provisions in Annex 1. Competency-based
training and assessment for the type rating is not directly addressed in Annex 1 but is one means to satisfy the
requirements for the issue of a type rating. A competency-based approach is an Annex 1 requirement for multi-crew pilot
licence training programmes.

1.1.3 The ICAO competency framework for aeroplane pilots defined in Appendix 1 to this chapter shall be used by
the ATO or the operator as the basis for the development of an adapted competency model, approved by the Licensing
Authority, for pilot licences and ratings in accordance with Part I, Chapter 2. The ICAO Competency Framework for
Aeroplane Pilots is applicable to all aeroplane pilot licences and/or ratings. The instructor rating or authorization will
require additional competencies. A designated pilot examiner will also require additional competencies. These
competencies are included in Chapter 6 of this section.

1.1.4 In addition, the ICAO competency framework for aeroplane pilots can be applied to recurrent assessment and
training to comply with the requirements of Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I, International Commercial Air
Transport — Aeroplanes, 9.3, Flight crew member training programmes and 9.4.4, Pilot proficiency checks.

1.1.5 It may also be applied for approved training organizations and operators engaged in the recurrent training and
assessment of flight crew operating large or turbojet aeroplanes in accordance with Annex 6, Part II — International
General Aviation — Aeroplanes.

1.1.6 Competency-based training and assessment programmes for aeroplane pilots shall include all components
identified in paragraph 2.6 of Part I, Chapter 2.

1.1.7 An ISD methodology shall be applied in the design of competency-based training and assessment programmes
as per Part I, Chapter 2.

1.1.8 The ATO shall develop the assessment process, approved by the Licensing Authority, in accordance with Part
I, Chapter 2.

1.1.9 Appendix 2 to this Chapter provides a list of tasks by phase of flight for the aeroplane pilot. Tasks serve solely
as inventory of the course curriculum in competency-based training and assessment. The training objective is training of
the competencies to proficiency.

PANS-TRG II-1-1-1 5/11/20

II-1-1-2 Procedures — Training

1.1.10 The applicant shall meet the requirements of the approved competency-based training and assessment
programme before the appropriate aeroplane pilot licence or rating can be issued.

1.1.11 Application of Knowledge Underpinning the pilot competencies is the ‘application of knowledge’ which collectively refers to the
ability of the pilot to:

 recall and proactively update relevant knowledge; and

 apply acquired knowledge to the operational environment, including TEM. Throughout all phases of pilot training, an operator or ATO must progressively develop, assess and debrief
the trainees on their application of knowledge, recording at least strengths, weaknesses and any remedial action. The training and evaluation for should be conducted to meet the training objective, using a range
of methods which have been developed using an instructional systems design method (e.g. ADDIE). The training and
evaluation should be described in the approved relevant manual(s) and subject to operator or ATO course review and
update action. Where the effect of a trainee’s knowledge impacts on an observable behaviour within a pilot competency,
this should also be reflected in the review of that competency and be debriefed in the context of that competency.


Appendix 1 to Chapter 1



Note 1.― The competencies and observable behaviours in the table are not listed according to any
pre-defined priority. Observable behaviours may include but are not limited to the observable behaviours listed in the
table below.

Note 2.― Observable behaviours are performed to a criterion, e.g. accurately or correctly, generally not stated.

PANS-TRG II-1-1-App 1-1 5/11/20

II-1-1-App 1-2 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 1.1 Identifies where to find procedures and
OB 1.2 Applies relevant operating instructions,
Identifies and applies procedures and techniques in a timely manner
Application of appropriate procedures OB 1.3 Follows SOPs unless a higher degree of safety
procedures and in accordance with dictates an appropriate deviation
compliance with published operating
OB 1.4 Operates aeroplane systems and associated
regulations instructions and
equipment correctly
applicable regulations
OB 1.5 Monitors aircraft systems status
OB 1.6 Complies with applicable regulations
OB 1.7 Applies relevant procedural knowledge

OB 2.1 Determines that the recipient is ready and able

to receive information
OB 2.2 Selects appropriately what, when, how and
with whom to communicate
OB 2.3 Conveys messages clearly, accurately and
OB 2.4 Confirms that the recipient demonstrates
understanding of important information
Communicates through
appropriate means in OB 2.5 Listens actively and demonstrates
the operational understanding when receiving information
environment, in both OB 2.6 Asks relevant and effective questions
normal and non-normal OB 2.7 Uses appropriate escalation in communication
situations to resolve identified deviations
OB 2.8 Uses and interprets non-verbal communication
in a manner appropriate to the organizational
and social culture
OB 2.9 Adheres to standard radiotelephone
phraseology and procedures
OB 2.10 Accurately reads, interprets, constructs and
responds to datalink messages in English

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 1, Appendix 1 II-1-1-App 1-3

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 3.1 Uses appropriate flight management, guidance
systems and automation, as installed and
applicable to the conditions (see Part I,
Chapter 1, for the definition of conditions)
OB 3.2 Monitors and detects deviations from the
intended flight path and takes appropriate
Aeroplane Flight Path OB 3.3 Manages the flight path safely to achieve
Controls the flight path optimum operational performance
through automation
automation OB 3.4 Maintains the intended flight path during flight
using automation while managing other tasks
and distractions
OB 3.5 Selects appropriate level and mode of
automation in a timely manner considering
phase of flight and workload
OB 3.6 Effectively monitors automation, including
engagement and automatic mode transitions

OB 4.1 Controls the aircraft manually with accuracy

and smoothness as appropriate to the situation
OB 4.2 Monitors and detects deviations from the
intended flight path and takes appropriate
OB 4.3 Manually controls the aeroplane using the
relationship between aeroplane attitude, speed
and thrust, and navigation signals or visual
Aeroplane Flight Path OB 4.4 Manages the flight path safely to achieve
Controls the flight path optimum operational performance
Management, manual
through manual control
control OB 4.5 Maintains the intended flight path during
manual flight while managing other tasks and
OB 4.6 Uses appropriate flight management and
guidance systems, as installed and applicable
to the conditions (See Part I, Chapter 1,
OB 4.7 Effectively monitors flight guidance systems
including engagement and automatic mode

II-1-1-App 1-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 5.1 Encourages team participation and open
OB 5.2 Demonstrates initiative and provides direction
when required
OB 5.3 Engages others in planning
OB 5.4 Considers inputs from others
Influences others to OB 5.5 Gives and receives feedback constructively
contribute to a shared OB 5.6 Addresses and resolves conflicts and
purpose disagreements in a constructive manner
Collaborates to OB 5.7 Exercises decisive leadership when required
accomplish the goals of OB 5.8 Accepts responsibility for decisions and
the team actions
OB 5.9 Carries out instructions when directed
OB 5.10 Applies effective intervention strategies to
resolve identified deviations
OB 5.11 Manages cultural and language challenges, as

OB 6.1 Identifies, assesses and manages threats and

errors in a timely manner
OB 6.2 Seeks accurate and adequate information from
appropriate sources
OB 6.3 Identifies and verifies what and why things
have gone wrong, if appropriate
OB 6.4 Perseveres in working through problems while
Identifies precursors, prioritizing safety
Problem-solving and Identifies and considers appropriate options
mitigates problems; and OB 6.5
makes decisions OB 6.6 Applies appropriate and timely decision-
making techniques
OB 6.7 Monitors, reviews and adapts decisions as
OB 6.8 Adapts when faced with situations where no
guidance or procedure exists
OB 6.9 Demonstrates resilience when encountering an
unexpected event

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 1, Appendix 1 II-1-1-App 1-5

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 7.1 Monitors and assesses the state of the
aeroplane and its systems
OB 7.2 Monitors and assesses the aeroplane’s energy
state, and its anticipated flight path
OB 7.3 Monitors and assesses the general environment
as it may affect the operation
Perceives, OB 7.4 Validates the accuracy of information and
Situational awareness comprehends and checks for gross errors
and management of manages information
information and anticipates its OB 7.5 Maintains awareness of the people involved in
effect on the operation or affected by the operation and their capacity
to perform as expected
OB 7.6 Develops effective contingency plans based
upon potential risks associated with threats and
OB 7.7 Responds to indications of reduced situational

OB 8.1 Exercises self-control in all situations

OB 8.2 Plans, prioritizes and schedules appropriate
tasks effectively
OB 8.3 Manages time efficiently when carrying out
OB 8.4 Offers and gives assistance
Maintains available
workload capacity by OB 8.5 Delegates tasks
prioritizing and OB 8.6 Seeks and accepts assistance, when appropriate
distributing tasks using
OB 8.7 Monitors, reviews and cross-checks actions
appropriate resources
OB 8.8 Verifies that tasks are completed to the
expected outcome
OB 8.9 Manages and recovers from interruptions,
distractions, variations and failures effectively
while performing tasks


Appendix 2 to Chapter 1


Note 1.— Pilot tasks used in training may include but are not limited to the pilot tasks listed in the table below.

Note 2.— The assignment of PF and PM duty in the table are presented as an example.

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks


2.1 Perform dispatch duties

2.1.1 Verifies technical condition of the aeroplane, including adequate use of MEL PF/PM
2.1.2 Checks technical bulletins and notices PF/PM
2.1.3 Determines operational environment and pertinent weather PF/PM
2.1.4 Determines impact of weather on aeroplane performance PF/PM
2.1.5 Applies flight planning and load procedures PF/PM
2.1.6 Determines fuel requirement PF/PM
2.1.7 Files an ATS flight plan (if required) PF/PM

2.2 Provide flight crew and cabin crew briefings

2.2.1 Briefs flight crew in all relevant matters PF
2.2.2 Briefs cabin crew in all relevant matters PF

2.3 Perform pre-flight checks and cockpit preparation

2.3.1 Ensures the airworthiness of the aeroplane PF
2.3.2 Performs the cockpit preparation and briefings PF/PM
2.3.3 Performs FMS initialization, data insertion and confirmation PF/PM
2.3.4 Optimizes and checks take-off performance and take-off data calculation PF/PM
2.3.5 Conducts relevant briefings PF

2.4 Perform engine start

2.4.1 Asks for, receives, acknowledges and checks ATC clearance PM
2.4.2 Performs engine start procedure PF/PM
2.4.3 Uses standard communication procedures with ground crew and ATC PF/PM

PANS-TRG II-1-1-App 2-1 5/11/20

II-1-1-App 2-2 Procedures — Training

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks
2.5 Perform taxi
2.5.1 Receives, checks and adheres to taxi clearance PM
2.5.2 Taxis the aeroplane including use of exterior lighting PF
2.5.3 Complies to taxi clearance PF/PM
2.5.4 Maintains lookout for conflicting traffic and obstacles PF/PM
2.5.5 Operates thrust, brakes and steering PF
2.5.6 Conducts relevant briefings PF
2.5.7 Uses standard communication procedures with crew and ATC PM
2.5.8 Completes standard operating procedures and checklists PF/PM
2.5.9 Updates and confirms FMS data PF/PM
2.5.10 Manages changes in performance and departure route PF/PM
2.5.11 Completes de-icing/anti-icing procedures PF/PM

2.6 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

2.6.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
2.6.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
2.6.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM

2.7 Communicate with cabin crew, passengers and company

2.7.1 Communicates relevant information to cabin crew PF
2.7.2 Communicates relevant information to company PF/PM
2.7.3 Makes passenger announcements when appropriate PF/PM


3.1 Perform pre-take-off and pre-departure preparation

3.1.1 Checks and acknowledges line-up clearance PF/PM
3.1.2 Checks correct runway selection PF/PM
3.1.3 Confirms validity of performance data PF/PM
3.1.4 Checks approach sector and runway are clear PF/PM
3.1.5 Confirms all checklists and take-off preparations completed PF/PM
3.1.6 Lines up the aeroplane on centre line without losing distance PF
3.1.7 Checks weather on departure sector PF/PM
3.1.8 Checks runway status and wind PF/PM

3.2 Perform take-off roll

3.2.1 Applies take-off thrust PF
3.2.2 Checks engine parameters PF/PM
3.2.3 Checks airspeed indicators PF/PM

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 1, Appendix 2 II-1-1-App 2-3

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks
3.2.4 Stays on runway centre line PF

3.3 Perform transition to instrument flight rules

3.3.1 Applies V1 procedures PF/PM
3.3.2 Rotates at Vr to initial pitch attitude PF
3.3.3 Establishes initial wings level attitude PF
3.3.4 Retracts landing gear PM
3.3.5 Maintains climb-out speed PF

3.4 Perform initial climb to flap retraction altitude

3.4.1 Sets climb power PF
3.4.2 Adjusts attitude for acceleration PF
3.4.3 Selects flaps according to flap speed schedule PF/PM
3.4.4 Observes speed restrictions PF
3.4.5 Completes relevant checklists PF/PM

3.5 Perform rejected take-off

3.5.1 Recognizes the requirement to abort the take-off PF
3.5.2 Applies the rejected take-off procedure PF
3.5.3 Assesses the need to evacuate the aeroplane PF/PM

3.6 Perform navigation

3.6.1 Complies with departure clearance PF
3.6.2 Complies with published departure procedures, e.g. speeds PF
3.6.3 Monitors navigation accuracy PF/PM
3.6.4 Communicates and coordinates with ATC PM

3.7 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

3.7.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
3.7.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
3.7.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM

II-1-1-App 2-4 Procedures — Training

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks

4.1 Perform standard instrument departure/en-route navigation

4.1.1 Complies with departure clearance and procedures, including RNAV and RNP PF
4.1.2 Demonstrates terrain awareness PF/PM
4.1.3 Monitors navigation accuracy PF/PM
4.1.4 Adjusts flight to weather and traffic conditions PF
4.1.5 Communicates and coordinates with ATC PM
4.1.6 Observes minimum altitudes PF/PM
4.1.7 Selects appropriate level of automation PF
4.1.8 Complies with altimeter setting procedures PF/PM

4.2 Complete climb procedures and checklists

4.2.1 Performs the after-take-off items PF/PM
4.2.2 Confirms and checks according to checklists PF/PM

4.3 Modify climb speeds, rate of climb and cruise altitude

4.3.1 Recognizes the need to change speed/rate of climb/cruise altitude PF
4.3.2 Selects and maintains the appropriate climb speed/rate of climb PF
4.3.3 Selects optimum cruise flight level PF/PM

4.4 Perform systems operations and procedures

4.4.1 Monitors operation of all systems PF/PM
4.4.2 Operates systems as required PF/PM

4.5 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

4.5.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
4.5.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
4.5.3 Performs the procedure for the and emergency abnormal condition PF/PM

4.6 Communicate with cabin crew, passengers and company

4.6.1 Communicates relevant information to cabin crew PF
4.6.2 Communicates relevant information to company PF/PM
4.6.3 Makes passenger announcements when appropriate PF

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 1, Appendix 2 II-1-1-App 2-5

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks

5.1 Monitor navigation accuracy

5.1.1 Demonstrates adequate area knowledge PF/PM
5.1.2 Demonstrates adequate route knowledge, including RNAV and RNP routes and PF/PM
5.1.3 Navigates according to flight plan and clearance PF
5.1.4 Adjusts flight to weather and traffic conditions PF
5.1.5 Communicates and coordinates with ATC PM
5.1.6 Observes minimum altitudes PF/PM
5.1.7 Uses all means of automation PF

5.2 Monitor flight progress

5.2.1 Selects optimum speed PF
5.2.2 Selects optimum cruise flight level PF
5.2.3 Monitors and controls fuel status PF/PM
5.2.4 Recognizes the need for a possible diversion PF/PM
5.2.5 Creates a diversion contingency plan if required PF/PM

5.3 Perform descent and approach planning

5.3.1 Checks weather of destination and alternate airport PF/PM
5.3.2 Checks runway in use and approach procedure PF/PM
5.3.3 Sets the FMS accordingly PM
5.3.4 Checks landing weight and landing distance required PM
5.3.5 Checks MEA, MOCA and MSA PF/PM
5.3.6 Identifies top of descent point PF
5.3.7 Conducts relevant briefings PF

5.4 Perform systems operations and procedures

5.4.1 Monitors operation of all systems PF/PM
5.4.2 Operates systems as required PM

5.5 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

5.5.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
5.5.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
5.5.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM

5.6 Communicate with cabin crew, passengers and company

5.6.1 Communicates relevant information to cabin crew PF

II-1-1-App 2-6 Procedures — Training

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks
5.6.2 Communicates relevant information to company PF/PM
5.6.3 Makes passenger announcements when appropriate PF

6.1 Initiate and manage descent

6.1.1 Starts descent according to ATC clearance or optimum descent point PF
6.1.2 Selects optimum speed and descent rate PF
6.1.3 Adjusts speed to existing environmental conditions PF
6.1.4 Recognizes the need to adjust the descent path PF
6.1.5 Adjusts the flight path as required PF
6.1.6 Utilizes all means of FMS descent information PF

6.2 Monitor and perform en-route and descent navigation

6.2.1 Complies with arrival clearance and procedures, including RNAV and RNP procedures PF
6.2.2 Demonstrates terrain awareness PF/PM
6.2.3 Monitors navigation accuracy PF/PM
6.2.4 Adjusts flight to weather and traffic conditions PF
6.2.5 Communicates and coordinates with ATC PM
6.2.6 Observes minimum altitudes PF/PM
6.2.7 Selects appropriate level/mode of automation PF
6.2.8 Complies with altimeter setting procedures PF/PM

6.3 Replanning and update of approach briefing

6.3.1 Rechecks destination weather and runway in use PM
6.3.2 Briefs/rebriefs about instrument approach and landing as required PF
6.3.3 Reprogrammes the FMS as required PM
6.3.4 Rechecks fuel status PF/PM

6.4 Perform holding

6.4.1 Identifies holding requirement PF/PM
6.4.2 Programmes FMS for holding pattern PM
6.4.3 Enters and monitors holding pattern PF
6.4.4 Assesses fuel requirements and determines max. holding time PF/PM
6.4.5 Reviews the need for a diversion PF/PM
6.4.6 Initiates diversion PF

6.5 Perform systems operations and procedures

6.5.1 Monitors operation of all systems PF/PM
6.5.2 Operates systems as required PF/PM

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 1, Appendix 2 II-1-1-App 2-7

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks

6.6 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

6.6.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
6.6.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
6.6.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM

6.7 Communicate with cabin crew, passengers and company

6.7.1 Communicates relevant information to cabin crew PF
6.7.2 Communicates relevant information to company PF/PM
6.7.3 Makes passenger announcements when appropriate PF


7.1 Perform approach in general

7.1.1 Executes approach according to procedures and situation PF
7.1.2 Selects appropriate level/mode of automation PF
7.1.3 Selects optimum approach path PF
7.1.4 Operates controls smoothly and with coordination PF
7.1.5 Performs speed reduction and flap extension PF/PM
7.1.6 Performs relevant checklists PF/PM
7.1.7 Initiates final descent PF
7.1.8 Achieves stabilized approach criteria PF
7.1.9 Ensures adherence to minima PF/PM
7.1.10 Initiates go-around if required PF
7.1.11 Masters transition to visual segment PF

7.2 Perform precision approach

7.2.1 Performs ILS approach PF
7.2.2 Performs low visibility ILS CAT II/III approach PF
7.2.3 Performs PAR approach PF
7.2.4 Performs GPS/GNSS approach PF
7.2.5 Performs MLS approach PF

7.3 Perform non-precision approach

7.3.1 Performs VOR approach PF
7.3.2 Performs NDB approach PF
7.3.3 Performs SRE approach PF
7.3.4 Performs GPS/GNSS approach PF
7.3.5 Performs LOC approach PF

II-1-1-App 2-8 Procedures — Training

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks
7.3.6 Performs ILS back beam approach PF
7.3.7 Performs APV and BARO-VNAV approach PF
7.3.8 Performs RNP APCH and RNP AR approach PF

7.4 Perform approach with visual reference to ground

7.4.1 Performs standard visual approach PF
7.4.2 Performs circling approach PF

7.5 Monitor the flight progress

7.5.1 Ensures navigation accuracy PF/PM
7.5.2 Communicates with ATC and crew members PM
7.5.3 Monitors fuel status PF/PM

7.6 Perform systems operations and procedures

7.6.1 Monitors operation of all systems PF
7.6.2 Operates systems as required PF

7.7 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

7.7.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
7.7.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
7.7.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM

7.8 Perform go-around/missed approach

7.8.1 Initiates go-around procedure PF
7.8.2 Navigates according to missed approach procedure PF
7.8.3 Completes the relevant checklists PF/PM
7.8.4 Initiates approach or diversion after the go- around PF
7.8.5 Communicates with ATC and crew members PM

7.9 Communicate with cabin crew, passengers and company

7.9.1 Communicates relevant information to cabin crew PF
7.9.2 Communicates relevant information to company PF/PM
7.9.3 Makes passenger announcements when appropriate PF

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 1, Appendix 2 II-1-1-App 2-9

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks

8.1 Land the aeroplane

8.1.1 Maintains a stabilized approach path during visual segment PF
8.1.2 Recognizes and acts on changing conditions for wind shift/wind shear segment PF
8.1.3 Initiates flare PF
8.1.4 Controls thrust PF
81.5 Achieves touchdown in touchdown zone on centre line PF
8.1.6 Lowers nose wheel PF
8.1.7 Maintains centre line PF
8.1.8 Performs after-touchdown procedures PF
8.1.9 Makes use of appropriate braking and reverse thrust PF
8.1.10 Vacates runway with taxi speed PF

8.2 Perform systems operations and procedures

8.2.1 Monitors operation of all systems PF
8.2.2 Operates systems as required PF

8.3 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

8.3.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
8.3.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
8.3.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM


9.1 Perform taxi-in and parking

9.1.1 Receives, checks and adheres to taxi clearance PM
9.1.2 Taxis the aeroplane including use of exterior lighting PF
9.1.3 Controls taxi speed PF/PM
9.1.4 Maintains centre line PF
9.1.5 Maintains lookout for conflicting traffic and obstacles PF
9.1.6 Identifies parking position PF/PM
9.1.7 Complies with marshaller/stand guidance PF/PM
9.1.8 Applies parking and engine shut-down procedures PF
9.1.9 Completes with relevant checklists PF/PM

9.2 Perform aeroplane post-flight operations

9.2.1 Communicates with ground personnel and crew PF
9.2.2 Completes all required flight documentation PF/PM

II-1-1-App 2-10 Procedures — Training

X. Phase of flight Duty

X.X Tasks
X.X.X Sub-tasks
9.2.3 Ensures securing of the aeroplane PF
9.2.4 Conducts the debriefings PF

9.3 Perform systems operations and procedures

9.3.1 Monitors operation of all systems PF/PM
9.3.2 Operates systems as required PF/PM

9.4 Manage abnormal and emergency situations

9.4.1 Identifies the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
9.4.2 Interprets the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM
9.4.3 Performs the procedure for the abnormal and emergency condition PF/PM

9.5 Communicate with cabin crew, passengers and company

9.5.1 Communicates relevant information to cabin crew PF
9.5.2 Communicates relevant information to company PF/PM
9.5.3 Makes passenger announcements when appropriate PF


Chapter 2



This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of a multi-
crew pilot licence (MPL) course and that shall be followed in addition to those outlined in Part I, Chapter 2.


2.1.1 This chapter provides the elements for a competency-based MPL, with which approved training organizations
(ATOs) and Licensing Authorities shall comply.

2.1.2 This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation
of an MPL course and that shall be followed in addition to those outlined in Part I, Chapter 2. The appendices to this
Chapter provide guidelines for the implementation of the MPL and its training scheme. The attachments to this Chapter
contain guidance material on: structure of the MPL training programme; an example of a completed training specification
for an initial Multi-crew Pilot Licence course; and the tasks of MPL examiners and inspectors.


2.2.1 Competency-based training and assessment for the MPL shall use an approved MPL adapted competency
model, developed from the ICAO competency framework for aeroplane pilots contained in Part II, Chapter 1 through the
application of the procedures in Part I, Chapter 2. The competencies of the adapted competency model provide the TEM
countermeasures (see Chapter 6 of this Section).

2.2.2 The MPL holder shall meet the requirements of an operator’s structured initial operating experience (IOE)
programme, evaluation of which shall be conducted on completion of IOE by means of an operator’s line check or
equivalent means accepted by the Licensing Authority.

2.2.3 Licensing Authorities shall ensure that TEM and its countermeasures are assessed as an integral part of the
approved MPL adapted competency model.

Note.— Refer to Chapter 6 of this section and the Human Factors Training Manual (Doc 9683) for guidance material
on TEM.

2.2.4 ATOs and operators involved in MPL programmes shall assure the existence of a data collection and analysis
mechanism, acceptable to the Licensing Authority, as a basis for seamless student performance tracking and continuous
course improvement. This requires the harmonization of the adapted competency models used by the ATO and the

PANS-TRG II-1-2-1 5/11/20

II-1-2-2 Procedures — Training


2.3.1 Each phase of the MPL training scheme (see Appendix 2 to this chapter) shall be composed of instruction in
underpinning knowledge and presented in practical training segments. Training in the underpinning knowledge
requirements for the MPL shall therefore be fully integrated with the training of the skill requirements (see Appendix 1
to this chapter).

2.3.2 The training course for an MPL licence shall include an ongoing evaluation of the training programme and of
the students following the programme that is acceptable to the Licensing Authority. The evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the competencies and related assessment are relevant to the task of a co-pilot of an aircraft certificated for more
than one pilot, under visual flight rules (VFR) and instrument flight rules (IFR), day and night flights; and

b) the training plan is designed to enable the trainees to meet the interim (if defined) and final competency standards;

c) corrective action shall be taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.

2.3.3 The advanced phase of an MPL training course shall include a sufficient number of take-offs and landings in
actual flight to ensure that competency standards are met and shall not be less than twelve. These take-offs and landings
shall be performed under the supervision of an authorized instructor in an aeroplane for which the type rating shall be

2.3.4 The Licensing Authority may accept a reduction, from twelve to six, of the number of take-offs and landings
required in 2.3.3, provided that:

a) the approved training organization has demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Licensing Authority that this does
not negatively affect the achievement of the competency standards by the student; and

b) a process is in place to ensure that corrective action can be made if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates
a need to do so.


2.4.1 MPL examiner qualifications MPL examiners shall meet at least the following requirements:

a) have demonstrated that they possess the competencies required to perform the tasks described in Attachment D
to this chapter;

b) hold the qualifications to provide instruction at the Advanced phase of MPL training; and

c) meet the experience requirements of an instructor for the MPL as specified in Part I, Chapter 3, 3.2. The Licensing Authority shall authorize an MPL examiner for periods not exceeding three years.

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 2 II-1-2-3

2.4.2 MPL inspector qualifications Inspectors of MPL training programmes shall have demonstrated that they possess the competencies
required to perform the tasks described in Attachment D to this chapter.

Note.― Guidance for the qualifications of inspectors, including MPL inspectors, is contained in the Manual on the
Competencies of Civil Aviation Safety Inspectors (Doc 10070).


Appendix 1 to Chapter 2



1. Introduction

1.1 Multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) training delivers ab initio aeroplane pilots directly for co-pilot duties. MPL
courses shall be competency-based. MPL training makes greater use of modern simulation and training devices. The
ICAO Standards for the MPL specify the minimum number of actual and simulated flight hours (240) but do not specify
the breakdown between actual and simulated flight hours to achieve the performance criteria of the programme’s adapted
competency model. This allows part of the training curriculum that was traditionally conducted on an aeroplane to now
be done on flight simulation training devices. States and approved training organizations (ATOs) should use these
guidelines to facilitate safe and efficient implementation of the MPL Standards.

1.2 The competency standards expected from the MPL holder are defined in the approved adapted competency
model used by the ATO. With these competencies, the MPL holder is expected to complete the air operator’s initial
operational experience phase (IOE) with high probability of success and within the time frame normally allowed for this

2. Guidelines for the authority

2.1 The implementation of the MPL requires the development of an approved training programme that blends the
various types of training (knowledge and practical) with the media (classroom, various level of simulation and aeroplane).

2.2 In view of the developmental nature of the first MPL courses in each ATO, the approval to conduct MPL courses
should be provisional and should be confirmed only after obtaining a satisfactory result from the first courses and after
incorporation of lessons learned into the curriculum.

2.3 All the applicable Standards related to ATOs (Annex 1, Appendix 2) shall apply and all associated guidance
material should apply, in particular those dealing with approval of the curriculum and quality assurance system
(Doc 9841 refers).

2.4 One of the indispensable attributes of competency-based training and assessment, as defined in this document,
is the use of an ongoing evaluation process to ensure the effectiveness of the training and its relevance to line operations.

2.5 Close oversight by the Licensing Authority shall be exercised during the period of provisional approval. Regular
feedback from the ATO to the Licensing Authority on the progress and problems faced during delivery of the course is
important. How this feedback is to be provided to the Licensing Authority shall therefore be clearly stated as part of the

2.6 The ATO shall furnish the Licensing Authority with de-identified information concerning each phase of
evaluation for each student during and following the course, including any corrective action found to be necessary. The
Licensing Authority shall make this information available to ICAO upon request for the purpose of evaluating the MPL
programme on a periodic basis.

PANS-TRG II-1-2-App 1-1 5/11/20

II-1-2-App 1-2 Procedures — Training

2.7 The success of the implementation of the MPL depends to a large measure on the effective coordination and
cooperation between the Licensing Authority, the ATO, the air operators hiring the graduates and pilot representative
bodies. Licensing Authorities should encourage and facilitate such cooperation and coordination.


Appendix 2 to Chapter 2


MPL training scheme

Training including PF and PM*

Flight and simulated flight training media — Ground training

Phase of training Training items Minimum level requirement media
Advanced — TEM and CRM Aeroplane:
— Landing training Turbine 12 take-offs and
Type rating training within — All weather scenarios Multi-engine landings as PF**
an airline-oriented — LOFT Multi-crew certified
environment — Abnormal procedures
— Normal procedures
— Upset prevention and FSTD: Type VII PF/PM
Intermediate — TEM and CRM
Application of multi-crew — Abnormal procedures
Adapted Competency Model


operations in a high- — Normal procedures
performance, multi-engine — Multi-crew
turbine aeroplane — Instrument flight
• E-learning
Basic — TEM and CRM Aeroplane: single or
— PF/PM complement multi-engine • Part-task trainer
Introduction of multi-crew — IFR cross-country
operations and instrument — Upset prevention and PF/PM • Classroom
flight recovery*** FSTD: Types IV or V
— Night flight****
— Instrument flight
Core flying skills — TEM and CRM Aeroplane: single
— VFR cross-country engine (or multi-
Specific basic single pilot — Upset prevention and engine as appropriate)
training recovery***
— Solo flight FSTD: Types I or III – PF
— Night flight**** Type II may be used
— Basic instrument flight for certain basic
— Principles of flight instrument flight
— Cockpit procedures training tasks

Note.— The FSTD Types are defined in the Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training
Devices (Doc 9625), Volume I – Aeroplanes.

PF — pilot flying; PM — pilot monitoring.
Limited credit may be granted in accordance with Part II, Chapter 2, 2.3.3 and 2.3.4.
UPRT is provided in modules starting with an on-aeroplane module in the Core flying skills phase or in the Basic phase depending on the individual
course design and equipment, and completed with at least one FSTD training module during the type rating training.
Night flying experience should be gained on-airplane, which could be in the Core flying skills phase or in the Basic phase.

PANS-TRG II-1-2 App 2-1 5/11/20

Attachment A to Chapter 2


1. The MPL training scheme is contained in Appendix 2 to Chapter 2 of this section. The training items listed under
the Core Flying Skills and Basic phases of training must be completed prior to entering the Intermediate phase of training.
These first two phases of training are of the utmost importance as the student starts to develop core technical, interpersonal,
procedural and aircraft-handling skills that underpin the competencies of an MPL. The learning of crew resource
management (CRM) skills and threat and error management (TEM) is also strengthened by introducing them at the very
beginning of the programme. The student shall meet the interim competency standard representative of the Core Flying
Skills, Basic or Intermediate phases, as applicable. The student shall meet the final competency standards at the
completion of the advanced phase of training.

2. During the Core flying skills phase or the Basic phase, training on an aeroplane includes upset prevention and
recovery and instrument flight. However, starting with the Basic phase of training, use of flight simulation training
devices (FSTDs) will form an integral part of the training. FSTDs range from part-task training devices, through generic
systems to full-motion, full-visual, high-fidelity, type-specific flight simulators that also permit the introduction of
interactive air traffic control environments. Both Pilot Flying and Pilot Monitoring tasks and performance should be
emphasised equally in the training conducted during the Basic, Intermediate and Advanced phases of training.

3. During the Intermediate phase, flight training should be conducted under IFR but need not be specific to any
aeroplane type.

4. During the Advanced phase, the student will be required to consistently achieve the final competency standards
needed for the safe operation of an applicable aeroplane type as specified in the training and assessment plans. Upon
qualifying, the student will hold an MPL which includes the privileges of the type and instrument ratings, the privileges
of which are to be exercised as co-pilot on a turbine-powered, commercial air transport aeroplane.

Note.— Appendix 3 to Annex 1 contains a description of the FSTDs used in the four phases of the MPL training


PANS-TRG II-1-2-A-1 5/11/20

Attachment B to Chapter 2


The table below contains an example of a completed training specification for an initial multi-crew pilot licence course.


What is the purpose of the To train ab initio aeroplane pilots for co-pilot duties.

State the phase(s) of training. Core Flying Skills and Basic Phases (ab initio pilot training on single- and/or
multi-pilot, and single- and/or multi-engine aeroplane)
Intermediate Phase (reinforcement of multi-crew coordination and IFR operations).

Advanced Phase (type rating and instrument qualification on multi-pilot, multi-

engine turbine-powered aeroplane used in commercial air transport operations).

What qualification, if any, will Multi-crew pilot licence with aircraft type rating and instrument privileges as
the trainee achieve on appropriate to proceed for commercial air transport line training (initial operating
successful completion of the experience).


Describe the tasks associated The trainee shall carry out the following tasks:
with the purpose of the
training. 1) flight planning and preparation;

2) aeroplane checks and cockpit procedures, radio-telephony procedures,

CRM and TEM;

3) basic aircraft handling in the phases of flight in both VFR and IFR
conditions, with asymmetric concepts;

4) aeroplane upset prevention and recovery;

5) cross-country flying procedures and technique, including diversion


6) basic and applied instrument flying technique, including standard

instrument departure (SID), standard instrument arrival (STAR),
airways tracking, holding procedures, arrival and approach charts and
procedures (precision and non-precision), missed approach procedures;

7) solo flight and night flying operations;

PANS-TRG II-1-2-B-1 5/11/20

II-1-2-B-2 Procedures — Training

8) multi-crew operations including pilot flying (PF)/pilot monitoring (PM)

duties, abnormal and emergency procedures, CRM and TEM;

9) multi-engine turbine aeroplane operations, maximum demonstrated

crosswind take-off and landing, and asymmetric handling;

10) upset prevention and recovery training and abnormal procedure

handling considerations for turbine aeroplane;

11) line oriented flight training (LOFT), including IFR RNAV (PBN)
international flights; and

12) take-offs and landings on aeroplane type.

Operational requirements

Which procedures will be Air operator’s operations manual, aeroplane flight manual as appropriate.

Describe the operational (or Actual and simulated flight as PF and PM duties in appropriately qualified
simulated) environment aeroplane and FSTD.
required to successfully
achieve the purpose of the On aircraft training in take-offs and landings on aeroplane type to proficiency (with
training. at least the minimum required number of take-offs and landings to comply with
PANS-TRG and national regulations).
LOFT in accordance with the operator’s procedures for PF and PM duties.

Describe the nature of the Actual and simulated air traffic as applicable:
traffic necessary to achieve the
training outcome. a) mix of IFR and VFR traffic;

b) arrivals, departures, overflights and circuit traffic; and

c) heavy and medium jets, business jets, light aircraft, helicopters, ground

Which non-routine situations a) aeroplane system malfunctions;

are necessary for successful
completion of the training? b) rejected take-off;

c) engine fire and failure in various phases of flight;

d) missed approaches, including baulked landings;

e) asymmetric approaches and landing;

f) landing emergencies;

g) pilot incapacitation on multi-crew aeroplane and medical emergencies;

h) traffic alert and collision avoidance system resolution advisory (TCAS-RA);

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 2, Attachment B II-1-2-B-3

i) wind shear recovery and enhanced ground proximity warning

system (EGPWS);

j) emergency descent;

k) UPRT; and

l) runway incursions and excursions.

Describe the working position Co-pilot’s position in a multi-crew aeroplane type.


Technical requirements

List any specific operational a) appropriate aeroplane type for solo flying experience;
(or simulated operation)
systems and/or equipment that b) aeroplane or appropriately qualified FSTD for multi-crew, multi-engine
are necessary to achieve the turbine-powered aeroplane type including training in IFR operations; and
training outcome.
c) aeroplane and appropriately qualified FSTD for UPRT.

Regulatory requirements

Which rules and regulations a) National regulations on the provision of MPL; and
are applicable?
b) ICAO Doc 9868 and Annexes 1 and 6, Part I, for training and licensing
Standards and requirements.

Are there any regulatory a) theoretical knowledge requirements at the airline transport pilot licence level;
requirements that will affect
the following aspects of the b) practical training in both PF and PM duties to achieve and demonstrate the
training: competencies of the adapted competency model to the final competency
• duration;
• content; c) multi-crew aircraft type rating for licence endorsement;
• assessment procedures;
• course approval; d) instrument qualification on appropriate aircraft type;
• any other?
e) specified minimum number of take-offs and landings on aircraft type;

f) flight simulation devices approved by the CAA; and

g) training programme incorporating type rating, and assessment standards

approved by the CAA.

Organizational requirements

Describe any organizational Approved training organization with appropriate staff and training devices for both
requirements that may impact theoretical knowledge and practical training.
the training?

II-1-2-B-4 Procedures — Training

Other requirements

Other constraints. a) appropriately authorized instructors;

b) training in UPRT to be conducted by instructors appropriately qualified

and approved by the CAA;

c) approved type rating programme in the Advanced Phase; and

d) examiners must be appropriately qualified, and current for flight


Simulation requirements

List the simulation a) part-task trainer; and

requirements that are
necessary to achieve the b) FSTD of appropriate type commensurate with MPL Phase of training (refer to
training outcome, if any. Doc 9625, Volume 1 and Annex 1, Appendix 3).


Attachment C to Chapter 2



Carry out competency-based assessment

1. Gather evidence

1.1 Establish a working relationship with the candidate

1.2 Interpret competency standards

1.3 Apply assessment techniques and tools

2. Evaluate evidence

2.1 Ensure validity of evidence gathered

2.2 Ensure reliability of evidence gathered

2.3 Establish assessment decision

2.4 Provide constructive feedback to the candidate

3. Report assessment decision

3.1 Record assessment results

3.2 Provide candidate with future training plan, if applicable

3.3 Review assessment process to improve validity and reliability

3.4 Process relevant documentation


Inspect competency-based training and assessment programmes

1. Assess ATO’s application to conduct a competency-based training and assessment programme

1.1 Validate background data on approved training organization

1.2 Review application

PANS-TRG II-1-2-C-1 5/11/20

II-1-2-C-2 Procedures — Training

1.3 Evaluate quality assurance system implementation

1.4 Document findings

2. Evaluate competency-based training and assessment programme

2.1 Assess training needs analysis

2.2 Assess curriculum design

2.3 Assess courseware (ground, FSTD and flight)

2.4 Assess evaluation procedures

2.5 Confirm required qualifications and competencies of instructors and designated/delegated MPL examiners

2.6 Document evaluation findings

3. Inspect competency-based training and assessment programme

3.1 Inspect ground school facilities

3.2 Inspect FSTD facilities

3.3 Inspect flight training facilities

3.4 Inspect record-keeping system

3.5 Evaluate conduct of training

3.6 Document inspection findings

4. Conduct surveillance

4.1 Carry out a risk assessment

4.2 Establish initial surveillance plan

4.3 Conduct operational review of training programme

4.4 Instigate follow-up rectification/enforcement action

4.5 Document surveillance findings

4.6 Establish ongoing surveillance plan

5. Conduct trend analysis of approval/surveillance activity*

* Depending on the size of the CAA, individual MPL inspectors may or may not be responsible for this task.


Chapter 3


Until 2 November 2022, this chapter is intended to provide guidance to civil aviation authorities, operators and approved
training organizations in the recurrent training of pilots.

As of 3 November 2022, this chapter is intended to provide guidance to civil aviation authorities, operators and approved
training organizations in the recurrent training of pilots and remote pilots.


3.1.1 This chapter, supported by the Manual of Evidence-based Training (Doc 9995), is intended to describe
procedures that civil aviation authorities, operators and approved training organizations shall comply with when
implementing competency-based recurrent training and assessment of aeroplane pilots also referred to as evidence-based
training (EBT). Recurrent training is referred to in Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I, International Commercial
Air Transport — Aeroplanes, 9.3 — Flight crew member training programmes and 9.4.4 — Pilot proficiency checks.

3.1.2 It may also provide guidance for approved training organizations engaged in the recurrent training and
assessment of flight crew engaged in the operations of large or turbojet aeroplanes in accordance with Annex 6, Part II
— International General Aviation — Aeroplanes (section 3 refers).

3.1.3 EBT is optional and is an alternative means of training and assessing key areas of flight crew performance in
a recurrent training system.

3.1.4 EBT is based on an approved adapted competency model derived from the ICAO competency framework for
aeroplane pilots in Part II, Section 1, Chapter 1, using the methodology in Part I, Chapter 2.

3.1.5 The aim of EBT is to develop, maintain and assess the competencies required to operate safely, effectively
and efficiently in a commercial air transport environment, while addressing the most relevant threats according to
evidence collected in accidents, incidents, flight operations and training.

3.1.6 Demonstration of the competencies can be assessed using the observable behaviours, which should meet the
required level of performance, described in the performance criteria established by the operator for its specific operation.
Observable behaviours may include but are not limited to the observable behaviours listed in the ICAO competency
framework for aeroplane pilots (Part II, Section 1, Chapter 1 refers).

3.1.7 The Manual of Evidence-based Training (Doc 9995) provides guidance for the development of EBT
programmes in addition to information for instructors conducting the training. It is assumed that the EBT training and
assessment will be conducted in FSTDs qualified to an appropriate level in accordance with civil aviation authority rules
(Manual of Criteria for the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training Devices (Doc 9625) refers).

3.1.8 When choosing to implement EBT in their regulatory framework, as an alternative to the regulated traditional
recurrent training and checking of airline pilots, States shall ensure that operators and training organizations apply the
principles of Doc 9995 when developing and implementing such recurrent training programmes.

PANS-TRG II-1-3-1 5/11/20

II-1-3-2 Procedures — Training


3.2.1 The development of EBT arose from an industry-wide consensus that, in order to reduce the aircraft hull loss
and fatal accident rates, a strategic review of recurrent training for airline pilots was necessary. The availability of useful
data covering both flight operations and training activity has improved substantially over the last 20 years. Data sources
like flight data analysis, flight observation (e.g. line operations safety audit (LOSA)) and air safety reports give a detailed
insight into the threats, errors and risks in flight operations and their relation to unwanted consequences. Training results
demonstrate important differences in training needs between different manoeuvres and aircraft generations. Availability
of such data has both established the need for the EBT effort and supported the definition of the resulting evidence-based
training concept and curriculum.

3.2.2 The complexity of today’s aviation system makes it impossible to foresee all scenarios. The system’s
complexity and high reliability mean that the next accident may be something completely unexpected. EBT addresses
this by prioritizing the assessment and development of a finite number of competencies. Mastering competencies, rather
than a prescribed set of events, should allow a pilot to manage unforeseen situations in flight thus developing flight crew
resilience. The scenarios used in EBT are means to develop and assess these competencies.


3.3.1 Recognizing the critical role that instructors play in training, Doc 9995 provides specific additional guidance
on the requirements for instructors delivering EBT. EBT, like any competency-based training and assessment,
emphasizes a focus on the analysis of root causes of errors in order to take corrective actions.

3.3.2 It is recognized that in today’s very high-fidelity simulator environment, there are very powerful training tools
and yet some regulations are much more biased towards testing and checking, as opposed to training. EBT seeks to
redress the balance between training and checking, recognizing that an assessment of competence is necessary, but once
completed, pilots learn most effectively when not under pure test conditions. Appropriate input by competent instructors
will enable pilots to be trained to a given set of performance criteria for performing tasks and managing events effectively.


Chapter 4




4.1.1 This chapter, supported by the Manual on Aeroplane Upset Prevention and Recovery Training (Doc 10011),
is intended to provide procedures to civil aviation authorities (CAAs), operators and approved training organizations
(ATOs) to meet the upset prevention and recovery training (UPRT) requirements for a multi-crew pilot licence (MPL)
and UPRT recommendations for a commercial pilot licence (aeroplane) (CPL(A)) contained in Annex 1 — Personnel
Licensing. Similarly, the information provided supports the UPRT requirements for type-rating in Annex 1 and for the
recurrent training of pilots required by Annex 6 — Operation of Aircraft, Part I — International Commercial Air
Transport — Aeroplanes, 9.3 — Flight crew member training programmes. The procedures in this chapter are applicable
only to aeroplane UPRT.

4.1.2 Although not obligatory, training organizations engaged in the recurrent training and assessment of flight
crew engaged in the operations of large or turbojet aeroplanes in accordance with Annex 6, Part II — International
General Aviation — Aeroplanes, Section 3 should also use this information to enhance the scope of their training services
being offered.


4.2.1 The UPRT development project arose from an industry-wide consensus that the hull loss rates and fatalities
attributable to loss of control in flight (LOC-I) events warranted a concerted effort in identifying and effectively
implementing mitigating strategies. The study of the LOC-I phenomena and, in particular, the determination of any
systemic contributing factors quickly became an ICAO priority.

4.2.2 Following an in-depth study involving representatives from numerous CAAs, aviation accident investigative
bodies, industry and professional associations, airlines, major ATOs and original equipment manufacturers (OEMs), it
was determined that the flight crews involved in LOC-I accidents had often reacted inappropriately prior to and/or during
the event. An effective countermeasure to LOC-I pointed towards the need for improvements to existing training.


4.3.1 The UPRT programme and approach are a means of assessing and training critical areas of flight crew
performance in conditions of flight during which pilots are likely to be exposed to an increased risk of an in-flight upset.
UPRT should be designed and delivered within existing training and regulatory paradigms, which will be focused upon the
trainee being “trained to proficiency” based upon achieving pre-determined knowledge and skill performance levels. UPRT
for MPL and evidence-based training (EBT) programmes has to be developed in the same manner as competency-based
training and assessment, so that they can be seamlessly integrated into those existing programmes. A well-constructed
UPRT programme will better enable individual pilots and flight crews to effectively cope with unexpected and unforeseeable
situations, which involve a skill set that, regrettably, has been found lacking in virtually every recorded LOC-I accident.

PANS-TRG II-1-4-1 5/11/20

II-1-4-2 Procedures — Training

4.3.2 To realize the full value of UPRT programmes and permit ATOs to focus their attention on ensuring that the
trainee achieves the targeted proficiency requirements, CAAs should view UPRT as purely a training programme and
not invoke direct testing requirements on the trainee as part of their oversight process. Other regulatory due-diligence
processes can be used to ensure that operational safety levels are not compromised and to establish whether the approved
training programme is meeting its stated objectives.

4.3.3 The aim of UPRT is to identify and develop the training resources (academic, on-aeroplane, and flight
simulation training device (FSTD)-based) and the associated elements of training required to provide pilots with the
necessary knowledge and skills required to increase their ability to recognize and avoid situations that may lead to
aeroplane upsets and improve their ability to recover control of an aeroplane that has exceeded the normal flight regime.
The guidance contained in Doc 10011 is intended to enable and support the implementation of more effective training to
improve safety levels. Recognizing the criticality of competent instructors in any training programme, the manual also
provides specific guidance on the required qualifications of instructors delivering UPRT in addition to those identified
in Part I, Chapter 3.

4.3.4 This chapter does not formally consider training media, but all FSTD training described should be conducted
in an FSTD qualified in accordance with 4.5.5.


In several instances UPRT is not optional. It is a requirement for the MPL as well as for those pilots receiving type rating
training or commercial air transport operator-specific initial and recurrent training. It is also recommended for pilots
undergoing training towards the issuance of a CPL(A). When introducing UPRT into their regulatory framework, States
shall ensure that operators and training organizations apply the principles of Doc 10011, when developing and
implementing such a programme.

Note. — Refer to the following provisions in Annex 1, 2.1.5 — Requirements for the issue of class and type ratings;
2.4 — Commercial pilot licence; and 2.5 — Multi-crew pilot licence appropriate to the aeroplane category; and Annex 6,
Part I, 9.3 — Flight crew member training programmes.


4.5.1 UPRT programmes should focus on training to ensure that trainees achieve the required knowledge and skills
and/or competencies to effectively manage those conditions of flight that are likely to increase the risk of an upset or
those conditions during which an actual upset has occurred so that a safe condition of flight can be restored without undue
delay and risk.

4.5.2 UPRT programmes should be developed and introduced in an integrated manner using differing approaches
depending on the phase of a pilot’s career. Those begin with the appreciation that learning is best achieved when
information is presented in context to current conditions. Hence, the recommended UPRT provided at the CPL(A)
licensing level should be commensurate with those requirements deemed appropriate for an entry-level licence for a pilot
starting employment with a commercial operator. This is because the expansion of that CPL(A) trainee’s knowledge,
skills and attitudes would be subsequently developed during the transition to airline level type-rating and
operator-specific initial and recurrent training phases. The UPRT programme for an MPL trainee, on the other hand, shall
take into account that an MPL programme includes learning the core set of flying abilities as well as achieving a type
rating on an airline’s commercial air transport aeroplane. Doc 10011 addresses the three distinct areas for UPRT in detail
under the following headings:

a) single-pilot training on-aeroplane;

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 4 II-1-4-3

b) multi-crew training in an FSTD; and

c) type-specific training in an FSTD.

Note.— Doc 10011 provides detailed guidance on training topics, training elements and their descriptions to enable
ATOs to develop comprehensive programmes for all three areas of UPRT. This information is further supplemented by
OEM-supported recommendations in prevention and recovery techniques, as well as suggested training scenarios for
the FSTD.

4.5.3 The logical delivery of the training syllabus is the second part of the programme integration issue. In this
regard, the programme should commence with either the creation or confirmation of a solid foundation of baseline
knowledge levels. These should then be reinforced by practical exercises that demonstrate the application of those learned
principles. Finally, this level of understanding should then be further enhanced by introducing scenarios during flight
(actual or simulated, as applicable) that provide the trainees with a comprehensive set of descriptors in order to expand
their ability to recognize specific threats to safe conditions of flight and take deliberate and effective avoidance actions.
The first emphasis of UPRT shall, therefore, be on awareness, recognition, and avoidance, as part of the prevention
equation of UPRT. The second part of UPRT shall involve developing the analytical and manual handling abilities of the
trainee to recognize the type of upset event and then effectively apply the correct recovery actions.

4.5.4 Care must be taken at the early stages of UPRT implementation not to assume the existence of a
comprehensive level of UPRT-related knowledge, particularly at the commercial air transport type rating and recurrent
training levels, as LOC-I accident data strongly indicates that even highly experienced flight crews exhibited signs of
shortcomings in understanding and reacting to their predicament, which indicated potential knowledge deficiencies.

4.5.5 ATOs are required by Annex 1, Appendix 2 to establish a quality assurance (QA) system. The objective of
QA is to assure the achievement of results that conform to the standards set out in the ATOs’ manuals and in those
requirements and documents issued by the Licensing Authority. QA attempts to improve and stabilize the training process
and to identify and avoid, or at least minimize, issues that could lead to problems. It continuously verifies that standards
are adhered to throughout the training process by introducing various checkpoints and controls. It further introduces a
system of audits to assure that documented policies, processes and procedures are consistently followed. It is the
“assurance” part of quality management and its effective operation is crucial to the success of a competency-based
training and assessment programme. Quality management focuses on the means to achieve product or service quality
objectives through the use of four key components: quality planning; quality control; quality assurance; and quality

4.5.6 A large portion of a fully integrated UPRT programme involves the training of flight crews in a simulated
environment. Most FSTDs can be used satisfactorily for a significant portion of upset training, including training close
to the critical angle of attack but not involving full aerodynamic stalls. However, ATOs and commercial air transport
operators shall take into account the fact that existing FSTD flight models have deficiencies in adequately representing
aircraft characteristics outside the valid training envelope, i.e. in conditions which exceed the aeroplane flight envelope
data used for the FSTD qualification. Furthermore, many current FSTDs lack enhanced instructor feedback tools to allow
for a complete and accurate assessment of the trainee’s performance. These limitations, if not fully appreciated by training
programme designers and instructional staff, can have serious and long-term repercussions by which trained flight crews
could be left with significant misunderstandings of upset events. While the industry moves towards introducing
improvements to FSTD models and instructor operating station design, ATOs shall conduct all FSTD training in an FSTD
qualified to an appropriate level in accordance with civil aviation authority rules (Doc 9625 — Manual of Criteria for
the Qualification of Flight Simulation Training Devices refers) and approved for each intended training task. Detailed
guidance on the technical requirements and on the instructor operating station functions and tools for UPRT can be found
in Doc 9625, Volume I.

Note.— Regarding 3.5.4 and 3.5.5, ATOs are encouraged to establish more robust quality-related processes to
optimize their efforts in achieving excellence in the provision of training. The subject of QA and the implementation of
quality systems (QS) are detailed in Appendix B to the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

II-1-4-4 Procedures — Training

4.5.7 On-aeroplane training shall include special risk mitigation measures. This is particularly true when the training
programme involves the development of analytical and handling abilities among pilots with low levels of experience and
often under conditions of high stress. Robust instructor training and qualification requirements, aircraft certification and
capabilities appropriate for the training tasks, strict operational control involving appropriate minimum dispatch and
weather conditions, adhering to minimum safe altitudes, use of collision avoidance equipment and establishing special
separation criteria, and contingency considerations are just some proactive examples to marginalize threats to safety
levels. The ATOs’ ability to establish robust risk mitigation strategies under the umbrella of a mature safety management
system (SMS) is critical to the safe and effective implementation of an on-aeroplane UPRT programme. The primary
objective of on-aeroplane UPRT shall be to learn best practices in upset avoidance and recovery in a safe and controlled

Note 1.— Doc 10011 makes several recommendations for the ATOs’ risk mitigation efforts.

Note 2.— On-aeroplane UPRT is not to be considered synonymous with aerobatic training. While aerobatic training
does provide improved manual handling skills, the primary objective to training aerobatics is proficiency in precision
manoeuvring. Aerobatic flight training does not necessarily provide the best medium to develop the full spectrum of
analytical reasoning skills required to rapidly and accurately determine the best course of recovery action during periods
of high stress.

4.5.8 Regardless of an individual’s background, all instructors designated to provide training in a UPRT programme
should successfully complete an approved UPRT instructor qualification training course in accordance with the
applicable provisions in Part I, Chapter 3, 3.2. Both initial qualification and recurrent training curriculum for instructors
should address training elements appropriate to the level of an instructor’s participation in delivering a UPRT programme,
as a minimum, to ensure that the designated instructor acquires and maintains the required UPRT knowledge levels and
skill sets. The UPRT on-aeroplane environment may be beyond that which is experienced during normal training
operations. The unpredictable nature of trainee inputs, reactions, and behaviour requires fluency in response to a wide
variety of potential situations requiring a time-constrained and accurate response. This specialized expertise cannot be
acquired through routine flight operations alone, but demands that instructor training provides the appropriate degree of
exposure necessary to develop complete knowledge and understanding of the entire UPRT operating environment. As
part of their QA effort, ATOs shall ensure that all UPRT instructors are qualified, competent, and current in delivering
the course material as well as possessing the ability to make accurate performance assessments and recommendations for
remediation, whenever necessary.

Note.— Many LOC-I accident investigations have revealed that the affected flight crew had received misleading
information from well-meaning training staff or their organizations. Indeed, some existing trained practices were found
to be not only ineffective but were also considered a contributory factor, which led to inappropriate responses by some
flight crews. For example, in certain cases, the methodologies being applied in training and checking a recovery from
an approach to stall condition of flight were based on the pilot being able to achieve recovery with a minimal loss of
altitude. This resulted in training practices emphasizing the importance of a rapid application of power with the least
amount of reduction in angle of attack to minimize the loss of altitude rather than appreciating the importance of reducing
the angle of attack to effectively increase the ability of the wing to restore its capability to generate lift. Action has now
been taken by both regulators and training providers to amend such procedures with new training and testing standards
emphasizing that effective recovery from an approach to stall requires, foremost, an immediate and deliberate reduction
in the angle of attack. This reduction, while operating at high altitude and depending on the aeroplane energy state,
might result in a substantial loss in altitude necessary to ensure that an effective recovery from an impending or actual
aerodynamic stall condition is achieved.

4.5.9 Training that is delivered under a quality system as described in Appendix B to Doc 9841 should prevent
instances of inappropriate or incomplete training.

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 4 II-1-4-5


4.6.1 UPRT programmes should be competency-based in their design and delivery in accordance with those
principles outlined in Part I, Chapter 2. UPRT shall be treated as purely a training programme, which is outcome-focused
and permits trainees to gain the skill sets and confidence to effectively manage conditions that may pose a threat to safety.
As opposed to regulatory testing criteria, an individual shall not be considered to have completed the training if the
required competency standards are achieved.

4.6.2 The Authority should ensure levels of safety and quality of the training by applying due diligence processes
upon the training providers and their QA policies, processes, procedures and observed practices. The application of this
form of oversight is particularly conducive to achieving the best results in competency-based training and assessment
environments. Although not required, CAAs should also consider requiring that training programmes approved under the
training criteria outlined in Annex 6, Part I, Chapter 9, 9.3, be similarly conducted within a QA governance structure to
assure the maintenance of high delivery standards in UPRT.

Note.— Doc 9841 and Chapter 6 of Doc 10011, provide detailed guidance on the oversight of ATOs and such
specially-designed curricula.


Chapter 5




5.1.1 Introduction

This chapter outlines the requirements to be met in order to implement CBTA of pilots for the type rating. Implementation
of such training is, however, optional.

5.1.2 Applicability of CBTA for type rating This chapter applies only to CBTA for the type rating in the aeroplane category. CBTA for type rating may be implemented by an approved training organization (ATO) or an operator
certified in accordance with Annex 6. This chapter provides the procedures, with which ATOs and operators must comply
with when implementing a CBTA type rating programme. These procedures are complementary to those provided in
Part I, Chapter 2.


5.2.1 Adapted competency model

The ICAO competency framework for aeroplane pilots provided in Part II, Section 1, Chapter 1 must be used to develop
the adapted competency model for type rating.

5.2.2 Training and assessment To be considered as qualified to conduct CBTA for type rating, the instructor/evaluator must meet the
requirements of the pilot instructor and evaluator competency framework defined in Part II, Section 1, Chapter 7. Guidance to Licensing Authorities, ATOs and operators on the measures to be taken to facilitate design,
development and implementation of CBTA type ratings are defined in the Appendix to this chapter.

PANS-TRG II-1-5-1 5/11/20

II-1-5-2 Procedures — Training

5.2.3 Evaluation of training programmes The CBTA type rating training programme shall include an ongoing evaluation of the training programme
acceptable to the Licensing Authority. The evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the training and assessment plans are relevant to the aeroplane type;

b) the trainees meet the competency standards as defined in the training and assessment plan; and

c) remedial actions are taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.


Appendix to Chapter 5



1. Introduction

Approved training organizations and operators may elect to develop a CBTA type rating.

Note.— Detailed guidance on the principles of CBTA for pilots can be found in the Manual on Aeroplane Pilot
Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc xxxxx). (To be developed).

2. Course Design and Development

2.1 Course design must include the mandatory training elements or specific training requirements published by the
original equipment manufacturer (OEM) or the State approving the course.

2.2 Course design should consider training design guidelines (if any) provided by the OEM and the State approving
the course.

2.3 Course content must focus on the development of pilot competencies rather than focus on pure task orientated

2.4 Course design should require the use of representative training and simulation tools as early as possible in the
training process in order to contextualize all pilot competencies.

2.5 CBTA type rating programmes should follow a progressive approach to achieve the final competency standard
by initially acquiring the basic knowledge and skills for operation of the aircraft; then developing the competencies; and
finally consolidating all competencies in conditions as close as possible to the real environment, in real-time (scenario
based training/line orientated simulations).

2.6 The course design should group aircraft system malfunctions by reference to malfunction characteristics and
the underlying elements of crew performance required to manage them. (Class of Equivalence principle or Equivalency
of Malfunctions).

Note.─ Guidance on equivalency of malfunctions is contained in the Manual of Evidence-based Training (Doc 9995),
Part I, 3.8.

2.7 The CBTA programme should integrate threat and error management and surprise elements throughout the
complete course syllabus with an increase of these factors towards the end of the syllabus.

2.8 Course design should enable the instructor to apply a wide range of competency-based instructional techniques.
For details see the Manual on Aeroplane Pilot Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc xxxxx). (To be

PANS-TRG II-1-5-App-1 5/11/20

II-1-5-App-2 Procedures — Training

3. Guidelines for the authority

3.1 Guidance material regarding the approval of the training and assessment plans of a CBTA programme, as well
as the quality assurance and safety management system used by an ATO or an operator in implementing these
programmes can be found in the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

3.2 One of the attributes of CBTA, as defined in this document, is the use of an ongoing process for the evaluation
of the training programme. The licensing authority shall therefore ensure that the ATO or the operator continuously
monitors the effectiveness of the training.

3.3 The need for regular feedback from the ATO or operator to the Licensing Authority on the progress and
problems faced during and after the delivery of the first programme(s) is important. How this feedback is to be provided
to the Licensing Authority should therefore be clearly stated as part of the approval.


Chapter 6


6.1 General

6.1.1 Threat and error management (TEM) is an overarching safety concept regarding aviation operations and
human performance. TEM is not a revolutionary concept; it evolved gradually, as a consequence of the constant drive to
improve the margins of safety in aviation operations through the practical integration of human factors knowledge.

6.1.2 TEM developed as a product of the collective industry experience. Such experience fostered the recognition
that past studies and, most importantly, operational consideration of human performance in aviation had largely
overlooked the most important factor influencing human performance in dynamic work environments: the interaction
between people and the operational context (i.e. organizational, regulatory and environmental) within which they perform
their operational duties.

6.1.3 The recognition of the influence of the operational context in human performance led to the conclusion that
study and consideration of human performance in aviation operations must not be an end in itself. In regard to the
improvement of margins of safety in aviation operations, the study and consideration of human performance without
context address only part of a larger issue. TEM therefore aims to provide a principled approach to the broad examination
of the dynamic and challenging complexities of the operational context in human performance, for it is the influence of
these complexities that generates consequences directly affecting safety.

6.2 Meeting training and licensing requirements for TEM

6.2.1 As the management of operational threats and errors is considered to be a key aspect of safety critical aviation
disciplines, TEM knowledge, threat and error recognition and its management are part of licensing and rating
requirements in Annex 1. TEM pilot training requirements for commercial air transport operations are identified in
Annex 6, Parts I and III. TEM is applicable to all flight crews conducting flight operations and is to be adapted according
to the operational context.

6.2.2 In traditional training, TEM can be trained as a separate module or as parts of several modules to recognize
and manage threats and errors to the appropriate level of performance.

6.2.3 In competency-based training, TEM is naturally and fully embedded in the training curriculum. The
competencies of the approved adapted competency model provide individual and team countermeasures to threats and
errors to avoid undesired aircraft states.

6.3 The threat and error management (TEM) model

6.3.1 The threat and error management (TEM) model is a conceptual framework that assists in understanding, from
an operational perspective, the interrelationship between safety and human performance in dynamic and challenging
operational contexts.

PANS-TRG II-1-6-1 5/11/20

II-1-6-2 Procedures — Training

6.3.2 The TEM model focuses simultaneously on the operational context and the people performing operational
duties in such context. The model is descriptive and diagnostic of both human and system performance: descriptive
because it captures human and system performance in the operational context, resulting in realistic descriptions;
diagnostic because it allows qualifying and quantifying complexities of the operational context in relation to the
description of the contextual human performance, and vice versa.

6.3.3 The TEM model can be used in several ways:

a) safety analysis tool — can focus on a single event, as is the case with accident/incident analysis, or can be used
to understand systemic patterns within a large set of events, as is the case with operational audits;

b) licensing tool — helps clarify human performance needs, strengths and vulnerabilities, allowing the definition of
competencies from a broader safety management perspective;

c) training tool — helps an organization improve the effectiveness of its training interventions and, consequently,
of its organizational safeguards; and

d) operational tool — helps an organization to increase its safety margins by providing the operational personnel
tools as well as strategies and tactics to manage potential threats and errors.

6.3.4 From a training perspective, the broadest application to date of the TEM model is in flight crew human
performance training, especially in crew resource management (CRM) training, a widely implemented human factors-
based training intervention. This may lead to questions about the relationship between TEM and CRM, and it is therefore
essential to clarify potential confusions from the outset.

6.3.5 TEM is an overarching safety concept with multiple applications in aviation, while CRM is exclusively a
training intervention.

6.3.6 From a traditional training perspective, the basic concepts underlying TEM (threats, errors and undesired
aircraft states) have been systematically only integrated into existing CRM programmes because TEM countermeasures
build in large measure — although not exclusively — upon CRM skills. The combination of TEM concepts with CRM
skills thus introduces the opportunity to present the utilization of CRM skills by flight crews anchored in the operational
environment and from a purely operational perspective. TEM training does not replace CRM training but rather
complements and enhances it.

6.3.7 From a competency-based training and assessment perspective, the competencies of the approved adapted
competency model provide individual and team countermeasures to threats and errors and undesired aircraft states. CRM
skills are embedded in the approved adapted competency model. Therefore, the CRM training supports the development
of the competencies as countermeasures in the TEM concept.

6.3.8 Originally developed for flight deck operations, the TEM model can nonetheless be used at different levels
and in different sectors within an organization, and across different organizations and activities within the aviation
industry. It is therefore important, when applying TEM, to keep the user’s perspective in the forefront. Depending on
“who” is using TEM (front-line personnel, intermediate management, senior management; flight operations, maintenance,
air traffic control), slight adjustments to related definitions may be required. This document focuses on the flight crew as
“user”, and the discussion herein presents the perspective of flight crews use of TEM.

6.4 The challenges in the TEM model

There are three basic challenges in the TEM model, from the perspective of flight crews: threats, errors and undesired
aircraft states. The model proposes that threats and errors are part of everyday aviation operations that must be managed

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 6 II-1-6-3

by flight crews, since both threats and errors carry the potential to generate undesired aircraft states. Flight crews must
also manage undesired aircraft states, since they carry the potential for unsafe outcomes. Undesired aircraft state
management is an essential component of the TEM model, as important as threat and error management, because it
largely represents the last opportunity to avoid an unsafe outcome and thus maintain safety margins in flight operations.

6.5 Threats

6.5.1 Threats are defined as events or errors that occur beyond the influence of the flight crew, increase operational
complexity, and must be managed to maintain the margins of safety. During typical flight operations, flight crews have
to manage various contextual complexities, for example, adverse meteorological conditions, airports surrounded by high
mountains, congested airspace, aircraft malfunctions, and errors committed by other people outside of the cockpit, such
as air traffic controllers, flight attendants or maintenance workers. The TEM model considers these complexities as
threats because they all have the potential to negatively affect flight operations by reducing margins of safety.

6.5.2 Some threats can be anticipated, since they are expected or known to the flight crew. For example, flight
crews can anticipate the consequences of a thunderstorm by briefing their response in advance or can prepare for a
congested airport, as they execute the approach, by making sure they keep a watchful eye out for other aircraft.

6.5.3 Some threats can occur unexpectedly and without warning, such as an in-flight aircraft malfunction. In this
case, flight crews must demonstrate competencies developed through training and operational experience to manage such
unexpected threats.

6.5.4 Some threats may not be directly obvious to, or observable by, flight crews as they are immersed in operational
context. Such threats can potentially be uncovered by safety analysis. These are considered latent threats. Examples
include equipment design issues, optical illusions, or shortened turn-around schedules.

6.5.5 Regardless of whether threats are expected, unexpected, or latent, one measure of the effectiveness of a flight
crew’s ability to manage threats is whether threats can be anticipated so as to enable the flight crew to respond to them
through deployment of appropriate countermeasures.

6.5.6 Threat management is a building block to error management and undesired aircraft state management.
Although the threat-error linkage is not necessarily straightforward (i.e. it may not always be possible to establish a linear
relationship or one-to-one mapping between threats, errors and undesired states), safety analysis data demonstrate that
mismanaged threats are normally linked to flight crew errors, which in turn are often linked to undesired aircraft states.
Threat management provides the most proactive option to maintain margins of safety in flight operation, by avoiding
safety-compromising situations at their roots. As threat managers, flight crews are the last line of defence to keep threats
from impacting flight operations.

6.5.7 Table II-1-6-1 presents examples of threats, grouped under two basic categories derived from the TEM model.
Some environmental threats can be planned for and some will arise spontaneously, but they all have to be managed by
flight crews in real time. Organizational threats, on the other hand, can be controlled (i.e. removed or, at least, minimized)
at source by aviation organizations and are usually latent in nature. Flight crews still remain the last line of defence, but
there are earlier opportunities for these threats to be mitigated by aviation organizations themselves.

II-1-6-4 Procedures — Training

Table II-1-6-1. Examples of threats

Environmental threats Organizational threats

Weather: thunderstorms, turbulence, icing, wind Operational pressure: delays, late arrivals,
shear, cross/tailwind, very low/high temperatures. equipment changes.

ATC: traffic congestion, TCAS RA/TA, ATC Aircraft: aircraft malfunction, automation
command, ATC error, ATC language difficulty, event/anomaly, MEL/CDL.
ATC non-standard phraseology, ATC runway
change, ATIS communication, units of Cabin: flight attendant error, cabin event
measurement (QFE/meters). distraction, interruption, cabin door security.

Airport: contaminated/short runway; Maintenance: maintenance event/error.

contaminated taxiway, lack of/confusing/faded
signage/markings, birds, aids U/S, complex surface Ground: ground-handling event, de-icing, ground
navigation procedures, airport constructions. crew error.

Terrain: High ground, slope, lack of references, Dispatch: dispatch paperwork event/error.
“black hole”.
Documentation: manual error, chart error.
Other: similar call signs.
Other: crew scheduling event

6.6 Errors

6.6.1 Errors are defined actions or inactions by the flight crew that lead to unintentional deviations from
organizational or operational expectations. Unmanaged and/or mismanaged errors can lead to undesired aircraft states.
Errors in the operational context thus tend to reduce the margins of safety.

6.6.2 Errors can be spontaneous (i.e. without direct linkage to specific, obvious threats), linked to threats, or part of
an error chain. Examples of errors would include the inability to maintain stabilized approach parameters, executing a
wrong automation mode, failing to give a required call-out, or misinterpreting an ATC clearance.

6.6.3 Regardless of the type of error, an error’s effect on safety depends on whether the flight crew detects and
responds to the error before it leads to an undesired aircraft state and to a potential unsafe outcome. This is why one of the
objectives of TEM is to understand error management (i.e. detection and response), rather than solely focusing on error
causality (i.e. causation and commission). From a safety perspective, operational errors that are detected in a timely manner
and promptly responded to (i.e. properly managed) do not lead to undesired aircraft states and lead to the desired margins
of safety being restored by proper error management in flight operations, thus becoming operationally inconsequential. In
addition to its safety value, proper error management is an example of successful human performance, having both learning
and training value.

6.6.4 Capturing how errors are managed is then as important as, if not more important than, capturing the prevalence
of errors itself. It is of interest to capture if and when errors are detected and by whom, the response(s) upon detecting
errors, and the outcome of errors. Some errors are quickly detected and resolved, thus becoming operationally
inconsequential, while others go undetected or are mismanaged. A mismanaged error is defined as an error that is linked
to or induces an additional error or undesired aircraft state.

6.6.5 Table II-1-6-2 presents examples of errors, grouped under three basic categories derived from the TEM model.
In the TEM concept, errors have to be “observable”; therefore, the TEM model uses the “primary interaction” as the point
of reference for defining the error categories.

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 6 II-1-6-5

Table II-1-6-2. Examples of errors

Aircraft-handling errors Manual handling/flight controls: vertical/lateral and/or speed deviations, incorrect
flaps/speed brakes, thrust reverser or power settings.

Automation: incorrect altitude, speed, heading, autothrottle settings, incorrect

mode executed, or incorrect entries.

Systems/radio/instruments: incorrect packs, incorrect anti-icing, incorrect

altimeter, incorrect fuel switches settings, incorrect speed bug, incorrect radio
frequency dialled.

Ground navigation: attempting to turn down wrong taxiway/runway, taxi too fast,
failure to hold short, missed taxiway/runway.

Procedural errors SOPs: failure to cross-verify automation inputs.

Checklists: wrong challenge and response; items missed, checklist performed late
or at the wrong time.

Call-outs: omitted/incorrect call-outs.

Briefings: omitted briefings; items missed.

Documentation: wrong weight and balance, fuel information, ATIS, or clearance

information recorded, misinterpreted items on paperwork; incorrect logbook
entries, incorrect application of MEL procedures.

Communication errors Crew to external: missed calls, misinterpretations of instructions, incorrect

read back, wrong clearance, taxiway, gate or runway communicated.

Pilot to pilot: within crew miscommunication or misinterpretation.

6.6.6 The TEM model classifies errors based upon the primary interaction of the pilot or flight crew at the moment
the error is committed. Thus, in order to be classified as an aircraft-handling error, the pilot or flight crew must be
interacting with the aircraft (e.g. through its controls, automation or systems). In order to be classified as a procedural
error, the pilot or flight crew must be interacting with a procedure (e.g. checklists and SOPs). In order to be classified as
a communication error, the pilot or flight crew must be interacting with people (e.g. ATC, ground crew, and other crew

6.6.7 Aircraft-handling errors, procedural errors and communication errors may be unintentional or may involve
intentional non-compliance. Similarly, proficiency considerations (i.e. deficiencies in various competencies and training
system deficiencies) may underlie all three categories of error. In order to keep the approach simple and avoid confusion,
the TEM model does not consider intentional non-compliance and proficiency as separate categories of error but rather
as subsets of the three major categories of error.

6.7 Undesired aircraft states

6.7.1 Undesired aircraft states are characterized by divergences from parameters normally experienced during
operations (e.g. aircraft position or speed deviations, misapplication of flight controls, or incorrect systems configuration)
associated with a reduction in margins of safety. Often considered at the cusp of becoming an incident or accident,
undesired aircraft states must be managed by flight crews.

II-1-6-6 Procedures — Training

6.7.2 Examples of undesired aircraft states would include lining up for the incorrect runway during approach to
landing, exceeding ATC speed restrictions during an approach, or landing long on a short runway requiring maximum
braking. Events such as equipment malfunctions or ATC controller errors can also reduce margins of safety in flight
operations, but these would be considered threats.

6.7.3 Undesired states can be managed effectively, restoring margins of safety, or can induce an additional error,
leading to an incident or accident.

6.7.4 Table II-1-6-3 presents examples of undesired aircraft states, grouped under three basic categories derived
from the TEM model.

Table II-1-6-3. Examples of undesired aircraft states

Aircraft handling Aircraft control (attitude).

Vertical, lateral or speed deviations.

Unnecessary weather penetration.

Unauthorized airspace penetration.

Operation outside aircraft limitations.

Unstable approach.

Continued landing after unstable approach.

Long, floated, firm or off-centre line landing.

Ground navigation Proceeding towards wrong taxiway/runway.

Wrong taxiway, ramp, gate or hold spot.

Incorrect aircraft configurations Incorrect systems configuration.

Incorrect flight controls configuration.

Incorrect automation configuration.

Incorrect engine configuration.

Incorrect weight and balance configuration.

6.7.5 An important learning and training point for flight crews is the timely switching from error management to
undesired aircraft state management. An example would be as follows: a flight crew selects a wrong approach in the
flight management computer. The flight crew subsequently identifies the error during a cross-check prior to the final
approach fix (FAF). However, instead of using a basic mode (e.g. heading) or manually flying the desired track, both
flight crew members become involved in attempting to re-programme the correct approach prior to reaching the FAF. As
a result, the aircraft “stitches” through the localizer, descends late, and goes into an unstable approach. This would be an
example of the flight crew getting “locked in” to error management, rather than switching to undesired aircraft state
management. The use of the TEM model assists in educating flight crews that, when the aircraft is in an undesired state,
their basic task is undesired aircraft state management instead of error management. It also illustrates how easy it is to
get locked in to the error management phase.

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 6 II-1-6-7

6.7.6 Also from a learning and training perspective, it is important to establish a clear differentiation between
undesired aircraft states and outcomes. Undesired aircraft states are transitional states between a normal operational
state (i.e. a stabilized approach) and an outcome. Outcomes, on the other hand, are end states, most notably reportable
occurrences (i.e. incidents and accidents). An example would be as follows: a stabilized approach (normal operational
state) turns into an unstabilized approach (undesired aircraft state) that results in a runway excursion (outcome).

6.7.7 The training and remedial implications of this differentiation are significant. While at the undesired aircraft
state stage, the flight crew has the possibility, through appropriate TEM, of recovering the situation and returning to a
normal operational state, thus restoring margins of safety. Once the undesired aircraft state becomes an outcome, recovery
of the situation, return to a normal operational state, and restoration of margins of safety are not possible.

6.8 Countermeasures

6.8.1 As part of the normal discharge of their operational duties, flight crews must employ countermeasures to keep
threats, errors and undesired aircraft states from reducing margins of safety in flight operations. Examples of
countermeasures would include communication, workload management, application of procedure, etc. Flight crews
dedicate a significant amount of resources to the application of counter-measures to ensure margins of safety during flight
operations. Empirical observations during training and checking suggest that as much as 70 per cent of flight crew
activities may be countermeasure-related activities.

6.8.2 Countermeasures are generally flight crew actions. However, some counter-measures to threats, errors and
undesired aircraft states that flight crews employ build upon “hard” resources provided by the aviation system. These
resources are already imbedded in the system before flight crews report for duty and are therefore considered as systemic-
based countermeasures. These include for example:

— airborne collision avoidance system (ACAS);

— ground proximity warning system (GPWS),

— standard operating procedures (SOPs);

— checklists;

— briefings; and

— training.

6.8.3 Other countermeasures are more directly related to the human contribution to the safety of flight operations.
These are personal strategies and tactics, and individual and team countermeasures, which typically include canvassed
knowledge, skills and attitudes underpinning the pilot competencies. There are basically three categories of individual
and team countermeasures:

— planning countermeasures: essential for managing anticipated and unexpected threats;

— execution countermeasures: essential for error detection and error response; and

— review countermeasures: essential for managing the changing conditions of a flight.

II-1-6-8 Procedures — Training

6.8.4 Enhanced TEM is the product of the combined use of systemic-based and individual and team
countermeasures. Table II-1-6-4 presents detailed examples of individual and team countermeasures. Further guidance
on countermeasures can be found in the manual Line Operations Safety Audit (LOSA) (Doc 9803).

Table II-1-6-4. Examples of individual and team countermeasures

Planning countermeasures
Application of The required briefing was interactive Concise, not rushed, and met SOP requirements
procedures and and operationally thorough
compliance with Bottom lines were established
Communication Operational plans and decisions were Shared understanding about plans –
communicated and acknowledged “Everybody on the same page”
Workload Roles and responsibilities were Workload assignments were communicated and
management defined for normal and non-normal acknowledged
Problem-solving Crew members developed effective Threats and their consequences were
and decision- strategies to manage threats to safety anticipated
Used all available resources to manage threats
Execution countermeasures
Situational Crew members actively monitored Aircraft position, settings, and crew actions
awareness and and cross-checked systems and other were verified
management of crew members
Workload Operational tasks were prioritized Avoided task fixation
management and properly managed to handle
primary flight duties Did not allow work overload
Flight path Automation was properly managed Automation setup was briefed to other
management to balance situational and/or members
automation workload requirements
Effective recovery techniques from automation
Review countermeasures
Problem-solving Existing plans were reviewed and Crew decisions and actions were openly
and decision- modified when necessary analysed to make sure the existing plan was the
making best plan
Leadership and Crew members asked questions to Crew members not afraid to express a lack of
teamwork; investigate and/or clarify current knowledge – “Nothing taken for granted”
Communication plans of action attitude
Leadership and Crew members stated critical Crew members spoke up without hesitation
teamwork information and/or solutions with
appropriate persistence


Chapter 7



7.1 Introduction

7.1.1 Pilot instructors shall meet the requirements specified in Annex 1, 2.1.8 and 2.8, as appropriate. In addition,
for the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) training programme, the instructor shall have experience, acceptable to the
Licensing Authority, in multi-crew operations, as follows:

a) for at least the intermediate and advanced phases of the multi-crew pilot licence (MPL) programme, have suitable
experience in multi-pilot operations; or

b) with the exception of instructors providing instruction in the intermediate and advanced phases of the MPL licence,
receive training as an alternative means of compliance with the experience prerequisite for instruction in multi-
pilot operations. This training should include but may not be limited to the following elements:

1) multi-crew cooperation training in a suitable multi-pilot flight simulation training device;

2) observations of multi-pilot line operations with a suitable operator;

3) observations of subsequent multi-pilot training where applicable; and

4) completion of multi-pilot cockpit resource management training.

7.1.2 The benefit of using competencies for the pilot instructor and evaluator, and some explanation on the terms
used, are described below.

7.1.3 Mastering a defined set of pilot competencies should enable a pilot to perform their routine duties and manage
unforeseen situations which cannot be trained in advance.

7.1.4 Similarly, mastering a set of instructor and evaluator competencies (IECs) should enable an
instructor/evaluator (IE) to perform instruction and evaluation duties and manage the full spectrum ranging from ground
instruction to evaluations in dynamic flight situations. It is beneficial to define a set of universal competencies, which
can be consistently applied throughout the whole career of an IE.

7.1.5 The competencies for instructors and evaluators developed hereby are based on the latest ICAO provisions,
EASA and FAA regulations, guidance material and best practices from the industry.

7.1.6 In the competency framework, the evaluator is a person authorized to conduct the formal and final summative
assessment of a trainee’s performance.

7.1.7 The table below proposes an overview of the ICAO Pilot Instructor and Evaluator Competency (IEC)
Framework. Therefore, operators and ATOs electing to implement competency-based training and assessment for their
instructors and evaluators may develop an adapted competency model to suit the particular context of their organization.

PANS-TRG II-1-7-1 5/11/20

II-1-7-2 Procedures — Training

7.1.8 In the tables below, the cells in green are not part of the ICAO competency framework but are to be developed
by the operator or the ATO for the adapted competency model, respecting the guidance contained in the green cells.

7.2 ICAO pilot instructor and evaluator competency framework

The tables in 7.3 provide the details for each competency.

Competencies for pilot instructors and evaluators

Performance Criteria
Competency Assessment
Name of the competency Description Observable
behaviour Final competency
(OB) Conditions

See ICAO Aeroplane

Pilot competencies1 Pilot Competency
Operators and
ATOs define in
See the their relevant Ground
Management of the learning observable approved manuals training
environment behaviours in the level of and/or
See descriptions in the the tables performance to be Flight training
Instruction tables below for the below achieved by the
individual competencies instructor and
Interaction evaluator.
Assessment and evaluation

1. For ground instructors some pilot competencies may not apply – see 3.1.
2. Only an ICAO Aeroplane Pilot Competency Framework is published. For other categories of aircraft, suitable amendments to the
framework may be necessary to account for differences in piloting.

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 6 II-1-7-3

7.3 Tables detailing the individual competencies

for instructors and evaluators (IEC1 – IEC5)

Note.― The competencies and observable behaviours in the tables are not listed according to any pre-defined priority.
Observable behaviours may include, but are not limited to, the observable behaviours listed in the tables below.

7.3.1 IEC1 – Pilot competencies

Instructor and evaluator competency – pilot competencies

Performance Criteria

Name of the Competency Assessment

competency Observable
behaviour (OB) Final competency

Operators and ATOs

define in their
See ICAO See ICAO relevant approved Ground training
Aeroplane Pilot Aeroplane Pilot manuals the level of and/or
Competency Competency performance to be Flight training
Pilot competencies1
Framework2 Framework2 achieved by the
instructor and

1 For ground instructors some pilot competencies may not apply: the operators and ATOs have to identify which pilot
competencies and associated observable behaviours are applicable depending on their ground instructors/evaluators activities.
As an example the pilot competency communication must be demonstrated by ground instructors/evaluators (except for some
observable behaviours) while the pilot competency flight path management manual control may not be mandatory.

2 Only an ICAO Aeroplane Pilot Competency Framework is published. For other categories of aircraft, suitable amendments to
the framework may be necessary to account for differences in piloting.

II-1-7-4 Procedures — Training

7.3.2 IEC2 – Management of the environment

Instructor and evaluator competency – management of the learning environment

Performance Criteria
Competency Assessment
Name of the
competency Observable behaviour (OB) Final
competency Conditions
OB 2.1 Applies TEM in the context of
instruction/ evaluation
OB 2.2 Briefs on safety procedures for
situations that are likely to
develop during
OB 2.3 Intervenes appropriately at the
correct time and level (e.g.
progresses from verbal
assistance to taking over
OB 2.4 Resumes training/evaluation Operators and
as practicable after any ATOs define
Ensures that the intervention in their
IEC2: Ground
instruction, relevant
OB 2.5 Plans and prepares training training
Management assessment and approved
media, equipment and and/or
of the learning evaluation are manuals the
conducted in a
resources level of
environment OB 2.6 Briefs training devices or training
suitable and safe performance to
environment aircraft limitations that may be achieved by
influence training, when the instructor
applicable and evaluator.
OB 2.7 Creates and manages
conditions that are suitable for
the training objectives (e.g.
FSTD, airspace, ATC,
weather, time, etc.)
OB 2.8 Adapts to changes in the
environment while minimizing
training disruptions
OB 2.9 Manages time, training media
and equipment to ensure that
training objectives are met

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 6 II-1-7-5

7.3.3 IEC3 – Instruction

Instructor and evaluator competency – instruction

Performance Criteria
Competency Assessment
Name of the
competency Observable behaviour (OB) Final
competency Conditions
OB 3.1 References approved sources
(operations and technical
sources, training manuals and
OB 3.2 States clearly the objectives
and clarifies roles for the
OB 3.3 Follows the approved training
OB 3.4 Applies instructional methods
as appropriate, (e.g.
explanation, demonstration, Operators and
learning by discovery, ATOs define
facilitation, in-seat instruction) in their
OB 3.5 Sustains operational relevance
relevant Ground
Conducts approved training
training to and realism
IEC3: manuals the and/or
develop the OB 3.6 Adapts the amount of instructor
level of Flight
Instruction trainee´s inputs to ensure that the performance training
competencies training objectives are met to be achieved
OB 3.7 Adapts to situations that might by the
disrupt a planned sequence of instructor and
events evaluator.
OB 3.8 Continuously assesses trainee’s
OB 3.9 Encourages the trainee to self-
OB 3.10 Allows trainee to self-correct in
a timely manner
OB 3.11 Applies trainee-centred
feedback techniques (e.g.
facilitation, …)
OB 3.12 Provides positive

II-1-7-6 Procedures — Training

7.3.4 IEC4 – Interaction

Instructor and evaluator competency – interaction

Performance Criteria
Competency Assessment
Name of the
competency Observable behaviour (OB) Final
competency Conditions
OB 4.1 Shows respect for the trainee,
e.g. for culture, language and
Supports the OB 4.2 Shows patience and empathy,
trainee’s e.g. by actively listening,
learning and reading non-verbal messages
development and encouraging dialogue
OB 4.3 Manages trainee´s barriers to
learning Operators and
OB 4.4 Encourages engagement and ATOs define
mutual support in their
OB 4.5 Coaches the trainees relevant
OB 4.6 Supports the goal and training approved
IEC4: and/or
policies of the Operator/ATO manuals the
Interaction and Authority level of
Demonstrates OB 4.7 Shows integrity (e.g. honesty performance to
exemplary and professional principles) be achieved by
behaviour (role OB 4.8 Demonstrates acceptable the instructor
model) and evaluator.
personal conduct, acceptable
social practices, content
expertise, a model for
professional and interpersonal
OB 4.9 Actively seeks and accepts
feedback to improve own

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 6 II-1-7-7

7.3.5 IEC5 – Assessment and evaluation

Instructor and evaluator competency – assessment and evaluation

Performance Criteria
Competency Assessment
Name of the
competency Observable behaviour (OB) Final
competency Conditions
OB 5.1 Complies with Operator /
ATOs and authority
OB 5.2 Ensures that the trainee
understands the assessment
OB 5.3 Applies the competency
standards and conditions
OB 5.4 Assesses trainee’s
OB 5.5 Performs grading
OB 5.6 Provides recommendations Operators and
Assesses the ATOs define in
competencies of based on the outcome of the
assessment their relevant Ground
IEC5: the trainee approved training
OB 5.7 Makes decisions based on the
manuals the and/or
outcome of the summative
Assessment and level of Flight
evaluation Contributes to assessment performance to training
continuous OB 5.8 Provides clear feedback to the be achieved by
training system trainees the instructor
improvement. OB 5.9 Reports strengths and and evaluator.
weaknesses of the training
system (training environment,
including feedback from
OB 5.10 Suggests improvements for the
training system
OB 5.11 Produces reports using
provided appropriate forms and


Chapter 81


(Applicable as of 3 November 2022)


8.1.1 This chapter outlines the principles and procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation
of a remote pilot competency-based training and assessment programme and that shall be followed using the methodology
outlined in Chapter 2. The appendix to this chapter contains the ICAO RPL Competency framework.

8.1.2 The approved training organizations (ATO) conducting approved RPL training and the Licensing Authorities
shall comply with the procedures in this chapter.

8.1.3 The ICAO RPL competency framework in the appendix to this chapter shall be used as the basis for the
development of an adapted competency model and approval of competency-based training and assessment programmes
specific to the remotely piloted aircraft system (RPAS) operational context.


8.2.1 The assessment process developed by the ATO, which includes the assessment (evidence) guide, conditions
and competency standards required for assessing applicants, shall be approved by the Licensing Authority.

8.2.2 The RPL applicant shall successfully complete the approved competency-based training and assessment


8.3.1 All competency-based training and assessment for RPLs shall be developed using analyse, design, develop,
implement and evaluate (ADDIE) principles.

8.3.2 The competency-based training and assessment programme for RPL shall consist of an integrated programme
of theoretical and practical instruction.

Within Amendment 6 to the PANS-TRG, which is applicable in 2022, Competency-based training and assessment for remote pilot licence (RPL) had
a reserved Chapter 6. Amendment 7 to the PANS-TRG, applicable in 2020, will maintain Competency-based training and assessment for remote pilot
licence (RPL) space reserved under Chapter 8. Therefore, at its applicability in 2022, Amendment 6 to the PANS-TRG should highlight this change.

PANS-TRG II-1-8-1 5/11/20

II-1-8-2 Procedures — Training


8.4.1 RPAS instructors and RPL examiners shall meet the following requirements:

a) demonstrate competencies described in the appendix to this chapter; and

b) hold the qualifications to provide instruction for RPL training.

8.4.2 All RPL examiners shall receive refresher training and be authorized or re-authorized using a documented
process acceptable to the Licensing Authority implemented by an ATO at intervals established by the Licensing

— — — — — — — —

Appendix 1 to Chapter 8


Note 1.— Paragraph 2.5 of Part I, section 2 states that this framework should be adapted to the RPAS operational
context. It does not address the specific definition of duties, sharing of tasks, ratings and proficiency levels existing in
the RPAS operator organization. The competencies in the table are not listed according to a pre-defined priority.

Note 2.— The principles of threat and error management should be integrated in the development of competency-
based training and assessment programmes.

Competency Competency description Observable behaviour

– Identifies and assesses accurately the state of the RPAS

– Identifies and assesses accurately the RPA’s vertical and lateral

position, and its anticipated flight path

– Identifies and assesses accurately the general environment as it

may affect the flight, including the air traffic neighbouring the
RPA operation and the meteorological conditions that could
impact the operation
Perceives and
comprehends the – Conducts the operation in accordance with the airspace
operational situation of the configuration where the RPAS operation is taking place
Situational moment and all of the
awareness relevant information – Keeps track of time and energy
available and anticipates
what could happen that – Maintains awareness of the people involved in or affected by
may affect the operation the operation and their capacity to perform as expected

– Anticipates accurately what could happen, plans and stays

ahead of the situation

– Develops effective contingency plans based upon potential


– Recognizes and effectively responds to indications of reduced

situational awareness

PANS-TRG II-1-8 App 1-1 5/11/20

II-1-8 App 1-2 Procedures — Training

Competency Competency description Observable behaviour

– Identifies the source of operating instructions

– Follows standard operating procedures (SOPs) unless a higher

degree of safety dictates an appropriate deviation
Identifies and applies
procedures in accordance
– Identifies and follows all operating instructions in a timely
Application of with published operating
procedures instructions and applicable
regulations, using the
– Correctly operates the RPAS and associated equipment
appropriate knowledge
– Complies with applicable regulations

– Applies relevant procedural knowledge

– Ensures the recipient is ready and able to receive the


– Selects appropriately what, when, how and with whom to


– Conveys messages clearly, accurately and concisely

– Confirms that the recipient correctly understands important


– Listens actively and demonstrates understanding when

receiving information
Demonstrates effective
verbal, written and non- – Asks relevant and effective questions
Communication verbal communications, in
normal and abnormal – Adheres to standard radiotelephony phraseology and
situations procedures

– Accurately reads and interprets required documentation for the

operation of RPAS

– Accurately reads, interprets, constructs and responds to

datalink messages

– Completes accurate reports as required by operating procedures

– Correctly interprets non-verbal communication

– Where applicable, uses eye contact, body movement and

gestures that are consistent with and support verbal messages

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 8, Appendix 1 II-1-8 App 1-3

Competency Competency description Observable behaviour

– Controls the RPA through automation with accuracy and

smoothness as appropriate to the situation

– Contains the RPA within the normal flight envelope

– Maintains the desired flight path during flight using automation

Controls the RPA flight – Takes appropriate action in case of deviations from the desired
RPA flight path path through automation, RPA trajectory
management, including appropriate use
automation of flight management – Selects appropriate level and mode of automation in a timely
system(s) and guidance manner considering phase of flight and workload

– Effectively monitors automation, including engagement and

automatic mode transitions

– Controls the RPA safely in degraded automation using only the

relationship between RPA attitude, speed and thrust if applicable

– Understands and agrees with the crew’s roles and objectives

– Creates an atmosphere of open communication and encourages

team participation

– Uses initiative and gives directions when required

– Admits mistakes and takes responsibility for own performance,

detecting and resolving own errors

– Anticipates and responds appropriately to other crew members’


– Carries out instructions when directed

Leadership, Demonstrates effective – Communicates relevant concerns and intentions

teamwork and leadership, team working
self-management and self-management – Gives and receives feedback constructively

– Confidently intervenes when important for safety

– Demonstrates empathy and shows respect and tolerance for

other people

– Engages others in planning and allocates activities fairly and

appropriately according to abilities

– Addresses and resolves conflicts and disagreements in a

constructive manner

– Demonstrates self-control in all situations

– Self-evaluates the effectiveness of actions

II-1-8 App 1-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Competency description Observable behaviour

– Seeks accurate and adequate information from appropriate


– Identifies and verifies what and why things have gone wrong

– Employs proper problem solving strategies

– Perseveres in working through problems without reducing

Accurately identifies risks
Problem solving
and resolves problems.
and decision – Uses appropriate and timely decision-making processes
Uses the appropriate
decision-making processes
– Identifies and considers options effectively

– Monitors, reviews and adapts decisions as required

– Identifies and manages risks and threats to the safety of the

RPAS and people effectively

– Changes behaviour and responds as needed to deal with the

demands of the changing situation

– Plans, prioritizes and schedules tasks effectively

– Manages time efficiently when carrying out tasks

Manages available – Offers and accepts assistance, delegates when necessary and
resources efficiently to asks for help early
prioritize and perform
tasks in a timely manner – Reviews, monitors and crosschecks actions conscientiously
under all circumstances
– Verifies that tasks are completed to the expected outcome

– Manages and recovers from interruptions, distractions,

variations and failures effectively

Part II — Section 1, Chapter 8, Appendix 1 II-1-8 App 1-5

Competency Competency description Observable behaviour

– Coordinates with personnel and other stakeholders, in a timely


– Selects coordination/handover method based on circumstances,

including urgency of coordination, status of facilities and
prescribed procedures

– Coordinates the handover using the prescribed coordination


Manages coordination and – Coordinates changes of status of operational facilities such as

handover between equipment, systems and functions
Coordination and
personnel in operational
positions and with other – Coordinates changes of status of airspace and aerodrome
affected personnel resources, as applicable

– Uses clear and concise terminology for verbal coordination

– Uses standard message formats and protocols for non-verbal


– Uses clear and concise non-standard coordination methods

when required

– Conducts effective briefings during position handover

– Identifies the possibility for the development of an emergency

or abnormal situation from the information available

– Determines the nature of the abnormal situation emergency

– Prioritizes actions based on the urgency of the situation

– Decides the most appropriate actions to initiate

Detects and responds to
emergency and abnormal – Follows the prescribed procedures for managing the RPAS in
Management of
situations related to RPAS emergency situations
operations and manages
the degraded modes of – Detects potential degradation to RPAS and/or equipment with
operation of the RPAS particular attention to the potential loss of the C2 Link

– Assesses the impact of the degraded mode of operation

– Takes actions, when required, to ensure the safety of the people


– Creates solutions when no guidance or procedure for a given

abnormal situation


Chapter 9




PANS-TRG II-1-9-1 5/11/20

Chapter 10




PANS-TRG II-1-10-1 5/11/20

Section 2



II-2-1 5/11/20
Section 3


II-3-1 5/11/20
Chapter 1




1.1.1 This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme
for FOOs, with which approved training organizations (ATOs), airlines and Authorities shall comply when implementing
such programmes. These procedures are complementary to those provided in Part I, Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG.

1.1.2 The basic qualification for all functions or tasks in the system of operational control is the FOO Qualification.
All functions (independent from the job title) and with the responsibility and authority for initiation, planning,
continuation and diversion of each flight shall be qualified according to these requirements.

1.1.3 Following the generic FOO qualification, additional competencies (knowledge, skills and attitude) might be
required according to the intended specific function within the operator. Operator specific functions or tasks may include,
for example:

— Flight Dispatch (Flight Planning)

— Operations Control

— Flight Control (Inflight Control or Mission Support)

— Operations Engineering

1.1.4 The ICAO Competency framework for FOOs provided in Appendix 2 to this chapter shall be used as the basis
for the development of an adapted competency model. The adapted competency model and associated competency-based
training and assessment programme shall be approved by the appropriate authority.


A competency-based training and assessment programme for FOOs shall include on-the-job training to ensure that
competency standards appropriate to the exercise of duty are consistently achieved.

PANS-TRG II-3-1-1 5/11/20

II-3-1-2 Procedures — Training


1.3.1 FOOs shall meet the final competency standards acceptable to the appropriate Authority and in compliance
with Annex 1— Personnel Licensing requirements.

1.3.2 Assessment shall include a component of on-the-job competency assessment.


1.4.1 The competency-based training and assessment programme for FOOs shall include an ongoing evaluation of
the training programme acceptable to the authority. The evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the training and assessment plans are relevant to the work of FOOs in the specific context and environment to
which they may be assigned after training;
b) the programme enables the trainees to achieve the interim and final competency standards; and
c) remediation actions are taken if in-training and post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.


Appendix 1 to Chapter 1



1. Introduction

1.1 This appendix provides guidance to authorities, approved training organizations (ATOs) and airlines on the
measures to be taken to facilitate the efficient implementation of competency-based training and assessment for FOOs.
Detailed guidance on how to structure competency-based training and assessment for FOOs in different phases of training
can be found in the Manual on Flight Operations Officers/Flight Dispatchers Competency-based Training and
Assessment (Doc 10106).

2. Guidelines for the Authority

2.1 In view of the developmental nature of a first competency-based FOO programme in an ATO or airline, the
approval should be provisional and should be confirmed only after obtaining a satisfactory result from the implementation
of the first courses and after incorporating the lessons learnt into the training programme.

2.2 Guidance material regarding the approval of the training and assessment plans of competency-based training
and assessment programmes, as well as the quality assurance system used by an approved training organization in
implementing these programmes, can be found in the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

2.3 Oversight by the authority shall be exercised during the initial implementation.

2.4 It is intended that the training programme be subject to regular evaluation to ensure the effectiveness of the
training and its relevance to real-time operations.

2.5 The success of the implementation of the FOO competency-based training and assessment depends to a large
measure on effective coordination and cooperation between the authority, the ATO and the Operators employing the
FOOs, and FOO representative bodies. Authorities should encourage and facilitate such cooperation and coordination.


II-3-1-App 1-1 5/11/20

Appendix 2 to Chapter 1



1. The ICAO competency framework for FOOs provides the basis that ATOs and Operators shall use to develop an
adapted competency model suitable for their operating environment.

2. ATOs and Operators shall use the training specifications and the adapted competency model to develop their training
and assessment programmes.

3. The ICAO Competency framework for FOOs is generic and applicable to all the job functions (flight dispatcher,
operations controller, etc.). Consequently, the framework does not address the specific definition of duties, sharing
of tasks, and proficiency levels existing in the organization.

4. The framework is independent of the operating conditions, including the type of equipment in use or of the major
areas of application.

Note 1. —The competencies and observable behaviours in the table below are not listed according to any pre-defined
priority. Observable behaviours may include, but are not limited to, the observable behaviours listed in the table below.

Note 2.— The principles of risk management should be integrated in the development of competency-based training
and assessment programmes.

II-3-1-App 2-1 5/11/20

II-3-1-App 2-2 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

Application of Identifies and applies OB 1.1 Interprets SOPs appropriately
procedures and procedures in accordance
regulations with published operating OB 1.2 Applies SOPs flexibly where necessary
instructions and applicable
regulations. OB 1.3 Follows all procedures in a timely manner.

OB 1.4 Complies with applicable regulations and

Technical Applies and improves OB 2.1 Retrieves the applicable data and operating
expertise individual technical procedures
knowledge and skills. OB 2.2 Explains to other stakeholders the intent of the
applicable procedure for a given context when
OB 2.3 Uses appropriate operational information
(Meteorological, airports, crew, aircraft,
network, general) to make optimum decisions
OB 2.4 Uses standard and non-standard information
distribution systems and sources
OB 2.5 Keeps up to date with changes to operational
Process Contributes to the OB 3.1 Consistently provides appropriate guidance to
Improvement continuous improvement of stakeholders and colleagues on how to
the system. implement procedures
OB 3.2 Analyses evidence to identify opportunities for
process improvement
OB 3.3 Proposes process improvements for
approval/adoption by management
OB 3.4 Provide suitable justification for proposed
OB 3.5 Recognizes trends in practice of one’s own
technical area
Communication Communicates effectively OB 4.1 Ensures the recipient is ready and able to
in all situations. receive the information
OB 4.2 Selects appropriately what, when, how and
with whom to communicate
OB 4.3 Conveys messages clearly, accurately and
OB 4.4 Uses and interprets non-verbal communication
OB 4.5 Confirms that the recipient correctly
understands important information
OB 4.6 Listens actively when receiving information

OB 4.7 Asks relevant and effective questions

OB 4.8 Adheres to standard radiotelephone

Part II — Section 3, Chapter 1, Appendix 2 II-3-1-App 2-3

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

phraseology and procedures

OB 4.9 Accurately interprets communication in the

language used in the Operation Manuals and in
the operational environment
Situational Perceives and comprehends OB 5.1 Identifies hazards and assesses risks
Awareness all of the relevant
information available and OB 5.2 Adjusts the operation in response to changes in
anticipates what could the available the available resources
happen that may affect the (infrastructure, IT-systems, personnel)
operation. OB 5.3 Assesses the status of the operation (technical
status of aircraft, weather conditions,
NOTAMS, industrial action etc.)
OB 5.4 Monitors current operations to identify
operational risk
OB 5.5 Develops contingency plans sufficiently in
advance of an identifiable threat or risk
Workload Manages available OB 6.1 Plans, prioritizes and schedules tasks
management resources efficiently to effectively
prioritize and perform tasks
OB 6.2 Manages time efficiently when carrying out
in a timely manner under
all circumstances.
OB 6.3 Maintains self-control in all situations

OB 6.4 Collaborates to balance workload

OB 6.5 Delegates tasks when necessary

OB 6.6 Recognizes overload and asks for help early

OB 6.7 Monitors and cross-checks actions

OB 6.8 Verifies that tasks are completed with the

expected outcome
OB 6.9 Manages interruptions, distractions and
OB 6.10 Evaluates individual capacity to perform work
and takes appropriate action
Problem-solving Accurately identifies risks OB 7.1 Identifies relevant information required for the
and decision- and resolves problems. analysis of operational situations
OB 7.2 Develops and applies an appropriate model for
Uses appropriate decision-
the situation (relations, coefficients etc.)
making techniques.
OB 7.3 Makes appropriate decisions when confronted
with conflicting, unexpected or incomplete
OB 7.4 Adapts decision-making process to available

II-3-1-App 2-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 7.5 Evaluates options in view of safety, costs and
operational stability
OB 7.6 Define the deadlines that limit the available
OB 7.7 Uses appropriate decision-making processes
and tools
OB 7.8 Evaluates own decision-making to improve
Leadership and Collaborates up, down OB 8.1 Manages professional relationships with
teamwork and across the appropriate role boundaries
organization to foster OB 8.2 Gains the trust and confidence of others
and promote a clear
vision and common OB 8.3 Inspires others to collaborate and strive
goals. Energizes others towards excellence
to achieve the OB 8.4 Resolves conflicts and disagreements in a
operational goals. constructive manner
OB 8.5 Takes responsibility for mistakes

OB 8.6 Provides relevant information and solutions to

OB 8.7 Provides and seeks effective and constructive


Procedures for
Air Navigation Services


Part III



III-(i) 5/11/20

This part outlines the principles and procedures for the development and implementation of competency-based training
and assessment programme for aircraft maintenance personnel.


PANS-TRG III-(iii) 5/11/20

Chapter 1




The purpose of the PANS-TRG is to support the training and qualification of personnel conducting activities affecting
safety and for whom there are detailed SARPs in Annexes or procedures in PANS with requirements for such training
and qualification. This part outlines the principles and procedures for the development and implementation of a
competency-based training and assessment programme for aircraft maintenance personnel in order to focus training and
assessment on how an AMTEM is expected to competently perform on the job. The goal of competency-based training
and assessment is to provide a competent workforce for personnel working in aircraft maintenance including those with
certification privileges. The Manual on Training of Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (Doc 10098) contains guidance
material on the design and development of an aircraft maintenance personnel training programme as well as examples of
training objectives based on Appendix 2 to Chapter 1 Guidelines for the Implementation of Competency-based Training
and Assessment for Aircraft Maintenance Personnel. Implementation of competency-based training and assessment
programmes for AMTEM personnel is optional.


1.2.1 The development of competency-based training and assessment shall be based on a systematic approach
whereby competencies and their performance criteria are defined, training is based on the competencies identified, and
assessments are developed to determine whether these competencies have been achieved.

1.2.2 Competency-based training and assessment may be implemented by an AMO or an ATO, or a combination
of both. If implemented, in addition to Part I, Chapter 2, competency-based training and assessment shall address as a
minimum the following:

a) the conduct of a training needs analysis;

b) the derivation of training objectives from the training needs analysis and their formulation in an observable and
measurable fashion;

c) the development of a curriculum with a view to achieving an optimal path to the attainment of competencies;

d) the development of material-dependent training (as opposed to instructor-dependent training);

e) the development of criterion-referenced, valid, reliable and performance-oriented assessments;

f) the performance criteria to be considered by the assessor when assessing each competency and the use of an
assessment (evidence) guide applicable to all competency-based assessments.

Note. — A definition of Assessment (evidence) guide can be found in Part I, Chapter 1 of the PANS-TRG.

PANS-TRG III-1-1 5/11/20

III-1-2 Procedures — Training

g) the selection and description of the training for competency-based assessors;

Note. — Guidance on the selection and training of competency–based assessors is contained in the Manual on
Training of Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (Doc 10098).

h) the identification of indicators to be used to evaluate the effectiveness of training on the AMTEM’s performance;

i) the use of an ongoing evaluation process to ensure the effectiveness of training and its relevance to real-time


Part I, Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG contains guidance on the design of competency-based training and assessment.
Licensing Authorities responsible for approving training programmes of AMOs and ATOs should ensure that the training
programmes meet the provisions of Part I, Chapter 2.


1.4.1 The competency framework supports the establishment of a systematic approach as mentioned in Part I,
Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG by providing a model that should be adapted to suit the variety of situations that exist
worldwide in the aircraft maintenance personnel environment.

1.4.2 The ICAO competency framework for aircraft maintenance personnel as contained in Appendix 1 to Chapter 1
consists of a select group of competencies with their associated description and observable behaviours. Organizations
electing to implement competency-based training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel shall use this ICAO
competency framework to develop an adapted competency model that forms the basis for development of competency-
based training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel. The assessment (evidence) guide is to be developed
by AMOs and/or ATOs as part of the local adaptation process.

Note.— The elements of an adapted competency model are outlined in Part I, Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG and include
performance criteria for each competency.

1.4.3 The competencies with their associated description and observable behaviours shall be used to develop
performance criteria

Note.— The definition of performance criteria is provided in Part I, Chapter 1, of the PANS-TRG.


1.5.1 Competency-based training and assessment programmes for aircraft maintenance personnel shall be based on
the competencies contained in the ICAO competency framework in Appendix 1 to this chapter, as applicable to the
aircraft maintenance domain, and shall be created using the analysis, design, develop, implement and evaluate (ADDIE)
instructional systems design (ISD) methodology or equivalent.

Note. — A detailed step-by-step guide on the design of competency-based training and assessment using the ADDIE
model is found in Attachment C to Part I, Chapter 2.

Part III — Chapter 1 III-1-3

1.5.2 Each phase of a CBT programme including theoretical and practical training shall integrate the CBT approach
as necessary to ensure required level of competency is achieved The training programme shall comply with the principles
of CBTA listed in Part I Chapter 2, section 2.2. Instructors and Assessors shall be qualified and competent in the technical
domain for which the certificate of competency shall be issued. When conducted by an AMO, the training shall be
performed under the supervision of a suitably qualified and licensed aircraft maintenance technician/engineer/mechanic.
When conducted by an ATO, the training shall be performed under the supervision of an instructor qualified and
competent in the technical domain for which the certificate of competency shall be issued.

Note.— Guidelines for the implementation of aircraft maintenance personnel competency-based training and
assessment can be found in Appendix 2 to this chapter.

1.5.3 Training courses for aircraft maintenance personnel shall include continuous formative assessments of the
performance of individual students attending the programme. The process of ongoing evaluation shall be acceptable to
the Authority. This evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the training competencies and related assessment are relevant to the task of aircraft maintenance personnel
acting in a particular function; and

b) the training plan is designed to enable the trainees to meet the interim (if defined) and final competency

1.5.4 Corrective action shall be taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.


1.6.1 Licensing Authorities, AMOs and ATOs electing to implement competency-based training and assessment
may develop an adapted competency model with its associated performance criteria. The model can be adapted from the
corresponding ICAO competency framework in developing and approving their own training and assessment
programmes for the licensing and/or authorization of aircraft maintenance personnel.

1.6.2 Design of competency-based training and assessment of Part I, Chapter 2, provides a step-by-step guide for
licensing authorities. AMOs and ATOs intending to establish competency-based training and assessment that is specific
to their environment and requirements shall ensure compliance with Part I, Chapter 2, Attachment C.

1.6.3 Aircraft maintenance personnel shall meet the final competency standards approved by the appropriate
authority and in compliance with Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing requirements.


Part I, Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG contains guidance on the development of training and assessment materials.
Licensing Authorities responsible for approving training programmes of AMOs and ATOs should ensure that the training
and assessment materials meet the provisions of this chapter.

III-1-4 Procedures — Training


1.8.1 The competency-based training and assessment for aircraft maintenance personnel shall include formative
and/or summative assessment to evaluate the effectiveness of the training and of the performance of individual students
attending the training. The evaluation process shall be acceptable to the Authority. This evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the training and related assessment plans are relevant to the task of aircraft maintenance personnel acting in a
particular function;

b) the trainees meet the interim (if defined) and final competency standards; and

c) it achieves the training objectives as derived from the training needs analysis.

1.8.2 Corrective action shall be taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.

Note.— Attachment C to Part I, Chapter 2 illustrates the process that should be considered for evaluating a
competency-based training and assessment course.


Appendix 1 to Chapter 1


1. Introduction

1. This appendix provides a competency framework for aircraft maintenance personnel, which is designed to be
used by ATOs and AMOs in developing adapted competency models to suit their organizational context; adapted
competency models are then used by ATOs and AMOs to develop competency-based training and assessment plans.

2. The ICAO competency framework for aircraft maintenance personnel is generic in nature and applicable to broad
rating categories. The framework is independent of the type of equipment in use or maintenance activity performed.

3. The competency frameworks were developed with the following assumptions:

— they are targeted to aircraft maintenance technicians/engineers/mechanics and/or aircraft component
maintenance, aircraft maintenance mechanics/technicians/engineers working within the scope of aircraft,
engines and instruction for continued airworthiness found in a variety of manuals and other maintenance
instructions which describe how these tasks are executed and to which standards;
— they are applicable in aircraft line, base and workshop maintenance; and
— they apply to all aircraft and components thereof.

Note.― The competencies and observable behaviours in the table below are not listed according to any pre-defined
priority. Observable behaviours may include, but are not limited to, the observable behaviours listed in the table below.

PANS-TRG III-1-App 1-1 5/11/20

III-1-App 1-2 Procedures — Training


Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

ICAO Competency 1 Description 1 OB 1.1 Identifies correct processes and
procedures associated with a specific
APPLICATION OF Identifies and applies task
PROCEDURES procedures in accordance OB 1.2 Demonstrates proper use of documents.
with appropriate OB 1.3 Applies system knowledge appropriately
documents and OB 1.4 Demonstrates compliance with
applicable regulations, applicable regulations
using the appropriate OB 1.5 Documents work performed or
knowledge accomplished correctly
ICAO Competency 2 Description 2 OB 2.1 Plans prioritizes and schedules tasks
WORK Manages available OB 2.2 Identifies where and when assistance is
MANAGEMENT resources efficiently to needed
prioritize and perform OB 2.3 Requests assistance when and where
tasks in a safe and required
efficient manner OB 2.4 Manages time effectively
OB 2.5 Selects appropriate tools, equipment and
resources to support the efficient
achievement of tasks
OB 2.6 Uses available tools safely, efficiently
and effectively
OB 2.7 Offers and accepts assistance, when
necessary and asks for help
OB 2.8 Inspects work area after completion of
OB 2.9 Verifies that tasks are completed to the
relevant procedures
OB 2.10 Manages environmental stress,
interruptions, distractions, variations and
failures effectively
ICAO Competency 3 Description 3 OB 3.1 Maintains awareness of the maintenance
SITUATIONAL Recognize and OB 3.2 Maintains awareness of hazard situations
AWARENESS understands the OB 3.3 Recognises the future operational
maintenance environment situations
and relevant information; OB 3.4 Verifies that information is accurate and
anticipates future events assumptions are correct
OB 3.5 Is cognisant of ongoing concurrent
OB 3.6 Assesses situations and reports
ICAO Competency 4 Description 4 OB 4.1 Applies technical knowledge and skills
as appropriate for the task
TECHNICAL Applies and improves OB 4.2 Answers technical questions accurately
EXPERTISE technical knowledge and OB 4.3 Keeps up to date on specialized technical
skills to perform knowledge and skills
maintenance safely and OB 4.4 Applies appropriate procedures in
efficiently accordance with the applicable standards

Part III — Chapter 1, Appendix 1 III-1-App 1-3

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

ICAO Competency 5 Description 5 OB 5.1 Evaluates the inter-relationship between
policies, processes and procedures
SYSTEM THINKING Understands and OB 5.2 Evaluates the inter-relationship between
determines how the various systems including quality
various components of planning, quality control, and quality
systems management assurance of the stakeholder
interact and affect the OB 5.3 Recognises importance of continuous
overall system safety improvement, reactive and proactive
performance processes
OB 5.4 Recognizes the essential components of a
functional safety management system and
their interoperability
OB 5.5 Recognise whether the stakeholder’s
management processes are appropriate
for the size and scope of the operation
OB 5.6 Correctly interprets performance data
OB 5.7 Assesses if the stakeholder safety
objectives achieve the desired safety
OB 5.8 Provides feedback on potential
deficiencies of the regulatory framework
OB 5.9 Understands that root cause(s) of
deficiencies results from single-point or
systemic failure(s)
ICAO Competency 6 Description 6 OB 6.1 Coordinates with personnel and
other stakeholders
COORDINATION Manages coordination OB 6.2 Selects coordination/ handover
AND HANDOVER and handover between method based on circumstances,
personnel including the urgency of
coordination, the status of
facilities and the prescribed
OB 6.3 Report safety-critical
OB 6.4 Coordinates handover using the
prescribed coordination
OB 6.5 Coordinates changes to status of
equipment, systems and
OB 6.6 Uses clear and concise
terminology for verbal
coordination and confirms that
the message was properly
OB 6.7 Uses standard message formats
and protocols for non-verbal
OB 6.8 Conducts effective briefings
during position handover
including transfer of
maintenance tasks

III-1-App 1-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

ICAO Competency 7 Description 7 OB 7.1 Carries out comprehensive risk
assessments using appropriate
RISK MANAGEMENT Demonstrates an methodologies
effective safety approach OB 7.2 Makes decisions based on risk
to the work environment assessment outcome
considering its risk OB 7.3 Identify accurately problem areas or
profile and the hazards that may negatively impact safety
availability of resources OB 7.4 Recognizes company policies, work
practices, or organizational cultures that
indicate increased levels of risk
OB 7.5 Analyses root causes applicable to their
ICAO Competency 8 Description 8 OB 8.1 Fosters an atmosphere of open
TEAMWORK Operates safely and OB 8.2 Encourages team participation and
efficiently as a team cooperation
member OB 8.3 Uses feedback to improve overall team
OB 8.4 Provides feedback constructively
OB 8.5 Shows respect and tolerance for other
OB 8.6 Carries out duties in support of a team
OB 8.7 Uses negotiating and problem-solving
techniques to manage unavoidable
conflict when encountered
OB 8.8 Raises relevant concerns in an
appropriate manner
OB 8.9 Accepts feedback constructively
OB 8.10 Shares experiences with the aim of
continuous improvement
OB 8.11 Manages interpersonal conflicts to
maintain an effective team environment
OB 8.12 Anticipates and responds appropriately to
the needs of others
OB 8.13 Demonstrates integrity and honesty
OB 8.14 Demonstrate soundness and good

Part III — Chapter 1, Appendix 1 III-1-App 1-5

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

ICAO Competency 9 Description 9 OB 9.1 Determines possible solutions to an
identified problem
PROBLEM-SOLVING Accurately identifies and OB 9.2 Prioritizes effectively
AND DECISION- resolves problems using OB 9.3 Manages risks effectively
MAKING the appropriate decision- OB 9.4 Considers rules and operating procedures
making processes when determining possible solutions to a
OB 9.5 Implements a chosen solution to a
OB 9.6 Organizes tasks in accordance with
determined priorities
OB 9.7 Applies appropriate mitigation strategies
for the identified hazards
OB 9.8 Works through problems without
reducing safety
OB 9.9 Considers expediency and efficiency in
ICAO Competency 10 Description 10 OB 10.1 Manages stress in an appropriate manner
OB 10.2 Self-evaluates to improve performance
SELF MANAGEMENT Demonstrates personal OB 10.3 Adapts to the demands of a situation as
AND CONTINUOUS attributes that improve needed
LEARNING performance and OB 10.4 Engages in continuous development
maintain an active activities
involvement in self- OB 10.5 Takes responsibility for own
learning and self- performance; detects and resolves own
development errors
OB 10.6 Improves performance through self-
OB 10.7 Seeks and uses feedback to improve
OB 10.8 Maintains self-control and performs
effectively in adverse situations
OB 10.9 Maintains awareness of developments in
aviation and technological evolution
OB 10.10 Participates in learning activities

III-1-App 1-6 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

ICAO Competency 11 Description 11 OB 11.1 Selects appropriate method of
COMMUNICATION communication
Communicates OB 11.2 Uses effective verbal communication
effectively in all OB 11.3 Uses effective written and other non-
situations and verbal communication
ensures clear and OB 11.4 Maintains situational awareness when
common understanding selecting method of communication
Speaks clearly, accurately and concisely
OB 11.5 Uses appropriate vocabulary and
expressions for communications with
OB 11.6 Demonstrates active listening by asking
relevant questions and providing
OB 11.7 Verifies comprehension of counterparts
and corrects as necessary
OB 11.8 Uses eye contact, body movements and
gestures that are consistent with verbal
messages where applicable,
OB 11.9 Interprets non-verbal communication


Appendix 2 to Chapter 1



1. Introduction

1.1 This Appendix provides guidance to authorities, ATOs and AMOs on the measures to be taken to facilitate the
efficient implementation of competency-based training and assessment for AMTEM. Detailed guidance on how to
structure competency-based training and assessment for AMTEMs is contained in the Manual on Training of Aircraft
Maintenance Personnel (Doc 10098).

1.2 The effectiveness of a Quality Management System of an AMO depends on the competency of its maintenance
personnel. Competency standards therefore play a key role in harmonizing task performance, thereby upholding and
potentially improving safety standards in aircraft maintenance. Whether the work is performed by licensed/authorized
personnel or not, all personnel inspect their own work. In some cases where specifically identified, a second inspection
(independent inspection) is deemed necessary. Since the risk associated with a poorly performed task rests to a large
extent with the individual, it is essential to ensure that personnel authorized to sign for their own work performance be
adequately trained and assessed against the corresponding competency standards.

1.3 Airworthiness regulations stipulate the licences and authorizations that personnel shall acquire and maintain
valid in order to exercise the certification privileges for different aircraft maintenance tasks. These regulations vary
substantially from one State to another in terms of the scope of the privileges, and the requirements for training,
experience and examination or assessment. Harmonization of training standards may facilitate the movement of
competent personnel among Contracting States.

1.4 Competency-based training and assessment of aircraft maintenance personnel facilitates the use of a modular
approach suited for the wide variety of maintenance tasks. Because generic knowledge-based training programmes are
not outcome-driven, their effectiveness in terms of time and resources used can be limited. Competency-based training
and assessment programmes can be tailored to specific sets of competencies required to perform defined maintenance
operations, with each competency representing a “building block”.

1.5 This modular approach can deliver further efficiencies by taking into account the already acquired competencies
that a particular trainee brings into a training programme. Typically, trainees entering a course do not have to meet
predetermined entry requirements or undergo a pre-training assessment. For some students, this can result in the repetition
of previously attended training and for others in unrealistically demanding course content. To increase the effectiveness
and efficiency of the training programmes, the pre-training competencies of trainees should be measured against the
competencies to be achieved. Consequently, individual training needs would be identified and training focused on the
identified competency gaps thereby potentially reducing training time and effort.

1.6 The constant introduction of new technology results in a permanent requirement for aircraft maintenance
personnel to adopt new methods and processes. Consequently, personnel need to master new knowledge and skills to
meet the competencies needed to cope with technological development. Because of its modular approach, a competency-
based training and assessment programme can easily accommodate the introduction of training activities for new
technological applications.

PANS-TRG III-1-App 2-1 5/11/20

III-1-App-2-2 Procedures — Training

1.7 Finally, competency-based training and assessment programmes accommodate the introduction of new, more
effective and efficient training methodologies, including but not limited to simulation, e-learning, multi-media-based and
self-directed learning.

2. Guidelines for the civil aviation authorities

and maintenance organizations

2.1 Aircraft maintenance technician/engineer/mechanic

(AMTEM) training and licensing path

2.1.1 Competency-based training and assessment requires ongoing evaluation to ensure that it remains effective
and relevant to maintenance operations. All relevant Standards related to an approved training organization in Annex 1
— Personnel Licensing, Appendix 2 shall apply, including those dealing with approval of the curriculum and quality
assurance system.

2.1.2 Guidance material regarding the approval of the training and assessment plans of competency-based training
and assessment programmes, as well as the quality assurance system used by an approved training organization in
implementing these programmes, can be found in the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

2.1.3 One of the attributes of competency-based training and assessment, as defined in this document, is the use of
an ongoing process for the evaluation of the training programme to ensure the effectiveness of the training and its
relevance to real-time operations. This aspect of regular evaluation is especially important during the initial
implementation of an AMTEM competency-based programme.

2.1.4 Oversight by the authority shall be exercised during the initial implementation. The need for regular feedback
from the ATO or AMO to the authority on the progress and problems faced during delivery of the programme is important.
How this feedback is to be provided to the authority shall therefore be clearly stated as part of the approval.

2.1.5 The success of the implementation of aircraft maintenance personnel competency-based training and
assessment depends to a large measure on effective coordination and cooperation between the authority, the ATO and
the AMOs employing the trained personnel. Authorities should encourage such cooperation and coordination.

2.2 Competency-based training and assessment — basic training

Note.― Basic training may be referred to as initial training or fundamental training.

2.2.1 At the end of basic training, students shall demonstrate the set of competencies associated with the standard
practices applied in aircraft maintenance activities. In order to demonstrate these competencies, underlying knowledge
and skills shall be acquired. These standard practices are applicable to all types of aircraft, aeronautical equipment and
all existing environments.

2.2.2 As the personnel involved in aircraft maintenance should undergo basic training, it is essential that civil
aviation authorities closely monitor these training programmes and oversee the final examinations and assessments to
ensure that trainees meet the standards associated with the set of competencies that they will use on the job. Civil aviation
authorities shall therefore approve basic competency-based training and assessment programmes.

2.2.3 Conditional to trainees successfully passing the required basic training examinations and assessments that
demonstrate competency, Licensing Authorities may issue aircraft maintenance licences without endorsement for any
particular rating, giving clear statements about which competencies the licence holder can demonstrate.

Part III — Chapter 1, Appendix 2 III-1-App 2-3

2.3 Competency-based training and assessment — aircraft

maintenance personnel ratings

2.3.1 At the end of competency-based training and assessment for a particular maintenance rating, students shall
demonstrate the set of competencies required to perform maintenance tasks for that rating. These maintenance tasks are
described in the instructions for continued airworthiness found in a variety of manuals and other authorized maintenance
instructions which describe how these tasks are executed and to which standards.

2.3.2 In order to perform work in accordance with maintenance instructions, an AMTEM needs to apply the relevant
standard practices learned in basic training to the particular ratings.

2.3.3 Competency-based training and assessment for a particular maintenance rating shall address the features that
are unique to the aircraft type or component to be worked on and were not included in basic training. Competency-based
training and assessment for rating shall include but is not limited to the following features:

— location and identification of systems and components;

— operation and monitoring of systems and components;

— analysis of system or component functions;

— removal and installation of units;

— troubleshooting, performance of adjustments and tests; and

— use of appropriate tools, equipment and materials.

2.3.4 Because of the wide variety in the scope of work undertaken by different maintenance organizations and their
personnel, ATOs and/or AMOs shall be responsible for the contents of training programmes for a particular rating
required for the various maintenance functions personnel carry out.

2.3.5 The civil aviation authority shall closely monitor competency-based training programmes for a particular
rating and approve them. These programmes shall be described in the aviation training organization training and
procedures manual and the maintenance organization’s procedures manual (MOPM). The evaluation of the effectiveness
of the training programmes is the responsibility of both organizations and shall be included in the auditing and monitoring
activities performed by the civil aviation authority on that organization.

2.3.6 Examiners/Assessors designated by the ATOs or AMOs and accepted by the Licensing Authority are
responsible for the final competency-based examinations and assessments of the students in courses for a particular rating.
These examinations and assessments should not only examine the attained knowledge but also ensure that the students
demonstrate competencies to perform maintenance tasks to defined standards as per the maintenance instructions. Based
on the successful completion of these examinations and assessments, the AMO shall issue aircraft maintenance
authorizations which clearly indicate the competencies that the holder of the authorization has demonstrated.

2.3.7 The procedures to conduct examinations and assessments, shall be described in the aviation training
organization training and procedures manual. The procedures to conduct assessment and authorizations shall be described
in the maintenance organizations procedures manual (MOPM). The civil aviation authority shall approve these
procedures and exercise oversight.

III-1-App-2-4 Procedures — Training

2.4 Competency-based training and assessment flowcharts

of existing licensing and training paths

2.4.1 The competency-based approach can be introduced in different ways in the existing licensing and training
paths. The flowcharts contained in Chapter 3 of the Manual on Training of Aircraft Maintenance Personnel (Doc 10098)
illustrate how this can be accommodated. All start with the student attending basic training.


Chapter 2




This chapter provides material on the implementation of a competency-based approach to training and assessment for
personnel working in aircraft maintenance, including those with certification privileges. This material is complementary
to those provided in Part I, Chapter 2. Furthermore, the material will be useful to Licensing Authorities responsible for
approving training programmes at approved maintenance organizations (AMOs) and approved training organizations
(ATOs) for maintenance personnel.



2.2.1 Aircraft maintenance work covers a wide range of activities. Therefore, aircraft maintenance personnel require
a wide range of competencies that depends on:

a) the type and scope of work they do;

b) the type and structure of the maintenance organization in which they work; and

c) the environment in which they work.

2.2.2 In most States, maintenance functions have been grouped, and national Licensing Authorities issue aircraft
maintenance licences in accordance with these groups. Typically, these licences are issued in accordance with one of the
following groups:

a) licences covering a certain technology range (e.g. airframe, engines, avionics, and aircraft systems); and

b) defining the kind of tasks: licences covering a certain maintenance environment (e.g. line maintenance, base
maintenance, shop maintenance and their special processes);

and within these groups there are additional subsets like:

a) AMTEM licences with or without particular rating endorsements; and

b) licences rated to a certain level or complexity of work (e.g. Level 1-2-3/Level A-B-C).

2.2.3 Where maintenance personnel are required to hold a licence, training programmes shall follow the licensing
requirements. Where maintenance personnel are not required to hold licences, training programmes are required to
comply with the minimum requirements of Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing.

PANS-TRG III-2-1 5/11/20

III-2-2 Procedures — Training



2.3.1 Holders of licences and/or authorizations are granted privileges to perform defined maintenance tasks and are
accountable for them. Therefore, the competencies required to perform these maintenance tasks should form the basis of
training, examinations and assessments.

2.3.2 The Licensing Authority or organization (as described in 2.4) shall ensure that a candidate for a particular
licence and/or authorization demonstrates the required set of competencies in relation to the privileges granted.


2.4.1 Introduction Licensing Authorities set the standards for the issue of licences in terms of contents, training and experience
requirements, examinations and assessments, and administrative procedures. They may delegate some or all of these
functions to designated personnel of ATOs or AMOs, or they may allow AMOs to substitute or complement licences
with in-house issued authorizations, which would then grant maintenance and certification privileges on behalf of the
AMO. In the latter case, the system which controls the issue of authorizations has to be described in the MOPM, which
is subject to civil aviation authority approval. A candidate to obtain a licence or authorization shall demonstrate that the required competencies associated
with the licence/authorization have been attained. These competencies can be acquired through formal training, practical
experience, self-study or a combination of these methods

2.4.2 Involvement of the Licensing Authority

in competency-based training and assessment The scope, requirements and privileges of the AMTEM licence issued, its ratings and/or authorizations shall
be stipulated in the State’s regulations and, in the case of authorizations, expanded in the AMO quality management
documentation. The Licensing Authority may delegate certain functions leading to the issuance of a particular rated licence
endorsements to designated personnel of AMOs under its jurisdiction and shall exercise oversight over the designees’
performance of delegated functions. AMOs would then issue those authorizations which reflect the scope of maintenance
work that the organization performs. The criteria for the issuance of these authorizations shall be stipulated in the AMO’s
quality management documentation, which is approved by the civil aviation authority. The scope and privileges of the authorizations as well as the prerequisites for their issuance, extension,
currency, revocation, cancellation and renewal are subject to the approval of the Licensing Authority.

2.4.3 Involvement of ATOs in competency-based

training and assessment Competency-based approved training for aircraft maintenance personnel shall be conducted within an ATO
for the issuance of a licence. An ATO providing training that will allow an alternate means of compliance with the
experience requirements established by Annex 1 should ensure that the programmes and their revisions shall be evaluated
and approved by the Licensing Authority. Conditions for obtaining the approval shall include having the necessary
documentation, manuals and equipment for conducting the course.

Part III — Chapter 2 III-2-3 One role of the ATOs is to deliver optional training programmes (including theoretical and practical training)
as appropriate in relation to the competencies required for a licence or an authorization. In addition, designated personnel
of ATOs should carry out competency-based exams and/or assessments for licences under delegation received from the
Licensing Authority, or for authorizations by delegated authority from the AMO, under its responsibility. The Licensing
Authority shall specify all requirements for competency-based exams and assessments including contents, delivery and
achievement standards and shall maintain oversight of the training and assessment processes.

2.4.4 Involvement of AMOs in competency-based

training and assessment Candidates for licences without particular rating endorsement may work in AMOs to gain practical
experience under the supervision of licensed/authorized personnel. In conjunction with self-study, distance learning, or
formal training, these candidates should acquire the required competency to become eligible for the assessments of that
training leading to the issuance of a licence by the appropriate authority. Should an AMO seek to provide training that will allow an alternate means of compliance with the
experience requirements established by Annex 1, the training programme, instructors and facilities shall meet the
requirements of an ATO. Furthermore, the training shall be conducted in accordance with the ATO requirements. The
AMO training programmes and their revisions shall be evaluated and approved by the Licensing Authority. For a particular rating and/or endorsements, the AMO shall specify an authorization system which reflects
its requirements in relation to the scope of the work performed in the AMO and the degree of specialization required by
its personnel. The contents and privileges granted by the authorizations shall be based on criteria given in the MOPM.
The Licensing Authority shall approve the instructions governing how the competency-based examinations/assessments
are performed to ensure that authorizations are granted only to personnel who can execute the attached privileges to the
defined standards.


Procedures for
Air Navigation Services


Part IV



IV-(i) 5/11/20
Part IV



This part contains four chapters with procedures for the development and implementation of a competency-based training
and assessment programme for air traffic controllers (ATCOs), ATC on-the-job training instructors (OJTIs) and air traffic
safety electronics personnel (ATSEP):

Chapter 1 outlines the general principles and procedures to be followed in the design and implementation of competency-
based training and assessment of ATM personnel.

Chapters 2, 3 and 4 outline the procedures that are applicable to the development and implementation of competency-
based training and assessment for ATCOs, ATC OJTIs and ATSEP, respectively, and that shall be followed, in addition
to those outlined in Part I, Chapter 2, by those training organizations or air navigation services providers (ANSPs) opting
for a competency-based approach. Chapters 2, 3 and 4 also contain the ICAO Competency Frameworks for the ATCOs,
ATC OJTIs and ATSEP, respectively.


PANS-TRG IV-(iii) 5/11/20

Chapter 1




This chapter outlines the requirements to be met in order to implement competency-based training and assessment for air
traffic management (ATM) personnel. If implemented, competency-based training and assessment shall comply with the
procedures of Part I, Chapter 2. Implementation of such training is, however, optional.



Competency-based training and assessment may be implemented by a training organization or an air navigation services
provider (ANSP), or a combination of both. If implemented, competency-based training and assessment shall comply
with procedures of Part I, Chapter 2.


PANS-TRG IV-1-1 5/11/20

Chapter 2




2.1.1 This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme
for ATCOs, with which approved training organizations (ATOs), air navigation services providers and Authorities shall
comply when implementing a competency-based training and assessment programme. These procedures are
complementary to those provided in Part I, Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG.

2.1.2 The ICAO competency framework for air traffic controllers provided in Appendix 2 to this chapter shall be
used as the basis for the development of an adapted competency model. The adapted competency model and associated
competency-based training and assessment programme shall be approved by the appropriate authority.


2.2.1 ATCOs shall meet the final competency standards approved by the appropriate Authority and in compliance
with Annex 1 — Personnel Licensing requirements.


2.3.1 The competency-based training and assessment programme for ATCOs shall include an ongoing evaluation
of the training programme acceptable to the authority. The evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the training and assessment plans are relevant to the work of air traffic controllers in the specific context and
environment to which they may be assigned after training;

b) the training plan is designed to enable the trainee to meet the interim (if defined) and final competency standards;

c) remedial actions are taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.

2.3.2 A competency-based training and assessment programme for ATCOs shall include on-the-job training to
ensure that the competencies appropriate to the exercise of duty are consistently achieved. On-the-job training shall be
performed under the supervision of a qualified ATC on-the-job training instructor who has been authorized to provide
instruction in the area for which the rating shall be issued and be conducted under the SMS of the ANSP.


PANS-TRG IV-2-1 5/11/20

Appendix 1 to Chapter 2



1. Introduction

1.1 This appendix provides guidance to authorities, approved training organizations (ATOs) and air navigation
services providers on the measures to be taken to facilitate the efficient implementation of competency-based training
and assessment for air traffic controllers (ATCOs).

1.2 Approved training organizations and air navigation service providers may elect to develop a competency-based
training and assessment for some of the phases of training (e.g. initial training, unit training, etc.). Detailed guidance on
how to structure competency-based training and assessment for ATCOs in different phases of training can be found in
the Manual on Air Traffic Controller Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc 10056).

2. Guidelines for the authority

2.1 In view of the developmental nature of a first competency-based ATCO programme in an ATO or air navigation
services provider (ANSP), the approval should be provisional and should be confirmed only after obtaining a satisfactory
result from the implementation of the first courses and after incorporating the lessons learnt into the training programme.

2.2 Guidance material regarding the approval of the training and assessment plans of competency-based training
and assessment programmes, as well as the quality assurance system used by an approved training organization in
implementing these programmes can be found in the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

2.3 One of the attributes of competency-based training and assessment, as defined in this document, is the use of
an ongoing process for the evaluation of the training programme to ensure the effectiveness of the training and its
relevance to real-time operations. This aspect of regular evaluation is especially important during the initial
implementation of an ATCO competency-based programme.

2.4 The need for regular feedback from the ATO or ANSP to the authority on the progress and problems faced
during and after delivery of the programme is important. How this feedback is to be provided to the authority shall
therefore be clearly stated as part of the approval.

2.5 The success of the implementation of the ATCO competency-based training and assessment depends to a large
measure on effective coordination and cooperation between the authority, the ATO and the ANSPs employing the ATCOs,
and controller representative bodies. Authorities should encourage and facilitate such cooperation and coordination.


PANS-TRG IV-2-App 1-1 5/11/20

Appendix 2 to Chapter 2



1. The ICAO competency framework for air traffic controllers provides the basis that shall be used to develop an
adapted competency model suitable for the ANSPs.

2. ATOs or ANSPs shall use the adapted competency model to develop their training programmes.

3. The ICAO competency framework for air traffic controllers is generic and applicable to broad rating categories
such as area, approach and aerodrome. The framework is independent of the type of equipment in use or of the major
areas of application (en-route, approach, tower, etc.) or of the sharing of tasks on the controller working position.

4. The principles of threat and error management should be integrated in the development of competency-based
training and assessment programmes.

Note.─ Guidance on threat and error management in air traffic control operations and on the collection of related
data is contained in Circular 314, Threat and Error Management (TEM) in Air Traffic Control, and Doc 9910, Normal
Operations Safety Survey (NOSS).


Note.― This framework needs to be adapted to the local context of the organization. The competencies and
observable behaviours in the table below are not listed according to any pre-defined priority. Observable behaviours
may include, but are not limited to, the observable behaviours listed in the table below.

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

Situational awareness Comprehend the current OB 1.1 Monitors air traffic in own area of responsibility and
operational situation and nearby airspace
anticipate future events
OB 1.2 Monitors the meteorological conditions that impact on
own area of responsibility and nearby airspace
OB 1.3 Monitors the status of the ATC systems and equipment
OB 1.4 Monitors the operational circumstances in nearby sectors
to anticipate impact on own situation
OB 1.5 Scans all available sources of information
OB 1.6 Acquires information from available surveillance and
flight data systems, meteorological data, electronic data
displays and any other means available
OB 1.7 Integrates information acquired from monitoring and
scanning into the overall picture
OB 1.8 Analyses the actual situation based on information
acquired from monitoring and scanning

PANS-TRG IV-2-App 2-1 5/11/20

IV-2-App 2-2 Procedures — Training

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 1.9 Interprets the situation based on the analysis
OB 1.10 Anticipates the future operational situation
OB 1.11 Identifies potential threats (e.g. high traffic volumes,
mountainous terrain, complex airspace infrastructure,
complex ATC procedures, adverse weather, unserviceable
navigational equipment, flight crew unfamiliar with airport
or procedures)
OB 1.12 Verifies that information is accurate and interpretation
are correct
OB 1.13 Uses available tools to monitor, scan, comprehend and
anticipate operational situations

Part IV — Chapter 2, Appendix 2 IV-2-App 2-3

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

Traffic and capacity Ensure a safe, orderly OB 2.1 Manages traffic using prescribed procedures
management and efficient traffic flow
OB 2.2 Issues clearances and instructions that take into account
and provide essential
aircraft performance, terrain obstacles, airspace
information on
constraints and weather
environment and
potentially hazardous OB 2.3 Uses a variety of techniques to effectively manage the
situations traffic (e.g. speed control, vectoring, traffic sequencing,
assigning climb/descent rate)
OB 2.4 Increases safety margins when deemed necessary
OB 2.5 Takes action when appropriate to ensure that demand
does not exceed sector capacity
OB 2.6 Maintains focus despite varying traffic levels
OB 2.7 Reacts appropriately to situations that have the
potential to become unsafe
OB 2.8 Issues clearances and instructions to the flight crew that
result in an efficient traffic flow
OB 2.9 Issues appropriate clearances and instructions
OB 2.10 Issues clearances and instructions in a timely manner
OB 2.11 Uses available tools to reduce delays and optimize
flight profiles
OB 2.12 Issues information on the runway conditions, status of
airspace, aerodrome resources and status of facilities in
a timely manner
OB 2.13 Issues hazard and safety alerts to the flight crews when
OB 2.14 Issues traffic proximity information to flight crews in a
relevant, accurate and timely manner
OB 2.15 Issues weather information to flight crews when

IV-2-App 2-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

Separation and conflict Manage potential traffic OB 3.1 Detects potential traffic conflicts
resolution conflicts and maintain
OB 3.2 Selects the appropriate separation method
OB 3.3 Applies appropriate separation and spacing
OB 3.4 Issues clearances and instructions that ensure
separation is maintained
OB 3.5 Issues clearance and instructions that resolve conflicts
OB 3.6 Resolves conflicts through coordination with adjacent
sectors or units
OB 3.7 Monitors the execution of separation actions
OB 3.8 Adjusts control actions, when necessary, to maintain
OB 3.9 Takes corrective action to restore appropriate
separation as soon as possible when below minima
Communication Communicate effectively OB 4.1 Selects communication mode that takes into account the
in all operational requirements of the situation, including speed, accuracy and
situations level of detail of the communication
OB 4.2 Speaks clearly, accurately and concisely
OB 4.3 Uses standard radiotelephony phraseology, when
OB 4.4 Adjusts speech techniques to suit the situation

OB 4.5 Demonstrates active listening by asking relevant

questions and providing feedback
OB 4.6 Verifies accuracy of read backs and corrects as necessary
OB 4.7 Uses plain language when standardized phraseology does
not exist or the situation warrants it
OB 4.8 Where applicable, uses eye contact, body movements
and gestures that are consistent with verbal messages and the
OB 4.9 Writes or inputs messages according to protocol or in a
clear and concise manner where protocol does not exist
OB 4.10 Communicates relevant concerns and intentions
OB 4.11 Verifies accuracy of system inputs and corrects as

Part IV — Chapter 2, Appendix 2 IV-2-App 2-5

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

Coordination Manage coordination OB 5.1 Determines the need for coordination
between personnel in OB 5.2 Coordinates with personnel in other operational positions
operational positions and and other stakeholders, in a timely manner
with other affected
OB 5.3 Selects coordination method based on circumstances,
including urgency of coordination, status of facilities and
prescribed procedures
OB 5.4 Coordinates the movement, control, transfer of control
and changes of previously coordinated data for flights using
the prescribed coordination procedures
OB 5.5 Coordinates changes of status of operational facilities
such as equipment, systems and functions
OB 5.6 Coordinates changes of status of airspace and aerodrome
OB 5.7 Uses clear and concise terminology for verbal

OB 5.8 Uses standard ATS message formats and protocol for

non-verbal coordination
OB 5.9 Uses clear and concise non-standard coordination
methods when required
OB 5.10 Conducts effective briefings during position
Management of non- Detect and respond to OB 6.1 Recognizes, from the information available, the
routine situations emergency and unusual possibility of an emergency or unusual situation developing
situations related to
OB 6.2 Verifies the nature of the emergency
aircraft operations and
manage degraded modes OB 6.3 Prioritizes actions based on the urgency of the situation
of ATS operation
OB 6.4 Selects the most appropriate type(s) of assistance that can
be given
OB 6.5 Follows prescribed procedures for communication and
coordination of urgent situations
OB 6.6 Provides assistance and takes action, when necessary, to
ensure safety of aircraft in area of responsibility
OB 6.7 Detects that ATS systems and/or equipment have
OB 6.8 Assesses the impact of a degraded mode of operation
OB 6.9 Follows prescribed procedures for managing,
coordinating and communicating a degraded mode of
OB 6.10 Creates solutions when no procedure exists for
responding to non-routine situations
Problem solving and Find and implement OB 7.1 Takes into account the existing rules and operating
decision making solutions for identified procedures when determining possible solutions to a
threats and associated problem
undesired states
OB 7.2 Uses appropriate tools to interrogate relevant systems as
prescribed to assist in determining possible solutions to a
OB 7.3 Implements an appropriate solution to a problem
OB 7.4 Establishes which situations have the highest priority
OB 7.5 Organizes tasks in accordance with an appropriate order
of priorities

IV-2-App 2-6 Procedures — Training

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 7.6 Applies an appropriate mitigation strategy for the threats
OB 7.7 Perseveres in working through problems without
impacting safety

Self-management Demonstrate personal OB 8.1 Takes responsibility for own performance, detecting and
attributes that improve resolving own errors
performance and
OB 8.2 Improves performance through self-evaluation of the
maintain an active
effectiveness of actions
involvement in self-
learning and self- OB 8.3 Maintains self-control in adverse situations
OB 8.4 Responds as needed to deal with the demands of the
changing situation

Part IV — Chapter 2, Appendix 2 IV-2-App 2-7

Competency Definition Observable behaviours (OB)

Workload management Use available resources OB 9.1 Manages tasks effectively in response to current and
to prioritize and perform future workload
tasks in an efficient and
OB 9.2 Manages interruptions and distractions effectively
timely manner
OB 9.3 Determines if and when support is necessary based on
OB 9.4 Asks for help, when necessary
OB 9.5 Delegates tasks when necessary to reduce workload
OB 9.6 Accepts assistance, when necessary
OB 9.7 Adjusts the pace of work according to workload
OB 9.8 Selects appropriate tools, equipment and resources to
support the efficient achievement of tasks
OB 9.9 Uses the automated capabilities of ATS equipment to
improve efficiency
Teamwork Operate as a team OB 10.1 Provides both positive and negative feedback
member constructively
OB 10.2 Accepts both positive and negative feedback
OB 10.3 Shows respect and tolerance for other people
OB 10.4 Carries out actions and duties in a manner that
fosters a team environment
OB 10.5 Manages interpersonal conflicts to maintain an
effective team environment
OB 10.6 Uses negotiating and problem-solving techniques to
help resolve unavoidable conflict when encountered
OB 10.7 Raises relevant concerns in an appropriate manner
OB 10.8 Anticipates and responds appropriately to the needs
of others


Chapter 3




3.1.1 This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme
for ATC on-the-job training instructors (OJTIs), with which approved training organizations (ATOs), air navigation
services providers and Authorities shall comply when implementing a competency-based training and assessment
programme. These procedures are complementary to those provided in Part I, Chapter 2 of the PANS-TRG.

3.1.2 The ICAO competency framework for ATC OJTIs provided in Appendix 2 to this chapter shall be used as the
basis for the development of an adapted competency model. The adapted competency model and associated competency-
based training and assessment programme shall be approved by the appropriate authority.


3.2.1 To be considered as qualified to conduct on-the-job training in the live operational environment, ATC OJTIs
shall meet the requirements of the approved OJTI adapted competency model.


3.3.1 The competency-based training and assessment programme for ATC OJTIs shall include an ongoing
evaluation of the training programme acceptable to the authority. The evaluation shall ensure that:

a) the training and assessment plans are relevant to the work of ATC OJTIs in the specific context and environment
within which they will provide training;

b) the training plan is designed to enable trainee ATC OJTIs to meet the final competency standards agreed with
the authority; and

c) remedial actions are taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.

3.3.2 A competency-based training and assessment programme for ATC OJTIs shall include sufficient practical
training to ensure that required competency appropriate to the exercise of duty is consistently achieved. This practical
training should be performed under the supervision of an instructor qualified and competent to train ATC OJTIs. In
instances where practical training of ATC OJTI trainees is provided through on-the-job training in live environment, the
instructor shall be qualified and competent as an ATC OJTI, and the training shall be conducted under the SMS of the

PANS-TRG IV-3-1 5/11/20

Appendix 1 to Chapter 3



1. Introduction

1.1 This appendix provides guidance to authorities, approved training organizations (ATOs) and air navigation
services providers on the measures to be taken to facilitate the efficient implementation of competency-based training
and assessment for ATC on-the-job-training-instructors (OJTIs).

1.2 Approved training organizations and air navigation service providers may elect to develop a competency-
based training and assessment for ATC OJTIs or some of the phases of this training (e.g. initial training, unit training,
etc.). Detailed guidance on how to structure competency-based training and assessment for ATC OJTIs can be found in
the Manual on Air Traffic Controller Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc 10056).

2. Guidelines for the authority

2.1 In view of the developmental nature of a first competency-based ATC OJTI programme in an ATO or air
navigation services provider (ANSP), the approval should be provisional and should be confirmed only after obtaining a
satisfactory result from the implementation of the first courses and after incorporating the lessons learnt into the training

2.2 Guidance material regarding the approval of the training and assessment plans of a competency-based training
and assessment programme, as well as the quality assurance system used by an approved training organization in
implementing these programmes can be found in the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

2.3 One of the attributes of competency-based training and assessment, as defined in this document, is the use of
an ongoing process for the evaluation of the training programme to ensure the effectiveness of the training and its
relevance to the requirements of training environment in real-time operations. This aspect of regular evaluation is
especially important during the initial implementation of an ATC OJTI competency-based programme.

2.4 The need for regular feedback from the ATO or ANSP to the authority on the progress and problems faced
during and after delivery of the programme is important. How this feedback is to be provided to the authority shall
therefore be clearly stated as part of the approval.

2.5 The success of the implementation of the ATC OJTI competency-based training and assessment depends to a
large measure on effective coordination and cooperation between the authority, the ATO, the ANSPs employing the ATC
OJTIs, and controller representative bodies. Authorities should encourage and facilitate such cooperation and


PANS-TRG IV-3-App 1-1 5/11/20

Appendix 2 to Chapter 3



1. The ICAO competency framework for ATC on-the-job training instructors provides the basis that shall be used
to develop an adapted competency model suitable for the State, region or a specific ANSP’s operating environment.

2. ATOs or ANSPs shall use the adapted competency model to develop their training programmes.

3. The ICAO competency framework for ATC OJTIs is generic and applicable to the provision of training for any
ATC OJTI irrespective of rating category. The framework is independent of the type of equipment in use or of the major
areas of application (en-route, approach, tower, etc.) or of the sharing of tasks on the controller working position.

4. The principles of threat and error management should be integrated in the development of competency-based
training and assessment programmes.



Note 1.— This framework is intended for air traffic controllers who are providing instruction to trainees in the live
operational environment.

Note 2.— This framework has not considered the competencies required for instructing in a simulated air traffic
environment; although it is acknowledged that many of the competencies are similar.

Note 3.— This framework does not address the specific definition of duties and proficiency levels existing in the

Note 4.― The competencies and observable behaviours in the table are not listed according to any pre-defined
priority. Observable behaviours may include but are not limited to the observable behaviours listed in the table below.

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

Situational Comprehends current OB 1.1 Maintains own situational awareness while instructing
Awareness operational situation,
OB 1.2 Monitors impact of trainee’s actions on the traffic situation
anticipates future events and
the impact of the trainee’s OB 1.3 Monitors impact of trainee’s actions on adjacent sectors
performance on the operation
OB 1.4 Monitors the trainee’s actions continuously

OB 1.5 Monitors the trainee’s behaviour for physical signs of cognitive

overload or acute stress

PANS-TRG IV-3-App 2-1 5/11/20

IV-3-App 2-2 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

Safety and Ensures safety and efficiency OB 2.1 Prioritises safety above teaching the trainee
Efficiency of the operation during
OB 2.2 Takes action to ensure safety is never compromised (e.g. correct errors,
Management training take over control)

OB 2.3 Intervenes in a timely manner to maintain an orderly flow of traffic,

when appropriate, and to ensure that safety is not compromised

OB 2.4 Ensures traffic efficiency is maintained, including impact on adjacent


OB 2.5 Manages own and trainee’s workload to ensure safe and efficient
operations (e.g. sector splitting, increased spacing, adapting
instructional techniques)

Mentoring Supports trainee integration OB 3.1 Develops a rapport with the trainee and provides encouragement and
into the professional support
environment by mentoring, OB 3.2 Promotes positive working relationships
advising, guiding and
creating a positive learning OB 3.3 Encourages a positive approach to learning
experience OB 3.4 Demonstrates empathy and understanding, recognising situations when
extra support is required

OB 3.5 Encourages trainee to self-reflect to identify strengths and weaknesses

and areas for improvement

OB 3.6 Encourages trainee to look for positive learning experiences from each
training session, even those that did not go well

OB 3.7 Encourages trainee to extract maximum training value from any

feedback, including negative points

OB 3.8 Encourages trainee to ask questions as part of the overall learning


OB 3.9 Helps trainee to build and maintain confidence through encouragement

and motivation

OB 3.10 Ensures sufficient repetition of learning activities

OB 3.11 Ensures opportunities for increasing complexity

Part IV — Chapter 3, Appendix 2 IV-3-App 2-3

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

Teaching, Provides instruction and OB 4.1 Prepares to deliver tailored training for each training session, briefs
Instructing and facilitates learning in the the trainee prior to taking over the operational position and ensures
the trainee understands what is required of him/her
Coaching operational environment
OB 4.2 Sets the goals for the session and explains clearly to the trainee the
expected performance standards
OB 4.3 Ensures the trainee understands the operational situation prior to
assuming control
OB 4.4 Maintains appropriate seating position and proximity to the trainee

OB 4.5 Uses targeted training techniques to enable learning (e.g. talk aloud
problem-solving techniques, demonstration, immediate bad habit
correction, trainee involvement, questioning techniques)

OB 4.6 Adapts training techniques and style to meet the needs of the trainee

OB 4.7 Ensures appropriate timing of teaching opportunities

OB 4.8 Recognises and responds appropriately to the trainee’s behaviour (e.g.

stress, under confidence, over-confidence)

OB 4.9 Allows the trainee to make decisions appropriate to their level of

competence and experience

OB 4.10 Confirms understanding of the trainee’s intended actions and plans

(e.g. using questioning techniques) and, when appropriate, trusts the
trainee to try their own plans

OB 4.11 Remains calm when taking control from the trainee in circumstances
dictating this type of intervention

OB 4.12 Provides constructive and balanced feedback in a timely and

appropriate manner

OB 4.13 Debriefs the trainee after the operational session to review the
performance emphasising positive actions, areas to work on and
strategies for improvement

OB 4.14 Helps trainee to develop strategies to overcome any gaps in


Communication Communicates effectively OB 5.1 Listens actively

with the trainee in verbal,
OB 5.2 Encourages constructive discussion about the trainee’s performance
non-verbal and written form
OB 5.3 Speaks clearly, accurately and in a calm and measured manner

OB 5.4 Adjusts speech techniques to suit the operational and/or instructional

situation (e.g. conveys a sense of urgency, speaks calmly)

OB 5.5 Adapts content of communication to the needs of the trainee (e.g. does
not overload with too much information)

OB 5.6 Explains complex situations clearly (e.g. traffic situations, application

of procedures, management of emergencies)

OB 5.7 Explains cognitive strategies clearly (e.g. how to analyse situations,

prioritize, select a course of action, distribute attention)

OB 5.8 Does not allow explanations or questions to cause a distraction

OB 5.9 Delivers difficult messages with tact and sensitivity

IV-3-App 2-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable behaviours (OB)

OB 5.10 Writes objective and comprehensive reports on the trainee’s

Assessment Evaluates the performance of OB 6.1 Gathers factual evidence of the trainee’s performance against the
the trainee for the purposes objectives
of enabling learning, OB 6.2 Gathers factual evidence for all the required competencies
monitoring progress and/or
determining if competence OB 6.3 Evaluates the trainee’s performance in relation to the competencies and
previously set goals and performance standards
has been achieved
OB 6.4 Analyses poor performance to determine root causes, when appropriate

OB 6.5 Determines remedial actions required to address deficiencies in

performance, when appropriate

OB 6.6 Determines if the evidence gathered, supports a decision that the

trainee is competent

OB 6.7 Applies consistent standards when assessing performance

Collaboration Collaborates with relevant OB 7.1 Gathers relevant information in advance for the purpose of tailoring
parties to facilitate a robust the training approach and to maximise productivity of the training
session (e.g. from the training organization, human resources
training experience for the department, previous training reports)
OB 7.2 Engages with the trainee, other instructors and the training manager(s)
for the purposes of tailoring the training approach

OB 7.3 Requests supplementary resources to help the trainee, when required

(e.g. learning support specialist, counselling, additional practice on a

OB 7.4 Contributes information on the trainee’s progress to the training team

Self-assessment Improves teaching, OB 8.1 Remains open to feedback

instructional and coaching
OB 8.2 Improves performance based on accurate and balanced feedback
capabilities through self-
assessment OB 8.3 Improves performance through self-evaluation of the effectiveness of

OB 8.4 Maintains self-control in challenging training situations

OB 8.5 Responds as needed to deal with the demands of challenging training


Ethics and Demonstrates openness, OB 9.1 Treats the trainee respectfully, fairly and objectively regardless of
integrity respect and fairness towards differences
the trainee and considers the
OB 9.2 Answers questions truthfully without embellishment or attempt to
consequences when making cover up a lack of knowledge
a decision or taking action
OB 9.3 Maintains privacy and confidentiality when appropriate

OB 9.4 Manages professional relationships with appropriate role boundaries

OB 9.5 Acts with integrity

OB 9.6 Remains objective and starts each training session without prejudice or


Chapter 4



4.1.1 This chapter provides the procedures for establishing a competency-based training and assessment programme
for ATSEP, which is recommended for ATSEP training organizations, ANSPs or authorities.

4.1.2 Air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP) is the recognized ICAO terminology for personnel proven to
be competent in the installation, operation and/or maintenance of a CNS/ATM system.

4.1.3 It is the responsibility of the air navigation services provider (ANSP) to define the scope of ATSEP activities.
The appropriate authority should approve this definition.

4.1.4 The ICAO competency framework for air traffic safety electronics personnel provided in Appendix 2 to this
chapter should be used as a basis for the development of an adapted competency model.


4.2.1 Authorities may choose to validate the training and assessment process for ATSEP, including the adapted
competency model required for assessing applicants.

4.2.2 In the case of a State validated assessment process for ATSEP, the ATSEP shall meet the final competency
standards of the adapted competency model.


4.3.1 The competency-based training and assessment programme for ATSEP shall include routine evaluation of the
effectiveness of the training programme that is acceptable to the authority or the employing ANSP. The evaluation shall
ensure that:

a) the training and assessment plans are relevant to the work of air traffic safety electronics personnel in the specific
context and environment to which they may be assigned after training;

b) the training plan is designed to enable the trainees to meet the interim (if defined) and final competency standards;

c) remediation actions are taken if in-training or post-training evaluation indicates a need to do so.

PANS-TRG IV-4-1 5/11/20

IV-4-2 Procedures — Training

4.3.2 A competency-based training and assessment programme for ATSEP shall include sufficient and appropriate
practical and/or on-the-job training to ensure that the competencies appropriate to the exercise of duty are consistently
achieved. Practical training should be performed under the supervision of an instructor qualified and competent in the
technical domain for which the competency will be awarded. When on-the-job training is provided, the instructor shall
be qualified and competent in the technical domain for which the competency will be awarded, and the training shall be
conducted under the SMS of the ANSP. Refer to the guidelines for the implementation of competency-based training and
assessment for ATSEP in Appendix 1 to this chapter.


Appendix 1 to Chapter 4



1. Introduction

This appendix provides guidance to authorities, approved training organizations (ATOs) and air navigation services
providers (ANSPs) on the measures to be taken to facilitate efficient implementation of competency-based training and
assessment for air traffic safety electronics personnel (ATSEP).

2. General considerations

Approved training organizations and air navigation service providers may select to initially develop competency-based
training and assessment for unit or continuation training. Detailed guidance on how to structure competency-based
training and assessment for ATSEPs in different phases of training can be found in the Manual on Air Traffic Safety
Electronics Personnel Competency-based Training and Assessment (Doc 10057).

3. Guidelines for the authority

These guidelines are useful to authorities choosing to validate ATSEP training programmes.

a) In view of the developmental nature of a first competency-based ATSEP programme in a training organization or
ANSP, the validation should be provisional and should be confirmed only after obtaining a satisfactory result
from the first courses and after incorporating the lessons learnt into the training programme.

b) Guidance material regarding the approval of training and assessment plans of competency-based training and
assessment programmes can be found in the Manual on the Approval of Training Organizations (Doc 9841).

c) One of the attributes of competency-based training and assessment, as defined in this document, is the use of an
ongoing process for the evaluation of the training programme to ensure the effectiveness of the training and its
relevance to real-time operations. This aspect of regular evaluation is especially important during the initial
implementation of an ATSEP competency-based programme.

d) The training organizations or ANSP should provide regular feedback as applicable to the authority on the progress
and problems faced during and after delivery of the programme. How this feedback is to be provided to the
authority shall therefore be clearly stated as part of the validation process.

PANS-TRG IV-4-App 1-1 5/11/20

IV-4-App 1-2 Procedures — Training

e) The success of the implementation of ATSEP competency-based training and assessment programmes depends
to a large measure on the effective coordination and cooperation between the authority if applicable, the training
organizations and the ANSPs employing the ATSEP, and ATSEP representative bodies. Such cooperation and
coordination should be encouraged and facilitated by stakeholders.


Appendix 2 to Chapter 4



1. The ICAO competency framework for air traffic safety electronics personnel provides the basis that shall be used
to develop an adapted competency model suitable for the environment of the ANSP. Using this ATSEP competency
framework will promote harmonization of competencies and enable the use of best practices in ATSEP training and

2. ATOs or ANSPs should use the adapted competency model to develop their training and assessment programmes.

3. The ICAO competency framework for air traffic safety electronics personnel is generic and does not address the
specific type of technology in use, organizational schemes, or the scope of maintenance activities conducted.


Note 1.― This framework needs to be adapted to the local context of the organization. The competencies and
observable behaviours in the table are not listed according to any pre-defined priority. Observable behaviours may
include but are not limited to the observable behaviours listed in the table below.

Note 2.— The framework does not address the specific definition of duties, sharing of tasks, qualifications and
proficiency levels existing in the organization.

Competency Description Observable Behaviours (OB)

Engineering Collaborate in developing, OB 1.1 Demonstrates technical knowledge and reasoning
modifying and integrating
OB 1.2 Demonstrates ability of engineering reasoning and problem
systems, networks and
OB 1.3 Demonstrate the knowledge and reasoning of
interoperability in terms of global systems and environments
OB 1.4 Demonstrates ability to set system requirements
OB 1.5 Develops modelling of system and ensures requirements
can be met
OB 1.6 Manages development projects effectively
OB 1.7 Designs implementation process effectively
OB 1.8 Tests, verifies, validates and certifies new systems,
equipment or installations
OB 1.9 Supports system and equipment implementation
OB 1.10 Optimizes systems and network elements
OB 1.11 Supports system life cycle

PANS-TRG IV-3-App 2-1 5/11/20

IV-3-App 2-2 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable Behaviours (OB)

OB 1.12 Anticipates and organizes system and equipment
OB 1.13 Contributes to risk management processes
OB 1.14 Determines, prescribes and ensures compliance of systems
and network elements with the performance-based operational
OB 1.15 Manages system resources and safeguards them (e.g.
frequency spectrum)
Situational awareness Comprehend the current OB 2.1 Monitors the CNS/ATM systems in own area of
status of the ATM system responsibility and contributing areas as well
and anticipate future events
OB 2.2 Monitors the environmental conditions that have an impact
on own and adjacent areas of responsibility and understands the
impact on systems and services
OB 2.3 Monitors the relevant elements of the ATC operational
OB 2.4 Maintains awareness of the people involved in or affected
by the operation
OB 2.5 Obtains information from all available monitoring sources
OB 2.6 Analyses information from all available monitoring sources
OB 2.7 Predicts future system load (e.g. network, computing
capacity and other parameters)
OB 2.8 Identifies potentially hazardous situations
OB 2.9 Checks for data integrity
Service provision Ensure availability and OB 3.1 Uses systems monitoring and diagnostic capabilities
reliability of CNS/ATM effectively
systems and capabilities
OB 3.2 Evaluates the operational consequences of CNS/ATM
system anomalies or failures
OB 3.3 Switches from monitoring to intervention in a timely
OB 3.4 Uses prescribed operation procedures properly
OB 3.5 Ensures that technical interventions take into account the
ATC operational situation
OB 3.6 Coordinates technical interventions with other technical
units, the different stakeholders and ATC
OB 3.7 Monitors the execution of technical interventions
OB 3.8 Uses a variety of methods to effectively manage system
anomalies and degraded situations

Part IV, Chapter 3, Appendix 2 IV-3-App 2-3

Competency Description Observable Behaviours (OB)

Coordination Manage coordination with OB 4.1 Coordinates effectively with internal stakeholders
operational stakeholders and
OB 4.2 Coordinates effectively with external stakeholders
with other affected
stakeholders OB 4.3 Selects the coordination method based on circumstances
and in a timely manner
OB 4.4 Uses common coordination terminology as required by the
prescribed operational procedures
OB 4.5 Adjusts timing of coordination, taking into account current
factors affecting the technical team
OB 4.6 Conducts effective briefings during position handovers and
transfer of maintenance tasks
Management of non- Detect and respond to OB 5.1 Recognizes, from the information available, the possibility
routine situations emergency and unusual of an emergency, urgent or degraded situation developing
situations related to the ATC
OB 5.2 Determines the nature of the emergency
operation and/or CNS/ATM
systems and capabilities OB 5.3 Prioritizes actions based on the urgency of the situation
OB 5.4 Follows prescribed procedures for responding to non-
routine situations
OB 5.5 Follows prescribed procedures for communication and
coordination of urgent situations
OB 5.6 Creates solutions when no procedure exists for responding
to non-routine situations
OB 5.7 Identifies potentially hazardous events requiring
coordination with stakeholders
Problem solving and Find and implement solutions OB 6.1 Takes into account the existing rules and operating
decision making for identified hazards and procedures when determining possible solutions to a problem
associated risks
OB 6.2 Implements a chosen solution to a problem
OB 6.3 Organizes tasks in accordance with determined priorities
OB 6.4 Applies appropriate mitigation strategies for the identified
OB 6.5 Works through problems without reducing safety
OB 6.6 Considers expediency and efficiency in decision making
Self-management Demonstrate personal OB 7.1 Takes responsibility for own performance, detecting and
attributes that improve resolving own errors
performance and maintain an
OB 7.2 Improves performance through self-evaluation of the
active involvement in self-
effectiveness of actions
learning and self-
development OB 7.3 Seeks and accepts feedback to improve performance
OB 7.4 Maintains self-control and performs adequately in adverse
OB 7.5 Changes behaviour and responds as needed to deal with the
demands of the changing situation

Workload management Use available resources to OB 8.1 Manages tasks effectively in response to current and future
prioritize and perform tasks workload
in an efficient and timely
OB 8.2 Determines if and when support is necessary based on
OB 8.3 Delegates tasks when necessary to reduce workload

IV-3-App 2-4 Procedures — Training

Competency Description Observable Behaviours (OB)

OB 8.4 Selects appropriate tools, equipment and resources to
support the efficient achievement of tasks
OB 8.5 Contributes to balancing team workload in normal and non-
routine situations
Teamwork Operate as a team member OB 9.1 Provides feedback constructively
OB 9.2 Shows respect and tolerance for other people
OB 9.3 Carries out actions and duties in a manner that supports a
team environment
OB 9.4 Uses negotiating and problem-solving techniques to manage
unavoidable conflict when encountered
OB 9.5 Raises relevant concerns in an appropriate manner
OB 9.6 Accepts feedback constructively
OB 9.7 Shares experiences with the aim of continuous
Communication Communicate effectively in OB 10.1 Selects communication methods that take into account
all situations the requirements of the situation
OB 10.2 Speaks clearly, accurately and concisely
OB 10.3 Uses appropriate vocabulary and expressions for
communications with stakeholders
OB 10.4 Demonstrates active listening by asking relevant
questions and providing feedback
OB 10.5 Verifies comprehension of counterparts and corrects as
OB 10.6 Where applicable, uses eye contact, body movements
and gestures that are consistent with verbal messages
OB 10.7 Interprets non-verbal communication correctly


Procedures for
Air Navigation Services


Part V




V-(i) 5/11/20
Procedures for
Air Navigation Services


Part VI




— END —

VI-(i) 5/11/20

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