Prayer To The Elementals

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The Prayers Of The Elementals

From Dogme et Rituel de Haute Magie by Eliphaz Levi

Translated by persons unknown

The Prayer of the Gnomes or Earth Spirits.

0 Invisible King, who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didst hollow its depths to
fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World,
Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow in the veins of the rocks, King of the
Seven Lights, Rewarder of the subterranean workers, lead us into the desirable Air
and into the Realm of Splendour. We watch and we labour unceasingly, we seek and we
hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis
of the
Lodestone which passes through the centre of the Earth - 0 Lord, 0 Lord, 0 Lord!
Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand our hearts, unbind and upraise our minds,
enlarge our natures.

0 Stability and Motion! 0 Darkness veiled in Brilliance! 0 Day clothed in Night! 0

Master who never doest withhold the wages of Thy workmen! 0 Silver Whiteness - 0
Golden Splendour! 0 Crown of Living and Harmonious Diamond! Thou who wearest the
Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou who hidest beneath the Earth in
the Kingdom of Gems, the marvellous Seed of the Stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the
Eternal Dispenser of the Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the wardens. Amen.

The Prayer of the Sylphs or Air Spirits.

SPIRIT OF LIFE! Spirit of Wisdom! Whose breath giveth forth and

withdraweth the form of all things:
THOU before whom the life of beings is but a shadow which changeth, and a vapour
which passeth;
THOU who mountest upon the clouds, and who walkest upon the Wings of the Wind. THOU
who breathest forth Thy breath, and endless space is peopled; THOU who drawest in
Thy breath, and all that cometh from Thee returneth unto Thee!

CEASELESS MOTION in Eternal Stability, be Thou eternally blessed!

We praise Thee and we bless Thee in the Changelss Empire of Created Light, of
Shades, of Reflections, and of Images, and we aspire without cessation unto Thy
immutable and imperishable brilliance. Let the ray of Thy intelligence and the
warmth of Thy love penetrate even unto us! Then that which is Volatile shall be
Fixed; the Shadow shall be a Body; the Spirit
of Air shall be a Soul; the Dream shall be a Thought. And no more shall we be swept
away by the Tempest, but we shall hold the Bridles of the Winged Steeds of Dawn.
And we shall direct the course of the Evening Breeze to fly before Thee! 0 Spirit
of Spirits! 0 Eternal Soul of Souls! 0 imperishable Breath of Life! 0 creative
sigh! 0 Mouth which breathest forth and withdrawest the life of all beings, in the
flux and reflux of Thine Eternal
Word, which is the Divine Ocean of Movement and of Truth! Amen.

The Prayer of the Undines or Water Spirits.

Terrible King of the Sea, Thou who holdest the Keys of the Cataracts of Heaven, and
who enclosest the subterraean Waters in the cavernous hollows of Earth. King of the
Deluge and of the Rains of Spring. Thou who openest the sources of the rivers and
of the fountains; thou who commandest moisture which is, as it were, the Blood of
the Earth, to become the sap of the plants. We adore Thee and we invoke Thee. Speak
Thou unto us. Thy Mobile and changeful creatures, in the Great Tempests, and we
shall tremble before Thee. Speak to us also in the murmer of the
limpid Waters, and we shall desire Thy love.

0 Vastness! wherein all the rivers of Being seek to lose themselves - which renew
themselves ever in Thee! 0 Thou Ocean of Infinite Perfection! 0 Height which
reflectest Thyself in the Depth! 0 Depth which exhalest into the Height! Lead us
unto the true life through intelligence, through love! Lead us into immortality
through sacrifice, that we may be found worthy to
offer one day unto Thee, the Water, the Blood and the Tears, for the Remission of
Sins! Amen.

The Prayer of the Salamanders or Fire Spirits.

Immortal, Eternal, Ineffable and Uncreated Father of all, borne upon the Chariot of
Worlds which ever roll in ceaseless motion. Ruler over the Etherial Vastness where
the Throne of Thy Power is raised from the summit of which Thine Eyes behold all
and Thy Pure and Holy Ears hear all - help us, thy children, whom Thou hast loved
since the birth of the Ages of Time! Thy Majesty, Golden, Vast and Eternal, shineth
above the Heaven of Stars.
Above them art Thou exalted.

0 Thou Flashing Fire, there Thou illuminatest all things with Thine Insupportable
Glory, whence flow the Ceaseless Streams of Splendour which nourish Thine Infinite
Spirit. This Infinite Spirit nourishest all and maketh that inexhausible Treasure
of Generation which ever encompasseth Thee replete with the numberless forms
wherewith Thou hast filled it from the Beginning. From this Spirit arise those most
holy Kings who are around Thy Throne, and who compose Thy Court.

0 Universal Father, One and Alone! Father alike of Immortals and Mortals. Thou hast
especially created Powers similar unto thy Thought Eternal and unto Thy Venerable
Essence. Thou hast established them above the Angels who announce Thy Will to the
world. Lastly, thou hast created us as a third
Order in our Elemental Empire.

There our continual exercise is to praise and to adore Thy Desires; there we
ceaselessy burn with Eternal Aspirations unto Thee, 0 Father! 0 Mother of Mothers!
0 Archetype Eternal of Maternity and Love! 0 Son, the Flower of all Sons! Form of
all Forms! Soul, Spirit, Harmony, and Numeral of all things! Amen!

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