Procedure For Acquisition of Private Lands

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Identification of the land by the
landowners and beneficiaries The notice contains an offer of the
Department of Agrarian Reform to pay
corresponding value. In accordance with
the valuation set forth in Sec 17, 18 and
other pertinent provisions

Department of Agrarian Reform will send a POSTING of NOTICE:
notice to acquire the land to the owners by
The posting of the notice in a conspicuous place
personal delivery or registered mail
in the Municipal Building and Barangay Hall
PRESCRIPTIVE of the place where the property is located

Within 30 DAYS from

the date of receipt of
written notice by
personal delivery or REPLY OF THE OWNER:
registered mail.
Landowners, his Administrators of Representative shall INFORM the Department of Agrarian
Reform of his ACCEPTANCE or REJECTION of the offer.

ACCEPTED the Offer: REJECTED the Offer: FAILURE to reply:

The Land Bank of the Philippines Upon the DEPOSIT with an The Department of Agrarian
shall PAY the Landowner the accessible bank designated by the Reform shall CONDUCT a
purchase price of the land. DAR of the compensation in cash Summary Administrative
or in LBP bonds in accordance with Proceeding to determine the
RA 6657 compensation for the land.
PRESCRIPTIVE The DAR shall take immediate It requires the: LANDOWNER, the
PERIOD: POSSESSION of the land. LBP and OTHER interested parties
Within 30 DAYS after to SUBMIT evidence as to the just
and compensation for the land
the execution and
delivers a deed of Request the proper Register of
transfer in favor of the Deeds to ISSUE a Transfer
government and PRESCRIPTIVE
Certificate of Title (TCT) in the
surrenders the PERIOD:
name of the Republic of the
Certificate of Title and
Philippines. Within 15 DAYS from
other muniments of title.
the receipt of the notice.
The Department of Agrarian
Reform will proceed with the
REDISTRIBUTION of the land to
the qualified beneficiaries.
After the expiration of 15 days, the
matter is deemed SUBMITTED for


Any party who DISAGREES with The DEPARTMENT

the decision, AGRARIAN REFORM shall
DECIDE the case.
The party may bring the matter to
the court of proper jurisdiction for PRESCRIPTIVE
final determination of just PERIOD:
Within 30 DAYS
after it is submitted for

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