3GDT Optmisation

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(11) EP 2 724 589 B1


(45) Date of publication and mention (51) Int Cl.:

of the grant of the patent: H04W 76/02 (2009.01) H04W 8/08 (2009.01)
11.03.2015 Bulletin 2015/11
(86) International application number:
(21) Application number: 11726810.2 PCT/EP2011/060432

(22) Date of filing: 22.06.2011 (87) International publication number:

WO 2012/175122 (27.12.2012 Gazette 2012/52)



(84) Designated Contracting States: (74) Representative: Vejgaard, Christian

PL PT RO RS SE SI SK SM TR Lindholmspiren 11
417 56 Göteborg (SE)
(43) Date of publication of application:
30.04.2014 Bulletin 2014/18 (56) References cited:
EP-A1- 2 299 754 WO-A1-2010/039085
(73) Proprietor: Telefonaktiebolaget L M Ericsson
(publ) • "Generic Policy Control for Local Breakout",
164 83 Stockholm (SE) IP.COM JOURNAL, IP.COM INC., WEST
HENRIETTA, NY, US, 17 November 2009
(72) Inventors: (2009-11-17), XP013135390, ISSN: 1533-0001
• OLSSON, Lasse • "3rd Generation Partnership Project; Technical
Shanghai 200335 (CN) Specification Group Services and System
• GAN, Juying Aspects; Local IP Access and Selected IP Traffic
Shanghai 200110 (CN) Offload (LIPA-SIPTO) (Release 10)", 3GPP
CEDEX ; FRANCE, no. V10.0.0, 29 March 2011
(2011-03-29), pages 1-43, XP050476492,
[retrieved on 2011-03-29]
EP 2 724 589 B1

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1 EP 2 724 589 B1 2

Description [0006] Mobility management is an important function

in maintaining cellular networks. The goal of mobility
TECHNICAL FIELD management is to track where cellular phones, or User
Equipments (UEs), are located in order for mobile phone
[0001] Example embodiments presented herein are di- 5 services to be provided to the various UEs comprised in
rected towards a system, and corresponding method, for any given network. The network nodes which are prima-
determining 3rd Generation Direct Tunnel (3GDT) usage rily responsible for mobility management are the Mobility
based on a payload usage of a user. Management Entity (MME) and the Serving General
Packet Radio Service Support Node (SGSN).
BACKGROUND 10 [0007] Network capacity management is also an im-
portant function in maintaining cellular networks. 3G Di-
[0002] In a typical cellular system, also referred to as rect Tunnel (3GDT) is a powerful way of increasing
a wireless communications network, wireless terminals, throughput capacity in the core network without extra in-
also known as mobile stations and/or User Equipment vestments in new network entities. When using 3GDT,
units (UEs) communicate via a Radio Access Network 15 the SGSN-MME is utilized to establish direct user plane
(RAN) to one or more core networks. The wireless ter- tunnels for payloads between the RNC and the Gateway
minals can be mobile stations or user equipment units General Packet Radio Service Support Node (GGSN)
such as mobile telephones also known as "cellular" tel- within the General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) net-
ephones, and laptops with wireless capability, e.g., mo- work, or between the RNC and the Serving Gateway
bile termination, and thus can be, for example, portable, 20 (SGW) in the Evolved Packet System (EPS) network
pocket, hand-held, computer-comprised, or car-mounted (where RNC is connected to S4 SGSN), in order to ex-
mobile devices which communicate voice and/or data pand payload capacity.
with radio access network. [0008] The document "Generic Policy Control for Local
[0003] The radio access network covers a geographi- Breakout" by Nokia Siemens Networks, IP.COM Journal,
cal area which is divided into cell areas, with each cell 25 17 November 2009, illustrates this concept.
area being served by a base station, e.g., a Radio Base
Station (RBS), which in some networks is also called SUMMARY
"NodeB" or "B node" and which in this document also is
referred to as a base station. A cell is a geographical area [0009] While 3GDT improves customer traffic needs,
where radio coverage is provided by the radio base sta- 30 the use of 3GDT requires additional signaling proce-
tion equipment at a base station site. Each cell is identi- dures. This may result in increased network signaling
fied by an identity within the local radio area, which is which may affect the SGSN-MME (or SGSN), RAN,
broadcast in the cell. The base stations communicate GGSN and the SGW. For example, network signaling
over the air interface operating on radio frequencies with may be increased the RNC is connected to the Gn/Gp
the user equipment units within range of the base sta- 35 SGSN and GGSN where the Direct Tunnel is switched
tions. to two tunnels (e.g., when Direct Tunneling is not possi-
[0004] In some versions of the radio access network, ble).
several base stations are typically connected, e.g., by [0010] Thus, at least one object of some of the example
landlines or microwave, to a Radio Network Controller embodiments presented herein is to provide a method
(RNC). The radio network controller supervises and co- 40 and/or system for 3GDT usage which reduces an amount
ordinates various activities of the plural base stations of increased network signaling to at least the SGSN-MME
connected thereto. The radio network controllers are typ- (or SGSN), RAN, GGSN and/or the SGW.
ically connected to one or more core networks. [0011] Some of the example embodiments may be di-
[0005] The Universal Mobile Telecommunications rected towards a method in a network node for 3rd Gen-
System (UMTS) is a third generation mobile communi- 45 eration Direct Tunnel (3GDT) usage, the network node
cation system, which evolved from the Global System for being comprised in a Radio Network. The method may
Mobile Communications (GSM), and is intended to pro- comprise determining if a User Equipment (UE) is a
vide improved mobile communication services based on heavy payload user. If the UE is a heavy payload user,
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA) ac- the method may further comprise sending an information
cess technology. UMTS Terrestrial Radio Access Net- 50 element in a communications message, the information
work (UTRAN) is essentially a radio access network us- element may provide an indication that the UE is a heavy
ing wideband code division multiple access for user payload user and 3GDT usage should be initiated.
equipment units (UEs). The Third Generation Partner- [0012] Some example embodiments may further com-
ship Project (3GPP) has undertaken to evolve further the prise the network node being a Gateway General Packet
UTRAN and GSM based radio access network technol- 55 Radio Service Support Node (GGSN) or a Packet Data
ogies. Long Term Evaluation (LTE) together with Evolved Network Gateway (PGW) network node. The method
Packet Core (EPC) is the newest addition to the 3GPP may further comprise determining if the UE is a heavy
family. payload user based on a usage indication provided by

3 EP 2 724 589 B1 4

the UE. Some example embodiments may further com- with computer executable instructions, wherein the in-
prise determining if the UE is a heavy payload user based structions, when executed by a network node, may per-
on an internal configuration in the network node. form any of the method steps described above.
[0013] Some example embodiments may further com-
prise sending the communications message to a Policy 5 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
and Charging Rules Function (PCRF), a Service Aware
Policy Controller (SAPC), and/or a Home Location Reg- [0024] The foregoing will be apparent from the follow-
ister (HLR) in order to confirm the UE heavy payload user ing more particular description of the example embodi-
status with a user subscription. ments, as illustrated in the accompanying drawings in
[0014] Some example embodiments may further com- 10 which like reference characters refer to the same parts
prise determining if the UE is a heavy payload user based throughout the different views. The drawings are not nec-
on a usage indication provided by at least one other net- essarily to scale, emphasis instead being placed upon
work node comprising UE based information. illustrating the example embodiments.
[0015] Some example embodiments may further com-
prise determining if the UE is a heavy payload user based 15 FIG. 1 is a schematic of a wireless network, accord-
on a usage indication provided by at least one other net- ing to some of the example embodiments;
work node, the at least one other network node being a FIG. 2 is a schematic of a network node, according
Policy and Charging Rules Function (PCRF), a Service to some of the example embodiments;
Aware Policy Controller (SAPC), and/or a Home Location FIG. 3 is a flow diagram depicting example opera-
Register (HLR). 20 tions which may be executed by the network node
[0016] Some example embodiments may further com- of FIG. 2, according to some of the example embod-
prise obtaining UE subscription information, wherein the iments; and
subscription information provides a heavy payload user FIGS. 4 and 5 are message sequence diagrams de-
indication. picting example messages from the network nodes
[0017] Some example embodiments may further com- 25 of FIGS. 1 and 2, according to some of the example
prise evaluating a UE Call Data Record (CDR) and de- embodiments.
termining the heavy payload usage at least in part based
[0018] Some example embodiments may further com-
prise evaluating a mobility history of the UE. 30 [0025] In the following description, for purposes of ex-
[0019] Some example embodiments may further com- planation and not limitation, specific details are set forth,
prise the network node being the UE and obtaining an such as particular components, elements, techniques,
internal indication of the heavy payload user status. etc. in order to provide a thorough understanding of the
Some example embodiments may further comprise example embodiments. However, it will be apparent to
sending the communications message to a Gateway 35 one skilled in the art that the example embodiments may
General Packet Radio Service Support Node (GGSN) or be practiced in other manners that depart from these spe-
a Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW) network node. cific details. In other instances, detailed descriptions of
[0020] Some example embodiments may further com- well-known methods and elements are omitted so as not
prise sending the information element during an initial to obscure the description of the example embodiments.
attach procedure, after a Packet Data Network (PDN) 40 [0026] Figure 1 is a simplified illustration of an embod-
connection has already been established or during PDP iment of a communication network 10. The communica-
Context Activation. tion network 10 is a telecommunication network using
[0021] Some example embodiments may be directed wireless and/or wired communication techniques. The
towards a network node for 3rd Generation Direct Tunnel communication network 10 may use technologies such
(3GDT) usage, the network node may be comprised in 45 as LTE, UMTS, etc. It should be noted that the commu-
a Radio Network. The network node may comprise a sta- nication links in the communication network 10 may be
tus determination unit that may be configured to deter- any communication link known in the art, for example,
mine if a User Equipment (UE) is a heavy payload user. either a wired or wireless radio link. The link may use any
The network node may further comprise a communica- suitable protocol depending on type and level of layer,
tions port that may be configured to send, if the UE is a 50 e.g. as indicated by the Open System Interconnection
heavy payload user, an information element in a com- (OSI) model, as understood by the person skilled in the
munications message. The information element may pro- art.
vide an indication that the UE is a heavy payload user. [0027] As shown in the communication network 10, a
[0022] According to some example embodiments, the user equipment 11 may be connected to a radio access
network node may be configured to perform any of the 55 network, such as an UTRAN 13. The UTRAN 13 may
method steps described above. comprise base station(s) (not shown), such as e.g. a
[0023] Some example embodiments may be directed NodeB or any other network unit capable of communi-
towards a computer readable storage medium encoded cating over a radio carrier with the user equipment 11.

5 EP 2 724 589 B1 6

[0028] The user equipment 11 may be any suitable and the operator 27 is from the UE 11, to a base station
communication device or computational device with NodeB node (comprised within the RNC 13), to the SGSN
communication capabilities capable to communicate with 17, to the GGSN 23, and thereafter to the operator 27.
a base station over a radio channel, for example but not In an attempt to expand payload capacity, 3rd Generation
limited to, a mobile phone, smart phone, Personal Digital 5 Direct Tunnel (3GDT) may be introduced.
Assistant (PDA), laptop, MP3 player or portable Digital [0036] Through the use of 3GDT, the SGSN 17 may
Video Disc (DVD) player, or similar media content devic- be excluded from the path of data between the UE 11
es, digital camera, or even stationary devices such as a and the operator 27. While this increases the payload
Personal Computer (PC). A PC may also be connected capacity in the network, the use of 3GDT increases sig-
via a mobile station as the end station of the broadcast- 10 naling in the network. Thus, it is not beneficial to contin-
ed/multicasted media. The user equipment 11 may be uously employ 3GDT. For example, the 3GDT function
referred to as UE in some of the drawings. may be suited for stationary users downloading and/or
[0029] The communication network 10 comprises a uploading large data volumes (referred to herein as
mobility management unit, e.g. mobility management en- heavy users).
tity (MME) and/or a Serving General Packet Radio Serv- 15 [0037] In determining when 3GDT usage should be ap-
ice Support Node (SGSN) 17. The SGSN-MME or SGSN plied typical methods comprise 3GDT usage being ap-
17 may be responsible for authenticating the user equip- plied to user equipments associated with a designated
ment 11 by interacting with a subscription unit, e.g. a Access Point Name (APN), RNC, or GGSN. 3GDT usage
Home Subscriber Server (HSS) 19 and/or Home Loca- may also be determined based on a specific Type Allo-
tion Register (HLR) 20. 20 cation Code (TAC) in the International Mobile station
[0030] The SGSN-MME or SGSN 17 may be connect- Equipment Identity Software Version (IMEISV).
ed to a Serving Gateway (SGW) 21. S4 is the interface [0038] The above solutions for determining 3GDT us-
between the SGSN 17 and the SGW 21. The SGW 21 age are static. Specifically, current methods of 3GDT us-
may act as a mobility anchor and routes and forwards age assume that users associated with the same APN
user plane data between a Packet Data Network Gate- 25 or TAC will have the same behavior in terms of data vol-
way (PGW)/ General Packet Radio Service Support ume usage and will therefore be provided with the same
Node (GGSN) 23 and the RNC 13. The SGW 21 may treatment regarding 3GDT. Furthermore, prior art meth-
get instructions from the SGSN-MME or SGSN 17 to es- ods do not account for the possibility that a user may
tablish, modify and/or release Evolved Packet System change its usage status (i.e., a user may not always be
(EPS) bearers. 30 a heavy user). With increased demands of payload data
[0031] The PGW/GGSN 23 is the interface between transfer on the network, this assumption is no longer val-
the internal Internet Protocol (IP) network of the operator id.
and external networks 27, i.e. the PGW/GGSN 23 pro- [0039] Thus, some of the example embodiments pre-
vides connectivity between the user equipment 11 and sented herein may be directed towards dynamically de-
external PDN 27. A user equipment 11 may have simul- 35 termining 3GDT usage based on a payload usage of a
taneous connectivity with more than one PGW/GGSN 23 user. Figure 2 illustrates a network node which may utilize
for accessing multiple PDNs. The interface between the some of the example embodiments presented herein.
PGW/GGSN 23 and the SGW 21 is called S5/S8. Figure 3 depicts a flow diagram of example operations
[0032] The Policy and Charging Rules Function that may be taken by the network node of Figure 2.
(PCRF)/Service-Aware Policy Controller (SAPC) 25 is 40 [0040] In some example embodiments the network
connected between the PGW/GGSN 23 and an opera- node may be the UE 11 and/or the PGW/GGSN 23. The
tor’s IP services 27, such as e.g. IP Multimedia Subsys- network node 11/23 may comprise any number of com-
tem (IMS), packet switch streaming (PSS) etc., and takes munication ports 29 that may be able to transmit or re-
care of policy and charging issues between the user ceive any number or type of signals and/or data. It should
equipment 11 and the operator. 45 be appreciated that the network node may alternatively
[0033] It should be appreciated that the network 10 is comprise a single transceiver port. It should further be
configured with cabling, routers, switches, and other net- appreciated that the communication ports 29 or trans-
work building elements (not shown) as understood by ceiver port may be in the form of any input/output com-
the skilled person, for instance as used for building an munications port known in the art.
Ethernet or WAN network. 50 [0041] The network node 11/23 may also comprise at
[0034] When a UE 11 connects to the core network in least one memory unit 31. The memory unit 31 may be
order to engage in the transfer of data, the UE 11 may configured to store received, transmitted, and/or meas-
first initiate an attach procedure and thereafter establish ured data and/or executable program instructions. The
a Packet Data Network (PDN) connection. Once a PDN memory unit 31 may be any suitable type of computer
connection is established, the UE will be provided an IP 55 readable memory and may be of volatile and/or non-vol-
address and will therefore be able to send and receive atile type.
payload data. [0042] The network node 11/23 may further comprise
[0035] A typical path of data flow between the UE 11 a general processing unit 33. The network node 11/23

7 EP 2 724 589 B1 8

may also comprise a status determination unit 35. The erator may provide a heavy payload status for a specific
status determination unit 35 may be configured to deter- UE based on the data volume associated with the UE.
mine a payload usage status of a user. Specifically, the Such information may be obtained from the operator 27
status determination unit 35 may be able to identify and/or SPAC/PCRF 25.
whether or not a user should be classified as a heavy 5 [0049] It should also be appreciated that the status in-
user. formation may also be determined based on UE mobility
[0043] It should be appreciated that the general history (52). UEs which demonstrate less mobility may
processing unit 33 and status determination unit 35 need be more suitable for 3GDT. UE mobility history may be
not be comprised as separate units. Furthermore the obtained from the PGW/GGSN 23.
generally processing unit 33 and the status determination 10 [0050] In some example embodiments, the
unit 35 may be any suitable type of computation unit, e.g. PGW/GGSN 23 may be informed of the UE 11 heavy
a microprocessor, digital signal processor (DSP), field payload status from information which may be locally
programmable gate array (FPGA), or application specific configured in the PGW/GGSN 23. Specifically, informa-
integrated circuit (ASIC). tion regarding the heavy payload status of specific UEs
[0044] During operation, the status determination unit 15 may be determined by the operator and thereafter stored
of the network node 11/23 may be configured to deter- locally in the PGW/GGSN 23.
mine if the UE 11 is a heavy payload user (37). It should [0051] In other example embodiments, the network
be appreciated that the determination may be made dur- node may be the UE 11. In such instances, the determi-
ing an initial procedure or at any time after a PDN con- nation of whether or not the UE 11 is a heavy payload
nection has already been established. 20 user (56) may be obtained from locally configured infor-
[0045] In some example embodiments the network mation (58). For example, this information may be con-
node may be a PGW/GGSN 23 network node. In such figured by a service provider or operator.
instances, the determination of whether or not the UE 11 [0052] Once the UE 11 has been indicated as a heavy
is a heavy payload user may be provided by information payload user, the network node 11/23 may thereafter be
supplied by the UE 11 itself (42). For example, during an 25 configured to send a communications message which
attach request, the UE 11 may send an information ele- may comprise an information element providing an indi-
ment in an attach request message. The information el- cation of the heavy payload status and that 3GDT usage
ement may comprise an indication that the user if a heavy should be initiated (39). The communications port 29 may
payload user. Similarly, the UE 11 may also send an in- be configured to send the communications message or
formation element after a PDN connection has already 30 information element.
been established. [0053] In some example embodiments, the network
[0046] In some example embodiments, the node (e.g., the PGW/GGSN 23) may be configured to
PGW/GGSN 23 may be informed of the UE 11 heavy send the communications message, which may com-
payload status from other nodes in the network (44). Spe- prise an information element, to the Policy and Charging
cifically, the PGW/GGSN 23 may obtain a payload usage 35 Rules Function (PCRF), a Service Aware Policy Control-
status of the UE 11 from the Policy and Charging Rules ler (SAPC), and/or a Home Location Register (HLR) (60).
Function (PCRF), a Service Aware Policy Controller The PGW/GGSN 23 may send such a communications
(SAPC), and/or a Home Location Register (HLR), as well message in order to verify the heavy payload status of
as any other node, or database featuring UE information, the user. The PGW/GGSN 23 may also send the com-
in the network (46). For example, during PDN establish- 40 munications message in order to notify the PCRF, SAPC,
ment, the PWG/GGSN 23 may communicate with any of and/or HLR of the 3GDT usage. Such a message may
the PCRF, SAPC, and/or HLR in an attempt to gather be sent, for example, if the indication of the status does
service, credit, or any other form of UE specific informa- not originate from the PCRF, SAPC, and/or HLR.
tion. Thus, in the transmission of the UE specific data, [0054] It should be appreciated that the network node
the PCRF, SAPC, and/or HLR may also provide an in- 45 11/23 may be configured to send the various communi-
formation element indicating the heavy payload status of cations messages discussed above, which may com-
the UE. prise the information element, during an initial attach pro-
[0047] Such status information may be obtained cedure or after a PDN connection has already been es-
through user subscription data (48). For example, the tablished (64). For example, if the UE 11 is anticipating
payload status may be determined through a fair usage 50 a period of heavy payload usage, after a PDN connection
package. With a fair usage package, the subscriber (or has been established, the UE 11 may send a message
UE) may choose a specific volume package, whereas comprising the heavy payload indication to the
subscribers which choose larger volume packages may PGW/GGSN 23. The heavy usage status may be decided
be deemed as heavy payload users. or provided by a service provider.
[0048] The status information may also be determined 55 [0055] In some example embodiments the heavy pay-
by user Call Data Records (CDR) (50). Operators typi- load status may be determined by measuring UE payload
cally have volume CDR readily available for each user. activity by, for example, the operator, UE, PGW/GGSN
Thus, by checking the data volume in the CDR, the op- and/or SGSN-MME or SGSN. Thus, if the payload activity

9 EP 2 724 589 B1 10

surpasses a user programmable threshold, the UE may "units" or "devices" may be represented by the same item
be assigned as a heavy payload user. Similarly, if the of hardware.
payload activity of the UE falls below the user program- [0062] A "device" as the term is used herein, is to be
mable threshold, the UE may lose its heavy payload user broadly interpreted to comprise a radiotelephone having
status and 3GDT usage may be terminated. Thus, some 5 ability for Internet/intranet access, web browser, organ-
of the example embodiments provided herein allow for izer, calendar, a camera (e.g., video and/or still image
the dynamic determination of 3GDT usage. camera), a sound recorder (e.g., a microphone), and/or
[0056] Figure 4 illustrates a message sequence dia- global positioning system (GPS) receiver; a personal
gram depicting 3GDT usage in a GPRS network. Upon communications system (PCS) terminal that may com-
reception of a UE 11 initiated PDP context activation, the 10 bine a cellular radiotelephone with data processing; a
SGSN 17 may be configured to send a create PDP con- personal digital assistant (PDA) that can comprise a ra-
text request to the GGSN 23 (message 1). The GGSN diotelephone or wireless communication system; a lap-
23 may thereafter send a Credit Control Request (CCR) top; a camera (e.g., video and/or still image camera) hav-
message to the PCRF or SAPC 25 (message 2). By send- ing communication ability; and any other computation or
ing the CCR message, the GGSN 23 may interact with 15 communication device capable of transceiving, such as
the PCRF in order to get the policy and authorized Quality a personal computer, a home entertainment system, a
of Service (QoS). The PCRF or SAPC 25 may then send television, smart phone, touch phone, tablet computer,
a Credit Control Answer (CCA) message to the GGSN etc.
23 (message 3). In sending the CCA message, the PCRF [0063] The various embodiments of the present inven-
may provide the requested policy and authorized QoS. 20 tion described herein is described in the general context
The PCRF may also provide information as to whether of method steps or processes, which may be implement-
or not the UE 11 is a heavy user. This information may ed in one embodiment by a computer program product,
be based as discussed above (48, 50, 52). It should be embodied in a computer-readable medium, including
appreciated that the information may be sent with the computer-executable instructions, such as program
use of an information element. 25 code, executed by computers in networked environ-
[0057] Thereafter the GGSN 23 may send a create ments. A computer-readable medium may comprise re-
PDP context Response message to the SGSN 17 (mes- movable and non-removable storage devices including,
sage 4). The PDP context Response message may also but not limited to, Read Only Memory (ROM), Random
comprise an information element indicating the heavy Access Memory (RAM), compact discs (CDs), digital ver-
payload usage status of the UE 11. Thus, the GGSN 23 30 satile discs (DVD), flash memory, EEPROM, etc. Gen-
may carry the indication of the heavy usage user to the erally, program modules may comprise routines, pro-
SGSN (as example in the Private Extension). grams, objects, components, data structures, etc. that
[0058] Figure 5 illustrates a message sequence dia- perform particular tasks or implement particular abstract
gram depicting 3GDT usage in an EPC network. As data types. Computer-executable instructions, associat-
should be appreciated from the GPRS example provided 35 ed data structures, and program modules represent ex-
in Figure 4, the example embodiments described above amples of program code for executing steps of the meth-
may function in a similar manner in an EPC network. It ods disclosed herein. Such instructions may be executed
should be appreciated that in an EPC network environ- by the processing unit, e.g., central processing unit, mi-
ment the GTP messages will be different. It should also crocontroller, microprocessor, field programmable gate
be appreciated that the messages illustrated in Figures 40 array, application specific integrated circuit, digital signal
4 and 5 have been provided as non-limiting examples. processor, etc. The particular sequence of such execut-
[0059] The above mentioned and described embodi- able instructions or associated data structures repre-
ments are only given as examples and should not be sents examples of corresponding acts for implementing
limiting to the present invention. Other solutions, uses, the functions described in such steps or processes.
objectives, and functions within the scope of the invention 45
as claimed in the below described patent claims should
be apparent for the person skilled in the art. Claims
[0060] Although specific terms may be employed here-
in, they are used in a generic and descriptive sense only 1. A method in a network node (11, 23) for 3rd Gener-
and not for purpose of limitation. 50 ation Direct Tunnel 3GDT usage, the network node
[0061] It should be noted that the word "comprising" being comprised in a Radio Network, the method
does not exclude the presence of other elements or steps comprising:
than those listed and the words "a" or "an" preceding an
element do not exclude the presence of a plurality of such determining (37) if a User Equipment UE (11) is
elements. It should further be noted that any reference 55 a heavy payload user; and
signs do not limit the scope of the claims, that the inven- if the UE is a heavy payload user, sending (39)
tion may be implemented at least in part by means of an information element in a communications
both hardware and software, and that several "means", message, the information element providing an

11 EP 2 724 589 B1 12

indication that the UE is a heavy payload user 9. The method of any one of claims 5-8, wherein the
and 3GDT usage should be initiated. determining (44) further comprises evaluating (52)
a mobility history of the UE.
2. The method of claim 1, wherein the network node is
a Gateway General Packet Radio Service Support 5 10. The method of claim 1, wherein the network node is
Node GGSN (23) or a Packet Data Network Gateway the UE (11) and the determining (37) further com-
PGW (23) network node and the determining (37) prises obtaining (58) an internal indication of the
further comprises determining (42) if the UE is a heavy payload user status.
heavy payload user based on a usage indication pro-
vided by the UE. 10 11. The method of claim 10, wherein the sending (39)
further comprises sending (60) the communications
3. The method of claim 1, wherein the network node is message to a Gateway General Packet Radio Serv-
a Gateway General Packet Radio Service Support ice Support Node GGSN (23) or a Packet Data Net-
Node GGSN (23) or a Packet Data Network Gateway work Gateway PGW (23) network node.
PGW (23) network node and the determining (37) 15
further comprises determining (54) if the UE is a 12. The method of any one of claims 1-11, wherein the
heavy payload user based on an internal configura- sending (39) occurs during an initial attach proce-
tion in the network node. dure, after a Packet Data Network PDN connection
has already been established, or when a PDP Con-
4. The method of any one of claims 2-3, wherein send- 20 text is activated.
ing (39) the information element further comprises:
13. A network node (11, 23) for 3rd Generation Direct
sending (60) the communications message to a Tunnel 3GDT usage, the network node being com-
Policy and Charging Rules Function PCRF (25), prised in a Radio Network, the network node com-
a Service Aware Policy Controller SAPC (25), 25 prising:
and/or a Home Location Register HLR (19) in
order to confirm the UE heavy payload user sta- a status determination unit (35) configured to
tus with a user subscription. determine if a User Equipment UE (11) is a
heavy payload user; and
5. The method of claim 1, wherein the network node is 30 a communications port (29) configured to send,
a Gateway General Packet Radio Service Support if the UE (11) is a heavy payload user, an infor-
Node GGSN (23) or a Packet Data Network Gateway mation element in a communications message,
PGW (23) network node and the determining (37) the information element providing an indication
further comprises determining (44) if the UE is a that the UE (11) is a heavy payload user.
heavy payload user based on a usage indication pro- 35
vided by at least one other network node comprising 14. The network node of claim 13, wherein the network
UE based information. node is configured to perform any one of the steps
of claims 2-12.
6. The method of claim 5, wherein determining (44) fur-
ther comprises determining (46) if the UE is a heavy 40 15. A computer readable storage medium encoded with
payload user based on a usage indication provided computer executable instructions, wherein the in-
by at least one other network node, the at least one structions, when executed by a network node, per-
other network node being a Policy and Charging form the method of any one of claims 1-12.
Rules Function PCRF (25), a Service Aware Policy
Controller SAPC (25), and/or a Home Location Reg- 45
ister HLF (19). Patentansprüche

7. The method of any one of claims 5-6, wherein the 1. Verfahren in einem Netzwerkknoten (11, 23) für die
determining (44) further comprises obtaining (48) UE Nutzung des Direkttunnels der 3. Generation 3GDT,
subscription information, wherein the subscription 50 wobei der Netzwerkknoten in ein Funknetzwerk ein-
information provides a heavy payload user indica- bezogen ist, wobei das Verfahren umfasst:
Bestimmen (37), ob eine Teilnehmereinrichtung
8. The method of any one of claims 5-7, wherein the UE (11) ein Teilnehmer mit schwerer Nutzlast
determining (44) further comprises evaluating (50) 55 ist; und
a UE Call Data Record CDR and determining the wenn die UE ein Teilnehmer mit schwerer Nutz-
heavy payload usage at least in part based on the last ist, Senden (39) eines Informationsele-
CDR. ments in einer Kommunikationsnachricht, wobei

13 EP 2 724 589 B1 14

das Informationselement eine Angabe bereit- mentinformation eine Schwernutzlast-Teilnehme-

stellt, dass die UE ein Teilnehmer mit schwerer rangabe bereitstellt.
Nutzlast ist und 3GDT-Nutzung eingeleitet wer-
den sollte. 8. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 5 bis 7, worin
5 das Bestimmen (44) ferner umfasst: Bewerten (50)
2. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, worin der Netzwerkkno- eines UE-Verbindungsdatensatzes CDR und Be-
ten ein Gateway-Unterstützungsknoten für Allge- stimmen der Nutzung schwerer Nutzlast zumindest
meinen Paketfunkdienst GGSN (23) oder ein Paket- teilweise auf der Grundlage des CDR.
datennetzwerk-Gateway (23) ist und das Bestimmen
(37) ferner umfasst: Bestimmen (42), ob die UE ein 10 9. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 5 bis 8, worin
Teilnehmer mit schwerer Nutzlast ist, auf der Grund- das Bestimmen (44) ferner umfasst: Bewerten (52)
lage einer durch die UE bereitgestellten Nutzungs- eines Mobilitätsverlaufs der UE.
10. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, worin der Netzwerkkno-
3. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, worin der Netzwerkkno- 15 ten die UE (11) ist und das Bestimmen (37) ferner
ten ein Gateway-Unterstützungsknoten für Allge- umfasst: Erlangen (58) einer internen Angabe des
meinen Paketfunkdienst GGSN (23) oder ein Paket- Schwernutzlast-Teilnehmerstatus.
datennetzwerk-Gateway (23) ist und das Bestimmen
(37) ferner umfasst: Bestimmen (54), ob die UE ein 11. Verfahren nach Anspruch 10, worin das Senden (39)
Teilnehmer mit schwerer Nutzlast ist, auf der Grund- 20 des Informationselements ferner umfasst: Senden
lage einer internen Konfiguration im Netzwerkkno- (60) der Kommunikationsnachricht an einen Netz-
ten. werkknoten, der ein Gateway-Unterstützungskno-
ten für Allgemeinen Paketfunkdienst GGSN (23)
4. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 2 bis 3, worin oder ein Paketdatennetzwerk-Gateway (23) ist.
das Senden (39) des Informationselements ferner 25
umfasst: 12. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 1 bis 11, worin
das Senden (39) während einer Anfangseinbin-
Senden (60) der Kommunikationsnachricht an dungsprozedur, nachdem eine Verbindung im Pa-
eine Richtlinien- und Gebührenabrechnungs- ketdatennetzwerk PDN bereits aufgebaut worden
funktion PCRF (25), einen Dienstkenntnisricht- 30 ist, oder wenn ein PDP-Kontext aktiviert wird, erfolgt.
liniencontroller SAPC (25) und/oder eine Hei-
matdatei HLR (19), um den Schwernutzlast- 13. Netzwerkknoten (11, 23) für die Nutzung des Direkt-
Teilnehmerstatus der UE mit einem Teilnehme- tunnels der 3. Generation 3GDT, wobei der Netz-
rabonnement zu bestätigen. werkknoten in ein Funknetzwerk einbezogen ist, wo-
35 bei der Netzwerkknoten umfasst:
5. Verfahren nach Anspruch 1, worin der Netzwerkkno-
ten ein Gateway-Unterstützungsknoten für Allge- eine Statusbestimmungseinheit (35), die dafür
meinen Paketfunkdienst GGSN (23) oder ein Paket- konfiguriert ist, zu bestimmen, ob eine Teilneh-
datennetzwerk-Gateway (23) ist und das Bestimmen mereinrichtung UE (11) ein Teilnehmer mit
(37) ferner umfasst: Bestimmen (44), ob die UE ein 40 schwerer Nutzlast ist; und
Teilnehmer mit schwerer Nutzlast ist, auf der Grund- einen Kommunikationsport (29), der dafür kon-
lage einer durch mindestens einen anderen Netz- figuriert ist, wenn die UE ein Teilnehmer mit
werkknoten bereitgestellten Nutzungsangabe, die schwerer Nutzlast ist, ein Informationselement
UE-gestützte Information umfasst. in einer Kommunikationsnachricht zu senden,
45 wobei das Informationselement eine Angabe
6. Verfahren nach Anspruch 5, worin das Bestimmen bereitstellt, dass die UE (11) ein Teilnehmer mit
(44) ferner umfasst: Bestimmen (46), ob die UE ein schwerer Nutzlast ist.
Teilnehmer mit schwerer Nutzlast ist, auf der Grund-
lage einer durch mindestens einen anderen Netz- 14. Netzwerkknoten nach Anspruch 13, worin der Netz-
werkknoten bereitgestellten Nutzungsangabe, wo- 50 werkknoten dafür konfiguriert ist, einen der Schritte
bei der mindestens eine andere Netzwerkknoten ei- der Ansprüche 2 bis 12 durchzuführen.
ne Richtlinien- und Gebührenabrechnungsfunktion
PCRF (25), ein Dienstkenntnisrichtliniencontroller 15. Computerlesbares Speichermedium, das mit com-
SAPC (25) und/oder eine Heimatdatei HLR (19) ist. puterausführbaren Anweisungen codiert ist, worin
55 die Anweisungen, wenn sie durch einen Netzwerk-
7. Verfahren nach einem der Ansprüche 5 bis 6, worin knoten ausgeführt werden, das Verfahren nach ei-
das Bestimmen (44) ferner umfasst: Erlangen (48) nem der Ansprüche 1 bis 12 durchrühren.
von UE-Abonnementinformation, worin die Abonne-

15 EP 2 724 589 B1 16

Revendications détermination (37) consiste en outre à déterminer

(44) si l’équipement UE est un utilisateur de charges
1. Procédé mis en oeuvre dans un noeud de réseau utiles lourdes sur la base d’une indication d’utilisation
(11, 23) pour une utilisation de tunnel direct de 3e fournie par au moins un autre noeud de réseau com-
génération, 3GDT, le noeud de réseau étant inclus 5 prenant des informations basées sur l’équipement
dans un réseau radio, le procédé comprenant les UE.
étapes ci-dessous consistant à :
6. Procédé selon la revendication 5, dans lequel la dé-
déterminer (37) si un équipement d’utilisateur, termination (44) consiste en outre à déterminer (46)
UE, (11) est un utilisateur de charges utiles 10 si l’équipement UE est un utilisateur de charges uti-
lourdes ; et les lourdes, sur la base d’une indication d’utilisation
si l’équipement UE est un utilisateur de charges fournie par au moins un autre noeud de réseau, ledit
utiles lourdes, envoyer (39) un élément d’infor- au moins un autre noeud de réseau étant une fonc-
mation dans un message de communication, tion de règles de facturation et de politiques, PCRF,
l’élément d’information fournissant une indica- 15 (25), un contrôleur de politiques à connaissance de
tion selon laquelle l’équipement UE est un utili- services, SAPC, (25), et/ou un enregistreur de loca-
sateur de charges utiles lourdes et une utilisa- lisation nominal, HLR, (19).
tion de tunnel 3GDT doit être initiée.
7. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
2. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le 20 5 à 6, dans lequel la détermination (44) consiste en
noeud de réseau est un noeud de service général outre à obtenir (48) des informations d’abonnement
de radiocommunication en mode paquet de transit, d’équipement UE, dans lequel les informations
GGSN, (23) ou un noeud de réseau de passerelle d’abonnement fournissent une indication d’utilisa-
de réseau de données en paquets, PGW, (23) et la teur de charges utiles lourdes.
détermination (37) consiste en outre à déterminer 25
(42) si l’équipement UE est un utilisateur de charges 8. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
utiles lourdes sur la base d’une indication d’utilisation 5 à 7, dans lequel la détermination (44) consiste en
fournie par l’équipement UE. outre à évaluer (50) un enregistrement de données
d’appel d’équipement UE, CDR, et à déterminer l’uti-
3. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le 30 lisation de charges utiles lourdes au moins en partie
noeud de réseau est un noeud de service général sur la base de l’enregistrement CDR.
de radiocommunication en mode paquet de transit,
GGSN, (23) ou un noeud de réseau de passerelle 9. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
de réseau de données en paquets, PGW, (23) et la 5 à 8, dans lequel la détermination (44) consiste en
détermination (37) consiste en outre à déterminer 35 outre à évaluer (52) un historique de mobilité de
(54) si l’équipement UE est un utilisateur de charges l’équipement UE.
utiles lourdes sur la base d’une configuration interne
dans le noeud de réseau. 10. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le
noeud de réseau est l’équipement UE (11) et la dé-
4. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications 40 termination (37) consiste en outre à obtenir (58) une
2 à 3, dans lequel l’envoi (39) de l’élément d’infor- indication interne de l’état d’utilisateur de charges
mation comprend en outre l’étape ci-dessous con- utiles lourdes.
sistant à :
11. Procédé selon la revendication 10, dans lequel l’en-
envoyer (60) le message de communication à 45 voi (39) consiste en outre à envoyer (60) le message
une fonction de règles de facturation et de poli- de communication à un noeud de service général de
tiques, PCRF, (25), à un contrôleur de politiques radiocommunication en mode paquet de transit,
à connaissance de services, SAPC, (25), et/ou GGSN, (23) ou à un noeud de réseau de passerelle
à un enregistreur de localisation nominal, HLR, de réseau de données en paquets, PGW, (23).
(19), afin de confirmer l’état d’utilisateur de char- 50
ges utiles lourdes d’équipement UE avec un 12. Procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
abonnement d’utilisateur. 1 à 11, dans lequel l’envoi (39) est mis en oeuvre au
cours d’une procédure de rattachement initial, après
5. Procédé selon la revendication 1, dans lequel le qu’une connexion de réseau de données en pa-
noeud de réseau est un noeud de service général 55 quets, PDN, a déjà été établie, ou lorsqu’un contexte
de radiocommunication en mode paquet de transit, de protocole PDP est activé.
GGSN, (23) ou un noeud de réseau de passerelle
de réseau de données en paquets, PGW, (23) et la 13. Noeud de réseau (11, 23) pour une utilisation de

17 EP 2 724 589 B1 18

tunnel direct de 3e génération, 3GDT, le noeud de

réseau étant inclus dans un réseau radio, le noeud
de réseau comprenant :

une unité de détermination d’état (35) configu- 5

rée de manière à déterminer si un équipement
d’utilisateur, UE, (11) est un utilisateur de char-
ges utiles lourdes ; et
un port de communication (29) configuré de ma-
nière à envoyer, si l’équipement UE (11) est un 10
utilisateur de charges utiles lourdes, un élément
d’information dans un message de communica-
tion, l’élément d’information fournissant une in-
dication selon laquelle l’équipement UE (11) est
un utilisateur de charges utiles lourdes. 15

14. Noeud de réseau selon la revendication 13, dans

lequel le noeud de réseau est configuré de manière
à mettre en oeuvre l’une quelconque des étapes se-
lon les revendications 2 à 12. 20

15. Support de stockage lisible par ordinateur, codé

avec des instructions exécutables par ordinateur,
dans lequel les instructions, lorsqu’elles sont exécu-
tées par un noeud de réseau, mettent en oeuvre le 25
procédé selon l’une quelconque des revendications
1 à 12.







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EP 2 724 589 B1


This list of references cited by the applicant is for the reader’s convenience only. It does not form part of the European
patent document. Even though great care has been taken in compiling the references, errors or omissions cannot be
excluded and the EPO disclaims all liability in this regard.

Non-patent literature cited in the description

• Generic Policy Control for Local Breakout. IP.COM

Journal, 17 November 2009 [0008]


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